#anyways i love the AU sm and their art is always so pretty
synthshenanigans · 11 months
Hatter Heart design & AU by @avicryptidbard!!!
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Its a very cool AU and their art is always very very cool & pretty so go check em out!! :}
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72 notes · View notes
yeonboy · 1 year
𝐧𝐞𝐯𝐞𝐫 𝐦𝐞𝐞𝐭 𝐲𝐨𝐮𝐫 𝐡𝐞𝐫𝐨𝐞𝐬 ♡ choi soobin.
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If it was up to you, you would worship the very ground Choi Soobin walks. No, you’re not a simp, he’s just that amazing – the star of your college’s broadcasting club, your role model, the reason why you even have a dream career, and…someone you’d really like to make out with if he’d allow it. But the first ever conversation you have with him has your rose-tinted, star-studded glasses shattering to pieces when he turns out to be a huge jerk. Is this just a misunderstanding or is it the end?
❧ choi soobin x f. reader | 16+ | college!au ♡ strangers to lovers!au ♡ angst ♡ fluff
❧ 10 k words
❧ warnings! inaccuracies wrt broadcasting journalism majors & college broadcasting clubs, profanity, some suggestive language, misunderstandings, allusions to slut-shaming, soobin being an accidental (?) asshole, some heartbreak, some conflict, some yelling, insecurities wrt social standing in college, yn is a certified soob simp™ but goes thru a hater era for half a day </3, stinky cute fluff later on, some cringe, so much blushinG it’ll make u sick, a make out sesh, cameo by yj & his girl from fic 1 bec i love them sm :(
❧ note! set in the same universe as no one but you. i’ve been working on this since marCh, idk why it took me so long to finish? the wc def ran away from me a little whoops! anyways, this gets rough in the middle – soobin might shock u with his behavior but it will all get resolved, i promise!
leave me feedback if you like this! follow for more! (:
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“I’m sorry, the tryouts are closed!”
You blink. Take a step away. Peek at the huge poster stuck on the huger double doors to the auditorium. The notice says the tryouts would run from four to six in the evening – it’s presently five minutes past five. What the heck?
Around you, you notice a number of girls looking as disgruntled as you feel. You approach one. “Uh, hey…did you already do your piece?”
The girl twirls a vibrant purple strand of hair around her finger and rolls her eyes. “Nope. Choi’s bitch ass shut the doors unannounced ’cause he’s pissed off for some reason.”
Choi? Bitch ass? This girl can’t possibly be talking about the Choi Soobin, right? The prince of the university’s broadcasting club who always emcees every single stage performance the university hosts?
No, she can’t be. No one would refer to the Choi Soobin’s glorious behind as ‘bitch ass.’ Besides, you really don’t think he’d sit around judging freshmen entrants to the club when he’s got so many better, so much cooler things on his schedule.
Choi Soobin the Great has been in this club for three years, two of which he has spent as its president. That, in itself, should be pretty explanatory with regards to how skilled he is at the whole announcer, emcee, broadcast business. 
His extraordinary talent with the mic is what inspired you to pick broadcast journalism as your major, in fact. You'd entered the university on jittery, scared steps because you didn't believe you would actually find something that interested you enough to make a career out of. You spent a whole academic year fluttering between psych and communication, aimless and despaired.
But then came sophomore year where you volunteered to set things up for the new freshman batch's orientation week – and that is when you saw Choi Soobin, a fellow sophomore, take the stage and blow everyone away. He was so good with his audience of the new admittees, providing them with all the important information without making them feel nervous because he used the perfect amount of jokes as a buffer.
It was love at first sight for you.
Okay, like, not like that. You did end up making an altar for Choi Soobin the Great where you continue to worship on the daily because he's a god on stage, but what you actually fell in love with was the art of emceeing.
So you registered your major in your third semester and began to work on polishing your skills. Now, two semesters later and midway through the junior year, you finally feel confident and prepared enough to enter your God's actual, holy shrine and join his praying circle.
…maybe you should stop with these metaphors before it gets weird.
Case in point – unlike this uninformed rodent of a girl who found it fit to disrespect your role model and gave up on these tryouts in favor of rolling her eyes and complaining in the hallway, you are nothing if not strong-willed. 
You are finally ready to do something about your one true passion that you can actually see yourself pursuing professionally after college. Being part of the university's broadcasting club means guaranteed dream job; you've seen it happen with your eyes for two consecutive years. You're finally ready to follow suit; finally ready to join the ranks of the elite and learn from Choi Soobin the Great himself – and you are not about to let a gruff call of  "tryouts are closed" from an overworked janitor deter you.
Checking this way and that for any onlookers, you sneak off to the narrow passage to the side that you know connects to this auditorium's back door, and in turn, the cafeteria. You're just gonna casually stroll through it, maybe loiter a bit around the doors until someone from the judges panel steps out so that you can beg them to give you a chance. And if someone catches you? You were just looking for the cafe!
It's the perfect plan.
Until, that is, your loitering ends with the legend himself, Choi Soobin the Great stepping out of the backdoor and freezing you to a statue.
You've seen the man from afar more times than you can count on both hands. You're a true fan, a great admirer, a semi-obsessed devotee (?) of his. But never once have you seen the guy from this up close. Needless to say, your brain's short circuiting a little.
Three things strike you all at one – that the university's emcee prince did, in fact, sit in to judge freshman entrants to the broadcasting club despite his various busy schedules; that the purple haired female auditionee actually did call this great man's glorious behind 'bitch ass' like an uncultured heathen; and finally, that Choi Soobin sporting a combination of dark black hair, bright red lips and stark white t-shirt should be banned because it can cause brain malfunctions in people.
Because while the guy's eyes widen and then squint as he looks at you, and mouth opens as if to say something to you – you stay absolutely frozen, literally turned to stone without a single muscle moving in your body. Including your lungs that are jammed because you're pretty sure you aren't breathing.
"Um… can I help you?"
Oh shit, his dimples…
His dimples!
You realise this is entering borderline creepy territory but you can't help staring at him. He's just so pretty. Though your brain functions are still experiencing a slight lag, you're starting to realize that your crush on the guy is winning over the admiration and respect you have for his talents, at the moment.
He's ethereal. He's unearthly. He's the most beautiful guy you've ever met. You're a simp.
"Excuse me?" Soobin's head tilts to the side in confusion. "Can I help you?"
He definitely can, in more ways than one, but that conversation is for another time.
His impatiently raised eyebrows suddenly push you back into motion, breaking your frozen state, but now you're on an overdrive, very close to hyperventilating in front of him.
"H–hey! I mean, h–hi. I mean, fancy bumping into you here! N–not that we bumped, just, uh—haha, you know? Fancy – fancy seeing you here, how have you been?"
Did all of that just exit your mouth?
You need a shovel because this calls for digging up a hole and burying yourself alive. What the fuck is wrong with you?
Your entire face feels like it's caught on fire, and all the nerve endings in your body are tingling from embarrassment. You feel like you're vibrating. Wait, if you vibrate at a frequency that's outside of the visible range, can you voluntarily make yourself disappear?
The only thing holding you back from combusting into flames is the amused smile that replaces the previously formal tilt on Soobin's lips. "Hi. I'm sorry, where do I know you from? You look very familiar, but I'm just missing it…"
You look familiar? So he does notice you in class! Maybe getting that hair spa last month has worked in your favor, after all. You're getting a little googly eyed, but you do your best to control your reactions as you gauge his.
He looks so darn cute with his dimpled smile that makes his eyes squint, that you're left gaping for a couple of seconds before you're able to notice the hand he is forwarding you. Nodding haphazardly, you forward yours and let him wrap his huge palm around your significantly smaller one. Even though you try to repress it, the warmth his skin emanates sends a shiver running through you.
If Soobin notices the subtle shake your body gives, he doesn't comment on it.
He's being so angelically patient and kind, you need to get it together! 
So you clap your hands in front of your face and pull your lips up in a smile, preparing yourself to say your thing without any unnecessary words this time. 
"Uh, I'm – I'm in your class? I don't know if you know me, but I know you! I'm, um, I'm here for the broadcasting club. And – and I noticed that the banner said that the tryouts would run from four to six, but I've been told that the gates have been closed when it is barely past five, so I was… w–wondering…" You slowly trail off, stuttering a little when Soobin's facial expressions do a sudden one-eighty.
Gone is the sweet, dimpled, kind guy who was smiling at you with his eyes. Now his lips are pursed and eyebrows furrowed, a clear look of irritation on his face. Well, he's still got a dimple showing, but this one's part of his frowny face so you're not sure if you should be admiring it anymore.
"Wow. You're gutsy." His tone has changed now, too, really stiff with an underlying scoff in words. "Did you follow me here?"
You blink in surprise. "What? Of course not! The – the main doors were closed, so I was looking for another way in and—"
"Good God, please stop talking," he interrupts you with a groan, rolling his eyes as he tilts his head to look skywards – and you're fully paralyzed now, clueless and a little scared because Soobin looks so mean and intimidating with his eyebrows scrunched up like that. "I don't get what you guys' problem is. I'm – I'm trying to do something serious here. Why the hell do you not get it?"
Blinking slowly, you gape at your idol, your icon, the deity of all things broadcasting as he yells at you about something you can make neither head nor tail of. 
'You guys'? Who? 
You know that you of all people definitely get that he's doing something serious. You're as much, if not more, serious about the club yourself; the reason why you've taken so long to decide to audition for it. Besides, how's he judging you when you've never met before?
Willing your frozen lips to move, you attempt to clear the air. "We've – we've never met before. You don't know me. I'm—"
"Oh, I know you enough." This time there is vitriol in his eyes as he spits the words, and you take an actual, vary step away from Soobin. "I've been through twenty auditions and seen fifty applications in the past hour and every single one of the girls like you is dying to get to interview the hockey team and talk to Yeonjun about his strategy for his final season in college. So I know exactly who you are and exactly what you're after."
He is rolling his eyes again, this time with both his hands braced on his waist.
But his words are very confusing and a little hurtful. Why is he grouping you with whatever 'girls like you' he's seen so far? You've been a fan of Soobin for a while now, but you've never encountered any instance of even a mention of him being anything less than courteous and big hearted.
This attitude from him feels like living a fever dream – and not of the good kind.
"So for the last time – I'm not taking any of you groupies into this club because it is not a means to get into the hockey captain's pants! I need serious people who look at announcing and broadcasting with respect and not as something they can use as cover for their ulterior motives. Oh, and if it means anything to you at all, Yeonjun hyung has a girlfriend now. We probably won't even be covering him at all because his fangirls are always a bit too much."
Your head is spinning a little now. 
Did he call you a groupie? Yeonjun's groupie? He thinks you're doing this to get into Yeonjun's… what the hell?
While you're still processing his previous words, Soobin gives a wince. "Look, I'm sorry if all this sounds harsh, but you've left me no choice. Trying to corner me was a really low blow, okay? There's a limit to acting desperate and you're clearly crossing the line, here. If you can't respect me or the club, at least respect yourself."
The pieces have finally fallen in place in your head. You couldn't make sense of it earlier because you didn't really allow yourself to think Soobin would go there. But given his last statement, now you have no doubts.
You don't live under a rock – you really can't afford to when you dream of joining the broadcasting club, of all things – so you obviously know hockey captain Choi Yeonjun and the hype surrounding him. And because you always do your homework well, you also know that he used to be somewhat of a serial dater before he got into a serious relationship with his long time best friend, just last month. All of Yeonjun's fangirls across campus have been disheartened by this development and have been acting desperate ever since.
But why on earth has Soobin pegged you as one of them escapes you. You did not say a word about the hockey team. You didn't get to tell him what your goals actually are. Hell, you didn't even get to tell him your name before he shut you down.
This is a very overwhelming generalization, and you really wanna give Soobin the benefit of the doubt here because going through fifty bullshit applications can be a lot – but he needs to hear you out for you to do that.
"Soobin," you try again, raising both your palms up in an attempt to placate him, "I don't know how you're getting this idea, but I'm not one of – one of Yeonjun's groupies, or whatever, okay? I literally told you I'm in your class."
“Look, I really don’t have time for all these tales,” Soobin interrupts you with a sigh, a huge hand raised up to shut you up – so you do. “You’re dressed… too prettily to be trying out for the broadcasting club, anyways. Is that a cheerleading skirt?”
He's looking down his nose at your miniskirt that you felt very pretty in, annoyance on his face, and now –
Now you're hurt. Now you're hurt beyond giving him the benefit of the doubt. Now you're hurt enough for your eyes to sting with offense.
“Are you trying to pass a judgment on my…clothes?” you ask him in shock, your voice low and a frown creasing your forehead. 
He looks a little uncomfortable as he clears his throat. “I’ve seen the way Yeonjun’s fangirls dress, and you kinda… fit the description.”
He really isn’t giving up on the groupie allegations…
In any other scenario, you would honestly take that as a compliment. Because you have seen these girls as well and their appearance is honestly on another level. But this guy in front of you definitely means it as an insult. And he is still scowling, as if you have dressed up to personally offend him.
You’re at a complete loss now. He hasn’t let you talk, you haven’t even told him your name, and he is acting like knows everything about you. His mind seems fully made up too. 
What are you supposed to do?
"You know what? Maybe I… I should leave through the front door,” he murmurs in your general direction and then moves to step back through the gates he’d emerged from.
You just stay rooted to your place, offended at his dismissal and still in partial disbelief. 
Choi Soobin is nothing like anything you thought he was. 
The smiling, giggling, squinty-eyed guy that you always heard being called kind-hearted, warm, understanding and sweet? Cannot be the same guy you just met. Part of the reason why you like him so much has been the overwhelming amount of praises you have heard about him. 
At times, you found yourself wondering how such an important and busy guy could muster enough patience to be a sweetheart to everyone. Now you know that it’s all a sham – a character he has created to showcase. It’s all pretend. 
This, the version of him you just met, is what the real Choi Soobin is like when no one’s looking. 
Not just your crush, but your idol has broken your heart. 
How are you gonna move on from this?
The sudden shout of your name makes you jump in surprise, wide, watery eyes turning to the end of the hallway. Soobin has stopped in his place as well, a frown on his forehead as he attempts to follow your gaze – but he's a little off center from the curved hallway to be able to locate a bubbly looking Yeji excitedly waving at you. 
Oh fuck. Not right now. You don't need your best friend to witness you experiencing the worst moment of your entire life.
But Yeji being the loudass clown she is, doesn't stop speaking at the top of her voice as she marches down the hallway to you. "Where have you been? The janitor says they closed the tryouts? Did you pass? Oh, and a girl told me Choi Soobin was in the judging panel! Did you get to see him?"
Your eyes jump wide, traveling to the said guy involuntarily to witness the way confusion overtakes his face. He isn't moving, though, probably out of intrigue now that he has heard his name, and you're halfway scared to death that Yeji is about to reveal your secret and bathe you in the kind of embarrassment that you will never be able to live down.
"Yeji, I'm just—"
"Babe, why do you look so pale?" she cuts you off, squinting as she nears you, and before you can get another word out, her lips are tilting mischievously and eyebrows are wiggling. "Did Choi find out about your obsessive crush on him? Did he kick you out? Are you hiding from him?"
Yeji is done walking up to you and is now standing with her back to the still open door to the auditorium to look at you with her head tilted and hands braced on her waist. But your gaze is stuck to the person whose face you can easily see over her shoulder.
Soobin's eyes are impossibly wide and mouth is parted to allow his bunny-like front teeth to peek out. There's a subtle flush covering the top of his cheekbones, ears and the bridge of his nose – a sight that would've had you cooing in adoration if you weren’t so distraught, right now.
And then his lips move to form a broken sentence that makes you want to stab Yeji and then yourself: "You… obsessive crush… me?"
To her credit, Yeji seems to recognise the guy's voice and also the context of this ridiculous situation pretty quickly. Her eyes grow wide immediately before a wince overtakes her face as she mouths the word 'sorry' to you, probably mistaking your fallen expressions to be a reaction to the chaos she has caused. Little does she know.
Just as she has stepped aside, Soobin takes a step closer to you, heavy guilt and bewilderment sewn into the lines of his forehead and the twist of his lips. It's so weird that your heart is still skipping a beat when his gaze searches yours. 
It's so unfair. 
You inhale deeply and shake your head, though, steeling yourself against his deceitful innocent eyes. His dimples are just a facade to hide his arrogance. You know better now.
"Not anymore, don't you worry," you tell him with your chin lifted and eyes narrowed.
And damn, you feel so brave for that one. Especially because the words aren't even true. Getting over him will be a hefty task and you have no idea where to even begin, because your life has pretty much revolved around the guy for over a year.
Soobin frowns at that, looking almost hurt, and you want to laugh in his face at the hypocrisy. But you've had enough of him judging you and you're also ninety-eight percent sure you will end up crying if you tried to laugh, so you choose to just grab onto an embarrassed and confused looking Yeji's wrist and tug her with you to the other end of the hallway, exiting into the college's cafeteria.
"Babe, that was—ow!"
Yeji is cut off by you smacking her upside the head. "You're so fucking stupid, Hwang."
"I know… I'm sorry?" 
"Shut up, you’re buying me lunch."
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The next day, while you’re supposed to be attending your Media Law class, a mandatory course in your major, you find yourself sitting (read: sulking) in a corner of the library by yourself, staring at the laptop in front of you unseeingly. Your attendance is good enough to save your grades and you can beg Chaewon for notes later in the week. 
But you truly don’t have enough mental strength to face the class’ star student after the shitshow that went down, yesterday.
While Yeji bought you lunch yesterday, you filled her in on everything that happened. Your best friend provided you with a shoulder for your tears, some tissues for your snot and four golden words of advice: never meet your heroes. Because now everything is ruined, and you’re beginning to wonder if picking this major was even worth it when the reason why you did has turned out to be a sham himself.
Your phone suddenly pings with a message, breaking your chain of spiraling thoughts.
11:03 | yeji 💘 dood. guess who i bumped into omw to the chem lab and guess what he asked me for
You blink and then squint at your phone. Why is your best friend trying to be so mysterious? 
↪ wtf ji…? ↪ who asked u for what? ↪ are u okay?
11:05 | yeji 💘 what? yeah i’m okay choi soobin asked for your number
↪ yeji… ↪ tell me u didn’t give it to him
11:06 | yeji 💘 of course not bestie <3 i told him to talk to you in person he’ll be there in a min good luck! 💋💋💋
You hadn’t even fully inhaled your breath of relief at Yeji’s first text when she cut it short with the next one. In person? In a minute? 
Did Yeji tell him where you are?
“Uh, hey… Can we talk?”
She did. Shit.
Even if you don’t lift your gaze from your phone, Soobin’s tall form blocks the incoming light from the window you were seated next to and casts such an obvious shadow on your form that you cannot ignore him without making it weird. So you lick your lips and collect your nerves, preparing yourself to face the guy who single-handedly inspired and then shattered your future plans.
Soobin looks as devastatingly handsome as ever, dressed in a white, collared shirt. His hair is just as black, lips just as red, but there’s an additional pair of thick, black, round-framed glasses sitting on his eyes this time that make your heart beat faster. He just had to look like a runway model in glasses. The universe hates you. Figures.
The expressions on his face scream clear distress and the guilt you saw yesterday. He’s nibbling on his bottom lip, which is a great sign because his bitch ass should be antsy about his audacity of talking to you now when he didn’t wanna listen to you yesterday.
Wow. Maybe that purple haired girl really was onto something, yesterday. Choi Soobin’s derriere is most definitely a rude and a bitch ass.
Looking down at your laptop, you clear your throat and ask him, “What do you wanna talk about?”
You don’t ask him to sit, you do not smile, don’t even wave back in response to his lame ass ‘hey’ – just cut straight to business. You’re proud of the way your voice sounds the right amount of impatient and careless.
“I… I owe you an apology.”
That has you looking at him again. He’s frowning now, looking so conflicted, you almost soften. But then you stop yourself. This is probably not even that heartfelt. He heard about your crush on him and now he pities you. You won’t be a vessel for him to pretend to clear his conscience when he wasn’t even willing to get off his judgemental high horse for you.
“Soobin… don’t.”
He takes the seat opposite yours, ignoring your eyebrows that rise up in shocked outrage. "I have to. Please."
"You really don't—"
"I was horribly out of line, ridiculously ignorant, unprofessional and – and an asshole."
You blink at him in mild surprise. At least he knows; that’s an oddly good start. "You can say that again."
He removes his glasses and rests his elbows on the table, leaning towards you with wide, desperate eyes. "I do not expect you to forgive me, I just need you to – to know that I'm not… I'm not who I was yesterday. That's not – I was under pressure and I felt irritated, insecure and a little jealous? And I said everything I didn't mean. Especially that comment about your dress up! I didn't mean it, I swear! You looked pretty, your skirt was really cute, okay? I – I didn't mean to insult you, I would never stoop to that level."
Your cheeks involuntarily heat up at the compliment he tosses at you so casually. "Why say it when you didn't mean it?" you mumble, attempting to hold your ground and stay mad because he's saying all the right things to weaken your resolve and give him an ear.
He hangs his head as if in shame. "Because I'm a moron. None of the stuff I said was aimed at you. As you said, we hadn't even met before, and… I was frustrated and tired and just drew all these wrong conclusions about you and went off like an idiot. I feel so horrible. I'm so fucking sorry..."
Very slowly, you lean back in your chair and shut your laptop. He really knows how to apologize, damn. 
You were preparing to knock Choi Soobin off the throne you had him sitting on, mentally, and then crush that very throne to pieces because if he could disappoint you like this, you were determined to never look for another role model. You were preparing yourself to leave Choi Soobin and his arrogance in dust and move on with your life.
But now here he is – apologizing like the decent human being you always thought him to be, saying everything you’d never admit you needed to hear.
He’s climbing back upon the throne that took you a whole day to make up your mind to remove him from. 
You’re kinda pathetic, to be honest…
In an attempt to regain some of the dignity your inner monologue has stripped you of, you frown at him. But you are definitely intrigued now because if the kindness and sweetness he shows everyone is a facade, why is he being kind and sweet to you in private?
Could there possibly be… an explanation for his behavior yesterday? He said he was under pressure and frustrated. Although you understand the former, given his position and the auditions yesterday, you don’t really get why he would be frustrated.
When you meet his gaze again, you find Soobin looking at you with those wide eyes of his spilling desperate hope. So you decide to bite.
 "You – you keep saying you were frustrated… Why was that? "
He thumps his head against the table with a groan, making you jump a little in surprise, and then looks up with a determined expression on his face. "I'll begin from the beginning. I owe you that much."
"You really don't owe me any—"
"Please, Y/N."
Oh. Did he say your name? Oh.
Wow, this is why crushes are horrible. Now your heart is thumping wildly and your face feels really hot. Honestly, there should be a system where one can run a background check on an individual before they can be deemed safe enough to be crushed on so that one doesn’t end up embarrassing oneself.
You can only hope your face hasn’t heated up to a noticeable degree.
"I… Since the day I was made President of the Broadcasting Club and was given the duty to conduct interviews for the different sports teams our college has, there’s been this – this recurring pattern. Huge throngs of girls that want to join the club for a chance to interview the hockey team and get close to Captain Choi.” He gives a tired exhale and runs a hand down his face. “I’ve seen it repeat every semester. And this time it got really out of hand because I actually decided to sit in for the tryouts…”
You didn’t even notice when you leaned on your elbows to mirror Soobin’s seating position and focused your eyes on his face, so when he looks up to meet your gaze, your breath catches for a moment. And then you see absolute, sheer tiredness reflected by his brown orbs.
He cannot be this good of an actor, can he be? That would mean that he's really been going through something with this whole insincere signing up for the club thing.
"It was really wrong of me to explode on you the way I did," he continues in a softer voice, looking down at the table next to his palms. "I assumed you were one of the girls that had been giving me a hard time and… didn't even let you say your thing. I'm really, terribly sorry for being a jerk to you."
Your jaw drops a little at the sincerity that spills from his apology. He doesn't sound like he's doing this to clear his conscience or out of pity – he sounds really regretful. He almost sounds like he's in pain, in fact. 
Does he really feel that guilty?
He would only be feeling so bad about this if… everything he has said so far is the truth and he’s actually not the kind of person he painted himself as, yesterday. You can sense the way your previously drawn conclusions begin to dissipate little by little.
"After you left," Soobin begins again, this time with a slight twinkle in his eyes and a tilt to his lips that makes his dimples pop, "I went looking for your application form and read about your interest in announcing. You… you picked your major because of me?"
Your cheeks are definitely on fire now and there’s no way Soobin can’t see that. Why did you put that in your form, you embarrassing imbecile? 
Well. If Soobin has been gusty and virtuous enough to come looking for you and make an attempt to honestly explain himself and apologize, maybe you can be a little honest with him as well.
"You see… the freshman orientation you hosted last year left an impact on me," you reveal, unable to look at him. "And then I saw your sports coverage and realized that I want to be a sports announcer in future."
Soobin says your name, making you look up and meet his soft gaze. "I never thought I would do anything in life that would be worth an inspiration… so this means a lot to me. A lot.” His eyes are shining with sincerity and emotion, and you’re looking into them, spellbound. “I am so sorry I hurt you and I’m ready to try and make it up to you for as long as needed. I don’t really expect you to accept my apology, like I told you, but if you would please give me another chance, I would like to show you who I really am. And maybe initiate you, if you’d like?"
He finishes with a sweet, dimpled smile and maybe that is to be blamed for the way his question bounces right off of you.
"Initiate…me?" You cluelessly blink at him.
"Yeah. Into the club. All the members went through your application and some samples of you emceeing. So it’s not just mine, but everybody’s decision. Insistence, if you will. Request? We – we’d really really like to have you on our team."
Your eyes jump open very wide at that. Join the club of your dreams? He’s finally offering you the spot you thought you’d lost forever? 
Wait, did he say samples? Of you emceeing?  What?
"I’m sorry, what samples?"
A blush tinges his ears. "I contacted your friend Yeji about this, last evening. Please don’t be mad at her, she just wanted to help you. She told me how much this means to you… and then sent me a couple of clips of you managing a stage during a kids’ talent show in your neighborhood. You were really impressive, Y/N."
Holy fucking hell, you're going to scream. 
First at Hwang Yeji for going behind your back and selling you to the enemy, no matter what her motivation might’ve been. And then because your idol just complimented you on something you've learned from him.
"Th–thank you, Soobin." You bite your lip at the stutter in your voice, peering up at him with hesitant eyes. And then you decide to be honest with him again: "Your praise… means a lot to me."
Soobin's eyes sparkle at that, a warm smile pulling at his lips. "And I promise to always remember, respect and honor that. Just one chance?”
You stay like that for the next few moments, looking at him with a soft gaze.
You’ve been polishing your skills to prepare yourself for a spot in this club for a year. If you had gotten the chance to audition normally yesterday, there is no doubt in your mind that you would’ve made the cut. So wouldn’t it be unfair if you give up now?
And then there’s Soobin, of course. It’s going to take you some time to trust him. But if he says he’s willing to work on it, says it with a sincerity in his eyes that gives you goosebumps, you believe it’s worth giving him a chance to correct the misunderstanding he caused yesterday.
You exhale, mind made up, and nod at the guy tentatively. “Promise me you will hear what I have to say before you draw any conclusions?”
He leans closer to you, bringing his face at the same level as yours and nods eagerly. “I promise. Cross my heart and hope to die. Do I take this as a yes to joining the club?”
His eagerness makes you crack a smile, which causes Soobin to scrunch his nose bashfully. You inhale deeply and give him another nod. “Yes, you may.”
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Time flies really fast after that day as you attempt to find a stable way of juggling your classes and the club duties. 
The work isn’t as much in bulk as it is in the details. Soobin is, as you’d known beforehand, a meticulous perfectionist. Every single activity the club is involved in has to be fully planned in bullet points and a step-wise-step itinerary, and uploaded to the club’s shared Google Drive, days in advance, or Mr. President begins to lose his calm . You, being the newest addition to the bunch of six experienced members, are mostly tasked with assisting the guy on building this very itinerary.
Not that you mind.
The more time you spend next to him, witnessing him in his element up close and actually getting to peer into the creative wonderland that his mind is, the more you find yourself in awe of him. He has been a role model to you for a reason, after all.
With each passing day, you pat yourself on the back for taking a chance by accepting his apology as you slowly begin to see the real him – the version of him that is absolutely nothing like the asshole you met that day. And little by little, your trust in him begins to grow.
Soobin, to his credit, doesn’t leave a single stone unturned to make you feel welcome into the club. He is incredibly patient and delicate with you – always pausing to check whether you have been keeping up with all the new stuff or if you need any guidance.
You’re beginning to understand that it is in his nature to be kind. The word that got around about him has been correct all along – he really is gentle, understanding and sweet. And if he is going an extra mile for you with the intention of appeasing you because he is apologetic? Well… he’s damn well succeeding. 
The two of you have quickly fallen into a routine where you attend your 10 am Media Law class together, collect the communication majors Karina and Jongho from their block, and then report to Arin—the only senior in the club and known to be an effortless ace—in the broadcasting room. After a short briefing about the previous days’ tasks and a rundown of the fresh day’s checklist, you and Soobin depart to the library to work on it. 
After that you both attend your separate afternoon classes, meet up at the broadcasting room at four in the evening for the college announcements that are alternated between Yunjin and Jongin, sophomores and the final two members of the club, and the lot of you finally take your leave some time around six.
The first week is so exhausting for you that you are barely left with enough strength to feed yourself before you collapse into bed every night, let alone think about your academics. You don’t even text Yeji for three whole days, until she accosts you in the library. 
Soobin texts you, that evening, sharing tips on time management, task management as well as a small list of snacks that he munches on to retain energy. To say your heart nearly beats out of your chest at the gesture would be an understatement. 
The following weeks are full of you being on the receiving end of more such thoughtful acts by Soobin. Getting you coffee – one that is made exactly the way you like it – before the evening meet-up, walking you to your dorm if you don’t have anyone from your building accompanying you, repeatedly checking in to ensure you’re well-rested and not overwhelmed by the sudden change in your routine.
And then there is that one time, some three weeks later, when you're filling in for an absent Yunjin and make a mistake during the announcement – landing yourself at the receiving end of Arin's ire. You feel really bad about your mistake as it is, and so the addition of a reprimand from the senior you've come to look up to has you immensely low.
"She said it was a mistake, noona."
Your head snaps up at Soobin's firm statement. His eyebrows are furrowed and arms are crossed as he looks at Arin. You, along with three other pairs of eyes, gawk at the rare sight of Soobin getting angry, and the rarer sight of him going against the club's queen.
"She's apologized thrice. What more do you expect?"
Arin looks taken aback at the brusque interruption, but doesn't put up a fight against the president. "She needs to practice her pauses, Soobin."
"And she will. I'll make sure she does." He gives a small nod to her before turning his gaze to you. Put in spot, you stare back at him with wide eyes. "I'll stay with her while she practices."
Flashing you a small smile of reassurance, Soobin turns back to the other girl and pats her shoulder to calm her down. And because no one in powerful enough to maintain a frown when Soobin unleashes the power of his dimples upon them, Arin eventually smiles in defeated acceptance and dismisses the meeting.
But your heart never quite manages to dismiss the way this incident makes you feel.
Because Soobin holds true to the promise he made as well – accompanying you to the college's courtyard whenever you're both free and practicing speech with you. To be really honest, he seems to be wanting to spend all his free time with you. You find yourself having to say no to his texts at times because you have plans with Yeji, or are too tired to function.
You'd be lying if you claimed that having so much of his attention on you doesn't make your heart to somersaults in your chest. Which is why you begin to wonder where his extra mile of apologetic appeasement ends. 
The whole apology acceptance thing happened between the two of you awhile ago. He really shouldn't have a reason to continue to dote on you as if he has been hired to take care of you. Last time you checked, you were the one with a gigantic crush on him and not the other way round.
A few explanations pop up in your head, but none of them feel plausible enough for you to even think about. So you do the next best thing – share your dilemma with Yeji on an impromptu girls’ night in, one Saturday.
For a moment, your best friend squints her eyes in the way she does when she’s analyzing some complex situation. And then she shrugs a shoulder, pops a pretzel in her mouth and announces: “Sounds like he’s got a crush.”
You blink, caught so off-guard that you’re stunned into silence. It is only when she looks at you with her eyebrows raised that you manage to cough out a scoff. “What? Don’t be ridiculous.”
This time Yeji’s the one to scoff. “Excuse me? What’s so ridiculous about him liking you?”
“Dude. I…” You vaguely gesture to yourself. “I’m me. And he’s…him. Choi Soobin the Great, the prince, the God, the emcee of the year.”
“Uh, I’m sorry, what’s that supposed to mean? You’re you – the princess, the goddess, the prettiest girl on campus and the best student in our year.” She tosses a pretzel at you, scowling. “You’re amazing, bff. Choi Soobin is one lucky motherfucker to have the privilege to spend so much time with you. Of course he’d fall in love! I’d date you if I was into girls!”
The last part of her sentence makes you giggle. “Stop, no one’s talking about love just yet. Do you really think he could be doing all of that with… I don’t know… the intention to woo me?”
“Of course! He’d be a fool not to!” Yeji sits up from her recline on the couch, nearly aggressively grabbing onto your shoulders to shake you. “Didn’t you hear the part where I told you I would date—hell, Ryujin would date you!”
You gape at your best friend, feeling uplifted, reassured and confused all at once. “Wha—? Does Ryujin like girls?”
“No, but she’d still date you. She’s open minded that way.”
“Yeji, what the f—”
“My point is!” She raises a finger up to silence your protest. “You’re fabulous and amazing and gorgeous – have you seen your eyes? Bff, they’re fucking pretty. Do you know what that makes you? More fucking pretty. He likes you, boo, and he's probably got a list of reasons why.”
Yeji’s love language might be words of affirmation through… aggression, but it is surely effective at reminding you of the fact that you’re lovable.
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And so more time goes by, with things staying mostly normal if you don’t count the way your cheeks seem to get extra warmer with every cup of coffee that Soobin hands you, lately. If your locked gazes stay locked for longer than necessary, or if his goodbye hugs linger a little and cause your heart to nearly beat out of your chest – it is no one’s business but your own. 
You know, deep in your heart, that you never really got over the guy. He left you heartbroken for a total of 36 hours, while he's spent more than 36 days swirling up a swarm of butterflies in your tummy with every action of his.
It is inevitable for you to fall for him all over again.
You have absolutely no plans of doing anything about it, however, because you have come to really cherish the close friendship you share with Soobin. You like the wheel of routine the two of you constantly spin within and don't wanna change a thing about it.
Although, that is not to say that no change ends up happening.
The wheel of routine makes a detour around a week later, some five weeks after your initiation into the broadcasting club, when you find yourself wrapped in a jacket and still shivering, sitting next to the university’s star athlete on the bleachers in the hockey arena, at six in the morning.
“Is that all? For real?” Choi Yeonjun asks you with his eyes wide in pleasant surprise. “That was quick.”
While you just nod with a chuckle, his girlfriend peers at you from his other side and punches him in the side. “I’ve told you the important questions don’t take that long! Your fangirls just wanna extend the interviews because they wanna ogle you longer.”
“You don’t have to worry about that anymore, I promise,” you tell the girl with a grin, which she returns fully.
“Nah, you don’t even have to tell me because I can see it in your body language,” she mumbles, pressing her cheek into her boyfriend’s shoulder, over which he tips his own head affectionately. “You’re the first ever girl to not view him like a piece of meat. I’m not even kidding.”
“Ah, I’m sorry about that. Your man’s okay, but he’s not my type.”
Yeonjun grins widely at your words, while her girlfriend breaks into laughter because she apparently hasn’t heard anyone use the adjective “okay” for Yeonjun ever before. 
Anyone that tries to get between these two must be crazy, you realize, because you’ve sat with them for less than an hour and can already tell how deeply in love they are. And how stinkingly cute they are together.
Well, the general consensus states that Yeonjun is cute, too. Along with being handsome, beautiful, sexy – and a whole plethora of other adjectives that his fans use for him. But it becomes hard for you to agree with the opinion when your heart, instead, chooses to skip a beat for the dimpled cutie seated two steps away from you, smiling at you from behind his camera.
Right as your eyes meet, Soobin waves a hand at you to let you know he has stopped recording. Nodding, you wave goodbye to the couple next to you and leave the spot to walk up to your cameraman. 
“If I get hypothermia, you’re footing my hospital bills,” you announce as you settle next to a laughing Soobin, intentionally shifting closer to him to hopefully absorb some of his body heat. 
“I told you to bring a jacket, didn’t I?”
“And I did, but it was useless.”
“Because it was denim!” He gives a full belly laugh at that, and the sound is so beautiful to your ears that it becomes hard for you to maintain your scowl of annoyance. “Who brings a denim jacket when asked to carry one?”
“Hey, you texted me at five am!” you whine in complaint. “I could barely open my eyes, my brain wasn’t working!”
“Is that why you didn’t question me?” His tone is a little teasing and so are his raised eyebrows as he smirks at you. “I asked you to come downstairs quickly and you arrived within ten minutes, ready to run away to the mountains with me if I asked. What’s up with that, hm?”
Your cheeks feel on fire at the implication of his words. Clearing your throat, you try to come up with a response, but your heartbeat is too loud in your ears and meeting Soobin’s playful gaze might just make it crash due to the onslaught of overwhelming emotions.
Well. At least you’re feeling a little warmer now.
“You – you said it was a surprise and a huge honor that I’d later thank you for… I got excited,” you mumble, entwining your cold fingers and stuffing your hands beneath your knees to warm them up. “Thanks for thinking of me for this honor but honestly…” You gesture towards Yeonjun with your chin. “I don't really care for athletes. They’re not my type. I prefer brains over brawn. This guy’s taken, anyway, so people should really…”
You trail off when you turn to look at Soobin and find him smiling at you almost knowingly, such unabashed affection in his gaze that your throat closes up with nervousness. 
“I… I – I mean—”
“Yeonjun’s not your type?”
Swallowing past your nerves, you very slowly shake your head. “Is that a surprise?”
He shrugs his shoulders, trying to seem nonchalant, but you see the stiffness that enters his spine at the question. “Yeah, kind of. He’s… well, everyone I know either wants him or wants to be him.”
Wants to be him? Oh… Your lips curve up in a small smile as it begins to make sense to you. “Including you?”
His eyes widen in surprise as he looks at you. “He’s the most popular guy at our uni, Y/N. Who wouldn’t wanna be him?”
You should be surprised by his answer but you somehow aren’t. Because this ties up with a number of things you’ve been unable to fully make sense of about Soobin. Most of all, this explains why it would get him so riled up that people would try to use him and his club – one of the most sacred things he holds in his life – just to get close to Yeonjun. It would also explain why he would have felt insecure and jealous about it.
Emotions such as these are hard to navigate. Within the month that you’ve spent working closely with Soobin, you’ve come to know that he cares about his friends a lot – he truly loves them and would go to extreme lengths to help them whenever and wherever. It pains you that he struggles with this burden on the inside.
You need him to know that he shouldn’t. That he doesn’t need to. 
Which is why you shuffle closer to him, to the point where your thighs brush together, and look into his wide, bunny eyes to tell him that: “When I first saw you, I was fully convinced you were the most popular guy at the uni. And it stayed with me for months until I began my research into uni related facts and opinions and found out about our hockey team. This is why I could never gather enough courage to approach you, you know? You were this tall, handsome and sweet guy – textbook university crush material. How could you not be the most popular?”
Soobin’s cheeks turn pink, then pinker, then bright red, and by the end of your confession, he’s got a trail of redness climbing up to his ears. His eyes stay glued to yours, even as he bites down on his bottom lip.
When you see the way he exhales shakily, you finally release a giggle at his flustered state. “What? Are you really blushing that hard? How're you so cool as an emcee but your cheeks go red when a girl compliments you, Soobin?”
Soobin huffs out a laugh through his nose and rolls his eyes, pursing his lips to bite back his smile. Then he shakes his head. “Not just any girl.” 
This time, you feel a similar blush begin to cover your face. You attempt to joke it away. “I… I’m h–honored, I guess?”
Smirking at your stutters, Soobin simply averts his gaze from yours and goes back to packing up the recording equipment. “Speaking of honors, by the way. This isn't exactly what I was talking about.”
You frown in confusion. “Oh? So what is—wait. Why did you wake me up at five, then?!”
“Woah, easy!” he laughs when you get up and brace your fists on your waist, ready to throw hands. “I brought you here because having your first solo interview with Yeonjun would give you a good boost of publicity for your future with the club.”
“Ow, are we using him for clout?” You scrunch your nose up when Soobin proudly nods.
“Precisely. And also to give you a small rehearsal so that you know what all to focus on when you prepare for the freshman orientation that’s coming up soon.”
You freeze in the middle of a nod.
To prepare you for what? 
Your brain refuses to comprehend the words. He couldn’t possibly be talking about the orientation, right? 
Eyes wide and jaw dropped, you stare at Soobin while he seamlessly continues to speak.
“You're pretty comfortable with the mic and you actually enjoy interacting with groups. I still remember the clips your friend had shown me. Orientation stage requires the ability to interact well and improvise upon the script efficiently, because you’re tasked with making sure these bunch of seventeen year olds feel welcome into their new surroundings. And you, ma’am, happen to be an ace at both the arts.”
Still in disbelief, you sit next to him again and forward a hand to hold onto his forearm, bringing his focus back on you. “Soobin… are you sure? I’ve – I’ve been here for a month, and—”
“And you were amazing even before you joined us.” He turns to you to take both your palms between his, and says your name. A surge of sparks passes through your nerve endings at the warm contact, but Soobin’s gaze grounds you – it’s so open and honest that it compels you to believe every word he says to you. “You’ve only improved with each day, right? You will be great, I’m absolutely sure.”
Nodding slowly, you begin to smile when he does.
Giving your hands a jerk, Soobin points at the couple seated a few feet away. “Just you wait and see, you’re about to go viral when this bit is released. The one girl that remains unaffected by Choi Yeonjun’s charm? Oh, you’re gonna pull so many admirers within a week. Get ready for fanboys crushing on you and sliding into your DMs. Bet they’ll have a fan page up and running before your next public appearance.” 
You break into laughter, craning away from him at his teasing. But Soobin tugs at your hands to pull you back up, this time bringing you closer to him than you were before. The previous traces of playfulness have given way to a small, expectant smile on his face.
"Do I get brownie points for being the first in line?"
What? What? An awkward chuckle leaves you, quickly dwindling when Soobin's smile remains unchanged as he continues to look into your eyes. "What… what are you talking about?"
He tilts his head sweetly, giving your hands a small squeeze as he says your name. "As if I haven't been so obvious… You're the most talented member our group has seen in a while, you know? I can't look away from you when you're working and, like, initially I thought I was being a fan… But then I started to daydream about your bright eyes, gorgeous smiles, your cute giggles, your huge fucking heart that is always so kind to everyone, and…" Soobin pauses with a sigh, cheeks turning red and dimples flashing. "Come on, are you really gonna make me say it?"
Your breath comes in stuttered gasps as you try to gather your thoughts. "Soo–Soobin, I… I… Do you really…?"
"Really like you and really want to go out with you? Yeah, I do.” He smiles at you, bringing your faces close enough to boop your nose with his own. "Is there a problem?"
"You… like me?" You feel terribly confused, somewhat lost, and just a bit scared. If Soobin doesn't mean it with one hundred percent sincerity, you'll never recover from this hurt. So you just try to deflect: "But you barely know me?"
He pulls away with a small scoff of disbelief, eyes widening in surprise. "So it's believable for you to have a crush on me when you'd never even held a conversation with me, but you can't accept that I like you because you're the most beautiful, most intelligent and the most caring person I've ever met in my life?"
Your breath hitches on an exhale – and you're unable to breathe in again for long moments after that. 
He thinks you're beautiful, intelligent and caring.
He likes you.
He actually likes you.
Yeji's words of aggressive affirmative circle in your head: He likes you, boo, and he's probably got a list of reasons why.
She was… actually right? Holy shit…
You're so freaking emotional right now, you might cry.
A cross between a chuckle and a sniffle escapes you despite your attempts of stifling it, catching Soobin by surprise. His hands immediately let go of yours to cup your cheeks in concern.
"Hey, hey, what happened? Please don't think too hard about—"
"Soobin," you cut him off with a whisper. "I like you, too. So, so much."
A slow smile begins to curl his lips up, beautifully. "You do?"
"I have for so long. I… don't think I ever stopped."
"Even with the way I hurt you so bad?" His face becomes somber for a moment. 
"Yes, even then. You've shown me who you really are, Soobin, and that person is amazing. You've proven to me that I caught you in a moment of weakness, and… I think I understand it now more than ever." You smile when his lashes flutter, eyes gazing at you as if in wonder. "Besides, I think I forgave you when you first got me my correct coffee order with that cute smile of yours."
He blushes again. "Ah, so my smile is cute?"
"The cutest." You solemnly nod, cheeks still held in his palms. "Your whole face is."
"Well then, I hope you're okay with my cute face doing this?"
You know what is coming as you watch him erase the space between your mouth and his, and yet you're not nearly prepared for the way your blood turns electric the moment his plush, heart-shaped lips make contact with yours. Pure fire surges through you, body strung tight one moment and then fallen pliant in his hold the next.
Soobin's thumbs brush against the heated flesh of your cheeks, as if attempting to comfort your loud heartbeat – but it's to no avail. Your heart works faster and faster with every push of his mouth against yours, so full of giddiness that it eventually seems to levitaties up and above your body, leaving you weightless and breathless.
You try to kiss him back to the best of your abilities, but you feel like you've been entranced – held in a dreamlike state that has rendered you completely immobile and turned your brain to goo.
Soobin seems to recognise your condition, somehow, pulling away from the kiss with a chuckle brushed against your slightly parted lips. Lidded eyes look into yours with a smile held in them, his chocolate irises turned to thin rings due to how dilated his pupils are. 
"You good?"
His voice comes out all hoarse and breathless, making your stomach clench with desire and you're instantly spurred into motion.
Reaching out with both your hands, you grip onto the back of Soobin's neck and the side of his jaw, and this time pull him in for a proper kiss with equal participation. His breath hitches for a moment, but is released in the form of a small grunt when you open your mouth against his – and that is all you need to absolutely lose yourself into the taste and feel of Choi Soobin.
You would've probably stayed lost for quite a bit too, had a loud whistle not echoed around the arena, making both you and Soobin jump apart with startled gasps. Wide eyed, you look at each other, and then two stairs above you.
Yeonjun's girlfriend is grinning at you with her entire teeth on display, while the guy himself has his arm extended towards the two of you, thumb pointed downwards.
"Her first interview isn't even out yet, dude!" he calls out, booing Soobin with his entire arm. "Literally obliterating her popularity before she could even gather bitches, you're so lame and insecure, Soob, boo hoooo!"
Soobin tosses a random plastic case towards the guy, whining into your ear as he rests his chin on your shoulder grumpily. You giggle at his pout, entwining your hands together to bring them up and press a soft kiss to the back of his.
"Are we going on that date before or after the interview is aired, then?" you tease the guy, wiggling your eyebrows.
Soobin glares at you through playfully narrowed eyes beneath lowered eyebrows, until you're giggling again and he's kissing your smile. "Definitely before."
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© yeonboy 2023 // do not steal, copy or repost. respect your local content creators, kaythanks.
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tunamayuuu · 12 days
I've seen a little bit of your Kny!bsd au through a rb from one of my mutuals, and I think I'm being sucked into a rabbit hole/pos
I love your art sososo much, and I would see it on my dash on occasion (it brought me happiness, but I never really kept up with the account, and I honestly high-key regret it), so when I saw your alt cast art, I remembered rbing the Kyōkenji x Inokana sketch you drew a while back, but I had no idea it was associated with an entire au!! I was estatic since I love the au concept, and I love both ships so much!!
Then, trust me, I was innocently scrolling through the tag when I came across rengokunikida... This man has no right being so jdbdjdbd
My thoughts immediately went to Murata when I saw TecchōGiyū, like yes he's such a pretty man, but my brain really likes to digress from the main point lmao.
Urokodaki as Fukuchi feels a little weird, but it's accurate dynamic-wise with Teruko, and Tachihara. What is Jōnō's relationship with Fukuchi in this au anyway?? It could go in so many directions I'm curious djehdhbd
I love this au sm and your art of it is delectable, so I just felt the need to send an ask your way. I hope you have a great day (⁠人⁠*⁠´⁠∀⁠`⁠)⁠。⁠*゚⁠+
–Anon you could call 'Grace'
I might come on here from time to time, so I might as well give myself a name.
this was the first grace ask i never got to answer oh my god anyway.
thank you so much!!! i actually stopped being into bsd for a full ass year and ever since that shin soukoku doodle i made, it comforted a big part of me that felt horrible everytime i'd post bsd onto socmed knowing my more passionate works didn't get as much engagement as shitposts ahaha...
the kny-ified bsd au was and still is an au project i want to keep working on!! i have a looong list of the full cast, it's just that i always get side quests and wanting to draw OTHER things and getting into OTHER new medias i wanna draw and yeah that's why it's taken years for me to complete anything orz (i have plenty of files of the au that i never posted because they're all unfinished or uncolored and i thought i won't do my au justice if none of them were colored yk?)
i'm not an inokana fan myself but i'd love to hear your take on them! i just wanted to draw kyokenji at that time ehehe
i will always say that rengokunikida was def not my idea. it was an idea from a bsd friend! they even explained to me how it could work and i never looked back
i'm actually not sure who would take murata's role in the au because we know next to nothing about canon tecchou. michizou already takes sabito's role so.....?
ALSO I FINALLY GOT TO ANSWER THIS BECAUSE! fukuchi is not urokodaki in this au! fukuchi takes kokushibo's role
jouno and fukuchi unfortunately do not interact in this au..
i'm so happy to see my au still getting love even after the years i've been on and off in activity! comments like these fill me with so much motivation to upkeep this au!
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popcorn428 · 4 months
i noticed that u like to repost bsd fanart! i was wondering if u have favourite artists?
their band au is so cool and i love how they draw sigma its so wgfhafha
their fem skk has me in a chokehold, esp their recent chuuya fanart i see it every day on my dash and i gotta just stare at it for like a minute each time just admiring their art
i just love their art style sm its so pretty
they're so good with color and im so jealous everything is always just so beautiful
i just noticed i wasnt following them and almost cried but they draw expressions so so good and their style is so cool too i feel like if i look at it too long ill break the art in some way
they're one of the first ppl i followed on here but literally just everything abt their art has me on my knees
I love their art so so much and i love all the fyolai stories they make i eat that shit up every time, also they're really good with anatomy
they're art and stories are so cool and cute i want to absorb it
I want to eat their art omfg im not even a kunizai shipper, but ive considered it so many times because of them theyre also so good at anatomy and colors and babababba
their art is so cute i wanna squeeze it and throw it affectionately
anyways thanks for the ask!! <3
look at all these artists 😠
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teddybeartoji · 2 months
mickeyyyy tell me about your selfship lore with dazai pretty please
okok so i had a chance to brainstorm a little with a friend the other day and now i'm gonna tell you all about it hehehehe:3333 also uhh.. i think this might get long so i apologize for that lmao
mizai takes place in a cute little university au!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! dazai is majoring in literature (he's so pretentious i love him so bad) and i am an art major!!!!!!! this is how i get to live out my silly dreams okay lmao so i'm thinking about studying pottery or something!!!!!!!!!
and and and since the they're all so very important to me i also need to tell you that chuuya is also an art major, he's doing classical painting (but he takes some pottery classes with me and that's how we met:333). kunikida is ofc gonna be a teacher, so he's studying education aaaaaaaaaaand fedya is... a psychology major. i'm scared of him a little i won't even lie.
AAAAANYWAYYY MIZAII:333 he pretty much just lives at my place; he does have an apartment but it's super small and he just.. doesn't like it there. so he has his own key and he's free to come and go whenever he wants!!!!!!! when i say 'go' i'm actually lying bc he really is just always at my place,, like i come home and he's there. i wake up and he's there. i go to take a piss and then come out only to be met with him laying on my couch. he's weird like that i love him sm.
i also have a cat!!!!!!!!! well i mean my irl cat is just canon in the mizai world hehehee and ooooooooh my god dazai loves him so much. and shrimp really fucking likes him too (so much so that i get jealous sometimes.. ) my cat is very talkative and so is dazai so there's just constant meowing going on. and well sadly, i am no better okay i am a meower too......................... we have a proper fucking cat choir going on smh i wonder if the neighbors hate us...................
though we're both big talkers, one of our favourite things to do is literally just parallel play. he's laid out on my bed like the princess that he is with his newest book while i sit behind my desk, typing away at whatever it is that i'm writing at the moment and it's just sooo so comfortable. and then after we decide that we've been productive enough we always go to the little cafe that we both love and then go to chuuya's just to bother him a bit (he loves us) >:333333333
whenever we're out taking the bus or the train, we're sitting shoulder to shoulder while sharing earphones!!!!!!!!! he rests his head against mine and fidgets with my fingers while i choose the music<333333
oh and neither of us can sleep alone btw. we both struggle with sleep all around but it's not that bad when we're together. it's like thing apparently too you know? that like you get sleepy when you're around a person you really feel safe with? so yeah... we take a lot of naps together it's kind of like a shared love language of ours!!!!!!
OMFG WAIT I ALSO NEED TO ADD THAT UHH ODA IS HERE TOO. HE'S DAZAI'S FAVOURITE PROFESSOR. AAAAAAAAAAAAA oda loves him sm... he loves hearing all of dazai's ideas and his takes and they talk after the lectures all the time too. they actually even go to grab a coffee every now and then. dazai just really really loves talking to him and sometimes (read: every time) he comes home after seeing him, he's sooo happy:((( he has the biggest smile on my face as he just plops down on top of me and starts retelling everything they talked about with oda:(((((((((((((((((((((((((( AAAAAAAHHH CARINAA I LOVE HIM SOOO SO BADDDDD I'M GONNA DIEEEEE
he once kinda dragged me into one of oda's classes too and i was so scared that he'll throw me out bc well.. i'm not supposed to be there but then he was just checking who's there and who's not and his eyes met mine before moving to dazai's twinkling ones and he just smiled and let me be there anyway. (he would literally never throw me out)(btw i fear that.. dazai... yaps about me to him too.............. )
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insanitynikoru · 30 days
just love the ppnkgxppg art sm !! ! <33 if by chance can you explain your dynamic between them?
yhh >:) tbh my dynamics can shift depending on the context (for ex if i'm entertaining aus or scenarios). +it's kinda hard to explain their dynamic w/o also talking abt my hcs for each character bUT ANYWAy dsjgk
bratubbles: starting w this one cus they're kinda the more « normal » pair (aka i don't ever think abt them so i don't have much to say, rip). they are,,, black cat/white bunny (barfs); brat being kitty, bubbles being bunny. not exactly "opposites attract" but also not entirely compatible. brat values her independence and borders avoidant tendencies (but also not really?) making her more passive in the relationship. kinda has a habit of making bubbles cry. bubbles is like her little pet. she loves her, but also has to resist the intrusive urge to grab her by the ears and swing her around. and bubbles is just,,, "i can fix her :pleading:" kind of gross bs
i don't have much on this one sorry chat 💀 i'd have to rly sit down and think about them at some point
brutercup: my hcs for brutercup closely align with my friends @/saschy123 and @/gkt-tummyaches !! if u ever see their hcs, just know that i nod in agreement. brute is the epitome of toxic/abusive, dominating and anti-social, and bc eats it up cus she's a little guy and loves brute sm. sadist x masochist vibes both in kink and in general that's pretty much it asjkf
soft/bottom brute does not exist in brutercup pls- brute is just not a good person. 'soft' tendencies exhibited by brute are more for her own personal gain or power trip rather than for the sake of the relationship. bc is 100% aware of it but simply doesn't give a fuck because she knows what she signed up for.
blosserk: this one [grins evilly] my fave <3 (if that wasn't obvious jksdg) i like making this one suffer !!! esp berserk !! doomed yuri, complicated, yummy. they are terribleee at communication. berserk sucks at trying to convey what she feels correctly and blossom takes it as criticism, and will resort to stonewalling techniques in the right circumstances. both of them expect a lot of change from one another but both of them are too stubborn to put in the effort to change themselves, making them constantly in and out of the arguing phase. they always have problems !! on a more wholesome note, they have cute dates; picnics and shit *rolls eyes*
a different dynamic i have with blosserk is more unrequited. berserk crushes on blossom but the latter doesn't feel the same. i have/had a whole au surrounding this as a kid that's just a whole failed enemies-to-lovers arc where berserk tries to reconnect with blossom on more neutral terms but blossom is too arrogant and cannot look past her former reputation of being a villain. role-reversal; ends up being the one that gives berserk a hard time than the other way around. ex-lovers kind of feel. berserk is very self-destructive when i think abt this dynamic. i like this one better cus i play with it more + there's more angst potential 🥰
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eternadreeblissa · 1 year
I adore seeing Legend (or any of the other boys really) being so soft to Ava. The post of Legend in a skirt has me squealing in delight; it was a pleasant surprise for my eyes. <3
I imagine Ava would also braid their hair, particularly Wild or Sage, since their hair is much longer. I also imagine she would put tiny flowers, and they'll be the prettiest boys out there! (Gorgeous boys with their gorgeous girl)
— Loafie :3
(I'm sorry no art related ask today :'(( but better to post more than keeping everything in the dark for who knows how long bcs I wanna take extra miles JSYFNDUBHJ there will be art eventually! One day?)
I'm so sorry for the late reply beloved, I was so deep into AU building that I have not touched your ask! I wanted to make art first but it's been days already JSUVDHGBH So, I decided to answer this here and now, pardon me dearie (⁠╥⁠﹏⁠╥⁠)
Also YES YES GORGEOUS BBYS 🥹🥹 Ava definitely loves styling their hair when they get the chance! If their downtime allows it, maybe Ava will care for their hair and look after them alongside Wars! She and Wars definitely bond over care stuff like this. They discuss ingredients to use regarding hygiene and all that. Which they then go on a lil group hunt with Wild looking for said ingredients maybe?
And LEGEND! You do not know how much I am biased for him and his dynamic with Ava shipping wise 🧍‍♀️I love them sm! They bond over fashion and stuff! Also cuz Ava thinks he could be a good model, with how well he suited her old skirts! Maybe she even gave it to him? Or they even made skirts together, since he sews and Ava was a seamstress before! Ah, very cute ideas!
Speaking of cute tho, while I did not get to draw art for this ask, there is this lil cute doodle I have that can be related to this!
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It is what it is: well to be more clear, Ava is helping with Blue's hair in this one! I find his hair being tucked to one ear so pretty and handsome 🥺 look at him!
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Anyway, there's a little story yet to be explained abt that doodle; yes a story I say! Abt Ava and Blue's little... Misunderstandings ;; and how they become close! But this post is already long ehe ^^" more on that on another ask if anyone comes and eagerly asks abt it 🙈 but we shall see.
Thank you for visiting again Loafie! Your visits are always appreciated <33
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onlyswan · 7 months
hi hello art!!!!!!
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i've been a fan of your "in which" series for so long i'm literally obsessed with oc & kook sm😭😭 i want what they have & they're so precious (especially oc!! literally the cutest)
they be having me laughing, sobbing and giggling all in one au🫠 (like your latest! how dare you make oc sad?! AND GET BURNT? i’ll forgive you only cause we got them all happy at the end🥹 i need my babies happy! always!)
ALSO i was wondering if you'd take a request, idk if you'd be interested in writing about it or not >.< pls don't feel pressured or obligated to write it or anything, i just thought that maybe it'd be a cute idea that i'd love to see the 'iw' couple do/experience
id love to see kook with the 97-liner talking about oc and teasing him but also being jealous of how perfect they are (& make kook unintentionally jelly cause they like oc and how pretty she is...) and then also with her getting to know them and talking and interacting in a fun and friendly way ^.^
maybe like that one mingyu-kook live at 4am lol and how gyu was like spending time with them and drinking or smth
drunk gyukook is so precious: https://vm.tiktok.com/ZGeSgSLG5/
anyways— thank you, art, for (continuously) writing about our precious "in which" couple and publishing and sharing your very cherished and beautiful art with us🤍🤍
hi my love 💞💞💞 you’re one of the people i know the username by heart because of how long i’ve been seeing you in my notifs 🥺 thank you so much for being with me all these time and i love you wholeheartedly!!!!
believe me it also pains me having to put oc through the pains of being human 😔 but there is always hope! the sun will never not rise!
oh i’ve been considering this too actually !! but only gyu because he’s the only one i’m familiar with and his dynamic with jungkook hehe. thank you for pushing this back in the front of my mind !! i’ll revisit the idea when i finish my current line-up of wips <3 mwah!!!
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sukifoof · 1 year
(this is my main lol my other acc is @princeyralsei) I JUST WANTED TO SAY THAT I ABSOLUTELY LOVE HOW U INTERPRET FLOWEY/AZZY like so many utdr fans dont get him at all and it's so hard to find ppl to talk ab him with i just love him sm!
idk if u associate him with this but I like to compare his trauma to dissociative disorders, since his journey with feeling numb really helped me come to terms with my experiences with something similar. Maybe deltarune azzy just has a dissociative disordee this time instead of being a flower XD. Ofc the situations are VERY DIFFERENT LOL but yeah.
I love his and papyrus' friendship too bc i relate to papy a lot and very much want to form a fan club for Flowey too 🤣🤣🤣🤣 Anyway those are my thoughts I WOULD LOVE TO HEAR MORE OF UR HEADCANONS AB HIM. AND UR ART IS AWESOME!!
THANK U!!! i feel like i also really struggle to find other people who interpret him the way i do so i am always so pleased when someone agrees with my many paragraphs of analysis on him <3 i think dissociative disorders make a LOT of sense for flowey!! i always like to see other people who have been able to come to terms with their Various Struggles thanks to flowey cuz. Me Too Man. i've had Extremely Similar Experiences to flowey when it comes to our type of trauma and the ptsd that comes with it and it's really touching to see a character like flowey handle what exactly that kind of loss and the aftermath feels like. like yeah man flowey u get it. which i think is probably why i analyze him so much i look at him and the spiderman meme pops up in my head we point at each other and go SAME TRAUMA??? hes a very special character to me i love him dearly
ALSO THANK U!! i love talking about flowey so much.... one of my hcs is that the only person hes Like That (extra edgy and dramatic) around is frisk cuz theyve already seen him when hes. Having A Moment. but i also like to think papyrus is the only person he really feels calm around cuz hes. u know. papyrus. while with frisk i imagine he doesnt really wanna reopen old issues so hes just their weird edgy older brother who sits at home all day. "just let frisk live their life" yeah thats frisks loser brother who WILL throw rocks directly at ur face if ur mean to them cuz only HES allowed to bully them. i also think he probably tries very hard to stay away from his parents cuz he doesn't know how to go about That issue... but i think one day he'll finally be able to open up and maybe calm down a bit. and yet he still tries to kinda... take care of things Behind The Scenes like making sure asgores plants dont die if he forgot to water them or making sure toriel is taking care of herself. i think about him a lot
ALSO!!! i have been thinking about an au where he comes back and hes pretty much flowey but hes still in Goat Form which i might post later so if u are interested.... 👀
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disgruntleddemon · 1 year
uuuuh, toadfoot and rippletail (the riverclan one) for the hypokits (i have this random au that toad and ripple crushed on each other during their beaver quest adventures; never has it been founded on canon, i just decided they were gay)
so my pen decided to eat shit on me mid drawing hhh. i should have it fixed soon, but in the meantime, i have some wip stuff saved. the designs might be tweaked for the finished product tho. i'll post n tag u when it's done!
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i always approve of making random ass cats gay, totally on board for this ship now. i ended up getting rly attached to this gal, her name is Dusklight! I have a whole backstory for her now, which is part of why i wanted to share the art while it's still a wip. anyway, story under the cut cause it's p long lmao
Toadfoot and Rippletail have a fling/budding relationship during the journey. i think they would have eventually broken up on good terms, and be awkward cross clan co-parents, but with everything cut short by Rippletail's death, Toadfoot was left with a lot of what-ifs and became very depressed and wistful about it
when he comes home and eventually has Dusklight, he's secretive and defensive about her parentage. especially after the whole Hollyleaf fiasco before. he only tells Tallpoppy and Applefur. they help him raise Dusklight.
Toadfoot does very much care about Dusklight, and shows it, but there's always an odd distance between them. i mean, what do you do when your daughter looks so much like your dead forbidden summer romance? Tallpoppy and Applefur are close to Dusk, but they're secretive about her other parent too. and can also be akward at times
Dusklight grows up always feeling like she never quite belongs. no one speaks about whoever her other parent is, but there's always whispers. Dusk assumes they must've been evil or something, and that's why no one ever says anything. Dovewing is eventually the one to tell her the truth (they end up pretty close too). Dusklight doesn't tell her dad she knows at first.
she starts fishing and swimming alone, to see if that's what she feels like she's missing. maybe she'll feel like she belongs in riverclan. she likes fish, and swimming is fun enough, but it's just not what she's looking for.
she tells her dad after that, and they have a heart to heart. they have a much better bond from then on out, and understand each other more. (although Toad is pretty pissed Dove told her.) Toad asks if she wants to find her living relatives i riverclan, but Dusk isn't ready for that yet. (Rippletail doesn't have any cannon ones, so uh, just vague relatives ig)
Toadfoot dies during the great battle, which i decided to keep. before that happens tho, Dusklight is able to meet Rippletail, and fight alongside both of her dads. she's devastated when Toad dies, but is able to say goodbye to him before he leaves (probably off to finish his doomed fling in starclan lmao)
after the battle, Dusk does find her riverclan relatives, and tries to connect with them when she can. she decides to stay in shadowclan, but she tries to do things for her half clan heritage in small personal ways. she still swims and fishes on her own, speaks to her relatives (who agree to keep Toadfoot and Rippletail's secret), and decorates her nest with feathers and stones. she's also still very close to her aunt and grandma, even more so after Toad died.
but ye!! Hope u like her!! i love her sm now honestly lmao
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pup-pee · 7 months
This is so random but I saw ur tags in the rb of an old birdflash fanart and ur energy just resonated with me and I was like I must follow this person... Anyways hello:D ur art style is so lovely I'm so glad I found this blog I am fucking insane over Wally West but also batfam and THE BARRY & WALLY FATHER SON DYNAMIC IS THE ONLY THING EVERRGGRHRHTJFJKZKSKSJFKK
Also I am staring at the tmnt in ur bio, I saw a comment recently that said that Leo & Raph are basically dick and Jason and omg I have never been the same since like WTF why are they so right....
omgomg HELLO??? u liking my tags actually means sm wtf skgjkajkgkh BUT HI YES HELLO HEY!!! TYSM 4 LIKING MY ART AS WELL OMG??? bcb cb c bc bc u points @ u u like wally i have a silly hc i drew a little bit ago
i will give it 2 u bc y not skjgkgALSO INCLUDES A BIT OF WALLY + BARRY WHICH IS Y I THINK HT OF IT OK
glasses bc i just think so theres rlly no other reason just always had glasses as a kid
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SO GLASSES RIGHT??! THEN HE BCAME A SPEEDSTER likekeeee preteen-ish? if im not wrong// BUT LIKE getting accelerated,,,, everything ig @ that age would b CRAZYY so i think his teeth got kinda vry fucked up((im so nice 2 the blorbos,,,i swear,,,,((dont belive me)) SO HE HAD 2 GET BRACES & HEADGEAR
he doesnt wear contacts no matter how roy or dick tries 2 convince him he doesnt want 2 use their money
he will keep taping his silly blocky glasses until they literally turn 2 ash
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just take the whole sketch book page whateverrrr r rr
BUT YEAH THATS OT OTS SILLY & MEANS NOTHING BUT EVERYTHING 2 ME barrys there just listening 2 him talk bc no1 used 2 listen 2 him infodump about much b4 idk
i feel the need 2 show wally sketches but i rlly dont have that much((that isnt au related))
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i think this 1 is silly anywhoo there was tmnt in this & ill brb
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LITERALLY THEMM i was NKT reasy 2 draw fhem 2day omg skfjksjf they looks so ass i swear i can draw a pretty dick
jason tho??…,,,,,, uhm uhm srry pat pats
also srry u only rlly((like RLLY)) know tmnt2012 so akhfkfk
GIVE JASON A SPIKE RN((talked w/madi & jason actually needs a bearded dragon)) <- putting this hear so if i ever reread this ill know
im remembering some of the more,,,dramamtic moments of 2012 tmnt & like holy hell yeah
i gotta bring out the tmnt au again its literally mostly abiut dimentsion x bc angst but holymoly
holy moly ahhahabf my humoresuck i kinda 4got what i was writing tbh so oopsies
hey guys? what do we think of s2 -> s3? ((leo in a coma + canine)) ????? how we feelingvvvbbb jsi!!?!? im literally talking 2 myself & thid point ermmm
/e wave 2 u!!!!!
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good morning/day/evening, my lovely angel!! youre soso sweet and cute i cant TT 'i was bummed out i couldnt write' its ok dont worry about me! your comfort is the thing that matters the most! give yourself time. 'i havent written in 2 days' its ok. i cant state but do you think it may be burning out? bc you work really hard and have lots of work beside writing. you really owe nothing to anyone. ill repeat it as many times as i need. bc you do great, you study, do covers, you do a lot. thats more than great! you still worth the world and let down noone. and if anyone have the guts to say otherwise, i can have their tongue. you are the priority. if you dont feel like writing, maybe you shouldnt force yourself to do it to even lessen your minds ability to do it rn. give yourself time. tumblrs nothing when it comes to your mental powers. i dont remember if you say smth about 'kiss it better' later but id talk abt it here. i hope things will get better for you. hope your manifest works really well and ability to do creative things cutie. its very comforting. hope you enjoyed writing it. also the whole concept made me remember the song 'guard you' by young k. its just the most comforting song for me. its released on my bday but for some reason i ignored it for months? ill never forgive this. its really good to have someone to take care of you and 'guard you'. even if im not next to you, remember im always here for you and will always support you. 'i have to keep making art. i cant stop' its great if you cant and feel like it. but please dont force and overwork yourself. you are still you if you currently dont have strength to make art. 'i do love his name' your love for masc feminine names is so adorable TT hes not completely CRINGE meme but not a kind(?) meme either. its difficult to explain esp with how humor here is but yes. 'why didnt you put an episode number' i watched it like.. 2 years ago. you think i remember? im a grandcat myself. i need to do a research for it. maybe at weekends (basically its saturday even here rn but nvm). first epp with matt smith is pretty touching esp with karen gillah and a little drama they have but i also like peter capaldis doctor. esp the beginning of his era. well see. and i never watched davids seasons TT im sorry but its true, cant help you here. 'if i cant write this rn' and hows it? 'poor bb girl witch' nooo she shouldnt feel like it TT the point is she loves her love more than she loves the very daemon. 'sounds tiring' reasonable. ig it can be said abt all my ideas. btw, wfal isnt tiring you? or like a burden? ik you dont like writing long things so im kinds worried now. 'i need a cleanse fic' is it kiss it better? anyway do wild girl! 'but i’ll listen to it later' did you listen to it?... im not making you, just interested ghdjfj. also! ive only learnt abt 'Running up That Hill' by Kate Bush (in another witchy playlist...) and 1) i LOVE it sm her voice and the way of singing is so enchanting? 2) it gives me waiting for a lifetime vibes.. yeah its origin meaning isnt exactly abt it but its the magic of art isnt it? the opportunity to interpret it however you want. and the deal with god pretty much reminds me of the au. 'you’ve got such a beautiful brain' thanks TT take it after my catmom. ive got lots of things to do for the exams but my mental state has only allowed me to watch videos with kitties, cry cats and dogs and listen to this song of kate for the past week. theres the one i cried hardest over (subjectively) and theres the one i cried hardest (objectively). theyre just cute if you ever feel like it. and HEs so tiny i SCREAMED. thats it. just cute vids to bring your mood up. how are you? whats the weather like? hope you are or will soon do great. have a nice day/evening/night! ill try to find an episode and write down some ideas, maybe youll find some inspiration in them. good luck with all the hw and assignments! take care! love you<з *freezy kisses for you to not burn in your weather*
hello my love <3 <3 <3
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meow meow muning <3
good morning/day/evening, my lovely angel!! youre soso sweet and cute i cant TT
wait why am i so sweet? what did i do?
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here she is normally
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that's all.
'i was bummed out i couldnt write' its ok dont worry about me! your comfort is the thing that matters the most! give yourself time.
T_T but i love you
'i havent written in 2 days' its ok. i cant state but do you think it may be burning out?
T_T ... i think youre right. T_T
bc you work really hard and have lots of work beside writing. you really owe nothing to anyone. ill repeat it as many times as i need. bc you do great, you study, do covers, you do a lot. thats more than great! you still worth the world and let down noone. and if anyone have the guts to say otherwise, i can have their tongue. you are the priority. if you dont feel like writing, maybe you shouldnt force yourself to do it to even lessen your minds ability to do it rn. give yourself time. tumblrs nothing when it comes to your mental powers.
thank you. this means a lot to me to hear this. you dont know how very much your words mean to me.
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i want to write. but i cant. i want to write ideas outside my reqs but also i want to make reqs but also i cant. i dont know
i dont remember if you say smth about 'kiss it better' later but id talk abt it here. i hope things will get better for you. hope your manifest works really well and ability to do creative things cutie. its very comforting. hope you enjoyed writing it.
i dont know if i enjoyed writing it but while rereading it i was like 'damn im really good at writing' i hope i get out of this hitch T_T
also the whole concept made me remember the song 'guard you' by young k. its just the most comforting song for me. its released on my bday but for some reason i ignored it for months? ill never forgive this. its really good to have someone to take care of you and 'guard you'. even if im not next to you, remember im always here for you and will always support you.
omg this was yonks parting gift before enlisting. (i call young-k yonk cos thats what it reads like yonk HAHHAH) im so touched that you feel this way towards me T_T i feel the same for you. lol its so funny you ignored it but ended up loving it HAHAH. i want a hug from you for real i want to cry.
'i have to keep making art. i cant stop' its great if you cant and feel like it. but please dont force and overwork yourself. you are still you if you currently dont have strength to make art.
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T_T i want a hug. i dont know if im forcing myself but maybe youre right i should stop T_T
'i do love his name' your love for masc feminine names is so adorable TT hes not completely CRINGE meme but not a kind(?) meme either. its difficult to explain esp with how humor here is but yes.
i have nothing else to say about him so heres him with a dog <3 i love the dog dog <3
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'why didnt you put an episode number' i watched it like.. 2 years ago. you think i remember? im a grandcat myself. i need to do a research for it. maybe at weekends (basically its saturday even here rn but nvm).
grandcat T_T it ok i just assumed you had an episode in mind. you dont have to research
first epp with matt smith is pretty touching esp with karen gillah and a little drama they have
i'll watch that!
but i also like peter capaldis doctor. esp the beginning of his era.
ive seen crack edits of jenna coleman and him and i kinda wanna watch his too
well see. and i never watched davids seasons TT im sorry but its true, cant help you here.
LOL HAHHAH thats fine thank you anyway i love you
'if i cant write this rn' and hows it?
T_T i cant write it im sorry
'poor bb girl witch' nooo she shouldnt feel like it TT the point is she loves her love more than she loves the very daemon.
She loves her love for daemon more than daemon himself? or daemon lovers her more than daemon ???
'sounds tiring' reasonable. ig it can be said abt all my ideas.
its not your idea that tiring its the idea of writing that tires me. baby i love your ideas T_T please stop exploding on yourself
btw, wfal isnt tiring you? or like a burden? ik you dont like writing long things so im kinds worried now.
🙄 gee. i literally make mood boards for it, i wonder if its tiring. well ok enough sarcasm, it is very much laborious but its a labor of love. i have not enjoyed writing a... series in a long time. its not a burden. i promise you i will stop writing that fic once i feel like im done with it. i was partially joking about ending i at p5 but i do hope i manage to keep it short T_T asfhs/flhsd
'i need a cleanse fic' is it kiss it better? anyway do wild girl!
it was. but idk if i was cleansed
'but i’ll listen to it later' did you listen to it?... im not making you, just interested ghdjfj.
i listened to the first part of the first song and i ejected i dont remember why but i guess i didnt like the vibe T_T
also! ive only learnt abt 'Running up That Hill' by Kate Bush (in another witchy playlist...) and 1) i LOVE it sm her voice and the way of singing is so enchanting? 2) it gives me waiting for a lifetime vibes.. yeah its origin meaning isnt exactly abt it but its the magic of art isnt it? the opportunity to interpret it however you want. and the deal with god pretty much reminds me of the au.
ive listened to this song before. she does have a very strong and enchanting voice. im honored that my fic reminds you things T_T thats so sweet and so nice of you. im honored to have such an impact on you <3
'you’ve got such a beautiful brain' thanks TT take it after my catmom. ive got lots of things to do for the exams but my mental state has only allowed me to watch videos with kitties, cry cats and dogs and listen to this song of kate for the past week.
you and i are so same. our mental capacities are overloaded. i think i might really just stop writing for a while T_T idk ive got these ideas i want to get out of my brain though
theres the one i cried hardest over (subjectively)
and theres the one i cried hardest (objectively).
theyre just cute if you ever feel like it. and HEs so tiny i SCREAMED.
ive seen this before T_T theyre SO tiny i squishhhhh
thats it. just cute vids to bring your mood up.
thank you they mean so much <3 this post is really cute too. im luv
how are you?
im currently in class not listening because id rather reply to you. dw its a concept ive studied before. my head hurts and im hungry. i also want to pee so badly but i cant leave my desk. i want to read fics to badly
whats the weather like?
its so hot my head hurts
hope you are or will soon do great.
me too i hope you are also well.
have a nice day/evening/night!
i love you i hope you have a nice day too <3
ill try to find an episode and write down some ideas, maybe youll find some inspiration in them.
thank you so much <3 the fact you care enough to do that. T_T thank you.
good luck with all the hw and assignments! take care! love you<з
me too T_T i want to graduate. i dont want to fail. i cant fail. T_T i feel dumb sometimes even though i know deep down im not T_T
*freezy kisses for you to not burn in your weather*
thank you <3 i love you
i also wanted to share this video about wolves. i love it so much. it makes me love nature so much. it makes you realize how important it is to allow animals to stay in their habitats.
also this tiger series. i used to watch this so much. i love tiggers love love love
i love you bye bye my love
0 notes
ess-presso · 2 years
hi ess <3
miss taylor: dancing with our hands tied, blank space, & treacherous <3
ty for the fic rec <3 i love texting fics sm i eat em up everytime. here's one for u, operation: toebeans by moonymoment (cute lil wolfstar fic, they fuck around with minnie and shes so tired of them)
chatting <3
id love to see a massive colonel sanders statue irl. it would definitely be significant enough for people to make pilgrimages to it & in fact i think id visit it myself.
fuck san francisco (im sure its lovely) i hate it there (it looks kinda cool tbh). sadly we've already broken best friend code cause she lives in a different city for uni 💔💔 havent seen that bitch since the beginning of january and im losing my mind. but its fine i think i get to see her this month🕺
ah yes the only two requirements to date someone: be hot and funny. (no but fr thats it. the bar is so low)
hozier <3333 (yes canadian money smells like maple syrup!!! just the notes though not the coins. i wish the coins were scented too)
now for the jesus/judas au..... i think peter simply has to be judas. but for jesus i wanna say james because judas revealed jesus' identity = peter revealing james & lily's location (although sirius as jesus would be funny too with his long jesus-like hair & the way he kinda came back to life via escaping azkaban)
american harry styles scares me fr.
fuck seagulls like actually. they always steal my food at the beach while im swimming and i cant swim back in time to stop them. theyre public enemies around these parts.
oh god. an eighteen year old dating a fourteen year old while he has another gf...... so fucking gross. (someone free both those girls rn. actual leonardo dicaprio behaviour)
i got anne carson's sappho fragments book for christmas & i was gonna go ahead and annotate it but now i feel like i should wait until i have someone to annotate it for. or maybe ill just annotate it and then i can give it to my person when they come along <3
ur def right im the opposite of final girl material but i am impulsive and stubborn so i will explore the church if its the last thing i do. (it will be the last thing i do cause im gonna end up getting myself killed)
six cans of monster can cure anything & i truly believe that. even a horrible hangover.
philosopher's stone>>>> sorcerer's stone sounds so bad anyways. im glad canada isnt quite dumb enough to get the sorcerer's stone treatment.
all of my halloween costumes are pretty lame tbh. i was a bee for my first bday (hence my nickname) but ive been a witch, vampire, zombie, ghost, etc. nothing special really
u should definitely tell harvard. theyd be too stunned to deny u entry its foolproof.
i loved blowing things up in chem. truly my only motivation to go to class.
using music apps based on our fav colours thats so real of us.
i may not have gotten wingstop but i did see florida (jumpscare)
joey in season one <3333
infinite bag of money thats a great idea how did i not think of that.
u will be banker one day. im manifesting this for u.
tumblr will forever be the superior social media idc. this website is untouchable.
oh god that guys a mummy's boy...... freud would absolutely lose his mind. a field day.
i understand u. like sometimes ur drunk self has a mind of its own and will do random shit. ive cut my hair drunk and woke up very confused but at least i managed to not botch it!!!
love in the dark is SUCH A JEGULUS SONGGG oh my god. adding to my jegulus playlist right this instant.
omg listening to music while looking at art>>>>>> perfection. makes u feel so peaceful and cool fr. (WENDYS!!! i love wendys so much.)
ur completely right id rather be having a horrible time with liv than be somewhere nice with someone i hate. doesnt matter what we're doing or whats happening it'll just be better if shes there.
i love that taylor likes 13 like yes girl me too. but 13 is actually a lucky number in italy so my family has always liked it!
oh god james and lily im so sorry......im just glad i wasnt born in 1981 or else id be highly suspicious that im the reincarnation of one of them.
american and canadian accents are super similar unless we're talking southern united states or far eastern canada. they literally sound irish over there no joke.
drarry <3 i just love the angst. so many possibilities for them.
jily & jegulus <33 ur right, jegulus for the fics (theres just SO many good ones) but jily for the ships theyre just so sweet.
after that guy i swore to never watch a movie for someone i like ever again. (also mainly because most of the time the movie is SO BAD!!!!) but yes its so cute when ur watching something with someone and they tell u all about it <333
we kinda did have a lot of paint lying around! it was mostly just lil kid art sets with crappy cheap markers and pencils but they were fun. if i was lucky i was allowed to use my parents fancy stuff.
it was genuinely so funny like i wish i couldve seen the sock fall from the audience's perspective i bet it was ridiculous.
literally ezra/aria. it was so gross but at least it wasnt real.
rude old people make me so mad like how have u lived so much of ur life and still carry so much hate in u......get a life old lady!!!!!!
hermione & harry <33
its true dramione fics are better. romione fics are usually just as bland as they are in canon. still cute tho.
tote bags!!!! love em. and omg a pride and prejudice tote thats so cool. i have one with constellations all over it i love it sm. (but also tote bags make my shoulders hurt so bad i swear im gonna get scoliosis one day)
wireless headphones till i die!!!!! how am i supposed to clean my room while watching netflix or something with wired headphones. how am i supposed to cook with wired headphones.
omg a 2! alexa play lover by taylor swift. (im a 5, apparently the investigators. i do love solving a good puzzle so ill take it)
red nail polish 4ever. looks good with anything i swear. my fav is a dark wine red and its just perfect.
wait thats so funny. it sounds straight out of an episode of friends or something. (glad everyones okay!!!!)
THATS SO CUTE!!!!! AHHHHH! top tier gift fr.
also a top tier gift. signed copies of ur fav books + unabridged podg + museums???? a flawless gift.
THE EMMA QUOTE OHHHH MY GOD!! i love that quote so fucking much. those are all so good. quotes that make u feel completely unzipped are the best always.
that poem is so good wtf. "i fear no fate (for you are my fate my sweet)" WHAT THE HELL!!!!!!!! IM UNWELL.
i wanna visit the lake district so bad ohhh my god. it looks so nice. the air looks so crisp there.
the locket that is so cute im crying!!!!!! i have a pic of liv and i from when were like 3/4 grinning at each other and ive wanted to put it in a locket forever so u have inspired me thatll be her bday gift.
tigers are so cool thats an excellent choice. king of the jungle fr.
horror movies & romcoms thats so real of u. the duality of man. & horror movie adrenaline rushes are unlike anything i swear.
not picking between jily and jegulus REAL!!! theyre both so perfect.
answering qs!
im not allergic to anything! (that i know of. so far so good.)
i totally believe in fate, at least to the "everything happens for a reason" degree. i think people need to just live their lives and let things happen cause we cant control everything and it would be impossible to even try. if its meant to be then itll be.
i accidentally fucked up a really good friendship a while ago by not being there for someone when they needed it (to be fair we were both going THRU it so i didnt realize) but we both moved on & they had moved to a different school so we drifted apart eventually. shit happens but theyre happier now so thats good.
i wake up bright and early (its 12pm.) i gracefully get out of bed (i sit on my phone for half an hour before dragging myself out of bed) i go brush my teeth and do skincare (i do brush my teeth but i definitely dont feel like doing skincare) i go make a nice nutritious meal (i make a coffee and some toast if its a good day) i do a wakeup workout (i sit in bed and drink my coffee) i get dressed for the day (im not changing out of my pjs) i do my makeup (im not doing my makeup) i head to campus for my class (my class is online. i stay in bed.)
spiderman or thor!!! ive never read any of the comics so this is purely based on their movies but peter parker i love that man. and thor is a dumb idiot i love him.
i think id switch lives with either elon musk or jeff bezos so i can give away all their money to charity or to pay for important things that they can afford like solving world hunger. i think id also love to switch lives with timothee chalamet like what goes on in that boy's head hes so funny sometimes.
(like which pre-existing fic do i wish i was the author of?) i wish i had written just lovers by zar (also intermission by zar) just because that fic is a masterpiece and to be the author of such a work of art would be an honour.
i wish i had written the iliad and the odyssey cause it would be cool as fuck to be as iconic as homer. (also since homer mightve not actually existed id love to be that much of an enigma too. keep em guessing)
ive never been in love! ive liked people but it never gets past that. i guess im just waiting for the right person to come along. but also, in a way i think i fall in love with everyone i meet. some people are just so cool and ill carry that memory of them forever.
i dance and sing a lot when im drunk. i get loud in general but i will karaoke the shit out of whatever is playing. also i get giggly cause everything becomes funny for no reason.
the worst fight liv and i have had is so dumb, she called me telling me that she was having people over at her place for her bday. i said i wasnt sure if i could make it bc i had 4 papers due that same weekend but i would try bc i obviously wanted to be there for her bday. she called me back a bit later sobbing saying she wanted me to be there and that she was mad i might miss it, i started sobbing because i felt bad and because i was overwhelmed, i told her okay, id be there no matter what, she said okay. we hung up and then she called me back 10 mins later completely fine and we both apologized for the dramatics & everything was fine and i managed to write my 4 papers in time so i could go. (uni and exams were kicking both our asses & we both had a breakdown cause neither of us had slept in like 2 days at that point lmfao)
probably either stargazing and seeing sirius & regulus & that comet, or when i last saw liv in january - we got coffee and walked around a lake for like 3 hours and talked shit abt the bitchy people from high school. it was lovely.
jegulily yes! ive never read any jegulily but i wouldnt mind reading some at some point. again, james has two hands!!! plus i think their dynamic is so fun.
i actually dont watch a whole lot of romcoms so i had to look up which movies would be considered romcoms and from that search my favs that ive seen are: enchanted, easy A, mamma mia, & 10 things i hate about you!
i also dont watch a lot of horror movies but i was fucking OBSESSED with IT in 2017 like fully obsessed. my entire personality was from that goddamn movie.
qs for u!
piercings vs tattoos?
whats your fatal flaw?
if u were any emoji which would u be?
whats ur love language?
fav superhero?
fav fic of all time
fav disney/pixar movie?
whats ur preferred method of annotating books? (like do u add random commentary or do u add deep analysis & thoughts?
what do u think ur animagus would be?
fav aesthetic?
do u prefer to stay in to watch a movie or go to the theatres?
fav day of the week and why
whats your literary archetype? (fun lil quiz, i got the ruler)
thats all for now <3
bee my darling <333
(first apologies for replying late.I seem to have a knack with doing those kind of things. but now I'm on half-term break , exams are over, so I'm mostly a free bird !!!)
miss Taylor -
dancing with our hands tied - JEGULUS - 'I loved u in secret'. that's all. secret love is theirs , they own it . also also , this is so regulus's line - 'I loved you in spite of Deep fears that the world would divide us'. HIM HIM HIMMMM.
blank space - all the women - I simply couldn't choose between them and since this song is very very female rage to me , I'll say all of them. especially Marlene , because if she's one to sleep around , you just know she was shamed for it.
treacherous - WOLFSTAR - I just really feel the vibe of sirius being like 'I'll follow you home' and remus thinking that the love he feels for sirius is treacherous !!!
chatting ----->
nah imagine being under that statue and you see boxes of free kfc just hanging around . colonel the redeemer would be gods child fr.
everything in the us looks either cool or dangerous. SHE BROKE THE BFF CODE. yta divorce immediately. lu lives like five minutes away from me and it's to and fro from there like everyday. I see him all the time and I haven't even thought about the possibility that one day I might not see him everyday. like that's not happening. peace to u bee , u brave for not tearing the fuck up.
nah fr where are my hot and funny little bitches/bastards. like bro come here and kiss me on the mouth and take me out and we can get married in like an hour.
hosier is bae baeeee. (that's so fucking cool. and I think the coins should so smell like maple syrup. it's fucking unjust that they don't. sue Trudeau.)
Peter = judas and James = Jesus (and I so see ur point with the sirius looking like Jesus parallel. like James (if he was alive) would've so made some jokes about that.
TALKING ABOUT HARRY STYLES - please tell me you saw him at the brit awards yesterday. please. I was in fucking tears when I saw. like broooo he mentioned Zayn??? my boy Zayn ???? my directioner heart is healing for real. (and lewis Capaldi is probably the only person in the world who can among to get the band back together. he has the power.)
I get chased by them whenever I'm at the beach and they've stolen chips from my fish and chips before and it's so fucking annoying like genuinely I wish they'd go fuck themselves.
no genuinely someone should arrest that guy. fucking hate him. piss bag.
ahhhhh annotate it and then buy a new copy for your person and annotate with shit like 'made me think of u' and everything I would cry my fucking eyes out if someone gave me that.
nah bee a nun gonna fly in and drop kick u in the face (now laughing at this image)
it did not cure my hangover ! it made it worse !!! and the worst part was that lu was also hungover so he couldn't work his magic with his hangover potion. and he also emptied his insides out (he threw up) and I was his sick nurse and made him soup and everything. (he was so out of it it was funny as fuck)
canada is smarter than the use for sure (free healthcare and gun control for one.)
bee as a bee oh my god that's so cute (and those costumes aren't lame they're classics)
fr Harvard is so calling.
blowing things up is so so fun. I used ethanol in class recently (there was a big boom) and it was very funnn.
yes pink and green stay winning always >>>
ew not florida ewwwwww.
joey is just bae. I love him so so much. (his funeral fit stays banging.)
I'm just smarter than u bee , let's face it.
update on the banking thing - he said no. he just doesn't like powerful women.
tumblr is so bae , like vanilla extract is so funny to me now
freud would love to dissect that boy fr.
cutting your hair drunk ??? and not botching it ??? you are the chosen one. I bow down to your brilliance.
THE MOST JEGULUS SONG TO EVER JEGULUS. yes yes u must add it. can't believe it wasn't already there in the first place.
it is so perfect. such a vibe honestly. (Wendy's slaps hard. but it wasn't square so I feel betrayed.)
bad times with your best friend so that ten years in the future you can look back and laugh on how stupid and dumb you were.
ahhh no my family has always considered 13 bad luck. but I don't believe it so 13 stays winning <333
can't tell the difference fr (Irish ??? never knew that that's fucking weird (in a good way))
DRARRRRRRYYYYYY the angst is unmatched. unmatched I tell you.
jegulus fics are so so so good I eat them up like soup. and jily is just - perfect. I love them. I love it so so much.
no because those kind of movies are so weird. it annoys me so much. (but watching stuff with someone who's obsessed with the thing you're watching ??? like whatttt. it's so sweet. eg Lu's fucking obsessed with sports and shit and he knows I'm just not - so he always always explains shit to me like when to cheer which team we support and everything.)
I would feel so proud if it was me and I was allowed to use the fancy paints. like so so important and everything I would love it so so much.
I can imagine it now. sock falling in slow motion.
yes thank fuck for that.
get a life of their own frrrr. high time considering their lives are just about to end.
herm and harry are my darlings honestlyyy
yes yes romione is so cute and awesome but I don't personally like fics about them fr.
OH MY GOD A CONSTELLATION TOTE ???? honestly you're so fucking awesome it's fucking coooolllll.
WIRELESS HEADPHONES 5ever fr fr. could never deal with the wires when I'm doing stuff.
LOVVVVERRRRR. ( a 5 ??? that's awesome !!!)
mine's that kind of red or a classic bright red. love them classics and everything I love it <33
it really really really was. (we're all good but we have matching scars now ! hey - tattoos right there ???)
no I loved it so so much I love it so fucking much it's cool as fuck. prize present <33
I'm literally the best friend ever he should bow down to me and my excellence. (no but I just got him all his favourite things and bro got super emotional and everything. )
YES I FEEL SO UNZIPPED WHEN I READ THAT SHIT I FUCKING LOVE IT SOOTHES ME. those kind of confession quotes will always be so dear to me.
YES YES U GET IT. favourite poem ever <33
the air is super crisp and everything feels mega real up there. like I am hyper-aware of the fact that I exist.
yes yes a locket like that is so so cute. she will keep it close to her heart trust <333
horror movies & romcoms have my whole heart. rom-coms come first , but horror movies are a close second. (and horror-coms are lovely too !!!)
jily and jegulus are amazing. top-tier always.
reviewing your q's -
god bless u and ur immune system. the chosen 1 fr.
fate fate fate. I believe in destiny and fate and I love it because I really truly believe that I could bump into someone and fall in love. like it could so so happen. It will happen. manifesting the fuck out of it.
friendship break ups make me so so sad. like damn you don't want me anymore???? sad as fuck. (glad you both are doing good now !!!!)
WHAT A FUCING MOOD. same though. I think it's something in the air when I'm getting ready for school. like I get ten times more slugger in the morning I'm getting up for school like I really curse the fuck out of everyone and their mothers.i do it so often.
Peter Parker always <33333. I love them so so so much.(tom and toby and ANDREWWWWW)
(yes yes that's what I meant !!!) I so so need to fucking read it I swear I'll do it. I'm going to do it as soon as I have time honest.
homer is iconic you're so right. keep them guessing always and forever for reals.
I fall in love every time I look in the mirror. no but if we're being honest - me neither. I feel like it's coming though. I love love and I want to be in love too. (meeting the best people and carrying the memory of them forever >>>)
NO HONESTLY. man wearing hat ???? funny as fuckkkk.
not being able to go places because you have exams is so so so fucking annoying. like exams can go to hell (she cried for u ??? that's so sad and honest and sweet honestly best friend GOALS.)
talking shit about bitchy people with your best friend >>>> especially because it's always the darnedest things too and the best friends we have would never expect it and it's always so funny to shock them.
I honestly don't really mind jegulily. I think it's fun , and I might read a couple fics here and there but they'll never be my OTP. I love them , but jegulus and jily stay winning alwayssss.
'I hate the way I don't hate u. not even a little bit , not even at all.' my heartttt. and also Cameron is amazing and needs to be appreciated more.
q's -
now I love piercings (want at least 3 in each ear) but tattoos because to me they can hold much more meaning than a piercing. like it would be amazing and they just .... do stuff piercings can't. piercings still slap though.
loyalty to the people I love. like I've said this before , but I'd absolutely go feral if anything untoward happened to the people I love. i would genuinely fuck the aggressor up. like I genuinely feel like I saw a ten foot tall hunky muscle guy slap lu once , and I was there , I'd get so mad I'm pretty sure my sheer anger would scare him the fuck away. but I'd do it even if they were wrong. like if he says the sky is purple in front of people he doesn't like , then the sky is mf purple until we get home then I ask him what the fuck is going on.
the raising a single eyebrow one. I'm always making that facial expression. (I used to hang out with some pretty sus people and the things they used to say ..... shiver.) and of course the love heart ( where is my pink love heart , apple ?????? where is it ????) simply because I am a hopeless romantic.
acts of service !!! I will always do something like that for someone I love. like you need the groceries ??? not a single word more I'm going rn. also also love love giving gifts. like I really think them out .
SPIDERMANNNN. I love all 3 of them so so much I love the fuck out of them they're my favourites always always.
oh my god I couldn't possibly. but I could. (for each ship I have 1 or 2)
drarry - mental , temptation on the warfront.
jegulus - absentmindedly making me want you
dramione - wait & hope , isolation
wolfstar - of memories and milk thievery , lessen my load
nottpott (harry x theo nott) - rendevouz receipts , lethal combination
btw lethal combination is by the same author as the one who wrote the atlas six !!!! I love it so so much !!1 (nottpott is a guilty pleasure ship)
7. my favourite Disney movie is tangled always always <33333 unmatched. Pixar - UP (I fucking love it. it made me cry so so hard, I love it so so much)
8.i do both. like I have clear post-its , and sometimes I jot my notes down there , other times I have annotated the fuck out of them on the pages. in my copy of Gatsby , I have the word 'gay' written next to a lot of the times nick talks about Gatsby (maybe I'm biased but he was so in love with Gatsby.)
9.i'd love to be a black cat. mostly because I hate how they're said to be bad luck. like they're so sweet and cute and I just love them always. they're amazing. (plus being lazy and thinking they're better than everyone ??? so me honestly.)
10. dark academia !!! I so so so wanna live like that like it's the dream I love it so much. everything about it. the outfits , the scene , the vibes , the feel , the feeling that if I fall in love with someone , it'd kill me to be without them. I just LOVE it.
11. cinemas !!!! I love cinemas so much the vibes , the popcorn , the snacks I've snuck in , the way people clap when famous actors come onto screen >>>>
12. friday !!! end of the week , game night , no alarm to wake upto the next day . Friday has it all always. very dear and near to me <333
13.the lover !!!! no one was surprised by this honestly. it's very literally me. I am very much an idealist always looking for love wherever I can find it !!!
q's for uuuu -
which 1d member is your fave ?
top 5 Taylor songs ?
top Shakespeare quote ?
fave Shakespeare play ?
fave modern family character ?
style vs ootw?
cruel summer vs dress ?
fave tay tay lyric ?
controversial opinion you have ?
famous person you hate (not an obvious one like Kanye or John Mayer we all hate them they don't count) ?
sickest burn you've ever given ?
sickest burn you've ever got ?
moment when you wanted to slap liv's face the fuck off ?
moment you've been horrendously jealous ?
(beee beee beee I love u tonnes. sorry I've been so bad with replying. I'm so going back to normal after this I pinky promise. come back soon <3333333 I missed u!!!)
0 notes
baekhvuns · 2 years
Good morning! (To me)
Atinys out for blood, it was funny at first and the antis went wild so they had to be clowned, but some fans are doing TOO much, calm down. Let them deal with the copying. But I do hope Vata says something, ideally something that won't be dumb and disrespectful
That previous fan call was so frustrating to watch, but the Atiny reassured him and Hwa also said he liked longer hair (then why did he cut it off not so long after siydishdkshsjduhdj but he went pink so it's fine). Look I care about hair, it's one of my personality traits and I may talk shit sometimes, but I would never say it anywhere near the members...
UNI AU PLEASE YESSSSS - says me who still gets uni related nightmares despite being out of school for a while. Not a furry at least not in THAT way alrite!!! I'm just an animal lover and pretty boys enthusiast, so what if we combine those two 🤗
You got me at Park Seonghwa in red, because I love red and I love Seonghwa 💋 16:58 let's never forget and I thought we would end it with just one Shinee song, but my Shawol baby did not disappoint
Mf I'm gonna haunt him in that house I can tell we're not gonna let each other "live" square up ghost Tae
Nothing in Twilight screamed ROMANCE to me, like?! Don't get me started on that dumbfuck Jacob especially in later parts, and of course the ugly baby 😭 most shows suffer from too many seasons syndrome, it's so sad. I mean yeah understandable, they wanna milk it, there's a demand, but sighhh. Omfg that TB mention, it's creepy, but happens TOO OFTEN, the mind reading or perhaps spying is out of control ☠
The evils of SM lmao, imagine if Taemin, Key, Kai, Seulgi, Taeyeon (I would add Changmin, have you heard his song... Devil?) performing together 😳😳😳😳
Wdym Hwa doesn't like Y/N... you're right, he LOVES her <3 why are there so many guys please, all simps? But the one who is supposed to simp hates her??? And does Y/N like Hwa? Well I love ETL, so 😘 Y/N as Taemin's lore - sexy of her
Sunmi's recent concept, the ginger mermaid hair I DIED. Right, miss Chungha, I'm not that into her recent stuff unfortunately, but she's gooooood anyways.
Poor Y/N I just know I'm gonna become her biggest apologist and if bitch boy royal guy Hwa doesn't want her I'll take her as my witch wife. I'm looking forward to the fic, because it seems like there's a lot to unpack.
I know Villain Dies is so nice, actually the whole album is really good, Tomboy's rap was questionable, but the whole release is solid. One of my faves in 22 actually. Songs with villain in the title always slap: Idle, Pixy, Key, SNSD...
I just saw that art you linked *mind reading* it's soooo good and made me think of Duke or King
Btw Sunmi and Taemin, A LONGER COLLAB WHEN. I keep coming back to this. I like watching award shows with friends, because we just hang out and it's less boring that way, but on my own it's a struggle lmao
Mingi era sure it is and it has been since DV. I was like "gotta collect a lot of Mingi since he was absent" and the fact he looked especially good was a bonus and he's been looking saaaaauuuuur goooood ever since
That San x Jueyon article is so dumb sjsgiagsidgejsjs it's just their hairstyles I-
No because I showed Hwa one of my cats once 😭😭😭😭 I'm obsessed with the sound he makes in the first video, it's so fucking cute his lil "HAHA"
And what about my bodyguard Seonghwa? Do I get two?
HOOOOLYY SHTITIS SOOHYUK WHAT IS THIS AND WIDUKSHEUWAHABHA Eunwoo is there too? Jesus how did I miss this - DV 💖
hi hello!!!
Good morning! (To me)
good almost night (to me)
(and you)
Atinys out for blood, it was funny at first and the antis went wild so they had to be clowned, but some fans are doing TOO much, calm down. Let them deal with the copying. But I do hope Vata says something, ideally something that won't be dumb and disrespectful
atiny and now a whole idol 😭😭 nO EXACTLYYYY some are doing too much 😭😭 i understand the emotion behind it & the way it reached the choreographers too,,, but i saw SOME going above and bEYOND,, killed the entire vibe,,, vata didn’t say anything but a team member of his did?? wasn’t vata all quick to call out someone for plagiarism WHERE THAT GO NOW VATA AND HWA
That previous fan call was so frustrating to watch, but the Atiny reassured him and Hwa also said he liked longer hair (then why did he cut it off not so long after siydishdkshsjduhdj but he went pink so it's fine). Look I care about hair, it's one of my personality traits and I may talk shit sometimes, but I would never say it anywhere near the members...
some literally do not deserve those,, if u don’t like something just keep it to urself??? also some atinys say “ateez after they keep getting the same 10 people each fancall” WHICH IDK IF THEY UNDERSTAND THAT SOME PEOPLE (not one of the 10’s) POST ABOUT THEIR FANCALLS ON LINE 😭😭😭 SOME THINGS ARE PRIVATE,,, no ur so right, talking shit but keeping it to urself and jot saying it in front of idols is basic manners 😭😭😭
UNI AU PLEASE YESSSSS - says me who still gets uni related nightmares despite being out of school for a while. Not a furry at least not in THAT way alrite!!! I'm just an animal lover and pretty boys enthusiast, so what if we combine those two 🤗
I WILL VERY MUCH TRY FOR IT !!!! i recently was watching 18 again the kdrama version and kept seeing seonghwa 😭😭😭 LMFAOOOO DO U GET THOSE RANDOM THOUGHTS ABOUT AN ASSIGNMENT BEING DUE BUT THEN U REALIZE UR NOT IN UNI AT ALL 😭😭😭🤚🏼 KFJWKDBWK SAY WHAT U WANT ITS CONFIRMED UR A FURRY,,, ur saying alpha hwa???? hear me out, fallen angel hwa <3 taemin’s lore
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You got me at Park Seonghwa in red, because I love red and I love Seonghwa 💋 16:58 let's never forget and I thought we would end it with just one Shinee song, but my Shawol baby did not disappoint
SEONGHWA IN RED IS ILLEGAL, red is such an illegal colour like how can u be so sexy and bad at the same time,,, GBQKFHEK HE WILL FORVER REMEMBER HIS ROOTS AS A SHAWOL IM BEGGING TO SEE HIM NEXT TO TAEMIN FBWNDBE
Mf I'm gonna haunt him in that house I can tell we're not gonna let each other "live" square up ghost Tae
Nothing in Twilight screamed ROMANCE to me, like?! Don't get me started on that dumbfuck Jacob especially in later parts, and of course the ugly baby 😭 most shows suffer from too many seasons syndrome, it's so sad. I mean yeah understandable, they wanna milk it, there's a demand, but sighhh. Omfg that TB mention, it's creepy, but happens TOO OFTEN, the mind reading or perhaps spying is out of control ☠
The evils of SM lmao, imagine if Taemin, Key, Kai, Seulgi, Taeyeon (I would add Changmin, have you heard his song... Devil?) performing together 😳😳😳😳
THE EVILS OF SM STOOPPP AND HES CHANGMIN FBWNDB THE DILF OF KPOP,, no bc changmin’s chocolate + lie with chungha is so good THE HARMONIES IN DEVIL IS CRAZY GOOD sm and their soloists are so top notch <3 omg do u rmr when henry taemin and kyuhyun performed trap together that but with all of sm’s evils ,, THE NEWEST EDITION TO SM EVIL IS TAEYONG WITH HIS GHOST
Wdym Hwa doesn't like Y/N... you're right, he LOVES her <3 why are there so many guys please, all simps? But the one who is supposed to simp hates her??? And does Y/N like Hwa? Well I love ETL, so 😘 Y/N as Taemin's lore - sexy of her
bestie no one likes y/n except maybe hongjoong <3 and maybe someone from hwa’s side <3 national traitor after all ☺️ ALL OF THEM SIMPS TRULY san tho 😮‍💨 y/n has a complicated history with hwa tho never mentions it,,, hwa is about to be married BESTIE WHY WOULD HE THINK OF SOMEONE ELSE FBWMFJWK y/n is so fr sexy my favourite yn out of all
Sunmi's recent concept, the ginger mermaid hair I DIED. Right, miss Chungha, I'm not that into her recent stuff unfortunately, but she's gooooood anyways.
RIGHT THE GINGER MERMAID,, when sunmi does lore in her cb’s it always slaps,,, chungha!!!! her company doing her so dirty but her vocals are so so stunning, love me out loud on her recent album is insanity
Poor Y/N I just know I'm gonna become her biggest apologist and if bitch boy royal guy Hwa doesn't want her I'll take her as my witch wife. I'm looking forward to the fic, because it seems like there's a lot to unpack.
FBWKDHSK EVERYONE WILL BE YNS BIGGEST APOLOGIST until u guys learn about seonghwa <3 JDBWKDBK BOLD OF U TO ASSUME BITCH BOY ROYAL GUY IS NOT GONNA BE OBSESSED WITH THE IDEA OF MISS YN,, a lot to unpack for sure!! excited to finally start it after a long time!!
I know Villain Dies is so nice, actually the whole album is really good, Tomboy's rap was questionable, but the whole release is solid. One of my faves in 22 actually. Songs with villain in the title always slap: Idle, Pixy, Key, SNSD...
it really is! i have that and the danceracha song on repeat atm 😭😭 we do not talk about that rap in this household
I just saw that art you linked *mind reading* it's soooo good and made me think of Duke or King
omg a TB moment i see 👁👁 it really did but now imagine deonghwa as a general
Btw Sunmi and Taemin, A LONGER COLLAB WHEN. I keep coming back to this. I like watching award shows with friends, because we just hang out and it's less boring that way, but on my own it's a struggle lmao
WE NEED THEM TOGETHER ON A WHOLE SONG SM PLEASE MAKE IT HAPPEN 😭😭😭 kdnwkd im quite the opposite of u i prefer watching it alone bc my friends keep tALKING 🔫 I NEED TO HEAR THE FALSETTO PLS STOP TALKING 😭😭
Mingi era sure it is and it has been since DV. I was like "gotta collect a lot of Mingi since he was absent" and the fact he looked especially good was a bonus and he's been looking saaaaauuuuur goooood ever since
am i seeing a “mingi dv anon” era approaching????? what do u think is mingi’s best hair,,, his blond for me just hits so hard like he’s a natural blond
That San x Jueyon article is so dumb sjsgiagsidgejsjs it's just their hairstyles I- //// No because I showed Hwa one of my cats once 😭😭😭😭 I'm obsessed with the sound he makes in the first video, it's so fucking cute his lil "HAHA"
LMFAOOOO 😭😭😭 THE WAY IT STARTED TO TREND TOO NDBDNDBDN omg WHAT DID HE SAY TO UR CAT 😭😭😭🤚🏼🤚🏼 PLS DID HIS EYES GO ALL ROUND AND BOBA 😭😭😭 park seomghwa needs to be protected at all costs im fighting anyone who troubles this man 🔫
And what about my bodyguard Seonghwa? Do I get two?
sanhwa!bodyguard x reader…
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HOOOOLYY SHTITIS SOOHYUK WHAT IS THIS AND WIDUKSHEUWAHABHA Eunwoo is there too? Jesus how did I miss this - DV 💖
i would like to offer u this idiot today <3
us but with seonghwa and a rando kid <3
a uquiz
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beware-of-you-98 · 4 years
BAU as College Professors AU
*cracks knuckles*
penelope is a graphic design professor
she loves teaching kids about the wonders of photoshop!!
hates illustrator and indesign with a burning passion
(the illustrator pen tool can fucking choke for all she cares)
(she really hates both applications sm 😭)
is always reluctant to teach them but does it begrudgingly
(she’s just glad there’s other professors in the department that teach editorial and graphic illustration)
teaches photography!!
encourages the students to be as expressive as they want to be with their pictures!!!
she’ll be just as enthusiastic to see a close up of a sneaker as she is to see a sunset landscape shot
teaches the graphic design studio classes too!!
she always has music playing!!
half the time, her students come into the class and her glasses are all skewed, her hands are covered in paint or glue and some abstract art piece is sitting on her desk
when the students ask her what it is, she just gives the projects human names
“hey professor... what did you make there?” “oh, this?? her name is... pam.... yeah, pam”
she doesn’t offer up any further explination than that
and the students just accept it
her office light is always off
but she has multiple fairy lights in various colors hung up
her office is v inviting!!!
students come to her to vent or to talk about their problems bc the campus therapist doesn’t help all lmao
she always has on the most unique outfits but she pulls them off so well
a ray of sunshine tbh!!
teaches major science and math courses
he teaches chemistry but only chem for majors in chemistry
it’s not that he can’t teach chem for non majors
but he sometimes gets too ahead of himself and forgets he’s teaching a course for non majors
it’s easier for him to teach for majors because the students can follow his ramblings better
he teaches upper level math courses and usually only has like three students in those classes
he’ll sit up on his desk and debate with the students for the entire hour about the riemann hypothesis
he gets excited because the students are just as enthusiastic as he is
he is two extremes
he either shows up to his classroom like a half hour early and writes out all his notes on the board so that when the students come in, he can go right into lecture
or he’ll show up two minutes before class starts with his hair disheveled, his tie undone and his expression glazed over and just be like “listen up i woke up late and just downed an entire pot of coffee i brewed with several cans of monster energy—i don’t exist on this dimension anymore”
on those days, he lets his students work on other projects for other classes because he knows it’s not fair to ask his students to focus if he’s not
he helps them with their homework
penelope brings him lunch sometimes to make sure he’s eating
he appreciates it a lot because between lesson plans and grading, he sometimes forgets to eat
he’s absolutely the youngest prof on campus
sometimes even his students are older than he is
but everyone addresses him correctly and respects him bc he’s really chill
his office is a disorganized mess
there’s files and papers all over his desk
and a sculpture penelope made for him (she named that one “roger”)
psychology professor
she really has a passion for teaching and learning about human psychology
(she may have started to become interested in psychology bc her sister was in the psch honors course before she died)
she comes across as a little hostile and unapproachable tbh
but she’s young
and she’s attractive
and she’s not conveniently what people think a professor looks like
she’ll respect her students if they respect her
she didn’t graduate the top of her class and work her ass off for the degree to not be respected
if there’s any inappropriate comments aimmed towards her or anyone in the class, she kicks the aggressor out immediately
she stands at the front of the room and lectures for the beginning part of the semester
once she’s built a good rapport with her students (and vise versa), she becomes more chill
she’ll sit on the edge of her desk and encourage discussion rather than following a book or a set plan
(she finds it’s more interesting that way anyway)
sometimes her students will show up ten minutes before class starts just to talk with her once they’re comfortable with her
she always answers her emails students send her (queen shit tbh 👑)
some kids in the psych major course playfully call her “mom” because she always asks them how they’re doing and about their week
(she hasn’t decided how she feels about it, but she also lets it slide)
always wears pants suits but cuffs the sleeves to the jackets
her office always smells like eucalyptus because she has a small mist diffuser plugged in
she also has a small fish tank with a beta fish inside (its the appropriate size too!!)
(she let a student name the fish—it’s name is sir bubbles of argon)
she also has a sculpture from penelope (“her name is maxine”)
her desk is very organized and clean!!
there’s a small couch in her office and her door is always open
sometimes, students will come in if they’re having a hard time and need someone to talk to
they know jj is there to listen and she always seems to understand (she doesn’t judge them either)
teaches three languages, both for majors and non majors
spanish, french and russian
(she’s also quite fluent in arabic and italian and can hold her own if she’s speaking in german or mandarin, but the students don’t need to know that)
she’s actually very intimidating lmao
students are so scared of her 😭
she’s serious af
(she smiles in class sometimes though!!)
(besides, she’s only serious inside the classroom)
(outside the classroom, she might even be as approachable as penelope)
always dressed in expensive black suits, polished heeled shoes with very dark makeup and a “don’t fuck with me” steely attitude to match
she also wears expensive watches
she always stands at the front of the class and slowly paces the entire hour
one time someone decided to fuck off in her spanish 101 class
she didn’t even yell at him, she glared
rumor has it the kid was never spotted on campus again after that
despite that, her classes are some of the easiest to take
one because emily has a way of teaching that helps all students understand
and two because her voice is naturally very easy to listen to
students taking her french 101 are going to leave the class speaking fluent conversational french
she also doesn’t tolerate people being racist, sexist, homophobic, transphobic, etc in her class
if she catches a bigoted comment someone makes in her class, she kicks them immediately
she brings in her cat sometimes
he’s all black and his name is sergio
(he’s her esa that she brings in when she’s feeling really stressed out)
he’s clipped on a harness and sits on her shoulder or on her desk
if he meows, she accepts it as an answer
it’s the only time the students ever see professor emily prentiss as soft
other than the days she has the class watch foreign films because the students can tell emily has a fondness for them
her office is pretty organized like jj’s
instead of it being light and inviting, emily decorated her office on a more dark side
she has a few animal skulls, crystals and other gothic memorabilia on her desk or bookshelf
she has a small cat bed on the corner of her desk that sergio sleeps in
on the other corner is a sculpture penelope made her
(it kinda looks like a crow and emily named it kurt)
really, the only colors in her office are dark, deep purples and the small lesbian pride flag sticker on the back of her laptop
teaches history classes
but like modern history
from like 1940s to present
he refuses to follow most western history books bc they’re not accurate like at all
in his first year of teaching, the dean of his department made him use a book and he hated every second of it
how accurate could the information be if they portray king tut as a white guy???
he graduated under one of the best historians in the country
he also traveled a lot after he graduated and met a lot of people that had first hand experience with major historical events
that’s really what he bases his teachings off of—first hand experiences and encounters
every two weeks or so, he’ll invite in guest speakers to his classes to talk about what they went through (depending on his lesson plans)
that’s how he likes to teach and learn (bc he always loves to learn new things!!)
this is random, but also he is the type of professor to randomly box jump up onto a desk
he also sits in chairs backwards and has a more laid back style to teaching
his exams are based on what the students can learn from history rather than the information itself
he’s always dressed super casual!!
solid color, short sleeve button ups are a favorite!! (no tie)
he gets along with all the students
he’ll talk to the athletes about their games but sound just as enthusiastic and genuine talking with students who are majors in fine arts about their projects
he’s just a v down to earth professor tbh!!
he brings in clooney so much
like... every friday
it’s just another bonus of taking his history classes!!
he and penelope are dating
his office is full of sculptures she makes for him 🥺
he drops by her graphic design studio class with clooney to help out or even to just watch
he’s supportive and encouraging of penelope and her art!!
other than the sculptures penelope makes him, his office is a bit more disorganized than jj’s or emily’s, but cleaner than spencer’s
he has a few papers scattered on his desk but mostly he’s a little more put together
his office door has a small basketball hoop attached that he plays around with if he’s bored (and if penelope is busy)
both he and penelope have a dog bed in their office and water bowls for clooney when he comes in
law professor
is the most intimidating professor on campus
if students think professor prentiss is intimidating, they haven’t met professor hotchner
he stands in the front of the room and goes over his lecture without pausing or asking questions
his voice is naturally low and intimidating and he actually never smiles
his attire and appearance is always so professional
ties that are tied so tight, they look like they’re choking him
shoes so polished, he can see his reflection in them
hair always styled neatly
pants and jacket are always wrinkle free
his classes are difficult
not just because of the subject matter, but because he has a very organized, straight forward method to his teaching
students wouldn’t dare act up in his class—they’d be absolute idiots to
he’s quiet and reserved outside the classroom
if the others hear anyone talking shit about hotch behind his back, they’re always quick to come to his defense
they actually know hotch
they know he puts on a hardass exterior, but really he’s just a softie
he always lets them hang in his office with him
he listens to spencer’s ramblings and is extremely patient with him
he has lunch with emily every other day
even if she’s a pain in his ass 99% of the time, he likes that she sticks around and that he can trust her
he shows up to all of penelope’s art shows
and sometimes sits in on derek’s lectures when he has guest speakers
jj brings him pastries from the coffee shop on campus sometimes
he knows that he can come to her if he ever has anything he needs to talk about
(he never opens up to her but he really appreciates the sentiment nonetheless)
penelope has definitely made hotch a few sculptures
(he keeps them at home, but he does have one of her paintings hanging in his office)
speaking of his office it’s hands down the most organized out of all of them
his desk is so clean besides the picture of his son he proudly displays at the corner
he always has his lights off and his door shut
he seems so unapproachable, especially in class
but sometimes his lecture notes have crayon scribbles all over the page
or a small sock will fall out of his briefcase
and maybe, even for a moment, his serious demeanor falls when he spots them
and it almost reassures the students that he is human
actually he’s the only one besides maybe reid i can see being a criminology professor
is a retired fbi agent
and successful author
so like that hasn’t changed from canon
but because he doesn’t work for the fbi anymore, he has absolutely no chill and tells all secrets
he’ll be like
talking to his class about a case he worked on in ‘83
and be halfway talking about details of cases that were supposed to be confidential
he’ll pause and go “oops” but keep talking lmaooo
penelope actually never made him a sculpture
instead she made him a coffee mug she made on the wheel and glazed herself!! (she even made her own glaze bc she’s extra like that)
carved on the side is “world’s best italian dad”
(this is because when emily introduced rossi to the group she was like “yeah he’s kinda like my dad” and now everyone calls him “dad”)
(he loves it so much though and proudly accepts his title)
he loves his mug so much and uses it every single day!!!
he’s the only professor besides penelope that let his students refer to him without the title of “professor”
he gives off kind old grandpa vibes
and that he’s only teaching because he really doesn’t have anything better to do during his retirement
but he’s chill and his class is interesting to take
(plus he really does love to teach)
he’ll ramble on and on about his “golden years” as an agent
he will especially talk a student’s ear off if they come up to him and tell him that they read one [or all] of his books
he writes a different quote on his board every single day
his attire is always business casual
he sits on the edge of the desk or on a swivel chair because it’s comfy
he was doing a lecture on jack the ripper and just pushed himself around on the swivel chair, slowly spinning around the front of the room
his voice kept changing in volume every few words because of him facing the wall and then a few moments later facing the classroom
his students refer to him as a “living breathing meme”
he has no idea what the fuck that means
but he take it as a compliment
his office is empty because he goes home after he’s done with classes lmao
he doesn’t do paperwork
or fuck with technology (he never fucking responds to emails smh)
so he has no need for an office
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fregget-frou · 3 years
I sent this in the discord but I don’t think anyone saw it so I’m sending it here!!!
I saw @catella-ars ‘ art of their characters in a band and it inspired this so thankyouu and I love your art sm!!!
Band AU with the D.A.M.N bros:
(I tried to fill it with puns but they’ve been done a million times lol)
—-Damien? He’s our drums! You’d think Huxley would be the drums but nope, it’s Damien and he does a hell of a good job at it too! Some could say he’s on fire.heh.
Anyways Damien in this AU originally was trying to learn to play the violin, but after a while he lost his spark to his passion. He always thought he was going to become a violinist and became very disoriented when he didn’t know what to do, up until he was surfing the internet and stumbled upon a few videos of some rock drummer solos and they re-lit his love of music!
—-Huxley would instead be our bassist! He’s a little too down to earth to be a guitarist and playing the bass is better because he first learned with acoustic guitars rather then drums. I feel like when he tried to become a guitarist in other bands it wasn’t really his speed, so he tried to learn bass and he enjoyed it a lot more! As our bassist he really grounds the band and makes sure everyone has good vibes and can rock out without any hiccups!
—-Lasko is our lead vocalist, of course! He is really nervous to preform in-front of a stadium full of people, but everyone does their best to hype him up and as an air elemental, he would have really good control of his vocal range too. The first few times he was really quiet, but after a few practice sessions he’d obviously own his role and blow everyone away with his amazing voice control! It’s like he can hold a note forever and he just has the voice that takes everyone’s breath away when ya hear it.
—-Our last person in this band is FreeLancer(FL for short)! Our lead guitarist! They ride well with everyone in band, complementing each sound and they have a pretty wide range in what they can sound like, from some soft rock kinda vibes to just shredding it on stage when they get really into it. They have a freestyle kinda feel, I also feel like in this AU they’ve always wanted to be in a band but they never quite fit, so from a whole bunch of experimenting in a lot of genres they now know a little bit of everything!
(An idea for a band name could be something like Patchwork, they seem like a bunch of different people with different style and personalities but they go well together seamlessly. Yes that was sewing pun. I am very bad at puns)
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