#anyways this has taken me days to have courage to post this
spect-era · 1 year
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He’s been smoking cigarettes for years!!!
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rdng1230 · 3 months
Your post has me desperately needing a bucktommy/saltommy edit to mitski’s washing machine heart but continuing on because ✨pain✨
Anyways because i need more angst do you think sal ever thinks about that night and wishes he had stayed. Had had the courage to whisper words in the daylight instead of moon light. Do you think he’s happy for Tommy when he sees him with Buck but goes home and brings out the old whiskey bottle because he cant stand to look in the mirror because he’s scared what might stare back at him, scared to accept both of them moved on but a part of them both will always be tangled under those sheets under a night sky and lost promises.
(Honestly i gotta quit getting drunk and writing shit at 1:30 in the morning ignore this if ya want to)
ya know I wish I had the patience to become a good video editor, but I honestly fear the monster I would become. I am also chronically bad at remembering song names so I had to Spotify that one real quick and as soon as that little electronic beat came on I was like “oh fuck it’s THAT ONE” I see you anon, I see your vision.
on to the actual answer. There’s two nights you could be talking about so I guess we’re doing double trouble angst on this fine evenin’
Toxic Sal Tommy version with the bad call and the bottoming and the being a fucker afterwards? I think that version of Sal is a lot more terrified of the idea of wanting to be taken care of rather than letting tommy love him specifically. And also just the fear of being truly known, no cocky arrogant mask, no hierarchy, just a guy who is *deeply* affected by the horrors of his job and for one night let’s those wounds be seen. I don’t think this version of Sal truly loved Tommy, I think he profoundly trusted tommy, and that scared the shit out of him which is why he lashed out and ended it. I don’t think seeing Buck and Tommy together specifically would affect him. I think just seeing Tommy as he is now, such an open person who’s honest and doesn’t hide, I think that’s what would haunt Sal the most. I also think his behavior is a repetitive pattern. It’s a matter of 2 steps forward 3 steps back. He finds someone he can bond with, eventually builds a trust, let’s them in for the briefest of encounters, and blows it up again. Rinse lather repeat.
ok doomed lovers Saltommy? Dear god. I think so much of his decision to go into Tommy’s room that night is wrapped up in about 10 layers of guilt at probie’s death, shame at wanting comfort for something he thinks he caused, desire because that pounding in his chest that happens only around Tommy has become undeniable, and just wanting someone there to share the grief with. And even with the crushing tide of all those negative emotions, being in Tommy’s arms for the first time is still one of the best nights of his life.
But the rest of their relationship? That’s the part he truly aches over. He knows the way things ended hurt Tommy deeply, and all the hurt was avoidable if Sal had just admitted his own cowardice, that he knew he was going to hold Tommy back and that it was for the best he leave Sal behind. But instead he let that resentment of Tommy’s bravery build up inside him and made Tommy feel like he was doing something wrong or that Sal just didn’t love him. He used Bobby, a man he knew deep down was right to call him out, to place himself in exile, finally giving Tommy the freedom Sal couldn’t bear to give him himself.
when he sees the picture in the paper he spends the day letting himself cry in a way he never has before. He cries for the dead probie, he cries for all the people he hurt because he couldn’t stand their vulnerabilities, he cries because he knows the man he loves is truly lost to him. He genuinely does feel better after letting it all out and he ends up resolving himself that even though they’d never be together, he should have the decency to tell Tommy it was never his fault, and that all those things he’d said when their romantic relationship ended were completely untrue. so he writes that down in a letter. Tommy’s moved since they cut contact, so he decides to deliver the letter to harbor station in person.
when he gets there he’s surprised to see the 118 kid clearly bringing Tommy lunch. Sal stands just out of sight but he catches their conversation. He realizes Evan Buckley is already fixing all the pieces of Tommy’s heart that Sal broke. And that knowledge makes Sal happier and sadder than anything else ever has.
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skyloftian-nutcase · 1 year
Hey lovelies!!
Did you know that @bokettochild graduated college??? Did you know that she’s awesome and deserves to be celebrated and have her tumblr family celebrate with her??? Because she 100% does.
So! I’m declaring a graduation party post for Ketto! Reblog this post, tag Ketto, and send her some love/accolades. ❤️ I’ve got a few gifts for her from some of us!
Here’s some art from @nancyheart11!
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And some art from @kikker-oma!
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And here's a gift from me :D
Lon Lon Ranch had been lovely. It really had. But Legend wasn’t accustomed to staying in one place for too long, and seeing a Hero of Courage settled into such domesticity was…
The veteran sighed, crossing his arms irritably.
At least they were done. A part of him felt bad even thinking that, but he was too annoyed and tired to worry about it much. Malon was wonderful, and he would love to visit again, but… whatever. He woke up irritated today, he was sore and hurting and wasn’t in the mood to deal with anyone.
When the sailor bounced over and started talking excitedly to him, Legend did his best to make an exception for the kid. He didn’t have to speak much when Wind was around anyway - the youngest Link usually did enough talking for the whole group.
As Wind started showing Legend his seashell collection, however, the veteran’s patience started to wear thin. His acknowledgements grew shorter by the second, and when the sailor paused to rifle through his bag, Legend pat the kid’s back and walked away to just get some distance.
Which was then taken away from him by Wild stepping in his path. “Hey Vet, I had an idea about your fire rod–”
“No,” Legend immediately said dully. “You’re enough of a pyromaniac. You’re not touching it.”
“Well, technically the captain has it now–”
“And I can take it from him whenever I want. He’s borrowing it.”
“Long-term borrowing,” Warriors pointed out with a smirk as he waved the rod. “Thanks again for that, though.”
Legend waved his hand dismissively, stepping around Wild.
“Hey, I found it!” Wind chirped cheerily, completely missing the fact that Legend was desperately trying to be alone.
“I don’t care,” the elder Hero finally snapped. Wind’s brow furrowed in exasperation and the kid huffed.
Warriors rolled his eyes. “You’re already not a morning person, are you not an evening person either? Is there any time you’re not a grouch?”
Legend felt his ire bubbling more. “Not everyone can babble aimlessly for two hours like you can.”
“What’s eating you up?” Warriors asked, his face pinching in annoyance.
“You are! Anything is! I’m just tired, damn it, aren’t I allowed to be tired?” Legend finally snapped before pointing accusingly at Sky. “Sky’s always tired and nobody gets on him for it!”
The area quieted, most of the boys looking in his direction. Legend regretted saying it the instant he did. Sky’s exhaustion was both a point of contention and a point of concern to many in the group, most notably Sky himself.
Feeling even worse now, the veteran stormed out of the camp, ignoring Wind’s call.
They had traveled fairly far in the day since they’d departed Lon Lon Ranch. A portal has fed into a bright, forested area, and they’d cut their path through hills until they hit the base of a mountain and had settled for the day. With fresh energy within his body, fueled by frustration and an ache he couldn’t put words to, Legend traipsed up a set of stone stairs that overlooked the forest sloping down the mountainside. He traipsed onward, foliage and sticks snapping in his wake, birdsong echoing in the air alongside the distant call of fairy magic. The air cooled the higher he climbed, his face flushed and stinging by the time he emerged from the dense woods.
The vague path he’d been following bled into a wide opening, the peak of the mountain, a place of harshly cut stone and constant winds and a view of the world below. He climbed the rock a little ways before sliding into a seated position, the wind settling a bit as crickets heralded the oncoming dusk.
Legend sighed.
He… hadn’t meant to snap like that, but by the triforce it wasn’t like he hadn’t been trying to hold himself together.
There was the sound of a foot slipping on rock, and Legend reached for his blade automatically when he turned and saw Sky.
The veteran hero froze, unsure what to expect. The Skyloftian was huffing a little, clearly winded, but trying to keep it quiet as he followed Legend’s path up the steep rocks. Eventually, he settled beside Legend with a little smile.
“Sorry for the captain,” Sky offered after a moment. “He means well, but he pushes too much sometimes.”
Sky had followed him all the way up here to apologize for someone else? Legend’s annoyance grew, but it died just as easily. He didn’t have energy to be upset about this anymore. He wanted to be alone, he wanted comfort, he wanted isolation, he didn’t know what he wanted.
“No, it’s…”
It’s more than that. He knew it was. Spending too much time at the ranch… it…
It reminded him of everything he didn’t have. Everything he could’ve had if he hadn’t lost it. And maybe it was stupid to feel that way, especially when he did enjoy adventuring so much, but…
But sometimes it just hurt.
Sky watched him for a little while, body relaxing as he had time to catch his breath. Legend didn’t know what to say.
“Do you miss home?” Sky asked.
Legend huffed. “Not much to miss. Besides, I’m on a new quest. I don’t think about home much.”
The elder Link’s brow furrowed slightly at the words, and then Sky grew pensive, staring out at the view in front of them. A falcon flew across the way, gliding by their line of vision as it let the wind carry it effortlessly.
“I didn’t want to be a Hero,” Sky said softly, making Legend stare at him. The crickets filled the silent void that followed before the knight continued, “It didn’t make sense that it was me. I was the lazy one, the guy who was always tired and daydreaming. I didn’t really have a direction or plan for anything. I just… coasted through life.”
Legend watched him, unsure what to say about the situation and still too caught in his own head to offer words anyway. Sky smiled softly, his eyes distant. “But the goddess had other plans. It’s… comforting to know we all have paths laid out for us, and it’s fun figuring out where we fit in with the world around us, you know?”
Sighing, the veteran hero nodded, gaze drifting to the valley below. He puffed out his chest a little. “It’s an honor to be a Hero. I’m thankful for that honor.”
“Yes,” Sky agreed, though the lilt in his tone indicated there was more to it. “But your path has sucked.”
This startled a laugh out of Legend, harsh and bitter and surprisingly vulnerable. The veteran hero hiccupped and covered his faux pas with a little quip. “That wasn’t the most eloquent way to phrase it.”
Sky shrugged with a chuckle, rubbing the back of his neck. “I’m not really an eloquent guy. But I can tell when there’s more to things than people say.”
His friend looked him in the eye, eyes seeming to bore into his soul. “I’m right, aren’t I?”
Legend was held hostage in the gaze, words caged in his chest alongside his breath.
His uncle. Marin. He’d lost many on his journeys. He’d been isolated, hurt, terrified.
His breath released shakily, shoulders slumping as he looked at his lap, breaking the hold Sky had on him. “.....Yeah.”
The crickets chirped gently as a breeze brushed by them, cooling the hot flush of tears threatening to spill. Legend closed his eyes a moment, letting the wind carry him, feeling his hair tickle his face.
Sky’s hand was gentle on his back. “It’s… okay not to be okay sometimes, you know.”
The words were so simple. Ridiculously simple. Stupidly simple. Legend bit his lip.
He truly did love being a hero, he truly did love being able to help others. Why wasn’t that enough? He didn’t need to let everything else phase him.
It’s okay not to be okay sometimes.
Legend hiccupped. Folded in on himself. Shuddered.
And then he cried.
It was embarrassing, really, and at first he tried to downplay it. The hiccups and sobs tire out of him in startled gasps, but the more he tightened into a ball and tried to muscle through it, the gentler Sky’s hold became.
Legend tried to snap at Sky to lay off and leave him be, and all that came out was a loud hiccup that caught him so off guard he had to laugh at it. Sky took it as an invitation, pulling him sideways so his head settled on the knight’s shoulder, and Legend couldn’t stop the tears and desperate gasps that escaped him.
Sky’s head relaxed over Legend’s, his body warm at the veteran’s side. He didn’t say anything, and he didn’t have to. Legend cried until he only had little pathetic hiccups remaining, and the younger Link sniffled, grumbling as he pulled a handkerchief out of his pouch.
Legend blew his nose and had a snippy halfhearted remark at the tip of his tongue before he sighed and pulled away, letting himself be vulnerable a moment longer. “Thanks. I… thanks.”
Sky’s smile was as soft as the clouds overhead, eyes watching him carefully. “You’re welcome. Want to head back?”
The air grew chillier by the moment, and though Legend probably would prefer to stay up here, he knew the others would start to worry. Warriors and Twilight would probably go searching for them soon. He took a breath of the mountain air and let the wind dry his tears, and then he nodded.
When they returned to the camp, everyone was waiting in various states of worry or curiosity. Wind offered a small hello, and Legend smiled at the youngest member, reassuring him that his earlier outburst was not the sailor’s fault.
The veteran hero hugged himself a little, not caring for all the scrutiny he was receiving and definitely not knowing how to backtrack on his earlier outburst. He didn’t have to, though - everyone settled into a routine, worry abated by Sky’s smile and nod. The team huddled around the fire for dinner, a quiet cheer bubbling from Link to Link in the form of snippets of conversations. 
Wind flopped onto the ground with a laugh. “You should’ve seen the captain and the rancher, they were about ready to arm wrestle over who was gonna find you two!”
“Arm wrestle?” Sky asked with a laugh as he slipped his sailcloth off.
“The old man suggested it because they kept trying to one up each other,” Hyrule explained with a smile. “The captain would say it was his responsibility to make sure you were ok and then Rancher would say he was the better tracker and it went on for like forever.”
Four silently laid out some blankets for a softer seating area, and he and Sky settled with a space in between as the knight plopped his cloak over his friend.
As Legend settled beside Sky, comfortably wrapped in his sailcloth, he accepted Wild’s hearty stew and sighed with a little smile. “Thanks. I… I don’t deserve you guys.”
“Ah, yes, you are correct, you absolutely do not deserve me,” Warriors tutted with a false air of superiority and a wink. “But I shall grace you with my presence nonetheless.”
Legend shoved the captain with a roll of his eyes, chuckling despite the maneuver, and the group shared a hearty meal that warmed his heart and soul alongside his stomach.
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ozimagines · 4 months
I wanted to tell you all something but I can’t quite remember… oh, yeah…
I’ve been out for about five years now and it was the best decision of my life, even though I lost people I was close to because of it.
Oz is a large part of what helped me get there. I liked men growing up but I liked women too, and when I learned what Non Binary was (Deep South, no education) I fell in love with them too. I watched I Love Lucy and had a crush on both Ricky and Lucy. I thought for the longest time that straightness was a choice because I assumed everyone was attracted to everyone like I am😂 For those who don’t know, I’m pansexual fem-leaning and gender non conforming in my choice of gender expression even though I’m a Cisgender woman.
Watching Tobias Beecher, who had a wife, fall in love with a man and struggle to place these feelings that are so familiar and yet so foreign at the same time. I assumed since I liked men at all, that I just needed to choose to be straight. Watching him try to understand whether or not he was gay, and finally come to terms that he is who he is and labels aren’t always for him made my coming out easier. In fact, he’s the reason I knew I was pan. Because I liked everyone, like him, and the love didn’t feel wrong or lesser when it was for the same sex or non binaries. It just felt like more love.
Fiona empowered me to start expressing my gender the way I wanted. I still dress fairly femme, but I like to spice it up with masculine features and clothes. I like the androgyny, even if I also like my she/her pronouns. I got to see her break the mould on what gender expression was. And she looked gorgeous every step of the way, so I figured I could do the same. Bought a beautiful black suit years ago to impress a girl, and it just felt right.
And not for nothing, but LGBTQIA+ has a higher rate of sexual assault, and I was a few years ago. I think that’s why I gravitate towards Peter Schibetta and James Robson. I understand what it’s like to be taken like that. To be reduced. These characters made me feel like it wasn’t my fault, like I could grow past it and be okay one day. During this pride month, let’s make an extra effort to be there for our brothers, sisters, and siblings who were sexually assaulted or raped for being who they are.
I know this isn’t my usual post, but Oz is my quintessential show for many reasons. It helped me understand that I was gay and feel safe coming out. It helped me feel seen after my assault. It’s discourse on mental health made me feel like a person again. Oz is, and always will be, the show that made me feel like it was okay to be myself, and I hope others had similar experiences.
Also, I’m white, but for years now, have been listening to my POC brothers, sisters, and siblings to hear about intersectionality in the LGBTQIA+ community. Think Billy Keane; being a POC and gay is DIFFICULT sometimes. Being a POC and being non-binary is rough. Its important this pride that we spend extra time on our POC community and make sure they’re okay.
And finally, than you to the allies. I understand that supporting the LGBTQIA+ community, but I lived in the Deep South, and had some straight cis friends who mustered up tremendous courage to stand by me as I figured things out. Yes, people should be supporting us, but sometimes they do to their done detriment in their social or romantic lives. Thank you allies, for making the world a little bit better for us.
Happy Pride; I’ll be focusing on lots on Pride themes this month (not like my page is super straight anyways lol) and hope to hear requests from my LGBTQIA+ followers especially if you want something tailored to your specific experience. Because I know it’s hard to find fanfiction for certain genders or sexualities, so I’ll try to come up with some in my own, but also hope for your creative inspiration in making this Oz themed Pride a wonderful one!
(Im also going to continue writing the asks I’ve gotten before this obviously, lol. I got some BOMB ass requests and I’m just spending lots of time on them to get them right. Some are characters I’ve never written before so I’ve been binging their scenes. All will be out soon!)
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coconutcanary · 7 months
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Hey everyone, it’s the Leap Year, that means it Leaper’s birthday. So I did some art of them
That being said, I want to post a personal update on well… *gestures to all of tumblr*
By now I’m sure the news of Tumblr’s partnership with mid journey and other AI art making companies has already spread, it’s bad…really bad
I understand there’s the opt out toggle (which I have already opted out of) but that being said, it’s clear that it’s not even reliable and that the data of my art and posts may be taken anyway despite it. For all I know, all of my posts as far back as 2016 may have already been given to these companies and I wouldn’t know
I have tried so hard to avoid it, I have jumped ship from both twitter and instagram to avoid this issue, but now it just seems unavoidable.
I know there’s AI poisoning tools like glaze and nightshade, however the downloads only work on desktop computers and unfortunately for the time being I have only been able to use mobile devices to make and post my creations. And to use the mobile friendly version of these tools I have to be accepted into WebGlaze via DM’s by their social media staff themselves. And who knows if they will give me an invite, it’s been a few days since I contacted them and I have received no replies yet.
So with that being said, this may or may not be the last piece of art I post here on tumblr. I genuinely hope not, I hope I get access to these poisoning tools soonish. But my hope is practically non existent. The internet seems to be becoming harder and harder for small artists like me to exist in online spaces. And while I barely have an audience, I still don’t appreciate the idea that someone could be profit off mine or my other fellow artist’s stolen work while I can barely muster the courage to even open commissions (or for my friends who do have commissions open and they are barely getting any clients or the recognition they deserve)
I do plan on still being active here, even if it’s just reblogging or liking posts or answering asks, but when it comes to sharing art online I can say that I have to step away from a bit until I know I can post my art knowing it can be exploited without me knowing.
For now the only thing I can say is if you have a toy house account, you can find me and my art there if anyone l still wants to see what I make. And I still plan on participating in artfight this upcoming July as well. But until I get access to those poisoning tools or some miracle happens and AI art dies, I genuinely don’t see myself posting art here anymore.
I will pin a separate post with my toyhouse account on it if anyone wants to follow me over there. I will keep yall updated if circumstances change for any reason though.
But on one final note, if this is truly the end for me and I can’t get the resources, I do want to say thank you to everyone who supported this blog. Either it be my mutuals, my regular followers, or even people have simply liked some content from me. I would have never thought posting fanart of jacksepticeye and markiplier would lead me to meeting the people I have met through this site. Tumblr is what inspired me to make art in the first place, I just feel terrible that even watermarks can’t protect my creations anymore.
While this isn’t a permanent goodbye, all I can do is say good night to my art sharing for the time being. Thank you all again, and to my fellow creators I’m sorry you all are also burdened with fighting this fight against AI and I hope we eventually gain victory on it down the road. Nothing will replace those who genuinely pour their heart and soul into art. No matter how good of a computer can mimic it
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angelst4re · 1 year
hii ash!! me againnn! so i was wondering if you could like do a little cute moment with jamie and poc reader cause i don't see a lot of those. basically like every day or something she has a new hair style and he's so curious about it and stuff or like him helping her take down her knee length braids (bc for whatever reason we love hella long braids 😭)
hi lovely!! this idea is just so <33 i don't think i've written for poc reader yet which is mad!! but this was so cute to write <3
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Personal Hairdresser- Jamie Campbell Bower x poc!Reader
summary: in the request!!
warnings: none!! :)
notes: i remember writing this, but i also don't remember writing this? like i remember planning it out and everything and i've just seen it in my drafts?? this is crazy! anyways, i'm sorry this is pretty short but i really wanted to post it now!! <3
Jamie has always loved you hair, and it was always a mystery to him how it would be so different every now and then. The different colours, lengths and styles always intrigued him, and a few months into your relationship he finally plucked up the courage to ask about it.
He felt silly when you told him they were all different wigs! However, he also asked to see the ones you owned, as the few he had seen were all gorgeous, he knew he would love the others.
He gasped when you showed him your collection, and was drawn to one in particular. It was a cherry red colour, and it held loose curls. You showed him pictures you had taken in it, and you saw how his eyes lit up with nothing but pure love and adoration.
“You’re always so gorgeous, darling,” he told you, “always the prettiest in the room.”
You smiled at his words, you couldn’t believe how lucky you were to have him, and he felt the same towards you.
Fast forward a few months, you told Jamie how you were thinking about taking your braids out. You’ve had them in for a while now and were thinking about changing your hair up again. Jamie seemed a little disappointed when you told him, it was so obvious that he adored the super long braids you’ve had, so long they could almost touch your knees! However, he was so excited to see what your hair would look like next, what colour it would be, what length it would be. He couldn’t wait to find out.
When you told him you were thinking about taking them out tomorrow, he volunteered to help you. You told him it was a long process, that it may take a few hours, but he still insisted on helping you.
So, the next morning you began taking them out, and showing Jamie how it’s done. You put on some music and sat down with some snacks, and the two of you got to work.
"I'll do the first one," you told him, "and you can see how it's done."
Jamie nodded his head, focusing on the way your fingers gently pulled the braid apart.
"So what are you thinking about doing next?" He asked, his eyes trained on what you were doing.
"I might just keep it natural for a little while," you said, "have you ever seen my natural hair?" You asked curiously, turning to look at your boyfriend, who was thinking.
"I think so," he said, although it sounded more like a question, "wait I have! The first night I stayed over, and we showered together."
You watched the smile creep onto his face as he thought back on the memory, but you quickly switched up the mood he created.
"Wanna try?" You asked, handing Jamie the scissors.
Jamie was gentle as he snipped the bottom of the braid off, too worried to cut it where your actual hair was incase he cut off your hair.
"Am I doing this right?" He asked, a hint of worry in his voice.
"You're doing it perfectly, love." You said with a smile, watching his face, painted with concentration.
He pulled apart the braid, carefully combing it with his fingers, working his way up to your waist, your shoulders and eventually your head. He continued to be so gentle with you as he worked on taking it out.
He felt so happy that he could help you, and he promised you that he will always be your very own personal hairdresser whenever you needed him.
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kila09 · 8 months
tagged by @gloster
1. What ship were you completely obsessed with when you were a teenager, but now you don't care anymore?
-not really obsessed, but I'd have to say Nick/Maddie from PR: Mystic Force. I really liked their dynamic and tbh, it was that couple that introduced me to fanfics because I went googling for info on Melanie and Firass
2. Which ship would you consider your first one?
-oh that's an easy one: Tommy/Kim. The moment I saw them on screen, I started shipping them before I even knew what shipping was. They were my OTP before I even knew what that was. Even at that young age, I was taken in by their chemistry, their understanding and acceptance of each other, the slow build up of their relationship...just...their everything. Honestly, it was because of this ship that i could not get into Disney fairytales because they did more to convince me of true love than any Disney movie ever did.
3. Your first fanfic belonged to which couple?
-Tommy/Kimberly. After I learned what fanfic was from searching Maddie/Nick...I stumbled upon a Tommy/Trini story and it didn't sit right with me lol. I kept thinking "Tommy and Kim are meant to be" and then I started writing a story about them. Took my weeks, after I'd written the first seven chapters, to work up my courage to actually post that first chapter.
4. Do you remember the first couple you saw a fanart over?
-more than likely Nick and Maddie.
5. Did you ever get into ship discourse?
-uhm....I mean, not really? I've responded to one or two anon posts or even made a post or two about a ship but actual discourse? I usually have those discussions with my friend
6. Did you used to have a NOTP or have it currently?
-ha! Did I ever! And still do: Kataang, Klance, Hinny, McRolls, Tommy/Kat, Jason/Kim, Dramione, Romione.
7. Who were the couple in the last fanfic you read?
-well, I'm currently reading three fanfics right now, so the couple in those are: Zutara, Tododeku, KinnPorsche
8. Currently, do you have any OTPs?
-ohh yeah: Tomberly, Drarry, Sheith, Zutara, KinnPorsche, Tododeku, DickKory, Geraskier
9. Is there any couple, to this day, you are extremely mad about not getting together?
-yes. I'm pissed they broke Kim and Tommy (rumor was, the letter wasn't even the original storyline but they did it because they wanted the fans to let go of Kimberly and accept Kat); Sheith (they had the best chemistry and the show kept drawing parallels between them and other couples on the show, including Keith's own parents); Zutara (they just made sense and I think Katara would've really blossomed even more because Zuko never would've stifled her or encourage to forego her own culture); Drarry (sure as shit, if one of them was female, it would've happen, so I don't see why it couldn't happen anyways. Plus, I feel they would've understood and balanced each other a lot better than their Canon couples).
10. Is there any ship you used to dislike but now you think they are kind of interesting?
11. Do you have any ship that, in the past, was considered normal but now would be canceled over?
-i dont think so, no.
12. What was your favorite crack ship?
-i don't think I had or have one tbh.that.
13. Who is the couple you read more fanfics of?
-its split btwn most of my OTPs tbh.
14. What do most of your ships usually have in common?
-hmmm...idk, equality, I guess. The way they understand each other, how they are each others safe space in a way, how they can be themselves (all facets of themselves, e.g., angry, happy, messy, etc.) with each other, the way they're different but also the same in some ways
15. What do you absolutely hate in a ship?
-a bully/victim dynamic that is labeled as enemies-to-lovers; when a miscommunication happens and the person immediately runs away/avoids the other without giving them a chance to explain, which leads into the miscommunication going on for more than 2-3 chapters (even worse when it's a 15 chapter story and the miscommunication happened in like ch 2 and you're on ch 12 and it...is...still...going on)
Tagging: @tomberlylove, @the-badger-mole, @moerusai, @teamironmanforever, @luckydragon10, @ink-and-dagger, @mymcdanno, @angstosaur
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blodgmonster · 1 month
Part 4 (and hopefully the last part) of my Kingdom of Ash reread. Life has been a bit rough and it's taken me far longer than usual to finish this book. Deep breaths. Here we go.
-- you know...Manon losing the Thirteen is kind of a nerf-ing in its own. Aside from Abraxos they are what she loves the most in this world. And in order to save the day, to save the world, they sacrifice themselves, yielding their power. Leaving her alone. So that's Amren, Nesta, and now Manon in a different way.
-- I forgot this whole thing happens at Endovier of all places.
-- I remember thinking that SJM was just being weirdly lazy not giving the King a name. Ding dong I was wrong.
-- Aelin, you ding a ling! What if you and Dorian AND the King had done this together? Maybe you could have kept some of your goddamn fire power!
-- "your parents are...They are so very proud of you. They asked me to tell you that they love you so very much." Ouch
-- "Where light and life had flowed within her, there was nothing. Not an ember. Only a droplet, just one, of water." And here we witness the most egregious SJM nerf-ing. Why? WHY!? Dorian gets to keep his power, most of it anyway. Why couldn't she keep SOME of her power? Take her from a powerhouse firebender to a fae of normal/middling power. Which I suppose is what happens but...it's not fair. Or...here's a crazy idea, just LET HER KEEP HER FUCKING POWER. And then she loses all her power and then she trades Erawan for Elena's soul. And then they DONT save Elena. So she makes this big sacrifice for NOTHING. And now she has to go into battle without her fucking fire!
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-- Mala is the only cool one of the bunch.
-- Aelin ripping open a portal to hell in the gods world lololololol I love her.
-- Hey, Crescent City!!!!
-- Hey, Rhys!!!!!!!!
-- Gavriel
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-- Elide's plan, Aelin's courage, Lysandra's strength, and Yrene's skills are what save the day. And they are alive because of the sacrifices made by Josafin Towers and Lady Marion Lochan. Who save the world? Women!
-- "You have no power over me." Sick Labyrinth reference, SJM.
-- the Wolf Tribe, hell yeah!!!!
-- "I will bind my life to yours. So we will never know a day apart. Never be alone, never again." A THIRD SJM couple with the "die together" trope. However much I loathe it, it kind of works here because it evens out an imbalance. Lorcan would have to live to watch her age and suffer and die and then live without her. That would be agony for him. And now they'll get to live like a normal couple, aging together. Somehow this one works better than Chaol and Yrene's and WAY better than Feyre and Rhys'.
-- Manon Cursebreaker
-- Fenrys' face is scarred now. Probably just makes him sexier. I'm not big into blonde dudes but he can get it.
-- "In silence, the two queens stared toward the decimated field. Toward the future beyond it. "
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Edit: TITS this posted on accident. I guess there will be a small part 5
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hi!! i just wanted to tell you that i think you're pretty cool
i remember finding your blog the day you started posting. your username caught my attention because the song it's from meant a lot to me and i'd never seen anyone reference the band before. i almost reached out, but you didn't have anons on at the time so i got too shy lol. instead, i lurked your blog for months ^^"\ oh well
as you added to your account and began to post more in general, there was more to find interesting about you. you seemed pretty nice but it took me forever to get the courage to follow you. i'm glad i did though. you're one of my fav mutuals even though we don't interact a ton
i'm not as active as i used to be but i like to check on your account every now and then. it's nice to see how you've updated your theme and what you've been up to. i don't entirely know what my point is here; i just thought you should know about this, i guess
anyway, this is all to ask: is the glitter text in your pinned is intentionally taken from stomach book? if it is, my "azri is cool" theory definitely stands :) have a nice day!!
aaaa that's so cool !!,,
[sorry my account has been dead i have been Depressed]
sdjfdsklflksdfjlls idk what to say but that's cool umumumum yay :3 glad i am,, interesting ? n ya the song my username's from also means a lot to me ^^; so sjsdjshfs
andddd yes it IS!!!! it's one of my favorite songs omgomg like actually... :0 so that's cool !!
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headingalaxys-spicy · 2 years
Omegaverse Scenerio: Alpha Canada falls head over heels for sweet Omega Darling but is too shy to approach her and is afraid she won’t love him back. His brother, Alpha America, finds out about Matthew’s love for his Omega Darling and decides to be an “amazing older brother”and has Darling taken away and decides to give her to Matthew as a “gift”. Matthew is in shock and feels horrible about what Alfred did but since Alfred forged the Omega application documents for Matthew, she has to live with him. Matthew tries to make darling comfortable in her new home and let her know he’s not going to force her to mate with him. Eventually darling falls in love with Matthew and the first time they mate is ✨ immaculate✨
For some reason I felt this ask in my soul. It’s like 2:48am 😆
Anyways enjoy and this also sparked a creative streak in me so thank you for that. Let’s hope I can knock out more asks and create newer and better content ⭐️
Anyways Y’all know the drill : 🌶🌶🌶🌶 post so turn away now.
The Canadian gently placed his hand on your head to try and calm your nerves.
“We don’t have to….if you’re not ready my sweet maple.” Matthew said to you in a feathery voice. He pulled you in closer to him and he rested his head on top of yours. He wanted to feel your warmth. He enraptured you in his arms so he could feel your warmth. The fluffy yet firm flannel rubbed against your reddened cheeks. You were ready. You could feel it. Your fluttering heart knew that you were. And even though your knees were shaking…..
You began to teeter back and forth tremendously because this was a huge thing for you. But you lost your balance…and Matthew caught you like he’d promised you that he’d do, since the day you started living with him 9 months or so ago. And it was his brash older brother Alfred that intervened in one of the most traumatizing ways: using Request to Capture ….Orena style.
Matthew tried not to cringe about the origin of how you two came to live together on a permanent basis….with you as….
“I know there is a power dynamic and you don’t want to abuse it…but it’s been almost a year and a lot has changed….” You take a moment to let him soak in those words. You really wanted him to listen and have the same feelings that you had.
All the muscle’s in Matt’s body stiffened around you like tightly woven straw: hefty and constricting. The blood in your body began to heat up at the gesture.
“And you’re strong and can make your own decisions within reason….” he lets out a stray breath that bristles your hair. You shivered a little and you felt like you were slowly becoming a part of him. Your heart thrummed in your chest like a hummingbird dying to be in lush flora. Before you could drum up more courage to speak again Matthew took the lead. He swept aside your hair from your forehead and planted a kiss there. That kiss ceased all the reckless chatter so that you could be fully immersed in the moment. You allowed yourself to relax and wrap your legs around his waist. Your heart strings were being intertwined with his by invisible butterflies that began to scatter between the two of you.
You were shocked by the sudden shift in gravity and you were brought down to the bed by the sweet lumberjack.
“Ah! Matthew!” You squeaked out surprised. He enjoyed hearing you call out his name.
You clung a little harder to his flannel and flinched, your body was subconsciously reacting to Alfred’s harsh treatment when he was hunting you down. He promised you a minute to get a headstart in reality he gave you 30 seconds, before he pressed his favorite red button.
“(Name) (Name) are you sure you’re actually okay? You’re shaking.” His lavender hue eyes gaze down at you and he felt the tension that you were holding in your muscles. A long sigh leaves your lips.
“Yes, just…….”
“How my brother hunted you? I know.” He grips you tighter within his hold. “I wouldn’t let him- or anyone else hurt you like that.” Your mind trails down to the bear trap bite on your left leg and the bald spot that you have on your fluffy lush (color) tail.
His hands roam to your stitched up leg gently. At first your muscles twitch at his touch but you relaxed as he began to massage the sacred area gingerly. He continued for a few minutes until he placed you on your back. He intertwined his somewhat calloused hands with your smaller softer ones. He placed both legs between yours. He brings his forehead to yours and places a tender kiss there.
“I can be rough …. But you’ll tell me right?” He is cognisant of his tendencies to have a frozen deer reaction when you're frightened. You feel warmth engulf you and you didn’t realize the spell that your smile had on him.
“I can do that.” your voice was barely above a whisper. You reached up to hold the sides of his smooth pale skin that accented his crystal clear orbs that gazed at you lovingly with longing. A smile swept across his face as he nodded and brought himself down to plant a kiss on your lips.
His nimble hands make quick work of unbuttoning your (color) shirt. He continues to kiss you and for once you mind was quiet and your anxiety riddled emotions subsided. You felt alive in this moment, you were going to savor it, just like he was going to savor you.
His kisses create a trail of tingling starlit butterflies on your soul. From your neck to your stomach he paused briefly so that he could remove your pants and continued to indulge you by tenderhearted kissing the inside of your thighs. The sheer amount of glittering butterflies concentrating in your sensitive region was building. You swear you were on cloud nine as you could only concentrate on Matthew and your breathing.
“Aughh…Mattie~” He brings his head up to take a break from your right thigh to look at you.
“Je vous aime (name).”
God you loved it when he started speaking in French. It only added to the passionate atmosphere.
He slid off his flannel showing his abs that had a light sheen of sweat on top. He runs a hand through his golden locks that graced his shoulders. The level of pheromones in the air was steadily rising adding to the intensity of the inferno. You didn’t hesitate to look at the ardor filling his pants. The heavy cotton of his jeans was promptly removed. Only the thin barrier of his boxers blocked his cock from fully being able to spring forth.
Matthew lunged forward at you so he could recapture your lips once more. While doing so, he made sure you could feel his rod prod at your covered entrance. Though covered it was a bit damp. His hands had an ironclad grip on your waist. When he finally released your lips after 90 seconds he paused so that he could take in your smaller form. You were like the Katsushika Hokusai, Peonies and Butterfly piece ready to be pollinated.
When your eyes connected the wings of the butterflies made you linger within his lilac pools. Matthew’s grip loosed from your waist so that he could cup your cheeks.
“(Name).” With slight command in his voice.
Matthew wanted to pull out of the soothing waves just enough so that he could hear your harmonic voice.
You giggle.
“Mattie~” you coo at him sweetly.
That smile. Your voice. These things culminated in his mind, heart, and soul was the signal for him to go for it.
“I’ll do my best to be gentle.”
Before you mind could fully catch up and not be distracted by the hazy glimmer glow that had taken you over. Matthew was already biting the bridge of your bra with his sharp teeth. He tore it off with an animalistic fervor. His kisses got sloppier and moved quickly across your chest. The glitter began to shine on the butterflies that littered your skin and engulfed you. The passion began to sink into your bones.
“Oh!” vocalizing your siren song for him to take you. His face lingered on your chest for an agonizing few seconds before he uttered
“Brace yourself (Name) this might hurt.” You felt sharp canines sink into the side of your neck.
“Ah Matthew!” The melody hitting Matt like an edible that’s finally hit.
“Sorry maple…” He doesn’t look up to meet your eyes. Instead he continues to litter your body with kisses, light nibbles, and the occasional bite. He peppers your jawline for a few moments with kisses before deciding to lick you.
“I mean I am yours right?” being somewhat coy and a delicious smirk found its way to your face. He brings his eyes back to your (e/c) ones. While doing this his hands did not stay idle. They moved to your soft round mounds and sank his thumbs into your nipples. You let out a loud moan that only coaxed him to continue. The two of you disregarded the last item of clothing keeping you apart.
With this member finally free he takes no time in burying himself within you. Slowly his mid length girth filled you and you had some trouble at first. It didn’t stop you from rubbing your fluffy tail against his back to encourage him. Matthew bites his lower lip. The psychedelic wings fill in his vision and his instincts take over.
He drags your smaller frame to the edge of the bed. All while not allowing you to slip away from his cock. Once his feet touch the plush ivory carpet he begins to thrust away into you. His rhythm was like that of a lumberjack chopping trees down for the holiday rush. He loved the way that you relaxed into it and loved watching your boobs bounce.
Your mind was a buzz with a swarm of butterflies lighting up all of your neurons with intense flames of passion. No thoughts just moan. Your encouragement to Mattie consisted of different endearing forms of “Mattie~” “Honey you’re doing great ! Ah!” It all sounded like a sweet melody to Matthew.
“(Name) oh oui~ (Name)~ Maple~” he trails off as he continues to plow into you through pants and whispers.
After some time drifts by you use your tail to take Matthew out of his trance.
“My love if you're ah!” he shoved himself back inside you but he ceases his movements. He brings himself down onto his forearms so that he can look directly into your (eye color) eyes This sends electric shock waves to your stomach causing your cheeks to flush brightly with red.
“I’m not tired….” his eyes are searching for discomfort “but if you are…”
“No, I’m not. Actually feels good to be so close to you.” You smile. You rise up on your arms to regain some ties back in reality although not fully. He brings his face towards yours and kisses you on the cheek.
“Prepare yourself maple.” he whispers in your ear as he places his hands under your bare butt and brings you closer to his muscular frame. He hoists you up so you’re facing him while he’s still within you.
“Cross your legs and watch your tail maple.” With one more kiss to the forehead he shows off his strength while balancing you in midair. You bounced up and down on his hardened member. You rest your head on the crook of his neck and breathe in more of his sweet amber musk that's mixed in with his sweat.
Admittedly due to that it was hard for you to hang on. So you decided to wrap your fluffy tail around his tree trunk leg down to his sinewy calf. You nibble at the size of his neck in an attempt to ‘dominate’ him somewhat. Matthew found this to be cute, but it didn’t stop his current attack on your core.
“ça chatouille.” (That tickles) He grins and grits his teeth as he finally releases himself into you. His seed spews out and trails down his leg and your fur. You’re slammed back onto the bed once more and he is quick to thrust himself back into you and he reconnects your eyes. He caresses your clammy cheeks.
“(Name)” He drives himself deeper into you.
“Matthew ah!”
“Sing louder for me (name).” His mind began to float higher on the wings of the same viceroy butterflies that have been invasive and consumed you.
“Matthew! Matthew! Harder! HARDER! Ah! Please!” You were beginning to edge closer to the pinnacle of the glimmering orange, white, black, and red kaleidoscope where specks of light surrounded your consciousness.
Your beloved Matthew brought himself down closer to you and rested on his forearms. He slowed down his pace to that of a snail and took a moment to gaze at you encased in his arms. The sight of you covered in sweat and his love juices. A drop of sweat from his brow falls on your face. You couldn’t help but laugh so you intertwined your hands into his long locks. You pulled him down for a lingering kiss. After a few labored moments he pulls away.
“Je t’aime tellement, (name).” (I love you very much)
You could have sworn for a moment that Matt was glowing.
The level of detail that I imagined for this whole scene is WILD. Like …..I had quite the experience.
🌙⭐️Thanks for Reading ⭐️🌙
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kaerichan-yatta · 2 years
we arrived at her country before her (we left ours around 7 am and arrived earlier lmao) and as soon as she saw me she started waving, but the excitement was way too much to handle and we ended up running to each other for hugging.
when we entered into the pavilion, we already saw some cosplayer (TWO FRIENDS WERE DOING XIAOVEN SHIP THEY WERE SO CUTE I'M STILL THINKING ABOUT VENTI HAVING THE BOTTLE OF WINE LMAO) and we took A LOT of photos
meanwhile she kept literally hugging and squeezing me every five minutes i guess and since we decided to do our makeup as venti (me) and xiao (her) someone thought we were cosplaying xiaoven and asked us to pose for a picture lol
many of you might not know cause this is going on only on my wattpad, but i'm a huge Hawks fan/simp/kin/EVERYTHING
so i had the chance too meet an Hawks cosplayer (help he was so pretty) and after i took the pic, he said that if i wanted to post the pic I could have tagged him and he left me his instagram
HE LEFT ME A FEATHER WITH A TICKET (on which his instagram was written), I'M STILL SPARLKING IN JOY.😭
anyways, after me simping harder than never, we went to eat and she had the courage to eat everything she had on the plate (my sis has been trought eating disorder and her body is really thin so she asked me for help). i'm so proud of her <3
after this we decided it was time to buy something
so we found a stall FULL, AND I SAY FULL of posters of different animes and genshin too, i may have taken the opportunity... (shopping item under the cut)
we also met an Ayato cosplayer as we were drinking bubble tea lmao
when it was time for me to go, she went completely off, and i understand her
it's not everyday that my parents agree to bring me 157 kilometers away from my country, even if it's for my relatives
so she stood up from where we were sitting and hugged me as she cried
this literally tore my heart to pieces, the worst is that i thought it was another simple hug and i realized when i felt her tummy tremble againist mine
but i promised her that we would meet again (probably around Christmas!!) and she calmed down, even if still crying a little, then we said goodbye and i left for going back to my country
and YES, for the ones that were waiting...yes. i t-worded her. :)
she actually has got ticklish lowerthighs like m- ...^^
shush, you heard nothing. byee ^^
(shopping items as promised)
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+the feather cause
reason 1 you already know
reason 2 i'm a simp🌚
have a good day/night!!<33
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shreddedleopard · 9 months
just wanted to quickly say the biggest ty for tfylim 😭💙 literally so starved out here for cgis content I reread it every week and it still just hits me right in the feels everytime!! you portrayed cgis so so well oml 😭 I would love to hear any headcanons for their relationship post fic if u have any!!
Aww omg Anon you are SO WELCOME, honestly to hear from anyone who enjoys this ship means so much to me 🥹 I’m so happy that you enjoyed it enough to reread, ahh!!
I have so so many thoughts about them post TFYLiM honestly — I had planned to write a bunch of follow up one-shots portraying their journey together through the rest of Blue Lock after this, but I got completely consumed by a new manga accidentally (actually because of the lead character sharing the same anime English dub VA as Chigiri 🤦🏼‍♀️) and have just not had the time to get back to it.
But anyway, let me shut up rambling and share my actual thoughts:
In my head, they never really fully address what happened between them during the break, but it becomes this sort of, typical, ‘okay we both know we really like each other but we are awkward and aren’t exactly sure how to discuss feelings at length and anyway, FOOTBALL!!!’ So it’s sort of like this undercurrent of romantic tension between them both which everyone else is maybe vaguely aware of to varying degrees. For example, Bachira in my head totally knows what’s up, and Kaiser absolutely picks up on it during BM’s match with Manshine and immediately latches on to using Chigiri as a means to wind Isagi up further, which works especially well when Isagi himself is still trying to figure out how to approach his feelings for Chigiri.
Due to the setup of the NEL, they rarely get opportunities to be alone, especially where there are no cameras, but I absolutely think there would be moments in between matches where they manage to snatch time together and the competitive and romantic tension spills over yet again and they maybe have some rushed kissing or awkward fumbles, but there’s never the time or privacy to really talk about it properly.
And in my head, this is how they would continue even into their later professional careers, where it almost settles into this unspoken contract of, football comes first, but god if I was ever going to admit to loving anyone, it would be you.
They snatch time together when they happen to be in the same cities, or for BlueLock reunions, and by this point everyone kinda knows but it’s never mentioned or acknowledged until one day finally, one of them has the courage to ask what are we doing, and the answer for them both is the same: I love you equally as much as I love football, and that actually makes them the perfect match for one another, because it means that the boundaries and the priorities in their lives are clear. I can actually never imagine Chigiri asking Isagi to choose him over his football career, and vis versa, and I think that’s why they really are soulmates. They share a passion which actually is organically their passion, not because of some childhood trauma or because they’re chasing recognition from family members or to distance themselves from family or because another area of their life is lacking or any other secondary reason.
They are just both in love with the game for the sake of playing the game.
That got kinda out of hand but I start talking about them and I can’t stop 🥹 I don’t think BlueLock is really about ships at all (despite the creators teasing us constantly with innuendos and heartfelt moments which could be taken that way) but I do think, realistically speaking, if any two characters had the best basis to be thought of as soulmates, it would Chigiri and Isagi 🥹
This already got so long but since it’s been a good while since I got to yell about these two, here’s a couple of random bits pulled from WIPs for them (can’t remember if I’ve shared these before tho).
Set post BM & Manshine match:
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Chigiri and Isagi stealing a moment to practice together in one of the outdoor pitches on the complex, late in the evening, and things naturally become heated, and they’re taken back to their intimate time together during the break:
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seelestia · 2 years
Coming into this fandom, I didn't know I'd be able to make friends, let alone one friend, especially because it's pretty rare for me to interact with people especially in a new fandom (even if I have been in a fandom for like 2 years, I don't interact cuz I'm anti-social af :''D)
I'm thankful that I have gotten to meet and make a friend out of you, Lia :D I always anticipate and get excited whenever you go active on your blogs, when I've sent an ask and I know you're answering asks that day, I can't help but feel giddy and wait for your response :''D cuz fr your answers always make my day <3
Though we've only known each other for a small part of the year, I'm glad that I met you because fr you're like the chocolate cake I get at the end of the week after just browsing your blog and our convos :'')
Anyway- enough of the sappiness, let's get into the gifts! >:D
Don't kill me for this :''D you know I had to do it...
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[ one without the text ^^^ ]
BONUS: Your son ain't helping you bestie (^^)
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aight aight put the sword down tho lia, obviously I'm not just gonna let you suffer with scara and cryptid ayato ;D
Here's a 'sorry for the last gift' gift >:D
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Damsel in distress who? We love carrying tall handsome men (^^)
[ ignore how in both drawings, ayato's outfit don't look similar :'D ] - Ever so sincerely and truly yours, 👹✨ Jae (love ya liaaaaaaa <3)
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OH, LORD. OH, DEAR LORD. THE SPEECH AND THE GIFTS??? JAE. 😭 you really didn't hold back with the speech because why are my eyes actually glossy rn, HELP. (/g)
thank you for gathering the courage to come into my inbox (and introduce me to those good SAGAU soup, i'm still thinking abt dipping my toes there soon) and for staying to talk to me, even tho i have a social battery cooldown that lasts for days mostly <//3 but having that cooldown doesn't make me any less happy when i see you in my notifs! and i love that we banter like neighbors that poke fun at each other good-naturedly and i hope we can keep doing that because ik for one thing, you're never ever getting rid of me now, hehehhe. (/lh)
i keep telling you this but your artstyle is so clean and distinct, i wanna eat it like it's sour patch kids. NOM NOM. but fr tho, i love how distinct is and how it kinda has your name written all over it like i could pick it out from a crowd anytime, anywhere <3
2) second of all, do you know how honored this makes me feel. jae, you got me feeling like genshinblr's beyoncé, hello??? somebody, save me from faceless ayato and scara. caelin, turn around, please. this minecraft sword isn't enough—
3) IK THIS MUST'VE TAKEN YOU AGES, especially with the details on their designs. TYSM FOR THIS, JAE. 😭
4) me carrying ayato up with my noodle-looking but actually beefy arms, so trueeeee. i'm gonna make it my priv's theme and freak out some more about your gifts on there later, NYEHEHE.
I WANNA KEEP THIS ASK FOREVER IN MY INBOX LIKE A GATEKEEPER. this makes me so happy, aaaaaaa 😭 and i'm so sorry i didn't get to post my gift for you on your birthday GAHHHH it's taking longer than expected because i keep rewriting bits of it <//3 but it'll deffo be out soon! (vague hint: privilege. iykyk, hehe.) BUT AGAIN, TYSM FOR THIS, JAE! i love how we're doing a little holiday trade for each other and it wasn't even planned intentionally at first LMAOOO (the spiderman meme with "i'm preparing a gift for you" "i'm preparing a gift for you" 🥸)
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umichenginabroad · 2 months
Week 5: Fenrir Invades Britain
Sorry that it’s taken me so long to make this post. I've been busy and there’s a lot to get into so let's get straight into it.
I don’t know how or why but Fenrir stole my credit card. He not only stole it but he bought a 6 am flight to London of all places! I think he might be trying to connect with his Nordic roots and is invading Britain. Wanting to save my wallet and save the British people from his merciless wrath, I followed him and hopped on my own flight to London.
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The Little monster taunting me, sending me pictures of him spending all my money.
The Flight:
Oh god the flight over to Britain was so bad. I was up at like 2 am because we had to walk 30 minutes to our bus to then take an hour bus transfer to the airport. It was not fun but better safe and at the airport early then sorry and missing our flight. Clearly Fenrir made his way onto the flight and I did too. That little cretin is causing mischief and is taking after his father (Loki). I don’t know why I thought I could help him out. I knew there was no opportunity for me to do anything about him being on the flight so to make sure that I’d have energy to catch him afterward I took a nap on the flight for the long day of chasing him around that I’d have ahead of me. 
The Arrival:
Once we arrived in Britain I lost sight of Fenrir and knew that cheeky little bugger would soon send me pictures taunting me so I’d just have to go track him down later. Instead we made the tedious process of taking a train into London proper and then taking the tube over to our airbnb. Honestly it wasn’t too hard to figure out how to use the tube and get around to our airbnb. The main thing that was a little bit confusing at first was honestly figuring out how to use our ticket at the turnstile to get out. But once we made it through the station and arrived at our airbnb we were met with our lodgings for the next few days and what would be our base of operations in operation Stop Fenrir Before He Commits Treason or Something Worse, or for short Operation SFBHCTOSW. 
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Liverpool Street Station in all its glory. Really pretty station that’s all.
After our initial recovery from the tube and planes we realized that we hadn’t eaten anything and thus before going to search for Fenrir we would need some food. We hopped back on the tube and took a 40 minute tube into West London and the SOHO area. We got some fish and chips (more on those later)  and then split up to go and search for him .
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Fenrir in Chinatown in London, SOHO. His reign of chaos has already started; he must be stopped.
He had sent his first pic (the one above) since the plane ride. We knew that he would be in the SOHO area and so it was really convenient that we went there anyway for food. He appeared to be in the chinatown area judging by the massive gate in the picture and so we headed that way. We did make a quick pit stop at Tesco express just to get some necessities but that was a quick stop. The bigger issue was where he sent his next picture from. It appeared that Fenrir was getting a little bit more courageous and he was having fun with this chase and teasing us.
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Fenrir at the National Gallery enjoying some art. He thinks he’s cultured now does he
HE WENT TO THE NATIONAL GALLERY SERIOUSLY?! I didn’t know he liked art, maybe there’s more to him than at first glance. Maybe he’s gone to Britain for more than just an invasion. Anyways, we went to the National Gallery to try and find the little guy. But, it turns out the place is like a maze. There’s so many different paths and rooms just filled to the brim with medieval artwork and pieces of history. The only saving grace are the arrows pointing to certain artists and their exhibits and the arrow to the gift shop/exit because there’s always a gift shop. We were at the gallery until they closed and then decided to split up to try and find him. Some people went shopping in SOHO, some went walking around, and I just waited in the area until I got the next text. That was when I got the next text.
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FENRIR DRINKING BOBA. Like cmooooon please just give me a sip it looks so good.
HE WENT TO GET BOBA ARE YOU SERIOUS?! My bank account is crying as he keeps spending more and more of my money. I went to chase after him but it’s like chasing after someone who is a) faster then you and b) is like 10 steps ahead of you. It’s impossible to catch up to him and it’s hopeless. I just have to wait for him to slip up and spend just a little bit too long in one place after sending a picture. 
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Fenrir drinks some really fancy tea from a place called TWG tea. 
NOW HE’S GETTING TEA!! Like seriously?! He’s doing all the things that I wanted to do and enjoying himself while I’m stuck chasing after him. He’s such a little monster. I hope he knows that when I finally catch him he’s going to go into time out and get punished. Anyways, I went back the way that I just came to go to the tea store. It wasn’t too bad of a walk but by the time I got there he was gone so I just bought me some tea myself because I needed some too. 
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Fenrir sitting on top of a lego british guard man. He truly is trying to take over, he’s getting the military on his side now!
HA I think he might have messed up! The lego store is right next to the tea shop. I get in line and get in fairly quickly. I started exploring all around the lego store and it’s really cool . They had a massive lego Big Ben which was one of the key showcases of the store. They had the common lego store things like a build your own minifigure station as well as a bunch of legos to buy. The other unique thing about this lego store was the lego shakespeare and lego harry potter. They had a lego voldemort and a bunch of cool harry potter stuff.  But anyways, after my gawking at all the cool lego things I still couldn’t find him. It was getting late at this point so I decided to head back for the night after getting some dinner. I don’t know where he went off to but we will find him!
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The adapter monster that we had created. I can’t guarantee that this wasn’t a fire hazard but it didn’t explode while we were there so it was probably fine.
Day 2: The Search Continues 
With no sign of Fenrir in sight we decided to just head into central London to get some breakfast. Which is where we actually got our first message from Fenrir for the day. He was at a cafe and was getting breakfast on my dollar. Like come on man at least let me eat some of it. 
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Fenrir eats his breakfast at this cafe. He has a bacon biscuit, tea and, a bottle of water 
After chasing Fenrir down to this cafe and getting some breakfast of our own he was nowhere to be found. I don’t know how but he keeps staying one step ahead of us no matter what we do. I don’t know how we can catch up with him in this massive city. I swear, back in Reykjavik I could probably walk the length of the city in an hour. Now in London it takes an hour just to tube from the airbnb to central London. It’s insane how much larger London is. Anyways, not wanting to waste an entire day just searching for Fenrir we decided to head out to Buckingham palace for a very good reason. 
Video depicting the changing of the guards of Buckingham palace.
We decided to head to Buckingham palace so that way we could try and warn the guards about the threat that has entered their country, Fenrir. But, with the fact that when we arrived it was the changing of the guards and that yesterday was election day and thus there was a lot of chaos with the change of prime minister we weren’t able to tell them. We were able to at least see the pretty horses and the beautiful gates and palace. 
Not really knowing where our next clue would take us we just decided to enjoy being in London for a bit. We headed over to the Borough Market to go and explore and oh boi was it amazing. I personally am a fan of markets like these and they only really are able to pop up in large cities. I don’t think Reykjavik has one like this though and honestly it was amazing. The market was basically a bit of the streets and was filled with a bunch of corridors to different stalls and shops which were selling literally everything you could imagine. If I was in London for longer I would definitely be spending a lot more time and money at the markets. 
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A stall selling a bunch of fresh sea-food and fish at the market. 
Honestly I’m kind of sad that I’m not in London for longer but we have a task at hand. There was one thing that made me sad a little bit and that was just how much cheaper a lot of the things were here when compared to Iceland. I saw full loafs of amazing looking sourdough bread for only like $5 compared to the $10 I’m spending in Reykjavik for my bread. We got some food here for lunch and I bought some more tea for me to take home. There were a lot of things to explore and if I ever came to London I would definitely come back here again. 
After the market we felt a little bit lost and didn’t really know where to go and where to find Fenrir. I figured that one of the best places to go would be to go and pray. I wanted to go visit St.Paul’s Cathedral anyways and this was a pretty good reason to. It’s one of the biggest buildings in London and holds the graves of many great war heroes and musicians who served the cathedral. 
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St.Paul’s Cathedral from the west entrance
After paying my student entrance fee I started walking around and learning all the history through the provided audio guide. Every hour a preacher comes in the middle of the cathedral and asks for a moment of silence for prayer and prays. This is in addition to the regularly scheduled masses and services. While exploring the cathedral that was where I found him. WE FINALLY CAUGHT UP TO HIM! He was just sitting there in the center of the cathedral. I think he was scared and lost, I think he finally realized that what he did was wrong and he was just trying to have fun. 
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Me catching Fenrir at the center of the Cathedral, you naughty little boi.
As part of his punishment for running away, stealing my card, and dragging me around on a chase of him through London (and worrying me) I forced him to climb all the way up the 500+ stairs to the top of the Cathedral with me. It was honestly exhausting going up all those stairs and I think it was more of a punishment for me because he just got a free ride in my backpack. He is a little naughty boi but he’s cute so he gets a pass. Once we finally made it up all the stairs we took a picture together of the amazing view from the top of the tower. 
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The picture from the top of the publicly accessible parts of the cathedral tower after my climb with Fenrir finally behaving himself in my backpack.
After our journey to the tippity top of the tower we then went to the basest basement of the cathedral which is the crypt. There are many great heroes here and it’s in part to commemorate the great people of British history. There are even monuments to people that aren’t buried here but are still important in British history such as Winston Churchill. 
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Fenrir saluting some of the flags. These were flags representing the British allies during the Battle of Waterloo against Napoleon. Pictures are the British, Portuguese, and Russian
As we were leaving the cathedral we passed by the gift shop. There Fenrir found a new friend, one that might be dear to many of us at heart. Fenrir becomes quick friends with the Queen’s favorite bear Paddington. Seeing that they were great friends and that they were just too cute together (and the fact I was hungry) I decided to take them to Nando’s. We got some food (more later) but just look at the cuties being together.
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Us 3 at Nando’s chilling getting ready to eat our dinner.
Now here’s where I get both a little more mad and not mad at Fenrir. He, still in possession of my credit card, decided to buy tickets to go and see the Book of Mormon. The Book of Mormon for those of you who don’t know is a highly satirical comedy musical from the creators of South Park. It’s really funny and I’ve wanted to see it for a while, that’s the only reason that I’m not ready to throw Fenrir in the streets. 
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Look at him acting all innocent after spending all this money for tickets. Was worth it though so I can’t complain lol. 
We made our way to the theatre and paid for a play bill. Something that you don’t normally do in America and on Broadway shows. But, I like collecting play bills so I paid $11 for the play bill and programme. And oh my it was so worth it. I love musicals and plays and this has been one that I’ve wanted to see for years. I’m so happy I finally was able to see it. The set was fantastic and the way that utilized all aspects of the fully customized set was amazing. This is going to get a bit theatrical and nerdy but just stay with me.
I follow the rules and so there’s no picture of the show b/c that’s against the rules and I wanted to enjoy the show in its entirety.
The stage utilized a series of different backdrops for different scenes and such, that much is normal is theatre. The thing that really amazed me and was fantastic was the utilization of a front backdrop that was opaque and applied a tint (sort of like a screen) onto the stage. It was really useful and created a really nice way of showcasing the flashbacks and stories from The Book of Mormon itself. In addition the way that they utilize simple things like a door and an elevated platform for different things just depending on the scene is fantastic. I’ve been in plays where we have to move these things and do them and it’s always amazing seeing it done on a professional level. Shout out to my drama teachers in high school for getting me into all these things and giving me opportunities to nerd out about all these things and expand my knowledge. 
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Fenrir getting a spot of ice cream during intermission
Now as in most long shows there is an intermission. After using the bathroom and making my way back to my seat I found out something that is a bit different about British theatre compared to American theatre. During intermission it’s common to get ice cream (which they sell) and to then go back to your seat and eat it there. I’ve never seen this in America, but it was quite nice. I just got vanilla ice cream b/c it was the only good looking flavor that was left and it did taste good 8/10. 
Getting back into the show we got through the 2nd half of all the chaos that happens within the Book of Mormon musical. It was honestly amazing and I loved it so much and it was so worth going to go see. I did end up having a really nice conversation with one of the employees who was a 2nd year uni student (same as me) who is studying theatre. It’s such a different world and just seeing that people are able to be in that life is amazing to me. Anyways, afterwards we just took the tube back to the apartment and settled in for the night.
The Final Day: Enjoying Britain to its Fullest
After drinking a cup of tea, going to the train, drinking another cup of tea, and getting on a bus I arrived at where I was going to be spending today. Greenwich. Do you know what makes Greenwich so special? Have you ever heard of time zones and the term GMT + or - some amount? Well that stands for Greenwich Mean Time and represents the average time in Greenwich where the prime meridian is located. The prime meridian is 0 degrees longitude (imaginary lines that run from pole to pole). I am a nerd and so was really excited to get to see all the cool things here. 
In Greenwich there is a massive park which has a line for walking the prime meridian, the Royal Observatory, the National Maritime Museum, and the Queen’s House amongst many other things. I had a few hours before my scheduled stuff later in the day and so I went to the Maritime Museum with not too much hope for what I would see. But boy was I not disappointed. 
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Fenrir looking at a massive scale model of a destroyer class ship. It was honestly really big
The journey through the museum started with the first room which had a lot of artifacts from history and models of famous boats and ships. The model ships were just impressive to see more than anything else. They all had really precise details and were really interesting to look at. The artifacts on the wall were also interesting but for a different reason. They had artifacts from different times, all the way back to the 1400’s. These artifacts varied from everything to a saxtent and a compass all the way up to a Russian AK-47. 
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Gotta represent my 2nd amendment and showcase these. What was kinda sad was the fact that the blunderbuss (a weapon from the 1700’s) was undergoing conservation efforts so it wasn't there.
After looking at all the cool artifacts I started exploring around the building to see what else I could find. They actually had a special limited time exhibit about a space photography contest, and this exhibit was showcasing a lot of the higher scoring entries and the winners. It was amazing seeing all these different pictures of space. They had many different categories for people to enter. Things such as, Nebulas, the sun, auroras, people and space, and then categories for amateurs. I honestly found all this stuff so cool. I’m not generally an art person (as I’ve stated before) but trust me when I say that this was so worth it. It honestly gets you to think about how small we are in comparison to the cosmos and how much more there is out there. It was really beautiful and some of these pictures were just amazing and like you can see why the ones that won were the ones that won (in most cases). If anything the pieces that were the winners or 2nd place had judge’s comments explaining why they were where they were. Also, every photo has a paragraph by the photographer where they explain how the photo was taken and why they made certain creative decision and it’s really cool to see the technical side of things from behind the scenes.
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“The Dark Wolf - Fenrir” being looked at by the good boi Fenrir, look he’s so happy at seeing himself :D 
After that was onto the pacific front of British maritime history. If you know anything about the British and the Pacific there are two very specific things that happened here that we need to talk about, The East India Company (British Raj) and Opium. Quick history lesson for those of you who don’t know (the exhibit talked about this), in the late 1700’s Britain had control of the entirety of the Indian region and this was all under the control of the East Indies Trading Company. Britain then started trading tea and other goods with the Chinese and tea started becoming extremely popular in Britain and China is where it was grown. However, this trading put Britain in a lot of debt to the Chinese. Thus to pay off this debt, Britain started growing opium in India to then smuggle into China and sell to the Chinese to pay off the debt. The goal was to get the Chinese addicted to opium to pay off the Chinese and it worked. However, the Chinese caught on to this illegal trade and it ended up in two separate wars with Britain over the opium export into China. Britain won decisively and acquired Hong Kong as a trading port because of this. Now the museum had all of this information listed as well as artifacts throughout the time (such as an opium pipe) and that’s all cool. But, the reason that I went through all the effort of explaining the Opium Wars and the history behind them as well as a rough history of British policy is for one singular reason (of which I forgot to picture but it’s fine). In that room, the museum had a wall where you could leave little notes where you would comment on your opinion of the British East India Company and their actions. The entire wall was filled with comments talking about how wrong the company was and how horrible the actions of the British were. I just felt that it is important to note that people don’t like the actions of the British empire at the time, not even the British. 
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Picture showcasing a part of the exhibit about the Opium Wars and how they acknowledged it’s unjust
Across the hall was the Atlantic side of the British Empire, of which we originate from. USA TIME!!! Honestly compared to the pacific front this side was a lot more disappointing. There was a small exhibit about the slave trade that was pretty standard, it looked like a picture from a textbook. I would say the coolest thing that I did see here was the bit of the exhibit where they talked about the crops and goods that were grown in North America and had facts about them and their purpose. That was just interesting in that it was the only thing that wasn’t just a picture of text on a wall. Also, I like sugar so I’m biased in that aspect. They did have a small little exhibit on the independance war (AMERICAN) but it was extremely small.
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Sugar time. We gonna get sweet with this one
Now was on to the main show of the night which was meeting up with some family that I have in Britain. Since Fenrir was found and I had the time in London that I might as well get my worth out of it. We were going to be meeting at the Royal Observatory which is in Greenwich. This observatory is actually what marks the Prime Meridian so that’s really cool. We were going to be seeing two different planetarium shows. A planetarium show is where you sit in a big dome, lean back, and learn a little bit while staring up at the dome which is having stuff projected onto it. The two shows that we were seeing were about the night’s sky (ie stars and stuff) and the planets that were in our solar system. 
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Picture of us 5 at the planetarium getting ready to watch the show. Fenrir is also there, he likes space now. (the last person is taking the picture)
The shows were really interesting. I did know most of the information within them, just because I like to know random things, but it was still cool to see. I also just got to spend time with family and so that was really nice. It was also raining outside and so it was nice to be inside and relax while relearning some cool stuff about space. Plus, when it comes to space stuff you can’t go wrong. After that we just walked around and explored for a bit. We went and got some food (again more on that later) and just kept exploring and walking around. Despite the rain and everything it was still just amazing. Usually they are the ones that come and visit us in Michigan, so it was really nice to be able to come and see them in the UK for once. I am really grateful that they made the trip all the way over to London to come and see me and it was really nice. Fenrir was able to see his cousins and he was really happy after it. Now that he made his new friend and is back safe with me he has tamed down a lot and he’s been behaving himself. 
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Us just outside of the Royal Observatory on the courtyard above the park. Pictured from left to right are myself, Fenrir (he’s such a good boi), cousins, and their father.
Honestly it was just a good day so far and I was really happy with the way that things have been progressing. Turns out when you don’t have to run around a massive unfamiliar city looking for a mythical creature worried about what he’s going to do, London can be amazing. Getting to see family was just the cherry on top and it was honestly one of the highlights of my short time in London. I do wish I could have stayed longer to spend more time with them but we must move on, for there is studying to be done. 
Now… there is one more thing I did that day… that was the most unique experience for me personally. I went to a British pub. Fenrir and I met up with one of my long time online friends at a pub in London. For reference, I’ve known him since I was about 8 years old and we played on a minecraft server together. So I’ve known him for a while. Now this was something that we had wanted to do and had been talking about for a bit. But, this is my first time meeting any of the people in that group in person. He was the first person out of anyone of that group that I had actually physically met and it was an amazing time.
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Picture of myself and my friend
Today (Saturday) was the day of the Euro 24 football match (Soccer in American terms) of England vs Switzerland. This was a quarter-final match so this was pretty important. Everywhere that I went I saw people setting stuff up to watch this match and it’s amazing how much people love the sport here. We originally were going to go to a certain pub but we had to switch pubs because the one we originally wanted to go to was packed from the game. For my first experience in a British pub it did not disappoint. I personally don’t really drink that much, I’ve had small amounts and the flavor doesn’t really interest me. But, my friend offered to buy me a drink and so I got a kiwi and lime cider. It honestly wasn’t that bad. It did take me an hour and a half to drink the pint of cider that I had which to say the least meant I didn’t really drink a lot. Still I got my pub experience of drinking a pint.
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Fenrir takes after his nordic roots and starts to drink. He’ll be a true viking in no time.
Back onto the game. I personally don’t really do sports. I play a lot of video games and occasionally will keep up with ESports (things such as League of Legends) but even I was into this match. The reason being because it was such a hectic match. Now, I can’t give you a play-by-play of what happened because I don’t even know, but I can tell you the general gist of what happened and why this was so hectic. For the first three quarters of the match there wasn’t a SINGLE GOAL scored for either team. That meant the entire game pretty much came down to the last quarter. In which, Switzerland was the first team to score. Now the collective sign and boo’s that I heard there were amazing. The fact that everyone had the same collective reaction at the same time in unison was perfect. Now the demoralized pub goer’s stayed like that for about 5 minutes, if even that. When Britain then quickly scored a goal and caught up. Then I heard this: 
WARNING: headphone users please be careful
To say the least the pub went ecstatic and I myself got caught up in it too. The cheering, hollering, wooing, all the screaming, everything that was loud was happening. It was one of the most energetic things I have ever seen in my life. If you haven’t seen people in a pub when their home team scores a goal just imagine a jar filled with bouncy balls that you are shaking with the balls going every which way. That’s pretty much what was happening but 10 times louder and with people jumping up and down. It was an insane thing to witness and I’m honestly so happy that I got to witness it. It’s something that was only possible to witness due to the unique time that I went to the UK. 
Now if you think that was the peak of the game it got even more insane. There were no more goals scored for the rest of the time, and thus they went into a 30 minute overtime. Now I’m going to kind of speed ahead but AGAIN there were no goals scored during the 30 minute overtime. This is where things get even more insane. The game got into such a state that it went into penalty kicks to determine who would win the game. In the end… ENGLAND WON!!! By 2 penalty kicks… BUT THEY STILL WON!! Despite not being British it was still such a hype moment and I felt so proud. It was really fun to say the least. 
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Picture of the pub we were in. It’s called “The Yacht”
After the game my friend and I had to part ways as he had work to attend to. But we said our farewells and I went back to the airbnb. I had a nightmare of packing ahead of me as I didn’t bring a carry-on so everything was going into my backpack. It was a nightmare to pack and it was even worse to carry but I did get everything in it.
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Paddington explains to Fenrir something known as “night”. We haven’t seen this in over a month and yet it was common here and it got dark at a certain time. It was kind of nice not having the sun at all times, although this is but a foreign concept to us who have been in Iceland for over a month.
The Return:
This is going to be a bit more short, just in that I’ve kept you here for long enough. We took a train to the train station, took another train (a nicer one with cool chairs), to the airport. Then after waiting around in the airport we got on our plane and I slept for 2 hours. We had an 11 am flight and so it was not fun, but at least it wasn’t 6 am. Once arriving back in Iceland we then had 2 hours of buses and bus transfers ahead of us and so that wasn’t fun. But we eventually did make it back, where I immediately passed out on my bed. I did get up because I had to get groceries for the next day, but god my body was ready to just give out at that point. I had made it home to Reykjavik and I had plenty of stories to tell that much was for sure. 
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Fenrir saying goodbye to Britain on the plane ride back
Honestly I was very skeptical about going to Britain. I am someone who thinks a lot about the money that you spend to do things and worries about my finances quite often. But, I was very happy that I went. It was an experience unlike anything I’ve had before and It was amazing. By the way if you have noticed I haven’t included the amount of money that I’ve spent yet for anything in any of the blog posts and that is for good reason, Iceland is expensive. I don’t want to look at the amount of money I’ve spent, and that is with me cooking to save money. There is one thing to look forward to though if you do care about money and stuff. I am planning to make a spreadsheet to detail the amount of money that I spent while abroad and on different things. All that to say, I normally regret decisions that involve a lot of money, or at least contemplate their worth, but this was not one of them. I loved going to London and experiencing Britain. 
Alex Shamoun
Engineering in Reykjavik
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marcyfamedrainburrows · 4 months
A Phone Call I Should've Let Go to Voicemail
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I cannot believe you guys! I should’ve known that my last post would come with a price. Last night after I had finally gone to bed, I got a call from Bermuda and an ear full of screaming. My mom was so angry with the way I portrayed her because it ruined her image, apparently. She begged me to take down the post, but I refused. This is my blog, not hers! There will probably be another argument when she gets home in a few days, hopefully I’ll be away on a job when that happens. The last time we shared a few kind words was right after I posted the article about Hunter. 
Anyways, it is funny that I am now the star of a gossip article. By the way, who did you guys get these quotes from? “Marcelina has always taken her privilege for granted. Apparently, she doesn’t even tip at restaurants.” Really? How much did my mom pay for you to print those? The state of journalism is disappointing and if you wanted an interview, you could have asked! I stand behind my mom being courageous and inspiring, but I will never concede on the point that she was never there! 
Got a story? Email me at [email protected]
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projectshapeshifter · 6 months
Hello there, you may call me Momo/Nox and welcome to my blog where I may dump all of my fandom brain rot moments. Also maybe some writing and art if a moment of courage (or foolishness) sparks.
Apagender creature, you may refer to me with any pronouns! Neos are also encouraged as well. As a reminder, please keep in mind that I have diagnosed autism and possible adhd. I’m not considered a social person and have high anxiety. I also have difficulty registering tones and cues. If you can, please use tone tags when talking to me!
Also, I’m platonically taken by my amazing and lovely wifey, @vahizero <3 <3 <3 (if you’re reading this then hiii!! ILY SM!! /p)
Anyway, here are my current fandoms that I’m currently hyperfixating (or used to, but I still like it) on:
- Dandy’s World (DISCLAIMER: I DO NOT support the devs behind the game. I only like its silly cast of characters and the actual game itself. Please do not financially support the devs!)
- Pressure (on Roblox)
- One Night at Flumpty’s (ANOTHER DISCLAIMER: I also DO NOT support Jonochrome nor his disgusting actions.)
- Dayshift at Freddy’s
- Steven Universe
- Pokémon
.. And some other stuff I will list later on whenever my mind intensely hyperfixates on them!
I’m a HUGE g0re, horror, and true crime fan so I may post some things that have those types of topics! Please keep note of this and stay safe! I will tag each post that has those types of content accordingly. If I miss any warnings that trigger anyone, please inform me!
- Have NSFW/18+ stuff of any kind.
- Apply to basic DNI criteria (proshippers, homophobia, transphobia, racists, sexists, anti-Semitic, MAP, zoophilia, etc, etc.)
- Actively partake in shipping wars and insult others for no good reason.
- Are a furry and/or therian hater.
… Welp, that’s about it for now! Hope you have a great day!
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