#oh this is strictly tied to her character and more
wanjian · 2 years
i have like... some thoughts on kiriko, her abilities, and her connection to the fox spirit. i also think, while i do like the thought of her dyeing her hair, the idea of her hair slowly turning green as a manifestation of her power and tie with the fox spirit as a result is just way more fun imo?
i also have other thoughts, mostly regarding canon divergency and age because blizzard...... they don’t know what they’re doing with timelines, so in my canon she’ll be like 30 / around 30 because it makes the most sense to do so.
0 notes
delulu4anime · 2 years
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Pairings: Illumi x fem!reader
Word count: 5.2k+
Warnings: Breeding (Lol it’s Illumi, it would be against the law not to add a breeding kink), mating press, PIV, slow burn, brief mentions of death (Illumi eventually shows you his crazy side), time skips. Please let me know if I missed anything.
A/N: MINORS DO NOT INTERACT FOR THE LOVE OF HADES. I started rewatching hunter x hunter and I forgot how much I adore Illumi. This man has me on my knees so quickly even tho he is TOXIC. Stayed up till 8 am writing this story about this sexy bug eyed man cause he deserves it. Yet another fan fiction where I listened to a song and went oh shit it’s this character. Not proof read. Enjoy!
Currently listening to: In the Middle of the night by Ellen Duhé- “I’m getting what is mine, you gon get yours.”
You took a deep breath as you stared at your reflection in the bathroom mirror. The bags under your eyes indicated that you had gone a few days with little to no sleep. You couldn't remember the last time you got a good nights rest especially with the impending occasion coming up. There was a light knock at the door and with the turn of the knob your door was opened. Your mother cheerfully walked into the bathroom all dressed up for tonight's dinner. Your eyes drifted to your room which had been disturbed with the evening sunlight pouring, curtains you could've sworn were closed before you dragged yourself in here.
"Darling you really should open those curtains more often. It feels like a morgue every time I come in here," She huffed out.
Ah, so she took it upon herself to open them.
"I brought the necklace I wore on the night of my engagement dinner." She said turning her attention to the dark blue velvet box, setting it gently on the counter.
She quickly frowned upon seeing the state you were in.
"Why haven't you gotten ready yet? You don't look at all delighted; you know how important this dinner is tonight! We've waited twenty years for-"
"I know mother." You quickly said trying to save yourself from the lecture that would no doubt make your family late to the dinner if she rambled on.
You met her strict gaze in the mirror and mumbled an apology as you tucked a strand of hair behind your ear. Her face softened as she walked over to you; her hands finding their way to your shoulders.
"Please try to understand this will make both our families stronger. You were practically raised as a Zoldyck, but we need it to be official." Your mother said as you looked at her reflection in the mirror.
"I grew and trained with Milluki," You said as you shrugged her hands off your shoulders. "Shouldn't I be marrying him instead? I know nothing about Illumi."
You watched in the reflection the way your mother rolled her eyes clearly displeased with your response.
"You are well aware of our agreement that the eldest daughter goes to the eldest Zoldyck son. Honestly darling you act as if this is the end of the world? Your father and I knew nothing about one another and we turned out just fine. Now please get ready, we wouldn't want to keep your husband to be waiting anymore than he already has!" She exclaimed as she made her way out of the bathroom.
You knew that your parents had an arranged marriage like their parents before them. You've lost count of the times your mother would tell you stories about how your father wasn't who she chose to marry but that didn't mean that he didn't eventually become the love of her life. They built an entire life together which lead to the successful artillery business they ran and you. You knew the ties your family had with the Zoldyck's had been strictly business but now that you were of age it meant that bond would be taken from business to family. No matter what your parents told you this was nothing but another business deal to you.
You hadn't always dreaded being married to the oldest of the famous assassins. In fact you recall on several occasions Milluki teasing you for getting lost in thought and scribbling Illumi's name over and over again when you should've been studying up on jobs you'd taken on. However, despite training day and night with Milluki for years you had only laid your eyes on Illumi twice. You were around nine years old when you saw him for the first time. You and Milluki were were practicing ren when Illumi came home from a successful training mission at Heaven's Arena.
You couldn't take your eyes off the way he moved so effortlessly; you punched Milluki for teasing you for staring at his brother for longer than needed. The second time you finally came face to face with Illumi at the age of thirteen. You had learned you were a transmitter with your speciality being in poisons. Although you had successful learned how to use nen Silva knew you had a long way to go before you'd be able to use it flawlessly. He wanted to teach you the important lesson on when to back down from an opponent where success wasn't guaranteed.
You knew Illumi was stronger than you and Milluki combined but you refused to let him believe you were weak. After all you had been training day and night with all the toxins you could get your hands on. You cringed at the memory of Illumi looking down at your defeated body, you groaned as you held onto your side only to look up to meet his emotionless eyes.
"This is all you've been able to accomplish? You are the weakest out of us all. You won't be much use to me when we marry. Train harder or I'll kill you." He said flatly as you watched him turn to walk away not missing the way your heart skipped a beat.
You made a promise to yourself then to get stronger even though you didn't have much of a choice. Not only would you be a disgrace to your family but you'd pay for it with your life. Now at the age of twenty it had been seven years since you had seen Illumi and you dreaded it. You didn't trust your mind or your body around him; all logically thinking out the window when he was near. Although you'd gotten stronger and the training you completed with Mulluki had paid off part of you felt you'd never be enough for Illumi.
Not smart enough.
Not strong enough.
Not pretty enough.
You rolled your eyes knowing you were stalling at this point because this engagement was going to happen whether you liked it or not. And with that you started to get ready for the dinner with your future husband and family in law. Once you showered you wrapped a towel around yourself, walking back to your mirror to quickly do your makeup and hair. You carefully put on your black octavia dress, making sure not to ruin your work. You opened the box your mother had left behind and ran your fingertips over the smooth texture of the pearls. You removed the necklace and put it on yourself. The cool pearls making contact with your warm skin caused you to shiver.
Here goes nothing.
The flight to Kukuroo Mountain was about an hour long; you stared out the window as your parent's reminded you to be on your best behavior as if you were a child. You knew what the Zoldyck's expected of you so you chose to nod every once in a while as if you are paying attention, to give your parents the peace of mind. Before you knew it you had arrived to the testing gate and passed through it with ease. You reached your hand out to pet Mike as he bent down to receive your affection. You and your parents made your way up to the butlers quarters where they escorted you to the Zoldyck mansion. The memories seemed to flood back once you set foot inside. From all the times you ran up and down the halls playing hide and seek with Killua to nagging Milluki to get out of his room for once and train with you. You couldn't help but genuinely smile as you passed by the many portraits of the Zolydck family on the way to the banquet hall. Your parents pointing out the few paintings you were in when you were younger, voicing their joy about how tonight would officially make you apart of the family. As tradition you were seated at the end of the elegant dinning table; you ran your fingertips over the fine wood as you looked to see those around you. Your parents sat to the left of you while the Zoldyck's sat at the right. You sheepishly waved at Milluki who scoffed at you and looked else where. You couldn't help but pout at your childhood friend. Silvia took notice and leaned closer to you.
"He envy's Illumi." He said.
You paused for a moment then looked back at Milluki with wide eyes. Jealous of Illumi? For being engaged to you? You shook your head at the thought of the hidden feelings Milluki had for you.
"He shouldn't." You mumble as you look over to the empty seat next to you.
"Of all the day's to be late!" Kikyo hissed.
The butlers began bringing out courses of the meal out. You were able to start eating when you felt a presence causing you to look to your left towards a door leading into the banquet hall. That's when you saw him. You felt yourself exhale a shaky breath as he made his way over to you. His hair was much longer than the last time you had seen him, he'd gotten taller, and more toned. Yet his dark eyes remained the same and they watched you just as closely.
"Y/n." Illumi spoke as he took his place next to you.
You were at a lost for words as Kikyo chimed in.
"You're late! You left your bride to be waiting!" She exclaimed only to cause Silva to raise his hand to calm his wife down.
Silvia suddenly rose from his seat and cleared his throat. He had prepared a speech about the agreement of a proposal to the two oldest of each family. Illumi stood at one point as his father continued on; he grabbed your hand which caught you off guard. You felt Illumi's cold fingertips slowly slide a sliver band on to your ring finger. You gazed up at Illumi as he held on to your hand a little longer before letting go and returning to his seat. You were going to officially be a Zoldyck. The rest of the evening was filled with your parents talking with the Zoldyck's about planning the wedding and future business deals. But once your mother uttered the word grandchild you couldn't help but start choking on the glass of water you had been drinking. Everyone turned their gaze to you as you coughed; Illumi wrapped his arms around you and helped you stand.
"Excuse us." He said as you both walked out of the banquet hall.
You managed to calm yourself down once you were away from the judgmental stare your parents were giving you.
"I'm fine Illumi," You said as you realized you were still walking so closely to one another. "Really I am. We can go back." You said as you broke out of Illumi’s grasp.
"Would you not like to take a walk with me?" He suddenly said.
"Sure." You finally said after hesitating for a moment.
You walked in silence down the hall and out a door that led you into the courtyard. You took a deep breath of fresh air and slowly exhaled. You looked up at the night sky that glistened with millions of stars. You both stayed silent as the creatures of dusk seemed to come to life; chirping and croaking around you.
"May I ask you something?" Illumi finally said.
"Of course." You said.
"Are you uncomfortable around me?" He asked which made you look over at him.
"Well," You hesitated as you started to fiddle with your ring. "It's been seven years since the last time I saw you Illumi. We haven't spoke much these past few years and you just slide a ring on my finger just an hour ago signifying that we are to be married."
He looked over at you and cocked his head to the side.
"It isn't a surprise to you is it? We've been arranged to get married since you were born." He said plainly as if he were talking about the weather or what he had for breakfast.
"I guess what I'm trying to say is that it all happened so fast," You bite your lip knowing you couldn't hold back what you had been wanting to say since you saw him this evening "It's nice to see you again Illumi."
He hummed and stepped closer to you; his fingertips brushing a piece of hair behind your ear.
"You've grown up." He said, rubbing his hand lightly against your cheek. "You're quite beautiful and not nearly as annoying as you used to be."
You groaned and pushed his hand away from you as if he was nuisance yet your face heating up said otherwise.
"Way to ruin the moment." You huffed out.
"I can tell you've gotten stronger as well." He said and you nodded your head.
"I've been training hard. There's no shortage of poisonous plants to learn from." You said.
Silence fell between you again yet this time it wasn't uncomfortable. You felt yourself relax as the tension slowly slip away.
"You're more sure of yourself now." He said abruptly.
You paused to think back to all the long training sessions you endured, the painful limits you pushed your body to, and the long nights you'd longed to see Illumi and prove to him that you weren't the weakest.
"I just want to be a good wife for you." You said. "This may be an arranged marriage but I hope along the way you can see me as more than a business deal."
You watch as Illumi picked up your left hand and place a soft kiss onto the silver ring he had placed on your hand earlier. His warm lips were a significant contrast to his cold fingers that held onto your hand. You let go of a breath you didn't even know you were holding watching how gentle he was being with you.
"I've waited for so long to see this ring on your finger. You'll make a fine wife." Illumi said softly.
It had been a month since the engagement became official and you felt like it was all just a fever dream. You hadn't seen Illumi since the night of the dinner and you couldn't help that sinking feeling that had followed you for so many years; was he distancing himself from you again? You couldn't even get your mind off things because the mother's on both sides insisted that the wedding happen immediately. Which also meant your mother forbidding you for taking on any jobs to help with planning; the lack of work and his absence caused your mind to stir. You were in your old room at the Zoldyck mansion, gazing at your reflection as a few maids fixed the long train of the dress your mother surprised you with. You nervously played with the ring on your finger as your eyes traveled to the intricate pattern in the lace, there was something so familiar about the dress but you couldn't exactly pin point what. Your eyes traveled to the tall window that was in the corner of the room where your mother and Kikyo sat at a small table drinking tea. The same table you sat at countless nights looking out into the courtyard yearning for Illumi to come home to you. The maids stepped to the side as you turned to face them, you placing your arms behind your back. You watched as your mother's eyes watered as she stood from her chair and made her way to you.
"What do you think my dear?" Kikyo smiling before taking a sip of her tea.
"It's beautiful." You say as you brought your hands to your sides to run your fingertips over the fabric.
"This use to be my dress,' Your mother said as she grabbed hold of your hands. "And it fits you wonderfully!"
You turned to look at yourself in the mirror once again feeling like a fool for not recognize the dress immediately. Your mother had shown you endless photos of her wedding day and the dress was the focal point of every photo.
"This means so much to me. Thank you mother." You said and smiled at her reflection in the mirror.
"I have a gift for you too my dear." Kikyo said as she made her way over to you.
You turned to see her holding a beautiful silver necklace with a small blue gem dangling from the center. You leaned down as Kikyo placed it around your neck.
"I wore this on my wedding day. A good luck charge from your mother and I." She said as she stood back with your mother to admire you.
You ran your finger tips over the necklace and smiled.
"This is perfect. Thank you both." You said.
The next few hours were spent sitting at the table listening to the two women bicker on who to invite to the wedding of the century they called it. You rolled your eyes and looked over to your door as you watched Milluki walk down the hall looking down at his phone. You excused yourself from the table which was useless because they were both stuck in their own world of wedding planning. You quickly made your way out of the room and chased after Milluki down the hall.
"Hey Luki wait up!" You shouted after him which only caused him to turn around quickly. The irritated look you knew all too well.
"I said stop calling me that stupid nickname." He sneered as he looked down at his phone once again.
You couldn't help but giggle as you followed him into his room. You leaned against the doorway as you watched him walk over to his desk; your eyes widening at the amount of computers that were turned on, each with something different flashing on each screen.
"So what have you been up to?" You ask as you walked over as you looked over at his figurine collection.
"Killua is asking for a favor," He grumbled as he looked up to one of his monitors. "He needs a copy of Greed Island."
"The rare video game?" You questioned as you looked over his shoulder to the screen which caused him to chuckle.
"Papa always said you were too smart for your own good." He said as he looked over his shoulder.
"Smarter than you for sure." You teased.
"Shut up!' He yelled as he turned back to his computer typing away vigorously.
The only thing that filled the room was Milluki's fingertips against his keyboard as he looked into getting more information on the legendary Greed Island for his younger brother. You had wondered what Killua had been up to since leaving to go take the hunter exam; you hadn't been around when he lashed out Milluki and Kiyko but you couldn't help the chuckle you let out when you found out. Being under the same pressure from your families it was inevitable for you and Killua to become close.
"You don't seem too thrilled to be getting married." Milluki suddenly said bringing you out of your thoughts.
"What makes you say that?" You say flatly.
"Your eyes don't light up the same way they use to when anyone mentioned Illumi." He replied, looking between two monitors.
"It's just a lot to take in," You sigh out. "I went from being a kid learning how to become an assassin like the Zoldyck's to becoming an actually Zoldyck by marriage.   It's hard being in love with someone sees this as nothing more than a business deal"
Milluki stopped typing to turn to face you again; that irritated looking back in his face.
"You really are stupid aren't you? He may have never said it when you were around but he's made several remarks about you to me. It sickening how he only seems to care about his jobs and you." He turned his chair completely around.
You couldn't help but laugh at the confession, searching in his eyes for the truth. Your smile faded as he stared right back at you and you knew that look all too well.
"Now get out cause I have work to do." He said as he turned back to his work and dismissed you with a wave of his hand.
You hesitated only for a moment then walked out of his room; you turned and looked to see Milluki talking on his phone to Killua if you had to guess.
"Thank you Luki." You whisper to yourself and with that you took your leave.
Before you knew it the evening turned into night fall and Kikyo was pleading for you to stay, trying to reassure you that Illumi would be back soon. You agreed thinking back to what Milluki had said earlier. After saying your goodbyes to your mother you returned to your room to find the maids making your bed and bringing a few of your belongings you had left here when you traveled between your home and the Zoldyck's. You thanked the maids as they bowed and left the room. You let out a long sigh as you threw yourself onto the bed as you listened to the clock on the wall tick away the minutes wondering when Illumi would be home; your hand brushed over the fabric of your t-shirt around your stomach as the butterflies seemed to dance around gleefully. Here you were again waiting and yearning for Illumi; aching for his gaze, his touch, and his words to overwhelming your senses. You sat up quickly at the idea of a game; a game that you dominated when you played with Milluki. Assassin 101: tracking and locating your target. If Illumi wanted you as much as Milluki said he did then prove it. Game on.
You sighed, rubbing the soreness out of you neck, and clocked out for the day. It had been a year since you left everything behind to test Illumi; what better way to prove his worth than a game of hide and seek. If he successfully found you then Milluki was right and you'd happily go through with the wedding, if he didn't seek you out then you had a fresh start to live your life free of the expectations of everyone. You had gotten an office job which was quite an adjustment from what you had been trained to do originally. However, doing work as an assassin didn't require long hours behind a desk staring at a monitor.
You lost count of how many times you had to stay overtime to finish a team project. It was finally Friday which meant your coworkers attempting to get you to go out to a local bar but you yet again declined their invite and opted for a another night in with dinner from the convenient store. Your heels clicked against the concrete, a breeze hit your skin causing you to shiver. You walked faster, holding onto your paper bag tightly and cursing yourself for forgetting your sweater back at the office. Luckily the convince store wasn't a far walk from the apartment.
Going into hiding meant getting a new identity and with a new life meant new struggles; applying for jobs and apartments with no credit or job history under the new identity proved to be a challenge but you came out victorious in the end. You walked up the flight of steps to your apartment; you smiled and greeted your elderly neighbor as you put your keys in the lock. You promised to go visit her soon to keep her company while she ate dinner and watched her weekly tv drama. You walked in as you told her goodnight, closing the door behind you with your foot, and reached over to turn on the lamp that sat on a side table. You tossed your keys along with your heels haphazardly on the table and floor.
You walked through your small living room that connected to your kitchen. You set your bag on the counter and putting your food to the side. You suddenly froze in place as an uneasy feeling came over you; you could recognize that blood lust from anywhere. You slowly turned to Illumi standing in your living room playing with one of his many nen needles in his hand. His lips slowly curved into a smile that you had never seen grace his face before.
"So this is where you've been hiding all this time," He said as he started to walk over to where you were. "I'll give you credit this is just inconspicuous enough to make it hard to track you. Not to mention using zetsu to conceal your presence." He chuckled to himself.
You braced yourself against the counter as he stood in front of you. He grabbed your face with one hand as he lightly pressed his needle against your throat with the other.
"You actually found me?" You asked dumbfounded which only made him scoff. He actually came looking for you, and you welcomed the butterflies that swarmed in your stomach.
"Do you know how many people I had to kill just to see you again?" He asked as he leaned in close enough for your lips to graze one another's.
"It took you long enough." You breathed as you looked into his eyes.
He cocked his head to the side as if he was confused but you could tell by the rest of his body language that this little hunt excited him. He removed his nen needle from your neck and took a step back. Silence fell between you both as the tension grew. You could have sworn Illumi could hear your heart beating out of your chest from where he stood. Here he was after a year of being apart and better yet he sought you out. Without thinking you grabbed onto Illumi and crashed your lips against his. He immediately moved his hands to your hips, his grip would leave bruises no doubt but you didn't care. Without breaking the kiss he lifted you onto the counter, his hands leaving your waist for a brief moment to wondered up to your blouse; he ripped it open effortlessly as the buttons flew off hitting the counter beside you or the floor. He started to kiss his way down your jaw to your neck causing you to sigh. You felt his hands slowly move back to your waist, pushing your skirt up, as he started to place open mouth kisses on your neck. You let out a soft moan as he found your sweet spot close to your ear.
"Drove me crazy looking for you." He breathed into your ear. "Hiding what was promised to me since birth."
"Needed proof you were serious about this. About us." You softly said as your fingers found their way to his hair.
"Proof? You needed proof that you're one of the only things that's been on my mind for years," he huffed out. "You and this." He said as he pulled your damp panties to the side and easily slid two fingers into your cunt.
He moved his fingers in and out of you agonizingly slow; you hated the way he teased you.
"Please Illumi." You whimpered out as he chuckled pulling his fingers out of you.
He stepped back to look at you, eyes darkening at you disheveled form. You hair in disarray, your blouse ruined just enough to show off that lace bra, and your skirt bunched up around your hips. He watched your chest rise and fall as you pant . This was what he had chased after. This is what he wanted, no needed. This was his wife. He smirked as he turned on his heel and made his way to your couch. Your eyes followed the way he gracefully sat down and spread his legs; he lifted his hand and motioned for you to come to him. You quickly got off the counter and made your way over to him but before you could touch him he stopped you.
"Strip." He said plainly.
You kept your eyes on him as you removed everything one by one till you stood in front of him naked. You wished you were embarrassed about being completely nude with eyes looking you up and down; his eyes looking at you like you were his prey. He leaned back into the couch and you stood in between his legs. He patted his lap and you couldn't help but let your eyes wonder to his crotch. His facial expression read as if he disinterested yet his cock straining against his pants said otherwise. You climbed on top of his lap and placed your hands on his shoulders. You felt his cold hands run over your sides and down to your hips once more giving a light squeeze; he chuckled at the gasp you let out. His hands moved away from your hips briefly as his hands made quick work of freeing his aching cock. You lifted your hips as he lined himself up to your entrance. You slowly lowered yourself down onto him, both letting out a moan as he bottomed out. His large hands moved back to your hips as you started to move up and down against him. You soon found your rhythm, closing your eyes taking in the feeling of his cock; he leaned up placing soft kisses against your neck.
"Fuck Illumi I've wanted this for so long." You moaned out.
Suddenly you were flipped onto your back as his hands moved under your thighs and pushed them to your chest. Without hesitating he started to pound into your pussy with hard, deep thrust. You let out a loud moan as your eyes rolled to the back; your hands grabbing onto the fabric of the couch to steady yourself.
"This is finally mine. All mine.' Illumi huffed out as he watched the way his cock bullied your pussy. "Isn't that right?"
"Yes." You managed to moan out as you felt yourself already nearing your climax.
"Going to give me the next Zoldyck heir like the good little wife you are." He said which caused your eyes to shoot open.
You watched as he moved one of his hands against your stomach putting pressure causing both of you to moan in sync.
"You're going to make me a father aren't you?" He said and you frantically nodded your head to cock drunk to object.
"Yes Illumi, please." You begged. "Want to be your good little wife."
You felt his fingertips travel to your clit and rub harsh circles as his hips continued on his brutal pace. You threw your head back and moaned Illumi's name as you reached your climax.
"What a good girl you are." Illumi cooed as his eyes traveled to the white ring around his cock.
With a few more sloppy thrust Illumi finished inside of you as you both panted. He pulled out of you and watched his cum slowly seeping out; he ran his slender fingertips along your slit just to shove his fingers inside you to keep it all inside.
"I'm taking you back home tonight. We are to be married tomorrow. We've kept each other waiting too long." He flatly said which caused you to laugh.
"Anything for my soon to be husband." You hummed.
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booksooks · 18 days
𝑳𝒆𝒄𝒕𝒖𝒓𝒆 𝑯𝒂𝒍𝒍 𝑳𝒂𝒖𝒈𝒉𝒕𝒆𝒓: 𝑫𝒂𝒚 2
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Author's Note: Hi friends, second part up on time? What? Who am I, god? Anyway, it's Toga's debut in today's piece, I hope you enjoy :)
Contents: College!AU, all characters depicted are STRICTLY 18+, no use of "Y/N"/any other variants, and possibly wildly ooc characters. I apologize for this. Light swearing.
Word Count: 2046
Summary: Entering your second year at college, only a few months after being broken up with, you weren't expecting anything special. Especially not in the romance department. But then a quiet, but friendly-enough boy on your floor catches your attention faster than you would like to admit. And oh, boy, are you in deep.
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Waking up the next morning wasn’t as difficult as you thought it would be. Gentle sunlight streamed in through your windows, and all was quiet. It definitely wasn’t normal for your expectations of college, last year your roommate had insisted on blaring all sorts of TV shows and movies or music at any hour she pleased. You hadn’t minded, since whenever you were actually studying she had put earbuds in, but the silence was certainly a new sensation.
You took your time getting up, as your first class was only at 11am, which gave you ample time to wake up and rub the sleep from your eyes, and maybe hang out for a bit on your phone before taking a shower, and doing your makeup. You then arranged your hair the way you liked, poking at a strand that just wouldn’t lay right until you gave up, leaving at 10:30 to get to the building on time. Things were actually going really well, considering.
You got to class entirely too early, and resigned yourself to sitting on the floor in front of the doors as you waited for the professor or other students to show up. You weren’t alone for long, however, as a bubbly looking girl in as much pink as she could have had on skipped up. Her ashy blonde hair was tied up in two messy moon buns, and she had the cheeriest look on her face.
“Hi!” She crowed, waving at you on the floor. “Is this oceanography? Room 231? I’m Himiko Toga, by the way, nice to meet you! You can call me Toga.”
You looked up at her and waved back. “Yeah, I think so. At the very least it’s room 231.”
“Cool!” She brightened. “I’m a freshman, so I’m still learning my way around. This campus is so big! Especially compared to my highschool, which was only one building. I was afraid I’d be late.”
Toga continues chattering for a few minutes, putting her backpack (also pink), down on the ground to give her shoulders a rest as she talks about how she was supposed to dorm, how she had several friends here which was a major reason as to why she even chose this school, and how excited she was to make new friends, and would you be hers?
You couldn’t help but get caught up in her infectious positivity, and before long you were yapping along with her, of course you’d be her friend. And then it wasn’t long until the professor, an older woman with graying hair who walked slowly and talked with the same cadence, shuffled up to the doors and asked you and Toga to open them as she dragged a cart behind her on a dolly. The three of you settled into the room, the professor making small talk with Toga about her experience with college so far and the first few introductory days as a freshman. You were setting up your computer, so completely focused on trying to get the damn wifi to work, that you didn’t notice when the door opened and someone slipped in. But Toga definitely noticed, and she squealed, making your head jerk up.
“Tomura! I can’t believe you’re in the same class as me, already! This is gonna be so fun!” Toga nearly climbed over the tables to get to the man, wrapping her arms around his torso affectionately.
Shigaraki, to his credit, didn’t brush her off immediately, and even wiggled one of his arms free to awkwardly give her a side hug back. She let go as soon as he started trying to pry himself free.
“Hi, Toga,” Shigaraki greeted, much more quietly than Toga had. It was then that he had noticed you, and he gave you a few quick glances before looking away, moving further into the room to sit next to Toga. He gave the professor a quick nod and introduced himself before setting up his own computer, tuning Toga out as she shook your shoulder lightly.
“This is one of the friends I was talking about! His name is Shigaraki Tomura, but I call him Tomura because we’re besties,” she explained excitedly, and you didn’t really have the heart to tell her that you two had already met. Before you could say anything, however, Shigaraki spoke up in that soft, raspy tone of his.
“We met yesterday.”
Toga gasped excitedly, clapping as she smiled brightly. “Ohmygod, really? Ooh that’s so exciting! Now I have two besties in the same class, we can study together!”
Shigaraki glanced at you then, shrugging before turning back to his computer screen. The professor had been setting things up this entire time, and there was a powerpoint on the screen about plate tectonics. Several other students you didn’t know had also been steadily filtering in, taking up most of the seats around your little trio.
“Sure,” you told Toga, motioning for her to sit down. Class would be starting soon, it was 10:58. “I don’t mind if Shigaraki doesn’t.”
“I don’t,” he said quietly, and Toga took that as her signal to whip out her phone and make a group chat, already texting emojis in it with speed. “Put your phone away,” he muttered, pulling out his own phone to clear the now 10 notifications from the group chat. You sighed and finally got connected to the wifi, just as the last student came in sheepishly and sat down in the front of class, and the professor started introducing herself before roll call.
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50 minutes later, and some very confusing instructions and explanations from the professor later, you were dismissed for the campus’s common hour.
“Let’s get lunch together!” Toga pleaded, already bouncing on her feet to get going as you and Shigaraki put your laptops away and stood up.
“Sounds good to me,” you agreed, following Toga out of the building. Shigaraki hadn’t said anything, but he followed you both out to the path without protest, so you took it as a sign that he was also down.
And so, the three of you made your merry way down to the commons, where there were several food chains open, along with… almost every other member of school. It was crowded and hot and loud, and you winced, almost losing sight of Toga as she dragged you along like she knew the place like the back of her hand. Which, was weird the more that you thought about it, because wasn’t she a freshman?
Either way, you wished for earplugs or something, scrunching your shoulders up to avoid touching anyone and making yourself as small as possible. Toga didn’t seem to notice, despite looking over her shoulder several times, and you tried not to be too annoyed. She was probably just excited and hungry. Shigaraki, however, did notice, and he held his sweater-clad elbow out for you to hold onto wordlessly. You take it gratefully, fingers curling into the soft fabric and trying to ignore how fucking solid he felt underneath, despite his lanky build. God you were touch starved.
You swallowed heavily and let Shigaraki somewhat bulldoze his way through the crowd. He was pretty tall and in his all black outfit he was more than a little intimidating, so people got out of his way like you were both surrounded by an invisible, protective bubble. You clung onto him tightly, incredibly grateful that people were less inclined to bump into you or push past you now that you were hanging off of Shigaraki’s arm.
Eventually, you finally caught up to Toga, who had somehow already bought herself a serving of sushi and a strawberry Fanta (sidenote, who actually liked those things? You had tried one during your freshman year and were barely able to finish the damn thing). She beamed up at the two of you, and was about to say something when she saw you hanging off of the crook of Shigaraki’s arm, and you let go like he had burnt you. Toga’s mouth twitched almost imperceptibly, and then she was moving on.
“I’m gonna go find us a place to sit!” She chirped, leaving you and Shigaraki behind, again.
You sighed and motioned for him to go ahead of you, which he took, also getting a container of sushi, and a monster, before checking out. You thought he was going to leave you behind to fend for yourself, but he stopped just outside the little cafe, waiting. You did your best to hide your smile as you acquired your own food and drink, paying for them and smiling at the cashier who looked like he would rather be anywhere but there at that very moment before you caught up with Shigaraki. He looked only a little less bothered when you stepped up next to him, and then once again he used his presence to clear a path to the little booth that Toga had claimed.
“How the hell did you snag this?” You asked, sitting next to her, as Shigaraki slid into the seat across from you. “These are normally never empty at this time.”
Toga smiled at you as she broke open the flimsy wooden chopsticks, and Shigaraki did the same. “Some people were leaving just as I got here,” she explained, bringing a piece of sushi to her mouth. She chewed thoughtfully for a moment before swallowing. “And so I just sat down and threatened to stab anyone who asked if they could also sit here!”
You blinked at her incredulously, and Toga continued eating as if she hadn’t just told you she tossed around threats like she was talking about the weather.
“Is that normal?” You asked Shigaraki. He nodded, unperturbed, and shoved two pieces of sushi into his mouth. You gaped, blinked, and then decided if someone who’d known her since at least highschool said it was fine, it must be fine. Relatively.
The rest of your lunch is completed with more chatter from Toga, with you and Shigaraki occasionally giving input or asking her questions. The time flies, and soon you were all nursing your drinks, a neat pile of trash to be thrown out when you leave at the edge of the table. Toga is talking excitedly to Shigaraki about a game he’s… making? Playing? You had stopped paying attention after a while, letting the two friends catch up as your social battery depleted. You checked your phone, for a lack of anything better to do, and jolted when you looked at the time.
“Holy shit, it’s 1:50, I gotta go,” You exclaimed, cutting Toga off mid-sentence. The panic in your voice was unmistakable as you hastily shoved your phone into your back pocket, the screen dimming abruptly. You slung your backpack over one shoulder, the straps digging into your skin as you scrambled to gather your things, and with one last glance at Shigaraki and Toga, you snatched up the crumpled pile of trash from the table. Your movements were sharp and erratic as you waved absentmindedly at them, making a beeline for the door. You sighed and hurried your pace, mentally mapping out how to get to the library from where you were.
Just as you were about to push through the exit, Toga’s voice rang out, slicing through the clamor of the hallway: “Text us!” Her tone was light-hearted, but there was a pleading tone to her words that made it clear she already wanted to keep in touch with you. You threw another quick, half-hearted wave over your shoulder, barely registering her shout as you broke into a light jog. Unfortunately, people didn't get out of your way like they did with Shigaraki, and you were forced to dodge and weave until you got outside and were able to move around people more freely.
You’re not early, or even on time, by any means, but then again neither is the professor apparently, as he walks in 5 minutes late.
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It’s not until hours later, when you’re back in your dorm, relaxing on your bed when you realize that you never texted Toga back. You quickly ran to your messages, and typed something out.
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You smiled to yourself and put your phone away, getting ready for bed. Friday could not come soon enough.
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End Notes: I hope you enjoyed :) Please let me know if you have any thoughts or comments, I'd love to hear them!
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senselessviolets · 5 months
"So come on, mess me up."
Cassian Andor x Fem!Original Character
Rated M (Smut/Angst)
Word Count: 4.1k
AO3 Link
Unprotected sex, age gap/difference, power imbalance, rough sex, oral (f recieving), taunting, lots of arguing.
Author's Notes:
Song title (and fic very loosely inspired by) "Come On Mess Me Up" by Cub Sport. I'd let this man snap me in half like a toothpick, what more can I say?
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Nyla Haccard is the 23-year-old daughter of a high-profile senator from Ralltiir and has secretly joined the Rebel Alliance fight against the Empire. She figures her overly-protective mother would annihilate her for joining the band of rebels, but Nyla knows she'd absolutely implode if she knew the kind of man her daughter had been working closely with for months now.
There was something delectably frustrating about him. It was innate as if his sole purpose in life was to throw me off balance. Our relationship hadn’t begun to take shape until we started being assigned to the same missions. We were efficient and always managed to get the job done relatively unscathed. Our case officer, General Draven, saw value in Cassian taking someone like me under his wing. I’d shown enough promise or they wouldn’t have recruited me in the first place. My family ties to the Senate gave me access that they couldn’t afford to lose. 
We represented Ralltiir, hailing from a long line of masons who became wealthy mining the endless deposits of marble embedded in the planet’s core. Regardless of what riches we’d come into; a long successful lineage was the truest indicator of wealth in the Inner Core. It’s why my parents shelled out every last cent they had to send me and my five other siblings to the finest educational institutes across the galaxy. My brothers and sisters all attended university on Coruscant. They dreamed of securing cushy jobs in the Senate all the while playing dress-up as politicians. I made a point of getting as far away from that way of life as I could, begging my mother and father to let me attend Theed University on Naboo. I’d said I wanted to pursue the arts and embrace my creativity. Of course, this was all a lie and a cover to join the Rebel Alliance in the fight to overthrow the Empire.
It was a relatively simple facade to maintain. Due to me being the ‘middle child’ and the most average of the family, I was able to fly under the radar rather easily. The vast amount of space in between us didn’t hurt either. I would have to take the occasional holotransmission and pray they couldn’t hear the loud metal clanking sounds of X-Wings being repaired in the background. Every family gathering—a bornday, Life Day, or some Imperial soiree—was an opportunity. At least that’s what General Draven told me back when I initially joined. Did part of me feel some intense pang of guilt in my stomach every time my mother would wrap me in a big embrace, knowing I was secretly siphoning intel off of her personal datapad? 
Of course. But that was a small price to pay for the cause. 
Gods know people had given up far more to get to where we are now. Cassian never let me forget that. Any hint of ungratefulness from me and he’d chew me out like there was no tomorrow. This latest briefing was no different. Me, him, and several other rebels were summoned at mealtime. We were meant to be discreet and to keep things strictly on a need-to-know basis which Cassian also hounded me for on the way to the briefing.
“...Draven means it, Ny. He does not want any chatter about this. It stays on the ground floor so no gossiping to your friends about it. Do you got it?” he chastises. 
“Oh, I’ve got it,” I say, my eyes finding their way to the ceiling, “Thanks for the much-needed reminder though.”
I pivot through the doorway of the mostly vacant strategy room. Draven, Vesti, Amon, and Zu-Lee stand waiting quietly around the holotable. A figure adorned in white walks into view, right out of the corner of my eye.
“Senator Mothma, I-I wasn’t expecting to see you,” I say, caught off guard by her appearance. 
Her presence was rare due to her being an incredibly busy woman but when she was here, you could feel it everywhere else. The energy becomes different. Things felt more certain and objectives became clearer. Mothma was more than pivotal; she was practically the lifeline of the cause.
“...how is your mother?” she asks, giving me a modest smile. 
“She is well,” I nod, “Thank you.”
Draven stands up straight, casting the blueprint of an unknown building onto the holotable. 
“Well, now that we’re all accounted for…let’s begin.”
“This is not gonna work,” Cassian mutters to himself, moments after exiting the strategy room.
I don’t think he had intended for me to hear him because when I intercept him in the hallway, Cassian feigns ignorance. 
“What did you just say?” I frown. 
“I didn’t say anything,” he says, even quieter.
“Don’t do that. Don’t be like that,”
“Don’t be like what?”
“Like a damn child! If you’ve got a problem with something, how about you speak up and come at it like an adult? Instead of this grumbly mumbly shit you love to pull whenever something doesn’t go your way,”
I can see something snap behind his eyes. I’m sure being deemed a child by someone so much younger than him had to be a major blow to his ego. He takes me by both shoulders and pulls me out of the flow of foot traffic and over to the side. We’re better secluded in the nook we find ourselves in. He briefly looks over his shoulder, ensuring we haven’t caused any disturbance. 
“I’ll have you know I didn’t have any expectations for this mission! Any! I didn’t know what base we were meant to infiltrate or which Imperial Officer we were supposed to track down!” Cassian says through gritted teeth, “How could I have any idea what this would entail?”
“Gods, you know what I mean. Just say you don’t think I can handle it. Just say you don’t think I’m good enough for the job—”
“You know that’s not how I feel!” “Then stop acting like that’s how you feel, asshole!” 
I storm away from Cassian, not giving so much as a glance back at him. But suddenly my movements are halted and I find a firm hand around my wrist. It’s tight, not enough to hurt or bruise but hard and swift enough to send a shockwave throughout the rest of my body. 
“Let go of me,” I say, lowly.
I hardly struggle. His jaw is clenched and brown eyes attempt to pry open my soul. We’re so close, that our breaths repel off of each other. A loose lock of umber-colored hair falls in front of his face—just above his eyelashes—and I try to suppress any sort of expression that follows. I’d be panting from the sheer tensity of the argument but pride tells me to keep it together. I can’t afford to unravel in front of him. Then I’d only be confirming his seemingly preconceived notions of me; that I’m not good enough. 
That I’m not cut out for the job. 
“Let go of me, you bastard!” I yell, far too loudly.
Silence overtakes the hallway and several passerbys stop in their tracks. I recognize one of them being a sentry from the recon-tower above base. He must be off for the night. I bet this altercation he’s just witnessed will worm its way into his and his pals’s topics of discussion in the Mess Hall later on. My mind is going a mile a minute. I can feel the blood thumping in my ears and the warm red hue that floods my cheeks. Embarrassment was an understatement. 
“I said, let go…” I say, sighing as he releases me. 
I speed off in the other direction, heading straight for my quarters. I don’t look back until I’m safe and secure behind the sliding door of my barracks. My heart still beats with vigor. A puff of air escapes my lips as I take a few steps forward and let myself fall face-first into my sleeper, groaning into my pillow. Cassian must really be that exhausting because, after a moment, I find myself drifting off. 
And away I go.
“Ny…Nyla? I-It’s me. Are you in there?” a haggard voice asks behind the door of my quarters, “Nyla?”
My eyes snap and I lift my head begrudgingly. 
“No, I’m not. Come back later perhaps?” 
“We need to talk. Sooner would be preferred,”
“Maybe I don’t care about what you prefer. Or what you want. So piss off.” I spit. 
The doors slide open before I even have time to react. I scramble to my feet as a silhouette–a mere blur in my peripheral—strides towards me. I pivot so I’m facing him. In my sleep, I must have shed a few layers. I’m only left with my bare essentials; attire he’d seen me in plenty of times before aboard his ship during particularly long journeys. I’m not entirely sure how much time has passed since we last saw each other but Cassian’s still wearing the same clothes. His jaw is clenched. There’s a fervor behind his eyes. 
Clearly, he came with an agenda.
“Oh, did you not hear me correctly? I believe I said…‘scram’,” I mock, making dramatic gestures in front of his face. 
“Enough of that,” he grunts, “You did a real good job making a fool of yourself back there. But then again, you’ve never been the most subtle, have you?”
“Subtle? You wanna talk about subtlety? How many bodies have I had to drag out of sight because you couldn’t show some damn trigger discipline, hm? And you want to paint me as the brash, impulsive one. That’s cute,”  
He paces across the room, letting his emotions drive his movement. 
“I should never have taken Draven’s offer. Evidently, it was a mistake. Us being assigned together. You’re impossible. You’re immature, spoiled, selfish, and have no grasp of what we’re up against,”
“Don’t you say that! Don’t you ever say that! I know what’s at stake. I know the risks. I’m not in it for the same personal glory you are. Who are you trying to impress seriously? No, seriously. Who? The other girls on base?” I scoff, “Please. If only you knew what they had to say about you,”
“I don’t care about that,” Cassian tries to convince himself.
I saunter closer to his position. His feet stay firmly planted. He doesn’t turn away. Our eyes are locked on one another. I don’t think I’ve ever held someone’s gaze for this long, much less a man’s.
“Sure you don’t,” I say in a drawl, “...y’know, it’s a big galaxy, Cass, but word travels fast. I know your type. I know how the second you see a married woman…you do cartwheels. You’re a complete and total skeeze. Through and through,”
Something shifts within him.
“...what else…what else have you heard about me, hm? Do you think a man like me…the type of man you think I am…would be able to stand this close to a beautiful woman and not be able to resist her?”
“W-Well, I’m not married so…I wouldn’t do it for you, I don’t think,” I say, lowly. 
I notice a stray piece of lint on the shoulder of his jacket. Nonchalantly, I go to brush it off of him but Cassian’s reflexes beat me to it. In a split second, his hand has encased itself around my wrist. His reaction startles me so much, that I laugh from the brief terror.
“Gods, would you relax! There was something on your jacket, I was just–”
“Don’t laugh at me like that.”
“...why not? I thought you didn’t care about what women thought of you. Mm, but maybe…maybe I’m the exception…am I just that irresistible, huh?”
I notice his eyes dart slightly down several times. It wouldn’t be until later that I’d realize he was fixated on my lips. His grip on my wrist doesn’t loosen but I’m not exactly itching to get him off of me. 
“Well…,” he begins.
“Well, what, Cass?”
“...aren’t you going to yell for me to let go?”
Ignoring the heat from somewhere deep within me, I decidedly pursed my lips, simultaneously sealing my fate. Leading the way, I pull us in the direction of my sleeper. He follows along as if my wrist were his guide. I sit on the edge of my bed, scooting back until we’re both completely on it. He props himself up with his free hand, pinning my hand to the mattress. A slight roll of my hips brings my thigh right into the front of his pants. This simple manuever has rendered him breathless it seems. Those frantic eyes don’t know whether to land on my own or my lips. I choose for him, leaning upwards into a firm but passionate kiss. His eyes flutter shut and I feel his lashes brush against my own. I swear I hear the slightest rasp of a whine in the back of his throat but before I know it—his two hands have found purchase on both sides of my face. He takes charge, his tongue ghosting across mine. I swear I feel lightheaded, even though I’ve done nothing strenuous enough to warrant such a symptom. 
“We…,” he moans in between kisses, “...we can’t be doing this,”
My lips find their way into the crook of his neck, grazing my teeth against the firm flesh. 
“Why?” I immediately challenge, “Because you’re older…because you’re my superior…because if they found out, they’d find the nearest moon and dump me there? No chance. They don’t give a shit. Are you even listening to yourself right now?”
“Less talking,” he says slowly, dragging his cold calloused hands up my stomach, “...fuck. You’re warm.” 
The fabric of my tank top catches on his fingertips and he pulls the shirt above my chest, exposing myself to him. Maybe a more decent man might take a delicate pace but Cassian wastes no time exploring my body. His hot wet mouth is everywhere. I don’t stifle my whimpers in the slightest. 
“It’s wrong….it’s wrong to want the things I want from you,” he growls, mouth full of flesh.
“What do you want from me then?”
In an instant, he’s off the bed and using my hips as handgrips to tug me to the very edge so my rear is hanging limp off of it, only held up by his shoulders. It’s a swift and seductive show of strength that I quickly try to take a mental snapshot of, knowing I’ll be thinking about it later. I wonder briefly if it's a technique he mastered over the years spent with many lovers. Beyond the obvious slick gathering between my thighs, my level of excitement only blooms at the thought of what else he might have in store.  He makes quick work of my bottoms, speckling my thighs with kisses all over as he traverses upwards to where I want him the most. Sometimes those kisses turn into gentle little bites. I practically squeal at the sensation, giggling as I feel him smile against my skin. I’m too shy in the moment to look down in his direction but I let my hand wander until I feel his umber locks, stroking softly when I find him. And then two chilled fingers run from the top of my mound downwards, pausing to circle my opening.
“This wet already, hm? What? Am I just that irresistible?” he playfully mocks me. 
I yank on his hair roughly in protest, to which I receive a light slap on my thigh.
“Hey. Behave,” Cassian says, dipping his tongue into me.
The whine that emits from my lips is so pathetic, that I expect him to give me a hard time about it—maybe do another hilarious impression of me. Instead, he has found far more productive uses for that mouth of his. That mouth I’ve wanted to slap him because of more times than I can count. The same one I’ve fantasized about absolutely devouring me ever since we first met. It was exactly as I’d imagined it.
The heat of his tongue, followed immediately by his cool breath as he inhales before diving in again. Before he inhales me. His head locked between my thighs, driving my lower half upwards as his strong shoulders rise. Clearly, his confidence is growing. I finally am feeling bold enough to look down. All I can see is a head of hair moving rapidly, desperate to keep up with the gyration of my hips. As if he can sense me looking down, he looks up, palming around for my other hand. I give it to him and our fingers interlock.
The intimacy brings me even closer to the edge. Before squeezing my palm tightly, Cassian then brings my hand to his scalp. For a moment I’m confused but then I realize that he wants me to use both of my hands to drive his head further into my cunt. So his hair momentarily becomes reins that I use at my discretion. I’m not gentle, but I’ve more than gotten the impression by now that he doesn’t want me to be. I’m erratic. I’m frenzied. I’m certainly not doing anything to dispel the “selfish” accusation he lobbed at me maybe ten minutes prior. 
That feels like a lifetime ago at this point though.
The pleasure growing from my depths is a warm and angry one. I didn’t know I could feel like this; I didn’t know I would like feeling like this. That same pleasure nearly spills over before Cassian positions me once again using my hips. This time he turns me over onto my stomach. The hand he has pressed into the small of my back keeps me in place. His other one is trying to free himself of his trousers desperately. Struggling to undo the buckle one-handed, I sit up, reaching back to offer him a hand of my own. My head bounces down onto the mattress as he swiftly pins both of my wrists to my back and with a grunt, manages to finally rip the belt and his pants off. 
“Not going to lie, I figure you’d make me finish,” I pant, “...but only so you could lord it over me ‘till the end of time,”
“Oh, baby. You think I’m done with you?” The combined use of baby and the intrusion of his cock entering me have me moaning wantonly. Cassian slowly bottoms out, jutting his hips so he’s as deep as physically possible. He’s almost flattened himself on top of me, the scruff of his beard prickling at my left ear. 
“Would the type of man you think I am go slow like this?” he coos, “Huh, baby? Or would he fuck you hard and rough like he paid for it?”
Cassian’s teeth nip the edge of my ear and I gasp. But the sudden punishing pace that he rails into me with practically has me winded. Every time he collides with my core, I’m left seeing stars. It’s indescribable. Like a flick of spark a flint and steel would give you. It’s hot and blinding and gone in an instant. Over and over again. 
“Touch yourself if you need,” Cass rasps, “but I’m not stopping.”
He gives me back one of my hands and I immediately go for my clit. My smaller more acute thrusts are a nice contrast to his more broad, all-encompassing ones. Meanwhile, he’s now moved on to grabbing my shoulders and using those to propel himself rapidly. It’s all so blissful and brutal. I don’t want it to end but I know if he continued like this for an eternity, I’d be broken down to a speck of nothing in no time.
It was almost a guarantee that I was going to be sore tomorrow. Future-Me was probably cursing the Present-Me for allowing him to go at it so hard but that was her problem to deal with. My only objective was to finish myself off before he could. I did not want to give that bastard the satisfaction. But the scent of myself in his facial hair made me realize what a lost cause that was. Before I know it, I’m spasming around him, cursing his name in a series of sobs. My mind goes blank and I’m pliant as he continues pushing into me. 
“Where d’you want me?” he says in a tone so husked I can barely understand him at first.
“Want you?”
“Want it. Where do you want it?” he reiterates.
“In me,” I murmur. 
“In you? Are you sure?”
“Did I stutter?” 
Cassian presses down on me hard as he cums and I groan. I can feel him throb inside of me. His hands now trace along my jaw, finally halting his movements whilst giving me a bit of reprieve. My quarters’ steady silence is soon deafening. We can hear everything; our rampant heartbeats, the wetness connecting us, the sound of skin simply brushing against skin. If he were a lover, it would be a beautiful moment. A moment of reflection, mutual understanding even. A reminder that what we were doing was okay and that we both cared for one another and we were safe.
With Cassian, these were partial truths. I have to suppress the part of me that wishes we were whole, that we had something beyond this shared neverending fight for survival. He gives me a feather-light kiss on the back of my neck. Something so tender that could only come from a partner. Maybe we could pretend. Maybe we would pretend. Show each other a brief devotion and chase off the doubts that swarmed us constantly. Outflank the regret and shame and make them both go darting off in the other direction.
Our greatest fears would fear us instead.
It was a nice escape from the happenstance. Is it strange that it wasn’t until this very moment that I fully processed Cassian being inside of me? Witnessing my most inner self. The man who I’ve wanted to punch more times than I can count. I burst out laughing at the thought. 
“What? What is it?” he smiles, lifting off of me.
“Nothing,” I giggle, “It’s nothing, it’s just…you.”
I turn over, sighing a sigh that could only be sighed from a girl who’d just gotten her brains fucked out. Cassian rolls out of my bed and I’m able to finally get a good look at his physique. He’s about as toned as I’d expect him to be and his chest hair is trimmed and neat. It’s a brief spell of sightseeing as Cassian is quick to redress. I hardly have the energy to make myself neat again, instead opting to use my bedding to obscure my lower half. Once I get the notion that he’s about to depart, I stop to query him. Not because I was hoping we would cuddle afterward (I never saw him as the type), but because I was curious what kind of shenanigans he was going to get up to before we’d have to leave in the morning. 
“...the U-wing. There’s some upkeep I have to do if we’re to make it off the surface successfully…for the mission,” he answers with a small smirk.
Color me surprised.
“W-Wait, so…you’re gonna let me go through with it? You’re not gonna blab to Draven like you said you would?”
“After having some time to reconsider…and to…cool off, I have had a change of mind,”
“Yeah, I wonder what spurred that,” I scoff, bringing the sheets up over my chest. 
“That’s not what I meant, Ny. I-I hold out on you sometimes…because I don’t want you getting hurt. Or killed. I have a lot I carry with me but…I’d rather not add you to that list if you know what I mean,”
I swallow thickly. Finally, some insight. Some clarity into this man’s thought process and psyche. But part of me questions if it’s unveiled itself too late. The damage was done. I lean forward and swing my legs off the side of the bed, looking up at him with doe eyes. He tenderly brushes a few stray locks of hair away from my face. 
“...t-that’s fine, Cass. But for this to work, I need you to believe that when the time comes and it's down to the wire and things are looking dark…that I’ll be able to handle it. Handle myself. Handle whatever gets thrown at us. I’d ask you to trust me but...we both know how little weight that word holds in this pursuit. So I’ll ask you instead…can you believe in me?”
A moment of stillness passes.
“Yes,” he says, firmly, “but that doesn’t mean I’m still not gonna do everything in my power to save your skin when the time comes. No matter how much you drive me crazy.”
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randomthefox · 2 months
Idea for villain Amy's She could be a yandere that stalks sonic and tries to force herself on him and kills anyone for going near him
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Amy's attraction towards Sonic is severely misunderstood by people who do not respect her character enough to properly understand her. Amy's feelings are not an obsessive mania, they are a precocious crush. They derive from her primary character flaw of short sighted entitled selfishness, but they are also indicative of why Amy could never be a villain: she is too innocent and pure of heart.
Compare Amy to, for example, Goku. Goku is not anybodies idea of a paragon of moral virtue. But he is completely pure without a single ounce of evil in his heart whatsoever.
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Amy is the same way. She is selfish and juvenile, but that comes from the same place as her boundless energy and capacity for reaching out and touching the hearts of others inspiring them to be their best self. They are inextricably linked. You cannot have an Amy who will drop everything to help a lost baby bird evade killer robots and find its family members without also having an Amy who will ambush Sonic out of nowhere with demands that he act as the birds bodyguard whether he likes it or not and then proceed to galavant off into an amusement park in the whimsical idea of them being a cute couple. They both derive from the same place: her childlike purity. You have to take the good with the bad.
That's also why Amy could never be a true villain. She can be misguided or wrong headed, but she can never be properly evil. She would never do something that strictly benefits herself to the exclusion of another person's feelings. Even in the bull rushing Sonic to be Birdies bodyguard scene, Sonic DOES go along with it despite his protestations. In Sonic's version of the Twinkle Park entrance scene, they are just casually walking down the street together.
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Clearly she isn't exactly holding a gun to his head. If Sonic has genuinely been like "Amy I do not have time for your bullshit right now, our PLANE got shot down and I need to find Tails!" she would have gone "oh shit well then I'll tag along and help you find Tails too!" which would have conveniently also allowed her to stick with Sonic which is what she wanted in the first place. She would not in any spectrum of reality been like "I don't care, I SAID you need to help the BIRD >=O " and like threatened him with her hammer or something. The fact Sonic pretty much goes along with Amy's bullshit to the exclusion of finding Tails says more about him than anything else
Amy cannot be evil because she's too pure. That's not to say she's too "good" by our subjective definitions of virtue and morality. She's pure in the same way a child or an animal is pure. Just like Goku woulda done. And that's also where her attraction to Sonic comes from. She isn't really attracted to Sonic for, like, his body. She's attracted to his personality and what he represents. She's attracted to his spirit of adventure. And it is through her childish purity that that attraction expressed itself in a desire to get married, it's a very "playing house" or "tugging a girls hair because you like her" kind of thing. Sonic's rejection of it is just as juvenile like Oshima once explained: he finds it annoying because "getting married" isn't "cool", not because he genuinely dislikes her. (They're perfect for each other lol)
Ironically if Sonic became the kind of person who would be happy with "settling down" and getting married to Amy, he would cease to be the person that she is attracted to in the first place. If she ever "got him" then she wouldn't want him anymore. The evolution and maturation of their relationship in the games since Unleashed comes from a mutual understanding of one another and themselves. She WANTS him to be the wind that blows free and can never be tied down, so that she can always be swept up in the breeze and go along on adventures of her own.
An "evil Amy" just wouldn't make sense for that same reason. Just like how Sonic would cease to be the person Amy is attracted to if he were to want to settle down, an Amy who is evil just wouldn't be Amy. She would fundamentally be a completely different character who shares none of the same values or personality. She might as well just be a new character wearing Amy's skin. Or be possessed by the will of a hack moron of a writer. Amy can be a dumb bitch sometimes, but she could never ever be evil by any strata.
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magicalgirlartist · 6 months
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[ID: 5 panel comic featuring human versions of Bionicle characters. Kopeke, shirtless, points to two scars under his chest and shrugs. Matoro, who is looking at them, says "No, I've never seen scars like these either, Kopeke..." He then asks "Do you want me to ask Turaga Nuju about them?" Kopeke covers his chest and shakes his head, shy and embarrassed. Matoro says "Okay, well, as long as they don't hurt it's probably fine." A full black panel says "1000 years later" in both the Matoran font and English. A young woman waves towards Kopeke in his Toa form, smiling. There is an arrow pointing to her labelled "Vo-Matoran" and one pointing to Kopeke labelled "Vo-Toa." The same woman looks up at Kopeke confusedly as he looks into the middle distance with a bemused smile, thinking "oh." The thought balloon is coloured like the trans flag. End ID.]
Local Vo-Matoran Gets Amnesia, Forgets He's Trans
Technically this is more A Company of Toa fanart even though this doesn't happen in the actual fic, but I just think the idea of Kopeke straight up forgetting he's been a trans man this whole time because he doesn't know that Vo-Matoran are assigned girl is very funny
(Not pictured: Tamaru cheering and jumping around and yelling because one of her brothers is trans like her!!!!!!!)
[Commissions open!]
Context for non-Bionicle followers under the cut:
Okay so in Bionicle gender is tied to your element. Of the six main elements (fire, water, earth, air, stone, and ice), only one (water) is female, the rest are male. Altogether, out of sixteen total elements, only three (water, lightning, and psionics) are girls. (Light and shadow can be either but we only ever meet one female representative of each because the design team was weird about gender but we're not getting into all that.)
Kopeke, like all Metru Nui Matoran, got amnesia before the start of the story. Previously, he would have known he was a Vo-Matoran (lightning element), but on arrival to Mata Nui the Turaga didn't know how many secondary element Matoran there were, so they lumped them in with the six main element ones and hoped for the best. This was presumably fine for most people, and also there were so few secondary element Matoran that it wouldn't make sense to split them all up by element so strictly. So Kopeke has spent the last 1000 years assuming he's a Ko-Matoran (ice element, male), and straight up does not remember that he's transgender until he meets more Vo-Matoran after becoming a Toa and going "hey wait a tic"
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number1villainstan · 3 months
For the Utena ask game: 2, 3, 9, 11?
2. favorite episode (bonus: favorite scene)
Cop out answer, but I'm genuinely not familiar enough with the show to have a single favorite episode. I've only watched it all the way through once, and I'm still in the middle of a second rewatch (it's a group rewatch, the Utena Weekly thing that's going on on the Empty Movement forum). That being said, I really like Wakaba's second episode in the Black Rose arc, and the Tale of the Rose episode in the Akiopocalypse arc. And Nanami's two parter (also in the Akiopocalypse arc).
I love the scenes of fake domestic bliss between Wakaba and Saionji in the BR arc for entirely selfish shippy reasons--they're so damn bittersweet, a taste of what could have been, and you hope desperately that this can keep going even though you know that it can't, even though you know that it's only able to function because of the choking secrecy and play-pretend. Even though you know it's gotta come crashing down around their ears.
Tale of the Rose doesn't have one specific favorite scene for me, but I really like this episode because it does genuinely so much heavy lifting in the context of the show. It gives you two different versions of the same story, and both of those versions give you so much information, both directly and indirectly, about the world of Ohtori, how to decode its symbols, what Really Happened when Utena was a child, how the systems of Ohtori function and what their basis is. I called it the 'lore climax' on my first watchthrough, I think? And I stand by it. Because holy shit. The first half is a great little play, but the second half is like the Flashback To End All Flashbacks.
Nanami's two parter in the Akiopocalypse arc--probably my favorite scene in that episode is right after Nanami 'loses' the duel. It's such a wild emotional ride to see her get hit with a car and then still be standing. Still be on her own two feet. I genuinely think I might have been close to crying from triumph during my first watchthrough when I watched this scene.
3. favorite arc
Oh man, I almost wanna say the Black Rose arc? It's definitely the weakest of all the arcs, but it's got more focus on a lot of the characters that I'm drawn to more than I'm drawn to Utena (rip Utena, you're a great character but you're just not my type). Specifically I'm thinking the focus on Wakaba and Mikage's whole deal. Akiopocalypse is also a solid contender, because of how much it fleshes out Anthy (another of my faves) and also how well it ties all of the themes of RGU together. Seriously, RGU is like a masterclass in how to tell a story and it's going to be influencing my writing for ever and ever.
9. favorite aspect of the show to analyze/read analysis about
I think my favorite thing to analyze (not necessarily read analysis about) used to be Saionji and his relationship to and position in the systems of Ohtori? But I'm not sure if it's that anymore. At this point I'd probably read literally any analysis ever about anything about this show.
11. favorite and/or most interesting relationship (doesn't have to be romantic)
hhhhhhh DEFINITELY Wakaba/Saionji. It's definitely A Ship but IDK if I interpret it as strictly romantic, but I've definitely written for it (go check out setting down roots for a look at a post-Ohtori possibility for them. Although it was one of the monthly short pieces that was only one draft, so it doesn't cohere quite as well as I would have liked it to, especially on the symbolic side). They have SO MANY PARALLELS (to me). They could have broken down Ohtori themselves if Ohtori's systems hadn't doomed them from the start. They're an intensely tragic pair but only in the specific circumstances that canon put them in. I go crazy over them every time.
the ask game is here
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skaruresonic · 5 months
Shadow is the raw "fuck around and find out". Sonic mutually is similar. If forced to disturb each other, they will duke it out. Otherwise neither really need to. Nor is this exclusive to Shadow and Sonic, Shadow will fight with anyone. And I think that's missed on fans for the Vegeta descriptor. It also marks a problem with DBall fans thinking of Vegeta only in relation to Goku, and indirectly assuming Sonic is Goku
Heroes and Gens that said are piss for how the fight started, but both games also aren't exclusive to them (Rouge is even more aggro to Chaotix for 0 reason, Silver in Gens). And then this ignores Shadow being noble end of Heroes to stall for charging up, and Gens for giving encouragement and sticking for the party (not to mention Gens it's strictly to celebrate anniversary rival battles)
I also feel you misread Battle; Shadow asking is pretty huge, and largely because he was dealing with fear/self loathing over the course of the game (which given Heroes and ShtH makes sense. He gained ego, but is absolutely aware a worse version of him can happen). The choice prompt's onus should be on Sonic disagreeing, not "oh Shadow didn't actually care regardless of choice". Him asking Emerl last story to prove himself is only partially ego, it's to ensure Emerl can actually fucking stand up for himself. It takes a lot for him to open his mind and change, and Emerl's death definitely affected him
06 Shadow is definitely combatitive to those disturbing him. He's bluntly dismissive to Rouge beginning, catty to Sonic when he suggests him to be late, chases after Mephiles even when others didn't, and Silver he beats him up and only suggests "finding the truth" due to a freak accident + hearing Mephiles mentioned. Even then the fight still happened :V. In game quotes further show his ego and self confidence, and there's a bunch of scrapped quotes of a Sonic/Shadow side mode with them being more catty, but not to destructive flanderized "battle me now". He's self actualized to not hate himself, and in a way honors Emerl and Maria without mentioning them regarding his mission to humanity...but not falling down if hated
Rivals 1 and 2 again have him focused on his mission. He fights even Rouge in Rivals 2 due to her being coy and unhelpful despite having leads regarding the Ifrit. His relation with Metal is actually interesting as he continually shows respect to him, with Metal similarly being more than just a walkie talkie with its sacrifice in the end
Colors DS he's on a mission again, this time with Omega. His relation to Sonic is to test him, but he isn't aggro as Sonic isn't instigating nor disturbing. He actually compliments him when he leaves
Free Riders is kinda shit, but not for direct reasons. He has no reason being in the tournament, he barely interacts with anyone besides "hmph" and "Did you think I'm not good". He's not Ooc, but his usage is boring. Partially noble to the robot surprisingly, but Rouge being bitchy is ehhh
Gens again ehhh
Forces he's misused in terms of >doing nothing for 6 months, though in char. He's mad Infinite has copies, though more concerned of the world over his ego. It's Sonic that chips despite his apathy. Ep Shadow he's bluntly telling Infinite to fuck off with his backstab attempt, yet fandumb take offense to that :V
So with that said.. I find the Tails Channel thing to be meh flanderizing of Sonic mainly, but not as bad as fans are bitching. Shadow's nuance is being Vegeta in isolation, not being Vegeta in Goku rivalry. I feel this is missed cuz Ian Archie turning him into a naive wuss + ignoring that Heroes, ShTH and Battle are vital to his char dev + oversimplifying/overglorifying 06 + people still acting like Boom and Twitter are continuity tied when they fucking aren't
I'm... getting the feeling you guys think I'm not taking Shadow's entire character into account when I'm instead trying to highlight one aspect to make the overall point that you kind of have to take the thorns alongside the roses with him. You (general you) can't just accept his better qualities while refusing to acknowledge the rougher edges of his personality; that's neither fair nor equitable.
Yes, I know he's pragmatic and goal-oriented. That doesn't necessarily negate the fact that he can be bullheaded as well. In every example you listed, (except for '06 and Free Riders which I can't vouch for bc I haven't played them), Shadow's displayed varying degrees of pettiness and stubbornness to accompany his nobler moments.
Heroes and Gens that said are piss for how the fight started, but both games also aren't exclusive to them (Rouge is even more aggro to Chaotix for 0 reason, Silver in Gens). And then this ignores Shadow being noble end of Heroes to stall for charging up, and Gens for giving encouragement and sticking for the party (not to mention Gens it's strictly to celebrate anniversary rival battles)
Exactly. The "aggro" attitude Sonic's rivals have in Gens is not limited to just Shadow, which should imply that the characters are stuck in whatever pocket of time they got sucked into until Sonic unfreezes them.
It would make sense for Shadow to say that this is where he "ends" Sonic if he believed he was back on the ARK trying to stop Sonic from reaching the Eclipse Cannon; one of his idle quotes in Final Chase is that he'll "destroy" the interceptor.
Besides, I don't know why people are harping on Shadow challenging Sonic to a race when Silver literally tried to Katamari Sonic to death lol like isn't Meteor Smash way worse than a verbal threat
Rivals 1 and 2 again have him focused on his mission. He fights even Rouge in Rivals 2 due to her being coy and unhelpful despite having leads regarding the Ifrit. His relation with Metal is actually interesting as he continually shows respect to him, with Metal similarly being more than just a walkie talkie with its sacrifice in the end.
in Rivals 2, Shadow progresses from taking Metal along for the ride to showing some concern for him and has a pretty civil conversation with Rouge. And also threatens to knock Sonic out merely for being in his way. xP
I also feel you misread Battle; Shadow asking is pretty huge, and largely because he was dealing with fear/self loathing over the course of the game (which given Heroes and ShtH makes sense. He gained ego, but is absolutely aware a worse version of him can happen). The choice prompt's onus should be on Sonic disagreeing, not "oh Shadow didn't actually care regardless of choice".
...kind of missing my point a little. Shadow doesn't politely ask Sonic for custody of Emerl, nor is it exactly him who offers you a choice. Rather, the game does. And given that one of the points the game makes with that choice being a false one is that Sonic and the player are not the same entity, the distinction between game and character are worth consideration, I think.
He demands Sonic hand Emerl over to be destroyed once he realizes Emerl has already established a Link with Sonic. And then the game - not Shadow - gives you, the player, a false choice where Sonic refuses regardless of whether you say yes or no.
Shadow's response of "Then... I'll destroy you too" remains the same as well.
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The choice being a false one sends a twofold message: that A.) the player and Sonic are not one in the same, and B.) Shadow isn't fucking around. Otherwise, why make it a choice at all? Why not just write the scene linearly and have it lead directly into fighting Shadow?
Forces he's misused in terms of >doing nothing for 6 months, though in char. He's mad Infinite has copies, though more concerned of the world over his ego. It's Sonic that chips despite his apathy. Ep Shadow he's bluntly telling Infinite to fuck off with his backstab attempt, yet fandumb take offense to that :V
I do agree that Shadow could have factored into the plot more, in the sense that I agree with the overarching sentiment that Forces is a tad underwritten and could have benefited from more showing instead of telling.
That being said, that doesn't necessarily mean he was misused or mischaracterized in the role he was given. Vegeta!Shadow accusations lobbed against Forces!Shadow baffle me the most because it's like bitch where. Folks may have a (slightly) better leg to stand on in almost any other game, but Forces? Forces, my dude? I just. :v
He told Infinite he was pathetic? bruh Infinite is a power-hungry sadist who straight-up does not give a shit that his squad's been destroyed. Finny was not some uwu sadboi whose face Shadow pushed into the dirt, that's just fanfiction
In fact, I'm pretty sure you could read his quiet contribution to the Resistance as some kind of lesson in humility that Infinite's antics taught him. Consider his snarky comments about Omega in the DLC vs. his attitude in the main game, where he smiles at the end of the final battle and notably sticks around Resistance HQ. His time in Virtual Reality being taunted by Rouge and Omega's specters seems to have taught him the value of camaraderie, if just a little bit.
It's Sonic that chips despite his apathy.
Yeah, this is one point where Forces could have clarified how he escaped. We kinda don't know whether he bounced after Virtual Reality or if he was stuck there up until the moment he reappears to save Sonic.
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inventedfangirling · 1 year
Thai QL Favorites Tag Game
Tagged by @telomeke ! I was surprised when i saw the notification pop up but yaay I loved reading your answers and I'm very excited to try this out too. Thanks for tagging me🤗
Credit to the creator of this game @thatgirl4815 of the Thai BL Favorites Tag Game.
Fair warning, almost the entirety of this is going to be filled with Bad Buddy related responses and it's gonne be the opposite of concise *SURPRISE* so yes lezgo...
Favorite Thai QL: Bad Buddy. It was the second thai QL i have ever watched and THE ONLY reason i decided to actually consume more of thai QL content cos this show moved me in a way nothing i had ever seen until then had. It was queer, it was asian, it intentionally subverted so many tropes i hated, gave us inkpa AND patpran-one of the most beautiful and respectful love stories ive ever seen that culminated in an ending that is as happy as it is realistic and i am still in awe of p'aof and ohmnanon and the gem they made. But also. Just for episode 5. Perfection. Also, Episode 7 my beloved. And Episode 11 the love of my life. Bad Buddy you will always be my favourite <3
Favorite Pairing: OhmNanon -> PatPran ofc! I've never seen the appeal of childhood friends to lovers until i saw Patpran's childhood frenemies to adult frenemies to friends to lovers. Just the most organic growth of a bond whose seeds were sown even before they were born. But most importantly once they grew up and were confronted with obstacles and realities, they chose to love eo and kept on choosing eo. Their love, their regard for eo, the way they cared for eo, it's all so very precious and i just won't ever love a romantic pairing the way i do patpran, and it's half because of just how brilliant ohmnanon's chemistry worked, they are EVERYTHING to me.
I also LOVE First & Khaotung's chemistry. Great Stuff. Also Net & James.
Most underrated actor: I don't know if i have watched enough shows to comment on this since the actors i mention might actually be well appreciated and not strictly underrated but yes Fluke Gawin Caskey is on my list too. I feel that his drop dead gorgeous looks have somehow made his real acting chops appear like an afterthought when in reality it so isn't. Kinda have similar feelings about Net from Bed Friend as well.
I loved LOVE from bad buddy, and i can't wait to see her in 23.5 with Milk. Suar from You're My Sky & La Pluie, and Title also from La Pluie, War from Love Mechanics, First & Khaotung from Eclipse (i know they are well loved but still!) i REALLY enjoyed their performances.
Favorite Character: Pran Parakul my beloved. Pran is in so many ways so similar to me i immediately took a liking to him. I don't know how much my love for Pran is inextricably tied to how Nanon played the part but the pining and the love that was just on display but hidden oh so beautifully, my heart hadnt ached for a character in a romance story in so long. And then the love is reciprocated and then instead of the character doing a full 180 and being unrealistically happy we see him struggle to adjust, we see him learn and grow and finally accept the love he had been wanting all along, and along the way learning to be a better partner too, more gushing on pran here, cos i'm incorrigible.
Favorite Side Character: Pa from Bad Buddy. I love love love Pa and Pat's bond. I love how Pa is like Pat's compass pointing him in the right direction (more often than not) and Pat listens and actually follows up on what she says. And also "men are so boring, and are all men delusional like you" NO ONE DOES IT LIKE PA I SAY. Special mention to Ink & her "It's so gainful".
Also Tee from Gap The Series, Palm's mom from Never Let Me Go, the uncles from My Ride (they remind me of Patpran with all their bickering ahhh), Tien & Bow from La Pluie, Pharm & Manow from Between Us, Pear from Be My Favorite. Oh also everybody in Cher's friendgroup from A Boss and a Babe.
Favorite scene in a QL: I'm gonna cheat cos there is no way i can pick one, so here's 5, all from Bad Buddy: ep 5 rooftop Kiss, that whole scene in ep 7 where pat shows up as Riam and saves the play, the balcony phone call scene ep 8, ep 11 the scene that starts with Pat thanking Pran for "trying to make a silly guy like me happy" and also the scene where Pran follows "i wrote this song for him" up with singing the beautiful song that was "our song" SOBBBS.
But also Thun's coming out scene in He's Coming to Me is so so very special to me.
Okay maybe that's more than 5, but i already said i'd cheat so :333
Favorite line in a QL: So many lines from Bad Buddy I could just go on and on under this prompt BUT okay i'll be good this time if i had to pick one just rn then - "Together, we’ve been through a lot. We’ve experienced wonderful times a lot. We’ve had awful times a lot. We’ve looked out for each other a lot. We’ve been concerned about each other a lot. We’ve been thinking about each other a lot and we’ve been happier, a lot." will just have to be the winner. What a crown worthy answer, my baby Pran is right as usual.
Most Anticipated QL (& why): 23.5 degrees. GMMTV finally releasing a GL show after years and years of BL content. And also MilkLove together after Bad Buddy & INKPA NEED I SAY MORE!?!?
But also "Last Twilight" cos i cant wait to see what P'aof's been cooking.
Healthiest relationship in a QL: Patpran, again xD. This is extra special because they had all the obstacles that could have made this such a toxic relationship and yet they focused on respect and consent and healthy communication and caring for each other and understanding each other and becoming better versions of themselves because of and with each other and the prominent way consent is emphasized in all their intimate moments, it's just EVERYTHING to me.
Also Mork & Tawan from My Ride. Rarely do we get to see such an equally contributive and reciprocal and healthy relationship. It was a pleasure to watch.
Most toxic relationship in a QL: Maybe VeeMark from Love Mechanics. They were cute and shiz but just way too much back and forth and miscommunication just NO.
Guilty pleasure series: Bed Friend
Most underrated series: My Ride, He's Coming to Me, You're My Sky
Tagging @sharingfandoms, @aroceu, @thecriers, @midnightfreeway, @lovelyghostv, @fiercynn, @thegayneurodivergentagenda and whoever else who wants to try this, no compulsion &lt;3
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arysthaeniru · 6 months
Hi !! For the ask game, breath of the wild for fandom and zelink for ship 🧐
Breath of the Wild!
Favourite character
I love Riju! I can't help it, I see a child forced to be a leader of her people, left with the burden of the dead on her shoulders and unable to do her task without help, but it too proud to admit it to her people, so she has to rely on an outsider....and I adopt them. It's the same reason Taya and Capella are my faves in Pathologic, haha. But also Riju's remarkably good-spirited about her whole deal, her oracle sand-seal Patricia who only speaks in puns, and a town of adult women who are entirely reliant on her.
Least Favourite Character
Revali. I wish there was a little more going on with this bird to justify his attitude beyond simple jealousy/rivalry, and I've seen some great fanon elaborations on him that I've really enjoyed (esp. regarding his friendship with Zelda, which I've fully accepted into my wheelhouse), but if we're going strictly off canon, he's not got a lot going on, and I wish there was a little more!
OH, but also Purah. Not in terms of her characterization necessarily, but how much she's coded to appeal to the worst types of gamers. First she's my beloathed trope of immortal loli, and then she's THE main fanservice in ToTK as aged up basic sexy girl, and everything about her design and everything squicks me out terribly. She and Robbie are so much fun in Hyrule Warriors, but I hate interacting with her within the BOTW/TOTK timeline, because you always have to deal with all that nonsense.
5 Favourite Ships
This is hard! I don't really ship too many people in Breath of the Wild? I find the world so much more interesting, but like.
Ganon/Link/Zelda - The beating heart of the series and their fascinating/godly destiny/duty ties them altogether, and although BOTW/TOTK outright refuse to give Ganon anything even vaguely resembling a character, I still think it's intriguing! I have so many ideas swirling in my head about how you could only have to tweak a few memories to make Ganon a more justified villain in TOTK that would actually make this compelling.
Cece/Lasli - Fashion lesbians! I think Lasli's practicality would clash interestingly with Cece being a diva, it would be a disaster, but also quite cute, I think! There's of course, the tragedy of Lasli's dead ex inbetween them, that's always fun to explore.
Riju/Yunobo - This is my weird crackship that I really developed while playing the spinoff, Hyrule Warriors, Age of Calamity. Their relationship to their mentors is very similar, their hangups about leadership and their place in their community is very similar, and they both love zooming across the game map. They are also very similar in age! If you play the games in Japanese, where we don't have the weird surfer dub for Yunobo, Yunobo and Riju are both 13 years old, and they're both very endearing.
Paya/Tauro - I love how genuinely positive and cute they are in ToTK! I'm so glad that Paya moved on from her crush on Link and instantly found somebody who actually validates her scholarly and leadership skills everyday, and encourages her to be her best self. They have a fun banter.
Koltin/Loone - Another fun little crackship! The girl who's obsessed with leviathans and guardians, and Koltin, THE monster guy. He knows everything about monsters and thinks they're misunderstood! I feel like they would get along. It's a shame we can't hook them up in-game.
Character I find Attractive
Ganondorf. Duh. He's a handsome man.
Character I would Marry
Teba seems like a good husband and dad. Also he's just very cool, haha. Or maybe Purah? I feel like we'd probably get along.
Character I would be Best Friends With
Gosh, probably Sidon! He's very supportive and nice. I feel like I would thrive with that sort of energy in my life. And I could help him be a better leader. Or Purah and/or Robbie, they're very hectic and manic but real dedicated to their work, and I am nothing at heart, if no a workaholic myself, lol.
Unpopular Opinion
I've seen more consensus agree with me lately, as the hype around ToTK has started to fade away, but I'm very frustrated by the Zonai and the way they handled that! It's so frustrating to see Zelda, whose lesson in BoTW was that her Father was wrong, the kingdom and its tenets were wrong, blind faith was wrong and that it was her love for her friends that saved her in he end--then learn the lesson in ToTK that monarchy is fine, everybody should just attempt to emulate the past, and that everything in the past was good.
I think constantly about the fact that Rauru's four sages, the people who swore fealty to him--have no identities. No names, no faces, no real agency or personality beyond their duty to the sacred stone, and their species. There's something very unsettling about that, and something very unsettling coupled with the Depths, this creepy, hollow, empty place that the Zonai mined out and left nothing in return. The Doylist explanation is, of course, that there are no writing credits on ToTK and they just didn't have the time to flesh out the Sages or the Depths, because they had to move on to making the new Zelda game for Switch 2. But the Watsonian explanation could have been really fascinating, it could make the Zonai more morally ambiguous. These aliens who came to Earth to mine the Earth for power and pulled people into their thrall for that power--which they saw as ultimately a tool to progress everybody's society, but also can be seen from Ganondorf's perspective as something horrifying. What is the worth of progress if it comes at the expense of identity?
But that would involve the writers having to grapple with the colonialism inherent to the premise they are creating here. And they want Rauru to be good, Hyrule to be good and Ganondorf to be straightforwardly evil. And that's sad to me, because Wind Waker and Twilight Princess, to an extent, are about the failures of the old rulers and their approaches, and how our heroes have to do better. And the fact Nintendo refused to do that here thematically makes me sad!
Most badass character
Urbosa! I LOVE fighting as her in Hyrule Warriors, and she's also just such a fun design and cool and supportive at the same time.
Pairing I am Not Fond Of
Sidon/Link. Not that I hate it or anything! I can see it, it's a very plausible pairing, but often a lot of people sideline Zelda entirely when they write it, and that's annoying to me. I don't like when yaoi shippers discard the most important women to a man's life to make it gay.
Characters I feel the Writers screwed up
Ganondorf! Evil brown guy is just evil because he's brown. Very annoying to not even try to make that feel more nuanced in the year 2023, but whatever.
Favourite Friendship
Robbie and Purah! I love their dumb banter and bickering in all of the games. Inventor duo, they hate each other and would die for each other, and when they work together, they can make the impossible happen. I love how much they both fight for credit on petty things, but they do always say the other was instrumental to their success. Their fighting style in Hyrule Warriors, where Robbie is the one piloting their mech-suit, while Purah just perches on the shoulder and shows off when they do their special attack--everything to me!
Zelink beneath the readmore!
When I Started Shipping It
Probably as SOON as I got to that memory in BOTW, where they're in the rain, and Zelda asks him if he had a chance to be anything else other than a knight, would he have taken it? And the look he gives her as he turns back, and the way the scene is framed when he's jolted out of the memory...argh, that's when the brainworms really started. But also I really did like that moment where she tries to get him to eat a frog, after complimenting his ability to tame horses. It's just cute, idk! They're the thematic core of the story. It's about the inevitable destiny of it, and how Zelda bucks against their fated destiny, but Link embraces it, because he is a man guided by devotion and courage, and her wisdom means she knows it's a bad idea--but how can she do anything but love it/him? There's something just a bit doomed to all of their interactions, and it makes me go insane!
My Thoughts (Good/Bad)
I find it bad for worldbuilding as a whole, but fascinating for their dynamic, that Skyward Sword makes Zelda the living incarnation of Hylia, because then you're constantly left with the question: is Link simply extending his devotion towards the Goddesses by loving Zelda, or does he love Zelda and the Goddess separately? Is that even possible to separate Zelda from the Goddess? What does it mean for your temple of devotion to be a person? And in BOTW/ToTK where they are haunted by failure and loss, where there's unspoken resentment towards each other they both have to let go of, Zelda in the past, and Link in the present, that infuses their dynamic with such fun tension, even when they do wholeheartedly love each other and do just get along. I find it tragic, and fun, and sweet and sad all at once. I love a good destined lovers, where neither is entirely sure if that's a good idea, or there's a certain exhaustion to it, because it's inevitable anyway...
Things Done in Fanfic That Annoy Me
When in post-botw fics they have kids, rule the restored kingdom of Hyrule together, and don't seem to have any trauma. They're both feral, they're of the Wild now, and if Link actually loved Zelda and Hyrule, he'd never support her remaking Hyrule Kingdom ever again. They're just not capable of having a happy nuclear family in that way, sorry!
People also make Link SO masculine in such a weird way sometimes in fanfic--no??? Even if you don't headcanon him trans, he's like...so distanced from the kind of daddy dom masculinity that so many fanfic writers seem to default onto a lot of sex?? He's very gender-fluid and I just can't ever see him in that kind of aggressive way. It's always very jarring and unpleasant. I also think people really overplay the enemies-to-lovers of pre-canon BOTW, which sometimes leads to fics where they're like...doing petty revenge on each other or like having dramatic blowouts--which always feels a bit unrealistic to me? I'm very picky about the zelinks I like ^^;;;
I also just hate modern AU in general. They don't make sense outside of the feudal system and those external pressures/divine pressures!! Bodyguard/celebrity will NEVER hit in the same way as knight/princess.
Who I'd be Comfortable With Them Ending Up With, if Not Each Other
Link has vibes with a lot of people! Honestly, in Windwaker, I don't ship Link/Tetra at all! Link and Medli is far more compelling to me. And TP, Midna and Zelda are so in love, and Link's just kind of there, he doesn't even know Zelda xD In BOTW, I feel like Impa/Zelda makes a lot of sense, and Link has chemistry with all sorts: Sidon, Paya, Beedle, all the random NPCs that flirt with him. I'm so rarely a single shipper, haha.
My Happily Ever After For Them
Wandering through the world as travelling diplomats/adventurers, with their home in Hateno whenever they're taking a break, and vacationing everywhere, as Zelda slowly writes her scientific 1000 page dissertation about the nature of the world, and Link writes the ultimate cookbook. The Triforce calls them to duty, but they mostly ignore those urges. They're done with divine duty--they only have duty towards each other and the world now.
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This might be long, but also to spoil you... a penny for your Fuegoleon thoughts.
Oh my, oh boy, where to I start? ^^' XD (I'll probably think of at least 10 things to talk about after posting this too), but most certainly!! ^^
So, we know that Fuegoleon is a side character, as much as most other captains are, granted that Yami is more tied to the main cast due to obvious reasons, and for example Nozel, is more central to the plot due to him being siblings with Noelle (and her being a part of the main cast). This is why he's not really focused on in canon. Though anime did give us fillers, in which he and Mereo were more present, but the "anime only" bits divide opinions on if they should be counted towards canon or not. Me? I pick and choose. And that's why I don't, personally, count those strictly to canon, they're more like an extension of canon to me. But they are amusing and it's nice to get more Vermillion content.
In any case, it's because of this, him being a side character, that he seems to be forgotten in terms of character development in canon, and I presume that this is why he still doesn't have a spirit dive form. Which is unfortunate, though it has crossed my mind if there is a problem of finding a union style that would suit both the Lion thematic along with the Dragon thematic. But. That's more so of personal pondering than anything concise, since I've been struggling with it myself, and if there was a Spirit Dive form given to him, I think it'd probably be one that should look different from a Devil Union one with horns and a tail and so forth, because devils are an important part of canon, and one doesn't want to go mixing the two. Or mistaking the dragon theme to a devil theme.
And I don't think that anything devilish -looking quite fits his personality, which is very lawful good leaning.
Fuegoleon is a character who wants to do good. And I think that he is good. He is a good man, who puts up with so much from the system and the people around him, and is guided by a strict and unwavering moral code that rises from his own values and beliefs. He is someone who is loyal to himself, as well as the system, I think. And it's because he is still loyal to that inner moral code, that I think he just went along with William keeping his job. Because, I cannot imagine how Fuegoleon can trust William, let alone the system.
We are talking about someone who has been serving law and order for his entire life. He has been striving to be a good captain, and serve the country he lives in, and I don't think it'd be too much of a stretch to say that he's the type of a person to say something along the lines of "as a leader of a country, your duty is to your people first and foremost". So, if you are in a person of authority, in his mind, you are a servant of the people, in a way. And what William did, was purposefully endanger every single person in the kingdom, all because he couldn't choose between a friend and a country. Though he can maybe try, and probably has tried, to reason to himself why William would have had trouble deciding, I don't think he ultimately does. It will always be a puzzle to him. It will always just be a bad decision no matter what. And this is putting aside his personal loss due to what Patri did, for which William is to blame because William allowed for this.
I dwelled into Fue's thoughts about what it meant to hear that William is allowed to stay as a Captain in my first 2021 Whumptober piece, and I still very much think that those are the emotions he's went through. I think that he blames himself for losing control of the situation, because it wasn't long before that moment that he was talking to Noelle about how a moment of hesitation on a battlefield can mean the difference between life and death. So, even if William is to blame for it ultimately, he could have avoided a lot by keeping a level head in the situation, and it was that moment that almost cost him his life, and did cost him an arm. And I think that, on some level, he considers his arm as a badge of shame that it out for all to see. Because it is a symbol of how he failed in a line of duty. Though I like to think of it as a symbol of how he survived. But if we think about how it makes him feel, I can't help but think that he does also consider himself as accountable as to how badly things went.
This brings us into how he must feel about the system. Because he is serving law and order though on a different fronts as the Kiras (or Damnatio at least), and the system failed him. The system decided that he doesn't need justice, or at least Julius decided that he doesn't need any justice. I can't imagine how much of a toll that must've been on him. Because this man has been loyal, and still is loyal to Clover, but Clover isn't being loyal to him. And loyalty is something that is supposed to go both ways. It's being betrayed on a whole new level. It's like William stabbed him in the back and Julius, because it just wasn't enough, went and twisted that knife. I don't know, quite frankly, how he hasn't snapped already.
There are so many people that owe him an apology and/or thank you for his service and patience. Honestly, him and Marx might just as well flip the table and retire to BC Bahamas. But he is a man of honour and responsibility.
And I think that he's a very... stiff man too. He does have a spine, and is highly compassionate, with a lot of passion. And he is smart. He is devoted, driven, and he means well. But sometimes, I think, especially when it comes to training methods, he can be rather unimaginative. That I think is one of his weaknesses. And that is why Leo hasn't grown as much as possible with his help, because he's teaching Leo techniques that helped Fue himself while growing up; and doing so in the shadow of a brilliant older sister who was just... a genius when it came to magic, because she didn't need a teacher or a tutor, she was able to find her own way, while he relied on books and teachings or others along with rigid training. He takes the advice and information he is given, and applies it to the best of his knowledge in the context of all other information he possesses, evaluating what is useful and/or true. But he did grow in Mereo's shadow.
He is a poised, private man, who, I think, wants to keep his private life private. He's not flamboyant, despite being a fire mage, and that I think can be seen in his attire too, which is rather modest. There isn't a lot of skin on display, and I think it'd be a cold day in Hell when he was seen in anything revealing outside of the hot springs. So, he's a little bit about mystery as well. And it's not about being ashamed either, because he is a proud person (in the best possible way), he simply thinks that the public doesn't need to know/see everything. So, one could say that he is rather conservative in that aspect. But he is compassionate and tolerant. People live very different lives from his own, and he's not the one to decide what's right for them, and he knows that. Though of course there is the matter of upkeeping order, and following laws and governing the country, but that's a different matter entirely.
He also has expectation to those close to him, and he wants to help people to the best of his ability to reach the goals they have. But he is also understanding. And I do think that he understands the importance of taking time off and relaxing from time to time. Quite simply because he takes long bath sessions from time to time, so he's no stranger to time for yourself.
When it comes to his motivations about becoming the WK, I genuinely do think that he wants to lead the country forward. And I do think that he'd be a good king. It might be a life long dream, and a job he has looked forward to because he admires the kings that came before, but I do think that he is in the rivalry for the title, so that he could have an, even more concrete and widespread, impact into how things are. Because he acknowledges Asta early on, I think he's a spokesperson for a world where your heritage doesn't dictate what you can and can't do. And perhaps this is because of this own family history (cue the theories about Vermillions being relatively new additions into the royal families, as well as Witch Queen Vermillion, that were discussed in detail in 2021/2022).
What else, what else...? Because there is something else, surely.
Oh, and he is fiercely protective. Of course he is. He is the king among lions. Actually, I think that all of the (especially Fire Vermillions) are fiercely protective. This is seen in Mereoleona during the entire time when Fuegoleon was in a coma, and Mereo was on a warpath. When Leo was stated to be under attack from the Dark Triad in Heart, Fue was boiling, and Leo stood up to Mereo when it came to Fue's leading style. Which is something no one else would have dared to do, to be the first to speak up. I think that they are people who, might not necessarily readily show it, but they care immensely. He is more about heart than brain, and he is the smartest captain.
Generally, I don't think Fue gets enough love (but I am biased, I know), I think that he doesn't get enough justice, and I want to see William apologizing from him. I think that he is a very genuine person. He stands up for what he believes in, is very driven and devoted. He is humble, and prideful. He's also entitled, because he is royalty, but it doesn't mean that he wouldn't have his heart in the right place. He wants the best to the people, and I wouldn't blame him for flipping the table for all the wrong that has been done onto him. People are just testing his patience in my opinion.
People are testing the patience of a good man, and we all know, that demons run for cover when a good man goes to war.
Thank you for the question ^^
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dernarrleid · 1 year
[Rainbow][umber] @ Grimmer
MEMORY PROMPTS | accepting!
[ rainbow ] for an LGBT memory. & [ umber ] for a repressed memory.
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🌈 Listen. He's more familiar with feminine presenting individuals but that's mostly due to them approaching first. Strictly speaking, his first and only relationship was his wife, who he only married for the sake of having a wife. There were times where he was unfaithful, but it was purely mission oriented man or woman and there was no moral ties to his wife as a person. Obligation, sure, so he didn't embarrass the both of them. At the time, he couldn't have cared less about her given his career and even entertained the possibility of leaving her in the dust on a few missions he thought were going south. Things didn't change, but he couldn't deny his sense of duty when she was pregnant, having a son in his life on some level mattered but his programming didn't give him the ability to love. All that to say, romantically, Wolfgang does not know because it almost never comes up. He hasn't died in my portrayal of him, so he never quite has that revelation of "oh, I have feelings. I definitely do, I just don't acknowledge them." Sexual compatibility matters, but it's not geared toward a specific gender.
🤎Man, Kinderheim is all consuming at this stage. In my main verse, he's unstable. He has problems controlling his other personality, and it comes out whenever he's in extremely stressful situations. The events of the anime haven't happened, so again, there are none of these aha moments that make him secure in his humanity. He still believes he's a monster and still smiles as though his psyche isn't crumbling. But, BUT he doesn't let that stop him from having compassion. And that's the memory, or collection of memories he represses. There no specific memory in his travels that's significant to him because he actively remembers information but not how he feels. As a former spy, he keeps himself grounded long enough to keep his demons at bay and honestly adopts that facet of his life more. He's still a journalist, although internationally now because None of the characters interacting with him are in his domain. I think this causes subsequent nightmares now because he's literally forcing trauma down, and one day he's going to regret it.
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khorren · 1 year
have 1, 4, 5, and 8 from the gw2 human asks for whoever you want! :) @kerra-and-company
Thank you for the ask. Smooch. <3
Counted my humans (excluding Nat, Cosima, and Xunlai) at 11 and did a RNG number picker based off my character page and got 6. So that's….. Ruby! Haha oh god she's lived for yaknow, 300ish years so we've got a lot to unpack here!
1) How do they feel about charr? Big Feelings (tm) to say the least. So Ruby was involved in the GW1 storyline. She grew up in the middle of nowhere off in the Tarnished Coast with her witchy mama and her sister, Kiz. When the White Mantle were poking around looking for Bloodstones Ruby and Kiz went off to Lion's Arch to look for people to come help chase off the Mantle, only to run into the Ascalonian group. Realising they're half-related (same dad) the sisters joined the cause. Knowing their step-family were chased out of their homes by Charr they took a strong dislike to the beasts. Once the events of Prophecies was over, Kiz along with one of the Ascalonian lot, Cea, went back to Ascalon to help getting more people out of Ascalon and safely into the settlements in Kryta. Except the pair of them died to charr attacks. Ruby found out and was just absolutely devestated. Years passed and she still had a lot of hatred for the charr, even when the Ebonhawke Treaty was signed (which her daughter played a part in) she will not trust them and is very uneasy around them. There's about 4 charr in the whole world that she will be near / listen to and even then she is very very suspicious of them and cagey around them. She'd much rather they be rugs on her floors.
2) do they have any strong ties with their heritage? Her mother was into the Aggression and Denial schools of magic. So magic heritage is more her thing than cultural/family. While magic isn't considered these ways anymore, that's a lot of what Ruby picked up on, so her magic isn't strictly "Necromancer". Pressure, punishment, snaring, and shutdown she learned from her mother and prefers that over things like creating minions. The Ascalonian kids have much more of a connection to their heritage, but since Ruby was sort of just this weird jungle kid during her youth she didn't know much outside of her mother. Which is amusing as she became the de facto Fae Family genealogy expert, keeping track of hundreds of blood relatives after GW1 timeline stuff.
5) describe their childhood. So Ruby, Kiz and their mama lived in the Tarnished Coast keeping very much to themselves for the most part. An annual trip to Lion's Arch for seeds, grains, other stuff to grow, then back to the jungle. Their lives were simple and it was mostly magic training, survival training that sort of thing. Mama knew she'd be sending their kids off an adventure one day so she wanted to train them well. They knew from an early age who their father was and they met him once or twice, purely by luck, when he was passing through Lion's Arch (he was a traveling merchant and would dock in every port IYKWIM wink). Kiz thinks she met Zoe once, but she may have just been lying about that. But still, it helped the Tarnished Coast kids connect to the Ascalonian kids.
8) do you have an in-game location for their “home?” Yes! Ruby has two places and they're both in Divinity's Reach. She has a big fancy house in Rurikton, where she puts on the graces of a noble. I think it was this house, though it has a much more impressive front door (this house seriously has like one side door to it. wtf lol).
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People generally think she's just some fancy noble with a lot of knowledge about human history and an interest in the Flameseeker Prophecies. A lot of people claim to have ancestors who were the heroes, but Ruby was yaknow, actually there. Still, she'll humour them and smile and go "Oh me too…."
Then she has a place in the East Commons where she actually keeps all her shit from the past 300 or so years.
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Quiet little place, the nearby NPC "Alleyway lurker" is one of her people who just watches over the place and reports any suspicious activity. But on the inside it's a cozy little place, if a little run down. The hidden basement is just full of stuff about the family and human history. She'll make a copy of something and give it to the Priory once in a while to keep them sweet. But there's a lot of stuff down there relating to Ascalon, Kryta, Orr, Tarnished Coast, also a lot of information about the Charr, the legions, the Khan-Ur. Know your enemy and all that jazz.
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Mass Effect Trilogy Tag
Lovingly borrowed from a great Mass Effect blog @whiskynorocks ya'll should go follow them they're rad as hell and have excellent taste
Been a fan since: I'd heard great things about the series since 3 came out but I never had the opportunity to play it until this year. I can safely say I'm pretty hooked.
Favorite game of the series: 2, without a doubt. There are things I loved about 1 and 3 but 2 stood out to me especially with the writing and how I developed my relationships with my crew. I wasn't thrilled about joining forces with Space Terrorists, but at least I was able to walk away from TIM at the end of it.
MaleShep or FemShep? FemShep, hands down. I do have a BroShep save, but he's not as...invested as FemShep is.
Earthborn, Colonist or Spacer? Colonist or Earthborn for FemShep, Earthborn or Spacer for BroShep
Paragon or Renegade? Heavy on the Paragade. I usually try to go mostly Paragon, but there are some motherfuckers that need slapping
Biotics or Tech? I like Tech but I go Biotics more often than not
Favorite class: Oh Vanguard full stop. Give me a shotgun and biotic charge and I'm up on the front lines gunning down assholes like I was born for it
Favorite companion: Garrus, but also Tali, Wrex, Legion, Kasumi, Zaeed, Vega, and Liara when she didn't sell my body to terrorists
Least favorite companion: Miranda (strictly just due to ability, tbh), Ashley (I saved her a few times, I get that she has a lot of emotional baggage and the way that the Alliance treats her is extremely wrong, but I just can't like her ya'll. I'm sorry. I've tried.)
My squad selection: Who wants to third wheel with me and the Space Kitty? In all seriousness, it's usually Shep, Garrus, and Tali in 1 unless I switch Tali for Kaiden a few times. Or Wrex if I need more fire power lol. In 2, soon as I get Garrus, I tend to keep him around for everything save Tali's trial since I like to bring Legion to that just to be a troll. Mostly, it's just me and the Dream Team. Vega third wheeled a lot in 3, though lol
Favorite in-game romance: Shakarian for the long haul, baby. But Talibrations is also extremely adorable too. My BroShep is hella bi so he's romancing Kaiden after losing Ash in Virmire and he's Damaged™ so maybe Kaiden can fix him
Other pairings I like: Tali/Reeger (that dude was so in love with her it's amazing), EDI/Joker, Wrex/Bakura, Nyreen/Aria, Cortez/Vega
Favorite NPC: Anderson, Councilor Sparatus because he's a dick but he comes through for you in the end, Saren, Nihlus for the five seconds you get to know him, Kirrahe, Nyreen Kandros, Primarch Victus, Aria (she's very hot), the bartender in the Asari bar, Biotic God Volus, Padok Wikks
Favorite antagonist: SOVEREIGN. Hands down, he is the most terrifying thing you encounter in the games. He's just so other, so alien, and so...mechanical. His lines are delivered with this matter-of-fact contempt that is so perfect for a sentient machine. He has no motive other than he just Is. And I love that. Harbinger never shut up, but Sovereign knew when to start and end a conversation. He said his piece and he said nothing more. And that is exactly how you introduce an Eldritch Being.
Favorite mission: Noveria. I loved meeting Lorik, and how the whole thing spirals down from dirty business deals to all out creep-fest when you encounter the Rachni. And the Rachni Queen's voice acting was stellar. She was just sympathetic enough to warrant pause from outright killing her and terrifying enough to consider it.
Favorite loyalty mission: Its a tie in between Garrus and Kasumi. Garrus for how it ties into his relationship with Shepard and just how their death truly affected him and how it reflects on his character (I have only allowed him to shoot Sidonis once, and it was not a good feeling). And Kasumi because dressing Shepard up is always a good time and Kasumi is a sassy, classy lady who lost someone dear to her and giving her that closure she needs makes me happy for her. She deserves pretty things. She's also cute as hell.
Favorite DLC: Either Citadel, Omega (for Nyreen), or Overlord because David's story made me cry. I'm also autistic and the story was handled very well with Shepard being so furiously angry that the Paragon Interrupt was to pistol whip Gavin was very cathartic for me.
Control, Synthesis or Destroy? 100% Destroy. I do not and will not trust the Walmart-brand Alexa that is the Catalyst. That little asshole is dying with the rest of those genocidal machines.
Favorite weapon: The Talon Heavy Pistol. Baby can pack a punch.
Favorite place: I actually really love the beauty of the Ardat Yakshi monastery. I hate that the Reapers destroy it and turn it into someplace so nightmarish but it really was such a beautiful building and felt really peaceful beforehand.
A quote I like: "You exist because we allow it, and you will end because we demand it."
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sahkuna · 3 months
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✰ — ignore how it says 3. i've changed my mind last minute and there's now 6 slots open for this event
is it a crime to romanticize the mundane things in life? NO! live, laugh, love summer and all the opportunities it has to offer.
if you've ever dreamt of being a big-time director so that you can call the shots on your next summer fling or romance “film” with your favourite character(s): look no further! this event is here <333
for each summer-themed request that’s sent in, i’ll be accompanying it with a written fic with a minimum of 500 words and a maximum of 1,000 on my own accord
read the original rules!
will be focused primarily on jjk characters (unless updated/stated otherwise)
your ask should have the theme of summer tied into it please, OH, please! failure to do this would result in you leaving a space open for someone else to request. ↳ i.e. your lover catching the juice that drips from your chin of a whimsy popsicle you two share, meet cutes on summer vacay… the list is endless!
be creative and descriptive plsss. it makes it easier for me. :3
check the end to see if there’s slots open before you request!
that's it. not tooooo hard, i hope!
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are you thinking of strictly directing a summer romance [fluff]? shoot me an idea of who you want it to be with, and a brief synopsis of your summer prompt/trope!
or is a summer fling [smut] more your speed? add some plot/or a setting to it and you've got yourself a great home movie (if you know... you know).
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👒 need a draft copy of the script (an example)?
i.e. "hey beautiful gorgeous cutie girl, may i please request a summer fling with geto suguru, in which (fem) reader is a summer exchange student at his university and he spends the summer trying to know her better or wtvr ;)" <- ooo…
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STATUS: 3/6 slots left
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wave-to-angel · 7 months
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Why overthink, when you can overdrive?
This story is only fictional. If there are similarities in the names of characters, places of events or stories, it is a mere coincidence and there is no element of intention.
Whole plot was made for @1998NYC Mission Purpose. Any duplication or copy is strictly prohibited.
Summary: Chel, a stressed introvert who’s might try the euphoria of being in Masquerade Party? since he think it might fun meeting people anonymously behind the mask but turns out get scammed (by his expectation) later find someone that interested in him.
Genre: Stranger to lover, inspired by “Overdrive by Conan Gray”, fluff, nsfw non smut.
Cast: Chelsea as Chaewon, Michella as Minji, Skyara as Yerim, and Soobin (extras, not real character)
Warning: Don’t take this story seriously pls. It’s just ridiculous. C is clingy, and emotional, a bit pathetic. The MC is avoidant.. and a bit of a bitch (inside her!)
Written by Chelsea, @chaewoy in Third Party POV.
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Clock is hitting 7:00 PM and he’s there sitting still waiting for his bestie, Michella who is driving to his house to pick him up for the Lit Friends Party, they said. He can’t help but feel a little bit worried about tonight since he’s been feeling a little left out as an introvert himself. “Tinnn!!“ oh it’s Michella’s car in front of his door. He take a deep breathe and step his feet to get into Michella’s car and she’s immediately greet him with a loud "Hey, were already running late," as someone who used to with his friend not having a long attention span so he don’t take it personally. Michella drove her car as fast as possible to the party to make sure they arrives there in time.
She’s not someone who’s usually partying or going out, but things has been flooded inside his mind and the party offer seems quite fun for him, at least for now. “Is it’s possible if we go back?“ she asked Michella about turning back since someone is way too furry about what will happen there in the ball (is it a ball?) “Way too late, bro.“ she answered. Oh and here we are, finally at the ball that’s more appropriately called a bar club instead of ball. “You said it’s a ball?” She whispered to Michella, with a conscious face, “In what era are we? Renaissance?” Michella pays his words back as they both now lining up for registration and ID checking.
“There you go, don’t forget the masquerade!” Said the guard, as they stand behind the register, ready to clock back onto a never-ending shift of lights and loud music, he can’t help but be reminded of the negative thought that might happen inside, “What if I faint right after a shot?” Her mind now go wilding. Passes the line and checking, they’re now inside and as what is he expected from a club. Her head spinning once she enter the door but Michella seems truly enjoy the atmosphere, she even met a friends, Skyara.
“Hey let’s go to the dance floor!” Michella quite shouted that he know she didn’t meant to but a must since the music is quite too loud there, while her right hand now tied with Skyara, oh they’re ready to crash the night.
Dance floor my ass, she think. She shooked her head as sign of No, and tell her to go instead. “I’ll be sitting here and took videos of you two.” She continues to add words with few declining gesture. Michella seems to catch her signals and immediately answer with a smile and pulling Skyara inside the crowd, “OK! You know where to find me!!!“ she shouted right before disappearing to the crowds.
Not so while, Chel sweeping her eyes to anywhere he could sit (possibly) and finally landed her butt to a couch in front of the bar corner, while sipping a random drink that the bartender recommend to him, “Ah, bitter and burning my throat.” Her face just says so.
“What are you staring at, sweetie?” She jump at the sound of someone’s voice that he haven’t heard before, startled to find his standing behind, a knowing look on his face as he shakes his head. “Someone won’t look this sad, especially at the bar.” That random dude continues his words. “Oh shut up!” Chelsea balk. She’s not doing an argument with random guy, just not today.
That random guy suddenly take a seat beside her, and linger his hand to the couch bend, this won’t end good, at least that’s what’s on his mind. “Well, was it just you or was it hot in this bar?” The words coming out of that guy mouth, “Soobin, and you?” He don’t think he could handle all this attention at once, the sight of that guy giving him a once over making him weak in the knees. “Chelsea, Chel for short...” it’s her first time telling her real name to a random guy, even all this time he’s only been down to the internet thought, not in real life. “Oh...” that guy seems quite interested in her but he knows that Chel might get bothered if he try to approach her more.
By the time they had maybe ten minutes, sitting side by side in silence. Soobin had lost hope, his eyes glued to Chel that staring her phone as the music blasting in their ears from the background. “I don’t know what happen, but I think it’s better to stop overthink, and go overdrive instead.” Soobin break the silence between them. Chel that startled, rolled her eyes, and reaching to grab another complimentary crackers in front of them— only to grab at the air stupidly.
“Only if you want to shares your thought, I’m here to listen, or maybe share yours? I’m here to get us a room.” Soobin giggles then smirked. Chel bawled her eyes to his words and immediately thought, “Oh, this guy seems interesting to play with,” unconsciously locked her eyes with him in sign of...
To be continued...
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