#anyways if i fail this class i'm going to be so mad
kalashtars · 2 years
listen this may suggest something about me but why do all of my professors keep saying “just do whatever, i’m not assigning an essay style” like i’m so scared i’m going to choose to just do something and then it’s going to be wrong!
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cowsaresushi-coral · 1 year
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Have my last final *Monday (edit). I will also be having my very last day of traditional college academic teaching before being exploited by my college for another year to go to different locations to “get work experience” whilst paying far too much. But overall, no more exams for me anymore!!! Freedom!!!!!! (Except when I have to take the national and state board exam, but hey, it’s not college).
Can finally end this god damn nightmare of a semester, hoooooooooooooooboy.
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azelletown · 6 months
im so glad this series got big and now i finally get to read it but also this is going to destroy me by the end of it huh
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chapter 38 absolutely fucked me up, this shit is just real, i've been in situations and arguments exactly like this (minus the dragon sister and all) where i've lost what i thought were friendships because i had finally failed one too many social awareness checks
especially these panels had me pause and take a second
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like, laios' point of view of their friendship was so nice and sureau, instead of being honest, bottled it up because he applied his assumptions of social awareness onto laios who then couldn't have ever known something was wrong
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harmless examples of things i used to do and can talk about here: in middle school i would tap my fingers onto my desk to the rhythm of whatever song was in my head, and at the end of the 4 entire years we spent together, one of my friends lashes out at me about how i'm annoying everyone with it, and then more of my friends and other classmates would start telling me and scolding me about that and all the other habits i had that were annoying them as if those were things i were doing to purposefully piss people off. i even had a teacher yell at me seemingly out of nowhere because i'd lay head on my desk in her class and she apparently always took it as me being rude and "falling asleep" ??? in highschool i mispronounced a guy's name for 2 years until he called me a dick for it even though he never told me how to pronounce it correctly!!!!! i would also stare a lot, all the time, but again people only told me after so much time had passed that they just got mad at me
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it got so bad that i started to minmax most of my social interactions, and i still do it with most of my IRLs to this day
i was literally hit with the Laios to Kabru Pipeline
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Anyways this manga is peak, the show is also peak, go read/watch the neurodivergent dnd lesbian cooking show, i feel like im going to have a LOT to say about kabru in the future chapters
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pomefioredove · 5 months
heyyy! i really love your writing🥹🥹 btw can i request a hc with riddle and jamil (separated) with gn!reader who’s very lazy and they have a test and only study the morning before the test? but somehow pass?? i wanna see their reaction
anyway sorry if i made any mistakes, this is my very first request and english is not my first language😔 it’s fine if you can’t do it!!
no worries! this is a great request, their reactions would be very funny
summary: reader miraculously passes a test they last-minute studied for type of post: headcanons characters: riddle, jamil additional info: platonic or romantic, reader is not specified to be yuu, reader is gender neutral, not proofread
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Jamil knew that it wasn't his place to judge
after all, being raised with the al-Asims, he'd been taught to keep his bitter thoughts to himself
but something about your carelessness reminded him all too much of Kalim
...okay... maybe you weren't exactly partying, or spacing out, but your complete lack of conviction is almost identical
and, so, Jamil decides to give you a word of advice the day before the big exam
"Worried about tomorrow's History of Magic test?"
he even gives you a big smile, trying to play it off as a casual question
you shrug. "Eh, not really,"
"If I were you, I'd be a little more concerned. The grading system is very strict at NRC,"
and with that, he's gone
his sly remark, spoken as if in friendly conversation, leaves him feeling a little more satisfied with himself
he doesn't even feel irked when Kalim nearly sleeps through the test, or when he forgets his notes, or when he absent-mindedly reads the questions aloud during...
in fact, Jamil is quite confident that in any case, you'll do much worse than Kalim, which saves the both of them
after the exam scores are posted in the hall, you find him
"What did you get?"
Jamil hates answering these kinds of questions, especially knowing that he could be in the top of the class if he was allowed to try. "Passing. And you?"
"Well..." you smile. "I really thought about what you said, so I studied this morning."
Jamil's sour mood at his own score seems to lighten
you studied the morning of the exam? oh, this was going to be rich
"...And I got full marks!"
you show him the paper and it takes all his strength to keep his usual poker face
otherwise, his jaw would drop
"How did... how?"
you shrug. "Good study plan, I guess,"
"Hmph," he crosses his arms. "Well, then... you'll have to come tutor Kalim sometime. What works for you must work for him,"
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Riddle spends the entire week pestering you about studying
"I just don't feel like it," you groan
goodness. you sound just like that terrible Floyd...
"It's not a matter of want, it's a matter of need. This exam counts for a significant amount of your grade!"
"Eh... I'll just wing it,"
wing it?! oh, now you've really done it
"Consider yourself lucky for not being a part of Heartslabyul. I would have your head for that!"
and then he storms out. how graceful!
when he sees you the following afternoon, that calm, unbothered look of yours is still on your face. it drives him mad
"If I were you, I'd be praying," he says. he's almost smug about it
Riddle earns full points on every exam- it's just a given. he's sure that the two of you will be on polar opposites of the grade spectrum once the results are posted
you shrug. "Yeah, about that... I thought about what you said, and decided that I don't want to have to retake this class. So I studied this morning,"
he almost smirks. "One last-minute cram won't be enough to raise your grade above failing, I'm afraid. But perhaps this will serve as a lesson, next time you-"
Riddle stops dead in his tracks as Trein posts the exam results on the wall behind you
his eyes widen
"Full... full marks?! We're in the same percent!? How is that possible?!"
You chuckle as his face goes all red, both frustrated and flustered
"Hey, you should count this as a victory for yourself. You give great advice,"
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thatbitchery · 9 months
Unlearn the dumb idea that inflicted pain justifies your reaction to it. It doesn't. Ladies elite women make it because we have a level of stoicism that borders on sociopathic apathy, exhibit A: we don't react to triggers we mimosa, sleep, see if it's worth it then logically make decisions. The idea that when someone does you dirty you have the right to react based on emotions so you're angry mad throwing names & hands sending texts talking sheet & other loser girl things is dumb dumb. You're not justified to react. 'They did me wrong' . So? Sit down, watch Netflix, wait for the emotions to pass then use the head God so generously gave you + that pretty face bonus.
When you react to people doing you wrong you give them the permission to bypass their actions & focus on your reaction so if your bf cheats on you & you start screaming sending 1b texts making titktoks he can bypass his cheating & focus on you're immature you're abusive why did you hit me you're mentally unstable you throw things around bla bla & will never face what he did. When we say be non reactive we aren't asking you to be a stone we are asking you to be smart. Do you want to get manipulated? Abused? Sit down get a manicure & go for brunch. Run to your room scream cry anhiliate your pillow but when they're watching its Elsa Lite, froooozen ice queen don't let them in don't let them see, ever.
One tactic m3n use in divorce court is to get the lady so triggered she loses her cool then it's look at her could you live with that? I'm taking my child this is an abusive woman & men don't leave relationships they just trigger you into irrational behavior and use that as an excuse & crying is worse what did we say about public vulnerability? Go cry to your bestie and God in your house out here tears are a sign to bully you. When you're not reactive you throw THEM out of balance and you hold the cards, once you go 'right to my opinion I'm the victim' we'll find you a grave bc that's called social suicideeee.
Two friends. Real life story here, ladies. Ah high-school back in the good old days.
We call them Allie and Sara. High school circles were tight so you're friends with someone you're also friends with their bfs, right? Alice & Sara both got cheated on (by m3n looking like area 9 failed experiment Shrek cosplayers but that's not thepoint). The bfs know that they were discovered. Allie, Allie is that girl. Drama girl. Find him in cafeteria & make a scene girl. How could you cheat on me you suck your pp is short anyway bla bla watch me devalue myself. Allie feels good in the moment, her bf leaves and tell his friends of course i cheated that girl is crazy. Would you date someone like her? So immature. Women are so ovarical I can't handle it. Evening the story is- she was abusive. She hit him & threw words in public imagine in private? He's been protecting her in silence, you know women can be abusive too.
Sara, Sara my love. Sara sits next to her Shrek Lite boy and says hey so that girl you kissed, Jane was it? She's pretty. You have taste. End of story. After lunch her Human experiment failure boy says let's talk she says sure abd listens with 'mhm' and nods. She meant nothing babe she seduced me I'm an adolescent what can I do bla bla. She nods says okay and goes to class. Days goes as usual. Evening we get dinner , Weekend we do research for our papers & talk college. Is she talking to him? Yes. Painfully polite, painfully. No emojis no nothing just shallow dry polite texts. Let's talk about this babe- is left on blue ticks. Monday morning her factory reject lookalike is losing his mind, she's being painfully polite, in a shallow way, so he resorts to triggering. It's because you're like this you are like a man and I'm straight I need a woman bla bla. She says OK then turns to the next person & did you hear about the trip to the beach? Of course I'm going. Boy realizes that's not working & resorts to Allie behavior- throw a tantrum in public make yourself the victim why won't you give me the pleasure of being the one to push you to your edge? Sara says babe pull yourself together you're embarrassing your family. Do you need your anxiety meds? My therapist is good she can treat hysteria are you okay? No this isn't like you, this is hysteria babe do you need psychological help? No this isn't normal , hey do you guys think it's normal to do this? I'm calling your mom babe we are getting you a mental check hold up-
Heres a little secret. In private? In our dorms? Sara was BAWLING her eyes out. Chocolates & Styrofoam cups. We are talking 3am on the bathroom floor. In public?
Guess who won.
Unlearn the idea that you're entitled to reacting to others actions to you, you're not. Learn to hold your tongue and tears and smile and Elsa don't let then in don't let them see then call mom and spend the rest of the week in her arms crying. The amount of women I've seen triggered out of their jobs, marriages, houses, parenting &c when they were 10000% the victim from lack of emotional intelligence is unforgivable.
Dont, be dumb. Don't let yourself think you have the freedom of expression, you don't. Not in the way you want to. Go write a poem but remember everything you say can and will, in fact, be used against you.
Non reaction is the highest level of power in existence. Mind over body. Logic over emotion.
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AITA for faking my death to get out of an abusive relationship?
Tw for verbal + mental/psychological abuse and suicide
I used to be in a discord server with some friends, there were about 40 people in it, only around 20 who were actually active. It was a while ago I can't remember. I was in that server for about 4 months.
From the start, people would occasionally get mad at me over something I didn't do. About every month or so someone would start a rumor about me and make the whole server gang up on me, I'd tell them it was false, but everyone would still avoid me for the next couple days.
I never did anything wrong, but I was always the center of the drama, and when I asked one person, R, why, he said he didn't know and that I didn't deserve so much hate.
About a week later R was talking in the vent channel about how I had manipulated him. I DMed him to ask why, and he told me it was because I asked him if he was my friend. I thought it was fucking stupid because it's not manipulative to be paranoid, but I pretended to be sorry because I didn't want him to be mad at me.
The server also had a bot where you could submit anonymous messages, and lots of people would use that feature to make up things about me to ruin my reputation.
After a while I left the server and only stayed in contact with a few people. However, every couple days another person would tell me I'm a monster and gaslight me into thinking I'm a terrible person, and every time I asked why they hated me they didn't give me an answer.
My only real friend, T, showed me some messages from the others after I left the server, and a bunch of people were making up stories about bad things I had done to them, and people who I had never even spoken to were saying that I had abused them and was dangerous.
Once someone told me thay they understood all the things R had said about me weren't true, but said it was still my fault anyway, and even told me that R had done nothing wrong (he lied about me in front of the entire server and is the reason I lost all my friends, and he yelled at me and called me evil because I was suicidal), and then they accused me of faking having amnesia because I had flashbacks.
Eventually, only four of my "friends" hadn't blocked me, and they almost never talked to me. Everyone kept calling me a terrible person because R spread lies about me and everyone else believed him instead of me.
It was to the point where I couldn't go one day without someone sending me death threats or trying to guilt trip me with false information, and I was getting very sever flashbacks of the stuff R had said to me, and I started failing classes because I couldn't focus on anything.
Eventually I had had enough, so I tagged them all in a tumblr post about how I was going to kill myself and then logged out of both that tumblr account and my old discord account forever.
(Also about a month after I had left, I got texts from irl friends, and it turns out someone on the server found the contact info of people I knew in real life just to ask if I was dead or not. And that scared the shit out of me.)
I've left out a lot of details of the abuse because of amnesia. I have a mental disorder which makes it hard to remember things, plus the brain often blocks out traumatic memories, so I'm sorry if some info feels missing.
The only reason I feel like I might be an asshole is because once I was gone, all of them switched targets and started to harass T. They said they hated him for being on my side, and sent him death threats on anon because he was mad at them for killing his friend. They started treating him the same way they treated me, and called him a horrible person but refused to give a reason as to why, and if I had stayed around they would've left him alone.
@should-be-dead (made a sideblog so I get notified when this is posted)
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five-rivers · 6 months
wandering heart
For @phantomphangphucker for phic phight!
The needle was bronze.  
The copper alloy stood out better against ectoplasmic flesh than it would have against red blood.  It dipped in and out of Danny's skin with machine-like precision, drawing a slender purple string in its wake.  Appropriate.  Clockwork was at least partly mechanical.
“You're getting close to my liver,” said Danny.  “Careful.”
“You are aware that these facsimile organs are not at all essential to the function of your body.”
“Sure they are,” said Danny.  He leaned his head back on the cushion Clockwork had provided him.  “That's why you're sewing me up.”
Clockwork's tower wasn't Danny's usual post-battle stop, but the fight had been nasty and it had been close. His other choices had been flying an hour to reach the Far Frozen and leaving an ectoplasm trail through the mad science lab dedicated to dissecting ghosts.  The decision had been easy.  
Clockwork had complained, of course.  Ninety percent of the time spent stitching had doubled as time spent snarking.  It was fun.  
“You have more than fake human organs in here, and losing that much ectoplasm is unhealthy for a ghost regardless.  You are friends with the doctors of the Far Frozen.  Perhaps you should avail yourself of their knowledge more frequently.”
“I already have one health class I'm failing.  Don't need another.”
“You are not failing your health class.”
Danny peeled back an eyelid that had fallen shut at some point during the exchange.  “Are you using your time powers to spy on my grades?”
“Hardly.”  Clockwork picked up a pair of ornate scissors and snipped the string he'd been stitching Danny up with.  “But even so, I doubt you would notice if I removed one of your so-called organs.” 
“You could try,” said Danny.  He closed his eyes again and leaned to the side until he was slumped over on Clockwork, who made an offended noise.  “You’re trapped now.  Stuck.”
“I am a shapeshifter,” said Clockwork.  “You cannot ‘trap’ me simply by leaning on me.”
“Can too.”
Danny was tired.  Sometimes, he could shrug off both fights and injuries like they were nothing, but unicorns were vicious and Technus was mean.  Electricity always took a lot out of him.  
Clockwork sighed heavily.  Danny smiled.  
“You aren’t nearly as charming as you think,” said Clockwork.  
“And yet, you are neither kicking me out nor stealing my pancreas or lower intestine or anything like that.”
“I could.”
“But you haven’t.”  Danny tucked his feet underneath him and snuggled more heavily into Clockwork’s side.  
The ghost groaned, but obligingly made room for Danny.  Yes, yes, exactly according to plan.  The evil one, where he made friends with Clockwork.  He figured he was already halfway there, if Clockwork was willing to sew him up, but with this it was definitely closer to three quarters.  
Having thought this, Danny promptly fell asleep.  
The front doors of Clockwork’s tower were not made to slam open, but Danny, fingers of one hand clenched over his chest and still wearing a Far Frozen medical gown, managed anyway.  He was resourceful like that.  
“Clockwork?” he called.  “Clockwork!”  He flew from room to room, only sticking his head in long enough to assess them for Clockwork's presence.  
Finally, he found him.  
“Clockwork!” he shouted, re-energized by the sight.  “Did you steal my heart?  My heart?  My actual heart from my actual chest?”
Clockwork stared blankly at Danny for long enough that his panicked doubled and doubled again.  This was, quite literally, his only lead.
“No,” said Clockwork, finally.  “I stole the replica of your actual heart.  From your chest.”
“That’s the same thing!”
“Is it?” asked Clockwork, smugly.  “After all, you didn’t even notice this one was gone.”
“Oh my god, I cannot believe you did this.”  Friendship plan canceled.  Or something.
“I cannot imagine why,” said Clockwork.  “After all, I told you exactly what I was going to do.  You even gave me permission.”
“I thought you were joking.  Who’s going to think that you’re serious about stealing a friend’s organs?  That’s a joke.  A joke.  Banter, if you would.  Not an invitation to steal my literal heart.”
“Even so, it has been done.”
“Well, can you undo it?  Put it back in?  You didn’t, I don’t know, toss it out with last week’s eggshells or something?  Stick it in the back of the kitchen junk drawer.”
“No, I know exactly where I put it,” said Clockwork.  
“And you can undo it, right?  It’s not, like, expired?”
“It is difficult to get more expired than a ghost’s heart.”  
Danny stared at Clockwork expectantly.  
“Yes, I can undo it.  It will be the work of a moment to return it to its proper place.”  
“Great, so…  Lead on.”  Danny made a forward sweeping motion with both hands.  
Clockwork’s eyes slid back towards his time screen.  “Can it wait?”
“You haven’t had it for weeks.  You won’t miss it for a few more minutes.”
“Uh, yes, I will!  You can time travel.  Whatever you’re doing, you can do it later.”
“I suppose,” said Clockwork.  “Very well.  Follow me.”
Clockwork led him back, through narrow halls, into a towering closet with spiral shelves.  It was full of what could only be collectively referred to as stuff.  
“Wow, I wasn’t serious about the junk drawer thing.”
“Oh, please,” said Clockwork.  “This is hardly junk.”
“You’re a hoarder.”
“I resent that appellation,” said Clockwork, flying up and rotating slightly.  Danny kept his feet on the ground, slightly intimidated.
“The only reason you aren’t drowning in all this is because your house doesn’t have to exist in Euclidean space.”
“And yet, I am not drowning in it.” Clockwork continued to float upwards, a faint frown on his face.  
“You do remember where you put it, right?”
“Yes, Daniel,” said Clockwork, visibly rolling his eyes.  “I put it right– Ah.  Interesting.”
“Interesting?  What do you mean interesting?” demanded Danny.  He flew up to hover near Clockwork's shoulder.  “Did something happen to it?  Is it– It's not there?  You said you knew where it was!”
“I said I knew where I put it, which is rather a different thing altogether.”
“No, it isn't!  It's not like it has legs!  It couldn't have wandered off on its oooohhhhhhhh my God, it could have wandered off on its own.  That thing had more ectoplasm in it than a Christmas turkey.”
“It is, in fact,” said Clockwork, “entirely made out of ectoplasm.”
“If it’s moving around like that, can we put it back in?  Would it– Would it try to escape?  Like, escape my chest?  Is that a thing?”
“As unlikely as it starting to move around in the first place?”
“Unlikely,” repeated Clockwork.  
“Where even is it?  Do you know?  Can you tell?  Obviously, your whole ‘I know everything’ shtick is a lie, but can you, like, rewind things so that it’s here?”
“No,” said Clockwork.  “We will just have to look for it.”
“In your hoarder cave?”
“It is not a cave.”
“Ah, but you don't dispute the hoarder part?”  He spun, head over heels, trying and failing to see the entirety of the not-really-a-closet.  “What if there are things in here?  Like, living things?  Could it have been eaten?  By, like… Clockroaches?  Do you have clockroaches here?”
“Media tends to grossly exaggerate both the aggression and size of temporal boggles–”
“They’re real?”
“Why would you ask about them if you didn’t think they were real?”
“I don’t know.  It turns out I don’t think through the things I say to you very well.”
Danny arrested his motion.  “Where do we even start?  This place is huge!”
“That statement assumes that it is still in this particular room.”
“Oh my God.”
“Although, if we are to search this room, it would make the most sense to start from either end and work towards the middle.”
Danny flipped over.  “I can’t even see the other end.”  This was only barely an exaggeration.
“Then we had best get started soon.”
Danny rubbed his face.  “Am I even going to recognize it?  What will it look like?”
“Like the organ it was imitating, of course,” said Clockwork.  “Oh, and don’t touch anything.”
Danny groaned.
There was something quivering and green huddled behind a bank of jars.  Was that… it couldn’t be…  He formed a stick out of ice and went to poke it.  
“What are you doing to that poor frog?” asked Clockwork.  
“Holy– It’s a frog?”
Danny stared.  Clockwork was covered in splatters and streaks of ectoplasm from head to tail.  
“Why do you– I don’t even want to know.  Did you find it?”
“Yes,” said Clockwork, holding up a jar.  There was…  Well.  It was a heart.  “Are you sure you want it back?  Surely, the sentimental value cannot be that great.”
“Wh– It’s not about the sentimental value.  Open it up, put it back in!”
Clockwork’s sigh was incredibly put-upon.  “Alright, but don’t say I didn’t warn you.”
He unscrewed the lid of the jar, and the heart, which had up until that point, laid quiescent on the bottom of the jar, flew out, smacking Danny in the face.  
“Grab it!” 
Danny managed to get a hand around a ventricle, but ectoplasm and ectoplasmic muscle was slippery.  It escaped his grip.  It flopped-flew its way down to the bottom of the genuinely-not-a-closet and made for the door.  Danny dove at it, only to get a faceful of ectoplasm from an artery for his trouble.  
Danny wondered if this was what Skulker felt like.  He let ectoplasm dribble out of his mouth.  
“That, bleh, that tastes like my ectoplasm,” he said.
“That’s because it is,” said Clockwork, tiredly.  “I will refrain from asking you to elaborate on your ectoplasm-tasting experiences.”
“Look, when nature gives you a weapon, and afterlife gives you enemies, you use the weapon.”  He peered cautiously out of the door, wary of being sprayed with what was essentially his own blood once again.  “Where do you think it–”
He got another mouthful of ectoplasm.  
“Bleh,” he said.  
“I don’t suppose you saw it?” asked Clockwork.  “Which way it went, etcetera, etcetera?”
“No,” said Danny.  
“Then this will be a long night.”
“Can’t you just, like, stop time or something?  So it won’t move around while we look”
Clockwork gave him a look.  
“I’ll take that as a no.”
“I think,” said Danny, from where he was dangling from the ceiling, a tangle of clock chains wrapped around his ankle, “that we need help.”
“Unfortunately, I must concur,” said Clockwork, who was underneath a pair of couches even he’d been surprised at owning.
“Unless you want to use your totally awesome time powers to find it.”
“I’m sorry,” said Sam.  “What did you lose?”
“My heart,” said Danny.  “And I didn’t lose it.  Clockwork stole it.”
“Is this some kind of Ice Queen situation here?” asked Sam.  “Are you going to lose all empathy and care for other people?”
“No,” said Danny.  “It’s just the, um, physical thing.  And only my ghost half’s physical thing.  Apparently.  Apparently, the ‘human organs’ I have in my ghost form aren’t functional, unless the functionality is, like, the functionality of being incredibly annoying and spraying ectoplasm everywhere.”
“So, what should we bring for this thing?” asked Tucker.  “Butterfly nets?  Bow and arrow?  Guns?  What’s the endgame?”
“You want to shoot my heart?”
“I don’t know what you want here, dude.  I’m still kind of reeling over the fact that the guy you were hanging out with literally stole your heart.  Do you need someone to give him a stern talking to, make sure he gets you home before curfew?”
“That’s disgusting.  He could probably be my great-great-great-great-great-great–”
In ghost form, Danny didn’t have to breathe all that much, so he was able to go on like that until Sam and Tucker joined forces to stuff socks in his mouth.  
“How in the world did things escalate to Clockwork stealing your literal heart?” asked Jazz.  
“Okay, yeah, I see how that’d seem bad, out of context, but you see, it isn’t actually my literal heart–”
Danny glared at Clockwork’s idea of ‘help.’ “I bring three completely reasonable and competent people, and you bring them?”
“From my point of view, I am the one with the reasonable and competent people,” said Clockwork, gesturing at the combined forces of Nocturne, Ghost Writer, and Skulker.  “You, meanwhile, have brought three teenagers.”
“Are you really calling Skulker competent?”
“If not, he at least has experience in being outsmarted by you.”
“Alas,” said Tucker, “the heart wants what the heart wants, and what it wants is freedom.”
“Where,” said Sam, kicking at a puddle, “is all this ectoplasm even coming from?”
“Around,” said Danny.  
“Ooh,” said Jazz, “it’s condensing it from the atmosphere?”  She paused.  “What are you all looking at me like that for?  I can have scientific curiosity!”
“I think it’s more because of what’s happened to your hair,” said Ghost Writer.
“What’s happened to my hair?”
“You don’t want to know.”
“Danny, I think I hate you,” said Sam.  They were sitting on one of Clockwork’s couches.  Clockwork had a lot of couches.  A fact that Clockwork seemed both bemused and distressed by.  
“Oh, trust me, the feeling is mutual.  As in, I hate me too.”
Clockwork sat down on the couch next to Danny.  “Daniel, I must tell you that while hate is beneath me, I am seriously regretting my earlier decisions.”
“Does that mean that you’re going to time travel back to–”
“Absolutely not.”
Tucker ran past them with a butterfly net, chasing down a green blur.  
“That’s a blob ghost, isn’t it?” asked Sam.  
“I do believe so,” said Clockwork.
“Well,” said Danny.  “At least this all makes us friends, yeah?  Can’t go through something like this without being friends.”  At least he’d get something accomplished with all this insanity.  
“I wouldn’t call myself friends with Skulker.  Or Nocturne.  Acquaintances, more like.”
“I notice you didn’t say anything about Ghost Writer.”
Clockwork shrugged.  “He’s somewhat more tolerable.”
“And me?”
“I suppose.”
The heart fell straight down, into Danny’s lap.
“Are you serious–”
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savannahsdeath · 1 year
♯i hate you, williams
part 1one
mdni please<3
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warnings: 18+!! smut, thigh riding
writers note: part2 of my enemies to lovers that wasnt supposed to have two chapters but someone asked me for and how could i say no🤗
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The next day found you awake in Ellie's bed, your head a bit foggy but you could recall what happened last night. You looked over and saw Ellie snoring softly, completely tangled up in the sheets and blankets.
You climbed out of her bed and tried your best to slip out of the room without waking her up, but she must have heard the door open as she sleepily opened her eyes.
You were both going to be late for class if you didn't get moving soon.
"Where are you... going?" She mumbled, stretching as she rubbed her eyes.
You turned to face her, giving her a tired smile. "Class. Just as you should be doing instead of sleeping in."
She groaned and covered her face with her arm. "Can you even imagine that someone might enjoy a morning in bed?" She mumbled, sitting up in bed and trying to fully wake up.
You laughed at her sleepiness. "Oh, I see, the attitude's coming back. So are we back to hating each other?"
"Don't tell me you actually liked me last night or something?" Ellie said with a slight smugness as she yawned. She looked so cute when she was still half-asleep, you almost forgot why you guys ended up this way.
You were about to answer her question, but she raised her hand to silence you while still blinking a few times to keep herself awake, as if to stop herself from falling asleep again.
"Okay, enough talking. Let's just... get to class." she mumbled before standing up and starting to get dressed.
"Then hurry up, I won't wait forever!" You tried to sound firm but miserably failed. "Everyone thinks we're still.. enemies. What's your plan? Pretend I annoy you when someone's looking or admitting it was just an act?"
She turned around and just smiled at you slightly. "Who says we need a plan? You annoy me every day, but that doesn't mean I don't like you." She said with a slightly flustered expression on her face. She sighed and looked around for a moment. "I hope everyone was asleep last night. I mean you were kinda... loud." She smirked with a soft blush after her words sunk in.
You just stood there, your cheeks burning with embarrassment.
There was an awkward silence for a few seconds before Ellie started laughing quietly.
"I'm just messing with you, it's fine, really. I, personally, wouldn't really care if I heard you moaning through the walls." She winked.
Your embarrassment continued to overwhelm you, but you decided to play it cool.
"Oh wow, so you think you'd enjoy it, huh? Maybe you really are into me." You said with a nervous grin.
"Or maybe I like getting you all flustered like this?" Ellie asked rhetorically.
The two of you made your way out of the room and started heading to class.
"Let's hope the teacher isn't still annoyed about our little fight the other day." Ellie said with a slightly annoyed look on her face.
It turned out to be earlier than you thought - the gym was empty. You both sat on the benches to wait for everyone else to come.
"Are you still mad about getting detention?" She whispered in your ear.
Ellie seemed to have something on her mind as she asked you that question.
You gave her a nod as you whispered back; "A bit. I mean a whole month for yelling a few words?"
She just smirked slightly at your answer, clearly trying to get you riled up again. "You know, at least a few days' are yours."
You sighed, trying not to look annoyed. But you couldn't deny she had a bit of a point.
"Well you're always starting these little 'arguments' anyways. You have to admit at least that." You said with a smile.
She looked at you with a slightly surprised expression before she smiled back. "Well yeah. But that's only because it's fun pissing you off."
She was a bit flustered now, probably a bit surprised that she admitted it so bluntly.
"Hey, there's a plus in having detention with you at least." She said after a moment of this time surprisingly-not-awkward silence.
You couldn't help but smile as you replied; "Yeah, I'll have to agree. Now we can annoy each other every day without having to worry about what the teacher says. Maybe we should get together for some 'private lessons' after school as well." You whispered to her, trying to be as teasing as possible.
She just smirked again as she responded; "Well maybe I will invite you over to have some 'private lessons' after school."
You could feel your face get slightly red again, and all you could manage to reply was; "Uh... uh..." as your mind went completely blank.
You both heard some footsteps behind you, and with a quick movement you both looked around the empty gym nervously.
You could hear the gym door opened, and someone walked in. It was only the gym teacher, who noticed something strange about you both.
"Why are you sitting so close together?" He asked in a quiet voice.
You immediately separated from Ellie and sat on the benches at least a meter apart from each other.
"We were just waiting for everyone else to arrive, sir." You said a bit nervously.
You could see Ellie rolling her eyes as you stood up, not wanting to deal with the teacher's weird questions.
He looked at you for a moment, a slight suspicion in his eyes before he spoke to you in a hushed tone.
"Look, you two already got a month of detention for... your little outbursts. But I'm gonna be honest, I saw how you both looked at each other yesterday. I can see there's some feelings between you two."
You were shocked at how blunt he was being here. "Excuse me?"
He sighed and took a seat in front of you on the bench, speaking quietly as he looked at you carefully. "I've been teaching here quite a while, and I know how students act. I know who likes who, and who's just pretending. So here's my advice to you; I'll cancel your month of detention if you're willing to give it a try."
Your jaw dropped at what he just said, and you looked over at Ellie.
"Wait what?" You asked him in a slightly confused, nervous way.
The teacher nodded gently as he replied; "You heard me right. I'll cancel the month of detention if you give the pathetic 'dating' a try. I'm serious. As long as you won't argue anymore and ruin my, and not only mine, lessons..."
You looked over at Ellie who was just standing there, staring at him. Her face was turning red, and her fists were clenched as she tried to act indifferent. But you could tell, she was excited as well at this prospect.
"B-but... I mean I..." You stuttered a bit as you tried to formulate your thoughts.
But before you could finish speaking, Ellie suddenly cut you off. "Sounds like a deal." She just said suddenly with a stern voice.
You just looked at her, your mouth still wide open. She turned to look at you with the smallest smirk on her face.
The rest of the kids started to enter the gym, and they all looked at the two of you with curiosity and mild interest.
Ellie just looked around casually, pretending like she didn't even notice the reactions she got from everyone. You tried to join her and also act like nothing happened, but you could feel the tension in the air.
After a moment, the gym teacher clapped his hands together.
"Alright, that's enough looking around."
"We're gonna be the main gossip topic again." You muttered, standing up and going a little closer to her.
"You think we're not already? The moment the detention was announced everyone was already talking about us. They did before too, anyways." She said while trying to contain her laughter, which proved to be much harder than she thought, which only drew more attention to the two of you as other kids heard her.
After classes, you decided to go to her room again totally not for the 'private lessons'.
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"Even our teacher ships us." She smirked as you followed her.
You rolled your eyes. "Yeah, about that, you could ask me about my opinion first, instead of agreeing straight away!"
She clearly wasn't taking you seriously. "Oh, don't be like that. He didn't mean us literally starting dating straight away, just... you know, looking forward to it. Why? Stressed? Need me to hold your hand?" She chuckled and looked over at you.
Ellie unlocked the door to her room, and quickly stepped in, motioning for you to follow her. You did so, still slightly annoyed from before, but it was a cute kind of annoyance.
"Hey, there's nothing wrong when the teacher is right. You think I've just been annoying you like this because it's fun? I actually, uh..." she stopped for a moment and blushed slightly as she continued. "... like you."
You chuckled, clearly not believing her. "You have an odd way of showing it, then."
"Oh, right. Well let me show you now." She said as she suddenly came up close to you, putting her arms around your waist. She leaned in close and spoke softly. "So, where do we start with these 'private lessons'?" Ellie asked in a teasing voice just before she suddenly kissed you on the cheek.
She started tracing a path of sloppy little kisses all along your face, until she found your lips.
You just let out a slight yelp as Ellie grabbed you and brought you to sit on her lap, your faces now directly next to each other.
She didn't let up as she kept kissing you all over your face, making sure not to leave a single spot untouched. Before you knew it, your face was all red and your heart was beating slightly faster.
When you finally weren't fighting back your own desires, she let your head free, knowing you won't pull away anyway. Instead, her hands moved to your waist, firmly holding you down. She pulled away for a second, just to look down, as if to make sure you're really here - sitting in her lap, but you forced her face back up and pressed your lips together.
"Jesus, why so needy?" She laughed, vibrations from the sound echoing through your own throat.
You didn't bother to talk back - she was right and you both knew that, so what was there to add? Every your move was so impatient, it was obvious you waited for this the whole day. And when you remembered two days ago, or even yesterday, you were lying to yourself you hate her, considering you're enemies, you just felt even more turned on.
You started desperatly grinding your hips on her thigh, not even her strong grip managing to hold you in place, even though she let you move as soon as she realised what you're doing. In fact, she even helped you gain your balance while swinging back and forth. Your little moans seemed like a good enough reward.
Your clit was rubbing against the fabric of her jeans, slowly soaking through your underwear.
You succeed to make Ellie shut up, keeping her busy with your mouth. But eventually, you felt her breath on your neck, where she started to nibble, leaving red marks.
Oh, now the school will have something to talk about.
Her teeth were almost painful, making your soft skin sore, but her gentle tongue was quickly brushing off all the bad feelings.
Your body started trembling, what made focusing on moving harder for you. You didn't stop though, not when Ellie's hands were guiding you. And, especially, not when it felt so good. You were sure if you kept going like that, you'll soak so much soon even Els will feel how wet you are.
When your whimpers got louder, her lips pressed back to yours. She already figured out it works pretty well - you only gasp at the sudden move but eventually, all of your whining catch in your connected mouths, becoming completely inaudible outside.
When she calmed you down, feeling your shaking breath get more quiet, she made her way back to your neck.
"You look like you wanted to do that for a long time before. You could just admit it, you had lots of circumstances to..." She chuckled and you could feel her grin. "And you were just too cowardly to admit. I would pity you, if I weren't missing out on lots of fun because of that too."
You laughed, but quickly regretted it, as it made you lose your breath again.
At first you wanted to ask why didn't she make a move first, but you knew the answer.
"Oh, fucking with you is so fun, I couldn't get myself to stop first."
The word use was actually on point - making the sentence fit perfectly to both of your relationship dynamics. At some point, she was fucking with you - pissing you off, arguing and insulting. Then again, she was fucking with you quite... literally.
"Enjoy the moment, 'til I'm actually putting up with your bullshit." You whispered, adding a moan at the end, as your clit hit the edge of her thigh again...
TAGS: @aouiaa @coff1nn @maelovescashew @hopeless-y @mari2you @constellieationn @bellaramslover @ucannotcompare @yan-ghost-yan @rqmantics @sapphicproblem
tumblr wont let me tag some users so im really sorry if youre not tagged but its not my fault😓
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goldenlikedayl1ght · 7 months
more sassy/flirty matt, possibly college era/study setting ?
//as someone dealing with college right now.... absolutely, i love college era matt. he's my one and only.
You have been studying for twelve hours.
You started your studying around one in the afternoon, and kept working on various assignments until around four, and then you locked in for your hardest class of the semester, American Judiciary Systems. It was just an intense amount of memorization, and you were going crazy.
When you started working, you were doing a good job; You made sure to keep drinking water, you were taking breaks! But somewhere along the way you started to slip on those habits. Maybe it happened after grabbing dinner with your boyfriend and his roommate, but before you got too comfortable on their dorm room floor.
And Matt was mad at you for it.
Okay, mad is a strong word.
But he's frustrated that you won't take care of yourself. He's a hypocrite for it, but he is. So, around one thirty in the morning, he pulls the textbook you're taking notes from out from beneath your heavy arms.
"Hey!" You whine, and Foggy, studying for the same midterm, picks his head up, and in his desirously tired state, tilts his head in confusion.
"You need to sleep." Matt tells you, and you scoff, before reaching for the book. Matt easily pulls it out of your way.
"That's easy for you to say! You took the midterm this morning and probably did amazing!"
"No, I took the midterm yesterday. And you both need to sleep, because if you don't, you'll fail the midterm anyways."
You roll your eyes and reach to your left to grab an unopened energy drink. Matt is quicker than you and snatches it away. In your sleep deprived state, you don't question how a blind man knew where the drink was.
"And no more energy drinks!" he demands. "It'll cause you to crash eventually. Then you'll sleep right through your alarm, and again, fail the midterm anyways." He reminds.
He would never let you or Foggy sleep through your alarm and miss the test, but right now his quest is to get you to sleep.
"Fine, no more energy drinks, but Matt, seriously, I need to--"
"You need to sleep!"
"Ugh!" You groan. You'd be embarrassed of yourself if you weren't so tired. Then, your head tilts back a bit and a yawn escapes your list.
"See! You yawned! Come on, sweetheart, let's go to bed." He demands. You shake your head.
"Can't." You yawn again. "Professor Aelwyn will have my ass." You hum. Matt moves around you and sits behind you, so your back is against his chest. His hands rub up and down your arms as he begins to speak,
"I'll wake you up early enough to grab breakfast, and then I'll help you guys do your last-minute cramming. But I'm serious, I'm worried you'll push yourself over the edge." Then, Matthew plays dirty. "Come on, baby," He begins to kiss your shoulders, and then your neck. "Come to bed."
"You two are gross." Foggy declares as he stands up, stretching out. He takes one last glance over his notes and then begins to clean up. "But unfortunately, dude is right. There's nothing we're gonna learn in the next half hour before we fall asleep that we can't learn tomorrow."
"My point exactly!" Matt hums. You sigh deeply, your hands coming up to your face and rubbing your eyes. Bed does sound nice... And Matt is always super warm.
"Fine." You grumble, leaning forward to clean up your notes. Then, Matt gets up and holds his hands out for you, and you take them, before he pulls you up off his floor. You groan at the pain from sitting on that damned floor and he sighs.
"I know, baby." He hums, and then leads you over to his bed. You hear Foggy's snores from behind you but you just barely manage to change into pajamas.
Then, you crawl into bed, cuddling up to Matt. Your face is buried in the crook of his neck, legs laid over his. Then, you sit up to double check that you've set three alarms, and that Matt's is also set.
He pushes your head back so that your face is against his neck again.
"Get some sleep, sweetheart."
"G'night, Matty."
He presses a kiss to your head, knowing you already have this text in the bag. He only falls asleep when he hears your breathing study and your heartbeat slow. His fingers gently comb through your hair, and as he drifts off, you begin to dream of running away from College, New York and everything else with your boyfriend, the first person who has ever truly loved you without any familial or platonic obligation.
You won't. You'll pass the midterm with him, pass all your finals, graduate and pass the bar together.
But it's nice to dream about for a moment. Luckily for you, Matt always makes reality just as lovely as your dreams.
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anantaru · 1 year
what would your favs do in a modern au? and another really important question: who would they listen to?
cw. none, different tropes, gn! reader
a/n. nonnie I'm not sure what you meant with the 'who would they listen to' so i thought you may mean songs they like ??
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heizou the private investigator, who has his own agency but prefers to work underground— he has a soft-spot for helping people in need and doesn‘t charge money for it. whilst, the local police knows of him and always hires him for quite dangerous, complicated investigations if they were to fail to do their own deep examinations on the mission at hand. heizou is vastly proud of his profession and his skills are one of a kind, for some he might appear to act relatively arrogant but it's not that at all if you dare to look at it closely, he's confident in his abilities if anything and treasures his own well-groomed skills the most. fun fact: currently, alongside the police, heizou was investigating the mafia whose members certainly are known to you.
heizou's favorite music of choice: french music (i'm biased okay leave me alone) for example demain by PLK or derniere danse by indila.
scaramouche the mafia hitman, who too— prefers to work underground to escape any awkward encounters with people. he exceedingly loathes conversations, they make his blood boil, peculiarly with his peers and would rather gauge his own eyes out than attend any special meetings. although as such, his work was in a class by itself, as perfect as someone can be, the higher ups know that he was not dispensable in any way and a real treasure within their ranks. in scaramouche's eyes, there was nothing he cannot do nor was anything off limits, if there was a mission to be accomplished, he will take the challenge without batting an eye.
scaramouche's favorite music of choice: mitski or melanie martinez (he doesn't admit it tho) &lt;3
alhaitham the library overseer at your university who never talks to anyone, kind of a weirdo, yet he cannot possibly do so anyways since most of the times he greatly engages in yet another spellbinding book. for him, it's the perfect job; listen— he never needs to work overtime, duh, he's always home by the same, exact time and although some students can be quite loud and jarring to be around with, the library was a place of pure silence, which he greatly relishes in. but be cautious, if you dare to even raise a single octave of your voice, he will shoot you a death glare and wow, what a terrifying and overly handsome sight at once, you already know that many students only go to the library to admire the hidden view.
alhaitham's favorite music of choice: the man not only uses his headphones for music, but to block out outside noises which works just wonderfully. he prefers slower tunes, ones that do not disturb his reading. for example, ludovico einaudi or johann sebastian bach.
yelan the infamous casino manager, who makes her peers shiver in both sharp fear and terror. if she wants you to win, you will, otherwise she'll do what she does best, manipulate the game to her own benefits to slowly enchant you with her intense charms you simply cannot get enough of, only for you to slowly, agonizingly slow, slant down into the pits of literal hell and large debts. the pretty, dazzling woman has a business to run after all, you cannot be mad at her for that. yet, she is also reasonable and makes sure she isn't tainting the precious, not to mention flawless image of her casino.
yelan's favorite music of choice: no tears left to cry by ariana grande and diamonds by queen riri
dottore the mafia doctor, who works alongside scaramouche and has stitched countless of his wounds in the past. although the two of them absolutely loathe each other, no one can deny the outstanding skills dottore would display on a daily basis. whether it's open wounds, deep, dark bruises or broken bones, there was nothing he cannot heal. notwithstanding the fact that his practices might seem unethical to the outside perspective— especially if you take his habits of experimenting on his patients into consideration, yet, as long as he sews and bastes together the injured, his boss simply does not care and aids him in whatever he might be in need of.
dottere's favorite music of choice: torture sounds /for legal reasons this is a joke, or classical tunes for example the four seasons by vivaldi while he conducts his experiments on some patients he has.
kazuha the lifestyle blogger who takes you with him on every new adventure taken. his youtube channel had blown up since and had become one of the top on the entire platform. his posting schedule is all over the place though, he can go without uploading a new video in months which his subscribers do not mind, kazuha was a free spirit who goes with his own personal vibe, if he was in the mood to film something from his exciting adventures he'll do just that. expect loads of selfies with different animals from all around the world on his other social media, (ignore the weed in his hand) beautiful locations and deep talks on livestreams late at night.
kazuha's favorite music of choice: everything by tame impala, he also likes listening to indie artists and support them on his channel.
venti the worldwide music star who sells out every tour he does. the man was envied by the ones who shared his profession while utterly loved by the countless amount of fans he has. his voice acts like a charm, it's sharply mesmerizing and soothing to the ears, in some ways does it appear as if he's wholly hypnotizing the audience with his tunes. another fact, he writes all his songs himself and gets praised from every direction possible, while if you take everything into consideration of his life, venti was still very much humble and loved interacting with his fans or do interviews so they can get to know him better.
venti's favorite music of choice: loads of kpop music, for example stray kids or txt, but he does have a soft spot for classical music whenever he composes his own.
kaveh the architect who gets booked by the biggest, most flashing celebrities on the planet. fun fact, he was the one who constructed venti's mansion, since the latter only wanted the best of the best— while, quite frankly, there isn't anyone better than kaveh himself who could've adapted to venti's wished and made his home all the more personal and extravagant. in spite of the fact that he gets paid loads of money for his work, the sweet, talented architect tends to find himself broke almost all the time in his life. thankfully he had made a special friend whilst going out in town to drink a couple of his favorite beverages, here's to note that he never thought he'd become friends with a certain librarian.
kaveh's favorite music of choice: he likes taylor swift, ariana grande and tends to listen to music that is older, yet quite underrated. kaveh claims that the tracks on certain albums that get the least attention, are the best in his eyes.
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©2023 anantaru do not share, copy, translate any of my work
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akq96618 · 8 months
[ King ohger soul eater au ]
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here it is! the rough idea doodles for other kings! It's just started with giramie (you can find them here ), but i think it will be fun if i added the others too
+ some more trivia below
(warning: big spoiler for soul eater manga, and me nerding over soul eater)
for those who aren't familiar with soul eater, the series revolve around the story of meister and demon weapon (human who can transform into weapons). The students of of Shibusen, school build by 'shinigami' take on missions to collect souls and protect the city from the world's threats.
The school parted into 2 types of class, N.O.T (Normally Overcome Target, class for those who just want to control their powers, pretty much just like a normal class) and E.A.T (Especially Advantaged Talent, consist of the 10% students in shibusen, class for students/agents who use their powers to battle evil)
-this au sets years after soul eater manga ending, where human and witch can already living side by side
-Morfonia used to be in NOT class, but then she moved to EAT class after reunited in shibusen and being partners with rita (they're childhood friends)
-Suzume supposed to be gira's weapon partner, since the Hastie and Dybowski family been on some kind of..bound? relationship? for a long time. But racles don't want gira to be a meister, so he took both of the dybowski siblings as his weapon (welp, gira still finds jera anyway)
-Top 3 EAT class academical rank: Rita, Himeno, Yanma (it's quite a tie with jeramie sometimes), gira is somewhere in the middle, or below-
-Top 3 EAT class physical rank (as in like, PE class): Gira, Rita, Jeramie, (you know where yanma at right)
-yeah i use racs and himeno's p1 hair bcs i love them
-Rita can see someone's soul, while Gira can 'sense' someone's soul perfectly (like, what kind of people they are) and know kishin's soul before they turned into kishin egg (kishin egg: evil souls)
-Sebastian is not a student but he still go to shibusen to accompany himeno as her butler and demon weapon
-before met yanma, shiokara used to be Mayuta's demon weapon partners along with usuba (sniper rifle) and akka (brass knuckle ring)
-Jeramie is a child of demon weapon and witch, his mom run away from the witch realm because she possesses healing magic, which is unforgivable and hated by the witches
-and jera got his black blood from his mother, who didn't know that she was used to be medusa's (antagonist witch in SE) experiment object. Medusa thought she's a failed object, so she throw nephila out of her object list.
-before Jeramie met Gira, he wonder all over death city to find who killed and ate his parents' soul
-Gira don't really like to live in the Hastie's main mansion , so he rented apartments near shibusen together with Jera after decided to be his Meister. As a condition to allow gira living out of the Hastie household, Racles ask Duuga, the Hastie's butler, to visit gira's place from time to time
-Jeramie had this 'madness of hope' that triggered his black blood
-i'm thinking about 'madness of justice' for gira but 'justice' will suit rita more...
i don't think i'll elaborate more about this au, but who knows
here's more giramie in madness + blackblood armor bcs i like to draw them in that
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yerimbrit · 8 months
you're my dream : h. yunjin
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synopsis: your girlfriend wakes you up at the crack of dawn for a sweet picnic date watching the sunrise.
# pairing ! nonidol!huh yunjin x reader
# tags ! just fluff really, established relationship, reader's gender isn't mentioned, usages of both 'jen' and 'yunjin', yunjin is one year older but it's not that relevant
# wordcount ! 1.7k
# warnings ! none
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"babe, get up; i've got something special planned for us."
yunjin shook you awake, but you groaned and pulled the covers back over your shoulders.
"y/n..." she whined. you could tell she was pouting by the tone of her voice.
deciding not to make her wait any longer since she seemed so keen on getting you awake, you peeled the white comforter off your body and sat up. as you thought, your girlfriend was standing next to the bed with a big, sad pout on her lips. and of course, she was flashing you her infamous puppy dog eyes. as much as you loved your beauty sleep, you loved yunjin even more, so you could never be mad at her and her (adorably) dumb puppy eyes for waking you up.
you rubbed your eyes, attempting to get the sleepiness out before speaking. "what is it, jen?"
"i have a surprise for you! so get ready, we're gonna go out, please?"
she took your hands in hers, giving them a squeeze before pulling you out of bed without waiting for an answer. you followed her to the closet without much resistance, where she quickly handed you one of her favorite sweatshirts and a pair of washed-out jeans.
yunjin left for you to change, and when you entered the bathroom you're alone with your thoughts as you slipped into the clothes she picked for you and got ready.
you and yunjin had met in a rather intriguing way. you had reserved a private room at the library to study, and she barged in, out of breath and wide eyes.
(you were well into your study session, soft lofi playing into your headphones. you had a quiz in bio coming up, and you were not about to fail unlike your friend yizhuo who slept in class all the time. she was always a mystery to you anyway; always at parties, always getting drunk, and never paying attention in class. regardless, she was still your best friend, you two having met back in high school. you stopped her antics when it got too far, and she showed you how to truly live life and have fun.
"peristalsis is similar to propulsion where the food is moving through the system," you muttered to yourself, jotting the words down into your notebook, glancing at your laptop screen which showed the recorded lecture from last week.
you were about to unpause the lecture to try to catch more things you missed until the door burst open, revealing a girl who you recognized as the cute barista at the cafe you frequented on campus. she was leaning on the door panting, her hands on her knees as her gaze redirected from the door she just slammed to you, a sheepish smile making its way to her face.
"hi," she breathed out.
you tilted your head. "hi?"
she grabbed a plastic bottle from her bag and took a few gulps of water, letting out a relieved sigh after hydrating herself. she turned to face you.
"i'm so sorry for interrupting you. i'm yunjin, by the way, but you can call me jen."
amused, you pulled out a chair for her, gesturing for her to take a seat, to which she grinned and thanked you for before sitting down.
"it's not a problem," you reassured her, "why'd you do it though?"
her cheeks flushed, and she looked away briefly. 'cute,' you think.
"well, long story short... i lost a bet against one of my friends," she giggled, "and was trying to escape from my fate.")
you two hit it off after that, and soon you had started waiting for yunjin's shift to end so you could see her. after numerous ranting sessions with yizhuo and after 4 months, she was now your girlfriend. it's now been 8 months and you think it's safe to say she's the best you've ever had.
a loud clattering of what seemed to be things falling to the ground followed by an "i'm okay!" from yunjin woke you from your train of recollection. grabbing your phone, you exited the connected bathroom and opened the bedroom door to see the girl you were just thinking about, surrounded by a few books that have fallen to the floor.
"...oops?" she laughed, picking the fallen books up and putting them back onto the shelf. "ready to go, y/nnie?"
interlocking your hands, you nodded and let her lead you out of your shared apartment and to her car. it was still dark outside. she opened the door for you, then going around to the driver's seat and putting on a playlist you two made, titled 'youngluv' with a heart at the end.
the car ride was spent in comfortable silence, her hand over yours on the armrest. you asked where you were going once, and all she replied with was, "you'll see."
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after a good 15 minutes, yunjin parked the car and opened the door for you once again. you followed her to the trunk where you're met with a picnic basket and blanket.
you gasped, looking to your girlfriend, who only had a cheeky grin on her face.
"jen, what's this for?" you asked, worrying that you forgot an anniversary or a birthday.
she hummed in response. "nothing, really. i just felt like it. and i thought you'd like it."
"you're so sweet, jen. i love it," you say, grabbing the blanket from the car. yunjin got the basket. your eyes softened when she looked towards you with bright eyes.
you both carried the things from the car to a nice grassy spot overlooking the sea. the blanket is spread and you set the basket on top of the soft fabric. yunjin ran back to the car and retrieved a bouquet of flowers from the backseat, presenting it to you with a bright smile.
she bowed dramatically. "for you, m'lady."
"why, thank you kind miss," you giggled, taking the flowers and smelling them. "they're beautiful."
"only the best for my one and only."
you laughed, eyes crinkling up into crescents, and yunjin takes a second to admire your smile.
"i only receive the best from my knight in shining armor!"
you set the flowers down while yunjin took out tupperware containers out from the basket. she opens them one by one, allowing you to see what she's packed for the day. your eyes sparkled at the cut strawberries, and you almost drooled at the sight of your favorite sandwiches made by yunjin.
"does it look good?" she asked. you brought your attention to the girl, who picked up a piece of strawberry and holds it up to your lips.
"it does," you say, your mouth automatically opened and she feeds it to you.
the sweetness of the fruit was a welcome surprise to your taste buds. you haven't had anything since you were abruptly woken up, and the fruit was a nice way to wash out the minty flavor of your toothpaste.
you squeal at the taste, and take another piece of strawberry to feed to your lover.
"wow. i think that's the best strawberry i've ever had, seriously."
"you're lying."
"i'm not!"
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you're in the middle of taking a bite of your sandwich when yunjin nudges your shoulder. raising your eyebrow, you follow her pointed finger until widening your eyes at the sight of the sunrise.
in awe, you put down your sandwich and turned to watch the sky being painted varying shades of red, orange, and yellow.
"the sun looks like an egg yolk," the older girl stated. you smiled and nudged her shoulder. she returned your smile and tried to defend herself. "what? i'm right. it looks like a sunny side up egg."
"you're right," you say, and lean your head on her shoulder. "it does look like an egg."
yunjin rests her head on top of yours. "do you know why i woke you up so early and prepared all this?"
you shook your head. she hummed.
"i remember you telling me about this dream you had. i think it was after our three month anniversary."
("morning, jen."
"good morning, sunshine! sleep well?"
you hugged the girl from behind, wrapping your arms around her waist from where she was standing at the kitchen counter. she was brewing a cup of coffee for the two of you for the morning.
"yeah. i had a dream," you said.)
"you said, 'we went on a picnic, and we were feeding each other strawberries. you also packed those sandwiches of yours that i love, and we sat there just watching the sunrise. it was really sweet, i'd love to have that in real life too.'"
you turned your gaze to yunjin. "you remember all that? word for word?"
she fed you another piece of strawberry to close your gaping mouth, and nodded. "i've been planning it for months, waiting for a free space in our schedules for this."
confused, you get up from her shoulder when she reaches for a small box in the picnic basket you thought was empty. when she opens the box in front of you, you let out a gasp of astonishment.
inside were a pair of silver rings, engraved with your initials and the date of the day you first met on the inside.
"yunjin, these are..." she interrupted you, "promise rings."
"i wanted to make this date perfect, so i contacted one of my old friends whose family owns a jewelry store, and got these custom made for us. aren't they amazing?"
you looked into her deep, brown eyes, and took the ring engraved with your initials and slipped it onto her ring finger.
"they're gorgeous, my love."
she gleamed, and slipped the other ring onto your ring finger.
"i'm glad you like them."
you rested your head back onto yunjin's shoulder and interlocked your fingers together.
the rest of the morning was spent finishing all the snacks your girlfriend packed, and taking pictures of each other and the scenery around you, laughs and kisses shared under the golden sunlight shining upon the two of you.
if one was focusing enough, one might be able to see two glints of rings shining from the distance.
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a/n : first public post ... this was so fun to write + i thought i'd feed the yunjinators not my best work but i wanted to put it out :)
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st4rb3rries · 1 year
the main 4 meeting you for the first time
pairings; stan, kyle, kenny, cartman x fem!reader (all aged up 17-18)
summary; reactions and meeting you
warnings; cussing and suggestive language
a/n; hopefully you guys understand the kyle and stan one😭
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how kyle and stan met you:
you met them senior year. they saw your fine ass in class and were like "gawd dayum 😍😍🔥❤️" NAH JK kyle and stan secretly talked shit about you because you were the smartest in class. (they haven't even talked to you once) it was mostly kyle because he was jealous of your academic intelligence.
kyle: "who does she think she is acting like a goody two shoes and she shouldn't even be talking with that big ass forehead her calculations aren't even correct dude i'm totally way smarter than y/n🙄"
stan: "ong bruh like her forehead is bigger than my relationship with my dad😭 and no one can outsmart my super best friend dude🤨"
y/n: ....
like y'all sit close by each other in class and they still have the audacity to talk shit😭. they weren't even slick either you could clearly hear them but they thought you couldn't.
but one day things changed. they were struggling in algebra so you decided to help them. out of the kindness of your heart? no. the teacher told you to help them. this was the moment that would change everything.
y/n: "hi do you need some help it looks like you guys are struggling"
kyle: "no were fine we don't need your help"
stan: "yeah dude you can go away, kyle is way smarter than you we don't need you"
kyle: "yeah that's right i'm smarter than you punk so you can go away now🤓"
y/n: "ok kyle why did you pick 'd' instead of 'c' for number 1🥱"
y/n: "ah look at that so you need my help after all"
stan and kyle: "smart ass"
y/n: "what was that hm?"
kyle: "smart class"
stan: "y-yeah we have a smart class😇"
y/n: "i know you guys talk shit about me don't think your so slick"
stan and kyle: 😮😮
they stopped talking bad about you. since you found out you started "helping" them more and they both started getting to know you better. even though they still had their attitude. and with all that helping there formed a friendship<3.
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how cartman and kenny met you:
you also met them senior year. you however only met them because you decided to ditch class and do your business under the bleachers. both of them have seen you in class and they know your smart. they just didn't really care about you though.
*you walk over to the bleachers*
cartman: "oh shit teachers, RUN KENNY'
y/n: "im not a teacher wtf😭 "
they got scared there for a minute. but they weren't anymore until they recognized your annoying voice. cartman and kenny also thought you would never ditch class because your so smart🤨. (they were generally surprised)
cartman: "sorry there's no nerdy bitches allowed😘"
kenny: "you can be my nerdy bitch😏"
y/n: "and that's why your moms should've swallowed both of you when she had the chance."
cartman: 😮
kenny: "HAHAHAH" *bros tryna get into them baggy jeans💀*
cartman: "what the hell are you even doing here"
y/n: "no what are you doing here🤨"
cartman: "ditching class duh you dumb slut🙄"
y/n: "ok tubby well i need both of you to leave"
kenny: "why🥹"
y/n: "don't worry about it"
kenny: "YES MA'AM😍"
unfortunately they stayed because they're nosy as hell. anyways after they both saw you make money by doing peoples homework. they had mad respect for you. cartman was even a bit jealous that you came up with so much money. kenny on the other hand was wondering if you provide other types of services🤔.
cartman: " here y/n take this why don't we talk for a bit"
y/n: "are these crushed up smarties🤨"
kenny: "ya you can smoke em' or snort em' "
y/n: "y'all can't afford the real stuff💀?"
cartman: "so about your services, i'd like to be your manager i can make you stronger and smarter"
y/n: "do you have a gpa of 4.0"
kenny: "does 2.8 count"
cartman: "kenny stfu im tryna make us some money here"
cartman: "anyways so-"
after talking with them you agreed. but little did know that agreement was gonna be a long one. both of them truly admired your hard work and at some point it wasn't about the money. they really just liked hanging out with you😭.
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Pairing : (College AU)non!idol!Kim Seungmin x F!Reader TW : established relationship ; bullying ; depression ; attempted su*c*de ; major angst ; is it considered fluffy at the end or more yandere the way that Seungmin acts at the end??? ; let me know!!! Word Count : 4.6k Request : Anon : depressed reader gets actively bullied and bruised which leads to a suicide attempt. seungmin never thought it was that serious once she brought it up to him. but after her failed attempt he is now extra careful with her and maybe a bit mad at himself for not taking it seriously. A/N : PLEASE READ THE TRIGGER WARNINGS BEFORE CLICKING READ MORE!! To the anon that requested this, I hope you're still here and you remember sending this in! I'm finally posting it!! I hope you enjoy it! The gif came from this blog!!
It rained again today… It seemed like everyone on campus knew that the storm was coming, everyone but you. Umbrellas were pushed open all around you as you quickly put your hood up, the downpour was torrential and you were soaked within the first minute of your walk back to your dorms. It didn’t help that people seemed to be purposely angling their umbrellas so that whenever you walked by, the rain from the top would pour onto your head. 
You’re overthinking it… There’s no reason anyone would purposely do something like that to you. You don’t deserve that. Is what everyone else would say, even your boyfriend… And you would have believed them if not for the insults that were constantly hurled in your direction and the scrapes and bruises that littered your knees and elbows from being pushed around and laughed at when you fell to the ground. You didn’t believe them… And they didn’t believe you. 
By the time you got to your building you were dripping wet, but the attacks wouldn’t stop until you were behind closed doors, in the safety of your room, at least for the next couple hours until the next day started and you got to go through it all over again. That was your life, a constant repeat of the day before, and you weren’t sure how much more of it you could take. 
As soon as you walked through the front door of your building you heard it, the laughter of the girls who seemed to make it their job to make sure your life was hell. You weren’t sure what you had done to make them hate you so much, you had never even talked to them, but they still decided to target you. 
“God, look at the shit they let live in the building with us.” One of them said, although you sure it was the main girl talking. Every clique had a leader, and it was obvious that she was the leader of the group. Everyone else just decided to follow along, and maybe it was because they were scared of being on the receiving end of the girls shit. You were done being scared though, you had simply become numb to it. “What should we do? She looks like a fucking sewer rat, dripping shit all over the entrance. Disgusting.” 
You couldn’t walk fast enough, and even if you tried to, you were sure that she’d catch up. She was following right behind you, and before you could even get your foot on the first step, you were being pushed, your knee cracking loudly as it hit the edge of the stair. You didn’t make a sound, you didn’t wince, you didn’t cry, you just got back up, trying your best to focus on anything but the pain that shot through your leg as you continued walking up the stairs. 
“Now she’s an injured rat, maybe she should just put herself out of her misery. It’s not like anyone wants her here anyway.” They all laughed, like your pain and your suffering was entertainment for all of them. Maybe they were just bored… It’s not like you could do anything about it. If you said anything, it would only make things worse and no one would ever believe you… You were nobody… There wasn’t a single person who would notice if you were gone. 
“I’ll be back tomorrow morning if you want to go out and get breakfast together before class.” Seungmins voice came through the speaker of your phone as it sat on the bed. You hummed softly, not in agreement, not in disagreement either though. It was a sound only to let him know that you were there, that you were still listening. “Did you bring your umbrella with you today? It was raining really bad.” 
You hummed again, once again becoming aware of just how wet you were, your clothes soaking through to the mattress that you were sitting on. “Yeah… I’m gonna take a shower and then a nap… I’ve got a lot of studying to do… Want to be well rested.” You muttered, your voice almost robotic, but he didn’t pick up on it, or maybe he did and he just decided to ignore it. 
“Alright. Don’t study too hard. I’ll see you in the morning, I’ll pick you up.” His voice was as cheerful as usual, not a care in the world… and why would he have one? He didn’t go through what you did. He didn’t know what it was like, and he refused to believe that it happened to you… In his eyes, everything was perfect. Nothing was ever wrong because it didn’t hurt him… not personally at least. 
That’s how it always was… He either didn’t want to believe that such horrible people existed, or he just blew it off, assuming that you were making it seem worse than it actually was. That’s why you didn’t even tell him anymore. You were tired of wasting your breath, trying to call out for help, trying to get him to listen to you and be there for you. It was all pointless. Nothing would ever change… Not for you, not unless you did something… You were the only person who could help yourself. 
Your roommate wasn’t back yet, she was always out late studying. It was the perfect opportunity, the perfect time. No one would ever know, and by the time they did, it would be too late. You weren’t going to continue being tortured, you shouldn’t have to continue suffering just to make other people's lives easier, to give them their daily dose of entertainment. You shouldn’t have to go through hell just so someone’s perfect view of the world wasn’t soiled. 
Your phone was left on the bed as you went to the bathroom, shutting the door behind you and taking a deep breath. It would be over soon, it would all be over soon. It’s not like anyone wants you here anyway… Those words repeated over and over in your mind as you dug through the cabinet under the sink, pulling out the razors that you had bought a couple months before. They were purchased right before your talk with Seungmin. You had wanted so badly for him to listen to you, to tell you that everything would be okay, that he’d help you… You were wrong in wanting those things, you hadn’t gotten any of them. You weren’t sure why you had even held out this long after the talk, it’s not like anything was getting better, and you knew then that nothing would ever be better. 
The hoodie that you had been wearing was pulled off, dropping to the ground with a heavy thud, the soaking fabric creating a puddle where it landed. The shower was turned on, the spicket turned all the way to hot. If this would be your final moment, you at least wanted to be comfortable for as long as it lasted. 
Hesitating was something you did often. You hesitated when having to pick a multiple choice answer on a test. You had hesitated a little too long when you were called to the front of the class to answer a question on the board. You even hesitated when Seungmin had asked you to be his girlfriend. Hesitation was just… your thing. Not now though, you didn’t hesitate at all as you climbed into the tub, lowering yourself down into the tub. There was no reason to take pause, your decision would affect no one, no one but yourself, and the only effect it would have on you was positive. You would finally be free, and you saw nothing wrong in wanting that. 
It was much easier to sleep, to let yourself drift off knowing that you’d have no worries left, knowing that once your eyes were shut, they would be shut for good. You let your wrists fall into the water that filled up around you, focusing only on the sound of the shower, the way it felt like rain as it poured down around you. You’d be okay soon, and while you didn’t know where you’d go or what would happen next… At least you wouldn’t be in hell, at least not this one. 
“I really have to go to the bathroom, stupid rain. Just wait here, I’ll be out soon.” Your roommate said as she burst through the door, the rest of her study group drenched as they filed in behind her. She knocked once on the door to the bathroom, then once more, rocking back and forth impatiently as she waited for you to give her the okay to come in. “Fuck it!” She called out as she pushed open the door, coming to a full stop when she saw you, the bath water a dark red as it inched closer and closer to spilling over the sides. “Help! Come help me! Oh my god! Call an ambulance! Fuck! What the fuck!?” She shouted, running over to the tub and grabbing your arms, holding them above your head to try to stop the bleeding. 
The rest of them rushed in, some of them screamed when they saw you, your color almost completely drained. Others were pulling out their phones, trying to make the same call at the same time. The ones who screamed were ordered to come over and help, their hands shaking as they tried to help your roommate pull you out of the tub. The others who were on the phone were all trying to tell your roommate and the few others what to do to try to help, at least until the paramedics arrived. 
It was strange how even with all the commotion, your mind was happy. You could hear all of it, but you refused to focus on it, scared that if you did it would bring you back to the hell that you called life, the hell that you were trying to escape. “Why would she do that? Why? Are her grades bad? She could have come to study group with us!” Someone had shouted, and if you weren’t feeling so tired, you might have actually laughed. Your grades were the least of your problems, they weren’t even on your list of problems. Of course, your roommate had never believed you either, so she had probably never brought it up to the rest of her group. 
“Check… Check to see if her heart is still beating!” One of the guys shakily ordered, and your roommate pressed her fingers against your neck, her eyes squeezed shut as she tried to focus on the feeling of the faint beat that came a little too slow. Time was running out, and you felt it too, it was a good feeling, to know that soon you’d gone. There would be no more suffering, no more nights spent lying in your bed crying as you wished that someone, anyone, would understand you, that they’d just listen. 
Sirens sang outside the building and you wished that you had done it earlier, that you hadn’t even answered the call from Seungmin. Maybe if you had cut a little deeper… maybe you had been hesitating, a little bit of hope left that maybe now someone would help. Did you really want to die or did you just want things to get better? Would things even get better? At least you were feeling tired, no matter what happened now, you’d be so out of it you wouldn’t remember. Maybe you wouldn’t wake up, maybe it would still work. Maybe… 
“Dude, have you seen on twitter?” Jisung asked, leaning back in his chair as he scrolled through his phone. Seungmin was sitting across from him, more focused on his meal. “There was a freaking suicide attempt back on campus… there’s literally live updates right now.” Seungmin rolled his eyes, not nearly as impressed as Jisung for some reason was. “That looks a lot like Y/Ns building! You should call her! See if she knows what’s going on!” 
The last thing Seungmin wanted to do was bother you when you had told him you were studying, but by the way Jisung was looking at him, Seungmin knew he wouldn’t let up. “Fine… But I’m not gonna force her to look at that. She can’t handle that kind of stuff.” He mumbled, pulling his phone out of his pocket. It’s not just that you couldn’t handle it, you absolutely hated stuff like that. You couldn’t even watch horror movies without hiding in Seungmins shoulder for the better half of the movie. 
Jisung watched as Seungmin dialed your number, his knee bouncing so much under the table that Seungmin could feel it in the floor. “S-Seungmin!” A male voice came over the phone, it wasn’t you at all, and the man sounded breathless and his voice was shaky. Now, Seungmin wasn’t the type of person to jump to conclusions, but he couldn’t help but get a little worked up when he heard anyone but you on the other end of the line. 
“Who are you? Where’s Y/N?” Seungmin hissed through the phone, his fist already balled up on the table as he awaited an explanation. Knowing you it would probably be a good one, one that would have Seungmin feeling foolish while laughing about it later with you. You probably just left your phone at the cafe that you always went to… But that wouldn’t explain the urgency in the person's voice… This was someone who knew something or had done something and it wasn’t good. “Where is she?” Seungmin asked again, and he could feel Jisungs eyes on him, eating up the drama without a word, enjoying it far too much since he wasn’t the one personally involved in it. 
“Hospital… Ambulance… Lia found her… Come fast…” The man said, and then the line went silent, leaving Seungmin to put the pieces together. He reached across the table to grab Jisungs phone, still open to the twitter feed about the attempted suicide, and as he scrolled through the pictures it became quite clear to him. Your room, with the yellow tape making a big X across the door, your bed that was still made just as it had been this morning. Your bag sat on the floor next to your nightstand where you always left it… And on the nightstand table was a picture of you and him together. 
“H-Hey! Where are you going?!” Jisung shouted as Seungmin pushed away from the table, his chair falling back and crashing against the floor as he ran to the front door and pulled on his shoes. The trip that he and the guys in his club had gone on had him miles away from you, of course that’s how it would work out, why wouldn’t it be like that? He needed to be with you the most right now and it would take him hours just to get there. “What is going on?! Come on, dude! Tell me!” 
“It was her!” Seungmin shouted to Jisung, although nothing would stop him from moving forward right now. He was on a steady track and it led only to you. He wasn’t crying, not yet, for now he kept the tears at bay with nothing but anger. Anger towards himself for not being there to stop it, anger with you for doing something so stupid. Did you even know what that would have done to him? He loves you, and you were going to just take yourself away from him like that without a word? Why didn’t you talk to him? Why didn’t you tell him? What was going on that would make you think to do something like that? He didn’t get it, and that was only pissing him off more. Right now he just needed to get to you, make sure that you’d be okay. 
“She lost a lot of blood, so we had to do a transfusion. She’ll be okay, we just need to keep watch over her, make sure everything stays good.” 
“Can I see her? Why aren’t you letting me in her room? What’s going on? Let me see her!” 
“They would like to talk to you first… Before you see her…” 
He sat in the lounge room, his hands folded on the table as he looked at the officer across from him. He didn’t know what it was about, but he tried his best to keep calm even though all he wanted to do was get to your room and sit beside you. “Kim Seungmin… You were her boyfriend, right?” The officer questioned and Seungmin narrowed his eyes as it set in that he was about to be interrogated for this shit. 
“I am her boyfriend… Present tense…” He responded, quite snarkily, but this felt like a complete waste of time to him. “Is there a reason why you’re doing this? Do you guys think someone else did this to her and set it up?” 
The cop shook his head, leaning back in his chair as he looked over Seungmin. “Where were you tonight? How did you know to come here? Seems like you came pretty fast too… Like you knew this was going to happen…” 
Seungmins eyes went wide and his jaw was slack as he stared at the officer. How could someone even insinuate that this was somehow his fault? “I was three hours away with my club. I’ve been out for almost a week going to different high schools trying to get people to apply to the university. I called her because my friend saw a bunch of posts on twitter about something happening… I didn’t know it was her until some random guy answered and told me.” He ran his hand through his hair, his teeth gritted as he closed his eyes, his composure slowly wearing thin. “I came fast because she’s my girlfriend… I’d like to think that anyone else would do the same thing. I broke a lot of traffic laws to get here as fast as I did.” 
“Do you two ever fight? Does it ever get physically violent?” The officer rapidly tapped his pen against his notebook, the sound going straight to Seungmins head, driving him absolutely crazy. The assumptions were absolutely preposterous, only fueling his anger towards the entire situation. 
“Look man, I don’t know what kind of information you’re fishing for, but I didn’t do anything. I’ve never laid my hands on her. I love her… And I really want to be with her right now. Can we be done with this?” 
“So you love your girlfriend so much, you never laid a hand on her… Yet she’s covered in bruises? If we didn’t know any better, it looks as though someone might have mistook her for a punching bag.” Seungmins stomach dropped as he listened to the officer, and while he knew that he himself hadn’t been the one to cause those marks on you, a certain rage built inside of him as he tried to think about who would hurt you like that. “Do you know of any accidents she might have been in to cause her kneecap to be entirely shattered? Do you know anything at all?” 
His head shook as his tears finally began to fall. You had never told him anything… What had happened to you while he was away? “I… I don’t know… I’d just really like to see her… Please…” His head dropped into his hands as he sobbed quietly, his body shaking with ragged breaths. 
Seungmin was no help to the investigation, and the officer quickly realized that, helping him out of his chair and then leading him out of the room, motioning towards the closed door that would soon open and reveal you to him. Were you awake yet? He had so many questions that he wanted to ask you, but the biggest question of all was why… Why would you do something like that? If you answered that one question, he’d have the answer to a lot of his other questions too. 
The nurse let him into the room, and seeing you, it had his heart breaking. You looked so weak, so fragile, your arms were completely wrapped up in gauze, your leg had been casted and hooked to a strap in the ceiling to keep it elevated. “Are you sleeping?” Seungmin whispered as he got closer to your bed, his fingers lightly brushing against yours as he stood beside you. The IV for the blood that was being pumped into you had to be inserted in one of the veins in your neck, the sight of it causing a cold chill to run up his spine. “I’m here now…” 
“Do you… believe me… now?” Your voice was so quiet, and your eyes were still shut, if there had been other people in the room he would have sworn it was someone else talking, but you were the only one there, and now he was trying to think of what you could possibly mean. “Was this… enough?” 
His hands held onto yours a little tighter as the reels in his mind turned, trying to understand what you were talking about, but nothing was coming up. “What are you talking about? I always believe you… What happened? Tell me, please… I want to help you… I don’t want this to happen again… Talk to me…” 
Your fingers twitched against his own, yet your eyes seemed to be glued shut, and even as he was watching your face, it didn’t even look like your mouth was moving even though words were coming out. “People are bad… Seungmin…” People are bad…. What does that even mean? What do you mean? Your answers were only creating more questions for him. 
“Visiting hours are over now, sir.” The nurse said from the door. He hadn’t been given enough time though, he needed to know, he needed to know what you were talking about. His head shook rapidly as he kept watching over you. He didn’t want to leave you, even if you didn’t answer any more of his questions, he wanted to stay beside you. “She needs to rest, sir… You can come back in the morning to see her. Okay?” 
It’s not like he had a choice, and he didn’t want to have to be escorted out by the officer who interrogated him, so he pressed a quick kiss to your forehead before walking backwards to the door. “I’ll be back tomorrow as early as I can… I promise. I’ll be back.” 
People are bad… He mulled over the words in his head as he walked through the parking lot and climbed into his car. What the hell did it mean? He couldn’t ask you now… And the only place he could go for any sort of answer was your dorm. Was it still taped off? It’s not like it was a crime scene… It should be open. 
The building wasn’t too far from the hospital, he was there within ten minutes, and when he pulled up he could see a group of people sitting on the bench outside smoking a cigarette. You always told him how you hated that, having to walk through the cloud of smoke just to get to the front doors, and it seemed like they would purposely blow it in your direction… People are bad… He’d always tell you that it was just the wind blowing it towards you, that people wouldn’t purposely do something like that. 
“I can’t believe she actually did that. What a fucking drama queen.” “She didn’t even write a note. It’s like she was looking for attention.” “How embarrassing for her boyfriend. He’ll probably dump her. Nobody wants to date the campus suicide risk.” “Oh please, it was embarrassing for him to date her in general. I’m sure he only did it out of pity.” “Whatever, the bitch should have cut deeper.” 
How could they talk so harshly about you? Were these the ones… the ones that you had told him about before? “Do you believe me now?” He hadn’t believed you then… If he had, would you have done this? He could have stopped them… He would have stopped them. They were still talking, loud enough for everyone to hear… And no one cared. No one cared enough to tell them to shut up, no one… You could be dead… And they talked about you like you were shit. 
“Hey, at least we’ll have a couple days out of class… You know… For like… Guidance or whatever.” “Oh yeah… We’re super torn up about it…” “If she would have done it right we’d probably have a week or two. Ugh… I swear, she’s fucking useless.” 
Red. All he saw was red as he got out of his car, slamming the door shut and going straight over to where they sat. “Shut up!” He shouted, and for a second, he thought they would keep quiet, but as soon as the initial shock wore off, they were all laughing. Their heads were thrown back as the boisterous laughter bounced off the walls of the building and rang in his ears. “I said shut up!” He screamed, and before he even realized what he was doing, his fist was cocked back and being thrown straight at the face of the girl who sat in front. 
Now, Seungmin wasn’t a violent person, not usually, but you were his girlfriend, he almost lost you, and while some might say that a college relationship means nothing, his relationship with you meant everything to him. “Hey man! What the fuck!?” One of the other girls shouted, her hand quickly moving to the main girl's face to catch the blood that trickled down her nose. “You can’t just fucking hit people like that! You’re a psycho!” 
Now it was his turn to laugh, his fists still balled up at his sides as he glared at every single person in front of him. “Really? I can’t just hit people like that but you can?!” The girl who had been hit scoffed loudly, her head rolling forward causing the blood to drip down her mouth and hang at her chin. 
“Don’t worry, he’s just the bitches boyfriend. She’s too much of a loser to fight back herself, I guess she got her boyfriend to do it for her. Or maybe she’s just not alive to do it.” She stood up from the bench, a cocky smirk on her face as she looked at him. “I guess she’s getting all the attention she wanted now. I did your bitch a favor. You’re welcome.” 
He completely lost it, he snapped, his hand flying back just to shoot forward, the smack that landed across the girl's face sounding much louder in the silence that surrounded them. “I find out any of you even so much as look at her… I’ll slit all your fucking wrists and break both your fucking knee caps. I’ll make you suffer, I’ll make you wish you were dead. I can and I will ruin you… Remember that.” 
He wasn’t this kind of person… Not before he had met you, but seeing you in the hospital bed, knowing that he had almost lost you forever, it had sparked something inside of him. He wants to protect you, he wants to keep you safe, and if that meant having to be like this… Then he’d do it without hesitation. People are bad… You weren’t wrong, people are awful… But he’d do everything and anything to keep those people away from you, to protect you from them. He’d stop at nothing to make sure that this never happens again. 
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jadeittic · 2 years
Hi, so if your doing wednesday request ,may I request Xavier Thorpe x wednesday twin brother please?
In which Wednesday Addams notices that her twin brother might have developed an interest to a familiar artistic schoolmate of theirs.
WARNINGS: swearing, really shitty bcs idk how to write but here u go anyway
YN Addams was known for lots of things. Number one was being Wednesday Addams' twin brother - and being her twin brother came with its pros and cons, but it was bearable (he once almost died due to lack of oxygen due to being locked in a coffin after he dropped a colored pencil on Wednesday's bedroom floor).
Nevertheless, people would expect YN to be a lot like his sister; gothic, obsessed with death, or just to simplify; a gothic sadist.
Gothic, yes, but not too much. YN would rather be naked in public than wear anything with color. One drop of anything other than black or white in the Addams' household and you're dead. Literally.
The obsessiveness with death was up to Wednesday, that's her job. YN Addams was almost the complete opposite. Black and white clothes still make an appearance all the time, but at first glance you wouldn't even spare a thought thinking he'd be an Addams.
One thing that Wednesday dislikes about YN a lot is how he doesn't act as creepily as she does. He was...sweet. Which was weird, considering he was an Addams. YN had this open personality which was just free and happy. He also has this side where if you mess with him, or just piss him off in any way, expect a Wednesday Addams male version. And let me tell you, you do not want him to get mad at you.
And Xavier never really cared about that. Ever since the Addams twins transferred due to...past stuff in the last school, YN caught the artist's attention. He just stood out in the family, is all.
YN sucked at navigating. Wednesday left him to check out her room with her new roommate which she dreaded to have. YN's been wandering around, trying to find the principal, or just any student at all, when his eyes spotted a boy. this boy had his hair fallen down, almost reaching his shoulders. Blazer's sleeves rolled up with a paintbrush occupying his hand. He was painting.
YN walked up to him and looked at the ladder he was on and hoped that this mysterious boy would notice his presence without him needed to say anything, which didn't work.
"Hey?" YN asks, already seeming to be losing patience in a short amount of time (something the Addams have). YN failed to notice the earbuds he had on due to his beautif-- long hair. He seemed to not see the boy underneath him, until he saw a hand appear in his sight.
Taking off his earbuds and stepping off the ladder, he looked over t the person and took a good look.
"You new here? Haven't really seen you around," he asks, eyes wandering around YN's face. His eyes, which held some sort of emotion he couldn't really place a name on. His hair, plain black, yet so beautiful, such as his clothes and eyes. His lips, placed in a natural frown- Why was he looing at his lips?
"---where they are?" He was soon pulled out of his trance when he saw the soft lips he was just staring at move. Shit, had he been caught?
"Excuse me?"
"I was asking if you know where these classes are? I just transferred here and i have absolutely no idea where anything is." God, Xavier thought he was adorable. Wait, what? Xavier Thorpe, Nevermore's sappy teenager has found an interest to another person whose name he hasn't even known yet?
Xavier saw a chance and he took it. He wanted to know more about this mystery new student in his school. Plus, it wouldn't hurt to have a school crush again, am I right?
"I could give you a tour around the school, if you'd like. I'm free in about an hour." YN wasn't sure with what his answer would be. Would it be worth it? If he'd be honest, he thinks the boy in front of him was a fairly attractive man. Mind you, we get a school tour, and a chat with him.
"Sure. YN Addams.”
“YN Addams…like the Addams family?” Xavier wasn’t trying to be rude, let alone offend YN. He was just…surprised?
YN continued to ignore his question, as he waited for his name. The name he's been wanting to know since he first talked to him.
"Oh- uhm, Xavier. My name's Xavier Thorpe." Xavier Thorpe. It had a nice ring to it, if YN would be completely honest.
"I'll wait for you, Xavier Thorpe."
Ever since then, they've been inseparable. As so would say, "Thorpe and Addams, what an unusual pair", was now old news to them. Little did they know they've been yearning for love. Love for one another.
At this point, Wednesday had noticed. The long stares at each other when one isn't looking, their seats getting closer and closer by the day, And oh god, don't even make her think about the desperate gazes at their lips. It was like she was watching some romantic show, which she hated. A lot.
Wednesday wanted to talk to YN about this, but of course, he'd be busy because he'd be 'hanging out with Xavier at his shed', and that he'd be 'making it up to you soon, just don't worry about it, yeah?'.
Now was the perfect timing. Now with Enid gone somewhere around the school, Xavier busy being in detention, YN was just hanging out with his sister. Wednesday's been writing for the past hour, and just couldn't stop herself from asking,
"Do you find Xavier Thorpe intriguing?"
Looking up from the uninteresting book yn got from his sister’s desk, to her shadowed eyes, which held interest into her brother’s answer to her question.
“Do you like him?” there’s no way YN is going to get away without answering her question, should he tell her? Not that she’d care, but YN was just worried. Which again, might not be an Addams trait.
“Tell him.” what?
"what?” YN repeated again. Wednesday never really took anyone’s emotions to heart, constantly just ignoring them and would sooner forget them. Why was she telling him to tell Xavier?
“Go. Tell him what he needs to be told.” it was like Wednesday was begging for her brother to leave and tell Xavier. She’s been there in the ups and downs of their friendship and she’s noticed their feelings develop into something bigger. She’d never admit it, but she really does hope it works out for her brother and her… friend?
After a long moment of silence, YN stood up from his spot and headed to the door. He could no longer feel the stare of his sisters while he walked through the empty room. A moment of gratitude was shared in the silence, they both will remember that forever.
God, YN didn’t even know what he’d say. What if he makes a complete fool of himself? Would Xavier hate him after he finds out? would he still even accept YN as a fr-
Knock, knock, knock.
YN realises he’s never left the room, he was just in front of the door, completely overthinking his whole situation. YN's forgot about Wednesday being in the room, until she pointed out that someone has knocked the door.
What YN didn't expect is that Xavier was at the door, Xavier Thorp, knocking at Wednesday addams’ room door. Why?
“Oh, hey. Figured you were here, can we talk?” Xavier wants to talk? about what? Was it the same reason YN wanted to talk to him about as well?
Walking out of the room and closing the door behind, the pair refused to look at each other. It was as if they were both nervous about something. Well, YN was. And Xavier didn’t know that, neither did YN know Xavier’s been feeling nervous ever since the start of the day.
“What’s up?” YN first spoke up. Fuck, the silence was deafening. YN just wanted to tell xavier how he feels and just kiss his soft li-
“I’ve been wanting to tell you this for a really, really long time, and I am so fucking sure you’re going to hate me for this. I just like you, like a lot. And its not just in a platonic and friendly way, I like you romantically and I just want us to be more than what we are now. You can hate me it’s fine, I just wanted to tell you-“
“About how I feel because it’s just so hard keeping my feelings when you’re being so stupidly perfect. your stupid hair, your stupid eyes, your stupid lips that I just want to fee-“
“I like you too.”
“See? I like you too! And I just hope, I just really hope that you’d- what did you just say?”
“I like you too, Xavier Thorpe.”
Wide grins were painted on the pair’s faces. So wide their cheeks were starting to hurt, but they couldn’t care less because of what just happened.
“You do?” Xavier’s eyes were going glossy, in disbelief that this is all happening. The love of his life-YN Addams, likes him back. YN nodded sheepishly, now embarrassed that Xavier knew.
“You’re going to be the death of me, YN Addams.”
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mlmvoreconfessionals · 6 months
Maybe some fat elephant pred trunk voring pov or eating a human jock
I'm presuming this is for anthro? Cause that's what I'm going with. Anyway, yeah, weird niche vore incoming. Not that that's new for this blog.
Also, I got really mean with this one. Got stuck in a mood when I came up with the idea so this is probably a bit more extreme in the language than what I normally put out.
The coach grumbles to himself as he pours over the paperwork. His star quarterback, the thing they were relying on for this season, has to be cut. He’s been failing all of his classes and despite several warnings, he’s done nothing to improve it. He can hear the various players in the locker room behind his office. They just got here for practice. He’s got no choice but to go make an example of things.
The coach stomps out of his office, turning heads as he does. They all know when he walks like that, he’s mad. Their coach is an imposing man, too. A towering elephant edging into his 60’s, he keeps a cap on to hide his rapidly graying hair. His already wrinkly skin looks even moreso, like thick leather. But his body, thick with ripping muscles that flex as he moves, would make one not assume such an age. The soft beer belly he has that sways slightly whenever he steps might give it away, though. Despite the softness, though, his towering figure still lets him look over even the majority of the muscular jocks on his team.
The coach blows a whistle and gets the team to quickly come over and kneel down, even with some half-dressed. There’s a variety of species in the crowd, but one in particular, a human, is who the coach has his eyes focused on. “Johnson,” the coach grunts. “Up front.”
Several heads turn. The quarterback gulps softly but gets up and walks over. His shirt is off, showing off his muscular physique. Perfect for someone in his role, although he’s still smaller than the coach. He seems nervous, but he’s doing his absolutely damnedest to keep a straight face in front of the team. “Yes, coach?”
“You’ve had all year to turn your grades around,” the elephant rumbles. “I’ve told you over and over again you can’t be on the team if you aren’t keeping up. Your GPA is in the gutter and now you are, too.”
The human perks up fast, mask cracking as he gets flustered. “Are you serious?! Coach, you need me! You know you do! You can't kick me off the team!”
The elephant’s frown tightens. He’s heard this over and over again. He’s sick of the quarterback’s constant talkback and his lack of care. “You’re right. You’re not off the team. I said you’re in the gutter.” The elephant’s trunk lifts up, exposing his mouth more. “At least, you will be, once you’re fucking dead.”
The human’s eyes widen slightly. They all know the coach doesn’t let up easily. But he didn’t think he’d ever be the one to take the elephant’s idea of punishment. “Wait, don’t—“ He’s cut off as the elephant’s trunk comes down on his head, engulfing the human up to his shoulders.
The jock screams, head stretching out their coach’s trunk tightly. He reaches up to frantically claw and pull on the elephant's trunk, but he’s not even able to scratch it. The coach crosses his arms, glaring at the human with dissatisfaction. His trunk sinks down lower with a thrust, slurping over the human’s shoulders and chest like a snake. Then it lifts up, hoisting the quarterback off his feet.
The coach looks up at the rest of the team. They’re all watching with wide eyes, most of them completely still and in shock. The coach’s trunk starts dragging in the human’s abs, his screaming muffled by the trunk stretching over him. “Let this be a reminder,” the coach says, lifting his trunk higher as the quarterback’s ass sinks in, “that none of you are invisible. You can be the best goddamn player in the team, and if you fuck up, I will kill you.”
The jock’s legs sink in with a wet slurping sound. The coach blows his whistle again, making the other players jolt. “Get dressed and in the field. You’re doing laps. If anyone isn’t running when I get out there, you can join Johnson. You’re all expendable.” A pair of twitching feet sink past the elephant’s trunk now. The shape of the quarterback is stretching it out now in fine detail. It’s clearly tight and is just long enough to fit his body inside. Though only just. The end tire team lurch to their feet and quickly start getting dressed again. Grumbling, the coach returns to his office.
He’s back to the paperwork, now marking off the quarterback and signing on the dotted line. All the while, his truck is hanging down low. And he’s squeezing with it, making the human inside scream and yell. The coach finds it annoying.
“Can’t you be a man about this?” he rumbles, glancing down at his trunk and seeing the frightened face bulging the flesh out. “You had all year to turn things around. I vouched for you to get you that much! And you wasted your time, you wasted my time, and you wasted your team’s time. And now…” The coach marks off the man’s name. “…I’m going to waste your life. If you can’t be a useful member of the team, you can be a useful meal.”
The coach starts to squeeze his trunk more, flexing the muscles with all his might. The quarterback starts to scream more, shrieking out for forgiveness and another chance. But the coach isn’t listening. He’s keeping his ears out for something else, which he gets soon. The sound of popping.
When the first one rings out, the quarterback screams. Each flex of the elephant’s trunk gets another pop or a crunch. The form of the quarterback is getting more compact and tighter. The elephant growls slightly and closes his eyes. “You’re so annoying…just die already!” He squeezes his trunk as much as he can. The human’s voice is cut off by a series of snaps and pops. The lumpy bulge he made is swiftly mulched down, the elephant’s trunk looking more like a sausage instead.
The coach tips his trunk back, starting to funnel the meat slurry he just made down his gullet. It’ll be quickly absorbed and processed by his gut, much faster than it would have naturally. He gets to his feet and goes stomping out.
On the field, he sees everyone turn to look at him. Several men started picking up the pace in a panic, but the coach saw enough. He doesn’t use his whistle, instead blowing out his trunk like a trumpet. A skull goes flying into the field and everyone is starting to come over. Everyone knows when coach is in a bad mood, he’s ruthless. And right now…it’s clear he’s going to be crossing more names from the roster. All because of some stupid, cocky quarterback that already got mulched.
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