#anyways i love her ur honor and i have many thoughts on her abilities
wanjian · 2 years
i have like... some thoughts on kiriko, her abilities, and her connection to the fox spirit. i also think, while i do like the thought of her dyeing her hair, the idea of her hair slowly turning green as a manifestation of her power and tie with the fox spirit as a result is just way more fun imo?
i also have other thoughts, mostly regarding canon divergency and age because blizzard...... they don’t know what they’re doing with timelines, so in my canon she’ll be like 30 / around 30 because it makes the most sense to do so.
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hey love🥺🥺
can i request smth for aragorn pls🥺🥺 prob based on this post cus hes so crazy HOT in this but yeah everything else is up to u!! hope ur having a wonderful day<3
Yes girl here we go. I hope this is alright.
Aragorn x Elven reader - Find Me
Summary: With your elven duties done for the time being, your heart yearns for a certain Ranger as he travels in the wilds of Middle Earth.
Warning: fluff, Aragorn just being a beautiful softy
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Folding your arms you look out upon the great valley of Rivendell, with her beautiful elven homes, shimmering waterfalls, and never ending ability to always have singing nearby from elven voices of pure golden honey.
You truly love this place with all of your very heart and soul, it has been your home for the past four-thousand years or so, but in the recent five-hundred have you been traveling throughout the wilds of middle earth in search of adventure. But it would just so happen that on one of your travels through a lonely mountain range did you happen to come face to face with the dirty but admittedly handsome likeness of a Ranger.
His crystal blue eyes grew wide in awe and wonder as your angelic form drew forth from the woodland, it was like all troubles and fear had vacated from his body the moment those beautiful ocean irises saw your smiling face. He was undoubtedly aware that you were in fact an elf, but his heart swelled anyways and he blessed whoever would listen for a single chance in all his lifetime to have seen your face just this once.
Though this would not be the last time you’d meet him, far from it, it just so happened that when looking upon his scruffy face did you feel an intense pull to him in a way that you couldn’t explain, nor have ever felt before. It was a strange but wonderful feeling all in one, that night would the two of you talk for hours. Leading into a week of traveling with him, this Ranger seemed content and joyous with your company.
It did not take long for feelings to grow and spark into a magnificent fire, swirling with admiration, respect, trust, and love for one another. It did not feel rushed, it felt completely right, like you had waited this long for something so pure and meaningful, and were not disappointed in the slightest.
This handsome Ranger would not utter his true name until the next time you two would meet, a year and a half later after you had to assist Elrond with something gravely important dealing with some strange pack of dwarves and a quest to claim their homeland. The things you do for that elf.
Though when you returned to the wilds, and it did take some skilled tracking, you had found him once more and still looking as dashing as ever. Though this time he greeted you with a chaste kiss, his eyes so full of love and relief for your safe return to him after such a long time apart. Under the stars, wrapped up in his arms with the light of a lowly burning fire flicking shadows across your faces. Did the Ranger tell you his name, Aragorn, your heart leapt with joy once the words had parted from his lips.
You would learn of his heritage and that he was the rightful king of the great white city, so far away. But just the same you would accept him anyways, he was grateful and loved you twice as much. In the next couple years would you leave for Rivendell and your duties then return to your Ranger, staying with him for months on end, the two of you soaking up every moment together with stories, fleeting glances, laughter, and the sweetest of kisses.
Though right now, standing on a grand balcony in your true home of Rivendell do you feel that familiar pang of longing deep in your heart, you miss Aragorn more then you’d be able to say with words. But Elrond has needed you recently, claiming no other elf can slay so many orcs with such stealth and precision. Indeed a truthful compliment, and yes you’ve upheld to your duties to protect the realm, but you can’t help but feel called to your Ranger.
He misses you deeply.
You tilt your head to the sky as a light soft breeze caresses your face, you can hear the familiar patter of light footsteps as they walk down the steps behind you. Crossing the opened room, the source of the intrusion stands by your side, yet he is still a calm and comforting presence, “My dear Y/N, you have done well to protect these lands in the past couple months. But I can’t help but notice how your smile seems fleeting these days. What troubles you?”
Sighing you glance at Lord Elrond, “The Ranger.”
“Aragorn.” He says knowingly with the tiniest of smiles.
“Yes. It has been many moons since last we parted, I worry for him. But I understand that I must keep to my duties here. So I will stay.”
Elrond smiles like a kind father, “So it would appear that the world would have you two meet once again. I ask you this, Y/N. Would you find your Ranger and bring him to Rivendell, I very much would like to speak to him again.”
A small smile tugs at the corners of your lips, your heart practically leaping with joy, “I would be honored.” You laugh, “Like you had to ask my dear friend, he will not be able to hide from me. I will find him in due time.”
The old elf smiles, “I do not doubt it. Your tracking skills are rather outstanding, though your heart leads you in more ways then you know.”
“Always with the wise words,” You tease, “you’re around Gandalf too much I can tell.”
“Oh Y/N.” A small chuckle escapes him, “Maybe so....but I must tell you, your horse will be awaiting you at dawn. Your weapons and travel pack just the same, stay safe, I fear more beasts lurk around every corner these days.” He warns.
“Well, perhaps it’s a good thing I know how to use a sword. And with my bow, they’ll never see me coming.” You add with a sly grin, he nods in agreeance.
“Til we meet again, Y/N.” Finally speaks Lord Elrond handing you a small smile as he turns to leave and go about his other duties.
In the early hours of the morning, just before the sun began her bright ascent into the clouds, did you make way for the mountain pass. Atop of your dashing steed, sword at your hip, bow held to your back, and determination in your heart.
To find your sweet Aragorn.
It had been many days, then turning into a couple weeks of riding and endless tracking before finally, finally, did your elven eyes land on a familiar boot print in the mud. A horses hoof by its side, not even three days old, he is close now. But as you take another few steps does your nose crinkle in disgust, you follow the scent to a tree where a dead orc is laying upon the ground rotting from a slice to its neck and chest.
He was without a doubt here, the evidence is truly telling. You turn, quickly throwing yourself atop your horse before taking off in the direction of the tracks. Just as you’d thought, it would take about a day and a half to find him. His trail leading into the woods, a thicker more secluded wood, full of great green pines and giant ferns littering the opened ground. Sliding off of your horse, you walk around to her front, grabbing the leather reins to lead her forward into the unknown.
Not even an hour later do your pointed ears pick up the sounds of someone trying to dig out roots, if they were attempting to be quiet, mission failed. Not wanting to be made known of your presence, you leave your loyal steed by a downed log and stealthy walk your way to the source of the noise.
Is it him?
As silent as an owl in flight do you unsheathe your shimmering silver sword, it flashes in the dying sunlight as you take cautious feather light steps to a certain Ranger, he’s almost hilariously oblivious to your staring. You watch as he cuts out a thick root from the disturbed earth, you glance to your right and notice his horse, it feeds unaware to your presence.
With a smirk do you take another couple steps forward, he doesn’t even know, another step now and you’re an arms reach away. As sly as a fox do you bring your sleek blade to the side of his throat, he tenses immediately.
“What’s this? A Ranger caught off his guard?” You smirk, a mischievous tinge to your voice as he lets out a breath. His body relaxing once again as you move your blade from his throat, sheathing it once more.
A smile graces his lips as he slowly stands up, turning around to face you with those beautiful blue eyes of his, “Y/N.” You smirk at him. He’s so close now.
You don’t have time to speak another word, for your king has captured you in his arms, blessing your lips with a warm kiss, it’s full of love, longing, and adoration. You can tell how much he’s missed you after these longs months apart, hopefully he’s able to tell how much you happen to feel the same. After another couple wonderful seconds does he pull away for breath, his hands hugging your sides close as he presses his forehead to yours.
“Meleth nin.” Whispers your Ranger, “What brings you to the wilds? I thought Lord Elrond was in grave need of you for something important?”
You smile, “That time has passed. My duties are done for now, I could not bare to keep away from you for much longer. It would have driven me mad.” He tilts his head to kiss the tip of your nose affectionately.
“You’ve blessed my soul once more, Y/N. My moon amongst the darkness, I am grateful to see your face once again.”
“Aragorn.” You speak breathlessly at his heartfelt words, you hug him tighter, a warmness blooming from deep within your chest, “Come with me back to Rivendell. Elrond has missed your company and I would very much enjoy having you close.”
“Then I am yours my lady.” He whispers lovingly into the evening air, your heart flutters with excitement.
The journey back to Rivendell felt much shorter and less lonely with your dirty faced Ranger by your side keeping you company and warm on the cool nights as you both slept underneath the thousands of dazzling stars. Soon enough your horses had made their way onto the white stone path leading into the great kingdom. Birds chirp happily from nearby as you both listen to the soft roaring of the waterfalls.
You and Aragorn ride up to the front, a long stairwell in front of you leading into a large gathering area, your horse neighs as footsteps be fall upon the pale stone steps. Your elven eyes glance up to find Lindir as he carefully walks down the steps, stopping on a flat platform just above more of the marble stairs.
“My Lady Y/N, Aragorn, it is a pleasant sight to see the both of you doing well on this fine morning.” States Lindir with a genuine smile.
You laugh, “You mean to say, it’s good that we have not been slain by goblins in the dead of night?” Aragorn chuckles from behind you as he sits upon his steed.
The elven man blinks, a small laugh escapes him, “Perhaps that was what I happened to be implying. These days we can never be to careful, terrible beasts lurking around every corner it seems.” He pauses for a moment, remembering what he came down here for, “Forgive me, I meant to ask if you’d join Lord Elrond for breakfast, he is eager to speak with Aragorn...I will have my men take care of your horses. You two must be tired, I will have baths prepared for you two at once. Excuse me for now, my friends.” Rambles Lindir as both you and Aragorn jump down from your horses, two elves coming to your aid as they take the leather reigns from each of your hands.
As they guide the loyal beasts away, you turn to take a step up the stairs, stopping to look at Aragorn, “Now you.” Your eyes trail him up and down, “definitely need a bath.”
He jogs up the steps, coming to a halt next to you, “Have you seem your face melleth nin.” He teases, though you don’t have a speck of dirt on your skin, being an elf does have its perks like that.
You laugh, “I don’t need to my love, I’m already the most radiant creature you’ve ever been lucky enough to see.” The most adorable smile breaks out upon his dirt smudged face as a light pink dusts his scruffy cheeks, even knowing you for so long are you still able to make him blush.
“Perhaps I cannot disagree there. Now let’s get something to eat.” He adds with a smile, a flash of excitement crossing his features as he thinks of actual real food. 
You playfully scoff, “And you a bath.”
“Am I not the most radiant creature in all the land?” He teases.
Rolling your eyes you let out a chuckle before continuing to walk up the stairs, “Aragorn. Come on.” He smiles while watching you lead, feeling rather blessed to have you so near once again.
Breakfast had been delicious without a doubt and your bath was warm and definitely needed, even if you can’t seem to get as dirty as a certain someone. Now dressed in your normal elven attire do you wander around the halls of Rivendell in search of your Ranger who has appeared to have gotten himself lost. Well not really, you’ve more so misplaced him, this kingdom is rather big after all.
Not even ten minutes later do you find him, he’s standing on the edge of a crystal blue pool, watching as some beautifully colored fish swim around the water unbothered and free. You slowly walk into the opening of the large room, taking light steps to see if you can sneak up on him again. Your breathing is low as you skillfully take your time to cross the room.
But alas your plans are foiled once he happens to glance in your direction, his blue eyes locking onto your smirking face as he takes you all in, “Were you trying to scare me?” He wonders in that velvety voice of his.
You bite your lip, taking a few more casual steps forward as you gently touch the side of his arm, “Me? Scaring you? I would never do such a thing.” You play off, he laces his arm through yours as you both begin walking towards a balcony.
“Your absence these last couple months have been more taxing then I had first realized.” Begins your sweet Aragorn, shifting the mood to a more serious tone, “But I am glad to have you now, my dear Y/N, thank you for coming back to me.”
You hand him a kind smile, “I will always come back to you, in every lifetime, you may be the most skilled hunter I have ever known. But I will always be able to find my way to you.” You lightly squeeze his bicep with your free hand, “I love you more then life, you know this.”
His eyes look to the floor for a moment, “Are you still certain?” He asks, finding your gaze once again, though you know exactly what it means.
You nod, “Without a doubt in my heart, I am.”
He brings you to the balcony overlooking all of Rivendell in all of her grand beauty, his face true as he looks deeply into your eyes, “You know what your choice means Y/N, my life may be longer then most men’s, but I don’t want you to give up your life for mine.”
You gently touch the side of his cheek, your other hand pressed against his chest as he holds onto it tightly, “Aragorn. I have lived many lifetimes on this earth, and in every one of them alone. Indeed I am very old, but I would rather be apart of yours then suffer another three thousand alone. It is not your fault that I feel this way for you, you have to understand that.”
He sighs, looking deeply into your loving eyes, “But your life here.”
Shaking your head you smile, “My true family has been sleeping in the ground since the last great war for middle earth, all I have left his Elrond. I made my choice the moment I decided to follow you into the wilds. You are all that I want, all that I care for in this life, do not push me away because you think I should live longer.”
He frowns, “I would never do that to you, I swear it. I just want you to be happy, that is all I care about.” Oh, Aragorn you sweet man.
You remove your hand from his cheek to gently hold his arm that’s wrapped around your side, “I am, and I plan to follow you to death, I don’t believe even a Balrog could make me leave your side.”
He chuckles holding you closer, “Y/N, I do not deserve you.”
You let out a quick laugh, “Definitely not.”
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jasmine-iroh · 4 years
i have so many ideas in my head for fics LMAO and as u know i am obsessed w ur writing hehehe umm lets think can you do a sokka imagine where reader is Piandao’s apprentice as well so she spars with Sokka in his training and always wins, until he beats her one day from like being flirty and distracting her or something?? idk u can ignore this and just do any imagines u like LOL
Ahhhhh I love this idea so much!! Idk why but I have a headcanon that Piandao is lowkey like Batman and just trains abandoned kids and now he has like a tiny army of little white lotus warriors he’s informally adopted over the years.
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This kid is weird.
That was the immediate impression (Y/N) got of Sokka when Master Piandao had introduced him as a new apprentice.
What the hell kind of name is Sokka, anyways?
That was her second thought. It was the kind of name that rolled off her tongue nicely when she was snapping at him to focus during their drills. The shape of it in her mouth made it easy to add a snarl to the front and a growl at the end when he was screwing around in front of Piandao, making them both look bad.
By the end of his first day training with (Y/N) under Piandao’s reserved tutliage, Sokka had been introduced to several intermediate forms. His heavy wooden practice sword had turned his arms to jelly long ago and there were various bruises and scrapes from (Y/N) sneaking past his defenses, but Sokka didn’t mind the aches.
She’s amazing.
That was Sokka’s first impression of (Y/N) as he watched her demonstrate the basic forms he was supposed to learn. He wasn’t focusing on the forms, but rather the warrior waltzing her way through them.
(Y/N) seemed to merge with her abilities. She moved with the ease of someone who spent her time befriending her skills, pouring her soul into singing metal and brutal dance numbers. Her blade was her master as much as Piandao was. She wielded her sentences as tactfully as her steel, every word intentional and aimed to cut to the heart of a matter.
Sokka would wager his last copper piece that her and Suki would get along quite well if they ever met.
He’s good.
That was (Y/N)’s third thought as she watched Sokka breeze through his basic drills.
A tiny part of her sung with pride when Master informed her that she was excelling in her duty of shaping Sokka into a proper swordsman. Sokka was her first real trainee during her time with Piandao. She’d studied under him from the age of six, when she’d turned up on his doorstep after being left behind in the middle of the night by her nomadic family.
She’d seen many hopeful young men turn up on that same doorstep, opening her sanctuary to their arrogant swaggers and second rate weaponry. They had all given her the same look when she guided them through Piandao’s home; a look that held the intrigue of having a girl around to preen for, not knowing that she was the judge, jury, and executioner of their fate.
Piandao might’ve been the one to teach the boys to fight, but (Y/N) was the one to make them honor the battle. They all came boasting to the Master about their accomplishments in their backwater town, lauding their own praises and embellishing their military bloodlines. Most left cursing the girl with forged steel for a personality and the word no sharpened like a blade.
Not Sokka, though.
(Y/N) supposed that maybe that’s what first warmed her up to him, the fact that he’d seen the sword on her belt first and her gender second. His quick wit and ability to bounce back after a defeat didn’t hurt, either.
Sokka’s knuckles were still red and actively bruising from their previous match when Piandao informed the pair that the next would be their last for the day. The compound was bathed in the golden promise of a sunset to come and (Y/N) found herself getting distracted by the way the light pressed gentle kisses to Sokka’s cheeks. The breeze played with his unraveling topknot like a teasing lover, taunting (Y/N) with the idea of what he’d look like with his hair down.
Before her thoughts could settle on the fight in front of her and not the boy, Sokka was making the first move. He went for the obvious strike, even though he should’ve learned by that point that (Y/N) would parry the blow.
Swinging her sword up to block him with ease, (Y/N) found herself shocked by their close proximity, puzzled that Sokka had thrown his first move to get close to her. A coy smirk was crawling along Sokka’s face as he gifted the young warrior with a flirtatious wink, causing her to narrow her own eyes back at him. It seemed that Sokka had seen her distraction and chose to wield his looks as his weapon of choice for this round.
“You can’t fluster me into losing, Sokka,” (Y/N) huffed, a mild bout of surprise bubbling as she realized that she was actually having to try to keep Sokka from getting the upper hand in their fight.
“That doesn’t seem fair, you’ve been flustering me all day.” He replied with a disarming grin, putting her on the defense with a quick, if somewhat unpracticed, set of attacks.
“Cut it out.” She growled, hoping the dark flush on her cheeks could be written off as exertion and not a real blush. Those oceanic eyes stared a hole into (Y/N), the flickering of his pupils to the side being the only consistent indication of his next move.
He was still too close for (Y/N) to ready a true offense, so she blocked and parried his attacks, his ever increasing proximity forcing her a step back with each move. She was trying to distance herself for an attack when the stone wall of the practice arena hit her back, shocking the wind out of her and allowing Sokka to land what would have been a fatal strike in a real fight. Their eyes were still locked as their chests heaved from the effort of the fight, bewildered (Y/E/C) eyes meeting a cunning blue gaze.
“Resourceful use of terrain, Sokka. (Y/N), don’t allow yourself to be crowded by a larger opponent. Use your agility, not your size.” Piandao advised, snapping the pair out of their staring contest. Sokka was still looming over (Y/N), but she wasn’t looking at him, instead forcing herself away from the wall to disappear into the bamboo thicket. She was being melodramatic, she knew, but she was ashamed that she’d let a stupidly charming boy make her look like a fool in front of her Master. The blow to her pride was blistering, raising all of her long buried insecurities to the surface.
“Hey, what’s wrong?” Sokka’s voice called from the bamboo to (Y/N)’s right. To hear that much concern in the voice of a boy who barely knew her showed his true character, but (Y/N) wished he would reveal an arrogant side. Something, anything, to throw her heart off the scent of a crush.
“Why would you do that?” She snarled, trying to cover the turmoil in her mind with misplaced anger.
“Do what?” His disembodied voice was confused, the rustling of bamboo revealing his position to (Y/N).
“Embarrass me like that in front of everyone! Do you know how hard it is to be taken seriously as a girl doing this?” (Y/N) ranted, her glare already fixed to the spot where Sokka popped out of the foliage into her line of view.
“I-I’m sorry. I didn’t mean it like that, I just... I thought we had something going on there for a minute, y’know? You’re the best fighter I’ve ever met, being a girl doesn’t change that.” He told her honestly. He took a tentative step closer, approaching her like he would a scared cat.
“That trick won’t work a second time.” (Y/N) snapped, her eyes spitting fire at him. Once again, she found herself on the defensive with this boy, every careful step he took towards her sending her a step back until her back pressed against a clutter of bamboo.
“Trick? (Y/N), there is no trick. It’s called liking someone, and hoping they like you back.” Sokka exclaimed, frustration trickling into his tone. He wanted to be patient and give her room to puzzle out his intentions, but she was too busy protecting her emotions to see his truth.
A long pause, before, “he’ll replace me if he thinks I’m easily distracted.” It was said so quietly, in such a hopeless voice, that Sokka wouldn’t recognize it as (Y/N) speaking if he wasn’t watching her lips form the words.
“He’s a fool, then. He won’t find another (Y/N).” Sokka told her boldly, feeling wild and fierce in their bamboo haven with her baring her deepest emotions to him.
“Please stop saying nice things. It makes it really hard to be mad.” (Y/N) whispered in that same careful voice, her tone cooling as she folded in on herself. She couldn’t believe she’d shown her soul to a boy she’d known for two days.
“Then don’t be mad, be honest. Do you find me as distracting as I find you?” Sokka matched her tone, speaking quietly as he tried to coax her back out of her shell.
“No. Yes? I don’t know. I’ve never even liked any of the apprentices before you.” She huffed, tilting her head back to groan at the sky in confusion.
“Stop over thinking it. Do I distract you? Yes or no?” Sokka pressed, taking (Y/N)’s battle calloused hands in his own and tugging her attention back to those oceanic eyes.
“Yes.” Her tone was confident, her rough thumbs tracing delicate shapes over Sokka’s bruised knuckles as she accepted his rough palms in her own.
“I’m glad I’m not the only one, then, or this would’ve been awkward.” He admitted, a warm blush crawling up his neck.
“It already was,” (Y/N) giggled quietly, releasing the tension between them. They stood grinning at each other like fools, both trying to stretch this soft, peaceful moment into a lifetime. Sokka leaned down closer to (Y/N) slowly, his eyes flickering between her own and her lips as he gave her the chance to stop him.
Instead of bolting like he half expected her to, she leaned up and pressed a firm kiss to his lips, pulling him closer. The action threw him off balance and sent the pair tumbling through the bamboo, Sokka landing on top of (Y/N) with a squawk of indignation.
The serene atmosphere broken, they stared into each other’s eyes for a shocked moment before bursting into laughter and settling for holding each other close like a cherished possession.
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kyunsies · 3 years
hello hello mädchen <3 i hope you're doing good today and it is lovely where you are
i am slowly feeling better thank you - i'm still have trouble with sleep but i hope that it gets better soon. 😢😢😢 your words. you are super amazing too and so kind. i feel we have very similar tendencies too and it's a really good thing sometimes but can also be a not so good thing. idk if you've tried this but i'm trying to try less hard? not that like i don't want to work hard but it feels like sometimes i cross that line where it's too much and it actually makes it worse? like to let go enough to be able to appreciate my work as opposed to try and kill myself over it? idk i don't know if it will work but i want to try? i've just moved to a new agent/rep that will hopefully be better for my mental health just cause they seem nicer and will stress me out less.
your job sounds really thorough though. do you enjoy it? i 100% agree with you though! i like to buy good quality clothes too, but that's probably because i really don't buy loads either so each piece feels like an investment? what did you get? is it warm where you are? or have you been investing in more wintry stuff? i so so rarely get multiple versions of albums! i always really to but then i wonder if i;m going overboard and if i end up looking at the photobooks? i got the comma and xiesta photobooks last year and now i'm not sure if i wanna sell them on to a monbebe that will appreciate them more? hmm just me overthinking probably? leather platform shoes sound AMAZING. hahah i do the same though if i know i want to spend some money so i usually wait for the following month sometimes even though i know i'm gonna get the thing anyway? haha.
i'm back to heaven as my fave now!! i'm so so so looking forward to mx eng2 but i agree with you. like these careers are so so so short i'm sure they're aware of this and just want to live their career to their full.
ahhhhh 😢😢😢i love you lots and honestly i was so scared my last year of uni too. i don't think older generations get how much harder it is for people our age when we leave uni and stuff to just start a live that is nice and happy and fulfilling. so you're not alone and honestly even now i feel the same way just after i left uni. BUT you know you have the ability and that means you'll always be able to find a way. i was gonna buy five versions of an album today so i am deffo not the most responsible haha XD but thank you and also know that being insecure means that you're human and not an asshole because honestly all the people that were so overconfident that i've ever known (and i don't mean like - putting it on to help them get through stuff or performing but legit thought they were all that) have all been assholes. so it means you have a good heart and you will always find a way. i don't deserve being looked up to honestly but i'm honored you think i am <3 i'll always keep working hard - i wish i could give you a hug in person and let you know that things will be okay! please always feel ok to tell me your troubles and anything as well. am always here for anything you need too <3
love you lots and lots and lots xxxxx 🦢
babe i am finallyyyyyyyyyy answering this now ;___; i'm so sorry i kept u waiting but i wanted to answer this with all of my attention and not when i was busy bc that wouldn't have been fair to u :( so i hope u have been well and thank u so much for being patient !!! also u used my full name ........ what if i loved u with my whole heart <3
have u finally been able to get the rest you need ? i know work can keep our anxieties on high alert, which makes us even more inclined to burn out :( i hope u are able to rest well soon and not worry too much about work in the future ;____; but like i always say i'm really proud of u for pushing thru anything bubbie like u could easily just give up or have a mental block but if there's one thing i know both of us pride ourselves in it's always finding a way to handle stress no matter what the cost it does to our mental heath etc ....... which could be a bad thing but also there's lots to be said about how our work ethic is right ?? also LDSKFJS not trying hard .......... i think u mean like not stressing myself over every little thing right? there's a saying "don't cry over spilled milk" like CHILL it's okay it's just a mistake just clean it up and move on :') i really wish i can learn this mentality in the future ...... i just don't have those types of ppl around me in nursing school bc all of us are always on edge so i think i'm missing ppl like that in my life (besides my family but to an extent they can be classified as type A personalities too skjflfj) but anyways; u said u moved onto a new agency?? i hope that works well for u and they are able to allow u to grow and create things freely <3 good luck !!!
my job is just okay !! i won't be doing this in the future but it's nice to know that for a fact i don't think i could work in an office setting like this for the rest of my life HHH but it's okay, i don't mind organizing things for other ppl esp if it will help the company in the long run !!! and about my clothes SLKDFJ i totally agree !!! like we said we don't like our bank account hitting below a certain number so everything i buy is like an "investment" like u said hehe so most of the things i buy for example jeans are over $70 for me but i know i'll probably go a whole year not buying another pair and wearing those most likely everyday lol u know ? it's very warm where i am (most days lol) so i've been buying some light weight clothing !!! i don't like wearing jean shorts or anything like that, my fav material to wear in the summer is linen and cotton so i've been buying a lot of flowy linen pants <3 i got a pair from the store madewell, and bc i was on holiday this week i went to this one swimsuit store called everything but water and they sell pricier swimwear but i get so fed up trying to go to cheaper stores to look for swim tops bc i have bigger boobs hhhh and nothing makes me feel comfortable in my own skin so i don't mind spending money on something i feel comfortable in !! anyways i bought a bathing suit from there and then i think that's it ?? i was going to buy some jo malone perfume but it's so expensive so i didn't ;____;
U ARE BACK ON THE HEAVEN TRAIN WOO HOO <3 lol it is such a good song ....... i told u it's in my top 3 comfort songs <3 and about the eng album !!! yes i totally agree, i think they're aware of how much they're doing and honestly i think they should take advantage at every opportunity that comes their way as long as they feel that have control of the situation :)
and ALL OF THIS LAST MESSAGE MADE ME CRY WHEN I READ THIS :((( i tell my mom about all my anons lololol and she knows about u and ur work and i read this last part to her and she thought it was so sweet of u to say ;_____; it's kinda comforting knowing i am not the only one who has these doubts about the last year of uni :( i don't get much feedback from my family (besides my mom and grandparents) about if they're proud of me or not , i don't think they really get how hard it is for me being a nursing student but i just want to do well at whatever i do :( i want to be able to look at myself and go "hey u know what ur doing and ur doing really well".... i just hope i get there someday ;____; i have so many anxieties and maybe i need to talk to someone about them bc i think they hinder my nursing performance rather than help me but just knowing someone like u cares out there ........ i mean u know me but we have never met and u are so sure about my abilities and i can't tell u how thankful i am for someone like u <3 truly brings tears to me eyes <3 i want to give u a hug too :( thank u for ur kind words always i could cry right now ;_____;
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flowingwithwater · 5 years
Worth it
Request: hey, love ur stuff sm! could u do a natasha x r with protective/jealous natasha at like one of tony‘s parties? or another setting? idk lol
A/n: not really sure about this but I hope you enjoy it :)
Words: 3519
Do we have to go? I hate these things and so do you.” With a long groan you let yourself fall back onto the bed, your arms placed to cover your face. You heard a low chuckle coming closer, followed by a soft voice, “Listen, sometimes we have to do these things, alright? So move your cute butt and get ready. We’re leaving in an hour.” Before you could say something, your girlfriend had already entered the bathroom.
With a sigh you stayed in position. The entire team was invited to this fancy Gala honoring the Avengers and their work. Everyone was going to be there, including politicians, rich people, and of course the Avengers. You had been a part of the team for about two years, having been recruited by none other than the Black Widow.
You had been on their radar for quite some time but they never approached you, not sure if you would be worth the trouble. When you helped getting people out of a burning people near your apartment, Fury realized you could be a good asset to the team. Shortly after that, Natasha Romanoff knocked on your door and invited you to the Avenger’s compound.
After an excruciating long meeting you signed the contract without hesitation. Everything sounded good, plus you had the opportunity to spend more time with the beautiful redhead that had caught your attention.
From that moment on things progressed fairly fast with you joining the team on missions after only a couple of months of training. While career wise, your life developed quickly your personal life was a little bit on a standstill. The more you had gotten to know Natasha the quicker your feeling evolved and soon after getting this new job, it was safe to say that you were absolutely in love with the woman.
Unfortunately, you had absolutely no idea how she felt, given she barely talked to you. Well, the two of you did talk just never about anything personal. It was always about the job and the next mission. It took you weeks to get her to hang out with you just because and it took you months to get her to open up. But once she started, there was no going back. You learned a lot about each other in a short period of time and the trust you built was undeniably strong.
But things were far from perfect. The two of you still had to work on many things, but you were ready to do that. Both of you. Except in this moment right now. You were absolutely not in the mood to meet fancy people in their fancy clothes drinking fancy champagne and talking all fancy. It wasn’t your style. You liked being with a small group of people that you knew, hanging out watching a movie.
Seemed as though you didn’t have a choice when a sharp voice and a pillow hitting your body broke you out of your thoughts. “Would you please move, y/n. Come on. You still need to change.” Finally moving your arms away from your face, you turned to look at you girlfriend. She was beautiful, dressed in a skintight gown that made her boobs look absolutely fantastic.
Your eyes wandered over the length of her body, with you getting lost in your thoughts once again. Realizing where you mind was wandering, the redhead used that to get you to finally move. Natasha took a couple of steps forward until she was standing at the foot of the bed. Your eyes never leaving her moving figure. When she came to a stop she reached out for your hands, which you gladly took. After puling you up into a sitting position she grabbed your face and locked eyes with you.
“If you’re a good girl tonight, I’ll make sure you get your reward,” she said with a sultry voice that made you feel things. Letting out a short breath, pictures already started forming in your head. Nothing more had to be said when you jumped up and pulled your girlfriend against you. Slowly you leaned in whispering in her ear. “I’m already looking forward to it.” With a sensual kiss against her neck, you removed yourself from her and with newfound motivation you started getting dressed. Natasha just shook her head und smiled. “You’re too easy, babe,” she said quietly making sure you couldn’t hear.
Arriving at the place you were reminded why you didn’t want to come. Countless people were entering the building, everybody wearing tuxedos or evening gowns. Visually, you fit right in but mentally you wanted to get the hell away from this place.
The hand that was holding yours squeezed once and your girlfriend moved to whisper in your ear. “Think of our deal, yeah? And also, be nice.” With a pointed look she dragged you towards the entrance and you had no choice but to follow.
Upon entering you were immediately recognized and since you were Avengers and therefore the main guest tonight, Natasha and you were separated just seconds after the first man approached you. With a confused and forced smile you made your way around the room, looking for a any familiar face, to distract you.
When you saw Tony smiling and waving you over you sighed in relief and the tensions left your body. Hastily you made your way over to him and when he laid an arm around you in a hug, you felt more at ease. “Hey there, hot stuff,” he said with a cheesy smile decorating his face. You only rolled your eyes in response.
Just as you were about to ask him if he had seen Natasha, the two of you were interrupted by a man you didn’t know. He knew you though, at least it seemed like it when he took your hand and fake kissed it, almost making you gag.
You had to be on your best behavior though and so all you did was smile at him while in your head you were punching this stupid smile off his face. “Good evening Ms. Y/L/N. You look just breathtaking.” “Thank you. Uh, you’ll have to excuse me Mr. Sir. I have to go to the lady’s room.” With an awkward smile you hurried away from him, leaving Stark to handle this guy.
With quick steps you looked around trying to spot your girlfriend. To no avail though, when you couldn’t find her after a good five minutes, your eyes spotted the bar on the other side of the hall and for the first time that night a genuine smile formed on your face.
Moving quickly, you dodged anyone tying to talk to you and when you finally reached the bar you sat down with a heavy sigh, ready for a drink. When the bartender finally took your order, you relaxed a little. You took out your phone and texted Nat where to find you, she probably wouldn’t even read it but you did it anyway. Just to be sure.
When your drink finally arrived, you took a big gulp. The burning alcohol making your skin tingle and you calmed down even more.
“I could use one of those as well.” You jumped, almost tipping over your drink, when you heard a voice right beside you. “Oh god, sorry. I didn’t mean to scare you.” You moved your eyes to the woman beside you. She was beautiful with her blonde hair falling down her bare shoulders and the expensive looking, red dress leaving nothing to your imagination.
But you weren’t captured by it. You felt nothing and for some reason that excited you because it was proof of how in love you were with Natasha. You smiled at that thought. When the woman next to you moved, you were reminded of her presence and quickly answered her, not wanting to be impolite.
“No problem,” you chuckled, “I kind of zoned out a bit.” Her laugh was refreshing, mainly because it wasn’t coming from a creepy old dude.
“You’re Y/N, right? Newest Avenger and Widow’s girlfriend?” Your heart skipped a beat at being called that. It felt nice hearing it without judgement. So, you smiled and held your glass up. “Yup, the one and only. And you are?” “Oh, I’m Nancy. I work for The Reporter.”
And just like that you fell into an easy conversation. She told you about her job and how hard it was to handle two little kids with her schedule, and you told her a little bit about your life as an Avenger. You liked Nancy, she was easy to talk to and she kept gushing about Natasha which made your chest fill with pride, knowing the former Assassin was yours.
As the evening went on, you felt the alcohol influencing you and that’s why you weren’t aware of the eyes watching you closely. When a hand clasped around your forearm and almost pulled you of the chair, you turned around facing the woman you had been talking about for the past hour.
Locking eyes with the beauty, the smile that was on your face was quickly replaced by a frown. Natasha looked angry. No, she looked furious. “What the hell, Y/N?” she threw her hands up and pointed at Nancy. “So, this is what you do when I’m gone for like five minutes.”
You couldn’t quite comprehend what was happening. Confused you tried to calm your girlfriend down. “Nat, what are you talking about?” You move your hands to grab hers but she pulled away. Now you were just lost. You had no idea what had gotten into her and slowly you were getting pissed off by her making a scene.
“Babe, listen, I don’t know why you’re so angry but – “ you couldn’t finish. “You don’t know?! Look what you have been doing all night, sitting here and flirting with someone else. While I’m in the room.”
And just like that, it clicked. She was jealous. You were sitting here with another woman and talking all night, of course it looked like flirting to her and probably to other people too. If she only knew all you were talking about was her she would calm down, right? So, that’s what you tried when you got up from the chair with a soft smile, trying to pull her towards you.
Natasha had other plans though, she was mad and apparently she had lost the ability to think rationally. The redhead pushed you away from her. Not hard or anything, but she pushed you, nonetheless. And now you were just as pissed as her. Fuck jealousy, this went too far.
“Calm the hell down, Natasha. Nothing happened so calm.down.” For a second you just stared at each other when Nat broke the silence with a scoff and turned around to leave. “Wait, Nat. Come on,” you shouted after her, but she was long gone.
With a huff you sat down, turning towards your new friend. She looked at you with a guilty half smile. “Don’t you want to follow her? She seemed upset.” Chuckling, you answered, “You think?”
Joining your laugh, Nancy ordered another round and with that you decided to stay a while longer. Natasha needed to calm down anyway and you honestly weren’t up for a fight.
Two hours later you were drunk. Like, really drunk. You and Nancy continued your conversation, but it was interrupted by a large hand landing gently on your shoulder. You smelled the man before you saw him, his usage of cologne was something he still had to learn to control, but with a lazy smile you closed your eyes and leaned into his body. “Hey Mr. Captain America.”
“Ready to go home?” Taking a dee breath you sat up and looked at Nancy. You bowed before her, almost falling over, “My dear Nancy, I thank you for a wonderful night. Say hello to your children and may we meet again.” You turned around and smiled up at Steve. He looked down at you with a sigh and put his arm around your shoulder. “Let’s go, Y/N.”
You were currently walking down the hallway towards your shared room. On the way here you had sobered up a bit and remembered the events of the night. You weren’t sure how to feel. You were pissed at Natasha for making a scene and not listening to you, but you felt kind of guilty as well understanding where Nat was coming from.
It didn’t matter though because you were almost sure she wouldn’t be in the room. She had a tendency to go work out or just disappear for a while after an argument. That meant you had enough time to completely sober up, get ready, and get some sleep before facing her in the morning.
To your surprise though, you saw a figure lying in bed. The red hair spilled across the pillow told you it was in fact your girlfriend. You were surprised and honestly you didn’t know what to do. Would you talk to her? If she’s asleep should you wake her up or would she be even angrier?
Sighing you took off your shoes and walked towards her side of the bed. Softly, you put a hand on her covered shoulder- “Hey Nat. Are you awake?” you whispered. When no answer came you sighed again and quietly went into the bathroom to get ready for bed.
When made your way back into the bedroom after cleaning up a bit you froze when you realized your girlfriend was awake. She was still lying in her side of the bed but in her back this time, blinking up at the ceiling.
It was dark so you couldn’t make out any other movements. You decided to move to your side of the bed without saying something, giving her a chance to start a conversation if she wanted to.
To your disappointment no words left her mouth, she didn’t even acknowledge you. The only thing she did was moving away from you when you entered the bed, turning her back towards you. All you could do now was fighting the tears that were pooling in your eyes and lie down to sleep.
Nat didn’t want to talk and you feared you’d make it worse if you’d force her. Only when you laid down did you feel the exhaustion catching up. Within seconds you were fast asleep, still worrying about the woman next to you.
The warming sun coming in through the window woke you up slowly. The comforting warmth and the soft light brought a smile to your face before you even opened your eyes. You didn’t have a headache and your body wasn’t sore from the last night out. You were content.
That was until you stretched your left arm to the other side of the bed in search for the warm body you could cuddle, and all you found was a cold spot. Sitting up with a confused frown etched on your face, you searched the room for your girlfriend.
After a couple of seconds, realization hit you. You remembered your fight with Nat and instead of the anger you felt last night, now all you felt was guilt. Your heart felt heavy and you immediately got up to find Natasha so you could apologize to her.
It took you barely any to find her. Of course she was in the training room, getting rid of all the pent up energy from last night. You could hear her grunts and the sounds of fists hitting the punching bag before you reached the door and the guilt intensified.
Slowly you opened the door and you were greeted with an expected sight. Natasha in the middle of the ring, dressed in her work out clothes, hitting the punching bag with a scowl on her face. You wouldn’t have been surprised if she pictured Nancy’s face on it. Or worse, yours.
She heard you coming in but decided to ignore you. She was still pissed but also, she was hurt. Seeing you with that other woman last night had brought back many insecurities about how she wasn’t good enough for you. And instead of talking about that, she lashed out.
You felt brave that morning, so you simply walked up to her until you were standing next to her target, in her line of vision. When she refused to meet your eyes, you couldn’t help but roll yours.
Taking a risk you moved in front of her mid-punch, hoping her reflexes were good enough so you wouldn’t end up with a broken nose. You trust was well placed as you saw her eyes go wide and her hand stopping barely an inch away from your face.
“Are you insane, Y/N? I could’ve hit you.” Your plan worked, she was not only looking at you but talking to you as well. “Well, you were ignoring me and we need to talk. About last night.” She huffed and tried to turn away from you but you predicted that and quickly grabbed her by the wrist and pulled her back.
You moved your hands over her arms and made sure she was looking you in the eye before you started to talk. “I’m sorry,” you sighed, “I shouldn’t have behaved like that. I didn’t mean to hurt you, I hope you know that.” She was ready to answer but you weren’t done. You held your finger up successfully silencing her and continued.
“But you need to apologize as well. You can’t act like that. Especially not in public. You need to let me finfish when I’m trying to explain something and you can’t get physical with me. Ever. That s crossing a line.” You tone was calm. You didn’t want to yell at her, all you wanted was for her to understand.
It was quiet for a minute, but you knew Nat needed time to organize her thoughts. You saw her biting her lip and moving her eyes across the floor. It warmed your heart, you were overwhelmed by how much such a little action could do to you. And involuntary smile covered your face at the thought.
When the redhead lifter her head to look at you, you waited patiently for her to start talking. You felt her warm hands move to grab yours and your smile widened at the small act of affection. With a last deep breath her mouth started moving.
“I’m really sorry. You’re right. About everything. It’s just that,” a big sigh left her mouth and she continued so quietly, you had to move your head closer to catch what she was saying, “I’m scared you’ll realize I’m too much work. Someone else can give you more than I can, and faster. Seeing you so at ease with that woman, it just hurt me.”
She was fighting tears at this point, surprising you and breaking your heart in the process. You wrapped your arms around her in a tight hug. Her arms found your waist and you just breathed each other in. You were at a loss of words but not because you didn’t know what to say, but because your heart was beating so fast you couldn’t breathe properly.
Slowly you pulled away and grabbed her face, forcing her to look at you. “I love you Natasha. I’ve been working you for more than a year, do you really think I would throw that away for some boring woman. You have nothing to worry about, okay?”
Not really believing you, she nodded anyway. You knew you couldn’t tell her that and she would immediately be fine. It was a work in process, but you were more than happy to put work into this relationship.
“Can I kiss you?” she asked timidly as if she was afraid you’d say no. But to you that wasn’t an option. “C’mere” You smiled before pulling her even closer and pressing your lips softly against hers. Your hands made their way down her body, while hers moved up your face in your hair.
When oxygen became a problem, you broke the kiss and leaned your forehead against hers. Wanting to lighten the mood you remembered where you were and a wicked smirk formed on you face. Within a split second you turned your body and kicked her feet, making her fall and land on the mat beneath you.
“Well Romanoff, how about you show me what you got.” You lifted your eyebrows in challenge causing your girlfriend to frown slightly. But it was soon replaced with a smile when she started to get up. “You’re on. And maybe if you win, you’ll get your reward after all.”
Now it was her turn to smirk at you when your mind started wandering for a second, giving your opponent enough time to throw you on the ground. A small chuckle left your lips when you looked up at your beaming girlfriend and all you could feel was your admiration for the woman you knew was absolutely worth it.
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