#anyways yea. need to draw legs. it’s important to know how to draw legs
peapod20001 · 11 months
I should really draw on these big pieces of paper I have more cus then I have no excuse to not draw full bodies lmao
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vazaez · 2 years
(sort of¿) ANATOMY TUTORIAL!!!
More like how *i* do amatomy for my drawings because it's mostly not very relistic tbh
(this is mainly for @deadcolor but i'll post it anyways in case anyone else is interested)
Also i'm inconsistent af and i don't really pay a lot of atention to follow my own anatomy in most of my art because it's usually not worth it the effort for stuff that isnt even that important but when it's needed i actually have my own advice in mind lmao
Typical case of giving other people advice you don't actually follow but yeah lets get to it
1- i start with the good ol circle with a cross to do the head, usually i put the eyes over the red line and it's also where the cheek™ starts
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2- body structure. Mostly shapes to know how i want the pose to look, the chest part is sort of a hexagon? With a line that will be the reference for the angle of the chest, this time it's from a bit low angle fue to the posture of our silly model guy so the line is curved up
Then a cilinder for the stomach and a triangle from where the legs will come out
All of these can be changed depending on how you wanna do your character, here it's some kinf of a beefy guy. But you can make the shapes a bit less wide for skinnier people or make them wider and less sharp for chub, etc... It's fun to play around with the shapes till you like the way it looks!
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3- then i add the shoulders, just two circles at both sides of the chest, i usually tend to go in this order: shoulder-hand-elbow because from the distance between the shoulder and the hand i can find the middle part and put the elbow cirle there idk if i explained that well 💀💀
I also use the same lenght for both arms if the angle doesnt change them much, and since here it's in a 3/4 angle but sticking their hand up and slightly to the front it rlly doesnt change much
One more thing, for me it's easier to use rectangles and Squares as the hand shapes but that depends on how each artist finds it easier
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4- the same goes for the legs just that i use some sort of triangles for the feet with semi circles at the front for the toes
5-now this is how the whole structure ends up looking
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6- now this part is completely free, you can make the limbs thin or thick, with muscles or more smooth,
I usually do kinda muscular or sharp(?) arms in most characters, probably influenced by the rise style lol but if a character needs me to get out of my comfort zone then i adapt it
So yeah this is 100% personal choice of how you want ur characters to look
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7- here it's once again up to personal choice whether you wanna make the body more smooth or just cleaning up the base shapes but leaving the body just as it is, i don't smooth it out because i like how it looks kinda sharp but yea this is all free choice
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8- now the base shapes of the hands and feet, for the fingers i like to use rectangles or sausage-like fingers as reference to the positions i want them to be in, and for the feet i honestly have no idea??? Just kinda round shapes at the end of each foot 😭😭 im improvising w this one i never draw feet i'm sorry 🚶🚶
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9- so i clean up the hands n stuff and it's done! I then just add the clothes on top and thats usually it
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Idk i should practice feet and more anatomically correct bodies instead of just the bases to put the clothes on top but ion have enough time so rn it won't happen 🏃🏃
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obeyme-darling · 4 years
[Diavolo x Shy!Fem!MC x Lucifer]
Summary: You’ve been having bad thoughts about Lucifer, and being a nice girlfriend, you bring this up to Diavolo.
Warnings: Voyeurism, spanking, vaginal fingering, unprotected sex (If you want/need anything tagged, let me know!!)
Words: 3,600+
A/N: This is mostly Lucifer fucking you, while Diavolo watches. If you would like a part two lemme know! I haven’t written for Obey Me before, and I haven’t actually written anything in months. I feel a little rusty, but as I write that’ll go away. I really hope you all enjoy this! REQUESTS ARE OPEN! ~Admin Doe
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You clutched your bookbag close to your side as you made your way down the hall towards Diavolo’s office. You were more nervous than usual, a lot was on your mind and you weren’t sure you would be able to get it off your chest. You didn’t want Diavolo to expel you, or worse...
“MC,” A voice caught your attention. You turned to find Lucifer.
You hadn’t expected much less honestly, only the brothers really talked to you now. Most people found out about you and Diavolo through the grapevine and most of them decided to stay far, far away.
“Oh, um, yes?” You fumbled on your words, hands shaking and jittering.
“Are you going to see the Prince?” His voice, he sounded annoyed. And pissed.
“Uh, yes, but then I’m heading to class! I just need to talk-”
“I don’t really care. I just need you to give this to him. For his eyes only.”
He handed you some folder and turned to walk off. You nodded and began your long, horrible walk to Diavolo’s office. You held the folder close to your chest, arms wrapped around it, as to make sure you didn’t lose anything important.
You grew curious, thinking more about Lucifer than you had in awhile. Why would he trust you to give him something so important? He was more than capable of doing it himself. And would have probably preferred to do that.
You reached the office and gently knocked.
“Just a minute!” Diavolo’s voice soothed you.
While waiting you looked at the folder in your hands. You slowly opened it and found... Nothing. There was absolutely nothing in that damned folder that was so damn important for ‘his eyes only’.
“Oh! MC!” Diavolo looked at you with so much adoration, “I told you, you didn’t have to knock!”
“Oh, you know, I don’t wanna barge in on anything. That would be... not so good-”
“Don’t worry about, I don’t mind you barging in.” He winked at you and pulled you in his office. “What are you looking at by the way? Is that something secret? For your eyes only? Like, literally.”
“No? I don’t think so... Lu-” You stopped yourself, “I honestly don’t know.”
Diavolo did not ask any questions. He just pounced. The empty folder hit the floor and you were pinned against the door immediately. Your wrists were placed above your head and lips trailed hot kisses from your mouth, to your jawline, down to your neck. A soft moan escaped from your lips and you relaxed into Diavolo’s touch.
 “So, what brings you here?” Diavolo asked in between kisses.
Suddenly you remembered. Lucifer. You were having thoughts about Lucifer and you needed to bring it up to your almost boyfriend. You still would die for Diavolo, but Lucifer was slowly creeping into your head and after what he did earlier, you were very confused.
Diavolo’s fingers ran up your thigh, pulling up your skirt and playing with the waistband of your underwear. You were in a trance. You forgot about everything and just shook your head at Diavolo.
“C’mon, something was very important.”
He spoke to you as if he wasn’t pulling down your underwear. His fingers curled inside of you and his other hand held your wrists, still above your head. You swallowed hard and his lips pressed to your throat. Suddenly, you were imagining Lucifer dragging his teeth across your flesh, almost drawing blood.
Diavolo’s fingers picked up pace and you gasped, eyes screwed shut. You bit your tongue and bucked into Diavolo’s fingers.
“Baby, I can’t help you if you don’t tell me what’s wrong. You were very stressed earlier, something is wrong.”
You wanted to say ‘not anymore’. But you couldn’t. That wasn’t right to Diavolo. Diavolo was looking at you now, but his fingers were still deep inside of you.
“Fuck,” you mumbled. “It’s about Lucifer.”
Diavolo immediately pulled his fingers from you and gave you a serious look. You let a surprised gasp and your wrists fell back to your sides.
“What about him?” Diavolo pouted, sure you were in trouble with the other demon.
“Uh,” Diavolo’s pout caused your stomach to twist. You didn't want to bring up your horrible thoughts, but something urged you to, “Maybe we should just forget about this and I should go to class?” You pushed beside Diavolo and grabbed your bookbag.
“No, no-” Diavolo gently grabbed your arm, “Something isn’t right, MC, I think you should tell me...”
“Okay...” You sucked in air, harshly, and decided to go with what your gut was telling you, “I’ve been having these... weird, lewd even, thoughts about Lucifer. I mean-” You put your hands up and your eyes widened, “I don’t love him like you! Wait, I mean, I don’t love- Fuck. Excuse me.”
You pulled your foot from your mouth and your hand away from Diavolo’s. You went to open the door of his office and he stopped you, again.
“Wait, I’m going to disregard whatever the fuck that last part was, and just focus on Lucifer.” Diavolo had caught your attention now, you turned around and saw him sitting on his desk with his D.D.D in hand. “I have been in that same boat, y’know, I adore you, but Lucifer... He has also caught my eye. I have no intention of losing you, but full intentions of... including Luci in on whatever this is.”
You narrowed your eyes, curious as to what he was about to do. You nodded, “Okay...” As soon as Diavolo began to punch in something on his phone you put your hands up, your eyes widening, “What?! Right now?”
“Uh, yea? I mean, if you want. He practically has to come when I call, I won’t tell him why over the phone. No one else has to know.” He reassured you. You nodded and hugged your arms close to yourself. You wanted to ask him questions anyway, so why not make him drag his ass to Diavolo’s office?
Diavolo called him and sternly told him to come to his office, that it was important. You could almost hear Lucifer roll his eyes at Diavolo. Now, you wait.
“So...” You trailed off. “What do we do now?”
Diavolo patted his lap and you eagerly approached him. He settled you on his thigh and bounced his leg slightly. You gasped and looked at him with confusion. Diavolo gave you a grin and bounced again, this time a little harsher.
“What are you doing?”
“I figure, if Lucifer really does wanna join, and which, trust me, we’re both very attractive who could say no? You’ll need to be dripping wet for the both of us.”
Your lips formed an ‘o’ and you nodded. Suddenly you were very nervous. Diavolo was, to put it lightly, very well hung. If Lucifer matched him at all, which you imagined he did, you were in for something pretty fucking rough. And that made you more excited.
That was if Lucifer even agreed to your ‘agreement’. Or whatever Diavolo had made up in his head. You tried to not think about Lucifer as you bounced and rocked on Diavolo’s thigh, but it was very hard.
“You’re imagining him now, aren’t you?” Diavolo whispered, biting your earlobe.
You gave a meek nod and continued to grind on his leg. How could you not? You adored Diavolo, but now there was a chance that your daydreams would be reality. You couldn’t help but keep thinking about that demon.
A knock echoed through the room and tried to get up, “Hold on,” Diavolo whispered to you. You stayed on his lap, and hid your face in his chest. “Come in.” Diavolo’s voice... Lucifer would know immediately he was up to something.
“What did you-” Lucifer stopped, his eyes hitting your back. You could feel him, almost, glaring. “Why did you call me?”
“We have a proposition for you.”
You turned to peek at Lucifer, his eyes moving from Diavolo’s devious stare and to your shy eyes. He swallowed hard, his Adam's apple bobbing. “What makes you think-”
“C’mon, Luci,” Diavolo interrupted the obviously angry demon, “she just wants you to fuck her.”
Lucifer stepped into the room and shut the door behind him. He cocked his head, suddenly intrigued by whatever Diavolo had in mind. It had not been obvious to you at all, but it seemed Lucifer had a thing for you. His eyes burned into yours and he narrowed his eyes.
“Is what he’s saying true, MC?”
Okay, now he’s fucking with me. You nodded. That did not suffice. Lucifer motioned for you to use yours words and you huffed. “Yes.”
“Yes, what?”
You looked at Diavolo and pouted. Diavolo looked at Lucifer with a grin. There was no chance in hell he was about to stand up for you. He liked what Lucifer was doing, just as much as Lucifer did.
“Yes...” Your face was burning and you were having trouble not absolutely using Diavolo as some sort of shield. “I want you to fuck me.” Your eyes were shut and your teeth were gritted. You still had no clue if he wanted to fuck you back. Was he just messing with you, did Diavolo have this planned?
Diavolo gently pushed you from his lap, keeping you steady as to not fall. Lucifer’s gloved hand raised slightly, his finger motioning you over. Diavolo gave you the okay and you walked towards Lucifer, almost in a trance, thinking about what his gloved fingers could do to you.
You bit the inside of your lip and inhaled sharply. “You did look awfully pretty in Diavolo’s lap... How could pass up an opportunity to fuck your brains out right in front of you boyfriend?”
Diavolo did not even seem mad at how Lucifer had worded that. He seemed excited about watching Lucifer fuck your brains out. That had intrigued you even more. You wrapped your arms around your torso and looked up to Lucifer with wide, doe like eyes.
“Can I ask a question, real quick?” You looked to Lucifer with curious eyes. He nodded, “Uh, you know that folder you gave me?” He nodded again. “What was that about? It had nothing in it! I mean, I hope nothing fell out... but that bitch was empty.”
He cocked his brow at you. “You opened it?”
“I mean... I have no clue what was in th-”
“No, no,” Lucifer stepped closer to you, causing you to step back. “You opened it.”
“I did.”
“Well, I had asked you to not do that-”
“You mean, you gave me an empty folder, to give to the prince, that I wasn’t supposed to open, cause you knew I would open it? Why?”
“Oh, dear MC,” Lucifer took another step closer, this stride longer than the last, leaving you bumping into Diavolo’s legs when you stepped back, “One, do not interrupt me. Two, your feelings for me were not a secret, at least not to me. I gave you that because I knew you’d open it, and I knew you’d get back to me somehow. I didn’t imagine this being the exact way... But, here we are, nonetheless.”
Lucifer was smart. You knew that. But, damn he was very smart. You nodded at him and gulped down air. Lucifer was making you very afraid, but very, very horny. You liked Diavolo, maybe even loved him, but Lucifer was a nice difference. Diavolo wasn’t very gentle, but Lucifer seemed to be completely rough. And you wanted to know just how rough.
You felt like you were going to vomit from excitement and a tiny but of worry. You were still a little nervous about this being some sort of sick prank. If Lucifer knew about your thoughts, then maybe Diavolo did too.
What if this is some set up? You ran your fingers over your scalp and glanced back at Diavolo. He seemed more than eager to have Lucifer have a go at you though. You sucked in air through your nose and looked to Lucifer.
“Now,” Lucifer placed his hands together and looked at Diavolo, “since MC decided to disobey me, I believe it’s only right to punish her.”
Diavolo nodded, “I think you’re right.”
Lucifer turned momentarily, locking the office door and then focused on you once again. He walked towards a chair that sat across from the desk and took a seat. He motioned for you to follow him, and to lay across his lap. You fought back a smirk. You knew what was coming now, and you had thought about it coming from Lucifer for a while now.
You sheepishly lied across his lap and waited for his next move.
“MC,” Diavolo spoke up, his voice soft, “if this does get too much, just say so.”
You nodded. Turning back to Lucifer, you watched as he ungloved his hand by grabbing the glove with his teeth, and slowly pulling it off. You could feel yourself growing more wet than before.
Lucifer pulled your skirt up, exposing your underwear. He hooked the waistband and yanked them down your legs. Your ass was placed in the air and your arms were slightly outstretched to the neighboring chair, holding on for dear life.
Suddenly, the sound of hand slapping against flesh echoed around the room and your ass stung. Badly. You bit your lip, knowing you needed to be quiet. A moan pushed past your pursed lips and you exhaled slowly.
“Do you understand, you have to follow my orders, MC.”
You nodded, “Yes sir.”
Another smack. His fingers quickly pushed inside of you and came out just as fast. You were about to get your shit rocked, that was the only thing you were currently certain about.
As you were getting spanked, you could hear moaning from beside you. Looking over, and spotting Diavolo rubbing himself through his pants, the excitement inside of you grew. Lucifer pushed his fingers inside of you again.
“Are you going to be a good girl?”
“Yes! I promise.” You nodded quickly.
“Good, good girls get rewarded.”
With that, his fingers picked up pace. He was pushing in and out of you and you were a blubbering mess. You gripped the chair next to you and bit back another loud moan.
“Lucifer, please!” You were begging already. Lucifer’s fingers curling inside of you let you know he enjoyed that. “Please, I’ll be so good”
Lucifer chuckled. His thumb pushed against your clit and began rubbing soft circles. Compared to the quickness of his fingers pushing in and out of you, it was euphoric. You were on edge already.
“Diavolo,” Lucifer’s fingers slowed, “does she deserve to cum?”
Diavolo, who had his cock in his hand now, groaned, “Let her cum. I wanna watch you fuck her already.”
“As you wish.”
Your orgasm hit hard and fast and you were in heaven, but only momentarily before you were brought back down to the devildom. Your fingers tensed around the arm of the chair, your jaw had gone slack, and you were arching into Lucifer’s lap.
“Lucifer,” your voice was low, soft, “fuck...”
“Fuck her against the wall.”
Diavolo spoke up, pumping his dick in his hand. Lucifer nodded and stood you up, leading you to the wall in front of the desk, right beside the door. Fingers were shoved into your mouth and you let out a muffled grunt.
Your eyes widened and you nodded. You sucked on Lucifer’s fingers, and watched as he unbuckled his belt with his free hand.Your underwear had been strewn across the room earlier, so now you stood in your skirt and ruffled shirt.
Before Lucifer finished removing his pants, he decided to undress you first, “We do want to give the Prince show, don’t we?” Lucifer questioned, causing you to nod. Lucifer pulled his fingers from your mouth and a loud pop rang through the room.
You stood naked in front of Lucifer now. You mustered up some courage and inhaled slowly before asking him, “It’s your turn now, isn’t it?”
Lucifer smirked at you, but he did not reply. Instead, he stood there. Okay, you thought, maybe I’ll just do this myself. You stepped forward and pressed your lips to his. You began to pull at his clothes and awkwardly his top.
“Don’t you two fuck?” Lucifer pulled away from you to ask
“Obviously! Why?” Offended, you crossed your arms.
“You’re not very well versed in taking some else’s clothes off.”
You restrained from rolling your eyes, “Diavolo gets so eager he normally strips for me! And then strips me! I haven’t had a lot of practice in undressing someone.”
Diavolo was growing agitated at this point, “I called you in here to fuck her. Either do so, or leave and I’ll take over. She’s with me for a reason, if you can’t please her, I very well can.”
Lucifer grew hot. Anger boiled inside of him. He narrowed his eyes at Diavolo, but said nothing to the demon prince. Instead, he looked to you with a fire in his eyes that you had not seen before. Ever. You were in for a ride, and you were more excited than ever.
Lucifer pulled his pants down and kicked them off. You looked down at his dick and swallowed hard. It was as you had imagined. Not as big as Diavolo’s but definitely larger than human dicks.
Lucifer grabbed your thigh and pulled your leg around his waist, harshly. You gasped and tensed momentarily. Lucifer pressed his lips to yours and trailed hot kisses down to your neck. He pushed inside of you and your nails dug into his biceps.
With Diavolo, he started off at a slow and steady pace, eventually getting a little sloppy and a lot faster. With Lucifer, he started at 100 and had no intentions of slowing down. Lucifer’s motions were swift and precise though. He pulled all the way out of you, warmth leaving you, and then pushed all the way back in. At a rapid pace.
“Lucifer!” You moaned out, not even caring if other students could hear you at this point.
“Fuck,” He groaned, hitting your gspot at a speed you weren’t used to, “you’re so tight, so wet.” He bit your neck, his teeth grabbing at the soft flesh, “All for me.”
Lucifer picked up your other leg, holding you up against the wall. He held one of your thighs tight around his waist, and his other arm rested against the wall, holding you both steady. You were moaning, eyes rolling back in your head, a heat building up inside of you. Your nails clawed at his back, and you let out a loud cry as Lucifer continued to pound into you. You bit at his skin, a scream muffling into his flesh. Tears pricked your eyes from the pleasure you were feeling.
“Look at me.”
You pulled back from his shoulder and looked him in his eyes. He placed his forehead against yours and your orgasm was coming, “Keep your eyes- on mine.” He grunted out.
You nodded and felt your whole body begin to tense. It was getting hard to keep your eyes open. But you didn’t want to disobey him, even though getting spanked was nice, you weren’t sure you could handle another round of that.
“I’m gonna-” You tried to keep your voice quiet, but it wasn’t happening. A loud moan echoed through the room as you hit your orgasm, “Fuck!”
You kept your eyes on Lucifer’s, he kept you and his thrusts steady. He did not slow down at all. You could tell he was coming close to cumming as well. His eyes were half lidded and his body was tensing.
“Where should I-”
Diavolo almost demanded from his desk. He was jerking off quiet fast at this point, close to the edge as well. Lucifer looked at you in confusion and you nodded. Lucifer picked up the pace one last time and you hit the wall pretty hard, your head lulling back into the hard surface.
Lucifer let out a groan as he came, filling you up. He thrusted a few more times, slowing down as he did so. Your head began to hurt as you came down from your high and you groaned, still very naked and against the wall.
“Fuck,” Diavolo groaned, cumming into his own hand, “You’re so beautiful with cum dripping down your thighs.”
Your face was hotter than it was before after hearing his praise. Lucifer set you down and you rubbed the back of your head. And just like that, both of the demons were immensely worried about you.
“Are you alright, my love?”
“You did bump your head pretty hard.”
You let out a nervous laugh, still naked. “Yes, I’m uh, I’m okay. It just stings a little.”
“I think we should go back to my room, MC,” Diavolo spoke up, “You obviously need attentive care, you do not need to go back to class with that headache.”
You were thankful he did not offer to take you to some nurse or something. ‘Yes, I slammed my had into the wall while getting my fucking back blown out in the Prince’s office.’ You almost laughed at that thought. Until Lucifer spoke up.
“I think we should go to my room.” We? “If we go to your room, we’ll be seen, and if we go to MC’s room, well, my brothers are bound to wander in.”
You gave Lucifer a questionable look, “You...”
“If you thought I was done with the two of you, you are absolutely mistaken.”
Diavolo was practically exuding excitement at that statement. As were you, but he seemed a little more... Enthusiastic.
“So... this could be a normal thing?”
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Love Is Blind: Epilogue
One Year Later
Robyn sighed as Chris gently massaged her shoulders, “What aren’t you good at?”
Chris chuckled as he placed a kiss at the top of her spine, “I haven’t found anything I can’t do, that’s why you keep me around.”
“I cannot disagree with that.”
“How you feeling?”
“Better. I hate that my balance is still off after all this time.”
“It’s not really noticeable, you just have a moment every once in a while. No big deal.”
“Nice way to say I’m clumsy as hell.”
Chris laughed, “you are not clumsy, Baby.”
“You’re my husband, of course you’d say that.”
“I’m your husband,” Chris repeated with a laugh.
“Is that all you heard me say?”
“That’s all that matters. I don’t care about you being clumsy, you fall, I catch you. That’s how we work anyway.”
“We’re married, you don’t have to keep sweet-talking me.”
“I will never stop”
“That still feels weird saying that.”
“Married. We were divorced for seven years and now look at us.”
Chris chuckled, “we are the best thing that’s ever happened to each other.”
“You think so?”
“I know so.”
“Babe, can you pass me the lotion please?”
Chris secured a towel around his waist as he grabbed the large jar of body butter, “Nope. I’ll do it.”
“You do know my hands work?”
“I know but I’m gonna rub you down anyway. I love this time.”
Robyn folded the towel in between her breasts then followed Chris back into their bedroom. She sat down on the edge of the bed as Chris sat down on the fall in front of her. He lifted her foot onto his lap before he opened the jar and scooped some of the body butter into his palm then began rubbing it into her skin.
“You know what I think about sometimes?” Robyn asked.
“Your vows.”
“My vows? Seriously?”
“Yes. Why do you sound surprised?”
“That’s not the first thing I anticipated you saying, that’s all.”
“You said a lot that I wasn’t expecting. It was very poetic.”
“Well, I’ve always had a way with words according to you.”
“I have said that before, huh?”
“Yes. Want to know a secret?”
“You better not tell me somebody else wrote your vows.”
Chris chuckled, “Nah, I wrote it, I just didn’t write it all recently.”
“Really? When did you write it?”
“Years ago, it was one of my therapy assignments. I had to write a letter to you regarding your influence on my life. I added a few things that were relative to our new wedding but most of it was written back then.”
“Babe, that was almost ten years ago.”
“I know.”
“And you held on to it all this time?”
“It was something you needed to hear, using it as my vows just seemed to be the perfect time.”
“Can you recite it for me again?”
“All of it?”
“Whatever you can remember.”
Chris smiled as he moved to her other leg and began to rub body butter into it, “I don’t know if it was fate or just divine timing but your face being the first face I saw as I walked into my elementary school classroom to your face being the last face I’ll see before I close my eyes every night was definitely not an accident. There was something about the way you always looked at me that made me feel important and worthy. It was different from the way I’d ever been looked at before and even then, at ten years old, unable to describe the feeling but knowing I felt something all the same, I fell in love with you. I couldn’t verbalize it but I tried to show it in the best way my ten year old brain knew how. So I catered to you, I protected you, I cherished you and you did the same for me. The stability I had always hoped for, you gave to me. If someone had told me then that I’d be marrying you for the second time now, I’d think they were crazy. Everyone knows this is our second time saying I do but I feel like saying I will would be more appropriate. I will, to illustrate future promises and acknowledge that now is not the only time we should be concerned about. I was concerned about now when I let you go over 7 years ago but the future matters just the same. I will continue to protect you. I will continue to care for you. For our babies. Our family. I will continue to take care of you. I will continue to honor you and in turn honor myself. I owe you a lifetime, a lifetime I promised you years ago, a lifetime I wasn’t strong enough to give you before but that I’m strong enough to give you now.”
Chris stood from his position on the floor and gently pulled Robyn up then gathered her in his arms. He rested his cheek against hers as he continued speaking in a soft whisper, “Those green eyes haunted me. Your smile hung over my shoulder like a picture on a wall. Your touch gently pushed me into the direction to better myself. I’m ready to be all you want me to be as well as what I want me to be. For our babies. For our relationship. For our love. This isn’t so much a second chance but a continuation of where we had already been. I knew the moment I saw you again that we would be here and I also knew you’d fight yourself all the way but the day you saw that this was always meant to be, I’d knew you’d melt into me as you always did. There is nothing in my life that I ever wanted more than to give you what I owed you. And with this ring, I thee wed. And with this ring, I will continue to be all you need me to be.”
His skin absorbed the haphazard tear that fell down Robyn’s cheek in between their pressed flesh. His hand smoothed along her expanded waist and across her swollen belly. The warmth of the new life growing inside her was felt through the towel. Their third blessing, unexpected and scary but a blessing nonetheless, moved as Chris’s fingertips gently pressed a pattern against their home. Robyn held onto him tighter as her emotions settled, “how’d you know my favorite parts?”
“They made you cry at our ceremony too.”
“That is very true.”
“The baby is moving.”
“I felt it. The baby always moves when Daddy’s near.”
“You been feeling ok?”
“Yea. I’m not on bed rest this time so I’m a little bit more optimistic this time around.”
Chris leaned back from her face and stroked her cheek with the back of his hand. Robyn leaned forward and pecked his lips, “this wasn’t supposed to be that emotional.”
“We’ve been married for a year, if I can still draw it out of you then I’m doing something very right.”
Robyn laughed as she kissed him again, “you’ve always been my weakness, Christopher.”
“And you’ve always been my strength. I guess we’re just a perfect match.”
“I’m already pregnant, Sir.”
“And you don’t have to keep sweet-talking me like this.”
“But I’ma do it anyway.”
Chris pressed a soft kiss to the middle of her forehead before he rested his chin on top of her head, “you ready for bed?”
“Yea. Can you get a nightshirt for me?”
“Yup. Anything else?”
“Nope, I’m good.”
Chris left into their walk-in closet while Robyn sat back down on the bed.
“Mommy! Mommy!”
Robyn turned her head as she heard Anesa’s voice heading in her direction. The 4 year old ran into the living room and jumped on the couch next to her mother. Sweetly lying her head against Robyn’s shoulder, “hi Mommy!”
“Hi Baby Girl. What’s going on? You sound so excited.”
“Daddy says we can go with you to find out what the baby is. He says I don’t have to go to school that day”
“Oh. Now me and Daddy didn’t discuss that part.”
“That’s because I didn’t say that part. Right Anesa?”
Robyn chuckled as Chris walked into the living room with Christian asleep in his arms. Anesa tucked her head further into Robyn’s body, “I was just hoping, Daddy.”
“Well Ms. Anesa,” Chris replied as he sat down on the loveseat that was situated perpendicular to the couch Robyn and Anesa was on, “Mommy’s appointment is in the afternoon, after you get out of school so you don’t have to miss school for anything.”
“But what if Mommy is nervous and needs me to take care of her during the day.”
“Mommy will be with Daddy so she’ll be fine.”
Anesa pouted and Chris chuckled, “I love you Lovebug but that face is not gonna change my mind. Now get your bookbag from by the door and take it up to your room.”
“Yes Sir.”
Anesa kissed Robyn’s cheek then left to the front door before running down the hallway. Chris shook his head as he shifted their son into a more comfortable position in his lap, “The little girl is something else.”
“That is all you,” Robyn said with a laugh.
“No, that is you. I didn’t teach her to negotiate like that.”
“You make it sound as if it’s a bad thing.”
“Depends on the circumstances. So how was your day?”
“It was good. We had a board meeting regarding the foundation. Beverly has put me in charge of the fundraising gala since I’m remote and can’t see any patients.”
“She’s really enjoying that promotion.”
“She enjoys making me deal with people.”
Chris laughed, “Baby, you can plan this in your sleep. Don’t be a whiner.”
“I’m pregnant, I’m allowed to whine.”
Chris arched his brow at her and Robyn faked like she was throwing a pillow at him, “Christian being in your lap just saved you.”
“Whatever. You know what you want for dinner?”
“I was gonna make some chicken unless you want something else.”
“I feel like making a Southern meal. How about fried chicken and catfish, hushpuppies, mac and cheese with cornbread?”
“Babe, you’ve been working and cooking for the past week, I can handle it.”
“That is not what I asked you, Mrs. Brown. Does that sound good to you?”
“I’m pregnant, everything sounds good to me but I don’t want you to burn out.”
Chris chuckled as he stood up and walked over to her. Robyn held her arms out to take Christian but Chris shook his head as he moved the baby into the crook of his arm. He leaned down and kissed her lips, “the only thing you have to worry about is that little one you’re carrying. I would ask you to stop working but I think you’d physically fight me before you’d do that.”
“And you would be right.”
“I love you and I can handle this. Let me take care of you, Robyn. Please.”
“Only if you promise to let me take care of you. You can’t forget about yourself during this time, especially not like before. I can still do things within reason. Will you let me sometimes?”
“I can compromise on that.’
“Then I can let you cook dinner tonight but I am cooking this weekend. Deal?”
Chris sighed as he placed the tea bags into the pot of boiling water then grabbed a glass mug out of the overhead cabinet. He’d been restless for the past few weeks. He wasn’t sure if it was paranoia about the pregnancy or this weird feeling of wanderlust he had. The first year they were married the first time, he and Robyn were home for only pockets of time, usually if he had a project to be completed but other than that, they were traveling everywhere. He had settled into a routine once they were divorced, prior to getting Anesa, he took a few sabbaticals, leaves of absence just to get out of the house. That wasn’t able to be the case over the last few years. 
As the brew reached his desired color, he turned off the stove and carefully poured some tea into his mug, squeezed a few drops of honey, a little bit of lemon juice then went to sit on the enlarged window ledge, which was the width of a daybed. Sometimes he wasn’t sure if it was actually wanderlust or just paranoia about being a husband again. They had successfully made it past their first year as a married couple again but there was still a bit of fear of how they would fare going forward. Things started going bad around this time the last time and as much as he didn’t want to think about it, it was hard not to. He took a sip of tea just as he saw Robyn’s reflection in the window. Her rounded belly protrude forward, stretching the thin fabric of her nightshirt. 
“Hey you,” Chris said softly.
Robyn smiled and walked over to him, “you ok?”
“Yea. Can’t sleep.”
“Wanna talk about it?”
“Not sure I’m ready yet.”
“Want some tea?”
“Nah, I’m good. You mind some company?”
“Of course not.”
Setting his mug on a nearby side table, Chris helped Robyn to sit down in between his legs. She turned her body to rest into the crook of his left arm, facing the window. They sat in silence for a few minutes as she haphazardly drew circles on the window with her finger.
“You ok?” Chris asked as he rubbed her back. Robyn nodded her head as she continued to stare out the window, “you know you don’t have anything to be afraid of, you’re not the same person you were the first time.”
“We had our first fight on this date. You walked out and didn’t come home for three days straight. I remember when I found you at the park, looking like you hadn’t washed in days. I wasn’t even sure if you had stayed in a place and just wasn’t sitting at the park for those three days. You were catatonic, seemed traumatized for some reason and you never completely snapped out of it until our last fight when you told me you wanted a divorce. I never understood what happened between the first fight and the last but you were never the same.”
“I honestly don’t remember our first fight. I don’t know if I just really don't remember or I erased it from my memory.”
“Could be a bit of both.”
“Something tells me you’ve never been able to forget it.”
“We said some horrible stuff to each other. I regret it happened.”
“I think that’s why I left, I feel like I traumatized myself.”
“Or it reminded you of a time when you were traumatized by the same circumstances. You never spoke to your therapist about it?’
“I don’t really remember it, I spoke about how we argued then we just stopped talking and how that affected me but I only went into specifics about moments that I could vividly remember. If you hadn’t mentioned finding me in the park I wouldn’t have really known what you were talking about.”
“You remember the park?”
“Yea, I ended up there a lot. I’m not sure what really drew me there, though.”
“When you disappeared, did you actually go to someone’s house or?”
“I was in the park, I used to sit there all day and I really didn’t sleep. I always sat in that hidden alcove that was covered by a lot of overhead trees. People never bothered me there, usually by nighttime, it was hard to see over there. And I would just sit there all day and night. After the first few times, Jessica used to bring me food and a blanket just to make sure I ate. It was never a priority when I got in one of those moods.”
“Explains why when you did finally come home, you’d sleep for hours.”
“My first instinct was to run when I felt uncomfortable or afraid.”
“And you’re getting that feeling now.”
“I remember the beginning of our second year is when things started to go bad. I don’t anticipate that being the case this time.”
“But your body isn’t completely convinced. Your fight or flight instincts are preparing themselves.”
“I guess you could say that.”
“Should I pack you a go bag with food and a blanket?”
Chris chuckled, “I appreciate the sentiment but no. I have an appointment with my therapist next week, we’ll discuss it.”
“Chris, I think we should go back to LA.”
“Are you sure?”
“Yea. I think it plays such a huge part in our history and we’ve never really addressed it. It’s where everything started for us.”
“That’s true.”
“And I don’t want to sound paranoid but I think there’s some unresolved issues that we left there, that could be contributing to your fear about us being married again. You know as soon as we could, we both just left. We’ve never talked about what made the situation turn out the way it did because it wasn’t just you and your situation with your parents. Things were turning before that, you know.”
“I can admit that. We’d have to wait until the baby is born. I’m not sure I wanna chance it on a plane with you still being pregnant.”
“Oh I know. I understand.”
“Are you sure you wanna do this?”
“If we want this marriage to make it past the three year mark, we have to be honest about why the first time we didn't. Who knows what else we’ve blocked out about our relationship especially since neither of us have stepped foot in California since the divorce.”
“Would you mind sitting in on a session with me?”
“Chris, I don’t-”
“I’m not saying you have to participate but I would really like you to be there with me next week. I know you get sensitive about us having our own space but sometimes it’s ok to share.”
Robyn sighed, “I don’t like therapists.”
“I figured that out already.”
“Just had a feeling from when we first talked about it. Was your first experience that bad?”
“It was uncomfortable, I probably wasn’t ready to talk to anyone about what I was feeling. I just never felt comfortable with the whole talking to strangers thing.”
“That’s understandable, Baby. I’m not gonna make you go or anything, just promise me that you’ll think about it, ok?”
“I’ll think about it.”
“Thank you.”
“You ready to go to bed?”
“Still not sleepy.”
Robyn kissed the inside of his forearm then snuggled deeper into the crook of his arm. Chris gently rubbed her back as he felt her body relax into sleep. 
“Baby, are you ok in there?”
Chris paused to wait for an answer before he rushed back into the bedroom. Robyn was lying back on the bed with her hands cupping the underside of her belly.
“Are you ok? What’s the matter?”
“I’m ok. It’s just the extra weight gets to me sometimes. I’m fine.”
“Stand up in front of me. Let me try something.”
Robyn sighed then pushed herself to a sitting position. She took Chris’s outstretched hand to pull herself up off the bed. He led her to stand in front of him then settled his hands underneath her belly, “take a deep breath and I’m gonna gently lift for a few moments, ok?”
Robyn took in a breath as Chris lifted her belly in his hands. She leaned her head back against his shoulder in relief, “Oh My God, this is perfect.”
Chris chuckled softly as he kissed her temple, “you are too much.”
“No, this feels amazing, I swear.”
Chris gently let her belly down and Robyn groaned, “I’ll do it again later but we have to get out of here if we’re gonna make it to the appointment on time.”
“Does your doctor know that I’m coming?’
“Yes, she knows.”
“Does she know I don’t plan on speaking?”
“I told her that like you asked me to.”
“Then we’re on the same page?”
“Good. Can you slide my shoes over here? I really cannot bend down.”
“I asked if you needed help getting ready and you said you had it.”
“I say a lot of things sometimes, I thought I did have it.”
Chris shook his head as he grabbed her slip ons. He carefully helped her put her feet inside her shoes then grabbed her bookbag off the side chair, “anything else you need?”
“No, we’re good to go.”
Robyn hooked her arm through Chris’s and they left.
“Did she irritate you?” Chris asked as they got into the car. He helped Robyn put on her seatbelt then his own before he turned over the ignition.
“Actually, no. She was ok.”
“You seem a little agitated.”
“I’m fine. I was there to observe and that’s what I did.”
“But what?”
“There’s a but in there somewhere.”
“I know you were trying to get me comfortable with therapy but that wasn’t the way to do it.”
“I just wanted you to see what happens since you obviously had a bad experience. I’m not trying to get you into therapy or anything like that. It’s not your thing and I accept that.”
“There was no agenda involved, I really just wanted you to meet her and see what happens. I promise.”
“Ok. I’m taking you at your word. Whats the plan for the rest of the day?”
“We can do lunch then we have to get ready for your ultrasound appointment.”
“Ooh can we get some food from that taco truck downtown? I really got a taste for Mexican.”
“We can get whatever you want.”
Anesa happily bounced in her chair as they waited into the doctor’s office. They were finally gonna see what kind of baby her mommy was carrying. She was really hoping for a little sister but another brother would be ok too.
“Anesa, Sweetie, you need to relax a little bit. You’re making Mommy nervous,” Robyn said softly from her spot on the examination table. 
Anesa giggled then sat still, “Sorry Mommy, I’m just excited.”
“I know Sweetie but you can be excited and still sit still.”
“Yes Ma’am. Mommy, do you know what you want?”
“I just want a healthy baby, that’s all that matters.”
“Oh ok. Do you feel sick?”
“No, I’m actually doing ok right now. Thank you for asking.”
“You’re welcome. Mommy can I sit by you?”
“Of course you can, Sweetie. Be careful sliding the chair over.”
Anesa pushed the chair beside the table and grabbed Robyn’s hand that was hanging over the side. Robyn kissed the back of her hand then gave a slight squeeze as they continued to wait for Chris and the doctor to come back.
Chris stood outside the room with the doctor and Christian in his arms, “is there anything I might need to give her a heads up about before we go back in there?”
“Nothing bad, Mr. Brown. I think you’ll both be pleasantly surprised.”
“Are you sure?”
“Very sure.”
The doctor held open the door  then followed Chris and Christian inside. Chris sat down in the chair that was situated against the wall as the doctor sat in his rolling office chair.
“Ok Mrs. Brown, you can sit up now. I just needed to get another set of eyes for your ultrasound.”
“Is there something wrong?”
“No, it’s very good news.”
“So what is it?”
“You’re having twins.”
“You’re having twins. They appear to be fraternal, one boy and one girl.”
“Wait, is that safe? Can I even-”
“Yes, it appears that everything is normal. I am in contact with your neurologist and such so we will keep an eye on the possibility of any complications but as of right now, your babies are healthy and normal.”
“Can we have a copy of the photo?” Chris asked.
“Absolutely. I’m gonna write up your prenatal recommendations and get some copies then you can be on your way.”
The doctor left the room and Chris turned to look at Robyn. She was holding her stomach with her free hand.
“Baby, are you ok?”
“Daddy, I think Mommy’s in shock,” Anesa said softly, “she’s squeezing my hand really tight.”
Chris set Christian in his stroller then walked over to Robyn and gently pulled Anesa’s hand out of her tight grip, “Baby, can you hear me? Are you ok?”
Robyn still didn’t speak but Chris noticed her chest was starting to heave.
“Damn it, she’s having an anxiety attack,” he murmured to himself, “Anesa, give Daddy Mommy’s bookbag.”
Anesa handed him the black bag and Chris carefully rummaged through it until he had her inhaler in hand. He shook it vigorously before holding it up to her lips, “Robyn, I need you to breathe for me, Baby. You’re making me nervous.”
He pushed the inhaler between her lips and pushed down on the pump twice. Robyn sucked in the air and Chris carefully rubbed her back, “good job. Now just take a few deep breaths for me, ok?”
Her chest gently moved up then down. After a few minutes, her body seemed back in control but she was still not speaking.
“Robyn, can you hear me? Are you ok?”
She nodded her head and Chris sighed, “Robyn, I’m going to get the doctor and we’ll go home. Will you be ok by yourself for a few moments?”
She nodded her head. Chris kissed her cheek then left out of the office door. Anesa moved to grab her hand again and kissed the back of it, “it’s gonna be ok, Mommy. You don’t have to be scared.”
“It’s gonna be ok, Mommy. You don’t have to be scared.”
Anesa’s voice kept floating in and out of Robyn’s head as she felt the oxygen mask be placed over her face. She looked to her left and Chris was standing there covered in hospital scrubs. She looked to her right and her doctor along with two nurses were prepping two infant carts. She was really about to give birth to twins. She squeezed Chris’s hand and he smiled down at her, “Baby, they’re almost here. I am so proud of you.”
Chris wiped the tear that had fallen down her cheek then gave her a kiss. Robyn looked down at her belly, it was covered by a partition. She had agreed to a c-section and subsequent tubal ligation just for safety purposes. They felt it was safer to do a c-section to minimize the stress on her body and prevent the possibility of a seizure. She still felt like she was sitting in her OB-GYN’s office, just hearing that she was having twins. It felt like yesterday, the final trimester of her pregnancy moving so fast she barely remembered it. But now, now she’s giving birth and she’s gonna get to hold her precious babies. She closed her eyes and started to recite a prayer. She just wanted her babies to live, anything she’d deal with it as it came but just let her babies make it.
“Ok family, here’s baby number 1. And it is a boy!” The doctor exclaimed.
Robyn’s eyes popped open just as the nurse lifted him above the partition. He wasn’t too big but he wasn’t small either. Chris moved to cut the umbilical cord before the nurse moved the infant over to a waiting cart. The next few minutes felt like hours before the second baby was held up for view. Her skin was already a light caramel color and she looked like she weighed just as much as her brother. Chris cut her cord then followed the nurse as she moved their daughter into her separate cart. Robyn watched as Chris took a few pictures before he removed both pairs of gloves and came back to grasp her hands, “Our babies are beautiful and healthy, Robs. We did it.”
She nodded her head in agreement as Chris kissed her lips. 
They did it!
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imnotwolverine · 4 years
Henry Cavill x OC Lisa - multi-chapter fic
Author’s note: Oh you guys! This chapter has been a bit of a headache. It just kept dragging on and on, making me delete like 70% and then rewriting most of it. So please... “bear” with me - hehe. Have a lovely weekend!
Word count: 1.572
Disclaimer: fluff and smut
This is part 17 of the Tea for Two story
You can find the Masterlist here. 
< Go back to part 16
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‘So is he..good? In bed?’
Gary, my one and only gay friend moved up in his seat so he could better assess my reaction, a glass of expensive whiskey rolling in his well manicured fingers..
We were sitting on a black, well-worn leather couch in the small living room that he and my other friends shared. Around us a dozen others were hanging about, chatting and drinking in celebration of the 30th birthday of one of our friends. Friends whom I had not seen in over a year. And boy had I missed them. And boy were we growing old now.
‘Well..?’ Gary’s excited voice awoke me from my deafening stare. I sniffled softly and looked at Gary, his eyes sparkling in wonder. 
‘Oh..he is.’ I smirked.
‘Details woman! We need details!’ He exclaimed, stretching his arms in exasperation, almost letting his drink pour over the edge of his tumbler glass.
I shrugged and took a long sip of my wine, stretching the moment to further annoy him, eyeing the few others that were quietly listening in on the conversation. Gary rolled his eyes, gesturing me to speak with large exaggerated hand movements.  
‘Whatcha wanna know?’ I finally quirked.
‘EVERYTHING. Oh come on. The internet’s filled with gossip. We need to know! Big, thick and uncut, true? Experimental? Dominant? Kinky? God of cunnilingus?’
‘GOODNESS GARY..where have you even found all that..’ I hesitated a moment. ‘..stuff..?’
I couldn’t really say nonsense now, could I? It was all kind of true.
‘HA! So they were right!’
Gary knew me too well.
‘Oh! GIRL! I’m so jealous. Oh my god. Is he interested in sharing? Threesome maybe? Hmm?’ Gary rattled in excitement.
‘Gary..I know what you are aiming at, dirty old friend. And I’m afraid I’m going to have to disappoint you. He’s not very into..sharing.’ I sniffled.
‘Darn.’ He playfully tapped his leg as he fell back, the leather couch whiffing as he crossed his legs in utter defiance. ‘I’d TOTALLY give bi-sex a try if he’d even just..think..about it, you know.’ He shrugged, taking another sip of his drink.
‘Did you two move in together already?’ A girl I didn’t know jumped in, stopping Gary from further cross-examining my sex life.
‘I…guess.’ I offered them a hesitant look. ‘It’s a bit hard to tell, since we’re almost constantly travelling, moving both our belongings from one place to the other every few days or so…I tell you: that’s a LOT of tooth brushes and weekend bags of clothes…’ I laughed.
‘Must be difficult.’ She said, curling her lips in an awkward smile. I shrugged. ‘It’s okay. A bit exhausting at times, but well worth it. Especially since we get to experience it together.’
‘So you’re practically always together? Looks like someone’s gonna get married soon!’ One of my other friend sniffled, leaning in and poking my arm playfully.
I gasped, swatting my hand at his arm. ‘Hardly! We’ve been together for a little over half a year now. That’d be a bit too quick, no? Besides I bet Henry wouldn’t rush such a thing, since it’s so all important to him.’
Right? Or no? My mind faltered as my friends grinned, obviously not agreeing with me.
‘Yea..and I bet YOUR ass he’s looking for a ring right as we speak.’ My friend chided, sticking out his tongue as I gave him a warning look.
‘Or thinking of baby names..’ Gary laughed.
‘GUYS! COME ON! Give a girl a break will ya?’ I blushed, taking a quick sip of my wine.
Babies? Babies…
I quickly continued. ‘And just so you know; he’s well aware of my stance on marriage and..rings, my darlings.’ I stated. ‘Now enough about Henry. I want to hear about you guys!’
The boys snickered a bit, then agreed and soon enough the conversation flowed on as they spoke of their plans to finally move out of this dungey apartment, about funny things that had happened at work, about the closing down of one of their favourite pubs and some new upcoming video games and movies. Just like the old days.
Drinks filled our bellies as the hands of the clock seemed to spiral at lightning speed, nerdy conversations filling the air, the clock way too soon striking 4 AM - about time to call it a night. Our minds fuzzy and our laughter filling the otherwise gloomy, quiet apartment block, we said our goodbyes, my tired ass plopping down on the makeshift bed on one of the couches. Also like the old days.
Oh how I had missed them, my sweet, Dutch friends.
And how I now missed him.
My dear sweet henry.
As had become second nature by now, my fingers dug my phone from my pocket while I laid down on the couch, looking if I had any messages. The screen brightened the now dark living room and my eyes quickly moved to Whatsapp.  
“Good night dear.” He had sent about an hour ago.
I felt my lips curl up in a gentle smile and texted him a kissing emoticon back, staring at the bright screen for another minute or so before the alcohol in my veins made me so drowsy I fell asleep right then and there, phone still in hand.
The next day.
Back in London it was surprisingly nice out, a soft spring sun warming the small backyard of Henry’s Mews home. I was sitting on the small wooden bench, drinking tea with Henry right beside me, his eyes intently staring at a live soccer match on his tablet.
I had long given up any attempts to get into soccer, my eyes instead focused on New Spring from the Wheel of Time series (I had found this massive collection on Henry’s bookshelf and thought I might as well give it a try).
Henry sighed softly as the referee blew his whistle, ending the not very exciting match. ‘They played a draw.’ Henry yawned, stretching himself out like a big cat, his body weight making the bench wobble dangerously. I hummed, wobbling along with the bench as my eyes remained trained on the book.
He looked at me for a moment before he stood up, kissing me on the forehead. ‘Can I get you anything?’ He tried. I shook my head, keeping my gaze fixed on the pages, not wanting to miss the exciting passage I was reading. ‘No?’ He teased, lowering one of his hands in front of the book, while his other hand cupped my chin. I looked up at him with question, only to be met with a cheeky grin.
‘Hi love.’ He smiled. ‘Hi sexy.’ I chuckled, peeling the book from his hand and moving it to the corner of my eye so I could continue reading. He shook his head, letting out a low chuckle as he tilted my face a bit more, planting a sweet kiss on my lips. ‘Well.. I’m going to clean up the house a bit. Leave you be with your new lover.’
I rolled my eyes, quickly reaching for his hand before he could walk away, lifting myself up so I could plant another kiss on his lips. ‘I love you,’ I smiled against his lips. He hummed. ‘I love you too my little bookwurm.’
After some 30 minutes he still hadn’t returned. I had just finished another chapter and got up. 
Walking into the kitchen I realised it was suspiciously quiet downstairs. No Henry in the living room. In the garage. In the bathroom. I moved to the hallway and heard some soft shuffling upstairs.
Didn’t the cleaner come like..two days ago? What was he doing?
I walked up the creaking stairs, finding Henry in the bedroom, surrounded by piles and piles of boxes with clothes in them. I quirked my head in question while he looked up. 
‘What’s going on here? Spring cleaning?’ I grinned. He smiled broadly. ‘I’m making some space.’ Then nodded at the suitcase that held all my clothes. ‘Mmmkey… you really don’t have to do that you know.’ I pointed at all the boxes. ‘I’m going to have them stored. They’re too small for me right now, anyways.’ He got up, stepping forward so he could wrap me in his arms, placing a loving kiss on my slightly agape lips. He looked at me for a good moment, his tongue darting over his lips as if he was nervous.
I chuckled.
‘Okey..ask that burning question on your tongue.’
He gave me a knowing look, then enclosed me even further to his chest, moving his thumbs so he could rub soft circles against my temples, his eyes peering into mine. 
‘My dearest Lisa. I’m having such a good life with you. I can simply not handle being without you….’ He looked at me intensely, making my heart skip, my mind racing. What was he going to ask? Wasn’t it too soon? WERE MY FRIENDS RIGHT? PLEASE NO RING.
‘Would you move in with me?’
Oh thank the ...
‘Yes!’ I blurted out, a little surprised myself as the words escaped my lips so abruptly. He laughed giddily, picking me up and swirling me around. ‘Yes yes yes! Hahah. I am glad.’ He smiled, his pearly whites stretching from ear to ear. ‘Oh bear.’ I sniffled, wrapping my legs around his hips to give him a more demanding kiss. ‘I am more than glad.’ I whispered sensually, my hips rubbing enticingly against his groin. 
Part 18 > 
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Sasha Morozov
Name: Sasha Morozov Nick Name: None Code Names: Redacted Ethnicity: Russian Age: 25 Current Location: Blackpool, England
Place of Birth: Novosibirsk, Novosibirsk Oblast , Russia
DOB: Redacted
Height: 5'7 [ 1.70m ] Weight: 110 lbs. [ 49.8kg ] Sexuality: Asexual
Hair Color: Black Eye Color: Green Gender: Male
Tattoos:   Snake Tattoo [ starts at his hip and wraps around his right thigh ]   Red Spider Lilies [ on his left shoulder, and spreads down his side to just above his hip , runs through the scar on his stomach. ] Scars:    Large Scar on his stomach [ Goes from his stomach to his left side, just above his hip ]   Three Identical Burn Scars on his Throat   Identical Scars on both of his legs [ Won't discuss the injuries that gave     him those scars ] Piercings: [ Usually removed for Missions, they get in the way ]    Snake Bites    Belly Button Piercing [ Usually a Dragon or a Cat ] Mental Illness: Redacted By Dr. Harishva "Harry" Pandey
Job/Education:    Ex KGB , Infectious Diseases Doctor, Chemical Analyst    Kid of CBRN Unit
From my time spent talking to him, he doesn't really care for a lot of people. The Operators in Rainbow, very few can be considered friends. He'll defend them, protect them and help on missions but they are just people he would rather be far away from. However, it seems he gets along well with the Russians. And Lion. Bandit, however as he's said is tolerable though the first meeting with the man still leaves a sour taste in Sasha's mouth. [ His words exactly ] .
  "Don't even get me started, First time I met him. He annoyed me. For reasons I don't think I need to say again. Now I do get why. But my opinion of him is just that he leaves a sour taste in my mouth. Though that being said. I don't hate him. I know shocker, given what people believe."
"Lion, I swear he thinks I'm a little kid or something. Rather inexperienced even as he's said before to my face. Ugh, He must just have a thing against people. And honestly don't know if I could stand the guy if not for Finka and Doc. Though it is funny to see him grumble, but listen to Doc like a dog on a leash. Must be something going on between those two. But really Lion takes care of us. Even if he's not always the best about it."
"She's like...that big sister who always just tries to do the best she can to help. After all she's been through, some details I don't really know. She tries her best to keep me from fighting with Lion. And the others. Often distracting me. She also seems to know everything I like? Leaving books and snacks on my pillow or at my work station? It's weird to not be seen as some machine instead of a person. People are weird."
"Kapkan...He's one of those if you get to know them types. But really, he's not all bad. It's not just because he's Russian like me. Though really that does have something to do with it a little bit. He showed me how to take apart his traps, and we improved them a little bit. Not sure how he felt about me opening my big mouth but he didn't say anything. He's very protective, almost jealous over that sniper? Though he'd probably tell me to shut up if I said anything."
"The Sniper, He's an interesting person though I somehow don't think he likes when I ask about his eye. Sometimes. He has this thing about painting people, or drawing them. He's drawn me a few times when he thinks I'm not looking. Or he doesn't care. I gave him art supplies for his birthday, and he used them up so quickly. But it made him happy. Easy to work with, though his attachment to Kapkan is concerning to me. Only if he lets his emotions get the better of him. Like we all do. Well most of us..."
 "He's...weird. I don't hate him? But I can't say I like him either? He's very loud and I just enjoy the quiet. Maybe that's why. I don't know, he's very protective in his own way. And caring. Very useful on missions at that even if he does things his own way. After all don't we all? I want to use his gadget but he won't let me touch it."
"Fuze, people say he's silent and kinda mean. But he's not, he has his own way of caring about people. But if a mission has to be done, it has to be done. Casualty or not. He's just different, they don't exactly have a no casualty rule which does put them at odds with others. Personally though sometimes bad things happen to good people. There is nothing we can do about it. Not truly. Fuze is fun to just have a nice drink with after a rough mission. That's for sure."
"Don't like her, plain and simple. She's loud, bossy and annoying. While she's good at what she does. Doesn't mean I have to like her. She tries to lecture us when we do things a certain way. Sorry but we aren't all her. Simple. But I don't know. She gets on my nerves. Her and that other person....but I can deal with the other one."
"She's strange. Loud and a bit bossy. Yea they say we have to listen to her? But she's not someone I would want to spend my time with. Though she did at least check on Fuze when he had that incident happen. So maybe she's not all bad. But Ash is not someone I know how to deal with. Too much for me."
"Phoenix. We've been friends for years before all of this Rainbow Stuff. If I didn't get dragged into this Rainbow stuff because of my other connections. He'd probably have dragged me in. But that's not important. He saved my life, we owe each other a lot though neither of us will admit it. Even now I don't know where he is but I wish I did. I'd bring him where he could be safe though Phoenix was never one to stay put anyway."
"Tsubaki, You want information about them? I don't think so, That is earned information. Plus I know you Rainbow Types. No offense, you'd shoot them in the back, or worse. I told you more than I needed to already, information about them was not part of the deal. Nice try though."
Detailed Personality:
Sasha's personality is nothing special in his eyes. The years of torment under his handler has left his true personality buried under what could be called a blank slate. They wanted a soldier that would obey orders without questions. And that was exactly what they got. He was cold, calculating and efficient, exactly as they built the young soldier. Sasha ended lives without question, no matter who they were. Guilt wasn't something that a tool was allowed to have. Any crack in the slate would be ripped out of him no matter how much pain it caused. After all a broken toy can always be fixed with new parts.
 That is until Rainbow pulled him out of his handler's clutches. Kapkan and Glaz had a big hand in that, which maybe why he trusts them over a lot of the other operators. After months of being locked under Rainbow's watchful eyes, his personality started to surface. A blank slate replaced with small signs of emotion. Though he can be sarcastic and a bit blunt, he does have at least some kindness in him somewhere. He's one to always put the job first, and keeping people safe sometimes has to come second where the job is concerned.
  That might be why he gets along with Fuze so well in the few short worded conversations they may have. Though it's been noted in his file that trust is hard to build, and if he's silent around someone. He either doesn't trust them, or they've done something he doesn't agree with. He's very clear about his dislike for people. And once someone gets on his bad side it's very hard to get off of it. Harry has stated that pushing him gets nothing out of the soldier.
  He personally states that he finds the Russians easier to deal with. And he finds some of the other operators too loud and obnoxious. He's one for liking his silence. He's still working on forming his own personality, but he's come a long way since then. He's known to get into a few fights with Ying, or Lion. Though he does find amusement in when Lion gets lectured by Doc. The other Operator he sometimes clashes with is Bandit, memories of the first meeting not forgotten.
 But if he had to be around anyone that wasn't Russian. It would be Bandit that's for sure.
History: Redacted
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kagehinataboke · 5 years
Can I request tdbk 2, royal AU and 50, arranged marriage?
tdbk, [2] Royal AU and [50] Arranged Marriage:
The first time he meets his fiancé, Todoroki is eight years old. His mother sits him down and tells him that this boy will be very important in the future, and that he should treat him well. The two of them will one day do something very important, she says. They’ll meet every summer until they both turn eighteen.’
Todoroki isn’t expecting much. He hasn’t had much contact with other kids except his siblings. The kids of the servants never go near him, probably because of his abilities. The elemental gifts of the royal family are part of why they need to make allies with other kingdoms: they’re seen as a threat. At least, that’s what Natsuo says.
“You look like a girl,” are the first words out of the prince’s mouth.
Bakugou Katsuki, Todoroki decides instantly, is not a nice person. Not that that’s very surprising, since he’s a demon and all. The demon kingdom is their strangest potential ally, and Katsuki is, unfortunately, their only heir. Who just happens to be Todoroki’s age.
“Do I have to see him again?” Todoroki asks Fuyumi after their meeting. “He’s rude and immature. Why does he have to stay all summer?”
“You won’t have to meet him again until next year,” Fuyumi sighs. “But yes, you do have to continue to see him. This is important for the whole kingdom, Shouto. And don’t let Dad hear you whining.”
Todoroki pouts, but there’s not much else he can do about the matter. It’s only once a year, he tells himself all summer long. That’s not so bad. And maybe they’ll grow to like, or at least tolerate, each other.
Or not. 
If anything, Bakugou is more annoying the next time they meet. He doesn’t act like a prince at all. Todoroki is forced to deal with all of his immature antics, from childish pranks on the servants to countless annoying comments. He pulls on Todoroki’s hair, and sticks signs on his back when he isn’t looking.
Another year isn’t nearly long enough before their next meeting. But Todoroki says that every summer—until they’re both fourteen, and Bakugou doesn’t come. He’s spending two years abroad with his uncle, Fuyumi says. 
Todoroki understands now that they’re supposed to marry, and he can’t stand the idea of it. He’s relieved to have three years of freedom ahead of him. Until his parents tell him he’ll be expected to exchange letters with the jerk while he’s away. How can he bring himself to write anything nice, given their encounters over the past six years? All he tells the idiot is that he better not drown on the voyage to his uncle’s kingdom.
The reply arrives a week later, as informal and hostile as Todoroki’s own letter. Any hope of them getting along has definitely disappeared. They’re probably expected to be exchanging love-letters, but it’s more like hate mail. How are they expected to get married? It’s impossible.
Todoroki hates him, and he’s pretty sure that hate won’t disappear over the span of four short years.
“Shouto, get out here. Bakugou will be here any minute.”
“The last person I want to see is that blond idiot,” Todoroki replies icily, stubbornly keeping his bedroom door locked. “Two years of him being gone isn’t nearly long enough. Tell Mom and Dad I’m not meeting him.”
Fuyumi sighs loudly from the hallway. “This is not the time to show your attitude, Shouto. I’m not about to tell Dad that the fate of the kingdom is resting on the shoulders of a little brat with a huge ego.”
“Fuyumi,” Todoroki snaps. “You have no idea how I feel. I’ve been told that I have to marry this jerk since I was eight years old. I was never even given a say in the matter. Well, I’m sixteen now, and I don’t care if Dad is angry. I’m not meeting him.”
His sister doesn’t reply. Good. Maybe she’ll tell their parents, after all. Todoroki is sick of them ordering him around like a pawn on a chessboard. It’s bait time he got to make his own decisions—
There’s the sound of a key in the lock, and Todoroki’s blood freezes. He forgot that there was a spare key…
Touya pokes his head inside the room, wearing a worrisome grin. It’s unusual for him to be home. He’s notorious for his long hunting trips. “Shou, I hear you’re refusing to meet your fiancé?”
Todoroki groans. “You’re on their side too, Touya? This is ridiculous.”
“No, no: I agree with you.” Touya holds his hands up in surrender. “I can’t even imagine being in your situation. I actually came to rescue you.”
“Yeah, little bro. I’ve still got my hunting lodge up north. You can hide out there if you want. A horse is waiting for you by the gardens.”
“The gardens?” Todoroki frowns. “Alright. This is weirdly… considerate of you. Thank you.”
Touya shrugs. “I’m a saint, I know.” He watches Todoroki go, twirling the room’s key around his pinkie with a wink. “See you later, Shou.”
It’s worrying to see his normally self-centered older brother act kind, but Todoroki is grateful for any out he can find. Why would he leave a horse by the gardens, though? There’s a perfectly good stable right—
Oh, that two-faced bastard. Todoroki turns to run, but it’s too late. Natsuo and Fuyumi swoop in and grab him by the arms, dragging him through the gardens and back into the castle.
“Touya, you’ll pay for this!” he shouts as his siblings drag him into the drawing-room. Before he can kill them, they throw him onto the sofa and lock the door, snickering their way back down the hall.
He considers melting or freezing the doorknob to break it, but that could easily backfire. Dammit. Bakugou will probably show up any second—
The door opens again, but only long enough to let another person through before slamming. For a second, Todoroki doesn’t recognize him. But then he turns. Hair like peaking blond ocean waves, narrowed red eyes, and a scowl. He’s taller now, obviously, and broader. More defined. The gangliness that afflicted him during childhood has disappeared.
“Todoroki?” Bakugou says at the same time. He steps further into the room, so they’re only an arm’s length apart. Todoroki is taller than him, and he holds back satisfaction at the observation. They lock eyes, and a loaded silence hangs in the air for ten long seconds.
“You filled out nice,” Bakugou says, shattering the illusion of a moment.
Todoroki’s eyelid twitches in annoyance. “And you finally grew into your ego.”
Bakugou grins. “I was only kidding.” He crosses his arms, and Todoroki pretends he doesn’t stare at the muscle stretching beneath his shirt. “It’s been a long time. You look well.”
Is this really Bakugou Katsuki, the bane of his existence? The one who challenged him to a tree-climbing contest and laughed when he got stuck? The one who locked him out of the castle for six hours?
“So do you,” Todoroki mutters, pushing aside his confusion. He supposes he can be polite, for the time being. “How was the journey back from your uncle’s?”
“Sit down and I’ll tell you all about it.”
Bakugou Katsuki is different. Saying that seems incredibly hypocritical after Todoroki was sure they’d be mortal enemies forever, but he can’t lie. Bakugou is grown up now. More than Todoroki, who is embarrassed to recall how he locked himself in his room only hours ago.
He talked with Bakugou throughout lunch, and from the looks on his siblings’ faces, the two of them must seem to be hitting it off. Which is definitely not what’s happening. No way. Even if Bakugou’s changed, his last annoying letter was only a year ago. He can’t be a different person after such a short amount of time. And even if he is, Todoroki isn’t about to cozy up to him just like that.
“Shouto, Bakugou is waiting for you in the gardens,” Fuyumi says from outside, tapping her knuckles against the door. “He said he’d only wait for ten minutes.”
“Jerk,” Todoroki mutters, but his lips twitch into a smile. “I’m going now!” he yells to his sister, pulling on a blue overcoat. She’s already gone when he ducks into the hall.
Outside, the sky is cloudy, and thunder rumbles off in the distance. It will probably rain any minute now. Todoroki walks through the hedge maze where they used to chase each other as kids, expecting to find Bakugou in the center. He’s there, but he isn’t in the usual spot. Instead of sitting cross-legged on the stone bench, he’s gazing into the fountain.
“Did you really tell her you’d only wait for ten minutes?”
Bakugou glances at him, already grinning. “I thought it might scare you a little. You’re here on time, aren’t you? It worked.”
Todoroki ignores him and sits on the bench, hugging his knees to his chest. “Can we have this clandestine meeting inside? It will rain soon.”
“It’s not clandestine. I told your sister.”
“Shut up, Bakagou. Why did you call me out here?”
“So you’re still using that childish nickname?” Bakugou crosses over to sit beside him, his long red coat brushing the flowers by their feet. “I wanted to propose something to you.”
The word ‘propose’ instantly sets Todoroki on edge. He hugs his knees tighter, swallowing down the nervous lump in his throat. “Propose what?”
Bakugou shifts; sits a little straighter. Why is he so nervous? “Well… I’m leaving in a few days.”
“What?” Todoroki lowers his legs to fully face him. “Where are you going?”
“My uncle invited me sailing with him. We’re going to loop around the west coast, maybe head for the southern continents.” Bakugou lets out a breath. “Which brings me to my proposal. Your parents agreed to let you go with me—“
“What? But I—“
“Let me finish, will you?” Bakugou takes his hand, which startles Todoroki into silence. “They agreed to let you go with me… on one condition.” Todoroki is too afraid to ask what the condition is, but Bakugou tells him anyway: “You have to marry me now.”
The world splinters, then pieces itself back together again, all while Todoroki is processing the words. “But… I’m not… eighteen yet,” he says eventually. “I don’t— I mean, I can’t—“ He lets out a frustrated exhale and stares at their joined hands. “I’m not ready.”
“I know.” Bakugou releases him and fumbles through his jacket pocket. “That’s why I have a plan. Fuck. Okay, so here’s a ring. I’m going to say we eloped. I’ll tell one of your siblings, and they’ll—“
“Hold on.” Todoroki grabs his wrist, and he nearly drops the ring box. “Sorry. This is… insane.” And it is, because even though they used to hate each other—and they’re not exactly best friends now, either—part of Todoroki wants to say yes.
“So… you don’t want to go?”
“No… I mean; no, I don’t not want to go.” Todoroki pinches the bridge of his nose, hoping the pressure will knock his thoughts in order. “I want to go. But your plan has a lot of holes.”
“You want to go?”
“Yes, but— Don’t grin when I’m not done talking. Your plan— Katsuki!” Todoroki grips his shoulders when Bakugou kneels and hugs him. “You can’t honestly be so excited about this. You’re not worried? If my father ever finds out that you fabricated this… And the two of us didn’t even get along until recently. You’re honestly ready to have me on a ship with you for months on end?”
Todoroki could keep rambling, but Bakugou’s steady gaze shushes him. He looks so… determined. “Kids aren’t supposed to get along, but I had two years to think about you. To write letters to you and discover who you really are. Funny, smart, childish, rude, endearing, witty, and a million other things. I know you, and you know me. And I’m in love with you.”
The words are more shocking than a blow to the chest with a javelin. Do they make him happy? Well, yes, but… But! This is crazy! Bakugou has lost it. The only worrying part is that Todoroki can’t form an argument. 
He tries, but all that comes out is, “Okay.”
“We have to hurry, or my parents will catch us.”
“You’re the one who’s taking his sweet time,” Bakugou retorts, hands on his hips in a typical stance of impatience. “Just jump. I promised to catch you. You trust me, don’t you?”
Todoroki chews on his lip, but he can’t exactly say no. “Okay, I’m coming. Just… you’ll really catch me?”
“I’ll shoot you out of the damn window if you don’t jump, Shouto.”
“Jerk.” Todoroki’s fingertips flex against the slick windowsill. It’s a miracle he hasn’t fallen out by accident yet. But this is a leap of faith, after all, and he has to take it purposefully. Bakugou’s eyes are glowing in the darkness below him: he’s not jumping toward nothing.
Todoroki closes his eyes, takes a breath, and lets go. The feeling of falling is exhilarating for all of ten seconds before strong arms snatch him out of the air like he weighs nothing, and he finds himself trembling against Bakugou’s chest. “…Nice catch.”
“I know.” Bakugou is whispering, even though he doesn’t have to. It makes Todoroki’s hair stand on end. “Should I carry you the whole way, or can you walk without passing out?”
“I hate the fact that you asked that seriously. Put me down.”
Once his feet are on solid ground, Todoroki feels better enough to punch Bakugou in the shoulder, grabbing his sleeve at the last second. “Lead the way. I’m afraid of getting lost in the dark.”
“You can literally see the docks from here,” Bakugou reminds him, pointing through the night at the mast of his uncle’s ship looming in the distance. Todoroki is about to hit him again before he smiles warmly, making the damp night air a little less cold. “I’d never let you get lost.”
Todoroki could mention the multiple times Bakugou mislead him as a child, but he slips his hand down instead, interlocking their fingers. Their matching gold rings are still there, shining in the moonlight. “I know.”
Bakugou looks at him for a long moment, in a strangely soft way, before taking a step. “Let’s go.”
Todoroki doesn’t hesitate to follow him. “Yeah. Let’s go.”
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yodawgiherd · 6 years
Back to the Roots
Rating: T
>>>Read on AO3<<<
After a very long pause, I think it's high time to see what Annie is up to.
Cold wind whipping at her coat, it somehow managed to find a way in to her skin even with her buttoning it all the way up to the neck. Shivering and stomping her feet to warm up a bit, she took a deep breath, casting an inspecting eye over the street around her. It was weird. Annie was back home, in Europe, in the city she grew up in, but somehow she felt more out of place than she ever did in America. Bowing against the wind, she started walking, looking for that one building she knew so intimately. And it wasn’t her home.
The gym was exactly where it was when her dad told her about the big move, rocking her whole world. Small and grey, it squatted at the end of a block, frowning at her as she came close. Its gray walls looked in quite a good shape, all things considered, the graffiti cleaned for once, and Annie allowed herself to smile before she opened the door, slipping in.
She wasn’t surprised to find the gym empty, as the hour was still quite early, but she still heard the muffled conversation and laughter of exactly the people she came here to see. Rounding a corner, she was greeted by a sound of leather creaking, as the bigger of the pair was giving it a proper do-over right now. Not sure how to draw attention to herself, she cleaned her throat, rather loudly, which seemed to alert both of them, their heads turning in her direction.
“Annie!”, shouted the blond, jumping over the ropes with a speed the defied his massive build, closing the distance in two steps and enveloping the girl in a bone-crushing hug.
“Bert, it’s the Lioness!”, he said to his companion, who just approached, grinning from ear to ear. “She’s back.”
“I can see that.”, the dark-haired man nodded, “Maybe you shouldn’t crush her the second she appears though, how about that.”
“Oh right.”, releasing Annie, who was just remembering that oxygen Is necessary for the function of the human brain, and the hug wasn’t letting any in. She took a step back, breathing in, putting her hands on her hips to stabilize herself as she looked the pair over.
“Reiner,”, she smiled at the blond, “Bertold,”, to the dark-haired one, “it’s good to see you two.”
They looked exactly as she remembered them. Reiner had a head full of bright blond hair, sharp features, and tall, broad shouldered body. He was wearing a tank top for his workout, so Annie could see the way his muscles bulged underneath the skin. Reiner was always a big guy, and the months she hasn’t seen him didn’t change that fact at all. Well, maybe he was even a bit broader, now that she thought about it. Bertold was even taller than Reiner, but where his friend was thick, he was thin, towering over everyone like a giant skeleton. All right, she was overplaying it a bit, he wasn’t that bony, but compared to Reiner his stature really did stand out.
“I have so many questions!”, Reiner blurted out, not able to hold his excitement in anymore, hands half-reaching out as if he wanted to hug her again, but than he thought better of it and pulled back.
“I’d like to talk too, is the roof still available?”
They both grinned at the same time.
Annie didn’t remember when the tradition of their conversations up on the gym’s roof started, but it lasted for as long as she could recall. Here, with a cup of hot coffee in her hand, she was finally starting to feel welcome again, so much different and better than the cold anonymity of the streets.
“So,”, Reiner began, “how’s America?”
“Fine. Although I miss it here from time to time.”
“How about your father, leg still bothering him?”, Berthold interjected.
“Eh, you know him, he’s sitting back in the states. Soldering on day by day.”
The mere thought of her father left a bitter taste in her mouth, as it brought back the reason why she was even here in the first place.
“All right, out with it.”, Reiner took back the word, frowning at his taller friend, “What about the girl? The one your father was so obsessed with beating. Erm, what was she called, something exotic…?”
Memories of blood, the rain. The sound her hand made when the bone snapped, the sickening crunch. The dark silhouette that loomed over her, Annie’s vision swimming with pain, looking ready to beat the shit out of her before surprisingly pulling back. She shivered. Not very pleasant.
“I trained with her for a time, but we had a falling out. She’s good, great partner.”
Reiner nodded, exchanging a quick look with Berthold, the silence returning. Annie took another sip of her coffee, looking over the roofs, very aware of the topic that was coming up, the elephant in the room. Well, she couldn’t avoid it for long anyways.
“Annie, you can guess what we both want to know now.” Berthold started, slowly, “You appear here, out of nowhere, without your dad, looking a bit haunted if you forgive me the word.”, a hand appeared on her shoulder, as the tall man was apparently showing his support, “What happened?”
She didn’t answer right away, sorting stuff in her head, not sure how to begin. Back on the plane, she thought about it, a lot, tried to figure out the right order of words, but there really was no way to prepare herself for the big reveal. Deciding that it was now or never, she dropped the big question, the one that was burning a hole into her mind ever since she walked away alive from the park Annie was sure she was going to lose her life in.
“Was I always this stupid?”
“I… Uhm…”, Reiner exchanged a look with Bertold, both unsure of what to say, “What do you mean?”
“What do I mean? Isn’t it obvious? No? Let me rephrase then. Did I always let my father walk all over me, with those stupid talks about his dream, did I always let him dictate everything in my life, not stopping once to ask myself if that’s what I really want?”
“Annie,”, Bert was the one talking, always the calmer and more level-headed of the two, “Your father loves you, he wants only the best for you.”
She shook her head.
“Answer the question.”
“He always had rather strong influence on your life, if that’s what you mean. I’d say… I’d say that you were more than willing to follow his orders.”
“Jesus…”, she hung her head in shame, “So I was always just his little puppet.”
“No, Annie, listen,”, Reiner spoke, “we were there, remember? You did what your dad said, but those were not bad things! He took care of you, especially after your mom left, and Bert is right.”, he nodded at his friend, “Your father wanted the best for you, he always did.”
“Sometimes what’s best for me isn’t what I want.”, she said to no one in particular, under her breath.
“There was this guy,”, she began, really just wanting to dump it all on her friends, let them know everything, make them understand, “we met back in states, after my first fight with Mikasa. We went out a couple of times and things just… happened. I got shot protecting his friend, who in the same time is Mikasa’s fiancé…”
“Wait what?”, Reiner jumped to his feet, eyes wide, “You got shot?”
“Yes, but I recovered. As I was saying…”
“Annie, you can’t just say that you got shot and continue talking! Who shot you? Why? What…”
“Reiner!”, she fixed him with a stern look, “It’s not important, I can tell you later. Now will you let me finish?”
“I…”, seeing that she won’t back down, he sighed, sitting back down, “Fine, whatever. Sorry for interrupting.”
One of your closest friends just announces that she got seriously wounded and he was supposed to just smile and nod at it. Great.
“Things were amazing,”, Annie continued, “but then I took him to meet my father and…”, her expression soured, “that was the start of the downhill slope. Dad strongly suggested that I should break up with him, because he adds no value to my training, that he distracts me, and stupid as I am, I obeyed.”, her fists clenched around the coffee cup, “Like a sheep, I followed his orders, ending up the great relationship I had, just because he said so. It opened my eyes, finally, and I saw just how easily I let him manipulate me, use me to his own ends. After that, stuff just fell apart, and here I am.”, she looked up, offering a weak smile. “That’s it, that’s the story.”
Bertold was the one to break the silence, standing up and gathering all the cups with a few swipes of his long hands.
“We are going to need a lot more coffee to talk this through.”
Annie couldn’t agree more.
From the way Hitch was watching him, it wasn’t hard to see that her psychiatric mind was full at work.
“What am I supposed to do then?”, Jean felt as if her gaze was piercing right into his mind, watching the embarrassing event unfold, over and over again, “I don’t want to act like a five-year-old anytime I’m alone with her. I don’t want to fuck everything up by blurting out some stupid shit, one that will be completely inappropriate, just because I can’t think straight around her.”
“Mikasa is really your kryptonite, isn’t she?”
Apparently in no rush, Hitch took another bite, rolling it around in her mouth. Damn, the taco was good.
“How about you suggest something then, instead of sitting there and stuffing your face.”, he growled at her, his patience wearing thin, but Hitch didn’t even seem to take notice. She was more than being used to people swearing at her, it was a part of her job. “Just a few weeks back, you told me that you don’t even want to be with her anymore, that you understand, and now this. Intriguing.”
“Yea well, tell that to my dick.”, Jean thought that it was accurate to say, because he always seemed to think with that part of his body instead of his brain anytime Mikasa was involved. He shook his head in desperation, “I don’t think I want to be with her, I just want… her. Understand?”
“Perfectly.”, she nodded, completely calm, while Jean was feeling like a total asshole. Here he was, sitting with an amazing and beautiful woman that he felt genuinely good around, but all he could talk about was that there was someone else, someone who he couldn’t stop thinking about no matter how hard he tried.
“What do I do doc.”
“Easy. You get to know her.”
Now it was Jean’s turn to be surprised.
“Tell me, how many times did you talk to Mikasa, one on one, for a longer period of time?”
“Ehm, once? I think?”
Hitch looked downright smug.
“That’s exactly my point. I don’t think you are obsessed with her, you are obsessed with a mental image of her that you made. A perfect woman you dreamt up, and slapped her face right on top.”, she leaned forward, “Talk to her. Get to know her. Discover what she really is like, and then we can move from there. If your fascination will persist, we will solve it, but I have the feeling that it won’t.”
“That… That sounds surprisingly logical actually.”
“I know right?”, she flashed him a smile, standing up. “Now I would love to stay and chat, but I have a patient coming up, so I gotta run.”
Hitch pressed a quick kiss to Jean’s cheek, giving him a small wave before disappearing, leaving him alone with his thoughts.
Sitting in the tub was relaxing, and Eren allowed himself to just lay down and do nothing for a minute, closing his eyes. Work was as exhausting as usual, with the stream of patients not dwindling, opposite really, which meant that his shifts were getting progressively longer to deal with them. The stunt that Mikasa pulled, the maid thing, was just plain amazing, and it kept him going for far longer than he even dared to hope, but even that energy was coming to an end. All he could hope for today was a few hours of shut eye, and then it’s back to work, where he has twelve hours and…..
The bathroom door opened, making Eren sit up, allowing Mikasa to stroll in, wearing a black bikini. She crossed the distance to the tub, sitting on the edge, and put one leg up, showing Eren that she had heels on for some reason. And sunglasses, he realized, when she pushed them back, revealing a pair of grey eyes, watching him from her perch with an amused expression.
“I see you don’t have a lifeguard here at your beach.”, she said, making him wonder if work really didn’t make him go insane.
“I’m not at the beach this is a bathtub.”, Eren shot back, but Mikasa’s smirk didn’t disappear. Gracefully as always, she slid in, straddling his waist in the water.
“Still, I better keep an eye out. You don’t want to drown do you?”
Shaking his head, Eren had to agree that taking a bath did seem like more fun when she was involved. And it was good having her here for security too, right?
After all, there could be sharks hiding beneath the foam.
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fics-for-my-heart · 6 years
Convention Handling (p.3)
Summary: Working a convention is always a bit stressful, but what happens when you’re asked to be your celebrity crushes handler
Word count: 2222
Warning: implied  sex
A/N: Wow. Okay so I think this will be the final installment of this story. It’s been a blast doing it, and as I’ve said I love all the feedback. Thanks guys for reading!
Part One   Part Two.1   Part Two.2   Part Three
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*two year later*
“Y/N.” Toms finger poked your hand. “Y/NNNN” he dragged, poking your cheek. You pushed your head further into the pillow, refusing to give into his pleading voice. “Y/N Y/L/N it’s time to get up.” His hand made its way to your hair, pushing loose strands out of your face. Much like the many wake up calls he loved to receive from you.
“No, ’m too sleepy.” You blindly made grabby hands at him. “Come back to bed.” He sighed, but the bed dipped anyway as he wiggles his way close to you. “Thank you.”
“Only for a few minutes. We have a flight to catch. Your parents will be waiting for us.” He kisses you forehead, cheek, nose, then your lips. “Plus there’s a good chance I miss them more than you do.” He kept his voice soft so he didn’t ruin the cozy early morning feeling that filled the room. You push your way under his arm, using him as your new pillow.
Shortly after your “teenage romcom” moment, you and Tom started officially dating. You split your time between staying in LA with him while he filmed, and at home with your parents keeping up work with the family convention business, which Tom had become a recurring guest. Tom was fortunate enough to have a week off filming for the third Spider-Man movie, so the two of you decided to go back to your place for some seriously needed R and R.
“Love, we really should get going.” But his hand was drawing light circles on your back, pulling sleep closer and closer.
“Fine. But, I’m wearing your clothes.” You look up at him to find him already watching you. “They are much more comfortable for plane rides.”
He kisses your nose again, one of his favorite things to do. “Anything that will get you out of bed.”
Twenty minutes later the two of you were out the door, forty minutes after that you were comfortably seated, and six hours later you were making your way through the airport to the waiting car of your mother.
“Hello honey!” You mom called the moment she saw you, holding her arms open for the comforting embrace. “Welcome home. Hello Tom!” She let go of you, hugging him even tighter as she kissed his cheeks.
“Hello Mrs. Y/L/N. How are you.” He asked, taking your bag along with his to the trunk.
“I’m well. Your father is busy working. He wished he could be here but they had a few people cancel coming to the convention so he has to find some replacements. But enough chit chat. I have lasagna cooking for dinner.” She used her arms to usher you and Tom into the car and off for home you went.
“That was amazing.” Tom said, wiping the corners of his mouth before dropping his napkin on his empty plate. “Don’t tell Y/N But your cooking is so much better.”
You kick his leg. “I’m right here you doof. But that was exactly what I had been missing, your cooking.”
“I was only kidding, love. You have your mother's cooking skills for sure. Here, I’ll take the plates and make one for your dad. See how he is.”
“He’s a keeper.” Mom said once he walked out of the room. “Truly. He looks at you just like your father use to look at me.”
“He’s not too bad.” You laugh, shrugging your shoulders. Smiling wider as he walks back through with a plate fixed up.
“I heard that.” He kisses your head as he walks by. “Don’t have too much fun without me.”
“Wouldn’t dream of it.”
“So.” Your mother starts, arms submerged in soapy water. “You guys are staying this week, correct?”
“Yeah, Tom has to be back next Monday to start wrap up filming, but I’m thinking of sticking around a bit, with the convention coming up dad will need all hands on deck.” You put the plate you were drying away, taking the next. “I think Tom is going to go home in a few weeks to spend some time with his family, he misses them so bad.”
“I’d imagine. I miss you when your gone, I can’t even begin to think about going months without seeing you.” She washes the last dish, passing it to you and pulling the drain in the sink. “I’m glad you’re here, and I would spend some more time with you tonight but I’m going to head to bed.” She kisses your cheek. “Get some rest honey.”
After stopping by your father's office to say goodnight, snapping a quick photo of him and Tom with their heads together discussing who knows what, you start your nightly routine before climbing into you bed with a book.
About an hour later the door slowly opened and Tom tiptoed in. “Oh, sorry love, I thought you might have been asleep.”
“Nope. Just waiting for you.” Your head lulled over toward him, watching as he gathered his pajamas making his way to the bathroom.
“So, what’s tomorrow’s plans?” He asked, flopping himself next to you, instantly pulling you as close as he could.
“Whatever you want to do. It’s your week to do what you wish.”
“In that case.” He rolls you around, noses touching, as his fingered creap over your side. “I wish for you.”
That week was the definition of lazy. The two of you were either in bed or on the couch watching movies or laying outside enjoying the warm breeze. Tom was able to convince Zendaya, Jacob, and Robert to be surprise guest at the convention. Your father was over the moon, and you were excited to be able to see the people you had grown to consider a second family over the past two years. Sadly, you were right, Tom was going to be home in England during the con so he wouldn’t be there. But family is a bit more important.
Before you knew it, it was time for Tom to head back to LA. It was always harder to say bye when you knew it would be a bit till you saw him.
The two of you spent that morning laying in bed just looking at each other.
“I love you.” He said, playing absentmindedly with your fingers. “I hate that I can’t stay and help you guys with the convention prep, and that I can’t go to the convention. But I hate more that it’ll be almost a month without seeing you.” He pouted his bottom lip out.
“I know babe, but it’s okay. I know how much you miss you parents and brothers and Tessa. No need to worry about it.” You kissed him slow. Trying to savor every last moment together.
“I’ll FaceTime you every day, and we obviously have to Snapchat to keep that hot streak we have going. But it’ll be nothing compared to being able to hold you in my arms and kiss you whenever I waaaaaant.” He dragged before attacking your face in kisses.
The weeks leading up to convention time were filled with FaceTimes with Tom. Snaps from him and Z talking about how much he missed you. Last minute conformation checks with those attending the event. Running to the hotel to make sure they were prepared, and setting up the convention floor. It was hectic but it was what you lived for. Having everything come together was one of the best feelings.
Zendaya and Jacob showed up a day early, wanting to help behind the scenes and hang out with you. When Robert got there that night he insisted on taking everyone out to dinner. They had become such great friends since you and Tom started dating that it was so nice to look around the table and see your two words merging.
You volunteered to be Zs handler, so the first day of the convention you bounced up to her room, ready to start the day.
“Good morning gorgeous!” She answered the door, already ready to head out. “I’m ridiculously excited for this week. Toms told me all about how awesome it is and when he asked me to come I couldn’t pass the offer up.” She looped her arm in yours as the two of you made your way to her booth.
The first two days were booth days. Z left each day with her arms full of gifts from fans. You got a similar feeling in your heart seeing the excitement of people coming through her line. It always made the stress of planning worth it. Always
The next day was a panel day. Her, Jacob, and Robert were set to attend, and you had planned it with Tom to get him on the big screen via Facetime.
“Hello everyone!” You spoke into the microphone, having been asked by your father to lead the panel. “How is everyone liking the convention so far?” Cheers erupted from the audience. “Awesome. Awesome! Well we have a very exciting panel for you today. Zendaya, Jacob Batalon, and Robert Downey Jr are here to talk about the upcoming Spider-Man movie!” As you said this they walked out, waving and smiling at everyone as they took a seat on the couch. “And! As an extra surprise! Tom Holland is with us via FaceTime. That away, if he starts to spoil anything we can quickly end the call!”
“Hey! I can hear you!” His voice sounded from the speakers before his face showed up on the screen.
“Sorry, honey!” You laughed. “Turning the camera so he could see everyone.
“Hello guys!” Cheers yet again. “I wish I could say that I’m sad I’m not there. But.” The back door opened. “Surprise!” There stood Tom, as beautiful as ever.
“What?” You couldn’t think of anything else to say for a moment. Then you looked at the three on the couch who weren’t shocked at all. “Did you guys know?”
“Maybe.” Z smiled softly. Tom had made it to the stage, climbed the stairs and was by your side when you looked up.
“Hello, love.” He kisses you, before grabbing your hands. “Here stand up for a moment.” When you did, you noticed your parents and Tom’s family standing by the stage.
“What are you doing here?”
“Well,” He took the microphone from your hands. “I have a secret.” The entire room went quiet. “I. Tom Holland. Love Y/N Y/L/N.”
You blushed. “That’s no secret silly. But I love you too.”
“Well that’s only part of the secret.” His eyes never left yours as he reached around to his back pocket. “Do you remember my first convention here?”
“Very well actually. It was the best week of my life that has turned into the best two years of my life so far.”
“That’s exactly how I feel.” He kisses you again before continuing. “I knew the moment I opened the door that I would be in deep. I knew with that first wake up call that I was deeper than deep. But. I knew when I opened that fortune cookie that there really was no going back.” He opened his wallet, pulling out a faded piece of paper. “I never told you what it said. I actually found this about two months ago when you surprised me on set. And that was when I knew it was only ever going to be me and you.”
Tears had started to blur your vision, Tom was sappy sometimes but never this sappy.
“What’s the fortune say!” A voice from the back of the audience yelled.
Tom laughed. “It says ‘The love of your life will appear in front of you unexpectedly’.” A mixture of aws and woops filled the room. He put his wallet back in his pocket, reaching into his front pocket at he continued to talk. “This is something I’ve been wanting to do for a while, and when I found that fortune again the day you showed up on set, I knew it was something that I had to do. Had to do it in front of our families,” he motioned behind him and at the three now standing by the couch. “And something I had to do where it all started.” Tom dropped to his knee, holding open a box with a beautiful ring. “Y/N Y/M/N Y/L/N. Will you marry me?”
Your hands shot straight to your mouth, everything started moving slower. Was this really happening. Words couldn’t form. Tears started to fall. You nodded your head over and over, watching a huge smile come across Toms face. “Yes.” You finally squeak. “Yes.”
The room went absolutely nuts as Tom slipped the ring on your finger. Your family’s joined you on stage to pass hugs around. Z, Jacob, and Robert joined in.
“Sorry guys, but I’m going to have to steal my fiancée away. I appreciate all of you and I’m so glad I was able to share this special moment with you all!” The room cheered again as Tom grabbed your hand, pulling you out of the room, down the back way, and up to a hotel room. Making sure to slip the ‘do not disturb’ sign on the door before locking you both away.
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iamtaekooked · 7 years
Vanilla Rules || Ch 6 || pjm
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Genre: Enemies to lovers! au, badboy! au, college! au
Word count: 3.1 k
The sudden insistence by Yoongi for you to interview Jimin for the basketball game leads to a conversation that forced both of you to throw out your feelings of dislike out in the open. In particular for you it becomes an eye opener of who he really is. Will you still be able to hate him as much after this?
A/N: Here is Ch 6!! This one gets a bit heavy with all the equality and feminism crap I throw in there but its only my opinion so don’t send me hate for it. If you disagree with what I’ve said then I am up for discussing it only if you're not rude about it.  I hope you guys enjoy reading 
Ch 1 || Ch 2 || Ch 3 || Ch 4 || Ch 5 || Ch 6 ||  Ch 7 || Ch 8 || Ch 9 || 
“Hold on. Why do I have to interview him?” You slammed your hands on the table as you stood up, glaring at each person around the table until all of their eyes refused to meet yours. If it was possible to measure the amount of anger that was coursing through your veins you were sure it would manifest itself as steam bellowing out through your ears.
“ He is your boyfriend isn’t he?” Yoongi piped up, looking at you with a bored expression.
“ WHAT? No he isn’t. You should know that better than everyone!”
He scoffed. “We need this interview y/n. He is the captain of the basketball team and we just won the annual tournament on its 10th anniversary . Out of everyone here you are probably the closest person to him”
“Are you serious Yoongi? Are you forgetting he is sort of your best friend”
“Which is exactly why I cant do it. Conflict of interest. I might be too subjective in my portrayal but I know you won’t” he clicked his tongue as his eyes reverted back to the page in front of him. He was intention steering the meeting ahead but you wouldn’t sit quietly.
Drawing in a deep breath through clenched teeth you spoke up once more. “I am not doing it. Its not my job anyway”
You sat back down, angry flipping the page in front of you.
“Do I need to remind you that as the president of the student union I can oust you from your position? I don’t want to do it because you are one of the most efficient members here but…” he trailed off. Your nostrils flared at the unfairness of the situation but the college student union was something you needed to maintain your scholarship. You didn’t have much room to refuse. The both of you glared daggers at each other and you could sense the other member’s eyes travelling between the two of you.
The tense atmosphere wasn’t of much help in alleviating the building anxiety in the pit of your stomach.
“We are the student union Yoongi, not the college magazine. This should be their job. Not ours”
“I know. But this time the responsibility falls onto us because the president of the magazine club Ae Rim refuses to do it because they have to focus on the debate team since they won the state championship. So that leaves us” You hung your head low in disbelief at how shitty your situation could get. You really didn’t want to do it and if you had to tell him about the bathroom incident you would.
“Can we please talk outside for a moment Yoongi. Its important and it’s totally relevant to all this”
He looked at you for a moment before nodding his head and instructing everyone to start brainstorming ideas for the upcoming interview. He followed you out and shut the door behind him, shoving his hands in his pocket. He looked at you and waited for you to say something.
“Okay look. Something very awkward happened which adds on to my list of reasons for refusing to do this” you paused, closing your eyes and sighing out before continuing. “I caught him in the girl’s washroom and he was…” you trailed off looking at him hoping he would get the hint. But when his face screwed up in confusion you covered your face with your hands in frustration.
“Can’t you figure it out? Am I seriously going to have to say it out loud?” groaning you stood on your tiptoes before putting mouth close to this ear.
“I caught him doing… the thing with one of the girl’s in the fucking bathroom” you whispered.
Stepping away from him your eyes refused to meet his due to the awkwardness you were feeling.  You shifted on your feet uncomfortably partly because you could feel Yoongi looking at you and partly because you were reminded of the gross scene again. The response you were met with wasn’t something you were expecting. Looking in his direction you found Yoongi laughing silently, hand covering his mouth.
“In what world is this funny? Thats disgusting. Why the hell would he do that at college? I mean seriously Yoongi if he really is horny he should go to his own damn house and take care of his shit. Not at college” you finished
“I know.. I know but are you even surprised.? Jimin has always been like this”
He did have a point. Jimin had always been this way and you didn’t understand why he treated women like objects. He had always used women for his own pleasure and then thrown them out of his life like people throw out garbage.
“ Thats perverse you know. The kinds of things he does. Why don’t you stop him? He clearly respects you a lot. I am sure he would listen to you”
“I know. But he’ll learn himself one day. Or maybe you can help him learn the right way. Or don’t. I dont care y/n as long as you get me this interview”
Your eyes were blurring and losing sight of the words you were trying to ink down on the paper. Being forced to create questions for an interview you definitely didn’t want to do was draining to say the least. You couldn’t come up with a single question related to basketball because neither did the sport interest you, nor the meaningless questions you were meant to ask him. Instead your mind wandered about with unspoken questions about Jimin that no one but him could answer.
If you were being honest, in all your years of hatred for the boy you had come to feel something akin to pity towards him because of the hollow life he lived. The way in which he refused to let anyone close to him, to see the person behind the rude and arrogant persona had begun to intrigue you. He wasn’t the bad boy you wanted to fix rather he was someone who reminded you so much of a lost child that at times you couldn’t help but feel bad for him.
That however didn’t excuse his actions. No matter how much you tried to resist giving into his attention antics he always knew how to provoke you. He knew how to push your buttons and aggravate you.
You shifted in the uncomfortable chair and looked around the silent library, eyes widening at the dark sky outside the window. “Shit….” you muttered under your breath as you sloppily gathered your belongings in your arms. Running as best you could with your writing supplies and notebooks threatening to fall from your safe hold, you managed to make it outside the library. Your heart sunk as you saw the darkened hallways.
Rummaging for your phone in the back pocket of your jeans, the ground beneath you gave out as the screen in front of you displayed 11 pm. The campus was probably closed since you couldn’t see any sign of a single person around you.
You legs gave out and you fell onto the floor. The thought of possibly having to spend the night at the campus is something that sent shivers down your spine. You had always hated the dark and never could adjust well with isolated places. It was creepy and chilling. All of a sudden Taehyung flashed in your head and you remembered you could always give him a call.
Dropping all your stuff to the side you quickly dialled his number, timidly putting the phone to your ear. With each ring of the line your heart raced faster. You tried and tried but he never picked up the phone. Sighing in defeat you put your phone away shifting back to rest against the wall.
After taking a short rest you decided it was best to try the back exit of the college. Maybe just maybe someone forgot to close the door. Gathering your supplies again but this time in an organized manner you began your descent down the stairs of the second floor. At the end of the hallway you could see light peeking through a window and illuminating the dark corner. Maybe someone was in the gymnasium. As you progressed through the dark hall you couldn’t help but feel a chill settling in your body. It was the feeling one felt in darkness as if something was lurking in the shadows ready to attack. Your steps hastened and soon you broke into a run, skidding to a halt in front of the gym.
The door was wide-open and music was drifting through the silent corner of the hallway. You peeked your head through and saw a hooded figure shooting hoops at the opposite end. You stepped in cautiously trying not to alert the stranger of your arrival. As you moved closer you could figure out who it was. You had known him long enough to know it was Jimin. His somewhat short stature and lean build was alluded to by the black hoodie hugging his biceps, and  the rings on his fingers were enough confirmation of the same.
Turning off the speakers placed on the bleacher , you proceeded towards him. He whipped around to inspect why the music had turned off but stopped short when he saw you.
“ We have got to stop getting ourselves into such situations”
“Yea tell me about it” You said while taking a seat on the bleachers, taking out your notebook.
“ Why are you here?” he turned back around and resumed shooting hoops, while you watched as he took one shot after and another never missing the net. No wonder he was the talk of the campus and everyone wanted his interview.
“That would also be your fault”
Jimin’s hand stopped mid air as he was about to shoot again. He turned around looking at you questioningly.
“ Yoongi wants me to an interview with you. Winning the game and all at the 10th anniversary of the tournament and shit. So I sat in the library to think of what questions to ask but lost track of time” you replied matter of factly.
“ I don’t really care for an interview. That too with you”
“Ditto. But he doesnt want to do it because he thinks he will too subjective. I would too, worse than him actually”
“Doesn’t surprise me y/n” he turned back once more and continued with his practice.
You sat silently for a moment staring at the blank notebook in front of you, with no relevant questions to ask.
“What are you doing here at this time?” “Coach lets me stay sometimes so that I can practice” he didn’t look back at you, concentrating solely on making each basket count.
You didn’t know how to reply and carry on the mundane conversation. So you settled for watching him practice his throws and inwardly admired his talent for the sport. He was cocky enough as is, so letting him hear of his praise from you wouldn’t be such a good idea. After a while he stopped , gathered all the balls and placed them in the rack. You could see the beads of sweat running down his forehead and cheeks.
You sat there for a few seconds watching Jimin as he squatted down to rummage through his duffel bag for his water bottle. You gulp as it gives you the perfect view of his ass. Feeling bothered by the tingling feeling rising to your stomach you quickly look away and clear your throat.
He took a seat next to you, wiping his sweat laced face and forehead with the towel, which he then placed on his shoulder. If you didn’t dislike him so much, you might have acknowledged his good looks.
“ You’re staring at me” he said monotonously taking another swig of water, a small smile crossing his lips.
“ Why do you always have to ruin any remotely normal conversation between us by being an ass?”
“ You answered your own question. I am an ass thats why”
“ I seriously hate you” you mumbled under your breath
“ Likewise y/n and its more fun this way” he wiggles his eyebrows throwing a smile your way.
“ What have I ever done to you? I have legitimate reasons to hate you but I have never given you a reason to be an ass towards me”
“ True. You’ve never really given me a valid reason to hate you but I am just so used to this relationship between us I can’t give up being a jerk to you. But why do you hate me so much?” he chuckled
“ There’s too many reason but off the top of my head you treat women disgustingly and objectify them. You use them for sex and throw them away. Typical fuckboy behaviour. Its gross how you degrade women in that way Jimin. You don’t care about their feelings”
“ But have you ever stopped to consider that its give and take?”
“What?” You looked at him confusedly.
“ Think about it. I cant have sex by myself. These women agree to it. They know it won’t go anywhere and that its all about pleasure. I give them what they need and they give me what I need. I am not forcing them to fuck me and vice versa”
He did have a point and you had never thought to perceive the situation from that perspective. You had always faulted him for being so misogynistic but never stopped to consider women allowed that to happen to themselves.
“ Why is it always that men get blamed and labeled as fuckboys? If you really think about it they are using me for my body too. Isn’t that sexual objectification y/n? What kind of equality is that?”
“Yes it is but its different. You men have the freedom to act in this way and escape judgement but women get judged all the time. Think about it if a girl gets pregnant, the guy doesn’t get the blame. Everyone point’s fingers at the girl as if she somehow managed to pregnant by herself!”
“Okay fair enough. But haven’t you made all these assumptions about me and judged me all these years without actually thinking about how I get used by these girl? Do you know how many times I have gotten booty calls because they just want a good fuck even after they are in ‘committed’ relationships?!” Jimin paused to catch his breath.
You opened your mouth to speak but you didn’t know how to reply. You did see his point and you needed time to process it.
“ I get that but why do you even have to do this shit? Why can’t you just be a normal person and not to do this stuff?”
“ That’s my personal choice and it shouldn’t make me a bad person when girls you blame me of objectifying are quick to fall into the trap themselves. You girls get so defensive about your own feminism and equality that you disregard prejudices men have to go through. Tell me y/n am I not in a way being objectified too?!! Are these women not using me for my body too? Where does that leave equality?”
“ Its not as simple as you claim Jimin. The way in you get objectified isn’t at the same level as women”
“How? I am being used for my body too!”
“Yes you are, but your worth isn’t just defined by your body. For a woman it is. As women we are taught our worth lies in how beautiful we look, and not in how good we are as a person. That our worth is only amounts to the male attention we receive and how much sexual desirability we can create in men. We only amount of the sum of our body parts. That’s how our worth as people as human beings has been defined for centuries. So when you fuck these women you enforce this idea because to you these women are only sum of their body parts, she isn’t a person. Men don’t get objectified that way because your worth simply isn’t defined by your sexual appeal”
The both of you are red in the face from all the shouting you had to do. Jimin shook his head at you.
“ I know but don’t judge me for it when I get objectified too even if its not in the same way it would be for a woman and not to the same extent. You can’t refute that I get used too”
Your face flushed red even more because you knew he was right. He was used too at the end of the day, even if it wasn’t at the same level contextually. You had never taken Jimin to be so well spoken with intellectual thoughts. He could hold his own when it came to social issues.
“I didn’t know you were smart Jimin” you chuckle slightly, immediately regretting how normal and friendly it sounded.
“ You don’t know anything about me y/n. Just because I do all this doesn’t make me a bad person. Just like women are more than their bodies, I am much more than my actions”
You were beginning to realize your blind prejudices against him. It still didn’t excuse all the stupid stuff he did but at the very least you could look at him from a different perspective than that of a perpetrator. He was a victim too in a way, and you felt slightly guilty for always being quick to spring all the blame on his character.
“ Sorry for always judging you. I see your point but I still hate you. I haven’t forgotten all the shit you’ve done to me and that has nothing to do with this societal crap”
Jimin only gave a small laugh in response before getting up and picking up a basket ball again. He stood in front of you securely having placed the ball under his armpit.
“I don’t know about you but my brain definitely hurts from all of this smart ass conversation. I need a break. Wanna play?”
You pointed to yourself in question. He nodded his head. You pondered his offer for a few minutes.
“ I guess we can forget our enmity for one night” you snatched the ball from under his arm pit and took a shot, successfully making it in the basket.
“ You’re good” he nodded his head in acknowledgment of your skill
“ Don’t go easy on me just because I am a girl”
“ Trust me. I wont” the both of you smiled at each other knowingly, choosing to forget your dislike for one night.
If you liked please don’t forget to leave a like, reblog or comment. Only takes 30 seconds! Thank you so much for taking the time to read it!! :)
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Isn’t She Beautiful, part one
Sooo, I have rewritten big chunks of this fic...I hope the rewriting has fixed issues with the dialog, some plot holes, and some big canon divergent issues with some character’s backstory. Anyways, I hope you enjoy!
Part Two Part Three Part Four
"I don't want you to do this out of pity." Molly breathed heavily as she spoke. She sat on his lap, running her hands over his bare chest taking in everything she could before it was over. He didn't respond but just watched her. "Sherlock?"  
"It's not pity." He ran a finger down her spine causing her to shiver. "It's not pity," he whispered again before turning over and swinging her under him. He hovered over her, their noses brushing against each other. "I'm going to miss you."  
"I thought caring was a weakness?" She still couldn't process everything that was happening. 
"It is." 
 Molly kept her eyes closed, trying to remember as much about the previous night as she could. The way he smelled, how his chest heaved as he sank into her, the smile he gave her as she tightened around him, how perfectly their bodies fit together as they lay afterwards.  
She rolled over and found that the only thing on the other side of the bed was a note:  
           Thank you. 
 "Good-bye Sherlock Holmes." 
Molly shuffled down the hall to the locker room; it had been a long day and she hadn't slept well the night before.  
"Have a good night, Molly." One of her coworkers smiled as she walked by.  
"You too." She managed a half smile that didn't reach her eyes. 
She walked over to her locker, mind completely on the things she had to finish that night, and opened it. She looked up into the mirror that hung on the small door and gasped, spinning around on her heals. She looked him up and down three times before speaking. 
"Sherlock!" She squealed and threw her arms around his neck. He was hesitant but hugged her back. "Sorry, sorry!" She stepped back, her whole face bright.  
"Molly Hooper,” he gave a small smile as he said her name, “you look…well." 
"There is no need to lie, I know how I look!" She laughed. "But you, you do look well." 
"It is nice to be back in London." He took a step towards her and her mobile rang.  
"Sorry! I have to get that." Her face flushed, embarrassed.  
"The world goes on." He nodded. She nodded back and grabbed her mobile, looking at who was calling.  
"Hello?....Can you give me a minute? I'll call you right back." She hung up and stared angrily at her mobile. "I actually have to go.” She looked back at him and smiled again. “It was good to see you." She shook her head. "No, it was great! I mean, I'm, I’m just glad you're alright. Of course I knew you were alive but – " Sherlock leaned down and kissed her cheek lightly, stopping her ramblings.  
"It was good to see you too." He gave her another small smile and walked out of the locker room. She watched him go, wanting to run after him, knowing she couldn't. Instead she hit dial on her mobile.
"So what's up?" Molly grabbed her things and shoved them in her bag. "Oh, yea, those are her favorites. I'll pick some up on the way home….I'm leaving right now."  
 Two Years Previous: 
"No…no…no!" Molly sat on her couch crying. "He has to see me now!" When his secretary had declined her request again she threw her mobile on the ground. "He is going to see me now!" She grabbed her purse off the hook and slammed the door of her flat closed behind her.  
 "I'm here to see Mr. Holmes." Molly stood in front of the secretary she had most likely been talking to on the phone.  
"Mr. Holmes is busy at the moment. But you can make an appointment." She talked into her magazine. Molly rolled her eyes at the girl and walked around the desk, towards his office. "Miss! You can't go back there!" Molly closed the office door in the girl's face. 
"Molly." He only looked half as surprised as Molly thought he would. 
"Mycroft." She sat down in the chair across from him. "I need to talk to you about Sherlock."
“Miss Hooper, as far as everyone is concerned, my brother is dead.” He tone was hard and his look piercing.   
"Mycroft, this is important."
"You know I cannot disclose any information.” He closed the file he was reading. “That was part of the deal.”
"But I don't know what to do!" 
"About what?" He folded his hands on his desk. 
"I really need to talk to Sherlock!" She bounced her legs and ran her hands through her tangled hair. 
He stood and leaned across his desk.
"You need to forget about Sherlock."
"I can't!" She cried. 
"And why not?” He walked around his desk as he talked, “The rest of London has and it's only been a month."  
"Because I'm pregnant."
"Mummy!" Molly was greeted by her daughter as soon as she walked through the door.  
"Mina!" She put her stuff down on the ground and scooped her up. "I missed you!" She kissed the little girl all over her face, making her giggle.  
"Kathy and I drew today!" She pointed to the coffee table where her nanny sat.  
"Good for you." She gave her one last kiss on the head and sat her down. "How was she?" 
"Good, as always." Kathy stood up and put her books in her bag. Molly stared down at Mina with a sad look. "Molly, are you okay?"  
"Oh, yea, just a busy day. Thank you again." Kathy nodded her head and started for the door. "Oh, did Mycroft get you -" 
"Yes, and as always, thank you. I would watch her for nothing. You know that, right?"  
"Yes." Molly smiled appreciatively at her.
“Good.” Kathy waved at Mina before shutting the door.
Molly sunk down on the couch and watched as Mina continued to draw on an already too full page. 
"This is for you!" She held up the scribbles with a big grin on her face.  
"Oh, thank you! I'll hang it in my office at work." Molly put the drawing in her bag, temporarily forgetting about Sherlock Holmes.
 Two Years Previous:  
"Oh." Mycroft walked back to his chair and sat down. "I didn’t know you two were involved.”
“We weren’t.” Molly sighed and she could feel her cheeks getting warm. She looked down at her hands. “It was just the one time.”
“I see. Are you sure it’s Sherlock’s?” The causal tone to his question infuriated her.
“Yes!” Her head shot up irritated that Mycroft would insinuate that she would sleep around. “It’s Sherlock’s.”
He held his hands up, as if the mere act would calm her. “I just wanted to make sure.”
“It’s Sherlock’s.” She said again. “And, I just thought…I don’t know what I thought.” She dropped her head into her hands, hiding the few tears that were escaping from her eyes.
“You can have no contact with him. He cannot know.”
“I know.” She whispered. She wiped her eyes and looked back up. She straightened her shoulders and brushed her hair out of her eyes. “I just needed to tell someone. Someone who knows that he’s alive. I needed someone to know.” Mycroft pursed his lips at her words.
“Are you going to keep it?”
“Yes.” She replied quickly. Mycroft looked at her for a moment longer before nodding.
“Congratulations then Miss Hooper,” he said before turning his attention back to his work.
“Thank you.” She pushed herself up and turned for the door.
“Molly, I think it best if you and I have no more contact either.” She left without responding.
“Did Mina draw that for you?” Molly turned and saw John standing in her office doorway.
“Yes.” She rubbed her forehead. “I assume you’re here because you know.”
“Yes.” He sat down in her spare chair, but stood right back up again, gripping the back of the chair until his knuckles were white. “How could you not tell me? After everything you and I have been through together?” He threw his hands in the air as his voice got louder. “I was there for you but you kept the fact that my best friend was alive a SECRET!?”
Molly was quiet while the last of his words finished ringing in the small office.
“Are you done?” Molly asked as John breathed heavily through his nose.
“Yes!” He dropped down into the chair and groaned.
“Mina just got done with her temper tantrum stage, looks like you might have found it.” Molly giggled at him and John couldn’t help but chuckle back. “John,” she reached out and grabbed his hand, “I couldn’t tell you…I promise you I wanted to and I came so close so many times…I am sorry.”
“I know you couldn’t. And I know you are.” He squeezed her hand before letting it go.
“I heard you were almost smoked to death.”
“And yet no flowers? They don’t have sympathy cards with ‘sorry someone tried to kill you’ written on them?”
“Couldn’t fine one.” Molly smirked. John smiled back and stood up.
“Are you coming for dinner tonight? Mrs. Hudson is cooking.”
“Maybe.” She hadn’t been planning on it. Sherlock didn’t know about Mina yet and this wasn’t how she wanted him to find out.
“Well I hope you make it – Mary is having Mina withdrawals.”  
 “Hey Kathy!” Molly spun in her office chair. “Do you think you can bring Mina to Bart’s around 5?....Thank you so much...We were invited to have dinner with John and Mary…yes, Mina withdrawals…Okay, see you soon.”
“Who are you seeing soon?” His dark voice stirred something in the pit of her stomach. She inhaled slowly and turned her chair to face him.
“Sherlock! What are you doing here?” She put her mobile on the desk and stood up, walking around to lean on the front of it, blocking the many pictures that Mina had drawn that were taped there.
“New body Lestrade wanted me to have a look at.” Molly stared at his lips as he talked. “Would you mind?” He pointed to the morgue.  
“Oh!” She snapped out of her head and moved around him. She found the body and the paper work on it, male 52. She rolled it out for Sherlock. “Here you go.” He moved around her and started his examination.
Watching him work was too much for Molly. The way his hair fell in his face as he moved took her right back to that night, the feeling of his hands on her skin, his breath on her neck…she couldn’t. She had to focus.
She quietly walked back to her office and started peeling the pictures off the front of her desk, a pang of guilt hitting her.
 “All done.” Sherlock popped his head into her office not too much later. “…Thank you.”
“Oh, you’re welcome.” Molly nodded and got up to take care of the body. “Just doing my job and letting you do yours.” Her mobile went off in her pocket. She grabbed it, a text from Kathy saying they were in the lobby – they would be to the morgue any minute. “Okay, well, lots to do.” She hurriedly put the body away and took the paperwork back to her office.
“Will you be at dinner?” He leaned in the doorway to her office.
“Yes. We’ll be there…I’ll, I’ll be there. We will be there.” She pointed between herself and Sherlock, mentally wanting to slap herself. “For dinner.”
“Yes.” He said as he raised an eyebrow at her but didn’t question it. His mobile pinged and he pulled it out of his pocket, pulling his attention away from Molly.
“A lead?” She asked.
“Of sorts.” He shoved his mobile back into his coat. “I’ll see you later then.”
“I guess, yeah.” She nodded nervously. She watched him leave and waited until the morgue door was closed before slapping Mina’s artwork back onto the front of her desk. She had just sat back down when Kathy walked in with Mina.
“Hey! There’s my girl!” Mina ran around the desk and jumped up into her mum’s lap.
“Kathy gave me a lolly!” Mina held out the blue candy, as if it were treasure.
“I hope that was okay.” Kathy handed over the bag with Mina’s stuff in it.
“Of course. Thank you for bringing her here. Do you need fare?” Molly grabbed her purse.
“No! You and Mycroft pay me enough. Have fun tonight!” Kathy ran out of the office before Molly could force more money on her.
“John and Mary?” Molly sat her daughter on the desk facing her.
“Yes, we are going to have dinner with them tonight. And Mrs. Hudson.”
“Mrs. Hudson!” Mina squealed in delight.
“Lestrade too.” Mina bounced her little feet. “Mina, how would you like to meet a new friend of mummy’s?” Molly’s eyebrows were raised together.
“A new friend?” She mimicked Molly.
“Yes. His name is Sherlock.”
“Sher-lock?” Mina’s tiny voice went up on the last syllable of his name.
“He solves crimes.”
“Like Lestrade?” Mina licked the lolly.
“Yes, like Lestrade.” Molly kissed her tiny daughter. “I need to finish some paper work and then we can go, okay?” Mina bobbed her head up and down.
 One year and six months previous:
“Mycroft?” Molly stood at the door of her flat, wrapped in a blanket that barely covered her belly. “It’s one in the morning.”
“I know. May I come in?” Molly moved aside and let him in. She motioned to the couch and Mycroft sat. She took the chair across from him.
“Why are you here? I thought you didn’t want to have contact with me.” Molly shifted in her seat, as the baby kicked her ribs.
“I have been thinking a lot about you and your baby.” Mycroft cleared his throat. “Without Sherlock all I have are my parents.”
“Okay?” Molly asked when he paused.
“I would like to be involved.”
“Well, you are her uncle.” Molly rubbed at the spot she had just kicked.
“A girl?” Mycroft’s eyebrows went up in surprise.
“Yes.” Molly smiled.
“Here.” Mycroft held out a set of keys to Molly.
“What are these for?” Molly rubbed at her eyes.
“Your new home.”
“What?!” She stared in shock at the shiny keys in front of her face.
“I want to help you financially. I will never have a family of my own and I have more money than one person needs.” He continued to hold the keys out to her.
“Mycroft, I can’t accept this.” Molly pushed his hand away.
“The deed is in your name.” He left the keys on the side table when he stood up. “I have also hired you a moving crew – they will be here next week.” With that he left.
“Well,” Molly picked up the keys, talking to her belly, “this could be worse.”
As Molly and Mina arrived at Baker Street all of the reporters where leaving and she could see John and Sherlock heading back up to the flat.
“Uncle John! Uncle John!” Mina chanted as Molly got her out of the cab. She took a deep breath before she ascended the stairs. At the top she slowly pushed the door to Sherlock’s flat open.
“Molly! Finally! I was beginning to think Sherlock and John were lying to me.” Mrs. Hudson got up and gave Molly a small hug. “Oh Mina, you are getting so big!” Molly looked around the room and gave Mina over to Mrs. Hudson and Mary. John and Lestrade sat in the chairs, but Sherlock was nowhere to be seen.
“Where…where is Sherlock?” Her voice caught in her throat. She hung her coat on the last empty hook and sat Mina’s bag on the ground before closing the door.
“Right here.” He walked in from the kitchen, wearing the deerstalker hat.
“For goodness sake, take that thing off!” John chuckled at him.
“Molly.” He smiled and gave her a small kiss on the cheek. She gave him a worried look as he tossed the hat to John.
Molly motioned for Mina to come to her. She picked up her daughter and turned to face him. “Sherlock, this is my daughter, Mina. Mina this is mummy’s friend Sherlock, can you say hi?”
“Hi.” She batted her long eye lashes at him as he stared speechless at the little girl in Molly’s arms. Her hair was dark and curly. She had Molly’s eyes and smile, there was no mistaking that, but her face, her defined cheekbones, those were his.
“Hi.” He finally managed. “Molly, can I talk to you a minute?” Without waiting for her response he walked to his bedroom.
“Mina, go see Uncle John.” Molly put the girl on the floor
“What’s wrong?” John asked as Mina settled on his lap. Molly just shook her head and followed after Sherlock, closing the door behind her.
“Sherlo- ” He held up his hand stopping her from speaking. He just stood staring at her, looking her up and down.
“How did I miss it? It is written all over you...you’re a mother.”
“Yes,” she said quietly as she sat down on the edge of his bed.
“Mina is short for Willamina, I presume?” He was no longer looking at her.
“Yes.” Molly fidgeted with the bottom of her blouse.
“Named for her father?” Molly nodded. “Why didn’t you tell me?” He sat down next to her.
“I didn’t know how to.” Tears started to cloud her vision. “I should have told you earlier today – I shouldn’t have sprung her on you.” She wiped the tears away with the sleeve of her shirt. “Honestly, I’m surprised Mycroft didn’t tell you.”
“Mycroft knows?” The irritation in his voice was evident.
“He was the first person I told…he’s actually very involved with her – they all are.” She motioned to the door and to the group of people on the other side of it.
“Is Mycroft the only one who knows?” She nodded yes. “Molly, I don’t want to be a father.”
“I didn’t ask you to be!” She stood up, her frustration building. “This isn’t some plea for you to come into her life – she has more than enough people who care about her.”
"The people out there that have no clue that I’m her father?” Sherlock scoffed at her.
“Yes! Those people!” Molly stomped her foot. “Those people are her family and they know her value, her beauty.” She sighed and knelt down before him. “Sherlock,” her voice was quiet again, “if you just get to know her, you will see – ”
He cupped her face and brushed his thumb over her lips before gently kissing her.
“Molly,” her name sounded like a song on his lips. “Molly, I, just…” She gripped the front of his shirt tightly.
“She is so much like you.”
“I,” he cleared his throat, “I already told you,” he stood up abruptly, dragging her to her feet, “I don’t want to be a father.”
Molly nodded sadly.
“She is amazing, Sherlock, and I promise you that you will want to know her.” She walked past him and opened the door, back to reality.
“Mummy! Uncle John said I could have ice cream for dinner!” Mina sat in Mary’s lap playing with cards.
“Oh did he? Well, Uncle John was wrong.” Molly sat down on the arm of John’s chair and gave him a shove.
Sherlock walked silently to his chair and sunk down in it, his eyes on her. She felt her face growing red and turned her attention back to Mina.
“But, Uncle John is never wrong.” Mina’s big brown eyes glassed over, looking like she was going to cry.
“Willamina, do not even think about making a fuss.” Molly stared her daughter down. “Is that how we behave?”
“No.” Mina pouted but said nothing else.
“Thank you.” Molly could see Sherlock watching her out of the corner of her eye.
“Maybe we could get you to use your “Mum” voice on Sherlock.” John nudged Molly’s leg and she gave a little ‘Yea’, extremely thankful when Mrs. Hudson called them all to the kitchen for dinner.
“Mummy, can I sit next to Mary?” Mina’s eyes shown up at her like little stars, she was really hard to say no to when she was being an angel.
“If Mary wants you to sit next to her.” Molly wiggled her nose against Mina’s, feeling Sherlock’s watchful eyes on them.
“Of course I do!” Mary patted the seat that Mrs. Hudson had gotten for her. Molly popped her in between Mary and John and got her a plate. Unfortunately, by the time she had gotten Mina settled for dinner, the only seat left was between Lestrade and Sherlock. Molly did her best to ignore him, but his presence was hard to overlook.
 “Mina, I know your mother taught you how to use a fork.” John said quietly as he pushed the utensil towards her. Molly watched from down the table as the conversation continued around them.
“Fingers are more fun!” Mina picked up a potato and squished it between her thumb and pointer.
“I know your mum prefers you to use your fork,” John looked down at his ‘niece’, “so please do so.”
“But I don’t want to.” The tiny girl continued to pick at her food, wearing thin on both her Uncle John’s nerves and her mother’s.
“Willamina, you have been asked to use your fork.” John’s voice was louder this time. Molly could see Sherlock watching the two of them.
“Willamina Scotia Hooper.” The table fell silent as Molly used her full name. “Your Uncle has already asked you to use your fork and if he has to ask you again, you will not be getting desert.”
Mina picked up her fork and started eating again. John smiled encouragingly at Molly as the conversation started again.
“You call John her uncle?” Sherlock asked low enough that only Molly could hear him.
“Yes, he’s been there for her since the beginning.”
  A year and six months previous:
“Wow! This place is great!” It was the day after the movers had brought all of Molly’s stuff and the only thing set up was her bed.
“It is, but I have no clue how to set up house.” Molly sat on the couch with her feet propped up on a box. John turned to her and she gave him a look.
“Oh. Oh no! I don’t know how to do this either!” He backed up a few paces, arms out in front of him.
“Well who else am I supposed to ask?” He was the only ‘family’ she had left.
“Not me!” John spat back. They were both quiet for a minute, thinking. “Mrs. Hudson?” He offered.
“Do you think she would mind?” Molly didn’t want to be an inconvenience.
“She’ll love it! I’ll ring her.”
 “Thank you both so much!” Molly, John, and Mrs. Hudson sat in Molly’s fully decorated and arranged living room. It had taken them a few weeks, but the house was fully moved into.
“Oh it was nothing!” Mrs. Hudson beamed. “As long as you promise me that I get to see that baby growing up here!”
“Of course! I am going to need both of you!” She grabbed their hands and squeezed them.
“Have you thought of a name yet?” John asked. Molly nodded.
“What do you think of…Willamina Scotia?”
“It’s perfect.” John nodded.
After dinner Mina got her ice cream as Molly had promised. And after the ice cream the girl snuggled with her Uncle Lestrade and nodded off in his arms. Molly couldn’t bear to wake her up yet, she looked so adorable and she was enjoying the adult conversation for once.
Until Sherlock started being a prat.
Molly wasn’t even sure what they were arguing about when Sherlock sunk down into his chair, seething. She frowned at how much he reminded her of Mina.
“I have not missed this!” John threw his hands in the air, but Sherlock ignored him. “You’re acting a little dramatic.” John sighed and sat down in his chair, across from where Lestrade and Mina were. Molly watched as John frowned, studying Mina’s face. He looked to Sherlock and back to Mina and back to Sherlock. “Or maybe you’re acting like a child.” Sherlock sat up straighter and folded his hand in his lap. “Throwing a temper tantrum.”
“John,” Sherlock warned.
“No, no!” John sat forward in his chair. “What was earlier about? Between you two?” He pointed to Molly.
“John, I didn’t…I didn’t know how to tell you.” There was no use in lying now.
“Well, shit,” Lestrade looked down at the girl sleeping in his lap, “she definitely looks like him.”
“You knew the minute you saw her, didn’t you?” Mary asked Sherlock, but he didn’t say anything.
“Mycroft didn’t think – ”
“I always wondered why Mycroft cared.” John gave a laugh. “It’s all starting to make so much more sense.”
The room was silent for a moment and no one knew what to say.
“So, are you two a…thing now?” Lestrade asked.
“No!” Molly and Sherlock responded together.
“Oookay.” Lestrade tried to hide the laugh that was rising in his throat.
The conversation in the room started back up, slowly, making Molly feel more at ease.
“John?” She stood up and motioned to the door. He nodded and followed her out. “I really am sorry.” He didn’t say anything but just gathered her in his arms, hugging her tightly. “You’re not mad?”
“I mean, a little bit.” He let her go but he was still smiling. “I still love you both.”
“I wanted to tell you…especially the day she was born.” John wrinkled his brow in confusion. “When you held her for the first time, you said, ‘Look at those cheekbones! She looks just like……she’s beautiful.’ And then you smiled at me.”
“I forgot about that.” He laughed.
The sound of Molly’s ringtone filled the small landing. She dug her mobile out of her pocket.
“It all makes sense.” John muttered to himself as he went back into the flat.
“Molly, you must still be in town. You didn’t pick up at home.”
“Yes, Mycroft I am.” She sat down on the top stair and rested her head against the wall.
“Do you need a ride home?”
“Actually, yea, that would be great.” Molly rubbed at a stain on pants.
“Where are you?”
“Umm, I’m at…221BBakerStreet.” She rushed.
“Baker Street?”
“I’m at Sherlock’s,” she admitted.
“I will be there in ten minutes.” He hung up without saying goodbye and she slid her mobile into her pocket. The door of the flat opened and Mary came out.
“Hi.” She sat down next to Molly. “How are you?” she asked as she wrapped her arm around her.
“Umm, okay?” She rested her head against Mary’s shoulder.
“She is so much like him.”
“Yeah.” Molly nodded in agreement. “She…she is.” The tears started streaming down Molly’s face and Mary held her as she cried, rocking her soothingly. “He..he doesn’t want…want to be a father.” Mary rubbed Molly’s back as her tears turned to hiccups.
“Did you want that?” Mary asked when Molly’s hiccups finally subsided.
“I don’t know…I never expected him to come back…and now here he is.” Molly sat up and wiped her face.
“Here he is.” Mary patted her knee. “But you’ve got us.”
“We’ve got you.” Molly nodded.
“Come on.” Mary stood up and helped Molly to her feet. She followed her inside where the conversation had turned to old cases.
Molly pulled her coat on and slung Mina’s bag over her shoulder.
“I have to steel her back,” she said as she walked over to Lestrade.
“I guess I understand.” He stood and handed the girl off to Molly.
“Leaving?” John asked.
“Yeah, Mycroft is coming to get us and he will be here any minute.”
“Mycroft?” Sherlock’s voice was coated with venom for his older brother.
“Ah, yes. He is taking us home. I have to go.” Molly avoided Sherlock’s gaze. “Good night.” She addressed the rest of the room and fled the flat as fast as she could. She felt the door catch as she tried to close it. She turned to see Sherlock’s fingers curling around the edge of the door.
“Need a word with my brother.” Sherlock said with an air of lightness, but Molly knew it was a façade. “Can I walk you down, Molly?”
“Looks like I don’t have a choice.” She turned and started her way down the stairs, slowly. Molly was clumsy on a good day and even worse on a bad day, especially while carrying Mina.
“Here.” Sherlock stepped in front of her and slid Mina out of her arms and into his before Molly could object. He walked down the stairs just as gracefully as normal and still beat her to the bottom by half a stair case.
When Molly reached the bottom of the stairs she couldn’t stop the tears from falling again. One look at Mina sleeping in Sherlock’s arms, her father’s arms, did her in. She turned away from Sherlock and took a few steading breaths, wiping away the tears.
“Molly.” He stood right behind her. “I didn’t mean to upset you.”
“Well you did!” She gave up on trying to clear away the tears and turned back to face him. “You tell me you don’t want to be a father and then you kiss me?! And now, you…you think you can just carry her, hold her, and think it won’t affect me?”
“Mummy?” She rubbed her eyes. “Are we going home?”
“Yes. Uncle Mikey is taking us home.” She wiped at her tears again.
“Uncle Mikey.” Sherlock laughed at the thought, but stopped short when Molly gave him an icy glare.
“Mummy, why are you sad?” Mine reached her tiny hand out and touched Molly’s face.
“I’m not sad honey, I just have something in my eye.” Molly wiped away the last few tears and gave her daughter a smile. “See? All better!” She reached out and took Mina from Sherlock and hoisted the little girl up on her hip.
“Sherlock?” He flicked his eyes away from Molly’s face and down into Mina’s. “Mummy says you solve crimes.”
“I do.”
“Are there dead bodies at crimes, like at mummy’s work?” Molly shook her head as Sherlock gave the little girl a genuine smile.
“When your mother is a pathologist nothing really scares you.” She saw Mycroft’s car pulling up. “Thank you for...an evening.” She gave him a tight smile and opened the door when the car stopped, putting Mina in her seat that was permanently there. Mycroft emerged from the other side.
“Sherlock. I see you’ve met Mina.” A sadistic smile sat on his lips.
“Yes. I have.” Molly closed the door and turned in time to watch Sherlock punch Mycroft in the face.
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crzcorgi · 7 years
Let it Bee
Second part to Bees Sting, there will be more!
Negan x Bee (reader’s nickname)
1700 words
Warnings ~ Negan language, sexual innuendo, Bee’s mental illness
If you want to be tagged, or asked to be tagged and I didn’t, please let me know!
@negans-network, @ladyhawk4133, @jenniegs, @memphisgirl1977, @mwesterfeld1985
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 As her bedroom door closed behind me, I leaned back against it. I needed to breathe, I needed to fucking count to ten. Because if I didn’t, I would probably most likely do something I know I would fucking regret.
  I strode down to the sitting area hoping that they would all be there, sure enough they were. Sitting on their lazy asses, not a fucking care in the world. I fucking spoil them. And while I, at one time thought it was a good idea, I was definitely rethinking it.
  “Ladies, we need to talk.” I walked over to the bar, looking back at them. “No one going to make me my drink? Getting to fucking big for your britches, eh?”
  “Well, Negan, are you sure you want one of us? Not your little new toy?” Sherry spoke as she made her way towards me.
  “Sherry, you do not want to fucking cross me right now.” After pouring my drink I made my way to sit down.
  “Okay, we can make this easy or you can make it fucking hard. Which is it goin’ be?”
 Sherry sat down, turning to face me, her hand quickly finding it’s way to my thigh. “Whatever are you talking about Negan?”
 I fucking laughed, “do not play fucking innocent with me girl, you all,” I swung my arm around, “know why I’m pissed. Now where the fuckity fuck is it?!”
  “I have no idea what…”
  “DO NOT START!!! WHERE IS IT!” I was beyond any form of patience. Standing up, I grabbed Sherry by the upper arm, pulling her up to standing. “Go get it for me, or I will have Dwight and Fat Joseph search each and every one of your rooms. Do I make myself fucking clear?!”
  With a shocked look on her face, Sherry stormed off down the hallway towards her room. The others just looking down, anywhere but at me.
  “Let’s get something fucking straight. I do not condone fucking fighting between you girls. If it keeps up, if Bee is not treated with the fucking respect she deserves, we will be having a meeting to decide what happens next. And I can fucking promise, no one will be happy with the results. Got it?”
 Just then, Sherry reappeared with a tiny plush bee. Storming over to me, she shoved it at me, almost dropping it. “Here.”
   I put the threadbare bee in my pocket, my eyes never leaving Sherry. “We will talk about this some more. Your behavior will not be tolerated.” I grabbed her chin, forcing her to face me. “This will not go unpunished.” I started back down the hall to her room, turning to look at all of my wives. “Stay away from Bee, understand?”
  I didn’t wait to see their response, I wanted to get back to her. When I reached her door, I slowly pushed it open, hoping not to startle her.
  She was lying on her side, her knees drawn up to her stomach. At first glance, she looked pained, scared even. But I then noticed her still holding onto my scarf, she had it by her face, her fingers still playing with it.
  I felt like a fucking creeper, but I just was so fascinated by her behavior, by her, I couldn’t take my eyes away, I just wanted to watch, to stare. Yeah, she was like nobody I’d ever known. And I’d be fucking lying if I said I was fucking a-ok with it. I was nervous, she made me nervous. What if I did, or said something that upset her? What if I made her want to hurt herself? Fuck.
  She looked up, noticing me, and smiled, she actually fucking smiled.
  Stepping in and closing the door behind me, I made my way over to her
  “Hey, doll, feeling a bit better?” I sat on the edge of her bed.
  “A bit, yes.” Her big doe eyes looking at me, then quickly darting back to my scarf.
  I pulled her little bee out of my pocket, placing it gently on her leg. I held my breath, not knowing exactly how she might react.
  She sniffed a little, letting go of my scarf. She went to sit up, grabbing the bee at the same time. “My bee.” She stated, in a voice that wasn't​ at all expected, it was almost a statement. No excitement in it at all.
  As she sat up, she swung her legs off the bed. I watched her every move, trying to take it in, take her in. She truly fucking stumped me. I thought she would be thrilled. The loss of her bee caused her so much distress, I was led to believe that the return of it would do the opposite.
  Suddenly, she was beside me, her arms thrown around my stomach, her head on my chest. I could barely hear her as she spoke. “Thank you, thank you Negan, so very very much. My bee.”  She held that little fucker so tightly in her hand, never letting go.
  I began rubbing her back, hoping that once again she would be okay with it. And she was. We sat like that for a few minutes, her arms so tight, snug, around me, her sweet smell wafting up to my nose.
  “Can you look at me?”
  She slowly lifted her head away from my chest, looking up at me through her long lashes, her eyes a bit watery from the tears.
  “Would you come to my room this evening? Just to have a bite​ to eat, and talk. What do you think? We won’t do anything that will make you uncomfortable.”
  She thought for a moment, I could swear I fucking heard the cogs turning. “Well, you do owe me a meal.”
  I smiled as I saw her face. She was fucking teasing me. “That, I did doll. But I thought your bee was more fucking important. But I do, in fact, owe you a meal. So, come with me?”
  “Yes, and thank you again.” She leaned up, kissing my cheek, her lips barely touching, but I could feel the softness. Pulling her arms back, placing one hand in her lap, the other coming up to my face, lightly stroking my cheek.
  “I like your scruff, it feels nice.” She was looking at me, right into my eyes. “Don’t shave.” She pulled her hand away, playing with her bee. Her behavior was very different from anyone I had ever encountered. Her voice not always showing emotion. It was kind of disconcerting.
  “You’re the only one of my wives that likes it doll, so, would you think it’s fair to the others if I keep it for just one? I mean, not that I fucking listen to them anyway.”
 She stopped playing with her bee, placing it down her top, I’m assuming in her bra. Okay, I fucking suppose the others won’t look for it there.
  She stood up, walking over in front of me. Straddling my legs, she lowered herself onto my lap. She placed her hands on either side of my face, running her thumbs up and down my cheeks. Bringing her face closer, she leaned in, her lips slamming into mine, causing me to grunt. Her tongue darted out, slipping into my slightly open mouth, swirling around. She began making little sounds, and with each one, she would grind into my now fucking hard dick.
  Just as sudden as it started, she pulled away, a sassy as fuck smirk on her face. She stood up, still standing over me.
  I was almost speechless, “uh, yea, dinner. You ready?”
 “I’m always ready, Negan.” She winked walking back into her bathroom. “Just give me a second, I gotta go pee.” She winked as she closed the door.
  What the??? She was a fucking mystery that’s for sure. One minute she’s a sweet innocent, I’m questioning if she’s a fucking virgin. Next, she’s tongue fucking me.
  Not that I’m fucking complaining.
  As I waited for her I took a glance around her room. I couldn’t see anything that she might have brought with her, looked like just items that were already here. Looking on the dresser, I noticed a backpack. I stood walking over to it, not hearing Bee come out of the bathroom.
  “Mine!” She grabbed the bag, pulling it tightly to her chest.
  “I’m sorry sweetheart, I wasn’t going to look in it.” I fucked up, she would probably never trust me now.
  I turned to watch her sit down on her bed. Stepping closer, I knelt down in front of her. She didn’t acknowledge me, just sat there, clutching her backpack, looking fucking scared. Of me.
  “I am so sorry doll. I know you don’t believe me, you have every right to not. But I hope you can see it in you to forgive me. I just want to get to know you. Please come with me.”
  Taking yet another chance, I reached out to touch her arm. She didn’t flinch, just looked up at me, a tear running down her cheek. I lifted my hand up to gently wipe it away. She grabbed my hand, startling me.
 She brought my hand to her lips, kissing it. “I’m sorry Negan.”
  “No need for you to apologize, this was all me, sweetheart.” When she let go of my hand, I cupped her chin. “Come with me?”
  A small smile appeared on her,  “I am hungry.”
  “Great, let’s get going then!” I got up, starting for the door when I realized she wasn’t following. I turned to see her placing her backpack on her pillow. She then began wrapping her bee in my scarf, drawing them close to her chest.
  As she walked over to me, I offered her my hand, figuring she would just ignore it. To my surprise, her hand instantly darted out to find mine, her tiny fingers quickly intertwining with my much larger ones.
  As we started walking out I thought about this, about us. What was I getting into? How exactly would it work out? I’m a mean motherfucker, no one has ever accused me of be caring, of being sensitive. But Bee brought a part of me out that had long been hidden, maybe a part that had never even seen the fucking light of day.
  I could sense that this was going to be one hell of a trip with her. And I was in for the long haul.
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thelastpilot · 8 years
Knighted- Chapter 2
Two distinct scenes in this one. Introducing fully King Otis and Queen Marlena, with mentions of the entire royal family.
Chapter 1 here
“This is where you’ll be staying,” the servant said suddenly, stopping so abruptly that Nino was forced to pull back to keep from hitting him. The short boy looked up at him with an even expression, but Nino could see the slight smile threatening to break through his practiced neutrality. “These are the guards’ rooms,” he went on the explain, his smile growing, “you have a place in there. I believe there is an empty bed in the farthest room down on the right hand side.”
Nino nodded, looking around him into what seemed to be a long row of modest sleeping chambers, three or so beds to a room each. From what he could see there were also sizable areas for armor, clothing and weapons, kept separate from the sleeping quarters.
“Can I say sir,” the servant spoke again, drawing Nino’s attention back down to the boy who for the first time was smiling freely. He hesitated to continue, looking around himself before saying, “To see someone like myself join the guard… well,” he grinned, “It’s a sight to see. If there is anything you need, anything at all, I can’t imagine a single servant in the castle who would not be quick to help you.”
Nino blinked once before he felt that same light excitement in his chest, fueling his smile as he reached out to clap the boy on the shoulder.
“Thank you,” he replied genuinely. He looked around himself a bit nervously before laughing, saying, “The support makes me a lot more comfortable, actually. I’m expecting a lot of fallout from the other guards. I can’t imagine many of them would be happy about me barging in.”
The serving boy gave him another bright smile, returning the familiar gesture as he said, “Don’t let any of them tell you that you don’t belong there. Do it for all of us, yeah?”
“I will, I promise. Thank you for showing me here.”
“Anytime, sir,” he added the title with a smile, clearly glad to use it even if Nino was unsure what to do with it. So instead the new guard bowed his head in thanks and stepped inside, leaving the servant to go about his business as Nino found his way to his room.
 The guards’ area was simple and had little of note, each room small and crowded but well kept. He continued walking, moving around a few scattered things like belts and twisted metal from casual fireside repairs in the main room. He couldn’t help it, even though he knew he was going to catch a lot of crap, he couldn’t help but start to feel excited.
He walked down the narrow hall and stopped at the door to the last room, hesitantly knocking once to make sure it was as empty as everything else was at the moment before opening it.
 It was a simple room with enough space for four beds pushed up into each corner with a chest for personal affects beneath each.
The beds themselves were a lot nicer than what Nino was used to, but likely still seen as modest by most of the people here who used them. The sheets of three of the beds looked used and he could see that the chests were either scratched from movement or ajar from its contents, betraying that they were in use. However, the fourth bed to the immediate right of the door was left alone, dull from gathered dust. Its chest was left open and empty save a lost button and other such useless trash, so Nino took the safe assumption that this space would be his.
He had honestly been expecting a little more, most of the guard were the sons of noblemen but… well they were effectively a standing army he supposed. There were quite a few royal guards charged with keeping the castle, they’d take up a lot of room fast if their quarters were as lavish as the court members.
He smiled at the use of ‘their’ and ‘they’, his heart leaping at every mention of the collective, because he was a part of the collective. He was a guard, a royal guard. Prejudice be damned… he didn’t care what anyone said to him. This was his bed, and he was going to earn it by putting everything he had into this job.
He didn’t hesitate to kneel down and pull his pack from his back, starting to separate some things and putting them in the chest as was appropriate. He separated his admittedly light purse and placed it in his pocket and he smoothed out the sheets of his bed and coughed a bit at the dust it raised, tossing them to throw a majority of the dust and dirt off to the side to collect against the wall.
As he worked his thoughts wandered, caught up in how surreal it felt to be standing there at all…
The dust from his newly claimed bed swirled in the heavy light filtering through the single window across from the door, and part of him wondered if he looked out of place there. After a moment his hand trailed absently to his sword, gripping the hilt lightly as he stared at nothing.
He felt out of place… naturally. He had never been in a castle before, let alone lived in one… but here he was.
He stood tall and still, illuminated by the light of the window. The sun’s rays washed over the city, over the castle and over the armored men who guarded it. It fell over peasants, kings, fighters, and nomads, and it too fell on him.
Without saying a word he pulled his sword from its sheath, laying the flat of the blade across his hands and watching it shine in the light. It was an amateurs weapon; one he had traded for in the town he had grown up in. He knew it was likely to be replaced, but he respected it for where it had gotten him. If he hadn’t trained with it every day and fought with it when necessary, he never would have made it here…
It didn’t feel deserved… not yet. Nino didn’t understand what had compelled Adrien to say what he had, but when he had heard it it didn’t sound hollow or forced. Somehow it was really what he had believed… and Nino wanted to earn that too, he wanted to earn all of it. Adrien had seen some kind of potential in him, enough to bring him here… it made him wonder if he was meant for something grand. Or perhaps not, not everyone had an epic destiny… but something important.
The way the servant had looked at him as he escorted him to his rooms, knowing him to be a member of the royal guard… maybe that was why. If his presence in the castle could give hope and faith to the people who never thought they would see the day… then perhaps that was important enough. So he had to work hard, to prove to himself that he was just as good as well as to prove it to everyone else. And for everyone else.
Perhaps that was important enough…
He was pulled from his thoughts very suddenly, the sound of armored boots approaching startling him. He hurried to sheathe his sword again, somewhat nervously patting dust from his pant legs as he heard the door to the main area open, and the sound of three or so men enter mid-conversation.
“That’s what I heard anyways, do you think it’s true?”
“Must be,” said the second, the words accompanied by the sound of someone sitting heavily at one of the tables. “It was the king’s messenger that said it, which means it was probably the king who sent it out. Hard to believe though.”
“It’s ridiculous,” scoffed the third, his voice heavy and mean spirited. “What the hell does this mean for us if they just let any crap with a sword stand guard in the castle? The city guard I’d pass, but here?”
Nino bristled, hesitating to step out now that he knew the conversation was about him but nearly compelled to reveal himself now that he saw how it was. However, before he could step out the first voice spoke again.
“I highly doubt he’s just a regular commoner. Why the hell would the king bother if it wasn’t anyone of note? If he’s some commoner from an outlying territory AND the king saw to the matter himself I’m guessing he means business.”
The second hummed in agreement, sounding as if he was adjusting some bit of his armor. “Yea, if they managed that then I’m bettin’ it’s someone you wouldn’t want to scrap with. I’d like to see what he’s made of.”
They murmured and trailed off, and Nino felt a little childish hiding in his room like he was. So far the impression in the guard was, from what numbers he had, two thirds ‘Let’s wait and see’ and one third outright refusal. That was a lot better than he was expecting to be completely honest, so it seemed stupid to just try and wait it out till they left. After only a moment’s more hesitation he adjusted his sword to be held closely to his side, and with one hand he swung the door open, stepping out into the hallway.
 He avoided looking at them at first, closing the door behind him before walking out towards the main room. They had noticed he was there the second they had seen movement, and when he cleared the hallway he got a clean look at all of them since they had turned fully to regard him.
There were three of them as he had guessed before, and it was fairly easy to peg which voice belonged to who. The first one was still standing, a man who was slightly shorter than himself and sporting a closely shaved beard and long, tied back brown hair. The second was sitting and adjusting the shoulder attachment of his armor, looking up at him from his seat but was likely pretty tall, if Nino had to guess. His hair was a bit unusual, a majority of it dark but the longest tuft of it in the front unnaturally blonde in a way he likely achieved with dye of some kind. He was thick chested, but not nearly as much so as the third.
The third man was sitting as well, standing now as Nino approached and revealing he was a full head shorter. His chest was as round and thick as a barrel and the sneer on his face betrayed him as the guard who had some less than kind things to say about his recruitment.
All three of them were wearing the same outfit and armor set, as all guards did within the castle walls. A thick blue clothing set to take the weight of their shining armor, the long vibrant cloth tied beneath the shoulder guard a deep royal purple and bearing the crest of the Césaire Family who they were sworn to serve. Nino felt a kind of pressure as they all looked him over at once, but he stood firm, looking towards the first guard as he addressed him.
“Well if I had to guess I’d say you were the man of the hour,” he said simply, stepping around the table to get a better look at him. “You’re the farm boy right?”
Nino paused, not sure how to respond without outright starting a fight. He settled for, “I was, yeah.”
The guard smiled, his teeth perfectly white and demeanor charming, probably. It came off as a bit snake like to Nino but he didn’t sense any real hostility. Only the kind of slant that comes from naturally thinking you’re better than someone else.
“I’m Dawlyn,” he said simply, holding out a hand to shake. Nino hesitated for a second but thought better of leaving him hanging, not wanting to be rude if he wasn’t going to be.
“Nino,” he replied, letting the contact drop and not missing how Dawlyn made a not so subtle attempt to keep the handshake firm, but Nino was pleased he hadn’t faltered at all. It was clear these guys were sizing him up.
Dawlyn gestured to his left, pointing first to the second guard who had now fixed whatever fault was in his armor, then to the third.
“This is Kim and Rodney. We just came in off our shifts at the armory. We only just heard, pretty impressive you know,” he said with a grin, his tone still a little superior. “Not every day someone bottom class gets an audience with the king.”
Nino hesitated again, hedging his bets and thinking his sentences through before replying. “It was an honor to be considered for the guard by the king himself. His Majesty has put his faith in me, I have no intention of letting him down.”
Rodney scoffed aloud but the other two raised their eyebrows, shooting a glance at each other. It was kind of intimidating; they were right to have been wary of him. The new guy was young but he looked strong, and the rumor had been true that the king had picked him himself. Why?
Nino was fighting to keep the smile from his face, pleased with the effect of his words. He’d rather the other guards be intimidated by him then superior like Rodney.
“So why you?” Kim cut in suddenly, shifting from his seat on the bench to angle his body towards Nino. “If the king is picking from outside the noble families there’s got to be a reason. What made you stick out then?”
Nino turned towards Kim and examined his expression for a second time, deciding he liked that he saw there more than he did with Dawlyn. At most Kim was jockish, challenging him and wanting to know what made him so special. That, at least, he could respect.
“I was recommended by a member of the court; Sir Agreste had been moving through the area I lived in when he was attacked. I helped him get out of the situation alive despite the fact that we were outnumbered ten to one and he was impressed enough that he recommended me for an audience. Now I’m here,” Nino summarized offhandedly, not really wanting to justify himself. Dawlyn was nodding, Rodney was muttering something likely to be rude under his breath but Kim seemed impressed, standing as well and extending a hand to shake.
“If however you fought was impressive enough to land you here then whatever,” he said simply, shaking Nino’s hand roughly. “But when it comes time for sparing I’m first in line, you got it?”
Kim grinned at him happily, pleased with his scheduled fight and Nino was forced to nod in agreement though he didn’t really like the idea of lining up fights within the first conversation. He didn’t want to get his ass kicked and end up losing a lot of respect, but if he won it could have the opposite effect. Worth doing, he supposed.
“If you’re settled you’ll probably want to get to talking with the captain,” Dawlyn spoke up, nodding towards the door. “They were in the armory last we saw when they got the message that you were around, so they’ll probably be looking for you.”
“Oh, right,” Nino answered, having been wondering where exactly he was supposed to be next. “Um, where is that? Just, point me in the right direction.”
“Follow the exterior hall around the castle,” Kim interrupted before Dawlyn could say anything, gesturing a thick armored hand in a sweep of motion that followed what he knew to be the farthest walls of the fortress. “You’ll see the training grounds first then the armory next. Just ask any guards if you can’t find it, I bet they all want a chance to talk to you anyways.”
“Better hurry,” Rodney spoke up darkly, probably intending on returning to shit talking the second Nino was out of earshot. “Captain doesn’t like to be kept waiting.”
“Thanks. I’ll be going then.” Nino squared his shoulders and didn’t waste any time with retaliating against Rodney’s sour attitude. He had a point about not keeping the captain waiting, they were essentially his boss. Best not to linger.
Kim nodded, turning to sit again and thoroughly over the appeal of the new guy. Dawlyn stayed standing, watching Nino leave and waiting a little while after he had gone before saying, “Interesting guy… Wonder how long he’ll last.”
 Otis Césaire was a fair king, and though perhaps in his rule he had never been overtly adored by his people, he had always been respected. His kingdom had seen both hard times and great boons, and despite his constant fear that he wasn’t doing right by his people his queen would always reassure him, lending him her calm voice through every struggle. However, even in times of peace Marlena’s voice was always a relief to hear.
“You’ve caused a stir,” the queen suddenly spoke, drawing her husband’s attention from where he was lost in thought in their chambers, languishing over a weight stack of documents on his desk. He audibly sighed at the sight of her, glad for the distraction from his taxing work.
Marlena stood in the open doorway, her hands folded against her stomach as she stepped forward with a gentle smile. She was dark skinned, though not so dark as her husband, and her dark eyes shined as she spoke again, reaching up absentmindedly to toy with the loose bun of her hair.
“I go out for the day and return to see everyone gossiping. What’s happened now?”
“Has it really caused that much of a fuss?” Otis huffed, shaking his head and sighing again. “I had hoped that the guard would be more open minded by now.” The king looked past his wife, noticing that the door had been left open behind her with a pair of guards standing watch. He waited until it had been closed to continue, standing away from his desk to greet his wife.
“I added a new guard to the castle is all, it has only gained so much attention because he isn’t from one of the noble families.”
Marlena paused, her fingers lingering with the dark strands of her hair caught between each. “A commoner? The one Adrien met then, I’m assuming.”
“Yes, he arrived a bit earlier than we thought he would. They’ll get over it, I’m sure. I saw him myself, he seems admirable. He’s untrained but he has potential, I saw no reason to deny him. There are bigger things to consider right now.”
“Yes, of course,” Marlena agreed, sobering somewhat at the hint of heavier topics. She watched as the weight of things unsaid settled on her husband’s shoulders, and with a twinge of discomfort for the stress he must be under she tried to commend him.
“It’s a good decision, especially now. For the people to see someone of their own standing move up in the castle, it matters to them. Having that kind of encouragement will be important.”
“Yes…” the king agreed, occupied with other thoughts. Silence fell and it took the gentle pressure of his wife’s hand on his shoulder to remind him he must be worrying her.
There was so much that could not be done yet, obsessing over it now would accomplish nothing.
“How are the girls?” Otis asked abruptly, changing the subject and offering his wife a smile. He grinned at her pout, not entirely happy with his deflection, but after a moment she decided to indulge him.
“I checked in on the little ones just before coming. Etta and Ella have been having fun with their new lessons, they are finding it more of a game then Alya did at their age, which is a relief.” She laughed a little, shaking her head at old memories as she started to redo her bun properly now. “It might also have to do with the fact that they get to do them together, so they enjoy it more.”
“Did Alya enjoy the trip?” Otis asked somewhat eagerly, searching his wife’s expression. To his dismay her lips tightened, and in unison they both sighed.
“What’s happened?” he groaned.
“Nothing new,” Marlena answered, sounding a little exasperated but trying to be understanding. “I don’t know how things turned out this way, she’s exhausted with politics already.”
“It is exhausting,” Otis allowed, but he frowned. “Still, if she is going to be a ruler one day she- we have to reign in her- her-…” he seemed at a loss for how to describe it, and in a sudden gesture said, “her rebellious antics.”
“Oh try and understand dear,” the queen defended, smiling in a motherly sort of way as she thought of her eldest daughter. “She was an only child for quite a long time, she grew up with the singular expectation of being a princess. She’s young still, it’s natural for her to want her freedom.”
The king grumbled a bit, reaching up to pinch at the bridge of his nose. “And knowing how hard headed she can be she’ll be sure to get it. Her strength is perfect to be queen, but her stubbornness will be her ruin.”
“She won’t be ruling anytime soon Otis,” Marlena comforted him, her voice soft. “We are both in good health, and caring for the twins has done a lot to balance her out. She still has a lot to learn, but we also still have the time to teach it to her. It will be alright.”
The king glowered and seemed intent on pouting, but one look at his wife’s sincerely gentle expression was enough to reassure him, it always was.
He reached out for her and pulled his queen into an embrace, gaining strength from holding her and finding it easier not to worry so much. Marlena was right… they still had time, and he could not dramatically say that she was hopeless, not at all. Alya had everything it took to be queen and lead with pride, but her temper of refusal to ever concede could mark trouble for her and her kingdom. What seemed like simple disobedience now meant much larger things for an heir to the throne. In some ways it was unfair… she was not allowed the leniency of a normal child, but she wasn’t a normal child.
She was a princess. One of which a lot was expected.
“You’re right dear, always are,” he said after a while, pulling away enough to look at her face. “I just worry about her.”
Marlena laughed immediately, the sound warm and full of humor as she said, “Our Alya is the kind of person who doesn’t need anybody whatsoever worrying out her in the slightest, yet desperately worries everyone around her regardless.”
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Prompt: Lena calling Kara, Daddy, and it triggers Kara taking her right there in the hallway of her apartment and not even bothering to take her inside.
Rated M for sMut!!
This is the prompt that started it all.
Making this fic for some of my more dirty tumblr prompts! so it may turn into a multi-chap if I feel inspired!
Love Me Harder
Read it on AO3-  http://archiveofourown.org/works/9935561
Lena has always had a rather … eclectic social media following.
There were those fans who follow her because she’s a Luthor and they expect her to follow in her brother’s footsteps. They’re her least favorite type of fan- all anti-alien and anti-Supergirl; and she makes a point to block them as soon as they show themselves. She doesn’t need that sort of negativity, and neither does Kara. Plus, any sort of contact that reminds her of Lex makes her a little sick to her stomach.
Then there are the fans that have a sort of morbid curiosity about her. Those that are just waiting for her to fall from grace. It’s like her life is a real life reality show that people can’t help but watch.
She opens her Instagram page, eyes widening when she sees the ridiculous amount of notifications.
Ahh, yes - she had added a picture of her and Kara the other day, and there was nothing her fans loved more than a good couple pic.
It isn’t even that ground breading of a picture, they’re eating ice cream for Pete’s sake. But something about the way Kara’s hand is settled possessively around her waist must set people off, because her inbox is full dirty comments, one in particular catching her eye.
“Tell me Lena Luthor doesn’t call Kara Danvers daddy in bed.“
She’s in so much shock that she doesn’t even hear Kara creep up behind her.
“Daddy? Why are they calling me daddy?”
She can feel the blush creep up her cheeks and she hears Kara gasp.
“It means something dirty doesn’t it?! What does it mean?!”
She forces her eyes to stay locked on the computer screen clicking away from her instagram and onto her email.
“Nothing, it doesn’t mean anything.”
Silence, and then Kara sits on the barstool beside her.
“I’m going to look it up.”
She tries not to wince because surely Kara doesn’t know about -
“Urban …” Kara says slowly, fingers typing away on the touchscreen of her phone. “Dictionary … daddy.”
Well shit.
She turns to look at her girlfriend, taking in Kara’s facial expressions as she reads.
“Hmmm, well that doesn’t sound right… How about…Oh. Oh! Oh! They think I’m-“ Kara clears her throat. “Sexually dominant?!” It comes out as an adorable little squeak that is definitely NOT ‘daddy af’ but it makes Lena smile nonetheless.
“Well, I mean you kind of … look the part.” She gestures to Kara’s outfit, a blue button down tucked into khaki pants, and yep she could totally see where her followers got the ‘daddy’ impression.
“Oh! I didn’t  … hmmm.” Kara fall silent, and Lena gives Kara her space, patiently waiting until she speaks again, nerves fluttering her voice.
“Is that something- I mean- I could … “ She trails off, locking eyes with Lena. “Do you want to be dominated in bed?”
She feels a surge of heat at Kara’s words, and the strange butterflies in her stomach set off.
“I’m not … opposed to being dominated.”
“That’s not what I asked.” The low, almost demanding tone to Kara’s voice does nothing to help salvage her panties.
“I - I-“ She doesn’t know how to say this; how to ask for this, but then she remembers that it’s Kara, and Kara has never made fun of her ffor anything, and even if she doesn’t understand, she won’t judge.
“If you were to take control sometimes I would enjoy it.”
“Why didn’t you tell me before?” Kara’s voice is soft, and her hand comes up to cup Lena’s chin.
“It’s just not something that’s come up. It’s not important or anything.”
Kara’s fingers trail down her neck to play with the hair that’s escaped from her bun and she shivers.
“If it’s something you want, then it’s important.”
“Well, I didn’t know if you would be … into it.” She coughs lightly and Kara looks downright offended.
“You don’t think I can be kinky!”
“What?! No! That’s not-”
“It is! You think innocent Kara Danvers can’t be kinky.”
“I didn’t say that!”
“Well, I’ll have you know I can totally be kinky.”
“Oh, you can?” As soon as she says it, she knows it’s a mistake, Kara’s eyes darkening and smirk slinking across her face.
“Oh ho! You’re in for it now, Princess.”
She fights the urge to gulp, her insides quivering under Kara’s dangerous stare.
“I need ground rules.”
And she knows what the other woman means, but she never really expected to be having this conversation with Kara.
“Ground rules?”
Kara’s fingers tug lightly on the lock of hair.
“Safe words, limits.” Their eyes lock and Lena does shiver then. “You’re having sex with the most powerful being on earth, wouldn’t be very smart not to set limits.”
She can’t really breath, so she isn’t sure how she manages to answer; but the word comes out - choked and breathless as it is.
Kara’s fingers stop their tugging, and Lena can tell she’s trying not to laugh.
“Pineapple is your safe word?”
Lena nods and Kara smiles softly.
“Alright, mine’s pepperoni.”
“Are we seriously using pizza toppings as safe words?”
“Well they’re easy to remember! And there’s no chance of us actually bringing pizza into the bedroom - unless?” Kara raises an eyebrow and she can’t help but laugh at the hopeful look on her girlfriend’s face.
“Hard no, I’m afraid.”
“So me licking pizza sauce off your tits is off the table?”
“As appealing as  you make it sound, I think we may have to stick with chocolate sauce.”
Kara’s eyes light up.
“And whipped cream?”
“And whipped cream.” She agrees and then Kara is back to business.
“Uhh, don’t actually choke me, but pressure is welcome.”
“Anything in the toy drawer is fair game.”
Kara hums thoughtfully at that.
“I’m open to a little ass play but nothing … extreme.”
Kara nods.
"Sex while flying?”
“Sure.” She’s agrees, because she’s a little afraid of flying, but that’s kind of the point, right?
“Sex in public?”
“Yes? But don’t let anybody actually see us. I don’t think either of us want that all over the tabloids.”
“I dunno, might be kind of fun - people seeing you all dripping and on your knees for me, begging me to let you come.” Kara shrugs, like telling Lena all the dirty things she wants to do to her is the most nonchalant thing in the world. “It would definitely let people know who’s in charge.”
Kara must see the way she trembles, because her smirk widens.
“Maybe I should have told you about this sooner.”
“I might surprise you.”
“You always surprise me.”
Kara’s face softens.
“So whats the signal?”
“Yea, for me to be all … daddy.”
“How about I just call you Daddy and then you take over from there?”
Kara looks excited as she leans in for a quick kiss.
“I’ll wait patiently for you to call me Daddy then.”
- - - - - - - -  - - - - - - - - - - - -
It’s two weeks before she gets a chance to use the signal.
To be fair, they’ve been a little busy, L-Corp had some break-ins, and Supergirl had a whole host of alien threats to deal with.
And she doesn’t want to just blurt it out during dinner - not the first time, anyway.
So she waits, because she’s a little nervous if she’s being honest. Not because she thinks Kara will do something she doesn’t want, but because she’s never been this open with someone, to let them see her vulnerable.
So she waits, until Kara’s head is buried between her legs, tongue lapping at her clit. The word slips out, in haze of arousal as she’s gasping for breath.
She feels Kara’s back stiffen under her heels, and a split second later she’s flipped over onto her stomach, Kara’s weight pressing onto her back.
There’s a pillow shoved under her stomach, and her ass is in the air, Kara’s voice breathless in her ear.
“Are you sure?”
She barely get out half a nod before Kara is thrusting into her with three fingers.
Her other hand is fisting in Lena’s hair, pulling so tight that its should hurt, but it doesn’t - it only makes her breath come in short, ragged gasps.
“So close already, babygirl.”
She doesn’t even try to respond, her brain is too muddled and there’s no way she can come up with a coherent thought.
“Mmm. maybe I’ll have the heart to make you wait next time, but right now you look so good with my fingers inside of you, and you’re so, so wet, baby-“
She whimpers as she comes, and Kara’s fingers slowly massage her front wall, drawing out another few shudders.
“That was fast.” Kara observes before she presses a kiss to Lena’s shoulder blade.
“Sorry.” She whimpers half-heartedly.
“Mmm, I’m not complaining. We could have more fun with more time though? Maybe you could call it before I’m three knuckles deep.”
“Test run.” She moans as Kara’s fingers slip out of her.
“And, how did I do?”
Kara rolls off of her.
“No, I mean you’re hot, that was hot.”
“Oh yeah.”
- - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -
Three nights later, they’re walking up to Kara’s apartment after date night, and Kara looks so … fucking attractive.
If Instagram could see her right now then they would definitely call her ‘daddy”.
She’s wearing those back pants, the ones that make her ass look … whew. Lena’s getting hot under the collar just thinking about it.  The sleeves of Kara’s button up are rolled up, and her muscular forearms are on full display. That paired with the fact that Kara has been teasing her all night has left her a little needy.
“You’re looking good tonight, Daddy.”
She never thought the response would be so instantaneous. She thought that maybe once they reached the bedroom, Kara would try something.
The next thing she knows, she’s being slammed against the wall.
“Are you feeling frisky tonight, babygirl?” Kara’s voice is hot on her ear. “Do you want me to take you right here in the hallway?”
How Lena’s IQ goes from Ph.D level to a stuttering mess she isn’t sure, (it probably has something to do with Kara’s hand creeping up under her skirt), but she can’t come up with audible response and instead settles for a whimper.
“Yeah? Is that what you want? You want me to just take you right here?”
Kara’s fingers grip her chin, tilting it up until their eyes meet.
“Tell me what you want.”
It’s a demand, not a question, and Lena shivers.
“I want you to fuck me.”
The word are barely out of her mouth before Kara’s fingers are inside of her, thrusting and twisting.
“Kara, Kara!” she hisses, nails digging uselessly at her girlfriend’s shoulder.
“Shhh, you gotta be quiet, babygirl, someone will hear you.”
Kara lifts her, and she wraps her legs around the super hero’s waist, groaning as the fingers inside of her hit a different angle.
“Anyone could walk up at anytime,” Kara whispers in her ear. “They could see me fucking you. Then they would know without a doubt that you’re mine.”
Lena whimpers at that and Kara slams into her harder. A third finger is added and she groans at the stretch. Kara’s circles her clit and she’s almost positive that she’s never been this aroused before, because well, Kara’s never fucked her in a hallway before. And it isn’t Lena’s private hallway, where they’re completely alone; it’s Kara’s public hallway, where someone could walk in at any moment.  And part of her knows that Kara can hear for miles and that she would never actually let them get caught, but there’s also the part of her that knows Kara wouldn’t really mind if they DID get caught.
If someone caught Kara Danvers fucking Lena Luthor senseless in a hallway.
She can feel herself building, the delicious precipice just out of grasp. She has no traction to thrust on Kara’s fingers, and she’s left helpless, her own fingers digging into Kara’s shoulder.
“Please.” She manages to choke out.
“Please what?” Kara’s voice is teasing, and Lena could shoot herself for the monster she’s helped create.
“Please make me cum, Daddy.”
Kara’s fingers double their speed, and Lena feels he head slam into the wall as she lets it fall back.
“Yes! Yes! Don’t stop! Don’t-”
The hand that isn’t between her legs comes up to cover her mouth, pressing just a little too tightly to be comfortable.
“Shhh, babygirl, you have to be quiet.”
She nods slowly, but the hand doesn’t move; pressing her roughly back into the wall.
It’s too much - Kara’s hand over her mouth, weight pressing her into the wall, fingers thrusting mercilessly inside of her - it’s too much, and she shudders, feeling Kara’s lips fall to her neck.
A sharp bite to her clavicle sends her over the edge, and she whines against Kara’s hand and her pussy clenches around the fingers inside of her.
“That’s it, babygirl, one more time.” Kara’s fingers are merciless, pounding into her until she feel herself fall over the edge again.
Her brain is a useless pile of mush as Kara lowers her to the ground, non-wet fingers brushing at the wrinkles in Lena’s clothes.
A door opens somewhere down the hall and Lena’s heart rate doubles.
“Oh, Kara everything all right out here? I heard someone pounding on the wall.”
Kara turns, managing to look the picture of pure innocence, despite her dirty persona just moments before.
“Sorry, Mrs. Morgan, I was just killing a fly! Didn’t mean to bother you!”
“That’s fine dear! Have a good night!” The little old lady closes her door and Kara turns to Lena with a smile on her face.
“Still think I can’t be a Daddy?”
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hey.... you got any.... fics???? *pokes head out of internet and makes awkwardly creepy face*
Hey there! Actually, I do *opens coat sneakily* rn I have something slightly based off of a convo @lord-of-potatoes and I had. Enjoy!
As long as he could remember, Evan hated gym class. He hated the sports and games they had to play, hated the anxiety of having to pick teams (surprise: he was usually among the last few), hated how uncoordinated gym made him look, and he hated the uniforms. But most of all, Evan especially hated having to change in the locker rooms. Or, god forbid, use the public showers. Evan avoided them like the plague. So when Evan reached junior year, he opted out of gym class as soon as possible. (Jared, of course, continued taking it, on the excuse that he had to maintain his record as champion of capture the flag.) Evan had never been a very body positive person, when he was younger he was lanky, all uncouth long limbs he couldn’t use quite right with no visible muscles anywhere. That didn’t change when he supposedly “grew into” his limbs, Evan still felt awkward and uncomfortable in his own skin. It didn’t change when summers of climbing trees and running and swimming gave him toned muscles in all the right places. It didn’t change when row after row of little white and red scars began to decorate his hipbone and upper thigh. Evan didn’t like changing in front of people, just as a general rule, and no one knew that better than Jared. So although Jared had a tendency to burst into rooms unannounced, he generally tried to knock when going over to Evan’s. This went out the window, however, when Jared got excited. Jared couldn’t remember what he was going to tell Evan, just that it was very important and very, very urgent. “Hansen!” Jared yelled, tearing into the room with laptop in hand, “You’ll never believe the idea that I– oh. OH!” Jared stopped, taking in Evan’s appearance. The poor boy looked like he had just gotten out of the shower and was about to change: his hair clumped together and wet droplets ran down towards his neck, a towel was wrapped around his waist, leaving his torso uncovered, shirt in hand as id he was about to put it on. “Uh, I’m so sorry, I’m just gonna–ah, wait out there and uh,” Jared stammered, clutching his laptop and backing out of the room. Evan grimaced and flushed as Jared left the room and pulled the door shut behind him. “Oh my GOD, keep it together Kleinman,” Jared scolded himself. “It’s just Evan, you’ve known him forever…” But since when had Evan looked like that?? Jared swore he would have noticed those toned abs and muscles had they been there before…the summer had definitely been good to Evan. “Maybe I should take up tree climbing,” Jared thought to himself, thinking of how Evan looked in– No. No, Evan was his best friend he was not about ruin one of his only friendships on some passing…thing. “Hey, you can, um come in now,” Evan said, opening his door out into the hallway. “Right, thanks,” Jared said, trying (and failing) not to make it awkward. He walked into the room and sat down on Evan’s bed. “So, you said you had an idea? For the anatomy project, I assume?” Evan supplied. “The anatomy project– OH YES RIGHT, that I had the idea for, ” Jared attempted to remember what it was. “Uh, I was thinking, ” Jared began, wracking his brain to try and remember what the idea was. A new one suddenly came to mind. “I was thinking that, because its a project on the muscles, we could, like, take a human model and paint the names of the muscles on the actual muscles.” Jared paused. “For, y'know, easy visualization and whatever.” He finished lamely. “Okay, that sounds kinda cool, but who are we…” Evan trailed off, turning to meet Jared’s gaze. Jared raised his eyebrows slightly and nodded towards Evan. “No, absolutely not, I’m not being the model.” Evan protested. “Come on, you’ll be great!” Jared encouraged. “No. Why can’t you do it? O-or, we could get someone else…” Evan trailed off. “Well, first of all, I don’t know if you noticed but your muscles are bit more pronounced than mine, as climbing trees and shit tends to be more physically strenuous than gaming. Second, have you forgotten how bad you are with paint?? You/ve gotta remember the Great Painting Fiasco of Sophomore Year–” “Hey, Jackson Pollocks are hard to be neat with!” Evan interjected. “–and third, who would you have do it? Our entire anatomy class is already paired up, so its just you and me buddy. Whaddya say?” “…Fine,” Evan conceded with a pained expression, “But I’m going to hold this against you.” “Oh, i sure hope you do” Jared replied with a smirk. “It’ll be just like that scene from titanic, y'know, ‘oh Leo DiCaprio, paint me like one of your french girlss!” Jared drawled with an exaggerated falsetto, reclining back to imitate the iconic position. Evan blushed scarlet. “How about I come by tomorrow with the paint and we do it then? I can start with one side and then do the other once it dries.” “A-alright,” Evan agreed, “My mom is working late as usual tomorrow, so we’ll have the house to ourselves.” Evan paused, drawing in breath. “What, ah, w-what should I wear?” “Probably just like, a pair of shorts,” Jared replied, swallowing the urge to simply say ‘nothing’. ~~~~~~~ “Hey, Evan, I’m here,” Jared knocked on Evan’s door the next day, balancing a tray of paints on his arm. “Oh, yeah, come on in,” Evan called from inside as Jared pushed open his door. Evan was perched on the edge of his bed, scrolling through his phone with a bored expression. He was wearing a faded t-shirt with words Jared couldn’t quite make out and a pair of shorts so short any girl who wore them would have been dress coded. “I, uh, brought the stuff,” Jared declared, setting the paints down gently on Evan’s desk and pulling newspapers, an assortment of brushes, and his laptop out of his backpack. “How do you want me?” Evan asked, setting his phone down and sliding off the bed. Jared’s mouth went dry. “Uh, I was thinking we could lay the newspaper on the floor in case of drips, and I can paint you standing up or laying down, whichever one is easier,” Jared responded in a rush. “Standing up might be easier,” Evan decided after a moment. “So, do you want to pull up the chart and get all the paints ready, and I can lay out the newspaper?” “Yea sure, sounds great.” Jared said, busying himself with getting the muscle diagram and stirring all the paints. When he turned back around to face Evan, he was standing shirtless on the newspaper, arms hugging his sides and and a blush creeping across his cheeks and down his torso. Jared took a deep breath. “Okay, let’s begin.” Jared pulled Evan’s arms open, pleading them out perpendicular to his torso. Evan, much to his chagrin, was surprisingly pliant. Jared started with the little muscles on the hands, then the muscles on his lower and upper arms, coming back to the torso after. Evan shivered as the brush ran down his side. “It’s cold,” Evan breathed, goose bumps breaking out across hid arms and legs. “I bet,” Jared responded. “Luckily for you, I only have to finish doing the abs and where they connect to the hip, so you’re almost– done.” Jared said, glancing down at a spot on Evan’s hip where the skin felt uneven. Upon closer inspection, Jared could make out rows of faint white lines, too orderly to be accidental. “Evan, are these–?” Jared began, running his thumb over a scar as he looked up at Evan from where he’d been painting on his knees on the floor. “They’re not, I mean they are, b-but not recently, I haven't–, not for a while, anyway, I’ve been– g-getting better,” Evan stammered. “I–I’m not proud,” Jared shushed him by pressing a kiss to the scars. “We’ve all done things we’re not proud of.” Evan’s breath hitched in his throat as Jared pressed another kiss to the area, then slowly began working his way up, careful not to mess up his work. “Jared,” Evan sighed as Jared mouthed at his neck. “We really need, n–need to, oh, work on this project, I–ah, don’t want to mess up your work, Jared–!” Evan stumbled over his words. Jared pulled away, looking Evan over. “You are completely right, and for once I hate that you’re right, so lets finish this up and then,” Jared continued, pressing a hard kiss to the spot behind Evan’s ear, a promise of what was to come.
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fearofaherobrine · 8 years
Roleplay Server Log #158
"More Bar Chatter”
[Doc] I wonder how long it will take Trender to get the rest of the list?
[CP] - Depends on if he uses his proxy or not
[Doc] Shudders - why would he do that? If he can use any door as a portal?
[CP] - The doors only go to his workshop, plus his proxy can just go in and buy the stuff
[Doc] Oh, Okay. I thought it was anywhere. Seems like the right kind of power for a boogeyman to have.
[CP] - I mean, I'm sure if he really wanted to he could make it work that way...
[Doc] Points to hirself- This is me never mentioning that to him...
[CP] - Your choice
[Doc] Sighs- Honestly... I'm kinda missing Splender...
[CP] - He's second oldest, when Slender can't run things, he does with some help from Trender
[Doc] I know... but he's fun to have around, and even though I know he promised to behave; having Ej in the house is stressing me out a bit.
[CP] - Can't relate to that
[TLOT] What it wouldn't bother you to have someone around who might try to eat your spouse?
[CP] - He wouldn't dare
[TLOT] Points at Steve who is curled up in the booth, and sleeping soundly. -
[Doc] We all have important people and things to protect Cp.
[CP] Grumbles-
[Lie] Checks on Stevie- Stevie, you need to finish your breakfast
[Stevie] - But brother isn't eating!
[Notch] I think Cp is like a cat, he wants to drag his food away someplace and eat alone.
[Stevie] - But Hope doesn't do that
[Doc] LH does it. And I bet Grinny does too.
[Notch] Big cats do it irl too. To keep other animals from stealing their food.
[CP] - Grinny will vomit it everywhere
[Doc] What? He has trouble eating?
[CP] - Nope, or maybe he would now, but it would probably be to spite you
[Doc] I just feel sorry for him. I hope his fur grows back soon.
[Lie] - It can take some time...
[Notch] Why don't you just make him some hair like you did for me?
[CP] Notices that Lie has his paperwork and takes it back- I hate working on this sort of stuff- He starts shuffling through it again
[Doc] Because it'll be wrong somehow. It'll just make him more pissed off because I'm touching him or something. - Lays across the bar in defeat.
[Deer] Finishes what she was working on and quickly slips the paper into her inventory-
[Doc] Sticks hir tongue out slightly and just stays flopped. - sigh...
[Notch] Cats are always harder to win over, aren't they?
[TLOT] But it feels like a victory when you manage it....
-There's scratching on the bar door-
[TLOT] His ears prick up and he gets up to open the door a crack and look out.
[Smile] Pushes his nose through- Hi!
[TLOT] Opens the door for the dog, - Hi Smile. Did Liu come with you?
[gem] -waves- hello
[Smile] - He was following, but then I started running- Grinny is flopped over Smile's back
[Grinny] - Ugh, stupid Dog
[Doc] Turns hir head to see where the quieter voice is coming from and fights down a little smile at the sight of the cat riding the huge dog.
[Sam] Is smiling hugely and already making food for the animals.
[Ruby] That is the biggest wolf I've ever seen...
[Smile] - BONE PEOPLE!
[liu] -finally catches up and walks in- hey.
[Ruby] Don't even think about it.
[Sam] Sets down a bowl with a pile of steaks for Smile and a smaller plate with flaked chicken on it for the cat.
[TLOT] Sounds like the dog was walking you Liu.
[Smile] Smells the steak and leaps over to eat-
[Grinny] Sniffs at the chicken-
[liu] smile is to big for me to walk him.
[Notch] He's nearly big enough for a person to ride.
[CP] Puts aside a few papers which are more minor things for the coronation.  He feels relatively safe about them since Steve is asleep-
[Doc] Just watches the duo quietly, not even sure xe's been noticed.
[Grinny] Takes a few tiny bites of the chicken-
[Smile] Wolfs down his food and looks at Sam with his best puppy dog eyes-
[Lie] Raises a brow and offers the rest of the sobering flower to TLOT-
[TLOT] Oh it's okay Lie, I'm not drunk. I metabolize things relatively quickly. Honestly I don't think Steve was that messed up either, alcohol just makes my lamb a bit sleepy.
[Lie] - I see, just offering
[Doc] Takes it and looks at it, twiddling it idly around in hir hands.
[Lie] Perks a little, Oh, I know something which could be added to the coronation- Spawns a Nether tree sapling- Just put down a bit of netherrack for these to grow on
[Sam] Slips Smile another steak-
[Smile] Happily eats it-
[liu] -sits down at a bar-
[Notch] That's really odd looking Lie. Does it do something special?
[Lie] - No, but it's able to withstand the Nether
[Sam] Looks at Liu with a questioning glance.
[Ruby] Leans back on hir chair and gives Liu's butt an appraising stare.
[liu] just some food please. -doesn't notice ruby staring-
[Sam] Brings food for Liu as well.
[Smile] Goes over and licks Liu's hand-
[Ruby] Meh. Not bad for a human. Hey Winston, hows your head?
[liu] -pets smile and eats his food-
[Grinny] Swats at Liu-
[Winston] - Still a bit fuzzy I'm afraid
[Notch] Quietly- Is that... the cat?
[Doc] Yeeees.
[Ruby] Nothing to be ashamed of man. Ya gotta relax sometimes.
[Winston] - That is usually difficult
[Ruby] The Nether is serious business, I'll give you that. I'm not a big fan of lava myself.
[Winston] - Lava to me is like water for you
[Ruby] It doesn't hurt you?
[Doc] Another one who can bathe with the brines...
[Winston] - Not at all
[Doc] What do you mean Winston? Can you only take it for a few minutes or something?
[Winston] - No, as in it doesn't hurt me at all, I was responding to Ruby
[Doc] Ah... just ignore me... I'm still a little drunk.
[Winston] - That is alright
[CP] Deciding to procrastinate more- Hey Doc, how pissed would you be if I held the coronation out in the real world?
[Doc] Gaaah.... yeah if you want several of us not to be able to go.
[TLOT] Count me out for that Cp.
[CP] Acts like seriously considering it
[Doc] You utter pissant.... you wouldn't. Where would you find a private space big enough for even a tenth of your mobs?!
[CP] - There are places
[gem] could he even take his mobs to the real world?
[Doc] Are you trying to fucking hurry me into building another body for Deerheart?
[CP] - Nope
[Deer] - CP, why are you being mean now?
[Doc] I know Gk would be disappointed too.
[Notch] Whispers to Deerheart - He's just trying to put off his work by picking a fight...
[Deer] Rolls her eyes- CP do your work
[CP] - Don't wanna
[Notch] I thought so.
[Lie] - Come on CP, if you really focus it shouldn't take too long
[TLOT] Yeah, especially after you yelled at Steve for trying to help.
[CP] - Shut up
[Doc] Sets the sobering flower upright in hir empty glass and drags a sheet of paper near hir. Xe balls it up and flicks it so it rolls gently along the bar and stops near Grinny.
[Grinny] Glares at it from Smile's back-
[Doc] Isn't even looking. - Lie? You should try and make a flower with Flux. Even if it doesn't do anything.
[Lie] With Flux?  Hmmm...
[TLOT] Takes out the sprig of catnip he offered to Cp a while back and breaks off a small piece. He sneaks over and puts it down in front of Grinny before sitting back down.
[Grinny] Flat out ignores it-
[Doc] Doodles on a bit of paper, xe's thinking of what to wear hirself since Cp nixed hir dragon idea.
[CP] Still shuffling through papers-
[gem] -is looking over doc's shoulder to see what xe is drawing-
[Stevie] Slumps against the table a bit- I'm full!  Can we go build the blanket fort now?
[Lie] Laughs a little- Only if you go get your pants on
[Stevie] - Okay- He runs back for the bathroom
[Notch] Can I help with the fort since all the critters are fed Lie?
[Lie] - I think Stevie would love it if you would
[Flux] Smiles a little-
[Ruby] Yeah, I got shit to do too. Call me when you're ready for the party Sam. Nice meeting ya Winston. - Goes to leave.
[Winston] - Master, perhaps you should send me back...
[CP] - Hm?  Oh, alright- Opens a portal
[Doc] Liu? Do you mind staying at my place for a bit? I'd like to keep an eye on Grinny and he and Smile seem inseperable.
[Smile] Perks at hearing his name-
[liu] uh sure.
[Doc] You know you're always welcome to come and hang out with us if you get lonely, don't you?
[TLOT] Hey, Gem, how are your wings? It looks like we got you to rest for a bit anyway, didn't we?
[liu] yea I do.
[gem] I guess you did but they are healing fast.
[Steve] Makes a tiny yawn and stirs awake.
[TLOT] Gives his mate a little kiss on the forehead.
[CP] Stands up, not noticing a few papers that slip out from his pile-
[Notch] Reaches down and hands them back to him- Here you go Cp.
[CP] Grumbles as he takes them back.  He's really not looking forwards to arranging this coronation-
[Doc] I have sewing to do anyway...
[Deer] - And I have ideas
[Doc] Gives her a sly look. - I know the kind of ideas you have....
[Deer] - Maybe it's a different kind of idea
[Doc] Ah, darn.
[TLOT] Come on Doc, you're still a bit drunk. No need to be surly.
[Doc] Either way, thank you for the food and alcohol Sam, it was all excellent as usual.
[Sam] Takes a small bow.
[Lie] - Remember, just get us a list of what you'll need and we'll have it ready for you when you get to the other server
[Sam] Already working on it. Thank you Lie.
[Lie] - You're welcome
[Stevie] Runs out of the bathroom with his pants on once more and clings onto CP's leg- Brother!
[Notch] You're popular today Cp.
[CP] Groans- I don't want to do any of this...
[Notch] I know the feeling, I was never fond of doing the accounts.
[Lie] - Just think of it this way CP, the faster you deal with it, the sooner it will be over
[Notch] chuckles-  You sound like someones mom bugging a kid to do their homework Lie.
[Lie] - Sometimes I feel like it
[CP] Just starts walking out with Stevie attached to his leg-
[Shuppet] Was hiding up near the ceiling and floats down to follow him out.
[Doc] Well there's nothing for it. Time to head home. Who's going my way?
[TLOT] Helps Steve up. - Right behind you.
[Flux] - I will
[Deer] - I will obviously love
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