#anyways now i know when i come im going to be prepared with a grocery list of scientific studies to disprove her boring claims
muirneach · 2 months
LMFAO was just chilling with my mom and my brother walked in and started complaining to her about his transphobic coworkers which honestly was stupid af because…. SHES the transphobic coworker. but anyways we got into a whole fight about it but since it was me and my brother together it was honestly really funny and not painful because he did all the talking and i got to just laugh
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underoossss · 2 years
I’m here – s.h
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pairing: steve harrington x f!reader
summary: when you have an accident, steve comes to the rescue, bathing you in comfort and soothing your worries without a second thought. in other words good old hurt/comfort goodness.
warnings: mention of injury though nothing is descriptive. maybe the cheesy title needed a warning too.
an: im on my knees begging that this shows up in the tags, i’ve tried everything. Anyways, im back after my writers blog to deliver softness and cute fics again. Enjoy! and let me know if you like this, reblogs are always helpful🥺
Sock-clad feet glide on the hardwood floor of the hallway as the Saturday sunlight streams through the windows.  You turn up the volume of your radio, dancing and bobbing your head to your Duran Duran cassette. It is a universal truth that listening to music while you do chores will not only make you productive, but it will make the tasks more bearable. So Girls on Film floods the first floor of the house as you take the newly dry clothes to the kitchen to fold later. You sing along to the lyrics while you do the dishes and proceed to make something to eat. There are fresh groceries in the fridge, which you got yesterday, and you take out everything you need to make a club sandwich.
You’re so distracted while preparing and eating your food, that you don’t realize time has escaped you suddenly. The clock says its 1:15pm, and you promised Max you’d go skateboarding with her that afternoon –she’s supposed to be here in 30 minutes and you’re still not ready. “Shit.” You say, chewing the rest of your sandwich as fast as you can.
You rush through everything after that: shoving things back in the fridge, leaving your dish to wash later, and running upstairs with armfuls of unfolded clothes to throw on your parents’ bed to be folded later. They’re away for the next five days, so they won’t mind –if you remember to fold them before they get back. You spot your favorite tank top, a lovely deep green one, in the middle of the pile and grab it before you go to your bedroom. Some light washed jeans, the tank top, new socks, and converse and you’re ready to go.
A second later, the doorbell rings, announcing Max’s arrival. “Coming!” You yell over the music, which you then turn off.
Max stands on your porch, her skateboard under her arm. She has her hair braided into two pigtails and her freckles are standing out more than ever with the fierce sunlight outside. “Hey.” She says, “Ready to go?”
“Yeah, I just need my skateboard.” You tell her, then go back inside to search the living room’s closet for it. “Aha! Now I’m ready.”
Locking the front door behind you, the two of you skate down the road to the old Hawkins skate park. It is near your house –roughly five blocks– and because Max says the new one is always crowded, the two of you have made it a habit to use the old one instead. It’s not old perse, it just not as fancy as the new one.  
“I learned this new trick I have to show you.” Max says proudly, a grin lighting up her features.
“A new trick? Where?” You ask her, pushing at the ground with your foot to gain more speed.
“I saw some boys do it the other day, and I think I got it down now.” She explains, glancing at you for a second before chuckling. “I think I can do it even better than them.”
“Oh, I bet.” You smile, “I need to learn it then, so we can outskate them.”
Sure enough Max starts to teach you the new trick immediately after you reach the skate park. She mentions it might be called a heelflip but she’s unsure, the boys she copied from were far enough that she couldn’t catch everything they said.
“Basically,” Max says. “You jump and use your right foot to flip the board, and land on it once it turns back around.”
The redhead demonstrates, failing at the first try but getting it right by the second. You watch her do the trick five more times, trying to memorize the way she moves her feet before and after she jumps. Once you’re sure you understand what you have to do, you begin to practice, which leads you to one, two, three, and several other failed attempts.
With your frustration beginning to increase, you huff and nod to yourself in determination. “This time for sure.” You tell no one in particular.
You push the ground with your foot and skate a few feet before you try to flip the board again, only to make a terrible mistake immediately after. Just as you think you managed to successfully flip and land on your skateboard, your left foot lands too close to the rear-edge of the board and you fall backwards. The weight of your body falls on your left arm, and thankfully not your head, but an intense pain overwhelms you for a second, making your ears ring. The ache doesn’t pass and instead stays in your arm, and you lie on the ground, your left side touching the hot cement. You try to move it, so you can sit up, but you find that you can’t; it only makes more pain shoot up from your arm to the rest of your body.
“Fuck!” You curse out from gritted teeth, your face contorted in pain as you roll to your back and sit up. You clutch your left arm close to your body as best as you can without injuring it more. “Fuck, shit, ouch, dammit.”
Max rushes to your side in a second, kneeling in front of you to see what happened. “What happened?” Her blue eyes are wide with worry as she sees you hold your arm and squeeze your eyes shut. “Your arm?”
“I think I broke it, Max. I can’t move it.” You say, taking deep breaths and looking into her eyes. The distress in her own is obvious, so you swallow back the pain and say in a calm voice. “We have to go back home.”
Max nods but still glances worriedly at your arm, “We need to get you to the hospital.”
You whimper in pain and nod even though the very thought of going to the hospital makes you nauseous. You hate hospitals, you’re terrified of doctors and any sort of procedure. “I know. Just help me stand up, we need to call Steve.”
The redhead holds the back of your right elbow gently and wraps her arm around your waist to hoist you up. You exhale shakily as another shock of pain shoots up your arm while Max grabs both of your skateboards –she holds one under each arm and walks next to you. The walk to the house is silent, with you focusing on everything else around you besides the pain, and Max burning a hole in your skin as she looks at you.
“I’m so sorry, this is my fault.” She says.
“Max, it’s not your fault. No one could have known that I would fall, I didn’t think I’d fall.” You shake your head instantly, then look at her worried face. “Please, don’t beat yourself up about this.”
She nods silently, worrying at her bottom lip nervously. “We’re almost back.”
You look up ahead and notice she’s right.  Your house can be seen in the distance, and it makes relief wash over your features. Shade, water, and a phone to call your boyfriend. They’re all so close but the last feet to reach the house feel like insurmountable task. It’s like each step breaks your arm again and again; by the time you give Max your keys and step through the front door, your forehead is covered in sweat and tears threaten to spill from your eyes.
“Call Steve, I’ll get you some water.” Max tells you, leaving the skateboards out of the way and disappearing into the kitchen.
You walk to the yellow phone that’s propped in the hallway’s wall –an inconvenience every day but you can’t bring yourself to complain now– and dial the number you memorized two years ago, picking up the headset with your right hand. Your body aches, and you feel exhaustion creep up on you as the phone rings.
Steve picks up the phone on the third ring, his voice a soothing sound to your ears. “Hello?”
“Hey Stevie.” You say into the headset; your face is a grimace, but your voice is light as air. “How are you, baby?”
“Missing you,” Steve grumbles on the other line. “And jealous that Mayfield has a whole day with you. Wait, aren’t you supposed to be skating?”
“Yeah….” You chuckle but the movement makes you flinch and whimper. “About that.”
Max, who returned with the glass of water, sighs exasperated. She fights you momentarily for the headset, with an unfair advantage of not being in pain, and uses it to deliver the news to Steve. “Yeah, she broke her arm.”
You imagine Steve is asking What?! In a tone of disbelief and worry.
“Y/N broke her arm, we’re at her house and need to get to the hospital.” She says, raising her eyebrows and shaking her head at you when you frown at her bluntness. It seems like the initial shock from your injury has worn off, and now she has a resolute look in her face. “You have to come pick us up.”
“Tell him not to speed. If he does, I’m walking to the hospital. We don’t need another accident.” You tell her even as another wave of pain washes over you. You didn’t want to get Steve so worried he’ll go over the speeding limit, but with the way Max dumped the news on him… he’s more than likely to.
You hear Max tell him this and nod her head and whatever Steve says on the other line before she passes the headset back to you. “He’s coming.” She tells you as you press the headset into your ear.
“Baby.” Steve says, so softly and comforting to your ears that you fight back tears. Your eyes squeeze shut to keep from crying; the next breath you take is shaky.
“I need you.” You mumble, taking another deep breath to keep your voice steady. “Drive safely.”
“I’ll be there in 10. Hang on, okay?” You can hear Steve’s keys jingle on the other end of the line, and you nod. You know he can’t see you but who cares.
You hang up a second later and accept the glass of water Max hands you. “Thank you.” You tell her, leaning your head against the wall.
Max nods as her eyes scan your face and her eyebrows meet in the middle. “You’ll be okay soon, let’s go wait on the porch.”
Steve gets there in 8 minutes, leaves the car on, and rushes to the front door where you and Max wait already. He frowns when he sees you clutch your arm and notices that it’s beginning to bruise. Steve wipes the light sheen of sweat that covers your forehead once he’s in front of you and cradles your cheeks softly in his hands. “Hey, babygirl.”
You exhale shakily when he presses his forehead against yours. His presence is a comfort, his words even more so. “Let’s get you fixed up, okay? You’ll be better in no time.”
“Stevie, I’m scared. I hate hospitals.” You confess to him in a whisper as a rogue tear escapes you. Though you don’t know if it’s from pain, fear, or relief of seeing him. “I don’t want to go.”
“You’re in pain, you have to go. I know it scares you but you got us, okay?.” Steve motions over his shoulder to his car. “Let’s get in the car, beautiful.”
He places a soft kiss to your temple when you nod, before leading you towards his car –left hand on the low of your back. Max opens the door for you, and you slide in while Steve shuts the door close and runs over the drivers’ side. You press the side of your head to the window, the cold glass soothing as you close your eyes.
“Pass me the Flock of Seagulls cassette; they’re all in the pocket in front of you.” Steve asks Max as he pulls away from the driveway. “The colourful one.”
“Yeah, I know which one.” Max says, you can hear the eyeroll in her tone –it makes you smile briefly.
Steve fiddles with the cassette before inserting it into the car’s player. A few seconds later, the first chords of I Ran begin to play, filling the car with music. “There you go, baby.” Steve says, putting his right hand on your thigh and rubbing your skin softly with his thumb. “You love their songs.”
You move to look at him— he’s got that worried pinch between his brows despite the smile he’s giving you. The sun makes his hair turn a honey colour, and his white t-shirt turns a shade of yellow as sunlight reflects off the dashboard and onto him. You’re in so much pain you can’t even appreciate how well this outfit look on him. He’s so handsome, he’s also trying very hard to keep it together for you, and you love him so much.
“I do.” You mumble, smiling softly at him. “Thank you, Stevie.”
Minutes later you’re being led to the emergency room by Steve and Max, where nurses take over despite their protests. You can’t help but feel anxious, and in more pain, as you’re pulled away from them. Your heartbeat picks up every time the nurse touches you, and your eyes tear up when she checks your arm –her touch is careful but your arm hurts so much that it feels like she’s pressing hard on your skin. She takes your vital signs and tells you to sit down in a bed until the doctor arrives.
You nod and try to swallow but your throat keeps tightening. “Can my boyfriend come keep me company, please?” Your voice sounds breathless as you speak. “I’m feeling very anxious and he’s the one who always knows what to do.”
Maybe it’s the tone in which you speak, or your anxiousness written too plainly on your face, but the nurse nods silently and leaves. You hear hurried footsteps immediately after. Steve’s hair is a mess as he steps through the door, and you’re so glad to see him you slouch where you sit. Though the movement makes you knock your elbow with your thigh, and you wince in pain.
“Careful, baby.” Steve tells you quietly, approaching you and holding your free hand. “I’m here, the nurse said you asked for me.”
“Stevie,” You shake your head. “I got anxious and lonely. I–I needed you.”
“And I’m here.” Steve reassures you, leaning his forehead against yours. “I’m staying right here, okay?”
“Thank you.” You nod weakly, looking into the lovely brown color of his eyes as he kisses your knuckles repeatedly. “The nurse said a doctor is coming soon.”
As if summoned by your words, the doctor arrives and crosses the threshold of the room to stand by your bed. He’s a short man with black rimmed glasses, greying buzz-cut hair, and deep frown lines on his forehead. The tag on his white coat says doctor Dennison, and he introduces himself by the same name a second later.
“I’ve just talked to the nurse. From what she tells me, we need to take an x-ray of your arm.” He says, talking your injured arm gently in his hands and examining it by touch. “You can’t move it?”
“No, it hurts too much if I try.” You say as you wince when he touches the muscle below your elbow. Your fingers squeeze Steve’s hand tightly; you worry whether you’re hurting him.
“Looks like the fracture is here.” He says, touching the place with two careful fingers. “The x-ray will tell us if we’ll need to operate or not.”
You squeeze Steve’s hand in fear this time, and he squeezes right back in reassurance. “Surgery?” Steve asks the doctor, frowning down at your arm. He knows your fear of doctors and knows needing surgery would send you into a nervous frenzy.
“It looks like only one of the forearm bones is broken but I need to see just how much. If the fracture is at two places, we need to stabilize them with surgery, so they heal correctly.” The doctor tells you and Steve. “The good thing is, your arm hasn’t swelled much, so if you don’t need surgery, we can put your arm in a cast today.”
You nod your head, though you feel numb and more anxious than ever; surgery had never crossed your mind. Why did you have to break your arm.
“I’ll have the nurse prep the x-ray room.” The doctor says before he leaves.
“Thank you, doctor.” Steve tells him, then turns back to you. “I’m sure you won’t need surgery baby.”
“What if I do, Stevie.” You whisper, feeling fear try to take you into its clutches. “I’ve never had surgery before… it scares me.”
Steve lets go of your hand for a moment to slide a chair over to your bed, where he sits and offers his hand again. “If you do, you’ll be more than okay, babygirl.”
“How can you be sure?” You ask him as you look into his eyes though tears are threatening to fall down your cheeks and it makes him look blurry.
Your boyfriend kisses you hand again, his lips soft on your skin as he pecks it repeatedly. “Because you’re strong, Y/N. I know this is scary, but I also know you’ve been very brave despite of your fear before.”
Your eyes squeeze shut at his words, and you nod trying to summon that bravery he claims you have. You both survived the upside down, surely that’s scarier than this. “I’ll be okay.” You say more to yourself than to Steve.
“You will.” He reaches up and wipes your tears away with a reassuring smile. “I’ll be right here, and I won’t let anything happen to you, okay?”
You nod again and just then the nurse is back to take you to the x-ray room so you can find out how serious your injury is.
“Go tell Max I’m okay.” You tell Steve before you leave the room. “I’m sure she’s worried.”
Steve nods, and the soft look in his eyes reassures your frantic heart that things will be okay.
It turns out, that your injury won’t require surgery, like Steve had reassured you.
There’s a nurse putting pain medication into an IV that’s attached to your right arm, while Doctor Dennison looks over your x-ray.
“You’ve got one clean fracture right here.” The doctor points at the broken bone below your elbow. “So once the medication kicks in, I’m going to set it and we’ll place a cast on your arm.”
You nod in understanding and look away from the x-ray, looking at the fracture makes a shiver go down your spine. “Will I get to go home today?” You ask.
The doctor smiles, “Of course. Once you get the cast, we’ll immobilize your arm with a sling and you’re ready to go.”
“Thank God.” Steve says, rubbing his face with his hands –the first time since you talked to him earlier that he’s shown worry. All the tension in his body leaves him at once when he smiles at you. “Told you.”
Now in less pain than before, and calmer, you smile back at him. He’s reassured you all afternoon, it’s your turn. “I know.”
Though the process is painless and simple, you cling to Steve’s hand when the doctor makes sure your bone is in the right place and proceeds to put the cast on your arm. It goes from your wrist to just above your elbow, immobilizing your left for the next 8 weeks. You smile down at it once you’re given the all-clear by the nurse, knowing the kids, Robin, and Eddie will doodle all over it once they find out what happened. Then, there’s paperwork to sign and pain medication to get for the next five days as prescribed by the doctor –which Steve insists on getting (and you insist on paying back, to no avail). But soon enough you’re reuniting with Max in the waiting room, Steve’s left hand on the small of your back and his right holding a white plastic bag.
“All done.” You tell Max with a reassuring smile. “Sorry for making you wait so long.”
The redhead glances out the automatic doors to see the sky turn orange as the sun begins to set, –it was high in the sky when you first arrived. “I didn’t notice.” She shakes her head. “Are you feeling better now?”
You nod your head. “I’m just tired.”
“Come on let’s get you home then.” Steve mutters against your temple before placing a kiss there.
“Can I drive?” Max asks Steve, sounding hopeful.
“Absolutely not.” Steve tells her and you smile.
Their bickering and the rest of the Flock of Seagulls cassette fill the car on the drive away from the hospital. The air feels calmer with everyone less anxious than before, and you’re in between falling asleep and looking at the pretty pink sky out of the window. Steve drops Max off at her place, and she promises to visit you tomorrow morning, to which you nod with a smile and tell her you’ll be waiting. A short ride later, you’re back at your house, with Steve opening the door for you and leading you inside.
“Finally.” You sigh, moving so you’re standing in front of Steve and can lean your forehead against his shoulder. “I hate hospitals.”
“I know.” Steve whispers, his arms going around your waist carefully.
“Yeah, baby?” He takes one step back to look at you, dipping his chin to his chest to meet your eyes.
“Don’t go.” You whisper, eyes glancing at your feet then back to his face. “I don’t want you to go.”
Your heartbeat is drumming loudly in your ears as your right hand holds Steve’s forearm. You have five more days alone in your house, now with a broken arm, and though your parents have left in other occasions, it feels different this time. It makes you anxious at the thought of being alone, after a day at the hospital you feel on edge.
“I wasn’t planning on going anywhere.” Steve smiles, bringing one of his hands to hold your cheek. You melt with his touch, head tipping to the side to get more of it. “I was going to ask you if I could stay the rest of the week.”
You think about how there’s already enough of his clothes in your drawers for him to stay over and nod your head. Your eyes open and focus on his. “Of course, you can.”
“Let me take care of you, okay?” He drops his forehead against yours while he whispers. “What do you need baby, name it.”
You hum and close your already heavy eyes. “A shower, the leftovers in the fridge, and 10 hours of cuddling.”
Steve smiles, bringing his smile over your lips as he dips his head. “I can do that.” His lips brush against yours as he speaks, and you smile.
“And a kiss?” You add moving your hand from his forearm to the back of his neck slowly.
“Always. All of them, anytime you want.” He says before closing the gap small gap between you.
You’re unable to hold back the sigh that leaves your lips at the kiss and you’re mindful of your arm as you lean your body closer to Steve’s. He is warm against you, gentle in the way he holds your face but not as much as he kisses you. His kisses are needy, a firm pressure against yours, and you can relate to what he’s feeling. It’s been a long and stressful day, one that’s taken a toll on you and, on top of keeping you from sharing a single kiss, most likely worried Steve more than he let show. You feel your body humming with love, your fingertips tingling with it; the wholesome feeling of Steve’s affection, soothing and curing every worry and discomfort you shoved back throughout the day. He pulls back after a few minutes and presses his nose to the side of yours while he keeps you close.
“I love you.” He whispers. “You were so brave today.”
“I love you.” You mumble against this lips, unable to stop yourself from placing a couple of kisses over his bottom lip. “I was terrified, I don’t know what I would have done without you.”
“I always got you, babygirl.” Steve says kissing you softly one more time.
“Can you help me shower?” You ask him even though you know he’ll say yes. “I don’t know how I’ll manage to wash my hair with one arm like this.”
Steve follows your eyes down to your cast before he looks back at you. “You don’t even have to ask. Besides, I gotta make sure you don’t get your cast wet.”
You nod your head. “There’s plastic bags in the kitchen, I think that’ll help?”
“I’ll grab them. You head over to the shower okay, beautiful? I’ll be right there.” Steve leaves a lingering kiss on your lips before disappearing into the kitchen while you stare at his retreating figure, wondering how you got so lucky.
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strwberri-milk · 11 months
Hi hi hello! Can i request mordern high school love with thoma? Reader being a gentle and reserved person being more popular among the juniors and thoma popular for his charm and being on the basketball team. Theyre relationship isnt too open but its not a secret either. They try to keep it low key of course
Now imagine the small moments with him :( after school studying at the library, walking home together, recess on the rooftop, arcade dates on the weekend and him winning you a plushie that we know sleep with evry night :(( him asking you to prom and being a gentleman :(( him coming over after school to study but end up staying over cause of the thunderstorm outside :(( our parents love him hes so sweet
(Pls help im so delulu for him)
ngl i love. modern high school aus theres smth about the simplicity of high school and being in the in between where you're *almost* an adult but still treated like a child and knowing youre about to ?? crest smth that everyone talks about anyway idk i really romanticised my high school life and ngl all my friends are from higschool LMAOO also the whole freshman/junior/sophmore/senior thing makes no sense to me idek if i put this in the right order and i wish prom was more of a thing here bc yall make it seem so fun
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Thoma is definitely that kid that people know of, but don't really know all too well. He's really nice and all the teachers and students like him, and of course being both attractive and athletic made him that much easier to admire.
You had a crush on him for what feels like forever, wishing that one day he'd notice you out of all the other people who liked him too. He had so many admirers due to how kind he was, but being his friend you knew that there was so much to him.
When he finally asked you out it was the most cliche, yet sweetest way he could have ever done it. He drove you to a place that the two of you often frequented. When you got out, you turned around to see a picnic he prepared for the two of you, thinking it was just another nice thing he was doing for you because you were a little stressed out recently but the flowers and shy look on his face told you otherwise.
The two of you didn't go out of your way to tell everyone you were dating. Thoma just wasn't as willing to let people touch him as much, and you were seen hanging around the basketball team a little more often than before. Thoma always walked you to class anyway if he could, so people couldn't really tell the difference until one day they saw him give you a hug.
By that point everyone found out pretty quick but the two of you didn't feel the need to justify anything to anybody so you'd just confirm that you were dating and that was it.
Thoma always loves taking you on various dates whenever you can. He would see what kinds of places pop up on his feed and scout them out before taking you out for a night on the town (until curfew of course).
Your parents were really trying to look for something to be wrong with him, not wanting him to distract you from your life or end up in an unsatisfactory position of your heart being broken or anything like that. However, the fact that he constantly brought you home on time and made sure to say greet your parents every time as well as bring them treats he baked himself made it hard for him to stay hated in their eyes.
He's constantly gifting you things that remind him of you. If he's at the grocery store then he's giving you a candy that you liked. If he's at the mall he found some accessory he thought you'd look good with. It doesn't matter when or where - you're always on his mind and the trinkets you've accumulated from him are proof of that.
Whenever there are any events locally he loves to take you to them. Whether it be some sort of festival or just a pop up his favourite thing to do is explore the grounds with you and spoil you with prizes or the food there. He's got no limits when it comes to you.
Exam season means crunch time. The two of you are forcibly holed up by each other to try and get studying done. He's a hard worker so he's got tons of study tips for you if you need it and the right amount of rewards too. Whenever you get a practise question right or finish a writing prompt within the time limit well he always congratulates you with a hug or a kiss.
I can see him being super into doubling too. The two of you are one of those people who are constantly on call just doing random shit together. Neither of you has to actually talk to the other person - you both just like being in each other's presence.
Your room and bed are both filled with tons of things that Thoma gives you and he can't help but grin to himself whenever he comes over and sees it. He's got photos commemorating everything on his phone, glad that you like the things he gives you as much as he likes you.
Thoma absolutely adores you and I can see the two of you being high school sweethearts. He comes to your events and you to his, and the two of you end up living a perfectly happy life together, glad that one day oh so many years ago the two of you were assigned lockers next to each other.
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k4g3hika · 2 years
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WELCOME HOME ━ imagine!
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eddie munson x fem! reader
summary: eddie’s life is stressful, and then there’s you to fix it all.
genre: fluff
wc: 752
note: i’ve been writing sm fluff and im pretty sure it’s because i’m in my feels.
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Eddie closes the van door and groans while rubbing his neck. Everything was piling up for him. All he wanted to do was finally graduate this year, but it seems that everything was trying to block him from doing so. Hawkins High seems to love him so much that it would never want him to leave. 
Lucky enough for you however, you already graduated the previous year. And by already scoring a job in the local grocery store, you’re just waiting for Eddie to be done with school so that the both of you can finally move to your cousin’s rental in California. That sounds easy enough. 
If it wasn’t for Eddie’s horrible, terrible, and drastic grades. 
Sighing out of frustration, Eddie started up his van, beginning his journey home. Fortunately, he had more things to think about other than school, because his campaign went great. Though you weren’t there to see it, Eddie completely smashed the club with his campaign that he was planning all week for, so he was at least feeling good about that. 
To top off this night, all he wanted to do was eat some junk in his cupboards, and watch a garbage movie, with you. After convincing his uncle, you moved in with him a couple months ago. It’s not like Eddie expected you to be a housewife or anything, but ever since then, the trailer was cleaner and the aroma was better since in your free time, you either baked or cooked. It was also great for Eddie since he can now branch out to different ways to sell and eat his weed. 
He finally pulled into the trailer park and turned off his van. Jumping out excitedly, Eddie fumbles with his keys before gently, pushing open the door. The smell of different sauces and spices infiltrated his head, and his happiness only began to increase. 
“Eddie! Welcome home!” You smile at him, going up to kiss him. 
“Hey sweetheart,” He wraps his arms around your waist, “how was your day?”
“Oh my god, it was great! Let me tell you all about it. Today, we got a new shipment at the store…” you pull away from him, rambling on and on about your day. All Eddie could do was smile. It wasn’t like he was annoyed at you, it’s just you talking and him listening was something he looked forward to everytime he came home. “And yeah! Then Luke came and my shift was over. Anyway, I cooked some spaghetti. Let me prepare your plate and you can talk about your campaign. Did it go well?”
“Y’know it did.” Closing the pot, you take the two plates into your hands and put them onto the little table to eat. After sitting down and him talking about his great campaign, the night was filled with your laughs and gasps. Nights like these were his absolute favourite. 
But throughout the whole time, Eddie couldn’t stop looking at your eyes and the smile that broke out on your face. Dungeons and Dragons wasn’t all that appealing to most, as everybody in Hawkins called it the ‘devil’s game’, but to the club, him, and especially you, it was the most fascinating thing to ever exist. Even though you didn’t play the game, you were just as interested as anybody else. 
“Y/N?” You look up from your plate and smile.
“I love you.” You stop chewing, making eye-contact with him and tilting your head. 
“I love you too…but where is this coming from Eds?” He reaches over, wiping sauce from the corner of our lips, leaving his hand there to hold it. Staring lovingly into your eyes, you can only continue smiling, but stay confused at his words. 
“Thank you, for being my home. You’re the one thing I look forward to when I sleep and when I wake up.”
“Eddie! That’s so cheesy.”
“I know. And I know this doesn’t sound like me at all, but you’re the best thing that has ever happened to me.” Silence ensues between you both. Until, you start to cry and reach over to him to sit on his lap. You hug each other tightly and he buries his nose into your neck. 
“I love you Eddie. Thank you for everything. I can’t imagine my life without you.”
“I love you too sweetheart.”
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lix-ables · 1 year
this is falling in love part 01 — hwang hyunjin. (nsfw)
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💌 just a lot of teasing that's all. hi im back i guess. anyways show this some love maybe ‹3 | 💌 words. 848
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"if it's one thing you're good at, it's zoning out." a voice calls out to you - more like sighs in your direction, the low, hushed tone of that same voice making you shift your eyes to where it was coming from. "hmm?"
"but the view in front of me? i wish i could zone out too," the face belonging to that voice comes into view, and your vision becomes less blurry, as you watch hyunjin shift closer to you with half-closed eyes. "you're full of compliments today, aren't you?" you chuckle, when his hand finds your waist, the fingertips splayed across your now exposed skin, as you hear him sigh yet again. "you know i live to make you swoon," he mumbles, before planting a kiss to your temple, letting his lips rest there for a while before pulling away to look at you.
your mind returns to the previous night - the first time you officially went on a date with hyunjin - no sneaking around, no hiding from your friends or his, just the two of you. and that blanket that he got - more like 'borrowed' from his roommate, insisting that he didn't steal it. jisung would be so pissed if he found out.
that blanket was the reason you were in his bed this morning - you in hyunjin's oversized button-down shirt, and him shirtless, wearing just the sweatpants he decided to throw on in a hurry before getting into bed with you.
"last night was -"
"unimaginable. breathtaking," hyunjin finishes with another sigh. you notice he'd been sighing all morning. "what was that?" you ask, making him hum in response. "that sigh." "i don't want this moment to end but.." he inches closer - close enough to bring your body toward him, before nuzzling his face into the space between your neck and your shoulder blade. “we need to get out of the apartment. get chores done, maybe some groceries if you want me to cook you dinner tonight.”
“it’s eleven in the morning, baby. we have hours to think about dinner,” you mumble, not realising your fingers coming to rest on his bare chest. your palm finds the left side, almost as if feeling his heartbeat - slow, stable, calming. “we need to get out of the apartment,” you repeat, pausing a second to look at him. “but it can wait an hour, right? i want to be here with you, for now.”
you hear a small groan of protest from the boy next to you as you turn to your side, facing away from him as you bring your back against his hard chest. nonetheless, his fingers come to wrap around your waist, but nothing prepared him for what was to come next, or what you had in mind.
“y/n,” hyunjin warns, as your whimper very softly, your ass now moving up and down in his lap, teasing, playing with his cock in swaying motions. “fuck, you need to stop that,” he warns again. he’s leaning into your body, his lips pressed up close to your ear, as he whispers another warning. “but it feels so good,” you bite your lip, hopefully stopping from whining out loud, almost out of breath. “don’t you feel good too?”
“it does,” he grunts in your ear, “it feels fucking amazing, dove, but you need to stop that, or we’re staying in bed all day.” you gasp when he brings his hand to grab your waist harshly, before thrusting against you. just once, enough to tease him and you, enough to make him groan. “and if you keep that up for even a second longer, i’m going to come in my pants right now.
“that’s a good thing,” you mewl, pushing up against his bulge once again, your fingers searching for something to hold, only to find the pillow, your nails digging into it to an extent that you were sure you’d tear the covers. “i like that.”
“you love teasing me, don’t you, y/n?” he whispers, as you try to move, but he manages to stop that, pinning you under him, the shift being so obvious and sudden - and you liked it. a low curse leaves his throat, when you try shifting and moving again.
“you love giving me control, and having me all over you like this?” you find yourself nodding again. another thrust from him makes you gasp, like he’s not trying to stop himself from doing that again. his fingers stroke your bare thigh, and a shiver runs down your spine.
“too bad, though. because i want to make you come, just like this,” hyunjin whispers into your ear, his voice getting raspier by the minute.
“but not right now. since you like teasing me so much, you wouldn’t mind if i did the same to you, hm?”
you feel the bed shift, and the cold breeze against your skin, until you realise hyunjin’s gotten out of bed. a loud, sharp slap to your ass makes you yelp - in pleasure. “up, lazy-ass. i promise i’ll make you come, and moan as much as you want later.”
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taglist — @hwajin @starlostseungmin @chrisbahng @niinjo @chvnnie @lixhues @joonszn @cherryhanji @blueberry-chan @dnadoublefelixx @ethereallino @stuckwithaphobiaa @chewryy @bangchanbabygirlx @zizis-world12 @aimeexx @whatudowhennooneseesyou @seobinniesshi @nightlychans @americanokisses @katieraven @comet-falls @hwan-g @svintsandghosts @idek-at-this-point-lol
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yuukei-yikes · 9 months
Would to hear more about the process behind Shintaro trying to be a dad. Does he go to parenting classes with Ayano and take notes or does he just kind of wing it and cry
i actually think he's not trying to be a dad bc OK listen. i have a very detailed sitcom slash romcom way this goes i hope ur ready for my Delusion
when ayano starts her process with adopting this kid it's pretty out of nowhere and cuz she gets attached to a kid matilda style its not that she's like omg im ready to be a mom it just kinda happens. so she's not super prepared and adopting is yknow A Process SO. according to me myself and i shintaro sells some of his melodies as commercial jingles LOLLLLL and makes a shit ton of money out of it so he starts helping ayano financially thru this process cuz he has THE MONEY🔥🔥🔥 she's his friend and this is important to her!!!!!
by then they're already close friends again and all bc also in this context they've broken up🔥🔥🔥 but like 6 years ago or something so i wouldn't say this is when they're bonding or catching feelings again. they already did hehe... they're already close again by then and able to be like damn our relationship when we were 18 was a disaster lol what were we thinking.
anyways so shintaro's used to the kid bc he spends a lot of time with him and ayano. i should name the kid but i HAVENT so for now its The Kid. soooo its not like shintaro needs to take notes or anything because he is already familiar with ayano and her kid and the dynamic and viceversa so. its pretty much natural. he doesnt need lessons or anything, he knows the kid and he's slowly bonding with ayano normally as a couple theyre not immediately married living together raising the kid. nah. he's just mom's boyfriend at first definitely
shintaro and ayano are very self aware of it and ayano's like im not asking u to parent my kid but im also not gonna choose you over him and shintaro's like yes ma'am. but also he inevitably kind of parents him just from staying over and helping ayano around and etc etc. it's just gradual hehe...
around the time shinaya are first dating and shintaros just the guy that comes over the kid is still not calling ayano mom so its like. sometimes a family is me, the lady thats nice to me and some guy who pays our groceries for some reason. i think itd be funny if the kid starts calling ayano mom. but keeps calling shintaro just shintaro FOREVER even after shintaro moves in and after he marries ayano and like he's properly his dad but he's still JUST shintaro
i definitely need to come up with a name for this little guy. he will get 2 more siblings his age ayano and shintaro adopt when they are indeed married and properly adopting together and then a baby sister. by the way. if you even care.
erm... im normal i promise. do you enjoy my sitcom/romcom situation
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any j2 fics coming any time soon bestie? im so deprived of it and i LOVE your writing💕
Omg! Thank you so much! 💖 You have no idea how much of a boost it is to hear a compliment about my writing! Now, about the fics, I'm actually working on a Cookerson fic inspired by this post. (Of course, it contains J2 cause a Cookerson fic is better with their son falling in love with a certain blond as well.) But that probably won't be out soon cause it's unnecessarily long. It has 16 chapters including an epilogue. I'm still writing chapter 4 and have already hit 26K words in total. In summary, that's going to take some time. Plus, after that, I have this sketch for a Criminal AU with the whole team. (But that's still a sketch) I hope to squeeze some one-shots in every now and then but not many right now.
HOWEVER...I understand how tough it is to survive without fanfictions so here's what I managed to scrap together for you!
Colour Combination [J-Square fic + Cookerson + Ben/Eoin]
Summary: In which Ben and Jos live together and Joe loves pies and painting. A/N: Not beta read. This doesn't follow a specific timeline/series. I wrote a getting-together-fic cause those are my favourites. A heads-up of what's to come down below.
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A big two-bedroom apartment is admittedly starting to prove too small for two grown men. Of course, it would’ve been enough for two grown men but the issue here is, it's two grown men who refuse to actually grow up.
It’s day thirty two since Ben moved in with Jos cause most of their training sessions are easily accessible from Jos’ apartment in London. They are used to sharing hotel rooms or suites on tour when they get their food presented to them and the cleaning and laundry are taken care of by the hotel staff. But they are in no way prepared to share a permanent living space where they have to cook food and take turns doing chores.
“Benjamin!” A shrill cry cuts through the otherwise silent air. “How many times do I have to tell you, you’re supposed to buy the orange juice without juicy bits!”
“I don’t see what difference it makes Jos,” the alleged ginger replies indignantly. “It’s the same goddamn fruit!”
“But with the pulps, it doesn’t taste smooth!” the wicketkeeper says back, putting the juice box in the refrigerator anyway.
“You can’t taste a texture Jos,” Ben points out, rather validly in Jos’ opinion but let’s not tell Ben that, okay? He sighs and climbs up onto the kitchen island, letting his feet dangle as Ben continues to clear out the groceries he brought in a few minutes ago.
Jos knows that he’s being unreasonably picky because pulp isn’t the biggest crime in the world (in fact, it’s not even a crime) but Jos is so frustrated right now and he doesn’t know why.
The blonde sighs heavily, “Look, I’m sorry, the pulp’s fine.” He looks down at his mismatched SpongeBob and Tom & Jerry socks. (A payback gift from Jimmy for making him wear a bunny costume one Halloween. At first, Jos rolled his eyes and swore that he’d never wear the set of ten pairs of socks that came as ten different cartoons but Jimmy isn’t here…and they’re super comfy.)
“It just feels like something is off,” Jos tries to explain as his housemate continues on his merry way, stuffing bacon into the freezer. He lays down on the kitchen island dramatically. “It feels like I’m frustrated but there’s no reason for me to be frustrated cause everything’s fine, my life’s great at the moment. So, being frustrated without a reason is making me more frustrated. You get what I’m saying?” he turns to look at the other who’s finished with the groceries and is staring at him, unimpressed.
“No, Jos, I do not get a single word of what you’re saying,” Ben says, throwing away the grocery bags and making his way to make dinner for them. He learned quickly that Jos survives solely on take aways cause simply and frankly, the man can’t cook. “But I think I know why you’re frustrated.”
This makes Jos sit up straight and look at his friend and the sight reminds Ben of a pet goldfish he had when he was a kid.
“What? What is it?” he asks desperately, wanting answers.
Ben doesn’t say anything. Just looks at him with a raised eyebrow, both hands at his hip and that ‘are you fucking kidding me?’ expression, as if Jos should know what he’s trying to say. It takes the older a few seconds to catch on but eventually, the bulb lights up in his head.
He scowls and turns away, “It’s not that.” His voice is petty like a child who’s been denied ice cream…or himself when he was denied ice cream by a certain Eoin Morgan two weeks ago although Jos is still certain tHaT hE dIdN’t hAvE a CoLd!!!!
“It is that Jos, it’s him,” Ben deadpans, not waiting for a reply as he turns the stove on.
“But why now? I wasn’t this frustrated yesterday!” Jos argues. He thinks, no he knows, that it’s not that!
“Because it was only this morning we agreed to come by for tea tomorrow.” Ben still doesn’t turn around, instead peeling a potato. He’s not sure when his friend will understand his deeply rooted feelings for Joe. But he’s not going give it a rest until Jos does.
“Yeah but that doesn’t mean that I’m attracted to Joe,” Jos counters, his own mind screaming at him to drop the act and start writing a sickeningly sweet poem for the other Joseph. “Besides, even if I was, who’s to say that he likes me back?”
“Ah ha!” Ben exclaims in triumph, pouring seasoning over the potatoes and putting them in the over. “So, you admit that there’s a chance that you have feelings for him.”
“Maybe…no…I mean…I don’t know,” Jos finally concludes, burying his head in his hands. “Let’s just talk about something else. This is frustrating my frustration that was caused due to the frustration.”
Ben just laughs at the messy sentence as a small smile blooms on the blonde’s lips as well.
“Fine, fine,” Ben relents, thinking that it’s best not to push Jos, “what do you want to watch tonight?”
A change of topic is welcomed by Jos and he says, “Brooklyn Nine-Nine.”
“Are we going to watch Brooklyn Nine-Nine every day?” Ben asks but he has a smile on his face which means that he actually enjoys it.
Jos gives a simple nod. After a few seconds, he lifts his head from his hands and decides to stop moping. He’s a lost cause in romance but at least Ben is here.
“Thanks by the way,” Jos says quietly, nudging Ben’s shin with his foot. “Don’t know what I’d do without your company. I mean, I did survive so far but it’s better when you’re around.”
Ben turns around at this at last and gives him a supporting smile, “Sure thing, Jos. I’m glad you’re around too.”
A sweet silence stretches in the kitchen and the only sound is the sizzling of the pan Ben is holding. Then Jos decides to open his mouth.
“Still think pulps are shit though.”
“Oh, for fuck’s sake!”
Joe’s blonde eyebrows knit into a frown as his tongue sticks out adorably in concentration. His eyes are squinting and his nose wrinkled. His hand almost trembles as he adds details to the painting on the canvas in front of him.
He’s concentrating so much that the colour around the particular part he’s painting begins to smudge in his vision. The little blue thing on the white background is probably the hardest thing in this picture cause it has such tiny details. Why so many details? Joe wanders. But that’s not what he paid most attention too though. That would be the-
“Joey! Where are you?” the sound of Ali’s voice drifting up the staircase into his painting room breaks Joe out of his trance-like concentration.
Oh shit! Shit! Shit! Shit! Shit! Joe thinks as he puts the paintbrush down and looks around himself. To his right, he only has some colourful canvases and rolled-up art paper. To his left, canvases he hasn’t used yet. He’s panicking and has no idea what do to as he hears footsteps coming up the staircase. Of course, he knows where I might be, Joe thinks. Ali knows him like that.
Then finally, finally, he sees it. A canvas with a half-painted picture of a magpie. The batsman almost knocks down the glass of coloured water in his haste to slide the painting he has been working on under the table where it’s not visible and then put the magpie painting in front of him.
Right as he sits back down, the door opens to reveal Ali standing there with a wide smile.
Alastair looks around the room which he’s just walked into which has unsurprisingly not changed a bit over the last decade or so. The only change is that there are more amazing paintings pushed up against the walls.
Ali looks to the table and sees Joe grinning at him. His fingers are covered in all sorts of colours and there’s also a small smudge of paint on the tip of his nose. Ali’s guessing that Joe subconsciously scratched it and therefore got paint on it.
“What’s up Ali?” Jos asks as he pushes his chair away from the table and leans back.
“Nothing much,” Ali says, stepping into the room and closing the door behind him, “I was free all afternoon so I brought you some blueberry pies.” Ali knows how much Joe loves blueberry pies and…any type of pie.
“Oh, thank you!” Joe squeals. He loves his pies, he truly does. And his pseud dad brings him one every week so he’s grown to love them more. Now, he can’t even last ten days without one. (He was never this spoiled. His current state is completely Jimmy and Ali’s fault since they bring him pies and cakes and brownies and…the list is very long, we’ll leave it at that.)
“You’re welcome,” Ali says, moving towards the table. “What are you working on?”
Joe blushes slightly and subconsciously fidgets with the hem of his shirt, “Oh…um…a magpie. It’s not yet done, I’m just procrastinating.” Joe lies and hopes that Ali doesn’t see through him although the chances of that happening are very slim.
“Oh, you now what,” Ali says with a grin and Joe sighs in relief, “Jimmy’s having trouble with this magpie in our back garden.”
“The one he’s worshiping, right?” Joe asks. He listens to Tailenders too.
“Yeah,” Ali says, a rare mischievousness taking over his eyes. “Maybe, once you’re finished, you could give this to him.”
“Oh, that would piss him off so bad! I love it!” Joe says. He loves this, loves them. Just talking together in his painting room, Ali providing ways for Joe to torment Ali’s husband and Joe agreeing wholeheartedly cause let’s face it, he’s a little shit.
Eventually, Joe invites Ali to have a cup of tea and they settle down in the dining room.
Ali looks on as Joe moves about the adjacent kitchen in his normal flair. He’ll gladly admit that he’s not up to date with which celebrity is sleeping with which or who wore the most expensive suit at a premiere. But he’s not dumb. Or blind. He’s already taken notice of the painting Joe has been working on for what he counts as five weeks now.
Alastair has never seen Joe work so hard or take so much time on a painting. And he has a fair guess what the painting is about but Joe doesn’t want anyone to find out and Ali hasn’t told anyone about his observation. (Well, he told Jimmy but that’s okay cause he tells Jimmy everything…except for maybe when Mark and/or Joe are planning a prank on him.)
His husband’s exact reply to that was, “That’s so cheesy.” But Ali knows that the grumpy old git was trying not to melt into a puddle right then and there.
Ali isn’t sure why Joe doesn’t want anyone to find out but whatever the reason, Ali respects the younger’s privacy. He just hopes that Joe gives it to him at some point.
His thoughts are interrupted when two cups of hot tea are places in front of him.
“So, what’s the news from the farm?” Joe asks, taking a sip.
“Well, Joe IV turned three months old last week,” Ali says, remembering how Jimmy poked him awake at 5am in the morning to tell him about the lamb’s birthday. “And Jimmy is contemplating a new haircut.”
Joe winces, “Can’t get any worse than what he did in 2018, can it?” He still takes the shit out of Jimmy for the bleached-blonde hairstyle.
“Well, we've had worse,” Ali shrugs, “he was bald a long time back. Before you were in the side.”
Joe nearly chokes on his tea. “I haven’t seen that. Oh, we have got ourselves some new blackmail material!” He emphasises this by smiling wickedly.
Ali laughs. “So, how are things with you?”
“The same,” Joe says, eyes suspiciously downcast. “I finished that book you gave me. It was nice…and a bit spooky.” He chuckles. “Oh, and Ben and Jos are coming for tea tomorrow. Haven’t seen either of them in a while.”
Ali nods with wide eyes and waits, hoping Joe would add more but when he doesn’t, he simply says, “Well, I’m glad. Hope you have fun.”
“Yup, I can’t wait to see them,” Joe says with a big smile.
Ali just forms a half-smile, “I know Joe. I know.”
The sound of the alarm blaring jerks Joe awake. He turns around to see what time it is and realises that he’s slept through seven of his ten alarms and now, the time was already half-past one. That’s okay though, cause he went to sleep at four in the morning; a result of staying up all night to finish that painting.
He groans as he only has like two hours left until Jos and Ben arrive and he needs to brush his teeth, get a shower to scrub the paint of his hands (and face, which is a new revelation he got when he accidentally caught a sight of his face in the refrigerator last night) and get dressed. He also needs to tidy the house because Ali has seen worse, being married to a fast-bowler, but Jos probably hasn’t.
He hauls himself up and quickly gets through the showering and getting dressed part and is sorting through his kitchen and grabbing the pie Ali brought him when he realises it; he’s out of tea, he and Ali had the last of it yesterday. Oh, come on! Joe thinks exasperatedly.
He looks at the clock and sees that there’s no time left to run to the store. So, he does the only thing possible; he phones Jos.
“Joseph, could you please get off your lazy arse and get the phone?” Ben shouts from his bedroom when the fifth ring sounds but no one answers.
“I’m can’t, I’m busy,” Jos calls back as he flattens the non-existing wrinkles on his shirt in the mirror.
“Well, I can’t either cause I just got out of the shower and I’m naked,” Ben retorts back, hoping that their neighbours didn’t hear that. Okay, he’s wearing a towel around his waist but come on.
Jos sighs and mutters something about ‘idiotic BFFs’ before walking down the staircase and answering the pestering phone.
Any annoyance he may’ve had passes away as he hears Joe’s voice filter through, “Hey Jos, have you two left yet?”
“No Joey, not yet. Why?” he’s fidgeting with the curled telephone wire as he asks.
“Oh, okay then, bring some tea.” And with that, the line goes dead.
Jos looks at the receiver of the phone for a few minutes, not sure whether the Joe cut the line or some unseen demon got in the middle of their conversation.
“You okay there, golden retriever?” Ben asks, coming down the stairs and purposefully using the nickname Jos pretends to hate but actually.
“Yeah…we need tea!” Jos nearly yells this as he slams the receiver down and rushes off into the kitchen.
“Wha…what?” Ben asks, confused, but follows Jos anyway.
“We need tea,” Jos repeats as if that explain everything. “Joe needs tea, he probably ran out. Where’s our tea?” He spins around at the taller man.
“It’s in that cabinet,” Ben points and is amused at how much he knows about the apartment even though he’s just moved in.
Jos wrenches open the wooden panels and grabs the closets box of tea.
When he starts to closely examine it with a frown, Ben says, “It couldn’t have expired, you just bought those last month.”
“No, they’re too cheap,” Jos says indignantly, throwing the box back into the cabinet as if it’s the box’s fault.
“You bought them Jos,” Ben tries to reason with his friend who is wide-eyed and frantic, facing a tea crisis…
“Yeah, because they’re cheap,” Jos says, already grabbing his car keys and moving to the door. “I can’t give them to Joe. We’re stopping at Waitrose on the way.”
“Are you fucking serious?” Ben asks but the door has already closed behind Jos.
He sighs and before leaving the apartment as well, he fires a quick message to Eoin. I’m going to be blowing up your phone with my complaints tonight and I apologise in advance. He pockets his phone and follows Jos.
“I love that shirt,” Joe says as he idly runs his finger along the rim of his teacup. He looks over at the shirt Jos is wearing. It’s mostly normal and plain and he’s obviously seen Jimmy wear better ones but oh boy, the way those biceps made the fabric stretch! Joe could stare at it for days!
“Thanks Joe,” Jos replies, a faint blush on his cheeks. "I love the new décor by the front door."
Ben zooms out from the rest of the conversation and mutters into his teacup for some God or Goddess to show up and rid him of his misery. These two are hopeless, Ben thinks.
“Paint anything new lately?” Jos asks, knowing about Joe’s passion for painting and drawing.
“Um…yeah…yeah, I mean, of course,” Joe says with flushed cheeks and a slightly ‘caught-off-guard’ look. “I’m still working on a magpie, thinking of giving it to Jimmy to piss him off.”
“I heard he’s going for a new hairstyle,” Jos says, remembering when Ali said it with faux horror in his eyes and earned a punch to the arm from Jimmy.
“Oh, don’t even ask,” Joe mutters. “Your hair looks amazing though.” He doesn’t mean to say it out loud but it happens.
The already present tint on Jos’ cheeks brightens. “Oh, thank you, I didn’t have much time to style it.”
Ben rolls his eyes as he remembers Jos not even allowing him to breathe around his hair, stating that he doesn’t want it messed up.
When the redhead tunes back into the conversation, he hears that it’s turned towards their favourite cakes.
“I still think nothing can beat a classic chocolate cake,” Jos says as he brings the teacup up to his lips.
“Uh, excuse me?” Joe asks incredulously. “Have you never tried chiffon cake?”
“It tastes too much like an oil cake for my liking,” Jos says with a mischievous glint in his eyes, ready to have a petty argument about cakes.
“It’s perfect, and don’t you say anything else,” Joe retorts back menacingly but the baby blue eyes and puppy-like stare doesn’t help. It helps makes Jos’ heartbeat speed up though. “What’s so special about chocolate cakes anyway? They’re so out of date right now.” A lie; Joe would kill for a chocolate cake anywhere, anytime but he’s trying to argue over here and arguments don’t need honesty.
“The chocolate cake is perfect because it’s cake plus chocolate,” Jos says slowly, emphasising each word. “Everyone loves cake. That’s why it was invented: to be loved and adored and cherished.” Kind of like you, his brain wants to say it but he doesn’t. “Chocolate is the pinnacle of happiness. It’s the epitome of joy and its main purpose is to bring happiness. Combine these two, and you have a miracle.”
Joe stares at him, unimpressed, “You’re blowing this way out of proportion.”
“You started it!” Jos shoots back but not without a childish smile on his face.
Instead of replying, Joe simply dips his index finger in his tea and flicks the liquid on the tip of Jos’ nose. Jos giggles at this, his face scrunching up adorably in Joe’s opinion.
Ben just looks away. Kill me. Kill me now.
“Okay, so I have romance, comedy and horror,” Joe says, looking up from his film collection at the two men sat on his couch, arguing over which piece of the blueberry pie is the biggest. “Which one?”
“I say horror,” Ben says without even looking up as he assesses the condition of the pie; the circumference, the angles in which it’s been cut, how many blueberries are contained as average per slice. Finally he ends up picking the piece closest to him.
Joe looks at Jos who just shrugs. Jos isn’t sure about his taste in movies and he doesn’t want to let Joe down by choosing a boring one, although the other will never say anything negative no matter how boring it is and will continue to assure Jos that he loves it.
In the end, they settle for a movie from the Insidious series. Joe sits down between Jos and Ben although he’s basically snuggling into Jos’ side. Ben turns the lights off, reasoning that it’ll add to the effect since the sun was almost gone. But he has other expectations such as two certain blonds ‘accidentally’ kissing in the dark but no one needs to find that out.
The movie goes on and at every scary scene, Joe snuggles a little closer to Jos who simply accepts the other and tightens his arms around him. At one particular moment, Joe yelps slightly when the girl in the movie sees the ghost in the mirror, standing behind her.
Jos lightly rubs his hand along Joe’s back and arm, calming the younger and muttering ‘It’s okay’ or ‘It’s just a movie’ or ‘The protagonist never dies’ or (Ben’s personal favourite) ‘I won’t let any ghost hurt you’.
The thing is, it calmed Joe. He’s never been a huge fan of horror movies. The previous one he watched ended up with him turning a night’s stay at Ali’s into a whole week cause he was too afraid to be alone. Ali had tried to calm him during the movie by hugging him and it worked more than Joe could ever hope for but Jos made it work better. (Possibly because even after Ali comforted him, Jimmy took it upon himself to scare Joe at every possible moment. Which he eventually stopped when Ali threatened, “Stop scaring him or no strawberries for a month!” Oddly enough, that did the trick.)
When the movie is almost at a climax and Joe gets a proper scare, Jos pulls him so close that Joe slides onto his lap, head resting against Jos’ shoulder, Jos’ arms around him tightly. It’s at this point when Ben gets up and says that he has to make an important call.
Joe wants to ask what’s so important because the climax is almost here but he doesn’t as Ben’s back fades away into the dark hallway.
Ben makes himself comfortable in the snug as he brings up the chat with Eoin. I am telling you babe, they are insane. Joe is literally on Jos’ lap right now but even that doesn’t seem to trigger anything. Hell, the two of us only started holding hands after two weeks of dating!
He makes sure to make the petulance known in the texts so that he gets some sympathy (and some much needed advice). The reply comes quite quickly, telling him that Eoin was waiting for his ‘complaints’. Just give them time. They’ll come to it. It’s just harder to do things for some people when you’ll be risking a lot in the process. Or in the Josephs’ case, they’re risking years of friendship in their minds cause they’re worried if the other doesn’t like them back. You sound so wise, Ben thinks to himself with a fond smile. When he says as much, he gets a feisty reply. I sound wise?! Benjamin, I am wise. Ben smiles in the dark, only the phone screen illuminating the room. Yeah, sure, that too I guess. He can imagine Eoin rolling his eyes at him and muttering something about ‘idiotic boyfriends’. Whatever. Just go and get the Josephs together. I can’t handle this stress anymore!
Down the hallway, back in the living room, it’s all dark as the end credits roll over a black screen.
“Want me to turn on the lights?” Jos asks, not really seeing Joe’s face but knowing that some light would be welcome.
“Okay,” Joe yawns out into Jos’ shoulder and oh my God, that sounded so cute! How is this man so adorable even when he’s sleepy and slightly scared? I mean, how is it–okay Joseph, that’s enough thinking.
He gently removes Joe from his lap and places him on the couch. Jos turns the light on and is back beside Joe, cuddling him, faster than light itself.
Jos is absolutely in love with this moment; the low lights, the pie-stuffed tummies, Joey sleepy and cuddly in his arms. If he can live in this moment forever, he will.
Jos is about to assume that Joe has gone to sleep when Joe suddenly gets up and says, “Oh, I almost forgot. I wanted to give you something.” He doesn’t supply much detail as he races up the stairs. Jos can hear him hurrying around but whether that’s because he’s in a rush to give Jos the something or because he’s scared to be upstairs alone, Jos isn’t sure. His best bet is that it’s a mix of both.
When Joe comes back in, he’s holding something flat, rectangular and large; a canvas. Jos can’t see what’s on it since Joe has it turned the other way.
“Okay, so this might be a bit messy,” Joe clarifies although Jos just wants to rush over and tell him about how much of a great artist he is and that nothing he ever paints could be anything but perfect, “but I painted something for you. I just finished it this morning.”
He extends it shyly to Jos and oh hell, Ben was right all along, Jos is deeply, utterly and totally in love. The messy blonde hair, the baby blue eyes that look like a clear day sky, the faint blush on his smooth cheeks and that illegally adorable smile.
Jos accepts it with a shaky hand. He turns it over and stares, stunned. He feels rooted to his spot. His hands grip tighter at the edges of the canvas as his jaw hangs open in amazement. Because staring back at him…is himself. Joe painted him, Joe painted Jos…for Jos. It’s a picture of him in his test whites, wicketkeeping gloves on and ball bouncing between his hands, a wide smile on his face. It's not inspired by the paparazzo because Jos has never seen this before; Joe imagined it by himself. The blond feels like crying. (Which blond? Take a guess. It works both ways.)
But he doesn’t realise that he’s been silent for a bit too long and Joe’s overactive imagination has already kicked in.
“Oh, shit, I’m sorry,” Joe says, awkwardly scratching the back of his neck, “I didn’t mean to upset you. I mean, I thought it looked good but, I can redo it. Maybe change the colour combination and-”
He doesn’t get to say anything else because suddenly, he can’t. He can’t say anything or do anything or even think anything. Because there’s something on his lips. No, not something, there’s a pair of lips on his lips. It’s Jos Buttler’s lips. Jos is kissing him!
The realisation makes a bucket of fireworks go up inside Joe’s head. It takes him a second or two but finally, he starts to feel like himself again. Jos’ lips are warm and soft, his hands gently snaking around Joe’s waist, pulling his closer. Joe lifts his arms and rests them on Jos’ shoulders.
They only break apart for breath and even then they rest their foreheads together. Joe’s breathing deeply and can barely hold his excitement together but all he can think is ‘Jos just kissed me!’.
Jos lets out a small huff of laugh, “Fuck the colour combination. The painting’s perfect and as are you.”
Joe feels like he’s in heaven.
When Ben casually saunters into the living room, he stops dead in his tracks. He nearly screams with excitement but stops himself. Because there they are, cuddled up on the sofa, Jos lying down on his back, Joe lying on top of him, his head tucked between Jos’ shoulder and neck and the wicketkeeper’s arms protectively around the smaller boy. On the table Ben sees it, a painting. He quickly connects the dots between their positions, the painting and their slightly swollen lips.
He snaps a picture and sends it to Eoin and forwards it to Ali and Jimmy, captioning it Golden retriever and Milky Bar Kid are together. I REPEAT! Golden retriever and Milky Bar Kid are together!!!
Once he makes sure that he’s sent it, Ben turns around to the kitchen. Right then, he thinks, where’s the rest of that pie?
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koushou · 3 years
i love it smmmm omg. the megumi fix is amazing it’s more than i asked for ❤️❤️ bro 6,9k is a blessing you don’t understand how glad it made me it’s so worth the wait. tumblr is so dry when it comes to anime fics and especially w megumi thank you for feeding me something other than the crumbs this website gives me. i don’t want to be too annoying but whenever you’re free if you could do a pt 2 cause that ending omg. i love it sm and i can’t thank you enough ❤️
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pairing : megumi x f!reader [fluff]
warnings : slight makeout scene idk HAHA nothing too intense though (also not proofread because i wanted to get this posted as soon as i finished it)
wc : 3.5k
a/n : ur too sweet omg and im FINALLY back from procrastinating your request again anon… (i really apologize i don’t mean to take so long pls forgive me D: ) i hope this is what you wanted!!
pt. 1 (you don’t really have to read pt 1 to understand this part but i do recommend it)
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loud chatter echoes through the large modern dining hall located on the second floor of the hotel.
“i’m… so full…” a certain pink haired male burps for the nth time as he still continues to stuff food into his mouth. gojo laughs at itadori’s passion for the hotel food, while doing the same as he takes a large bite of a pancake.
you chuckle, taking a sip of your drink and leaning back in your cushioned chair, already finished with your 3rd plate of breakfast. i mean, who could blame you? hotel breakfast food just hits a different type of way.
“so, spill all the juicy events that happened last night, i wanna know!” nobara nudges you excitedly, her eyes twinkling as she pulls her chair closer to yours.
rolling your eyes, you look away from the ginger female and pretend to not have heard her. accidentally, you were now faced towards megumi, sitting on the opposite side of you. your eyes met for a brief moment before you quickly turned away, breaking the awkward interaction.
“aww— c’mon, y/n! please—“
“nothing happened at all! and don’t think i forgot the way you ignored my knocks on your door yesterday,” you shot her a glare, earning a sheepish laugh in return.
“but... in the same bed..?”
you were about to retort back when gojo stands up and claps his hand over his stomach, which now seemed just… a few sizes bigger.
“alright! have we all finished our food? god, when did hotel food get so good— anyway, it’s time to pack our things and head back home!” your constantly enthusiastic teacher exclaims, as a waiter comes to collect your plates.
after thanking the waiter and paying the bill (poor gojo-sensei’s wallet), you all head back upstairs to drive back home.
a thick silence hangs over your room as you and megumi collect your items, not wanting to bring up any events from last night. finally ready to head out, you walk towards the door to open it until another hand reaches the handle at the same time.
you retract your hand quickly, while the other hand lingers in the air above the knob.
“oh— sorry, you can go first!” you gulp, backing up a bit so megumi can exit first.
he pauses for a second, twisting the knob until the door pulls open. you expected him to walk out, but he makes his way to the other side of you instead, still holding the door open.
you look over at him with a questioning look, receiving a slight shrug and a hint of a smirk.
“ladies first.”
why was his stupid face so handsome?
you shook your head at his teasing expression, making your way out the door to the carpeted hallway, him following close behind.
the others were already at the lobby waiting, their conversation becoming clearer as you reach them.
“what’s taking them both so long? you don’t think they’re too busy… y’know…” nobara’s usual cheerful voice carries her words to your ears, making you roll your eyes and spook her from being.
“i’m just sayin- oh my go—“ she frantically turns around, breathing a sigh of relief upon seeing it was just you.
“you scared me!”
“what were we talking about?”
“nothing important! come on, we should get going!” nobara nudges gojo and itadori ahead, escaping you as she scurries out of the lobby.
you hear a yawn from behind you, a tuft of black hair moving past you as you suppress the urge to laugh at megumi’s already messy hairstyle, amplified by his morning bed hair.
finally, you were all seated back in gojo’s car, ready to drive back to the school so you all can head back to your own homes.
the ride back was full of gojo’s irritating voice singing along to songs playing from the car radio, itadori laughing along, and the rest of you too excited to leave the car.
“alright kids! we’re here, make sure to be safe on the way back home!”
gojo waves to all of you as you hop out of his car one by one, basking in the cool summer air for a few seconds.
“see you guys!”
itadori jogs away, heading in the direction of his own home, followed by megumi, then nobara, and lastly, you.
upon reaching your house, your mother welcomes you, asking about your day, if you had fun, and other typical mother questions.
you were telling her about your day when you suddenly recalled the hotel night events, and scurried away embarrassed upstairs to your room, leaving a very confused mom behind.
you flop down onto the bed, face down, wanting to get a good few minutes of quiet nap time in before your phone dings with a notification.
grunting, you pull your phone out from your pocket, swiping across the screen to check the message.
surprisingly, it was from megumi, eyebrows suspiciously raising as you open the text message from him. you two rarely texted unless it was about school or business-related, so you couldn’t think of anything he would need from you right now.
megumi : Hey.
megumi : I have your hair tie with me. You probably left it in my bag or something.
megumi : I’m coming over in 5 minutes.
you sat up abruptly, rereading his messages to make sure your eyes weren’t playing tricks on you.
you had been so caught up with his prior messages that you failed to register that he said he was going to be at your house in… 5 minutes.
hurriedly, you swiped to see what time he had sent that last message. 12:34 AM.
your eyes moved to the top of your phone screen, reading the current time. 12:37 AM.
almost falling out of bed scrambling to your room mirror, you checked your appearance to make sure you looked fine and your hair wasn’t messy and-
you paused.
“why am i so concerned about how i look? why do i care about this?”
you slapped your face with both hands, bringing yourself back to reality when you were interrupted again, but this time by your doorbell ringing from downstairs.
making your way out of your room, you saw that your mom had already opened the door with a familiar tall figure standing in the doorway.
“oh! megumi, it’s been a while!” your mom lets megumi in with a smile, already going to the kitchen to make him some tea.
he bows politely, sitting down on the couch, now changed into a loose white t-shirt with black shorts.
“uh- theres no need to make me tea, i won’t be here for too long—“
“nonsense! you can even stay for lunch, dear megumi! i just have to prepare the last dish and—“
you finally clear your throat, standing at the middle of the stairs, catching both of their attention.
“oh, y/n! i have to go out to the grocery store for some ingredients, take care of our guest megumi, alright?” she places two cups of tea on the table in front of megumi, grabbing her keys to head out.
“wait, mom—“
she sends you a wink by the door, already outside before you can finish your sentence.
you sigh in defeat, sitting across from megumi on the other couch.
megumi pulls out a black hair tie from his pocket, almost identical to the one currently around your wrist.
you raise your eyebrows in suspicion at the hair tie. “but i only have one? and i didn’t bring any extra yesterday..?” you motion to your own arm.
he looks back and forth between your wrist and the one he had in his hand, scratching his head in confusion.
“it was in our hotel room, so i assumed it was yours.” he shrugs, placing it on the table. “but if it isn’t, i can just throw it away.”
you hum, taking a sip of the tea your mom prepared as he does the same, cringing as the still hot tea burns his tongue.
he glares at you, placing the cup down as his eyes scan around your living room, taking in the decorations.
“i’ll just keep it then, it seems new.” you take the forgotten hair tie on the table, and wear it around your wrist, now decorated with two black hair ties.
he nods, sitting back against the couch, silence falling between you both.
a question suddenly popped up in your mind, your mouth moving faster than your brain.
“you came all the way here… just to give me a hair tie?”
the question seems to set him a little nervous, clearing his throat and avoiding eye contact as he fidgets in his seat.
“well— i figured i’d return it to you before i forgot,” he shrugs, reaching out to take another sip of his tea before pulling back quickly again at the heat.
you nod slowly, still unconvinced with his answer. who goes all the way to someone’s house to return a hair tie?
“okay then, see you on monday?” you get up, ready to send him back off.
his head snaps up, still not moving in his seat as he opens his mouth slowly, as if unsure of how to respond.
“um- i thought your mom said i could stay…for lunch…?”
he averts his eyes, pink dusting his pale cheeks as he looks away. your mouth forms into an ‘o’ shape as you recall your mom’s words and those were - in fact what she had said.
it wasn’t that you were against him staying for lunch, but you two weren’t even friends or remotely close at that. rivals would even suit you both better than friends.
“but if you want i can, uh, leave now,” he starts to stand, looking uncomfortable in his position across from you.
it was then that you remembered megumi’s background, that his mother had left early at birth, plus his father wasn’t exactly present.
you couldn’t imagine living without your parents, and how lonely he must be without true family.
“no! i mean, that’s not what i meant, you can stay.” you sputter out before he gets the wrong idea.
his eyes seem to light up at your words, nodding before sitting back down on his previous spot on the couch.
you glance over at the time on your phone, it had been around 7 minutes after your mom had left.
the tension was thick in the room, and just when you thought you were about to explode from the awkwardness, he finally breaks the silence.
“do you… play that?”
you turn to where his eyes are placed on, seeing your black xbox console laying on top of a cabinet, having been untouched for a while.
“oh that? yeah, occasionally, why?”
you hear a snicker from beside you, snapping your head to find his lips curled into a teasing grin.
“oh, i just didn’t think a nerd like you would play games.”
you raise your eyebrows at his words. “you sure about that? it doesn’t seem like you’re very good at games either, megumi.” you make sure to stretch out each three syllables of his name to tease him further.
he huffs while leaning back, still maintaining intense eye contact with you, almost challenging each other to say something back.
“how about this, whoever wins against the other gets to make them do whatever they want. no matter what it is.” he nods over to the console, tilting his head as he waits for your response.
you chuckle, standing up to take the console, fiddling with it for a moment before turning back to him.
“alright, just don’t cry when you lose too much, okay?”
he shrugs, smirking as he looks around the living room for the other console, making you remember something.
“oh, the other console plus a TV is in my room, wanna just play there?”
he stiffens suddenly, before nodding slowly and following you upstairs to your room.
reaching the door, you suddenly stop, making megumi grunt and come to a stop, almost crashing into you.
“uh - wait here.”
you open the door just enough to slip inside, quickly gathering some of your belongings and cleaning as much as you could, to at least make your room seem presentable.
“okay!” you open the door for megumi, who makes no move to enter at first.
“you can come in.”
“... is this okay?”
you cock your head, not understanding his question.
“your mom isn’t home.”
“we’re alone.”
“i’m… going into your room.”
“what is your point?” you began to grow frustrated at this conversation. then, it hit you all of a sudden.
“ahh, megumi? have you never been in a girl’s room alone before?” you snicker, shaking your head from laughter.
he starts to protest, before quickly closing his mouth and finally entering your room.
you connect the two consoles into your TV in your room, sitting down on the edge of your bed as you load up the games on the screen.
“you can sit here if you want,” you pat the empty spot next to you, to which he carefully sits down on, taking one console from your hand.
he nods, as you start the game.
-- --
you throw your hands up in frustration, groaning as you flop backwards on the bed.
“i told you, you can’t beat me.” megumi chuckles, dodging a stuffed bear you threw in his direction.
you huffed, sitting back up, determined to beat him at least once.
“one last rematch!”
he lets out a laugh, a rare one that you think you might just never forget, and starts the game again.
after a few minutes of intense clicking, yelling and laughing, you let out a proud shout, the word victory flashing across your screen.
you pick up another stuffed animal from your bed and toss it straight at megumi’s face, celebrating as he lets out an ‘oof’ and glare back at you.
“but i still won around, 7 times, so i get to make you do something- oof-” he stumbles back again from another stuffed animal to the face.
“hmm? i don’t know what you’re talking about--” you pretend to not have heard him before your vision goes momentarily black from a soft object hitting your face, a pink bear landing in your lap.
“what, you keep throwing them at me!”
“hey, why are you getting so close--!”
you tackle megumi backwards onto the bed, throwing your pillows at his face -- not very gently -- as he tries to shield his arms in vain.
“ahh—! okay, okay, i’m sorry, stop it—“ he huffs as you finally stops your attack, his dark blue orbs looking up into yours.
you only now noticed your close proximity, quickly sitting back up to create some distance between the both of you. he clears his throat, fiddling with one of your pillows.
“well, a loss is a loss, what do i have to do?” you sigh, admitting your defeat.
“hmm…” he seems to be lost in deep thought, probably trying to find the worst thing he can make you do.
after a few silent, intense seconds, he finally speaks.
“are you… free tomorrow?”
you turn to him, giving him a questioning look at his strange question. he only stares back at you in response, awaiting your answer.
“um… yeah, i’m free the whole day, why do you as-“
“come watch a movie with me tomorrow.” he blurts out quickly, not even letting you finish your sentence.
you gape at him, still processing his words, unsure if you had heard wrong.
“... sorry?”
his face was reddenning by the second, yet his eyes remained firmly on yours the whole time.
“let’s go watch the new movie in the theater. i heard it’s quite popular already despite releasing only last week.”
“oh… okay, i can ask nobara if she wants to com-“
“don’t!” he says a little too loudly, clearing his throat after as he regains his composure.
“i mean, i- just, you.”
“just.. us?”
he nods.
silence fell again between the two of you, unsure if he was asking you what you thought he was asking you. you decide to test the waters cautiously.
“man.. it’s almost like you’re asking me out on a date, megumi?” you tease lightly, expecting a ‘tch’ or an, ‘as if’.
“so what if i am?”
now that was an answer you weren’t expecting.
“you’re.. joking, right?”
megumi sighs, moving closer until his body was mere centimeters away from yours.
“i’m serious.”
“do you... like me or something?”
he stares at you blankly. “would i ask you on a date if i didn’t have feelings for you, idiot?”
you only just realize how stupid your question sounded, trying to find a response until he reaches up to cup your cheek with one hand.
they felt soft, yet slightly gruff from constant training and fighting, large enough to cover one half of your face. they were warm, slightly trembling probably from nervousness, yet made you wish he’d never take it off.
“it’s okay if you don’t want to. we can forget this ever happened.” his own cheeks turning slightly pink, yours probably even worse as the space between your faces closed in slowly.
“but i don't think i can do this anymore, so just let me be a little selfish this once, okay?”
barely registering his words before he moves in to kiss you, soft lips moving against the other as his hand tightens against the side of your cheek. you barely register your own actions anymore, hands reaching up to tangle themselves in his hair, moving down to his neck, and finally finding home cupped around his face.
he groans against your lips, pressing you down until he was now hovering above you, never breaking the kiss even once in the process. you lost track of how long you both had been making out in your bed before you hear the front door open from downstairs.
frantically, the both of you separated in fear of your mom catching you in the act, catching your breaths while still processing what just happened.
you hear shuffling from downstairs, standing up to escape megumi before you were pulled back into a warm chest.
“wait—“ his arms wrap around you to trap you from leaving his grasp, your eyes looking everywhere but his, and suddenly your wall was the most interesting thing in sight.
“are we… really going to pretend that didn’t happen?” you finally gather the courage to look him in the face, almost melting at the soft pout set on his (now slightly redder than before) lips.
“ilikeyoutoo.” you get out quickly before you lose the chance to say it again.
he stiffens against you, eyes lighting up almost like an excited puppy receiving treats. “you like me? i didn’t hear you, so can you say it again?”
you huff, trying to wriggle your way out of his arms, only resulting in him pulling you closer to sit on his lap. he presses his forehead to yours, chuckling at your futile attempt to escape.
“i said— i like you—!” you ram your head into his, making him groan in pain, loosening his hold on you. the perfect chance for escape.
you saw the opportunity, dashing to the door, twisting the knob, almost getting it open until—
“nope,” megumi’s hand stops the door in time, instead twisting you around until your back was now flat against the wood, both of his palms placed beside your head.
“y/n? megumi?” your mom’s voice calls from downstairs, but all you could hear was your heartbeat thumping loudly in your chest.
“megumi! move, my mom’s home,” you place your hands on his chest, trying to push him away to no avail.
he grabs your pushing hand and places it on the left side of his chest, letting you feel the soft but fast thumping of his heart, almost matching the pace of your own.
“this is all your fault. you’re not gonna take responsibility for it?” he inches closer to your burning face, making you huff and grab his face.
you press your lips to his, feeling him immediately return the kiss, but you pull away after a few seconds, leaving him still trying to kiss you again.
“nope, my mom’s home, and i’m hungry.”
you open the door, seeing your mom begin to set the table with plates of food downstairs. you look back at megumi, who still looked sad after getting his kiss cut short.
sighing, you take his hand in yours, intertwining your fingers together before pulling him down the stairs.
“come on, it’s time for lunch. you’ll get more later.”
you feel him perk up, giving your hand a squeeze as he follows close behind.
you steal a glance at your wrist, still wearing both the hair ties. good thing he hadn’t noticed you stuffing one into his bag this morning.
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poppy-metal · 3 years
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so uh,,,,this ended up being alot softer then i was expecting LMAO.
Bully!eren x reader
Cw: not alot, some smut at the end. Tame for me but i was in my FEELINGS okay.
Word count: 2.3k
The familiar sleek black of erens benz pulls up to the side of your house as you walk home from a late night trip to the grocery store, pints of ben & jerrys ice cream in the bags, as well as several other snack items one might munch on to cram for an exam, which is what you planned on doing. 
You side step more onto the sidewalk when he pulls up beside you, still driving just slow enough to match your pace. He rolls down the window, jerking his head, “Just the girl i wanted to see,” he drawls hooking his arm out his window to lean out a little, he grins, “its fate” 
You scrunch your nose up and scoff “Stalking is another word for it, jaeger”. You look him over suspiciously, “you wanted to see me?” 
He rolls his eyes. He’s wearing aviator sunglasses, pushed up his forehead. Loitering in front of your house like this, you’re aware of how different the worlds you live in are. Everything about eren is expensive, from his car to his sunglasses to his clothes, even the way he smells, the cologne he wears, all tells how important he is. Meanwhile here you are in your oversized hoodie and leggings, hands full of stuff you’d bought from the convenience store, prepared to spend your night busting your ass to even stay in the college you had to claw your way to get into, wherein he had gotten in without even trying. You’re not self conscious, at least not usually. You’d never yearned to be apart of erens world too terribly, and it was eren who always sought you out, not the other way around, when there was plenty of rich girls right up his alley and status that would be glad to be with him and yet here he was at 11pm at night. You try to push down the way your heart flutters at that fact.
“Uh huh. Get in the car, bambi, m’taking you somewhere” his teeth are a flash of white against the night, promising trouble, as always. Your grip on your bags tightens, as does your heart in your chest. You glance away, “i have to study” 
Your brows pinch together and you hold up your bags “Not that you’d care, jaeger, but some of us have to actually study to achieve our goals. I can't entertain you tonight, im busy” 
Eren doesn’t look put out in the slightest, glancing down at your bags with casual disinterest“You dont need to study”. And then he looks up at you and meets your eyes, your breath catching, they look closer to the shade of seaglass today. “You’re smarter than anyone i know, ___, and i know alot of people. Whatever you want to pass? You’re already there. Just come with me, please”  
Your eyes widen and your heart spasms in your chest, caught off guard by the raw honesty in his voice. He has moments like this, where he usually teases you and gets under your skin but sometimes he says something that makes everything in you jolt. Its not fair. Its confusing and it messes with your head, makes it fuzzy, weakens you and makes you do things you’d never do with a clear mind.  
You wish you could fight it, wish you could roll your eyes and tell him no and do what you need to do. But you don’t. Huffing you say, “Ugh, fine. Just let me put this stuff up, my ice creams probably already a puddle by now” you turn and rush up to your house, ears burning when you hear him call out, “Thatta girl!” 
You try not to put everything away to hastily, thinking he ought to squirm just a little, but even you can’t deny the eager buzzing under your skin. When you clamber into the passenger seat of his car eren turns to grin at you as he flicks his sunglasses back over his eyes. “Knew you’d see reason, bambi”. You roll your eyes at the nickname, crossing your arms over your chest as you side eye him warily, “where are you taking me jaeger, is this a kidnapping?” 
“Not a kidnapping when you want it, sweetheart”, eren says, putting his arm around the back of your seat as he backs up his car to make a uturn. You dont know if the flustered leap in your chest is from the petname or the way his forearm looks flexing, the cords in his neck prominent as he looks behind him for any oncoming cars. “Just trust me, yeah? You’ll like it” 
You sink in the seat, trying to get away from the warm heat of his arm so close to you, but hes taking it away soon enough, only to draw your attention again to the way his hands look steering the wheel. His hands….You turn to look out the window, opting for silence, because you feel like you’re about to lose your mind. This car is just so..him and its overwhelming your senses. It smells good, it smells like him, his cologne wafting all around you. The sleek interior of his car is crisp, clean, sharp, and just so richboy it feels surreal. You haven’t been in his car before. 
Eren seems okay with the silence though, tapping his finger idly against the wheel as soft music plays from the radio. Its strangely peaceful, actually. Before you know it, the whirring of houses and neighborhoods and highway turns into palm trees and sand. You sit up straighter, coming out of your daze when you realize eren is pulling his car into the sandy bank by a large body of water. The beach. You haven’t had a chance to go here. 
The water looks like black at this time of night, there are no waves, just sparkling dark abyss that stretches out for ages and ages, glittering under the moonlight. There are no other cars parked close to you so its just you, eren, and the sea. 
You spend quite awhile gawking at the ocean before you come to your senses and turn to face eren. He has his elbow propped on the wheel, chewing idly on his thumb as he peers at you from over his sunglasses. A small smile is playing at his lips as he watches you. 
You gape, “What…” 
“You’re cute when you’re excited, you know” his voice is low, dropped in that way that makes your toes curl in your shoes. You ignore the way your heart skips at his words, probing him, “Why did you bring me here, ren?” 
He turns to face forward, flipping the radio off so theres no background noise between the two of you. Taking his sunglasses off the folds them and puts them on the dash, sighing as he watches the ocean from out the windshield, gnawing on his lips. Tap, tap, tap, his fingers on the wheel go as you wait for him to speak. “Last week,” he starts, glancing at you, “When we had to do those presentations in class about places we feel at home..you talked about the library” 
He laughs under his breath like its some kind of endearing joke, shaking his head a little. You dont speak. “The library is where i first saw you, you know? I mean, before all this, before i..talked to you, i noticed you before you ever noticed me.” A small secret smile plays on his lips, “You were reading ‘percy jackson and the lightning thief’, and you haid your hair in pigtails. Your glasses were way to big your face. My first thought was ‘wow she looks like an owl’, but then i saw you laugh at something on the page and my second thought was ‘i want to know her’. We were in middle school.” 
Green eyes connect with yours, “You still go there, i know. But anyway..this is. My place, i guess”. He purses his lips “i figure since i'm always intruding on your little sanctuary , i’d let you see mine” 
You take everything he just said in. He’d known about you, noticed you, since middle school? You hadn’t acknowledged him until sophomore year of highschool, hadn’t spoken to him since senior year, when this tug and pull had first begun between you two. You remembered that day, your mother wouldn't buy you the series so you’d relied on constantly re-reading the books at the library. It was around that time you began to see that place as something special, too. Tucked away from the world, you could lose yourself in another's story. It was like magic. And to realize eren had been there the whole time, had glimpsed that, realized that the library was your special place, that he’d even payed attention to your presentation in class at all in the first place...that he was here, showing you something of himself in return, even though you’d never asked. You’d wondered of course. 
Eren was an enigma, he was on most days, the bane of your existence. He had made your life a living hell on many occasions, but with that, he also made you feel more alive than ever before. He’d dragged you out of your bubble and challenged you to see the world beyond school and books and fiction, he raised your emotions and forced you to experience everything head on. Anger, confusion, happiness, anxiety, thrill, lust and…
You look at him. The way the moonlight curls into the car like a kind of mist, making his eyes look absolutely beautiful. The soft wave to his brown hair, his eyelashes, everything about him made you ache with desire. All the time, even when you swore you hated him, you wanted him. 
“Kiss me”. Its whispered out so low, for a moment you worry he might not hear it. Its the first time you’ve asked for him, reached for him first without his taunting to guide a confession from you. With this request, filling the air between you, you’re making it known that you want him, want this. It doesn’t change anything and yet it somehow changes everything. You can’t look in the mirror and tell yourself he doesn’t occupy your mind and your heart anymore. Not after this. 
Eren seems to realize this too, his intake of breath letting you know he heard you loud and clear. “__..” he says, inching closer. His eyes, dark now, are so very hungry as he closes in. In a moment his lips, soft, so soft, are on yours. You sigh into his kiss, opening for him easily when his tongue glides into your mouth. His hand comes up to cup your jaw, tenderly, thumb stroking it. God, you want to eat him, you want him to eat you. The wet smack of your lips fills the car as you hungrily nip, and suck, and kiss at each others lips. 
When eren pulls back, he’s panting, hair disheveled. You don’t remember when your hands first sunk into his hair, but they must have, messed up as it is now. He looks at you like he wants to devour you, he licks his lips. “I’m gonna put your seat back,” he tells you slowly, each word dripping with finality, “im going to kiss every inch of your body and then you’re opening those legs for me and letting me inside, baby” 
You don’t have it in you to act scandalised, you know what you want. You’d basically asked for it. You just nod, never taking your eyes off his face when he reaches down and pulls the lever. And then you feel yourself being tilted backwards as the seat goes back, laying you flat. Your chest heaves with barely contained need as eren then settles above you, every clothed inch of him hovering just barely above you. 
Holding your eyes, eren lowers himself. You spread your legs easily to accommodate him, gasping when you feel his clothed cock settle right against your clit through your leggings. He rocks once, gently, against you, his hair hanging over his forehead as he looks down at you with utter want in his eyes, “Want you to feel me”, he murmurs, and rocks again, “Wanna fill you up so good, you can’t ever pretend that im not apart of you. Because, this, baby?” Another rock, a shuddered moan leaving your lips, “This is it. No ones gonna fuck you like i do, no ones gonna get inside that little head and play the games we play so well together.” 
One of his hands trails up your thigh, dipping his hand under the fabric of your leggings and pulling them slightly down, he pecks your lips, once, twice, three times. “Tell me”, he groans into your mouth, peeling your clothes off you slowly, “Tell me you understand, Tell me this is everything” 
And you tell him. Tell him through your whimpers when he parts the folds of your slick cunt with his fingers buried inside you. Tell him through your moans into his mouth when he shoves his jeans down and splits you open on his cock. Tell him through sighs of his name, when he rocks into you, licking into your mouth as he spears you open. Tell him through the way you claw your fingers down his back when starts to fuck you hard, rocking the car with the force of his thrusts. Tell him through the way you spread your legs, even wider, toes curling as he wrings orgasm after orgasm out of your tight little pussy milking him. 
“Its everything, you’re everything…” You cry out again and again, clutching onto him as he pumps you full of his cum, groaning brokenly into your neck. 
“Fuck”. He pulls back to look down at you, brushing your damp hair back from your face, still inside you. “You’re gonna fucking kill me, you little nerd” 
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itsdanii · 3 years
Ahhh, your rejecting and regretting series is so good, my heart 🥺❤️ Can you do another one but with kuroo and kenma? You can ignore this request if you don’t wanna do it, I love your writing style and your blog! Stay safe and have a good day! 💞💞
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Hey, bub! Thank you so much for the kind words, I appreciate it ♥️ I hope you don't mind me doing this only for Kenma. I got carried away so it got quite longer than I intended 🤦‍♀️ Anyway, here's your request! I hope you like it ♥️ Have a good day, stay safe and hydrated! Mwah!
a/n: read the note on the last part.
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Rejecting and Regretting 6
genre: angst to fluff
warning/s: cursing, do message me if i missed any
a/n: please do read the warnings before you proceed. warnings have been put there for a reason.
ft. timeskip!kenma kozume
title says it all
Masterlist | Updates
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Kenma Kozume
When you moved in to your apartment, you never expected your neighbor to be THE Kenma Kozume
If truth be told, you've been a fan of his ever since he started streaming
You knew that he didn't know you nor would he pay attention to you so you did not bother telling him that you were a big fan - the first one to always comment when he starts streaming
Not only did you think that it may make him uncomfortable but also make him feel like you were only trying to befriend him for his reputation
One night, as you were coming back from a short trip to the grocery store, you were walking with your earphones in and nose pointed on the screen while rewatching one of his videos
What you didn't know was that Kenma was walking behind you and was actually staring as you smiled and giggled while watching
You almost squealed when a hand came on your shoulder, almost punching the person behind you
Oddly, that was the starting point of your friendship
Although Kenma was hesitant at first (duh, you almost punched him) , he slowly eased when he felt that you were genuine
You basically went from neighbors to roommates because of how often you went to his unit, just playing random games and having occasional sleepovers
It wasn't long then when you realized that your "fangirling" towards the streamer developed into something more
You realized that you were no longer looking at him as the Kodzuken of the gaming world but just Kenma Kozume
You knew that you were fucked and thus you tried hiding it, but no matter how hard you tried, you couldn't
So you came up with a solution - confess. You decided that you would take the leap, confess, and hope that everything would turn out well, not knowing that it was only one sided
You shifted from one foot to another as you waited for Kenma to open the door of his unit.
Earlier, you both planned another sleepover and you took the initiative to cook dinner for the two of you instead of ordering another takeout.
As you waited, you could feel your stomach grumbling as the scent of the freshly baked sushi wafted in the air.
To be honest, you weren't really a good cook but you taught yourself how to with the help of youtube and cookbooks. You weren't even planning on learning how to do it but you were getting bored of takeouts, plus, you also wanted to impress Kenma even for a bit.
When the door finally opened, you smiled widely at Kenma while showing the food you made.
"Told you to not bother knocking and just make your way inside," he muttered before taking the pan from you and letting you in.
"Unlike you, I have my manners, Kozume," you playfully said as you plopped yourself on the couch head first.
Hearing him mumbling something under his breath as he arranged the table, you propped your elbow on the couch to watch him with a small pout playing on your lips. Your eyes followed his every movement and you couldn't help but question how someone could look so perfect.
His hair was a mess in a half bun and he was wearing nothing fancy, just his old sweatpants and a hoodie. Despite that, he still managed to look like a model, specifically those who preferred the "woke up like this" look.
"Y/n, are you going to eat or not?"
You blinked your eyes when you noticed the frown plastered on Kenma's face. Immediately, you stood up and walked over to the table with a small blush on your cheeks after being caught daydreaming.
"Sorry," you said sheepishly.
Kenma's apartment was then filled with the sounds of utensils clanking and small conversations the two of you were sharing.
Even though it seemed like Kenma wasn't paying attention, you knew that he was listening. You were aware of how much he preferred listening and observing more than talking anyway. It's just that you wished that he would talk more around you.
Somewhere in your conversation, you tried hinting your feelings towards him. In fact, you think that it was pretty obvious, but it seemed like Kenma didn't notice - that or he was purposely avoiding to indulge you.
"Getting in a relationship with a fan isn't boring you know? It actually sounds exciting, to be honest."
At that, Kenma heaved a sigh which instinctively made you shut up.
His eyes were already casted on the food infront of him instead of you,  eyebrows furrowed as if he was suddenly put in a bad mood. "I dont... really like this topic," Kenma said with a dismissive tone.
You felt your heart drop upon hearing that.
You've already practiced your confession several times and there was no way you'd let such words discourage you that easily. All you knew was that you had to get it out of your chest - now or never.
You placed your utensils down and looked at him straight in the eye despite him trying to avoid your gaze. "Why not, Kozume?" you asked, trying to push him to talk.
"I just don't see the point. Why would you want to date your fan? That's... weird," he simply answered, "What if they don't really like you? There's a high chance that a fan would date their idols because of popularity and fame. It's nothing but a self satisfaction."
"Hmm... I guess you do have a point," you said with a nod.
Placing your elbow on top of the table, chin resting on your palm, you pointed at yourself with your free hand which made Kenma look at you with one eyebrow raised. "Then what if it's me who wants to date you? Im a fan of yours, after all. Would you also reject me?" you asked hopefully.
Without wasting any second, Kenma answered, "Of course. Why would I date you?"
You didn't know how to react upon hearing that. You wanted to believe that he was trying to tease you but there weren't any signs of that from the tone of his voice. Moreover, he had nothing but a serious expression on his face.
"Because I like you," you answered with a low voice.
That simple phrase caused the silence to enevelope the two of you. The anticipation made your hands feel clammy to the point that you had to let go of your utensils to grip the sweatpants your were wearing.
Silently, you stared at each other as if waiting for the other person to break the silence - until Kenma did.
"Well, I don't." Standing up, Kenma took his plate and placed it on the sink, his back turned against you as he continued, "I think I'm going to stream for a bit. Make yourself comfortable."
You stared at Kenma as he made his way to his room wordlessly. "Make myself comfortable? Just who the fuck would say that after rejecting someone?" you muttered under your breath.
Knowing that it would be pointless to distract him while streaming, you started to clean the table and proceeded on washing the plates. As you were doing so, you whispered a curse when a tear suddenly slid down your cheeks.
You weren't supposed to cry. You prepared for this so you should've been able to take the rejection properly, right? He was Kenma Kozume after all. Although you became close with each other, it seemed as if he was really beyond your reach.
And now you ruined the only thing keeping you close to him - your friendship.
You decided to leave his unit after that. You felt that proceeding with the sleepover would only put a tense atmosphere between the two of you. Moreover, he did shut you out, right? Though he told you to make yourself comfortable, the way he acted said otherwise.
Maybe he only said it not to hurt your feelings.
"As if he hadn't already," you murmured, shutting and locking the door behind you.
In hopes of cheering yourself up, you decided to take a warm shower and pamper yourself to he point that skincare products basically littered your vanity when you finished and don't forget the fact that you ended up smelling like a strawberry because of your bodywash.
By the time you went to bed, you were feeling a little better... or were you?
As you laid on your bed, staring at the wall beside you while hugging a pillow close to your chest, your mind suddenly went back to what happened awhile ago.
You thought of how dismissive he seemed towards you. He wasn't always like that. Kenma had always been enthusiastic when you're around. Sometimes you would even end up watching beside him as he streams.
What changed?
Groaning, you buried your face on your pillow when you felt yourself tearing up once again. "Tomorrow will be better," you mumbled against the soft material as you slowly allowed yourself to fall asleep.
It didn't.
In fact, it got worse.
Not only was Kenma avoiding you, he was also acting as if he didn't know you - as if you didn't exist.
Earlier this morning when you were taking the trash out, you waved at him in hopes of lightening up the mood, but instead of usually greeting you, Kenma didn't even spare you a glance. He basically walked pass you without saying anything.
At first, you thought that maybe he didn't see you. Maybe his mind was elsewhere while walking. That could be possible right?
But when it continued for several more days, you realized that he was indeed avoiding you.
You felt a mixture of pain and anger. You were supposed to be the one avoiding him since it was him who rejected you but why was it the other way around? He could've atleast talked to you, let alone smile. Did he not value even just your friendship?
As the days went on, you were slowly getting tired of being the only one to put effort on rekindling your relationship. It was exhausting to keep on chasing over someone who didn't even acknowledged you.
Maybe you were just a bother to him after all.
So despite your will to keep on getting his attention, you decided to stop. If he didn't want you then so be it. You already confessed and did your best to show him that you're genuine. That's all that matters.
Kenma stared at your door beside his intensely, hand mid-air to turn the knob of his own unit.
It had been two weeks since he last saw you and for the third time of the day, he was yet again met with nothing but silence when he tried knocking on your door.
Where were you?
He knew that how he acted towards you was unreasonable but he didn't expected himself to wake up feeling like shit everyday without seeing you. He did this. He pushed you away. He said he didn't like you, right?
Groaning frustratedly, Kenma entered his unit, heading straight to his streaming room to cool off his head. If he couldn't see you personally, then perhaps he could at least see your name on his viewers.
He knew you always watched his stream and how you would always be the first to comment. Sometimes, you would even donate a huge amount of cash as a tip even though you always complained about being broke.
"They're not watching?" Kenma said unconsciously as he noticed how your name wasn't on the list.
That instantly caused a ruckus in his stream's comment section. Several fans kept on asking who Kodzuken was referring to and some even got the right answer since he streamed with you several times already.
But instead of saying anything, Kenma stayed silent. He focused on his game, occasionally shifting his eyes to the comment section and interacting with his fans.
His eyes, however, caught one comment. It was a link with the caption "Isn't this y/n?". Out of curiosity, Kenma decided to check it, finding out that you were indeed the person in the video.
No, it wasn't a video. It was a live stream of someone like him - a player.
And there you were, seated beside the unfamiliar person with a fluffy blanket wrapped around your body and your your head resting on their shoulder.
Who was that and why did you look too comfy?
"Sorry, guys. I'll have to end the stream now. Something important came up," Kenma said with a small wave before ending his stream.
Stalking the other streamer's socials, Kenma frowned upon noticing several pictures of you attached in their instagram. They were even posted just a few days ago which meant that you must've been spending time with them throughout the days you weren't at home.
Something stirred inside Kenma. It was an unpleasant feeling blooming inside his chest, clawing at him and making him realize one important thing.
He was in love with you.
And it was only confirmed when he remembered how nervous he was when you confessed, how scared he was when he heard the door shutting after he rejected you, and how stupid he was for only realizing it now.
"Shit," he whispered to himself as he quickly tapped on his phone, his finger hovering over your number, debating wether or not should he dial.
Suddenly, he shifted his gaze on the monitor of his pc which was still displaying the unfamiliar streamer when he noticed how you snuggled closer to their side.
Muttering anther curse, Kenma clicked on your number, his eyes focused on the montior of his laptop as he watched you picking up your phone.
"Please pick up," he pleaded when he noticed the frown on your face.
It took him a full 5 minutes and several dials to finally make you give in. He watched as you whispered something on the person beside you before making your way out of the room.
On cue, your voice suddenly met his ear.
It was still as soft as he could remember and with the fact that he finally admitted his feelings, his cheeks burned when he felt his heart racing.
Say it. Say it.
Say you like her.
"I-" pausing for a moment to rethink his words, Kenma sighed deeply before answering, "I'm sorry for being mean."
He was met with silence from the other side and for a moment, he got scared that you dropped the call.
It was until he heard some rustling sound that he realized you were still there and was purposely trying to stay quiet.
"Can we talk about this in person?" you said with a tiny voice.
Out of panic, Kenma nodded, forgetting that he was ralking to you over the phone and not in person. Mentally smacking himself, he answered, "Yes. I'd prefer that."
And I'd prefer if you're here instead of that caveman's room.
"Then, I'll be there in 20."
The moment Kenma heard someone knocking, he was quick to open the door.
His lips basically parted at the sight of you. It was only two weeks and yet why did it felt like he hadn't seen you in a month?
"I'm sorry," he cut you off, arms wrapping around you as soon as you stepped inside his apartment.
He felt how your body became stiff in his hold and without wasting any chance, he poured everything out. "I'm sorry for how I acted towards you. I treated you as if you were the last person I wanted to be with and when I didn't see you for several days, I realized how much I hurt your feelings." He took a deep breath, eyes focusing on you as he gripped your shoulders slightly. "Forgive me? I promise that I'll make it up to you."
Kenma hoped that you could notice the genuineness in his voice. He wasn't the type of person to talk too much but for you, he'd do it if it means having you forgive him and give him another chance.
"It's... alright, Kozume," you answered with a small smile.
"It's alright?" Kenma asked slowly. He knew that he should be happy that you forgave him easily but the way you said it made it seem like you were only forcing yourself.
It's like you didn't mean it.
"W-what do you mean it's alright?" he repeated.
"It means exactly what it means. I don't really see the point of holding a grudge against you, you know? You rejected me and I accepted it." Shrugging your shoulders, you walked pass him and went to sit on the couch. "I guess I just got too ahead of myself. I mean, you're Kenma Kozume, the Kodzuken of the gaming world. It would be impossible for you to like me, right? Sorry if I made you uncomfortable with my confession."
Kenma swallowed the lump forming inside his throat, eyes darting away from your figure as he shook his head no. "No... That's not true."
"What do yo-"
"I like you. How could you ever think that low of yourself?" he said, finally looking at you before he walking towards your direction. "It's not Kodzuken to you, y/n. Kozume - just Kozume. I don't want you to think that I'm someone all high and mighty just because people acknowledge me. I don't care about that. I want you. I want you to look at me the same way you did before. I want you to keep on clinging to me and to keep on cooking for me despite not knowing how to. I want you to like me again. I just want you.."
You felt your eyes well up with tears. After a long time of pining over someone you thought you wouldn't be able to reach, it was finally here - the moment you finally manage to hear the words you've longed to hear from him.
"D-do you mean that?" you asked with a small sob, your hand covering your face as you felt yourself being lifted and placed on Kenma's lap. "What if you're only saying that to make me feel better?"
"Of course I mean it. I was too stupid being scared of acknowledging my feelings towards you that I ended up rejecting you. I'm sorry." Gently, Kenma rubbed your back as he kept you in his arms, words of apologies continue slipping past his lips as he waited for you to stop crying.
"If I told you I still like you, would you promise not to treat me like shit again?" you asked while wiping your cheek with the back of your hand. "You were really mean to me, Kozu."
"I'd promise," Kenma answered with a nod.
Looking at him, you sniffled one more time. "Then I still like you," you said without taking your eyes off him.
You didn't fail to notice how Kenma's cheeks turned a lighter shade of red and the thought of how he got more flustered by your second confession than the fact that you were seated on his lap made you smile a little.
"Oh," Kenma uttered, as if suddenly not knowing how to react.
"You're supoosed to kiss me like those cliche movies," you said while encircling your arms around his neck.
Kenma's blushed even deeper after hearing that. Gulping, he gave a stiff nod before leaning in and finally planting his lips on yours.
His lips were soft against yours. Despite how tense he was at the beginning, he slowly managed to relax, fingers interlocking with your hair as he kept on moving his lips in synch with yours, both of your eyes closed as you savored the moment.
You felt yourself smiling in your kiss as you realized something - no longer were you just a fan but his s/o.
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If you're reading this, hello.
I've decided that this will be the last part of the rejecting and regretting series. Though I had a lot of fun writing these, I'm no longer satisfied with how I'm writing them. The scenes were slowly becoming repetitive as well as the words. I'm craving for something new- something fresh that I've yet to explore. It was quite overwhelming how much people loved this series and I'm very thankful for that so I feel a little bad that this would be the last one. Don't worry, I still have some stuff brewing up that I hope you'd all enjoy.
Thank you so much for the love, support, and most importantly, for reading the series up until this last one. ♥️
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daegall · 3 years
homesick lovesick.
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↳ in which Lee Donghyuck proves your roommate's statement that you don't miss home, you miss the love that comes from it.
pairing: lee donghyuck x reader
genre: strangers to lovers!AU, fluff, slight angst
warnings: swearing, breaking into a restricted area, and then breaking back out lol
word count: so turns out its uh 6k words
a/n: AYOO IM BACK AHAHA JUST FOR A WHILE DOE I HAVE TO GO BACK TO STUDYING this was originally for my 300 followers event (i was planning to make but then school wrecked and now im on semi-hiatus >:( ) and i have lots and lots more prepared for you!! ALL FUN AND GAMES and such more i hope you look forward to it <33
networks: @knet-bakery @neoturtles @kokonomi @twozeronet + @https-dream <33
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It's strange, you think, how people can lay eyes on someone and decide that they're the person they love. You have never believed in love at first sight, or love in general.
Your friends have often told you crazy stories of how they did crazy things just to keep their significant others with them. Like that one time your roommate went and literally wrecked a wedding, and now she's happily in love.
It was on that day when you decided you never wanted to do such a crazy thing for love.
However, your friends are all very stubborn and have always tried to finally shine the light of love to you. They really think one date and you'd be helplessly in love.
Pathetic, you think yourself as you toss the 7th packet of croissant dough into your cart. Darn Zhong Chenle and Park Jisung. You should be finishing your packing for your flight back home tomorrow!
You've been feeling awfully homesick lately, nearly breaking down last week when your parents had been mentioned in a conversation. You decided to fly back tomorrow, who knows for how long, and cure your sadness.
Just as you reach out for the 8th pack of croissant dough, you are halted as another hand is reaching out for the same pack, and surprisingly, the last. The shelf was full just earlier, though.
The slim hand that grazes over your fingers send almost fictional tingles down your arm, and the warmness of the hand causes a sensation to swirl in your chest.
You try to suppress the butterflies that take off in your chest again at the sight of a boy's face, feeling the heat crawl to your cheeks at how pretty he looked. Barefaced and clearly just out of bed, his lips are still puffy and you can see the small tinge sleepiness that remain in his eyes.
You instantly pull back at the feeling, placing your hand onto your chest to try calm down. Never in your life had you felt such a feeling. You hand recoils back to your side as you turn tot he stranger who had reached out for the packet, surprised to see his own cart full of them.
Almost simultaneously, you both point out to each other's carts, "Why do you need so many croissant dough?"
You squint your eyes suspiciously at the boy in front of you, gesturing for him to take the packet instead. "For a friend... what about you?"
"Oh," The guy shrugs, "two of my friends wanted to do some experiment, like they do every friday."
Huh, that's sounds exactly like Chenle and Jisung.
You simply keep your lips shut and nod, awkwardly swerving the heavy cart to the frozen food area to fetch some last minute frozen nuggets.
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Funny, the friends he was talking about was Chenle and Jisung.
Upon the sight of you, the boy hums, curiously eyeing you. "I didn't know you were one of their friends,"
It takes you a few moments to register he was talking to you, nodding, "Yeah, I tutor them once in a while. And do their occasional grocery shopping."
He nods in response, biting his lip awkwardly, "Cool,"
The boy winces to himself once you venture into the kitchen, slapping his cheek with his hand. 'cool? seriously??'
"Hey, why do you need so much croissant dough anyways?"
Chenle beams as he unpacks the 5th packet of dough, dunking it in a bowl, "Have you guys heard of croffles? They're waffles made with croissant dough!"
The stranger sitting on the counter hums, watching as Jisung struggles with the plug of the waffle maker, "Why don't you just make the dough yourselves?"
"Are you crazy? Neither of us a great cooks, Hyuck."
You gaze at the stranger boy as he picks a piece of croissant dough and throws it in his mouth.
Hyuck, is that his name?
"Why not try?"
"My god Y/n, do you want us to turn the kitchen into hell?"
Hyuck's head snaps up at the mention of your name, before he turns to see you stick your tongue out at Chenle.
Y/n, cute.
"Fine, do whatever you guys want. You have to pay me—"
"—pay us back, though."
An incoherent 'nyuh huh' comes from the chinese boy as he smacks Jisung's hand away to deal with the waffle maker himself.
Well, that's that. There's no chance of convincing them to reconsider, why try?
You turn back to pick up the grocery tote bag, one of those free ones that are anti plastic, and prepare yourself to head out and clock back into your place to pack the last of your stuff for you flight back home tomorrow.
Though, you don't even get a single thought, or 2 steps, before there's a voice calling out your name. You turn around, shocked to see Hyuck following right behind you.
He sends you a small smile, shrugging, "You wanna hang out?"
A part of you says to decline politely and get back to getting ready for tomorrow. Another part though, is drawn to his proposal. It's calling for adventure, the small playful spark in his eyes, and the bickering of Chenle and Jisung in the background, it's drawing you in strangely, and you can't help but give into the sudden instinct.
"Sure, let's hang out,"
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Weird, just this morning when you woke up you had that empty feeling in your chest, hollowing with every second that passes, and just hours later you find the sensation you would feel constantly, gone.
You don't know when it happened, but you think it was when you saw Hyuck at the grocery store.
And now you find no trace of it left in you as listen to Hyuck rant something about Renjun being a rookie at gaming and still winning every game.
You find it funny how upset he sounds, small pout and creased eyebrows and all, a fuzzy feeling starts to spread throughout your chest.
Come to think of it, you haven't really hung out properly with anyone this month unless it was tutor sessions for Chenle and Jisung. You now realize, and conclude, you are painfully lonely.
Maybe that's why you're so homesick.
You don't realize the sigh you let out until Hyuck places his hand on your shoulder, gazing worriedly at you. God, how long has it been since anyone's looked at you so genuinely?
Humming, you ask him what's wrong. "You okay? You seemed pretty upset for a second there." He replies, patting softly at your shoulder
"Hmm? Oh I'm fine, just miss home a bit. It's been some time since I've been back home."
Hyuck nods understandingly, sliding his hand down to flop it back and tuck it into his pocket. You can't lie about the shivers you got when his fingers dragged slightly down your upper arm.
"I haven't gone back in a while either," kicking a random pebble by his foot, Hyuck mumbles small memories from his childhood, laughing fondly at the nostalgia from them.
"I'm actually gonna fly back tomorrow, dunno how long I'll be staying though." At least 2 weeks, you're sure about that.
Silly, Hyuck thinks, he shouldn't have a sudden pit in his stomach, his heart shouldn't be shaking, even if it was just for a split second! He should be happy for you, rooting for you to go and feel better, he knows how bad homesick can be, after all.
"C-Come back soon," His statement shocks you. You pick your head up and can't resist the small smile playing at your lips when Hyuck's gaze shifts to one of the big buildings in a distance. "you know, so we can hang out again."
A small urge to squeal and run back home to squeal into your pillow washes over you, but you ignore the strange feeling, nodding, "Yeah," You huff out a laugh and shyly advert your eyes somewhere else too, "let's hang out when I'm back."
Maybe you shouldn't hang out when you're back though, because now you have a sick sensation sitting at the bottom of your stomach when he pulls out his own money and nudges your hand back down when you try to give yours to the cashier lady.
"I'll pay," He says sternly with a small smile, bumping his hip with yours.
The sick feeling in your stomach bubbles and spreads warmth through your body, more specifically your neck and ears, before it causes your lips to purse in a straight awkward line.
Gosh, what is this feeling?
This is the last place you suspected you would end up today. In a convenience store, with a guy you met just hours ago, and blood rushing through every vein in your body faster than you've ever felt before. Not to mention the sudden fast beating of your heart, resonating in your ears when Donghyuck hands you your cup of instant noodles.
You take it and thank him awkwardly, before turning and rushing to the hot water dispenser next to the ice cream freezer. Quite stupid in your opinion, what's the point of putting it there when it's gonna literally cool the hot water and make it lukewarm.
And you're right. The hot water is nearly lukewarm, just barely hot enough to burn yourself when you check how hot it is. That's gonna be 3 more minutes to wait for the noodles to cook.
"So," Donghyuck says as he takes a seat next to you, "tell me about yourself,"
You hum in question, pouring in the seasonings of the noodles into the cup. "Why do you want to know about me?"
"Well, I literally told you my life's story on the way here, so I think it's fair I know just the little things about you."
That is true, he did tell you everything about him. Your favorite is when he attacked his father on Christmas morning (literally 4 am) because he thought he was Santa.
You hesitate to tell Donghyuck one of your very embarrassing stories, but as you glance at him you realize he did not hesitate at all to tell you his, why should you?
So then you explain the vague memories and tales your mother and father would tell you, old stories you remember with your old friends you have no idea who's name are now, that one time your dog dragged you across your whole front yard, the time you rode your sister's bike which was approximately 2 times your size and crashed into a trash can and got this huge scar on your leg.
It's been so long since you've been able to talk to someone so comfortably, talk to someone who was actually listening. You hadn't realized how long it had been since you've had a real face to face chat with one of your friends until now. And this man was just a mutual you never knew until just a few hours ago.
You can consider this as your best brunch ever, even better than that one brunch your mother forced you to attend once just because they had rich people sandwiches or something.
Within what feels like just a few mere minutes, you find your noodles already finished, and surprisingly you enjoyed the meal, even if it wasn't as hot as you wanted it to be.
"That was probably the best meal I've had in a while," You comment as you wipe the soda fizzing at the edge of your lips, the noodles somehow got a bit too spicy that you bought a soda to wash the spiciness down.
"I think so too." Donghyuck replies, chuckling. You stare at him as he takes a swig of his own drink, feeling much more bubbling in your stomach than just a fizzy soda. How charming must he be to have your chest literally flip when he catches your gaze on him?
Dear god and when he laughs? You nearly forget how to breathe.
The homesick feeling you've been feeling for weeks is now nowhere in sight, only adoration and another strong feeling you can't really put your finger on just yet swirling around you.
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Never would you have you thought you would spend the last day before your leave with Lee Donghyuck. Sure, you did picture the drama playing in front of you, but never did you think next to Donghyuck, in the apartment you didn't know he shared with Lee Jeno and Na Jaemin, who you've known for years now.
"Hey Hyu—oh, I didn't know you two knew each other,"
You shrug, chucking your shoes off to the rack, "We don't,"
Jeno and Jaemin watch confused as you flop on the couch next to Donghyuck, shaking it off with one last goodbye before they go to their weekly bike sessions. You still don't know how they manage to bike how many kilometers with only a few breaks.
You visibly light up at the sight of the intro scene of one of your favorite dramas flashing through the tv, making yourself at home on the couch you have spent many hours on before. It's a bit different now with Donghyuck on it. Another dip on the other end of the couch that's accompanying you.
Jeno likes to sit in the armchair next to the couch, and Jaemin just sprawls himself on the floor for some reason. Though you love taking the couch all for yourself, it's nice to share it once in a while, it's nice to have someone by your side for once. Maybe drape your legs on the other's lap, take up most of their space even if you have lots, and them not minding it at all.
Or even having your head rest on their lap.
Strangely, Donghyuck finds comfort in doing this action, he likes how it's not Renjun for once, who has to move his legs every 2 minutes or he would get a cramp. He likes how you don't even question when he suddenly shifts onto your lap, and how you softly play with the edges of his hair, it's nice.
Donghyuck likes the warmth that you emit, he pushes his cheek closer to your leg at the nice feeling of it spreading through his cheeks. Or when you poke his cheek playfully, and tap a small beat on it, it's oddly affectionate.
Donghyuck finds no more interest in the drama, all his attention has shifted to you, everything about you. The tip of your fingers that drag softly along his scalp when you run your hand through his hair, the way your lips curl up at a funny scene, how they move when you mumble how his hair is incredibly soft.
"I use Mark's shampoo most of the time," He explains. "his mother wants him to use the best one, and often sends some to him." Donghyuck's eyes relax and close when you tuck a small piece of hair behind his ear, tingles spreading throughout his body at the action.
"And I just head over to his house and steal a bottle." A snort immediately leaves you at the end of his sentence, you find it very funny how he can just clock in just to go in his bathroom and steal a bottle and leave right after.
"Jeno uses it too,"
You're laughing the most you have in months, even if it was little chuckles here and there, it's the longest you've been happy without having to get stressed over an assignment or most probably grocery shopping because god your roommate has cooking experiments so often now.
Donghyuck finds a smile forming on his face at the sight of your beaming, almost sparkling eyes. He swears he can find his whole universe in there, stars and moons scattered for him to dive deep and explore in.
Suddenly, he finds his whole world swirling in your eyes, he finds your smile his sun, your laughs all the shooting stars he needs in life to have his dreams achieved.
Suddenly, Donghyuck feels such a different emotion settling within him, ready to bloom into something more.
Maybe, just maybe, you'll be his dream. Just for tonight.
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Hours pass by, losing most of your attention on the drama to talk about almost anything, and possibly, everything, time flying by so fast that even Jeno and Jaemin are surprised to see you two in the same position as when they left.
They had gone to the gaming cafe after biking, and played video games there for about 2 and a half hours, so you two must've been very invested in what you were talking about before.
You moved to Donghyuck's room after Mark came and watched the drama you were watching before, claiming Ten wouldn't let him use (read: leech off of) his netflix account anymore.
You always wondered who's room was next to the bathroom, turns out it was none other than Donghyuck's. For years, you thought it was a study room, or a guest bedroom, but it was just Lee Donghyuck's surprisingly neat and clean room.
After watching him game for who knows how long, and sitting on the very deflated beanbag by his closet, many questions of what button does what, which team he's on, how to play, you don't think you can stare at the screen for any longer.
No wonder Donghyuck uses his glasses, probably one of those blue light glasses that protect your eyes from the screen. Not only do they protect his eyes, he chose just the right one that makes him look attractive. Or maybe that's just you.
You still think he looks incredibly cute with them on, he looks so very raw and natural with his messy hair and slightly rosy and plush cheeks from taking quite the long nap with his head on your lap.
You quickly look away before your staring becomes too long for you to stop it, instead standing up from your seat on the bean bag and onto his unmade bed. Donghyuck told you before how he thinks making the bed is pointless if you're gonna mess it up again.
Of course, he never says this in front of Jaemin or he would force him to make his bed.
You bring the blankets around your shoulders and stuff a pillow into your embrace, watching the way the back of Donghyuck's gaming chair swings back and forth when he wins yet another round against Johnny.
Soon, the comfort of his awfully warm blankets and pillow cause you to grow sleepy, and you end up sprawling yourself along the bed very comfortably, so comfortably that Donghyuck doesn't even believe that it's his bed anymore.
"Hey," He reaches out to shake your shoulder gently, chuckling at the very dazed state you're in when you open your eyes slowly to look up at him. "do you want dinner?"
You can barely process his question, focusing fully on trying to wake up and finally register his question. The back of your hand swipes across your tired eyes, and you hum, "What?"
Donghyuck's chuckles resonates through his room, softly tugging at your heartstrings when he takes a seat next to you and pats your head. "I said are you hungry? You only had noodles and a bag of chips,"
Half eaten, might he add. Who in the world decides to open a bag of potato chips and leaves the other half in the fridge?
A shake of the head is his only response, and he finds it very funny how you try to reply vocally, but a yawn cuts through and interrupts the attempt.
"I'm not that hungry either. Maybe we should go somewhere for breakfast."
As Donghyuck makes is plans for tomorrow morning, you simply stare it him, feeling oddly satisfied with the situation.
He looks very boyfriend material, awfully wholesome with his pouty lips and glossy eyes checking which cafes and stores are going to be open tomorrow. Gosh, you might just kiss him!
And somehow, that's exactly what your mind is telling you to do, and your body complies naturally, leaning forward and reaching out to softly hold his cheeks between your palms, pulling him forward.
You catch Donghyuck completely in surprise by pushing your lips to his softly, so softly it feels surreal. Is he dreaming? He swears he's hallucinating, but the moment your hand slides down to flop back to your lap he knows it's real.
You pull back for a mere second, maybe even half a second, before Donghyuck drops his phone to the bed and his hands are your neck and waist, pulling you back into another soft lock of your lips.
Heavenly, is all you feel, like waking up from those warm afternoon naps that make you feel groggy for the rest of the day, like having a weekend picnic in a peaceful little park with nothing but the sun's rays and the aroma of sweet flowers and grass.
Perfect, is what you would describe the kiss, and a dream, is what you think Donghyuck is as you pull away and gaze into his dazed eyes that shine nothing but love for you.
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"You've gone crazy, haven't you?"
You turn to your roommate in surprise at her words, "What?"
She rushes up to you almost in an inhumane speed, grasping your shoulders in her hold, before she shakes aggressively, "Why are you still packing?!"
"Because I have a flight to my parent's in like 7 hours, I don't know about you, but I kind of need to pack clothes?"
"That's not what I mean, Y/n!"
You push her away with a small (almost nervous) laugh, walking back across your room to seize another one of your beloved sweaters, chucking it to your open luggage. "What do you mean, then?"
"Did you see how he looked at you?! He was looking at you like he didn't want you to leave him! And not to mention how you looked at him the exact same way!"
You have to admit, that was true. You can't lie and say you didn't see any longing in his eyes, and you definitely can't deny that you had the exact same emotion dripping from yours.
"It's not like I'll be gone for forever, babe." You try to explain with a not-so-convincing smile, grabbing more random clothes to push into your luggage. "I'll come back when I get rid of this homesick feeling."
Your roommate shoves your luggage to the side, replacing it's place in front of you to "Y/n, don't you see?"
A small, mischievous smile is itching on her lips, and it causes you to grow very confused. "You're not homesick, you're lovesick."
"What!? That makes no sense! I just met him!"
She laughs in epiphany at the way your voice is obviously quivering, and how could she ever miss the habit of yours where your eyes flit everywhere but her when you're lying? You're so very in love with him, she's never seen you so smitten for anybody!
"And?? You love him! You don't miss home, you miss the love that comes with it, you miss being in love! And now you're in love, so you don't need to go home!"
You shake your head stubbornly, "No, I'm very homesick!"
Lies. You hadn't even felt a single bit homesick when you were with Donghyuck, you know this.
"Besides, it's just for a few days! I'll be back before you know it!"
You push your roommate away to drag the luggage back in front of you, chucking in random mismatched Christmas socks.
"What if by the time you come back, he's found another one?"
This one finally gets you to freeze. You hate to admit it, but maybe this is your one true love moment where you'd do something crazy for him. Maybe it's not as grand as wrecking a wedding, but it's your perfect definition of doing something crazy just for love.
Cancelling a flight ticket isn't as crazy now that you think of it.
"Then... then that's good for him." Yeah, good for him. If he loves someone else, then that's your problem, you should be happy for him if he does.
Just the thought of him leaving you and going to someone else has your heart sinking to your feet, your face twisting in sourness.
Oh god, you might just be lovesick.
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Donghyuck feels oddly unsatisfied for some reason, a weird pit in his stomach telling him something, something was wrong.
The said boy is utterly shocked when 6 of his friends barge into his room, all wearing expressions that describe nothing but disbelief.
Renjun is the first to step forward and whack the back of his head, before the other Chinese boy in the room follows suit.
"Wha—ow! What was that for??"
"Are you aware of where Y/n is right now?" Jaemin is the next one to come forward to pinch at his ear, more aggressively than all the other times he's done it out of sheer mischief.
Donghyuck rubs his ear in pain and glares at his friends, "Completely."
Mark quickly slaps the younger's butt, causing him to jolt once again. "Why aren't you doing anything about it then?!"
"Because I have no business stopping her? She's just flying back to her hometown to visit her family, that's all!"
"But Hyung! What if she's gone for too long and then things get awkward? That happens fast, you know that."
For once in his life, Donghyuck thinks Jisung might be right. For all he knows you might not even want to be with him by the time you come back. What if you find someone else back home?
Donghyuck keeps shaking and very doubtful his gaze straight, at the book he remembers you picking from the book shelf on his lap. His voice is hard, no signs of hesitation or doubt, but he knows his friends know that his heart is aching at the thought of you going to someone else. "I'm sure it'll be fine."
It'll be fine, he said, just flying back to visit, he said, and yet here he is, sitting on his bed, almost glaring at the pillow you once hugged. He has a small spark of frustration blaring within him, why would he care if you flew back for a while? It’s not like you were important to him or something, you just met! No way you would snatch a part of his heart so fast.
But why does he feel like a part of his heart is missing? Hollow, empty, yearning for it’s piece.
Fool! Donghyuck thinks to himself, don’t be too attached! It’s not like you would care about him, right?
Wrong. Absolutely incorrect.
You don’t want to leave. You don’t have the hollow feeling of missing home anymore, it’s gone. But there is still one small flaw you feel within you, it’s also empty, but it’s different this time. Almost… longing. Your grip tightens on your luggage handle as you try to distinguish what this certain feeling is, feeling more and more dreadful with each guess you take.
Homesickness, you conclude. You just miss home.
And Donghyuck misses you already. Who knows how long you’ll be gone for? What if Jisung was right?
Lee Donghyuck has probably never in his life been as impulsive as right now, suddenly springing up from his bed 2 hours after you’ve left for the airport, your bittersweet smile flashing through his mind from the moment you took off in the taxi to the airport.
His friends have never seen him in such a rush ever in their lives, rushing up themselves when Donghyuck bursts out his room with a ‘can someone drive me to the airport?’. They’ve never seen him so set on something in their lives.
The boys pack into Mark’s car as quickly as they can, shoving Donghyuck into the passenger's seat with all their strength. Mark Lee has never driven so recklessly in his life (safely, though Chenle screams to kick at the gas pedal into his ear) and he’s never seen Donghyuck so determined to actually get to you.
You’ve never felt so anxious to get on a plane, felt like waiting for something. For someone.
But that’s absolutely ridiculous, he wouldn’t do something so crazy for love. You wouldn’t do something so crazy for love either.
You say you wouldn’t, you know you wouldn’t, and yet your heart and mind is telling you to stop and turn around, to run back and drive all the way back to Donghyuck’s apartment. The flight is just in 15 minutes, you’re already halfway through the process before getting onto the plane, it’s practically too late now, right?
That’s Donghyuck’s biggest fear right now, as he rushes through the large crowds of people bustling to get to their flight. He might be too late. What would he do then? Wait hopelessly for you to come back to him? Sounds a bit pathetic to him.
“What gate is she in?”
“Gate 36!” Donghyuck vividly remembers your roommate cursing at you when you mumble where your ticket was, and he remembers everything when he picks up the ticket to pass it to you. Flight number BA2490 (randomly generated, i have no idea what flight it is), gate 36, departure at 11:00 sharp.
He glances at the clock, 10:40. Donghyuck then whips around to check which gate they're nearest to, and he dreads over realization that’ he’s 10 gates away. He yells for his friends to wait for him to come back, and dashes through crowds and large groups of tourists.
A sudden tug at your heart stops you from taking another step into the next room with yet another security check, telling you to stop. It bothers you, and you try to ignore it, but it just won’t go. It’s causing a wind whirl of emotions swirling within you, making you sick to the stomach.
Foolish, is what you think you are, for actually thinking about even stopping just for some guy you’ve just met.
A man at the security check gently taps on your shoulder, shaking out of your sudden daze, “Are you alright ma’am?”
“Huh? O-oh yeah, sorry.” You mumble awkwardly, before plopping your bag into the small container and sliding it through the x-ray. As you walk through the metal detector machine, and nip lightly at your lip (as a habit you’ve grown to adapt to for years now) you are suddenly reminded of Donghyuck’s lips, that once pressed to yours.
You freeze completely, in the middle of the boarding area of gate 36, thinking of all the things you did with Donghyuck. Primarily the kiss. Why did you do such a thing? Now you’re in shit you could never possibly get out of without confronting him about it. And you don’t really think you’re going to confront him soon, not when one of the staff announces your flight boarding time being only 15 minutes left.
However, Donghyuck is always full of surprises. In many ways. He’s surprised you by being that one roommate you never knew about when you come over to Jaemin’s apartment, he’s surprised his friends by actually listening to them for once and chasing after you. He’s even surprised himself when he doesn’t let the security guards stop him.
He pushes past them, sliding through the entrance of the restricted area, rushing through people and excusing himself, and he can even hear his friends laughing and shouting in disbelief, cheers leaving their lips blissfully.
Donghyuck can’t really process what he’s just done, not when he puts all his energy into running faster to get to you in time. He’s got roughly 12 more minutes to stop you from getting on that flight, and now that Donghyuck thinks of it, he really thinks he’s gone crazy. Well, what the hell is he gonna do now? Turn around and give up? No, he’s Lee Donghyuck, he will never stop until he finishes whatever he’s doing.
And plus, he doesn’t want to go through a bunch of teasing and pity from any of his friends if he gives up now. If they’re going to tease him, he’s going to at least take you down with him.
Through many security guards and staff, he completely ignores them, and doesn’t even spare them a glance as he continues to desperately hope you haven’t boarded the plane yet.
Thank god Johnny and Jaehyun forced him to go running with them and their long ass legs, without them he wouldn’t know if he could outrun the security guards and still have the energy to pass by more oblivious staff all the way to boarding gate 36.
The feeling of defeat washes over him as he realizes the room is completely empty, and the flight had just taken off the second he barged in. Donghyuck walks over to the window, where he watches your plane fly further and further out of distance. God, does he feel stupid now. Why did he ever think you would stay for him? How could he even think he would be there in time?
Donghyuck sighs a deep breath, before he leans forward and squishes his cheek against the cold glass with a frown curling his lips down and creasing his eyebrows together. His breath fogs the glass, and he feels the same way. Foggy, unclear of what to do. He didn’t reach his goal, he couldn’t, what is there to do now?
Suddenly, it’s like all hope in life is restored, and he feels like his heart races a thousand miles per second when he realizes who calls out his name. Donghyuck quickly pushes himself off the glass and whips around, his previous frown now twisting up to the biggest smile you have ever seen anyone muster, eyes sparkling brighter than all the shooting stars and blinding lights you have witnessed.
“You came...”
“You stayed,”
“I- uh,” A shy chuckle leaves your lips at the sudden tension building up between you two, a sound that Donghyuck yearns to hear more, and to cherish to his heart until he gets sick of it. But how could he ever get sick of something so melodious?
“I was gonna go.” You try to reason, though you couldn’t really believe yourself. And you can tell by the amused smirk that plays on his lips that he clearly doesn’t believe you too.
“I thought I missed home but,” You breathe out, feeling your breathing pattern completely stop when the boy you’ve just met today takes just a few steps to stand close to you, feeling warmth radiate from his body. “but the second I got to the airport,”
You look down at your shoes in embarrassment, nipping at your lip, too shy to finish your statement. Donghyuck’s fingers that encircle around your wrist and pull you just the smallest bit closer gives you a sudden boost of confidence, and you force yourself to look up. “I started missing you instead.”
It sounds like music to his ears, fills him up with joy and the most ecstatic feeling he’s felt in a while. The last time he felt like this was when his mom let him pick out his own outfit for school, which was quite a long time ago.
“I started missing you too,” Donghyuck mutters with a small smile on his face, growing bigger when your own lips start curling up fondly.
Sudden shouting and many footsteps resonate through the hallway to the room, confusing you, before Donghyuck slips his hand in yours and tugs you along with him. “Okay let’s finish this at home? I got chased down here and I don’t want you getting caught with me too,”
This is it, the crazy moment you do anything for love. Maybe not as grand as wrecking a whole wedding, but running away from security guards hand in hand and cancelling all your plans you've made for months is the perfect amount kind of crazy for you.
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nctzenluvies · 3 years
not again...
𝖑𝖎𝖚 𝖞𝖆𝖓𝖌𝖞𝖆𝖓𝖌 𝖝 𝖋. 𝖗𝖊𝖆𝖉𝖊𝖗
𝖜𝖔𝖗𝖉𝖘: 1.3k
𝖈𝖚𝖗𝖘𝖎𝖓𝖌, 𝖘𝖒𝖚𝖙, 𝖏𝖊𝖆𝖑𝖔𝖚𝖘𝖞, 𝖕𝖗𝖔𝖙𝖊𝖈𝖙𝖊𝖉 𝖘𝖊𝖝
𝖞𝖔𝖚𝖗 𝖇𝖊𝖘𝖙 𝖋𝖗𝖎𝖊𝖓𝖉, 𝖑𝖎𝖚 𝖞𝖆𝖓𝖌𝖞𝖆𝖓𝖌, 𝖎𝖘 𝖍𝖆𝖛𝖎𝖓𝖌 𝖆𝖓𝖔𝖙𝖍𝖊𝖗 𝖌𝖎𝖗𝖑 𝖔𝖛𝖊𝖗, 𝖔𝖗 𝖘𝖔 𝖞𝖔𝖚 𝖙𝖍𝖔𝖚𝖌𝖍𝖙..
it was the middle of your summer break. you had just gotten back from a week long trip with some of your good friends. your roommate yangyang, was pretty jealous he didnt get to go as his two best friends did. but of course, becauce your best friend's ex was yangyang, she wasnt comfortable with him there.
you got out of your friends car, walked into your apartments elevator, and clicked on your floor. you walked to the end of the hall to your apartment, unlocked to door and went inside.
hearing a sudden noise, he peaked his head out of his bedroom to see you taking your shoes off. "dude! your finally back!" yangyang yelled. he ran out to hug you.
"woah, im holding bags here." you said.
"haha, sorry. let me help you."
he took your suitcase and a few of your bags to your room.
"there, i may or may not have ordered food."
"cmon, man! i told you to stop ordering food. theres plenty of food here! i literally ordered groceries to the house before i left!" you snapped.
"sorry, mommy"
"ew, dont do that."
"dont lie, you like it." he winked
"yeah! just not from you?"
"oh why not? ive known you since i was born, so technically ive known you the same amount as my mom."
"ok, no. that makes no sense."
"sure does!"
"anyway, can we play a game and eat?"
you two played your normal pc games for about an hour, but you left to your room so you could unpack.
you threw your stuff on your bed and started separating everything. as you sorted your things, yangyang just started randomly poking you everywhere.
"cant you see im trying to do something?"
no response, he just continued.
"do you need something?"
"ugh, what?"
"im having a chick over so you might wanna cover your ears.."
"bro! again? i just got back, and i didnt need to know that!"
"oh, so youre not jealous?"
"no? why would i be?" ,you were definitely jealous, but you didnt need him knowing that.
he put his hands around your waist, and hugged you, "you sure about that?"
god, you were blushing like crazy, but luckily you had a history of being good at hiding your feelings.
"uh yeah?"
"okay." he let go, and walked away.
you wanted to brush what just happened off, but you couldnt. i mean, your three year crush, called you mommy? and waist hugged you?! come on. but hes having a girl over, so whatever. you took your makeup off, changed into pajamas, and continued to unpack.
after about an hour of you watching videos, with your headphones of course, you went to the bathroom, expecting yangyang and his girl in his room.
oh my god. you look out your room to see your best friend jerking off and watching porn in the living room?!
he scooted to the corner of the couch, covered himself up, and turned the tv off, while you went to the bathroom.
you walked out, and sat down at the other end of the couch.
"so, you want to explain?" you asked.
"sorry.. i just.."
"just what?"
"i was, you know, horny, and i lied to you about having a chick over so you would bother me."
"i thought you would have sex in your room!"
"yeah... but i expected you to stay in your bedroom."
"i mean yeah, but this is my house too."
"its fine just dont do it again."
"ok.... also youre blushing."
you opened your phone camera to see if he was right. he was.
"no im not! i just did a face mask, thats all!"
he got up and sat infront of you on the floor.
"why are you on the floor?"
"no reason. i just see you prepared for me, huh?"
it took you a second. you werent wearing pants. thats what he was talking about. as soon as you realized that. you blushed even more, and just decided to leave to your room, until he grabbed your thighs and pulled you back on the couch.
"let me leave yangya-"
he put a finger over your mouth.
"not yet. just wait."
he was about to sneak his head under your oversized t-shirt, but he stopped.
"y/n.. consent?" he asked.
"i- uhm- i-"
"im guessing thats a yes."
he spread your legs, put his head in between your thighs, and ate you out like there was no tomorrow. he had you grabbing onto anything within your reach, and making a bunch of noise.
yangyang stopped, took the towel off of his waist. when you werent even looking, he put a condom on. he started kissing your neck, while he lined his member with your body.
he let go, asking you if you were ready. you nodded, and let him enter your heat. he continued at a normal pace, running his hands across your covered body. thinking your shirt was in the way, you began to take it off, but he stopped you.
"keep your shirt on."
"no, its fine. if you want to see me you can take it off."
"no. i know your not comfortable with that."
"are you sure?"
everyone, including yourself, thought he was just a player, and that he wouldnt be this sweet in bed.
after a few minutes, he had sped up the pace, and gave you a few hickeys on your neck.
suddenly, you heard a knock at your door, it was one of your friends.you looked at each other, and ran to the bathroom. you told yangyang to get his hair wet and run to his room in a towel, while you showered.
he was wetting his hair, when you heard what sounded like your friend.
"dang it, i forgot i gave her a key." you said to yourself.
"yangyang, i need you to just play along ok?"
you hopped in the shower, and you were peeking out of the shower door with your eyes closed.
"yangyang! are you done peeing yet?"
"god! sorry! let me wash my hands!"
"not in here! your going to make the water cold!"
"fine! ill go to the kitchen! damn!"
"thank you! now get out! wait close the door!"
"okay! no need to yell!"
he walked out and shut the door behind him to see your other best friend standing there watching him.
"uh hi?"
"hi? what just happened?"
"i was in the shower when she get home, so she forced me out of the bathroom so she could shower. but i needed to pee and get my hair product out of there."
"oh, so you two didnt shower together?"
"ew no, she has a boyfriend."
"she does?"
"i think?"
"anyway, she will be out soon, so just sit tight."
your friend sat down on the couch, and saw a condom wrapper on the table, a towel with wet marks on it, and a pair of boxers on the floor.
"oh my god. they hooked up."
she got up and went to the bathroom where you were showering.
"hey y/n, im leaving, so you can get out and continue your fun time with yangyang. bye!"
"what?! what do you mean?"
she just walked out of your apartment. yangyang listened, so he went to the bathroom and told you she left.
"i know! whatever. im tired i wanna do this tomorrow please."
"of course. do you want to lay down while i put away your stuff? i know where everything goes so it should be fine."
he picked you up and set you on your bed. you told him what was clean and what was dirty while you lay there telling him about your trip until you fell asleep.
he shook your shoulder to ask you if he could lay with you, and of course, you said yes.
the two of you finished what you had started in the morning, causing the people next door to complain.
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curly-bangtan · 4 years
Heatwave Anniversary Drabble: i miss u like ... a lot (M)
[Heatwave // Godless // Heatwave Drabbles] <- read first! but this drabble can be read alone
Pairing: Taehyung x reader
Summary: One night until Taehyung is back from his boys’ trip but you miss him too much.
Genre: fluff, smut, kinda crack?, boyfriend/established relationship au
Warnings: unprotected sex (oc on contraception so don’t u do it), teasing over the phone, riding and grinding, just kinda vanilla i-missed-u-so-much sex, a particular selca
Word count: 5k
A/N: It was Heatwave’s one year anniversay on the 17th so I decided to write a quick(?) drabble for this. I fully intended on posting this on time, but wanted to change up some stuff so only managed to finish this now. Happy birthday to my first fic and forver my baby!
The absolute one thing you hate most about your boyfriend being away from you is your boyfriend being away from you.
You have never been the clingy needy type, that is more his role in this relationship, nor are you really one to show affection. In fact, you would hate for that false image to be perceived of you because all that sappy shit makes you want to throw up your dinner. But one thing you’ve learnt since Taehyung had gone away on a week-long boys’ trip down by the coast is how cold the house feels in his absence, despite being in the middle of a sizzling summer.
Everything is so eerily quiet without his random outbursts into song and fits of laughter. Having spent 3 years living together, you have gotten so used to his constant presence that you had even caught yourself several times calling out for him only to remember that he isn’t here. Waking up without his arm draped around your waist, slided up your top at some point during the night, impacts you more than you’d like to admit.
Are you glad that he’s having a great time with his friends by the beach, relaxing all day and drinking all night? Of course. Are you having a great time all by yourself over here in the absence of your boyfriend? Certainly not.
Though, of course, this isn’t something you would confess to out loud, especially to him. He doesn’t need to know how often the thought: ugh fuck, I miss Tete is crossing your mind, lest you want him to rub his smugness in your face.
It isn’t just that. Your relationship hasn’t been without its tests in the course of its years and things have only finally stabilised. It’s not that you don’t trust Taehyung to be with his ladish friends for seven days, shirtless dusk till dawn, intoxicated to the point where he calls you thinking that you’re the pizza delivery guy but…
A hammered Taehyung at a beach full of girls who are no doubt thirsting over him leaves a bad taste in your mouth. You trust him to be loyal to his core, but you don’t trust anyone else to keep their hands from copping a feel. No matter how you look at it, you would just so much rather he be at home with you right now.
You have endured this for six days. Six full days without Taehyung. Six full days with no sex, no tummy kisses, no clammy hand holding even though you’re only to get groceries. Just one more night and this torture will fucking be over, praise the lord. But you also don’t know how much more you can hold back that I miss you text because you’re combusting from the need to see him again.
It’s almost 4am. Your sleep schedule is fucked and it’s really his fault.
The bright screen of your phone offers the only luminescence at this hour. Your messages from him in the past week have not been shy of your daily dose of Taehyung - clips of the beach (always mischievously caption with something along the lines of “thinking of Mykonos ;D” where you went on your first holiday together), selfies that you dwell way too long staring at because you miss that face buried in your neck, drunk videos of the antics him and the boys get up to that you’ll definitely chastise him for when he comes back yet can’t help but laugh at. You find yourself scrolling through them every single night.
Your personal favourite: a pouty selfie he sent you after he dropped his ice cream, the picture you always go back to and the one you’re staring at right now. His hair is frizzy from the sea, lips jutted out childishly and cheeks puffy. Your chest constricts, fuck...
Just one more night, you remind yourself. And then he’s back and all yours again.
Then suddenly, the phone in your hand vibrates, short and abrupt. The bar slides down from the top of your screen reading New Message from Tete. Surprised, you scramble to open it, maybe a bit too desperately for you to be proud of.
Tete: bby
You blink at those three letters, lips pressed together because your heart is cinching.
Tete: ur prob aslep rn but
Tete: i missu
Tete: <334
The typos indicate that he is wasted, and you take a guess that he has just returned from their last night out of the holiday. The corners of your lips turn up knowing that he is thinking of you right now.
You: no im awake
Your fingers are itching to reply with i miss u too, and it takes all your willpower and stubbornness to stay true to your steadfast self. There is just something so unpleasantly moist about these kinds of texts, something that makes you cringe and gag when you read them. You refuse to be one of those people. A heart is all that you allow yourself to reply.
You: <3
You: r u drunk?
Tete: drunk in love
Tete: yes
A giggle escapes you at his god awful cheesiness - drunk, sober alike. Insufferable. But probably Taehyung’s most endearing quality.
You: did u have fun!!
Tete: yeah
Tete: but i miss u
Tete: more than i had fun
God, you feel like a teenager again, suddenly overcome with this gushing urge to roll over and scream into your pillow. You’re glad he’s merely texting this to you right now because if he had said this to you face to face, your skin would most definitely stain scarlet from neck to hairline, scalding to the touch. Even months into officially being his girlfriend, these curveballs of overwhelming affection throw you off guard.
Again, the compulsion to tell him you miss him too yanks at your heartstrings. You truly don’t understand why it’s so hard for you to say how you feel, let yourself be soft and vulnerable. You know it’s one of your flaws so it’s something that you’re working on, but you can’t say you’ve made much progress.
But just as you decide that maybe you should take the plunge, suck it up and just text him those three words, he sends you a picture.
Tumblr media
No, not just a picture. A selfie, of him in bed, shirtless under the covers. “Oh, fuck…”
Hand clasped over your mouth to prevent any sound from involuntarily escaping, it takes a moment for your breath to return to you and for you to stop gawking. At this hour… Really? Is he seriously doing this to you right now?
His sleepy eyes. His messy curls. And his fucking nose mole.
The undoing of your existence.
Tete: this boy misses u :]
You: bruh
You: bruhhhhhhh
You: taehyung
Tete: oui my lady :))
You: 👁👄👁
You: can u not do this to my heart
You: y did u send me this </333
You: what was the reason
Tete: coz i miss u
Tete: do u like it
Tete: :D
‘Do u like it’... Actually, you have tears in your eyes, albeit mostly due to staring at a screen for too long so late at night, but it’s certainly contributed by this selfie. You tell yourself you’re acting out because it’s been six days since you last saw him. Perhaps Taehyung Withdrawal Symptoms is the explanation behind why you want to print and frame this picture because that is definitely not a normal reaction to a picture. But this is a masterpiece.
You: taehyung my soul left my body
You: like i could weep
You: u look so soft and fluffy
You: :’(
Tete: lollll
Tete: simp
This boy has some nerve?! Simp! He called you a simp?! Laughing like a maniac, you can’t even pretend to be mad at him, not after this picture he sent anyway. So you guess you are a simp. This selfie is your kryptonite.
Tete: jkjkkkkk
You: hahahaha
You: y r u doing this to me
You: its 4am
You: u can’t send me this rn
You: i won’t be able to sleep
Tete: o yeah how come ur still up?
Tete: go to sleepppp
You: can’t sleep
Tete: aw no whyyy
Because you miss him that’s why.
You miss Kim Taehyung. You miss Tete. You miss your boyfriend, your best friend, your other half. You miss his touch, his smile, his wide eyes when he’s confused. You miss his morning snuggles and late night kisses. You miss the way he hugs you from behind as you prepare your meals. You miss the wandering hands that he can’t help when you’re out in public. You miss playing PUBG together until the sun comes out then both sleeping past noon. You miss taking baths together where bubbles would get into your mouth as your kisses get heated.
You just miss him.
It’s only been six days and you’re in this state. What has he done to you?
Fingers hovering over the keyboard, you let out a great sigh and deflate. No other reason offers itself for you to be awake at this hour; he knows you cherish sleep above anything. Teeth digging into your lip, you inhale long and hard, then exhale the gust of your cowardice. It’s not that deep, stupid. Fuck it.
You: coz
You: i miss u
You: like … a lot
You: 🙄
It’s final - you guess you’ve become a mushy wet sap. Truly it is embarrassing how big of a step this is for you; but the sense of pride and accomplishment feels oddly validating. Baby steps. The eye-rolling emoji right after is subconscious because you could only betray the core of your character that much. Forgo it and taehyung might not believe that it’s you.
Tete: omg
Tete: :D
Tete: rrly?
You: *blank kissy emoji*
Tete: wow
Tete: u actually don’t know how hard i’m smiling rn
You: simp
Tete: ofc that’s my middle name
Tete: i miss u a lot too
Tete: like a lotttttt
Tete: i’ll show u how much when i’m back
Ah… Of course, the Taehyung specialty - smothering you with his affection. You freeze at the thought of his wildfire kisses and head between your thighs. Nothing screams of how much you’ve missed each other more than a good dicking down, climax after climax until you’re both panting messes of sweat and entangled limbs. The anticipation makes you squirm under the sheets, legs pressing together.
You: pls do
You: i need u
It’s uncertain what spirit has possessed you at this ungodly hour for these words to come out of you. There’s an instant flash of ickiness, but you let the self-cringing simmer and dissipate into the realisation that this is okay, this is normal. Taehyung’s your boyfriend, couples text like this. You need to grow some.
Tete: fuck baby
Tete: i’m so not used to u texting like this, it's driving me crazy
You: crazy how *cat smirk*
If you weren’t smiling before, you’re definitely grinning like an idiot now. His reaction is predictable, yet oddly still, an incredible wave of satisfaction hits you. And because you want to savour this moment, maybe give him a taste of his own medicine, you send him a picture of yourself.
Camisole strap slid off your shoulder, hair splayed out, bottom lip deep red from biting down on it too much. Just to return the favour.
Tete: y/n
Tete: call me now
-Incoming call from Tete-
Laughing to yourself, you wait a good few seconds before picking up to prolong his torture. “Yes, Taehyung?” You put your thumb between your teeth to suppress the laughter.
“Fuck.” Against the silence of the night, the low rasp of his voice permeating into you from the speaker of your phone sends tingles up your toes. You’ve fucking missed his voice more than you thought. “Y/N… You can’t do this to me.”
“I told you, I miss you. Like… a lot.” The saccharine tone in your reply is foreign to your own ears, but you like the sound of it and the deep rumble it elicits from your boyfriend.
“How much?” Taehyung eggs you on. His words are barely slurred, so you gather that he has sobered up at least for the most part by now. Yet there is still a slowness to it that suggests
“Hmm, like… I touched myself every night at the thought of you a lot.”
A sharp inhale. Then silence. But you know better so you give him a moment to gather himself.
“You shouldn’t be putting that image in my head.” Exasperation is evident in his voice, desperate and yearning. You can imagine him now, one hand on his phone, the other sliding over his pants that are getting a bit too tight for comfort. Your breath hitches.
“Then you shouldn’t have sent me that picture, Taehyung…”
“You said it was soft and fluffy. What you sent me back was not soft and fluffy.”
“Just because it’s soft doesn’t mean it doesn’t turn me on. You do things to me… okay?” Heat trapped beneath the skin of your cheeks, your grip on the phone against your ear slackening as your thighs rub together.
“Fuck, I’m getting hard, baby…” Nothing gets him going more than the knowledge that he turns you on, it’s his weakness but somewhat his strength.
“That’s… unfortunate. Are you going to do something about it?”
His gulp is audible even over the phone. “Uh…” A sigh. “Um. Maybe. Thoughts are being thought.”
“What kind of thoughts? Thoughts about me touching myself and moaning your name? Thoughts about how much I wish my fingers were your cock thrusting so deep into me that I feel it in my guts? Or are you thinking about what you’ll do to me when you’re back tomorrow? Fucking my mouth until I’m crying or filling me up with your cum first?” Your hips buckle at the filth leaving your mouth. This is more like you; you haven’t abandoned your nature after all.
“Oh, fuckkkk.” His moan resonates into your skull, not quite as if he’s here with you but good enough to fill your desire. “Y/N… I need you so badly.” Breath ragged, you hear movement of his sheets in the background as he adjusts into a more comfortable position.
“Are you stroking your cock right now?” A warm slick oozes out of your own entrance. There’s something about Taehyung masturbating to you that elevates you to a different kind of high.
“What do you think, baby?” As you listen closely, you hear the slow rhythm of his pumping, and your fingers ache to pleasure yourself. ‘The things I’ll fucking do to you when I’m back.”
“Mmm, but it’s late, Taehyung, why don’t we go to sleep.”
“Wait, what?” The stroking stops instantly and surprise in his voice releases a smug satisfaction into your veins. The equivalent of pouring a bucket of ice water over his head right now. Teasing is an old undying habit, what can you say? “You wanna end the call now?”
“Yeah, we should sleep, babe.” Grin unsuppressed, you turn over onto your side, probably a bit too pleased with yourself at your success. Taehyung is an easy victim always.
“What the fuckkk?” Your boyfriend groans. “You’re seriously going to tease me this hard then leave me high and dry?” When you offer no more response than a sly chuckle, he add, “You’re so evil.”
“Save it for tomorrow, Taehyung. Think about it, we’re one sleep away from seeing each other again.”
“Fuck, I know. But you just got me so fucking horny, bruhhh. I thought we were gonna have phone sex.” You are still laughing at his whining, basking in the victory you’re holding over him.
“Taehyung, save it for the real sex.” The idea of phone sex crossed your mind several times to be honest, but you really want to collect every single drop of desire and longing and unleash it tomorrow. Raw and pent up. Nothing to dampen the fire.
A sigh of defeat down the line. “You’re going to be the death of me, you know?” You know. “How am I supposed to sleep now though? I’m so rock hard that it hurts.”
“You can figure that out yourself, big guy.” Your cheeks ache from smiling for too long; they often do during calls with him. “One sleep away, okay?”
“Ugh, fine, you demon. I can’t believe you sometimes.” He lets out another sigh. Your heart skips at the anticipation of how he will punish you for this. “Good night, I miss you.”
“Good night, I miss you more.” There’s a sudden change of tone with these words. Because you truly mean it. Sex and physical intimacy aside, you really just missed his voice, his banter.
You fall asleep almost immediately.
You don’t think you’ve heard a sweeter sound than the keys rattling at the door the next day. Practically leaping off the couch where you had been awaiting him in your Taeyhyung-less boredom, you run to the door.
As it swings open, heat courses to your chest when your eyes land on his, so full of comfort. Your boyfriend is home. Handsome as ever, much more tanned than your memory of him and much more attractive. White t-shirt and loose black shorts, a mundane outfit that only he could make look exceptional.
And as much as you want to sprint up and throw yourself onto him, your feet stay planted on the floor.
“Hey.” You barely breathe out.
Stay calm and composed, you tell yourself. It was only one week without him, it’s not like he’s returning from war.
But Taehyung doesn’t even reply, because in two long strides he is standing before you, bags tossed to the side, a sign of their insignificance in the presence of you. His arms find their home circled around you, face buried in your hair before you can utter another word. You don’t hesitate to return his embrace, holding his waist as you let yourself fall into his chest. He smells like what summer should, the ocean, sweat and young love; his familiar musk greeting you as if he never left.
Your lips meet his, strong and full of intent. He’s so unexpectedly soft when he kisses back, a timeless romantic dance like he is saviour your taste on his tongue.
With your weight leaning on him, he slowly topples back, stepping hastily until your bodies land on the couch. You fit your legs on either side of him as you burrow your nose in his neck and breathe him in, memorise him. In nothing but a large shirt, your bare thighs are exposed for his roaming.
When you pull away and face each other, you are struck by his beauty. His skin is sun-kissed and glowing, hair an effortlessly beautiful mess, the slightest hint of a stubble peeking through below his nose. Your heart belongs to him forever, you know it without a doubt.
“You smell so good. I missed you so much, baby.” And his voice… That deep baritone honey that you have taken for granted all this time - music to your ears.
“Imissedyoutoo…” You mumble, shy under his undivided attention and mercilessly unbroken eye contact.
With your chests pressed together, his chuckle rumbles into you. “What was that?”
“I missed you too… I guess.” Face flaming, you can’t bring yourself to meet his eye at your admittance, fingers twirling around his curls to preoccupy yourself.
But he cups your chin and turns your face to him, forehead pressing up to yours until your noses are touching, breaths mixing. “That’s not what you said last night.” Taehyung smirks, hands sliding down to your waist, the material of your shirt bunching up in his hands. “Do I need to remind you?”
“No…” You find yourself unable to keep your eyes open, your core pulsing mercilessly as you grind onto him. “How are you already hard, Taehyung…” And though you mean to scold him, it comes out breathless.
Lips hovering, he traces the edge of your jaw, tingling the sensitive little hairs on its way to your ear. When he reaches the shell of your ear, warm breath infiltrating so relentlessly into you, you almost lose yourself right there on his lap. “Don’t you know how much I love you?” He whispers.
“Show me.” Is all you make out.
His hands are already beneath your shirt before you even notice, palms kneading into your breasts as he takes your nipples between his two fingers and rolls. As he kisses you again, the same tenderness exchanges between your lips. It’s a different kind of desperation to be so slow and gentle, one that means so much more than sex, one that’s telling of how much you truly missed each other. Your hips roll with a mind of their own over him. One hand of his comes down to your ass, guiding the waves of your rocking. And each time his stiff clothed member digs into your clit, you whimper into his mouth.
Carefully, Taehyung rolls you over onto your back, sucking your bottom lip to keep the seal from breaking. He pulls away when he’s on top of you, and a string of glistening saliva bridges between your mouths. “Foreplay or no? Tell me what you want?” Compliant as ever.
“I need you to fill me up right now. Anything else can wait.” You watch the devotion ignite in his eyes. His fingers are in a hurry as they pull your panties off, knees spreading your legs open as he kneels between your gaping entrance. He tugs his shirt off from the collar, such smoothness in his action that your insides coil up. His newly-bronzed rich skin revealed, you can’t help but reach up and run your hands down from chest to navel, revelling in his blemishless ridges.
A low sound reverberates from the back of Taehyung’s throat as your touch travels down to unbutton his shorts. They fall loose. His hard throbbing members springs free, a glistening bead oozing from his slit. “You didn’t wear boxers?”
When you glance up, you notice his sheepish grin. He presses his mouth onto yours, still smiling, guiding you back onto your back. “I just couldn’t wait.” Taehyung whispers. “I haven’t been able to stop thinking about you, especially since last night… Ah, fuck.” Another deep groan erupts from him as you reach down and slather that bead of precum all over his tip. His head falls onto your neck, writhing under your merciless stroking.
His tip brushing against your clit, your toes curls at the teasing of your weakness, hips jolting up involuntarily and perhaps a bit too violently. You’re so embarrassingly sensitive after this many days without Taehyung, and he notices from your breathless reaction. Smirking, he takes his shaft in his hand and runs his stiff head over your clit mercilessly. And as you roll your head back helplessly, he nibbles onto your exposed neck, faint stubble grazing your skin.
“Quit the teasing…” You whine, unable to withstand the build up of twisting pressure begging to be fulfilled between your legs. “Just put-”
Taehyung pushes himself into you so abruptly that you yelp. And there it is, that mind-melting stretch of your walls that you’ve so much missed. “Fuck, Taehyung…” Your entire core feels ablaze, so numbing that your nails dig into the leather of the couch before they find grip on his arms.
“Like that, baby?” His voice his strained, as if he’s struggling not to lose his mind as well.
Nodding because you can’t make out a word as he slowly pulls out, you grab his face and pull him up to meet your lips. You whimper into him mouth when he rams into you again, hitting your walls in full force, no mercy. His kiss doesn’t lose its sincerity despite the juxtaposition of his vigorous thrusts, though you can’t say that he is quite as gentle with as before. You pinch his bottom lip between your teeth, sucking on it as your fingers get lost in his hair.
After seven days of deprevation of his cock, your cunt is leaking with the fluid of your arousal, aiding in the ease of each plunge. You feel the stiffness of his ridges pulling you open as he slides in and out of you. “Fuck…” He pants, mouth hovering over yours.
“Let me get on top.” Taehyung’s eyes flash at your suggestion, instantly rolling onto his back. He slips out during the switch of position and the wetness of your cunt is assailed by a sudden rush of cool air.
You swing your leg over and mount him, watching him watch you pump his dick, your own liquid slathered over him sticky in your hand. Letting his member fall against his abdomen, you grind over him between your folds, hands splayed out over his chest. The friction created each time your clit would slide over the thin pinch of skin where his tip unfolded into his shaft has Taehyung a groaning mess.
He looks remarkable under you.
You push his sweat-dampened curls out of his forehead, eyes half closed in euphoria, half watching you roll your cunt so lewdly over his length. You know you could make him cum like this if you continue. But you want him to cum inside you first, you want to feel that thick hot spurt of his desire shoot again and again into you until his cock is twitching.
So slowly, lubricated by your wetness, you sink inch by inch down until the skin of your ass meets his thighs. This angle fuck with your mind; you think you feel him at your cervix. Then your hips start to do what they know best, pounding over him with a rhythm that you’re proud of.
Taehyung grabs hold of your waist, your breasts, fury in his eyes as he watches you ride him with such determination. “I love you so much.” He heaves between heavy breaths.
“I love you, I missed you more than you could imagine.” You huff, thumb running over his red swollen lips.
“I love when you admit it.” He sits up and takes the swell of your breast in his mouth, making his way to your nipples where his tongue relentlessly flickers over.
Your thighs are starting to burn, core aching because his cock is thrusting up into you so deep that you feel it in your guts. The signs are appearing - your vision is going hazy, walls squeezing tightly around him, tangle upon tangles knoting in your stomach. His are too - his head is slumped against your chest, arms crossed behind your back as he holds you close to him, whole body starting to tense as he begins to curse.
Pace quickening, you don’t let the tire of your muscles stop you from your chase. The slap of your skins ringing in your ears, you keep riding, cunt swallowing his cock whole each bounce. Taehyung breaks first. “Fuck!” He calls out into your neck. His cum squirts into you, pulse after pulse, your boyfriend’s hips jolting each thrust.
“I’m so close, babe, keep going for me.” You plead, knowing how sensitive he is right after his climax. He nods wordlessly, face still buried in you hair. The lubrication of his cum abolishes any resistance, letting you slide over him easier than sitting down. And not five thrusts later, your own coil snaps. You through your head back at the wave of pleasure that drowns you, your entire core on fire as your moans echo through the room. It takes maybe twenty seconds for your walls to stop throbbing and for the orgasm to slowly die down.
Taehyung is already growing limp inside you after his orgasm. “Thank you.” You whisper against his forehead while you dismount. His cum flows out of your slit and down the insides of your thighs, but he refuses to let go of you.
When he looks up, you are struck by an overwhelming sensationf of adoration. His long dark curls fall slightly over his eyes, in disarray but just the way you like it. His eyes are so full of genuine love and gratitude of having you that you can’t help but capture him with your lips. “No, thank you.” He mumbles against you, falling back onto the couch with you in his embrace.
After a long kiss of after-sex affection, you pull away before it leads to a second round. “I want you to know that I really missed you a lot. I can’t even call you a big baby anymore because I stared at all the pictures you sent me every night till the sun came out.”
Taehyung’s boyish smile melts your heart. You’ve missed him way too much. His smile, his goofy comments, his tender kisses. “My heart… is squeezing…” If his smile doesn’t tell how smitten he is, his eyes definitely do. “I missed you so much too. All the boys made fun of me for being such a wettie ‘coz I couldn’t shut up about you.” The thought is so endearing that you can’t help but hide your face.
“So how was your trip? Plenty of hot girls drooling after you?” Trick question of course, you know that for a fact already.
“Haha, it was good, fun. Bet you couldn’t sleep ‘coz you were trembling from jealousy.” Scoffing you land a smack on his chest. “But nah, no hot girls. Nowadays there’s only one hot girl in my eyes.”
Your own lips spread like a cheshire cat. “Shut up, cutie.”
“Rachel McAdams.”
“Let go of me. Don’t even touch me.”
A/N: Moral of the story, never sit on their couch if you’re a guest at the Heatwave house.
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haik-choo · 4 years
request: i read your haikyuu as boyfriend headcannons and 🥺 they were so cute!! if you don’t mind can i get some hcs of your first kiss with noya and hinata 💞
a/n: yess!!!! YES!!!!! your mind...i decided to do all of the first years and add in noya because i really wanna,,,ALSO THESE ARE KIND OF LIKE SCENARIOS??? AGAGAG
@dearkozume because you wanted me to tag you in posts!!! <3
-nishinoya, hinata, kageyama, yamaguchi, tsukishima
nishinoya yuu.
he’d kiss you when walking with you, his mind would probably already be filled with thoughts about kissing you when he realizes you’re giving signs of wanting to be kissed and he. panics
has probably been dating you for a week and keeps on thinking about how to kiss you
he doesn’t want to be pushy and kiss you when you’re not ready, but baby really wants to kiss you
but he won’t if you’re not ready! 
but you’ll be walking back from practice with him, hands intertwined as he complains about tsukishima being an ass or something
and all of a sudden he notices that you aren’t responding like you usually do, not even an ‘uhuh’ or a ‘mhmm’
and he just looks over at you to see if you’re okay, and he notices that you’re literally just staring at him, seemingly not even noticing that he’s stopped talking
and he stops walking and realizes that you’re not just staring at him,,,,,,you’re staring at his lips
he takes his hand from yours and grabs your shoulders and pulls you in really close, and his breath shakes when he opens his mouth; you’re a little shocked, but in a good way 
“can i please kiss you?” 
it’s a whisper, and his eyes are wide and his cheeks are painted red; you can even feel his fingers twitch on your shoulders, which is cute because he never gets nervous
and you just...nod
and he nods back at you, closes his eyes, and you close yours. and his lips gently press against yours in the middle of the sidewalk, it’s nighttime, and it just feels so right
he pulls away, his face a mixture of “did i just fuck up” and “OHEIHGroigerngrGUvk” and it has to be the most endearing thing you’ve ever seen. and you wanna see it again sometime soon
just not when he looks like he’s about to pass out from the nerves
“w-....was that good?” he’d nervously ask, his hands still gripping your shoulders, and you’d just nod and laugh, kissing his cheek and intertwining his fingers with yours again before starting down the street
“it was perfect, yuu. let’s do it against sometime.”
“yEAH o-OKAY” (he says as his voice cracks)
hinata shoyo. 
you’d kiss him at night, in his room with no one home, it’s a chaotic kiss because he probably doesn’t see it coming, like at all, and he does something stupid before melting
you guys are used to being at one another’s house like,,,,all the time
you’ve been friends since his middle school says, and when he told you he was going to karasuno, you decided you’d go too
and now that you’re dating, it’s all basically the same. except you wanna kith him and he wanna kith you but you guys are each other’s firsts and just.awkwardness pursues
you’re at his house, but natsu is out with his mom getting groceries for dinner that night (you’re staying over for the night because it’s a friday)
and you’re waiting for hinata to be done with his shower, just finishing up the homework for the weekend so you can 1) spend time with your boyfriend and 2) so you can help him with his homework later
“y/n, have you seen the lotion anywhere?” he calls from the bathroom
“oh, yeah, give me a sec” and you get up and open the door, remembering you put it in the cabinet instead of on the counter, and you just stop,
his hair is wet and he has a towel on his shoulders, his cheeks red from the heat of his shower, his eyes raking over the counter and shelves
“i-its in the bottom cabinet” you manage, and he smiles and opens to cupboard, laughing, “why’d you put it there?” 
his voice is just. perfect. it’s smooth from the steam and yet it’s still a little grainy
and you briefly wonder what it would sound like after a make out session bUT YOU STOP YOURSELF
“what’re you staring at???” he tilts his head to the side and just. doesn’t realize your heart is beating out of your goddamn chest
and you decide to just go for it
in one swift step you’re right up next to him, both hands on his cheeks to bring him down and kiss him, his eyes are wide, not really processing what’s happening, and he’s pretty shocked
so shocked, in fact, that he drops the bottle of lotion on your foot
you sigh and hold your foot, jokingly saying “you could’ve just told me you didn’t want to kiss instead of smashing my big toe, shoyo --” but he doesn’t even let you finish before he dives in for a second kiss, lips tightly pursed together, inexperienced, but eager, hands squishing your face
and he pulls away, his large eyes staring straight at yours, breath ragged and ears glowing red
“hehe, shoyo, you’re getting your wet hair all over my face”
“sorry i just really wanted to kiss you again” 
kageyama tobio. 
he kisses you because he just can’t take it anymore. it’s probably out at a park after he’s done practicing, and it’s unexpected because he doesn’t know how to do anything; but he goes for it anyway because he just wants to let you feel how much he loves you
i’m surprised he even has an s/o anyway--
he texts you saying ‘hey can you come to the park with me. i was practicing with the idiot but he left because it was late and now’
‘i’m lonely :(’
and now here you are, sitting on a bench, laughing with kageyama as he tries to practice by himself 
“kageyama! it’s already nine pm, take a break and then let’s get something to eat”
he reluctantly nods and moves to sit next to you on the bench
you smile up at him and lace your fingers with his, resting your head on his shoulder and staring at the night sky, peacefully thinking
and kageyama is sure you can hear his heart beat like a drum against his chest
he texted you because he wanted to kiss you but he didn’t know how to say that, and chickened out and just said he was lonely
kageyama knows that he’s not experienced, and that if you were in a relationship with someone like tsukishima or sugawara you’d have already kissed by now
and he’s just...so thankful that you’re so patient with him, and that you respect his boundaries
and he knows that you’ve probably been wanting to kiss him, and damnit, he wants to kiss you too
so he just tests the waters...and just kisses your temple, causing your head to shoot up in shock, because he never kisses you
and you can’t even say anything now because his beautiful steel blue eyes are staring at you so intensely that your breath is stolen from you 
before you know it, he leans down and firmly presses his lips against yours
but he doesn’t pull away for a few seconds, which you don’t mind because fuCK hE”S KISSING YOU YES
but then a few more seconds go by
and then a few more 
and then you finally pull away, “kageyama?” but he doesn’t respond and then you get a good look at his face and almost burst out laughing because it’s literally SO RED
his brows are furrowed together, his lips are tight, and his cheeks are so pink and he just softly mutters out, “i didn’t know how long to kiss you for and then i freaked out because i thought it was too long and i froze up please don’t break up with me i’ve never done this before--” and you cut him off with a kiss that, this time, only lasts for a few seconds
“there. is that better?”
and he can barely manage a nod with how hard and fast his heart is beating
tsukishima kei.
he’d kiss you the morning after you’ve slept over, both tired and lazily watching tv with a cup of joe in his hand and breakfast in your lap, a warm atmosphere taking over you both
it’s probably a sunday morning, and you and tsukishima are sitting on his couch with the tv playing a documentary on dinosaur fossils after you wake up from spending the night 
and he had a cup of coffee in a white mug with a stegosaurus decal on it, and you have a finished plate of toast on your lap 
“did you know that a stegosaurus’ brain was the size of a dog’s?” he mindlessly says, taking a sip of coffee
you hum and look up at him, taking him in with all his glory. his hair is messy and slightly curled at the end now that let it grow out a bit, his glasses were slipping from his nose and his typical piercing eyes were less so, now seeming just a little tired
but your eyes got caught on his lips, and how the coffee left them with a wet sheen
it had already been a month of dating, you had met him when you both took the same extracurricular class in college (’art before the modern ages’ it was called, all about art from the cavemen period and around there) 
after suffering through the boring lectures from a rather untalented professor, he ended up asking you out to coffee one day (surprising you) 
and now here you were, sitting with your sides touching, heart beating in synch
‘well. might as well kiss him’, you thought
“hey, kei, put your mug down real quick” “???okay, weirdo.”
he gently places his cup on the coffee table in front of you both, and he looks over at you expectantly “why'd you wan--” but alas, his words are cut off as you pull him down on top of you, your back hitting the cushions with a soft ‘thud’
but despite having the confidence to initiate pulling him on top of you, his honey eyes are wide and right in front of yours and you didn’t plan for them to be so mesmerizing
needless to say. it’s silent and awkward before he opens up his mouth to tease you
“so you aren’t going to kiss me?” he’d say with a smirk, before rolling his eyes and repositioning himself so his lips are hovering right over yours
“guess i’ll have to do it myself” 
and he laces his fingers with yours as he kisses you passionately. the sun is filtering in, and it looks like he has a halo of light coming from behind his blonde head of hair. it’s so breathtaking that you just close your eyes and lose yourself in the feeling of him on top of you
he pulls away from you with eyes filled with love, something you’ve noticed he’s giving you a lot lately, and gives you a small, genuine smile
“god, i have to do everything around here”
“oh my gOD shut up” 
yamaguchi tadashi. 
he’d kiss you when you’re doing something domestic together, like making dinner together when you both are blaring music in the kitchen and you’re crushing him with the back hugs you love to give
“tadashi, the salt is in the cabinet above you head!”
“thanks, baby!” 
he’s stirring the pot for the spaghetti, putting salt in the boiling water before he puts in the angel hair
and you’re finishing up the homemade sauce, deicing to let it simmer for a few minutes while you decide to go and bother tadashi 
“mmmm, that smells good, baby!” you say as you go behind him, peering over his shoulder. he laughs and shakes his head, “it’s just pasta” you shrug, “still smells good.”
the domestic scene just fills your heart with so much content that you’ve just GOT to let it out
and you want to let it out on your wonderful boyfriend, tadashi 
so you press your face in the back of his olive green sweater, letting your hands slowly slip over his sides and across his stomach, interlacing your fingers together before letting out a sigh of satisfaction
you almost giggle at the way his body tenses up and he twtiches in your hold
“wha-what’re you doing! you’re going to make me burn the spaghetti!” 
“you can’t burn spaghetti, tadashi”
“watch me!”
“i can’t help it, you just smell like...”
“like what?” he’d ask, his face red as he finally pours in the pasta, the corners of his mouth poking upwards
a few seconds pass, and his heart is still going a thousand miles per hour, you know because you can hear it thumping against your hands that are now on his chest
you start to giggle, face propping up on his shoulder
he can’t help it, and he starts to laugh too, laughing at how he gets flustered so easily when it comes to you 
and after a minute of loud tear-inducing laughter, he finally just turns around and wraps his arms around your waist, his eyes staring down lovingly at you and your dazzling smile
time slows to a stop, and you both just lean in at the same time, lips connecting at the halfway point, perfectly. he’s smiling against your lips, scrunching up your shirt in his grip. :(((( this is so cute
and his heart jumps a little at the way your hands fist his shirt, and he thinks about how he could do this all night (which he will) before he separates from you with hearts in his eyes, placing his chin on the top of your head
“uh, i think you burned the spaghetti babe??? how the hell--”
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neverdoingmuch · 4 years
Wangxian prompt: They see each other constantly. Like, maybe they're neighbors, or is a "my kid's teacher" situation. Maybe they meet at the bus stop, or work in the same company but different offices. So they're aware of each other and they exchange glances, maybe little inside-joke smiles about things they both notice. They see each other being brave, competent, kind, so so handsome. And when they actually talk to each other months later the first thing they say is "Marry me" and "Yes"
ooh!! this sounds like a lot of fun, i love it so much. i think office workers would be the best bc then we can contrast the banality of the rest of their lives to the quirkiness of their relationship so to speak.
okay so it all started when lwj decided that he wanted to eat breakfast on his apartment balcony
he takes his bowl and goes to sit in the chair outside and he’s prepared to just enjoy the cool morning air but when he looks up he sees a man sitting on the balcony exactly opposite his
wwx, by some strange luck, has the apartment across the street, and always goes outside to try and wake up bc he is not a morning person at all and the 9-5 job is killer for someone who likes to go to sleep at like three in the morning
anyway, lwj looks up and sees this kinda cute guy just sitting on the floor miserably blinking at the rising sun and is like oh weird and tries not to stare too much
but after that first time lwj sees him, he starts seeing mystery balcony dude everywhere, like everywhere and no amount of not staring is gonna save him
he goes down to his favourite cafe to get a cup of tea after breakfast and while he’s enjoying his tea and reading the newspaper he hears someone laugh loudly and glances over to the muffin display to see balcony man chatting with one of the staff as he orders his own coffee 
balcony man must have noticed his attention because he looks over and for a moment he looks confused but then he’s smiling brightly at lwj and it’s this absolutely amazing smile and he’s even hotter when he’s not sitting in a ratty t-shirt across the street and lwj panics, chugs the rest of his tea, and immediately leaves
he ends up arriving at the train station fifteen minutes early and is stuck awkwardly waiting while avoiding the grandma who likes showing men pictures of her granddaughter who is very beautiful and very single apparently
the train arrives and lwj gets on, finds a seat and pulls out his phone to respond to emails. then, just as the doors are about to shut, who should rush in but balcony man
he’s kinda sweaty and red but the guy makes it look good and he ends up sitting down a few metres from lwj, not that lwj notices because he’s very busy responding to his emails about how one of the teams in sales is having difficulties with one of their projects, so busy that he spends the next thirty minutes staring at the email unable to get past the second line
lwj and wwx end up getting off at the same stop and to lwj’s absolute horror they end up going to the same building
lwj tries to do the thing where you speedwalk past the person so they don’t think you’re following them but then wwx did the same thing to him so they end up arriving at the same time
they get in the elevator together, lwj near the door off to the left and balcony man in the far corner, leaning against the wall and looking down at his shoes
it’s kind of awkward but thankfully wwx gets off at the fifteenth floor - software design and tech support or something while lwj gets off at the twentieth floor - sales maybe?
he doesn’t see the man again until the end of the work day when they get into the elevator at the same time and go back down. they’re the only two people in there bc they’re working late or the stars aligned or something
and that’s just the first day. after that, every day the same thing happens and they keep seeing each other as they’re going to and from work. 
but also lwj goes to do the grocery shopping and when he’s paying wwx is in the next line across and when he goes to buy new strings for his guqin wwx is already in the store buying a new mouthpiece for his dizi
this goes on for a few weeks and then one morning, while wwx is trying to shock his system into waking up and lwj is just enjoying breakfast, they hear familiar shouting: the couple downstairs is breaking up again
lwj rolls his eyes, aware that come next week they’ll be dating again, and just blocks it out when the boyfriend comes stumbling out of the building with his shirt half on and the girlfriend still yelling
he looks across the street to see what balcony man thinks of it all and sees that he’s mouthing along to the argument (it really is exactly the same speech every time but it’s incredible that he’s memorised it). lwj snorts. it’s unseemly and rude but balcony man is over there acting out the break up as well as mouthing along and it’s the funniest thing lwj’s seen all week.
wwx notices him laugh and decides to wave at him. lwj tentatively waves back and with that the magic of their relationship sets in
now when lwj goes to the cafe in the morning wwx will look around the store until he spots lwj and wave at him, and lwj will lift his mug up in greeting which always make wwx laugh
then when they get on the train, they always get seats opposite each other and while they never actually say anything, sometimes lwj will glance over to see wwx sneaking a look at him. they both blush and look away but moments later they’re doing it again
when they walk to work, lwj crosses the street so they can walk at the same pace and not have to actually be right next to each other and despite having to cross back over, wwx is always still waiting to catch the elevator with him. 
now when they go up, they still don’t talk to each other but wwx always hums and lwj taps along with whatever tune he’s picked. 
same thing when they go back down in the evening and catch the train back
over time it starts to become more than just staring and smiling, now when the couple downstairs breaks up, wwx will hold up like three fingers and lwj understands that balcony man thinks they’ll get back together within three days
(wwx’s always right btw)
when they go to the cafe lwj will send wwx a thumbs down if the sports mum with eight kids gets in queue first and wwx will always make hearts with his hands whenever the baristas start flirting. 
when they get in the train and hear the angry businessmen argue they’re sitting there making funny faces at each other,, well wwx does and lwj just tries to keep his face blank. he usually succeeds but sometimes he smiles and wwx will always do a little victory wiggle which is honestly so cute lwj is dying
the elevator? they don’t even have to say anything. whenever a coworker they don’t like hops in they just find subtle ways to explain why they don’t like them and how
the best time was when lwj saw su she get in and immediately pulled a face like he sucked a lemon and had to try and mime “he always takes really long lunches and is really bad at sales but we can’t get rid of him because he’d whine too much and no one wants to put up with that” but he’s lwj and doesn’t really do miming. in contrast, when wen chao gets in wwx just holds up his thumb and pointer finger like he’s measuring something, and holds them only a few centimetres apart. 
they both get really good at reading each other like that
when they catch the train back home it’s always really late so lwj ends up reading a book while wwx sketches and, just as lwj always holds up his books so wwx can see the cover, wwx will show lwj whatever he’s drawn
at one point in time lwj comes home and sees a stray kitten hiding in a box near the entrance to his building but he can’t take it in bc of his rabbit so instead he goes out onto his balcony and just points straight down and holds up a cardboard box he has in his own apartment
without even hesitating wwx goes downstairs and crosses the street, still dressed in his pyjamas, and takes the kitten home. 
lwj kinda expected wwx to take the kitten to a shelter or something but within a month their morning routine changes to allow a kitten to climb all over wwx as he tries to wake up and it’s ridiculously adorable but also lwj is sitting there in absolute awe of how good balcony man is to just take in a stray like that 
there’s probably a few other scenes, like wwx and lwj going out to a dinner with their teams and they get seated at nearby tables and end up sending each other commiserating smiles whenever the conversation gets particularly dull and the time when lwj gets caught by the well-meaning grandma who always tries to set people up with her granddaughter on the train and he taps out sos in morse code and wwx just replies rip and stares out the window for the rest of the trip 
anyway this is getting a bit long so im going to say jump forward a year (doesn’t have to be a year i guess). they’re still enjoying this whole thing they’ve got going on and they know each other so well that when lwj sees wwx some mornings he knows to go to the cafe early and order an extra strong coffee for wwx and wwx will sometimes sketch pictures of rabbits when lwj seems a bit annoyed after work
(wwx will fold them into paper aeroplanes and throw them across the train to lwj and lwj always takes them home and flattens them back out and then shows them to his rabbit before before putting them up on the fridge)
one day the trains break down and they’re stuck waiting at the station in the morning and for once lwj feels genuinely sad that he might not get to work on time. like work is whatever but he doesn’t want to miss out on the half an hour on the train with balcony man and the way they speedwalk to see who can get to the office first and the awkward waiting outside the elevators where wwx bounces up and down and lwj taps out a rhythm against his thigh until wwx notices and starts humming along
but then he notices wwx walking over to him. he seems kinda nervous, hesitating at first but he puts on a confident smile and saunters over and lwj is panicking because they haven’t done this before and he doesn’t know what to do
wwx opens his mouth - he’s going to make the first move and ask out his mystery man, but then lwj takes one look at wwx, who’s standing right next to him and it feels different to all the other times they’ve been together, and he panics
wwx barely manages to open his mouth to say good morning when lwj blurts out will you marry me?
wwx blinks, blushes bright red, and immediately goes yes! (it’s a bit too loud and people around them turn to stare but neither of them notice)
lwj immediately whips out his phone and sends in an email saying that he’s taking a sick day and after he sends it off, he slips his phone back into his pocket, takes wwx’s hand in his and asks him what’s your name?
it takes wwx like fifteen minutes to stop laughing by which time they’re back at their cafe and this time, they both sit down at a table after ordering their drinks and it’s the baristas making hearts with their hands at them
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someone1348 · 3 years
Another one *mind blown!*
Haha anyways enough of me being werid here is a small fic because i feel soft today and its been a good day! Let's goooo!
People in this: Ler!Techno and Lee!Tommy
Plot: Baby Tommyint was left alone for Techno to babysit while phil and will went out to the store, what could go wrong
Tw: None this is so soft and adorable i can't
With that being said enjoyyyy :]
It felt like a normal afternoon, wasting the day in his room, punching things, ploting ideas on how to over throw the government. You know the normal Techno things when,
"Tech! Im going out to the grocery store and im taking Will with me! You're in charge of Tommy while we're out! No killing him, hurting him, handing him dangrous objects or burning down the house while we're gone! K'?!"
No! This can't be happening! Technoblade jumped out of his bed rushing down the stairs to confront his dad and slightly younger brother.
"Woahwoahwoahwoah! You can't do this to me! You know how i am with kids! Me and children do not mix! Why can't you take him with you? Or Will stays and watches him while i go with you"
"Sorry Tech my mind is made up, we are leaving, now be nice and no murder got it"
"Ughhhhh fine! Fine! I wont punt the kid"
"Good, let's go will"
"Coming!" Will smirked at techo sticking out his tongue
Techno glared at him before waving the two off turning around to see the younger who had already reached out to touch Techno's long hair before retracting his hand back.
"No touch"
"Lame" the tiny blonde went to his room getting a cheese stick while techno rolled his eyes going to his own room down the hall
'This is going to be a long night'
Its not that Techno hated kids he just didn't know how to take care of them and that didn't sit well with him there was just something about em' he couldn't ever figure it out.
Not even two minutes later a small knock was placed on his door.
He sighed "yesssss"
"You're supposed to take care of me"
"And?" Techno said opening up the door
"And im bored so fix it, play with me!" the young one said staring up at the pink haired male
"Yeah no, fix it yourself bud im not playing with you"
Tommy rolled his eyes going downstairs hoisting himself with all his might onto the big couch rolling over onto one of the cushions just barley making it, catching his breath before turning on the tv to some cartoon he liked.
Tommy groaned annoyed from boredom and a bit sad that his big brother didn't wanna play with him.
Soon enough he began to cry a bit quickly whiping them away, he's a big man afterall he doesn't cry! But he just wants to play with his big brother.
Light footsteps approached the kid
"You cryin'?"
"N-no! I dont cry! Im a big man!"
"Mhm, come here" Techno sat next to the blonde pulling him into a hug
Techno didn't understand what was happening or what he just did but something in him was different, Tommy was family and no way in hell was he gonna let him cry.
He lightly sighed turning off the Tv "What do you wanna play butthead"
The pinkette couldn't stop the growing smile on his face and he let this new found playful attitude take over him
'Ah what the hell what did he have to lose'
"Arggggg!" Techno said with his deep/raspy voice "prepare to walk the plank matey!"
"Argg no! Its you who walks the plank!" Tommy stood up pointing a pencil at techo
"Ah ha but that's were you're wrong see i also have defense!" He grabbed another pencil from the nearby coffee table pointing it eraser end at the kid as to not harm him with the sharp side
"Uhh whats the word? I dont know how to say it"
"On gaurd!"
"Yeahh!! Ha!" Baby Tommy said taking a swing at his older brother as the two slapped there pencils together like swords
"Boop! I win!!" Tommy said as he poked the pencil into Techno's chest
"Ahh nooo you got me!" Techno flopped down on his back snatching Tommy up in the process lifting him in the air and back down as he giggled up a storm.
Techno safely put the pencils back, drawing his attention back to his younger brother.
"You know stabbing me was not cool Tommy" Techno joked with the kid as Tommy's smile turned into a frown
"Sorry! I- i didn't-"
"You need to be careful who you mess with Tom's because they might come back to bite you!"
He swiftly picked up the kid again, as he squeaked, digging into his stomach soft enough to not hurt him of course but definitely enough to tickle alot
"EE! NAHAHAHAHA TEHEHEHE" the kid tried to say his name but couldn't which to that Techno smirked and continued his tickle attack.
"This is what happens when you mess with the wrong person kid" He lightly giggled and tickled the boys sides
"Eee! HAHAaha tehehechnoho! Stahahap!"
"Hmmmm nope! Tickletickletickletickle"
He teased the boy switching between his sides and stomach occasionally dipping quickly into his bellybutton to watch him squeak every so often.
"nahahAHAhahAH! tehe-HEHEheHEY!"
"Im gonna getcha'!"
The older squeezed his knee earning a quick kick before using the end of his long braided pink hair to tickle his neck
"Pfft ehehew get awahahay"
Techno laughed and wiggled the pink hair all over his face to keep him giggling
"Ehehewww it got in my mouth! Haha"
"Thats what you get punk" He ruffled the blonde's hair and sat him up straight.
"You want ice cream?"
The boy's eyes lit up and he nodded rapidly
"Okay okahay let's go" he carried the boy with one hand to the kitchen making a small bowl of ice cream with whipped cream and a cherry.
"Thank you Technooo!"
"Anytime Munchkin, but you can't tell Phil or Will about this Okay?"
The boy nodded shoving a spoonful into his mouth.
As the boy finished techno put the bowl in the sink filling it with water.
The door opened
"We're home!!"
"DAD! WILL!!" the youngest ran out to greet his family hugging their legs tightly
"Welcome back"
"How was it?"
"Really good actually"
"Yeahh!" The kid agreed jumping up and down.
"Good im glad that's great news, maybe i should leave you two alone more often"
"Sounds good to me"
"Im shocked" Will said laughing a bit
"Ha ha you're hilarious" Techno said in his usual sarcastic tone
"Tech Tech can we play again pleaseeeeeee"
"Its getting late we will play tomorrow yeah?"
"Ughhh willlll can we please play piano gameee pleaseee"
"You heard the man it's getting late go to bed Champ"
"Okayyyyy G'night Techno! G'night Dadza! G'night Willl!"
"Goodnight Munchkin'" Techno ruffled the boy's hair before pushing him lightly making him giggle and ran to his room.
"Munchkin?" Phil said smirking
"Oh shut your mouth old man"
"You wanna go tech"
"Uhhhhh ha ha ill be in my room it was nice! Goodnight everyone ha ha ha-ZOOM!" he ran out and nervously laughed as Phil laughed and and smiled
"You'll get him one day dadza"
"Oh i plan on it as soon as the fucker wakes up"
"You're not safe either will" he smirked at him as will booked it to his room too
Phil smiled and walked to his room leaving on the bathroom light for Tommy.
"Goodnight boys!"
"Night dad!!"
Please! This was so adorable to make im definitely making a part two! I hope y'all enjoyed :]
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