#anyways tomorrows chapter is around 5k and i can’t wait to share it :)
bisexualvampires · 2 years
i know i said this endverse fic would be 3 chapters but oh mannn playing around with all these timeskips is giving me so many more ideas
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keanureevesisbae · 3 years
But professor… - c.5
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Summary: A few weeks have gone by. How are Penny and Walter doing?
Professor!Walter Marshall x Penny Townsend (Asian ofc)
Wordcount: 5k
Warnings: Some sweet love making (sex, fingering, blowjob - yes, it’s sweet love making)
Masterlist // But professor… masterlist // Previous chapter // Next chapter
Five weeks have gone by. It’s been five whole weeks since Walter and I kissed for the first time. My days are spend mostly in the library, sometimes in my own dorm or—and this is my favorite—with Walter in his loft. I love spending time in his loft, because there aren’t any loud students in the hallways, obviously intoxicated and think they’re funny by knocking at my door and telling me they’ll pee against it. It’s just him and me in his loft, together with some soft lofi music in the background as he continues to make food for me, totally spoil me with everything I want and basically help me with all my assignments.
I haven’t told anyone about us. As if there are people who—beside my parents—I could tell. How do you even bring it up? ‘Hi, my name is Penny and I kiss my criminology professor almost on a daily basis and I’m totally and utterly in love with him?
Nope, that is not gonna work.
There are many things I love about us spending time together. The attentive way he pays attention to everything I say. How he sits with me on the couch, helping me get through my assignments, but also to check out different cosmetology schools for me to maybe enroll. I still haven’t quite decided yet whether or not I want to do that.
I mean, I want to, but how do I sell this grand idea to my parents, who really want me to go to NYU and finish my major?
But maybe it’s the way he takes care of me that I love the most about it all. It sounds so codependent, I know, but there is no one who ever gave me attention like this, not even my parents. My parents didn’t understand my love for embroidery, for nail art and doing my hair. They didn’t understand I wanted a sewing machine for my sixteenth birthday, instead of a car.
No guy in my life went out of his way for me. No breakfast in bed, no asking permission whether or not he could touch me and no one who was willing to put up with all my anxious thoughts.
Walter on the other hand, he does it all. He understands my love for embroidery (he even allowed me to put some on his shirt), he lets me try out products on his hair and takes his sweet time with me.
Today, the long weekend starts, meaning we have time off from Friday till Tuesday. It’s Friday night when I’m finally back at my dorm. I open the door and when I want to lock it once I’m inside, it doesn’t seem to work.
That’s weird.
I might not have any knowledge when it comes to this, but I quickly come to the conclusion that it only works when I lock it from the outside, not the inside.
Great, it’s Friday night and the thought alone of me spending the night with a door that doesn’t lock, causes shivers down my spine. I grab my phone and call the only one I can think of.
‘Hi princess, what’s up?’ Walter asks as he answers the phone.
My heart shouldn’t skip a beat or two, but it does. It always does. ‘My lock isn’t working properly,’ I say, trying to lock my door again, but still nothing seems to happens. ‘It only locks and unlocks from the outside.’
‘Hm, we can’t call a locksmith right now,’ he says. ‘You’re not sleeping there tonight. Go pack your stuff, lock the door and then tomorrow we’ll call someone to check it out. I’d absolutely hate it if you were to stay there.’
I smile. ‘Okay.’
‘I’ll pick you up at the station. I’ll text you when I’m there and when you leave, share your location.’
✎ ✎ ✎
Just to make sure that I am not stepping in a car with a serial killer, I check once more if Walter really is in the truck. Through the droplets of water on my glasses I find it hard to focus, but seeing that smile, makes me realize I’ve got the right truck. I open the door and get in.
‘Hello,’ I say with a smile. ‘I’m so sorry that I look like a drowned kitten. New York weather isn’t too kind on me.’
‘Nonsense,’ he chuckles. ‘Drowned kitten or not, you look absolutely adorable. Now come here and give me a kiss.’ He leans into my direction and I meet him half way to press a long kiss on his lips. ‘You’re so beautiful, princess,’ he whispers against my lips, before he starts up the truck. As he drives off the vacant parking lot, he places his hand on my thigh.
‘It was quite hard to find the car,’ I admit. ‘In all my hastiness I forgot to put in my lenses and my glasses don’t come with wipers.’
He smiles. ‘I missed your glasses. They look so sweet on you.’
‘You think?’
‘Yes,’ he says without thinking. ‘Can’t believe your lock doesn’t work. What a shitty dorm you stay in.’
I don’t know if he’s consciously doing or not, but his hand pushes up my dress. He places his hand a little above my knee. ‘Is this okay, princess?’
‘Yes,’ I say. Thankfully the truck allows me to scoot over a little and place my head on his shoulder. I wrap my arms around his thick one and let out a content sigh as I take in his cologne. ‘Thank you for picking me up,’ I whisper. ‘For protecting me.’
‘Oh, that’s only natural,’ he says.
When we’re at his apartment building, I finally am able to hold his hand as we walk up to the elevator. I hate this part of his apartment, since it’s partially underground and it’s really dark to get to the elevator. Walter holds my backpack in his other hand and squeezes my fingers. The second he closes the door of his loft, he carefully places my bag on the floor, before he helps me out of my coat.
‘Ah, princess, you’re cold.’
I don’t really care. I stand on my toes to give him a kiss, a long one. I’ve been yearning for his touch the entire day. We’re taking it slow—painfully slowly for that matter—but maybe it’s a good thing we do. Two weeks ago, he gave me a kiss, his hand sliding down from my lower back to my ass, which caused me to stiffen up completely. It’s ridiculous. I love it when he touches me, when he pulls me on his lap and he gives me intense kisses.
Yet I sometimes stiffen up completely.
My fingers push up his sweater and I touch his bare sides. He holds my face in his rough hands, softly caressing my cheeks. ‘Princess, wait a minute. As much as I want this, I don’t want to force you.’ He pushes some stray baby hairs out of my face. ‘You’re tense.’
‘I’m not tense,’ I tell him.
‘You kinda are, sweetheart.’
I let out a sigh. ‘Okay, maybe I am a little, but that is just because I’m nervous. I want this with you, Water. I trust you, it’s just that no one has ever seen me naked before.’
He nods, pecking my forehead. ‘We can just take a shower first,’ he suggests. ‘But only if you want. I need you to be honest with me.’
‘I want this with you,’ I whisper. ‘I really do. A shower sounds great.’
‘Allow me to show you the way.’
✎ ✎ ✎
The water is running and Walter’s already in the shower. I saw him naked and he is… Big, tall and broad in all sorts of ways to say the least. I mean, I’ve seen some porn and while I am aware that’s fake and unrealistic, I’m kinda confused now.
Walter comes so close to it, what if it isn’t fake?
I take off my vest, before I shred myself from my other pieces of clothing. I watch as my lacy pink underwear drops to the floor and I take a deep breath.
I want this, no need to be nervous. It’s just Walter. He told me I’m beautiful many many times, that won’t change when he sees me like this, right? He saw me in my underwear once, that time I changed into his shirt right before we went bed. I remember him smirking, whispering I was so damn gorgeous and that if I wanted, I should just sleep next to him like this.
I open the shower curtain, causing Walter to turn around and he smiles widely when his eyes land on me. He holds out his hand, so he can help me in the cubicle. My eyes dart around, anywhere but to him.
‘If you don’t want to do this,’ he whispers, ‘just tell me.’ He places his hands on my upper arms and adds: ‘Princess, I don’t want you to feel uncomfortable. Really, we can take as much time as you want.’
‘I want this,’ I whisper. ‘Really, I do.’
He nods. ‘I think,’ he says, ‘you are absolutely breathtaking. There is no one out there who can compete with you.’
‘Thank you,’ I say in a soft tone, finally looking into his eyes. ‘You’re handsome.’
He buffs out his hairy chest and I place my hands on it as I let out a nervous chuckle. ‘I want you to breath, Penny.’
‘I am breathing.’
‘No,’ he chuckles, ‘you’re holding your breath. There is absolutely no need to be nervous. It’s just me.’
‘It’s not just you,’ I say. ‘You’re my professor, my boyfriend.’
He nods. ‘Don’t you worry about that, you already got your straight A,’ he jokes.
I wrap my arms around his waist and I hide my face in his chest. ‘You know, I’ve been thinking about going to cosmetology school, so your grade doesn’t really matter anyway.’
‘How are you gonna tell your parents?’
‘I don’t know,’ I whisper. ‘You helped me with figuring out who I am, I bet you’ll help me with this as well. Besides, if I do cosmetology school, I can start in February.’
‘You’re gonna finish your semester here?’
I shrug. ‘I don’t know. I’m not sure yet.’
‘Well, whatever you do, know that I’m proud of you. And when you leave your dorm, you can stay here for the time being. Is better for my heart anyways, I don’t like you staying in those sleazy dorms.’
I can’t help but smile. ‘You’re too sweet.’ I place my chin on his chest and he leans down to give me a peck on my lips. His kisses continue to be soft, causing goosebumps to appear on my entire skin. His touches are light, his hands squeezing in the soft flesh of my hips. ‘The second you feel uncomfortable,’ he says again, ‘you tell me. I don’t want to hurt you.’
‘I know, Walter.’ I hold his face in between my hands, pulling him in for another kiss. The warm stream of water massages my back, as Walter pulls me closer to him. I softly gasp for air as my chest is firmly pressed against his. His lips descend from my mouth to my nape and I’m pretty sure he is leaving marks.
‘Does that feel good, princess?’
‘It does,’ I whimper, as a buzzing warmth starts to form between my legs.
His hands slide up from my hips to my waist and they stay underneath my breasts, his thumbs slightly touching them. ‘Can I?’
I nod. ‘Please, please, yes.’
‘We’re already getting a little needy?’ he chuckles, as his hands cup my breasts. His thumbs toy with my stiffened nipples and I squeal of the unfamiliar sensation. ‘That’s my girl,’ he says with a smile, before giving me a long kiss on my lips. ‘You have no idea how lucky I am.’
✎ ✎ ✎
Walter has carried me to his bed, not caring to dry off either of our bodies. I could sense it in the shower, him becoming more and more desperate. His hands kneading into my flesh, his kisses growing rougher and him pushing my back against the cold shower wall, left him with a satisfied grin as I finally made a little bit of sound.
He has spread my legs, kissing the sensitive skin of my inner thighs. He wraps his strong arms around my hips, his broad shoulders preventing me from closing my legs together. ‘Can you relax for me?’ he asks me, his hot breath against my throbbing slit.
‘I’m very relaxed,’ I say in a hoarse tone.
‘Unclench those fists for me then,’ he says and only then I realize my hands are balled into fists. ‘I want you to enjoy it, okay?’
‘Okay,’ I whisper. ‘What do I do with my hands?’
He smiles. ‘Run them through my hair,’ he says. ‘Can you do that for me?’
I nod, reaching down with my hands to grab some of his soft hair. ‘I don’t look hideous?’
Walter places his head against my inner thigh, looking up with nearly a pained expression. ‘Princess, why would you say that?’
I shrug. ‘Just a question.’
‘You’re beautiful, every part of you.’ He lets his tongue slide through my slit, before he wraps his lips around my clit. My back arches off the mattress and when the vibrations of his groans hit my sensitive bud, I let out a moan. Faster than my own shadow, I place a hand over my mouth, hoping to muffle out those sounds.
‘No, princess,’ he says, looking up. ‘Don’t do that. I want to hear those pretty sounds.’
It’s hard to let go. It’s hard to make sounds, to let him know how he makes me feel. ‘I’m sorry,’ I whisper. ‘I can’t.’
‘Why not?’
‘I… I don’t know.’
‘You’re doing great, sweetheart. Nothing to be embarrassed about.’ He gives my thighs a reassuring squeeze, before he dives back in, this time hungrier than before. I can’t help but clench my thighs together, nearly crushing his head between them. I pull his hair, as his tongue draws circles around my clit.
Oh shit, oh shit, oh shit, I think to myself. This feels so foreign, so—
A sob leaves my lips, interrupting my thoughts as my toes start to curl. My hips buck up and an unfamiliar feeling washes over me. This tension I had stored in my entire body, nearly slips out of my body, as I shake on the bed. Tears run over my cheeks and I hide my face in my hands. ‘Stop, please, stop,’ I whimper.
I can’t see what Walter’s doing, but I feel the bed dip beside me. ‘Princess,’ he whispers to me, his arm wrapping around my waist, ‘you did so well for me.’
I press my legs together, as I catch my breath. ‘Walter, it’s sensitive.’
Walter pushes some strands of my hair back, before peeling my hands from my face.  ‘It usually is. I almost think you never masturbated before.’
My cheeks burn up and I hate that he can see it. ‘I have, but… Never orgasmed before.’
He gives me a kiss and says: ‘I see, I see. How did it feel?’
‘It felt good,’ I whisper, before I clear my throat.
Walter must sense my insecurities, because his tone is soft when he says: ‘I’m proud of you.’ He does all the right things for me to relax. His fingertips draw figures on my skin, he kisses the left over tears away and whispers sweet little nothings in my ear, almost as if he wants to sooth me. ‘Do you want to continue?’
‘I do, I do,’ I quickly say.
Walter moistens his fingers between his lips, before he reaches down. My hips involuntarily buck up as they brush passed my sensitive clit, earning myself a low chuckle from Walter. As he gently pushes in one finger as he lays beside me, I wrap my arm around his shoulders. ‘Kiss me,’ I whisper.
He obliges without letting a second, slamming his plump lips on mine. I melt against him, his warmth radiating against my body. He pushes in another finger, slowly stretching me out as I whimper against his lips.
‘You’re doing great, sweetheart,’ he tells me, when he feels my digits wrapped around his thick wrist. ‘You feel so good around my fingers.’
I don’t even think about it, but the words: ‘I need you,’ leave my lips before I know it.
‘You do now?’
Oh, we’re getting cocky?
He pumps in his fingers, in a slow pace. ‘Good thing I need you too.’ His thumb brushes against my clit and when I clench around his fingers and I feel that same feeling bubbling up deep inside me, he stops. Pulls out his fingers and I let out a whine. ‘Want me to use a condom, darling?’
I nod. I might be inexperienced, but I am not that daft to risk a pregnancy. Especially since I’m not on the pill. He grabs one from the bedside table, rolls it on and sits in between my legs.
I don’t want to say it, but I worry. He is big and I have no idea if it’s gonna fit. What if it hurts? Oh no, what if I’m one of those women that start bleeding during her first time? Leave it up to me to bleed a gallon and having to go to the emergency room.
‘Okay, you need to get out of your head,’ he says, as he teases his tip near my aching entrance. ‘Don’t you worry a thing, okay?’
‘I’ll try, Walter,’ I say in a shaky tone. ‘What if it hurts?’
‘Then you tell me,’ he says, squeezing my leg. ‘Princess, it would help if you stopped worrying.’
‘I’m trying,’ I say. ‘I really am.’ This is not the time to cry, Penny. Don’t you dare—
It’s too late. A hot tear rolls over my cheek, followed by many more and Walter quickly pulls me up. I sit on his thick legs, his arms wrapped tightly around me. ‘We can stop, Penny,’ he says. ‘We really can.’
I shake my head. ‘I don’t want to,’ I whisper. ‘I’m just afraid it’ll hurt.’
He nods. ‘We’ll take it slow, okay? We have the entire night. Heck, we have the entire weekend.’
‘But I want to do it now,’ I say. In a softer tone I add: ‘I want you, Walter. I need you.’
He gently places me on my back again, nearly suffocating me with kisses, causing me to laugh. With his lips locked on mine, he pushes in his tip. I dig my nails in his strong back. ‘Feels good?’
‘It does,’ I groan. ‘More, I can handle it.’
He slowly sinks in, my walls wrapping closely and tightly around him. Walter lets out a growl like sound, stilling his motions. ‘My girl,’ he chuckles, ‘I’m so proud of you. Taking me in like it’s nothing.’
‘You’re proud of me? Really?’ I ask.
‘I wouldn’t lie to you, princess.’ He allows me to stretch around him. He pats my thigh a few times, before giving it a squeeze. Walter checks one more time if I’m ready and when I nod, he pulls out, before carefully sliding back in.
The thrusts are soft. His bed slightly creaks every time he buries himself back into me. The room is filled with his grunts and loving words and with my hoarse gasps. I wipe away my tears with the back of my hand, as I take in this unknown, but pleasurable feeling.
‘Faster,’ I whisper. ‘Please.’
‘You sure?’
Not only do the thrusts grow faster, but slightly harder as well and those soft gasps of mine, quickly turn into something louder. A thin layer of sweat on both of our bodies. My legs wrapped tightly around his hips.
I flutter around his hard member, causing him to smile. ‘I can already feel it again, sweetheart,’ he says. ‘You’re close?’
A nod is all I can muster.
My toes curl, my breathing stops and the wave of euphoria washes over me. Tears drip over my face and I whimper: ‘Stop, stop, stop.’
He listens instantly and as the shocks run through my body, the aftermath of my second orgasm, he stills inside of me. ‘Too sensitive?’
‘I’m sorry, but yes.’
‘Don’t be sorry, don’t be,’ he tells me. ‘You did amazing, princess. Want me to pull out?’
I simply nod and I softly sniffle as he does. He’s still hard as a rock and he peels off the condom, throwing it in the bin. I push myself up and give him a kiss. ‘What about you?’
‘It’s okay, sweetheart.’
‘No, I… I can help,’ I awkwardly suggest. ‘I mean, I never done that before and I have no idea how to, but I think I can do it.’
‘You don’t have to.’
‘But I want to.’
He smiles. ‘Well, I can’t compete with that.’ He scoots over to the edge of the bed, gentle pulling me with him. ‘Go sit right there, sweetheart.’ I kneel on the carpet in between his legs and I take a deep breath. He holds my hand, guiding it to his hard member. I wrap my fingers around it, the tips not even touching. He leads the way as to how I need to move my hand. ‘You can squeeze a bit,’ he tells me.
I moisten my lips. ‘Can I?’
He nods. ‘Careful with your teeth,’ he says. ‘And don’t force it, princess.’
I open my mouth and let my tongue circle around his tip, before I wrap my lips around it. It earns me a low and sultry moan, and I look up. ‘Is it okay?’ I ask.
‘It’s perfect.’
As I slowly pump him without any guidance of Walter, I slowly try to get more and more of him inside my mouth. I don’t want my first ever blowjob experience to end with vomit, so I’m not forcing myself in a pornographic kind of way, where I nuzzle my nose into his pubes.
I mean, that would probably be impossible for me anyway.
Walter runs his fingers through my hair, slowly guiding me into bopping up and down. When I hollow my cheeks, the grip on my hair turns a bit harsher. ‘Shit, princess, you sure it’s your first time?’
I softly moan around him and he pulls back my head. With some drool dripping over my chin, I continue to pump him. His grunts fill the room, as warm spurts of cum land on my chest. The tight muscles in his entire body tense up, his hips bucking up to meet my hand. His jaw clenched, muffled groans.
That might’ve been the hottest thing I’ve ever seen.
Completely enthralled in Walter, I barely notice that his cum has both painted my chest, but also the lower part of my face. ‘I was not planning on this,’ he chuckles, wiping my chin clean with his thumb. He pushes it passed my lips and I taste the saltiness of his cum on my tongue.
‘Was it good?’ I ask him.
‘It sure was, darling.’ He stands up and pulls me back on my feet. ‘But we do need another shower now.’
✎ ✎ ✎
After a warm shower, we’re securely tucked underneath the blankets. I nuzzle against his naked frame with mine and he holds me tightly against him. ‘Penny,’ he says in a low tone, ‘I am falling in love with you.’
I smile, my heart warming at his lovely confession. ‘I’m falling for you too,’ I say, ‘like head over heels in love with you.’
His grip on me tightens a bit. ‘You know, in a few weeks, we have Christmas break,’ he says. ‘You’ve got any plans?’
‘Originally I wanted to go back to Maryland,’ I say, ‘but my parents probably want me to enjoy the college experience and kinda force me to have fun with friends.’ I let out a soft laugh. ‘As if I have any friends.’
He scoffs. ‘You’ll get the friends you deserve when the time is right, princess. But, just so we’re clear: you and I can spend a lot of time together during Christmas?’
I lean on my elbow so I can look at him again. ‘Of course. What did you have in mind?’
‘A little trip,’ he says. ‘Outside of New York, so we can stop sneaking around for a bit. Where do you want to go?’
‘I don’t mind,’ I say, ‘as long as I’m with— Oh, we could go to Las Vegas.’
He smiles. ‘You want to spend Christmas in Las Vegas?’ he asks.
I tilt my head, all of the sudden not so sure anymore about my Las Vegas idea. ‘Maybe Hawaii then?’
Am I hallucinating or did it just seem like Walter’s eyes turned into little hearts? ‘You’ve got quite the expensive taste, princess.’
Instantly I feel bad. He is obviously gonna pay for a lot of it, since I barely have any money. ‘Oh, sorry. You pick something, something less expensive. I don’t mind where we’re going.’
‘No, no, no,’ he says, ‘Hawaii could actually be it. Want to be surprised or want in on the planning?’
‘Surprised,’ I tell him. ‘Oh my goodness, Walter, this is so exciting. I can’t wait to spend all my time with you.’ I lean in to give him a kiss and he smiles against my lips. ‘I love you,’ I whisper, when he lets me go.
‘You do?’ A cocky grin forms on his lips and he says: ‘I love you more.’ He peppers me with kisses, tickles my sides and my squeals fill the room. ‘I love you so fucking much, I’m never gonna let anything happen to you, okay? You know that right?’
I bite my lip. ‘Of course I know that,’ I whisper, pushing back some of his hair. ‘I’ll forever know it.’
✎ ✎ ✎
The next morning, I see Walter standing in the kitchen, his back turned towards me. I sneak over to him, but he wouldn’t be the detective he is if he didn’t notice me already. ‘Princess, I can hear you.’
I instantly stop tiptoeing. ‘I know,’ I laugh, ‘but it was worth the shot. You’re such a  good detective.’
He chuckles, before lifting me up, placing me on the clean counter. He leans over to peck my lips. ‘How are you feeling?’
I nod. ‘I’m good, just… A little sore.’
Walter seems oddly proud of himself. ‘Oh, really?’
‘Yeah, my jaw too.’
He dumps the wooden spatula in the pan, turns the stove down low, before he stands in between my legs, wrapping his arms around my waist. ‘Well, princess, you did great last night. I’m so proud of you.’
‘You liked it?’ I ask, still a little unsure of how I performed last night. I mean, I never done it before and Walter probably had plenty of sex, because hello, have you seen that man? The fact that he wasn’t taken before we met is a miracle to me.
Walter buries his face in my neck, pressing sloppy kisses on my delicate skin as his beard is probably leaving some red marks, but I don’t care. ‘What do you think, princess?’ he asks. ‘Of course I liked it. Heck, I loved it. I love you, Penelope Townsend. I love you and only you. There is no need for you to be insecure.’ The sloppy kisses have moved to my lips, Walter’s parted lips against mine, his tongue exploring mine.
I arch my back, leaning into his touch, but something burns in my heart. Insecurities, that voice that tells me I’m not good enough for him and that last night was terrible. Before I can even stop it, warm tears roll over my face. ‘I’m sorry,’ I whisper, my voice breaking mid sentence. ‘I don’t know why.’
Walter softly shushes me, whispering it’s okay. ‘It was a lot,’ he says, ‘quite the experience.’ He kisses my tears away and says: ‘Princess, it’s alright, no need to cry, okay?’
‘I’m totally overreacting,’ I hiccup.
‘No, you’re not,’ he retorts. When he sees it’s not working, he pulls my head to his chest, pressing kisses on my hair, before he wraps his arms around my body. ‘How about breakfast first and then a hot shower?’ he suggests.
‘A shower with you?’
‘If you want,’ he says.
I nod. ‘Sounds good to me.’
✎ ✎ ✎
As we’re standing underneath the warm streams of water, Walter massages my scalp as he washes my hair, lathers my body with soap and fantasizes about our future trip together. ‘I can’t wait for you and I to be together for an unlimited amount of time.’
I smile, thinking about the idea of waking up to him, eating breakfast, lunch and dinner with him and walking around, holding his hand. ‘Me neither.’
Slowly but surely, the insane insecurities are something of the past, however I still know that if I think about it too long, my hands start to shake and I overthink it all. Before that can actually happen, Walter makes sure to distract me with kisses, with touches and telling me silly things he wants to do when he and I get to Hawaii.
‘We’re really going to Hawaii?’
‘Of course,’ he says, turning me around so I can look at him. ‘Because Hawaii is a perfect place for us to spend Christmas.’
‘What do I need to wear?’ I ask. ‘I don’t know how warm it is there.’
‘Let’s start with a bathing suit,’ Walter cheekily says, causing me to roll my eyes. ‘Just some light outfits,’ he whispers. ‘Honestly, princess, you look beautiful no matter what you wear.’
‘Is it expensive?’ I ask. ‘A trip to Hawaii.’
‘Don’t you worry your pretty little head over that, I’ve got it covered.’
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ah-ga-seven · 4 years
Till’ The End Of Summer - Chapter 5
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>> series masterlist <<
Pairing: Choi Yeonjun x Reader
In a Nutshell: College!AU, Rich Kids, Friends to Lovers, Fuckboy athlete Yeonjun, Overprotective Best friend Soobin, contains all of TXT and other Idol cameos, Omnipresent perspective.
Synopsis: You and Yeonjun are caught up in a cat and mouse game because of unspoken feelings and endless pining for each others’ attention. With the summer break approaching and lots of college parties, will you finally get a chance to explore your feelings for each other; even though the world and Yeonjun’s reputation makes things complicated?
Word count: 5K.
Genre: Fluff, Angst.
Warnings: Mentions of a broken family, verbal and mental abuse.
A/N: English isn’t my first language, pls don’t come for me ;)
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Yeonjun was sprawled out on your couch, lying down like a starfish. His attention completely focussed on his phone, as he scrolled through his endless Instagram feed.  
You stood in your kitchen, occasionally staring at him as you cut up some fruits for the two of you to snack on. The sight of him being so comfortable on your couch made you reminisce to just days ago when you couldn’t even imagine him ever stepping foot in your home ever again.
But boy, how times have changed.
Just a week ago you were at the festival, where you argued, got hurt, and shared your first kiss. It all seemed like it happened months ago, but the reality of it all was the opposite. To be honest, being with Yeonjun made the time pass effortlessly, which is both a good and dangerous thing.
To your friends’ knowledge, both of you had made up and decided to leave your feud behind you. What they don’t know is that you are trying to make your relationship work behind their backs. You felt awful about lying to your friends, but you and Yeonjun both agreed that it would be better this way, so you can both figure out your feelings for each other before your friends get a chance to meddle in your business.  
No one would be caught in the crossfires or have to pick sides if things ended up not working out, but with how everything was going in this week alone, you have to say that you don’t expect a negative outcome.
You’re falling, and you’re falling fast. Yeonjun makes you feel warm inside. He’s respectful, patient and the more you get to know him, the more you realise how similar the two of you are. You spent the past week having little dates at your place, just talking, eating, and watching movies or listening to music. He was careful though, not wanting to say or do the wrong thing or move too fast. He was afraid to scare you away if he would show all of his affection for you at once. So, he held back. Though as time passed, he started to not care anymore.
He loved how shy you got every time he stared at you or held your hand, kissed your cheek, or when he stole a quick peck from you when you’re focused on something else. The shock on your face is what got him going. He thrived from being in control and making you feel small. Because to him, you were adorable when you were flustered. Yeonjun had never been in a serious relationship or any type of relationship that went further than the physical stuff. With you, he had to start from the beginning. It made him nervous because he didn’t know how. He didn’t know when he was overstepping or when he was doing too little. To be honest, you just made him a nervous wreck. Although the same could be said for you. You can’t really explain it because you are comfortable around him but at the same time every single time you catch him staring, you want to run the opposite direction.
You look up from your cutting board to steal a glance from Yeonjun again but to your surprise, his form had left the couch. You were about to look around for him but before you knew it, you felt two arms snake around your waist. Startling you lightly.  
“Hi,” he whispered in your ear while placing a soft kiss on your temple. You lean into him. Chuckling as you put a grape in his mouth, which he basically vacuumed inside with his pouty lips.  
“Mmmh,” he moans in satisfaction, letting go of you to grab more of the grapes. “They’re so sweet,” he hummed. “Don’t say it…” you breathe, but you know him better than that. A smug grin crept on his face. “Almost as sweet as you” he teases, beaming at you knowing how much you cringe at his awful pickup lines and dad jokes. Moments like these made it seem like you were a married couple, but then again; you weren’t complaining.
You roll your eyes, playfully pushing him aside as you grab the plate of fruits. He follows you to your living room area and sits down on the couch while you sit down on the floor at your coffee table, folding your legs over each other to make yourself comfortable.
He looked at you funny, unsatisfied with the fact that you decided to sit so far away from him. “Are we strangers?” He scoffs grabbing your arm as he pulls you in his lap. You giggle as he starts to tickle your sides. He doesn’t stop there though as he tickles you without mercy, trapping you under him on the couch while he continues to taunt you. You gulp for air between your cackles and slap his chest to get him off.
“Y-yeonjun stop I can’t breathe,” you cry out and he gives in. Concluding the moment with a sloppy kiss on your lips which he deepens as he laces his slender fingers through your hair.  
You close your eyes, getting lost in the moment, until your doorbell rings.
Your eyes widen and you push Yeonjun off, which earned you a glare.
“Shit” you hiss, straightening out your clothes while walking to your front door. You stand on your tiptoes to try and see through your peeping hole and you’re surprised to see Soobin standing in the hallway.
“It’s Soobin” you whisper-scream and Yeonjun’s eyes nearly roll back to the back of his head. “Why is he here.”
“I don’t fucking know, go hide!”
“Hide?” he cocks his eyebrow at you.
“Yes, Yeonjun. Hide” you say a little louder.
“Where?” He asks dumbfounded. You could tell he was annoyed, but this was part of the deal. No one would find out until the end of summer. Especially not Soobin.  
“In my room, now gooooo,” you say as you push him into your room closing the door behind him, not giving him a chance to complain. You quickly skim your living room with your eyes trying to detect any evidence of male energy around but there was nothing to be found except for Yeonjun’s shoes, which you concealed by throwing your coat on top of it.
Soobin’s impatience got the best of him as he started knocking on your door again.
“Yeah, yeah. I’m coming,” you say in a sing-a-song voice.  
You quickly make your way to the front door, opening it and welcoming Soobin with the most genuine smile you could manage to put on your face.
“Heeey” you greet him with a hug, you had to stand on your toes to properly hug him but you didn’t mind. Soobin smelled like clean cotton and Iris flowers, which made you melt into the hug a little. You had to admit, you missed him.
“Hey” he cooed. “Why do you smell like male cologne?” he questioned and chuckled, but the comment caught you off guard and panic was evident in your eyes. He noticed and laughed loudly.
“Chill, I was just kidding,” he says as he walks into your living room, plopping himself down on the couch in the exact spot where Yeonjun was lying just seconds ago.
The sight made you paranoid and your eyes dart to your bedroom door, but you quickly turn your attention back to Soobin. Trying not to make things too obvious.
“Not to be a dick, but why are you here?” You ask sitting down beside him.  
Soobin cocked his eyebrow at you and he scoffs indignantly.
“I just missed you. You barely ask me to hang out anymore. How are you so booked and busy when it’s summer break,” he pouted. He spotted the fruit plate on your salon table and grabbed a handful of grapes, munching on them one by one.
“Ahh, I just-”  
“Is it because of the whole Yeonjun thing that you aren’t coming over? Because I thought you made up?  And he’s been missing as well, he’s barely home anymore so, it’s not like you’d run into him if it makes you feel that awkward…”  Soobin says insinuatingly, looking at you. He was trying to read you and jumping to his own conclusions, but it somehow helped you since you didn’t know what to tell him anyway.
You just nodded, making him think he made the perfect assumption and you could tell he physically relaxed as his shoulders dropped a little.
“I just needed time,” you start. “But I’m okay now, I promise. I’ll come over tomorrow for game night with the guys and Mia.”  
Soobin’s eyes lit up. “Really? Oh, the boys will be so happy.” 
He clapped in his hands like a kid and gave you a beaming smile.
You couldn’t help but reciprocate the smile and you playfully nudged his shoulder.  
“What are you doing? Wanna go get ice cream?” he asked looking at you expectantly.  
“Uhm, I can’t, I have a family Skype call” you half-lie. You did have the Skype call, but not anytime soon.
“I can stay for that? We’re close,” he simply states.
“I also have to Mary Condo my closet,” you shrug. You need him out. And fast. 
Knowing Yeonjun’s extra and impatient ass, it would take 5 more minutes before he’d blow your cover.  
“I can help with that too.” Soobin’s persistent fiery side was showing. He could read you like a book and noticed how you wanted him out. Although he didn’t know why. He sat up, still staring you right in your soul waiting for you to respond.  
“And have you going through my underwear? No thanks,” you joke light-heartedly but you noticed how he sensed something was off. He squinted his eyes at you and looked around your living room.
“Hmm, okay,” he said getting up. “Then…I guess I’ll see you tomorrow?” He gave up. Knowing you wouldn’t give up either. The both of you could go at it for hours like this. But Soobin figured you needed space.
You followed him to your front door and he turned around on his heels, wrapping you up in a tight hug, resting his head on your shoulder. “Don’t be sad okay,” he sighs and your heart hurts at the sweet gesture. You hate having to lie to him but you know it’s for the best even though the guilt is eating at you in a moment like this.
But you knew that this was the only way Yeonjun and yourself were going to be able to explore your feelings for one another.
“I’m okay, I promise,” you say letting go off him and giving him a genuine reassuring smile. He smiled back at you and nodded.
“See ya,” he says as he opens your front door and walks out. You wave at him until he’s out of sight, strongly exhaling as you close the door behind you. You rest your forehead against the doorframe to organise your thoughts. Realising how much of a shitty friend you have been to Soobin lately.
You sigh and turn around throwing your head back, but as you pass the corner, Yeonjun was already standing in front of you, arms crossed while tapping his heel to your wooden floor.
“That took forever,” he huffs.
“Well, he knows me better than anyone Yeonjun, he knows I’m lying to him.” You brush past him, making your way to your kitchen to pour yourself a glass of water. You realise your tone might have been a little irritable, but it’s you who you’re frustrated with. Not him.
Yeonjun just studies you, leaning on your kitchen counter as he watches you chug the contents of your cup away.
You bite your lip, giving Yeonjun an apologetic look as you meet his eyes again. “I’m sorry.”
He stayed silent and rubbed his forehead. “When it’s just the two of us, it’s great. But I don’t wanna have to hide in closets and Anne Frank you, y/n. I want to take you out on dates. Show you off. Post you in my stories, all the dumb shit.”  
“Well you came up with this whole deal yourself mister, and it’s been fun and all but I still barely know anything about your life outside of school and if I have to judge you based off of those stories then I’m not sure if I can trust you wholeheartedly," you explain softly, trying to avoid eye contact with him. You know his eyes are burning into you, so you just play with the rim of your cup.
“Why can’t you just see me for the person that’s standing in front of you right now instead of caring what other people have to say about me,” he says looking at you in disbelief. His tone was cold but most of all, he was sad and hurt.
It was almost like he took every win with a loss.
You were lying if you said it wasn't hard to trust him. But you also knew he had to earn it. The short week that you've been dating was way too short of a time frame to judge his sincerity off of, but when you're alone with him he's nothing like the person he is when he's with his friends. He's not as loud and boastful with you, but you're not sure if that's just a mask he's putting on for you.
“I want to” you say lost in thought. You didn’t even notice how Yeonjun got closer to you until he placed his hands on both sides of your face, making you look up at him.
“I don’t know how many times I have to assure you that I’m not going anywhere, but I’ll keep doing it if It makes you feel any better. The whole Yeji thing was a mistake, it shouldn’t have happened and I know that. But you promised that you would let that go and give me a real chance, but I don’t think you’re really doing that y/n. It’s unfair to me.”  
You sigh, defeated. “You’re right” you admit.
Yeonjun shoulders fell, raising his eyebrows in surprise. “I am?”  
“Yes, you are,” you roll your eyes and Yeonjun’s face lit up. He showed you his boyish smile and squished your cheeks together in his palms. “Good, because I blocked her number, unfollowed her, and unfriended her all together” he states proudly.
Your facial expression spoke for you and he chuckles. “Yes, for real,” he says reading your mind.  
“It’s not like I would ever ask you to do that.”
“But you’re glad I did?” He asks snaking his arms around your waist, pulling you into his chest.
“I guess so...” you sigh, melting into his embrace.
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You decided to chill for the day and watch a movie while the two of you were cuddled up under a blanket together. Luckily, you were both the type to talk through movies, debating why certain characters would do or say what they did. It was fun to pick each other's brain and you felt content and relaxed in his embrace. Every single time he chuckled, laughed , or hummed at your comments you felt his chest vibrate, sending shivers down your spine. His warmth was addicting and you can’t quite explain what it is but you felt safe.  
Your mind went into overdrive for a second and you recall your little argument from this afternoon. It was insane to you how quickly both of you went from angry and worked up, to completely peaceful and content. You weren’t quite sure how Yeonjun brought the worst and the best out of you in such a short amount of time. Your mind flashes back to your argument about his lack of opening up to you and you start to wonder why sharing his troubles and feelings with you is such a hard thing for him to do.  
You blinked a couple of times, not realising that you weren’t paying attention to what Yeonjun was saying so he nudged you a little. “Are you tired?” he whispered as his hands rubbed up and down patterns on your back to show comfort.
You look up at him and shake your head. “No, I was just thinking…” you say moving a strand of his hair from covering his eye.  
“About what baby?”  
Before you could open your mouth to speak, your phone started to ring. It was your scheduled family Skype call. It’s something your parents swore by, every Thursday night they would call you to check in on you, and see your face. Aside from the constant texting throughout the week of course.
You sit up. “I have to take this.”
Yeonjun looked at the caller ID and grabbed the remote to pause the movie.
You sit up, turning sideways so your back was leaning against the armrest of your couch, with your legs draped over Yeonjun’s lap so he’d be out of sight.  
You fix your messy hair and answer the phone, putting on your sincerest smile as you see a blurry image of something that looked like a terrace.
“Dad you need to turn the camera around, I can’t see you guys.”
“Oh honey, you never seem to get this right.” You hear your mom argue in the background and a smile crept on Yeonjun’s lips at the interaction.
You roll your eyes, chuckling as you finally see your parents’ faces.
“Hi sweetheart.” Your dad smiles at you fondly.
“Hey, how’s Italy?” you ask looking at the tans that both of them had developed, already knowing the answer.
“Amazing, but it would have been better with you here of course,” your mom says.
Your parents’ lifelong dream was to travel through Europe, and this year they finally got to turn that dream into a reality. They worked hard for it, and you wanted It to be something they did together, hence the fact that you decided not to join.  
“See, you say that mom, but I don’t think you mean it," you and your dad start laughing while your mom innocently fails to see the humor.
“I mean it y/n” she pouts. “I miss you a lot.”
Yeonjun decided to occupy himself by grabbing his phone, going through his social media but in reality, he was listening to your conversation with your parents. He didn’t quite realise it in the moment but he was happy listening to your playful banter and the sound of your giggles. He has always longed for that type of affection from his parents. He longed for the same type of warmth in his family. The type of warmth that isn’t bought with a new car or other meaningless expensive items.
All he truly wanted from his parents was love. But they failed to give that to him in his upbringing, as they were never around, too busy with their careers to care.  
The call with your parents didn’t last much longer due to a bad Wi-Fi connection on their end. You sigh as you put your phone on the table. Averting your attention back to Yeonjun.
“I’m sorry about that”  
“No, no. Don’t apologise. That was really cute” Yeonjun says giving your thigh a small squeeze as he smiled at you.  
“Cute? How so?” you chuckle genuinely confused.
“I mean that you have a cute relationship with your parents, that’s all,” he says calmly, grabbing the remote to press play on the movie again.
You frown, taking the remote control from him which made him lock eyes with you.  
This was your chance to ask questions, and so you did.
“Don’t you?” You ask cautiously.  
Yeonjun sighs. “I don’t wanna bore you.”
“No, please. You know you can tell me anything." You say grabbing his hand, rubbing those comforting circles on to the back of his hand with your thumb. The same way he always does with you.
He looks at your sweet gesture and his shoulders fall. He takes a deep breath and looks you in your big innocently sparkling eyes again and his whole body relaxes in an instance.  
“My parents married each other out of a business agreement. I am just a by-product of a business deal, nothing more than that,” he sighs.
“How…could you say that?” Your heart breaks at his words, and suddenly a lot of puzzle pieces fall into place.
“That’s what my dad tells me.” He let out a bitter chuckle, but you couldn’t believe your ears and didn't believe his unbothered demeanor
“To the outside world, my life seems close to perfect but in reality, it’s far from it. I’ve always gotten what I wanted, sure. But no amount of money can buy someone’s love...I guess.”
How could someone so unbreakable and incredible as Yeonjun, carry around this much baggage? This much hurt and resentment. The people that were supposed to be his safety-net and the warmth that he is to you, were everything but that. They were cruel and abandoned him as a child. Your mind couldn’t fathom the reality of things. Yeonjun could have turned out a lot worse, and suddenly you thank god that he hadn’t.
He continued to explain how his desire of being the greatest in everything he does, is because all he wanted was to be noticed by his parents. That his efforts would earn a simple “I’m proud of you, son” or an even simpler. “I love you.”  
You realize that his fear to commit comes from the fact that he doesn’t know what true commitment and love feels like, and as the realisation struck you. Tears start to fill the brim of your eyes.  
You hear him sigh.
He was hurting, and the fact that he made this all seem as if it wasn’t a big deal hurt you even more.
“My mom is the better one out of the two, she checks up on me at least once a month.” He smiles that bitter smile again, looking up at the ceiling with his arms crossed.
“You and the guys are the only ones that sort of know about this by the way. I intend to keep it that way, I don’t want the campus to turn into a pity party for me,” he says absentmindedly. He didn’t know why he felt the need to clarify that, maybe it was the hyper-masculinity kicking in. Although he knew he could trust you with anything, he somehow still felt the need to justify himself.
As he sensed your lack of talkativeness, he looked at you. Startled when he sees tears spill from your eyes.
He sits up in panic, not knowing what to do. Not knowing how to deal with emotion.
“Wh-why. y/n, are you crying?” he asks, eyes getting sad as he launched forward. Placing his hand in your knee in comfort.
You sniff and wipe your tears with the sleeves of your shirt. “I’m sorry.”  
“Don’t apologise” he says pulling you into his chest, cradling you like a baby. “I’m okay, I promise. Please don’t cry for me.  I made peace with it a long time ago.”
You sniff into his chest. “You shouldn’t have had to. You should have had parents who care about you. Parents that see you for the amazing person that you have become.”
“No, stop. I’m none of those things.”
Shit. This was a deep-rooted problem. A problem you weren’t sure how to start fixing. He thinks so little of himself, thinking he isn’t worthy of love and affection when the opposite was true. The meaningless sex was just a coping mechanism. An effort to find the warmth he longed for as a child. The warmth he still longed for right now.
You sit up, cupping his face, and littering his features with kisses. He melts in your touch, a soft giggle escaping his lips.
“Yes. You. Are” you say in between kisses.  
He took your hands from his face, making your look up at him in confusion with your innocent doll-like eyes. He sighs, avoiding your gaze.  
“I don’t want to talk about it anymore,” he says softly. And you nod in agreement.
You would never push him to open up to you more, and honestly, you weren’t sure you could handle more revelations at the moment. You were happy he told you what he did. It helped you understand him, and somehow it made your desires for him burn more passionately than ever.
He got up, stretching his body as he yawned. “I should get going, it’s getting late. I promised to teach Hyuka how to drive tomorrow,” he states.
He was running from more confrontation and you knew it, but you decide not to be clingy and give him the space he needs, even though every fiber of your being wanted him to stay. You decide to let it go.  
You pout up at him and he chuckles, bending down to give you a passionate kiss on your lips. "Don't worry about me."
You nod and get up to walk him to your front door and watch his tall figure elegantly cascade around your small living room, retrieving his belongings. When he found his car keys, he turned back around to look at you and he melts at the sight.
You were playing with your fingers, eyes big and insecure. You wanted to hug him but you weren’t sure if he was up for more affection.
He hooked his pinky in yours, pulling you towards him as he envelops you in the tightest hug he could possibly give you without smothering you completely.  He sniffed in your sweet perfumy scent that he loved so much and made the hug last a little longer than usual. He realised just how hard he had fallen for you in this moment. He didn’t want his dream-like blooming relationship with you to end before it started, but he also couldn’t help but think that you deserved someone better than the emotional fuck up that he is.  
You deserve someone who can love you back with the same amount of love that you give, and he knew all too well that he had a long way to go before he could give you anything close to the emotional stability that you deserved.
You stood on your tip-toes and pecked his lips once more. Yeonjun sent you a sweet smile, caressing your cheek with his thumb before he turned the knob to your front door.  
“Text me when you get home” you yell after him, but he didn’t respond.
As Yeonjun turns the corner of your apartment building he can’t help but drag himself down with his emotional state. The conversation with you unlocked memories that he had locked away. His mind starts to find more and more reasons as to how you deserve better than him. How he could never be enough for you and how he could never truly promise that he wouldn’t hurt you no matter how much he cared for you.
He was fucked up, and no one better than Yeonjun himself knew that trying to get you to love him was the most selfish thing he could have done.
Yeonjun opened the door to his expensive car, sliding into the drivers’ seat, starting the engine at the same exact time as the skies started to cry. It looked like a scene out of a damn movie.
Rain was falling like there was no tomorrow but he couldn’t get himself to drive off. He threw his head back. Listening to the loud sound of thick raindrops attacking his windshield in a rapid tempo.
His mind flashes back to the night before he left for college.
Yeonjun packed his bags with loud music blaring through his Airpods. He was feeling extra productive and he had almost finished packing all of his necessary belongings.
His father walked in, startling Yeonjun and snapping him back to reality as he took out one of his Airpods to listen to what his father had to say.
"Aren't you supposed to be gone already?" His father said picking up a picture from one of the boxes situated on his bed, scoffing as he looked at the picture of Yeonjun and his friends as he put it back into the box.
Yeonjun rolled his eyes. "I'm leaving tomorrow."
"Good, I was going to turn this room in to a gym." his father huffs
Yeonjun clenched his fists, trying to hold back his anger. "I don't know why you bother talking to me if this is how you're going to act." Yeonjun says, knowing he's probably going to get a verbal beating in return for his smart mouth but his dad just laughed at him.
"You're right. Just remember who's paying for your education smart-ass."
"What's going on?" his mother emerged from the entrance of Yeonjun's bedroom as she heard them argue.
"Nothing," his dad replied looking at Yeonjun. "Nothing at all."
A sudden surge of anger jolted through Yeonjun’s body as he snaps back to reality, and in response he hit his steering wheel as hard as he could multiple times in attempt to release his anger. Tears start to prickle his eyes at the bitter memory and he decided to let go. Drowning himself in the sorrow he felt and carried with him.
He cried for the first time in what felt like forever. Letting go of all his resentment and pent up frustration as he wept with his head hung low on his steering wheel.
If only money could buy happiness.  
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Chapter 6
379 notes · View notes
oh-so-scenarios · 5 years
Loose Ends | one
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⇢ ᴡʜᴀᴛ ᴀ ʟᴀsᴛɪɴɢ ɪᴍᴘʀᴇssɪɴɢ ʏᴏᴜ ᴍᴀᴅᴇ...ᴛᴏᴏ ʙᴀᴅ ʏᴏᴜ ᴅɪᴅɴ'ᴛ sᴛɪᴄᴋ ᴀʀᴏᴜɴᴅ ᴛᴏ sᴇᴇ ᴛʜᴇ ᴅᴀᴍᴀɢᴇ ʏᴏᴜ ᴄᴀᴜsᴇᴅ.
⇢ᴄᴇᴏ! ᴋɪᴍ ɴᴀᴍᴊᴏᴏɴ x ᴀᴅᴍɪɴ ᴀssɪsᴛᴀɴᴛ! ғᴇᴍᴀʟᴇ ʀᴇᴀᴅᴇʀ, ᴇx-ғɪᴀɴᴄᴇs!ᴀᴜ, ᴀɴɢsᴛ, ᴇɴᴇᴍɪᴇsᴛᴏʟᴏᴠᴇʀs
A/N: This one jumps right into things. First chapter is a bit...meh. but we gotta lay down the foundations first right? Not edited! (Word Count: 5K) Is this 
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Egotistical. Cold. Detached. Aloof. Inconsiderate. Narrow-Minded. Rigid. Narcissistic. All negative personality traits you could think of. Throw some more out there. Unfriendly, Greedy and more. All those words could describe my bosses. My past bosses and probably my future bosses. 
I’ve looked into the eyes of the coldest and most unbending people in the business industry. I stared them down, pulled a tight smile and flutter my eyelashes while speaking in a calm tone. That is my job. That is my career. Though I have only been doing this for 3 years, I live for it. 
Secretary, CEO’s assistant, Executive Assistant; there are many names for what I do. Call it what you will, I make sure important people know what they have planned for the day. I make sure they don’t fall apart and they do what is required of them
I am the most requested worker from Trim Line, the hiring agency I work for. My contracts never exceed 6 months; I come in to fix things up, find and train a new secretary and see myself out. I’ve declined too many long term offers and though it’d be more stable to stay in one place ...I don’t want to.
“Accept it.” Ms. Kwon said. I glanced up from the open folder that laid on my desk. I looked back down and bit my lip. She stood in front of my smaller desk with her arms crossed. Her amber-brown hair was resting on her shoulders. She’d just cut it short a few days ago. It made her appear to be younger. Her face was lacking wrinkles and though she was 54 she looked no older than 35. She often brags about her skin routine, the one she refuses to share with anyone.
Everyone has come to the conclusion that it’s some expensive serum we couldn’t afford anyway. 
Ms. Kwon is the CEO of Trim Line. she started the company 23 years ago and has been growing since. Trim Line provides qualified Lawyers, accounts, Secretaries and more. I am simply a secretary. I have refused all her offer to be trained in a different department. She believes I am limiting myself, but that’s fine with me. 
My hard work over the last 3 years has made Ms. Kwon draw me under her wing. She often checks on me, and always recommends me to potential clients. I’m thankful for her support and the support of the company. I tell everyone that Trim Line is just the place to work if you have the skills but can’t seem to find a job. 
Just be able to speak Korean and that’s enough. It doesn’t matter your gender or race, Trim Line will find work for you. The company was founded in South Korea but locations have been opened in Japan, China, and Taiwan.  The growth of the company is something Ms. Kwon takes pride in. Her eyes twinkle and her chin raises up while she puts a hand over her heart. 
She has a hard time believing she’s come so far. That’s why I appreciate her.  
“It’s 8 months,” I answer, speaking like that statement justified my answer. She places a hand on my desk and leans on it a bit. She narrows her eyes and cocks her head.
“I don’t know why you keep battling me on this Y/n. Take the offer. The pay is good, the ability to network is there as well. It’s just two months longer than your regular contracts. I don’t see the problem.” She argues, glancing down at the folder again. 
I sighed and leaned back in my seat, “This offer is...sketchy.” I always speak with her honestly. 
“Everyone knows KM Publishing. They are on top of the world right now. All the books that come out of there are best sellers. Published in Korea, then translated for many countries. They practically came out of nowhere and took over the publishing industry.” I said. 
Ms. Kwon took her hand off the desk and held her arms open as if her point was made, “Aren’t you supposed to be arguing against me, Y/n? Everything you said is correct! It’s a wonderful opportunity.”
I shook my head, “You know what else is correct, Ms. Kwon?”
Her eyes shift around the room as if waiting for someone else to answer. She shakes her head and shrugs. There was something childish about the action and I almost laughed at how childlike she looked at that moment.
“There isn’t much known about the CEO, but what is known--”
“--Yes, yes! I’ve heard it!” Ms. Kwon cuts me off, “I heard he’s awful.”
“Correction, he’s the worst,” I added sharply, “and it was Mina who said that! Mina, of all people!”
Mina is a co-worker of mine. She does her job well and isn’t a pushover. However, I remember hearing her experience with Mr. Kim of Moonchild Publishing. She met him in passing when working on as a lawyer for a smaller publisher. 
“His aura is terrifying.” She’d said. 
“He didn’t say a word but the look in his eyes was so demeaning. Like a father that sees his child as a failure.”
Mina looks for the best in people. She’s someone who has worked for some rude people but I’ve never heard her speak negatively of a person, let alone call some terrifying.
“But you’re tougher than Mina! That’s why I brought this offer to you!” 
“How is anyone gonna improve if you bring all the tough jobs to me?” I muttered under my breath. I crossed my arms over my chest and almost glowered at Ms. Kwon. She brushed off my irate gaze and continued with her lecture.
“This isn’t one for someone who wants to grow Y/n. I need someone who is qualified and can deal with whatever stuck up, arrogant man is thrown her way. That’s you.” She points her manicured finger at me, before wagging it around the office. 
“No one in this office has been able to work under such pressure. You’re the only secretary Mr. Jeon, CEO of JJK IT, hasn’t made cry.” She reminds me. 
Oh right, Mr. Jeon. A young man whose brilliant idea brought him to a high status of power. The way his company has been overtaking the IT world is alarming. It makes me wonder just when it’ll become too close to a monopoly, because the short 3 months I was there showed the young man’s desire to expand.
His attitude was...condescending. He walked about looking down on those around him. He was the King and we were the lowly help. He was one of the most talkative CEOs I’ve worked for. He’d often grin at me, while his eyes racked up and down my body.
I never mentioned his attempting to wine and dine me to Ms. Kwon. He felt no shame in letting me know he was interested. Ugh. The more that I think about it, the more I realized how much I disliked Mr. Jeon.
Mixing personal desires into work is so unprofessional. I lost some respect for him, but there wasn’t much in the first place. 
I pick up one of the papers from the folder and scanned it, finding what I wanted. 
“Who put in the offer to the company? He did?” I ask, pressing my lips into a tight line. 
“The Chairman of the company did. They need someone who can keep up with the CEO’s demands and fast-paced workday.” She explained. She peeks over at the paper in my head, her gaze flickering between my unmoving face and the printed words.
 “The pay is exceptional.” She pokes at me.
I chuckle, “Ms. Kwon,” I almost sang in a warning manner. 
“I want you to accept this offer Y/n. It’s not only good for you but also for the company. Moonchild Publishing has connections with production companies. You know a lot of their novels are being made into movies. In the 23 years of building Trim Line with my bare hands,” She pauses and sighs. 
I have to stop myself from rolling my eyes. Here she goes!
“...I haven’t been able to break into the film world. Imagine if we Trim Line could provide agents, writers, and even graphic designers! This may be the step I need to get my foot into the door.” She pouts, fluttering her long eyelashes.
“Y/n, take the job ...for me.” 
 I close the folder and give Ms. Kwon an apologetic look, “I’m not taking the job.”
I TOOK THE damn job offer. Why! Why! Why?! It was probably Ms. Kwon’s begging. The way that a grown woman would follow me around the office with a sad look in her eyes for the last week. Sighing loudly in my presence and muttering sad phrases to herself, but of course loud enough for me to hear.
She was being over-dramatic, saying stuff like I was opening a massive door for her. The future and growth of the company were sitting on my shoulders. 
No pressure! 
Ugh, I just gave in, finding that my co-workers were pushing me to take the job. They didn’t want the offer pushed their way if Ms. Kwon got desperate. She’d result in sending someone who could at least manage with Mr. Kim or KM as he often goes by. 
That’s how I found myself standing in the large elevator that had a gold interior. The elevator moved fast, taking me up to the 23rd floor where Mr. Kim would be found. I leaned against the wall, looking at the box of my things in that white office box I’d used too frequently. I looked down at my outfit, wondering what to wear tomorrow. My red flare pants came a bit higher up on me, like high rise jeans. I had on a plain black blouse with a black blazer. 
My heels were a dull white but were concealed by the flare of my pants. My nails were nicely due, but not long enough to get in the way of my work. My hair was slicked back into a well put together ponytail. I kept the accessories to a minimum.
Another adventure is beginning. An 8-month adventure. This isn’t anything new to me. I was ready to come in and do my work. I know I am amazed at my job and no one can tell me otherwise. There were no butterflies, not nervous or worries. I am not here to befriend anyone or become the CEO’s favorite. I know my place and my purpose. 
The elevator pings before the doors open to reveal a white hallway with a grey granite floor. The ceiling was lined with gold and the walls were so white I’d be afraid to touch there no matter how clean my hands were.
I picked up my book and stepped out of the elevator. I walked to my right because the left was a dead end. My heels clicked and echoed through the hall. Anyone would think it was vacant on this floor. The hallways were so wide, it made you feel small. 
I turned the corner and could faintly hear the sound of a buzzing office. The sound of paper shuffling, keyboards clicking, and small conversation. I kept walking and saw a foggy glass door in front of me. 
“Oh!” A small voice said. I turned my head to see a girl sitting at a large white desk. She stood up, giving me a full view of her small frame. I was so focused ahead that I hadn’t noticed the two items on either side of me. The desk where the quiet girl stood and across from her desk, two wooden double doors. 
I looked forward again, staring at the fogging glass door that was on the wall adjacent to the wooden double doors. 
“Ms. L/n?” The young woman said. I turned my head to look at her again, finally giving her my full attention. I walked towards the desk, showing her a small smile. 
“So you already know of my arrival?” I ask, and follow it with a small giggle. I walk around so I’m behind the long white desk. There are two seats and two computers, on which the young woman was occupying. 
“I’m Sana.” She stretches her arm out as I set my box on the floor beside what I presumed to be my seat. Her hair was so silky straight, I’d thought it was a wig. I shook her hand swiftly gently before bending down to take the top off my box. I started taking out the all-new planner I’d bought, as I always do with a new contract. I took out some folders and took out my phone that I’d carelessly thrown into the box. 
“I’ve heard a lot about you,” Sana says, trying to stop the silence. I didn’t find the silence awkward, and frankly, I didn’t feel the need to speak to her. I don’t start my first day going around the office and learning everyone’s names. 
I did at first, but I’d notice the friendships I made at each office would die over time. 
“I heard you’re a pro at these types of things.” She kept talking even though I didn’t reply. Ugh, I already know what type of co-worker she will be. 
“Mr. Kim--” I cut her off. 
“--is in a meeting, I know,” I said, before digging through the box again. Sana must have forgotten I’d already asked her to email me Mr. Kim’s schedule two days ago. I already know what’s on the agenda for the next week, which leaves me prepared. 
I kept rummaging through the box until I made it to the bottom where my ID badge was. I put it on over my head and kicked the box under the desk. I took a deep breath before plopping down in my seat. 
I laid my hands on the desk and closed my eyes. I took a deep breath in and out. When I opened my eyes Sana was peering at me with her brows furrowed. 
I opened up the new planner I had bought and was already filled with Mr. Kim’s schedule. 
“Oh wow!” Sana gasped from beside me. She moved her chair closer, it is easier since there were wheels on both our chairs. 
She stared at my planner, reading over everything, “You really are a pro at this!” The tone in her voice shows that she was doubtful. The way her eyes shined at my organization was kind of cute. She smiled widely as she looked at my face. 
“I am so glad you’re here. I could tell Mr. Kim was getting frustrated with me.” She relaxed in her seat, her shoulders dropping in dejection.
I raised an eyebrow at her, “What exactly is your job? I didn’t know Mr. Kim had another secretary?” 
She straightens up and puts both hands up. She shakes her head and hands in a ‘no’ fashion.
“I am not a secretary by any means.” She laughs awkwardly, “I am merely the receptionist. When clients come for appointments or authors come for interviews, I show them their way. I make appointments, I restock the staplers…” She trails off as if hearing herself and regretting her words. 
“I just mean that I don’t have to deal with anything pertaining to Mr. Kim.” She says softly. 
I nod and look back at the schedule, “The previous secretary?” 
“Her last day was a few days ago, so I was attempting to handle Mr. Kim’s stuff. He was getting frustrated because my abilities were limited.” She pouted and turned her chair to face the front again. 
I only nodded in response before taking my planner and rising from my seat. Sana watched me in curiosity, the question written all over her face. She was wondering where I was going. She probably didn’t want to face Mr. Kim along when he got back from his meeting. 
As I pushed the heavy glass door open with my hip, I remember that I didn’t ask what Mr. Kim’s first name was. He goes by KM and a few said he accepts Kim J at times. But what is his first name? I didn’t do too much research on Mr. Kim as a person, cause that shouldn’t matter much.
I did more research into the company and its functions. Did I even look up a picture? I don’t remember. I’ve done this too many times to waste the effort of such trivial things. I stood in the middle of a big room with different cubicles and desks, people seated at all of them. Only some people noticed my presence, stopping to size me. The stares of the women turning sour and the men ogling. 
My eyes move around the office, avoiding eye contact with any of those who were watching me. I finally notice the names of each employee on their desks and outside of their cubicle. 
“Mr. Min,” I muttered looking back down at the planner. Mr. Min is supposed to have a sales report for the latest release. Mr. Kim will review it then proceed on the restock of the book. I started walking through the office, noticing the floor was carpet when I didn’t hear my heels clicking. 
I walked past desks and wandering gazes to I came to the name I wanted to see. 
‘Mr. Min -- Accountant” My joy was short-lived as I noticed the desk empty. My mouth fell into a frown and I looked around the office, checking if maybe he’d left his desk for only a moment. I was about to turn around to leave when I spotted a packet of paper on the further right corner of the desk. I stepped closer, noticing a pale blue sticky note with a message written.
Completed Sales Report for new Secretary. I smiled to myself, scooping up the packet and spinning around on my heels. I started out the way I came. 
“Are you the new secretary?” Someone called out. My footsteps slowed to a stop and the office felt a lot quieter than before. 
I spun towards the voice to notice a man in a white dress shirt with black slacks. He stood not too far from me. His hands were in his pocket while his eyes studied me. His tongue poked the inside of his cheek and his gaze was hot on me. 
I stared back at him, bored. Ugh, at least try to not be oblivious. 
“Yes, I am.” I hold the packet and the planner close to my chest. I take note of the other employees tuning in. 
“I have to admit,” He smirks, “You’re the cutest one by far.” I scoff at the comment.
“That's what you stopped me for?” I ask, “How disappointing. If you’ll excuse me.”
“You seem so sure of yourself.” He calls out again, his tone harsher this time. I only took one step and stopped. I turn to face him again, listening as he continued his insults. 
“I give you...a month.” He says, turning to his co-workers who giggled in agreement.
I look over my shoulder, “Give me 8 months instead. That’s how long my contract is.” I turn to face him again, looking him up and down with a scrutinizing gaze. 
“Maybe the reason it’s so hard working for Mr. Kim because rather than focus on your work, you’re standing here eyeing me so intensely that I just might have to call HR.” The light and kind tone I used made the man’s confident smile drop, for it took him a moment to process my retort. 
“It’s 10 am, I’ve only been here for such a short time. At least let me have lunch before you start your, what I am guessing is frequent, harassment.” The open mouths of those in the office weren’t of the only shock but of laughter. Some were clearly stunned by my words while others tried to keep their chuckles low.
I didn’t stay to watch the man gather his thoughts in an effort of a rebuttal. I had already wasted too much time. I headed towards that same glass door, pushing it open with my hip as I’d done before. Sana only looked up from the computer screen to acknowledge me. I walked right to the double doors.
“Is he back?” I asked over my shoulder. I could barely see Sana shake her head no. I made my way into the office, not spending too much time on the decor. I was too focused on my thoughts. The details of the rest of the day playing in my head. 
I want everything to go smoothly. I place the packet on the walnut wood desk, peeling off the sticky note in the process. 
I spend the next 30 minutes out at my desk with Sana. I’m making arrangements for dinner Mr. Kim suddenly emailed me about. The footer stating ‘sent from iPhone’ told me that his meeting went well. I also sent emails out to Mr. Kim’s driver, travel agent and more. They need to be familiar with me and I with them.
I am typing away at my computer, ignoring Sana’s gleeful humming. I’m sending out documents and sending things to the printer. I push myself away from the desk and stand up, heading back into the office area. The copy room has to be around here somewhere. Everyone can tell that I’m looking for something, but no one makes an effort to help. 
I find the copy room, grabbing the sheets of paper I sent. I looked over them, making sure it’s how I wanted it to be. I hear whispers when some women entered the copy room. I sighed, already tired of the people here. My goodness, how many times has Mr. Kim gone through a secretary? Are they not used to it by now? 
Or were they trying to feel me out? I grabbed my sheets of paper and strolled out the copy room, not giving them the chance to say whatever it was. I am not going to be joined into any cliques. I strolled through the office space and back out to the lobby to meet a panicked Sana standing up in her seat. 
“What’s up?” I ask, my face scrunching up. Why did she look like that? Her eyes dart to the double doors and she fumbles with her fingers.
“Mr. Kim is in.” She says then nods towards the doors, “He would like to see you.” She swallows, looking like he’s asking for her instead of me. 
I set the freshly printed papers on the desk and grab my planner with a pen. I straighten my blazer and hold my head up high. 
I knock on the doors and hear a faint, “Come in.” 
I push one door one and waltz in. He’s sitting in a chair at his desk, but with the back facing me. I didn’t notice the beautiful square windows that were behind his desk till now. Under the windows were some bookshelves. There were awards, books, and figurines. The walnut desk was complemented by the black spinning chair I was staring at the back of.
There were no pictures on his desk. It was cleaned off except for the report I placed down later. I could barely see the side of his arm that rested on the armrest of the chair. Was he looking out the window? 
I stood there in silence, waiting for him to say something. Nothing. Did he not hear me come in? Ugh, I can already tell how this guy is going to be. 
“You called for me?” I asked as kindly as I could. I shouldn’t get on his bad side so quickly.  I’ll admit, he does have a commanding presence. The silence was heavy and almost disapproving. Now I used what mina was saying. I feel like I’m about to be scolded, though I haven’t done anything wrong.
“Did you make the reservation?” He asked. 
“Yes, for 8 pm,” I answer, flipping the planner opened to today’s date.
“8 pm is too late.” He retorts in plainly. 
“I’ll change it to 7 pm. Anything else?” 
“You’re the one who put the report on my desk?” 
“Yes, sir.” 
“Don’t do it again. Don’t enter my office when I am not here unless you’re told to. I don’t want anyone snooping in here.” He almost spits. 
He thinks I care enough to snoop? Anyways. 
“Got it. Anything else, Mr. Kim?”
It’s silent again. I stand there, waiting. He’s gonna ask me to do something else isn’t he? I can tell he wants to say something. Say it. Say it so I can leave. 
“Make calls to these authors in regards to their release dates. Get availability from each other them and schedule dates according.” 
I wrote down the names and phone numbers as he called them out. I can’t say I'm surprised by his cold and detached personality. I’ve worked for businessmen and women like him. No hello, welcome to the company or it’s great to have you type of bullshit. He doesn’t care who does the job, he just wants the job done. That’s fine with me.
As I scribbled down the information, I heard a chair spin around. Oh, how kind of him to finally put his eyes on me! 
I wrote the last phone number and closed the planner looking up to ask for further instruction. But I couldn’t speak as I looked up at the man seated. 
He stared daggers at me, his eyes shuttered while his arm was propped on the armrest and his hand was on his chin. It was hard to tell what he was thinking or if he was thinking at all. All I could do was stare back in a gut-wrenching manner. It felt like my heart stopped for a few beats before accelerating to the point of concern. Was I about to have a heart attack?
My body was growing hot while my heart continued to pound in my ears. A shiver traveled up my spine and for a moment it felt like I lost all the strength in my legs. 
I blinked a few times, thinking that the man in front of me would disappear if I looked away. I cleared my throat, moving my eyes to the way on my right. Though it felt like I was losing all control of my body, it wasn’t showing on the outside. Rather my heart and body were reacting on the inside. 
But to any regular person, you’d just see me blink multiple times. 
What is this? What is this thick and weighing quiet? Should I say something? Is he going to say something?
Mr. Kim gazed back at me with an unreadable expression. His eyes took in every corner of my face. My hair, my eyes, my nose, my lips and once again, he did the same thing. What is he thinking? His eyes move to down my body, all the way to my feet and back up to my face. I thought he was going to say something. Do something. Make a face of disgust or recognition. But worse, he looks away.
He leaned forward, taking the report in his hand. He sat in a crisp navy suit with his black hair slicked back and out of his face. He looked sharp and expensive. Not a hair out of place. He looked like a higher class man. The energy coming off him demanded attention and obedience. 
What a scary man indeed. 
I became aware of the fact that I was watching this man read in silence. He wasn’t going to dismiss me so I dismissed myself. I moved slowly, not trusting my legs to carry me out in one piece. I gripped onto the handle of the door for dear life, using it to steady myself. I flung the door open and zoomed out of the office. 
I didn’t pay any mind to Sana concerned eyes as I strolled past the desk, down the white-walled hallway, and to the elevator. I pushed the button, my breathing became heavy as I waited, my eyes stinging so painfully small gasp left my lips. 
I coughed, a choked sob coming up quickly after. The sob shook my chest and physically made me hunched over with my hand on my mouth. The elevator doors opened. I was glad to find it empty. I walked into, leaning against the wall while I caught my breath. I didn’t press a button so the doors closed, and the elevator stayed still. 
I took in a shaky breath and pressed the button for the lobby. The elevator started to descend and so did. I slid down the wall, a sob getting stuck in my throat as tears ran down my cheeks. My body felt like it was freezing over and I shivered violently. My throat suddenly felt dry and all composure was leaving me. 
Joonie. Joon. Namjoon. Mr. Kim was Kim Namjoon. My old schoolmate, my childhood friend, my first love ...the man I wanted to spend the rest of my life with. 
A man I loved with all my heart and soul stared into my eyes like he was watching grass grow. Like I was a stranger. Maybe...maybe I am a stranger because that emotionless man in there couldn’t have been my Namjoon. 
I clutched at the fabric of my shirt, sniffling, throwing my head back and closing my eyes. 
Get it together Y/n! Get it together! You’re supposed to be collected one. You’re supposed to have your shit together. Don’t do this now, don’t do this here. You’re better than this! 
The feelings of pain, bitterness, and regret were overwhelming. Sadness overtook me as memories of the past years replayed in my mind. 
What right do I have to feel so sad? What right do I have to pity myself in such a way? 
Everything fell apart 3 years ago, and it was my fault.
∙ ∙ ∙ ∙ ∙ ∙ ∙ ∙ ∙ ∙ ∙ ∙ ❣
Thank you so much for reading! Let me know what you think! I didn’t drag out the reunion cause that’s not the main point of the story! 
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mss4msu · 5 years
Call Me Doctor. (Chapter 16)
Summary: Fresh out of graduate school, you had somehow landed a spot in the faculty of a prestigious university. The small anthropology department has too many faculty and too few offices; sharing an office does not go as you expected.
Pairing: Professor!Steve x Professor!Reader 
Words: 1885
Warnings: Soft Steeb, SO MUCH FLUFF YOU MAY DIE
A/N: LMAO I wrote the last chapter from reader’s perspective about Halloween when it was May the Fourth and now I’m still writing about Halloween and I actually got my decorations out for spooky season today. Time flies when you have writer’s block. Sending so much of my love to everyone still hanging in there and reading this story!
Catch Up on the Story Here
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As you groggily opened your eyes Sunday morning and tried to roll to the edge of the bed to get up, you felt arms wrap tightly around you. You blinked your eyes open and they focused on the Halloween costumes crumpled up in the corner of your bedroom. 
“Where do you think you’re going?” Dr. Steven Rogers growled into your ear, as he pulled you closer to him. 
“The bathroom,” you yawned, trying halfheartedly to pry yourself from Steve’s arms. 
“I’ll let you go on one condition,” you felt his warm breath on your neck, making you shiver.
“And what’s that?” 
“You have to come right back.”
“Deal,” you replied. 
As soon as his arms loosened around you, you hopped up and went to the bathroom to relieve yourself. You quickly ran a brush through your hair and gurgled some mouthwash before you went back to the bedroom. Steve sat up as you walked in, his eyes wandering your figure, which was concealed with the oversized t-shirt you had put on last night. You flopped down on the bed next to him, and he reached over and pulled you closer. 
“You are truly...what was the word you told me...nfrt?”
You felt very warm as a blush crept into your cheeks, “I don’t know if beautiful is the word I would use to describe myself in the morning.” 
“Good thing I’m the one doing the describing then,” he said before taking your chin in his hand and guiding your face until your lips met his. “Thank you for the generous hospitality and letting me spend the night.”
“It was my absolute pleasure, plus I couldn’t have let you go home in that state,” you beamed at him.
“I don’t know…” he kissed you, “what state,” he kissed you again, “you mean,” he kissed you even longer on the last one. 
You began to replay the previous night in your head as Steve continued to kiss you: 
After everyone else had left and you had given Steve a tour of the apartment, he had pulled you down onto your bed and you kissed passionately, neither of you wanting to be the one who pulled away first. After thirty minutes spent locking lips, you both finally surfaced for air. As you sat up, you let out a small yelp of pain as the corset zipper dislodged itself from being stuck in your skin. You excused yourself to change into the big t-shirt you woke up in, opting to keep the little hot pants on underneath. After asking your permission, Steve stripped out of his costume too. You hadn’t pegged him as a boxer-briefs kind of guy, but his underwear really accentuated all of his assets. Once you were both stripped down, you both seemed to get more shy around each other. You had sat next to him on the bed, and after a few minutes of awkward silence, you suggested watching a scary movie to cap off the spooky season. You tried to let Steve choose, but he insisted that you did, as “you were the expert.” You flipped through a few options, but ultimately decided on the original Halloween, “Can’t go wrong with a classic,” you had said. You made it past Michael Meyers killing his sister before Steve moved closer and put his arm around you. You got up to grab a blanket after the first teen death, and snuggled up closer to Steve upon your return to the couch. Despite how many times you had seen the movie, you still got spooked by the jump scares, especially that damn closet scene, and a quick glance up at Steve showed that he felt the same. “You doing alright?” you had asked him hesitantly. “Absolutely,” he had replied, squeezing you closer to him. Steve seemed enthralled the whole movie, and his look of perplexion at the end, when a should-have-been-dead Michael disappeared from the pool cause you to giggle. “What’s so funny?” he had asked. “You’re just so dang cute,” you replied, readjusting yourself so you could kiss him. You sat on the couch, making out to the terrifying score of Halloween as the credits ran. When the credits ended, you silently got up, took Steve’s hand, and brought him back to the bedroom. You gently pushed him onto the bed and crawled on top of him, kissing him gently at first, and then more passionately as his hands began to wander your body. With weeks of anticipation and longing finally rearing its head, you began to slowly grind your hips on him. Less than one minute of this and Steve pulled away. “(Y/N), we should take this slow,” he said, causing you to stop everything, “It’s not that I don’t want to, it’s just, I already fucked this up once and I don’t want to do it again.” “Steve, you didn’t fuck it up,” you said quickly, your vagina speaking for you, for if you had been thinking clearly you would have agreed with him. “Yes, I did, and I will not do it again. But, that doesn’t mean we have to stop this part,” he put his hand behind your head and smashed your lips together in a long kiss, “I just think we should wait on,” he cleared his throat. “Ok,” you replied, taking a deep breath and un-straddling him, opting to lay next to him instead. “I really, really like you, (Y/N) (Y/L/N),” Steve said, turning on his side to face you. “I really, really like you too, Dr. Rogers,” you said, turning on your side and facing him. “What did I say about calling me doctor?” Steve laughed before kissing you deeply again. You fell asleep wrapped up in each others’ arms.  
“Well, you were pretty shaken up by the movie,” you replied slyly.
“Babe, it wasn’t the movie that shook me to my core,” he smirked, running his fingers through your hair. 
Just hearing him call you babe made your stomach flutter, “Oh?” you asked coyly. 
“Mhm,” he replied, before kissing you again. 
You spent the morning in bed, only breaking once to grab some of the leftovers from the night before and eat them in bed, and alternated between long periods of time kissing and talking about life. Much of it was lighthearted, you discovered his favorite flavor of ice cream was chocolate chip cookie dough, because it reminded him of the cookies his mom made him as a kid, but you also learned about the deeper things, like how he had lost his mom while in school and James had really become his only family. You had told him about your previous failed relationships and how much you loved The Mummy movies. 
Your perfect day in bed was interrupted when Steve’s phone started to buzz uncontrollably on the bedside table. Steve looked at you and you gave him a small nod that he should answer it. He picked up his phone and sighed as he answered it.
“Yes, Buck?” He asked, rolling his eyes, “Oh shit. That’s today? Fuck. What time?” Steve sat up quickly and momentarily pulled the phone from his ear to check the time, “Fuck, ok, I’ll just meet you there? Any chance you could bring me a pair of shorts...and some running shoes?” He began to turn red, “Shut. Up. Barnes.” He said through gritted teeth, “Ok, see you soon.” 
“That sounded like a very interesting conversation….”
“Yeah, I forgot that we signed up for this Day of the Dead 5k a few months ago. It starts in an hour and it’s across the city, so if I leave right now, I’ll just make it.”
“Well, seeing as I already ruined your couples costume, it would be unfair of me to get in the way of your run today,” you said, sitting up and wrapping your arms around Steve. 
“You didn’t ruin the costume…” he said, rubbing his hand on your arms, “Well, I guess you may have depending on which half of the couple you ask. Regardless, I should go,” he heaved a big sigh.
You undrapped your arms from around him as he got up and went to his costume, which he had thrown in the corner the previous night.
“I know you already asked James to bring you clothes, but do you want to borrow some sweats?” you asked, giggling as he began to put the Superman costume back on.
“No, it’s fine,” he said as he got the suit up to his midsection. He paused, “On second thought, if you think they’d fit, I’d love to borrow them.”
“I own a variety of sizes for various levels of comfort,” you said, grabbing out the very oversized sweats you had in the closet just to be sure they’d fit you. 
Steve took the Superman suit back off and eased into your sweats, letting out a sigh of comfort, “Thank you.”
“Of course! Wouldn’t want you to have to do a Halloween walk-of-shame,” you winked at him as you slid off the bed. 
“Funny,” he smirked at you before pulling you in for a hug and kissing you on top of the head, “Do you mind if I leave this here?” he asked, motioning to the Superman costume he had thrown back to the reject corner with your Wonder Woman costume. 
“Might be strange if you took it with you,” you laughed, “Do you want me to bring it to the office tomorrow...or…?” 
“Oh...um...I guess if that’s the easiest for you, then sure,” he rubbed the back of his neck anxiously. 
You felt a sudden surge of bravery, “Or we could get dinner later this week and I could bring it then?” 
“That sounds like a much better option,” Steve grinned at you, “Plus, we should probably meet outside of office time anyway for the museum project, right?”
“Oh...right!” the museum project was honestly on the back of your mind after all everything that had been happening with Steve recently, “Yes, probably good for us to get that on track, especially as I think the installations are set to start up next week.”
“According to the itinerary you gave me, that is exactly when they are set to begin.”
“Well, then lunch this week it is. I guess we can figure that out later?” you looked at the clock on your bedside table, “Steve, you should really get going or you’ll be late! I can’t handle James being upset with me over two different things in a span of two days,” you grabbed Steve’s hand and led him into the hallway. 
“Perfect, I look forward to it,” he kissed you on the head, and then the nose, and then on the lips. 
You both stood in the hallway, the yearning displayed by your lips as they pressed together revealing that neither of you wanted to part ways so soon. Unfortunately, you were interrupted by the buzzing of Steve’s phone.
“Fuck,” Steve mumbled looking at the Caller ID, “Yes, Buck, I’m on my way. See you soon.”
“Alright, I actually have to go,” Steve said, giving you a quick peck on the lips and unlocking your front door. 
“See you tomorrow, Steve.”
“Can’t wait,” he smiled back at you before closing the door.  
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fantastic-bby · 5 years
Business Is Business - Mafia AU
Chapter 1
Word count: 5k
Warnings: Mafia involvement, murder, suicide, self harm, violence
Chap.2 || Chap.3 || Chap.4 || Chap.5 ||
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Their breaths came out as fogs as they walked through the streets of Seoul. His hands were full of bags as he tried to keep up with his sister, his whines never ceasing to how she was making him carry all the bags. 
“Hyun Jae, why can’t you carry any of the bags?” He whined out. Hyun Jae turned around to him, walking backwards, and lifted the tiniest of the bags that was in her hand as well as her clutch in her other,
“My hands are full, Hongjoong. Sorry.” She snickered at him before turning back around. He let out a groan, the sound of the bags dropping to the floor making her stop her footsteps and turn around to face him. 
“Why did we buy so much shit again? It’s not like we’re going to stay in that apartment often anyway.” He grumbled as he looked at the amount of bags that were sitting on the pavement. 
“Most of it is either food or your stuff.” She shrugged, finally helping him to carry some of the bags, “Four of these bags are from the music store and only one of them is mine.” Hongjoong stretched his back, 
“God, I feel like an old man.” He let out another groan, a small crack coming from his back before peeking into the bags, “The heavier bags are the ones filled with things you bought from Typo and Miniso.” He said to her matter-of-factly. Hyun Jae stuck her tongue out at him, putting down one of the bags and picking up one of the lighter ones, 
“I was about to carry a heavy bag but now you carry all the heavy bags.” She turned on the heel of her boot and started walking. He quickly picked up the bags and jogged to keep up with her. 
“Yah! Kim Hyun Jae!” He called out with a sigh as he chased after her. 
“We’re almost at the train station so you’ll be able to rest.” She said as she pulled one of the bags from his hands, the softer side she had for her brother starting to show as they approached the entrance to the train station. 
They made their way down and into the station, stepping into the train. They were lucky there were two empty seats right as they stepped in and Hongjoong quickly sat down and dumped the bags on the floor with a sigh. Hyun Jae took a seat beside him and watched as he stretched. 
“My entire body is going to ache so bad tomorrow. Why did we go shopping a day before dance practice?” He groaned, finally relaxing in the plastic seat of the train. “I’m just glad we’re going home.” He leaned his head back against the glass as Hyun Jae pulled her phone out of her poofy winter jacket, her eyes widening and her lips parted slightly. 
“Joong,” She held her phone up in front of his face, his eyes widening at the sudden action. His wide eyes squinted as he read the message, 
“No way.” He reached into the pocket of his jacket to pull out of his own phone. He let out a laugh, quickly stifling it when he received strange looks from the other passengers. “I can’t believe he actually got caught.” He lowered his voice and continued to read the news article sent by his members, “I actually thought he would get away with it.” 
“Yeah, you did.” She snorted as she held her hand out in front of him. He rolled his eyes as he reached into his pocket and pulled out a 10 thousand won note, slapping it in her hand. “Min Yu may be smart but he’s not thorough enough at hiding evidence and I had to clean it up for him once.”
“I know, I was hoping I could just win some money.” He sighed, “What did they find?” He asked as he pulled his earphones out of his pocket. 
“According to Jongho he left his beanie at the murder site. What a genius.” She rolled her eyes before locking her phone and putting it in her pocket. He plugged one of his earphones into his ears and held up the other. “New song?” She asked when she saw the earphone. She plugged it into her ear, “Tell me again how you’re going to debut as a Kpop idol and have time for the business?” She asked as he scrolled through the audio files on his phone. 
“The other guys can handle on their own if we’re busy. They can always call me if they need me.” He shrugged, pressing play on one of the songs. “We finally finished it. It’s called “Treasure.” The song was amazing, leaving Hyun Jae speechless and in awe as she listened to the song. 
Both of them had a musical passion but Hongjoong was the only one actively pursuing it by becoming a trainee at KQ Entertainment. Hyun Jae on the other hand, was more interested in psychology. She spent her time studying the human mind, emotions and body language. Her ability to read a person by just talking to them for a moment was a key benefit for their ‘side job’.
“This sounds amazing.” She said as she pulled out the earphone, “Is this the song you’re debuting with?” She asked him, her eyes sparkling with admiration for her brother. 
“Treasure and Pirate King are the title tracks for the first EP.” He nodded. He had already played Pirate King for his sister a few days back and told her he was only going to play her the rest of the EP after they officially release it. 
“I can’t wait for the release. I’m so proud of you, Joong.” She smiled at him, “I’m sure if mum and dad were still here they’d be proud too. You know how much they wanted you to become an idol.” She bumped his shoulder with hers.
“Thanks, Jae.” He smiled back, his eyes trailing to the floor of the train, “If they were still here they’d probably laugh at Min Yu too.” He snorted. They shared a look, taking a moment to silently mourn their late parents. 
“If they were still alive they would whip us so bad for the way we handle the business.” Hyun Jae spoke up with a chuckle. 
“Oh yeah, definitely.” Hongjoong laughed. “Dad would be so upset that we don’t spend all of our time at the office.” He looked at Hyun Jae, “Mum would be so pissed that I dragged you into it.” 
“I couldn’t leave you to do this alone. We haven’t been separated since we were born, what makes them think we’d part ways if one of us had to join the mafia.” She laughed, shaking her head slightly. 
“Are we ever going to part ways?” He asked after a moment. The question was sudden and it made his sister look up at him in slight shock. She didn’t know how to answer him. They were bound to part ways and the thought of it saddened both of them as they were hoping it wouldn’t happen too soon. “I meant before one of us ends up getting married. We’re not going to separate before that, right?” He looked up at her, the glint of anxiety in eyes making her understand that he was as scared as she was about losing one another. 
“I won’t leave you, Hongjoong. I promise.” She raised her pinky finger out in front of him and he smiled slightly, raising his own to lock their pinkies together. 
“Twins forever, right?”
“Of course.” She nodded. Once the train reached their stop, Hongjoong was more than ready to just get home and lay down to soothe his already aching body. They were lucky that the stop was literally right outside their apartment building which meant less walking for both of them. They made their way up the building and stepped into the apartment, the sound of bags almost violently rustling as Hongjoong struggled to make his way into the apartment. Hyun Jae was following behind him, locking the door and laughing at his effort.
“It’s not funny! I might fall and die!” He whined out when he heard her laughter. 
“Okay! Okay, sorry!” She laughed as she helped him with the bags. They dumped the bags on the carpeted floor of their living room, Hongjoong letting out a sigh at the relief of letting go of the weight on his arms. 
“Please tell me we don’t have to do another shopping spree too soon.” He groaned out as he massaged his arms. 
“I think we’re pretty set for now. We have all the food we need for what looks like the next month.” Hyun Jae answered as she looked through the bags. She went and started to restock their kitchen, letting her brother use the shower first. She carried her bags into her bedroom, looking through everything she had bought. She pulled out a vintage polaroid camera from one of the bags and placed it on her shelf among other vintage items. 
She took a step back and admired the shelf, her collection was slowly growing as the years were passing and she felt a sense of pride fill her heart. The sound of the bathroom door opening and closing made her grab her robe, heading out of her room only to be faced with Hongjoong in the living room, full moon on display and towel on the floor.
“JOONG!” She screamed as she covered her eyes, “What did I say about being naked?!” She scolded him.
“Sorry!” He quickly picked his towel back up off of the floor, “My towel dropped on the way back to my room!” She only opened her eyes when she heard his bedroom door shut. 
“Next time your towel drops just run into your room!” She yelled out, receiving a muffled ‘sorry’ from his bedroom. Being roommates with her identical twin brother meant she had to set ground rules so that he wouldn’t do dumb things out of his bedroom. 
Hyun Jae was slightly more mature than Hongjoong was when it came to family and whenever they were at home but Hongjoong was, in general, more mature than his sister was; especially when it came to business. Hongjoong was the leader of their mob. After their father had passed away a few years before, their mother had to take charge. But with a scuffle with a rival gang, Hongjoong was forced to take charge along with Hyun Jae. 
The original plan was that he would be a mob boss on his own, but knowing his tendency to trust people more easily that he should, his sister took to his side. She didn’t doubt his ability as a leader for once second but she was worried he would overstep certain details when running the mob. He wasn’t as thorough as she was. She was a perfectionist - not meticulously - and she was way more observant than he was, meaning she would be able to pinpoint a person’s behaviour before he could and was able to judge whether they could trust them or not. 
Their bond was strong. Most of the men that worked under them felt as if them working together was better than if only one of them was on their own. They had that connection only twins would have, being able to understand each other’s feelings and thoughts on a level that seemed as though their minds were one. It was almost telepathic and it seemed to scare new people. No one had been able to get between them. Attempts made by rival mobs to try and turn them on each other failed miserably and soon most mobs and gangs already knew better than to try and make tear them apart. 
Hyun Jae took a quick shower, stepping out of the bathroom in her robe. Hongjoong was stood in the kitchen with his phone pressed to his ear, 
“It’s not that fucking hard!” He yelled into the phone. Hyun Jae stood at the counter, drying her hair with a towel as she listened to the conversation once she realised he was using his work phone. “Do we have to clean his mess every time? Exactly. Tie him up, Hyun Jae and I will be there soon.” He sighed as he ended the call, squeezing the bridge of his nose with his fingers. 
“The rookie again?” Hyun Jae asked and Hongjoong nodded. 
“God, he’s actually incompetent.” He angrily put his phone on the counter, standing with his hands on his hips for a moment, “We have to go down there. We gotta get rid of him.” He sighed once again. 
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“You messed up too many times, kid.” Hyun Jae said, her arms crossed over her chest as she glared at the rookie. His hands were bound behind his back and he was sitting on a chair, fear etched on his face.
“I-I’m sorry. P-Please d-d-don’t k-kill me.” He whimpered out. 
“There’s nothing else we can do. We can’t just let you off the hook that easily. You know too much already.” She looked him dead in the eye, “I already gave you a warning before this mission. It’s not that easy to fuck up that job especially with Yunho’s guidance. All you needed to do was get information and get out. How the fuck did you fuck that up?!” She exploded. He winced at the sudden change in tone of her voice. “Now the government could be on our tail and it’s your fault. Too many fuck ups and too big of one. You’re out.” She moved away from him. 
“Sorry, kid. We just can’t let you run free.” Hongjoong shrugged as he turned to one of his men, “Don’t let his body be found.” He ordered him. 
“No! Wait” The rookie cried out as two men started to pick him up. “Please! I won’t tell anyone!” He continued to cry as they dragged him out of the room. Hyun Jae massaged her temples with her fingers, 
“I told you he would fuck up. He’s a kid.” She groaned, her eyes shut as she heard Hongjoong let out a sigh from beside her, 
“I was hoping we could save him. Who else did he have?” 
“Hyung,” The voice of one of their younger members made them look up. Jongho had peeked his head into the room.
“What is it?” Hongjoong asked. 
“Yunho hyung and Yeosang hyung cleaned up the trail. It should be okay now.” He said, gesturing for them to leave the room and to follow him. The twins followed him out and into the computer room, one of the walls lined with a small row of computer monitors. They were met with the other members of the group Hongjoong was going to debut with; their most trusted members of the mob. 
“Sorry about that, Hongjoong hyung and Hyun Jae noona.” Yunho sat up from one of the desks, his face full of regret. “I shouldn’t have let him do it but I wanted him to learn. Yeosang managed to wipe our digital trail and attach it to another device offshore.” He explained. 
“I don’t blame you. I shouldn’t have let him into this in the first place.” Hongjoong sighed, giving Yunho a light pat on the back. They all nodded, lowering their heads slightly.  All eight of the members had their strengths, making their mob stronger in multiple different methods. 
Right under Hongjoong and Hyun Jae was Seonghwa, the oldest among all of them. He was the most mature out of all of them; slightly more mature as Hongjoong was. He came from a background that wasn’t exactly too wealthy but he was worth more than anyone else in the mob. He was good at theft - more specifically grand theft - and was able to steal loads of money and valuable items without being caught. He didn’t need anyone to clear his footprints, he was able to leave clean and fund the mob without much hassle. 
Yunho was in charge of stealing information physically and often worked with Yeosang. He knew how the inside of the Korean government worked and was able to provide information on how to work around their system. His ability to sneak into buildings had found them the plans for advanced weaponry, the most hunted mobs, and ways to evade the government. His ability had managed to save the mob from being slaughtered after he had found out when and where the government were going to look next. 
Yeosang was their tech guy. Years and years of gaming had led him to building a strategic mind. He knew how to break every firewall and knew how to get into the digital database of any top secret government facility. His digital knowledge combined with Yunho’s ability had allowed them to successfully complete break ins cleanly. His love for drones had also led him to pick up creating and inventing multiple devices that only needed him to work from a computer, making it easier for them to cover up their trail when he needed to complete a job. There were times where he didn’t leave the office, sending in other men with his creations to finish the job successfully. 
San was among the top three in their group. He was the best at bribery and knew every corrupt police officer in South Korea. He had the most connections in and out of Korea. He could get his hands on any information required on any government and his strength in martial arts also made it easier for him to travel around without any extra people to keep him safe. He could blend into groups and disappear from anyone that was targeting him. He and Seonghwa’s families had worked together prior to joining Hongjoong, both of them sharing their abilities to commit multiple crimes together for the benefit of their mobs. 
Mingi was the riskiest out of all of them. He was the most willing to do everything and anything and he was the best at handling weapons. His aim on a gun was the best, his knife skills were peaked and he could learn how to use any weapon within a short span of time. He was their shield, leaving misleading evidence to keep cops off of their trail and was the only one who had ever let off a C4 before. He was also their sniper. His precise aim could take out anyone from miles away and he was usually the first one to let them know whether it was safe to continue or not. 
Wooyoung was their interrogator. He knew his way around torture and kidnap, bringing back useful bodies for information. He was in charge of every interrogation and had been successful for a good majority of his torture. He seemed to have a knack for interrogation, originally wanting to join the police force but had to change his path when he had accidentally stained himself with a criminal record with a petty crime. After he met Hongjoong, his desire for being in the police force quickly changed to him growing on being on the opposite side. 
Their youngest and strongest member was Jongho. His strength could take down guards and officers almost twice his size and he knew Hongjoong and Hyun Jae even before he joined their mob due to their father’s being allies. He was feared by most gangs and even the men that worked under the twins for his strength. He was the only one among them that could fight the longest due to his stamina, typically working alongside San to make the job easier since Jongho wasn’t that good at working alone. He couldn’t disappear as well as the other members and working with San was slowly teaching him how he could blend into the crowd when needed. 
All of them were close. Their relationships with Hongjoong also bloomed a close relationship with Hyun Jae. They were able to separate their lives in the mafia from their personal lives. Business meant business and family meant family but they had created a bond together that was stronger than family. All of them willing to die for each other. Hongjoong knew they could make mistakes but he also knew that they were capable of picking themselves us and taking their own consequences, making him trust them even more. Both him and Hyun Jae knew that without them, the mob would’ve been caught long ago. 
“Hyun Jae noona, has Hongjoong hyung played you Treasure yet?” San asked as they left restaurant that was hiding their office.
“Yeah, it’s really good.” She nodded, “He played it for me just now when we were on the train. It has a great melody, good rhythm and amazing vocals.” She winked at him, a small blush creeping on his cheeks. 
“Whose voice do you think is the best?” Yunho asked, knowing that question would most likely put her on the spot. 
“If I had to choose? Mine.” She joked, earning a whine from him. “I don’t want to make anyone feel shitty, but Jongho’s vocals are always the most impressive.” She commented, sticking her hands in the pocket of her jacket as the temperature seemed to drop a bit more.
“Of course they are,” Hongjoong scoffed, “That’s why he’s our main vocalist.” He turned to Jongho who was smiling proudly, feeling himself fill with warmth at the praise he was getting from his older members. 
“ATEEZ is going to be huge. I can feel it.” Hyun Jae smiled at them, all of them flashing her smiles with their eyes full of excitement. 
“Noona, are you going to follow us on tour?” Wooyoung asked. They were all hoping she could tag along, but with having to take care of the mob, she was too worried to leave Korea with her brother. 
“I don’t think so, Wooyoungie.” She shook her head, Hongjoong quickly turning his head towards her, 
“What? Why?” He asked. He hadn’t officially asked her to follow along but he was hoping she would, not wanting to leave her on her own. 
“I don’t want to leave the mob alone. At least if I stay, I can try and keep things in line until you get back.” She explained. 
“Jae, come on, they can handle themselves. I trust Jung Hee hyung has been here since dad was, so I trust him to take care of everything.” Hongjoong put a hand on her back, “Please, Jae?” He pleaded, a small pout of his lips. 
“Okay, fine.” She nodded, looking at the happy expressions on all of the faces of her friends, “I’ll come along. It’ll be fun, right?”
“Definitely!” San nodded excitedly, “We’re gonna have so much fun. We’ll teach you how to dance!” He skipped. Hyun Jae giggled at how happy he was. 
“Are you guys going home?” Hongjoong asked when they reached the entrance of the train station. 
“Jongho and I have something we need to do.” Seonghwa shook his head, “My brother needs help.” 
“You guys gonna be alright on your own?” Hyun Jae asked. They all nodded, 
“We’ll be fine. It’s not too big of a deal, just need to beat some people up.” He shrugged in response. She nodded at him.
“If anything happens, just give any of us a call, alright?” Hongjoong gave Seonghwa a pat on the back, waving at him and Jongho as they walked the opposite direction. 
“We’re gonna head back first.” Wooyoung spoke after waving at Seonghwa, “We’re super hungry right now.” He gestured to him, San and Yeosang.
“We haven’t had dinner yet so we’re gonna grab something to eat in this area. You wanna join us?” Yeosang asked. 
“It’s fine, I’m super tired.” Hongjoong shook his head, “Jae and I just got back from shopping when Yunho called and my body hurts.” He grimaced as he thought of how much his arms and back were going to feel the next day. 
“Joong’s a baby and he had to carry heavy bags.” Hyun Jae snickered at him, earning a punch to her shoulder. She scowled at Hongjoong. 
“She didn’t help me carry the bags at all.” He crossed his arms over his chest.
“You shouldn’t make a girl carry heavy bags, hyung. Even if it’s your sister.” Mingi teased his hyung.
“Whatever, I’m going home.” Hongjoong threw his arms up and grumbled as he walked into the train station, laughter erupting from his friends. Hyun Jae gave all of them a quick wave before chasing after her brother. 
They all shared apartments with each other to ensure the safety of their group. It was too risky to let them live on their own and they all agreed on a roommate system. Jongho and Seonghwa shared an apartment nearby Mingi and Yunho’s. Wooyoung, Yeosang and San shared an apartment that was in the same area as Hyun Jae and Hongjoong which led to them being constant uninvited guests at each other’s places. 
Wooyoung was constantly at the twins’ apartment whenever Yeosang and San were out, emptying their fridge and claiming that he was too lazy to buy his own food even though there was a convenience store right beside his building. Wooyoung’s habit of eating their food was the reason Hongjoong insisted on bringing home so much food when they were shopping. He knew his fellow member would come over constantly and was sure the fridge would clear even before they were to debut in the next month. 
The ride back to the apartment was silent between the two, both of them tired and ready to head to sleep. The moment they stepped into their apartment, Hongjoong made a beeline to his room. Hyun Jae instead made her way to the cabinets and pulled out a whiskey bottle. She pulled a glass out of another cabinet and filled up the glass with alcohol before putting away the bottle.
 She went out to the balcony and made sure to close the door before pulling out a cigarette and lighting it. She lifted the cigarette to her lips, taking a puff. The burning in her throat from the smoke as it filled her lungs brought a sense of peace to her mind. The added burning sensation when she drank the liquor warmed her body in the winter temperature. 
The habit of smoking was something inherited from their parents. Hongjoong stayed away from cigarettes, not wanting to stress his throat and lungs too much but Hyun Jae didn’t. She didn’t mean to pick up the habit but curiosity led to her using cigarettes occasionally. It wasn’t an addiction. She told herself that since she could go a few days without smoking before she felt like she needed to. Hongjoong wasn’t exactly bothered by it but the only rule he set down when they got the apartment was that she wasn’t allowed to smoke indoors and was only allowed to smoke on the balcony if she was home. 
She pulled her phone out of her pocket after feeling a buzz, looking at the notification. 
You reach home okay?
It was from Yeosang. 
Yea, I’m on the balcony right now.
That’s good. I’m glad you’re coming on tour. We can spend more time together.
The relationship she had with Yeosang was different and slightly complicated. There was no denying that there was chemistry between the two but for the sake of Yeosang, they had to hide their relationship. If Hongjoong was to find out that he was interested in her, he would beat him up or do worse. He was protective over his sister; especially when it came to the mob. The last member of the mob who took interest in Hyun Jae ended up being hidden in the ocean. The unspoken restrictions from Hongjoong still didn’t stop them from letting a relationship blossom between them. Yeosang would always make sure Hyun Jae would get home safe after the twins would leave the office. 
The sound of the balcony door opening made her turn around to see Hongjoong stepping out onto the balcony. Hyun Jae quickly slipped her phone in her pocket and put out the cigarette on the ashtray that sat on the metal rail. 
“What are you doing out here? I thought you were tired.” She questioned as she watched him lean against the rail. 
“Didn’t feel tired enough.” He shrugged. They looked out at the town, watching as cars and people passing by. 
“Hongjoong,” She spoke up, earning a hum from him. “Should I really go on tour with you guys?” She asked, turning to her brother who was still looking out. “I don’t know how I feel about leaving the mob alone like this.” She said. He pursed his lips before turning to face her,
“I really want you to come along, Hyun Jae.” His eyes were asking her to come. She didn’t want to say no but she was paranoid. “I know you’re worried about the mob but I seriously feel like they can handle things without us. I mean, we’re already bringing along eight of our members. Why not we bring you as well?” Her eyes were unknowingly scanning his body language as he spoke and she knew that he was worried too. But his trust in the men that had worked with their parents for years was strong enough that he could push past his worry. Maybe she could too. “If you don’t come they’re gonna bully me.” He joked. 
“They bully you either way.” She rolled her eyes with a laugh, “Just because I’m one minute older doesn’t mean I have to beat up your bullies for you.” 
“That’s what older sisters are for!” He whined. “You’re supposed to protect me!” He grabbed her shoulders and started to shake her back and forth, “Jae, come with us, pleeeeeaaaase!” He pleaded as he shook her. 
“Okay, okay, okay!” She yelled as she tried to get him to stop. He stopped once she spoke. “I’ll follow you guys, sheesh.” She moved her hair out of her face and watched as he started jumping in excitement. 
“Yay! You’re coming with us!” He looked like a child who had just gotten candy, jumping up and down before running into the apartment. Hyun Jae laughed as she watched. The paranoia in her heart quickly disappeared. The decision to follow them on tour felt like a good idea. It felt right.
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ncityislove · 6 years
The Jury is Out
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➳Pairing: Renjun x Reader x Jeno (ft a few other Dreamies)
➳Genre: Angsty fluff but mostly angst lol basically enemies to lovers
➳Word Count: 5K
You were used to working with the guy you disposed most in the world on a day to day basis but one day all that changes when you have to work together after school for two weeks. Was it crazy to want to be friends with your enemy? Was it possible to be something...more?
Part 1/5
Second Chapter
Requested? no bc y’all stay sleeping on my mans but anyways
The air is cold and frigid, causing you to zip up your bright yellow fleece jacket. You regret not bringing your coat, which you had left in your locker because you honestly didn't think you'd need to wear one indoors but you didn't account for the chill of the breeze outside to seep through the cracks of the classroom windows.
You clamp your teeth shut in an attempt to prevent them from chattering as you jot down the notes from the PowerPoint on the board. Normally, you'd be way too invested in the lesson to even notice the temperature but you were doing a dissection tomorrow so you had to learn all about the body parts of pigs. Pigs. As if the anatomy of pigs wasn't straight forward enough.
Finally, the lesson neared its end and your anatomy teacher, Mrs. Brookes, clicks off the PowerPoint and you cram your notes into your overflowing folder.
"I've got an announcement, everyone," calls Mrs. Brookes. 
The class halts their movements to hear her speak. 
"The end of the semester is here and that means finals and all that."
The classroom groans in unison.  
"Yes, yes I know! Boo, finals. But! With finals comes the new semester and that means college applications will be due! So, if anyone wants to get a head start on teacher recommendations—"
Your eyes snap across the room to peer at a “certain someone” only to find he was already glaring at you. Huang Renjun was the top of your class—always has been and probably always will be. Unfortunately, that made you second at everything which was unbelievably insufferable. You were smart, always did your work and gave 100% to everything you did but so did he. And he was always just a little bit better—just a little bit smarter than you and it made your blood boil.
You knew your destiny was to be a judge since you were three years old. You dreamt of wearing the flowy black gown and holding that beautiful wooden gabble as the whole courtroom looked to you, knowing the power you held. You wanted to be the best judge there ever was--a fair judge who brought justice to everyone and you had the perfect plan to do it. You would attend Oxford, get your degree in law, be a lawyer for a few years, five or six maximum and go from there. The only problem with that was that Oxford chose only one student from your school every year for their full-ride scholarship and it just so happened that the student at the top of your class wanted to go there too.
To put the cherry on top, Renjun also hated your guts. He made your life a living hell and often times he’d go out of his way to do so. You can’t remember when the spiteful behavior began but it had been so long it was comfortable. Sometime in middle school he’d had his sight set on you and you haven’t had a peaceful day since.
You shake away your disgruntled thoughts, bringing your attention back to Mrs. Brookes.
"I'd be glad to help out!" Mrs. Brookes smiles. "It would be nice to start now so I won't have to write one-hundred-thirty-two letters at once."
The classroom fills with whispers before Mrs. Brookes quiets them once more. "Also, as you all know, we have a lab tomorrow so go ahead and pick your partners, quickly!"
You sigh, pressing your lips together as your eyes flicker back to Renjun who nodded his head in confirmation of what you already knew. Although the two of you couldn't stand each other, you always worked together to ensure you got the highest grade. This way, you didn't have to deal with lazy partners or someone who just didn't have the intellect to keep up with you.
By lunchtime, you’re practically starving, having skipped breakfast because you overslept. Again.
You purchase a salad, stuffing a fork full of lettuce in your mouth as you set up a small foldable table in the center of the cafeteria. You were in a numerous amount of clubs, one of them being the Red Cross Club, which was currently donating blood to hospital, and you were the first one to volunteer to man the sign-up table.
You managed to get a few sign-ups before people stopped passing by and you quickly get bored. You suck through the straw of your milk carton, unlocking your phone to see you had four unopened messages.
Sadie [11:36]: Heyyyyy girrrrrrl Sadie [11:36]: guess who's coming home? It's me lmao Sadie [11:37]: did you hear about the fire? Some dumb ass freshman burned down the ENTIRE chemistry building so they're letting us out on winter break early for remodeling Sadie [11:38]: can't wait to see you! We've got so much to catch up on about Jodie ;)
You roll your eyes shoving your phone back into your pocket. There was a point in time when you and your sister were practically joint at the hip, always together no matter what. Secret handshakes, your own made-up languages and all that, but it wasn't like that anymore. You weren't exactly sure when the rift began but you were very much aware of it now. The only person who seemed to not notice was Sadie. The last thing you wanted to do was be stuck in the same house with her for who knows how long, let alone talk about her idiot of a boyfriend, Jodie.
 A deep bellow and a loud guffaw drags you out of your thoughts as your eyes follow the source of the sound. Lee Jeno was doubled over in laughter, as were the rest of his friends, slamming his fist down on the table as everyone around him erupted into applause. You hate people who clapped when they laughed. You also hate people who obnoxiously drew attention to themselves in public but you couldn't stop your heart from swooning while watching him do those very things. There wasn't a shortage of good looking boys at your school but none of them ever had the effect that Jeno did on you. It's not that you have a crush on him—not even close. He was just so damn dreamy. You’ve had your fair share of interactions with Jeno, him being Renjun’s best friend and a member of two of the clubs you were in. He was in student council just like you but instead of being the useless treasurer, he was the Vice President (and of course Renjun was class president) and the best soccer goalie the school's had in...well, ever. It was the combination of his good looks, you think, and intelligence that was so attractive to you.
You had certain rules that you set for yourself to ensure your high school career went perfectly. Although it was kind of corny, it worked for you. You had a plan and you were going to succeed.
Rule number one: no parties. 
Rule number two: no drinking. 
And most importantly, rule number three: no dating. 
Having a boyfriend would be a huge distraction and you couldn't risk your future on some relationship that wouldn't last past graduation but sometimes you couldn't help wishing you hadn't made the rule for the sake of Jeno's existence.
You made a sour face at the group of boys, shivering when you feel a pair of eyes burning a hole in your head. You glance over two seats from Jeno to find Renjun inspecting you with an unreadable expression. You stare back for a moment before looking away, a look of displeasure evident on your face. You were quite thoroughly creeped out. Geez, were you in some kind of movie or something? You were competing against each other but you weren't arch enemies or anything like that.
When the final bell rang at the end of the day, everyone rushed off to get on the big yellow buses and go home. You rarely hardly ever rode the bus, having too many extra-curricular activities after school and just outright preferring to walk in the mornings. Mondays and Wednesdays you had mock-trial club, STEM and chess club were both on Tuesdays, and book club and Red Cross were every other Thursday before school. On top of all that, you were captain of the varsity volleyball team. A large part of you only wanted to join because you thought the uniforms were cute but you also needed a sport to put on your college application.
Today is Wednesday and you were on your way to Mr. Koffee's class for mock trial. Mr. Koffee wasn't the most interesting person in the world but you always looked forward to his club meetings the most out of all your other extra-curriculars. It was mostly because it was the closest thing to being a real lawyer you'll have for a long while.
By the time you make it to the classroom, all the seats were taken except for the one right next to Jeno so you quickly cease it, receiving cold looks from your female peers. You shrug it off, not really paying them any attention. If there was another seat you would've taken it but seeing as there were more people there today than usual  you had no choice. Renjun sat behind you typing away at his phone, ignoring your presence as usual.
Mr. Koffee strides into the room, closing the door behind him. The students shift their attention to him as he stands in front of his desk, arms folded.
"Well isn't this a surprise. Everyone decided to show up today." 
The class laughs but you could tell by his expression it wasn't meant to be a joke.
"Quiet down, everyone," he begins. "We've got some major trials next year against some big schools and I have no doubt we'll win them all but I'd still like us to be prepared. I think our performance level would greatly benefit if you were able to do a trial without me involved so I'm stepping down from my role as Chief Justice."
Your ears perk up at this. You often alternate between being the defending attorney and a juror but neither role satisfied you in the way you knew being the judge would. You struggle to hold in your giddiness as the teacher continues.
"I'll be choosing the best-fit person to play Chief Justice sometime between now and next week if anyone's interested."
"Mr. Koffee," you call out, raising your hand. " I don't think it will be too hard to decide considering I'm the obvious choice."
Jeno snickers at your words and Renjun scoffs.
"Suddenly, I think I want to be the judge." Renjun muses, his finger tapping his lips lightly. 
You withhold the urge to hit him on the back of his stupid, round head.
 "Mr. Koffee, I'd like to be judge, too!"
Your neck almost snaps at how quickly you turn your head to gawk at him. "What do you think you're doing?"
Renjun's lips twist into a lopsided smirk.  "What do you mean? I’m taking my role of chief justice, obviously."
You glower at him. "You are such a--"
"__!" Mr. Koffee scolds.
You mumble an apology but your eyes never leave Renjun's. He must really get a kick out of making your life a living hell, didn't he? He wanted to be a lawyer when he graduates so why on Earth was he volunteering, knowing damn well how badly you wanted this? He already had everything he wanted and he was probably going to get the scholarship at Oxford anyways—what more did he want? Why did he still take things away from you when you never had a chance in the first place?
"Like I said," Mr. Koffee continues. "I'll come to a decision at the end of next week. Moving on," he begins pacing across the front. "The school carnival is in two weeks and I registered the club on the list to have a booth. Are there any volunteer—"
"Me!" You and Renjun shout at the same time. You both cast glances at each other before looking back at the teacher to hear his decision. Volunteering to run the booth wasn't the best idea. You already had enough on your plate as is but you knew you would have a better chance of being chosen if you did this and so did Renjun which was why he couldn't let you do that.
"Okay, Perfect. You two will run the booth for the carnival," he announces, clasping his hands together.
You gape at him, horrified. Now, what have you gotten yourself into? You glimpse at Renjun who's expression was not too far off from yours. Jeno cracks up in his chair, his shoulders shaking in laughter, clearly enjoying this.
"Oh this is gonna be good," he giggles.
"I needed two people but I thought no one would volunteer," Mr. Koffee explains, his lips almost curving into a smile for once. "Now let's move on to our next case, shall we?"
The drive home is dull. You pick at your chipping nail polish as your mom blabs on and on about Sadie. Her words go through one ear and out of the other, her voice drowning into the hum of the engine and the wind flowing in through the window. Your thoughts are filled with Renjun and murdering him in cold blood. This was something you could never forgive him for.
Your mom parks the car in the garage, and you grab your bookbag as you wait for her to unlock the door. The weather only seemed to get colder and colder and it only worsened your mood. With the all your school work and club activities, you were sure the added on stress from Sadie coming home months early would be  your end. You could see it on the news now, Young Teen Found Dead With Premature Wrinkles And a Notebook Full of Plans for Murder. 
The house was warm and welcoming compared to the harsh temperatures outside. You remove your shoes and jacket and scurry up the stairs before your mom could talk your ear off some more about your sister.
You plop down on your bed, crawling under your honey yellow duvet, finding an escape from the world for a moment. Every now and then, when life just felt like it was a little too much, you’d hide under your covers like a child. You’ve been doing this a lot lately, taking refuge in the safety of your covers when Renjun had done something to ruin your day. Just three days ago, you were in this very same spot after Renjun tripped you in front of everybody during second period. It took a lot to embarrass you and because everyone saw him trip you, that didn't bother you much. It was the bruise on your elbow you got trying to break your fall that pissed you off. It was the fact that he got away with tripping you in front of so many eyes and yet, he didn’t get in trouble. He never did. He was the perfect model student. The class president could never do any wrong. 
You weren't sure how much time had passed while you were under there but you figure you ought to start on your math homework so you could finish your English paper early.
After a few hours, your parents call you down for dinner. Your dad had just got home, setting the table in his work clothes. Your parents invested themselves in a conversation of the weather which inevitably turned into a bubbly discussion about Sadie. Expecting this, you eat as quickly as possible trying to flee back to your room. Surprisingly, you're able to leave with ease, your parents too excited about Sadie's arrival to notice you leaving the table early. 
You're shocked awake by a heavy object thrown on top of you. Your eyes pop open, your heart thudding in your chest as you notice the familiar mop of hair splayed across your face. The high-pitched squeal only confirmed who the culprit was.
"Sadie?" you whine, groggily.
She lifts her head up, but not enough to remove her hair off of your face.
"Missed me?"
"Not really," you try to push her off which only resulted in her squeezing you tighter.
"There's that sense of humor I missed so much."
You roll your eyes. I wasn't joking, you wanted to say but you bite your tongue. 
"Why'd you wake me up? I already have to get up early enough for school."
Sadie finally sits up, her lips pursed. "Oh? But doesn't school start in like twenty minutes?"
"WHAT?!?" you glance at your alarm clock and she was right. You must've forgotten to set your alarm last night. You sigh throwing your legs over the edge of the mattress.
"If you need a ride I can drive you," Sadie offers.
You stare straight ahead at the yellow walls in front of you. Suddenly, you regret choosing such a bright and happy color for your room theme when oftentimes you felt anything but happy. It was your favorite color at the time and it still is today but you were starting to get sick of it. It felt as if your room was mocking you. Even your bedroom was happier than you.
"No thanks," you say, getting up and rushing to get dressed.
Sadie sighs but thankfully leaves you alone. When you go to the kitchen to grab your breakfast, you're surprised to see a feaast large enough to feed a vilage instead of your usual bagel and banana.
"What's all this? And where's mom?" you ask, running out of the kitchen.
Your father looks at you briefly before his eyes go back to the thick novel he was holding. "She's out running errands. We have to celebrate Sadie coming home, dear."
Sadie smiles, patting the chair next to her.
You frown. "Yeah, well, I'm already late so I'm gonna head out."
"Young lady!” your father barks, stopping you dead in your tracks. “Just where do you think you're going? Your mom wanted us all to eat together and that's what we're going to do. You'll have enough time to eat if Sadie drives you--now how does that sound Sadie?"
"That's okay with me," she chirps.
"What's the use of eating 'all together' if mom's not even here?" you exasperate, air quoting with your fingers.
"I will not allow you to waste the good food your mother worked so hard to make for the whole family, now sit down and enjoy your breakfast with your sister," he says, returning back to his book.
You sigh in resignation, taking the seat next to Sadie, who claps her hands excitedly.
You do your best to say as little as possible to Sadie, only giving her a 'yes' or 'no' when she asked a question. When you arrive at school, you hopped out of the car without saying goodbye, which you would regret all too soon because she decides to wish you good luck in the loudest voice she could muster. You pull your hood up when everyone stares at you, having recognized your sister immediately. People start to crowd around her car greeting her like she was a celebrity or something and you grit your teeth, stalking into the building. 
This was exactly why you didn't want her to drive you to school. Not only were you second best at school but at home as well. Everyone loves Sadie. She’s pretty, smart and fun and, well, she was the complete opposite of you. She never turned down the opportunity to have a good time and somehow still managed to pass her classes with ease. Even having graduated high school two years ago, she was still as popular as ever, her existence leaving a permanent imprint on the school. Even the freshman knew your sister's name.
You re-adjust your headband as you enter Mrs. Brookes' class, feeling somewhat relieved you weren't late. Your table was occupied by a large animal that looked like roadkill and on top of that, the awful chemical smell burned your nostrils. You gag as you drop your items to the ground. Renjun's book bag slams into the chair next to you causing you to jump out of your skin.
His lips slant into a smirk as he examines your appearance. "Why're your clothes all wrinkly?"
You looked down at your uniform, noticing its creased state for the first time this morning. You could just add ironing along to the list of things you forgot to do last night.
You send him a dirty look as you smooth your skirt down with your hands. You were still mad at him for yesterday and would rather cut your left leg off than to work with him today but you already told Mrs. Brookes you were partners and you knew she wouldn't let you change partners last minute.
The bell rings and Mrs. Brookes goes over the lab rules, passing out your assignment. You and Renjun put your gloves on as instructed, deciding to split the work in half, you doing the front of the paper and him the back. You made an incision at the stomach, charting the intestines on your worksheet. You look up to check on Renjun's progress to see him poking at the swine with a shaky hand, his face a ghastly pale. You almost laugh out loud. Maybe today wasn't such a bad day after all. Renjun had a weakness?
You snatch the scalpel from him, slitting the pig's neck open and he flinches. 
"Is that so hard?" you ask, handing him the blade back. 
Renjun swallows as he takes the tweezers and pauses to re-read the directions for an unnecessary amount of time. You let out an impatient sigh and Renjun finally puts the paper down and inserts the tweezers into the pig, searching for an artery with his body as far away from the animal as he could manage. When he let out a girlish yelp, you decide you’ve had enough, slamming down your scalpel.
"Give me that," you snap. 
Renjun hands you the tweezers with no hesitation, stepping a safe few steps away from the table. 
"Look, I'll do all the physical work and you just write the answers down okay?"
"O-okay," he nods, his face was now a dangerous shade of green. For a millisecond, you feel bad for him but then you remember how much of a complete jerk he is.
Renjun is mostly silent as you do all the hard work and he copies the answers onto the worksheets. You don’t tease anymore for the sake of keeping him from hurling in front of you. 
If you thought Anatomy class was weird then lunch was double weird. When you arrive at the sign-up table, there’s someone sitting in the seat next to yours--which was supposed to be empty last time you checked--and of course, it wasn't just anybody--no, that would be too easy. Haven Geller, Renjun's ex-girlfriend, of all people was sitting in the chair next to yours, dill-dallying with her hair as if she doesn’t see you standing in front of her.
You simply shake your head and sit down. "I thought I was the only one doing sign-ups today."
Haven feigns just noticing your presence. "Oh! Hey, y/n, didn't see you there."
You scowl but say nothing. This wasn't your first meeting with Haven. She was on the volleyball team with you and as you were team captain, you've had your fair share of hiccups with Haven. She wasn't a bad person per se, although you didn't know her very well, you could assume she could be honorable when needed. It was her attitude that you really had a problem with. She never followed instructions and she never went to class. It was this kind of behavior that almost got her kicked off the team several times and she always acted like she didn't care. It was mind baffling that Haven and Renjun we're together so long. You wouldn't have imagined they'd get together at all, them being polar opposites and all.
"I talked to the teacher about it and," she pauses to pop a bubble with her chewing gum, "she said I could help out. I need more volunteer hours to put on my application, you know?"
You nod your head in understanding, chomping on your celery as Renjun and Jeno approach you, lunch trays in hand. Haven straitens up in her chair, smiling at the boys.
"Hey, __. You wanna sit with us today?" Renjun asks.
Haven is just as surprised as you, if not more at the question directed towards you.
"We need to start planning out how we're gonna do the booth for the fair." he continues.
You look skeptical. Didn't he know that only people who are friends sit together at lunch? And you most certainly were not friends with Renjun.
"Yeah, I think I'll pass," you decline, taking another bite of your celery.
Jeno smiles at you and you looked away, your face heating up.
"Look, I'm sorry alright? I know I shouldn't have volunteered to be the judge and I know I shouldn't have volunteered to do the booth and I apologize. Please? Come sit at our table."
Your face is stoic as you mull over his words. Renjun never apologized for anything because he was never sorry. You were seeing a lot of firsts for Renjun today. There was a silence between all of you before Haven took the opportunity to greet Renjun.
"Hey, Junie! It's nice to see you," she chirps.
Renjun nods at her before turning back to look at you.
You looked back in forth between them, weirded out by the odd exchange. Did they get back together? You didn't keep tabs on Renjun's love life, it was more so his academics that you were more interested in but the last time you saw them together was before school ended last semester.
Jeno steps forward, drawing your attention. "Hey, so, I'm throwing a victory party at my place this Friday by the way. You should come."
Your eyes widen. "Me?"
"Her?" Renjun asks, equally exasperated.
Jeno wrapped an arm around Renjun's shoulder, jostling him a little. "What do 'ya say?"
"I'll think about it," you say and you're shocked by your own response. You should've been upfront about it but you found it hard to say no to Jeno. It was against your rules after all--and besides you wouldn’t even know how to behave at a party. You had nothing to wear either. Even if you wanted to, you couldn't go.
��Isn’t a little premature to schedule a party before you’ve even won the game?” you inquire.
“Not if I know we’re gonna win it’s not.”
Renjun blinks, shaking his head. "Erm, anyway--are you gonna sit with us or not?"
"You can go," Haven says, smiling at you. "I'll hold down the fort."
You still feel unsure but Renjun was grabbing your book bag and food before you could protest her offer. "W-well okay, thanks, Haven."
"No problem!" she exclaims, grinning, although it doesn't reach her eyes.
Sitting at Renjun's table has to be one of the strangest experiences you’ve ever had. Everyone was so loud and rowdy and on top of that, they were all staring at you. You feel so out of place and Jeno, sensing your discomfort, introduces you to everyone. The ones sitting directly across you though, Haechan and Jaemin, seem to stick out the most to you.
You and Renjun exchange a few ideas for the booth, eventually agreeing on a courtroom theme.
"You guys are like two Einsteins," Jeno jokes.
"Yeah, except __ is smarter," Haechan chuckles.
"And way prettier," Jeno adds.
Your cheeks tinge a baby pink as you deny the boys' words.
"Can you guys shut up? We're a little busy here," Renjun grumbles as he scribbles messily in his notebook.
"But it's true. __’s gorgeous."
Renjun just rolls his eyes bringing the conversation back to the booth. After a few minutes of Jeno throwing endless compliments your way, Renjun looked like he was quite literally about to pop.
"Jeno--for Christ's sake! Can you not flirt with my lab partner?? We're working here!"
"Lab partner? You’re not even doing science, man,” he snickers.  “And isn't the school fair not for another two weeks?" Jeno counters with an innocent smile.
You could've sworn you saw Renjun's eye twitch as Haechan and Jaemin burst into laughter.
"Bro, how many times do we have to tell you to relax?" Jaemin snorts, reaching over the table to touch his shoulder.
"Yeah," Jeno says, propping an elbow on the table. "It's not like you're being graded on this anyways."
Renjun groans, throwing his head in his hands.
"Maybe that's true but I'd prefer to not half-ass this, considering what's at stake," you chime in, feeling the need to defend him.
Renjun peeks in between his fingers at your words.
"And what's at stake?" he asks.
"Things you wouldn't understand, Jeno."
Jaemin cackles and Haechan covers his mouth, ‘ooh’ing at your response.
"Oh yeah?" Jeno raises an eyebrow. "Try me."
"Maybe another time," you say, grabbing your bag. "I'll see you after school, Renjun."
The bell rings just as you get up and you push past the doors, not looking back.
After the last bell rings, you squeeze through the sea of people down to the track field. Students shove passed you, brushing your shoulder as they run to get to their buses in time. Your eyes water as the harsh wind blows against you and you stuff your freezing hands into the pockets of your padded coat. Despite the cold weather, the track team was getting ready for practice and you thank the heavens you played an indoor sport.
There’s two other people preparing their booths and you were glad you and Renjun weren't the only ones starting early. You pick out the least disgusting table and pull it up on its legs. Dust flies everywhere and you swat at the air vengefully. You look at the time on your watch. Renjun is late.
You wipe off the table with an old dirty rag and sit on it, refusing to do any more work on your own. When Renjun finally shows up, it’s fifteen minutes later and he’s carrying a black metal box and a bucket full of spray paint.
"Look who decided to show up," you place a hand on your hip.
Renjun gives you a pointed look. "I had to go get all the supplies."
"I didn't know it took so long to get a few cans of paint," you mutter, dusting off the back of your jeans.
It's not like you had all day to do this. You had homework to do! Papers to write!
"__, can you maybe not be so uptight for once? It's not like I took my time to get here, I walked as fast as I could."
"Uptight?" You repeat. "I'm not the one who was freaking out at lunch today over a school fair booth, if I remember correctly. And your friends are trash by the way."
Renjun slams the metal box on the table. "Don't talk about my friends. You don't know them and you don't know me, so mind your own damn business," he snarls.
For a moment all you see is red. Renjun is such an ass. This is the last straw. You can’t take his insults any more. After all he’s put you through, especially after yesterday’s antics, he had the nerve to talk to you like that?
"I don't know you?” you hiss.  “We've had the same classes together since junior high, idiot. I know that you carry around two packs of number two pencils for no logical reason and I know that your bookbag looks like it was a filing cabinet in its past life. Hell, I wish I didn't know you, that's for sure, because then I wouldn't be out here in the freezing cold building a stupid booth with the likes of you!"
You hadn’t intended to say those words out loud but you couldn't deny how good it felt to say it. Maybe you were a bit harsh but who cares? He's said way worse to you countless times.
Renjun stands there staring at you for a beat, his fists clenched into a tight ball before he storms off, snatching his book bag and dragging it on the ground behind him.
"Where do you think you're going?" you call after him. "What about the booth?!"
You watch with your mouth hanging open as Renjun kept walking until his figure becomes too small to see. Who knew he could be so sensitive? You assumed he would just brush off your words as he always did but it seems you struck a chord. 
You chew your bottom lip as you angrily stare at the table. No matter what Renjun could’ve said to you, you wouldn't leave him to do all the work on his own.
You curse under your breath as you grab a can of spray paint, shaking it with force. You stayed after school for a reason and you were going to do what you came to do, with or without Renjun.
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azookiex3 · 5 years
A Devil’s Love: Chapter 6
AN: *whistles* 7k words this time! Seriously, I’m sorry this chapter is so long. I wanted season two episodes twelve & thirteen to be in one chapter, and it ended up being way longer than I anticipated. I was thinking about splitting it up...but I got ideas for chapter seven. I think I can promise to you all that the chapters will NOT be this long. The longest I would want them to be is 5k or slightly over, minimum 2500. Almost done with season two! Maybe...two or more chapters to go? Then onto season three, and I can’t wait! 
Check out this story's playlist on Spotify! If you do please read the description so you can see how the songs are organized! 
Warnings: Swearing and Gore
Earth & Her Devil - Music Playlist
AO3 , Fanfiction Net , Wattpad
Tag List: @insanity-is-always-fun @anushay1998 @emiwrites3reads @i-am-canada-13 @heart-of-pots-and-pans @tinyybiceps
Chapter 6: I Believe In You
A week had passed since you left your "nurse" to heal on your own. 
Within the first two days your body had completely healed. The rest of the five days you spent planning with Alice for the grand opening of the "Circle of Life Veterinary Clinic #2", and also helping out Chloe with any cases since it seems that her partner was avoiding her.
When Chloe called you to say she couldn't find any evidence linking Charlotte Richards to the second bomb, thank God, she told you about her "talk" with Lucifer.
Apparently their talk consisted of Chloe explaining how she has been feeling and what made her kiss him, even after he declared all of his flaws to her. Lucifer said nothing, according to Chloe. He just listened intently, and when all was said and done he said he needed to think. Chloe agreed to give him time, but she started expressing her concerns to you after the third day of silence. 
Honestly, you couldn't blame Lucifer. You hate talking about emotions too, and Lucifer didn't seem like the kind of guy who easily dealt with this kind of stuff. It's probably why he has a therapist.
However, Lucifer hadn't been completely silent this week. He did text you everyday. First it was just to make sure you were doing well healing, then it just became friendly chatter. You did question him on why he was giving Chloe the silent treatment. You expected him to ignore the question, instead he shocked you by answering.
What if it's not real?
It looks real to me, Lucifer, and to others.
Yes, well, I'm starting to think that the Detective is no longer immune to me. She has been with me too much and now my charm is coming off on her. She might even be no longer immune to my power...It'll probably happen to you too.
...uh, what? :confusedemoji:
Ah. Never mind, darling.
So, not missing my shower, yet? It sure misses you. :devilemoji:
And, that was that. You didn't dare tell Chloe about it, one because she'd be just as confused as you, and two she really didn't need to get the wrong idea about that shower comment. 
Today's the day of the grand opening, and everything is going smoothly. Your new workers are happily greeting the pets as well as the owners while handing out coupons, pamphlets on the pet health care, and answering any questions. Alice sat at a booth with a couple of the receptionists taking down new client info and signing up those interested in the insurance. You stood in front of the big red ribbon, talking to the press and answering questions while you waited for the time to tick to 11am. 
Your phone started ringing Chloe's tone. You excuse yourself and head inside your clinic to answer.
"What's up, Chlo?"
"Hey, Earth. I'm sorry to bother you, but I need you to do something."
You love your BFF, really you do, but you can't cancel this opening. Not only would it be embarrassing, but you were starting to run low on cash, "No problem, so long as I can do it over the phone."
"Don't worry, I know this opening is important to you." You hear her sigh, "This case I'm currently on is...it's bad, Earth. I'm thinking psychopath bad. Premeditated murder."
Oh shit, "Damn, Chloe. Look if you need me I'll-"
"No no. Focus on your opening today. If I don't get this solved today maybe you can help me tomorrow."
"The opening isn't all day, Chloe. I'll help as soon as it's over."
"You're going to have a lot of first patient paperwork. Take this day for that. Look, I'm calling to ask you to talk to Lucifer."
"He still isn't talking to you?" Yes, you do agree with him needing time because emotions suck, but now it felt like he was stonewalling your friend.
"No. Ella's too busy with this case right now, and I know Lucifer won't even consider listening to Dan. I'm hoping he'll listen to you."
"Alright, Chlo. I'll get your partner back to you."
"Thank You, Earth." You could just feel the tension release from her over the phone, "Tell him to meet me at the Malibu State University so I can catch him up on the case."
"You got it." You hang up and see the time is 10:50am. You sigh and click on Lucifer's contact number.
Time to come out of hiding you Devil.
"Lucifer." Linda looks at her Devil patient like a stern mother rather than his therapist at the moment, "You're stalling."
Lucifer finishes his glass of water and leans back on the couch, "I don't know what your talking about, Doctor."
"You do, Lucifer." Linda's voice becomes stern and matter of factly, "You and Chloe finally reach a point in your relationship where it can move romantically, but after the kiss you left. After Chloe confesses to you, you push her away. You won't even talk to her, but instead talk to someone else."
Lucifer shifts on the couch, slightly uncomfortable with where this conversation was going.
"Lucifer." Linda's able to get his eyes to stay on hers, "Who is Earth to you? How do you feel about her?"
"I don't know what you want me to say, Doctor." Lucifer is now slightly agitated, "K9 is just a human who's fun to be around."
"She's also another human woman who is immune to your charms. Another human who you can't get to reveal their desires." Linda eyes her patient carefully.
Lucifer clearly fidgets on the couch. He doesn't speak. Instead, he looks to the window.
"I want you to tell me how you felt when you first met Chloe, to how you felt meeting Earth." Linda interlaces her fingers and rests them on her crossed knees. She waits patiently for his reply.
"Well, after the first day with the Detective I felt that she was a puzzle to solve." Lucifer looks at his therapist with a little smirk, "The first human woman to be completely immune to my charms and power. She's a puzzle and I feel a...a connection to her. A need to solve her, to watch her and be around her."
"Mhmm," Linda nods, "and Earth?"
"K9?" Lucifer's smirk forms into a smile. He gives a light chuckle, "From day one I thought of her as a sassy minx, didn't even care that she wasn't attracted to me. Truthfully, I would be too focused on making sure I had a comeback ready for whenever we'd pass each other in the precinct." His eyes start to look far away, lost in memories:
"That real estate case was the first time we talked more than just in passing. I found that we both enjoyed many of the same things, and that we share common views on various topics. I just-" Lucifer stops.
Linda urges him on, "You have to continue, Lucifer. How do you feel around her?"
"I feel...comfortable with her. I have fun with her, enjoy spending time with her. She doesn't believe in me being the Devil either, but I feel like she tolerates it better." His mind drifts to how you reacted seeing his scars.
"Maybe there's a reason as to why…" Lucifer whispers this thought to himself.
"Lucifer, I see these two types of romantic feelings often." Linda didn't hear his comment about you, "There's one where someone claims that they feel a connection with the other, which is usually referred to as 'soulmates'-" Lucifer laughs.
"And," Linda continues, "There's the 'normal'. When two people meet and feel nothing until they get to know each other more. Chloe is your 'connection' and Earth is your 'normal'."
"So, which one is the correct choice?" Lucifer's eyes plead to her, "I don't want to mess this up!"
Linda's heart breaks for him, "I can't answer that for you, Lucifer. What you need to do is find an answer to this question," Linda leans forward:
"If Earth had never come back, had never entered the picture, would you still be giving Chloe the cold shoulder?"
Linda Martin had never seen a person look as lost as Lucifer Morningstar right now.
"I…" Lucifer's phone starts playing "Who Let The Dogs Out". It was the ringtone you set for yourself after you showed him how to give everyone their own personal alerts.
"It's K9, Doctor. She doesn't usually call-"
"It's ok, Lucifer." Linda gives him a knowing smile, "Our time is up anyways."
Lucifer nods a farewell to her and leaves her office, "K9! To what do I owe the pleasure of having a phone call from you?" Lucifer's smiling ear to ear as he walks out of the building and to his car.
"Chloe called me. Again." You sound annoyed.
His smile falls, "Oh…"
"Look, Lucifer. I get it ok? Feelings are a pain in the ass to deal with, but enough is enough. You're really starting to hurt my best friend and you know I won't stand for it."
Lucifer sighs, "I understand, K9. I just-"
"Lucifer, this call wasn't about you. Chloe needs her partner back."
Lucifer paused in his walk hearing the worry in your voice. He stood a few feet away from his Corvette, "What's wrong?"
"There's a new case and it," you sigh, "it doesn't sound good, Lucifer. This guy is bad, really bad. I...can't be there for her today. I don't want her to get hurt." Lucifer doesn't reply right away, and that worried you.
"Lucifer. Chloe isn't going to ask you about anything, ok? She's too focused on stopping this guy. She can't do it without her partner."
Partner...that's right. I'm the Detective's partner, Lucifer thought.
"Well, I suppose I can't leave my partner hanging." Lucifer smirks and finishes the walk to his car.
"No, you can't." Lucifer could tell you were most likely smirking as well, "Not anymore anyways. It's really a dick move."
"Yes, yes." Lucifer sits in his car and starts her up, "Now, where does my partner need me?"
The grand opening was a huge success! The clinic had plenty of clients to start off with, and more would surely come when people learned just how well of a veterinarian you are.
You sent your workers home to relax for the first official workday tomorrow. Currently, you and Alice were organizing all the new client paperwork in their respective folders for your receptionists.
But you were starting to have a really hard time focusing on the task. Chloe had been giving you hourly updates on the case, and each new piece of information was making you more and more concerned. 
This is no ordinary killer.
Alice noticed you starting to slow down and told you she could handle the rest. Normally you would disagree with her, but this case was one a Captain of any department shouldn't avoid. You give her thanks in a hug then fly out the door and into your new car, courtesy of the police heads.
As you drive to the precinct you call Chloe to let her know you're free. She tells you that her and Lucifer were heading to a college party where the next poison victim, Ashley, was currently at. She gives you the address of the second victim, Dr. Gwendolyn Scott, and tells you Dan is currently there with her to make sure she doesn't do this guys biding.
When you arrive at the precinct you tell your second, Christopher Miller, to round up a small team and three K9's, and that one of the K9's has to be the new pup, Buster, along with his partner, Jessica Blanch. As he left to do as you ask you go into the female locker room and change into your K9 uniform. When you come out you tell your team the situation, and give them the address to Dr. Scott's house. You couldn't send any with Chloe as much as you wanted to. It would blow her cover at that party.
You arrive at the house and station your men and two of the K9's around the outside of the home. You tell Blanch that her and Buster were to guard the inside. 
"Hey Dan." You approach Detective Dan Espinoza, or as you liked to refer to Lucifer's nickname for him "Detective Douche".
"Hey Earth! I'm glad you could join in. This guy is…"
"Yeah...it was hard for me to focus during the opening knowing that a person like this was out here." You cross your arms to hide the slight shiver that ran through you.
"That's right, your next clinic! Did everything go well?" 
"Yup, better than I expected honestly."
"Well believe it or not, I've heard talk around here about the 'amazing Veterinarian Earth on the east coast'." He winks friendly at you.
"Oh really?" You give him a laugh and a sarcastic look.
"Yeah! I'd over hear convos from new K9 recruits about you. The look on their faces when I told them you used to work here was priceless."
"So that's why I got a whole lot of star struck eye looks when I came back." You and him both share a light laughter, "So," you didn't want to, but this friendly chatter had to end, "where's Dr. Scott?"
Dan took a sidestep and motioned with his head behind him. You saw a clear line of sight of the Doctor sitting in a formal living room. Blanch was introducing herself and asking permission to roam her home. You see Dr. Scott give a warm smile to her and a nod of approval while she scratched Buster's head.
"How's she doing?" You whisper to Dan.
"As good as one can be when they know they're in charge of someone's life." Dan sighs solemnly.
Dan's phone rings and he excuses himself. You walk over to Dr. Scott and introduce yourself.
"Hello, Dr. Scott. I'm Earth, Captain of the K9 unit." You hold out your hand and she shakes it. Her palms were sweaty from nerves.
"Hello, Captain. One of your crew just told me how well you are at your job." She smiles at you.
"Aw, Blanch is just a suck up." You give her a wink and she actually manages a laugh.
"You doing alright, Doc?"
She sighs, "Honestly, no. I just keep thinking...what if I don't do as this guy requests? Would I really be ok knowing that my decision to say no would end a young girl's life?"
"Do you mind if I watch the video ma'am?" She shakes her head and stands to walk to her desk. She pulls up the email with the video and plays it for you as she sits back in her chair.
This guy...with his dumb mask and "superior" tone of voice made your skin crawl. He was telling the Doctor that in order to receive the antidote to cure Miss. Ashley, she had to destroy her right hand.
God...Why do people like this exist?
The video ends as soon as Dan walks into the room, "Detective Decker called me ma'am." He was speaking to Dr. Scott, "Her and her partner found Ashley at the party, but unfortunately it looks as though she's already been poisoned."
You watch as the Doctor visibly slumps in distraught on her chair.
"What should I do, Detective?"
"Don't do anything, Doctor. Ashley is at the hospital now and the Doctors are working on an antidote. I'm sure they'll make it in time."
Dr. Scott formed a look on her face that showed how you were feeling.
They won't be able to make it.
Dan leaves the room. You shut off the computer.
"Captain, what should I do? What would you do?"
You don't answer.
A few hours pass before Dan receives another call from Chloe. 
It's not good news.
"She doesn't have much time left, Dan. The Doctors at the hospital can't figure out the antidote."
"Then it is specially made." Dan replies, his face is grim. You stand next to him to hear the conversation.
Unfortunately, Dr. Scott was close enough as well. She heard.
While Dan was still on the phone you heard a rattling noise. You left his side to investigate, and was horrified by the display that was about to happen in the kitchen.
"GWENDOLYN!" You yelled the Doctor's name and held your hands up. When Dan heard you yell he hung up on Chloe and ran to you, and held his hands up.
Dr. Gwendolyn Scott stood in front of her kitchen sink. The garbage disposal was running and her right hand was hovering over it.
"Dr. Scott, don't do this." Dan pleads with her. You can't speak.
"If I don't do this, Detective, an innocent woman dies. How can I compare my hand to her life."
"Doctor-" Dan starts, but it's too late.
Doctor Gwendolyn Scott shoves her hand into the garbage disposal. You want to vomit as you hear her scream and see blood and bits of flesh erupt from the sink. 
Doctor Gwendolyn Scott is a hero.
Dan runs to her, as well as Blanch who heard her screams. You stand still, but find your voice long enough to call for a medic dispatch and call Chloe.
Chloe and Lucifer arrive shortly after the medics have Dr. Scott on a gurney and finish bandaging her ruined hand.
The two of them talked with her, Dan stepped outside to get air after that gruesome scene, and you-
You were still standing in the same spot. Your focus entirely on the blood and bits of brown skin that clung to the countertop and sink.
This guy is a monster.
"And I thought you looked fit before. But now."
You choke on air as your body jumps out of your skin. You whirl around and see Lucifer standing behind you with a hungry look.
"You look delicious in uniform, K9. You should wear it more often."
"I only wear this on important cases, and did you really have to use the word 'delicious' in this scenario?" You give him dagger eyes. You hold your chest to breath evenly again.
"Hmm." Lucifer looks at the carnage behind you, "Good point." He smiles down at you, "But at least I got you to stop looking at it."
You look up at him, and can't help the tug at your heart. A corner of your mouth lifts slightly, "Yeah...thanks."
Lucifer just continues to smile at you, but now there's a twinkle in his eye.
"So," you cross your arms and smile fully at him, "How's it feel being back with your partner?"
"It was bloody weird." His sheer bluntness made both your eyebrows go up.
"Only at first though. Thankfully, the Detective seems to be back to her 'normal'." Lucifer plays with his cufflinks and side glances Chloe's direction.
"What happened?"
"She slapped my bum, made inappropriate jokes over a dead body, and suggested making out in the library."
You burst into laughter.
"It's not funny! It was bloody terrifying!" Lucifer complains.
"She was just trying to be more like you, Lucifer." You manage to choke out in your laughter, "Are you saying you're not attracted to yourself?"
"Not if it's the Detective trying to roleplay as me." He visibly shivers and that makes you laugh even more.
The sound of your K9s barking outside the front door immediately cuts off your laughter. Captain mode takes over and you stride away from Lucifer and out the front door to see what was going on. As you passed by Chloe she rested her hand on her holstered gun and gave you a nod.
Miller had a delivery man stopped on the walkway. When you walk over the man says he has a delivery for Doctor Gwendolyn Scott. You question him on who gave him the package, but the man says it just showed up in his pile of runs. 
You take the package from him and tell Miller to take him to the station to get an official statement. You go back inside and hand it over to Chloe.
You stand on the other side of the Doctor's gurney, and Lucifer had chosen to stand next to you as Chloe unravels the contents.
She looks up and stares at the three of you.
"It's the antidote."
Dan and Chloe drove to the hospital to give Ashley the antidote before it was too late. Lucifer decided to stay with you to "help" you clear out the Doctor's house and wait for the cleaning crew to finish in her kitchen. You noticed Chloe giving him a "look" when he chose to stay behind. You question him about it and he just shrugs saying, "Hospitals are dreadful places."
As soon as the cleaning crew had finished Chloe called you saying to come to the precinct asap with Lucifer. Her and Dan were able to get a link between Ashley and the first poisoned victim.
"I had a feeling this case would be an all nighter." You tell Lucifer as you hang up and you both walk to your car.
"No rest for the wicked, darling." Lucifer smiled devilishly at you. You smiled back.
As you two walk into the precinct you give Alice an early morning text update. You told her you most likely wouldn't be able to make it in the clinic for the first day. Surprising you, she texts back saying "Good thing there's no major surgeries :winkieface:". 
You hate not being at your clinic for the first official day. You and Alice interviewed the workers and other veterinarians extensively, but you always liked working the first couple days with them to make sure they were good. Thank God you had Alice, who you trust wholeheartedly.
You and Lucifer walk into Ella's lab where Dan and Chloe were waiting. You noticed that look again on Chloe when Lucifer decided to stay near you while Ella explained the new information.
Dan and Chloe were able to find out from Ashley that she had received a flu shot earlier in the day. Ella was able to find out that the first victim also got a flu shot the same day he was poisoned. Thanks to the information Ashley gave and what Ella could dig up, both students received their shots by a Dr. Jason Carlisle.
"Dr. Jason Carlisle?" Dan says in shock.
"You know him?" Chloe questions.
"I know of him. Here," Dan goes to the computer in the room and pulls up traffic security footage. You all watch as this Dr. Jason Carlisle crawls out of a turned over vehicle. In the footage you can see the driver of the vehicle asking the Doctor for help, but instead the Doctor grabs his briefcase and runs away as the vehicle explodes, killing the driver.
"Hmph. Some doctor." You cross your arms and shake your head at the actions on the video.
"Yeah. After this was televised Dr. Carlise lost his medical license and all respect from his peers." Dan replies.
"He's probably the one responsible for creating these poisons and their unique antidotes." Ella points out.
"He's doing this to show people how he felt he had no choice." Chloe says.
Lucifer scoffs, "Everyone has a bloody choice."
"So, how do we find this guy?" You ask the room.
"Attack his ego." Lucifer says and everyone looks at him, "I know his type. Attack his precious ego and he'll make himself known."
"That's the stupidest thing-" Dan starts but Chloe leaves the lab in a fly and sits at her desk. Everyone, but Ella, follows the Detective and sees that she's pulled up an email and is writing to Dr. Carlise.
Dan is trying to get Chloe to stop, but Lucifer and you are encouraging her. Both of you tell her various ego tripping things to write, and even though Dan tries to stop her, Chloe hits send.
In less than thirty seconds she receives a reply, and it's a video call. She opens it up and all four of your stare at the man with the mask. Chloe tells him we know who he really is and why he's doing this. The Doctor removes his mask and explains his experiment and how the police presence in Doctor Scott's household "made" her choose to destroy her hand.
You call him out on his bullshit, receiving a low high five from Lucifer, and how Dr. Scott was planning on destroying her hand from the start. Dr. Carlise doesn't believe you, and pans the camera to show you all how he already has another "experiment" happening as we speak. He explains the circumstance and ends the call. 
Chloe and Ella do quick work in tracing the call to a hospital that Dr. Carlise was rivals of. Chloe pulls Lucifer by the arm to get him to follow, and after a look from you he obliges.
She's your partner. Protect her.
"This case is now top number one of the worst cases I've been on." Chloe flops down on her couch next to you with a full glass of wine in hand. 
Chloe asked you to come to her place to unwind after the Hell this case has been. You agreed because you could tell she needed to vent.
She starts talking about the situation that happened over at the hospital Dr. Carlise was holed up in. She talks about how her and Lucifer had to watch helplessly as the Doctor dropped poisonous gas onto the floor, making her and Lucifer unable to just break into the room to save the two students. She talks about her fear of leaving Lucifer alone in that situation in order to catch the Doctor. 
She downs her drink quickly after talking about watching the Doctor slit his own throat in front of her. How she watched the life leave his eyes, and neck. 
But then, without the wine's help, she becomes giddy and warm. She tells you about how happy and relieved and thankful she was when she saw Lucifer step out of the building completely unharmed. She didn't even think to question him about it.
"I immediately hugged him and said how we do make an amazing team." She says with a far off gaze to her empty glass. She then looks at you with a smile and wet eyes, "He said 'This is real, isn't it?", and ...well."
"It's official now?" 
"That's wonderful, Chlo!" You pull your BFF into an immediate hug while ignoring whatever that feeling was in your chest. She laughs while holding back tears, and hugs you back. You two then talk about things not about the case, and Chloe excuses herself to the bathroom.
You become concerned after ten minutes of her being silent.
"Chloe? You ok?" You got up from the couch and went up into her room. You knocked on the open door.
"I...I don't know…Earth!" You push into Chloe's room and into her bathroom at the sound of her voice. She's standing in front of her sink, which has piles of bloody tissues in it.
Lucifer Morningstar storms into Chloe Decker's apartment furiously. He looks around the kitchen and living room to see she wasn't there. A noise from above gave him a direction.
"DETECTIVE! DID YOU KNOW?!" Lucifer yells as he storms upstairs.
"THIS WHOLE BLOODY TIME, DID YOU KNOW?!" Lucifer stomps into her room and sees the bathroom door open.
"DETEC-" Lucifer stops when he sees you holding Chloe by the shoulders. 
You look at him, wide eyed and terrified, "Lucifer…"
"Lucifer," Chloe speaks now in a garbled tone. You allow her to turn around to face her partner.
Lucifer immediately steps into Chloe's personal space at the sight of her red eyes and bloody nose.
Chloe cries, "It won't stop."
You stand inside Ella's lab, waiting for the energetic little ball of happiness to come in. You felt bad asking Ella to come in this late at night and after just finishing the last case, but Ella told you not to worry. An emergency is an emergency and it's her job. 
Your fingers tap rhythmically on the table in stress. Seeing your BFF being poisoned by something that no one can make an antidote for, except the guy who just commitied suicide, really terrified you. At least, with the help of Lucifer, you were able to convince Chloe to go to the hospital instead of here.
You hear the door open and look up expecting to see Ella. Instead, your heart drops at the site of Lucifer and the woman who should be in the fucking hospital.
"Why the fuck-" 
"Calm down, Earth." Chloe holds up her hands to you, "I told him to bring me here."
"Yes, much to my disapproval." Lucifer mutters.
"You know me, Earth! I can't just sit by and do nothing when I know I can help!" Chloe says.
"But for how long?!" You move to stand right in front of her, "Chloe, you exerting yourself could make this thing spread faster! We already only have twenty hours if that!"
"I know, Earth!" Chloe can feel Lucifer's hand on the small of her back. She takes deep breaths to calm herself, "I know. Look, I'll be careful, and if it gets too much I swear I'll go to the hospital. But, I need to do something."
You just cross your arms and head back to the table. Ella shows up and Chloe gives her a rundown on the situation without telling the poor girl who the real victim was. Ella explains how they did find some poison on the Doctor's body, but the antidote that went with it had been destroyed. Chloe, Lucifer, and you all share a look.
Then some man you've never seen before is calling Lucifer's name and Lucifer pulls the man into the interrogation room. Seeing as how Ella and Chloe didn't seem to question the strange commotion, you decided not to say anything. Lucifer is a strange guy after all.
Ella starts listing out all the beginning signs of the poison, which makes Chloe turn paler and paler. To derail the talk of it you ask if anyone else could have access to the antidote formula. Ella didn't believe so, but Chloe pops in with hope that maybe the guy who smuggled the stuff in might know something. She didn't believe the Doctor would trust that stuff to be handled by just anyone. 
She leaves the room to get Lucifer, but when you offered your assistance she says she wants you to stay with Ella, and eventually Dan, to help think up an antidote. Your heart felt strange when you saw her and Lucifer leave the building, with him being closer to her than usual.
She's dying. Their together. You told him to protect her.
You wipe the feeling away and turn to Ella. This was Chloe who was dying, and you needed everyone to be working at their best.
You tell Ella the truth.
Lucifer and Chloe have been gone for about an hour and a half now. Dan showed up not too long after the two left and you, him, and Ella have been working together to try to at least figure out all the ingredients for the antidote.
Lucifer's ringtone starts playing on your phone and you answer it.
"She fainted, K9." He sounds scared. You'd never imagined hearing Lucifer Morningstar sound scared, "I'm taking her to the hospital now."
"Alright, I'll be right there." You hang up and look up to Dan.
"Dan. Get Trixie." 
He didn't even have to ask what for. He was out the door in a flash. Ella told you she'd keep working and to give Chloe her love. You nod and head out the door as fast as Dan did.
The early morning sun has now risen. Chloe now only had about ten hours left.
You sat in Chloe's room chatting with her about the situation. When you see Lucifer standing at the window you get up and give Chloe a hug. You leave the room and watch from a distance the two of them talk. 
You hear Dan and Trixie sign in at the desk behind you, and Lucifer leaves the room just as the ex husband and daughter come to the door. You notice Dan give Lucifer a look of disapproval before entering the room, and one of your hands balls into a fist in your crossed arms.
One of the reasons I dislike that guy. He always puts the blame on someone else.
"I'm sorry." The sound of Lucifer's distress pulls you from your thoughts. You walk to stand in front of him, arms still crossed.
"What for?"
"I didn't protect her. Couldn't protect her. I thought I had by sending her after him, but-" Lucifer starts spilling out. You unfold your arms and place a strong hand on one of his arms, stopping him.
"Lucifer." You stare up at him, "This wasn't your fault. I don't blame you. I blame the bastard of a Doctor who stabbed her with the needle." You let go of him and step to his side so you could watch the tragic family scene through the window.
"I hope you're right about there being a Hell, and I hope he's being tortured as we speak."
"He is darling. Trust me." Lucifer turns around to watch the scene with you.
"Good. Wish I was the one torturing him, though." You sigh, shoulders slumped, "I'm going to get one of my K9s and just chill here. If she…" you choke up, but swallow it, "I'll be here if you need me." You give Lucifer a pat on the shoulder and turn to leave.
You stop a few feet from the exit door. You turn your body to face him and your heart breaks at the emotion on his face.
"I promise you, I will get the antidote." Lucifer's tone was serious, but his eyes looked wet. Yet...you felt drawn to him. You could tell he meant what he said.
He always tells the truth.
Unable to contain it any more, tears fall down your face. You run to him and wrap your arms around his neck. You stand on your tiptoes in order to hug him fully. 
You're surprised that he doesn't even hesitate to hug you back. He always hesitates when someone hugs him.
"I trust you, Lucifer." You pull him even closer, and only feel slightly ashamed for probably ruining his suit jacket, "I believe in you."
Chloe Decker now only has about three hours left. 
And you could do nothing.
Lucifer had promised to save her, to somehow get the antidote formula. You had no clue how he could get it, or why you seemed to trust him. You haven't seen him since you hugged him. You've tried texting him to find out how it was going, but he didn't reply. So now you were concerned for his safety because he always replied.
Dan and Ella were having a hell of a time just trying to get the ingredients. Ella texted you not too long ago saying that they're just missing one more, and she thinks she knows where to get it.
And what were you doing? You're standing outside the doors to the lobby area. If you sat in the lobby you'd be looking too much into Chloe's room window, and from the talk of the doctors that were walking by it didn't sound like she was doing too good.
You can't watch your best friend deteriorate so fast in front of your eyes. Besides that, you'd feel like you would get in Trixie's way. She hadn't left her mother's side since she arrived.
You hear Buster whine, and you scratch his head absentmindedly. When you left Lucifer you went to the precinct to grab the first K9 you saw. For protection for Chloe, and comfort for you. You love your dogs.
Buster nudges his nose in your palm. You look down at him.
"What is it, bud?"
He whines some more.
"It’s not a problem, bud. I could use some fresh air anyways."
You take Buster to the small green area across the street from the hospital. You lean up against a tree and look up to the sky. You take a deep breath in of city air, and can't help but imagine Chloe never taking a breath again. Never growing old or seeing Trixie grow into a wonderfully strong women. Never playing with possible grandchildren. Never being happy with Lucifer--
You release the breath, "Well, if Heaven's real then she'll be with her dad at least."
You look back to find Buster, "Come on boy." He trots to you and you both walk back across the street and into the hospital.
You see one of the hospital security guards run to you, "The patient, Chloe Decker, has to move to another room, but there's a man who's blocking the way! He's pushed aside every one of us!"
You nod to the guard and head for the stairwell. You and Buster run up four flights and push through the lobby door.
You watch as two more security guards get tossed aside like dolls back into the lobby. You stride forward, gun aimed and Buster between your legs, "HANDS UP, NOW!"
The man turns around. It's the same man that called for Lucifer in the precinct.
You squint at him suspiciously, "Who are you?!" Buster growls beneath you.
The man looks surprised, "So you're Earth, or well, I guess I should be saying K9."
You grip your gun harder. Buster feels you tense up and walks a bit closer to the man, teeth baring, "Who the hell are you?!"
It's like he just realized now what kind of predicament he's in, "I'm sorry," he holds his hands up to you, "I'm Amenadiel, Lucifer's brother."
You snort.
"Officer! He won't let me get my patient to a more appropriate room!" The main doctor tells you behind Amenadiel.
"Well, as Lucifer's supposed brother, you should know he wouldn't appreciate someone getting in the way of saving Chloe's life." You keep your aim trained on Amenadiel’s chest.
"I do know that, and that's why I can't let Chloe leave this room."
Now you were confused, "Why?"
"Lucifer is getting the formula as we speak, but Chloe needs to stay right here."
Amenadiel shakes his head, "You won't believe me. Look," he puts his hands down and takes a step towards you. You stand your ground and Buster barks at him in warning, "Do you trust Lucifer?"
You’re quiet for a beat. You careful study this "brother", "I do."
"Then please, do not allow Chloe to leave here." You can hear the pleading in his voice. He wants you to believe him.
You look over his shoulder to see Chloe becoming paler in her bed. She started to shake from a slight seizure and the doctor's nurses held her down.
The doctor looks at you, "Please, officer! She needs help!"
You look between her, Amenadiel, and Chloe.
I trust you, Lucifer. I believe in you.
You release air through your nose. You holster your gun. You order Buster to guard the door and not let anyone through or out. You stand next to Amenadiel, "I know she does, Doctor." You cross your arms and stand firm. 
Unbeknownst to you, Amenadiel looks at you with interest.
"Chloe Decker is not leaving this room until Lucifer Morningstar returns with the formula."
You weren't a rogue cop for long.
You feel somebody grip your shoulder from behind. You whirl around ready to punch whoever it was that got past Buster, but your fists immediately turn into hands of support.
He looks like he just came back from the dead. His clothes are completely disheveled and he was sweating profusely. He holds onto your shoulders tightly and you keep him upright by his underarms with the help of Amenadiel.
He mutters out the formula to the doctor and she runs off to make it with the ingredients Ella dropped off not to long ago. You and Amenadiel move him to chair in the room, but he refuses to sit and instead leans against the wall. Amenadiel leaves quickly, and you’re left “alone” with Lucifer.
“Lucifer…” You start to choke up again. He looks so awful and it’s breaking you.
What did he do?
“Lucifer.” You can’t stop the tears again. You let them fall free while you use both hands to hold on to his face. You wipe the sweat from his brow and try to straighten his hair, “Are you ok?”
“She’ll be ok now,” he breaths out. He looks over you at Chloe, “That’s all that matters.”
“No, Lucifer. That’s not all that matters.” He looks down to you, eyes filled with confusion. 
He’s waiting for you to say something, but you’re too choked up on emotion.
I hate emotions, too.
You just wrap your arms around his neck like the first hug, except this one was different. Tighter, different emotions unspoken. He does hesitate on this hug, but eventually his arms find their way around your waist and he holds on tight. 
He rests his head on your shoulder, “Earth…” he breaths into your neck.
You remove your head from his shoulder and he does the same from yours. You both stare into each other's eyes deeply. One of his arms snakes it’s way up your back so his hand can hold the back of your head. Your faces start to come closer together, but you can’t tell if he’s doing it or you, or maybe both.
“I have it!” You both blink at each other, seeming to wake up from whatever force was pulling you both. You both look to the side to see the doctor holding a syringe. A nurse puts a tube inside Chloe’s vain and the doctor rushes over. You twist around in Lucifer’s arms so that your back is to him. 
You expected him to remove his hands, but instead he keeps one arm around your waist while the other hangs onto the wall. You feel him tug you closer as you two watch Chloe’s vital signs fall back to normal.
“It worked! She’s going to make it!” The doctor says happily. You in turn smile at Chloe as new tears fall from your eyes.
You didn’t see Lucifer’s face turn grim.
Lucifer was with Chloe when she first woke up. The two talk briefly before he leaves and tells everyone in the lobby that she’s awake now. He watches as Ella, Dan, Trixie, and you rush into the room. He looks from the window all of you smiling, laughing and hugging Chloe.
He puts his hands in his pockets and stands firm. After one last look at you he leaves.
Three days have passed since Chloe’s poisoning. She had to stay in the hospital for the rest of that day just to ease the doctors, and everyone’s, mind that she really was cured. You stayed with her that day along with everyone else.
Except for Lucifer. After you greeted Chloe from waking up you left the room to look from him, but the receptionist said he had left. You thought nothing of it. He had looked to have a rough day after all.
But after twenty four hours of zero response you started getting worried. Chloe kept asking for him and nobody, including yourself and Maze, seemed to be able to get a hold of him.
In present time you were at your clinic. It was past 9pm and everyone went home for the day. You stayed behind to lock up and look at patient reports for the day. You finish putting the reports away and counting the money. Just as you locked the front door Chloe’s ringtone went off.
“Chloe, you alright?” you answer as you get into your car.
“He’s gone, Earth.” She’s trying to keep from crying, “I’m at his penthouse and he’s...everything’s covered it sheets.”
“He’s gone!”
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seeaddywrite · 5 years
stars, hide your fire: chapter two
i absolutely will not be able to keep up with daily updates, but i’ve got the first 10k of this written & i’m just editing for continuity & nonsense sentences right now. this was almost a 5k chapter, but i thought that was a bit much, so there will probably be another part up tomorrow. 
also, to address one of the questions i got: yes, this is on AO3, if you prefer to read in that format.  
Chapter Index: 1 || 2
Anxiety is one of the remnants of active duty that Alex can’t shake. His fingers tap a frantic rhythm on his good knee as he watches the group he’s assembled parse through the surveillance footage and the schematics for the weapons, and he catches himself beginning to list all the ways Guerin and the others could blame him for this. He should have found it sooner. He should have pushed harder for information, when Jesse Manes was at his mercy. He should have known his brothers wouldn’t give up this easily just because their father and de facto leader disappeared. Alex should have thought more like a Manes, and less like better man he was trying to become.
He knows that the likelihood of anyone blaming him for those things is next to nothing, logically, but the worry is still there, half-stifled in the back of his mind. It’s especially loud as Guerin snatches the schematics and begins muttering to himself, and even consulting Liz on something that looks like an equation on the lower corner of the scans. Alex keeps his eyes on those two -- it’s easier than looking at Isobel’s ashen, waif-like countenance or the barely-contained fury on Max’s face. The lights keep flickering on and off, and Alex knows that he’s struggling to contain his powers. Alex thinks that’s understandable, but he might be the only one, judging by the sharp looks the others keep sending him.
“Evans, do you mind?” Valenti is finally the one to snap. “We’re all worried! But no one can read without lights, and if we’re still under surveillance, the fireworks show inside might seem a little freaking suspicious!”
Max’s lips tighten, but the lights steady and hold.
Alex lets them have another twenty minutes of trying to search for a way out of the mess in front of them before he clears his throat. Six pairs of eyes bearing various signs of horror and resignation look up at him, and Alex’s heart beats a little faster before he finds the calm, calculating place in the back of his mind that allowed him to survive ten years as an active duty codebreaker while men died all around him.
“Before you all start making plans,” he says calmly, projecting his voice just enough so that everyone in the room can hear him. “Just listen for a minute, okay?” There are a few nods, and after a moment, Alex continues, knowing that in their confusion and fear, they will respond to a voice laden with authority -- just like soldiers in the middle of an op gone tits-up. “Project Shepherd is my father’s pride and joy. It’s a family legacy, and has been for generations. There’s no way he’s given the keys to the kingdom away to random strangers.” Alex glances at Kyle, who nods once, encouraging. “This has to be my brothers. Kyle, Guerin, and I ran into Flint when we went to Caulfield --” The aliens all flinch in tandem at the words. Alex wants to reach out for Michael, seated to his left, to offer some measure of comfort at the bleak reminder, but he doesn’t have that right anymore, even if they are friends. And Michael is already stowing his grief behind a fierce mask, anyway, and wouldn’t appreciate the attempt if it was made. “And I’m pretty confident in guessing that Charlie and Hunter are involved, too.”
There’s a low mutter of discontent from Liz, whose dark eyes are blazing with badly-contained anger. Alex knows how she feels. Max runs a hand down her arm as he watches Alex, waiting for the rest of whatever he has to say, and Rosa leans in closer, looking more confused than anything. There’s still so much about the time before her resurrection that she doesn’t know, despite their best efforts to bring her up to speed.
“I know those guys,” Alex plods forward, refusing to be distracted. “I know how they work, and they’re not going to stop coming for us unless we stop them. And I think the only way we’re going to do that is by getting someone on the inside. Someone who knows how they work -- someone with the training and the skills to make them think that he can help.”
Guerin’s body goes rigid next to Alex, and Liz surges to her feet, but none of it stops Alex from saying: “I’m going to do it. I can get the information we need to bring in the government, or higher-ups in the military, and keep your names out of it. If I’m the one undercover, I control the narrative -- it’s the perfect set-up to make sure they all end up in a military prison, at the very least..”
Chaos erupts in the room around him, and Alex sits back, arms crossed over his chest, and waits.
There’s something grounding about being surrounded by people who all care about each other despite having plenty of reasons not to. Alex has never had a normal family, full of love and bickering and over-protective siblings, but he imagines this is what it would have been like, if he had. Fighting because they don’t want their siblings and loved ones to be hurt, rather than because they do.
Alex has never had that, not really -- his oldest brother, Charlie, had defended him a few times, but in the end, Jesse Manes’ opinion was the only one that ever mattered in their house, and according to him, Alex deserved to hurt. Eventually, Alex had gotten used to the isolation and abuse within his home, and he’d learned at a young age that sharing blood did not mean sharing love. He’d hidden his softest parts behind a sharp tongue and a rough exterior, complete with piercings and a ‘fuck off’ expression that kept even the most determined teachers and their questions at bay. Liz, Maria, and Rosa were the only ones who’d never been fooled, but looking back, Alex can admit that he kept even them at arm’s length. It was necessary, at the time; none of those women were the sort of people who would do nothing if they found out exactly how bad things were for Alex at home, and the last thing he’d wanted was for them to get hurt because of him.
Needless to say, from that perspective, it’s utterly bizarre to be sitting there,  listening to Michael’s little, makeshift family fight him on the course of action he’s chosen to take his father down for good. They’re all trying to protect him -- even Max, who’s only been breathing again for two weeks and has barely spoken two words to Alex in all of that time. But even still, he’s volunteered himself for the mission instead, on the grounds that he can defend himself with his powers if necessary, and the fact that it’s not fair to ask Alex to move against his own blood.
It’s insane, of course. Max is a cop, but he’s never been a great one; he’s too straight-and-narrow, aside from the lengths he’s willing to go to in order to protect the people he loves. This is the sort of op that requires planning on the fly and subterfuge, and a flexibility that Max just doesn’t have. Not to mention the fact that there’s no way Max will ever learn enough about computers and hacking in time to be any of use to Project Shepherd, and he doesn’t have the family ties that would get the Manes boys to even consider trusting him, even if they haven’t, by some miracle, seen anything suspicious about him on their surveillance footage.
Despite all of that, Alex can’t help but feel a little warmer at the obvious concern, even if he has no idea how to take it. His feelings about Max Evans and his god complex are complicated even on a good day, and Alex isn’t used to this sort of protective behavior. He knows it’s coming from a good place, though -- the one real conversation he and Max have had was about Michael, and the fact that if Guerin sees Alex as family, Max does too, no matter what their relationship status might be.
So,  yes. Alex would be lying if he said that it isn’t oddly nice to have people worrying about him, but eventually, enough is enough.
He’d gone silent as soon as the fighting started; Kyle had warned him that no one was going to like the idea of Alex going undercover with Project Shepherd, and Alex had predicted Michael’s immediate and absolute denial -- but this is his decision. His family, his legacy -- his responsibility. If he’s ever going to feel like it’s safe to be with Michael again, if he’s ever going to feel free of his father and his damned battles, Alex has to do this. There’s no other way out from beneath his shadow, and Alex has spent enough of his life missing the sun.
Alex has to do this, and no one is going to stop him -- no matter how good their intentions.
“It’s gotta be me,” Alex says loudly, adopting a tone of command that he’d learned in the middle of the desert in wartime. It effectively silences the squabbles filling the room, and again, six pairs of eyes turn to him, some incredulous, others resigned -- and one pair of beloved brown orbs full of vehement denial. But Alex sits tall on the couch, meeting each gaze in turn with steely determination, hoping that he looks more confident in his own abilities than he feels. His brothers aren’t stupid, and there’s a good chance they’ll see through his ruse, but he has the best chance of fooling them -- and Alex isn’t willing to risk anyone else.  “Come on, guys, you know it has to be me. No one else knows Charlie and Flint like I do, and no one else has the training to be useful to their project.”
Alex doesn’t know how he ended up as a member of this eclectic little family, but it’s happened, and he’d do a thousand horrible things before he let anything happen to any of them. Lying to the family he’d grown up with seems like a small price to pay in order to keep them safe. Michael has always deserved happiness and safety, and while Max and Isobel have their issues, they aren’t anything like the villainous aliens Jesse Manes laments about. And Liz, Rosa, and Kyle -- they deserve better than lives on the run, too, which is what awaits them if Project Shepherd ever finds out about their ties to the aliens.
Alex allows himself a moment to reflect on the way they’d all come together, in the wake of Max’s death, as a way to remind himself of why he’s doing this. It had happened in fits and starts, with plenty of stalling. At the beginning, he’d stayed strictly to the periphery. Most of that had been his own choice; in the wake of Michael’s decision to pursue a relationship with Maria, it had been easier to just keep his distance and try to keep moving forward with his own healing.
It only took a month for Michael’s relationship with Maria to end, though, and Alex found himself as a Max fill-in, bailing the other man out of the drunk tank and hiding the acetone when it looked like Michael might drown in it. It’s not an auspicious start to a friendship, especially considering their history, but after several awkward interludes and false starts, they manage to find even ground. Alex doesn’t think they’ll ever quite manage a completely platonic friendship, but they’ve found something that works for them -- something that someday, they hope can become something more.
Michael isn’t the only one who gets tangled up in Alex’s life in those rough months. After a few weeks of private grief, Liz showed up, wanting access to the Caulfield files to look for intel that could help bring Max back from the dead. She’d mentioned in passing that they needed help making sure that no one would question the cover story for Rosa’s miraculous return, so Alex had been the one to put enough of a digital footprint online so that anyone but an experienced hacker would have to believe she’d been kidnapped, not murdered, ten years past.
And then, somehow, the Ortecho sisters became regular fixtures in his cabin. It seemed like one of them was always there, cooking burned meals in his scarcely-used kitchen or dragging in a television set from Arturo’s basement when they noticed Alex didn’t have one. It hadn’t taken much for Alex to remember how much he’d adored Rosa as a teenager, or why Liz had been one of his closest friends for well over a decade before they drifted apart -- and he couldn’t deny that he’d been grateful to feel less isolated from the town.
From there, it all spiraled into weekly dinners and brainstorming sessions,  to sharing his space and his time with these people as they fought back against what seemed like the inevitable. They’d won against it before, and Alex is absolutely certain that they can again. But they need to all be on the same page, first.
“Max can defend himself if he has to,” Michael points out before Alex says anything more, shoving himself forward on the couch to bring his body within touching distance of Alex. It’s the closest they’ve been in months, and Alex hates the way his heartbeat speeds up just from the  proximity. “No one in your family knows that he’s an alien, plus he’s a deputy. Your dad wanted Cam’s input from the Sheriff’s office -- I bet your brothers will want what he can tell them, too. It’s a way in.”
Alex tries to decide whether Michael has so much faith in Max that he believes he can pull off an op like this, or if he’s just so sure that Alex can’t that he’s scrambling for any better option. Neither speak positively about Michael’s headspace, and Alex isn’t sure he wants to know the real answer. Michael’s been incredibly protective of his brother since his resurrection, though -- it seems strange that he’s willing to go along with Max’s self-sacrificing offer.
“Are you forgetting we just brought Max from the dead?” Isobel interjects shrilly, before Alex gets the chance to figure out what the hell Michael is thinking. She directs her icy gaze at Michael, and then at Alex, as if he hadn’t just told the entire room that he’s got to be the one to join Project Shepherd. Isobel’s been the quietest since they all arrived, and is pressed into Max’s side in a way that even Liz isn’t, though she’s still sitting close. Alex knows Isobel’s still trying to pull herself together from the realization that her husband was a mass-murdering psychopath for the duration of their marriage, and understands that she has the right to heal in her own way, but he’s getting tired of being the subject of her ire. “Like hell are we sending him straight to a bunch of people who want to cut him open and play mad scientist with his guts!”
“Give me a break, Isobel!” Michael snaps back at his sister. “I’m not trying to get him killed! But he’s got a better chance of defending himself than Alex, if shit gets ugly. I’d go if I could, but I’m on a fucking watchlist -- there’s no way they’ll buy it.”
He sends a look at Max that Alex can’t really see, but the taller man nods once, and rests a hand on Isobel’s shoulder. “Michael’s being smart, Iz,” he says quietly. “We can’t send Alex into Project Shepherd to --”
“I don’t think we should be sending anyone!” Isobel interrupts, and crosses bare arms over her chest. Fire dances in her eyes as she stares around the room at the assemblage, and for once, Alex is reminded of the intimidating teenaged girl from high school who’d had every straight guy at Roswell High panting after her. Lately she’s seemed more like a shadow than that person, and Alex can admit that he’s glad to see her regaining some of herself -- even if it’s the more difficult parts. “This is all stupid. Starting up some kind of super-spy mission is asking for them  to figure out our secret if they don’t already know. No one’s made a move on us, yet. There’s still time for us to get out of town; we don’t need to risk anyone for the sake of information. It’s not worth it!”
Isobel has suffered so much loss already that Alex can understand her point of view. There’s a risk to this op, and not just to Alex -- if he fails, there’s a high probability the entire truth will come out. It’s not a big leap from Alex being a traitor to the rest of them being involved, and from there, it’s a pretty easy supposition that Jesse Manes might have been right about who in Roswell might be from another planet. She’s thinking ahead and weighing the consequences against the possible reward -- and to her, it’s not coming out even.
“Do you really want to live the rest of your life looking over your shoulder, Isobel?” Alex asks softly, ignoring the way that Guerin is practically thrumming with anger in the seat next to him. He’ll deal with him soon -- but first, he needs to get everyone else settled down. Kyle is already in the corner, talking to Liz and Rosa in a low, soothing whisper. It strikes Alex then how lucky he is to have Valenti on his side, especially considering he doesn’t like the plan anymore than they do. He’s trusting Alex to make the right calls, and that means a hell of a lot.
“I know my family. They’re not going to stop coming. Eventually, even if they can’t get video or photos, they’ll come to town and ask the right questions to the right people. They’ll hear about Rosa Ortecho’s magical reappearance after ten years. They’ll hear about Michael’s hand, or the bizarre power outage, or the lawyer who just up and disappeared. Or maybe they’ll stop by the diner, or the hospital and find dad in that coma, and he’ll just give them all the answers when he wakes up.” That particular scenario is terrifying, and Alex pushes forward, refusing to dwell, or feel guilty for telling the bald-faced truth, despite the growing disquiet on his friends’ faces. “There are thousand ways for them to find out the truth, and to hurt you. Running isn’t going to make a difference. They’ll find you, eventually. It’s a delaying tactic, not a solution.”
Alex exhales slowly, gives everyone a moment to process his logic, and finishes: “So I’m going to take them down from the inside, and I’d really like you all to help me -- from a safe distance. If you don’t want to, I understand, but I am doing this. With or without your blessing.”
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