#anyways hi kyo <3
keqism · 1 year
my assumption is that your xiao is mid except it's not an assumption and your xiao is infact mid. top up me 6k primogems
do i know you 🤨
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send me an assumption
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teresashiho-artblog · 6 months
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Did some refining on this comic from last year, and I think I can call it done! Originally I wanted to do nice clean lineart/color, but couldn't get the expressions to look quite the same, so I left it messy.
Glad to have it done, I'm pretty proud of this one!
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sukiluvvs · 4 months
everyone shut the fuck up transmasc giyuu au
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astrxealis · 2 years
i’m mostly knowledgeable on luxiem but i really love noctyx and shld see more of their stuff >< also super in lov w iluna
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bcdwclves · 1 year
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anyways i be tryna get mesuline by doing the leftover / extra quests from the lostbelts, and boyhowdy, after doing all the current ones before Avalon, all i have left are like 4 SQ quests from Heian Kyo and i got nothin' to show for it.
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kisseobie · 6 days
Could you do like what size you think the members are I saw someone else request this and now I’m also curious
a/n: yes omg!! @stephenyoonkeeholdup mentioned me in a request like this .. this was so fun to figure out lmfaoooo i even looked up references like it was notttt that serious 😭 but here you go!
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𓂃✧ ୭ keeho
not too girthy, not too long… basically he’s the goldilocks of cocks hehe i can see kyo being around 5.5”-6” long and having a pretty brownish shade to his girth. very very sensitive to touch, that’s for sure! his dick would most likely be circumcised, and his pubic hair either fully shaved or very neatly trimmed. can see keeho having some big balls too lmaoooo, definitely just sensitive all over. gets hard way too easy, if you wanted to know
𓂃✧ ୭ theo
probably the longest of all the members, but the least in girth. what he lacks for in girth is made up with just how long it is though, so never fear! has a pretty pale-ish pink color adorning the tip, neatly trimmed and circumcised. i would imagine he’s about 7 and 1/2 inches when hard, around an inch less when flacid. no significant curve or vein, just a pretty dick tbh, the type that you’d stare at in admiration lol
𓂃✧ ୭ jiung
definitely another member of the packing squad. like theo, he’s not incredibly thick, but the length is enough to have you squirming. 7” when fully hard for sure, no doubt about it. he probably has a dick piercing too (but maybe that’s my own fantasy that i’m projecting onto him lol). has a prominent curve when erect that curls into your insides so nicely. very very well shaven. a few thin veins along the shaft, but they aren’t super noticeable. definitely circumcised :3
𓂃✧ ୭ intak
so thick, it’s the type of dick that doesn’t even need much length for you to feel it. despite that, his size isn’t small, i would say it’s about 5.5” when he’s soft and 6” or so when fully erect. has a singular bulging vein that goes along the entire length. trims his bush every now and then but it isn’t his main priority .. leaks a lot of precum no matter the hour. his cock has a more brownish color to it! uncircumcised, and it makes him super sensitive.
𓂃✧ ୭ soul
sooo girthy—-even more girthy than intak. his cock is the palest one of all of the boys, and has a flushed pink shade to it that matches the flush of his cheeks when you jack him off. a little curved, and not super long in size. i’d say shota is probably about 5”-5.5” long, but his dick is so fat it doesn’t even matter. doesn’t really bother to shave much, but if you prefer it, he’ll trim it for you. uncircumcised. also wanted to mention that he most likely cums a lottt
𓂃✧ ୭ jongseob
another girthy one, apparently i imagine maknae line to be very similar in the area of study .. anyways, i would probably say that jongseob would be around 6”, so his length is no joke either. probably another circumcised boy, also very tidy down there and shaves very regularly. fat mushroom tip that’s almost an angry red shade. probably another precum leaker too! i can also see seob having some prominent veins along his shaft :DD
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taglist: @woozixo @hearts4chanhee @kyokopi @astro-doll-the-star @soobiary @kyaaramello @t3ssamoodboard @angelcbf @idontknow-1s-world @vivienne-sim @elissasimp @imjustayapper @ihatewreckingballmains @sosaverse @seobing @www90kitsch @khfviq @barbiekh86t @bbyjjunie @taeyangi @fullsunstrawberry @jihnyah @intheemptymirror @watamotee33 @fayeloveseverything @jixnnsie @wonootnoot @yukx-x047 @sundancearchives @chuuswifereal @seisyiss @fishsquishh @sunnyyangie
© kisseobie, please do not repost my writing!
𓂃✧ ୭ .•
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hellish-sunsets · 3 months
Curses and Blessings - Chapter 7
Chapter 1 ~ Chapter 2 ~ Chapter 3 ~ Chapter 4 ~ Chapter 5 ~ Chapter 6 ~ Chapter 8 ~ Chapter 9
She didn't respond for the longest time, and if he hadn't fucked it up before then he definitely did now. He let out a defeated sigh.
“I'm sorry if I made you uncomfortable-”
“No! It's, um… I'm not uncomfortable or anything, it just… caught me off guard, all the… complimenting.”
“Well, pay a compliment with a compliment. You were going on about me, so it's only fair.” She made a flustered sound and he realized what was going on. He couldn’t help the smirk that tugged at his lips and he chuckled. “Can't take a compliment, dear?” 
Read on AO3
Word Count: 1,534
@cherry-4200 @adaizel @kyo-kyo1 @elleofdragons @snoozewritezz
Lucifer jumped in his seat as his phone rang. He cursed and grabbed for it on the counter, putting his rubber duck aside to look at the screen. It probably wasn’t important…
He didn’t recognize the number. 
Very few people had his phone number for obvious reasons. The Sins had it, and Charlie had it, but that was about it. So who in hell was this?
It took a few rings before he decided to answer it anyway, pressing the button and pressing it against his ear, holding it in place with his shoulder and returning to his duck. 
“Hey Luci, it’s Y/N.” His hands froze. “Did Charlie text you about her meeting?”
He put the duck down again, clearing his throat and making sure his voice came out normal. 
“Yeah, yeah, she did. Didn’t really expect anything else… How is she doing?”
There was a pause and the clattering of something from her end of the phone. Was she working on something too?
“She was pretty upset at first, but that’s a given.” He nodded, even if she couldn’t see it. “But we talked it out, made a plan, and she’s doing better now.” There was a pause. “Are you going to help with the fight? I don't know how any of this works, if you're even allowed to…”
“I'm not.” He said with a frustrated sigh, wiping his hand down his face. “It's part of the whole extermination agreement thing. I don't get involved and the hellborn are left alone. They also made me keep all the sinners in the city so it's easier or something.”
There was a pause, just long enough for him to wince at his own admission, realizing just how bad it sounded. Damn, she probably hates him now, not that she would be wrong to. He fucked up so much -
“Yeah, not gonna lie, that sounds like a shit deal.” He gave an exhausted sigh. “Sounds about time to strike a new deal. In the meantime, we can try twisting it around to benefit us somehow.”
He gave a noncommittal hum. He hoped it would pass as a thoughtful sound, but he clearly failed.
“... you okay? What're you thinking?”
At first, Lucifer planned on waving it off. It was nothing! Just a lot going on, he's worried, something like that. But there was the nagging at the back of his head, she hates him now, the deal was stupid, she said so, he fucked up and it was biting him in the ass. The words he did end up speaking slipped out of his mouth without a thought, not really what he wanted to say exactly but close to what was running through his head. 
“Regretting my life decisions. I should never fucking agreed to that shit deal, but I thought it was okay at the time! I didn’t… really like any sinners, and it was just more important to make sure the hellborn were safe. But now that’s coming back to bite me in the ass, just like every other major decision I made! It’s like I can’t do anything right.”
His hands were gripping at his hair, the other squeezing the life out of the poor duck he hadn’t even finished. And she wasn’t responding, she had to agree. He was such a fuck up and he seemed to be reminded of that every turn he made. 
“You raised Charlie right.”
Her voice was like a lifeline in that moment, one he greedily held on to before he fell too deep into the depths of his own mind. 
“If you can’t do anything right, then explain Charlie. She came out the sweetest creature in heaven and hell, and only so much of that is her nature. That’s something you did right, and that’s got to be the most important job you’ve had.”
His grip on his hair eased and he let the poor rubber duck go, gazing down at it. 
“Yeah… but Lillith did most of that…”
“Bullshit, like you had no say or something. Let's see… you also make great pancakes. Probably the best I ever had. You're pretty funny too. There's plenty of things you do that don't end in failure. I get how your mind can go there, though. I struggle with it myself.”
His brow furrowed, confusion replacing his regret and guilt.
“What? No, I can't believe that for a second! You're too… shit, I don't know, put together? Smart, beautiful, wise… perfect! You can't possibly be a failure. I physically can't comprehend you failing at anything. Or, no… perhaps… not being held down by failure, if that makes sense? You seem like the type to take any mistakes and turn them around for the better! I… I couldn't do that… I guess that's why I respect you so much. I-” he winced, clutching the duck tighter. “I said too much, I'm sorry…”
She didn't respond for the longest time, and if he hadn't fucked it up before then he definitely did now. He let out a defeated sigh.
“I'm sorry if I made you uncomfortable-”
“No! It's, um… I'm not uncomfortable or anything, it just… caught me off guard, all the… complimenting.”
“Well, pay a compliment with a compliment. You were going on about me, so it's only fair.” She made a flustered sound and he realized what was going on. He couldn’t help the smirk that tugged at his lips and he chuckled. “Can't take a compliment, dear?” 
“You know what, let's get back on topic.” She was probably blushing, he thought. She must look so pretty blushing.
“Alright, alright, what was the point again? The battle?” 
He rested his chin in his hand, a small smile on his face while she went on about what everyone was doing. Charlie was visiting Cannibal Town to get some help, Vaggie was off to get some angelic steel for weapons, and everyone else was barricading the hotel. There was 29 days to prepare, and she sounded pretty confident that everything would turn out for the best. But as she talked, his smile slowly slipped off his face as worry gnawed at his heart.
“Are… you going to be fighting?”
There was a pause.
“Yeah, probably. I mean, everybody is, even Niffty, and I'm not going to sit around being a burden. I'll practice with everyone else. Honestly, I'm more worried about Charlie. That girl doesn't have it in her to hurt anyone…”
He hummed his agreement, something flashing in his eyes. “If anyone even lays a finger on my daughter, that battle is over.” His voice was harsh and final, and she paused before responding.
“She is hellborn. If she is in danger, then the deal is broken and you can kick as much ass as you want. Mmmm, but I don’t want to see her hurt… it’s a tricky situation for sure.”
“I mean, there’s Razzle and Dazzle, too.” He said, scratching his cheek thoughtfully. “I made them to keep Charlie safe. They would get hurt before her.”
“... do they count as hellborn?”
“Ehhh, that’s debatable, just because they weren’t born but made. I see your point though. If I see a chance to get involved, you know I will!”
“I know. I’m counting on it, it’s the only reason I’m not dying from the anxiety.”
He hummed, feeling a warmth spread in his chest. She trusted him, huh? Well, he couldn’t let her down. He was sure he could end the battle quickly if he could just get involved. But…
“Just, stay safe until I can get there, okay?”
He was probably coming off as too much, right? They barely knew each other, and even now she was only calling to make sure Charlie would be safe. And yep, there’s that fluttering in his chest again. He couldn’t lose her, not when emotions were only just starting to bubble up, ones he had yet to properly accept himself let alone admit. He still wasn’t sure it was even going to work out. He had just… he had spent too long telling himself his mark didn’t even matter or worse, was just a curse. But, many sleepless nights later thinking about her and their marks and what it means and what he should do, he was maybe, perhaps, starting to accept it. And their really was no denying the fluttering in his chest or the pain in his cheeks from smiling. 
Despite his efforts to remain distant, he really did like her.
And he was sure it would bite him in the ass just like every other bad decision he made, but there really was no avoiding it now. 
He was fucked.
“I’ll stay safe. I promise.”
He nodded to himself, squeezing his duck. 
“Alright. I’ll, uh, I’ll see you soon then.”
“You better come visit us before the hotel, for Charlie’s sake if nothing else.”
“Of course. I promise.”
“Bye, hun!”
She hung up and he put his phone aside, taking a deep breath and letting it out slowly. He stared down at his duck, damaged from being crushed in his hands. He would have to start over. He didn’t mind too much. 
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kyojurismo · 1 year
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▸ INTRO. [modern au] you need to get the train to come back to your apartment but it’s full of people and you get anxious about it.
▸ NOTES. ok well i needed comfort so here i am, r’s feelings are mostly based on my own experience so it doesn’t mean that everyone goes through this + i feel better w some kind of physical contact, but again that’s on me. i hope this will give comfort to others that feel like me ig <3
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▸ FANDOM. kimetsu no yaiba
▸ CHARACTERS. tengen uzui, sanemi shinazugawa, kyojuro rengoku x gn!reader
▸ RATING. sfw
▸ WARNINGS. modern au! mention of anxiety, cursing, pda, not proofread ofc + lemme know if i missed something pls
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tengen doesn’t notice at first, also because he’s used to take trains full of people so it’s nothing new
but then he remembers you saying that it’s difficult for you and that it makes you anxious being around so many people in a space like that
so he makes sure you’re near a window and tries to distract you with some random chat, to keep your attention focused on him
tengen knows that otherwise you’ll spend the whole ride thinking that people around you are judging you and staring at you & this would only get you even more anxious
“i was thinking that tomorrow would be great to go for a movie, or something,” he starts, gently taking one of your hands to stop your fidgeting. “what do you think?”
you would say yes, but he can see clearly that your brain is still filling up with those bad thoughts
“alright, come here,” he gently push you towards his body and let you rest against his chest. you lean into his embrace and close your eyes, finding comfort in in his perfume and his body heat. “thank you, tengen,” you whisper into his hoodie
“we’re almost there, you’re doing amazing,” he praises you, caressing your back slowly. he’s truly proud of you because he knows it gets suffocating and he tries his best to make sure you know he’s here
would also hold your hand the whole time, as to keep you grounded and make you look outside the window while he talks about something !!!
sanemi gets annoyed when he sees the train is full of people (key words: annoyed & people)
you soon grab his hand, so you won’t get separated or something
“this fucking town,” he says under his breath.
there’s no need for you to remind him or for sanemi to notice, he’s on autopilot when he takes you to the closest window
wouldn’t hesitate to push people out of his way 🫥
he positions himself right behind your back and circles your neck with his arm, caressing your shoulder gently
you rest your chin on his arm and stare out of the window, trying to concentrate on the landscape to ignore all the people around you
sanemi notices you’re still a bit nervous so he tries to distract you with some cheeky phrases or a very bad joke
“see? you’re doing amazing,” he kisses your head and makes sure you’re alright. “i’m here with you.”
now, kyojuro is a little distracted
you notice the train and start gripping his jacket, making sure you won’t lose him
“kyo…” you try to get his attention, but you notice he’s talking with a guy nearby
you squeeze his arm and get closer to his side, your eyes nervously scanning everyone around you
“yes, darling?” he finally turns his face and once he notices he takes action
“excuse me,” he gently push you towards the window while people let you two pass. he shows everyone his smile as a thank you, before giving you his whole attention
“better?” he asks you, putting one of his hands on your hip. “i’m sorry i didn’t notice sooner,” he apologises and kisses your temple.
“no problem,” you mutter and let your back rest against his chest, relaxing a bit. “i’m so proud of you for taking this train anyway, you’re amazing.”
you smile and hold his other hand, your heartbeat finally slowing down a bit
i think he would also ask you if you want to get off and wait for the next one, if you’re too overwhelmed ):
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▸ BEFORE LEAVING. reblog and comments are super appreciated. thank you so much for reading !!! have a good day / night ♡
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wosemi-sama · 9 months
Hihi!! Your blog is so pretty I wanna eat it omg ✧⁠\⁠(⁠>⁠o⁠<⁠)⁠ノ⁠✧
Btw could you please write 'fluffy' cuddling hcs for/about Kyo? :3 (+Doppio if udm)
Have a nice day <3
hehe, thank you!! u cant eat my blog (cuz that would be bad lol) BUT i will be glad to take ur req!! enjoy :}
kyo kaneko and doppio dropscythe x reader headcanons (separately)
kyo kaneko
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If your cuddling with a blanket or something, you best believe this man is gonna steal it.
Playing Mario Kart, Smash Bros, or watching random movies on Netflix until you fall asleep every night
If you fall asleep with a plushie he'll get jealous lmao
Usually tries to get the plushie out of your grasp and shimmy his way in your arms
If your a heavy sleeper: You'll wake up in the morning, wondering how he got in your arms as he snuggles up next to you
If your a light sleeper: you'll wake up while he's in the middle of it and he'll be embarrassed.
"Kyo? It's 3 AM, what are you doing?"
"Nothing.... go back to sleep."
"Tell this to anyone and your sleeping on the couch."
Anyway, you told all of Iluna.
doppio dropscythe
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Absolute sweetheart omg
LOVES cuddling with you.
Ends up falling asleep all the time
Mutters random shit in his sleep
"Only at Doppino's...."
"Zzzz.. Here at Duke Doppino's we've got pizza so dope, it'll make you dook... zzzz.."
"Doppi...? Are you awake?"
"Bug Fublez... from Animal Crossing..."
If you got all those references, I love you forever.
Hugs you from behind :)
Tends to ramble to you as your cuddling about any games he likes or something
Loves talking to you about things he did with his friends that day
"I was playing Plate Up with Millie and we got five stars!!"
"That's great, Doppi."
Also playing games with you as you fall asleep :D
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kyomaakuma7 · 10 months
You have been warned.
This drawing is quite small and rigid but is also my first ever time drawing current story Bendy.
You would imagine that I would have drawn him by now but nope! Been too busy and although I love Bendy I simply don’t draw him as often as Cuphead and Kyo. Heck! I draw Mugman more than I draw him, then again I am quite biased though.
Do not get me wrong I LOVE Bendy, his character personality, and the way he’s written is done wonderfully thanks to TAP and I often find myself relating to him. So the fact that I didn’t draw him like this yet came to a surprise of not just TAP but me.
Anyways hope you enjoy how disheveled he looks <3
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foxtailmillet · 1 year
rengoku kyojuro as a father
headcanons ❤️‍🔥
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mans is always attentive to you and your child <3
in the morning when the baby wakes up, kyo is the first up and right by their side
shh, my love it’s okay, i got it, go back to sleep
you can’t help but smile and think that he’s perfect, perfect for you
even in your sleep you can hear kyo humming to the baby
with such a loud and powerful voice, you wouldn’t expect him to also be so soft and gentle
when you get up, you find the kitchen all over the place
kyo had made an attempt to make breakfast
an attempt it definitely was, with flour all over the counters
you can’t help but laugh at the sight in front of you
kyo swaddling the baby, covered in flour, laughing with the baby
you just can’t help but melt
melt from the love you feel
and just maybe, you hope, it can stay like this
anyways you join in on the laughter
“my love be patient! breakfast is almost ready”
he’s just as adoring as the day you met
while kyo serves breakfast, you feed the baby
kyo too can’t help but bask in the sight
his little family, he can’t help but feel so proud of himself and he swears he will protect you all
ever since the baby was born, he swore he would be a better man for you both (not that he isn’t already perfect)
whenever nap time comes around, he’s already got the bedroom all set up
there’s a music box playing a lullaby and the curtains have been shut
ideal atmosphere for napping
always makes sure you and the baby are comfortable before coming into bed himself
days like these are rare, where kyo stays home and tends you two
but in spite of that, you relish these moments
as the baby falls asleep between you two you see kyo also drifting to sleep
a quick “i love you both so much…” is heard before he completely loses consciousness
he’s so hardworking he deserves to rest too
as you stare at the two identical people in front of you (oh yeah you couldn’t break the rengoku strong genes, the baby looks just like him), your eyes also start to grow heavy
and you hope time could just stay like this
with the people who you love the most in the world💕
babys gender is up to whatever you think, personally i can see him being such a daddy’s girl and just the thought of having a strong big sister taking care of her little siblings is just so 🥹 to him
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kanekoii · 8 months
Guess who's back hehe :3
Can I get some hcs of Kyo, Ren, Ike and maybe Doppi and Kotoka with a partner that kinda sucks at games that arent rhythm games or stuff like that but still wants to try playing smth with them(and fucking sucks)BRO IDK HOW TO EXPLAIN I hope you get what I mean bro (⁠っ⁠˘̩⁠╭⁠╮⁠˘̩⁠)⁠っ
pairings -> kyo kaneko, ren zotto, ike eveland, doppio dropscythe, kotoka torahime x gn! reader
genre -> yet another fluffy scenario
song -> hissatsu no command - soramafuurasaka
warnings -> kyo being a little bitch but that’s why we love him
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he lowkey loves watching you fail at games. more excuses to tease you, and that’s something we all know kyo loves. sometimes he’ll help you figure it out, but it’s often in a very sarcastic and condescending way. he tries to be nice sometimes, he really does. but seeing you struggle and whine and yell in frustration is one of his favorite pastimes. it’s so cute to him anyway, and he’ll help you eventually once you beg enough, but his sarcastic comments won’t stop ever.
when you play rhythm games though, he is in absolute awe at how you go full focus mode and won’t acknowledge him until you finish the song. it’s so cool to him, and he’ll definitely find ways to show off your skill to others.
he just gently helps you. if you’re playing something like mario party, he’ll help you and make it so you win. that way, you’ll feel more confident in your skills and he thinks that’s adorable! he loves seeing you confident! sure, sometimes he’ll tease you, but he’s overall very nice and sweet about it all.
when you’re in your element with games you’re good at tho…he thinks it’s so so cool and awesome and every other complimentary word out there. he loves it oh so much because it is so cool to see you in your element with things like that.
personal hc that he is an absolute little bitch about it. he loves you, but he is most definitely going to tease you about it. (sorry lmao i’m writing this during halloween and me and bestie are handing out candy to trick or treaters) boy absolutely loves you to death but teasing you is, much like kyo, one of his favorite pastimes. the writer isn’t absolutely perfect at other games, so he understands when you struggle a bit.
and we know boy LOVES miku, so he’s probably very experienced with rhythm games. he would love to have little competitions with you and see who’s the better gamer. doesn’t matter if you win or lose, he’ll give you a bunch of kisses anyway.
oh the gamer. the silly. if you’ve seen how good he is at mariokart, you know where i’m going with this. he’ll make you play mariokart with him to train you. doppi won’t make you do ring-fit tho, he loves you too much to force you to work out with him. during big mariokart collabs, he’ll lag behind with you just to be side by side and coach you gently.
watching you play rhythm games is one of his favorite pastimes. he loves seeing you do something you’re good at and confident with, and he most definitely brags about you on stream and with his friends.
girlfaliure. she sucks at gaming. but she has fun when she plays with you, she really does. kotoka absolutely loves gaming with you when she’s not being a girlfaliure on her cooking streams. since you both suck, you’re equal in opportunity to win or lose spectacularly.
she brags about how good you are at your rhythm games on stream constantly, your girlfriend is just so proud to have someone who’s actually good at some games to balance out how bad she is at like all of them. sorry for the kotoka slander i love her
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fakesimp · 1 year
Tbh I'm not surprised you got 1k, your writing is 😎 For this event could I ask for "Huh? Me? Jealous? You're just imagining it" with Kyo?
Jealousy, With Kyo Kaneko
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Warning !
Fluff ; Established Relationship
A/n !
Ehh?? Fufu~ sankyuuu anon ! Also Thank you for requesting !
1k Followers Event Prompts !
"Huh? Me? Jealous? You're just imagining it"
He was just finished streaming, you're on the shared bedroom, playing with your phone. Waiting for him to join you on the bed, you heard him talking and laughing in the other room. You were watching his stream so you knew he finished, now you wonder who's calling with him right now.
You waited for him on the bed like usual, but the longer you wait you heard him still on the phone with whoever that is. So you decided to go check up on him in his streaming room, you peeked into his room. You see him on his gaming chair, phone on his right ear. You see his chair slightly spin to one side to the other, so you slipped into his room and, stood quietly at the door for a moment before slowly approaching the man.
He felt a presence coming close to him so he turn his chair, to see you. Both of you stared at each other for a good minute, Kyo then excused himself from the call as soon as he sees you pouting.
But before he could ask why are you pouting you turned around and went back to the shared room, leaving him all confused. In the end he followed you to the shared bedroom eventually.
He sees the way you throw yourself to the bed and he raise a brow at you, "What's up with you?" He asked as he lean against side of the door frame, arms crossed. "Nuffing-" you replied, but muffled thanks to the pillow, "Doesn't seem like nothing to me" he said as he then closes the door and sat at the edge of the bed.
He silently watches you burying your face even deeper to the pillow, he frowned for a moment. "I was calling with Ren." He said out of the blue, making you slightly jolt. You move your head to his side, you hummed. "Mhm? What about it?" You asked him, making him slightly furrow his brows. "I just told you about it," he trailed off, "Just in case you're jealous"
That statement made you snap your head towards his direction, "Huh? M-me?? Jealous?" You denied, "You're just imagining it, I am not jealous" you said as you then rise yourself up from the bed and sat down. He let out a scoff and smiled as he raise a brow at you, "I know you too well for that" he said as he then gently pat his hand on your head.
"You know I love you right?" He asked as he scooted himself closer to you and sat next to you quietly after asking the question, you nod your head as you both held hands. "Then there's nothing for you to be jealous of, because I am yours" he continued as he then gently rub his thumb along your knuckles,
"If I have to remind you, then I'll remind you every damn second, I'll remind you that,
I love you, and will always do"
©fakesimp . 2023
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A/n !
Oh dear.. I, am bit scared of coloring my fics now fufu~ dear me.. ;;
Anyways once again sankyu for requesting !
( 3/10 )
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nerosdayinanime · 7 months
au where giyuu can only whisper/maybe mute entirely
i dont really have anything else, thats the whole idea. giyuu cant speak/can only speak in whispers
i was reading a fic that said somethn about him 'a cry silenced by a broken voice' and it reminded me of one scene from my Clan au: Shit Marriage path where giyuu has a breakdown and wrecks his shit screaming it out in the middle of nowhere/grasslands away from the compound, in that au he broke something & convinced shizu to 'heal' it to where he couldnt speak so he had an excuse Not To Talk To People
was just thinking of a more canon-adjacent au where he does sonething similar, screaming himself to silence after sabito's death in a twisted mirror of tsutako's death when he had to stay silent or he'd die too- or developing a speech disorder Because of that event with his sister where its a psychological thing, or he already had it as a kid but the event exacerbated it to an extreme-
giyuu's not a very talkative person, but to take it away entirely. try to talk with him & hes just dead silent. sanemi trying to get a rise or reaction from him and get nothing but an impossible-to-make-out whisper that makes him scoff and drop it. shinobu trying to communicate with him after she realizes he doesnt verbally respond bc he literally Cant, if he'd even put in the effort to do so for someone he's gonna keep at arm's length anyway. paired with the popular Kyojuro Cant Hear Shit hc how they'd interact, kyojuro trying to befriend him despite the lack of response, maybe they both know sign language and hes the only one giyuu actually puts effort into talking with- or kyojuro teaching giyuu sign language bc he never bothered to learn after final selection/never learned bc he always had someone else to translate for him (tsutako/sakonji/sabito). (/shinobu knowing or learning sign language, speaking with giyuu that way or teaching him as well- her and kyo being the only two hes let any sort of guard down for)
bonding with the kamados being very different, tanjiro not realizing giyuu doesnt speak at first and trying to befriend him/get in his good graces (they already were, and doing all that just made him feel soft that tanjiro cares so much abt him & his opinion of them<3)- having a much easier time deciphering giyuu's thoughts n shit than anyone else given his super feelings sniffer
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hellish-sunsets · 3 months
Curses and Blessings - Chapter 5
Chapter 1 ~ Chapter 2 ~ Chapter 3 ~ Chapter 4 ~ Chapter 6~ Chapter 7 ~ Chapter 8 ~ Chapter 9
Inwardly, Lucifer was panicking. Outwardly, he remained as bubbly and happy as ever. At least, he hoped he did. He was trying very hard to not let the panic show. 
He had been surprised when the first person he ran across when visiting the hotel was… her. He still had doubts that Charlie was right about her, but her presence still made him nervous. He just didn’t know what to think about… any of this. Despite fussing and worrying about it, alongside Charlie’s meeting today and the upcoming extermination, he hadn’t come any closer to a conclusion about her. But he shouldn’t be rude, right? It’s not her fault he was a mess of a man. So he kept a smile on his face and went along with it.
And maybe, if somewhere along the line he could confirm Charlie’s suspicions… 
Word count: 1643
Read on AO3
@cherry-4200 @adaizel @kyo-kyo1 @elleofdragons @snoozewritezz
Y/N shot up in her bed, eyes flashing in the dark of the room. She sat there as her panting breaths gradually steadied and her mind cleared, but her tears remained. Her face scrunched up as she tried to wipe away the remnants of her nightmare. The sound of crunching metal and shattering glass still rang in her ears.
She took a deep breath and glanced at the alarm clocks, the bright red numbers flashing 7:36. It was early, most of the hotel didn't get up until late. Even Charlie didn't get up till 9, preferring instead to stay in bed and cuddle with Vaggie. She had said it with hearts in her eyes and a blush on her cheeks. How disgustingly adorable.
Which meant Y/N was the only one up at this time.
She tossed the covers off and went to her bathroom, deciding to shower of the remnants of her nightmare and make breakfast for the hotel. If she kept herself busy enough she could move past it and into her day.
Once she was dressed, making sure her sweater sleeves were plenty long enough, she took off through the hotel. The halls were dimly lit by the sun, or the closest hell had to one, casting everything in a gloomy red and gray. It took her a bit to remember the way to the kitchen. She had been here, what, maybe a month or so? She couldn't remember, but it was clearly still too soon to have the layout memorized. She managed to get to the lobby and she was sure she could find the kitchen from there. 
She paused, a confused frown pulling at her lips. 
Was that someone laying on the couch? Yes, surely it was. It looked like… Lucifer? He was laying on his back, staring intently at the ceiling with a rubber duck clutched in his gloved hands. His brows were furrowed, like he was deep in thought. It was odd to see him without his hat and coat, but he did still have his vest on over the white dress shirt. 
She debated approaching him. She had only talked to him the one time before. They certainly weren't close, and he looked like he was really thinking hard. She probably shouldn't interrupt…
But her curiosity got the better of her this time. 
She approached with quiet footsteps, but he didn’t notice her. 
“Hey-” She tried to keep her voice gentle and quiet, she didn’t want to startle him, but he was startled anyway. He jumped at the sound of her voice, staring at her with wide eyes for a moment. Once he processed who he was staring at, he scrambled to sit up and hide his rubber duck, a faint blush painting his pale face. 
“Oh, uh, hey! Y-Y/N, right?” He said, giving an awkward smile.
She still couldn't believe this man was the king of hell. She chuckled, leaning over the back of the couch to smile back at him. 
“Yep! May I ask what brings you here so early in the morning?”
He chuckled, rubbing the back of his neck sheepishly. 
“We'll, I just… couldn't sleep much, so I thought I'd visit Charlie. But nobody's really up yet, so I decided to just wait. Then my mind got away from me, I guess. Just started thinking and worrying and all that, I guess.” 
She found herself staring as he rambled out his thought process, taking in the details in the dim red morning light. God, his hair was so blonde and his eyes were so big. The little blush on his face was so clear on his pale skin. 
Oh, the blush was because she was making him uncomfortable, wasn't it. She turned away and sighed.
“Yeah, she usually doesn't get up till 9. I was just heading to the kitchen to make breakfast or something.” She paused. “If you would like to join me… could be a good distraction.”
He seemed to think her invitation over before brightening up, a wide, sharp toothed smile taking over his face.
“Good idea!” He hopped off the couch and made an exaggerated bow and motion. “After you, my dear!”
She chuckled and led him to the hallway. “I think the kitchen's this way…”
Inwardly, Lucifer was panicking. Outwardly, he remained as bubbly and happy as ever. At least, he hoped he did. He was trying very hard to not let the panic show. 
He had been surprised when the first person he ran across when visiting the hotel was… her. He still had doubts that Charlie was right about her, but her presence still made him nervous. He just didn’t know what to think about… any of this. Despite fussing and worrying about it, alongside Charlie’s meeting today and the upcoming extermination, he hadn’t come any closer to a conclusion about her. But he shouldn’t be rude, right? It’s not her fault he was a mess of a man. So he kept a smile on his face and went along with it.
And maybe, if somewhere along the line he could confirm Charlie’s suspicions… 
No, he couldn’t think like that. It would only lead to disappointment. 
“Here it is!” Her voice broke through his thoughts and a smile slid back onto his face as she led him into the kitchen. It was a very large room, surprisingly clean despite the state of the rest of the hotel. He could work with that. He watched her as she started looking through the fridge. “What should we make…”
”Let’s do pancakes!” he immediately suggested. “I use to make pancakes for Charlie all the time when she was little.”
She nodded her agreement, taking out the eggs and milk and butter. They worked together in silence, Lucifer combining the needed ingredients and stirring while she chopped up some fruit to put in or beside the pancakes, they still hadn’t decided which. 
He found himself glancing at her more than he probably should. He hoped she didn’t notice. He should probably stop, but his eyes were simply drawn to her in a way he couldn’t help, peaking at her wrist. But her sleeve was pulled down and he couldn’t get more of a glimpse than the very edge of the colors. 
They were very similar colors to his…
The thought made his heart jump in his chest and he focused on his stirring.
“Do we have a skillet or something, you think?” He asked, managing to keep his voice even. He smiled at himself, giving himself an imaginary pat on the back.
“Yeah, let me get looking.” She said, putting down her knife to rummage through the cupboards. While she wasn’t looking he smirked at himself and stole a banana slice.
“Don’t touch!” She playfully snapped at him and he froze.
“How the hell did you even see that?” He wondered, staring at her with wide eyes. She turned around to smile at him and wave a large pan. 
“Reflections. If you want fruit, get your own, they’re right there.” She motioned to the bananas and strawberries and the counter next to the cut ones. He narrowed his eyes at her, giving her a big mischievous smile and slowly reaching out to take another slice. She leaned over to slap his hand and he snickered, rubbing at the sting. His little stunt managed to earn himself a small smile from her, one that made her eyes sparkle. “Don’t be a little shit. Do you want to cook the pancakes?”
“I would love to!” He took the pan from her and took his spot at the stove top. 
He hummed happily as he cooked. She handed him the batter and cut fruit when needed, and it wasn’t long before they had several large stacks of pancakes. The smell of the fresh cooked pancakes filled the kitchen. 
It was a surprisingly pleasant moment of domestic levity. Lucifer didn’t think he’d experience such a thing again, not since Lillith… shit, and now he was going to ruin it thinking about her. He tried to clear his mind and focus on the job in front of him. But he kept getting distracted by memories. His smile slowly slipped off his face and he leaned heavily against the neighboring counter. His gaze started to grow distant, the pancakes growing blurry on the plan. Focus, focus…
“Hey Lucifer.”
He managed to snap out of it, a smile easily slipping back onto his face as he turned to her. “Yeah?”
“Do you think we should make blueberry pancakes too?” She asked, holding up a container of the berries in question. The tension in his shoulders seemed to ease some as she spoke. He shrugged. 
“I don’t see why not. Give the people one more choice!”
She nodded, taking the container to the sink to rinse off. Has she done that to the strawberries too and he didn’t notice? Checks out, his mind seemed to wander quite a bit this morning. 
His breath caught in his throat. She was starting to push up her sleeves, the right one first then the left where her mark was hidden. His eyes snapped to her wrist, biting down on his tongue and holding his breath, like if he made a wrong move, or any move at all, she would stop. His eyes widened as he looked over the swirl of colors on her arm, slowly revealed as the sleeve was pushed up. The colors blended into her skin better, almost looking natural on her like it always belonged, a familiar array of gold, orange, and pink. 
He quickly looked away, flipping his pancakes before they could burn. She continued to wash the blueberries, unaware of what he was going through. 
He took a deep breath. Then another. He couldn’t get his thoughts in line. 
Looks like Charlie was right.
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kyojurismo · 1 year
hi sweetheart ! haven’t been feeling good recently (I feel like a dumpster fire rn 🥲) and I was wondering if I could request a short little modern!au sanemi x gn!reader x kyojuro fluff drabble? I don’t really have a specific prompt aside from that, just need some comfort from some of my cc’s :( I understand if you don’t feel comfy with the request too so no hard feelings if you deny it, thank you !! 🫶🏼
# kyojuro rengoku & sanemi shinazugawa
tags : modern au! gn!reader, poly relationship, fluff, slice of life? not proofread of course.
a/n : hi keira !! i searched up some fluffy prompts bc i’ve been running out of ideas these days lmao but then ended up writing something really random… i hope you’ll like it. i’m sending you a big hug & i hope you’ll feel better soon !! <3
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“stop moving,” sanemi’s gruff voice fills your ears. you know he’s talking to kyojuro, because you can feel him moving too. “oh, my apologies,” his tone is lower than usual, as he thinks you’re still sleeping.
“good morning,” you say without moving. kyojuro chuckles and kisses your forehead. “see? you woke them up,” sanemi growls, annoyed. “i’ve been awake since you kicked my butt,” you confess and you chuckle, followed by kyojuro. sanemi simply falls quiet as his cheeks turns red.
“do you have work today?” you ask kyojuro, moving closer to him. he wraps his arms around you, holding you close to his warm chest. “yeah,” he nods and caresses your back slowly. you’re close to falling asleep again.
“noisy,” sanemi mumbles into his pillow. “you’re just jealous,” you mock him. “he’s gonna kiss me later anyway,” he replies quickly. “me first!”
“alright, alright,” kyojuro giggles before getting up before you two. as usual. “no, come back!” you try to grab him from his pants but he’s already out of reach. you watch him disappear into the bathroom and then you roll over to sanemi, positioning yourself on his back.
“mhm,” he doesn’t move, silently appreciating the contact. you snuggle closer, resting your forehead against his nape. “you’re warm,” you murmur and he simply nods, his face still buried in the pillow.
you stay like this for a while, when kyojuro finally exits the bathroom and starts getting dressed. “you two should get up,” he announces, his tone now loud as usual. “no,” you and sanemi reply at the same time, causing kyojuro to smile.
“i’ll make breakfast,” he then announces. “no, wait,” sanemi grabs your legs and finds a way to get up with you on his back. you wrap your arms around his neck and sigh softly, eyes still closed.
“i can make breakfast,” sanemi assures him and walks to the kitchen, still holding you. “preferences?” he asks you, caressing your leg with his thumb. “pancakes,” you answer, rubbing your cheek against his neck. “gotcha.”
sanemi starts preparing pancakes while kyojuro finishes getting ready for work. sanemi is able to prepare breakfast while having you on his back the whole time.
once you three are done eating breakfast, kyojuro helps cleaning the dishes before leaving for work. “alright, i gotta go now,” he kisses your forehead, then walks over to sanemi and kisses his nose, making him blush. just like the first times.
“bye, kyo!” you smile at him and watch him leave the apartment, hugging sanemi’s arm. “have a good day at work,” the white haired boy adds, making the other one smile.
once the door closes, you turn to look at sanemi and pout at him. “at least pretend you enjoy spending time with me,” he pinches your hip, making you squirm. “i enjoy it! you’re just all grumpy,” you punch his arm playfully. “i got work to do, bye,” sanemi starts walking towards his room and you quickly follow him, jumping on his back. “you promised to bake cookies with me today, for kyojuro,” you remind him.
“tsk, i know what i promised,” he replies in an annoyed tone. “then??” you look at him expectantly. “yeah, yeah. let’s go.”
“that uzui, i don’t like him,” you turn to sanemi, raising your brows. “you don’t even know him, and kyojuro speaks good about him anyway. what’s the matter?” you ask him, kyojuro looks at sanemi too. “i don’t know, i just feel it,” he keeps his eyes focused on the plate, making kyojuro chuckle. “are you jealous, darling?” he asks him, and you smirk at that.
“the hell?! why would i be jealous?” he spits, annoyed. you catch the hint of a blush on his face and that is enough to make you laugh. “he’s just a colleague, ‘nemi,” kyojuro leans closer to him and kisses his cheek. “me too!” you turn to kyojuro, waiting for a kiss.
kyojuro nods and kisses your cheek too. “well, i’ll stop talking about uzui then,” he smirks, playfully looking at the other man. “cut that shit,” he rolls his eyes. “we made the cookies for you, not for him by the way.
you watch sanemi get up and putting the plates away before you could offer to help him. “ooh, baby ‘nemi was so proud he wanted only our kyo to eat them,” you smile fondly at your lover. “i see. well, i enjoyed them very much! quite tasty, ‘nemi,” your other lover reassures sanemi, making him blush.
“whatever,” he mutters while starting washing the dishes. you two notice he’s embarrassed enough so you leave him be. “it’s your turn to chose the movie tonight,” you get up and look at kyojuro with a smile. “nothing boring, thank you,” sanemi adds soon after, making kyojuro chuckle.
“alright, i’ll go check the dvds,” kyojuro gets up too and reaches the living room, looking through the pile of dvds for something to watch all together. “do you want chips or pop corns?” you ask sanemi, opening a cabinet. “pop corns,” he answers while drying his hands with a towel. “gotcha,” you nod.
you all sit down on the couch as kyojuro turns on the tv before sitting right next to you, sanemi sitting on your other side. “i love movie nights,” you confess in a soft tone. “me too,” kyojuro adds while resting his arm on the back of the couch, to caress sanemi’s neck. “mhm,” he nods too.
you rest your hand on sanemi’s thigh while leaning your head over kyojuro’s shoulder, enjoying the comfortable feeling of having them close to you.
you end up falling asleep on sanemi’s shoulder. they carefully take you to bed, kissing your cheeks and then lying down next to you soon after. “i love you,” sanemi murmurs while staring at the ceiling. “we love you too.”
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