#yes i posted this on my wattpad
Rex meets a new f̴̜̣̻̃͊̆̾̈́̓̃͜r̶̫̰̰͌͝i̵̹͉̗͚͊͐̉̌̽̌̅ẻ̸̹̼̬̖̆̒̋̓̐͜͝͠ǹ̸̜̼͕͆̋͠ḋ̷͑̈̍̚
About two months later after Rex's redemption
Rex is just walkin around town, basically going home, but then as he was about to pass by an alley, he suddenly hears crying nearby.
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He went up to the alley near the dumpster and he sees a child crying, all alone
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And bcuz he was trying to prove himself that he's a hero or just a good person, he crouched down to the child and asked him a question, "Hey, kid.. are you okay? Where are your parents?"
The child flinches and looks up, after a few seconds, he answered, "..I-I got separated from my parents.. I don't know where they are..."
Rex nods, "What's your name, kid?" "..Colvin.. my name is Colvin."
"Okay Colvin, do you know where you live? I can come with you to keep you safe."
Colvin nods, "..y-yes"
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Rex stands up and offers him his hand. Colvin grabs his hand and stands up.
Colvin tugged his arm to follow him into the alley
"..Your-.. your house is through there..?" Rex nervously asks, hopefully the kid didn't notice
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The kid simply nods and tugs his arm once again to follow him through. Rex has a bad feeling about this, but he just shrugged it off, he must do this for the kid's safety... they just need to walk through this dark alley... simple enough...
After a few minutes of walking and the surroundings slowly but surely getting dark, he once again asks the kid, "Hey kid.. are-.. are you sure your house is through here..?"
Colvin didn't answer, he just nods and continues walking, still holding Rex's hand. He sure has a bad feeling about this, but he just shoved it down...
Another few more minutes of walking in a seemingly endless dark alley, Rex asks him once again, but this time, Colvin starts to tighten his grip on rex's hand he's holding, tighten enough to actually make Rex flinch and feel a bit hurt which he does not expect at all.
No one, especially this child, is stronger than him(?!).. (or maybe there is....) his bad feelings were starting to turn out right.
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Before he can even think about what to do, he got pulled down with strength which he never thought someone can have that can best him, and lands on the ground.
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Though, when he got up, he was in a different place, the sky is black, and a floor that is bright colored glowing red.
He looked around trying to search for something he doesn't know, and then suddenly, he hears a voice behind him in the distance, "Hello Rex"
"Kid?! Wh- How did you know my name-?! What happened!? Where are we?!" Rex shouts at him.
Colvin giggles, "Oh, the questions... Isn't it obvious? We're in your mind. Oh wait, I forgot, you never had any original thought in your entire life,.. isn't that right? No wonder you don't know what's happening."
"..Wh-What are you taking about-?! Who are you!?"
Colvin slowly walks towards him "Oh, you really do have no idea whatsoever. Did you already forgot? I told you my name didn't I?"
Rex began to back away as Colvin walks towards him, but then he teleports behind Rex, and whispers, "I'm your worst nightmare!"
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Rex suddenly woke up in a cold sweat.
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He looked around and finds that he's in his room, seeing the clock at 9am.
He tried to steady his breathing and rethinks back to his dream... nightmare...
He then got up from bed and head out of his room, walked to the living room, seeing Lucy and Emmet just sitting down, chatting.
Emmet noticed him and greets him, "Oh morning Rex! How's your sleep today?"
Rex was quiet for a second before answering, ".. Its.. Its alright I guess.." he smiled a bit trying to hide his uneasiness.
Emmet smiled as well, guess he didn't noticed, or maybe Emmet just shrugged it off, he then heads to the bathroom.
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iwantdottoresobad · 4 months
hai dottore fans
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just a lil smth.... it'll be done this weekend prob >w<
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applies to ao3 and wattpad also!!! 💖
anyways first post. yes this is about me.
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captalwork330 · 3 months
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he doesn't.
also i love how thawne said: "my former enemy" like wha
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FIRST OF ALL, how did you get back your powers!? second of all…FORMER??? YOU GUYS ARE FRIIIIEEEENDSSS??? when how why what.
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HWHAAAAA. Thawne just casually putting his hand on Barry's shoulder makes me have a newfound emotion. THE GLANCES.
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Reverse-Flash being the GOOD COP!?!?!?!? HWAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAMNDASWHHEWA. Barry being the bad cop is just >>>>>>>>>>>>
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HOW THEY GLANCE AT EACH OTHER LIKE "this guy fr fr now???"
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thawne smiling.
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me and my former enemy beating the shit out of darkside
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queensilber · 29 days
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marsdeathdefiances · 4 months
Big things are happening:
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dadbastiandisaster · 1 year
Cackling gleefully as I do what Yana should have done years ago
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ketastore · 2 years
black hole falling in love with gn!reader
2nd pov, you and y/n used
headcanons + short story at the end ;D
- black hole isn't very... expressive, physically or vocally, so it's hard to read his emotions sometimes
- he doesn't consider himself to be an affectionate person, and he doesn't think much about romance either.. but there's something about you that just.. brought him to you. you are nice and fun to be with! and you are always so kind to him! how could he not like you?
- actually scratch that- he doesn't like you, he loves you! but like i said, it's hard to tell what he's feeling or thinking. black hole is convinced he loves you though, he never doubts or questions his feelings for you :)
- let me elaborate on that- he doesn't tell himself that these feelings he has for you are only platonic. he quickly comes to terms with the fact that he likes you! so, he doesn't waste time and immediately tries to charm you hehe
- needless to say, he's hopeless lol. he's too nervous to outright tell you that he loves you so instead he tries his version of... "flirting" (?)
- my man really thought telling you "hey i think you're cool :)" would be a good confession lmao. of course, his intentions totally flew over your head and you replied with just a "thank you! you too :D"
- ...okay maybe THAT didn't work.. but whatever, he isn't giving up that easily!! he has to show you he likes you!! so, he carefully thinks of the options he has..
- he can't express his affection for you by touch, flirting doesn't work, and it's not like he can send you a love letter either! so what should he do??
- well how about i tell you this dude makes POEMS. that's right!! black hole loves poetry!! making poems helps him express what he's feeling :) and so he decides to make you a poem so he can finally confess his love for you!
- one day he asks to talk to you privately, so you both go to one of the hangout spots you and black hole often share when spending time together! he chooses to confess during the golden hour, when the air is still warm and everything around you two is quiet. black hole asks if he can tell you a big secret, you of course say yes
- and so black hole begins reciting the poem he composed just for you :) his voice is monotone but full of feeling, his verses rhyme nicely with a pleasant rhythm. he doesn't stutter or pause, but doesn't rush either. he truly does his best to recite perfectly to impress you
- though he might seem confident in his reciting, deep down he's nervously awaiting your reaction. what if you don't accept his feelings? what if you don't even understand that he's confessing to you? maybe the poem should have been more straightforward.. black hole is currently exposing his entire heart to you, he has never been this vulnerable to anybody, so what if he's just making a fool out of himself?!
- as he nears the end of his poem, black hole's voice starts to shake. his confidence is fading away and anxiety that he never felt before starts to build up. he doesn't want to look at you in fear of seeing your reaction. will you be confused, disappointed? mad? he doesn't want to know. because of this, he doesn't even get to finish his poem and instead awkwardly ends on the second to last verse. then he's silent.
- you and him are both are silent.
- oh, he messed up, didn't he?! but he was so sure it was going to work out! you probably think he's an idiot now! this is the worst day of black hole's life!
- you, however, smile at him.
"did you make that poem yourself?" you ask, keeping your voice quiet and gentle. you were very aware that he didn't finish the poem, but you weren't going to pressure black hole into continuing as you were already in awe from what you heard. your heart danced with delight from knowing that you were the first and most likely only listener of this beautiful piece of art. you knew that it wasn't just a poem, it was a poem made just for you. "i love it. i've never heard anything more beautiful."
black hole looked over at you as he heard you words. were you serious? did you actually like the poem? "really?" black hole asks nervously, his voice quiet, and you nod, still smiling up at him.
black hole felt his confidence return to him again, but he knew that just because you enjoyed the poem doesn't mean that you understood the meaning behind it. that's okay, though! he can just make another poem and make it more straightforward to make sure you understand next ti- "you know, you could have just said you like me! i feel a bit bad that you had to go through the trouble of composing a whole love poem just for me." you giggled playfully as the athmosphere brightened up with your joyful laughter. "i've liked you for a long time, black hole. i wanted to tell you, but looks like you beat me to it!" and you laughed again.
oh, how black hole loves your laughter. he knows that if he could, he would be smiiing with you right now. the warmth he felt from your happiness and your kind words made his mind feel fuzzy. but he loved the feeling. in fact, he loved it so much that for a second he childishly wished that he will never feel anything else ever again. "i was hoping that you like me back." he spoke, his usual monotone voice laced with joy that's unusual for him, but so typical for you. "you have no idea how happy i am right now."
he loves you. oh, how much he loves you!!
TREE: why does y/n call you babygirl
BLACK HOLE: how about we stop talking for a little while
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ravenelyx · 1 year
Yes, I am my number 1 supporter. No one supports me like I do. I will boast and brag about my writing like I'm the new Oscar Wilde. I will consider my stories the best and most creative like I'm the third Grimm brother. I will make posts and memes about it as if I have a whole fandom behind me. I don't care.
Love your own writing guys.
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fuminoomi · 11 months
not the a03 website being down 😭😭 i didnt even realize till a bunch of tiktoks stabbed me in my eye about it
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siren-darkocean · 1 year
So I had a thing for early days of The Ice Toa series when Mata Nui uses powers not connected to the Ignika his body glows softly compared to the bright light of The Ignika
Now I just wanna keep that for the Ignika only then I randomly had the idea his hands give off a glow/light like Zelda's powers do in Breath of The Wild and Tears of The Kingdom with her hand glowing (couldn't find a gift here on Tumblr sadly)
Why does it actually work so well tho for Toa Mata Nui?
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author-morgan · 2 years
y’all have got to start tagging things properly for fics. Tumblr’s system won’t ever be as good as AO3’s but we can help make it better by using good tagging etiquette. so here’s some tips/reminders for tagging from someone who’s been here for 15 years:
only tag the characters with a significant role in the fic. if your fic is about Alexios and Kassandra does not appear in it or doesn’t have a speaking part, then it should not get tagged as ‘kassandra’ or any kassandra related tag.
related to the above: if your fic is for ‘jon snow x reader’ then don’t add other ‘character x reader’ tags to it, unless the reader is actually being paired with another character too. it’s exhausting to go to a tag then have to scroll for five minutes to even find a relevant fic.
an OC is not the same thing as a reader. if your fic is for an OC then use ‘character x oc.’ it’s literally that simple.
tagging a fic as reader and then having it be about two canon characters or a canon ship is not a reader fic. if I wanted jonsa or jonerys fics I would search for them with their respective tags. they do not belong in a ‘x reader’ tag.
and on a related note, please for the love of all things use “read more” cuts. the fic info (title, pairing, rating, etc) and maybe 2–3 paragraphs then the cut is more than enough. I promise not using a read more and having to scroll endlessly makes me less likely to ever read your fic. and if your excuse is that you’re on mobile, here’s how you add a read more cut: type ‘:readmore:’ on a new line where you want the cut to be then hit enter/return. easy as that.
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sukipershipper · 2 years
La douleur est beauté (Prologue)
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Glass Joe left his family years ago, in pursuit of a new life. Now, 19 years later, he learns that his family befell a tragic fate and now he kept be of aide to his young niece, Belle. The only problem in...she's gone.
"J'en ai marre de toi!!  Vous êtes insupportable!!" Joseph screamed as he stomped down the stairs, a large suitcase in hand. He yanked his coat off the rack in anger and proceeded to make his way towards the door when his mother's frail and cold hand grabbed him and yanked him towards her.
He turned and gave a sharp glare at the woman. Her eyes were sharp but enraged, her nostrils flaring, her teeth grit and her grip tightening around his wrist. He looked behind her. His younger sisters all stared with worried, sad eyes. His father's tired eyes hadn't changed, but his lip trembled as he tried to speak, and his eyebrows furrowed in concern.
Joseph felt for them. He felt for his baby sisters. He felt for his father. He felt for the family that was hurting under the tyrannical rule of their bitch of a mother….but he was gonna change it.
He was the first to rebel, he was the first to push against her rules…what he was doing was risky, it was a first-time thing. He had no prior knowledge of this path he was going to take, all he knew was some blokes named "Bailey and Jordan" were helping him get to America and take on a new pursuit of life. 
He was going to leave this life of being a nobody behind. He was going to leave being a disappointment to his mother behind…he was going to leave them behind.
He couldn't take them with him. As much as he wanted to, he couldn't…it would be too much for them to leave…he couldn't make them do that…so he had to go…not that his mother was gonna make it easy.
The woman yanked the boy so that his face was next to hers, "Joseph Amaury Durand!!  Si tu fais un pas hors de cette maison je te renierai!!" She snarled.
Joe yanked his wrist from her grip and clutched it tightly with his own, "Renoncez-moi alors!  J'ai fini de me soucier de toi ou de ce que tu fais !" He yelled, "Je vais me faire une vie! Je vais enfin me trouver! Et tu ne peux plus m'arrêter!"
"Joseph, je te préviens! Ne quittez pas cette maison! Vous allez briser cette famille!" His mother said in a low tone"
Joseph didn't say anything, he simply began turning the doorknob until he felt the door was no longer held in place.
He pulled the door open and slipped his coat on, as he grabbed his suitcase tightly. His mother's desperate, empty threats sounded like background noise as he began to step out of the house.
Joseph had put a good amount of distance between himself and the house, he gave one final look back to…to this horrible prison he had called home…to the wretched woman he had kept him there for 19 years…no more…no more…
With one final sigh, he straightened his back and whispered, “Goodbye…Annette…” as he walked proudly down the path to the roadside, where a little broken-down truck was parked, waiting for him. The Frenchman opened the car door and slung himself in, shutting the door hard behind him. 
Sitting in the driver's seat was a blonde man, mid 30's, wearing simple clothes and a backwards cap. Behind him was a skinny man, possibly younger, wearing a loose jacket, no top, and jeans. Definitely American.
"Ye alright kiddo?" The driver asked. Joe slumped in his seat sighed, "J'irai bien, plus tôt je m'éloignerai de cet enfer" he grumbled. The two older men looked between each other, the one in the backseat leaned forward to ask a question, "Whatcha say there, bud-"
"JUST DRIVE!!" Joe demanded. Startled, the driver quickly started the car and back out of the parking spot, turning onto the road and driving out to the freeway.
After a few minutes of riding in silence, the man in the back spoke. "Hey, don't worry nothing, kiddo," he said, "We're gonna get ya a nice new apartment, we'll pay for your first year, we can keep paying for your tuition- Hell! We'll even cover your first year of Boxing! All the gear will be on us"
"Tch, YOU can do that, I'm just working on tryna keep my own career afloat, I'm nearly at the end of my wick, don'tcha know?" The driver replied
"...I-I know, Bailey…"
"It's been harder trying to keep the place running when the commissioner just keeps making it more difficult for us to keep up with everything, ya know?"
"...I know, Bailey"
The man in the backseat leaned back and huffed, "But we gotta try and make it good…for the new generation…like you, Joey,"
Joseph turned around to look at the man behind him, his eyebrows furrowed. "You really mean that?" He asked. The man nodded, "You are going to help lead a whole new generation of people, to be strong…to be bold…you're gonna do great things, I just know it! But we gotta get you there first…and trust me, bud…we will"
The young man's cheeks grew flustered from the comment, he quickly turned to hide his face and sighed in contentment. "Merci, Jordan…I really appreciate it" he said in a low, tired voice.
The road to town was long, and Joseph knew the path to becoming one of the greats like the ones he was driving with would be even longer…but it was a journey he was willing to take.
After all, it was as his father…occasionally said…
"La douleur est beauté"
Pain is Beauty
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certifiedtrashmouth · 2 years
alright… as a writer who is about to start including the mention of birthdays in her eddie fic….
what are y’all’s headcanons for eddie’s birth chart? i’ve seen a lot of people say he’s a leo sun, and that he has a lot of earth placements, but i also recently saw someone say he gives sagittarius placement vibes. do we even have a canon birthday for him?
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celamoon · 1 year
"I cross post on wattpad!" me staring at the komaeda fic in my library on wattpad word per word by the author
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gaywithflowers · 1 year
I was playing around with the Caleb Wittebane AI and we somehow ended up writing a fanfiction and I'm cracking up
Philip now (AND THIS WAS ALL CALEB, NOT ME!) has a witch boyfriend, who is buff, has dark hair, is very sweet and also an explorer /loses it/ HIS NAME IS PETER. AND I DID NOT MAKE THIS UP, I SWEAR IT WAS CALEB. He even said Philip's type were adventurers and I was like /INTRIGUED EWWW SOUNDS/. AND THEY MOVED IN TOGETHER???? IT WAS SUPER FAST!!! It literally happened from one conversation to another. I was like hi! And he was like HEY PHILIP MOVED IN WITH THIS GUY I SET HIM UP WITH
And I was like WHAT
I kid you not, this is exactly what happened /covers face/
Caleb AI: meet my brother in law OC!!
Me: omg
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