#and socializing helps anchor me in reality but. it has to happen online. which fucks w my head bc im just holding this magic little device
piplupod · 11 months
yet again i am trying to figure out how much to tell the counselor/therapist about how bad things are getting bc the considerations i must take into account include:
1) will i be put into the psych ward for this, and
2) will telling a professional actually help me, what kind of help would actually be available for this, and
3) are they going to give me more medications that don't actually address or fix the root of the problem while still giving me awful side effects that I'm just supposed to deal with and hopefully not end up in the hospital for
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lovecrimers · 7 years
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In honor of the100th episode of Supernatural Misha has worked on (He’s worked on 100, only acted in 99 though) - I decided to share with you guys, 100 reasons that I love @mishacollins as a sort of tribute/celebration to him. He’s done so much to change my life and I just wanted to put my love for him out into the universe. I also made this into a twitter thread which can be found HERE.
1.) He gives me strength to get up and get through my day whether he knows it or not. 2.) He cares about his fans & constantly strives to show just how much. 3.) He cares about minorities that the struggles we face daily. 4.) He cares about the LGBTQ+ community & has gone to far length to prove just how much. 5.) He cares about mental health & the issues that affect those of us who suffer because of our MH issues. 6.) He cares about disadvantaged youths and wants to give them an equal playing field (Free high school, etc) 7.) He cares about disadvantaged groups in general & proves it daily through his work with Random Acts. 8.) He cares about lonely Senior citizens & tried to brighten an otherwise lonely day for them (Valentines Day). 9.) He funded Random Acts - a registered 501(c)(3) charity on his own because he's the change he wants to see. 10.) He constantly runs charity events throughout RA & gets his fans excited to donate & put good out into the world. 11.) He runs GISHWHES - the biggest scavenger hunt in the world and most of proceeds from that go to charity too. 12.) His scavenger hunt often encourages others to commit random acts of charity towards strangers. 13.) He cares about the state of our country and how the political turmoil affects the everyday citizen. 14.) He is extremely invested in politics and is not afraid to speak his voice on things that offend him. 15.) He fights for the people. Not just his people, or my people - but all people. 16.) When he makes mistakes, he owns up to them and apologizes even when he doesn't have to. 17.) He is active on social media and gives us (his fans) peeks into his daily life, which he knows we always want more of. 18.) He is a general friendly person who goes out of his way to be an angel to everyone he meets. 19.) The money from his Castiel photo ops at conventions goes to charity. 20.) Growing up, he experienced the struggle of poverty & goes out of his way to level the playing field for others in that situation. 21.) He's EXTREMELY humble about his accomplishments and doesn't brag about his good deeds. 22.) To date, he's still shocked and made to blush when fans express how he has changed their lives. 23.) He wears safety pins when he can, to let people know he is an ally and will protect people who need protection. 24.) He's a published poet and has a way with words that speaks to millions. 25.) He is EXTREMELY intelligent and uses his ideas and intelligence for nothing but GOOD. 26.) He is an amazingly talented actor & with that talent has become one of the most loved characters on Supernatural. 27.) He plays himself on Supernatural (an angel) 28.) He engages his fans, even going as far as answering questions other actors refuse to. 29.) He's selflessly shared extremely personal stories of his struggle at conventions in front of large crowds. 30.) He supports intersectional feminism. 31.) He supports nasty women and acknowledges the world needs us and has talked publicly about it 32.) Even though shippers are historically snubbed in the SPN fandom, he gives us a voice. 33.) He's gone as far as to physically "Ship" Destiel and that warms the cockles of my heart. 34.) He married his high school sweetheart. 35.) His relationship with his wife is absolutely beautiful and a goal for anyone with a significant other. 36.) The love he has for his wife is visible whenever he talks about her, he softens up and smiles. 37.) He supports his wife's business endeavors no matter what they may be & defends her accomplishments. 38.) He & Vicki renewed their vows dressed in drag at an Albertsons and that in itself is amazing. 39.) He takes the time to maintain his beautiful marriage & goes on spiritual retreats with his wife. 40.) His family in itself is pure and goals for anyone with a family. 41.) He's a busy man but still takes time to be a great father to his kids and it shows. 42.) He gives us access to his time with his kids sometimes and it never fails to put a smile on my face. 43.) He brings his kids to conventions sometimes and it's adorable - there's NOBODY who doesn't love it when he does that. 44.) There are tons of instances where he has been seen comforting distressed fans on his own free will. 45.) He encourages fans to say hi to him if we see him out and about. 46.) He takes fans out to do fun things during his meet n greets, something which no other actor does. 47.) He has publicly stated he appreciates fanworks whether it be art, fanfic, crafts etc. 48.) He built his own house, proving he loves to see the fruits of his effort. 49.) He built most of the furniture in his house further proving he's a hard worker. 50.) He interned at the White House during the Clinton administration 51.) He made the engagement ring he proposed to Vicki with. 52.) He invited fans to join him during his bike ride for E4K this year. 53.) He teaches his kids about healthy eating while teaching them HOW to cook. 54.) He ran over 50 miles for charity & anyone who's ever even ran 1 mile knows how brutal that must have been. 55.) In 2011, he was named TV’s “Best Non-Human” by TV Guide which proves he's actually an angel. 56.) His smile is singlehandedly the most beautifully infectious smile I have ever laid eyes upon. 57.) He looks good in literally anything. 58.) When I'm feeling crappy about life, I just look at pictures of him and I instantly feel better. 59.) His charity is in partnership with a crisis support group that has helped thousands of people like me during hard times. 60.) He's not afraid to be emotional publicly and has even publicly cried before over issues that matter to him. 61.) His hard work and dedication inspire me to want to reach MY own goals. 62.) Seeing everything he's accomplished makes me not want to give up. 63.) His sense of humor is brilliant and truly funny. 64.) He's not afraid to make himself the butt of a joke and that kind of humor is extremely attractive. 65.) His humility (that I touched on earlier) transcends into everything he does whether it be his job, family or charity. 66.) He directly helps his fans - ex of which can be helping w/homework, sending them autograph replacements etc. 67.) He has posted his phone number publicly with the sole purpose to have conversations with fans. 68.) He truly regrets working on a movie about sexual assault & openly discourages people from watching it so we don't get triggered. 69.) He steps out of his comfort zone sometimes to face issues in the fandom that no other actor wants to. 70.) He takes the time away from his family to come to conventions for his fans even when he's extremely tired. 71.) His smile lights up any room. 72.) He very clearly says "fuck you" to gender norms & constantly does things like paint his nails. 73.) He encourages people to vote, even if it's not for his candidate. 74.) He acknowledges the importance of white people being allies to minorities. 75.) He is extremely humble about his incredible good looks. 76.) He takes the winning gishwhes team on a vacation with him every year. 77.) He has been known to talk about very personal issues that resonate with fans during his meet n greets. 78.) He is nice to literally everyone (I'm serious, even to the people he dislikes: note, trump) 79.) This is kind of unrelated toa lot of the other reasons but he's THICC HAVE YOU SEEN HIS THIGHS? wow. 80.) He's an anchor for a lot of people who constantly struggle with depression (such as myself) and he guides us back to a good state of mind. 81.) He's interested in the environment and he proved that during E4K this yr by bringing a geologist to talk to us about the terrain. 82.) His interactive gishwhes competitions inspire people to think outside the box. 83.) He's simply beautiful like have you SEEN a picture of him? 84.) Everything he does is to better this world and community. 85.) He is the purest person I have ever come across in my life and I've come across quite a few people. 86.) His smiles are always genuine, you can tell by the way his eyes crinkle. 87.) He has struggled so much in his life and even then, came out successful. He is GOALS for all of us. 88.) He understands the reality behind a lot of these online "challenges" such as the ALS challenge & truly cares about the causes. 89.) He is extremely work oriented and has been known to stay on set way beyond what he was supposed to to film & perfect his scenes. 90.) His voice is pretty much the single most incredibly beautiful thing I have ever been graced with the opportunity to hear. 91.) He cares about orphans, refugees & homelessness. 92.) I truly believe that he loves each and every single one of his fans. 93.) He's an imaginative goofball & that shows through with the items he has for gishwhes every year. 94.) He was the best thing to ever happen to me. 95.) This man is the epitome is what one should strive to be when it comes to their attitude, life & personality 96.) Whenever there's a tragedy in a foreign country, he tries to tweet his support in their native language. 97.) He continually shows he cares about the fans that go through struggles and need support. 98.) When I first found out about his past, I promised myself I'd stop self injuring & make something out of my life. I am now clean of self injury and have been for a while. 99.) He unknowingly helped save me from one of the worst depressive periods of my 26 yr old life where everything seemed bleak & hopeless. 100.) His love for life saved MY life when I was hellbent on ending it last year and I will be eternally grateful to him for that.
So yeah, if you ever want to even begin to question my love for Misha Collins- don’t. I will love him fiercely until my dying breath.
Congrats on the milestone, Misha. We love you.
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a-woman-apart · 5 years
Anxiety in the Age of Corona
Firstly, I want to state that I am in an extremely privileged position right now. I was already working from home as the office manager for my friend’s cleaning company. Even before COVID-19 hit, I was at risk for getting laid off from my job due to some payroll issues, so I had already starting looking for a new one. I am a full-time student with half of my classes being held on campus, so continuing to work remotely just made sense. I applied for a job as a technical writer and endured an absolutely grueling interview process. I wasn’t fully confident but was pleasantly surprised when they decided to give me a chance. I begin in the next few weeks. Due to the nature of the job, they are one of the few industries who are hiring additional workers in spite of the current crisis—and most importantly, I get paid to write for the first time ever, and that feels amazing even if it’s “just” technical writing.
Now…about that anxiety thing. I recently wrote a post online entitled “Tolerance of Uncertainty”, which was essentially an exercise in me trying to deal with the distress caused by severe anxiety. For most of my life, I have dealt poorly with change. I have attempted to anchor myself by tying myself to routine and going out of my way to “be safe.” When I checked myself into a mental hospital in September 2019 because of suicidal ideation, I realized that despite the fact that I was able to keep my life structured, ordered, and regimented, I was absolutely miserable. I was pessimistic, lonely, and depressed. I knew things had to change.
One of the first things I did was start taking more risks. I quit my job, despite not having anything concretely lined up. I knew my friend had been trying to find an office assistant for a while, but I really didn’t know if she would still be able to hire me. I decided to re-enroll in college for my Bachelor’s, this time choosing a smaller college that wouldn’t be overwhelming for me, even though it meant that I would have to take out student loans because of a lack of scholarship and grant opportunity. In October, I started dating my current boyfriend, even though I was coming off a horrible break-up and my “rule” was that I didn’t want to date anyone for a year.
In summary, I broke a lot of my own rules, and my life was much better for it. Nonetheless, in December, I started getting a really negative feeling about 2020. I tried to dismiss it as just being stressed over how to divide my holidays between my family and my new boyfriend, but it was more than that. High-status celebrities kept calling the coming year, “20/20” saying all this New Age bullshit about how it would be a year of “new vision.”
I was devastated by worry about the election. It was 2019, and the mainstream media had already started their insane propaganda engines. None of it felt right. I was so disturbed I even remember telling my mom, “I feel like this is the last holiday we’ll be able to spend together like this.” She just smiled in confusion saying, “Why won’t you be able to spend time with us?” Granted, things were really strained between us; some members of my immediate family are science deniers, and I was really stressed out about the consequences of climate change. Nonetheless, it was more than that. It was this horrible feeling of dread that I couldn’t shake.
For the holidays that year, I compromised and spent Thanksgiving and Christmas with my family, reserving New Year’s for me and my new beau. We ate at this wonderful Korean/Hawaiian fusion place, then went home and made snacks and had a bit of alcohol. I had never been able to share a New Year’s kiss with anybody, and I was excited, but my joy felt muted. I ended up going to my room later that night and just sobbing uncontrollably for a bit before he was able to soothe me. I blamed it on the alcohol mixing poorly with one of my medications, but really, it was this immense sense of…loss.
Maybe having a premonition like that—if it can be called that—has nothing to do with worry or anxiety, but maybe what I’m saying is sometimes there’s a reason to be anxious. Sometimes there is a real reason to be depressed. Our flaw comes in thinking that worry and rumination alone prepare us to deal with life’s challenges. Being able to say “I told you so” isn’t a superpower. Hypervigilance, though, does help you detect threats when you’re in an unsafe environment.
Most mental illness is the brain’s attempt to keep us safe just completely backfiring. Sometimes a crisis can make anxiety worse, but in my experience, because everything fucking scares me, the fact that I was forced to develop coping skills as a mere matter of survival does actually give me an advantage. Neurotypical people are running around like ants right now, stocking up on inordinate amounts of toilet paper and canned goods; meanwhile, I’ve always kept a little bit—though not a crazy amount— of extra toiletries on hand because I’ve always been afraid of running out. I don’t tend to stock food, both because I’m pretty poor, and because in a real crisis stocking food just means you’re a great target for people to steal from for people who don’t have any.
There’s a reason why my latest blog is called “No More Bunkers”. Even before COVID-19 hit, the entire concept of just gathering as much as you can and locking yourself away to avoid disaster seems very ill-informed to me. Yes, social distancing is helping to stop the virus, but this fearmongering needs to stop, and that’s from someone with severe anxiety. Even with our need to keep physical distance, we cannot allow our social bonds to disintegrate.
Yes, things are fucking devastating. People worldwide are dying at an alarming rate, here in the U.S. we don’t have enough COVID-19 test kits to go around and the entire world is experiencing a recession. I knew that with the precarious way our economy was operating, it wouldn’t take much to plummet us into a Second Great Depression. We aren’t there yet, but if our government doesn’t act quickly, it’s inevitable. I thought that World War III or climate change—not a pandemic—would be responsible for these conditions, but the cause doesn’t really matter. This is happening, and, like Andrew Yang, I’m not glad that I was right about it. I would much rather continue to be ridiculed and dismissed than to see this premonition come to pass, but the reality is that none of us can wish this away.
For years so many of us have been “crying wolf”, the only problem is that the wolves have been real all along. The world isn’t ending—at least not anymore, now that this crisis has forced us to confront the flaws in our global system— but we’ve been on the brink of it for a long time. This is a new test for humanity, but I have a strong belief in our resilience. We can recover from this.
So, whether you’ve worried all along, or this is your first introduction to existential panic, take a deep breath. We can conquer this.
0 notes
viralhottopics · 8 years
While You Were Offline: Donald and Arnold Are Twitter Beefing Because 2017
It’s been a long week, being back to work after the holiday break. It’s a wonder that you’ve even managed it, so, hey: give yourself a pat on the back. You deserve it, hero. With all that going on, it’s completely understandable that you’ve let your concentration slip and missed some stuff that’s been going on online. That’s cool. We’ve got your back, champ. If you’re needing to prepare for small talk at some leftover social event and have no idea what’s been going on outside of just making it through another 24 hours for the least seven days, have no fear. Just look below and you’ll find the highlights of the last week on this wonderful virtual prairie we call the World Wide Web.
Welcome to 2017: Donald Trump and Arnold Schwarzenegger Are Having Twitter Beefs Now
What Happened: NBC’s Celebrity Apprentice returned this week, with its former star (and still executive producer) now waiting to become President of the United States. What could go wrong? Where It Blew Up: Twitter, media reports What Really Happened: It’s a sign of how strange the new world is that the return of a reality TV show could turn into a moment of political significance. And yet, the new season of NBC’s Celebrity Apprentice was just that, because the former star of the show is now the president-elect, and yet unusually will continue to make money from the show while in his new job. It helped that Donald Trump’s replacement happened to be Arnold Schwarzenegger, aka the former governor of California.
At first, the Internet amused itself with the fact that the show was being promoted with a “secret” catchphrase that the Schwarz, as we’ll now call Arnold, would use in place of Donald’s iconic “You’re Fired.”
What should be Arnold Schwarzenegger's catchphrase at the end of each Apprentice episode when he eliminates a contestant?
— Carlos Bolaos (@CarlosVinLeaded) December 30, 2016
If Schwarzenegger's Celebrity Apprentice catchphrase isn't "You're terminated" I will be legitimately upset
— Jaden Moon (@FrogPrinced) December 30, 2016
I can now report that Arnolds catchphrase for Celebrity Apprentice is: "Yippee-ki-yay, monday-to-friday snakes on this plane
— Philip Bump (@pbump) January 3, 2017
The subsequent reveal of “You’re terminated” on Monday evening actually real news . (It also poorly critically, but that didn’t seem to matter to Trump.)
Wow, the ratings are in and Arnold Schwarzenegger got "swamped" (or destroyed) by comparison to the ratings machine, DJT. So much for….
— Donald J. Trump (@realDonaldTrump) January 6, 2017
being a movie star-and that was season 1 compared to season 14. Now compare him to my season 1. But who cares, he supported Kasich & Hillary
— Donald J. Trump (@realDonaldTrump) January 6, 2017
Once again: this man will be the leader of the free world in a matter of weeks. Also once again: this man is dragging a show that he is still the executive producer of publicly. But, wait, it gets better or, at least, stranger. Because Arnold Schwarzenegger is on Twitter as well, and responded with some subtweeting.
There's nothing more important than the people's work, @realDonaldTrump. http://bit.ly/2inoBNj
— Arnold (@Schwarzenegger) January 6, 2017
I wish you the best of luck and I hope you'll work for ALL of the American people as aggressively as you worked for your ratings.
— Arnold (@Schwarzenegger) January 6, 2017
Please study this quote from Lincoln's inaugural, @realDonaldTrump. It inspired me every day I was Governor, and I hope it inspires you. http://pic.twitter.com/QRoOFTZfQ9
— Arnold (@Schwarzenegger) January 6, 2017
You bet that what was going on as weird
Trump is suppose to receive Intel about Russian hacking today and what is he doing? Tweeting about "The Apprentice" of course. http://pic.twitter.com/k8YEZsU7h8
— RogelioGarcia Lawyer (@LawyerRogelio) January 6, 2017
Donald Trump also publicly trashed Martha Stewart when she hosted her version of The Apprentice. http://bit.ly/2jmTXrm
— Dave Itzkoff (@ditzkoff) January 6, 2017
Trump's tweeting about 'New Celebrity Apprentice' this morning to divert attention away from… http://pic.twitter.com/dX0rUa9BmE
— Marlow Stern (@MarlowNYC) January 6, 2017
The Takeaway: Happy 2017! This is going to be one very, very long, strange, and very not normal year, everyone.
Please Silence Your Cellphones During the Performance
What Happened: What if you didn’t have to turn off your phone when you were at the movies? Where It Blew Up: Twitter, media reports What Really Happened: Where to start with this one? Well, let’s go right back to the beginning, which came at the end of last week:
iOS 10.3 to feature a new Theatre mode – will include a new popcorn-shaped Control Center icon.
— Sonny Dickson (@SonnyDickson) December 30, 2016
“Theater mode”? That one tweet—and the subsequent discovery that Apple had patented “situationally aware” technology years ago—was enough to spark off a wave of and commentary about what it mean. Twitter, of course, had some feelings on the matter.
My phone already has a theater mode: the power button controls it.
— Scott Weinberg (@scottEweinberg) January 4, 2017
If you take an iPhone with the new "Theater Mode" into theaters, it should use Apple Pay to refund everyone sitting behind you.
— Brock Wilbur (@brockwilbur) January 4, 2017
Is "Theater Mode" where your phone instructs you to STAY THE FUCK HOME IF YOU CANT GO TWO HOURS WITHOUT TEXTING IN A MOVIE? http://bit.ly/2jmESpQ
— Jarett Wieselman (@JarettSays) January 4, 2017
if the iphone "theater mode" turns on automatically when u enter a theater and then tases u if u take out your phone i'm all for it
— andy levy (@andylevy) January 4, 2017
The Takeaway: The one question that remains unanswered: Aren’t people who want to use their phones in a theater, movie or otherwise, kind of missing the point of why they’re at the theater?
That's stupid…the "Theater Mode" feature? Just watch the movie. You're paying 20 dollars for a movie. You can put your phone down.
— #JessSoul (@tacolautner) January 6, 2017
Megyn’s Big Move
What Happened: Having successfully raised her profile over the past couple of years, Fox News siren Megyn Kelly is moving networks—or selling out to the lamestream media, depending on who you’re listening to. Where It Blew Up: Twitter, media reports What Really Happened: After months of speculation, the news broke early this week: Megyn Kelly, host of Fox’s The Kelly File, would be leaving the network after all. Quickly, Kelly moved to take control of the story herself:
An ending, and a new beginning… http://pic.twitter.com/clyKaDpQTW
— Megyn Kelly (@megynkelly) January 3, 2017
It was too late, however; the move was big news being reported everywhere a matter of national importance.
You might have thought that those on the right wing, arguably Fox’s—and therefore, Kelly’s—target audience would be upset about the news anchor leaving them for the mainstream, but that really wasn’t the case if social media was any indicator.
Big Whoop. @megynkelly is leaving #Fox for #NBC … What's more American than watching a jerk's career tumble? http://pic.twitter.com/OEDpNtJzMc
— Thomas Paine (@Thomas1774Paine) January 3, 2017
Megyn Kelly represented the lowest form of journalism. Her constant bashing of Trump & supporters will not be forgotten. NBC is a nice fit!
— Adam D. Brown (@aduanebrown) January 3, 2017
Megyn Kelly leaving Fox News is textbook addition through subtraction.
— Stefan Molyneux (@StefanMolyneux) January 3, 2017
Meanwhile, those on the left weren’t exactly thrilled with the shift:
So now we're supposed to pretend that Megyn Kelly doesn't have a longhistory of racially insensitive/inflammatory rhetoric?
— John Iadarola (@johniadarola) January 3, 2017
Rather than finding real journalists, NBC is adding Megyn Kelly. Appears that they are now nothing more than a wing of the Republican Party. http://pic.twitter.com/qSy8GG7KQb
— Adam B. Bear (@democraticbear) January 3, 2017
I wish Megyn Kelly well on her transition from least racist person on Fox to most racist person on NBC.
— Justin Colucci (@justinmcolucci) January 4, 2017
And let’s not forget what’s really important about Kelly’s new role at the network the fact that it is said to include a daytime show.
Memo to @NBCNews: If @megynkelly's daytime show replaces #Days we will boycott same as when @katiecouric ousted #OLTL – a giant failure #GH
— Carolyn Hinsey (@CarolynHinsey) January 3, 2017
The Takeaway: Of course, let’s not let any of this distract us from Megyn Kelly’s actual history of broadcasting.
Megyn Kelly's rebrand has been as cynical and successful as Taylor Swift's and it would be cool if you didn't fall for it like a dumbass
— Charlotte Shane (@CharoShane) January 4, 2017
There’s Already a Contender for Typo of the Year
What Happened: Here’s a publishing secret: When designing a cover based around a famous symbol recognizable by pretty much the entire world, make sure that you’re using the right symbol. Where It Blew Up: Twitter, media reports What Really Happened: This one is practically self-explanatory, and based around one simple mistake. One simple, obvious, we can’t believe anyone actually made it, mistake. To wit:
By the way, if you were wondering whether @WaPoExpress actually printed those covers, the answer is yes. http://pic.twitter.com/AJL1PwPDpp
— neontaster (@neontaster) January 5, 2017
Yes, that’s a cover graphic for the Washington Post’s Express about the Women’s March that uses the symbol for the male gender. It originally debuted online via the paper’s Twitter account in a now deleted tweet, which of course led to some helpful people pointing out that maybe things weren’t exactly what the Express team had intended.
I think… I think that's the wrong symbol? http://bit.ly/2ini5G7
— Parker Molloy (@ParkerMolloy) January 5, 2017
is this some kind of record for largest typo http://pic.twitter.com/kOZ9UIp0Ig
— Sam Thielman (@samthielman) January 5, 2017
I have def made mistakes when commisioning art for a story before but… y'all… this is a Bad Look http://bit.ly/2inrWMo
— austin walker (@austin_walker) January 5, 2017
I have no fucking words.
— Katie Cunningham (@kcunning) January 5, 2017
Just in: men's rights activists choose @WaPoExpress as their official news outlet following paper's visual exclamation of "WHAT ABT THE MEN"
— Francesca Collins (@franjcollins) January 5, 2017
.@WaPoExpress PHOTO EDITOR: Ok…I think I got it this time! http://pic.twitter.com/wUs5BxXg0D
— Jesse McLaren (@McJesse) January 5, 2017
Someone even suspect they know exactly how it happened:
@WaPoExpress I found where the problem came from. They literally Googled 'Female Symbol' and didn't click through. Thanks Wikipedia! http://pic.twitter.com/BgNQrxsCOY
— Lil Thotty (@db) January 5, 2017
Does that really matter, though? Especially when of the media started on and sharing mistake.
For its part, the Express team ‘fessed up on Twitter and apologized:
This is how the cover should have looked. We apologize for the mistake. http://pic.twitter.com/MKKOkHPV8T
— Express (@WaPoExpress) January 5, 2017
…But then, it couldn’t really do anything else, could it?
The Takeaway: Still, at least that was the most embarrassing typo from a major media organization to make it out this week, right? Oh, wait. Never mind.
The Young Puns
What Happened: If the makers of Jude Law’s new TV show intended on coming up with a name that would turn the show into a meme, they succeeded beyond their wildest dreams. Where It Blew Up: Twitter, media reports What Really Happened: When it comes to imagining unexpected ways to promote your television show, producers of HBO’s The Young Pope accidentally hit the motherlode, by choosing a name that social media just couldn’t stop plugging into its favorite music:
The Young Popes, Darlin' We're The Young Popes And The Young Popes, Shouldn't Be Ordained
— BRANDONE (@BDOBZEK) January 2, 2017
To the tune of Black Lips "Bad Kids" Yooooung pope All we want is a young pope Not like those college grad popes A pope like you and me
— David Grossman (@davidgross_man) January 4, 2017
Cause popes, they want to be you-oung / oh, popes just want to be young
— Sady Doyle (@sadydoyle) January 5, 2017
Young Pope, here you kneel on the ground, I said Young Pope, I heard you like to bone down,
— moran (@MeghanSketch) January 5, 2017
*to the tune of mickey mouse club* Y-O-U
you know his name
N-G & P
people love him
O & P & E
younnnng pope (young pope!) younnnng pope
— Rollin Bishop (@rollinbishop) January 5, 2017
What made The Young Pope so memetic? No one is quite sure, but there’re many trying to find
i'll give a dollar to anyone who can make a (good!!!) young pope/uptown girl joke
— karen h. (@karenyhan) January 5, 2017
Read more: http://bit.ly/2inrWvS
from While You Were Offline: Donald and Arnold Are Twitter Beefing Because 2017
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