#anyways if it's changed on desktop too i will bite someone
am i kind of pissed that tumblr changed the way dms look because they made it the color of your dash theme? yes. bring back the colors i liked it when it was the color of the other person's blog >:T
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Not So Single Mom (Part 2)
Okay, so it's been a while, but as someone who likes to write fics on an actual keyboard, having a finger out of action has been a bit of a pain in the ass (as well as in the digit itself).
We're still not healed, but I can just about bend it and if I press the keys lightly not wince too much at how painful it is to type.
But anyway, pity party aside, I've missed writing and I wanted to get at least one of the fics that I have open on desktop a little nearer to completion so...we have a little part 2 of the pregnant reader (the idea for which comes courtesy of a comment from @avabartlett96).
Part 1 here
“You okay, hun?” asks Melissa, her hand finding your shoulder when she finds you still in your classroom come recess. 
You shift in your chair, trying and failing to get comfortable, shrugging off her hand as you do so.  “Just…aches and pains,” you say with a wince.  At least it’s only a half lie. 
“Anything I can do?” she asks, head tilted to the side as she takes you in.
You manage a lopsided smile as you look up at her.  “You do more than enough for me.”
She steps close, cupping your face in her hands.  “Nonsense.  You think of anything, you let me know?  ‘Kay?”
You close your eyes as she presses a kiss to your forehead, fists clenching briefly as you take a deep breath to calm yourself.
You turn at Ava’s call.  It’s nonspecific, but with your head pressed against the cold, concrete wall as you take deep breaths, fanning yourself with the pile of photocopying you had just collected, you figure you look odd enough that she might just have noticed you. 
“You got one hot woman at your beck and call,” is what she follows up with as she approaches.  “Let her help relieve some of that tension!”
“AVA!” you hiss back, immediately straightening up.  “I’m fine!”
“I know you are,” she smirks.  “So go get some!”
“But I’m-“
“Girl, I know what horny looks like and you…”
You scowl up at her, wishing you could deny it. 
“Help her relieve any of that tension yet?” asks Ava as she reaches for the sugar.
Melissa frowns at the question, eyebrows furrowing as she looks at the other woman.  “What?”
“Y/N,” says the Principle.
“She said it was just pregnancy aches,” replies the red head, continuing to stir her coffee. 
Ava smirks.  “Oh, she achin’ for something alright.”
Melissa doesn’t often dwell on many of the things that Ava says, but she dwells on this.  Spends a lot of her afternoon thinking about it.  If she’s honest, it’s a subject she’s been thinking about for a long time, but you’re both taking things at your pace.  She understands that your body is going through a lot of changes, that your feelings are mercurial at best and though she’s often wondered what it might feel like to do more than kiss you, she doesn’t want to push.  She may not exactly be known for her patience, but when it comes to you, she can always find some.
Walking to your classroom after the final bell, however, she finds Ava’s words still going round in her head.  “Hey,” she smiles from the doorway of your classroom, waiting for you to look up and return her smile before entering.  “You wanna come over tonight?” she asks.  You’d spent a few nights at home recently, and if she’s honest, she’s missed you.  “I could cook?  You could relax?”
She watches as you bite your lip, looking torn.
“Talk to me?” she asks, coming to perch on the edge of your desk. 
Your cheeks flush and you duck your head.
“Hormones?” asks Melissa, watching as you nod quickly.  “Ones that make you not want to cry?”
Again, you nod, your cheeks only becoming a deeper shade of red. 
“Ones that…”
“I’m horny all the damn time!” you hiss, missing the way Melissa’s eyes widen at your sudden admission.  “And it sucks because I don’t want the first time I have sex with you to be because I can’t control myself thanks to this little freeloader.”  Refusing to meet her eyes, you also finally admit what thus far you’ve been too scared to tell her, “And I also don’t want the first time I have sex with you to be when I’m like this…”  You gesture down at your ever-growing bump.
“By this, you mean beautiful?” offers the red head, her voice soft and warm.
You shake your head.  “I’m not beautiful.”
“You are beautiful,” repeats Melissa, shifting from her perch on your desk to squat down next to you, swivelling your chair so she can look up and meet your eyes.  She reaches up to tuck a stray lock of hair behind your ear.  “You are beautiful to me,” she tells you.  “Right now, as you are.”
“Do you have any idea how many times I’ve pictured you between my legs, your eyes looking up at me?  I won’t even be able to see you face with this speedbump in the way.”  You watch as her eyes widen, and gasp.  “I said that out loud, didn’t I?”
“Yeah,” she nods, her voice suddenly a little shaky.  “And don’t you dare try to take it back.”  She rests her hands on your knees, using them to help her stand.  She leans back against your desk, wheeling you on your chair to sit between her legs, reaching out until she can rest her hands comfortably on your bump.  “First, this little Tesoro is very dear to me so let’s not be calling her names.  Second, I’ll wait until you’re ready, but hun, if you’re suffering, let me help.”
You whimper and she leans down to kiss you.  The contact is electric for you and without thinking, you fist your hand in her shirt.
She pulls back, surprised at the ferocity.  “You need it bad, don’t you?”
In answer, you just pull her in and kiss her again.
“Would you be happier at your place or mine?” she asks, the words whispered against your lips as you take moment to catch your breath.
“Yours is closer,” you breathe, blushing at her raised eyebrow.  “Fuck!  Sorry!  It’s not meant to sound like I’m desperate and anything will do.”  You drop your head, finding it easier to speak when you weren’t looking at her kiss bruised lips and flushed face.  The way her chest rises and falls rapidly as she catches her breath only serving to distract you further.  “I’ve been trying to…you know, take the edge off on my own.  It’s only when I think of you that I even get close.”
You feel strong, capable hands cup your cheeks, forcing you to look up and meet her brilliant green eyes.  “How about you let me show you what the real live version can do?”
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papergirllife · 2 years
Liu Yang Yang
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Yandere! Fanboy Yang Yang x Idol! Reader
‘He was the fanboy at the front of the show, but he’s not satisfied’
warnings: stalking, threats towards someone (not mc), unprotected sex, knife play, cream pie, yandere obsessive behaviour, morally grey characters, etc.
word count: 11k
Your tired eyes were still fighting the sleepiness behind your lids as you read the comments on the side of the screen, your fans using this opportunity to appreciate your face up close, no make up on and only a single study lamp on, but still your complexion was almost flawless, well, to Yang Yang and some of the fellow fans that love you just as much anyways.
“Thank you everyone who spent their precious time with me, it’s been a hectic time lately, and I think you guys have some really accurate speculations behind the reason why,” you said with a cute wink to the camera of your new desktop, the same one Yang Yang gifted you, “and lastly, I’d like to thank MienYang, my fansite for gifting me this new monitor, you really didn’t have to, my old one only had slight glitches,” you said, to which Yang Yang remembers, flashing back to the last live you did with your old monitor, the camera quality was shit, “and I hope the rest of you have a good night’s rest, fighting for tomorrow! Bye!” you said, ending your live.
Yang Yang sits back in his leather chair, releasing a content sigh, he always feels all his stress of the day seep out of his body whenever he’s watched your lives, it was even better than therapy, not that he’ll ever tell his therapist this.
Yang Yang likes to call himself your biggest fan, although he’s new considered the fact that your group isn’t, he likes to think that he found you at the perfect time when he needed you.
Yang Yang is the head of his father’s electronics company here in Seoul, his company produces chips and motherboards for big brands that are much too lazy to make and manage their own factories anymore, which would explain the expansion to here in South Korea after sealing a deal with the biggest mobile brand here, it was a tough time for him, adjusting to a new environment with only the basics of the foreign language he had crammed into his head as per his father’s orders.
He was so stressed about the business that one day he randomly passed by this stadium with resellers outside selling tickets for more than two times the price, he couldn’t give a flying fuck at first, but when he heard the last minute rehearsal going on from behind the walls, he impulsively bought a ticket, his excuse being that he heard a voice that sounded like an angel, and so he bought the front row seats to the concert, Yang Yang only knows of the older groups from his teenage years, so he thought of this as an impulsive purchase and nothing more to destress, but when he laid eyes on the face of the owner, he knew he was in for another fan experience he had went through for exo.
You were angelic in the opening song, an upbeat cheerful song performed by your group to hype up the atmosphere, but a few songs later, the concept started to change, to a mysterious and somewhat sexy one, he didn’t know your group was so versatile, and needless to say, you shined the most, with your hooded eyes and occasional lip bites accompanied by the teasing rolls of your hips to the choreography, Yang Yang knew he had to have you no matter the price.
And so he let himself fall into the rabbit hole of you, researching about your entire background, where you’re from, your hobbies, your favourite food, your favourite colour, name it, he knows, even your weight and blood type.
None of his employees or his father’s lackies know about this obsession of his, of course, god forbid his father knowing, he’d be shipped back to Germany piece by piece.
Yang Yang, to mask his identity, adorns in all black attire whenever he follows you to your schedules in his identity of your new fansite, he never stalked you, Yang Yang has a company to manage, he only follows you to official schedules, like music shows and sometimes award shows, he has to keep up with the image of a fansite, just to send you gifts, yes he’s sent you tons of gifts, from the latest Prada bag you have, down to the mouse on your desk he just saw, all under the name of MienYang, which is a ring to the animal you resemble, a sheep, which came about after you had gone viral for wearing an oversized white knitted sweater, and Mien is noodles in his native language, for your love for ramyeon, see? He knows every single meticulous detail.
Yang Yang was content with being a silent fan at first, thinking maybe he was a bit too obsessive in the midst of his whirlwind parasocial romance, but he brushes the thought aside, no one can treat you the way you truly deserve, and definitely not the shitty company you’re signed under.
At first it was just the innocent act, or not so innocent, of being roped into a sasaeng group chat that trades info about your group’s schedule like his peers did with bitcoins and nfts, Yang Yang didn’t want anything to do with it at first, but when he saw these sasaengs having ‘dirt’ on some of your members for dating, he had to ask, just a harmless question of whether you were secretly seeing anyone. Yang Yang was bracing for the worst if he was honest, but to his surprise, the group chat blew up with a slew of messages about your love life, or lack there of.
‘She’s a hermit, the only thing she does is sneak out for late night convenience store runs near her dorm.’
‘I used to follow her when she was my bias, but she was so boring that she doesn’t even leave her dorms unless it’s for shopping.’
‘I don’t think she’s ever stepped foot in a club, not even a pub....’
Now this was interesting, the user who had commented on how you went out for convenience stores late at night had messaged him privately, saying that he could sell him more info if he wants, but with a price, and did Yang Yang say yes? You bet his ass he did.
He had met up with the guy at a cafe at a less busy hour to ‘discuss’.
“As we had agreed upon, 100k won per question,” the guy said, his appearance was a mess, he probably followed you last night too, to get more out of this, he did this for a living, he has to go all out.
“First question, is it true that she’s single and holes up in her dorm all the time?” Yang Yang asked.
“That’s two questions, yes, and as a bonus, she’s only had a brief 3 months relationship before moving to Korea, but I think most fans know this by now, and to answer your second question, yes that’s true, she’s very much a hermit, goes to work and then comes home straight, that’s 200k pretty boy, anymore questions?” the guy says before taking a sip of his iced americano, paid for by Yang Yang of course, and before Yang Yang could do some logical thinking, he blurted out the question that has been relaying in his mind over and over again.
“I want her address, you have it don’t you?” Yang Yang asked, he swore this would be the last thing he asks for today, he doesn’t want to invade too much of your privacy, just enough to satisfy his thirst for you.
“Now that’s another price,” the man leaned back with a smug smile on his ugly face.
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Yang Yang hasn’t ever spent one million won purely on information, not even in the industry he’s in.
Yang Yang finds himself in your dorm’s neighbourhood, but there’s three convenience stores in the area, he wonders if you prefer cu or emart, he’s currently in cu, it’s less flashy and smaller in size, if he was an idol, he’d definitely pick this one.
He’s not in the store yet, waiting in the car, with his phone to zoom in whenever he sees a female figure coming through his vicinity, but none of them were you, all of them had their hoods down, so they’re definitely not you, Yang Yang would recognise your face even if he lost all memory of who he was himself.
It was until when he saw a familiar phone case in a hooded figure’s delicate hands, then he knew, he recognises your new case, the one with fake gummy bears at the back.
Yang Yang immediately springs out of his car, slamming the door shut before quickly jogging inside the convenience store, his body slacks in comfort of the heating but his focus heightens, trying to see where you were.
That’s when he sees you, crouched in the corner, a hand on your knee, contemplating which ramyeon to get, Yang Yang has to stop himself from cooing at the cute sight. Yang Yang makes himself look busy by picking through what ramyeon he wants, as an excuse to execute the plan he’s formulated for almost a week.
When you stood up to pay, he quickly grabs the one he had decided on since he had laid eyes on the selections, he was just waiting for you, he went up to pay first when he sees you making a beeline for the cashier.
He ‘tries’ to pay with his kaokaopay, the keyword ‘tries’ because he knows there’s no credit in that e wallet anymore, and did he purposely forget his wallet? Of course he did.
“Damn it, I forgot to top up and my wallet’s left at home,” Yang Yang curses to himself, but loud enough to let you pick it up.
“No worries, I’ll pay,” you say, thrusting your phone to the scanner, flashing him a kind smile that shows on your eyes, your beautiful lips hidden by the mask you had adorned to conceal your identity.
“Thank you so much,” Yang Yang says with a polite bow, “Is there a way I could pay you back?” Yang Yang asks, taking your items to the instant ramyeon station, opening your packet and his to fill up the plastic bowls with hot water.
“Maybe you could pay for my noodles the next time we see each other here,” you suggested, taking your bowl of ramyeon, walking to an empty table, away from the windows.
“Deal,” Yang Yang agreed, taking a seat across you, “I’m new to this country, so I don’t know many people, it’d be nice to have a face to be familiarise with, are you a foreigner too?” Yang Yang pried, as if he didn’t know the answers to those basic questions.
“Yup! But I’ve been here for a few years now, it’s really hard at first, the difference of culture and language really sets us foreigners aside, doesn’t it?” you ask, of course, you might be wrong, some people adapt really well to the local culture, Seoul is easier than other smaller cities according to your seniors.
“Yeah, I’m here cuz my company transferred me here, it was really a bummer at first, what about you? Career reasons too, I guess?” Yang Yang easily strikes up a conversation, he’s very much an introvert, but around the people he clicks with? It’s like a breeze for him, and to him, you and him are two missing puzzle pieces waiting to be pieced together.
“Yeah, do I look too old to be a college student?” you asked jokingly, this is a nice change, the feeling of being a stranger to someone again, maybe meeting, wait, you haven’t caught his name.
“No, but you don’t have a bag with you to study, and most college kids will bring their food back home to eat while studying, you seem to have more time on your hands than a college kid, so I just assumed, unless you are?”
“Nope,” you said, finishing your noodles, you peered over to his, almost empty too, “but you look a bit young to be transferred over so quickly,” you commented.
“Yeah, it’s my uncle’s business, and he wanted some help, I didn’t have any plans after graduation, so I had to take up the offer, or my dad would have my head,” another lie, but this is how he has to do if he wants to be your friend, and to his greediness, something more even.
“Wow, your family must have really high hopes for you,” you complimented, picking up after yourselves, you’re going to leave soon, you still have afternoon practice tomorrow, and you don’t want to go into the company looking like a zombie.
“I guess, I’ll see you soon...
You give him your name while he holds the door open for you, he seems to be such a gentleman, a rare sight these days.
“Yang Yang, it’s a pleasure meeting you, get home soon, even from a newbie, I could tell Seoul isn’t the safest,” he said, looking back at you to see that you covered your head with your hoodie and your face with a mask once again.
“You too, till we meet again, Yang Yang,” you said, walking to the direction of your dorms.
Yang Yang watches you from afar before deciding to follow you, he wouldn’t be able to live with himself if he found out you were attacked, and so he keeps a distance with your figure, up until you stepped into your dorm’s compounds, and now he can go back home for a peaceful sleep, knowing that you’re safe.
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Yang Yang had made the effort, given if his schedule and job allowed, to go to that same convenience store every night, and 50% of the time, he’d bump into you, he’d brush it off as a coincidence, citing that he lives very nearby, and of course you never doubted him, it was an almost 100% housing area anyways, and you did meet him in this very same convenience store many nights ago, and so the two of you became friends.
You never really talked about your life, you had lied that you were just a girl fresh out of college being pushed into the corporate world like a fish into a tank of sharks, which wasn’t all that false, instead of saying your managers and staff were rude to you, you’d change it to your seniors at your office, just a small white lie.
Yang Yang wasn’t mad in the slightest of course, if you had revealed your identity to him, you probably wouldn’t have made friends with him or even talk to him if he had made himself known to have recognised you that very first night.
Yang Yang had spun a web of lies upon lies just to make you happy, not like you didn’t contribute into any of the web making, but Yang Yang really tries to make himself as honest as he could be, like how he had recently moved out of his penthouse in Gangnam to live in this very neighbourhood he had claimed he had lived in since day 1, he doesn’t like lying to you, but if lying is what’s keeping you here beside him, he’d take it.
“Hey, why don’t we exchange numbers? Then we don’t need to limit our conversations in this convenience store, and we can even text each other to see if we’re coming here,” you suggested, handing over your unlocked phone for him to key in his number, an unlocked phone, an idol’s greatest fear, but here you were, entrusting your whole career in his hands.
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The early signs of autumn crept up to you in the form of a chilly breeze tonight after having yet another late night convenience store run with Yang Yang, you were walking a little bit further behind to avoid the chances of someone recognising you in your neighbourhood and exposing Yang Yang’s identity, which is why you heard the telltale signs of shuffling of footsteps.
You quickly looked back to see who it was, and the sight nearly made you shit your pants, it was a tall burly man who was wearing a cap even though it’s completely dark out, you’ve been told that sasaengs are often identified through this sort of attire during this timing because rarely anyone wears a cap at night in Seoul unless they’re fellow celebrities, and the keychain of your group’s logo hanging by the side of his fanny pack tells you otherwise.
You quickly dragged Yang Yang into an alley when the two of you rounded a familiar cornering.
“There’s someone following me, we need to run and hide,” you said to a very confused looking Yang Yang, obvious distress in the tone of your voice.
Yang Yang heeds to your warning immediately, pulling you to hide behind a row of large recycling bins, hands holding onto yours when he sees how panic stricken you looked.
After a few minutes, Yang Yang gets up to check if the coast was clear, telling you to stand up when he confirmed no one was following you anymore.
“Why was that guy following you? Do you owe loan sharks money or something?” Yang Yang asked, acting oblivious.
“No...Yang, there’s something I need to tell you, about my identity, please don’t be mad that I’ve been lying to you, I just thought it’d be easier that way, I never thought something like this would happen. The man who was following us is probably one of my fans, and he was probably dangerous because he didn’t carry any camera or had his phone out, those are the obvious signs of a crazy sasaeng, what I’m trying to say is that....I’m an idol of a quite famous group in kpop, I’m sorry I lied about my job, I just wanted a genuine friend who won’t care how famous I am, I just didn’t expect I’d put you into this sort of danger without your permission, and I understand if you don’t want to be my friend anymore, I know there’s risks to being an idol’s-
“Don’t, I’m glad to be your friend, so don’t ever say that, and imagine if I wasn’t here tonight, he might’ve gotten to you and god knows what he’ll do to you, so don’t apologise, I’m happy to be by your side,” Yang Yang said after he had pulled you in for a hug, his presence and touch comforting you and your running mind, “how about I walk you home instead of saying goodbye at the intersection?” Yang Yang asked, to which you nodded enthusiastically, grateful to have met someone as caring and as accepting as Yang Yang.
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As time has passed, that night’s events never left your mind, both in a bad light and a good one because that act of Yang Yang ushering you to safety had etched in your mind permanently, the scene unfolding itself whenever you zone out because to you, that was your very own kdrama moment, Yang Yang being your knight in shining armour and you being the damsel in distress.
Though it might be a hard pill to swallow in everyone else’s eyes that it was all an act, one that Yang Yang had planned it meticulously with a hefty sum of money, hiring the actor who played your ‘stalker’, and on top of that, paying for his non-disclosure agreement. Yang Yang needed you to fall for him, and through your old interviews of the dramas you were watching, he had grown to know what man you would fall for, and most of those dramas had a scene of the female lead being saved, most of the time you’d watch thriller dramas, which would explain why.
Yang Yang knows what he did was wrong, that he had scared you that night, but to him, this was some sort of warning, to let you know that even if it wasn’t him, there’s a huge possibility of you encountering crazy fans like this, he wants you to depend on him for safety, just the two of you now, having one of your convenience store runs again, but instead of just some random meet up, now he can call these dates, the two of you now have your impromptu suppers at another convenience store, you feared that the crazy fan would come back to get you after an unsuccessful attempt that night, Yang Yang even suggested to drive out to the next neighbourhood, which you’re very much grateful for.
Dating Yang Yang was a skeptical decision on your end, having to dodge your members as well as your managers was hard, you had trained your face not to smile as well as switching apps at 0.1 seconds whenever someone tries looking over your shoulder to see who you were texting, but Yang Yang makes you immensely happy in this lonely career of yours.
Speaking of which, you had asked Yang Yang out for ramyeon after you saw a notice of one of your most loyal fansites, MienYang, closing down.
“Why did they close it, babe? I thought you said they were relatively new to your fandom,” Yang Yang asks, as if he doesn’t know.
“I checked their twitter, apparently they’re leaving overseas for university, so they can’t go to my official schedules and stuff anymore,” you say, a pout unknowingly making its way on your lips, “they’re one of the non-sasaeng fansites, it’s sad to see someone who respects me as a person and as an idol go, you know?” you said, thinking aloud mostly, of course you love all the other non-sasaeng fansites, but MienYang has always gifted you sentimental gifts, like food trucks of your favourite snacks whenever there’s some sort of filming or official schedule, even flowers of your favourite kind, and not to mention your entire monitor set up in your dorm only after one mindless complaint you made about the processor that one time on live.
“Hey, don’t be too upset about it, I’m sure they’re still supporting you by other means wherever they are on the globe, think of it on a brighter side, they got in the university they wanted, isn’t that something worth being happy for? Your dearest fan having an education for themselves?” Yang Yang comforts you, reaching a hand over to grasp yours, smiling at you across the table, his eyes pleading for you to cheer up, he never likes seeing you upset.
“Yeah, of course I am, I think I just have attachment issues when it comes to my fans, especially if I knew they were dedicating their free time and even their wealth at a time like this, I’m grateful for all of them, no matter how much money they’d spent, but to know that this fansite spent their hard earned money on me was just... I’m just really grateful, you know? It’s not about the money, but the hard work behind every one of their gifts and events, sorry, I’m rambling and I sound a bit too deserving at the moment, but I just wish I could do more for them, to repay what they had gifted me over the course of this period,” you said, eyes staring mindlessly at the cup of banana milk in front of you, “It’s a crazy thought but I sometimes wish I could clone more of me so every single fan out there would have a chance to meet me, sometimes I see posts of fans span across the globe saying they were dying to meet me, their yearning breaks my heart, I just want to bring joy to their life.”
“So that’s why you do lives so often,” Yang Yang notes, you truly are an angel, you didn’t need to put up the act of a kind hearted idol in front of him, you know he as a boyfriend, would never judge you for purely treating this idol thing as a career, but you’re not like that, you really have a golden heart.
“Yeah, sometimes I’m scared I annoy them, I turn on lives when I’m eating alone, during practice breaks, when I’m bored at night, I wonder if they think I do it too often,” you said with a chuckle, recounting the many times where your fans had suggested you to just open a mukbang channel.
“Nah, it’s cute to see you eat, sometimes I tune in if I was having lunch alone in the office too,” Yang Yang said with a tilt of his head, eyes darting to the ice cream fridge, a bit shy about confessing that this.
“You do??? Oh god, I look cringe, don’t I?” you said before breaking out a nervous laugh, not finding it weird that your boyfriend would just randomly drop in on your lives.
“Nah, you’re definitely mukbang material, I feel full even by just watching you eat, that’s a charm not many have, most idols just try to act overly cute when they eat, now that’s cringe,” Yang Yang said, reassuring you, it was the truth though, “it is in fact a joy to see you eat, and I bet your other fans agree too,” if the amount of times you trended on twitter for eating wasn’t enough of an evidence.
“You’re just saying that cuz you’re my boyfriend, Yang,” you said before finishing up your banana milk, starting to clean up the trash of containers and plastic utensil wrappers, you were always the responsible one, whenever your group mates leave a group live or some recorded programme to do something else, you’d always stay back to help the staff clean up, just like how you are now, and so Yang Yang stops you, taking the remaining trash from your hands and cleans the rest of it, not much of it left of course, you’re always a quick one.
“Yup, I’m your boyfriend, so would you please stop picking up after ourselves? Let me do it, you had a long day,” Yang Yang chides before retreating to the dustbin, carefully sorting whatever that could be recycled into their respective bins, he doesn’t want to get an earful from you.
“Thank you,” you said, meeting him at the door that he was holding open for you, “you always treat me like a princess,” you said, cheeks heating up at the realisation.
“Because you are my princess, now let’s fetch you back to your dorms before my car turns into a pumpkin Cinderella,” Yang Yang jokes, opening the passenger door for you.
“It’s already 1 a.m., Yang!”
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The man hits the wall beside the big household rubbish bin with a loud thud, the sound of the back of skull coming into the brick isn’t pretty one, but it’s a beautiful melody in Yang Yang’s ears, a menacing smile appears under the thick layer of his medical mask, to conceal his identity of course.
“Are you crazy, you bastard?!” that shitbag of stalker of yours spits out, a hand holding the back of head, his facial features constricting in pain, “like you’re not a sasaeng too! You fucking hypocrite!”
Yang Yang pulls out a switch blade from the back of his pocket, releasing the sharp end, he chokes the man to keep him vulnerable under his control, knife coming dangerously close to the spot where he punched the man, he wonders how it’d look to cut open a swollen bruise.
“I’m protecting her from fuckers like you! Do you see me carrying a huge ass camera, walking around broadcasting her whole life on the internet?!” Yang Yang retorts, his fingers closing dangerously around his jugular, “if I see you again, you won’t be leaving without a scratch, you hear me?” Yang Yang warns, the knife he holds coming close to the eye of the scumbag, he’ll take his eye out as a third warning if he catches him lurking around again.
“Yes, I hear you! I’m sorry, just please let me go! I swear I’ll never stalk her ever again!” the man tried his best to look apologetic and bow his head down as far as the hand constricting allows him.
Yang Yang frees him from his grip, eyes watching him scram, tail tucked between his two legs, Yang Yang breathes a sigh of relief, this is probably the last of them, he’s still in the group chat and he knows what they say about him, the crazy sasaeng, the group chats he’s in has warn the members of your sasaengs about him, dubbed as the craziest fan you’ve ever had to date, and Yang Yang is more than proud to have this title.
He folds back the knife into the safety of his jacket and pulls out his phone, pressing onto your contact that’s on his speed dial.
“Hey babe, I’m done with work and I’m in your area, are you still in the convenience store? How about you sleep over my place? I haven’t spent much time with you these days,” Yang Yang says with a borderline aegyo voice that he knows gets you to budge every single time.
“Okay, okay, do you want me to get you anything though? They still have chicken katsu today, let me ask if it’s from tonight or this afternoon,” you mumbled to yourself.
“Thank you, baby, take your time, I’ll be waiting in my car outside the store,” Yang Yang said before hanging up, he can’t wait to see you.
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“The worker didn’t lie right? It looks fresh,” you commented as you watch Yang Yang eat in earnest, he always acts like that when he eats, and the idiot always says it’s only because of you, and that even a walnut would feel like a full meal if he’s eating it in your presence.
“Yeah, it’s fresh, you want a bite?” Yang Yang asks, offering you his chicken.
“No, I had chicken in the company today, I would’ve cooked you noodles if the chicken turned out to be from the afternoon, you’ve been working late so often these days,” you said while brushing his bangs out of his eyes to get a better look at the eyebags under his pretty doe eyes.
“It’s okay, just training some new people up, then I’ll have more time for you in the future, and it’s better to plan ahead, I want to have a secure future for you, you can have fun performing without financial worries when you become more of a senior, do what you want to do, what you don’t get enough time to do now, what you didn’t get to experience as a trainee, that’s my end goal,” Yang Yang said, his heart jumping in jitters, this isn’t the first time the two of you have expressed the desire to be together forever, the first time this topic came up, you were talking about how Yang Yang’s room might not have enough closet space for your coats in the future.
“Yang, I never dated you with the expectation of you providing for me, not that I’m against it, but I know you have wishes too-
“I had a really fulfilling childhood, trust me, and I’m having lots of fun in my 20s now, but you’re always working so hard, and I know you enjoy most of it, but there’s so much you haven’t done, and this is my wish too, to make you the happiest person in my life,” Yang Yang said in all sincerity, the silly and carefree Yang Yang you’ve grown to know has disappeared now, leaving him vulnerable, baring his soul in front of you.
“Thank you, Yang Yang, I love you,” you said, tackling to the corner of the couch, he almost lost his grip on his chicken, but he’d sacrifice chicken katsu for your hugs any day.
“I love you too, you sappy idiot, you go wash up first, I’ll join you after you leave me in peace to finish my food,” Yang Yang says before he takes a huge bite of said chicken, a hand nudging you softly to the direction of his bedroom.
“Okay, be quick though,” you said, leaving for his room, and Yang Yang to his own train of thoughts.
When Yang Yang first dived into being your fan, he noticed how you’d always tuck yourself in the corner, not very interactive in group contents, especially in your rookie days, but slowly, you settled into the idea of being a public figure, you realised your shy personality had garnered a decent amount of fans that, ‘idol standards wise’, you needed to start engaging with your fans in a solo manner to actually build up your career, at first you were a bit closed off, and not really knowing what to talk to the fans about, but slowly, you started opening up about yourself, and now being in a relationship with Yang Yang, a comfortable validation of your personality now exists in your mind, and needless to say, whatever reason it maybe, your fans are happy that you’re flourishing and now your fan base is growing at a fast pace, Yang Yang is happy for you, even if he needs to tell people to scram every other night, but it’s slowly trickling down to one every few weeks, only a dumbass once in a blue moon dares to challenge him nowadays.
Yang Yang sighs to himself, a mix of emotions, relief, love, and maybe a hint of pride, and comfort knowing that on screen you and off screen you aren’t all that different, you’re only extroverted around him and your members, sometimes he worries that you don’t have enough friends, but Yang Yang isn’t all that much better, only a handful of close friends back in his student days in Germany, maybe he should visit them soon, but he worries for your safety if he’s gone.
“Hey, you done, babe?” you ask, walking out, spotting the oily paper bag discarded on the coffee table.
“Yup, go wait for me on the bed, rest your legs, you must’ve had a long day of practice,” Yang Yang chides, heading into the ensuite bathroom to wash up.
“Nah, it was mostly vocals today, and don’t worry, I drank honey, just as you told me,” you added when you saw Yang Yang looking at you expectantly, satisfaction blooming in your chest when you see Yang Yang nodding proudly, tooth paste foam and the brush sticking out of his mouth comically, you could wake up and go to bed with this sight.
When Yang Yang finally joins you, you wrap your limbs around his lean body, sighing in comfort at the warmth his body provides, he’s always felt like a walking human heater to you.
“What’s with the sudden burst of affection?” Yang Yang teases.
“Nothing, just missed you,” you mumbled into his chest, inhaling the comforting scent of his laundry detergent, “I’ll wait for you in bed,” you mumbled before walking away.
Yang Yang’s shoulders sag in relief, the thought of cuddling you to bed immediately relieving him of the stress he had felt from the whole day.
Yang Yang lets himself under the blanket, greeted by your arms around him,  you had always loved spooning him, out of habit from all the big plushie you had always cuddled to sleep, you can’t go to bed without hugging something, Yang Yang lacks the softness you’re used to, but the warmth he provides is just as comforting.
Although the thought of falling asleep right now is more than tempting, you think it’s time to take the next step in your relationship, and as an adult as a whole.
“Hey Yang, do you ever think about like taking our relationship to the next stage?” you ask mindlessly, you might not get anything out of this, it’s been a long day for your hardworking boyfriend, and you understand, there are somedays where you don’t wanna do anything after work either.
“What do you mean? Like marriage? If so then no take backs cuz I’m in this shit for life, babe,” Yang Yang jokes, tickling at your sides, his touches with you are always innocent, there’s no need to rush, especially after hearing what you just said.
“No, Yang, I meant like, you know, physical affection?” you say as your eyes dart away from his searching ones, ever the observing boyfriend, he always wants to read your emotions through the windows of your soul, something he picked up from his mom growing up when he throws tantrums and she wants to understand his frustration.
“You want more kisses?” Yang Yang asks, apology on the tip of his tongue, he must’ve been so busy these few weeks that you feel neglected.
“No, no, like,” you’re running out of words and you’d bite your own tongue before saying the word sex in front of your boyfriend who’s had a few girlfriends, but you’re desperate to see what he feels about this, so you take his wrist into your hands, placing his palm on your breast.
It was merely flesh biology wise, and that’s how Yang Yang felt about it with his exes, he’s always been much more of an ass guy, but this slight touch, he felt electric shocks going up his back before he came to his senses and pulled his hand away, as if he was burnt by your touch.
“Baby...” Yang Yang trails off, his sentences not forming, he swears that one touch permanently fried parts of his brain, but you take his hesitance as rejection, which sends Yang Yang into a worried frenzy, that’s definitely not what he meant.
“No, baby, I’m not opposed to what you’re proposing, but are you sure you’re ready? This is a huge step for you, isn’t it? I want you to think this through and not have any regrets,” Yang Yang explains, his tone so reassuring, apologetic even.
“I’m sure, Yang, we’ve been together for almost a year, and you’ve always been the best to me, taking care of me, making sure I have my meals, putting up with my hectic schedule without any complaints, then I realised, I really want to feel your love in a physical form, humans are curious creatures, I want all of you, to bask in your love,” you said with so much sincerity it might make Yang Yang cry if you don’t stop with your beautiful words, which is so ironic because most of the times he’s pictured engaging in sex with you, most times the scenarios in his head are so fucking filthy, and here you are, proposing to make love, and suddenly all those desires disappear from his forefront, if making love is what you want, then what’s he’ll give you.
Yang Yang cages you between his body and his bed, a smile that holds several emotions casting through his pupils, lust, mischief, love, adoration, he’s definitely going haywire with these strong emotions.
Yang Yang grows hard in his jeans when he felt your eager hands explore his body, until your knuckles knock against something hard in his jacket’s pocket, Yang Yang freezes up, brain going on overdrive to find every possible excuse and decipher which is the best to use.
“Yang, why do you have-
Your agile fingers press the button, the swish of a knife molding a new type of tension between the two of you.
“Babe, be careful with that,” Yang Yang chides, slowly prying the knife out of your hands to put it at the farthest corner of his nightstand, “I started carrying a switch blade after that time when we bumped into your sasaeng, just in case I need to protect you,” Yang Yang said, another white lie, it wasn’t a complete lie, this thing is used to ward off your sasaengs, just in a more proactive manner, and morally grey of course.
“Yangie..” you cooed, “that’s so sweet, thank you for trying to protect me, but most of my sasaeng fans have stopped pursuing me,” you said, not one hint of disgust on your face, maybe you just think he’s using it as a prop to ward off fans that get aggressive physically.
“Of course, got to be the best boyfriend amongst all your peers, you know, got to make my girl, proud,” Yang Yang trails on, his worry quickly dissipating from his mind.
“I’m sure everyone would be jealous of me for having a boyfriend like you, Yang,” you said before kissing him, your hands continuing their journey, you’re getting a bit rushed, stripping Yang Yang of his jacket and trailing your hands up his toned stomach, your eyes glazed when you realised Yang Yang is hiding a set off abs underneath his baggy sweaters.
“Wow, wait, hold on a sec, baby, you’re going so fast,” Yang Yang said, exasperated at the pace you’re setting, swiftly pulling your hands down from his shirt.
“I thought you wanted to make love, baby, making love is slow-
“I don’t think I want that anymore, Yang, I’ve been waiting for this for too long, aren’t you impatient to touch me too?” you asked with those puppy eyes of yours, and who is Yang Yang to deny you, he’s a man after all.
Yang Yang quickly strips off his shirt to let you know that he is impatient for your touch, he’s waited since the day he saw your concert, he’s been waiting for so long, training his endurance towards your little touches, but your one look is pushing him past his limits, your bedroom eyes are Yang Yang’s weakness, the first time he’s seen them when you were performing had him hooked, he knew you weren’t innocent, but he hadn’t known you were a virgin, that’s just even sexier of you, to value yourself so highly, yet so shy at times, this is what he calls duality.
Yang Yang throws his shirt off to somewhere, eager to please you, but a certain metallic sound caught his attention, his eyes spy that the switch blade wasn’t that far away anymore, must be the drag of his shirt, so he moves away to retrieve it, opening the drawer, planning to just chuck the thing in, it’s better to be safe than sorry, but before he could let go of the blade, your delicate fingers wrap around his wrist.
“Yang, could we try something with the knife? I read something in one of my romance books once and I always wanted to recreate it with you,” you said timidly, but eyes full of lust, and Yang Yang swears his dick just twitched hearing you say those words.
“You know, babe, usually people bring up knife kink after their first time, hell, not even a second time,” Yang Yang says before chuckling to himself, he never thought tonight would turn out this way.
“Well, I don’t want my first time to be boring like other people, I want it to be like that mafia love story I just finished, come on, it’ll be fun, I mean it looked fun....in my head,” you were trailing off, bashful, is how you would describe this moment’s feelings.
“Okay, okay, no more laughing and joking then, let me get my head in the game, I need to exceed your expectations,” Yang Yang said with one last cheeky smile on his face before turning serious, “so I need you to stop laughing and feeling embarrassed too, okay? And let me know if you want to stop, since you read so much, I’m sure you know of the traffic light system.”
You nod your head, immediately feeling submissive under Yang Yang’s dominant gaze and switch of a tone.
Yang Yang unsheathes the blade by pressing onto the button, the shiny knife once again captures your attention, you could feel your panties sticking to your core.
“I need you to hold still, baby, can I ruin your clothes?” Yang Yang asks, he doesn’t want to trigger any sort of bad reaction from you.
“Yeah, go ahead, as long as you don’t miss them,” you reminded him, it’s his shirt after all.
Yang Yang nods in understanding, eyes hyperfocused on the blade, he traces the curve of your bottom lip with it, careful to not apply too much pressure, he’d never let you bleed, Yang Yang would never hurt what he most cherishes, so he tests the blade on your lips first, knowing that it hurts a lot less to have an accidental cut there than on actual skin, he’d know from all those years of shaving in a rush before classes, once he gets a hold of how much pressure to use, he moves on, trailing the blade down your jaw, to the juncture of your neck, the expanse of untainted skin tempting him to mark you up, but he knows he can’t, he wouldn’t put your job on the line, and so he lingers a bit longer on your neck, tracing a Y on your neck to make up for the fact that he can’t actually mark it.
When you felt the tracing of his initials, you feel a shudder run down your spine, you have always been attracted to Yang Yang’s subtle possessiveness, and the fact that he’s also like this in bed is such a turn on to you, you swear your panties are far beyond ruined at this point, which makes you wonder if he’s going to cut those too.
Your trail of thought was cut short when Yang Yang suddenly speeds up the process, bunching your shirt up, he cuts through the fabric with the blade, the the sound of shearing cotton amplifying the tingles in your core, an unconscious moan of his name leaves your lips, drawing Yang Yang’s attention away from your bosoms to your face, he wonders if you’d fall into subspace, he’s not against it, but it’s best that you don’t, this is your first time after all, so he sets the blade aside at a far corner of his nightstand once more, he’d get back to that once he anchors you back to him.
"Are you still with me, baby? Can I have a colour?" Yang Yang asks, his hands grasping your face gently, doe eyes staring into yours, trying to decipher which state of mind you're in.
"Green, I'm okay, don't worry," you say after a bit, slightly dazed by the display of carnal lust from your lover.
"Can I continue, baby?" He just needs to hear your consent, even though it's quite obvious that the gleam in your eyes are of yearning.
Yang Yang takes your consent as green light to show your breasts the attention they deserve, showering them in kisses before venturing into playful licks of your nipple while his other hand tries its best to mimic his mouth's ministrations, sending pleasurable shocks southwards, you would've been worried about ruining his sheets if Yang Yang wasn't such a distraction.
Just as you grew used to the feeling of his kitten licks, Yang Yang switches up the tempo, he now moves to your other breast, but instead of the gentle kisses, you are welcomed by light painless nicks, you whimper at the contact of his teeth, you divert your eyes to your lover, when Yang Yang sees your eyes on him, he proceeds to bite onto your nipple, pulling at it slightly before letting go.
"Fuck," you muttered, eyes shutting at the thrilling feeling of having your nipples played this way, you've never predicted Yang Yang to be like this in bed, and needless to say, you love this surprising side of him.
"Naughty girl, didn't think you'd enjoy that this much," Yang Yang said with a light spank to your inner thigh, making your legs jolt up at the sensitivity, god this man is going to drive you mad if he doesn't hurry up and fuck you.
"Please Yang, I need you to do more, I need you inside me," you begged, your pride's left your body completely.
"Since you begged so nicely, baby," Yang Yang said with a hum, contemplating of what to do next.
When Yang Yang pulls away, you whine at the loss of his warmth and familiar weight of his torso on your body.
"I'm not going anywhere, I'll never leave you hanging, baby," Yang Yang said before returning to your side with the blade, "but there's something in my way from your sweet pussy, baby," Yang Yang said with a mischievous smile before you hear the sound of shredding fabric once more, a gust of wind immediately hits your drenched core, you swear you feel goosebumps arise, "there, all better," Yang Yang says before diving in like a starved man, his fingers spreading your folds apart to show your clit the same amount of attention and care he gave to your breasts.
Your back arches at the onward assault on your most sensitive bundle of nerves, Yang Yang really knows how to use his mouth, which makes you wonder how long he's wanted to do this.
When he's deemed you more than wet, he dips a finger into your core, slowly moving it around, trying to grasp your reactions, at a particular angle, you gasp at the particularly sensitive spot.
Yang Yang lets you adjust to the feeling of having one finger before he slips in another, giddily watching the way you swallow up his fingers almost effortlessly, a boost to his ego, but of course, your safety and pleasure comes first.
But soon, you're getting impatient, you nudge Yang Yang with a knee when he was too distracted by the meal in front of him, you don't blame him for not hearing you when he has his mouth and fingers busy, you think he even added a third, but that doesn't matter to you, because you really need him to hurry up before you go insane.
"Yang Yang, please, I need you to be inside me, you prepped me for so long, it should be your turn now, let me feel all of you, please...
Something in Yang Yang snaps when he hears the desperation in your words, a realisation at the fact that you really need him, now.
"I'm sorry baby, just wanted to make sure you're ready for me," Yang Yang says as he strips down to nothing, baring his beautiful body to you, your eyes immediately drop to the part between his legs, of course he's well endowed, Yang Yang is perfect in your eyes.
"My eyes are up here, baby," Yang Yang says with a playful chuckle before kissing your temple.
"Sorry, it's just that, my boyfriend's really sexy, you know," you say, joining his playful banter.
"Glad that you think so, my sexy girlfriend," Yang Yang says before he takes your hand into his, linking your fingers together.
"Are you really ready, baby? It's never too late to back out," Yang Yang reminds you.
"Nope, not backing out," you reassured him.
"Okay... Then as a reminder, I'm going to repeat this once more, if any point, and I mean any point, that you do not wish to continue, just say red, and I'll immediately stop and pull out, okay?"
"Okay," you agreed, your chest filled with an immense amount of love and pride over the man you call your lover, being ever the gentlemen towards you.
"I love you," you said, because it just felt right.
"I love you too, but no more confessions or I'm going to feel too sappy to do this, baby," Yang Yang says before putting a serious face back on, he needs to focus on making you feel good tonight.
"You're adapting far quicker than I thought you would," Yang Yang says with a playful snicker. "Stop teasing and just keep going, Yang," you say, your hands covering your face, you could feel the blood rush into your cheeks, just like the arousal between your legs. "You're so fucking cute," Yang Yang muses, "but I want to hear a please, be my good girl for me," Yang Yang wanting to coaxe out of you. "Please." That one word has Yang Yang reaching for the knife again, his eyes locking into your drenched panties, bunching up the material, he cuts the knife through it, the flimsy material ripped to shreds. "Yang!" you scold, but it came out as more a moan, you can't help it, you're so turned on by the sight of Yang Yang holding a knife in this manner, a sight that you thought you'd only see in your wildest dreams. "Don't worry, baby, I'll buy you new ones, as many as you want," Yang Yang promises, sealing the promise with a kiss to the hood of your core, making your legs shiver.  
You arch your hips into his touch, urging him to put his mouth on your core, Yang Yang obliges, enveloping your lower lips with his. The feeling of his tongue slowly sliding its way into you was a feeling you've never expected, it wasn't anything that your small toy collection was ever able to mimic, the way the rough surface of his tongue touches your sensitive walls would've made your legs shut if it wasn't for Yang Yang holding them open, his thumb mindlessly rubbing circles around your inner thigh, igniting all your senses, especially when you close your eyes when you near your release, your body convulses in pleasure, a mantra of please's and his name falling out of your lips in a hushed tone, slowly breaking out of your shy exterior, bit by bit, your voice grows louder, until the dams broke, a loud cry resonating through the bedroom.  
Meanwhile, Yang Yang eagerly slurps up all your sweet nectar, you pry your eyes open to not miss the scene, catching the sight of his Adam's apple bobbing, his eyes shut, concentrating on your taste on his tongue. When he's had his fill, he looks up from his spot from between your legs, a dazed smile on his face. "Hi," he says, so casual as if he just didn't give you a mind blowing orgasm with just his tongue and his fingers, "you still wanna continue? we can stop if you want-
But you break him off when you get up from your spot and kiss his lips, the taste of him on you was weird, but so fucking good. "Go ahead, Yang, please," you beg, remembering his words.  
"Okay, but you remember right? Anything you don't like, say red," Yang Yang's never been long winded, but with you? He'd go to all lengths. You nod, eyes locked onto his, you see the lust swimming in those orbs, but also weariness, you feel a sense of security settling in when you see how careful Yang Yang is. Yang Yang brushes your cheek with a thumb before he takes a hand to grasp himself, your eyes train to Yang Yang's hips, swallowing a lump down your throat when you see how big he is, not very long, but thicker than what you had imagined, Yang Yang positions his cock at your core, he slowly slides in, inch by inch, scanning your face for any sort of discomfort, there's bound to be some, as he sees your face all scrunched up, but he won't stop unless you said so, he doesn't want to spoil the mood, and chooses to trust your judgement. When he finally fills you to the brim, you let out a gasp when you feel the slight prickle of hair.  
You feel Yang Yang’s hands caressing your face, the other is situated at your clit, hoping that the constant stream of pleasure would be able to relieve the ache and slight burn between your legs, you knew it was inevitable, to not feel any pain at all would be unrealistic, and you appreciate Yang Yang for being patient and going beyond that to help ease the ache.
Once the slight sting fades away, you feel your walls starting to get wetter from the switch of stimulation from pain to pleasure.
“You can move now, Yang, it doesn’t hurt anymore,” you tell him, nearly not recognising your own voice as it’s dripped in eagerness for more.
“Okay, I’ll go slow, tell me when you want me to pick up the pace,” Yang Yang says before slipping part of his cock out to thrust back in, immediately you clench around him, the feeling so foreign, but most ideal, the way you felt every inch of him, you can only describe it as euphoric.
Yang Yang struggles not to cum, the way you clench around him feels so good, but he won’t be able to last long if you keep this up.
“I need you to unclench, baby, or II won’t be able to perform at my best for you, and relax, sex shouldn’t be rushed and have you on your nerves, it should be relaxing, let me show you, take care of you,” Yang Yang says before furrowing his eyebrows to continue moving his hips, angling his cock at the angle of your sensitive spot, and instantly, he feels your nails digging into his arm, a shriek of his name tumbling from your lips, the action catching his attention, the sight of your swollen lips enticing him, so he swallows up your moans as he quickens the pace, a hand slithering down slyly to your bundle of nerves, once again aiming for an onslaught attack of sweet pleasure that has you arching your back into Yang Yang’s hold succumbing you into a pleasure-filled mess, incoherent blabbers and moans filling his mind, Yang Yang catches a few words, big, deep, so good, and all of them do nothing but encourage him to bring you to the edge faster, snapping his hips onto yours, his thrusts beginning to deepen and slow down slightly, he’s only human after all, but he gives your clit a few light pinches in retaliation, a whimper sounds from you beneath him before he feels you falling apart around him.
You struggle to keep your eyes open as you were pushed over the edge, but you reminded yourself that you need to see Yang Yang falling apart for you, and so you beg, “want you to cum too, Yang, please,” you plead between whines and moans as he rides out your high for you, that sweet sweet voice of yours is what makes Yang Yang crumble, masking a moan by biting down on his lips, he lets go, filling up your core with his seed, not pulling out until he finishes, the tension leaving his body.
Yang Yang looked so beautiful when he reached his peak, you’ve always thought his Adam’s apple was sexy, but when he threw his head back and breathed heavily, the sight of it bobbing was such a turn on, distracted by the memory looping in your head, you were pulled out of your daze when Yang Yang gently manoeuvred himself out of your walls, watching him watch the way his cum drips onto your thighs, not knowing he was caught staring until he looks up to see you watching him with your head cocked to the side.
“That was sexy, don’t blame me, I’m just a dude with fantasies,” Yang Yang jokes while pulling out a few tissues from the box, cleaning you up.
“I don’t mind, I think it’s sexy that you’re into it, but as sexy as it is, please carry me to the tub, I don’t think I’d be able to move around for a few hours,” you said, arms already spread, awaiting your princess treatment from your ever doting boyfriend.
“I’ll set up the tub and I’ll come get you, take a nap if you want,” Yang Yang says, rounding the corner of his bed to come give you a peck before taking his leave, the sight of his small but bubbly butt making you giggle.
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Keeping things under warps isn't easy when you're an idol, which is no surprise when your manager caught you going into Yang Yang's car one night outside your dorm when you planned to sleepover. You had to come clean about your relationship to your label and they weren't too happy about it, but in their words, a better case than the rest of your label mates, since the fans and tabloids haven't caught wind and the fact that Yang Yang is a businessman, yes he told you that it wasn’t his uncle’s company, but his! You made Yang Yang promise that he can’t keep anymore secrets from you, but coming back to your company, maybe they think this sort of relationship levels up your status as well as the label's, is your good guess. Other than that, your career has been advancing smoothly, you toured a few cities, Yang Yang had insisted on tagging along to Osaka and the states, for the food, he says, but you'd know better than to doubt his support for you, Yang Yang is the best boyfriend you could ever ask, most idols' relationships don't work out with people outside of the industry due to the busy schedules of their partner, but you believe that the love you share with him would prevail over any sort of obstacle life throws at you.    
The rest of your American tour ended and you can't wait to see the love of your life, having flown home earlier than the rest of your members who had wanted to stay a few days longer to rest and travel. You didn't tell Yang Yang, hoping to give him a surprise, these days he's been busy at work, so the two of you haven't video called for a bit. When you open the door to his unit, you're greeted by an empty home, you let out a disappointed sigh, but it was expected, it means business is doing well, that means his father won't give him too much pressure, you hate seeing Yang Yang stressing about not exceeding their expectations, he's always too harsh on himself.  
You quickly put away your things, only the necessities, you'll unpack your clothes and the many souvenirs you bought in the next few days. You took a quick nap on his bed, planning to sleep away the jetlag. When you woke up, it was 5, and boy were you hungry, you checked the fridge for food, but of course Yang Yang hadn't bothered to stock up or cook knowing you won't be around, so you close the fridge door and tried your luck with one of the cabinets, relief flooding your mind when you see the copious amount of snacks Yang Yang had, grabbing a bag of chips, you opened it and popped one into your mouth, you were going to eat them on the sofa, but something caught your eye, Yang Yang had put up a new portrait of the two of you on his wall outside his office, it was a photo of the two of you under the beautiful sakura tree, you smile at his sweet gesture, distracted by the photo, you accidentally tipped the bag of chips and dropped a few.  
Cursing to yourself, you quickly pick up the pieces, chucking them in the trash before wetting a paper towel to pick up the crumbs, you open Yang Yang's office door to check if any got in there, but once you were in, you were distracted by the sight of his office, you've never been in here before, knowing that Yang Yang doesn't like mixing work and private affairs, he rarely ever talks about work with you unless you ask, which wasn't weird considering he doesn't really enjoy it that much, but what you didn't expect was a comfy looking leather chair at the end of his table, you're sure you've seen this chair in one of those fancy interior design magazines in the salon, taking a seat, you realised that Yang Yang had left a drawer open, you were going to close it for him, but something caught your eye, it was one of your banners, one that you remember was made by a specific fan site, you pulled it out, reading the fan site name under the words of encouragement, MienYang, why does Yang Yang have this banner? You don't remember the admin of MienYang putting this banner up for reprinting on their twitter, unless...Yang Yang is MienYang? That can't be right? You observed the other things in the drawer, careful to not mess up the arrangements, you see thumb drives and sd cards labelled with dates and things like inkigayo, kbs music bank, are these photos of you? Before you could contemplate on whether to take a look into the sd cards, you hear footsteps near the front door, you quickly put his things back in their order before closing the drawer. When Yang Yang stepped into his living room, he sees you cleaning the floor before standing up to open the door of his office to do the same, worry filling his mind, but that anxiety dissipated when you close the door immediately after cleaning. "Sorry, I dropped chips and wanted to make sure the floor of your office doesn't have any crumbs, would be a nightmare to find ants chewing on whatever documents you have in there," you joked before waking to him, wrapping your arms around your boyfriend. "Thanks, babe, but why are you back early? I thought your flight was in a few days?" Yang Yang asked, pulling away slightly to look at your pretty face he missed so much. "Yeah, but I decided that I wanted to see you more than the liberty statue so..." you trail off, the two of you breaking into a laugh. "You're back early though, I thought you said month end means more workload,” you asked, pulling him to take a seat with you on his expensive couch. "Yeah, about that, I was going to come home and then leave in an hour for an appointment with an interior designer, I was going to tell you this during Christmas, but I might as well get the cat out of the bag now, I was thinking we should move in, and I thought my place could use a bit refurbishing to fit your things into cabinets and some closet alterations would be good since you have so many clothes, so let's do it together, you know?  I'll feel less pressured to guess what's your taste in wood or whatever, that is if you want to move in with me, no pressure of course, I'll be happy to wait if you need more time- "Yang, babe, I'll be happy to move in with you," you agree, cutting him off of his panicked rant slash confession. "Really? You're sure?" Yang Yang couldn't believe it would be this easy to convince you to move in with him. "Of course, we love each other, and by living together means we would have more time to love one another," you reassured him, "now go take your shower, I can't wait to look at the designs," you said before your ever dutiful boyfriend pecks your lips and rushes into your bedroom.  
You push what you saw in his office out of your mind, it didn't really matter, whether Yang Yang is MienYang or not, Yang Yang is providing a comfortable and secure future for you, and you genuinely love each other, who he was in the past, doesn't matter to you.
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4theseus-s · 1 year
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summary. theseus has never been one to run away from his problems, especially if it concerned his favourite american. ships. theseus x percival ( implied ) characters. theseus s., percival g., newt s. word count. 2.2k setting. after fantastic beasts and where to find them genre. hurt/comfort, a pinch of angst with a happy ending
Percival bitterly bites his lips. This was the fourth time he had sent a letter to Theseus, a long-time associate at the British Ministry of Magic. This also marks the fourth time Theseus has flat-out ignored any of them. According to Newt, a new acquaintance he made after he returned to MACUSA, his brother was doing all the Ministry things in Britain and “doing all of Travers’ work, unsurprisingly.” When he confessed about Theseus' unresponsiveness, Newt seemed a little lost but said he didn’t know why.
“A little busy on his side, perhaps?”
“Seems off character for him, unless he changed in the months I’ve been gone.”
“No, but I wish he did. Still a bothersome brat, he is.”
“Theseus?” “Newt. What brings you here?” Newt can hear the smile cracking through his voice. Theseus stands up from behind his desk and walks over to the door where Newt is standing. He stopped before his younger brother; his straight posture and commanding aura made Newt hunch a little more. Newt clears his throat and answers: “Uhm, I was wondering, well…you see, I’ve been talking with Percival Graves for a bit.”
Theseus freezes for a second but nods before returning back to his desk. Newt takes this as a sign and settles in a black, overly-soft armchair across the desk. As Theseus sits down, he hums - a deep and long one, before looking Newt in the eye. “I’m glad you’re making friends, then. Though I’d rather not think about how you had to almost die to do so.” Newt slightly groans under his breath at Theseus’ statement. “I had made them before that incident.” Theseus nods and says, “Not Mr Graves, though.”
Newt looks up instantly. Mr Graves? Weren’t they friends? “Well, at least Percival’s my friend.” At that, Theseus quietly chuckles as if it was almost funny. “Yes, Newt. At least you made a friend. Well, I hope you aren’t boring him with how to take care of magical creatures he’ll likely never come across or-” “Actually, he’s been inquiring about you.” Newt thinks that he catches Theseus’ breath waver a little, but his voice comes out stable. “Oh? Is that so?”
“Yes. He’s been sending you letters; he was wondering if you had received them.” The Auror hums and Newt squints a little, trying to figure out whether Theseus is trying to devise an excuse. Theseus has never been easy to read, Newt thinks, like most people. “I see…I haven’t received anything yet, but I’ll reply as soon as possible when I do.” Newt shakes his head unconvinced and walks up to Theseus’ desk. Theseus flinches slightly but gives Newt a questioning look: “Newt, what are you doing?” The younger brother shrugs but scans the desktop anyway. “I was hoping you had received them.” Theseus nods, but he remains silent. Suddenly, Newt’s voice rang through the Head Auror office:
“Accio letters from Percival!”
Letters appear on the desk between the two brothers. Newt gives his brother a disappointed look, but Theseus only grimly smiles. “America really got you thinkin’, huh.” An awkward stillness fills the room, and Theseus doesn’t fill it like he usually does. He must have realised that Newt wasn’t entirely stepping out of his ‘Newt-shell’, so he takes the letters himself, then forcefully opens a drawer and places them inside, still in an unopened, neat pile.
“You aren’t usually a liar. Or someone who runs away when someone’s reaching out to you.”
“I know.”
“Then why?”
Theseus shrugs before saying, “Maybe I don’t have the answer. At least not right now.” Newt folds his arms in front of his chest, huffing a little, causing his hair to rise slightly. “Percival is a friend of yours too. Shouldn’t you reach out to him? Like…he returned from being held in some bloody cell of Grindelwald’s. I, well, I think a good friend should reach out to people like them.” Theseus opens his mouth, probably to say something like bold of you to say, but instead, he shuts his lips back up with an unstable exhale. Given the calm atmosphere around them, he stands almost too abruptly and makes his way to the door.
“I have a meeting with Travers. If you need me, you know where to find me.”
Newt doesn’t reply, but he knows he doesn’t need to. Theseus walks out anyway, making sure the door doesn’t slam too hard and leaving Newt sitting alone.
“Theseus has received them?”
“Then tell him that he owes me a visit. Sunday night: 6 pm for me, 11 pm for you pronto. And tell him to floo over into my office, I don’t want him splinching from the cross-continental apparition. If he doesn’t show up, I’m going to London and getting him myself.”
Newt later told Percival he had informed his brother, with no acknowledgement - only dismissal from him, telling him he had things to work on. He knows that Theseus had heard him - he could tell Theseus was hesitating before replying - but Percival also knows that Theseus was refusing the offer as if he had a choice.
“Merlin’s beard- Perc- Mr Graves?” Theseus was in his office, shocked at Percival’s sudden arrival. Percival looked around, scanning the British Auror’s office like a Niffler trying to find gold. Theseus’s shoulders drop, but his eyes never leave the American while going up and down his figure. Percival takes note of it but doesn’t comment as he makes himself comfortable on an armchair across from Theseus. Theseus sighs before giving Percival a crooked - and if Percival observed right - insincere smile. “What brings you here?”
“Maybe you should listen to your brother more. He’s starting to give good advice,” Percival comments. Theseus nods and says, “That wasn’t the answer I needed, and you’re lucky I’m working…overtime.” “Actually, Theseus,” Percival remembers, “I went to your living room and then your bedroom. I didn’t expect you to be working here at 11 pm on a Sunday.” Theseus shrugs and returns to leaning over the desk, scanning the papers Percival assumed were related to chasing Grindelwald down.
“Anyways. Theseus, it’s been a while, huh.”
Theseus looks up from his paperwork and tilts his head slightly. He opens his mouth, but nothing comes out for a few seconds. Percival observes how Theseus pauses and how his body almost freezes. He only seems to continue breathing when he finally speaks up.
“Yes. It has been.”
“And what’s with the formalities? We’re friends, Theseus. I haven’t heard you call me Mr Graves since you were 24 when we met.”
Percival raises an eyebrow at Theseus’ bluntness as the younger focuses on his paperwork. Usually, Theseus was affectionate to the people he considered friends or family. But now, Theseus was pausing too often, and his voice was quieter.
“You have quite the eyebags, Theseus. Torquil has been loading you with work?”
Theseus lets out a weak chuckle, and Percival gives him a soft smile, though Theseus doesn’t notice as his eyes stay down. Theseus’ hand stops when grabbing another paper from the stack when he catches Percival approaching him from the corner of his eye. He doesn’t stop the American when he stops right in front of the desk and takes a paper from the stack, his eyes scanning the document intensely.
“Theseus, this isn’t related to Grindelwald,” Percival said, voice filled with confusion. Theseus shrugs and continues reading his own document. Percival’s eyes darken, and he sternly asks Theseus: “Don’t tell me you’re doing all of Travers’ work.” Theseus sighs, finally taking his eyes off his paper and leaning back in his chair. “Not all, just some. Some of it’s related to…you know.” Percival groans at Theseus’ incompetence. “I don’t think an outline for his meeting next week is something you need to do, Theseus.” “No, but….” Theseus doesn’t finish his own sentence and leaves it at that.
“Percival, you haven’t quite answered my question yet. Why are you here?”
“Why have you been ignoring my letters?”
“I told Newt that I would reply once I received them.”
“The same person was the one who told me you had, in fact, received them. I hope I don’t have to accio them here too.”
Theseus grins shyly. “I didn’t think Newt would be corresponding this much.”
“Why have you been ignoring my letters?”
Theseus doesn’t reply and lets the question linger in the now-suffocating atmosphere of his own office. When he does, Percival’s heart softens instantly.
“My own demons weren’t telling me not to,” Theseus whispers, as if he didn’t want Percival to hear it. But he does, and he walks around the desk that separates the two and places a hand on the younger’s shoulders. 
Percival understands - when he met Theseus, it was after the Great No-Maj War. One that Theseus willingly participated in against his own Ministry orders. He had found Theseus in the bathroom near his office when the British Ministry of Magic sent several Aurors as envoys to discuss how wizardkind was dealing with the consequences. Theseus was shaking on the ground but was silent. When Percival invited him to his office, he watched Theseus slowly accept where he was, and it started a close bond between the two ever since.
Percival has his own share of demons, but he has spent most of his years as Head of the Magical Law Enforcement and Director of Magical Security after rising up the ranks young. He may be an Auror, but he wasn’t fighting on the front lines most of the time as he wasn’t a Head Auror. Percival also was an American and a wizard who didn’t fight during a devastating war, even if it was only a No-Maj one. Theseus had spoken about it before: How the blood he spilt raided his head for days and nights on end. How the title War Hero was too much because he was nothing but a celebrated murderer. How he didn’t even know how his dear family was doing, and the nightmares intensified when he heard his little brother was dealing with Ukrainian Ironbellies.
Theseus’ voice snaps Percival out of his thoughts. “Shouldn’t you be mad at me?” Percival grips Theseus’ shoulder a little more tightly, but Theseus doesn’t seem to mind. “No? Why would I be?”
“I was corresponding with…not-you. And I don’t know, but maybe I should have realised it wasn’t you,” Theseus’s voice fades when he continues, “I was talking to the very man I was supposed to catch.” Before Percival could speak up, Theseus goes on. “I should have known. I’m your friend…but I couldn’t even notice that it wasn’t you. What kind of Head Auror am I….” He doesn’t move, his document in his head now forgotten, gently flapping with the air around them.
Percival wants to bring Theseus a little closer as he feels Theseus’ vulnerability rising, but instead, he stays still as he replies. “I would never blame you, Thee….” He could feel Theseus’ shock from the way his back straightened. “Of course, you wouldn’t, Perce. I just…I just thought I deserved it. Like, you hating on me. It’d be justified, you know.”
Hearing Theseus’ words, Percival shifts so he can comfortably place both hands on Theseus’ broad shoulders - something that got Theseus flinching slightly - and gently squeezes them, causing the younger to relax. “Don’t worry; I’ve always got your back. You know that, right?”
Before either of them could blink, they had disapparated with a snap.
“Theseus- what are you- oh?” Shock dies down when Percival recognises the place around them to be Theseus’ living room. Theseus is now standing, removing his suit gracefully and folding it onto his couch. “Percy,” Theseus smiles as the nickname leaves his lips, “stay over for the night. It’s been a while.”
And Percival knows damn well that he has work the next day, but he figures the time difference will substitute for it. He also knows that Theseus has had a long night and desperately needs rest from the eyebags he’s sporting. So Percival follows Theseus’ example: Percival takes off his suit, places it on the couch and steps forward, facing Theseus. The other tilts his head slightly, not entirely understanding what his friend is doing until he holds his hand up, and a bottle of Sleeping Draught appears.
“I think you need some of this, Thee,” Percival says, feeling like he’s instructing a child. Not that he minds. Theseus only weakly laughs, exhaustion dripping with every breath he lets out. “I don’t like to rely on it too much. But I’ll listen to you.” “You better. Now where’s this bedroom of yours?”
Theseus raises an eyebrow. “It’d be terribly rude of me not to show you where you’d be staying the night; let alone leave you on your own in my own apartment.”
Percival rolls his eyes and drags him to a small corridor that he’d assume would lead up to Theseus’ bedroom. “We’re wizards, Thee. Plus, who says I’ll need my own bedroom?��
Theseus smiles widely and finally does what Percival had been expecting to happen today: be embraced in a tight hug.
(He didn’t expect to be man coddled by a sleepy Englishman and be told he’s the best thing that’s happened to him recently. But Percival finds that he doesn’t mind one bit.)
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rosy-cheekx · 3 years
Alone Again, Naturally
Three times Martin should have called for help.
(I twisted my ankle on Sunday and was bummed bc I missed my partner so…this happened…oops.)
Martin’s phone was missing, though he was pretty sure he knew where it was. That thing, that wormy, writhing mass of a woman had it. Destroyed it. His only chance of rescue from this nightmare. Replaying the image of dropping the phone, abandoning it as he ran, would do him no good. His coworkers hadn’t noticed he was missing, or if they had noticed, they hadn’t stopped by. And they shouldn't, of course, it would only put them in danger. But still, it stung a bit, to know that he’d been gone for what, three days now? and no one cared.
He could become a statement from this, Martin realized, his death narrated in Jon’s smooth, clipped voice, and then they would finally learn what happened to that large, oafish researcher who was transferred to the archives with them and disappeared overnight.
Martin sighed through his nose noisily, as if he could expel the dark thoughts with the sound. “Christ, Blackwood. Getting awful morbid there.” Talking to himself had become a staple of his isolation. For one, it drowned out the ever-present knocking on the door and the squelching rustle of the worms. He honestly wasn’t sure whether the sounds were still real or if they had become such a constant that his brain just filled them in anyways.
His voice was the only other sound available to him with his computer not working and his phone gone. His clock radio had played static on every channel, and he had been grateful for the white noise at first. But the longer Martin left the radio on, the sound began to morph from the hissing of dead air to a choir, indecipherable and haunting. There were no words and yet he could understand the message: come home to us. We need you, we miss you, let us show you how much we love you. With us, you’ll never feel lonely again, we promise. Martin had come to, hand on the doorknob to his flat, radio in hand. After that, he had removed all the batteries from anything that could make noise. Since then, he could only trust his own voice; everything else was a trap.
The can opener, unfortunately, had been electric too. He had been so proud of his purchase, a real attempt at adult cooking. (He never seemed to use the manual ones and could never get the grip right.) With the power out, assumedly caused by Prentiss, he had to get creative when it came to “making dinner.” For Martin, this meant sawing open a tin can with a serrated knife, eating it with a fork, and praying no metal shavings were lurking in each mouthful. Tonight’s feast: another can of tinned green beans and the last can of pineapple. He didn’t even like green beans, why had he ever bought these?
Martin gritted himself against the awful sound of metal on metal as he cut into a tin of beans, hissing sharply through his teeth and letting his mind wander. Maybe he could strain the beans? Let them dry? It would probably be better than the wet and soggy mush he was bound to find. Maybe he could put some crackers on them for a crunch? Pretend it’s a bad soup? As he was finishing his indelicate surgery, Martin tipped the can into the sink a little, hoping to strain the bean juice and improve the meal even a little. As he removed the last of the lid, he saw it.
There, in the sink, wiggling its way out of the drain. Another worm. Martin shrieked and jumped back, dropping the can in the sink with a clatter. He grabbed a roll of paper towels and began to stuff them down the sink, plugging up the drain as best he could. For extra measure, he plugged the faucet as well, suddenly terrified of accidentally swallowing one in a glass of water. Once the adrenaline rush had passed, Martin felt it: a stinging in his palm. They must have jumped at him, must have bitten him. It would be over soon, he knew it. He would be like Prentiss, a mass of tiny bodies. He braced himself to feel something, but nothing changed. Martin frowned, chewing on his lip in confusion, and hazarded a glance down to his hand. There was no worm in his palm, nothing wriggling and biting deep into his muscle, just a slice along the flesh of his thumb, dripping blood from where he must have cut himself on the tin can.
Sheepishly, Martin rolled his eyes at his defeatism. Did it hurt like hell? Yes. But he wasn’t going to become a worm monster. Not today. Grabbing a few more sheets of paper towel, Martin hissed in pain as he pressed them to his wound, making his way shakily to the paltry first-aid kit he kept in his bathroom. He was clumsy in his wound care, only able to use one hand to open the kit and the individually wrapped plasters, while the other pooled blood in his palm uselessly. The antiseptic had stung like hell and the plaster was off-center, but eventually, the job was done. Martin had managed.
“See?” He asked himself softly. “All better. We didn’t want the green beans anyways.” Martin was alone, but he would be fine. He could take care of himself.
Martin’s phone had become less and less useful since his time in the Archives. Sasha and Tim had been distant in the end, their group texts dwindling into occasional messages regarding whether not someone had contacted so-and-so regarding their statement. He and Jon had called and texted quite a bit, before the Unknowing, when Jon had been in China, America, and wherever else Gertrude’s breadcrumbs had led him. But since the explosion, their messages lay at a standstill, a “good luck! come home safe :)” still waiting to be sent to “Jonathan Sims--Boss.” He used to call his mother every week, but the outgoing calls had dwindled as she returned less and less of them, until he received an apologetic voicemail from Steady Waters Care Home a few months ago.
Now, the only messages he received were his work emails and an occasional text from Peter with a request or two regarding The Magnus Institute. Not even spam calls reached him anymore. That was all fine by Martin. He was busy running the institute; he didn’t have time for social calls, even if he wanted any, which he didn’t. Martin had taken to leaving his phone in his work office, knowing he wouldn’t need it outside the building anyways. It was becoming something like a desktop mouse to him in its versatility.
It was a Thursday, and it was late--Martin’s watch read 11:09. Thursdays were Martin’s days to deliver paperwork to the archives. He could only ever do it at night when he was sure Jon had either gone home (or was asleep at his desk at the very least). Peter Lukas had been working Martin to the bone with all the paperwork he would hand off with a wave of his hand and an “I’ll be back next week Martin. Please don’t call me,” and this week’s stack of statement requests, financial approvals, and quarterly reviews would fall to Martin instead. Who knew running a front for feeding an all-seeing eldritch deity would require so many business expenses?
Martin. Martin knew. He had reviewed and approved each and every one.
It was the week after Halloween, so the list of those eager to give a statement was longer than usual. Hellweek, Tim used to call it, a grin on his face as Jon would frown and shake his head. The stack of folders Martin carried in his arms eclipsed his eyesight as he carefully made his way down the hall, the Lonely silencing his footsteps and the shuffle of his clothing. The elevator was broken this week, thanks to a visit from one of the Fairchilds. Martin clumsily opened the door to the stairwell, turning to the side slightly to see the steps that descended into the basement he knew so well. Cautiously, he began his way down the stairs, arms clutching the stack of paperwork and binders tight to his chest. The basement was eerily silent; even Martin’s muted steps echoed in his ears.
The door to the Archives creaked slightly, and Martin realized his mistake: he hadn’t propped the door. The thin streak of light that painted his way down the steps thinned and faded in time with the slow squeak of the door. The click of the latch sealed his fate: Martin was in the dark. He didn’t mind the dark, in principle, though his new awareness of the Fears heightened his concern considerably. He stepped down slowly, feeling for the steps with his foot as he went.
Halfway down the stairs, Martin heard a soft flutter as a few papers shifted in his stack. He hoisted the pile and tried to readjust it as he stepped once more. The combination of the changes in the balance of the papers and his weight combined were too much for his brain to process at once and he overcompensated on his step, putting his weight down a little too early. Martin felt the rush of adrenaline as he tried to catch himself, hands clutching uselessly at the paperwork in his hands as if it could save him and he felt himself tumble to the ground. Falling sideways, he hit his shoulder hard on the steps, momentum carrying him down the remaining steps to the floor. The loose papers not held in binders and folders scattered in what Martin was sure was every direction.
Martin was frozen on the floor, pain pulsing through his shoulder. He sat up tentatively, patting himself down as he set down what remained of his stack of folders. He wasn’t bleeding, but his ears were ringing and his arm hurt like hell. Listening carefully for the sound of anyone reacting to his presence, he rotated his shoulders carefully, wincing as throbbing radiated up his arm. He must have dislocated it. Patting his legs down, Martin found his phone in his pocket. He must have forgotten to put it on the charger. He...he could call someone, should call someone. His shoulder was dislocated.
He could call Jon.
He pulled up his text messages, the cursor blinking back at him, blinding in the dark. Jon was surely awake, he knew that man’s sleep schedule was worse than his.
good luck! come home safe :)
safe :)
He couldn’t call Jon. It would undo everything he and Peter were trying to build up. It was all for Jon anyways, to keep him safe, to keep them all safe. No. He had to do this alone. It was best that way.
Martin sat himself up carefully. He had taken enough first aid courses (rather, he had watched them for free on the internet) to know how to set it back in place and he knew it would not be pleasant. He drew his right knee up, and clumsily unknotted his tie, using it to secure his arm to his knee. Martin closed his eyes tight and leaned away from his knee, rotating his shoulder as he stretched away, wincing in anticipation until he felt the wet pop of his arm slotting back into place. Sparks shot through his vision, his only grounding point in the dark, and he huffed out a cross between a moan and a curse.
He carefully made a fist with his re-set hand, tensing the muscles in his arm. Determining it to be good enough, Martin felt his way to his feet and grabbed the wall to steady himself. He knew there was a light switch somewhere--ah.
The light clicked on and he winced at the sudden change, letting his eyes adjust behind the safety of his lashes. When he opened his eyes again, he surveyed the mess of his paperwork, gathering it methodically. It took him another half hour, back against Tim’s old desk, to resort his files before setting them in the file basket he had installed on the door to the Archivist’s office, the rest going on the desk of Jon himself. He would see them all in the morning. At least Jon was home, resting.
When Martin emerged from the Archives, he glanced down at his watch, wondering if it was too late to hail a cab. He frowned at his watch; the face was cracked, the hands stuck at 11:11. He must have cracked it in his fall. “Make a wish,” Martin mumbled to himself, rolling his eyes. He was pretty sure his wishes were out of reach, hopeless. As long as he would be safe after all this, Martin could sacrifice a few wishes.
Martin was on a walk. He had been doing that a lot, since his and Jon’s escape to Scotland. There was something comforting about the long stretches of rolling hills and rocky cliffsides, utterly devoid of menacing fear entities or bosses hellbent on destroying the world. Jon would come with him sometimes, especially in the early days when leaving each other’s presence was challenging to say the least, but Martin sometimes just needed the space. He loved Jon, he knew he did, and Jon did too, but sometimes the presence of another would build up and stifle him, an unbearable heat radiating off of Jon until Martin had to just go for a bit.
It was raining today, a bassy rhythm beating down on Martin’s umbrella as he walked a familiar cliffside path. He could see a rocky beach below him, waves made of roiling ink, more black than blue. The rain was comforting to him, distinguishing this ocean spread before him from the ocean of the Lonely and drowning out any thoughts that passed through Martin’s head. He stepped around a patch especially muddy gravel, glancing down and seeing a ghost of a reflection staring back at him.
Martin had been in a cold place today, withdrawn from the rest of the world. He had felt the fog blossoming over his mind and had known he needed to go for a bit, center himself, remind himself he was real. Rome wasn’t built in a day, and neither would his sense of self again, though he was making progress. Jon understood that sentiment, perhaps better than anyone else in the world, and had kissed him softly at the doorway, squeezing his hand in an unspoken promise. Martin tensed his own hand in a fist, still feeling the heat of Jon’s calloused palm under his, reveling in the idea that someone loved him the way Jon did, that someone loved him the way Jon did and that Martin loved Jon back. Martin felt his body solidifying under the rain, felt the wind buffet against him rather than pass through him.
Martin was thinking about going home when it happened.
Home, or Daisy’s safehouse, was a humble affair: reinforced windows, minimalist, a few guns hidden in the floorboards, lots of fresh fruits and vegetables from the village down the hill. It had been easy to reassign this place in Martin’s mind as home. He hadn’t felt at home since...well, definitely not since Prentiss. Maybe not before either.
The rain was letting up, and the brolly was forgotten in favor of letting the rain drop down into his hair, sopping his curls and plastering them to his skin. He couldn’t remember the last time he felt so content to be in the rain. Things weren’t good, but they were the best they’d been in a while.
The next thing Martin knew he was on the ground, ankle twisted and both shins scraped, blood and dirt mingling on his legs. He tried to stand up and cried out as his ankle immediately gave way, the hope of putting weight on it dashed on the rocks of the beach far below him.
Martin Blackwood crawled to a tree, leaning his back against it, not minding the dirt that was sure to collect on his back and rump. He winced and massaged his ankle, already feeling it begin to swell under his fingertips. With his free hand, a silver scar shining between his forefinger and thumb, he reached for his phone from his jacket pocket, hands shaking as he clumsily dialed the only number in his list of favorites.
“Martin?” Jon’s voice was warm through the tinny speakers. “I hope you’re well.” It was carefully not a question, though Martin caught the notes of careful concern.
“Tch-” Martin sucked air through his teeth. “I fell, Jon. I twisted my ankle, I think? Can’t-ah-can’t walk.”
“Oh. Martin, dear,” Jon’s voice was softer, and Martin could practically see his love’s fingers, itching to do, to fix. “Do you need me to—I can come get you, if you like. I haven’t…I haven't looked. But I can, if you want me to.”
Martin smiled despite himself, hearing Jon’s cautious phrasing. “Please, yes. I’m pretty sure I’m near a picnic park, if you want to drive there and get me? Not sure this is a drivable trail.”
“Did you pass anyone?”
A pause. Martin heard static crackling through the phone. “No one will be there. I Know where you are, Martin. I’ll be there soon.”
Ten minutes and enough ice packs to ease the pain of a full rugby team later, Martin was laying in the back of Jon’s small car, heat blasting on him to dry his now-soaked clothing. There were perks to having an all-knowing partner, it turned out.
Later that evening, Martin was tucked into the couch, his head pleasantly nestled in cushions and his feet in Jon’s lap, who was carefully massaging his feet and ankles, probing for any long-term injuries with his Eyes. A mug of tea grasped between his hands, Martin sighed softly and felt warmth flood his face. He hadn’t been alone this time. He wouldn’t be alone ever again.
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night-fallz · 4 years
XY’s Muse
Based on this prompt
It was raining and it was just the perfect atmosphere for me to write in. I hope you guys like this chapter. And like I have previously stated in the previous chapters, any criticism will be welcome.
uploaded on 01/28/21
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Ao3 // Wattpad
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Chapter 3
Marinette was sitting on a bench waiting for XY to arrive. She was nervous. Their conversation last night would not leave her head.
Marinette felt her cheeks heat up. 
He called me princess.
When Chat Noir called her that she just felt annoyed. But with XY, it only made her heart beat faster.
"Marinette!" she heard a familiar voice yell. Marinette turned around and noticed XY running up to her. When he finally reached her, he was out of breath. "I've been looking all over for you." He managed to say between gasps.
Marinette looked at him up and down with a bit of disgust. "What kind of disguise is this!" she yelled at him.
XY was wearing a sage-green crewneck that says 'NIKE' in the middle with baggy jeans and black converse. His outfit wasn't the worst. In fact, Marinette liked it. But what she didn't like were the accessories she chose. He was wearing an obnoxious cowboy hat with huge sunglasses that almost covered the upper part of his face. To make it worse, XY was also wearing an obnoxiously fake mustache.
XY winced at her reaction and meekly said, "A disguise?"
Marinette let out a huff. "I can not believe I am being seen next to you right now. The fashion gods must've cursed me or something."
XY let out a laugh and Marinette had a feeling that he was rolling his eyes at her. Of course, she couldn't be sure because of those hideous sunglasses. XY tugged her arm, "Come on." he smirked. "The faster we get to your house, the faster you won't be seen with a so-called fashion disaster like me."
Marinette scrunched her nose and started walking towards the bakery. "Hurry up." She exclaimed, letting out a small laugh. "I already know that you can't come up with a subtle disguise, but I hope that you aren't slow as well."
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XY was out of breath, yet again, when they arrived at the front door of the bakery. "You're fast." He let out a breath. “That wasn’t fair. I literally ran to the park so I could hang out with you, then you make me run even more.”
Marinette pulled the door open and winked at him. "I know." She gave her parents a quick hug and turned back to XY. "Do you want anything?"
XY looked at the baked goods and scrunched his eyebrows. "Can I have a croissant and a strawberry macaroon, please?"
He was about to reach for his wallet when Marinette quickly stopped him. "It's on the house." She said reassuringly. XY opened his mouth to protest and Marinette narrowed her eyes and gave him the items he wanted. "It's on the house," she repeated, this time glaring at him..
XY looked at Mrs. Dupain-Cheng for help but she only gave him a smile. "Don't argue with her, dear. She does this for all her friends. She won't take no for an answer."
"My mom's right." Marinette agreed. "Now come on” Marinette tugged his sleeve. “We have plans to make."
Before he could reply, Marinette led him upstairs to her bedroom.
"Woah," XY exclaimed in surprise.
Whatever he was expecting Marinette’s room to look like, it was not this.  
"Why are you so sho-" Marinette stopped talking right when she turned so she could face her room and her face went bright red. She let out a scream of embarrassment. "I swear I thought I put all of this away! I can't believe I forg- UGH!" she let out a huff of frustration. "You think I'm creepy now, don't you." she said, her eyes on the ground.
XY gave her room another quick glance before facing her. She had Adrien Agreste's face everywhere. There were posters with Adrien's face all over her wall. The wallpaper on her desktop was Adrien. Her room was basically an Adrien Agreste shrine.
Yet, XY had seen worse. Seeing her room, it was obvious that she has a crush on Adrien Agreste. He held in a scoff. Of course, she does. He thought. Why would she ever like me anyways. I’m a nobody when compared to the so-called sunshine boy of Paris.
XY could feel Marinette's eyes staring at him. He's been silent for a while.
Marinette probably assumed that he hated her and thought she was a creep. "Nope," XY said, a bit louder than necessary. He winced before he added, "I don't think you're a creep." his voice a bit softer this time.
"Yes, you do," Marinette stated, her hands hiding her face. "You took way too long to respond."
"I was taking in the scenery."
"What scenery?" Marinette asked. Though, XY could hear a teasing tone behind it. "My embarrassed face or my even more embarrassing room." Marinette plopped down on her bed. "I thought I took down all the posters and got rid of his face on my desktop." She faced him and smiled sheepishly, "I guess I was so excited to meet up with you that I forgot to take all this-" she gestured around her room "off."
"If it helps," XY tried to say. "This really isn't that bad." When Marinette stared at him as if he grew a tail, he added. "Trust me, I've seen way worse."
And just like that, the tense and awkward atmosphere was gone.
It was silent for a few seconds when Marinette spoke. "Me and my friend Alya” Marinette wouldn’t meet his eyes again. “We were supposed to take down all my posters and burn them." It was XY's turn to stare at Marinette as she was the one who grew a tail, but Marinette didn’t notice it or she just ignored him. "I'm over him. I actually can't believe I ever liked him in the first place."
"What changed?"
Marinette waved the question off. "I'll tell you later. Now, let's start planning the photo shoot."
XY stared at her for a few seconds, trying to see if she was telling the truth or not. "Okay.” He surrendered. “But you're telling me everything later."
"Maybe Marinette teased. "Now come on XY-"
"Xavier." he interrupted. Marinette scrunched her eyebrows in confusion. "Call me Xavier."
"Oh." Marinette looked at him with a cute smile on her face. "Well come on Xavier," she said his name in a teasing tone. "Let's get planning."
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Planning her 'I'm back cause I didn't realize that I somehow have over 200,000 followers on insta' photoshoot took a lot faster than Marinette thought it would.
XY, no, Xavier was a natural at it. She guessed it was because he was used to this kind of thing.
Marinette looked at her pink notebook. It was where she wrote down all the plans they made and the suggestions he gave her. "Thank you so much for helping me!" she exclaimed in excitement. "You have no idea how much this means to me."
Xavier took a bite out of his macaroon, "You're welcome. It wasn't that hard anyways, so it's all good."
Marinette studied him. Technically, she couldn’t take her eyes off of him, but same thing.
He took off that horrible disguise of his so she could actually see his face.
Like Marinette said before, Xavier was hot. He had a sharp jawline, which brought out his ocean blue eyes and his golden blonde hair was shining in the sun.
If Xavier ever asked Marinette who she believed his godly parent was, she would definitely say Apollo. Apollo was often described by Percy as hot. Someone with blonde hair and blue eyes. It also helps that Xavier was a musician.
Marinette let out a dreamy sigh before quickly widening her eyes. She tried to make it look like she wasn't staring at him but it was too late.
Xavier caught her. He gave her a smirk that practically made Marinette melt and raised an eyebrow. "Take a picture. It'll last longer."
Marinette wanted to take him up on that offer. Instead, she forced out a laugh and threw a pillow at him. "Wow. How original."
Xavier rolled his eyes and stuck out his tongue.
Could this guy get any hotter?
"So." Xavier said.
"So?" Marinette replied with confusion.
"What's up with you burning down all the pictures of-" he gestured at her posters.
"Oh," Marinette couldn’t bring himself to meet his eyes. "That."
"Are you alright?" His voice was soft.
Marinette looked at him in surprise.
Should she lie?
Marinette couldn’t bring himself to lie to him. He asked her that question with such sincerity. As if he actually wanted to know if she was okay
Instead, Marinette scoffs. "Did you know that you’re the second person who ever asked me that question?"
He didn’t reply.
Stupid. Marinette scolded herself. Why did she say that to him? Now he was going to hate her and think she’s just looking for attention.
Marinette stiffened. Xavier’s arms were around her.
He was giving her a hug.
Usually, Marinette would be freaking out about someone like him hugging her.
But right now, all she could do was hug him tighter and finally let go of all the tears that she's been holding in.  
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Note: I suck at writing sad scenes. So don't end up being surprised if my attempted angsty chapters end up being cringy.
Also, how do you guys want me to address XY? Do you want me to keep addressing him as XY or Xavier outside of Marinette's dialogue? I tried to address him with his actual name, Xavier, in this chapter. But I don't really know if I like it or not, so please give me your feedback on that.
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lovelylexipedia · 4 years
Just Friends – Alex Karev x Fem! Reader
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Type: Imagine (2,200+ words)
Requested: No
Summary: After being invited to a gala, you beg Alex to accompany you to help soften the blow of your mother's demands of you finding a suitable man.
Warning(s): Grey's Spoilers, Mild Swearing, Smut-ish towards the end
Note(s): You're a Peds nurse, so you and Alex grew close over the years, and your mom is a famous fashion designer. Thank you for reading!
I sit behind the nurse's station, going over a couple of charts. I drift my index finger over a few lines, then look up to log the information into the desktop computer in front of me. My ears perk up as I hear a familiar voice coming from down the hallway to my left. I look up from the log and spot my best friend and Pediatrics Chief, Alex Karev.
He enters a patient's room and I duck my head down to continue transfering information from the charts that I have. After a few minutes, he comes out and knocks on the marble island in front of my seat.
I look up and give him a sweet smile. "Hey, Karev. What's up?"
"Oh, nothing much. I just wanted to say hi." He smirks, returning the smile.
"Aw, that's so–"
"Ah, just kidding. I just need the chart for 2211. The kid in there is allergic to a few medications and I just need to look over which ones." Alex leans his forearms against the island and scrunches his nose.
"Rude." I roll my eyes before sifting through my pile of charts on my lap and beside me on the desk. I grab it and begin to hand it to him, but then I remember that I need a favor. "Actually," I pull the chart back, looking Alex up and down, "could you do me a favor?"
Alex reaches over for the chart and shakes his head. "You've asked me too many times for me to know that what I'm gonna agree to is gonna be either embarrassing or go down really badly."
I pull my arm back and feign a gasp. "What? No! It's just a simple, teeny-tiny favor, Alex, please!"
"Let me hear it," he grumbles, standing straight and crossing his arms. "This better be quick."
"Okay, so you know how my mom has these galas a couple of times a year to celebrate the brand and their partners?"
"Yes?" Alex drags out.
"Well, she invited me to one and wants me to bring a date. And I was hoping‐"
"No, no no no no no." Alex turns and walks away briskly. I tuck 2211's chart under my arm and I immediately get up to try and follow him.
I trail behind Alex, pouting. "Karev, please! It's just gonna be for a few hours!"
"Don't you have patients to tend to, L/n?" Chief Bailey turns the corner and stops in her tracks, eyeing the chart in my arm. I wince and Alex shakes his head.
"She's being a brat about her Mom's stupid gala," Alex explains as he leans against a wall a few feet down from the nurse's station.
"Am not!" I scoff and shove Karev lightly. He chuckles and finally turns to look at me.
"Well whatever it is, it better not he interfering with patient care. Hurry on." Bailey continues down the hallway, making a few stops in a could rooms along the way.
I give Alex a lopsided smile before continuing to pester him. "Alex, please. My mom really wants me to bring someone."
"Yeah, and that someone should be your boyfriend." Alex raises his eyebrow as if he's challenging me.
"Alex, you and I both know I don't have one of those. Believe me, I don't wanna go either, but the gala's tomorrow. Please? I'll do anything."
"Whatever," he turns and begins walking away, but I quickly catch up to him.
"I'll do your laundry for a week. I'll pay your rent for three months. I'll buy you a suit for tomorrow!" I finally intercept him and stand in front of him, hugging the chart in front of my chest and keeping my arms tight around me.
"Fine. But you're telling your mom that we're just friends. None of this 'fake boyfriend' crap." He points an accusing finger at me and I nod happily.
"Ah, thank you, Alex. Send me your measurements tonight so I can order your suit so we can have it ready for tomorrow!" I hug him briskly and hand him the chart curtly, before rushing back to the nurse's station to finish with the rest of the charts.
I knock on Meredith's front door and open my red velvet handbag, searching for the small comb I had packed before I left my apartment.
"Who is it?" I hear Meredith shout from inside.
"Your favorite nurse!" I yell cheerfully. I straighten my dress, it's black with small red roses trailing around the skirt.
A few seconds later, Meredith opens the door and looks me up and down. "Hm, I don't think so..." I scoff and smile, she giggles at her joke and steps aside. "He's figuring out his tie, maybe you should help him. Upstairs bathroom."
I walk in and thank her before making my way up the wooden stairs and to the upstairs bathroom. I knock on the door before entering and swing the door open. "I'm here!"
Alex whirls around from looking at himself in the sink mirror and lets his tie rest on his shoulders. "Jesus Christ, knock much?" He grabs the black fabric from his shoulders and holds it out to me. I leave the bathroom door open a few inches and take the undone tie from his hands.
"Uh, I did knock, Karev. Maybe you're just deaf." I drape the tie around his neck and begin.
"Whatever. Anyway, what time are we heading out of there?"
I pull back, having finished tieing his tie, and gasp, hitting him on the shoulder softly. "We haven't even left for the gala yet and you already wanna leave!"
He chuckles and I smile. Alex turns around to look at himself in the mirror once more. He tries shifting his tie around and I reach my arms over his shoulders to fix it for him.
"Quit it, I wanna do it..."
"It looks fine, Karev, calm down." I scoff and lightly slap his hands away from his tie. "So, you ready to go?" I ask, moving beside him and looking at him through the mirror.
He lifts his chin and turns his head from side to side before nodding and looking back at me through the mirror. "Yeah, let's get this over with, I guess."
The valet takes my car keys, tipping his head to Alex and me before rounding the front of the car and sitting in the driver's seat.
Alex and I walk up and gawk at the size of the venue. The building is about 5 stories tall and looks large enough to host a carnival and then some. Freshly-cut bushes line the front walls by the large double doors, and leading up to those doors is a mini red carpet. Two men guard the door, while another waits and is taking the names of who is arriving, he stands at a pedestal holding a pen and clipboard.
While marveling at the sight of spotlights dancing along the outside walls, I feel Alex's hand slip into mine. I take a deep breath, It's just the lights, it's just the lights.
Alex nudges me with his elbow, letting go of my hand, making it seem like an accident. "You ready to go in? You've been staring at the stars for a few minutes."
I don't bother correcting him and just nod, looking down at my feet and smoothening out my dress. Others walk past us, mostly couples my mom's age and younger, business partners, former models, employees. All are in their elegant attire, chatting away and it makes me feel small, insignificant.
Alex hooks my arm into his and I smirk slightly as we walk in together. After passing through the security, Alex and I make our way inside and the scenery is just as bright and fancy what was outside.
Another red carpet is lined up, but it instead leads to a large ice sculpture in the center of the building, with three more on the sides of it. Mini chandeliers hang over a few of the tables with the largest at the end of the hall, hanging over the large stage. Tables that seat 8 are sprawled around the venue, around 50 to 70 of them, covered in white table cloth and fixed with a wine glass, plates, utensils, and napkins.
"Oh, shit. This is a gala." I hear Alex mutter under his breath.
"You bet'cha. Crap, I need to find my mom." I bite the inside of my cheek and stand on my tippy-toes for a bit, looking around the large room as we continue to walk in.
"Look at that sculpture, how is it not melting?" Alex continues to marvel at the many exclusive items inside the vicinity while I scour the room for my mom.
"Y/n! Y/n, darling! Over here, honey!" I could hear my mom's voice from across the building. I spot her past the sculpture and right by the stage.
"Okay, Alex, you're gonna stay quiet and only talk when spoken to. If not, we'll be talking for a while and this gala will never end. You understand?"
"Loud and clear, captain." Alex sneers and I elbow him in the side. He crumbles over for a split second and groans before standing up straight again.
I walk up to my mom and smile, my arm still looped in Alex's.
"Y/n, I'm so glad you made it. And who's this?" My mom asks, eyeing Alex up and down.
"Oh this is Alex, my be–"
"–Boyfriend. Nice to finally meet you, Ms. L/n." Alex smiles shortly and shakes my mom's hand.
"Boyfriend? You never mentioned anything about a boyfriend, Y/n?" My mom questions, raising an eyebrow and looking me in the eye.
"Well... I was..." I look from her to Alex and bite my lip. "You see, I was going to, but I've just been so busy, y'know, at the hospital." I exaggerate to try changing the subject. I can feel my face going warm and my hands becoming sweaty.
"Okay, okay. I guess it's valid enough. I'm glad you could make it, we missed you at the last one." My mom pouts and rubs my arm, giving it a squeeze before pulling back. "Well, going to go get a drink. Would either of you like something?"
"No ma'am, but thank you." Alex smiles and shakes his head. My eyes almost widen in shock, but I keep my composure.
"Alright, well, I'll be with Ricky and Delilah by the stage if you guys need me. Have fun you two!" She waves a good-bye and makes her way back to the large stage, weaving her way through small crowds of people.
I wait a few seconds before turning to look up at Alex with wide eyes and my jaw dropped. "Why would you do that? Now she's gonna keep asking me questions about you all night!"
"Don't worry about it, just follow my lead, okay?"
"You're supposed to be following my lead! What happened to 'Loud and clear, captain'?"
Alex shrugs nonchalantly, "I got bored."
"You got- You know what, never mind. We just have to get through the first few hours, and then we can sneak out of here."
I stumble with Alex at my side into the unisex bathroom. I pull us both inside and lock the door.
"Alex, what happened to Following. My. Lead?" I pinch the bridge of my nose and look down, my back against the brown door.
"'Your lead' was about to get us busted. You should be thanking me! I just helped convince your mom you aren't a lonely loser who can't get a guy." He smirks and crosses his arms in front of his chest.
The few glasses of wine make me push him back harder than I intended, which makes him hit the restroom sink on his backside. He groans and rubs his side, probably where the sink jabbed him.
"Hey! No need to get violent! It's the truth!" He jokes, moving off the sink and taking steps toward me.
I laugh loudly and he covers my mouth, pushing me up against the door. "Shush! They're gonna think there's a comedy show in here." Alex whispers, slowly removing his hand from my lips, but not his eyes.
I bite my lip to keep myself from laughing and stare into his eyes, though he doesn't stare back into mine. I notice his hands have moved down to my waist and his fingers are slowly tapping at my dress. He looks up to my eyes, then down to my lips and I nod. Alex kisses me harshly, squeezing my waist as I tug at his dress suit.
We can taste the alcohol on each other's lips, but it doesn't stop either of us.
I can only think of how badly I've wanted this. To be able to kiss Alex Karev without the fear of him not wanting me back. Now that it's happening, I'm praying to God to make it last forever.
Alex moves one hand to my neck, the other on the back of my thigh. He lifts me up and holds me steady, my hands are in his hair and my legs are wrapped around his waist.
We continue making out for a few more seconds before I pull back. "What about 'just friends'?"
"Screw 'just friends'." Alex kisses me again, rougher. He takes a few steps and sits me on the bathroom sink, taking off his suit jacket.
We continue making out until we aren't "just friends" anymore.
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httpknjoon · 4 years
once again │myg; 1
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plot│ How can an eight year relationship turned as a bitter past? Can such thing can be rekindled once again? After your friend invited you to come to your home country after a long time, you decided to visit for three weeks. In three weeks, many things can happen. Including meeting Min Yoongi once again. 
genres│ angst,  little fluff over there, exes!au
word count│3.4k
pairings │yoongi x reader, taehyung x reader (esp in this chapter)
masterlist | once again — preview
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Are you nervous? Happy? Excited? Sad? Or angry?
You don’t know.
Wheels were rolling everywhere. Some people seem to be struggling and hurrying with their own kinds of stuff. While others are just sitting peacefully, knowing that they are still early for their flights. On the other side, you were sitting on a cold, metal, airport seating. Looking around, you were waiting for someone to arrive before you leave.
“Is everything okay? I mean, your stuff? You already have everything you should bring right?”
You panned your eyes to your side. Naeun, your best friend, is looking at you worriedly with her puffed eyes. You nodded with a tight-lipped smile and wandered your eyes around the place again. Naeun watched you at first. She knew you were waiting for someone. And she was also aware that you were nervous based on how your fingers fidget on your luggage’s handle. You kept on biting your lower lip unconsciously.
“Did you two talked already? Did he said he’s going?” Naeun asked.
“Yes and no.” You answered, already knowing who she was talking of. “Yes, we talked. I told him that we can work on our relationship as long as we have our phones or laptops. But, you know how Yoongi feels about goodbyes, right?”
“But, I am just hoping that maybe he will drop by to hug or kiss me for one last time.” You sighed deeply, looking down.
A month ago, you were over the moon after receiving an e-mail that you passed for a job as a column writer for a magazine. It was your dream job. Plus, you will be traveling to a new country, Canada. You were literally going to the other side of the world, a thousand miles away. The main reason why your boyfriend was literally against you, accepting this job, in the first place. You and Yoongi have been together for eight years but this will be the first time that you two will be far from each other.
“Good evening, passengers. This is the pre-boarding announcement for flight YYZ 2308 to Toronto, Canada. We are now inviting passengers to begin boarding at this time. Please have your boarding pass and identification ready. Regular boarding will begin in approximately ten minutes. Thank you.”
Only ten minutes left. You were still hoping for Yoongi to come. Squeezing your eyes close, you secretly prayed for him to maybe arrive somewhere here.
“I think you should go,” Naeun said.
“No, I still have a few minutes.” You tried to sound positive and waited over and over until...
“This is the final boarding call for passengers booked on flight YYZ 2308 to Toronto, Canada. Please proceed to gate 2 immediately. The final checks are being completed and the captain will order for the doors of the aircraft to close in approximately ten minutes. I repeat. This is the final boarding call for passengers booked on flight YYZ 2308. Thank you.”
That was your final call. You and Naeun stood up from your seats. Naeun began crying once again as she hugs you before you board your flight.
“Take care there, Y/N. Don’t overwork yourself. Don’t skip meals, okay?” Your best friend told you, sounding like a parent to her child.
“Thank you so much, Naeun. I’ll try calling you when I arrive there. I will miss you and everyone. Tell them that I’ll miss them too.” You hugged her tightly.
The hug did not last long and you are now proceeding to Gate Two. The attendant greeted you after you handed your boarding pass and identification card.
“Wait, Y/N.”
Yoongi was the one who runs to you since you were already in the line. His chest was heaving as he hugged you.
“You came.” You were still in disbelief.
“Yeah, I’m kinda late but I want to see you before you leave,” Yoongi whispered. “Take care of yourself while being there, okay? Do well with your job. Call me when you get there.”
That’s when you cried. Two weeks ago, you and Yoongi have been fighting since he cannot let you go there. But you explained your reasons and goals. Back then, Yoongi just agreed with a nod, not saying much and already admitting your win. Now, Yoongi is here, cheering you for your plans. You two hugged as tight as you can before leaning your foreheads together.
“I love you so much. Thank you so much, Yoongi.” You sobbed.
“I love you too,” 
For the last time, both of you shared a short but sweet kiss. You smiled as you let go. The flight attendant smiled at you after handing you your identification card. You knew she already has seen a hundred of this same scene you and Yoongi made. You looked at Yoongi for the last time and you wave him a hand while showing you his gummy smile. It made you smile more, knowing that he supports you and you will be calling him once you landed in Canada.
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The loud ringing of your phone woke you up. You shuffled on your bed, looking for that noisy device. Your face scrunched. It took you two more minutes to finally find it under some pillows. It was only 6:30 AM, you can't think of someone who will call you this early. But, your eyes immediately lit up as you read who was calling you early in the morning.
“Good morning!” You are already in good vibes as you greeted the caller.
“Good morning, love. Did I call you too early?” His voice is still raspy, indicating that maybe he just woke up too.
“No, it’s fine. I did not hear my alarm clock minutes ago.” You answered, now sitting on your bed.
“Nice! Let’s go to work together, okay? I’ll pick you up later. Let’s buy breakfast on the way.”
“Okay, okay. Love you.” 
After the call ended, you immediately went straight to your bathroom. This is how your day began. It has been four years since you had your job as a column writer and you no longer work in Canada. Three years ago, you were offered to work in the magazine’s main office in New York City. And of course, you said yes. It was the total dream that came true for you. You haven’t visited Seoul ever since you left. You were busy and after things changed in between those years, you never had plans of coming back again. You and your best friend, Naeun, never lost in touch anyways. You two always talk through video calls with her little girl, Jina.
‘Will be there in five minutes.’
You read your boyfriend’s text just after you just blow dry your hair. Your makeup was already done and you started fixing your hair for a simple side braid. Minutes later, you were already leaving your apartment in your office clothes and classic black heels. Your eyes were quick to spot the familiar black car in front of your apartment building. One of its windows rolled down, revealing your boyfriend.
“Let’s go?”
You smiled before opening the door to the passenger seat. As soon as you got in, you gave him a quick kiss on his lips.
“So, where do you want to have breakfast?” He asked as he drove.
You went silent and started thinking, “Maybe we should drive-thru into that coffeehouse.”
“You said that you don’t drink coffee.” 
“I don’t. But, I heard that they sell great pastries too, Tae.” You responded.
Taehyung did not say anything and turned the wheel to the coffeehouse. He was the one who ordered after you told him what you want. You almost squealed because of excitement when you smelled the delicious smell of freshly baked muffins that you got.
“Thank you, love.” You placed a kiss on his cheek before giving a bite of the chocolate chip muffin. “So good.”
Taehyung could not help but giggle at how cute you look. Tiny crumbs of the bread were left on the side of your lips.
“Hey, be careful about eating. You might re-do your make up after that."
"Then, I will re-do it later. It's just so good."
You grinned once again, not aware that there is some evidence of chocolate on your front teeth. Your boyfriend just laughed and continued driving. Not long after, you two arrived in your office building. You work in the same magazine. Taehyung’s job is a creative director, suited for his artistic mind.
“Was the chocolate gone? How do I look?” You asked him after cleaning yourself up.
“Lovely.” He smiled.
You rolled your eyes, “Yeah, I remembered that I should not have asked you.”
“What? Why?”
“You will always say I look great even though I look shitty.” 
You heard him chuckle, “You do look great anytime, love!”
The two of you strolled side by side inside your building. You met your other co-workers in the elevator. When the door opened to the fifteenth floor, the whole place is still quiet and empty. Each of you went to your own cubicle and desks. Since you have been working in this magazine for three years now, your working place was already personalized by you. Many neon-colored sticky notes were placed on the wall. A picture frame sat beside your computer desktop, showing an image of you and Taehyung.
After fixing your things, you began working on your last document. The topic that was given to you was quite hard for you though you experienced a few parts of it. You tried researching and interviewing other people about it, hoping that you will be able to make something from it. But, you found it hard. So, you just type whatever in your head. You thought of asking Claire, your editor in chief, to change your topic. But, on the other side, you also thought that maybe it can help you to explore more. You tried processing every information you got and type it all away. You got busy that you did not notice a phone notification from a particular person.
"Hey, Y/N."
You looked up from your computer screen. It was Jane, your co-worker, and friend.
"Me and Henry’s eating out for lunch. Do you and Taehyung want to join?” She invited you.
"Hmm? What time is it already?" You asked since you never really bothered watching your time while working.
"It's almost one in the afternoon."
“Oh, okay. I’ll join it.”
You stood up from your chair and secured your document to your computer. You picked up your phone and wallet from your bag.
“But, I will still ask Tae if he is joining.” You added.
Taehyung is in his shared office with the magazine’s design team. Since they have a glass wall, you already spotted your boyfriend all alone focused on his desktop. It looks like his other colleague already left for lunch. You knocked three times on the glass, making him look up to you. You mouthed ‘let’s have lunch’. Taehyung was quick to get your sentence and left his work.
“You seem so focused there, love.” You told him as you and Taehyung stay behind your two friends.
"Yeah, the team decided a new theme for this month's issue. I had to change many things with my latest work."
Taehyung kept on talking while you thought of checking your phone. And there, you finally noticed the message you received a couple of hours ago. It was from Naeun, asking you to give her a call in your free time. You and Naeun never lost communication in between those years and it’s not new that she messaged you like this. This time, you feel like Naeun has something to tell you. But after checking the time there in Seoul, you thought that maybe you should call her later.
Henry and Jane lead you to the newly opened restaurant, not too far in your building. You only ordered a chicken salad and tomato soup. While eating, they started talking about what they are currently working on. The four of you shared ideas and opinions to help one another until they asked you about yours.
“My topic is extremely hard for me right now.” You told them.
“Oh, that’s new. You always do good research with your subjects.” Henry responded.
“That’s right. Why? What is it all about?” Taehyung also asked.
You did not hesitate to answer since you expected that maybe they can share their own experiences too. But what Jane had told you took you back for a bit.
“Hey, I think that’s easy. I’m sure you got through a break up before. Hmm? You will get some pointers from that.”
It’s true that you already got through a breakup before. But, you are sure that you will not get anything from it. Your article topic was completely missing with the first and only break up you have encountered. The old memories from the past crashed inside your head again. Your heart began beating like crazy again as you
Suddenly, Taehyung held your unconsciously balled fist. You were clutching it too tight that your knuckles turned white. A hint of worry was found in his expression.
“Are you okay?”
You sighed before nodding slowly. Taehyung played with your fingers by pinching each one of it softly, a thing he always does to calm you down when stuff like this happens. The lunch did not take any longer. You and your friends went back to your jobs.
“Are you okay now?” Taehyung asked as you sat back to your swivel chair.
"Yeah, I'm sorry about that." You said sincerely.
You felt sorry that he still has to deal with you having an issue from your past. But Taehyung held your hand again and left a kiss on your forehead.
"You don't have to be sorry. I will always understand."
The day went on. You ended up writing nothing since you cannot focus. You tried anything to type something. Your article was left just like what it was before you had your lunch break. It felt like your head is going to burst while forcing it to focus on your article.
The whole ride back home with Taehyung was silent, only the radio produces a noise. You chose to stay in Taehyung's place for dinner. He said he will order some fast food meals. As soon as you got home and get changed with your boyfriend's clothes, Taehyung called for a food delivery while you contact Naeun. Maybe it will help you to think less.
"Finally! I thought you did not read my message." Naeun said on the other line.
"Well, sorry. I thought that maybe I should call you after you wake up there. Remember? Time difference?" You scoffed.
"Oh, okay. Sorry. Anyways, Y/N, can I ask you a favor?"
You can imagine Naeun acting cute with her puppy eyes just for her tone.
"Sure, just don't make it something illegal or what." you joked, making you both giggle.
"Can you please, please, pretty please come here in Seoul? Maybe just a visit?"
"What?" you almost whispered.
You did not expect that even though you know you should have. It was the first time Naeun begged you like this after you left and you understood her. It's been years.
"Come on, Y/N. Everyone here misses you! Especially the gang. Jina, Me, Seokjin, Namjoon, and... Yoongi." She was obviously unsure of the last one since the tone of her voice changed.
That was the only thing you can say. There is a part of you who wants to say yes because of course, you miss them too. But there is also the other half of you who is extremely anxious and just wants to decline Naeun's request. You are afraid to see Yoongi again after four years. And you hate how crumbled your mind is.
You heard Naeun let out a big air from the other line, "Listen, if this is about Yoongi, I swear. It's been years! I'm sure he will be happier to see you again than act something bad because you guys broke up. I'm sure that everything will be cool."
"Are you sure?" You were biting the insides of your cheeks. Still, you're glad that she's aware of you and Yoongi.
"Of course! We just want to see you again! You can bring your boyfriend if you want."
As if he heard it, Taehyung sat beside you on the couch. He is playing something on his phone. You looked at him as you talked again.
"Yeah?" You were still unsure. "I-I will think about it or check my schedule or something."
"Okay, Y/N. We just really miss having you here. Love you. Miss you so much!"
"Miss you too."
That's when you ended the call. Taehyung stopped with his game when you noticed you were done already with the call. He can see how troubled you are.
"Naeun and my friends want me to visit them there." You opened up.
"Oh, that's great. Right?" He smiled but you frowned even more.
"Yup, but I'm having thoughts again." You fiddle on the hem of his big shirt you're wearing.
"Well, do you want to talk about it?" Taehyung's voice was gentle.
You looked at him, thinking if he will be comfortable with this conversation you two are having.
"Are you sure?" you asked him and he smiles once again. "I mean, I know I should not be anxious about this. Especially now that I have you and we are together. But, my ex is there and I don't know what can happen."
Taehyung engulfed you with a warm hug. You rested your head on his chest while he repeatedly slides his hand with your hair.
"I know that you feel kind of awkward for telling me these kinds of stuff about your ex but remember that I am your best friend too. I am willing to hear anything and everything from you. I am happy that you are opening up to me like this and I think it would be a great idea to go visit them again."
"Really?" You asked, still snuggled under his neck.
"Yes. It was your home and they are your friends. I am sure you miss them so much too."
You removed yourself from and looked at him.
"And what about Yoongi? Are you okay with him? I mean, we are in one circle of friends. Will it be fine for you?"
Taehyung cupped both of your cheeks, "Love, I trust you. I understand that you two have been together for almost a decade but I trust you. I know that you will never do such a thing. Right?"
You can see how Taehyung is sincere with everything he said. He gave you a peck on your lips and hugged you again.
"Anyways, think about it. If you're uncomfortable with going back there. Then, it's fine. They will understand."
You hugged him back. The amount of comfort Taehyung gave you for today was amazing. Even though every trouble you had today was connected to your past.
He is now a part of your past, right?
You thought. Reflecting on what Taehyung said. Maybe visiting your old place will be a great idea. Maybe it will result in something wonderful despite the past.
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"Three weeks leave?"
Your editor in chief, Claire, looked up from you after reading your letter. You felt a little nervous though Claire was never strict. But, it was your first time requesting leave and you thought that maybe the days you requested were too long.
"Uhm, yes. But, I will still write and pass my articles and research through e-mail. I am just staying back home for weeks." You explained.
"Okay, I see." Claire nodded, looking back to your letter. "I think this was the first time you ask for a leave. Please, correct me if I'm wrong."
"Oh, yes. This is the first time."
"Okay. You can take your leave. Just send your works through e-mail and we'll be fine." She smiles friendly. "When will you be taking your leave?"
"Three days from now."
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Three days later, you are now standing in the line for boarding with your luggage. You took a cab going to the airport. Taehyung cannot come with you since he still has to go to work but he lets you wear a hoodie of his to make you feel he is 'with you'. That's what he said. He asked you to update him with your departure and arrival. Even now, before you leave, you sent him a picture of you pouting. It willl be a fourteen-hour flight and you cannot text him between those hours.
Now, you sat on your seat inside the plane. There's an extremely tiny voice inside your body that says, "No, don't go back there. Past is past." But there was also the larger one who blocks it with "Go, Y/N. It's time to face the past again."
Your head was a little less messy than last week. And you hope that staying in Seoul for three weeks will only bring good memories. You hope that you'll finally find an answer to the article topic you still writing on.
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🍒 taglist 🍒 < @ladykadyrova @scalubera @biaswreckeedbybts @scentedsope @whocaresarchives @craftymoonchaos > <and if you anted to be added for next chapter's taglist, leave a reply 🦋>
author’s note │i hope you enjoyed the first chapter of once again! this one may be full of taehyung and y/n moments but next following chapters will include more yoongi and their gang. let me know your thoughts!!
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saeran-imagines · 3 years
Did you see the birthday chats from 2019? Specifically the one where Saeran (as "Unknown") invites you to come eat ice cream and watch Netflix with him? Since Saeran's birthday is coming up again, could you write what if MC had taken him up on his offer and gone to meet him? (Jindere has a video of the chats on youtube if you haven't seen it/want a refresher!) I'm obsessed with the idea of this happening and I love your writing so I'd love to read this from you 🥰
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Heya! I remember those birthday chats omg, I just had to buy the picture that went along with them when it became available! That and the 707 version are just so pretty, I had them as my desktop background for a good while 🥰
I made this longer than I meant omg! I wanted to get it done in time for his birthday, which, HAPPY BIRTHDAY SAERAN !! (and seven too but this blog ain’t about you ❤) I have a bias for the soft Saerans so I didn’t think I’d like writing for Unknown as much as I did, but I had a lot of fun with this 😊 I hope you all like it!
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You fiddle with your phone, the broken looking chat room open to “Unknown’s” messages. That hacker… what kind of person is he? There’s no doubt he’s up to no good, but he’s never done anything that would put you in danger. Quite the opposite, actually. You have a feeling he’d rush to your rescue if you found yourself in a bad situation. “It’s my birthday today. Meet me outside the building at 8 and I’ll show you a great time.” Coming from anyone else it’d sound creepy as hell, it should sound creepy as hell, he’s a complete stranger who hacked your phone, but… the feeling of dread you imagine would come before getting axe murdered just isn’t there. And more than that, there’s something in the way he typed, in the long pauses between messages that seemed… lonely. You look at the clock- 7:50. Taking a deep breath, you force yourself up, pull on a coat, and take the elevator down to the first floor. You wouldn’t be able to stand not knowing what might have happened if you didn’t go meet this mystery person. And hey, it could very well be a great time.
You take up a position right outside the building and look around- nobody seems to be here yet. The sun has started its trek downwards, the shadow on the building long enough to reach the other side of the road. It’s a little late to be out. What does he have planned? You take another deep breath and try to relax, worrying won’t do you any good. You check your phone- 7:53. Has it really only been 3 minutes? It feels like you’ve been waiting here for hours. Footsteps followed by a figure rounding the corner next to you cause you to perk up, but another person follows shortly after and you quickly look back down again, dejected. The couple shoots you a suspicious glance, keeping enough distance from you that they end up walking on the road as they pass you on the sidewalk. You must look strange, you realize, fiddling with your thumbs and glancing back and forth in the dark shadow of a building. You sigh, this is a little ridiculous. Just as you’re considering going back inside and forgetting about this whole evening, you feel a tap on your shoulder. 
“Hey, doll,” a smooth low voice sounds from where your shoulder was tapped, and you whip around to see the source. “You actually came.” You notice his eyes first, a striking minty blue that almost glows in the dim light. Then you notice his white suit that matches perfectly with his hair, pink accents and all. Aren’t hackers supposed to be subtle? The only things about him that match your mental stereotype are the dark circles under his eyes and the mask covering the lower half of his face. Neither detract from his allure, though. He looks like you could find him on the cover of a fashion magazine. He chuckles at your stunned silence. “What, liking what you see?” 
“Ah! Uh-” you stutter out. “You just… weren’t what I was expecting.” You can’t see his mouth under the mask, but you know he’s smirking anyways.
“Oh?” he teases. “And what did you expect?” You try your best to regain your composure. This isn’t the time to be making googly eyes at strangers. God, it’s been way too long since you’ve interacted with someone. You haven’t had the chance to after temporarily moving into that apartment. 
“I don’t know, some weirdo in a ski mask?” you joke, making him chuckle again. You feel yourself starting to relax. He seems like a kind enough person, despite the teasing, and talking to him is comfortable. This night might turn out better than you expected. “So, what are we doing tonight?” 
“Well, I hope you like ice cream. My favorite parlor stays open late, I figured I deserve a birthday treat. You know, since I’ve been such a good boy recently,” he laughs. It’s a giddier laugh than you expected from him, he must have been looking forward to this for a while. He holds out his hand for you to take. “Shall we?” You pause, looking down at his gloved hand. You can feel that this is the last chance you have to change your mind, to take the elevator back up to the apartment and forget about this interaction. Taking hold of his hand would form a contract that binds you to his side for the rest of the night. After a moment of deliberating you grasp his hand, perhaps a bit too tight. You’ve already gotten this far, your curiosity won’t let the night end until you learn more about this strange man. You flash him the most convincing smile you can muster.
“Let’s go.” He weaves you through the city, taking more than a few sketchy shortcuts through alleyways and unexpected detours. He must have to be careful to avoid detection in his line of work, he’s walking as if he’s trying to confuse anyone who might be tracking him. He makes some small talk along the way, prying you for your thoughts about various RFA members and asking you about your life outside the messenger. You learn that he has a bit of a soft spot for Jumin, seeming to appreciate his cold honesty and business oriented mindset. From the short walk you’ve had with this stranger he seems to be the type to prefer fun over work, but you suppose you’ve only seen one side of him. So far, that is. 
You arrive at your destination after around 20 minutes of walking. It’s a small sweets shop painted white and baby blue. A chalkboard sign shows the flavors of the day through the window, around half crossed out due to the business day nearing its end. You feel a light squeeze around the hand that you nearly forgot was being held by the hacker. When you look up at him you can see sparkles in his eyes. When he notices your stare he looks away, is he embarrassed? “Sorry if I startled you, darling.” He apologizes for his sudden excitement, letting go of your hand “My flavor is still in stock,” he says with a smile. “Shall we go inside?” He holds the door open for you and you thank him, walking inside and losing yourself in the sweet scent. 
“Welcome!” the chipper cashier calls out. “Do you two know what you’d like?” Your partner wastes no time in calling out a practiced order, something with mint and a waffle cone that you don’t quite catch as you scan the overwhelming array of colors and flavors. Not wanting to spend too much time gawking, you throw out a fast ‘I’ll have what he’s having’ and make your way towards the counter.
“Good choice,” your partner of the evening says with a grin. You stop him as he starts reaching towards his pocket. He tilts his head at you with a questioning stare.
“It’s your birthday, right?” you state more than ask. “My treat.” You pull out and swipe your card before he has a chance to protest. He doesn’t speak for a few seconds, not expecting this act of kindness, but he quickly recovers with a laugh and a thank you as he takes his cone. “Where to?” you ask once you both successfully make it out of the shop with delicious looking chocolate dipped mint chocolate chip ice cream cones. You want to see how it tastes, but a deep rooted birthday etiquette that lives inside of you forbids you from taking the first bite. That’s reserved for the birthday boy, after all!
“Just up there,” he points to a nearby hill. “You can see the stars really well.” You smile and nod before starting the trek. It’s a cool evening, luckily, so your ice cream only barely starts to drip on the way up. Talking to the mysterious hacker seems to get easier as time goes on. Any leftover anxiety you had fades as you make light conversation and tease each other. It feels like you’ve known him for years. You attribute at least some of it to the ice cream, his speech has become a lot more bubbly and a lot less guarded after he got his hands on his cone. You never thought you’d call the person who broke into your phone cute, but you can’t help but smile at how happy he seems.
You reach the top of the hill before you know it. A blanket is already laid out at the very top, and he guides you to sit beside him on it. It’s not a huge blanket, your shoulders are nearly touching. Which is NOT something to blush about, you tell yourself. He pulls his mask down for the first time tonight, leaving you to stare at him for a bit longer than you would have liked to. He was definitely handsome, but there’s a layer of familiarity that you can’t quite put your finger on. His pretty lips turn up in a smirk. 
“What are you staring at?” You almost miss it, but his hands fidget slightly as he asks the question. Maybe he’s a bit more insecure than he lets on? You try to get past some of your shyness for his sake, if he’s worried about his looks you’d like to reassure him.
“Nothing much, I just think you look nice,” you smile, feeling just a bit of heat creep to your face. “Now-” you quickly change the subject. “You have to take the first bite of your ice cream so I can have mine. Birthday rules, and all.”
“Okay, okay, whatever you say, doll,” he chuckles. He takes a bite, trying to catch all the ice cream that threatens to drip off. “There.” You grin and have a taste, too. There’s something about small shops that make everything taste a thousand times better. It’s the sweetest, creamiest ice cream you’ve ever had. 
“Good, right?” he asks, already knowing your answer from the big smile on your face.
“Yup!” you exclaim. You finish your treats in a comfortable silence. The stars really are beautiful from the top of this hill, they appear so much bigger and brighter without the light pollution from the city. You glance to your side to see him looking back at you. 
“Enjoying yourself?” he asks. He’s closer than you remember.
“Yeah,” you breathe. “The stars are beautiful.” His eyes are shining like stars, too. The darkness has made their unnatural color stand out even more, it would be so easy to get lost looking into them. You force your gaze back to the sky, trying to ignore how fast your heart is beating. “Are you? Enjoying yourself, I mean? It’s your birthday, after all.”
“Yeah, I am,” he says without missing a beat. “It’s not often that I get to go out like this.”
“Because of your hacking job?” you ask.
“Yeah, something like that.” He sighs and leans back, looking up at the stars once again. What kind of life does he have? It’s hard to get a read on him. You can talk to him like an old friend but you don’t even know his name. You get the feeling he wouldn’t tell you even if you asked. Better not to, then. You’re satisfied with the little snippets of him that you’ve gotten today, and if he wants to reveal more you’ll let him do that at his own pace.
“Well, I’m glad I came out to meet you then.” He looks over at you again, studying your face. Almost like he’s waiting for you to take it back, or turn it into a joke. You don’t.
“Yeah, me too.”
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oddduckthatgirl · 4 years
Warnings: SMUT! (It’s not so bad) Dd/Lg dynamic.
A/N: I wish my desktop wasn’t a turd and I wish mobile was better. I haven’t written anything smut wise in so so long. I don’t feel confident about it at all. But here we go. I was inspired by something and I couldn’t help myself .
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It was always tough when Henry was working and you couldn’t always go with him right away. This time you had a few things to tie up when the Witcher had started shooting again. Originally, you would have been with him for almost the entirety. Thanks to a global pandemic, everything changed.
“Knowing I’ll have you in my bed after tomorrow makes these long days worth it,” he even sounded exhausted over the phone, “I always sleep better with your body next to mine.”
You smile as the heat spreads over your body, “Henry, don’t start something you can’t finish.”
He moans, “never been accused of an inability to finish.”
“Not that I don’t appreciate it,” phone sex was never enough, “I still need to finish packing.”
He clicked his tongue, “tsk tsk little one.”
An idea formed just in that instant, “without Daddy to remind me things get away from me,” you can’t help the yawn that escapes you.
“It is nearly bedtime after all,” he can practically see the pout on your face, “I know you’ve been a good girl while we’ve been apart. Let’s don’t start breaking rules now.”
“You’re right,” you roll your eyes imagining the smirk on his face, “as usual. I can finish packing tomorrow.”
He hums his approval, “that’s my good girl.”
Every time he says those two words, your core throbs, “you need some sleep too Daddy.”
“Indeed I do,” you can hear him shift in his bed, “I’ll call you again tomorrow just before bed. Make sure your travel arrangements are in order.”
“Yes sir,” the growl from him doesn’t go unnoticed, “good night. I love you. With all my heart.”
“And I love you,” he lets a contented sigh out, “with all my soul. Good night. Until tomorrow.”
You hang up and make another call, “Hey Leah, it’s me. Sorry, I know it’s late. Just talked to Henry and he doesn’t have a clue. No, no I believed you’d not tell him. So you’re going to pick me up from the station or do I need…..okay. And if we’re lucky, he’ll still be shooting. Thanks again for helping. See you soon!”
You hang up and begin to finish your packing. You knew you were coming in a day early but you hadn’t even thought about how you wanted to greet him.
He will be tired but you can tell how much he misses you. You pick an outfit from a section of your closet that rarely sees public view. You find something subtle and smile thinking of his reaction. Tomorrow will be something.
You flop down in the passenger seat of the car just glad to be off the train, “thank again for doing this Leah.”
“Oh now, the way he sulks around….you surprising him will make his mood better.”
You smile and adjust your skirt. The flowing black and white fabric was soft against your skin. You had the smallest black shirt to match which hugged every curve. But what completed this whole look was the thigh high white socks. It also wasn’t so far out of your personal style that it would raise an eyebrow.
Leah had needed to make usual stops for Henry today so you found this as a perfect excuse to arrive early. She had already picked up groceries and a few other items he had needed. You smile and thought “guess that includes me.”
You make one stop at the house he’s renting during the shooting. You are able to drop your bags and freshen up for a second. Leah makes some calls and makes sure everything is in order, “right so they’re still working but I believe he’ll have a break by the time we’ve been there. Possibly we’ll beat them to that.”
“Good timing then,” makes your heart skip a beat. A small twinge of anxiety creeps in. You chew the corner of your bottom lip.
“Don’t worry love, he’ll be so happy you’re here,” she says as you walk back to the car.
Your mind is floating between memory and reality on the way. Thinking of all the conversations with him on the phone, how difficult it’s been being apart, and how much your body has missed his. Sure, the two of you have made attempts but your hands and toys aren’t the same as him. Although, even being able to hear him praise you was almost enough. You push your thighs together trying to fight the heat building in your center.
You snap a photo of your lips and send it to Henry with the text, “wish you were here.”
You hold your phone in one hand as the car stops, “come on then. It’s a little walk to his trailer and I’m not sure if they’ve gone to break or what’s happening.”
As you walk your phone vibrates. A message from Henry. The dork even sent a kissing face emoji. “Soon little one. Just getting ready for a small break. Call you when I get back to my trailer. Ten minutes?”
“Sure. I’ll be waiting,” you type. “He just texted me and said they’re just now taking a break and said he’d be here in like ten.”
“No time to waste then,” the two of you hurry to his trailer and Leah takes Kal from his kennel, “this one could use a walk anyway.”
You smile at her and wave your goodbyes. And you sit down and try to relax. You manage to take a couple of deep breaths and then you hear him.
“You certainly have timing. Kal, have you been good?”
“Of course he has. Do you expect less?I’m going to take him for a long walk so you can relax for a bit. I know he gets a little excited for Daddy.”
“He’s not the only one,” you whisper. God his voice makes you ache.
“You really are wonderful Leah. If I haven’t told you lately. You always take care of everything.”
You hear her thanks and mildly scolding him to take his break. His footsteps on the pavement make your body go rigid. The anticipation of him makes your skin feel electrified.
What you weren’t prepared for was the sight of him in full Geralt rig, as he called it. Sleeves rolled up past his elbows, those impossibly tight trousers. Complete with the amber contacts. Your eyes meet these strange ones and you feel the wetness begin to pool in your panties.
“My God,”he gets to you in a step and half and picks you up from where you were seated. He pulls you into a deep, wet kiss. It’s all tongue and teeth and hands pulling you into his body. He rests his forehead against yours and holds your neck in his hands, “you weren’t kidding when you said you’d be waiting. I’ve missed you.”
The way his hands are positioned is a silent que you both agreed on so you know when someone wants to play. You grip his wrists and squeeze as a signal to go forward. You pull back and play with the silver locks, “I’ve missed you too. How long do you have?”
He smirks, “twenty minutes, maybe thirty,” he runs his hands up your thighs. His fingers trace under the hem of your skirt, “did you pick this outfit for me sweetness?”
You nod your head as his hands wander under your skirt and grip your ass. Your breath catches in your throat and his fingers slide over your skin. “Please,” is all you can wheeze out.
He skillfully runs them down over your panties and grazes your wetness. You grip his shoulder as he circles your clit over the thin fabric, “so wet for me already princess,” he traces your earlobe with the tip of his nose, “But you know the rules. What is the rule about these, hmm?”
He pulls the waistband and it creates some friction along your slit. You squeak a cry of relief, “Little girls are supposed to ask what panties to wear.”
Fingers tease your hard nipples through your shirt, “do go on,” he places kisses along your cleavage.
You can’t help the ragged breaths you’re taking, “ if Little girls are allowed to wear them at all.”
He grabs your face with both hands and kisses you deeply, pushing you against the wall. He grinds his hips into yours; his arousal more than apparent. Heat spreads all over your body as his lips kiss any exposed skin he can find. He rucks up your skirt and places an open mouthed kiss on your clothed mound.
His eyes drift up to you. Those lenses make him seem more animal than man. His predatory gaze makes you shiver. He swallows thickly. “I love the way you smell Pet,” choosing to sound more like Geralt than himself. His fingers dance over the waistband of your panties, “take these off and then give them to me.”
He takes a step back and keeps his hungry gaze on you. With shaking hands, you reach under your skirt and slowly pull down your soaked panties. You hold them between your fingers and place them in his hand. Your cheeks flush red with embarrassment.
“Good girl,” he says, “to be clear you won’t be wearing any of those for the foreseeable time. Do you understand?”
You nod your head, “yes Daddy.”
He smiles and softly kisses your forehead. He takes his trophy and slides them in the pocket of his jacket that is on a hook by the door. He wraps a thick arm around your waist and pulls your body to him, “I’m so happy you’re here. And I love this surprise.”
Before you can speak, he silences you with a finger against your lips. He pulls you into another maddening kiss. His tongue working in and out of your mouth in a way that weakens your knees. He pins you between him and the wall.
“You’ve been so good. I believe that calls for a reward,” his hand slides between your thighs. You spread your legs without being asked which makes him laugh low in his chest, “such a wanton little thing.”
You shake your head in agreement. You know better than to speak without permission right now.
“You will need to be as quiet as possible while Daddy gives you your reward,” his thumb circling your clit with just enough pressure to make you quake. He runs two thick fingers over your wetness, “this will have to do until later when you can be properly rewarded.”
He pushes his fingers into your core, never letting up on the motion over your nub. Your head falls against him and you bite your tongue to keep from moaning. You bring your head back up and lock eyes with him.
He begins his slow assault. Pistoning his fingers in and out of you. Your body responds to his touch almost instantly. You can feel the pleasure coiling in your center. He knows exactly where and how to touch you to make you come undone. You grip onto his shirt to ground yourself.
He captures your lips in his to cover the sounds he’s making. Every squelching stroke makes him grind into you as he grunts. You can’t control the rocking of your hips to meet his movement.
Your breath is coming in heavy pants as he pulls your shirt up over your breasts. He pulls them from your bra and clamps his mouth over your nipple. You gasp as his teeth add more sensation that goes straight to your throbbing clit. Your muffled whine only spurs on his hand. He releases your nipple and a new pulse runs through you.
“That’s it Princess,” your eyes pleading for release, “fuck. Do you know how much I love to watch you fall apart on my fingers? It makes me get hard even thinking about it. Who’s Daddy’s good girl? Tell me.”
His words reach your ears but the sound is beginning to be muffled. It’s getting harder to focus. You swallow, “I’m….oh, god….I’m your good girl.”
“Very good indeed,” he nips at your neck and collarbone leaving little red bite marks, “There you go, just like that. I can feel you squeezing my fingers but I know you’re waiting for permission.”
He slides his free hand up your back to your neck and forces you to look at him. He keeps the brutal pace between your thighs, “stay with me. Here. I want to see your eyes,” your face is heated, “cum for Daddy sweetheart. Cum for me.”
As soon as the words leave his lips, everything goes white. You try your utmost to keep your eyes on him. Your hips thrusting upward into his hand, feeling yourself pour out. The sensation moves up your spine causing your back to arch, pushing against his chest. Your hand tightens around his shirt as the ecstasy flows through you.
All the while, he never relents. He never takes his eyes off you, working you through your orgasm. He watches every move, every flex, matching his speed to what your body is asking for. He begins to slow as you tighten around him. He feels the fountain erupt from inside you and can’t help the immense pride he feels deep within himself.
He pulls his fingers from you as your body goes slack. He can’t help but to taste you from his fingers. He closes his eyes and darkly moans at your unique taste. He rights your clothing and places a gentle, warm kiss on your lips. Gathering you in his arms, he sits down with you in his lap and holds you against his body.
“You did so well for me little one,” he coos as he runs his fingers through your hair, “you stayed so so quiet and did as you were told. I’m so proud of you.”
You smile and nuzzle into his chest, humming in appreciation of the praise. You feel as if you’re floating on air. The only thing that makes you sure you’re not is Henry’s hands. One is stoking up and down your back while the other is softly patting your bottom.
You feel so loved and cared for it’s overwhelming. You feel the tears welling up in your eyes. You try to hide your face but he won’t allow it.
“Now what’s this,” he sits you up in his lap with an arm still supporting your back. Concern lines his handsome face, “did I hurt you darling?”
“No,” you whimper as you lay your head on his shoulder, “I….I feel,” hiccuping as you speak.
“Easy now,” he cradles your head gently and helps you hold it back upright “deep breaths for me before we get upset. I’ll help you,” he talks you through a few cycles of breathing and feels the tension fade from your back.
You swallow and sniffle away the tears, “it’s just that,” your fingers pull at the edges of your skirt and you try to find what you want to say.
“It’s alright. You can tell me anything. Even if it sounds silly.” He pushes the hair back from your face and kisses your temple, “Daddy loves you. With all his heart.”
You take a shuddering breath, “I love you too. With all my soul,” you grab one of his hands and pull it to you, “when you hold me it makes me feel cared for and loved more than anything in the world. And it’s too much sometimes. And it makes me cry because I’m so happy.”
Even with the amber eyes looking back at you, the softness is there. He wraps you in his arms again and gently rocks you in his lap, planting kisses all in your hair. He hums something familiar and a smile spreads across your lips.
“Is that from Cinderella,” you yawn quietly as you cuddle more into him.
“Yes my love it is. I know how much it calms you and you’ve had quite the day,” he squeezes you tightly which makes you groan as your body readjusts itself.
A knock on the door pulls you both from the euphoria, “Mr. Cavill? Ten minutes.”
“Thank you,” he calls back, “guess that means back to work for me.”
Your lower lip juts forward,” not fair.”
“I know love, it isn’t. But we have tonight,” he holds you up so he can slip from underneath you. He pulls open a cabinet and pulls out a blanket and covers you, “Leah will be back with Kal any moment but I’m sure he would love a cuddle buddy. Especially if it’s his mum.”
You lay down and let him tuck you in. He traces the outline of your face and kisses the tip of your nose, “try to get some rest for I fear you won’t get any of it tonight.”
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How to Live - Chapter 1
Pairings: Moceit, familial DRLAP
Warnings: vampires, blood, temporary character death, kinda kidnapping but more so grave robbing lmao, being drunk mention, ask me to add more if you think I need more because this is my first fic
chapter 1 - chapter 2 - chapter 3?
Janus adjusted his hat as he walked down the sidewalk and listened to the leaves crunch under his feet. The clouds blocked the full moon, and the only light around was the streetlights that flickered every once in a while. The wind was cool but not cold, but it never bothered Janus anyway because he was always cold. He wished the wind would stop trying to blow his hat off mostly. How was he supposed to enjoy his 3 am stroll in the quiet little town if he had to keep chasing his hat everywhere?
The sound of heavy and labored breathing caught Janus's attention. He paused and scanned the area. His sharp eyes almost missed the small movement behind the dumpster hidden in the shadows. Janus took a deep breath and smelled blood. Lots and lots of blood. Janus covered his nose as he felt his pupils dilate. He inched toward the smell with his body on high alert.
The sight behind the dumpster wasn't pretty. A man maybe in his early thirties lay against the brick. His glasses were cracked and missing a lense. His eyes were squeezed shut. His head slumped to the left and revealed two puncture wounds and a whole lot of dried up blood.
"Great," Janus mumbled as he covered his nose with his hand. He leaned down to press his fingers against their neck. No heart beat. So why were they still breathing? Unless-
"Oh no," Janus whispered to himself. He looked around the alley to make sure he was truly alone. After he made sure they were really alone, he picked up the stranger and dashed away as fast as he could. Hopefully no one saw him or what happened, because he really didn't feel like moving again.
The house was quiet for the most part when Janus returned. He could hear playful yelling above him and the bass from too loud headphones. Janus shut the door with his foot and waited to see how long it took for someone to smell what was going on.
It didn't take long for the teen on the couch to lower his headphones and say, "Geez what died?"
The teen's eyes widened as they settled on what was in Janus's arms "Janus what the fuck?"
"Now Virgil, I promise I have a perfectly good explanation for this," Janus said.
Virgil watched Janus leave the living room and followed him into the kitchen. He said, "You better start explaining." Janus put the body on the table, and Virgil sputtered. "Oh no. Dead guy off the table."
"It's not like we use it," Janus mumbled. He checked for a pulse again, hoping he missed it.
Virgil stood at Janus's side and stared down at the corpse. He wrinkled his nose. Soon, he noticed the body was still breathing, and if he wasn't already pale he was now. "Christ, Janus, did you turn him?"
"No, I found him like this," Janus said. "Someone else did it."
"Great. You want to tell the twins we're not the only ones around here or should I?"
"I'll think about it," Janus said. He paused and added, "I don't know who is sloppy enough to leave a human unfinished but they're going to get us all killed."
"Yeah, so the sooner the twins take care of it the better."
Janus leaned against the table and crossed his arms. He watched the once human man laying on the table with sadness. That poor human wasn't going to ever be the same when he woke up, and if they asked, Janus would gladly put them out of their misery.
The sound of feet pounding on the stairs came into the kitchen, and in popped two rowdy boys that looked like they just got out of high school.
“We smelled blood,” they said at the same time.
Janus held up his hands and a smile tugged at his lips. He said, “I can’t get anything past you two can I?”
Roman and Remus walked closer to the body and were surprised to find it still breathing. Remus put his fingers on the body’s neck while Roman looked at Janus.
“Did you turn-”
“No, I didn’t,” Janus said with a frown. “Is everyone going to ask me that?”
“Yes,” the twins said at the same time.
Virgil snorted and Janus rolled his eyes. Virgil said, “Logan’s not going to like this.”
“Logan can bite me,” Janus said back. He walked to the cupboard and started digging around. Virgil rose a brow as he watched him to get an answer, but Janus pulled out a strange bottle before he could say anything. Janus tipped the bottle. Two or three small round objects poured out, and he put two back in. He walked over to the body and looked at Remus.
“Hold their mouth open,” Janus said.
Remus did as he was told without question, and Roman turned away and covered his eyes. Virgil rose a curious brow. Janus held the pill over their teeth and dropped it in and stood back. Remus snapped their mouth closed.
No one moved for two minutes until Virgil opened his mouth to speak. Before he could say anything the body on the table jolted. Janus put his hands on their shoulders as Remus kept the body’s mouth shut. Virgil yelped in alarm and moved to push Janus off but a quick stare from Janus stopped him in his tracks.
“Are you killing them?” Virgil asked out loud.
“No,” Janus said through his teeth. “I’m helping them come back to life or else they’ll be dead on the table for a week and turn into a bloodthirsty monster.”
The body’s eyes shot open. They were crystal blue and turned straight to Janus. Janus swallowed hard as he watched the pupils go from small to large and back to small again. 
“Shh,” Janus said as he moved to cradle the man’s head instead. He rubbed his fingers through his hair and massaged the tender scalp. “We’re trying to help you. Relax.”
The man listened and stared into Janus’s changing eye color. Instead of red they were now gold. The calming spell from Janus worked on more than the man as the whole room relaxed. Remus let go of the man and took two steps back to Roman’s side and told him it was over as he rubbed circles on his twin brother’s back.
The man in Janus’s hands opened his mouth to speak but really he just coughed. Janus smirked at that. He continued to rub circles on the man’s head.
“Where am I?” the man asked at last.
“You’re safe. What do you remember happening last?” Janus asked.
The man grimaced before he said, “I remember walking home from work and going to a bar. I remember getting really, really drunk.”
“Do you remember your name?” Janus asked.
“Patton,” he said. “Who are you?”
“I’m Janus. I found you in the back alley a few blocks from my house. You’re safe now.”
Patton looked around the room and noticed more eyes on him. He sat up on the table and looked at his surroundings. Janus stepped back to give him space. He smiled at each one of them and said, “Hello.”
“Sup,” Virgil said without moving from his defensive shoulders hunched position.
Roman smiled brightly and said, “It’s nice to meet you, Patton. I’m Roman-”
“And I’m Remus-”
“And it’s nice to meet you,” they said at once.
Patton couldn’t help but laugh at that. He swung his legs over the table and looked around. “So, thanks for rescuing me, but I think I should get back home now.”
Janus put a hand to Patton’s chest, and Patton looked down. From there he could see how bloody his shirt was. Patton panicked. He looked at his shirt as a pain bit his neck. He put a hand to it and noticed how sticky it was. Patton’s panicked eyes turned to Janus who offered a sympathetic smile.
“I’m sorry,” Janus said as he looked at Patton, “but you died.”
“What?” Patton asked as he pushed Janus’s hand away. He jumped onto the floor and backed up against the fridge. “Am I a ghost now?”
“No,” Janus said with a laugh. “I wouldn’t be able to touch you if you were a ghost.”
“So what’s going on?” Patton asked.
“You’re a vampire,” Remus said with a wide toothy grin that showed off his fangs.
Patton turned his head to Janus and asked, “Did you-”
“No,” Janus said as he ignored the laugh from the twins. He sighed through his nose. “I didn’t do it, but someone else did. It was either take you home with me or let you turn into a mindless monster on the street, and I’m sure none of us wanted that.”
Patton let his words sink in. He scratched at the dry blood on his neck. When he opened his mouth to speak again, but Roman interrupted him.
“Logan is home!” he said.
Two seconds later, the front door opened and closed. The room held its breath. A new man walked into the room and stared at all of them, and his eyes settled on Patton. He sucked in a breath and shook his head with a defeated look on his face.”
“Not another one,” Logan sighed.
Tada!! That’s the first part. Let me know what you think and if I should add anything to the warnings please! I had to jump on desktop to add the keep reading or you would be getting a bunch of heart emojis for getting this far!!
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zims-left-shoe · 4 years
Can you do a Dib x Reader that’s into tarot cards and horoscopes? Also can make this AU a college AU? I know you said you write the characters up to high school but I was just wondering if you would. It’s fine you do them in high school.
Yeah! Just a warning, I’m not super experienced with tarot cards and everything, so apologies if a lot of it is inaccurate. I hope it’s still okay!!
The air was warm, and the sweet scents of pastries mingled with the sharp smell of coffee. The surrounding chatter of voices and calm music served as decent white noise. You lifted your drink to your lips, eyes drifting to the window next to you. Shades of grey painted the sky, muted tones growing ever darker as time ticked by. Outside, the air had a nasty nip to it, and you were not looking forward to stepping outside again. Plus, you were enjoying yourself in the moment. Your gaze was drawn back to the man across from you, his large glasses fogging slightly from the heat of his own drink. 
You were more than delighted that he had asked you to come study with him at the coffee shop. Sure, you had wished he had the courage to bite the bullet and ask you on an actual date, but on a chilly winter afternoon a relaxing coffee hangout and study session was still enjoyable. Admittedly, you had developed feelings for the reserved cryptid fanatic who sat next to you in your cell biology class. That being said, you were ecstatic when he had quietly asked that morning if you would like to grab a coffee and study with him. Although you wished for a bit more, the current situation was completely fine by you.
"Have you been doing anything interesting lately?" Both of you had finished your work quite some time ago, spending the rest of the time talking to each other, a silence only settling for a brief minute or two before you continued the conversation. Sure, it was small talk, but the kind of talk that occurs between friends when they can sense their time together is drawing to a close, and that the hangout will end soon. The kind of talk when you aren't ready to leave each other's company, so you attempt to draw out the conversation with simple things.
"Oh, you know, only what every normal college kid does. Party hard, baby." The straight face he was attempting to hold fell apart almost immediately as he broke into a chuckle. "Nah. Just the usual, studying the paranormal. Aliens, ghosts, all that stuff." A smile spread on your face. Of course he was. You found his unique obsession with spooks and cryptids cute, and you were glad he had a passion in life. Even if that passion was restricted while he was away at school, he would still find ways to express himself. He was always scribbling supernatural doodles in the margins of his notes, monitoring the local cryptid stories constantly. "Sorry. I've said it before and I'll say it again, I'm just not that interesting."
"Please. Liking the paranormal is much more interesting than being a party animal whose only hobby is getting wasted." You paused, setting your cup down on the table. "I wouldn't be here otherwise. I'm only attrac-I mean, drawn, to people who are intriguing."
Nice save, stupid... You thought to yourself. At this point, you were unsure if you should just tell him how you felt. You were reasonably confident that he felt the same way, but he was just too damn nervous to ruin your friendship. 
"Okay then, any secrets, or maybe embarrassing stories? Everyone has some. If you tell me one of yours, I'll tell you a story of mine." You bumped your bag that was resting underneath the table with your foot as you stared out at him, trying to pressure him into telling you something good. He always had the best stories. Especially when they were about aliens.
"My whole life is one embarrassing story after the other." He set his cup down as well, finding your eyes once more. "But, I guess one time I had my DNA fused with baloney." You laughed, believing him to be joking. You believed him a majority of the time, but that one was just so outlandish it couldn't possibly be true. "I'm not lying! Remember my stupid alien classmate? Well, he decided to get me back for throwing lunch meat in his face by making me sit on a tack that fused baloney DNA with my own." He was completely serious, so that left only two options: he was either completely insane or it was the truth. For the time you've known and befriended him, he seemed to have a good head on his shoulders, so what the hell. Why not believe him?
"I'm honestly not sure which part to ask for a follow up on, the alien classmate having baloney genetic makeup on the ready or being fused with sandwich meat." Brushing stray strands of hair from your face, you sighed, knowing that your story was in no way going to top that. "Mine isn't that exciting or embarrassing, but in high school, I charged for tarot readings in the bathrooms as a way to make some money. Well, I did until a teacher reported me for 'Satan worshipping'. Which, for starters is complete bullshit, but she was just jealous I made more money a week than she did." You smirked, remembering the look on her face when she confiscated your receipt book that you used to keep track of your profits. 
"Wait, you used to read tarot cards?" Dib offered you his full attention, eyes filled with wonder. "I've always thought it was cool, but I just never really had gotten into it. Too busy saving the Earth from aliens and all that."
"I still do. You have your cryptids and space creatures, I have my tarot cards and horoscopes." To your amazement, Dib appeared to be enchanted by the subject. Then again, you supposed it was more or less something you could see him getting into.
"How did I not know that about you?" You shrugged in response to his words. It had just never came up in conversation. "Maybe we could hang out again soon and you could walk me through it?" He looked to be a bit apprehensive, almost as if you had already rejected the idea in his mind. You didn't even have to consider the idea. Not only did you harbor feelings for him, you would jump at the chance to show off your skills and interests.
"I would love to. My roommate has to work Friday night, maybe you could come to my dorm then?" A dorky grin spread across his face as he reached for his cup to drink the remaining coffee.
"It's a date, then." His face flushed as he realized his wording. "Not like that! As friends! You know what I mean." His fingers drummed on the tabletop, and you were sure he was sweating.
"I mean, unless...?" You made an overexaggerated thinking face, and after a moment, you both busted up laughing. However, you were of course only half joking.
(more under the cut)
Pushing open the door, you stepped into the room you had made your own. Kicking aside some shoes your roommate had left piled by the door, you let the man behind you inside.
"Sorry for the mess, I asked my roommate to clean up. They didn't."
"It's fine. You should see my dorm, it's definitely worse." Chuckling, you led him to your side of the room, which was a stark contrast from the other. Everything, for the most part anyway, was organized within bins, your desk nice and tidy despite having many trinkets and various things resting on the desktop. You had made a nice personal space under your bed, it was where you would often sit when you got tired of your desk or bed. Gesturing for him to take a seat on the floor under your bed, you went over to your desk, shuffling through one of your drawers until you felt your fingers close around your tarot deck.
"You have any questions before we start?" You hummed as you closed the drawer.
Dib's eyes were intently focused on you as he sat cross-legged underneath your bed. Finally, he spoke, albeit tentatively. "Just one, but it's kind of stupid."
"There are no stupid questions."
"Okay, in that case...does reading tarot cards like, open up your third eye and let you see ghosts and stuff?" Staring into his face revealed that he wasn't kidding. He was legitimately asking if you could see ghosts when you learned to read tarot cards.
"I changed my mind. There are stupid questions." Laughter slipped out as you sunk down the the floor across from him, tipping the box in your hands until the cards slid out. "Of course it does."
"Woah, really?" His cinnamon eyes sparkled with excitement, and yet again, a flurry of giggles escaped you.
"No, of course not. It doesn't make you see ghosts. It develops greater intuition and understanding." Dib let out a long breath, gaze falling to the floor as he picked at the chipping black polish on his nails, regretting he ever asked that question.
"Can we just forget I ever said that? Please?" You nodded as you separated the deck in your hands, shuffling them together. You did this many times over, the sharp sounds of cards coming together cutting through the stillness that had settled over the room. Dib stared at the cards in your hand, watching as you shuffled them with skill. He had lost track of how many times you had done so by the time you had stacked them together for the final time.
"So, is there anything specific you want to learn? I can't exactly teach you to read, since it takes a lot of practice and a deck you're comfortable with." As you looked to him expectantly, he appeared to be at a total loss for what to even ask for. "I could give you a simple reading just for fun." 
"Sure! But, uh, how do they work?" A smile crept onto your face. You felt a warm glow of happiness at being able to share your interests with someone who was genuinely interested in learning about them.
"Well, if I were to do it by myself, I would shuffle them as I did now. It helps bring your energy to the cards, and therefore you will be more drawn to certain ones. Plus, you can better interpret them." You passed the deck to Dib. "If you can shuffle, shuffle them. Do it several times."
"Okay...what exactly are you reading for?" He began shuffling, although not as cleanly as you. A few times the cards had slipped from his grip, flying out in all directions. Every time that would happen, he gathered the cards and began to shuffle again as he listened to you.
"Well, we're just going to do a simple spread of three, but it can be for almost anything. Your past, present, and future, advice for obstacles, relationships, all of that stuff." 
"Relationships?" Dib stacked the cards for a final time, handing them back to you. You took them, spreading them out in front of you, face down. 
"Yeah, there's all different types of readings for relationships. Is that the simple spread you want?" He thought for a moment, a hint of a smile playing at his lips as he looked to you. 
"I think so. You said there's different types of relationship readings, so just make an executive decision for me."
"That's not how this works." Your sigh was broken by a chuckle. "But fine. I'll do a spread where a card represents you, the other person, and the relationship." You found yourself wishing for a good outcome, thinking that he was most likely asking about the relationship he could possibly have with you, or at least that's what you were hoping for. "Pick three cards that you're drawn to and line them up across from you."
"Alright..." He stared at the arc of cards that was laid out in the space between you, deliberating, eyes carefully calculating. He brushed a finger across the glossy backs of the cards, finally deciding on two close to the middle, and one on the leftmost edge. He laid them out as you had asked, looking back to you expectantly. "Now what?"
"Now I give you your reading. I'll try my best to interpret the cards in the context of your life, but don't hold it against me if I'm not one hundred percent accurate." You flipped over the spread, the three cards facing up.
"Did I do good...?"
"It's not about making the right choices, it's about being drawn to the cards." You chided, looking at his spread. The cards that had been turned over were an upright Nine of Wands, a reversed Hanged Man, and an upright World. "Let's start with you." You pushed the card a little closer to him. It depicted a bandaged man leaning heavily on a wooden wand, surrounded by the other eight. "This is the Nine of Wands."
"Is it bad?" He looked curious, but there were concerned undertones in his expression.
"No, not necessarily. As a card, it represents courage, determination, and resilience. In the context of your part in the relationship, there may be or have been setbacks for you personally, but you have the strength to overcome those things. You might get hurt, or things may be tough and uncertain for you right now, but you will persist and get through it." A light blush dusted his cheeks as he nodded.
"Yeah, that sounds about right...does getting in your own way count as a setback?" Dib chuckled, running a hand through his dark hair.
"Sure. If I had to offer advice...no risk, no reward, right?" You both locked eyes for a moment, a hush falling over the room yet again. Again, this same, infuriating dance. You both were aware of how you felt. Yet neither would make a move. 
"I suppose..." Dib actually seemed to be taking all of this into deep consideration. You couldn't help the hope that you felt rising in your chest.
"Alright, next...the other individual. This is the Hanged Man, but it's reversed." Again, you pushed the card forward. It depicted a man who was supposed to be hanging by the ankle from a tree, but from the direction it was turned, it appeared he was more standing upright.
"Are reversed cards bad?"
"They can be. The reversed Hanged Man for example generally means that the person is ready to go but is being held back. In context of the other person in your case, maybe they're ready to jump into a relationship but you might be holding them back by not taking a chance." Okay, so maybe that wasn't really a reading. You may have been guilty of inserting your own personal feelings into the reading, since you assumed the relationship in question was between yourself and Dib. You recognized the hint of irritation that was edging your words, so you drew in a deep breath, continuing on in a softer tone. "You know, like you said. You said your setback could be getting in your own way. You might be overthinking everything, which is restricting the other person from taking the next step."
"You think so?" Again, that damned knowing tone. When you looked into his eyes, you knew that he was aware of how you felt. And yet he still stopped himself every time from taking that leap. Was he waiting for you to make the first move? You hoped not. Sure, it may have been hypocritical, but you wanted no part in asking for a more romantic end to your friendship.
Clearing your throat, you decided to move to the last card of the spread. "The relationship itself. This card is the World." You held it up this time to show him, wishing to hold onto it. The card illustrated a naked woman in the middle of a wreath, surrounded by various animal heads. "Generally, it represents being in the right place, pausing before the next stage." Admittedly, that was not the reading you had desired. You didn't want to stay as only friends. "In context of the relationship, it could be interpreted as staying put, and just appreciating where the two of you are. There will be lots of options and pathways ahead and all that." You waved your hand dismissively, unable to fight off the exhaustion that was settling in. "So, anyway, that was your very basic reading." You stacked the cards together again, lazily patting the ground around you for the box.
"Is this stuff, like, certain advice?"
"You mean, do you have to take it? No, I suppose not. It's just suggestions and life advice based on interpretations."
Dib crawled his way over to sit by your side as you put your cards safely back in their box. You quirked an eyebrow, yet said nothing. "Okay, because I'm not too into that last one." Without tearing his eyes away from yours, his fingers brushed your own. He kept eyeing your face to confirm that what he was doing was alright. Always cautious, that one. 
"I probably shouldn't give my input, since it's your life advice, but me either." A smile tugged at the corners of your mouth as his fingers finally laced themselves with yours, his free hand drifting up to your face. His touch was light, so much so that you weren't even sure if it was there. In that moment, Dib was a walking contradiction, unsure of himself yet completely secure at the same time.
"But if you're reading the cards, aren't I asking for your input?" Slowly he leaned his face closer to yours, hand still resting on your cheek. Fitting, wasn't it? Everything the both of you had ever done was drug out to the maximum. Whether it was that you both enjoyed the frustration or you wanted to extend every moment you had together, you would never know. Nor did it matter. Especially not then. 
"I suppose you are." You reached out a hand to run it through his hair, intertwining your fingers with the dark strands. "You're sure, then?" Each word that was spoken became progressively fainter. The entire time you spoke, his lips were barely a breath away from your own.
As if your words were the cue he needed to commit, he murmured a quick, "I think so." before finally closing the distance and pressing his lips softly against yours. He didn't need to speak for you to know that was all he had been dreaming of doing for a long while. It was obvious in the magical way he was moving his lips in time with your own, in the way delighted hums and mumbles would rise from his throat. In your opinion, there was something to be said about mouth-to-mouth communication. This was possibly the happiest you had ever seen him, you didn't need to be a master of intuition to interpret that. You felt him smile into the kiss, and you couldn't resist smiling along with him. 
Dib finally pulled away after what felt like both an eternity and hardly any time at all. "You said it yourself. No risk, no reward." His grin was wide, and his eyes shone with joy behind his large glasses. 
"Correct." Your hand fell from his hair to his coat, fingers playing with the fabric of the collar. "I usually charge for tarot readings, but for you, another kiss and consider your tab paid."
"Sounds fair enough to me." Leaning in once more, Dib planted yet another kiss on your lips. It was much quicker than the previous one, but after pulling back he proceeded to pepper several little kisses all over your face. Each was very light and brief, leaving your skin feeling tingly. His lips found your own once more, both hands tangling themselves in your hair. A simple tarot reading had somehow morphed into a very physical expression of feelings that had been pushed down for months. You wouldn't complain, though.
"Thank you for your payment." Your words were broke by giggles after you had parted. 
"Of course." Dib's gaze drifted to the box of cards that was sitting off to the side, his smile never wavering. "You know, you should teach me how to read those."
"Only if you take me cryptid hunting."
"Deal." He laughed at the determined smirk on your face, wrapping his arms around you. You let him pull you into a hug, your arms snaking around him as if that was where they were always meant to be. 
"So, can we safely consider ourselves ex-friends now? Because personally, I feel that we're much better off as lovers."
"Like I said before, I trust your input, it's what I asked for." 
"So, lovers it is?"
"Lovers it is." Dib's voice was pleasant as you snickered into his chest, more than pleased with how the day had went. You sensed that he would agree with that notion. 
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oikawa-tuwu · 4 years
Exit, Stage Right
🎭 Chapter 12 (oikawa x reader smau)
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It was only a few minutes after texting the groupchat your location that you hear footsteps behind you, and then someone settling themselves on one of the swings.
“Yahaba, if you’re here to drag me home-”
“Wrong on both accounts,” your companion chuckles, making you do a double take. You really had just taken in a basic height and weight in the corner of your eye, so it was a shock turn and see not your neighbor and best friend but Oikawa sitting on the swing next to you.
“Hi,” He says, softly, strangely vulnerable in the fading daylight. “I wanted to make sure you were alright.”
“I’m fine,” you bite back, instinctively. “I couldn’t care less about Satomi.”
“I couldn’t care less about the stair that always trips me on the way up to the costume loft, but my knees still sting when I land wrong.”
You scoff, kicking off the ground with your feet and starting the slow momentum. You swing your legs. In, out. In, out. “Where did this wizened old man persona come from and what did you do with Oikawa Tooru?”
Oikawa laughs. “Hey, I can be smart sometimes.”
“Emphasis on sometimes,” you say, but this time you’re smiling.
Petulant as ever, Oikawa pouts, looking up at you from where he had propped his chin against his hand. “You’re mean. That’s it, I’m done trying to cheer you up.”
“Nah, I don’t think you are,” you say, pumping your legs faster. In, out. In, out.
“Oh really?” Oikawa asks, tilting his head curiously. “And why is that?”
“If you really stopped talking to someone because they were mean, why are you still friends with Iwaizumi?”
The boy beside you sucks in a breath. Kind of a laugh, but too short and too shocked to really be humorous at first. When he lets the breath go, he’s back to laughing. “I guess you got me there. Would you believe me if I said that really I just took pity on an unfortunate and unattractive guy with no social skills and pretended to be his friend to make him feel better?”
Hoping your gaze falls somewhere on the “withering” scale, you shoot Oikawa a look. “No. And for the record, Iwaizumi is definitely not unattractive.”
“Alright,” Oikawa says, with a soft chuckle, but there’s something uncomfortable in the tightness of the action. “Well, anyways, I still came here to apologize, so… I’m sorry. I really didn’t realize how unhealthy of a relationship I had with all these girls. I always thought of my flirting as harmless fun, and the dates were just humoring the girls, but I see now it was just part of a narcissistic fantasy. And I’m working on pretending to be things I’m not in order to please other people.”
“Yahaba and Watari said you told Satomi and her friends to back off.”
“I did. I tried to at least.” Oikawa winces. “There goes my free bentos for lunch.”
“I’m sure you’ll find some girl eventually who will make you bentos because she loves you,” You say, skidding to a stop on your swing. Dust from the friction dirties your uniform, but its nothing compared to the sticky coffee on your shirt. “Not because she’s infatuated with a facsimile of a handsome teenage film star.”
“The Scully to my Mulder,” Oikawa mutters, quietly, almost like he didn’t intend for you to hear, before turning on a blinding smile and continuing, “But you think I’m handsome?”
Without missing a beat, you reach over to push him off the swing. Thankfully, Oikawa then busies himself with whining and pouting and dusting dirt off of his uniform and not looking at you and potentially realizing how flushed your cheeks had gotten and how fast your heart rate had raced.
There was the smile.
Not the fake one he turned on for his fangirls, for Satomi, for the stage, but his true smile that you really had only seen a handful of times. It was a true, genuine smile and he had smiled it for you.
Oh, no.
Oikawa stands, stretching out a hand to help you out of your swing. “Can I walk you home?”
For some unknown reason, you say yes.
You walk in silence for the most part, other than pointing out directions, but it's a comfortable quiet. It's a nice change from the Oikawa you see at rehearsals, constantly flirting with girls or annoying Iwaizumi or blabbering about something.
After a few moments, a cold breeze blows through, and you can’t help but shiver.
“Do you want my jacket?” Oikawa asks, already shrugging out of the fabric and offering it to you, and you blink at the chivalry behind it. Taking your silence as hesitation, he continues, “It’s my fault that your uniform is wet, which is part of the reason you’re so cold, so really, I’m just making us even-”
You snatch the jacket before he can keep talking, and he shuts up with a smug grin of self-satisfaction. Admittingly, the jacket does help, and its not much longer until you’re in your neighborhood.
“Yahaba lives around here, too, right?” Oikawa asks, and you nod.
“How’d you know?”
He shoots you a wry grin. “I do read your tweets sometimes.”
For some reason, the thought of Oikawa scrolling through your profile doesn’t fill you with disgust, rather a strange sense of satisfaction.
Oh, no.
“Y/n? Who is it that you’re walking with?”
“Hello, Mrs. L/n! I’m Oikawa Tooru, Y/n’s friend from drama! It’s very nice to meet you.”
“Oh! Would you like to come in for a cup of tea, dear?”
O h  ,  n o.
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(A/N: I literally spent like two hours trying to format this chapter correctly, going back and forth from tumblr mobile to desktop to html to get it looking correctly bc I wanted to put a below the cut in there, but I gave up the third time tumblr scrapped my draft 🙃 sooo sorry about the long post without a keep reading button!!)
Taglist: @fangirling-25-8 @multifandomphenomena @moonlightreetops @ensworks @it-me-720 @harajukukitsune @sempiternal-amour @semiathleticnerdykid @luvelyxp @theduvetpirate @bethbat @starwrite-er @icy-hot @cowboy-doll @hurtbycanonthoughts​ @shigarakiskitten​ @kaaidalupita​ @nekoma-hoe​
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astralsweetness · 4 years
Floriography (m) || Pentagon/Reader
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❀ Short little reader insert snippets for each of the Pentagon boys based on the meaning of the flower(s) they were holding in the first set of concept photos for the WE:TH album. Some (not all) are rated m, individual warnings can be found in their description. Each was written in >10 minutes. No gender for the reader is specified for any of them.
❀ There’s a surprise one (two?) thrown in here - one isn’t a reader insert, but he’s our resident daisy boy and the title track for this album is literally “Daisy”, I wasn’t going to just leave him out. Also the mobile app fucks up the italics and bolded stuff, so... nothing I can do about it, it looks fine on desktop
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❧ Hui/Reader | Lily (white): Sympathy, rebirth, commitment
Hui nuzzles his nose into your neck, arms around your waist – he’s basically completely on top of you, and also half asleep. It’s absolutely adorable and you stroke your fingers through his hair lovingly as he fights to stay awake.
“I wanted to spend time with you..” There’s a very distinctive whine to his voice, and an underlying current of regret, like he genuinely believed he was letting you down by falling asleep. It makes your heart ache.
“You are, sweetheart. You have no idea how happy it makes me seeing you sleep – sometimes I think you’ve literally forgotten how.” You punctuate your words with a kiss to his temple and he grumbles something unintelligible and lifts his head to look at you, eyes narrowed. He is so cute, and you lean forward to quickly press a kiss to his lips.
“Stop that –“ He tries to act upset but there’s a sweet little laugh towards the end that he can’t hide. “I’ve cancelled on you so many times already, and now I’m falling asleep. That doesn’t upset you at all?”
“Not at all.” You reassure him with a smile, and he regards you for a moment longer before he lets his head rest back on your chest.
It was true that he cancelled plans with you often – he was insanely busy even on his slow days, and on the days he was free he liked to keep working regardless. (You remember the last time the two of you had been together, and he’d suddenly got an idea on how to fix a track he’d been working on. He’d been so apologetic, but you’d just thought it was funny and sort of endearing.)
“I really don’t mind, Hwitaek.” He hums softly in acknowledgment and you cup the back of his neck in response, tension draining from his shoulders at the warmth. “Go to sleep.”
Those words are the same as an I love you to him, and you can feel his sleepy smile on your collarbone as he drifts into dreams.
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❧ Hongseok/Reader | Spray Roses (red): Love, passion, desire [Warnings: handjob, footjob if you reaaally squint, very minor degradation]
He thinks there’s something thrilling about this, about how he is physically so much stronger than you and how you still pin him to the wall regardless – he’s not sure what it is, but he knows there is literally no way he could fight back against you even if he tried.
Your hand around his cock tightens and he lets out a breathless whimper into your mouth, hand groping behind him for the handle of his bedroom door that you’d pushed him against the instant you both had entered. He needs something, anything, to stabilize himself with.
He doesn’t find it in time, sinks to the floor after you bite his neck once, harsh – you’re laughing at him and it makes the fire burning him away from the inside even brighter, even hotter.
“You’re so cute.” Your voice is a soft coo and he hears it like he’s far away, gazes up at you in a mess of lust and want. He is so hard, and when you tauntingly brush against him with the side of your foot he lets his head fall back against the door with a painful thud.
“Oh, honey, don’t do that – are you okay?” He doesn’t actually feel any of the pain he knows must be there, leans into your fingers that brush through his hair tenderly and tilts his head up for a kiss. You’ve knelt down in front of him and his eyes slide shut when you grant him his request, pressing your lips against his again.
A sweet moan is torn from his throat when you reach down to grasp him, his breath coming in short, fevered pants. You smile lovingly at him and he feels like you are consuming him – he gives himself over willingly with another soft sound of pleasure, completely lost, completely in love.
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❧ Shinwon/Reader | Sweet Autumn Clematis: Ingenuity, mental strength, respect [Warnings: slight angst, referenced OT9 but you can view it as platonic]
It’s a few days later than you meant for it to be, but you corner Shinwon in his room one night, ignoring his soft laughter and confused repeated questions of “what?”. You don’t bother bringing back-up – sometimes it helped, but you felt like today it would just make it harder for Shinwon to respond the way you wanted.
“Nothing, baby. I just wanted to talk to you.” Already he’s scrunching his nose up at you – that particular term of endearment makes him feel all squirmy inside, and you know this, and he knows that you know. “Is that okay?”
You’re giving him a convenient out, and he glances once at the door like it was physically the bridge between having whatever conversation this was or not. When he rests his gaze back on you, you know he’s made his choice.
You don’t bother telling him what prompted this conversation – if he knew that you could read him so easily then you were afraid he’d keep a tighter grasp on his emotions around you next time.
As it was, you gently coax secret fears and hidden feelings from him under the soft glow of his bedside lamp, yellowing the room around you even as it shifts from night to dark night, the gradual lessening of the gap between the two of you as his voice gets more serious, quieter. He doesn’t cry, and that worries you most of all – so many of your soft-hearted boys had toughened up over the last year, had gone through so much that they’d learned crying never got them anywhere, and it hurt your heart so much.
“Will you stay tonight? With me?” He speaks after a silence that has stretched on for about fifteen minutes, his head resting on your shoulder, your arms around him and his around you. There’s a tender, somber atmosphere that surrounds the two of you, and your soft ‘of course’ doesn’t cause it to dissipate. It lingers as the two of you change into sleeping clothes, wreathing around you both like a dense fog as you crawl under the covers, facing each other. The two of you gaze at each other quietly for some time after, his eyes the color of the dark night outside the window, impossibly soft.
Neither of you say a word, quiet and reverent, and when he shuffles closer to press his forehead against yours and closes his eyes you breath out a soft sigh that he mimics.
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❧ Changgu/Reader | Sunflower: Loyalty, longevity, devotion [Warnings: bondage, blindfold, breathplay]
He is a vision for you on his knees, impossibly dark eyes tracking your every movement with so much adoration that it’s almost suffocating. Even with his arms bound securely behind him, rope crisscrossing his bare torso, he keeps a soft smile on his face the entire time, like he genuinely believes each thing you do to him is a gift that should be treasured.
Even as you slide a blindfold over his eyes with the whisper of silk on skin he’s still smiling, murmurs a soft baritone of a ‘thank you’ like he actually appreciates his vision being taken from him. It makes your heart clench with so much love, completely honored with the amount of trust he has in you, how he gives every piece of himself up to you every single time.
“Do you have any idea how much I love you, Changgu?” You keep your words as quiet and reverent as his demeanor, slide your fingers feather-light across his throat. He tilts his head back for you at the feeling, always so good, still smiling.
“I love you too.” His voice is a soft rasp as your fingers press down slightly – a bit heavier and he gasps, smile disappearing to be replaced with the same shocked, open-mouthed expression that he always gets whenever you start a session. It’s like he never quite expects you to give something like this to him, something he so desperately craves and seeks out.
“I know you do, love. I can see it in the way you look at me, the way you talk to me, the way you react to anything I do to you –“ You’re cutting off his airflow a decent amount now and his head is swimming pleasurably, your words registering but far away and fuzzy. “And I could never thank you more for those gifts that you’ve given to me.”
The feeling of air rushing back into his lungs when you let go is just as dizzying as the lack of it had been, but your fingers trace his jaw lightly and in the darkness that was his current environment thanks to the blindfold he is attuned to only you, can only think of you.
There’s blood rushing in his ears but he leans into your touch anyway, once again smiling.
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❧ Yanan/Reader | Statice: Sympathy, fond memories, reunions
Yanan breathes out a soft sigh, shifting on the bed – your arms encircle his waist tightly, holds him like you’re afraid of losing him again. It’s because of that sentiment that he says nothing.
‘I missed you’ and ‘I love you’ has blurred into one meaning at this point, so you’ve instead begun leaving kisses on his jawline whenever you feel the urge to tell him again slipping onto the tip of your tongue. Four hundred plus days was a lifetime to be without someone you thought of as your other half.
“It was nice of Changgu to clear out of your room for a few hours.” You keep your voice quiet and Yanan hums at the sound, eyes slipping shut as he relaxes more. Your head is tucked in against his chest, listening to his heartbeat. It pounds out a comforting rhythm of I’m here, I’m here, I’m here.
“You mean after he sulked for half an hour?” His voice is soft but there’s clear amusement laced through it, and affection as well. You knew that no matter how much he complained about the other members, they were still his family.
“Love you.” It still slips out sometimes, like your brain is afraid that you’re going to lose the chance to say it to him in person – Yanan’s chest shakes beneath your ear in a quiet laugh, one of his hands slipping down your arm to hold your hand in his.
“I love you too.” He repeats it back, like he does every single time, and the beat of his heart underneath your cheek has shifted into I’m home.
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❧ Yuto/Reader | Wax Flower (yellow): Riches, luck, enduring love
[Warnings: edging]
Yuto is hot when he sleeps – so often you wake up because the arm he’s slung over you is burning your skin off (or something similar… it was easy to be dramatic when you were half awake).
He’s absolutely feverish now, dark eyes molten in their intensity – the room is lit only by the glow of the dim nightlight he uses, sends dark shadows creeping across the slopes of his tanned skin. He writhes under your touch, stares at you pleadingly, makes soft noises in his throat that go both high pitched and into his low bass, on two completely opposing sides of the spectrum and yet meaning the same thing.
“Please –“ It’s hissed out from between his teeth, raspy because of the way he tries to keep quiet. A similar sound is released when you rake your nails down the front of his chest, leaving red in their wake.
“I’m just taking my time, Yuto – it feels good, right?” You wait until he nods, dark strands of his hair falling over his eyes like feathered ink which you gently brush away. “So what were you asking for?”
His cock is a deep red, flushed and leaving a mess of pre-cum on his lower stomach – you think it’s such a pretty sight, even as he squirms and tries to get your attention. His hands remain firmly grasping the pillow underneath his head (he was nothing if not obedient).
“Please.” He repeats, and then he says it again and again until it’s turned into one single sentence of the same word, and you think at one point he had shifted into Japanese before falling back into Korean.
“Hmm.” You pretend to think about it and can see the exact moment he realizes what you’re doing, what you’re planning – he whines, high in his chest, and it cracks his deep voice when he tries to protest. Your hand slides over his mouth nonchalantly, leaving him to beg you with that liquid gaze instead. “If it feels good then I think you should be able to endure it a little longer, hmm?”
He doesn’t say anything – can’t say anything – instead pressing a kiss to your palm in lieu of speaking. A burst of pure love slams into his chest when he sees you smile, and the overwhelming burning want that had been consuming him for so long settles into a low simmer.
Yes, he could endure it a little longer.
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❧ Hyunggu/Reader | Larkspur (light blue) & Lisianthus (white): Open-heartedness, grace, appreciation [Warnings: MY BRAIN STALLED ON THIS AND THEN I REMEMBERED I HAD A TEN MINUTE TIMER GOING AND I PANICKED AND JUST FROZE so this is awful hyunggu i am sORRY]
The way Hyunggu moves when he dances is captivating – anyone who’s seen him perform could vouch for that, would fawn over the graceful lines of his body or the passionate expressions or the sheer joy that exuded off of him.
Dating him made you no less immune to this affect – if anything, you were more susceptible to it. Whenever he’d practice the choreography in front of you, getting sweaty and out of breath but smiling so damn brightly it blinded you, at the way he’d bound over to you, still smiling, pointing to his cheek because he expected a kiss for doing well, your heart would threaten to completely leave your body at the sight.
His startled laugh at you turning his head back to kiss him on the lips is a sound that makes your heart soar. Seeing him so happy, so carefree, was all you really ever wanted.
The way he interlaced his fingers with yours when he was happy, or bumped his shoulder into yours when he was trying to get your attention, or would send you cute texts about literally nothing with ninety different flower emojis – all of it added to the unending reservoir of things you loved about him, things that made you happy because they made him happy.
“Do you have any idea how happy you make me?” Your question floats through his studio as he plays some old song softly as background music, the rhythmic clicking of his mouse stopping as he turns to look at you. You’re laid out over his couch, peering at him curiously.
“Where’s this coming from?” He answers your question with another question, chasing it with a soft laugh. “I could ask the same of you, you know.”
There’s a long silence where the two of you just look at one another – it’s not uncomfortable at all, and you get the sense that the two of you are somehow communicating wordlessly.
“I think you make me happier than anything else ever has or ever will, Hyunggu.” He contemplates your sincere and heavy words for a long moment before standing and walking over to you, sitting down on the couch at your hip. He’s smiling mischievously at you and you raise an eyebrow at it, wary.
“You could have just said you loved me, you know –“ You swat at his arm indignantly but he continues speaking, completely undeterred. “I love you too.”
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❧ Wooseok/Reader | Carnation (blue): Peace, truth, trust
There’s something indescribably ethereal about seeing Wooseok the first thing in the morning when you wake up – him sliding from the bed must have roused you, because when you blink your eyes open you can see him stretching, fingers ruffling chaotically through his recently dyed hair. The early morning light is still cold, not yet a warm yellow, and it makes him look paler than usual against the darkness of his hair and the deep red of his old t-shirt. You wonder if the shorts he’s wearing are Yuto’s because they ride just a bit high up his leg. You wish he was comfortable enough to sleep shirtless around you like he did when he was with just the boys. (But you were different, and outside of certain things he still got shy showing that much skin around you.)
He must feel your gaze on him because he throws a glance over his shoulder – sleep clings to his gaze, dark eyes hazy, smile that appears equally as sluggish as the rest of him. He is all long limbs and lazy energy, passionate to a fault, his lips landing just a bit too hard on yours as he collapses back to the bed, bracing himself on his forearms. His hair tickles your cheek, long and fried by the constant dyeing but still beautiful, and you tug on the offending strand lovingly.
“Ow.” His remark is purely for show, no emotion behind it at all, and then he’s leaning back down to press his lips to yours again, fingers catching at yours that caress his jaw, interlacing and bringing it to the hem of his shirt, and then under it.
You laugh against his lips, feel his own stretch into an embarrassed but contented smile. Your fingertips burn brands into the skin over his ribs, grounding him and electrifying him all at once. An interesting, flighty feeling in his chest makes it feel like his heart is threatening to beat out of his body, and all he can do in the wake of it is smile adoringly at you.
He is so infinitely happy here, in this little slice of time the two of you had carved out in the early morning, tranquil and calm.
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❧ Jinho/Reader | Heather (white): Protection, good luck, wishes coming true [Warnings: referenced smut, hairpulling]
“- and Shinwonnie likes to pretend everything is fine until he cracks, so don’t –“
“I know babe.” The pet name catches him off guard long enough that you can press your lips to his twice, murmuring another ‘I know’ between them. “Stop worrying, you’re the one going off alone.”
Jinho just smiles crookedly at you, gently takes the shirt of his you’d been clutching from your hands to refold before packing it. You feel like he’s packing a piece of your heart with it.
“I’m not going to be alone alone, you know.” He doesn’t seem worried about anything except the well-being of the people he’s leaving, and you try to feel the same but can’t quite manage it. You watch his profile as he continues packing, chewing on your lip.
“I know. It’s just hard and –“ You wince, blinking back sudden tears. “- fuck this, I don’t want to cry if you’re still here.”
“You’re doing better than Hui.” Jinho points out, perhaps a bit insensitively, but when had he ever pulled punches when it came to this sort of thing? Still, he watches out of the corner of his eye, smiles brighter when you successfully blink them away.
“I love you, Jinho.”
“Gross.” He makes a face at you, probably an attempted grimace, but he’s still smiling so it doesn’t quite work. You’re so used to his sense of humor that you don’t even react past a small smile of your own – you never got as worked up as some of the other boys did at things like that – so he reaches for your hand and presses a kiss to the back of it. When he doesn’t let go, just curls his fingers around your own and tries to finish packing with one hand, your heart threatens to burst. Jinho didn’t do handholding.
“Just tell me you love me and you can have your hand back.”
“Gross.” He repeats, laughing at the noise of disgust you make at him. You both know he’s the one still holding on, the one who initiated, but neither of you acknowledge that. “You’re trying to blackmail me. I think you’ve spent too much time around Shinwon.”
“Clearly I haven’t, since the blackmail isn’t working.” He laughs openly at that, and you join him, imprinting how happy he looks in your mind’s eye. When you tug him towards you he goes willingly with zero resistance. When you say ‘kiss’ he does so without complaint, and one kiss turns to four, to fourteen, and then you lose count, his fingers pressing into your waist and yours against the tender skin at the base of his neck.
“You’ll all look out for each other while I’m gone, right?” He asks, your head on his bare chest, gaze on the ceiling as his thumb traces nonsense patterns on your shoulder. His hair is ruffled and beautiful, and you’re mourning the loss of it already, trace the line of marks you left across his collarbone. At least those wouldn’t be gotten rid of so easily.
“Of course we will.”
“Mmn.” He seems satisfied with that, glances down at you and smiles the type of smile that makes his eyes look like they’re glowing. You want to kiss him all over again. You do.
“Forget leaving for the army, you’re never going to let me leave this bed.” He says on a laugh, and you answer with a serious ‘yep’ that makes him laugh even harder, even as your fingers interlace in his hair and pull, taut.
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❧ Hyojong | Daisy: Innocence, purity of the heart, new beginnings
The controlled chaos of being backstage was something he’d found he had missed – there was a sort of calm in being a part of all that organized disorder, in knowing what you were supposed to do. The stylist flits around him in bursts of controlled energy, darkening the eyeliner at his eyes, sharpening his cheekbones. An electric tripwire is live underneath his skin, anxious excitement tempered only by the warm smiles Hyuna sends him when they lock eyes in the mirror.
His phone buzzes moments before he leaves the waiting room – he glances at it and warmth blooms in his ribcage, like the text he sees had been the sun his heart was waiting for. (It’s short and simple, sweet and to the point – but Jinho had always been like that.)
It’s easy to melt into the flow of idols and backstage staff heading towards and away from the main stage – a few people glance at him, but most people are too busy to pay him much mind. He figures that’s why he feels a solid weight hit him in the side, like they weren’t in danger of being seen by Pentagon’s cameras.
Hui’s arms are tight around him and Hyojong would laugh if he could, but he can already hear the stagehands calling for him – Hwitaek’s smile is blinding, eyes glassy, and Hyojong is affectionately reminded of just how stupid the elder could be sometimes.
“Good luck hyung!” Wooseok doesn’t even bother trying to be quiet, and suddenly Hyojong’s being bracketed in by eight other bodies – he grasps Yanan’s hand quickly because it’s been so long – as they all give him their own versions of well-wishes and love.
The flower tattoo above his thumb burns from where someone’s fingers traced it briefly and he’s laughing as he pulls away from them to head towards the stage, feeling a bit like he’s crying - but he knows there’s no tears, knows he’s glowing instead.
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❀ I used this bcs I am not a florist and they are lol (and yet the flower meanings are my own, so if there’s a mistake there.. whoops) so 100% all credit for identifying these flowers goes to that brilliant person.
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justjessame · 4 years
Babysitting Butcher Chapter 5
Having lunch with William Butcher wasn’t something I’d seen coming when I walked into the building and found him waiting outside my office. I’d thought I’d hear more thundering irritation at one of the other minor annoyances that he might have encountered with a random lower level agent in the building or an administrative person who looked at him funny. Instead, we were sitting on the visitor’s side of my desk, using the desktop as a table as we ate burgers and fries.
I could have shaken my head at the absurdity of it, but I had to admit, it was an improvement.
“Why blue?” I blinked at the abrupt question, since we’d been eating in silence. Blue? Oh, toes.
I shrugged, chewing the bite I’d taken carefully and swallowing before I tried to answer. “Got tired of the red.” Absently wiggling my toes, still barefooted because it was MY office after all. “You seem kind of focused on feet, Mr. Butcher.” I smirked around my straw since he had just taken his own bite. “Are you one of those weirdos that hordes amputated feet?” He nearly choked and my smile grew.
“Couldn’t wait until I swallowed, could ya?” He took a drink from his own cup and stared at me the entire time. “No amputated feet collection, Doc.” I rolled my eyes as he hit me with his version of my ‘Mr. Butcher’. “Not into feet at all, actually.” Raising an eyebrow I bit into a fry. “Your toes, on the other hand, draw my attention.”
“Maybe I’ll pick clear polish next time and you won’t be distracted by them.” I offered when my mouth was empty. He shook his head as he chewed.
“Be a damn pity,” I was licking a drop of sauce off my lower lip as he said it, and his eyes were focused on the movement. “Then again, I can always be distracted by something else.” Shit.
 Lunch was finished before we knew it, and I would love to say we didn’t keep up with the flirting, but that would be coloring the truth just a bit. I told myself it was nothing. Friendly even. I mean, it’s not like Billy Butcher and I would EVER be attracted to one another. He was grieving for fuck’s sake.
We were back on the floor, Billy insisting we move the boxes closer to the desk so we could use the front of it to lean against. “Back’s gonna end up in fucking knots,” he assured me if we kept hunching over the files without support. Side by side, file by file, we worked.
I don’t think I would have noticed the time slipping by if he hadn’t mentioned it. I was in the zone, almost robotic in the precision once I got the rhythm going. He’d been working in the same way, quiet and efficient, so when he spoke it almost caused me to jump out of my skin.
“What time do you usually pack it in?” After I was certain my heart hadn’t leapt from my chest, I looked at my watch.
“An hour ago,” I answered with a chuckle. A glance at the window showed me that the sky was dark, the skyline a scattering of lights. “I’ve kept you late, I’m sorry.” I started to get up, but he stopped me with his hand on my wrist. How could the touch of his fingers on my skin feel like a brand?
“I offered, and I’ll keep at it with you as long as you want.” My eyes met his and I struggled to find a name for the color I saw. Grey seemed too dull, steel too hard. “Though we might want to grab something to eat, been hours since lunch.” As though my stomach was waiting for someone to say it, a loud rumble made me laugh. “See.” He smirked, shooting a glance at where my shirt tucked into my pants.
I shook my head. “We’re finished for the night,” he stood up first, and helped pull me to my feet. “We made a good dent in the boxes.” And we had. We’d finished a box each, and were on the second when he noticed the time. I walked around my desk to fetch my heels and my jacket, and saw that he was pulling on his duster and waiting. “I carry a gun, Billy, you don’t have to wait.”
“I know I don’t have to,” he said, not moving. “But I’m going to anyway.”
Sliding into my heels and tugging on my jacket, I grabbed my bag and badge from where I tossed it onto the desk earlier. “If you insist,” we walked out together, Billy taking me to my car and I asked him where he’d parked. He pointed to the other side of the lot so I told him to get in and I’d drive him over. He was going to argue, I could see it in his face, but I stopped him. “Get in the damn car, Mr. Butcher.” Smirking, he complied.
He seemed to fill my SUV, which seemed strange given the fact that I practically had to bring a ladder to get into it, and my seat was adjusted so close to the steering wheel that valets couldn’t even give it an attempt without readjusting it first.
“You’re a tiny little thing, aren’t you?” He offered, looking over at me perched in the seat. I rolled my eyes and drove him to his car. “Why’d you pick such a big-”
“Size matters, right?” I asked, and FELT his smirk. “I don’t know, honestly.” Sure you do, Veronica, my brain answered. You picked it because your father told you a hybrid smart car would be JUST right for you since you’re so petite and ladylike. So you went to a dealership and picked out the biggest SUV you could find that had all the features you wanted. Ugh, parent issues. “Here you are.” He didn’t jump out like I expected him to, after spending all day staring at paperwork I really thought he’d be chomping at the bit to find something more entertaining to end the day with.
“Tomorrow?” He asked, and I smiled.
“If you’re offering, then I’ll accept the help gladly.” His smile, like his laugh, changed his entire look. From the slightly dangerous, yet highly mischievous man that smirked and snarked, to handsome as hell and dangerous in a completely different way. “I’ll see you tomorrow, Billy.”
“Be here with bells on, Ronnie.” And then, like always, he was out of my car and in his car. He never said goodbye, I realized. How strange.
 When I got to my house, far enough outside the city that my mother had warned me about being too far from civilization, I was surprised to notice that I didn’t feel the tension built up in my entire body that had become something of a constant companion as of late. Maybe Billy was right, sitting in the middle of the room with no back support had given my pain and frustration. Who knew he could be so helpful?
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live-laugh-larceny · 4 years
i decided to write logan angst :D
I have not been able to stop thinking about @ameliessanderssidesblog‘s Zoom Angst post and I decided to write a smol fic based off it because I want pain. (someone else is writing one too but I figured more Logan angst is good?? I won’t check for their fic until I finish this because I want any similarities to be unintentional)
ok i have finished and reread it. this fic is a mess and horribly self-indulgent but i hope you like it anyway
characters: Logan-centric, some C!Thomas, Janus, Virgil, and Patton. The twins have one line apiece. Orange makes an appearance.
length: 1.6k
warnings: crying, Remus says something nsfw (it’s in the original post), the Orange boy being vaguely threatening, no happy ending
“Are you sure you don’t want to show the viewers those sparkling glasses you have, Logan?” Patton’s cheerful voice pipes from the speakers beside Logan’s desktop, tinny and hollow. Logan huffs out a derisive laugh, digging his fingers more forcefully into his hair in a fruitless (“good one!”) attempt to ease the pain of his pounding headache. Patton, of course, has no idea that Logan’s glasses are lying haphazardly on his desk where he flung them twenty minutes ago, looking for all intent like an insect scrabbling helplessly on its back. Logan observes that that comparison is not an inaccurate depiction of his current situation.
“You’re pathetic,” Logan mutters, furious for letting himself wallow in self-pity when there is a dilemma to be resolved. He shouldn’t be reacting so strongly to these... incidents. Tears gather in the corners of his eyes and Logan turns the brightness down on his laptop, as reducing eye strain is an effective method of countering the excessive moisture currently being produced by his tear glands. Ignoring the mounting pressure behind his eyes, Logan clicks the smudge in the corner of his display that he knows will make his voice heard. 
Thomas and Virgil exchange a fleeting glance as they both pick up on the strain behind Patton’s false laughter and the worry lurking in his eyes like a small child peeking bashfully between their parent’s legs. Thomas tilts his head slightly, hesitant to voice his question lest Logan was still listening. He and the other Sides had learned the hard way that asking about Logan’s well-being when he was upset rarely ended well. Thomas has barely started typing a message to Patton when he notices one from Janus. Curious, he opens the chatbox. It’s a private message, and Thomas has to shake a residual feeling of dread (he trusts Janus now, it’s fine) before opening it.
Totally Elle Woods: Patton’s last few encounters with Logan have gone wonderfully, and he’s absolutely not concerned.  
Thomas furrows his eyebrows he scrutinizes Janus’s screen. The snake-faced Side displays no outward signs of concern, languidly swirling his wine glass and looking remarkably bored behind his mint skincare mask. Despite his blunders and over-the-top theatrics, Janus was a fantastically good actor when he wanted to be. Thomas always seemed to forget that, somehow. 
Thomas Sanders: How did you know?
Totally Elle Woods: Please, be more obvious next time.
Thomas Sanders: Janus... 
Totally Elle Woods: ...sorry. Do you think I didn’t notice that little look between you and Virgil? You’re definitely as subtle as you think you are. 
Thomas sighs, resisting the urge to put his head in his hands. He feels a small headache coming on- hopefully Janus will remind him to take some Advil later. He looks up again as Patton gasps, a huge, genuine grin spreading across the moral Side’s face.
“Hi Logan!” Patton chirps. “What do you have to say about this mask-ive issue we’re having here?”
Thomas glances down at Logan’s blank screen and confirms that Logan really did unmute, feeling his stomach churn as he accidentally glimpses the last participant in their call. (Maybe Thomas had been purposefully not looking.) “07334 :)” is silent and invisible, but Thomas can’t help but feel anxious at the thought of an unknown Side possibly listening in on their conversation. It just doesn’t feel right.
Logan sighs at Patton’s ridiculousness. His continued insistence on wordplay over productivity did nothing but halt their discussions and delay finding a solution. Logan cleared his throat and spoke, enunciating as clearly as possible. 
“It would probably be beneficial for Thomas to arrive early so he can be sure to claim a six-foot radius appropriate for proper social distancing. Preferably -” 
“But what if some asshat just plops right in Thomas’s space? And we risk getting the virus? And then we can’t film videos because we need to get tested and then that takes forever and then we’re losing income and the fans get mad and we go broke and-”
Logan knows that Virgil didn’t have malicious intent when he cut him off. He knows that. Virgil is his friend, and he is prone strong bouts of anxiety that manifest in rapid speech which mimics his spiraling thoughts. Nevertheless, Logan experiences an irrational urge to crumple up another notecard and throw it as hard as he can at Virgil’s pixelated face. Couldn’t he have waited for another thirty seconds and allowed Logan to finish explaining himself? Logan had actually planned for this scenario and many others besides that, because he’s Logic and that’s his damn job. The urge grows stronger as Logan makes out that Patton and Thomas are nodding in agreement with Virgil like his outburst somehow invalidated Logan’s proposal. Dully, Logan notices that his lungs are having difficulty performing gas exchange at their usual efficiency. His head pounds. They must think he’s a joke. They must think he’s stupid. 
The ensuing silence stretches on for approximately 8.65 seconds before Thomas finally speaks. 
Even through a speaker, the disappointment in Thomas’s voice is unmistakable. Logan is suddenly extremely grateful that his eyesight only allows him to vaguely identify the others without his glasses. He doesn’t want to see their faces. 
07334 :): :(
Virgil inhales slowly, holds, and exhales in the 4-7-8 pattern he taught them in his room. He’s doing that because of Logan. Virgil is anxious and distressed, and it’s his fault. Logan’s stomach figuratively flips over, and guilt “claws” its way up his throat. Such sensations were not literally experienced, of course, but Logan currently lacks the vocabulary to describe them more objectively. Clearly, participating in group discussions when he so easily lost his temper and upset the other Sides was unacceptable for theirs and Thomas’s mental health. 
“I... I apologize, Virgil. I did not mean to speak so harshly.” Logan struggles to speak. His tongue refuses to follow his command. “I- It seems that I was, uh, correct... a few months ago when I suggested to Patton that I leave the discussion after... after hurting Roman. I...” Logan trails off.
Virgil takes another deep breath, and something compels Logan to reach for his glasses. He cleans them on his shirt before sliding them on, blinking owlishly at his computer as it snaps back into focus. His breath stutters as he forces himself to look at Virgil, who is wearing the same indecipherable expression as when he said that Logan was “lost”. (Logan perceives every microexpression that makes its way across the others’ faces. He notices the minute differences in twitches of the lips and the positioning of the eyebrows. He doesn’t always know what those infinitesimal changes mean, but he’s trying to learn.) Logan still doesn’t understand what Virgil meant back then, but he knows that it was hardly positive. 
“I... we’re going to leave you alone until tomorrow, L.” Virgil’s eyes are boring into him. It’s not possible, Virgil can’t see him through a computer screen. Virgil’s eyes are boring into him, unearthing every regret and insecurity and laying them bare. “There’s something going on with you. We can all see it. Please don’t try to hide it.” Virgil’s words are stimulating a release of epinephrine, which is causing his heart rate to increase. Logan can no longer focus on anything but the fact that his headache and his heartbeat are throbbing in perfect unison. 
“We love you, Logan.” Patton’s voice trembles. Logan clicks mute, sprints to his bed, and screams into his pillow. 
07334 :): :’(
pattonsandersenter: I think we should go talk to Logan...
Totally Elle Woods: I understand your concern, but denial is a tricky thing. If we push Logan now, it could be disastrous.
xX21ChemicalPanic!Xx: so we’re just going to let logan delude himself forever?
Totally Elle Woods: Unless I was mistaken, it was you who suggested we leave him alone, dear Virgil.
xX21ChemicalPanic!Xx: fuck you. you know what i fucking meant, snake
Thomas Sanders: Guys don’t fight
pattonsandersenter: Virgil!!! Language!!!
Totally Elle Woods: We’ll talk to him tomorrow. For now, we finish this video as planned.
The rest of the call passes in a daze. Logan eventually makes his way back to his desk and listens with his head in his hands, trying to distract himself by identifying the others by the tone of their voices. Janus’s melodic lilt, Remus’s grating screech, Roman’s booming tenor, Virgil’s soft mutter, Patton’s friendly warmth, and Thomas, somewhere between it all. Eventually, they all sign out in perfect unison, having reached a solution almost identical to one Logan had already planned out. So much for efficiency, he thinks, but there’s no bitterness or bite, just exhaustion. 
“Take it easy, guys, gals, and non-binary pals!”
“Toodle-oo, plebs!”
“Don’t take care. See you...”
“Ok!! I’ll see you kiddos later!!”
Logan opens his eyes blearily. The world dissolves into smudges again- his glasses are still perched on top of his head from when he moved them to sulk earlier. Pathetic. 
It’s just him and “07334 :)” now. Resigned, Logan unmutes and shows himself for the first time. He refuses to look at his face in the computer screen, puffy and red with a single tear carving a hot, salty river down his cheek. Pathetic.
When Orange speaks, Logan’s speaker hisses and pops with static as if it was trying to resist broadcasting Orange’s voice. 
“I’ll be seeing you, Blue.” Logan knows that it is impossible to discern Orange’s expression, but in that moment, he could have sworn he heard the grin slicing across Orange’s face. Lethal. Deadly. Logan shudders. Pathetic. 
Logan manages to gather himself and look up for real, staring down the smiley face on Orange’s blank screen.
“Yeah, I know.”
Orange and Logan click out at the same time, and the call goes silent.
If anyone made it through that, thanks for reading! This is maybe my second fic ever so sorry if it’s messy and hard to follow. It was very stream of consciousness if you couldn’t tell. I wanted to include some Roman angst too but I honestly couldn’t think of a good way to do it and this thing was already taking a long time. Sorry Roman stans :( Also sorry Remus stans :(
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