#anyways here's sum ✨lore✨
loveydoveylex · 1 year
Hi Lex! Your ship is so cute and your s/i is adorable! Please tell us more about the two of them but ESP about your s/i please and thank you 💗
OHHH, BOY. howdy there, anon!! thank you SO much for the question, because I absolutely LOVE getting to infodump about lore - lex is me but he's also a cooler me who has a cooler backstory and DAMMIT, I CAN AND WILL TALK PEOPLE'S EARS OFF ABOUT IT.
so take a seat, and, as the magician would say...
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I've talked about this kind of stuff a ton before, so you can get a deeper look into his background and how he met ray over here on this post! I'll sum it up by saying that lex is a weakling, a scaredycat, a chicken... all those synonyms. all of 'em. he can't fight, he's barely got any powers, he can't even throw a punch! he uses the excuse of being a natural pacifist, but he's just terrified of conflicts.
he's also got an ongoing identity crisis, so that's FUN. lex isn't actually a member of the same species as rayman - he comes from a divine alien species named stargazers, who watch and protect over celestial bodies! for whatever reason, lex ended up in the glade, with no recollection of who he was or how he got there. therefore, he never had to use the powers he could've had, and thus he never developed any. (maybe a good thing he didn't - he would've been terrified of HIMSELF if he had godlike powers...)
but anyways, yeah. lex has no idea of any of this. so he spends a long, long time trying to search for his place in the world, feeling like an outcast. someone who doesn't belong there. he looks like rayman, the magician, all those funky dudes, but he's got glowing antennae and a tail, what the heck is up with that?
I reckon his 'character arc' of sorts would be learning to accept that sometimes, you won't have all the answers. and that's okay. the universe works in mysterious ways and you don't need to make sense of everything. where he came from and who he used to be doesn't matter. what matters is who he is now, and the person he is now is someone who's surrounded by people that care about him despite his differences.
and rayman is a large part of him slowly learning to accept that, because he's with him every step of the way - from the moment they first met, even though lex was horrified, scared, and distrusting of him, rayman stuck by. and slowly got him to open up. ray definitely always knew that there was something more to him, no matter how much of an outer shell he may have had that needed to be cracked open first.
and in the end, the two just... feel connected to each other, in some strange way. and they can't quite put their finger on why, until lex finally works up the guts to confess to rayman that goddamn dude you make my heart do somersaults and it's weird and confusing but also I really like it let's kiss please. and rayman, whose heart is racing faster than a ferrari car, completely understands and reciprocates and goes sure man. let's kiss.
the two are dating by the start of rayman 3 (yes I have a cohesive timeline for my selfship), and get married somewhere in the time between the end of r3 and the beginning of rayman origins ❤ fun fact: they're dorks and propose to each other at the exact same time, in the midst of a high-stakes adventure disney's robin hood-style. the adrenaline just gets to them and they blurt it out simultaneously. and if that isn't love, I don't know what is!
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felicityphoenix5 · 2 years
I have. No Goddamn Idea what the otterverse is so uhhhh,,,,,, infodump me? /nf
hhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhh you have given me the greatest gift ever i am vibrating rn sasdfghjhgfdsadfghj
i could take the easy way out and link you to some posts explaining this wacky gay story, but i have been rotating this in my mind constantly for the past three (THREE??? GOD .) months so i am not goign to do that (here and here they are if u want tho)
SO. The Otterverse is a semi-ongoing improv roleplay story that began as a funny little bit over on @lifesteal-headcanons and then somehow spiralled into....... all of this. ("all of this" including but not limited to; lesbians, hamilton quotes, tma references, more lesbians, ✨trauma✨, the apocalypse, even more gay people [everyone in this is queer in someway], tragic backstories and much, much more)
it is currently on its third and probably final (unless we do some spin-offs 👀) season. Season One (Aug 27ish to Sept 5ish) featured me as c!Felix, an immortal phoenix avian, Divorce Anon (aka Divorce and/or Divanon, played by @wallace-marte) a sort of human who kidnapped c!felix and was the antagonist of that season, and c!Paci (played by @pacificseaotter) an otter hybrid(?) and the resident cheater chaos creator. (there were other characters, but we were the main ones)
Season One was (IMO) the best one so far but I digress. It ended with death and grief and unhappy endings for the characters, as well as shock and general "wtf was that week of our lives man" from the actors.
Season Two came barely two days after the first one, and timeline-wise takes place about six months after the events of s1. I wasn't as involved with the beginning of s2, but the apocalypse Happened somehow. no idea How or Why but there's cosmic horrors goin to wendys and blood rain now. a day in the life ig .
I brought back c!felix for s2, and I think I was the only returning character? wisp (@wisp-exe) might've brought back theirs too idk. anyways, the cast basically tripled in size, mostly because of Captain "otterverse georg" @wlttebane playing a whopping 7 different characters. (shoutout to captain fr he slayed hard with that)
Wallace expanded its lore with three new characters, all connected back to Divanon. (Marri, Leon K [not shown] and Carmin). Mist (paci) created a new character, c!Otter.
Stickynote (played by @cats-thoughts) also joined, after making some absolutely banger fanart for s1 (also shoutout to cat its art is so sadfghjklkjh /vpos)
(and here is where you might want to read that first post i linked, as mist summed up this season more concisely than i ever could. zyr really amazing like that <3)
S2 ended in the same way as the first, with death, pain and destruction, a cruel imitation of the past. funny how that happens /silly.
and now season three....... ahhh......
s3, due to being in the unfortunate position of starting just when all the actors are Properly Starting School, has been ongoing for about two months now sdfghjklkjhgfds.
not much has happened yet, but I got to work on my flirting skills /silly (they still suck ass [hah.] but yknow) and tensions are on the rise.... so stay tuned for more (when will the "more" arrive? fuck if i know my best bet is christmas break)
if this seems vague on the actual details, thats cuz it is. i didnt really want to spoil it for you if you did somehow end up reading it in order (which reminds me i need to start archiving the otterverse again... anghd) so lemme know if you have any follow up questions :DD
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Rex meets a new f̴̜̣̻̃͊̆̾̈́̓̃͜r̶̫̰̰͌͝i̵̹͉̗͚͊͐̉̌̽̌̅ẻ̸̹̼̬̖̆̒̋̓̐͜͝͠ǹ̸̜̼͕͆̋͠ḋ̷͑̈̍̚
About two months later after Rex's redemption
Rex is just walkin around town, basically going home, but then as he was about to pass by an alley, he suddenly hears crying nearby.
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He went up to the alley near the dumpster and he sees a child crying, all alone
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And bcuz he was trying to prove himself that he's a hero or just a good person, he crouched down to the child and asked him a question, "Hey, kid.. are you okay? Where are your parents?"
The child flinches and looks up, after a few seconds, he answered, "..I-I got separated from my parents.. I don't know where they are..."
Rex nods, "What's your name, kid?" "..Colvin.. my name is Colvin."
"Okay Colvin, do you know where you live? I can come with you to keep you safe."
Colvin nods, "..y-yes"
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Rex stands up and offers him his hand. Colvin grabs his hand and stands up.
Colvin tugged his arm to follow him into the alley
"..Your-.. your house is through there..?" Rex nervously asks, hopefully the kid didn't notice
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The kid simply nods and tugs his arm once again to follow him through. Rex has a bad feeling about this, but he just shrugged it off, he must do this for the kid's safety... they just need to walk through this dark alley... simple enough...
After a few minutes of walking and the surroundings slowly but surely getting dark, he once again asks the kid, "Hey kid.. are-.. are you sure your house is through here..?"
Colvin didn't answer, he just nods and continues walking, still holding Rex's hand. He sure has a bad feeling about this, but he just shoved it down...
Another few more minutes of walking in a seemingly endless dark alley, Rex asks him once again, but this time, Colvin starts to tighten his grip on rex's hand he's holding, tighten enough to actually make Rex flinch and feel a bit hurt which he does not expect at all.
No one, especially this child, is stronger than him(?!).. (or maybe there is....) his bad feelings were starting to turn out right.
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Before he can even think about what to do, he got pulled down with strength which he never thought someone can have that can best him, and lands on the ground.
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Though, when he got up, he was in a different place, the sky is black, and a floor that is bright colored glowing red.
He looked around trying to search for something he doesn't know, and then suddenly, he hears a voice behind him in the distance, "Hello Rex"
"Kid?! Wh- How did you know my name-?! What happened!? Where are we?!" Rex shouts at him.
Colvin giggles, "Oh, the questions... Isn't it obvious? We're in your mind. Oh wait, I forgot, you never had any original thought in your entire life,.. isn't that right? No wonder you don't know what's happening."
"..Wh-What are you taking about-?! Who are you!?"
Colvin slowly walks towards him "Oh, you really do have no idea whatsoever. Did you already forgot? I told you my name didn't I?"
Rex began to back away as Colvin walks towards him, but then he teleports behind Rex, and whispers, "I'm your worst nightmare!"
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Rex suddenly woke up in a cold sweat.
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He looked around and finds that he's in his room, seeing the clock at 9am.
He tried to steady his breathing and rethinks back to his dream... nightmare...
He then got up from bed and head out of his room, walked to the living room, seeing Lucy and Emmet just sitting down, chatting.
Emmet noticed him and greets him, "Oh morning Rex! How's your sleep today?"
Rex was quiet for a second before answering, ".. Its.. Its alright I guess.." he smiled a bit trying to hide his uneasiness.
Emmet smiled as well, guess he didn't noticed, or maybe Emmet just shrugged it off, he then heads to the bathroom.
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Superhero AU ✨side lore✨
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Rex works as a demolition guy and carries bricks for building/discarding
if you're wondering who those three are, here's sum explanation
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most of the workers think that he's just very strong and now they like.. see him as the best and mostly shove emmet out of the way when those two are just talking alone
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Rex keeps on reminding them that that Emmet is pretty cool too, but they won't listen, so he just sometimes ignores them after a long time of working there
also, Gale even has a crush on Rex, and what i meant by this is she would literally flirt with him or just wanting to hang out with him like for example, he would switch places with Emmet just to be partnered with Rex at work
she doesn't do it all the time but she still does it
and cuz Rex doesn't want to hurt anyone (physically and or mentally) he just agrees at everything
and he just tries to calm down (or like, smash/destroy a building that is about to be desired anyways) whenever he sees someone being mean/rude to Emmet, cuz if he gets angry, he can't control himself
whenever they talk about Rex, or just talk with him (sometimes they swarm him or somthin) Emmet would just back away
for example, lunch break:
Emmet and Rex are just eating lunch together (cuz Emmet doesn't have any friends, only Rex) and then when the other co workers just swarms Rex like, "Hey can we eat lunch together?" or "Can I sit with you?" they just shove Emmet away like he's nothing
Rex would keep on telling them "no" in the nicest way possible or tells them that he's already fine just hanging out with Emmet (cuz he's still not p comfortable with people around him cuz he still can't control his strength), they just ignores that and just "hang out" with him, ask him questions and stuffs
and when they get home, Rex would apologize to Emmet, but Emmet just pretends to be okay with it and like it's nothing, he's used to it and stuff, but that just made Rex feel worse, but Emmet just doesn't want to continue that conversation any longer so he just went quiet
and since he was Emmet back in then, Rex doesn't really remember all of the stuff he used to do, well, sure he still remembers being a construction worker and all, but he just doesn't remember anybody anymore, its all blurry
i mean, can you blame him?
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