#anyways. kian is just like me fr
plantwriting · 6 months
Sometimes you just gotta come up with the weirdest fucking AUs for your own mental health so here it fucking goes:
Galloway with some kind of link to the feyrealm. Galloway where children go missing and get replaced by creatures that look like people but aren’t. Galloway where the swamps surrounding the town are filled with gnomes and trolls, witches and fairies, magical creatures that are as terrifying as they are interesting.
Galloway, where the child of the Deep’s was stolen as a baby and replaced with a copy. Rolan, who was never normal, who didn’t fit in, who couldn’t make friends. Rolan, whose parents punished him whenever he acted too weird, who refused to believe their son wasn’t really theirs, who tried to teach the forest and deals and mischievous spirit out of their child through any means necessary. Rolan, who never understood why he couldn’t just be normal.
Donna Rand, who watched the small child in the crib she’d put him in last evening, and knew it wasn’t her own child. Donna, who picked up the small boy into her arms anyway, fed and clothed him, loved him no matter where he came from. ‘Timothy’ who grew up and knew that wasn’t really who he was. ‘Tim’ who spent his days gardening and exploring the woods, knowing he’d be safe there. Rand, who knew his father hated him for not being the original, for not being human, but who learnt to live with it. Rand, who just hoped Timothy was loved as well, where ever he was.
Kian, who didn’t grow up in Galloway. A nameless child that was taken and replaced, and whose parents never even noticed the difference. A child that was weird and uncanny, with a singsongy voice and who seemed to dance with each step he took. A child who spent more time with wildlife than people because animals and flowers didn’t find him unnatural. A child who craved a family and a world he couldnt remember, always so alone, who eventually chose a name for himself because maybe that would make him into a person finally.
Three changeling children, who eventually met each other. Rolan, who met two boys so unapologetically everything his parents hated, who didn’t shy away from the swamps surrounding their homes, who pranked their neighbors for fun, who let him finally be himself. He wasnt a human, and with them he didnt need to pretend.
Rand, who met two boys that never looked at him and wished he was someone else. Who had nothing to compare him to, who would never see him as ‘Tim’. They’d only see him as Rand, as one of them, as someone to be loved because of, not despite.
Kian, who found two boys that treated him like a person. Who listened to his music without discomfort or hatred, who were like him but were still loved anyways, who let him finally be someone. Kian, who finally saw that he could be loved and wanted despite everything that he was.
Three changeling children, who had each other. Until the swamps took a second child from the Rands. Until Rolan found the original child he’d been replaced with. Until Kian had the people he loved destroyed by people like him. Until suddenly, one early summer day, they didn’t have each other anymore.
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Thinking of the comparisons between Blood in the Bayou to the Evil within 2—
Sebastian thought he lost his daughter and it turns out Mobius took her to be the core of union for whatever god forsaken reason. Sebastian then has to go into STEM to try and save her because wtf! the entire hivemind thing is falling apart because they let serial killers into the hivemind and they're corrupting the core! like! insane!
ANYWAY. Same thing with Blood in the Bayou. Rand thought he lost Rachel, he DID lose Rachel, she's gone but she was used as the queen, the "core" in this sense. The overarching THING of the entire hive. He can't save her but he can try and stop it. People are being corrupted (replaced) and even though there's very little hope they can still do some good. The only difference is that Rand isn't alone, Sebastian is. Well. He's not entirely alone but yeah you get it.
Galloway, Union, they're both being slowly corrupted, broken down, used for whatever purpose. Union is collapsing and falling apart while Galloway is being used to build a bigger hive.
The lost and the creatures also are similar—I don't know why when Charlie described Creature Kian my immediate thought was that it reminded me of the Lament even though the mechanics worked nothing alike. It still reminded me bc the Lament screams SO loudly and that is like one of its attacks but yknow you get it.
The lost are people that have been corrupted by whatever, I don't even know what they've been corrupted by, just in general. The core is getting corrupted so whenever they die in STEM they just get corrupted (I think that's how it works) but in Bitb people are being killed and replaced or whatever. Idk I just.
Thinking man, my two favorite horror things fr
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oleandew · 2 years
           — @mellodiies​ !
Kian what if we kissed....what if...kian kiss me / daily mello bf fr
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          Kian doesn’t like Mello. He doesn’t like Mello in the same way he doesn’t like when Joey’s cat comes to rest in his lap or when Cass constantly links arms with him when they go out. He doesn’t like that silly rosary or that blonde hair of his. He doesn’t like when Mello teases him or when he grins and it touches every part of his face. He can’t like Mello because then everything, his feelings, will become too real to bear. 
          Kian can’t kiss him because if he does, he won’t know how to stop giving Mello whatever he wants. If he gives, he’ll keep giving and giving and pouring himself out for him. He’ll give unconditionally like the sun always gives light to the moon without asking anything in return. 
          This man turned moon asks for his light, and Kian feels himself ready to burn, nothing but a star meant to explode. He can’t embrace his own end, not like this. But he wants to. Oh, does he want to. 
          Kian kisses him anyway because he doesn’t like Mello. It’s much further than just liking Mello and it’s always been much realer than Kian will ever admit. 
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bexsbaxters · 7 years
the one in which chris's music taste is shit
Book: The Freshman/The Sophomore 
 Pairing(s): James x Chris x Zig x MC, Abbie x Tyler, Zack x Brandon, Kaitlyn x Becca (can be seen as either platonic or romantic) 
Rating: PG (besides the occasional use of the word shit ?? is that like even a proper swear word ? idek anymore)
 Summary: in which mc loses her boyfriends, starts her preparation for facemasks friday and gets it up to here with her boyfriend’s hair gel addiction. 
A/N: i lowkey decided to make this poly fic because i love all three of my boy babies, i would’ve added kaitlyn but the way she treated mc was horrible and she wasn’t really apologetic ?? and becca is meh, especially after this new episode. i highkey wish we had the chance to romance abbie 😭😭. btw for future reference, in my fic land, all the original roomates + zig and james, live in vasquez’s old house. —–
mc stood in the middle of the busy supermarket, her basket on the floor as she studied the confectionary aisle, mind lost in thought. she had decided to leave her loose wavey hair hanging, yet when it started to annoy her she ached for a hair tie to be available to put it out of the way.
she had originally arrived there with james, zig and chris but had lost them in the throng of shoppers. she dithered between the sour patch kids or a packet of skittles but being the weak person that she was, she had caved and put them both in.
her weakness was probably the number one cause for her brokeness.
she moved between the shelfs, looking for her three musketeers. she thought she vaguely saw a flash of black leather and slicked hair by the frozen food but it turned out to be some high school student. but she had lost them for over twenty minutes and she was slowly getting desperate.
“zig? james? chris?” she called out, but softly trying not to attract attention, she held on her basket tighter, heart beat quickening when she thought she had lost them forever until she stumbled on them in the cereal aisle.
“i thought i lost you!” she cried out, as they all turned to look at her. hair frizzing, eyes watering and her strong grip had turned her knuckles to white.
yet, she still looked beautiful.
they didn’t know how she did it, was it some sort of cream? a potion? they all made a mental note to ask sometime in the preferably future.
“it’s all zig’s fault!” chris blurted out, pointing at the man with the white t-shirt who held his hands up as if to prove his innocence.
“it wasn’t me, honest”
james was holding a box of lucky charms, eyes rolling at the other two’s antics as they got in a row over who was to blame.
“honestly, without you james i wouldn’t be sane with these knuckleheads” mc said fondly, leaning her head on james’s shoulder, sighing contently.
“we still haven’t finished the list you know, zack is probably going to kill us” james commented, resting his head on top of her’s and snaking an arm around her waist.
she nodded, before moving to grab both chris and zig’s ears. they hissed in pain, even though that mc’s grip wasn’t strong but it was due to the fact she had caught the two burly football players out when they weren’t paying attention. james tried to hold his laughter so he started chewing gum to conceal his giggles at the thought of his small 5'8 girlfriend berating two 6'2 men.
“we need to actually get some shopping done before kaitlyn and zack kill me!” she moaned, the boys nodded not wanting to face her wrath any longer.
“chris and james, you can go get this half of the list” mc said, tearing the piece of paper in half and handing it to james aka the more responsible one. chris had his moments, either on the football field and when he was doing his presidential duties but all the other time, he was very goofy (let’s put it that way).
“zig and i, will get the rest and we will reconvene here in twenty-five minutes” mc stated as the other two nodded, already on their search for garlic bread. mc took out a pen where she had started to cross off certain items she had already added.
“you know i love it when you act all strategic” zig murmured, putting his hand on her lower back as she rolled her eyes good-naturedly.
“babe, this is not a time to get horny, we’re in the dog food aisle, i can hardly see how that’s a turn on” she replied, kissing his shoulder before moving to a different shelf and grabbing some toilet paper.
zig had offered to take her shopping basket for her, so he held it with his left and moved to hold her hand with his right.
“we should buy not another teen movie for facemask friday” zig commented idly, as mc grabbed some milk and butter. “i mean who doesn’t love young, dark haired chris evans?”
“you drive a hard bargain sweetheart” mc laughed before giving the go ahead for zig to put it in the basket. now, zig was holding two baskets and his arms were straining, veins almost popping out against his olive skin.
“you need any help with that?” mc asked, looking worried as zig shook his head.
“nope i’m good!” mc side-eyed him.
“ok, if you say so, it’s your funeral”
she grabbed a packet of cookies and started moving to meet up with her other two boyfriends.
chris ran to her, sweeping her up in a hug as she giggled.
“i missed you so much mc, don’t ever leave me again”
“chris i was literally only two aisles from you”
“i know! the torture!”
mc laughed before motioning him to let her out of his grasp which he stubbornly refused, half-carrying her to the checkout in which there was a cute boy working. his name tag spelt kian in bold lettering, his strawberry blond hair was swept up in one of the latest hair styles and his green eyes twinkled when he caught a glimpse of the foursome.
“how many bags will you be wanting” he asked, his voice had a soft irish accent lacing the words.
“um, about seven?” mc replied, kian nodded and started scanning the items through. zig leant on james, putting his arm around his waist and leaning his head on his shoulder which james responded happily to. they then wandered off to go find where chris had disappeared to, most likely to try and pick some more hair products to sneak in with the shopping.
“you’ve picked a lot of popcorn, you planning on having a movie night?” kian politely intruded, trying to make some sweet small talk.
“yes, i mean my roommates and i usually have a facemask friday in which we all make facemasks for each other, eat ice cream, popcorn and order pizza and watch a cheesy chick flick that zack and brandon will ultimately ignore as they would be too busy making out on one of the beanbags.” mc laughed as kian chuckled appreciatively.
“it sounds fun”
“it is super fun, i mean all of our main friends come around and it’s a time where everyone can just relax you know?”
“yes i agree, i mean my roommates are die hard study geeks and i wish they had that time to take a breather, because they shouldn’t just be focused on work but more about they mental health and relaxation so i might induct this into our roommate time if you don’t mind me stealing your idea?”
“go ahead by all means, i think i lowkey stole it from pinterest anyways” mc giggled as kian smiled, they had finished packing just as james, zig and chris returned, holding a something small in their hands.
“what is that” mc questioned as the boys looked sheepish.
“i swear to god if it’s more hair gel i’m jumping you”
“by jumping us you mean jumping our bones then it is hairgel but if you meant jumping us like attacking us it’s not?” james started out confident then ended up drawing slowly into silence.
“put it through i guess,” mc exhaled, the boys whooping loudly until mc with flushed cheeks told them to be quiet.
“how much is that?”
“$86 dollars”
mc pulled out their house affairs credit card, paying for the items quickly and letting the boys hold them not because she couldn’t but mainly due to fact she wouldn’t.
“i’m driving!” mc called as james threw her the car keys from where they had been safely stashed in his pocket.
“i’m riding shotgun!” chris shouted as zig let out a groan of discontentment, james rolled his eyes before opening up the boot of the car and placing the groceries in, the other two following suit.
“i only agree with this if chris isn’t allowed to play his shitty music”
“james ashton how dare you” chris exclaimed in mock anger, clutching his chest. “my music taste is very well refined”
“well refined where? if big green tractor was a person that person would be you with that ugly green sweater on” zig declared crossing his arms over his chest, chris frowning and james and mc falling about in giggles.
“leave chris’s sweater alone zig, babe your sweater is cute” mc said, wiping the tears from her eyes before starting up the engine. chris leant forward and gave her a kiss as zig grabbed a hold of james’s hand in the backseat, playing with the older man’s fingers.
“so does this mean i can play my music then?” chris queried hopefully after a few minutes of silence.
“NO” came a joint reply as chris moaned and slunk back into his chair like a four year old, sticking his tongue out at his two boyfriends and girlfriend.
“your music taste isn’t any better then mine!”
“um yes it is”
“james just listens to the hamilton soundtrack, zig just listens to 808s & heartbreak and mc just listens to old throwback songs and beyoncé.”
“i dispute that” james said, “i occasionally listen to disney soundtracks i am a very musically cultured person!”
“i listen to other songs! i mean fr example, just yesterday i listened to despacito” zig called out, as mc looked shocked.
“zig, hun, that song and the remix have been out for ages, how is this the first time you’ve heard of them?”
“i, um, well as you can tell, i don’t get out much”
“i can see”
mc laughed as zig pulled a face in the backseat in reply.
“and what’s wrong with listening to throwback songs and beyoncé?”
chris kept quiet, moving to the window so that mc didn’t interrogate him further.
“it’s only tuesday, why can’t this week be over already” abbie moaned as they walked in the house with the groceries, tyler and kaitlyn getting up to help them.
“damn, how much shopping did you guys buy!” tyler asked as they started to put them away.
“blame zack, he gave us the list”
“blame zack for what?” zack said, moving into the kitchen to grab some apple juice.
“blame zack for forcing me to go out with this loser bunch and get shopping” mc said, hip bumping james smoothly to get to the refrigerator.
“hey, i just wanted to give you a little time with your boys, sorry for helping you sheesh” zack replied, smiling as he held up his hands, mc lightly slapped his knee as he chuckled.
“who’s cooking today?”
“it’s kaitlyn and becca’s turn!”
“if they can stop making lovey-dovey eyes at each other for a second to actually make the food” abbie commentated, sitting on the counter and chomping on an apple. “i honestly don’t know what you see in that girl but you should make a move liao”
“i will! i mean i’ll try?” kaitlyn replied sheepishly, abbie smiling fondly at her.
they had patched up their friendship after their falling out and although it wasn’t like before, it was better then it used to be.
the doorbell rang.
“that’s brandon!” zack gasped, rushing to greet his barista boyfriend as james draped his arm over mc’s shoulders, leaning down to give her a kiss as zig and chris were preoccupied with trying to fit as much pizzas into the same freezer compartment.
“i’m actually worn out after today, i’m gonna take a nap, care to join me?” mc asked, a smirk playing on her lips.
“when would i ever deny that opportunity my lady?” james responded, giving her another kiss.
“come on, we’re going in your room because it smells like you” mc said as james nodded, letting mc pull him up to his room and when chris and zig had finally fit in six pizzas, they were fast asleep. —
(nine minutes later)
“so what do you want to do now then?”
“i don’t know, do you wanna have sex?”
zig hesitated before turning to his blond boyfriend with a dimpled grin.
“last one up to your room is a smelly egg!”
— will i return and write a saga about the gang’s facemask friday ?? perhaps i shall, perhaps i shalln’t (which isn’t a word i probably made it up) but feel free to message me so we can talk about the freshman/the sophomore headcanons ! 😋✊🏾
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plantwriting · 6 months
Okay because I’m just going to keep making these posts: here is every single song from my ‘Favorite Music’ playlist that I think about Kian Stone to (some with extra explanations) ((in the order of when they were added to the playlist))
Take me to church, mr loverman, cherry wine (i am a sucker for the interpretation that becky was aware of what she was doing when she killed him and i love toxic love in fictional relationships), like real people do, bubblegum bitch, oh no! (i can imagine every single jrwi pc to this song with minimal effort), teen idle (okay fun fact i didnt like add these three songs to the playlist like right after each other its just that none of the songs in-between fit kian), poika nimeltä päivi (a finnish song about being a trans guy. Its a banger, the name translates to ‘boy named päivi’ päivi being a finnish girl’s name), päiväkoti (another finnish song, pretty sure its about a breakup but i feel like it also really fits the vibes of like kian away from the other two after moving to hollywood. I have cried to this song before, the name translates to kindergarten), goodbye my danish sweetheart, hey little songbird (made a post about this one before), road to hell ii (okay this one is more about rand to me but its still kind of about both kian and rolan just imagine rand to it post canon), brand new city, 4st 7lb (you cannot convince me he doesnt have either some kind of body image issues), born a girl (someone tell nicky wire (the guy who wrote the song) about being transfem i think he’d benefit from it), nobody loved you (imagining. Imagining one of the other guys to this after kian’s death), hold me like a heaven (no real basis for this i dont even know what the song is actually about but its one of my favorite manics songs and i can interpret the lyrics however i want), car lights (nightmare blunt rotation if they dated as teens or alternatively kian and jesse), the moon will sing (youd think kian would be the sun but no. He is the moon. The sun is either becky, the other guys, or, my personal favorite way to imagine it: kian’s own rockstar persona because he doesnt see his selfworth outside of that), r-a-k-a-s (more finnish music, love song about a guy who left the woman he loved behind to move to the city but would throw everything away to be with her again pretty fitting if you ask me, the name translates to l-o-v-e (as in like calling your partner love as a petname not the concept of love)), syntisten pöytä (i think this might be the last finnish one, its just a generally queer song. The name translates to table of the sinful), gladiator (i once again have almost no basis i just like the song and if i reach i can make it fit kian), lookatme (just like. Look at the lyrics i dont need to spell it out for you), strangelove, real men (this song is literally him fr), smoke with the devil (this song is LITERALLY him fr), animal nitrate (its a song about gay sex of course im going to associate it with nightmare blunt rotation), can’t get enough (suede yes this is one i will specifically say the artist for because you will not find the correct song otherwise. Anyways some very trans nonbinary lyrics), boys dont cry (back to my if i reach far enough every song is about him bullshit), pictures of you, lovesong, burn (the cure not hamilton also literally named a fic after lyrics from this), underneath the stars (again. Named a fic after. Nightmare blunt rotation moment), line without a hook (it was on my playlist back in the dark days and then i recently added it back because i decided it slapped actually), stripped (becky @ kian be like yes let me remove your skin or something), modern boys (literally wrote an entire fic inspired by this song it is just like nightmare blunt rotation for real)
Thats it. I am taking suggestions for more songs to associate with kian stone if you have any
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