#and or i just cant keep up with it unlike wattpad
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Yuuma propaganda:
“he can be yuor everything <3
im not even kidding like he has taken on so many different roles he can be your dream man (horse?) whatever your type is
he has
-won a race for you
-gone skiing with you
-gone to the beach with you (he can surf)
-offered you his scarf when it was cold
-rescued you from trouble (multiple occasions)
-fought his rival for you (another horse with a handsome human face)
-fed you asparagus (homemade)
-gotten a job in construction
-become a rockstar (dedicated a song to you and let you live your wattpad fanfic life)
all this i listed off the top of my head. theres probably more he has done but i just cant remember
hes very talented and treats you right ✓ experience rapturous love today”
Maxwell propaganda:
“First of all he’s a silly goofy guy AND he’s extremely loyal and will always have your back. Within hours of meeting you, he decides his family will sponsor you in the competition to become the crown prince’s bride. He falls in love with you along the way, never expecting you’d choose him, the younger brother of a bankrupted duke, over the prince himself. Maxwell supports you through scandals and assassination attempts, eventually facing down his own father Barthelemy to protect you and your child from the former duke’s scheming. All this on top of the years he spent providing for his brother’s ex and her secret son, keeping them both safe and out of harm’s way simply because he cared. He’s always thinking of his friends, making them laugh and eagerly joining their crazy plans without ever expecting anything in return. His smile hides a sensitive side, a man who lost his mother at a young age and overcame body-image issues, yet still holds insecurities about his value to others. Maxwell is a sweetheart who always tries to do the right thing, and I still think about him years after playing The Royal Romance series.
Okay so it's a mobile gacha game, let's get that out of the way. BUT LISTEN. 
The premise of the story is that the MC is a regular waitress in New York, when a foreign prince and his friends come to her table as a way to have a bachelor party for the prince who will soon have to choose a woman to marry in a The Bachelor -type of contest. MC and the prince hit it off pretty well and one of his friends, Maxwell, decides to throw in his lot with the MC, since the house the future queen is from gets a lot of perks and his family is Broke. MC goes along bc her job sucks ass and she figures why not.
BUT THEN! As the competition progresses, the MC spends a lot of time with the prince and other nobles, yes, but also with Maxwell. And Maxwell is a clown-type comic relief character for most of the time, but also genuinely sweet and considerate, and very much on the same wavelength with the equal goofball MC. What for me personally changed the game was when MC and Maxwell dance at a ball together, and the MC can say that there's no one they'd rather dance with than Maxwell. I myself chose that in a completely platonic bestie way. But he gets a bit panicky and says to be careful not to let anyone hear things like that when MC is in the running for the hand of the prince so that no one gets any wrong ideas! And I went "....ideas? 👀"
“Unlike other romancable characters, Maxwell isn't romancable until book 2 (the previous scene is in book 1, each book ~20 chapters), and unlike other romance options, you really have to have your eyes set on him in order to unlock his route, and ohhh it's so worth it! The set-up of falling for the person who brought you there to marry someone else, to choose the jester when you were meant to have the king.... exquisite. 
The dynamic between MC and Maxwell is so fun and full of genuine affection, and while other characters can dismiss Maxwell as an unserious clown, MC is very much characterised by the dialogue as Getting him and loving to express joy in life the same way he does. When MC and Maxwell can finally marry, it feels like they're really choosing their best friend to spend their lives with and are so excited about it.
I know this wrestles in a league multiple times smaller than many of the other combatants, but the Maxwell romance in genuinely one of my favourites in any video game. Give him a chance!”
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hellfire--cult · 8 months
I have a ton of posts saved to read later that I dont reblog yet BECAUSE: I've seen people mistag, I've seen people not disclose things on purpose, and there was that whole scandal last year about the underage thing that wasn't appropriately tagged and a ton of people who liked or reblogged to read later also got under fire
I reblog once I read, I cant say everyone else does. But you do have to realize one thing, AO3 you can't necessarily reblog. You can bookmark and pin and like and comment, and if by chance there is a way to reblog then im dumb and completely missed it. I was one of the people who had an AO3 first and then came to Tumblr and didn't know at first to reblog.
There are some people who want interaction who have less then 50 notes just begging for love, and people keep complaining that their first that have THOUSANDS aren't being shared. I get that it sucks! But also, you are having interaction. I still know people who like fics to read later and won't reblog until after they read it.
Also, I have mutuals who will like their friends fics but not reblog if it has one of the things they don't like. For example, my friend doesn't like daddy kink and another mutual always writes it, so they'll like the fic but not share and that has been discussed
It is discouraging to me to see people say they want to put things behind a pay wall, there are sites for that that you can legitimately do that. But fanfiction is art and it should be shared, and I understand it hurts when people don't reblog, but there are many different reasons people don't as some are listed here.
It makes it discouraging to even interact with people and not even read things at all anymore. I started out not knowing, and then got blocked by a blog because I at the time had only liked things because I didn't know reblogging was what people wanted on here. Is it not all interaction? Is it not all love and gratitude being shown? Since when did we weigh the merit of one thing over another?
We joke that Tumblr doesn't have an algorithm but it does! I see stuff recommended my mutuals like but haven't reblogged. And I see stuff that gets a ton of interaction.
Maybe I'm wrong, and I would love an explanation as to why people want things reblogged (again coming from other sites where you couldn't, not just AO3). I genuinely don't understand and this isn't any hate towards you I have reblogged your fics before and love how you write, I just don't get it?
I understand it might sound whiny to some, and I understand AO3, but it can also help when someone bookmarks it and it ends in their profile, for mutuals to see it as well.
Wattpad may not have a reblog button, but saving the story and commenting in it, helps the story go up in the tag, appear before than other works thanks to the engagement, and also, when you save a story in a public reading list, mutuals can also see it.
Tumblr does have the possibility to reblog your work, and the engagement on here with OTHER people is also easier. Not only by comments, but by asks like this, or responding through the comments or the reblogs themselves. It's more personal and real.
It is also a site where it can ENCOURAGE the writers to keep doing it. This is a site where we can actively support someone, unlike other sites.
We write cause we want to, that is true, but even myself when i wasn't on here, and only used wattpad and AO3, it also discouraged me to not have votes or kudos, or subscriptions on the works.
This hurts more because i can see the activity of people. We can see it. And it is discouraging in a way of also wondering if our writing is bad, or if it was too much, or too little.
And like you said, tumblr has an algorithm, but that algorithm can break if people reblog. It just helps the work we put into, to be shared around because we love it, we wrote it, and we spent time with it and it's like an artist with a finished painting, putting their artwork in a gallery, and everyone just passes by.
That's how it basically feels. We always try to look past it, to say 'oh, it doesn't matter' but sadly, it does.
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Rex meets a new f̴̜̣̻̃͊̆̾̈́̓̃͜r̶̫̰̰͌͝i̵̹͉̗͚͊͐̉̌̽̌̅ẻ̸̹̼̬̖̆̒̋̓̐͜͝͠ǹ̸̜̼͕͆̋͠ḋ̷͑̈̍̚
About two months later after Rex's redemption
Rex is just walkin around town, basically going home, but then as he was about to pass by an alley, he suddenly hears crying nearby.
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He went up to the alley near the dumpster and he sees a child crying, all alone
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And bcuz he was trying to prove himself that he's a hero or just a good person, he crouched down to the child and asked him a question, "Hey, kid.. are you okay? Where are your parents?"
The child flinches and looks up, after a few seconds, he answered, "..I-I got separated from my parents.. I don't know where they are..."
Rex nods, "What's your name, kid?" "..Colvin.. my name is Colvin."
"Okay Colvin, do you know where you live? I can come with you to keep you safe."
Colvin nods, "..y-yes"
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Rex stands up and offers him his hand. Colvin grabs his hand and stands up.
Colvin tugged his arm to follow him into the alley
"..Your-.. your house is through there..?" Rex nervously asks, hopefully the kid didn't notice
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The kid simply nods and tugs his arm once again to follow him through. Rex has a bad feeling about this, but he just shrugged it off, he must do this for the kid's safety... they just need to walk through this dark alley... simple enough...
After a few minutes of walking and the surroundings slowly but surely getting dark, he once again asks the kid, "Hey kid.. are-.. are you sure your house is through here..?"
Colvin didn't answer, he just nods and continues walking, still holding Rex's hand. He sure has a bad feeling about this, but he just shoved it down...
Another few more minutes of walking in a seemingly endless dark alley, Rex asks him once again, but this time, Colvin starts to tighten his grip on rex's hand he's holding, tighten enough to actually make Rex flinch and feel a bit hurt which he does not expect at all.
No one, especially this child, is stronger than him(?!).. (or maybe there is....) his bad feelings were starting to turn out right.
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Before he can even think about what to do, he got pulled down with strength which he never thought someone can have that can best him, and lands on the ground.
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Though, when he got up, he was in a different place, the sky is black, and a floor that is bright colored glowing red.
He looked around trying to search for something he doesn't know, and then suddenly, he hears a voice behind him in the distance, "Hello Rex"
"Kid?! Wh- How did you know my name-?! What happened!? Where are we?!" Rex shouts at him.
Colvin giggles, "Oh, the questions... Isn't it obvious? We're in your mind. Oh wait, I forgot, you never had any original thought in your entire life,.. isn't that right? No wonder you don't know what's happening."
"..Wh-What are you taking about-?! Who are you!?"
Colvin slowly walks towards him "Oh, you really do have no idea whatsoever. Did you already forgot? I told you my name didn't I?"
Rex began to back away as Colvin walks towards him, but then he teleports behind Rex, and whispers, "I'm your worst nightmare!"
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Rex suddenly woke up in a cold sweat.
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He looked around and finds that he's in his room, seeing the clock at 9am.
He tried to steady his breathing and rethinks back to his dream... nightmare...
He then got up from bed and head out of his room, walked to the living room, seeing Lucy and Emmet just sitting down, chatting.
Emmet noticed him and greets him, "Oh morning Rex! How's your sleep today?"
Rex was quiet for a second before answering, ".. Its.. Its alright I guess.." he smiled a bit trying to hide his uneasiness.
Emmet smiled as well, guess he didn't noticed, or maybe Emmet just shrugged it off, he then heads to the bathroom.
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ramurice · 3 years
!Spoilers for Flowers from 1970!
I had to do a reading assignment and it could be any book, any kind of book, and genre, etc, etc. I chose Flowers from 1970, you know, that one dreamnotfound story. So if you don't want to read it, but are curious about it here is officially Copy+Paste from my assignment, so read if you want to, I don't care. Major Spoilers to the book, and even if you get all the way through this, I still suggest it.
Introduction/General Book Information
Title: Flowers from 1970
Author: Astronomika on Wattpad
What genre/type of book is it? (Fantasy, humour, science fiction, mystery, biography, non-fiction, etc.)
Flowers from 1970 was a novel made as a gift for two people, Georgenotfound and Dreamwastaken. Though they never had the kind of relationship implied in this novel it is very close to what was shown in streams with their persona's and the two said people don't mind receiving this type of content from fans, simply because they find it funny. It is definitely a fiction novel as one of the most significant objects is an old telephone that connects George and Dream a fifty-year time difference, Dream comes from 1970, while George is from 2020
Main Character
What is the main character’s name?
The main character’s name is George Davidson, a 24-year-old video game coder.
Describe this character (Physical and personality traits):
George Davidson a 24-year-old boy lived in an old house in Florida, as we go along in the story he describes himself as around 5’5(Inference compared to what he says about Clay), he has a long face that is evened out with a sharp jawline, a medium-sized nose, lips full enough that they don’t disappear when he smiles, his hair is a dark brown that is normally cut short but is a little longer at the moment. I did not use the real person for this description, these are pretty close to actual quotes in the book when Clay asks what he looks like. For a Personality he is described as a kind person, due to his job he doesn’t get out much, nor make friends often, When Clay doesn’t call him for a week he starts going out more because he thought that that's what Clay would have wanted him to do.
How can you relate to or identify with the main character?
George in this book has a lot of things that I can somewhat relate to, for George he didn’t have a hard time making friends, rather he doesn’t get out much to meet people. Most of the people he ends up meeting talk to him first. Dream was actually one of his first friendships.
Another Character
Who is another character?
Another character who happens to be another main character is Clay, or Also known as Dream for most of the story(no last name is given).
Describe this character (Physical and personality traits):
Dream is a 21-year-old living in 1970, he works as a baseball coach and lived in the same house as George. George Describes Dream as around 6’0 from a photo sent to him in a time capsule and a green handprint Dream presses into the wall in one of their conversations, The handprint is described as being bigger than Georges by a fair bit so that prompted George into guessing he was tall. Dream has shaggy dirty-blonde hair that sticks out at odd angles, he also has a cat named Patches, though she isn’t described. As stated by both Sapnap and George Dream is cocky and full of himself most of the time, he wants to be nothing like his father who was an abusive alcoholic, though he does get drunk once in the book to deal with his problems to see if his dad's methods actually worked.
(Where does the story take place? When is the story happening?)
Describe the time and place of the story:
Flowers from 1970 takes place in both 1970 and 2020, the phone connects Dream and George. The house that the story takes place in is located in Florida.
Comments about the setting:
(EX: setting makes story exciting, the setting has an important effect on the main character, the setting is/is not exciting or new, setting increased my knowledge of something):
A quote from the book is a perfect description of the place; “Now you know that once upon a time, in the same room, of the same house, fifty years apart, Clay and George Davidson had loved each other.” The book takes place in the same house at two different times, Dream being the past owner, while George being the future owner. They find out how to communicate with each other by that telephone, and Dream could send George things from the past by affecting small things, like burying a time capsule in the corner of the yard then telling George where it is over the phone, George can unbury it since it’s from the past, the things will be old and musty since it was fifty years since it was buried but it was an efficient way to send things.
(What did the author want you to experience, feel, or understand through reading this book? A theme can be about specific people and particular situations or about life in general.)
What is or are the topic(s) of the story?
(EX: courage? working hard? doing the right thing? greed? family? The importance of friends? jealousy? love? caring? happiness? sadness?)
The importance of moving on from things. When Dream died He told George that he made sure he couldn’t contact past Dream again, he wanted George to move on from him because no matter how much they loved each other it would never work, Dream cant have his heart in 2020 when it belonged in 1970.
(The Action/Summary of What Happened in the Story)
Summary of the story:
(In order, list 4 - 6 events that happened in the story. Keep them in order):
Dream tries to call his friend Sapnap about the assassination of the governor of Florida. He ends up contacting George by accident. George tells Dream that he has the wrong number and that the assassination happened 50 years ago and that the next day his right-hand man, Tubbo, was almost killed. They end the call leaving George thinking the guy who called him is an uneducated lunatic.
Dream calls the next day knowing that it's not his friends demanding that George tell him who he knew that Tubbo was almost murdered. George re-explained to him that it happened 50 years prior and everyone knew about it because they learned it in school. Dream finally asked the date, it was June 28, 2020, Dream told George it was June 28, 1970. This is how their friendship started to kick off.
During the second cell phone conversation they realized that the house They were in at the current time was the same one as each other and on the third call Dream wanted to test something to see if he could change current moments, he dipped his hand in line green paint and pressed it against the wall, it showed up on Georges side but it was worn and chipped as the time wore it down, George pressed his hand against it and Dream caught him in the act as a joke.
Dream sent George a time capsule by burying it in the corner of the yard George found (He encounters Wilbur the first time looking at him oddly while writing something in his notepad) it and opened it on Dreams next call, the capsule contained a container of lime green paint(the same Dream used), Pow-Chew(Dream’s favourite Gum), Music cassette, baseball cards, Quartz(Dream sent it to him because it’s his favourite thing and he wanted to give it to his favourite person, finding that it would be wrong to tell that to someone who didn’t even exist yet he told George that he didn’t he’d need it when he was older), and A polaroid of Dream.
George used the line green paint and pressed his own handprint into the wall next to Dream’s.
(THIS IS IMPORTANT!)Dream sent George a packet of Cornelius flower seeds(Georges favourite flowers, since Dream asked), he had gotten jealous of a couple while on the phone with George because unlike them The long-distance relationship between him and George the distance could never be closed.
George plants the flowers after going to the same flower shop that Dream happened to go to, to buy the flowers, he gets help from his neighbour Wilbur(after Wilbur jots down something in a notepad his neighbour helps)and makes a new friend in the process.
Dream asks George what he looks like, since they cant send things from Georges side they draw on the wall, George describes himself and Dream draws if something is wrong George with tell him and Dream will correct it.
(THIS IS IMPORTANT!)Dream forgot to call, Wilbur came over for some company of George with some cider and they had a family meal.
Dream doesn’t call for a week after he realizes he’s in love with George it’s been at least three months since they first started talking, during that week Wilbur’s family has a family emergency doing with the father that came back from London (BEFORE ANY BIG THINGS HAPPEN!) George watches Wilburs son, Tommy.
The night that George is out eating dinner with Wilbur’s family, Dream calls, he plans to tell George how he feels. George needs to take Wilbur’s family to the hospital, The father is getting worse, he seized up.
They get to the hospital. Wilbur's dad wants to see George. “He called you today, you know.” He tells George, he was confused, and it turns out that It was Dream. “You love him don’t you?” George responds with yes. “I just can’t have my heart in 2020, when it belongs in 1970.”
“Take care of those flowers, Wrong Number.” That was the last wish to George before Dream died.
Wilbur visits the next day, he shows Dream’s Journal to George, on the last page there were dates written down, the dates were every time something happened, George unburied time capsule, I forgot to call, etc with every date. In the middle of their visit Dream calls, He confesses, George confesses, they love each other, in the moment of tears, Wilbur Wrestles the phone out of George's hands and cuts the wire. That was what Dream wanted Wilbur to do, he wanted George to move past him.
What did you like about the book? Why? Be specific.
I enjoyed everything about this book, the writing style was amazing, the characters were amazing. George’s description of himself to Dream was honestly believable, something someone would say.
What didn’t you like about the book? Why? Be specific.
The ending was probably the one thing I really disliked, I liked it but it was sad, I was a mess after I read that ending, both George and Dream knew that in Georges time Dream would be in his seventies but why did he have to die?
Was the story believable or was it confusing and/or hard to believe? Explain Why?/How?
Flowers from 1970 is a very believable story, though it was fiction everything was explained as if you were in the story, you could picture everything, you could picture Tommy and his mixed cereals, you could Picture George on his bed waiting for Dream to call him, you could picture Dream smirk as he harassed George for holding handing with the handprint on the wall.
Explain what you thought of the ending …(good, bad, exciting, confusing, frustrating, etc)…and why.
Ending amazing, but so sad, the quote that made my tears fall even more was when Wilbur cut the phone cord; “I saw my friend die twice, both versions of him.” This is from George.
Overall Rating (0 to 10 stars):
10/10 stars
Would you recommend this book to others? Why?
I would recommend it to anyone, even people who aren’t big fans of the Youtubers this book was made for, it has a plot that is followed all the way through, it really goes for readers emotions, and from what I’ve seen everybody who has read this book has shed some tears. I think it would do good if it ever got published to paperback.
Extra quote!: “Right Person, Wrong Time.”
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I feel like by now, if you didn't know that JKR made her books just a little misogynistic, you were hiding under a rock. Like yes, Hermione is a strong female character, but she said she made her as a sort of ugly duckling character that grew to be beautiful. WHY CANT SHE BE BEAUTIFUL FROM THE BEGINNING? Or WHY DOES SHE HAVE TO BE UGLY AT ALL?? Associating how much beauty one has with their intelligence is pure bullshit, and that right there is misogynistic. JKR is kinda misogynistic. I said it.
Also, to add to what I said about lavender and JKR and misogyny ect bc I have a character limit for some reason, was JKR just not loved enough by her partner or something? Like what is so wrong with just loving someone that you have to go and make one of your charcters get treated like trash bc of it? Hmm, nothing! You have internalized and fucked up issues bc of it. And that makes you a shitty person for doing that JKR. It really does. 2/2
I tried to keep my response short but it didn’t happen, I’m sorry. So if you want to hear me ramble on about Harry Potter and the internalised misogyny in it, please read :)
She is and I fucking hate it.
Like I really need to control myself because I could write a whole novel about this so I will try to keep this really short.
I know I said I never related to a character 100% but I simplified a really odd struggle I went through reading Harry Potter because I was 100% Hermione. Like down to the frizzy hair and the stubbornness and the fact that I took more classes than anyone at school, like I was all of her good and all of her bad.
But I hated it and I would get so upset whenever people said I was like Hermione and I think part of it had to do with the fact that they ‘perfectified’ her in the movies - which made her actually even more unlikeable and also made me think that I actually wasn’t Hermione because I wasn’t perfect - and the other part of it was that no one liked Hermione :(
Like everyone insulted her because she was a ‘know-it-all’ and she was only pretty when she tamed her frizzy hair and everything that she had that I saw in myself was made fun of or was annoying and when those things were gone she was liked.
And like you can have a character with flaws that other people don’t like without harming innocent young minds - it has been done!
Anyways I could go on and on about all the things I think are lowkey misogynistic and I will list them here because I want to share my opinions with people but none of my friends like Harry Potter
Literally what you said about Hermione and the ugly duckling trope which is so harmful to young girls who are positioned to look up to her as a heroine? (Make it make sense Joanne 😡)
The whole phlegm thing - I feel like this is a little out of character and like okay maybe Ginny didn’t like her because she didn’t want bill to leave (🥺) like he was the oldest, I get it, but the only reason they hate her is because she is pretty and trying to voice her opinions :(
Fleur in the tournament - I’ve said it before and I’ll say it again, I know Fleur couldn’t save Gabrielle because Harry had to save her and I know she couldn’t actually get to the cup in the maze, but !! It also doesn’t sit right with me that she is the only competitor not to complete two tasks
Fleur and Hermione - even though I do not agree with the way Lavender and Hermione were pitted against each other I also feel like it is kinda in character for Hermione to react the way she did (even though I think any time two girls are pitted against each other for a boy is bad writing I can maybe like 5% understand this - but also take away that 5% because their is definitely a subtext that Lavender is annoying because she is ‘girly’ - so I understand it 0% and idk where I’m going with this anymore) but Hermione had no reason to not like Fleur. Like she did not like her even in their fourth year even though they had never spoken !!
The whole Lavender thing - and I’m sorry the way that Ron speaks about her as if she’s annoying and he tries to escape her, like you said, I��m sorry that she loves you?? Like I know it was a bit intense but if he wasn’t head over heels for her he should’ve broken up with her a lot earlier and not dragged it on and led her on!!
The way that Umbridge is described - I know that Umbridge is a horrible person and I am not trying to defend her at all !! But I find it very odd that one side of her personality is just being girly which is definitely used against her because Harry always comments on how ugly her things are are. Like I get pink isn’t for everyone and I know when you hate someone everything they do is annoying, but like this is how Umbridge is introduced - The witch spoke in a fluttery, girlish, high-pitched voice that took Harry aback; he had been expecting a croak. Like she is introduced as being girly and idk it just doesn’t sit right with me. 
That stupid emotional range of a teaspoon comment - Sorry, I forgot, women are just really overdramatic and sensitive and boys don’t cry and therefore could not understand the female brain - not even when they are sharing the trauma of losing someone 
Harry and Cho - do you really expect me to believe that Harry Potter - the boy who spent his summer holidays after his fourth year having nightmares and feeling horrible about Cedric’s death - witnessed Cho Change - the girl who was dating Cedric - crying at the mention of Cedric (not that long after he died!) and went ‘lol why tf this bitch crying?’ and also don’t get me started on their date in the book because that angered me on levels you don’t understand. Like Cho’s reaction is what positioned a lot of people to dislike her. After five years of harry Harry Potter and the other two fuck up your school year I feel like everyone in Hogwarts knows that Harry, Ron and Hermione are like the best of fucking friends and Cho’s reaction honestly just felt like it was put in for entertainment purposes but I was not entertained. 
Snape and Lily - Yes I do think its reasonable that Snape got angry over never getting any pussy and decided to take it out on defenceless children. He is my hero. 
Draco and Hermione - look, I have nothing against people who ship fanon dramione because in very simplified terms they do make for the perfect love/hate trope and sometimes things aren’t really serious and it is just a means of escapism. But canon dramione is a horrible concept and I cannot believe that she actually considered making them date. Like yes, that is a really nice message to send to young and impressionable minds - I’m sorry but if that was canon it would be no more better than a ‘I’m dating my bully’ wattpad story. 
Anyways, I’m sorry I went on a massive but I’ve been holding this in for too long :( Basically the point of this is that I really do think pitting women against each other for very simple reasons and setting up a character as unlikeable because they like traditional girly things is really bad writing and you know what? I could honestly forgive that because it was quite a while ago - and even though I’m not trying to defend it or say that it was right- stuff like this was normal in media and entertainment and if she came out and said ‘yeah it was kinda shitty when I made everyone dislike the actual goddess Fleur Delacour because she was pretty’ I would be like ‘yeah, you’re right’ and move on with my life. But she didn’t and instead she showed us that she was transphobic and horrible and just plain misogynistic and now I (obviously) can’t move on. 
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yes-i-love-fanfics · 4 years
Allie’s masterlist/masterpiece
Hello, we are gather here today to talk about the work of the one and only @heyyyharry , I’m quite literally obsessed with her work and you should follow her tumblr, her wattpad and her patreon if you can. Today, we’ll talk about Allie’s tumblr masterlist (but I actually read most of her stuff on wattpad because I find it more confortable hehe).
(Needless to say, there maybe some spoilers... I’m not very good at this)
The Flatmate Trilogy: 
3 books (duh). They are complete.
I think is her only self-inserted character (in all platforms, cause in her tumblr all her fanfics are self-inserted but in wattpad they’re not).
It starts as a college au (we love) and the story develops and matures with the characters.
In book 1 (flatmate) we have flatmate!harry and he’s kind of an asshole but he comes through.
I read it a long time ago, but what i fucking love about Allie’s work is that she always incorporates flashbacks and crossovers. So if you start to read flatmate i recommend to read all of her stuff at the same time or you may miss some easter eggs.
in book 2 (Couple in flat 102) they keep sharing a flat, and if the title didn’t give it away they are a couple. Boyfriend!Harry kinda dorky and cheeky is such a blessing, I’m so soft for him.
In book 3 (Two Hearts, One Home), I don’t wanna spoil it too much, but we are in the presence of CEO!Harry, which I’m sure we all want him to exist. 
The perfect amount of smut, moderate angst, very fluffy (or I’m just super soft).
We are still blessed with some blurbs here and there, and we are thankful for that. We get little sneak peaks of their life in the future and the life of secondary (but very important) characters too.
I have to say, I started reading the third book because I thought I was over college AUs but who am I kiding.
I love it.
Very good character development.
My Girl Trilogy:
Again, 3 books. 2 complete, 1 ongoing.
“older” harry but like not by that much, i believe its 4 year age gap, not so bad.
childhood best friend!Harry (WE STAN). Like, thinking of 10 year old Harry makes me wanna become a burrito of sadness and fluffiness. I love it.
Again, moderate angst, some mild TW on grieve. The right amount of smut.
I don’t wanna talk about each book because, unlike flatmate, its very unpredictable. I mean there are 3 books there is some continuity but each book is so different and its own masterpiece. I cant wait for more updates.
Thea (y/n on tumblr) is so relatable except for the part where she personally knows harry and is his childhood friend, but like she struggles with life in general and don’t we all?
We also get blurbs with cute scenarios.
Also Allie leaves a lot of open topics (memories, scenarios, etc) and people ask her and she kindly answers. 
Perfect character development.
In another life:
May I have a minute of silence for all the fucking tears this fic brought to my eyes.
I  L O V E  I T.
It is one of my favourites. I highly recommend this fic if you are into soulmates and past lives.
Very angsty.
I’m sad that it’s just one book. But also, there’s not much of a point to have a whole sequel. But it’s up to you Allie, I’ll read whatever you give me I’m a slut for your work.
Since this fanfic has may timelines in it the character development is enough to keep you entertained. It’s not superficial, but not quite as deep as the other fanfics.
I think its perfect and i live for this fic.
The Conman and The Maid
1 book (for now: May 4th, 2020). Ongoing.
Alexa, play “Criminal” by Britney Spears.
Idk what time period it’s set, but not contemporary for sure. idk how to describe it. I imagine it to be somewhat around Victorian age, or something.
Very angsty, again the right amount of smut (I kinda wanted more, but we get what we deserve).
We’ve got some wholesome blurbs that I just noticed like 2 days ago.
I think is a very good concept, very mysterious, adventurous, kind of a self discovery journey for Reyna (y/n) and she also becomes a very strong woman (mentally and physically) and we staaaaan.
I don’t wanna spoil anything its just so good.
Eugene and Rapunzel vibes.
And the one-shots/miniseries:
They are very angsty, like some of them I choose not to read because I’m very sensitive, like you speak to me in the wrong tone and I think you hate me and cry.
On that note, the ones that fucked me up are: Breath, Last Christmas, To The Boy I’ve Loved Before (part 1 and 2), “I was six and you were eight” and its part 2, The Bride, and Beating Heart.
And for the requested:
My favourite is: Y/N doesn’t let her daughter eat sweets before bed so Harry and the kid sneak into the kitchen while she’s sleeping.
Daddy harry is my weakness to be honest.
I love you Allie. I love your work and you are amazing and so talented. She has this power to make you feel like you are living in the story, even if you are reading not-self-inserted characters and that is soooo rare.
Go read everything she has in her masterlist cause everything is soooo goood and sooooo worth it. She is a very kind soul so be nice to her.
Also, worth to mention, we get easter eggs in all her fanfics and I love.
thank you <3
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Moxiety angst
This is set after accepting anxiety and Virgil is thinking about ducking out again for good this time.
Virgil's P.O.V.
I'm in my room replaying the events that happened today.  Thomas had snapped at me. I dont even know what I did wrong I was just including my opinion like always then he just snapped. The worst part was no one tried to stop him not even Patton. So as soon as he was done yelling I sank out and into my room and I've been here ever since. I havent even left to eat. Maybe I'm not needed maybe I should duck out again. I thought they had accepted me I guess it was all an act just so I would come back because they couldnt stand the way Thomas was acting but I dont care anymore.
3rd P.O.V
Virgil wrote a note to the others and left it on his bed. It was around 10 at night so everyone should be asleep. He decided to let Thomas have a good nights rest because why try when he doesnt want him around right. He then walked into his bathroom and ran himself a bath and grabs a razor. Once the water is ran he gets undressed and gets in and begins to make deep cuts on his arms and then he held his breath and went under the water and after so long he allowed his mouth to open letting water into his lungs. His breathing came to a stop as well as his heart beat and his hand fell and the razor dropped to the floor.
The next morning
It was around 12 in the afternoon and no one had seen Virgil so they all decided to go check on him. Patton knocked on the door and when he got no response he picked the lock and opened the door but didnt see Virgil. Roman was the first to see the note and pick it up unfolding it and began to read out loud.
Roman's P.O.V.
I began to read the note that I found outloud so the others could hear.
"Dear Family,
I'm sorry that I wasnt good enough for you so I decided to subtract myself from the equation for good. So I have something to say to all of you...
Roman, to be honest I saw you as an older brother rather than an enemy....but I guess to you I would always be the enemy....all the mean stuff I said to you I never meant any of it I was just teasing.......
Logan, unlike Roman I saw you as more of a teacher figure and I always thought about everything you said....and even if I'd never admit I actually enjoyed your company and loved debating with you.
I know he might not be with you guys at the moment but if you could give him this part of the letter it would be appreciated but Deceit, you were like my older brother that is always trying to protect me and I cant say that we didnt have our rough patches but i still love you like a brother and please help keep everyone sane as well as Thomas.
Thomas, dont beat yourself up about this because i always knew that i was never wanted. But I hope you can be happy now that I'm gone stay safe and listen to the others and let Deceit help trust me he isnt all just lies he can be honest when he wants to be.
And last but not least
Patton, to be honest I cried when writing this part of the letter because you did so much for me and I thank you for that but I know when I'm not wanted and I could tell that you were starting to give up on stopping the others and I dont blame you but God I cant believe I'm doing this but I'm sorry you had to find out this was but Patton I love you as more than a friend but i was too anxious to tell you i knew that you would never like me in the same way but I will always be your Dark Strange Son I love you..... Love, Anxiety Virgil Sanders"
Tears roll down my face as I finished reading the note out loud and I saw Patton fall to his knees holding his heart and screaming.
Patton's P.O.V.
I fall to my knees and start to cry and scream. "HE LOVED ME BACK AND NOW HE LEFT ME!" I run to the open bathroom door and see Virgil in the tub and blood dripping from his wrist and run over to him pulling him out of the tub and hugging him while crying. I just lost the love of my life and my only support beam. I wish I had told him I loved him sooner maybe he would still be here. I cried harder and clinged to Virgil's dead body.
Few months later
I havent been as happy since Virgil died I dont even try to hide my pain and it's starting to affect Thomas and everyone is yelling at me but hey I dont care I dont even flinch. And that shocks them all I just smile and say "Hey Virgil" and they look at me like they had just seen a ghost and I smile and let my glamour fall and let everyone see how heartbroken I truly was because down my chest was a huge crack and It grew bigger until i faded away. I'm with Virgil now and he greeted me with a kiss but I look down and see the others a wreck. But I knew that they would gain two knew people soon so I just smiled and said "let's go home Virgil" he nods and we disappear forever.
Btw these are from my wattpad stories so I'm not copying anyone else's work.
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dylan-o-yumm · 5 years
boi, can i get a s/o who is a professional twerk teacher? i recently got pretty obsessed with that particular dancing style 'cause dammn lady how can they move their butts like that? (write about how nero discovered it too, and how he takes advantage of it. or feel free to do whatever you want)
(I watched videos on Youtube to help me out with this, and at first I wanted to write a little something about his S/o teaching him how to twerk, but I literally, for the life of me, cant imagine Nero twerking haha. Ngl though, I’m not a fan of twerking so I found it a bit hard to think of a scenario, hope you don’t mind that I put this as headcannons instead. And I’m just gonna ignore the fact that I totally think Nero is a boobs over butt kinda guy. Unlike Dante who is, without a doubt, a total ass man lol!)
Nero was probably drunk or running high on energy drinks when he found out you could twerk. So he was a little out of it, not quite acting like himself, but you didn’t mind. 
“Isn’t twerking just shaking your ass?” 
“Basically. But, it’s not as easy as it looks”
“Show me. I need proof”
So, you did as he demanded. Standing up and turning your back to him, sticking out your booty and shaking it to the music that was playing the the background. 
You roll your hips, pop your tush and do all the fancy moves you had taught yourself, you even let your hands roam your body, mess up your hair, roll over your curves, the works.
Nero was awed, but also trying not to laugh, because he just realised that he has been staring at your ass for a solid minute or two. Which he always found himself to prefer breasts over butts, but right now…
Lets just say your movements were getting him a little riled up, to say the least
He sneakily reaches his hand out and rubs his palm over your butt cheek, giving it a little squeeze as he bites his bottom lip while you slow your movements down to tease him
He tears his hooded eyes from you for a second, looking down to notice the growing bulge in his pants, before he looks back up at the perfect shape of your ass bouncing tauntingly right in front of him
He uses his arm to wrap around your waist and pull you backwards into his lap, still keeping his other hand firmly on your ass, smushing his fingers between his thigh and your butt cheek. 
He leans back for a second, admiring the view of your booty pressed up against his crotch before leaning forward to press his lips to your neck, his chest flush against your back
He kisses, bites and licks your neck as you decide to “twerk” on him, but really you’re just grinding against him
He whimpers and gasps against your neck, using the hand that was wrapped around your waist to come up and grope your chest, kneading and massaging your breasts
You can tell he wants to rip all your clothes off and have his way with you right then and there, but what you’re doing feels so good that he can’t bring himself to make you stop long enough to remove any clothes
He ends up reaching his climax, after a couple minutes of your teasing hips rolling against him, biting on your shoulder as he makes a mess in his pants
“Well, I wish you would have told me about that little skill sooner”
“Sorry” you chuckle “wanna take this to the bedroom?” 
He doesn’t even reply, just picks you up in his arms like you weigh absolutely nothing and takes you to the bedroom
So I guess that’s how he takes advantage of your skills… 
I have one more request then I’m going to be opening my asks again while I work on the new chapter of Strange Times (Leon Kennedy x reader thing that I’m writing on Wattpad) I’ll let you guys know when I’ve opened requests again so keep an eye out. 
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Cat & Mouse (Roman Reigns): Chapter 4
Chapter 1 Chapter 2 Chapter 3 Chapter 5 Read it on Wattpad Writing Masterlist
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Warnings: alcohol consumption, r*ndy *rt*n gets a little rapey, um i really cant think of anything else??
Word Count: 2156
A/N: I’m so sorry its been like 2 months since i updated, i went thru a writing slump lmfao. i think im back now tho, and there’ll be actual smut in the next chapter (im alr like half way thru w it). Also I know a lot of yall changed your usernames, I dont remember every new user name, I tried my best to change them but if im tagging your old account please let me know
Tag List (if anyone wants to be added, let me know): @m-a-t-91@mrsamberlopezgoodanoai@simulated-heat @greatbreadwizard @hoodgirl163 @sabrina-blyton @reignwithflair@sunflowers-and-swear-words @alexahood21@ii-love-roman-reigns @queenreignsempire @flawlessglamazon @not-that-kinda-gurl08 @fivefootxo  @finnbalorsdemonqueen @romanempressfics @rocketgirl2410@sausagefest1996 @vebner37@macfizzle @cute-face-chubby-waist @wwefoever70@horcruxhunter5972 @cool-snowball-22-blog @designrwriterchic @metaldeedsblobfish@inkedirishbbydoll-blog-blog @calwitch (sorry if i missed anyone)
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Finally around 9pm, they headed out of the hotel to meet the men in a club a couple blocks away.
15 minutes later, Lyra and Naomi entered the club to find the guys occupying a secluded booth near the bar, and away from the dance floor. Even as they walked up to the table, Lyra could see Jimmy's eyes change colour as he drank in his mate's flawless figure.
Lyra was thankful that the club was mainly filled with humans, there were a couple of Alphas and Betas sitting at other tables, but most didn't seem to notice her. She made it a point to avoid them, and try and mask her scent with the humans.
On their way there, she'd managed to convince Naomi to keep quiet about her heat. She didn't need the guys treating her weird, or worse, making her go back. Naomi went to join the guys while Lyra went to order an Appletini for her friend, and a Vodka Sunset (A/N: these are really good tbh) for herself.
Lyra hopped up onto a barstool to wait for her drinks. It was a pretty busy night due to the fact that it was a Saturday, and wrestling fans going to the Rumble the next day were also out and about. Roman and his cousins had chosen a darker corner to hopefully minimize people interrupting their personal time.
Lyra glanced back at her friends and chuckled when she saw Jey looking bored and a little irritated as he tried to ignore his brother and Naomi who were basically grinding on each other, not giving a fuck about either of the other two men at the table.
Despite promising herself that she would not acknowledge Roman that night, Lyra found her gaze sliding over to him. He was already staring at her, an intense, hungry look in his eyes that had turned a bright silver-grey. A shiver of lust ran down her body, and she forced herself to turn away.
It was going to be a lot harder than she'd anticipated to ignore him. Not only could she barely keep her eyes off him, but his scent had hit her the moment she walked into the club. Her heightened senses constantly drew her attention to him even when she tried to focus them elsewhere.
She stiffened as she picked up on his footsteps through the clamor of people and music. She pretended not to notice him until she heard him clear his throat. She slowly turned the bar stool to face him.
"Oh hey, Roman," she blinked up at him, putting on a sickly sweet smile; he stood before her, arms crossed with a stern look on his face. She hated to admit it, but he made the simple jeans, shirt, and a leather jacket look mouth watering. "Can I help you?"
"You shouldn't be here," he said. She should've known he'd say something like that, of course he'd notice, she grumbled to herself. Rolling her eyes at him, she turned back, not wanting to deal with his shit at that moment, earning a snarl from him. "Don't fuckin turn away from me."
"Don't fuckin tell me what to do," she shot back, refusing to look at him. She let out a soft whimper, and her grip tightened on the bar in front of her as she felt his fingers sliding under her jacket and shirt to grip the right side of her waist; her cheeks flushed as he brushed her hair aside with his other hand, leaning in till his breath tickled her ear. His scent wrapped around her, calming her nerves down; he smelled like a delicious mix of hot chocolate and caramel, and she wanted nothing more than to drag him back to her room and let him play out his worst fantasies with her.
"Baby, you can't be here, you think us Alphas don't know what a shifter in heat smells like? That little jacket's doin shit to mask your scent," he spoke low enough that the noise around them would hide his words from any wolves or shifters nearby. Part of her knew that he was right, and that he was only saying these things because he cared, but she was too stubborn to agree with him.
"I'll be fine, I can handle myself," she mumbled, luckily Roman's reply was interrupted by the bartender bringing over her drinks. Roman let go of her as she grabbed the drinks. "Listen all I'm asking is that you leave me alone tonight, you clearly aren't interested, and I get it, but I deserve to have my fun."
She brushed past him without waiting for his reply; silently, he followed her, looking like she'd just punched him in the gut. Putting a smile on her face she slid in next to Naomi, handing her the Appletini. The older woman downed her drink then waited for Lyra to finish hers before dragging her out to the dance floor.
Several dances, and even more drinks, into the night, Lyra staggered over to their booth that was now empty. She had had a little too much to drink, and the room was starting to spin a little; groaning, she rested her head on the cooling surface of the table.
She'd given Jimmy all her cards both for safe keeping and to make sure that she wouldn't be able to drink anymore, but she'd cut herself off too late, and she knew she was going to have a splitting headache the next day.
The sound of someone sliding into the booth next to her had her head jerking up, she shook her head a little as the room was still swimming. Her eyebrows furrowed in confusion as she saw Randy Orton, one of the other Alphas in the locker room, sitting next to her, his head tilted a little as he looked at her with a sneer.
"What's a pretty little shifter like you doing getting drunk during her heat?" He said in a soft, condescending tone, as his eyes swept over her, lingering a little too long on her chest.
"I-I dunno what you're talkin bout, I think I should go now," she mumbled, trying to inch away from him, pulling Naomi's jacket around herself, but his smirk only widened when he heard her words.
"Is that right?" He replied, his voice had a dangerous edge to it, and, unlike Roman, his scent set her nerves on edge as he leaned in. She tried to cringe away but she was pressed up against the end of the booth, and he blocked the only way out. A shiver of fear ran through her as she realized she was cornered by an Alpha that was both bigger and stronger than her. "Well you certainly smell like a shifter in heat, first day am I right? Why don't I take you back...make sure that no one gets to you, it's not safe for a little shifter like you out here."
"N-no I dontwanna-," he ignored her words, grabbing her wrist and pulling her out of the booth despite her slurred protests. She had no choice but to stumble after him, her hazy mind still trying to work out what to do as they exited the club. Before she could think her way out of the situation, a large hand grabbed her free wrist and jerked her back, making her yelp in pain.
"Let go of Lyra," came Roman's voice from behind her, she looked up to see him glaring at Randy.
"Oh yeah, why should I? What I do with this little shifter is none of your business," Randy retorted, his voice adopting a mocking tone. Lyra glanced between the two Alphas, this wouldn't end well if it got physical.
"Because I fuckin said so, she's mine, get your dirty little paws off her," Roman warned, Lyra's eyes snapped to him, the surprise at him calling her his was evident on her face.
"She doesn't seem to know that, I've seen they way the two of you act around each other, you send some very mixed signals, Roman, no wonder she's getting drunk on the first day of her heat if her Alpha can't satisfy her," a viscous smile carved across Randy's face as Roman snarled at him. He finally let of of Lyra, allowing her to curl into the safety of Roman's arms. "Or maybe that's what you were waiting for, so you could do whatever you want to her with minimal resistance, can't say I never thought of it."
A shiver of revulsion ran through her, making her cling to Roman's shirt. Randy turned away and walked back into the club before Roman could spit back a reply. He stood there for a moment, glaring after the retreating Alpha.
"C'mon, let's get you to bed, you're gonna have a shitty hangover in the morning," he said, turning her around and walking her in the direction of the hotel. He kept a hand on her waist to stabilize her so that she wouldn't trip over in her heels. "D'you got your keycard?"
"Left it with Jimmy," she replied, not in the mood to talk, keeping her eyes firmly on the ground to try and avoid any more stumbling.
"Ah fuck, okay you can have my bed, I'll take Jimmy's, I got no idea when or if he's coming back to the room," he said, more to himself than her. They walked the rest of the way in silence. Lyra was practically falling asleep against Roman by the time they reached the elevators. He had to half carry her to the room, then pushed her towards the bathroom. "You gotta get that makeup off, can't have you messin up the sheets. I think Naomi keeps some of her stuff with Jimmy's shit."
He left her leaning against the counter as he went to rummage through his cousin's things. She had to grab the edge to stop herself from falling over when he left her side, the alcohol mixed with the fatigued caused by her heat was not a fun combo. By the time he came back with a little makeup bag, and a black shirt in hand, she was falling asleep standing up. He gently shook her awake and handed her the stuff.
"I hope Naomi got some of that makeup remover stuff in there, and you can change into this shirt if you wanna, is up to you," he said, she mumbled her thanks and unzipped the little bag to find a small packet of makeup wipes as he walked out, leaving her alone to change.
Eager to get to sleep, she made quick work of the makeup, washing her face with some warm water to get rid of any residue. She pulled off her boots, shorts and tank top and left them in a pile on the floor of the bathroom along with Naomi's jacket. Finally, she pulled on Roman's shirt, the material soft and soothing against her skin, before making her way out of the bathroom.
She found Roman perched on the edge of what she assumed was his bed, and she headed straight for it.
He looked like he was about to say something to her, but her exhaustion prompted her to ignore him, and crawl under the covers with a groan. She heard him snort; in amusement or annoyance, she couldn't tell.
The bed shifted as Roman stood up and padded over to the bathroom to take a shower, leaving her tossing and turning on the bed as she tried to find a nice spot.
By the time Roman was done, coming out in nothing but a pair of shorts as usual, he found Lyra buried under the covers, face down in the pillows. He sighed to himself, walking up to her to turn her over.
"Babe, you had a lot to drink tonight, you shouldn't be sleeping face down or face up," he said, not even sure if she was awake as he rolled her onto her side, but before he could pull away she grabbed his arm and hugged it to her.
"Cuddles please, warm," her sleep riddled mind barely even registering what she was doing. Roman froze, torn between wanting to give in, and wanting to keep his distance as he'd managed to do so far. He tried one more time to dislodge his arm, but her grip held tight as she nuzzled her face against his palm; groaning to himself, he careful slid onto the bed until her back was pressed against his chest.
As he pulled the covers up around them, he halfheartedly promised himself that he'd sneak out once she was properly asleep.
He took a sharp breath as she wriggled around, trying to find the perfect position, which just happened to include her ass pressed against his dick. He wrapped his arms under her chest to keep her still against him burying his face in her hair. Taking a deep breath, he slowly drifted off to sleep.
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axelsagewrites · 7 years
Alec Lightwood*What are you hiding?
Requested:Hi can I have an Alec x reader imagine with 2, 15, 22, 32, 80, 84 where they get into a bad argument but make up and fluff? Thank you!
Masterlist HERE
Wattpad HERE
Prompt list HERE
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2. "What are you hiding?"
15. "Don't cry, please."
22. "Do you regret us?"
32. "Don't touch me!"
80. "We need to talk"
84. "Are you kidding me?! We aren't 'fine'"
Alec had been being secretive and you didn't know why. Normally he was back at your shared room at the institute by 11pm. Yeah he was late sometimes but normally he would text. Even if he forgot you could ask someone and they would know like if he was on a mission or working. Now he was coming back while you slept so you would wake up to see him.
The only time you got to spend quality time with him was on a Thursday, your shared off day. It was now Thursday and you woke up late, 11 am, to an empty bed. Strange, you thought. You phoned him but he didn't pick up. You asked around and apparently he had left that morning not saying a word. You didn't want to track him but decided if he wasn't back or responding by 2pm you would.
2pm rolled round and no text, call or his return. You huffed in annoyance before storming to your shared room, if you could call it that. You grabbed one of his arrow heads that you gave him as a gift. It was made of brass and had ornate carving’s on it. It was in a set you gave him. All of them different materials; this decorative one to sleek fighting ones. You looked it over thinking of when you gave it to him for his birthday. His smile, his laugh, the look in his eyes.
A tear slid down your cheek and when you realised it you whipped it away harshly and stormed out the room. You gripped the arrowhead hard, grateful it was blunt since it was decorative. As you walked, basically ran, you bumped into Izzy. “Hey, you okay?”
“Once I find him.” You lifted the arrowhead and she said ‘oh’ and looked away for a second.
She looked back with a hard look. “Rip him a new one.” I nodded and continued. I started my tracking and started my search.
Your pov
I found him at an old shabby bar and food place with a sigh reading ‘Tammy Ducks’. I walked in and he was sitting in a booth on his phone eating fries. He wasn't paying attention to his surroundings and their wasn't much going on any way. A couple eating some crappy food with a couple beer bottles, an old man on his laptop and a hipster on his type writer. Their was a run down bar and a counter with menus and a window that went into the kitchen. All in all it may look nice if it wasn't so old.
The man behind the counter, no older than 24, looked up as I entered. He had a scar going from his temple to mid neck. Werewolf. He smiled kindly and asked. “Need anything, misses/mister?”
“Not right now thanks.” I gave him a tight smile then looked to Alec, my glare hardening. The man saw and gave a nod.
As I walked up to Alec he didn't seem phased. Then I saw the wires dangling from his ears, earphones. I pulled his fries back as he reached for one. He looked up and saw me then took out his headphones. “What are you doing here? How did you find me?”
I gave a flat laugh. “No ‘hi how are you?’ no ‘I missed you babe’. Really?” I didn't wait for an answer. “We need to talk.”
“Its fine (y/n), were fine.”
“Are you kidding me?! We aren't 'fine'" I looked around after my small out burst. The couple looked away, the hipster sighed, the old man looked shamelessly and the man behind the counter gave a sympathetic smile. “Outside. Now.”
He sighed before coming out the booth we walked outside and nodded to the guy. Alec went up to the counter and flung some money on it before walking outside. Once we were outside we went to the side alley for privacy. “Talk.”
“What are you talking about?” Alec looked away as he said it.
I got straight to the point. “What are you hiding?”
He sighed aggressively. “Nothing.”
“Oh really.” He nodded, clearly annoyed.
“Do you regret us? Cause you never seem to want to be around me.”
His head snapped up. “No.” He looked around and sighed. “Look, I just wanted a break. Every free second I have you want to spend it with me. Me and Jace cant hang out by ourselves most of the time. I don't get a moment of peace and you always texts me. Cant I have one second with you not tracking my every move!”
Tears formed from my rage. “Yeah? Well maybe I’m so damn clingy because I’m worried. Did you think of that?” I talked harshly and quickly, emotions getting the best of me. “Are jobs are so dangerous I don't know if you’ll come home. I never no if its the last time I'll see you. God Alec don't you see, im just worried about you?” I ran a hand through my hair. “I want to spend time with you because I don't know how much we have. I don't know if we’ll die in battle or a mission gone wrong. I might die in your arms or the other way round tomorrow. I’m not gonna apologise for being worried!”
His head was down as I talked. He swallowed hard. “I’m just so damn worried and want to spend whatever time we have left. You could die tomorrow.” Tears began to pour down my face though I made no sound. Tears are a weakness in our line of work so you learned to be quiet.
“Don't cry, please.” I didn't stop. I wrapped my arms round me and looked down.
He reached out to grab my arm. “Don't touch me!”
He sighed. “I’m sorry. I just,” he paused. “every thing was piling up on me. I just had to breathe and I blamed you. Im sorry.” We stayed in silence.
After a few moments of silence he spoke again. “Your right. One of us could die tomorrow so I don't want to fight. Not if I might not see you for much longer.” Tears still trickled down my face and I still couldn't look in his eyes. “I want to be with you. I want to see your smile, your bed head, your happiness. And I want to be their when your sad, help you get through things and make sure you feel good.” He walked closer as he talked. He wrapped his arms round me. “And if I can, I want to grow old with you. I want to have a family with you and grow old together, however unlikely for us. I want to protect you to my dying breathe even if I know you can easily kick butt.”
I laugh slightly at his end bit. I finally wrapped my arms round him too. “I love you.”
“I love you more.”
“Not possible.” I closed my eyes and we stood like that for a few moments. I pulled away and he whipped away my drying tears. “If you feel like everything is piling up talk to me. We’ll work something out and you can vent if you want.” He ran his thumb over my cheek bone.
“I will. I don't want a break. I just sometimes need alone time.”
“We’ll work something out. You and Jace can have a boys night or day or whatever instead. Im sure I'll manage without you, just keep me in the loop.”
He nodded. “But can we spend today together?”
“I’ll bite. Lets go try that crappy food in there.”
He laughed and pulled away but grabbed my hand. “Its not that bad actually.” I raised my eyebrow at him. I saw it, it didn't look great. “I swear. Tom’s a good, no great, cook.”
As we were walking in I asked. “Tom? You replacing me?” I said jokingly.
Tom, behind the counter looked up. “I tried lass/laddie. He wont take me up on it.” He joked. Me and Alec both laughed.
“What, you’re a regular?” He nodded.
We walked towards the booth. “The hipster over there is Sam.” They raised their hand. Alec pointed to the old man with the laptop. “That’s Terrie. He’s playing some game.”
“World of war craft today.” Terrie interjected.
“That thing.” Alec shrugged. “And with them,” he pointed at the couple. “the girl with the black hair is Sarah and that other girls her date. Not a regular but maybe.” The two girls gave a small wave. “And their you have the ‘Tammy ducks’ weekday regulars.” He lifted his arms as if presenting a grand prize and I laughed.
We laughed and sat down in his both. Tom came over and took our orders, Alec ordering for me. We had our first date in a while there and many more. Alec went their by himself sometimes and other times he brought me. We could detach from the shadow world, even Jace because of the name. We got better at communicating too. That was also the place where Alec would propose 5 years later. Good old Tammy ducks; home to our first proper fight and our best memories.
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kottakitty · 7 years
You Need Not Worry - A Wind in the Willows Fanfiction
Moley waits up for Ratty, who is much later coming home than he said he would be.
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So Wind in the Willows closed at the Palladium yesterday and it still hasn't truly sunk in yet that its over. But while watching it yesterday Moles line "You loved Toad once." stuck out to me a bit, what if Ratty and Toad dated once? But it didn't work out due to the difference in class and personality. So then this little fic happened.
I hope you enjoy it!
“You loved Toad once you know”
Mole sat by himself in his chair by the fireside, a place where he’d spent many nights before he met a man who changed his life for the better. Though, temperature wise he was as warm as warm could be, he felt cold inside. Ratty had said he’d be back hours ago from Toads house. Mole knew full well that Ratty could take care of himself just fine- Ratty was the more capable of the two of them, this was just pain fact. But that wouldn't stop Moley from worrying.
He sighed and rose from his chair, looking out the window at the snow that was gently falling and beginning to settle on the ground outside.
Perhaps, he thought, Ratty had decided to stay at Toad house the evening to avoid the snow? Or maybe, Ratty had a few too many drinks and in his merry state he’d forgotten they were staying at Moles house and he’d gone back to the river bank by mistake. Both were very reasonable and comforting solutions to Mole, as his Ratty would be safe and sound.
But also Mole couldn’t help but think that perhaps Ratty had been on his way back when he’d been attacked by some Wild Wooders and was now lying injured or worse alone in the snow. Or maybe, while having such a good time with Toad, Ratty had forgotten all about Moley and decided to re-kindle his old flame with Toad. Both were quite unreasonable and unsettling solutions for Mole, for obvious reasons.
It wasn’t that he didn’t trust that Ratty, it was just that Moley worries perhaps a bit more than a normal animal should. He’d been alone for so long, the thought of going back to that made a deep deep sadness settle in his stomach.
Mole took his glasses off and cleaned them on his jumper, looking around his house without his glasses on made him really understand why people say “as blind as a mole”. He put them back on and blinked a few times, his eyes re-adgusting to being able to see clearly. He looked at the mug of cocoa he’d brewed for Ratty earlier for his return.
He really was late back.
Once a month Toad held a Poker night at Toad hall. Moley had attended once, but he found it all too confusing and Ratty had ended up quite frustrated as Mole kept telling everyone what cards he had. Ratty had been in quite a mood after that night but he cooled off quite quickly after Mole had apologised for ‘ruining his game’. Mole was always invited but he didn’t like to intrude, it was a serious game that was more complicated than it was worth. Ratty always offered to stay home and keep Mole company, but he would feel guilty if he kept Ratty from a fun evening.
Moley looked back out the window, he squinted in to the distance and he could see a very familiar silhouette moving towards his house and he let a breath he didn’t know he’d been holding out. He hopped out of the little entrance to Mole end and stood in the cool air as he waited for his partner to be back at his side.
“Hello stranger.” Ratty said with a smirk as he got within ear shot “Thought you’d be asleep already dear, what keeps you?”
“Oh like you don’t know why I’m still up at this hour” Moley replied a little more sharply than he’d intended.
“Have you been waiting for me?” Ratty said with a frown, He was stood in-front of Moley now “You know these poker evenings can go on for sometime.”
“That is true, but never this long.” Moley said looking up at Ratty “You’re at least three hours later than usual…” He mumbled, this wasn’t a big deal really but Moley had been quite concerned and lonely.
“That must be an exaggeration Moley do be serious.” Ratty rolled his eyes and kissed Moley on the cheek gently “Come on, its chilly out.” and with that he climbed in to Mole End. Leaving Mole feeling slightly annoyed- he wasn’t exaggerating at all, it was the truth. He stood outside for a little longer, fuming quietly, before he followed Ratty in to his house.
Ratty knelt by the fireplace and warmed his hands “You can tell its Winter cant you? I thought I might freeze my tail off tonight!”
Moley only hummed in confirmation that he’d heard Ratty.
“Whats got you down Moley? It cant be that I was out for longer tonight can it?”
“So you admit it then?” Mole raised an eyebrow at him.
“What?” Ratty said puzzled.
“That you were out longer tonight, a good few hours might I add.” Moley huffed, he really didn't want them to fight but he could feel it coming on, he always got this uneasy feeling when an argument was on the horizon.
“Well I suppose I may have been. Toad brought round a few extra rounds of drinks and I may have lost myself slightly.” Ratty laughed “It was a very merry evening all round.”
“I’m glad you had a good time at least then.” Moley folded his arms, he didn’t like this feeling.
Ratty stood from the fire “You don’t need to keep such close tabs on me Moley, whats a few hours in the grand scheme of things, aye?”
“It feels like a small eternity when you don’t know whats going on.” Mole couldn’t hold back how bitter he sounded, he was very unlike him and he knew it.
Rat paused for a moment, trying to work out what was going on with his partner. Then it clicked and he rubbed his eyes in annoyance “I should have never told you that myself and Toad once dated- you’ve never been the same since you know?” It had only been a few weeks since Ratty had told Mole, wanting his most favorite person in the whole world to know everything about him- warts and all.
Mole got a bit offended at that comment “The bloody cheek! I’ve been the same Mole I’ve always been! Its you who’s been off out without me more often than not.” That wasn’t quite the case but Mole wasn’t thinking straight right now, he felt quite fragile.
“I have not!” Ratty defended “You're with me all the time Moley, if I were having eyes for Toad again, heaven forbid, I’m sure you of all people would notice.” he scratched behind his ear- something he did when he was irritated.
Mole sunk slightly “I suppose… I’ll make us a hot drink.” he didn’t want to argue, he could see what Ratty was saying.
He was just being his usual over-thinking self.
Ratty watched his love sadly fill the kettle and put the stove on underneath it to set it to boil. In the corner of his eye he saw his prized blue mug next to his chair, a drink that had been made for him earlier and had now gone cold Ratty assumed- He wasn’t that late was he? Ratty looked at the clock on the wall and suddenly felt quite guilty, he was much much later than usual indeed.
Moley was reaching up to the top shelf in the kitchen to get the cocoa powder down, feeling quite sorry for himself honestly. When suddenly, two familiar strong arms wrapped themselves around his waist and lifted him up slightly, making him the right height to easily get the little jar down. “Ratty you can put me down now” He chuckled slightly. Once his feet were planted safely on the ground again Moley turned to face Ratty and was quite surprised when the next thing he knew a very loving kiss was pressed to his lips.
“You must accept my apologies Moley, I am so sorry to have kept you up like this. I really did not know it was such a late hour. A pig I’ve been as always.”
Moley having had all his sad feeling kissed away said bashfully “Oh it matters not anymore”
“-and as for Toad” Ratty continued, holding Moleys waist close to his and putting a hand to the other mans cheek tenderly “Never in a thousand years or in any lifetime could I love him even a fraction as much as I love you my dear Moley. I am yours always, from the moment I saw you across the river that faithful day.”
“I know that Ratty, I just cant help but worry sometimes, my mind runs away with itself when I’m on my own” Moley pressed his head to Rattys chest.
Ratty run a hand through the shorter mans hair “Well then I shall just have to remind you of my feelings for you more often.” He smiles warmly “Come, lets finish making this hot cocoa together, we can take it back to bed with us stay up and watch the sunrise, it comes up earlier in winter.”
“I would like that a lot Ratty, my oh my how I would like that.” Mole grinned up at the love of his life as they set to work together.
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