#anyways wah wah poor me I know sorry. i promise i am trying to look at things when i can. hopefully i can engage soon
piplupod · 8 months
yet again i am trying to figure out how much to tell the counselor/therapist about how bad things are getting bc the considerations i must take into account include:
1) will i be put into the psych ward for this, and
2) will telling a professional actually help me, what kind of help would actually be available for this, and
3) are they going to give me more medications that don't actually address or fix the root of the problem while still giving me awful side effects that I'm just supposed to deal with and hopefully not end up in the hospital for
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Late night worries.
Hey! It’s been a while, but here I am with some edgejeanist fluff!!! I’ve been in a really big motivational flunk right now but am trying to work my way out of it!!
It’s a little shorter than my usual, but I am pretty happy with how it turned out!!
No warnings! Just fluff!
Tagging: @uncharted-darkness @kiriderp @cxssiopeiia and @theshisthings (it’s been a while so please let me know if you are still happy to be tagged in my works ❤️)
Tsunagu grumbled as he stood in the dark and unfamiliar kitchen, waiting for the kettle to finish boiling...It was rumbling rather loudly.
“Stupid brain. Overthinking again, this time when I actually need to sleep...” he complained, listening as the kitchen appliance clicked and turned quiet again.
They were all staying at some big fancy hotel, along with many other heroes, as they had been asked to attend a rather big celebrity gala. Usually, they’d be more than happy to do so, but this time they were not attending as the celebrities, but as the heavy security, due to many rumours and threats of an attack that could possibly happen the next evening.
So they were all there.
By ‘they’, I am referring to Endeavour, Hawks, Miruko, Ryukyu, Edgeshot, many others, and of course, our lovely Tsunagu over here...who was now pouring himself a hot cup of tea...
At 3 o’ clock in the morning....
Standing in the kitchen that sat in the middle of the massive hotel room that the top 5 were staying in together....
“That is quite a loud kettle...” he muttered to himself as he stirred his drink, “I hope I didn’t wake anyone-”
“Oh I don’t think you have to worry, most of them are awake anyway.”
Tsunagu jolted out of his deep train of thought at the sudden sound of somebody else’s voice and fumbled for the spoon that went flying across the counter, clattering as it fell onto the floor. He then proceeded to spill some of his freshly poured tea over himself, exclaiming rather loudly as he did so. “Wah- shoot!!! Shinya?!!!”
The ninja hero sat cross-legged on the kitchen counter, watching calmly at the commotion that unfolded from the other side of the spacious room. “Yes, it’s me. We live together, yet you are still always surprised that I notice when you’re awake.”
Tsunagu blinked at his partner’s comment before trying to come up with a reply. “Well- you’re quiet, and you know, I just- I was deep in thought, okay? You can’t blame me for being surprised!”
“Yeah, yeah, okay.” Shinya simply laughed at the other’s attempt at an excuse, sliding off of the counter and gently plodding over to where the taller figure was standing.
He reached his arms out to Tsunagu and smiled as the other man leant into his warm embrace.
“Couldn’t sleep?” The silver haired hero asked quietly into Tsunagu’s shoulder, his arms gently clasped around the other hero’s waist.
“Hmm...” Tsunagu hummed in response to his question, lifting his cup to his lips and wincing at the rather hot temperature of the drink that he had made for himself.
“Something on your mind, love?” Shinya whispered, looking up to question the tired man with a reassuring smile, before resting his head back on Tsunagu’s chest. “Do you wanna talk about it?”
“It’s not much....just worried...” the taller man bit his lip, trying not to show the other how hesitant he felt. “I don’t want anything to happen...”
Shinya’s eyes darted up to take in the concerned look on his partner’s face.
“Well. You know how I am, it’s fine, I’m okay! I know that everyone is surely feeling the same! I just...needed to distract myself, that’s all.”
“Yes, well of course. I feel incredibly worried too. I’m worried that something might happen...to.......well, I just- are you sure you’re okay?” Shinya reached up to place his hand on Tsunagu’s cheek, sweeping his long fringe away from his eyes and sharing a worried gaze, before bringing his arm back down to rest around Tsunagu’s waist once again.
The blond hero chuckled lightly and placed his cup down on the counter, using his other hand to gently stroke through Shinya’s hair. “You make it sound as if it’s something serious...”
“Yeah, well it could be! Knowing you, there’s always a chance it’s something serious and you just don’t think it’s anything to worry about!!” The smaller man huffed, stepping back slightly to look back up at the ever-so-slightly smug look on the fiber hero’s face.
“Oh? Is someone mad at me~”
“...what did you say?” Shinya glared at the taller man. Luckily for him, his hands were already in the perfect place for a surprise tickle attack...and Tsunagu realised this a tad bit too late.
“You seem mad...oh dear....poor me~”
No response came from the other man, he simply squinted and pouted even harder than he already was, edging closer as he waited for him to speak again.
“Hey, don’t pout....or do! It’s your choice, you look adorable either waAAH!”
Tsunagu was cut off by two small hands jabbing him in the sides rather gently, but with enough force to send him into a fit of laughter.
“What was that, you were saying?” Shinya enquired with a seemingly innocent look on his face.
“I- ahaha- I’m sorry, wai- hahahaa! I- I was jok- ahaha-”
“Hm? I didn’t quite catch that~”
“Ahah- okay, okay- I’m sorry, I- hahaha!! Stop- stop tickling me!”
“As you wish!” Shinya released his wriggling partner and laughed to himself at the chaos he’d caused.
Tsunagu leant on the counter to catch his breath and glared back at his tiny fiancé with mild vengeance in his eyes. “You are a menace...”
The silver haired man smiled and stretched his arms out in front of him. “Hm....maybe~”
Tsunagu straightened himself out and walked over to where Shinya was now standing, pulling the other man into another big hug.
“Did it work, though?”
The blond man tilted his head in a confused manner in response to the smaller man’s question. “What?”
“Well, you said you had something on your mind....and asked for a distraction, so....”
“Ah...” Tsunagu chuckled and rested their foreheads against each other. “Maybe just a little...”
“Oh?” Shinya smiled curiously, tilting his head up slightly so that he could gaze straight into the other man’s beautiful green eyes. “Only a little?”
The taller man hummed in response and brought his hands up to cup Shinya’s face gently, watching as his eyes happily scrunched up in a rather cute manner.
“So the tickling wasn’t enough of a distraction...” the smaller man teased lightly, leaning into the other man’s hands as he felt the familiar warmth comfort him.
“Well....” Tsunagu trailed off, pretending to think for a while before placing a small kiss on the tip of Shinya’s nose, smiling as he heard the other man giggle.
“Ah!” The silver haired hero gasped in an over exaggerated manner, raising both of his hands to cover his mouth in a classic ‘shocked’ pose. “Wait a second! What if I’m the distraction!!”
Tsunagu laughed and attacked his partner with a wave of unstoppable face smooches, causing the other to laugh loudly, his whole face lighting up in happiness and slight bashfulness.
“Well then, you’re the best distraction ever~” the blond man cooed, leaning in to press a soft kiss against Shinya’s lips and feeling even happier as he felt the other’s lips curl into a small smile against his own.
Shinya leant back and chuckled slightly. Pressing their lips together gently a second time, he leant further into the other’s comforting arms before burying his face into the taller man’s neck.
The aforementioned man looked down lovingly at the figure that fit so perfectly in his own embrace and smiled sweetly. “Yes, love?”
“I won’t let anything happen to you, I promise.” Shinya muttered quietly, his voice becoming less bold and more clearly worried again.
Tsunagu hesitated at the sudden shift in Shinya’s tone, but continued smiling nonetheless.
“As long as you don’t get yourself hurt along the way.”
“I’ll try my best.”
They both paused to share a soft and understanding gaze, the two of them knowing exactly how easy it was to become overly worried about a mission that could either go perfectly, or sometimes horribly wrong.
“Love you...” Tsunagu whispered, pressing their foreheads together and watching as Shinya closed his eyes in a reassured way.
“Mm....I love you t-”
“Ahem! Sorry, I seem to be interrupting something!”
The two sleep deprived lovers were snapped out of their conversation by the sound of a particular winged hero’s voice.
Looking like two children that had just been caught trying to steal the cookies out of a cookie jar, they fumbled out of each other’s arms and stuttered, trying to comprehend how silently the younger man must’ve been moving to get there without them noticing.
“Do you two wanna go get a room and flirt somewhere else? Or should I just stand here and wait until I can go and get a snack? I mean, this kitchen is perfectly big enough! To be honest, I wouldn’t even need to switch rooms I could just walk to the other side and I wouldn’t see ya-”
Hawks yawned loudly and raised an eyebrow at the two that were still stood there, their expressions showing more shock than you could possibly imagine.
“H-how....how long have you....” Shinya started to question, slightly afraid of what the answer could be.
“Oh long enough, don’t you worry. You both just seemed way too happy, I didn’t want to interrupt you...” the winged man chirped, knowing deep down that comfort and company was what they all needed at a time like this.
“Oh.....thank you...?”
“Yeah. You’re welcome...”
Hawks watched as the two other heroes glanced at each other sheepishly, before making his way closer to them.
“Y’know with all the noise you were making, you’re lucky that none of us can sleep! Or else you’d have woken us up and we’d all be in here!”
Tsunagu looked down at the floor in embarrassment and rubbed the back of his neck. “Ah....sorry....”
“Doesn’t matter. Now move! I’m hungry and you are in the way!”
The smaller blond man pushed his way between the two ‘lovebirds’ and made his way towards the kitchen fridge, humming and appearing to be in his own little world as he did so.
“Hey-” Tsunagu started, but was interrupted by a hand being placed gently on his arm.
“Leave him be.” Shinya smiled fondly.
“Also, love?”
“Your tea has gone cold.”
Tsunagu looked over at the cup that was sitting patiently on the side of the counter, and sure enough, it had gone pretty cold at this point. “Ah.”
“Want another one?” Shinya asked, reaching out for the taller man to grab his hand as he made his way towards the kitchen counter.
“No it’s okay,” Tsunagu said with a smile, squeezing his partners hand in his own and pulling him into another warm embrace.
“I feel much better now.”
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knight-queen · 4 years
𝐃𝐢𝐚𝐛𝐨𝐥𝐢𝐤 𝐋𝐨𝐯𝐞𝐫𝐬 𝐘𝐮𝐦𝐚 𝐌𝐮𝐤𝐚𝐦𝐢 𝐋𝐮𝐧𝐚𝐭𝐢𝐜 𝐏𝐚𝐫𝐚𝐝𝐞 – (𝗖𝗵𝗮𝗽𝘁𝗲𝗿 𝟭)
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[Chapter O2]  [Chapter O3]  [Chapter O4]  [Final]
Main CG used in this Route -
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Yui: (I must have to get back my heart….!) 
Place:  山中 / Mountain / Yamanaka
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Yui: (I must have to get back my heart….!)
Yuma: From now on, we gotta solve this problem, huh?
Yui: Sorry...Yuma kun.
Yuma: Haa? Why are ya’ saying that? The person called Earl or whatever, it’s all his fault, right!?
Don’t make such a annoyin’ face! C’mmon! La-u-gh?
*Yuma gets closer*
Yui: Ouch...I-it hurts…!
(I think he puts all his strength into stressing my face.)
Yuma: Hee? That face was also good...ha-haha!
Yui: Laughing like this….it’s not fair!
*Yuma backs off*
Yui: (By the way, what should we do from now on)
(I think I saw something in the dream...Maybe I can figure out something if I think about that.)
Yuma: ……..*Sighs*
Yui: (Why is he looking at me putting on such a scary face…?)
Yuma: Making such a stupid face for a while, I am saying that everything’s gonna be fine! HUH?
Yui: You are wrong...It’s not something like that…
Yuma: I am saying it, which means I am correct!
Yuma: Haa...Looks like I have to make you understand it thoroughly….haa!!
*Yuma hugs Yui*
Yui: Kyaa!
(He’s hugging me out of nowhere…!?)
Yuma: Don’t be so dumb. It doesn’t matter where we go so, hold onto me tightly!
Yui: Eh?! Gh! Kyaaaa!!
*They are flying*
*Sound of Wind*
*Screen black / Yui closes her eyes*
Yui: (This feeling...Could it be that we are…!)
*Opens her eyes / screen comes back*
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Yui: (Flying…?)
(We’re just going up and up! At this rate, it looks like we will reach the Moon...!)
Yuma: Kuku! Make sure that you hold me tightly!
Yui: You have suddenly started to fly! I was scared, y’know?
Yuma: Even if I wouldn’t fly suddenly, you would be scared to fly anyway.
Yui: That’s true though…
Yuma: So? Can’t you think of anything other than scaring?
Yui: Eh?
Yuma: For example, shooting stars or the lights of the parade venue. What about those?
Yui: Yes, they are beautiful…
(I am seeing colorful lights far below...ah, there is an amusement park over there. That wagon is selling something, I think?)
(That was the parade venue from the earlier, right? It’s very lively and pretty.)
Yuma: No-w, where shall we get started? What ‘bout starting from attractive places all the way through?
Yui: Eh?
Yuma: Ruki said it, right? Earl Walter can be anywhere that we don’t even know.
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If that’s so, that we should use our feet for searching without thinking about anything!
I think it’s best to ask people here about this world. There may be other information out there ‘bout being stolen of your heart.
((A quick reminder that Yuma is extremely rude, and I am trying my best to translate in his type language. But he is always RUDE! He is not formal at all))
Yui: (Definitely…)
Yuma: That’s why, let’s play & have fun while collecting the information!!
Ah! That amusement park will be a perfect place! We are gonna’ ride every single one!
Yui: Y-yeah…
(Looks like his main intention is to have fun rather than searching for information.)
(I also want us to have fun together, but…)
Ne~ Yuma Kun.
Yuma: Aah?
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Yui: If I don’t get back my heart...I will end up dying, right.
It would also work if I don’t have this body...but that’s…
(It’s difficult to have fun while holding these feelings.)
Yuma: Oi, haven’t you noticed anything. I am not planning to have fun around by throwing out your main problems.
Yui: Eh?
Yuma: Tch! You are very poor at guessing!
I haven’t gotten any other choice but to yield, I guess?
It’s obvious to get depressed at the same time, but even if we don’t have fun, you’re gonn’ be anxious anyway.
That’s why I’m sayin’ that I am gonna make your face unconcerned just like I have!
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Yui: (Yuma Kun is...thinking about me.) *Blushing*
(Yet, I was just concerned about me.)
I am really sorry...I wasn’t planning to doubt you or something…
I was just feeling washed away...I didn’t even watch my own words...as a result I ended up being teased by you
Yuma: Exactly.
Yui: (I was so depressed lately. I haven't fixed it. First of all, let’s keep in mind that I have to make myself cheerful.)
(Alright, beware of your smile...)
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Yui: Yuma Kun! Can I company you?
Yuma: ….!?...
Yui: Yuma Kun?
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Yuma: You, making such a face….damn! Don’t say cute things! *Blushing*
Yui: Eh? Ah…!
*Yuma undresses Yui*
Yui: (He embraced me, he’s digging fangs in my neck….!)
Yuma: Don’t think that I’ll stop if you say ‘sorry.’ Give me a thank you using your feelings. 
If I bite ‘ere, then those vampires won’t bother me.
Yui: (Could it be that, he was planning to fly for this….from the beginning…!)
Yuma: At first, I’ll do it from here….nh…*Licks*
Yui: Don’t…! *Blushing*
Yuma: Your makin’ such a face before I even dig my fangs. Don’t you still have some hope…!! (( He has used 期待 -> means hope or expectation.))
Yui: Please...don’t…!
*Sound of shooting magic*
Yuma: Hm? I have heard somethin’...HAAA!?
Yui: Eh?
(A black object is approaching this way!)
*Another sound*
Yui: (What a speed...we are going to collide!)
Yuma: A meteorite!? Why is coming straight towards us! Tch, as this rate —
*Another sound*
Yui: (We’ll get hit…!)
Yuma: Can y’ easily bum ito us...Aaaa!!
*Yuma aparts from Yui*
Yui: Ah!
(I am separated from Yuma Kun…!?)
Yuma: Yui!!
Yui: Kyaaa!
*Sounds of wind*
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Yuma: *Unclear Voice*  Ugh! Extend your hand!
Yui: …!
(Can’t, my hand can’t reach him…!)
Yuma: Guh!...Damn! You’ll…!
Yui: (I will?...Die...I thought it’s gonna be positive with me….but)
*Screen black / closes her eyes*
(I am sorry Yuma Kun)
Yui: …..nh?
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(—What...This touch...it is very soft….and sweet smell.)
Yuma: No good, I can’t control this speed!!!
UWAAAAAAA— —!!!!!!??
Yui: Nh!? Yuma kun!
Yuma: Ugh...what’s this...it’s hurting and...ugh…
Oi, can you move?
Yui: It’s… kinda impossible….
Yuma: Haa? What should I do then?
So, where’re we? I’know it's a parade venue, but...I can’t see anything like that.
Yui: You are right….
(It's a very noticeable place…)
Clown D: Haa...I was going to finish up today’s work. Are you guys substituting my candles or what?
Yui: Candles? Umm...what you mean —
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Clown D: Oh my, oh my. You guys are festiving too much in the name of parade~
Yuma: Isn't it weird to hear something like this from a clown?
Clown D: It’s not weird~good grief! You are really a hopeless couple. Here, I will help you, gimme your hand.
Yuma: Yea, counting on ya’.
Yui: Thank you so much…
Place: サントノレパーク通り /  Saint Honoré Park Street
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Yuma: Ha— we had face somethin’ awful!
Yui: (I am glad that everything was okay, but...)
(No way, it’s more likely to break a giant cake of the parade celebration.)
We are really really sorry.
Clown D: A—….It’s okay, it’s okay! I’d like to say...nope, I give up~
I will make it over again. Even though I’ve made the cake with great efforts, y’know~!
Yuma: Haa? It was you who cooked, huh? You have a great taste!
Clown D: Eh, Really!! Even though it’s not true, that makes me so happy!! But, A—aah~
Yui: (He’s feeling so down. I am sure that he was preparing that taking a long time…)
(A lot of people will be gathering here. If we don’t cooperate, he may not be able to finish making such a big cake….)
Clown D: Hm? What is it?
Yui: I don’t know whether you’ll be able to make a gorgeous cake or not, but, we will compensate for you!
Yuma: Haaa—?
Yui: Because, it was all our fault after all. We must have to do something.
Yuma: I’know what you mean... but how can we compensate somethin’ like this?
Yui: That’s—…
(There should be a way…)
...Sorry, I can’t think of it right away.
Yuma: Anyway, my whole body is sticky and sticky for the cream, it’s unpleasant.
Sorry but I'm someone who’ll get tension for this, right?
Since it’s a parade, I am looking like a display object or something like that….Let’s go for the bath right away.
Clown D: Saying this means you’re planning NOT to come back, right~?
Yuma: Well, if I would be the only then I wouldn’t come back. But, if I do so, this good-person won’t forgive me.
Yui: Listen...Of course we will come back! We will absolutely pay back your debt, so please trust us!!
Clown D: Let’s see...— Um...I don’t have faith in this big brother, but I can trust this big sister!
Yuma: Aaa—? Tch!
Yui: Thanks a lot! By the way, would you mind telling us where we can have a shower….?
Clown D: I’ll lead you to a familiar hotel. If you like then, I may give you the tickets!
Yui: Eh, is that okay…?
Yuma: Is that ‘cuz there’s an acquaintance there and you keep an eye on us so that we won’t run away?
Clown D: Listen—…!
Yui: (But that way, we also can proof that we keep our promise, right?)
Yui: I got your point. Of Course we’ll come back. We were really sorry.
Clown D: Well—That wasn’t my intention. First, I will say that, don’t be slow~
Yuma: Got it. Let’s go then.
Yui: Yeah.
Place: ホテル・モーントシュタイン  バスルーム / Bathroom of Mortstein Hotel
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*Without dress*
Yui: (Phew….)
(Nevertheless, we completely spoiled the cake…)
(I did something like this in a dream when I was a kid. I think I wasn’t happy at all for doing that...)
(Anyway, it’s Yuma Kun’s turn now)
*Turns off the shower*
*Puts on dresses*
Yui: (Okay, all I have to do is to just fix my fair. Shall I call him out?)
Yuma Kun, thank you for waiting. I am coming out, just a little, okay?
*Yuma opens the door*
Yui: Wah?
Yuma: I’m tired of waiting — Haa! How annoyin’. These clothes’re stuck with me.
gh...ugh...—I still can’t take these off...guh… *trying to take off*
*He takes off his clothes*
Yui: —! Kyaa!
Yuma: Aa? Shut up, why screaming, huh?
Yui: *Blushing* Wa-wait! Let me move backwards!!
Yuma: Why are y’ being damn noisy. Y’can move anywhere so be quiet!
*Yuma turns on the shower*
Yui: Uuh— I wiped my hair perfectly... I must get out…!
Yuma: ...Nh...What the hell is this, such a sticky! ...—Oi!
I can’t remove dirt from my hair, you gotta help me!
Yui: Eeh! But…
Yuma: I wrap a towel ‘cuz you’re such a noise! Hurry up and help!
Yui: (If it’s so...then I may lay him a hand.) *Blushing*
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(To tell the truth, he had fallen down in the cake to protect me, right?)
*Turns into CG*
Yuma: —Ah...by the way, wash more gently there, and also the right side…
Yui: *Nod*
(Uu—It’s embarrassing….I must not look at him….)
Yuma: ...—What it could be that was hittin’ us during flyin’ in the sky.
Is that a meteorite?
Yui: May be...A—
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Yuma: Uwa—Oi! Are you blind or what? Watch carefully!
Yui: Ah! Sorry!
Yuma: Whatta pain! Are you embarrassed for that! Usually, you used to be more close to me, right!
Just—like this!
*CG turns where Yuma’s sucking*
Yui: Kyaa!!
Yuma: It reminds me that I couldn’t suck during flying...kuku~ I’m gonn’ get it back!
Yui: Ah…
(His fangs are digged deeper….!)
Yuma: Kuku...Such a good face. Lemme taste it more.
Yui: (No...I am losing my strength…)
Yuma: Like always….your are having a sloppy face….hah….lean on me.
Yui: Ah...—Yuma kun,....I can’t—
(Even though I was done with bathing….I am feeling dizzy.)
Yuma: What now? Do you want me to suck from here? I’ll do it.
Haha, dropping tears...all I see is that you just want me to continue.
Raise your face…
Yui: Uh—…
(If he still continues….I will lose consciousness…)
Yuma: Nh…*Kiss*
Yui: (Lips...he didn’t...bite?...)
nh...Yuma Kun…?
Yuma: I am glad that you didn’t die…
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Yui: Eh…?
Yuma: It’s nothing. C’mmon give me more. These blood’re just coming out. I won’t waste it.
Until I am satisfied...I won’t let y’ go...nh...nh...mn..
Yui: (Enough already...at this rate…!)
Stop...we have to go back to the plaza. We promised to Clown San…!
Yuma: Aaa?
Yui: (If he still continues sucking, we can’t keep our promise. I can’t allow something like that...!)
*Yui moved back*
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Yuma: Aah? Wait!
Place: ホテル・モーントシュタイン  客室 / Guest Room of Mortstein Hotel
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Yui: (I’m sorry for Yuma Kun, but it’s good that I managed to escape somehow. I must go back to that place, as soon as I can!)
Yuma: ….Oi! What’re you actually planning to do somethn’ for that big cake?
Yui: It’s obvious! It was your fault....If you wouldn’t fly then, we won’t have deal with something like this.)
Yuma: Aaa? It was those meteorites’ fault! You were expecting my fangs, didn’t you?
Yui: I didn’t! By the way, let’s go back to that place.
Yuma: Even if you say that. You’ve almost forgotten your most important work.
Yui: Eh?
Yuma: To remake such a big cake, how can you buy such an amount of time?
If you do it, then we may lose your heart!
Yui: Ah…
Yuma: Your face’s telling that you’ve completely forgotten...hah, as I thought, you should just lie ‘bout it.
Yui: *Nod* I can’t. When I imagine people’s sad faces out there, I just can’t do something like that.
(If we escape away, then I am sure that we’ll regret it later. More than that, I don’t want others to be disappointed.)
Yuma: Well, it’s true that I also did something horrible.
Yui: Please Yuma Kun, let’s go there together?
Yuma: It can't be helped. Then hurry up and finish making that cake.
Yui: Really?
Yuma: I can’t hear if you’re sayin’ something. ….That kind of attitude of you still hasn’t washed away, this stubbornness.
Yui: Not really. It’s very normal. 
Yuma: No, you are not normal. Hehe, you easily get swept away by the things that make you feel good.
Yui: —No, you are wrong!
Yuma: Hehe, you are red all the way to the neck.
Yui: (—! There are many things to say, but...it’s good that he accepted my favour.)
Place: サントノレパーク通り / Saint Honoré Park Street
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Yui: (There’s a lot of traffic. People walking in the road also disguised themselves to have fun.)
Yuma: Oi...Don’t get lost from me.
Yui: Yes, Ne~ Yuma Kun. Did you remember about the carnival that we visited before?
Yuma: Huh? Very strange situation. It also remembered that. ...However, the situation right now is completely different from that.
Yui: Eh?
Yuma: At that time, it was a problem when those vampires got addicted to your blood, right?
Yui: If it’s so, then it’s completely different now.
(A human like me....no one is noticing me, even if I walk around them...It was a little mystery…)
Yuma: Perhaps….since your heartś replaced with a stone.
Yui: (I see...Earl has replaced my heart with a gem. For this, they are thinking that I am not a human, may be itś the reason for that…)
Ne, did the taste of my blood change?
Yuma: Haa...you’re looking so serious. Are you worrying ´bout it?
Yui: Huh?
Yuma: You said that you won´t feel comfortable like in the past, kukuh! Are you disappointed?
Yui: Itś not something like that…!
Yuma: Aah? It’s a bull’s eye y’know? But, don´t be worried. I don’t care ´bout taste or something like that.
For me, to make you feel better is more important than suking your blood after all, kukuh
Yui: Enough-...!
*Blushing* (Saying something like that...may me that’s a part of his kindness…)
(As I thought, I have to get back the heart as soon as possible.)
*After a while*
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Yui: Ah, Clown San!
Clown D: Oh, you two huh~ Good to see that you come back after all~
Yuma: That was obvious. So? Did you make that cake?
Clown D: No way! I am just a clown out here, so I can´t make something like that~
Yui: You made it then?
Clown D: It’s a sweet shop-keeper~!
Yuma: What about getting that guy to make the cake over again?
Yui: Yuma Kun, it’s not fair to say something like this.
Yuma: Aah? But it's impossible to make it for an ordinary person, right?
Yui: That’s true, but…
Clown D: At first, go there and tell that ¨ I am sorry.¨ Spoiling such a huge cake, I can´t say something from my position, yḱnow~
Yui: Okay, we are going to apologize.
Yuma: Letś make it.
Clown D: I don't know whether it goes that easily, but good luck~!
Place: ザフィーア 菓子店 / The fear confectionery shop
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Yui: (Waah! The sweets are lined up! How cute…!
(There’s also something called eat-in.)
Yuma: Oi! We haven't come here to eat sweets or something!
Yui: Umm...excuse me. I have heard that hereś the person who had made a giant cake in the plaza.
‘The fear’ store’s manager: Aah! That was my self-confidence work! That was a very splendid cake, right?
Yui: Aah...yes…
(Uuh, itś hard to cut out this topic…)
Yuma: Yup, that was tasty. The sweetness level was perfect.
‘The fear’ store’s manager: Aah, I am so glad to hear that! Come to think of it, who are you? How do you know the taste of that cake?
Yuma: Haa? By eating, ofcourse.
‘The fear’ store’s manager: Eeeeh!!??
Yui: That’s...many things happened and as a result, we broke that cake. We are really sorry!
‘The fear’ store’s manager:  Wawawa - What did you just say!? You broke that cake! That cake was specially made for the parade!
Do-do-do...Do you even know how much materials and time I had to spenk for that!!!! I won´t easily...forgive you!!
Yuma: Shouting like this, itś useless now to get angry for that.
‘The fear’ store’s manager:   What’s up with that attitude! You have broken my masterpiece cake...how terrible...uuuh!!
*The manager collapsed*
The fear confectionary assistant: Manager! Please hold on!!
Yui: Manager!?
The fear confectionary assistant:  Haah...first of all, I will listen to your conversation. Please continue if from the very first.
Place: ザフィーア 菓子店   厨房 / The fear confectionery shop, kitchen 
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Yui: (Waah! The smell is very sweet. Thereŕe a lot of designers here! Everyone looks so busy…)
The fear confectionary assistant: Until recently, every members were just focusing on making a huge cake.
fear confectionery assistant: It has such a big size, so itś very didfficult to to arrange the materials, to bake and even to decorate…
This is why...when the cake was done, we were so happy that we held our hands in hands together.
Yui: Is that so...umm...we are really sorry.
Yuma: ….But, the paradeś is still continuing, right? That open place won look good if thereś no cake out there.
The fear confectionary assistant: We are getting so much advertisement from our customers...I want to do something.
Yuma: So, let’s start making the cake. Looks like a lot of workers are here. I am somehow excited.
Yui: Um..we will also help you out since we will pay your debt!
The fear confectionary assistant: Before the manager gives us the permission, I can make sure that we will be able to gather necessary ingredients.
Yuma: Haa? Are y'all gonn´ use rare ingredients or something? 
The fear confectionary assistant: It’s not like that. We are in the middle of the parade, so sugars won´t be available everywhere, and it will be harder to get.
When the sugar of our shop was out of stock, we were about to close the shop…
Yui: That’s…
The fear confectionary assistant: Did you notice that there are so many street halls, itś very unusual. There are so many…
Yuma: Well, I don´t get it well, but there's no other problem if you get the sugars, right?
The fear confectionary assistant: Yes...Flour, eggs and raw cream are still affordable.
Yui: (Sugar...I have no idea how much sugar we should get, but...we can´t give up.
We will manage the sugar but please make that big cake one more time!
Yuma: Haaa….
Yui: Please!
The fear confectionary assistant: Understood...I will pass your words to the manager. I am also requesting you to get the sugar.
Yui: Yes!!
Place: グリンマーストリート  表通り/ Glimmer Street, Main street
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Yui: (Even though she told me the amount of sugar I have to get...but I didn’t imagine that they’re gonna need such a huge amount…)
Yuma: *Sighs* … … …
Yui: (He is being irritated for searching. Of Course the necessary amount of sugar is something to be shocked.)
Yuma: You! Y’re a completely stupid! Lastly ending up asking the necessary amount of sugar...what have you done, haa!?
Yui: Anyway, I want us to try out searchi individually  where sugar is available
Yuma: Haa? If we search individually, then the parade is gonn’ be over! Let’s steal those  from somewhere!
Yui: We can’t steal! We have to explain our situation and ask others!
Yuma: Damn! Y’ come up with such a lame idea!
Yui: I am sorry...
Yuma: We gotta finish up dealing with this. So? Where should we get started?
Yui: (Where should I say...)
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Sugar House (Correct +)
Sugar making factory
Yui: What about Sugar House? Since it’s right over there, I am pretty much sure that there’s a lot of sugar stocked.
Yuma: Hehe, it sounds like a simple step.
But, those are very rare...don’t you think it will be a waste to ask them mashed sugars as they put such an effort?
Yui: You are right...maybe we should try going there...they will probably gonna distribute the unmashed sugars…
Yuma: Well, there may be restricted sugar which’s specially produced for parade.  ‘Kay, let’s go!
Yui: Mhm
Place: グリンマーストリート 表通りワゴン前 / Glimmer Main Street Wagon Street
Yui: (Phew...they didn’t understand our excuses pretty well, but they distributed sugars to us one by one.)
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(People of this demon world are unexpectedly nice with me...may be because my heart is now a gem.)
(More importantly, Yuma Kun also helped me out...I also gotta do my best!)
Yuma: What’ are ya’ barging about, Sow? Watching me sweating while pulling the rear car, it’s funny to see, haa?
Yui: Y-you are wrong! I was about to thank you…
Looks like we are about to gather our target amount of sugar. Umm...next up isー
*Something sounds like wheel blusted*
Yui: (Hm? What’s this sound…)
Cotton Candy Shopkeeper: Aaah, that’s weird. I heard that it will get fixed by hitting, but I am not sure it will end up working or not…
Yui: “Cotton Candy”...I didn’t assume that there are such stores in the parade.
Yuma: This trouble...looks like I’m not the only one who’s experienced it.
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Yui: Mhm…
Cotton Candy Shopkeeper: Oh, customers? I am really sorry for this...I am going to repair it right now.
Yui: Not really...Are you fine with it. We can help if you would like to.
Cotton Candy Shopkeeper: Oh, really? Thank you!
I heard how to fix it when I got this machine...but it’s making me scared now…
Yuma: Ah….As I thought, I know how to fix that.
Cotton Candy Shopkeeper: Eh!? Is that so? Can you help me out, brother?
Yuma: Kuku~ Leave it to me ….Haah!! 
*Yuma hitted the Machine*
*A huge sound of being damaged*
Yui: (This sound...could it be…!)
(Oh no...cotton candies just bounced and popped out from there…!)
Yuma: Ugh...Oi! Pick those up before more of those come out!
Yui: On it!
(He got such strength....anyway, let’s pick these up as much as possible!)
*After a they are done with picking candies*
*Repairing sound*
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Yui: ….Hah..ha...Yuma Kun...I have reached my limit…!
Yuma: Tch! Get fixed already!!
*Yuma hitted machine more time*
Yui: Ah...looks like we did….
Cotton Candy Shopkeeper: Oh, looks like we’re done with repairing...Thank you so much!
Yuma: Np, I just hitted, that was all. Is that ‘kay?
Cotton Candy Shopkeeper: Fufu~ It was a great help. Take my cotton candies as a gift.
Yuma: That’s fine though, but if possible, we would like to have sugars.
Yui: For many reasons, we must have to gather some sugars...Please, can you accept this request?
Cotton Candy Shopkeeper: But...due to this circumstance, if I finish up using my extra sugars, then it will get tough to recover the crisis...
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Yuma: Oi! Who do you think you get rescued from this circumstance? If you’re grateful, then give those!!
Yui: Yuma Kun, dont! We are so sorry for being rude.
Yuma: You!
Yui: I didn’t really intend to help for getting thanks or something. It was just about hitting afterall.
Cotton Candy Shopkeeper: I’m really sorry…
Yuma: ...ugh...Let’s go.
Yui: (It’s good that I convinced him. Now, let’s regain our mind, and go for the next step.)
Place: ザフィーア 菓子店   厨房 / The fear confectionery shop, kitchen 
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Yui: (After all...we couldn’t gather the perfect amount..)
(But, we must do something...I should try out by requesting them)
‘The fear’ shop’s manager: I refuse!! I won’t make the cake unless I get the necessary amount of sugar, I told you, didn’t I?!!
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Yuma: THIS - IS- WHY Make something using these, even though a small one!
The fear shop’s manager: No-no-n-n-n-o-! Stop speaking cocky despite being a lay, ‘cuz it’s just… The things can’t be done, means can’t be done!
Yui: Calm down Yuma Kun...But we still managed some sugars, right? Can’t you even barely make one?
The fear confectionary assistant: I know your feelings, but it’s still not quite yet.
Yui: But somehow…
*Someone Opens the Door*
‘The fear’ shop’s manager: Who’s there? Getting into the kitchen without my permission? What does that mean!
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???: Oh, I thought there's a crisis of sugar in this shop...I get some sugar for you. Aah! It’s you guys.
Yui: Eh!? Why are you here…
Cotton Candy Shopkeeper: That’s to you that, my shop improved a lot! You were really a great help.
I announced to all the stallholders in the acquaintance for sugar and fortunately, I managed to get some...Here you go.
Yuma: Haa? This is too much! You can use it for cotton candy or yourself!
Cotton Candy Shopkeeper: I also thought about that for a while...Somehow I remembered that you guys were working so hard.
Yui: Really, thank you! How can I thank you? I don’t think I will be able to do anything for you…
Cotton Candy Shopkeeper: It’s fine! You said earlier, right? “ We’re not helping to receive thanks.” Those feelings of you made me happy.
Yui: (Ah…!)
Cotton Candy Shopkeeper: Fufu~ Seeing this kind woman to smile...I am so glad to see it. 
*Yui blushes*
Yuma: ...Earlier...That was my bad.
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Cotton Candy Shopkeeper: Nope. By this, your problem has been solved, right?
‘The fear’ shop’s manager: Since, the perfect amount of sugar is collected, then we got no other choices but to make one.
Yui: This means…!
The fear confectionary assistant: Fufu~ Looks like we'll be busy for a while. Now, it’s time for the workers to get started. You guys, feel free to have some rest.
Place: ホテル・モーントシュタイン  客室 / Guest Room of Mortstein Hotel
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Yui: (While waiting, they already prepared the cake…!)
*Sound of spoon*
Yui: This tart (French dish cake) is delicious! Ne, Yuma Kun, what ‘bout having a bite?
Yuma: No…
Yui: Eh? Kyaa!?
*He gets closer*
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Yuma: You’re...really cool.
Yui: *Bushing* For any reason...?
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Yuma: It was impossible. But...you made it possible at the end. Wonderful...As expected from my woman.
Yui: Embarrassing…!
Yuma: Then, I’ll make it more embarrassing...Nh..*KISS*
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Yui: *Kisses back* Nh...nh… 
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Yuma: ...kuku~....*kiss*...kiss*...I knew...you’re a perfect woman…*kiss*
Yui: (I am already embarrassed...But for now...I will be like this…)
Yuma: Gimme the tart. I want to eat it.
Yui: Here it is…
Yuma: Umm...tasty! Today, we have eaten only sweet stuffs *eats*
Yui: Yes…
Yuma: It’s fine in a while. Gimme one more.
Yui: (Today I was so exhausted but...I am so happy to have met with many kind people…)
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— 𝗧𝗵𝗲 𝗘𝗡𝗗 𝗼𝗳 𝗖𝗵𝗮𝗽𝘁𝗲𝗿 𝗢𝟭—
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holidaywishes · 4 years
we shouldn’t be doing this...
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  Summary: You and Morgan get frisky at a New Year’s Eve Party
  Warning: this is just... pure smut
  Author’s Note: Welcome to 2020! I hope everyone did lots of celebrating last night, I know I sure did -- and I’m more or less paying the price for it today. Anyway, I plan on doing nothing today but I, yet again, had a dream about Mo last night in my drunken stupor and needed to write it out. So, this is what you get.
  the other masterlist
  “We should’ve just gone to a bar” you whined to your friends around the large round table at the fancy New Year’s Eve party Morgan had roped you all into.
  “Oh come on (Y/N),” Morgan tried, “let’s just try to have a good time, k?”
  “I feel so out of place here, dude” your date for the night, Kevin, said as he held open his suit jacket, revealing the unraveling seams inside.
  “I’m shocked they let us in” Bethany joked
  “I’m not,” Shauna said, moving closer to Morgan, “we did come with Morgan.” You let out a scoff that you hoped no one noticed but sure enough, Mo caught your gaze
  “I’m sorry, Mo, you’re right,” you smiled at him before sighing, “thank you for bringing us. I’m just not used to the whole ‘fancy party’ thing for New Year’s.” He smiled back at you and you bit the inside of your cheek to stop yourself from showing your true feelings for Mo.
  “We’ll have a good time, I promise. We just have to loosen up the guests” Mo said, his eyebrow peaking up at the last words
  “Ahh, what he means is,” Shauna interjected, “we have to be the first ones taking shots...” You laughed as more nodded his head before he and Bethany headed over to the bar; only Bethany noticed you notice Mo as he walked away
  “What is going on?” she mouth from across the table and you just shook your head before Kevin could notice
  “I’m gonna go see if they need any help,” Kevin said, kissing your forehead as he stood up, “I’ll be back.”
  “Thank god! Now we can talk about this” Bethany said
  “There’s nothing to talk about” you tried
  “Uhm yes there is,” she nudged you, “you don’t check out someone’s ass when there’s nothing to talk about”
  “Beth!” you gasped
  “(Y/N).. come on, I’m not stupid. I know you brought Kevin here so you wouldn’t be alone at Midnight. What I didn’t realize is that you’re trying to make Mo jealous”
  “I’m not trying to make him jealous. He’s my friend. I don’t think of him like that. I just brought Kevin tonight because I thought we’d have a good time.” She raised her eyebrows once and dropped it. The thing was, as much as you hated to admit it, she was right. You met Morgan a little over three years ago through his brother and the two of you became fast friends but about a year ago, he practically saved your life when your ex tried to put you in the hospital. After that, he stayed very close to you -- checking on you throughout the day, scheduling lunches with him and the boys after practices, setting aside tickets for games for you and Beth and just generally being your “knight in shining armour;” ultimately making you fall in love with him. But you could never tell him because you were scared of what would happen if you did.
Morgan’s P.O.V.
  You had managed to get most of the guests to take a few shots which meant the dance floor was filling up quite quickly and you sat back to watch the madness unfold. You heard (Y/N)’s laugh float across the table and you noticed Kevin pointing out something to her and you couldn’t help feeling... envious of him. When he left the table, you took the opportunity to steal his seat
  “Is this more of what you were hoping for?” you joked, leaning into (Y/N)’s ear and noticing her smile grow at your question
  “Uhm yes,” she exclaimed, “all I ever want for New Year’s Eve is to watch people embarrass themselves on the dance floor. So this is perfect!”
  “I knew it!” you laughed as did she and she turned her body to face you slightly
  “So.. what are Morgan Rielly’s New Year resolutions?” she asked and all you wanted to say was ‘to kiss you’ but instead you just said
  “Get better at my game.. you know, to win that cup..” she chuckled and shook her head, looking like she wanted to say something but Kevin came in and asked her to dance as Hold Me While You Wait played
  “Sure!” she said and hopped up as he led her to the middle of the dance floor, placing his hands gently on her hips; your head dropping when you saw her smile at him
  “You gonna tell her?” Shauna asked, much to your surprise
  “Tell who what?” you played dumb
  “Tell (Y/N) you love her...” she said matter-of-factly and you raised your eyebrows, preparing to defend yourself, “relax. I won’t tell her if you’re not going to but I can totally see it. Which means I’m probably not the only one.”
  “I thought you were.. flirting with me..” you said awkwardly and she just smiled
  “Oh I was, definitely.” she stated, “If you asked me right now, I’d meet you in the bathroom or kiss you at midnight even though I knew I’m not the one you want.”
  “I don’t get it”
  “Good guys deserve good girls. And you, Morgan Rielly, are one of the best. If we did anything, it wouldn’t go anywhere and you’re too good of a guy for me to play any kind of game with you.”
  “Thanks,” you sighed, “but all that tells me is that I’m a good friend”
  “Au contraire,” she smiled and placed her hand on your shoulder, “it means your boyfriend material.”
  “If good guys deserve good girls, why do good girls always go for bad guys?”
  “(Y/N)’s ex was a bastard, we all know this, but she doesn’t always end up with those types. This was one guy she met and couldn’t see how awful he was because of the flashy apartment and nice things he bought her.”
  “But it’s not just her. Nice girls are always falling for guys who treat them like crap. So, it’s no wonder they say nice guys finish last”
  “Nu-uh” she shook her finger at you, “don’t be that guy. The ‘I’m tired of being in the friend zone’ wah wah poor me.”
  “I didn’t mean it like that. I just... it was a genuine question. Why do good girls choose bad guys?”
  “Because we’re fixers. We think we can fix the damaged people but deep down we know we can’t.” She admitted and you gave a small scoff, looking over to where (Y/N) and Kevin were just finishing their dance, “plus, we like a little bit of danger.”
  “Who likes danger?” (Y/N) said as she sat back down, this time beside Shauna and across from you
  “Me and Beth” she said quickly with a wink to you. Shauna seemed to drop it after (Y/N) didn’t ask questions but you couldn’t stop watching her when she wasn’t looking.
  “(Y/N), Wanna dance?” you asked confidently, noticing Shauna and Bethany’s faces fill with shock
  “Let’s do it!” she laughed; jokingly bobbing her head to the music as the two of you got to the centre of the dance floor. You watched the eyes at the table follow the two of you and you tried to escape the audience
  “Come with me” you whispered
  “Wha-- where are we going?” she said before you grabbed her hand and led her out of the ballroom
  “I wanna show you something” you replied
  “Mo, it’s almost midnight”
  “I know. There’s gonna be fireworks and I know the best spot”
  “I love fireworks. Show me! show me!” she joked and you led her over to a bay window
  “This is pretty,” she cooed, jumping up onto the step to look out the window, “ooh, you know what this reminds me of. Sound of Music. You know that scene with Liesl and Rolfe are singing...”
  “Mhmm, I thought you’d say that.” You smiled because you knew she was about to dance, so you crept up behind her so she didn’t fall if she twirled
  “I am sixteen going on seventeen. I know that I’m naive. Fellows I meet, may tell me I’m sweet and willingly I believe...” she twirled just as you’d expected but came face-to-face with you and she was silent for what felt like minutes but could only have been seconds, “I am sixteen going on...” she trailed off and cleared her throat. You took a step up onto the ledge where she was, careful not to leave too much of a gap between you and her.
  You could feel your heartbeat in your ears and you were sure your face was beet red but you didn’t want to look away; he was so close and his eyes were so blue and he smelled like pepper and pine trees and it reminded you of your Grandpa who always put too much pepper on all of his food. You finally had to shake yourself out of the trance you were in and turned to look out the window
  “So, where can we see the fireworks?” you stammered, feeling his front press against your back and you were surprised at how forward he was being.
  “Just passed that clearing over there,” he said, pointing to an open space a few feet from the window, his hands were beginning to roam your body now and his lips were brushing across the top of your ear as he continued whispering, “they should be setting them up soon...” You were swept up in the way his hands trailed to the hem of your dress and how his thumbs felt so rough against your skin and how steady his breathing was that you didn’t notice you had let yourself fall back into him. When his lips finally met your neck, you let out a small moan and his hand continue to lift up your dress until his hand moved inside your underwear and his fingers found their way inside of you; your eyes popped open at the sensation
  “Morgan...” you moaned as your hand roamed down his arm, heavy breaths filling the empty hallways with each pulse of his fingers. His ministrations continued as did your pleasure and you were worried that someone might hear you so you snaked your hand up to the back of his neck to pull him in for a kiss; jolting his fingers to move quicker inside of you, forcing your mouth to fall open a small scream to escape before Morgan silenced the noise by continuing the kiss, tongues dancing with each other and breathing turning into panting; your eyes finally opened and for the first time you realized how exposed you were
  “Wait wait,” you breathed, “Morgan, we shouldn’t be doing this...”
  “Huh?” he said, fingers still curled inside you, “because of Kevin?”
  “What?” you creased your forehead and looked at him, his fingers stopping until you spoke, “no, I meant we shouldn’t be doing this here. It’s too public.” And just like that, with a smile flashed across his face and your hand still hooked on the back of his neck, he slowly took his fingers out of you and you whined at the loss but he turned you around and walked you to the wall, licking his fingers with you still on them and all you could do was bite your bottom lip.
  “That’s the fun part,” he said, moving his hands across your back and down to cup your ass, “knowing that anyone could catch us?”
  “Mo..” you giggled breathlessly and his lips found their way back onto your collarbone and his hands slipped back to the hem of your dress, “what if there’s kids outside? watching the fireworks? we can’t let them see us...” He stopped long enough to take a look out the window and where the fireworks would be and then back at you
  “I don’t care.” your eyes grew wide at his response, “I want you. Here. Now. You look too damn hot right now for me to wait until we can find a proper spot...” Before you knew it, he’d lifted you up and your legs were wrapped around his waist and you were craving every inch of him; your hands made quick work of his belt and pushed his pants down just far enough for his hardened member to surprise you with its size. You pulled him in for a kiss as he guided himself into you
  “Fu--” you gasped, “oh my god”
  “I’m not hurting you am I?” he asked and you just smiled
  “No,” you said, pecking his lips, “you’re not hurting me.” His pace was steady and controlled and every thrust had your eyes rolling to the back of your head; the pleasure so intense that you didn’t even noticed that your back was scratching against the brick archway, likely leaving marks. You trailed kisses down his neck as he continued to pump into you, groans leaving his lips and nails digging into your hips where he held you.
  “Fuck..” he breathed and you could tell that he was close, and you were too, he just needed a little push. So, you trailed your fingers up his neck to his ear before sucking on the lobe and whispering to him
  “Fuck me, Morgan.” He obliged and began thrusting harder into you much more aggressively than you thought but you weren’t about to tell him to stop; it felt too good. Soon after, though, he climaxed and coaxed you to yours, leaving the two of you breathless. He let you down from where you were pinned against the wall and he noticed the marks on your back, offering his coat to you and you smiled up at him, “so sweet,” you said as he kissed your forehead.
  “Oh look, it must be midnight...” he pointed outside, “they’re lighting the fireworks.” You watched him watch the fireworks go up and the lights shine across his face before you turned around and pushed yourself up to meet his lips, bringing him in for a deep kiss
  “Happy New Year, Mr. Rielly” you smiled when you pulled away from the kiss
  “Happy New Year, Mrs. (Y/L/N).”
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underroleau · 5 years
underrole chapter 4
Alphys woke up at the sound of the alarm clock, and gazed around exhausted, getting up and lazily getting to Wave.
- Mhh… what time is it… Wave…? Are you awake yet? -
She yawned, not hearing answer as she approached the bed. But the kid was still sleeping, breathing heavily.
- ...huh..? -
Seeing that something wasn’t right, Alphys approached the bed slowly, and placed a trembling hand on the kid’s forehead.
- ...oh, no.. he’s hot… -
What could she do? The first thing that came to mind, was to get some ice, dip it in a basin of water, then wet a cloth to put on his forehead. But… after that, she just stood there, hands cupped together, an uneasy expression on her face.
- I… don’t know what to do… I saw this in anime, but now.. -
She started a nervous pacing on the floor, going in circles.
- I don’t know how to heal him!! I craft machines, I am a scientist, I’m not a nurse, or a doctor!! Uhmm… mhh… I have to call Undyne… maybe she’d now what to do… no, wait… maybe Sans is better… -
The lizard rushed to get the phone, dialing his number, and waiting anxiously for the skeleton to pick up.
- C’mon, c’mon.. Answer!! -
Sans’ phone rang, interrupting him mid-conversation and making him gasp.
- Sorry, lady, brb.. -
As he picked up, Alphy’s voice ran him over.
- Hell… -
- Alphys, come down… My not-ear!… Wave isn’t feeling good..? What is he feeling? -
- Ok, ok!! I’m coming! But chill and stop yelling! -
- Yes… I’ll be waiting here… ok… -
- Breathe, ok? I’m coming. -
Sans lazily stood up, with a heavy sigh, and a hand brought to the back of his neck.
- Sorry, Lady, an emergency… I have to go. -
He started walking, already thinking of the shortcut to take.
- Sans, wait… -
The door opened with a slam, almost hitting him, and a goat lady in a blue dress, with the royal family crest on her chest, walked forward with a serious expression on her face.
- ...I heard someone is not feeling good.. I can help.. -
Sans just stared back at her for a moment, amazed that she was able to push open such a heavy door with no sweat.
- Alright.. I know a shortcut, old lady. -
- You can call me Toriel.. let’s go. -
At the lab, Alphys was having a hard time being chill, and frantically retrieved her cellphone from her pocket once more.
- How much does it take… how much… Maybe Undyne would’ve been faster… -
Number dialed, phone brought to her ear, nervous patting of fingers on her shoulder.
- Hello, Alphys? Good morning? - the other side answered.
- IT’S NOT A GOOD MORNING!! Undyne, hi, sorry, Wave is sick and I don’t have anything for him, you know how to cook don’t you?? I need something for him, anything, there’s nothing at the lab! -
- B-WAH.. I get it… Alphys, he can’t die before Asgore can see him, I’ll come over with some food. Maybe some soup… -
- Yes, thank you, see you soon!! -
- Ok… a soup, a soup… - Undyne looked around, scatching her head, and rushed to grab everything from the cupboard, including soda and vegetables – Doing soup is easy, pour everything in and CRANK THE HEAT UP!!! NGAHAHHA!! -
As Alphys was getting more ice to bring downstairs, she heard the doorbell, and ran to open it finding Sans and Toriel at the door.
- Fast shortcut, huh? - the skeleton said to Toriel – Alphys, what happened? -
- Come in, come in!!! - gestured the lizard, liberating the entrance – Yesterday night something attacked us, I don’t remember what exactly happened afterwards… but Wave is not looking good… -
Toriel made her way inside the lab, stiff and worried.
- Bring me to them. -
Alphys swallowed, and nodded, guiding both in the elevator.
- I need some water, and clothes or blankets to keep them warm.. and food -
- Undyne is coming with some food!! - Alphys informed
- I hope she knows how to cook… very well… -
As the elevator opened, they rushed to the bed.
- He looks so weak… -
- I have clothes at home, wait here. - Sans said, before taking another “short cut” as he stood behind the two females, so he couldn’t be seen.
- A-And I have water!!…. I can’t offer anything else… -
- It’s alright… Alphys start bringing the water. -
Toriel said, sitting next to the bed, as the silence lingered in the room. She looked at the suffering face of Wave as he slept, and sighed.
- Poor child… you went through a lot of trouble, haven’t you… and poor Papyrus as well.. he seemed like a nice monster.. -
As Alphys came with the water, she changed the cloth on Wave’s forehead, making it cool again.
Another ring to the door, and this time, it was Undyne who just toppled in with a pot in her hands, shouting.
- P-Perfect!! Thanks, Undyne! Come with me! -
Toriel was still sitting next to Wave’s bed when she came, and approached her.
- This is for the kid… some soup… -
- Thank you.. he needs it. Alphys, please bring me to the kitchen. - The goat lady got up, making her way following Alphys after getting a look inside the pot.
- Can you get me a pot of water, please? - Toriel asked, once she was there, and took from Undyne’s pot a potato, carrots, a piece of cabbage, everything whole. Undyne didn’t cut nothing, so she had to do it. Alphys shortly after came with the pot, and placed it on the small cucinette, lighting under it, as Toriel added the freshly chopped veggies.
- Why is she doing that anyway? - Undyne scrunched her nose, disapproving.
- I-I think she knows what she’s doing… -
Undyne shrugged, a bit reluctant, and once she saw Toriel turning off the fire, she went to Wave.
- Ok kiddo, it’s time to wake up.. - she called, grabbing his shoulders, and  shaking him fiercely - Ehi, WAKE UP PUNK!! –
- U-UNDYNE!!! - Alphys called, in a panic, as Toriel came in with a dish of steaming soup.
- What? He is up!! - she grinned, as Wave mumbled confused.
- Awake? A-where? -
- There, there… try eating this, ok ? - said Toriel with a kind smile, approaching the bed.
- Oh, ok!! - said Wave, and he started eating.
As soon as he was done, Toriel took the dish away, petting his head gently with a smile.
- You’re still warm, you need to rest. -
- But I’m fine – replied Wave, with an oblivious stare
- No, you have to rest – repeated Toriel, autorithy rising in her tone.
- But... -
- Don’t say but to me. Now, please lay down.. -
Wave shrugged, as he obeyed.
- ..and close your eyes. -
Wave shut them real tight. Toriel smiled, and slowly got away, getting to Alphys and Undyne and gesturing them to go out. As their backs were turned, Sans appeared, placing some blankets on the bed, and spare clothes on a chair.
- Thank you, old lad… Toriel. - said the skeleton, hand in pocket as he approached the small group. She nodded.
- Don’t worry. For a friend like you, this and more. -
- We have to talk about Wave, Asgore has to meet it. - interrupted Undyne
- Asgore is NOT going to see him now. - said Toriel in an angry way.
- Asgore is going to free us, he NEEDS to see it! - Undyne replied, eyebrows furrowed.
- He is going to free us, yes, but at what cost? The life of seven humans? We already have the blood of six children on our hands! -
- The humans caged us down here, it doesn’t matter! - Undyne said, clenching her fists
- It does matter! You think it’s better to start another war? You’d really take the life of this child to free us? And after that, what? We’re going to kill every human we cross path with? We’re going to claim the surface as ours? - Toriel argued, harshly – Where to we draw the line! And why is it so simple for you to acknowledge killing a being who did nothing wrong!! -
- ...!! -
Undyne’s body stiffened, as she lowered her head, darting her eyes straight to the floor. Sans was just listening with a blank expression, as Alphys glanced panicky at the two women.
- Ok, ok… calm down, please… Wave’s soul isn’t human, so it’s useless anyway… Asgore won’t do anything to him.. ok? -
Toriel started to walk towards the elevator, followed by Sans, as Undyne slid down on the floor, back to the wall. Alphys looked at her concerned, kneeling down next to her.
As they were close to the elevator, Sans stopped short.
- Toriel, I have to talk to Wave for a second… -
- He needs to rest, Sans.. - said the goat lady, slightly turning towards him.
- I know, but I can’t wait. -
Toriel simply nodded, and went into the elevator. Sans, instead, returned back to the room, passing in front of Alphys and Undyne, and stopping next to the bed, whispering in a low voice.
- Hey pal.. are you still awake? -
- Yep. - said Wave, still pretending to sleep.
- You can open your eyes… Toriel isn’t here. -
- Yay!! -
- You seem happy… and much better than before. - smirked Sans – Listen we should talk.. -
- Yes we do. - said Wave, as he sat up, with an unexplicable serious expression. Sans stared at him with a weird look.
- What’s up? I’m not going to scold you. -
Wave shook his head.
- No, it’s not that. I don’t know how to explain it, but.. I have the feeling something bad is going to happen. Something real bad… I don’t know how to explain it. - he snapped his attention suddenly to Sans – If someone seems strange, you have to run away. - He said, grabbing Sans by the hoodie – Promise me! -
- I don’t…? - muttered Sans, puzzled.
- Promise me! - repeated Wave, alarmed. Sans rose his hands, nodding.
- OK, I will run away if I see someone acting strange… happy? -
- Yes. Tell the others, too. - nodded Wave, letting go of him.
Sans stared at the kid a bit longer, then let out a sigh.
- Now.. you should rest. You still seem shocked about what happened. Now get back down and close your eyes, Toriel may come to check on you. -
Wave nodded and did as he said, and Sans left the room after a few minutes. Returned upstairs, he saw Toriel, Undyne and Alphys still there, as if waiting for him.
- ….what is going on, now? - he questioned.
- I need to tell you guys what happened last night… - spoke Alphys, troubled
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kohakuhime · 7 years
The Reluctant Guardian, Ch. 4
Now that the prologue is out of the way, time for a tense change! Also thank you for being patient about this update, as I’ve had debilitating headaches virtually every day this week.
This takes place post series. Kazuo and Michael are owned by @mpuzzlegirl; Rowen, the twins, and Sylvie are owned by me; and YGO and its associated characters belong to Kazuki Takahashi.
Rowen was cooking breakfast when he heard the house phone start to ring. He reached for it, and after a quick glance at the caller ID he put the device on speaker. “Hey Michael,” he greeted, flipping another pancake.
“Hay’s for horses, Ro.”
Rowen snorted in laughter. “Hardy har,” he said wryly, placing the phone on the counter.
“I was wondering…are you busy today?”
He frowned when the pancake did not fully flip and reached for the spatula. “Not really, but I can’t leave home,” he replied slowly, scowling as the uncooperative food continued to defy him. “Sylvie’s sick.”
Rowen wasn’t about to leave home with his little sister ill. It was a given, especially considering…well. Besides, his grandparents returned to their own home for the day to check on things. They had taken turns between the two homes, since their own house was almost four hours away. There was already talk about Rowen and Sylvie moving out to their grandparent’s home, but there  was not anything definite that Rowen had heard.
He…he didn’t know how to feel about that yet.
There was a sympathetic hiss on the other end of the phone. “I didn’t know the little fey had a cold.”
“Sprang up overnight,” Rowen replied, tuning back into the conversation. He finally gave up and scooped the folded cake onto a plate. “There’s been a bug going around at her school. She must have caught it there.”
“Ahh…poor kid.”
“You can come over here if you want to, Michael,” Rowen added hastily. “No harm in that.”
“It’s okay, Rowen. I was hoping for a ride to the mall. I wanted to go to the used movie shop there ‘cause I’m trying to find this one flick…ever hear of ‘Dear Santa, I Can Explain’?”
Rowen poured the batter for another pancake into the skillet. The name was incredibly familiar, he felt, and after a moment he placed it. “Is that one of Aunt Carmon’s movies?”
“Yeah. I was hoping to find it.” A pause. “It’s supposedly the only time Dad ever appeared in one of Mama’s movies.”
Rowen’s eyes squeezed shut and his head bowed. “Ah.”
“Yeah. I, uh…Dad was always camera shy, and Mama was the only one outside of Uncle Valon who had any videos of him, and…well, I wanted to see him in it.”
He flipped another pancake, feeling only partially pleased that this one behaved better than the first one. “Is it online anywhere?”
“I’ve tried, but I couldn’t find any clips online and the movie’s ridiculously expensive…it’s like three hundred bucks on eBay. Three hundred, Ro! Why is it that much for one movie?”
“Aunt Carmon was a quality actress, and coupled with your dad it had to be a good one. I’m not that surprised,” Rowen said. He propped himself on an elbow, a rueful smile on his face. “If you want I could see if I could—“
“No, Ro. Stay with Sylvie. It’s fine, really. I can ask Kazuo and Aunt Isabel, or I can check in with the twins and Sorta-Uncle Joey.”
Rowen actually laughed at that. The twin’s uncle had coined the term, “Sorta-Niece and Nephews” when it had come to Rowen, Sylvie, and Michael, and in turn he had gained the title of “Sorta-Uncle.” “I think they’re busy today, but it doesn’t hurt to check. I know the twins have been fairly stir crazy and might appreciate the chance to go out.”
There was another long pause, and then Michael sighed. “How have you been, Rowen?”
Rowen paused, his hands stilling. He knew there was another question hidden in the one just asked. He walked over to the fridge and pulled out the strawberries, trying to think of the best way to answer it. “I’ve been fair, mostly fine,” he tried gamely at last, when he was within earshot of the phone.
“…Freaked out, insecure, nauseous, emotional?”
Rowen shook his head. “That about sums it up,” he replied. He tried to think of what to say next—the topic was too painful to really touch on, even after nearly two months. “It’s…getting easier, y’know? I’m not…it’s the first week I’ve had where I don’t call for Mama and Papan when I come back home.”
He didn’t know how to fully express the cocktail of emotions that he’s felt since the night his parents died. He had not tried to delve into those thoughts, either—he was afraid of what would happen if he did, and there were too many people who needed him to stay strong.
“…yeah…” Michael sounded distant. There was one last long silence, and then Michael’s throat cleared. “Anyways, Rowen, I’ve gotta get going. The mall’s open, so—“
“I get you, Michael. See you ‘round.”
“Yeah. Say hi to everyone for me.”
Rowen eyed the now silent phone thoughtfully, then glanced to the plate. Sylvie’s breakfast was finished, sans syrup and cut up strawberries. He had enough time to make a quick call to the video shop in the mall. He felt guilty that he couldn’t go with Michael, but maybe he could find a way to make it up to his cousin.
He was putting the eggs back in the fridge when his eyes went to the photo hanging on the fridge and he paused.
It was from his mother’s Polaroid camera, but his father had longer arms to take a self-portrait. The picture itself was crooked, the photo slightly faded, and his parents were younger in this one. Still, his mother’s warm smile, and the subtle but genuine one his father was giving, was enough for Rowen to gain a bittersweet smile of his own.
He rested his hand on the photograph, feeling a lump rise in his throat, and for a moment his vision misted.
“Michael says hi,” he offered softly, his voice wavering.
“Sora, that’s not right—“
“—course it is, Claire, look, I’m hitting the square button—“
“—but you’re going the wrong—“
A dying scream from the television sounded as the hero was devoured by a four-headed dragon summoned by their opponent, followed by an obnoxiously flashing Game Over screen.
“Told you,” sighed Claire, biting into the Pop Tart. “You shouldf gone de ofver wah.”
Sora turned to look up at his twin, a lopsided grin on his face. “Sorry, don’t speak Poptart-in-Mouth, sis,” he chirped brightly.
“Claire, swallow your food!” Mai called irritably. She had one foot out the door when she had heard Sora’s comment. “I am not performing the Heimlich again this morning!”
The twins knew the exasperated again was directed at the closed master bedroom door. With the promise of a new Duel Monsters tournament coming to town and sign-ups opening today, Joey was eager to get going—even so eager as to wolf down his food and nearly choke on it. Risa had already left for the day to hang out with friends (though judging by her outfit and make-up she was likely going on a date), and Mai was on her way to teach her first self-defense class of the morning.
About five minutes after their aunt had left, the bedroom door opened and Joey stepped out in jeans and a t-shirt. “So what are you rascals up to?” he asked, strapping on his Duel Disk. “Any plans?
They both beamed up at him. “We’re staying here today!” Sora announced brightly.
“We just got Anima Virtue 5—“
“—we have a pillow, blanket, and Pop Tart fort—“
“And we won’t leave for anything,” they finished together, holding up their remotes in emphasis.
Their uncle raised his eyebrows. “Aren’t you going to try and visit friends? Blow something up? Make another failed attempt at a fork…thing-a-mah-jig?”
“Can’t,” Claire said idly, opening another package of Pop Tarts. “Sylv is sick, so Ro can’t come over. Michael’s doing stuff with his cousin ‘n’ we don’t really feel like going to the mall.”
“Risa’s meeting friends at the amusement park — ”
“ — we can’t drive anywhere, so that rules out that option. Oh, and Aunt Mai banned us from the kitchen after the Fork Frisbee Fiasco. Sooo…yeah,” Claire finished as she bites into the pastry. She swallowed and patted the sofa cushion she was sitting on. “We’re here today.”
Joey eyed them with a good degree of suspicion but shrugged on his jacket. “You’re sure you’re okay all day on your own?”
Sora clutched his heart, looking physically pained. “Why good sir,” he responded, sounding offended. “We’re never on our own.”
“Perish the thought!”
“The horror!”
“The agony!”
“The burned-bacon terror—“
“All right, monkeys, I get it!” their uncle cut over them, a bark of laughter in his voice. “Rules?”
Both of them straightened in their seats. “No one in, no one out. Don’t answer the door, don’t answer the phone, don’t order out for pizza. Don’t go to the kitchen and experiment with the vinegar, cilantro, and Mentos. No cooking. If you have fireworks at least take them outside,” they recite in near unison.
“And if you’re caught with them?”
“Deny, distract, run.”
Their uncle gained a bittersweet smile and shook his head at that last one. The twins smiles faltered as well.
Their last sentence had been something their father used to say all the time when it came to firework-related mayhem.
“All right, I’ll be back later,” Joey said gruffly. He paused, then looked back at them. “Sora? Claire?”
The twins looked over at him, near identical questioning looks on their faces. “Yeah?” Sora asked.
Joey gave them an unreadable expression, then shook his head. “Don’t spend all day cooped up in here, all right? If you wanna go out, just message me or your aunt,” he said at last. “I won’t be gone that long to register for the tournament, so when I get back we can go catch a movie or something.”
Sora and Claire saluted, then returned their attention to the game. Joey watched them a while longer before he left, and the twins didn’t turn as he stepped outside the front door.
Truth be told, they were bored to pieces and restless. The apartment was good for three people, not five, and at times it was downright stifling to be in the apartment. They had thought about meeting up with Michael at the mall when he had texted, or maybe even trying to sneak out to their workshop later. They missed their projects and their inventions, and to be fair it would do them good to get out.
But today, they simply didn’t have the energy to go anywhere. Sora was burned out emotionally, and Claire wasn’t much better herself—socializing with other people was not on their priority list today. Besides, even if they went to their workshop neither could stomach being there long. There were a couple projects at their shop that were too painful to look at. Projects they had been working on to make their dad’s job easier, things made for their mother to help her with work…and Claire didn’t want to see it. Neither did Sora.
They didn’t want to deal with it—not yet.
Sometime later, Sora got to the next stage boss. They simultaneously flinched at the sound of their cockney-accented opponent, and wordlessly Claire hit the mute button on the remote.
“Thanks for going with me to the mall, Kazuo,” Michael said gratefully as they moved into the building.
Kazuo grinned and flashed a thumbs up. “Well yeah, of course!” he replied warmly. “I wanted to shop around anyways and this is the perfect opportunity!”
Kazuo had been delighted to hear his cousin actually wanting to leave the house. Michael couldn’t blame him—after staying relatively cooped up, leaving was a rare but welcome change of pace. Michael had initially feared about publicity surrounding his mother’s death, but after some rather choice words from Noa, they’d largely left Michael alone. His uncle was not as prominent a Kaiba, but a Kaiba he was and his word had clout.
It had been even easier to get his aunt to drive them over to the mall, as she had errands to run. They wouldn’t be in the mall long, maybe two hours at most. His godfather was coming in later that afternoon, and Mikomi had a violin recital later that night—Kazuo never missed his sister’s recitals.
Michael made a mental note to record the recital for Sylvie, since the little girl loved listening to Mikomi play. He was certain that, if she hadn’t been sick, Rowen would have brought her over for the recital.
“So, Michael,” Kazuo asked, half jogging to catch up to his cousin. “What’s our first stop?”
“The used video shop,” he replied, already reaching the escalators. “I’m looking for a movie.”
“Oh? Which one? Is it something to watch with the family?”
“Dear Santa, I Can Explain.”
His cousin’s expression softened as he realized what the movie was. “One of Aunt Carmon’s films? Do we own that one?”
“Not that I’ve seen,” Michael responded absently, catching sight of the shop. He weaved through the crowd, Kazuo close behind. “Tio T said he had a copy of it and that he would be bringing it, but he isn’t going to be in town until this afternoon. Besides, I want to own a copy of it, not rely on borrowing it all the time.”
Kazuo nodded, his features clouded. “I can understand that,” he sighed softly.
As they entered the shop he clapped his hands, an effort of forced cheer. “So it’s a Christmas movie and it aired on Hallmark—the best one by far that they’ve shown, in my opinion. I’ll look in that part of the store.”
Michael had already started browsing shelves, starting at the front and working backwards. Although his mother had been a prominent actress, this movie had seemed to be a lesser known work. He didn’t have much hope of finding it, but he had to give it a try. He had already called all the other shops in town and no one had it. He hadn’t called the mall, though—he was too afraid of getting another dead end.
Soon enough, however, Michael became aware of eyes on him and he looked towards the counter. The employee standing there caught his eye, the taller man offering a small wave. Michael made his way over to him and caught sight of the name tag. “Can I help you, Dave?” he asked, arching an eyebrow.
“Sorry, didn’t mean to stare!” Dave stuttered. “I, uh, I was thinkin’ you might be the kid who called earlier.”
Michael offered a puzzled frown. “What? What call?”
“You called me earlier, right? You were asking about that Christmas movie starring Carmon Corazón? Dear Santa—“
“—I Can Explain,” Michael finished the same time Dave did. His voice was practically breathless and he started to grin. “Do you have it?”
“Yep! You’re in luck, because it’s the last copy. Pulled it off the shelf right after you called,” Dave said, pulling out a DVD. Michael held himself back with considerable difficulty, but it was hard not to snatch the movie out of the man’s hands. “You said to keep an eye out for you, ‘cause you had bright red hair. That’s why I was staring when you came in.”
“But I never…” Michael trailed off as he realized what had happened. He smiled as he took the video. I’m going to have to thank Rowen later.
Kazuo came back over while Michael was checking out. He waited until he was done and followed his cousin out of the store. “You found it then?” he asked. Kazuo pulled the DVD out to study it, and his eyes lit up once he saw the cover. “Michael, your dad’s on here!”
“What?” Michael asked, feeling a jolt of excitement. He leaned over to study the case for himself, and then felt himself starting to smile.
Sure enough, there were his parents. His mother was in the center, decked out in a red Santa-style dress and hat. She had a sheepish smile and was shrugging, as if to say oops. In the right corner, not as large as Carmon’s picture but still fairly prominent, was a black-haired man. His arms were crossed but relaxed, a small smirk on his face. But Michael recognized his father’s features even with the wig on—there was no mistaking the familiar gray eyes.
His heart clenched and he felt his eyes start to burn. He hadn’t looked at a picture of his parents since that night, and to see them again after nearly two months of avoiding pictures…
A hand gripped his shoulder comfortingly and Michael looked up at his cousin. “Come on,” Kazuo said gently, steering them into the heart of the mall. “We’ll watch the movie after Komi’s recital. I’ll bet everyone would want to watch it, ‘specially if Uncle Alister’s in it too.”
Michael wiped his eyes and put the movie back in the bag. “Yeah…thanks, Kazuo.”
It was almost too easy to step into the house.
He didn’t have much left to him, but he had enough to get himself here and to keep himself out of sight. Getting inside the house was child’s play as well. Granted, it was because he had a fair guess of where the spare key was hidden—he’d known the man who’d hidden it.
He padded softly inside, keeping to the carpet as much as he could. It was…oddly quiet, he felt. An unnatural hush seemed to hang over the entire household. He could hear voices upstairs, but they weren’t very loud. Even with the voices he could hear, though, he still felt the heavy atmosphere and it still felt…muted.
He had felt this kind of silence before, when a house was in mourning.
When he had first arrived in the city, he had gotten the news about their deaths. He could hardly believe the news when he had finally heard it, but a part of him had been at least mildly hopeful that it had been exaggerated. It was why he had come here first, even before starting to investigate the real reason he had come back to the city.
But now that he was here, standing in the too silent house…it was undeniable at this point. They were gone.
He wandered into the family room, eyes going to the mantle. There were photographs here, framed either in silver or wooden frames. Here were faces he recognized and some he did not know, and his heart felt oddly heavy at the sight of the photos. They had families…he hadn’t realized he had been gone long enough for them to have families. He felt that he had blinked and missed it.
Of course, it was nothing new. Time always seemed to fly for him.
He turned away from the mantle, silently moving through the rest of the downstairs cautiously. He knew better than to be seen and he was taking a huge risk in coming here, but he had to make sure of what he was looking for. The recent deaths had not been the only reason he had returned—something else had drawn him to the city, and he had to be sure it hadn’t made it to this house.
He did not find anything out of the ordinary at the end of his search. The rest of the city was covered in a quiet but ominous aura, something that even as faint as it was he recognized instantly. Thankfully, the tainted aura had not seemed to make it to this house.
He paused as he passed a piece of scrap paper sitting nearby the empty phone cradle. Contact information was written on the scrap, with a phone number and a brief note for someone named “Sylvie.” He didn’t know who that was, but the name written beside the phone number did catch his attention—at least, the surname did. He pocketed the paper, deciding it could come in handy later.
There was the sound of creaking floorboards from upstairs, and he had enough time to step into an empty doorway before footsteps started on the stairs. Then a teenager holding an empty plate stepped briefly into view before disappearing into the family room, presumably on his way to the kitchen. He felt something odd in his chest as he watched the boy step out of view.
Even as brief a glimpse as it was, there was no denying whose child the teenager was.
He waited until the boy had passed before silently striding to the front door. For now, he decided he wouldn’t intrude or interfere with the children. They had no reason to be involved in anything he was looking into, since not one of them even knew who he was.
Not yet, anyways, he thought darkly as he stepped outside. Who knew how long that would remain, given what was possibly at stake. He pulled his cloak more firmly about his shoulders.
As he closed the door, his eyes moved to the black car parked at the entrance to the neighborhood. It had been there when he had first arrived, though the drivers in the car could not see him.
Magic, even as limited as it was to him, had its perks.
His eyes narrowed at the parked vehicle. He had to search the city, but perhaps he would stay nearby for a while longer — just to be sure that there was no threat in that car.
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mycasandstarrs · 6 years
SPN 5x18: “Point of No Return”
Quite the interesting song choice. “The Man Upstairs” by Kay Starr.
Bummed out Zachariah at a bar.
“That’s all they care about upstairs, ain’t it? Results, results, results. They don’t know. They’re not down on the ground, in the mud, nose to nose with all you pig-filthy humans, am I right?”
“Absolute—filthy what?”
lmao, poor guy catching what Zachariah said.
Another gif I’d seen often without knowing what the context was.
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RIP Stuart and the bartender. Killed by Zachariah’s “boss”...whoever that is.
Preparing to leave.
I”m trying to pause the screen to read this letter Dean is writing. I can make out the words “you’ll look after her” which is probably referring to Baby (tho I did initially think it was about Lisa, as he had told her last episode that “they” won’t get what they want from him without agreeing to something first...aka protection for her and Ben.) Also before that statement, it looks like Dean made a Back to the Future reference (which, of course he would) “Where we’re going, we don’t need  no roads”
He also mentions someone (or something?) being an “honorary Winchester in my book” and I hope he means Cas.
[After episode edit: Supernatural Wiki is awesome and provides a transcript to a good chunk of the letter. It confirms most of my guesses except the “honorary Winchester” is Bobby; I ain’t even mad about that.]
It was about to be sent to Bobby.
“It’s not too hard to figure out the stops on the Farewell Tour.” Well thank god Sam knows Dean so well.
“How could you do that?”
“How could I? All you’ve ever done is walk away.”
“And I was wrong. Every single time I did.” 
“You know I have to stop you.”
“Yeah, well, you can try. Just remember: You’re not all hopped up on demon blood this time.”
Dean delivering some low blows here...and he’s just getting started.
Who is phenomenally pissed and staring daggers at Dean.
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“But if Lucifer burns this mother down, and I coulda done something about it, guess what? That’s on me.” Huh, that’s still part of the reason Dean says yes to Michael in S13.
“You’re not my father. And you ain’t in my shoes.”
It would’ve been kinda hilarious if Bobby had shot Dean for that alone.
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“That’s the round I mean to put through my skull. Every morning, I look at it. I think, ‘Maybe today’s the day I flip the lights out.’ But I don’t do it. I never do it. You know why? Because I promised you I wouldn’t give up!”
RIP 2 angels. Killed by Cas.
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Will the real Adam Milligan please rise?
Cas wards Adam.
My god, Adam sounds so much like Dean.
Whoomp, there it is. Adm was brought back to replace Dean as Michael's vessel.
Cas shading Dean, lol.
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“Why would they do this?”
“Maybe they’re desperate. Maybe they wrongly assumed Dean would be brave enough to withstand them.”
“Alright, you know what? Blow me, Cas.”   
Adam even acts like Dean, whereas Ghoul!Adam was more like Sam...
“Please, just trust me. Give me some time.”
“Give me one good reason.”
“Because we’re blood.”
Yeah, that ain’t gonna cut it.
“No, John Winchester was some guy who took me to a baseball game once a year. I don't have a dad. So we may be blood, but we are not family. My mom is my family. And if I do my job, I get to see her again. So no offense, but she's the one I give a rat's ass about, not you.”
Dude, it’s not their fault they never found out about you.
Jeez, what a dick.
Not that easy to escape, pal.
“The one thing worse than seeing dad once a year was seeing him all year.”
“Do you know how full of crap you are?”
“Really. You see, it was me and it was my mom. That's it. She worked the graveyard shift at the hospital. I cooked my own dinners. I put myself to bed. So you can say whatever you want about our dad, but the truth is, I would have taken anything.”
 Does Adam ever stop with the smartass remarks?
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“I mean, think about how many people we've gotten killed, Sam. Mom, Dad, Jess, Jo, Ellen. Should I keep going?” None of those deaths were your own fault, you’re reaching for straws here pal.
“I just…I—I don’t believe.” 
“In what?”
“In you.”
I hate Dean’s campaign of driving people away so they’ll let him go, I h a t e t h i s.
“You’re angry, you’re self-righteous. Lucifer's gonna wear you to the prom, man. It's just a matter of time.” 
“Don’t say that to me. Not you...of all people.”
Omg, an almost direct parallel from “When the Levee Breaks”.
You made Sam cry, you asshole.
I love Bobby checking in on his sons :’)
How did Dean know Cas was gonna come down to check in on him? That crash was well timed.
And Cas actually showed concern for him!!
Dean, you fucking asshole.
“Cuff him to your chair.” lmao
Adam, meet Zachariah.
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The other time where I can’t even argue against Zachariah...except for the “erotically” bit.
“Trust me, kid, when the heat gets hot, they're not gonna give a flying crap about you. Hell, they'd rather save each other's sweet bacon than save the planet.” Oh wait, there’s another time he’s just...kinda right. Tho I’d kinda argue that they’ve come a long way from that.
OOOHHH HERE IT COMES. ONE OF MY FAVORITE SCENES IN THE SERIES...and the reason I started shipping Destiel full time.
El Sol!
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It is so satisfying to see Cas beat the shit out of Dean after everything he’s said and done in this episode.
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Also, how are NONE of the passing civilians noticing this fight???
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I just...get a huge kick out of that scene. 
And now, I attempt to explain why this scene (of all scenes) was the reason I started shipping Destiel:
To me, there were two stages of Destiel; 1. Dean’s in love with Cas and 2. Cas is in love with Dean. For whatever reason, this was the moment I realized Cas had very deep feelings for Dean. 
The level of betrayal he was feeling from Dean seemed much more personal than just ‘I went to bat for the guy and he struck out, wah wah”. 
Also, the fact that he emphasized that he did/gave EVERYTHING for solely Dean definitely came off more than platonic to me. 
(Not to mention how close their faces were to each other; almost every time I watch this scene, I half expect them to start making out with each other.)
All I know is that from there on out, I looked forward to their interactions--well, even more than I already did-- and that I was looking at them in a different light.
“Bobby, what do you mean ‘Adam is gone’?”
“Should I say it in Spanish?”
lmaoo. Knowing Bobby, he probably could.
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“What the hell happened to him?”
Unceremoniously dumped on the couch, lmao.
And I also kinda love that they asked about what happened to Dean only once, then proceeded to talk more about Adam. It may be because he’s the bigger fish to fry, but it kinda reads to me that Bobby and Sam are in silent agreement that Dean had that beating coming, so they won’t even ask more about it.
The Green Room.
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Oh, Persephone move there bro.
“So you lied...about everything.”
“We didn’t lie. We just avoided certain truths to manipulate you.”
Adam, you poor fool.
i wonder who carried Dean down to the panic room.
“Word to the wise: don’t piss off the nerd angels.”
“Either it’s a trap to get me there to make me say yes, or it’s not a trap and I’m gonna say yes anyway. And I will. I’ll do it. Fair warning.” No, you won’t.
“When push shoves, you’ll make the right call.” Sam’s right.
“I—I don’t get it. Sam, why are you doing this?“
“Because… you’re still my big brother.”
I am like, Sam’s #1 fan when it comes to this episode. I am rooting like hell for him.
Van Nuys, California.
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I love Dean’s reaction as Cas takes off his tie; he even looks over to Sam like “you seeing this?”
“Whoa, wait. You’re gonna take on five angels?”
“Isn’t that suicide?”
“Maybe it is. But then I won’t have to watch you fail.”
RIP Dean, torn a new one by Cas.
Dean looked at Cas like he thought the box-cutter was for him.
RIP angel. Killed by Cas.
One down, four to go.
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What a badass move.
“You came for me.”
“Yeah, well, you’re family.”
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Zachariah’s just twisting the knife.
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“Damn it, Zachariah. Stop it, please. I’ll do it.”
“I’m sorry. What was that?”
“Okay, yes. The answer is yes.”
You can literally pinpoint the moment Dean changes his mind.
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“I said…before Michael gets one piece of this sweet ass…he has to turn you into a piece of charcoal.” There’s the Dean I love.
“Michael’s not gonna kill me.” Zachariah’s last words.
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RIP Zachariah. Killed by Dean. Still such a satisfying death!
Whoa, just realized Dean watched Zachariah die...and he still has eyeballs.
Dean lets go of Adam to help Sam. That one little decision with such huge consequences...
“Dean! Help! Deean!” 
Poor Adam. I really do feel sorry that he got caught up in all this. I’m kinda hoping they’ll address him a bit in S14.
“You think Adam’s okay?”
“Doubt it. Cas either. But we’ll get ‘em.” aww.
“So, what changed your mind?”
“Honestly? The damnedest thing. I mean, the world’s ending. The walls are coming down on us, and I look over to you and all I can think about is, ‘This stupid son of a bitch brought me here.’ I just didn’t want to let you down.” 
“Just...let me say this. I don't know if it's being a big brother or what, but to me, you've always been this snot-nosed kid that I've had to keep on the straight and narrow. I think we both know that that's not you anymore. I mean, hell, if you're grown-up enough to find faith in me…the least I can do is return the favor. So screw destiny, right in the face. I say we take the fight to them, and do it our way.”
That meant the universe to Sam.
HELL FUCKING YES DEAN. You are forgiven for the bull you pulled this episode.
0 notes