#anyway. will continue to tag / will share that housekeeping post again but yes
insecuregodcomplex · 1 year
ok so i will be going on a social media lockdown thursday night
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onewomancitadel · 3 years
Answer Q&A’s for “Jaune and cinder?” As if they were asked these questions themselves?👀
• “Jaune, what’s your favourite sex position with cinder?”
•”Cinder, what’s your favourite position with Jaune?”
•”Favourite body part on your partner?”
•”Jaune...how good are the hips?”
•”Who’s the bottom?”
•”Her thighs, chest, or ass?”
•”finally...whos the bigger cuddler?”
Some housekeeping:
yes I'm okay receiving smut topics via asks ('#viewer discretionary warning' mostly used on this blog but also blanket 'groan ups only' on my blog, sorry I'm sort of neurotic in general and especially with trying to keep sexual stuff off people's dashboard, because God knows, as free as the Internet is and should be, we do need boundaries), and I figured I didn't need to qualify this, but I thought I would now, though it's probably better to check with people if they want this in their inbox. That being said I reserve the right to not fill prompts I don't want in general. For instance there are a lot of kinks I won't write because I find them squicky. I mostly just like passionate sex or especially funny intimate sex or very in-character sex. Though again that being said I'm not going to be offended if I receive something I don't want to write. I'm actually very easy to get on with, at a distance anyway, when I'm not being a difficult whinge.
Second: I don't get this genre of ask. I see it in the ship tag sometimes and I'm like wtf are you people smoking. Like it's fine I just don't understand it it's like an alien civilisation. So I just wrote a prompt with the premise of this ask. Hope you enjoy anon, thanks for your ask.
Now fic information begins here if you're bored
Set sometime in vague post-happy ending canon because I do what I want. Tags: rated explicit but it's actually not especially explicit but anyway whatever I'm not a fucking ratings board, I can't think of anything else at the moment, pure crack, short oneshot.
“Cinder! Cinder!” Jaune called.
She abandoned the washing basket in the hallway, leaving it for Jaune later because she didn't feel like doing it, and turned around into the office. ‘Office’ was a generous word. It was sort of an excuse for a room to hang weapons up on the wall and stick unfolded laundry, and whatever stuff Jaune picked up which he said reminded him of Cinder, which, again, involved either vintage swords or fabric he thought she’d like. There were her old sewing machines in here too.
“Yes, beloved,” she said, droll.
continued under the cut.
“I have something very important I need you to help me with.” He was hunched over at the computer. “Ruby posted a couples meme and everybody else is filling it out in the comments but we need to outdo them.”
“I thought I was the competitive one.” She came over and leant over his shoulder. “’Who’s the better cuddler’? This is ridiculous. Obviously you are.”
“Hey, you’re a great cuddler. You just like being little spoon.”
“Little spoon,” she repeated.
“That’s what it’s called. Spooning.”
“I’m not a spoon.”
Ren is the best cuddler! was Nora’s comment, and then Yang had left one saying she gave Ruby the best hugs, and why was this a couples meme anyway? And then Blake was explaining to her it was just for fun and a—
“What’s a copypasta?”
“It’s not a copypasta, Blake’s wrong, it’s a meme,” Jaune said to himself. He was typing out a comment with far too many capital letters.
“This website is weird. Why does Ruby want to know who gives better hugs? Who left her alone online?”
“I think she’s bored. And she likes sharing personality quizzes and other stuff. I’m an ENFP.”
His smile was cute, she would give him that. “Yes, I know, you called me over then when you were taking that quiz too. I doubt it’s very scientific.”
Jaune wiggled in his seat, pretending not to preen under her remembering that stupid quiz. It’s not like it was anything special, but if she even gave him a minute amount of attention he seemed to blossom under it. It was strange. So, before she could get too sentimental, she said, “I think it would be funnier if it were asking questions about sex anyway.”
“No, ew, I don’t want to know about their sex lives!”
“But I can’t brag to anybody about how many times you make me cu—”
“Cinder!” Jaune gasped, pretend-scandalised. “You can’t just say it.”
She looked at him, sardonic, brow-raised. “You’re literally the one who does it with me,” she said with equal emphasis. “Surely I can say it.”
He covered his face. He hadn’t posted his comment yet. “But it’s different when we’re just talking, it’s not the same thing.”
“Who am I supposed to tell about that confusing time when I somehow came twice in a row, at once —”
“Stooooooooop,” he drew out, but she went on anyway.
“—and you were hitting my g- and a-spots—”
“This isn’t fun anymore,” he said, muffled into the desk. “You make me sound like some sort of sex god. And the— the— spots—”
She patted his shoulder. “There, there. Your girlfriend is being too mean to you.”
He turned his head over on the desk, still slumped over and whining, but now he was trying to hide a smile.
At that, she said, “I still don’t get how it happened. Surely it’s some sort of anomaly.”
He groaned. Cinder saw a comment roll in from Mercury, this would be funnier if it had sex questions, and she felt like causing trouble, so she took over the mouse and liked it. Then Mercury added wow lmao thanks Jaune.
“No, don’t like stuff on my account! Go get your own!”
“I don’t have one.”
With a mix of bemusement and endearment, she watched Jaune use only his pointer fingers to cautiously type out a new comment. He would have to learn to touch type eventually. When he had finally finished, getting antsy once he saw the whiny reply from Ruby saying, Jaune, why don’t you like my meme?, he had said: Sorry Cinder took over my computer it’s not my fault she was terrorising me.
“I wasn’t terrorising you,” she said, betrayed.
“You were, you know I get embarrassed about sex things.”
“Sex things. You want to call it that when you’re balls deep in me?”
Then he looked at her. Cinder felt like she had stepped into a trap, because he wasn’t embarrassed, not at all. “Are you trying to suggest something?” He got out of his chair, intent and now looking like he was going to make a point.
Cinder double-downed and crossed her arms. “No,” she said flatly. Then she sneered, “Besides, you’re too embarrassed about it anyway. Like you said.”
The only person who had ever made her squeal was Jaune. It was completely uncharacteristic. When he lifted her up in the air by her thighs, she couldn’t help it.
“Watch your head,” he said, passing through the doorway. He could be really horrible when he wanted. Especially when he was nice to her, and took her to their bedroom, and then entered her with little preamble except to spread her legs and shuck off her clothes, finding her already wet— then he menacingly, yet jokingly, said, “This is a sex thing." She laughed, something low and unbelieving, tensing around him.
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rhina988 · 7 years
The Heart Wants What It Wants - Chapter 19
Read from the beginning
Chapter 18
Nicole’s POV
A new day has come. I felt surprisingly good after sleeping for almost 9 hours. My head was a lot clearer, and I was starting to believe that I had made a huge mistake by pushing Jared away the way I did it. Sipping my first cup of coffee, I took my phone to call him, and hopefully talk to him. After a few rings, the voice mail answered and my heart sank. It was possible he was asleep since it was only 6 in the morning, but it’s also probable that he’s angry with me for the way I acted. It’s better if I just leave it alone for a little bit. Both Jared and I were stressed out, and we could use some space. Everything had happened so rapidly between us that it was high time we slowed down.
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After I have hung up, I saw 10 missed calls from Maya and just as much messages on my voice mail. She was trying to apologize, and wanted us to talk so she could explain everything, but I wasn’t going to give her the chance. What I wanted more was to confront Lucas, but I wished I hadn’t burst out at Maya the way I did. I would like much more to see if Lucas would confess to cheating on me, but Maya had probably told him that now I know everything, so all he could actually do was to admit without any hesitation. Come to think of it, it’s strange that Lucas didn’t call me at all. Knowing him, I should’ve had the call the day before, but apparently he didn’t have any intention of justifying his actions.
I came to the office and once again, Lucas and I ran into each other. I saw him and thought he would want to talk but instead, he just nodded and passed by me. I was confused and slightly shocked. The man literally wanted to beat the crap out of Jared for taking me away, swearing that he loved me, and making me feel bad about leaving him at the altar, when he was the one to cheat and make a fool out of me.  
“Lucas?” I said angrily.
He stopped, turned towards me, and raised his eyebrows, “Yes?” he asked in wonder.
“Don’t you have something to tell me?”
“Not really,” he was shameless.
I just nodded, “Oh, OK,” I said sarcastically and he just went away. I felt the urge to go after him, slap him in the face, and channel all my frustration towards him, but my phone stopped me. Saved by the bell, the bell called Maya. Again. Once again, I just ignored the call, and by the time I looked up Lucas was already gone. Who was that man, anyway? Is it possible that I haven’t seen how big of an idiot he actually was? He never treated me this way, and now that he’s actually the one who’s been going behind my back he acted as if I’m the only person to blame. I didn’t know if I felt more furious or disappointed, or just empty. I wish I could have talked to Jared, he always knew how to calm me down.
However, Jared wasn’t there and I was so furious that I needed to take it out on someone, so I called Maya. She wanted to talk to me so desperately, so I was going to give her a piece of my mind.
“Listen, bitch, I have no intention of letting you explain anything. So stop, fucking, calling me!”
“But Nicole, I really...” she tired to say but I cut her off.
“I don’t give a rat’s ass what you really need to do, you’ve screwed my fiance, and that’s the worst possible betrayal. So, just go to hell, and have fun there! ” I said angrily and hang up. Wow that felt good. I felt a little relieved, and a little defeated. Breaking up a friendship is one of the biggest downfalls in life. Realizing you’ve chosen a wrong person to trust and to share your life with always feels devastating.
Hours have gone by, and I was on my way home when suddenly, I started feeling some kind of anguish. I couldn’t quite explain it, but it was like a hunch. Either I was about to experience something bad, or something even worse is going to happen. I went to the car, took a few breaths, and checked my make-up, determined to call Maya back  and meet with her later today. I knew we couldn’t just leave the things the way they were, so I wanted a decent closure. I always hated when relationships ended with a fight, and I wasn’t about to have a decade long friendship terminate in such manner, but rather with a normal conversation. Maybe that is what the feeling was all about. On a certain level I know Maya and I were done being friends, but maybe I was about to find out that there was something much more going on between her and Lucas. Ugh, I was so restless and an incredible unease overwhelmed me. I took my phone to call Rachel, but instead I instinctively dialed Jared’s number. 
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The machine answered saying the number was unavailable or out of service. Now, I was seriously worried. His phone was never off, and if he didn’t answer it, his voice mail did. I wanted to call Shannon, or Emma, but I didn’t know the number, so instead of dealing with Maya I went to Jared’s house. My instincts were screaming something was wrong and, I could have only hoped that I would find an explanation at his home.
I was in front of Jared’s house, and I buzzed the intercom only to be greeted by a strange shivering female voice. I asked if I could come in because I needed to see Jared, but she just quickly said Jared was out of town, and that I should call him or Emma and schedule a meeting or whatever.
By the attitude she took, I’d say the woman was a housekeeper or someone checking on the house, because she sounded quite disturbed and a little bit scared, not sure if she should even say anything about Jared’s whereabouts. I knew he mentioned something about us flying through Europe, and that Italy is just one of the stops, but I can’t remember if he specifically said a destination we should go after. If Mikaela hadn’t dropped the pregnancy bomb on us, I would be with Jared right now, so he should be on his way to Europe at this very moment. I remembered he always updated his Snapchat stories, so I took my phone and saw he actually posted a photo about flying off to Russia. That was a valid reason to be worried. I hated flying, it always made me nervous and restless, so I just hope they have a safe flight, because this pit in my stomach just continued to grow as the minutes went by.
Jared’s POV
“Hey? Anybody there?” Shannon nudged me as I was finished with posting selfie on Snapchat, letting the Echelon know we’re coming to Russia, while Nicole was all over my mind.
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“Sorry, bro, I was kinda in the middle of something,” I said letting out a deep exhale.
“You’re in too deep, huh?” Shannon asked obviously worried about me.
“You have no idea. Everything started out as a great night filled with passion and lust, and amazing sex, and look at me now. Desperate, and unable to pull myself together, just because things got insanely messed up in just a single hour.”
“All you two need is a little time to cool down, and talk without tension. The fires that burn so much are bound to extinguish their flames that abruptly.”
“Our fire did burn like crazy,” I said remembering all the nights we spent wrapped in each other’s arms.
“You’ll have a few days in Russia to cool down, she’ll clear her head back at home, and you’ll be a completely new people once we’re back to LA, you’ll see.”
“I hope you’re right, Shan,” I said and looked back at the clouds we were flying through on our way to Russia. I closed my eyes for a second when the plane suddenly started to shake.
“Whoa, what was that?” I jumped out of my meditative state only to see Shannon and Tomo as worried as I was. The flight attendant informed us that we were experiencing some turbulence and that everything is going to be all right. We were about to land in London and wait for another flight to Russia from there, but apparently, that’s not what was going to happen, after all.
As the flight attendant wanted to say we were out of harm’s way, the plane started to shake more and more, and we were suddenly experiencing uncontrolled dropping. The only thing I could think about was how I never had a chance to say goodbye to Nicole, and how I need to tell her I love her more than anything in this world. I looked at Shannon, took his hand as he reached for Tomo’s and we just sat there hoping we’ll have a safe landing.
Chapter 20 
Feel free to comment and leave feedback.
Let me know if you’d like me to tag you in the next chapters.
Hope you enjoyed it.
You can read the story on Wattpad as well
@wolfgirl1074 @nikkitasevoli @iraniq @elliegrace139 @iridescxntsolitude @lanfear619 @msroxyblog @sookieblack12 @prettypinkbabyunicorn @aliencataf @snewsome756 @ddg90
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