#anyways. poses. im biased <3
tyunn1ngz · 2 days
not sure if u write for transmasc reader but imagine one of the boys worshipping you and fucking you senseless while telling you that ur their good boy (+ whatever dynamic bc im a sucker for couple dynamics 😋)
im nonbinary w bad dysphoria days and love being called a boy as well as everything else i write of course i will talk abt this happy pride month to my fellas i love u so so much!!!!!!!!!! 🙂‍↕️🙂‍↕️🙂‍↕️🙂‍↕️
taking my default route of making this abt kai but despite biased i can also just very much see him in this kind of role </3 (who else literally cried over sk8r boi cover and hearing ‘tough luck that boy’s mine now’ bc i did LOL)
kai who loves his pretty boy more than anything on this earth, who looks at you like you’ve hung the stars in the sky yourself, who just can’t believe his luck because someone as lovely as you wants to be with him. he doesn’t realise how lucky you are to have him just as much! :((
kai who is so gentle when it comes to exploring your body, so tender with how he touches and always wary about where you would want him to touch. always wanting to undress you, every inch of exposed skin so so stunning to him— but if you need anything left on he’ll work his way around it to make you feel good anyway. (ex. will let you hump against him in just your underwear til you shake and cum on him, and he doesn’t even ask for anything back :((( just so enamoured w wanting u to have experiences with unadultered pleasure because you deserve it as much as anyone else)
kai who asks you to let him eat you out, sometimes posing it as ‘sucking you off’ just to make you breathe a little harder. kai who’s so enthusiastic as he gives you head, holding your hands and moaning into your cunt because fuck, you taste so good. your voice sounds so hot, you’re so hot. the prettiest boy he’s ever fucking seen.
kai who pushes his cock inside with the prettiest moan you’ve ever heard, hands gripping at any part of you he could possibly grab at as he shakes and trembles. so needy and already breaking apart at the seams just seeing how fucked out you get from having him inside you.
kai who loses his control and starts fucking you with reckless abandon once he realises you can take it. and fuck do you take it, you take it better than anyone. such a good boy, his good boy.
nothing in kai’s head but ‘mine, mine, mine’ as he rails into you, panting into your mouth and pawing at your chest if you’ll let him. so possessive because he knows to thank his lucky stars every night, and even just the amount of trust you have in him brings him so much closer to the edge. not that he’d ever admit that, scared that him making a deal out of it would even remotely spook you.
‘so beautiful, so perfect. perfect boy for me, nobody compares. my good boy— ah! takes me so well. my pretty boyfriend. love you so much. feels so good, love you, love you, wanna feel you cum. need it.’ he’ll babble, a hand between your thighs to help you over the edge of your orgasm as he thumbs at your clit, or sometimes even calling it your cock just to see how you’ll react :3c
expect your legs to be out of commission by the end of the night, but it’s okay because he just beams at you, flushed cheeks scrunching up with his smile as he pratically throws you over his shoulder.
‘you’re my pretty prince to carry everywhere anyway.’
got a little out of hand w this one … hope u like it ! AHAHAHA
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anantaru · 1 year
head in hands why is no one talking about new 3.6 artwork has anybody SEEN kaveh?????? (idk if the link works but https://ibb.co/nzXW2Q9 ) the way he sits????????? why??????? would a normal person sit like that ? like he's dtf ? that pose is VERY sexy. he's arching his back, tits out, legs spread open, showing his biteable lickable kissable THIGHS, the >:3 face too, his flat pussy slightly visible as well... his god damn thigh garter in full display 😳😳😳 ... WHO is responsible for this someone literally had to come up with this art and thought "yes, this is a good pose" and how did this get approved. he looks so slutty and breedable, almost same energy with the heizou birthday art... 😵‍💫😵‍💫😵‍💫 they even managed to make it worse by making alhaitham's back face us so we won't get distracted by his abs... anyway.... maybe it's all in my head though im down bad for his cute ass pixels but uooohhhhhhh i want to ruin him 😫😫😫 my brain is poisoned fr im so sorry you had to read this 🙏
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though i have to admit alhaitham did it for me, i mean i‘m biased because he‘s one of my favorites but like guys, look at his hands i‘m in awe 🙇🏻‍♀️🙇🏻‍♀️🙇🏻‍♀️🙇🏻‍♀️🩷🩷🩷 they‘re all so beautiful
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butwhatifidothis · 2 years
On the note about how claudes writing in hopes is just fucking horrific and well feels pretty racist. i just did not like how they enforced the whole "he's actually a schemer therefore he's a backstabbing asshole" on not JUST a brown character but a brown character who's inspiration is from west asia aka the middle east which its a pretty standard stereotype used in the west
this is gonna go slightly personal but i myself am middle easterner by birth and three houses claude felt like a breath of fresh air on a more positive depiction of a west asian inspired character (even though i was kinda curious if he rlly was super sus or not lol) and then seeing he's willing to call out almyran bandits who are posing as the navy in alois and shamirs paralouge just felt. nice yknow that hes gonna go and tell to their faces that "your pillaging and plundering is the reason why we're getting shit on" and he's not a bloody conquerer and more "ok i just want people to get along and not be judged from where they come from" and hes more neutral between the two lords in a sense like it just FEELS NICE because i live in a region that 2/3 of the place is in SHAMBLES and we rarely get positive rep in media. and hes kinda the reason how i slowly started to embrace my culture after years of internalized racism. plus theres some aspects in his design, his real name 'khalid' and the instrumentals of his theme "golden deer and the crescent moon" just felt so familiar to me (plus adding nader whos name means rare or unique in arabic and he just looks like how i imagine gilgamesh would look like in an anime lol its kinda funny)
so you could imagine how fucking appalling it was for me to witness this shit in golden wildfire. like "yeahhhh lets make him out of character and make him sort of appease the empire and collaborate with them" like this ALREADY gave me bad vibes. like ok im fine with him making treaties and plans that could be risky. thats how strategies goes. but going on and try to invade another nation because you forcefully want them to surrender someone you want to get rid of because itll end the war apparently. thats not the man who said something about wanting change but does not agree on CONQUERING AND UNNECESSARY BLOODSHED . like ok i get he might not like rhea too much at first but he couldve just what he does best in three houses is probably idk TALK HER ON WHY FODLAN IS SO ISOLATIONIST??????!?. like im trying to like some aspects thats making him slightly different but i just CANT. dont get me started on how dirty almyras been portrayed in hopes. like i can acknowledge VW having writing issues (its my first route and i still enjoy the interactions) but having GW as your first route because haha im biased was just "ok so we can just. oh. OH NO". and before anyone goes around saying this means i hate edelgard. i dont. nor do i adore her. im pretty neutral about her (gasp this almost sounds completely impossible to some knuckle heads) but i feel like there was prolly some restraints to her writing. and i DESPISE this fandom when they try to say "oh if you like claude like this then you like dimitri" or "oh if you like claude that way then you like edelgard".
how about shut the fuck up and enjoy the fact hes trying to be different than the two because there are claude fans that like both dimitri and edelgard and others just dont care because its not their business. stop thrusting us into this dumb shit like we're just a status type to be harassed for these two characters. theres so many other things i wanna say but frankly im too tired
anyways this was long so tldr; claude deserved better. thank you for coming to my ted talk
It's just. Not good.
Like I said, I always try to give writers/creators in general the benefit of the doubt when something like this happens, since it's entirely possible that they weren't aware of what exactly it is they're writing. But that doesn't mean that the end result still isn't something that, bare minimum, is very upsetting to the groups of people involved. I’m so sorry that Hopes made you so uncomfortable, after 3H had finally given a character that deviated from such shitty tropes.
Because, like, say what you will about Almyra's writing in 3H - how they weren't fleshed out, how they already had some uncomfortable aspects to them (like invading for literally no reason) - but at the very least they didn't actively engage in pillaging. That was never once implied to have been something that they did, so the fact that Hopes just randomly throws that into the mix is... Not Good. Very Bad, in fact. Especially when combined with Hopes lack of any mention whatsoever about the Gonerils taking Almyran soldiers as slaves to work for their household (and the abuse the Almyrans suffer while being there), and when combined with how it’s a Fodlan (white) character who has to tell the naughty little Almyran to not plunder. Say what you will about 3H's depiction of Almyra and how untouched it was, that doesn't mean that Hopes had to make the Almyran King so incompetent at his job as to be genuinely dangerous - literally anyone with Nader's favor could manipulate him into signing off anything they want like Clyde does. Shahid is an entirely new character! They had all the free reign in the world to make Shahid damn near anything (within reason), and they make him... a stupid, power-hungry, violent invader. And nothing else. Again, "attribute not to malice" and all that, but to straight up ignore the troubling new additions Hopes gives to Almyra - some, again, with NO backing from 3H to explain them at all - isn't the right way to go about it either imo.
I've talked at extensive length about the absolute character assassination Claude went through in the majority of the game, but holy fucking shit am I with you on that stupid take. "The only people who hate Hopes!Claude/think Hopes!Claude is OOC are Dimitri stans" because apparently only Dimitri stans are able to see Claude's lack of curiosity or intellect, or how his newfound proclivity to use violence first and thinking second is diametrically opposed to how he ever acted in 3H, or the inherent contradiction in "Claude's goals are to better foreign relations, now watch as he actively uses and worsens Faerghus' foreign relations with Sreng for his own gain," or how him bringing up the war between Faerghus and the Alliance that happened centuries ago as an excuse to invade Faerghus now is ANOTHER thing that literally completely goes against the entire point of his character. Claude fans would of course obviously no-brainer know that these mutually exclusive traits between his 3H and Hopes renditions could totally for-realsies surely coexist and be consistent.
Although, ngl, I myself have said that it's mostly Edelgard fans that like this rendition of Claude. Not that there's no way a Claude fan couldn't at least find some things to enjoy about Hopes!Claude, but that it seems that a laaaarge majority of his fans are people who prefer the lady lord over him. And, well, it makes sense considering that a big thing a lot of Edelgard fans - not even just stans tbh - tended to do with Claude is just make him Edelgard's snarky yes-man who just mindlessly believes whatever it is she says... and, well, Clyde is either just a snarky yes-man to Edelgard who just mindlessly believes whatever it is she says, or he's getting chewed out/killed for going against her. Unless it's AG! ...where by the time Claude is having any part in the story Edelgard is no longer the actual threat anymore and is just a puppet of Thales. In the route where he doesn't ever actually directly confront her at any point. Clyde is almost a typical case of how Claude would be written in, like, an Edel///claude fic or something like that.
Man am I so glad for those leaks because if I had gone into GW completely blind like I intended to then OOF I would’ve been incomprehensibly pissed. Not just at the OOC writing, but, just, everything about it, once the second part hit - KNOWING about what happens with Faerghus and Sreng didn’t make actually sitting through it any more bearable, just because Clyde and the GD in general were such massive fucking penises to the people they were LITERALLY INVADING AND KILLING THE PEOPLE OF, so diving in without the heads up might’ve made me spontaneously combust. Without even going into how utterly against Claude’s character it is to do that in the first place, or the not-lowkey racist aspects of how certain things were handled, GW is such a sludge to play through if you’re paying even an iota of attention to the story.
I can definitely get the frustration in getting kinda the tug-of-war treatment from the fandom lmao, where Claude isn't so much Claude than he is "like Dimitri" or "like Edelgard" in this-or-that way. Now, I certainly understand - and partake in - the occasional comparison, just because there are some ways Claude is akin to/different from Dimitri and Edelgard that are genuinely interesting to me. But, like, to use your phrasing as an example: there's like, literally 0 people who ever say "if you like Dimitri in this way you like Claude." The other two aren't ever used as, like, a barometer or some shit to gauge whether you like Claude, while that is in fact how Claude ends up being used in the fandom a good bit of the time. Cuz apparently you can't, just, like, be a Claude fan or anything lmao.
In general Hopes made it... not the most fun to be a Claude fan :/ Glad I could give ya a place to vent because I know that there’s a lot to vent about lol
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joyofmissout · 2 years
welcome to becas pitchfork looner version
1- the journey: well i love loona intros so I'm biased to say anything. This one is so cool!! PARTY!!!! SUMMER PARTY!!!
2- flip that: I LOVE THIS BEGINNING! The summer sounding is so here the drums you know? CHUUUUU!!!!! flip that that that that that! The chorus is sooo nice!! Get it haseul! Oooooooo this bridge <3 GOWONNNN <3333 i think they should've done smth crazy for this last chorus but it's good anyways. I'm so happy they still can make good title tracks aaa!!! 9/10!!
3- POSE: i don't think I did my review on this one so let's go. RUPAUL SAYING POSE. ok work. I love the pre chorus sm get it Kim lip. OK VOCALS. I LVOE THIS CHORUS!!! OK? THE BASS WHATEVER THIS IS CALLED WAAA it's so good for my ears. I LOVE RAPPER OLIVIA. Heejin rap is cringe she can't I'm sorry. HASEUL <3333 YEOJINMNMNNNNDNDNDKKS!!!!!! I love lip adlibs here. I LOVEEEE THIS PART NANANANA. I WALK LIKE FUCKING NANANA GET IT CHUUUU ok woaw very good 7.5/10 not my favorite loona song ever but not a bad one either it's listenable and has its epic moments i like it a lot :)
4- pale blue dot: ok even the girlies were happy with this one you better deliver. Let's go. OOOO WHAT????? so many problems girl. WHAT. FAKE DROP. ooo it's so pretty <3 what's up with these instrumentals why is it so far whaaaat I DONT KNOW IF I ABSOLUTELY LOVE IT OR NOT. JINSOUL GOD. OK I LOVE THIS. ITS TRULY MAKING MY BRAIN GO ???????HMMM????? Olivia <3333333 CHUUUUUUUUUUU GET IT. THIS SONG IS SO GOOD?????? WHAT THE HELL I NEVER LISTENED TO ANYTHING LIKE THAT? I guess that's why I'm confused. Wow idk how to rate this one cause i really don't know how I feel about it it was so??????!!!!!!! WHAT. I'll have to listen to it more i really don't know how I feel about it
5- PLAYBACK: funny story i didn't know this song already existed cause i took a break from being an orbit for some time but i listened to it later and liked it. Let's see the studio version. This instrumental is from an indie game puzzle. Gowon <3 woaaaaa it's so pretty. Jinsoulllll i love her voice sm. WHAT. This was so random lol. Ooooo this bridge. Chuu <3333333333 they should've done something crazy here i think like key change whatever. Please fade out please fade out please please please please please please. Well ok it didn't. Its good!! 8/10
Well it was good loonas summer era hmmm. There's not a single song besides flip that and the intro that has summer vibes which i think it's odd for a SUMMER ALBUM but. Well loona doing loona funsies. It's great food anyways my fave for now is need u i already knew that that's it thanks for coming see everyone next year
EDIT I FORGOT TO RANK THEM OK: need u > flip that > pale blue dot > playback > pose (dont trust me im a libra)
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sereina-archive · 2 years
Pokemonnn :3c
have some bad takes <3 | accepting!
The first character I first fell in love with: silver gsc my beloved. i dont know what it was about him but kid me immediately had a crush on him. AND I THOUGHT HE WAS A GIRL AT FIRST TOO LMAOOO
The character I never expected to love as much as I do now: this is a cop out but serena 🥺 im so biased but i just love her so much and would die for her
The character everyone else loves that I don’t: im staring at wallace. something abt his character just. idk man. and i never was a fan of how he's champion in emerald :(
The character I love that everyone else hates: hop?? man i just feel like ppl bag on him so much for being 'hau 2.0' but idk!! i just think he's a neat character and i liked him a lot in swsh :(
The character I used to love but don’t any longer: lyra?? i dunno why but like. just dont vibe w her anymore :(
The character I would totally smooch: cynthia my beloved
The character I’d want to be like: honestly this is tough i rly dont know jfndhdfnh. everyone seems like they have so much responsibility. id just wanna sit in the underground all day digging and then lay in the grass w my pokemon u kno....
A pairing that I despise: obvious answer but any protag x professor or protag x villain leader. ill get a bit more specific and say volkner x flint?? platonically they're GREAT and they're my brotp but romantically. the vibe is not there for me brother.
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sneez · 3 years
is he........you know
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dalermessi · 4 years
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hi thanks @ch0erry and @dessertcafe for tagging me to post my biases! do they have anything in common other than tilting their heads/making this pose? i’ll tag @kwnsyg @hanjisunggf @yerimluvie @lovekey @twayce @moonjunz @pledisanti if u guys want!
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tsuzuruchipalace · 4 years
rating mankai company based on character design
Note: I will take into account hair, color scheme, sprite poses, mostly outfits that are not from plays or scouts, and memorability. This is half an objective view and half my personal opinion.
Disclaimer: I curse a lot for comedic effort. I am mean because I am funny. No, you cannot disagree.
Spring 🌸
sakuya: you get what you see. a literal spring babey. his hair and color scheme’s a little generic, but he’s mankai’s poster boy, so that’s understandable. speaking of generic, his main pose is just this emoji 🧍‍♂️ his outfits tend to be kinda basic, but any outfit with a mostly pink top gets him bonus points. 6/10
masumi: okay his hair is elite. probably one of the most memorable character design aspects among the cast. his mole and eyes also make him very pretty. love my boy’s dark color scheme. unfortunately, points must be docked for baiting us with the emo fit, then as the story progresses, he starts dressing like the trust fund kid he is smh. 9/10
tsuzuru: i love you tsuzu but. my mans is so basic. if he didn’t have such a great personality, he’d be as bland as untoasted white bread. the saya of a3. his best design aspect is the fact that he doesn’t dye his roots. his outfits look comfy, but not necessarily eye-catching. 4/10
itaru: everyone who starts a3! with no knowledge of these characters has one (1) thought about itaru. sec sea man. so obviously there’s something appealing/good about his character design. i think part of the appeal is his fuck-all demeanor. obviously, his eyes and hairstyle are attractive, but the way the artists draw him gives him an air of not caring, which is also attractive in a way. his dyed tips are also nice. he looks kinda lame when he dresses professionally, but his casual outfits hit. especially the ones with light pink. 8/10
citron: although i’m not a big fan of the “character is foreign and therefore must talk and dress different and be funny” trope in these types of media, his fashion does make him stand out from the other characters who tend to have more basic clothes. citron’s summer, travel, and autumn outfits SLAP and anyone who says otherwise has bad taste. his hair and eyes are interesting, but his overall color scheme can be a bit repetitive. 7/10
chikage: i hate this guy’s fucking bowlcut. fucking salad bowl lookin ass. every outfit is the same turtleneck and sneakers in two alternate colors. his outfits are so plain. only thing i like is his casual outfit glasses. HOWEVER. that’s the point. he’s supposed to look boring and blend in because he’s a spy. it’s a smart design, i just don’t like it so im docking points. stay mad about it. 5/10
Summer ☀️
tenma: im yawning. you think tsuzu was boring? this guy has orange hair and i still find his design boring. that’s how you know he’s basic. he’s got generic messy shounen protag hair. he could be from any property. if i drew fanart of him, people would ask where he’s from. he either dresses like your slightly homophobic frat boy classmate or a grandfather who gets his shit stolen by the asshole kids next door. 2/10
yuki: he has the r a n g e. all of yuki’s casual outfits hit. they’re all different, but cute in their own way. to no one’s surprise, one of the best styled characters. though i like his general color scheme, i’m personally not the biggest fan of his hairstyle. it’s okay, but a little plain at times. but i think it suits him well. 7/10
muku: i love him. muku’s design is what i love about this game. you see him, and you immediately know what his character archtype is supposed to be. he’s the soft, cute boy. and if this was a mediocre series, that’d be all muku is. but since this is a3, he’s so much more than that. he’s smart, passionate, sensitive to others’ feelings, and protective. a3 does a great job designing characters that look exactly like their archtype, but having a much more developed personality than that. getting back to the actual subject at hand, i love his hairstyle and color, as well as his outfits. you can never go wrong with light pink hair. i may be biased but fuck you. 10/10
misumi: another great memorable design. his eye shape and hair style are really unique. his outfits also elevate his design. street fashion is always a plus for me. though sumi’s design is special in the world of a3! where most of the characters are just. guys. regular lookin dudes. i think that outside of the game, his design would not be as unique. 8/10
kazunari: personally, im a fan. maybe it’s cause i have an affinity for blonde anime boys. but his hairstyle is pretty unique and his trendy looks set him apart from most characters, even outside this game. and he has a pretty lovable expression in his sprites. his fatal flaw is that his fits are either a hit or miss. they’re either really cute or wtf. at least he’s memorable. 8/10
kumon: i love that he reminds me of an owl. his hair and eyes are very cute and his color scheme is great. and i think they did a great job making him look related to juza, but still very much his own character. but he dresses like your classmate from middle school that looks like a nike-sponsored highlighter. yeah, he’s the sporty one, and i like the windbreakers but... i cannot excuse his summer fit. also, i find his design a little tame compared to some of the other characters in the game. 6/10
Autumn 🍂
banri: i hate his hair. i hate it so much. i know in canon it’s nice and he takes good care of it, but it looks so fucking greasy. the style makes him look so greasy and it makes me mad. he looks like an asshole. i mean, he is, so it fits. if this dumb bitch changed his hair more often, i’d like his design so much more. you saw this coming; his love for cheetah print is fucking repulsive. BUT, maybe unpopular opinion, minus the animal print, his sense of fashion is not bad. why do yall clown on it. if the fit is fresh, the fit is fresh. anyway, he looks like an ass, but objectively his design is kinda eh. 5/10
juza: im sorry im DEADLY fucking biased when it comes to juza, but he’s so handsome. his hair is a such a rich, pretty shade of purple and his eyes are so mesmerizing. his hairstyle is so attractive. his face is so pretty. yeah his design isn’t crazy unique, but the simplicity just works. im so sorry im this man’s whore i didn’t choose this life... but i can stop being a simp for one second to say that he has a boring fashion sense. i mean it’s kinda hot how simple his outfits are but his travel fit is good-- wait a minute i just remembered the fucking sandals. docking one point. 9/10
taichi: okay shut the fuck up i LOVE taichi’s design. so eye-catching and fun. as i’ve said i love street fashion, and taichi’s lil e-boy fits are right up my alley. that shade of bright red goes so well with his fashion sense, making a really cohesive design. with his main outfit, you can tell he purposely dresses like that to be trendy and it’s so smart. 10/10
omi: im sorry omi stans but his design is kinda,, boring. i legit had such a hard time identifying him when i first got into this game. the scar saves it a bit. but... only a bit. he’s just got. hair. and a dad outfit. i mean his tits are huge, but i don’t think i can call that a character design aspect. kinda forgettable design. i don’t dislike it though, so he ranks higher than tenma did. 3/10
sakyo: im not sure why but i really like sakyo’s design?? the contrast of his light hair and his dark clothes is nice. also, megane rights. even when i thought he was an npc during my first playthrough, i really dug his design and thought he was memorable. i actually cannot pinpoint a reason why. i wish i had more constructive things to say... but upon thinking about it, he has a karen haircut, which kinda dampers my thoughts on his design. i like his moles, but i honestly did not notice them until the game pointed them out. 7/10
azami: azami has a damn good design. i don’t think anyone can deny that. the long hair, the contrast of black hair and bright blue eyes, his eye shape. all very eye-catching design aspects. and the street fashion style strikes again. the color scheme matches well with everything. this review is lame, but there’s really only good things i can say about his design so. 10/10
Winter ❄️
tsumugi: it’s so late and im so tired of looking at these sprites. anyway, tsumugi’s design is okay. i think his color scheme’s a bit limited and his outfits are a bit meh. he has a more respectable bowlcut than chikage, but it’s still a bowlcut and it’s still boring. i think the best part of his design is his eyes, they’re very soft and kind. but other than that, tsumugi looks pretty basic. 5/10
tasuku: tbh, i didn’t even realize that the godza member tasuku was the same character as the winter troupe guy in the game’s opening until the middle of episode 3... yeah. im slow. ooooooor... tasuku has the worst fucking design in the game. yeah i said it. come at me, but tasuku’s design fucking sucks. i literally thought he was a minor character until they forced me to realize he wasn’t. his fashion sense is... questionable at best. i look at that man’s hair and think he doesn’t shampoo. he looks so bland i could dry up from looking at him. im sorry but his tits do not make up for the sheer fucking snorefest of his character design. he’s so boring i won’t elaborate anymore. 1/10
hisoka: ya get what ya see part 2. i like that i can tell he’s the sleepy and mysterious character just by his design, but honestly, that’s a character trope im generally not a big fan of. so i wasn’t thrilled by hisoka’s design at first. but it’s effective. i like the hairstyle with the white hair, but i’m not too fond of his color scheme. his outfits look comfy and soft though. it makes sense, but it’s nothing too memorable if you compare him to characters outside the game. 5/10.
homare: ah, now this is a memorable character design. his hairstyle annoyed me in the beginning, but now i love it. it’s so unique and fun. and i like the purple. i also like his outfits. very classy. but honestly, most of his charisma lies in his face. i think that the pure eccentricity of the hairstyle is enough to put him in the top tier without considering any other element. you really could not find this design in any other media. fuck it. i don’t need to consider anything else. 9/10
azuma: i’ll be honest. im not a fan of long-haired anime men. especially the pretty, flirty types. i don’t know, i just don’t vibe with them. originally, i didn’t like azuma’s design, but now i do. i don’t know how, but i think it’s because azuma is just that powerful. his ponytail makes it more bearable for me and i like the way his bangs frame his face. he just has pretty eyes and face. unfortunately his color scheme is a little too repetitive for me and his casual outfits are a little boring. 6/10
guy: maybe it’s because he looks dead inside, but i love him. i don’t even know this character that well yet, but i think his deadass expression is great. the darker under-eyeline sets him apart from the other characters and i love how he dresses. i think his hair is kinda eh. i personally like it, but objectively, it’s meh. it’s a solid design, but ngl it’s nothing special when i really think about it. 6/10
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chibi-encubierta · 4 years
Trials of Mana, Session 7: “Benevodon Rush!”
Apparently Tumblr ATE the real session 7 post I made past Sunday...  It is not published nor in the Drafts or Queue.... weird.... Luckily I got  half of the text because I write some notes on paper, save screenshots and then make the post :D So... I’ll write everything I can remember of this session again (UUUGGGGHHHHH I HATE YOU TUMBLR!!) ===============
My brother told me that this part was “pretty fast” as the dungeon were ultra short and there is no need to grind for anything at all, that he just escaped every single battle after lvl 42, So here we go! Let’s see if I can beat them all in one sit.   - In the end I decided to go with Land Umber first because I hate poison damage so much and those slimes are the worst... I hate them!!!
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Woah, pretty! Don’t take me wrong but it would be more pretty if the gems were different colored. you know, like a rainbow :D, still like this.
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...Mmmm I wonder if Defense Down+ Lighting Saber+ Werewolf Kevin can... YEP THE BENEVOLON DIED IN LIKE 6 HIT! (is this hard mode?) And finally got 2 “??? seed”!! I'm lvl 42 and still cannot change class because I didn’t have these damn seeds. Well  just my luck, got items for the classes I don't want hahahaha
Now let’s go for Fiegmund!
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Aaaaand is down! (Same Strategy: Defense Down+Fire Saber+Werewolf Kevin) =============== - Already got to lvl 44... I need  more “??? seeds” right now... Probably going to grind them because I got all the items for the classes I don't want! (the 3 of them!) . .. ... ...... Ok, finally got all the items I wanted, time to class change!... AT LVL 48 OMG!!
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Dragon Master, Fatal Fist and (smol Satan) Sage. Oooohhhhh yeaaaaahhh
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Just posing with the fresh team before this place get totally destroyed. I love my team :D
And now more Benevodons, This time lets go for Xan Bie!!!
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(I never expected this one to be a screamer... Welp is some kind of bird soooo) aaand the same strategy works again! (defense down+ Ice saber+Punch it like there is no tomorrow with Beast form, now this has become easier with the extra combo given with the class and saber to all of the Sage)
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Same Kevin! I cant wait to kick Deathjester Goremand so hard into whatever hole he came out from Mavolia since the part he almost ate Kevin pure cinnamon roll soul (thanks again Ludgar). ===============
mmmm... I want to go for the Lightgazer now, you know, a real challenge without a saber against it, lets do it!!
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The puppy likes places with environmental enrichment, cute af!!!
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Ugggh I hate that this one heals itself, turns you into cute moogles... And does light saber on your party, luckily I got a Sage for... WHAT DO YOU MEAN THIS TUMOR IS INMUNE TO FIRE!!?? aHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHH oh, is dead, nice four more to go!!
=============== - Time for those Damn Damn Drums again. WOOOOOOOO!!! I love what they did with the Woods of Wonder!! Mixing sidescroll with normal ma....OHH already reached Mispolm!!? Nice, time to beat it.
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I just love how in almost every cutscene of the God Beasts Kevin has a serious face >:(  but then he says something like this! I just can’t express enough how he is the biggest cinnamon roll of the game (and can actually kill you). Already did a separated post about this when I was playing, hahahha Kevin want to eat this Pumkin... aaand he ate it :D
=============== - I really don't know if I picked a broken op team with this combo, remember how to play this too well or just have overleveled for this part at all, anyway...
Next Benevodon.... mmmm..... Dangaard!!! Sure why not Lets gooo gogoo! (Is kinda cool that I don’t have to repeat the entire Corridor of wind and can just skip to the boss room).
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I love how Flammie here went from >:)
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to  ^w^, she is just the cutest, just lovely. Lvl 54...okeeey... I might be a little bit too overleveled for this part?.... That was... fast and easy; And I have not even unlocked attack saber II yet!!  Ups!? I blame de “??? seeds” for this. =============== 
That leaves Dolan and Zable Fahr left for a beatdown, but for you-know-what-reasons, it is time for Dolan!!!
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(I’m still totally biased how this Benevodon have one exclusive theme but the rest just some other bosses themes)
Wow this was a hard battle!!! I liked the battle overall, and avoiding attacks was difficult!! Only one left... And I just noticed I NEVER bought anything of the NEW equipment from Josephine and Chikeeta OMG!! (only pre upgrade)
- Time for another place with Damn Damn Drum !!!
like, have you noticed how many times this Melodie appears in the game? Including the part of the prologue with Hawkeye??? I’m not complaining I love that theme and I also know they wanted to keep this as a 1:1 Remake but I think they could have changed this one Damn Damn Drum with “Illusionary Fragment” as both: A prelude to “Ancient Dolphin” and a “cameo/easter egg” of Heroes of Mana, but then I remember:
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will put this one on a separate post. ===============
Time to go to Pedda!!
hahahhaha... You don't know how hard was this with no instructions reach the city (I always flew away to other cities to restore the team), now faerie literally goes "GO TO SLEEP IN PEDDA" hahaha!
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Dude, let me tell you the forbidden story of how Pedda got destroyed and you are actually dead. - Wait there is no seed pot in the Pedda Inn??? Why?? - I bought weapons and armors from the kitties... and now IM BROKE AF!!! No money for Pedda equipment. =============== Aaanywayy TO THE JUNGLE OF VISIONS WITH NOT NEW EQUIPMENT!!! WOOOOT! I think it is really cute how Kevin tells Charlotte that he will help her to save Heath.
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Hello darkness my old friend 🎵 Im not scared, not like the first time I played this game so many years ago.
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NOPE NOPE NOPE NOPE NOPE NOPE                              
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                                     DARKNESS INTENSIFIES
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THIS IS FINE, THIS IS TOTALLY FINE (not even the spawn of Satan was spared).
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fgfghjjjfgkj!!! Second game over of the playthrough! This is what happen when you get distracted pressing “Ctrl+Print Screen” and let go the controller. =============== I think this was the  entire post. Hope that this time Tumblr doesn’t eat it. Next Session: “We will actually buy the new Armour and Weapons before the Rematch with this God-Beast”
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rcyaltiies · 5 years
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[MARGOT ROBBIE?], no that’s [LEONORA HUMPHREY] - the [TWENTY-EIGHT / THREE-HUNDRED AND NINETY-NITE] year old [BISEXUAL, FEMALE, VAMPIRE] that uses [SHE/HERS]. Apparently she is [BRAVE] && [RESOURCEFUL] but some say she is [IMPULSIVE] && [FAKE]. In the group they are known as [THE PERCEPTIVE]. She is one of the bound. She survived the massacre because [SHE WAS “SIGHTSEEING” IN COPENHAGEN WITH A FRIEND]. // [dan, 20, GMT-3, she/hers]
BIRTH NAME. leonora gyldenløve humphrey
ALIAS(ES). leo, (previously) princess leonora
AGE / D.O.B. twenty-eigh (three-hundred and ninety-nine) / feb. 03, 1619
BIRTH ORDER. lmao let’s see...
HOROSCOPE. aquarius
RELIGION. raised lutheran, non-religious
GENDER / SPECIES. female / vampire
SEXUALITY. bisexual
HOMETOWN & BIRTHPLACE. helsingør, denmark
NOTABLE LOCATIONS: copenhagen, rio de janeiro, vancouver, los angeles, london, rome, paris, sidney, new york, layter’s cross
HEIGHT. 5 ft 6 ( 168 cm )
NATIONALITY. english (fake); danish
LANGUAGE(S). danish, english, latin, spanish, italian, french & portuguese
VIRTUES. bravery, charisma, wit, insight, kindness
VICES. vengeance, impulse, loneliness
RELATIONSHIP STATUS. single (technically...... married? about 380 years ago, does that count?
CHILDREN. none (none alive, anyway, so)
leonora  was born in 1619, the daughter of king christian iv of denmark - an illegitimate daughter, however.
her human life was rather complicated and filled with running away and hiding, but the whole thing gets back to the fact that eventually she was legitimized by her father and made a princess, who married a wealthy duke heir named niels, with whom she had two children.
she was turned into a vampire after a ball night with her husband years after being made a legitimate princess, but they both managed to hide their new nature for a couple of months.
when they were discovered by her people within the court, who saw them as beasts, they were forced to flee with their two children, and from them on, they had to pretend to be other people. leonora even pretended to be a man for a couple years.
at one point, people who were looking for them were so close that leonora and niels chose to give their children to adoption (hardest choice she ever had to make, btw).
and soon after that, they were separated by a force of fate. they never got to see each other again for hundreds of years, and the one time leo did find niels, she couldn’t reach out to him.
she’s been all over throughout the years, but the longest she stayed in one place was 19th century brazil, where she stayed for 57 years (having been there on the 17th century too, for a brief period of time).
now, leonora decided to use her real name again (it’s been long enough), but is posing as an english record store owner in layter’s cross as she actually is a bit of a con-artist on the side
people who don’t really know her might look at her and think she’s just a naive, quiet girl, but leonora’s got a whole freaking hurricane inside her??
several years of constant heartbreak does that to a person, yk
she’s actually very cunning and can be that kind of person who tricks others, but is also very generous to those in need
pretty much obsessed with researching everything that people have written about her (and her family) and to people who don’t know who she is, she says she has a history degree and is crazy about danish monarchy... 
she loves reading every crazy (or on point) theory about the ‘missing princess of denmark’ - aka, herself. 
leo is a little lonely at times, and she deals with being alone well, but loneliness will eat you from the inside out, if you know what i mean, so there’s that
she’s very easy to befriend, but most her friendships are superficial as she doesn’t want to have people too close to her only to have to flee again when she draws suspicious eyes towards herself
cutie with a booty, btw, and super fun to hang around?? not that im biased or anything, clearly……….
if you wanna plot connections with her (plssss), lemme know by liking/replying to this or you can just hit me up yourself? i’m open to all sorts of shit right now!
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jisungsmochi · 6 years
fan signs: haechan
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You were getting ready with your friend for the NCT 127 fansigning
Your friend was chatting her head off about jaehyun and how much they adored him
While you were sitting on your bed, staring at your phone home screen that was set as haechan
A smile instantly found its way to your lips
Your friend noticed and was like
“dude, ur gonna meet him soon, let’s get goin” they cheer for you
you both make your way to the venue through public transport, sharing earphones while listening to nct’s album
as you reached the venue, you started getting nervous
you usually weren’t so easily intimidated by things like this but the idea of meeting haechan make your legs weak and you couldn’t even speak
when your friend asked if you wanted a drink, you couldn’t even reply to them bc you were too fazed by your own imaginations
they laughed at you in amusement
“get it together!” they playfully grab your shoulders to lead you to the room you’d have the fansigining in
as you walked in you saw so many other fans
all equally as excited as you
they all had posters and signs of their biases
it was such a beautiful sight
all these fans gathered by one group
you took you seats with your friend and started chatting to some people near you
it started to ease your nerves knowing that they were genuinely feeling the same way you were
  but before you know it
 you see the host for the event come on stage and introduce the boys
 you were basically frozen lmao
 those 9 boys waltzed into stage like it wasn’t anyone’s business
 they all greeted the fans with enthusiasm before bowing
 you and your friend were shooketh to say the least
 you really didn’t believe they were right there
 the actual meeting started, and fans were lining up
 you couldn’t take your eyes off him
 he was right at the end next to mark
 the fans before you seemed to have been going by quickly and before you know it
 ur at the start of the chain woop
 first is yuta, he gives you his heavenly smile
 then it was winwin, followed by jaehyun, taeyong, taeil and doyoung
 you dabbed when you saw johnny
 and as natural mechanism, he dabbed back
 it was beautiful
 ok now u were up to mark and like
 you were almost shitting yourself
 like haechan was right there
 mark noticed how nervous you were and was like “it’s okay! Fighting!” or some cheeky shit like that
 the big moment has come
 you shuffled over to haechan
 your legs felt like jelly
 your heart was beating so fast
 he smiled at you like a literal mf angel
 god bless him pls
 he waved slightly as you were literally shaking
 he noticed dude
 so being the sly boy he is
 he put his hand over yours and started talking
 “hi, what’s your name?”
 “y-y/n” you barely blurted out
 he just giggled bc tbh he thought you were cute bc you were getting flustered over him
 “i love you so much oh my god, you don’t even understand like, how can you possibly be so perfect wow im gonna cry” you suddenly outburst at him
 he honestly was taken back
 those words really boosted his ego
 so he like
 held your hands a bit tighter and goes
 “don’t cry over me! Only when I sing sad songs okay! Thank you for supporting me, I will remember you, I love you!”
 and just like that
 he ended you lmao
 you were dead
 so like
 you were speechless af
 and rlly had to move away bc other fans u know
 so you bid him a farewell as he let go of your hands
 he gave you one last smile before you left
 it was permanently in your heart
 you were a mess tbh
 so like yeah
 when you went back to your seat
 the sly boy just kept looking at you and waving
 making cute aegyo poses for you to take pics of
 your life was complete
 and tbh so was his like
 come on
 hes cute as shit
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hwallsgrl-archive · 7 years
kconla ‘17
this is more or less a post for my own reference bc i tend to forget things rlly easily... and i really don’t want to forget this weekend!! sorry if this is unreadable.. like i said, it’s mainly for my own reference ghfjdksn
friday convention: pretty uneventful seeing as it’s only the first day... me n my friend lined up to try for the w1 hitouch but we were told to come back at 2pm. we had heize’s audience engagement to go to at that time, so we just ended up buying w1 banners and nametags anyways bc tbh.. we didn’t have a chance at winning LOL.. (i heard fansites bought all the merch tho? so at least we got our stuff before that madness). a lot of people were selling their heize passes, so the rest of our party bought them to go in and honestly.. it’s a loss for the people who sold them !! heize is one of the sweetest n down to earth people i’ve ever met/seen... someone in the hi-touch area got her an olaf backpack and she was so excited!! she also said she really liked the vibe of la and that more people showed up than she expected (which broke my heart HJKDS). she also describes herself as a “srapper/ringer” bc she says she likes both singing and rapping... im gna fast forward to the cosmic girls audience engagement which was.. life changing tbh.. they’re all so pretty and cute irl, but bona couldn’t make it for some reason :( yeonjung sang miracle + secret, dawon did eunseo’s “hing~”, and meiqi did luda’s “mollah-ah”. they were also asked who they wanted to switch bodies with and from what i can remember, dayoung wanted to switch bodies with dawon (bc in her words, dawon is “hot, tall, and sexy” HJFSHLJ), and luda wanted to switch bodies with seola (bc she’s really pretty.. and i agree!! all of them are!!!) cheng xiao is my bias but unfortunately she didn’t say much..... also every idol whose never been to la wants in n out but i don’t blame them, it’s good!! i didn’t have that great of a view either bc the people in front of me were already tall + they were against the barrier which adds another inch or so to their height.. but overall it was a cute n fun audience engagement!! we went home afterwards bc there was nothing else left to do..
saturday convention: we went early bc my friend had sf9′s audience engagement so while we waited for her to finish that, me n the rest of the party just went around the convention hall and got free stuff :’)) when she came back, we went to juncurryahn’s meet and greet. he’s rly nice and talented, but i don’t watch his videos so i didn’t know what was going on majority of the time... afterwards we were going to get food and i was going to line up for seventeen’s audience engagement, but on the way out i saw people already lining up outside? when i asked what was going on, a guard told me to wait in the indoor waiting area but when i went there, vixx’s audience engagement hadn’t gone in yet. i asked the woman scanning bracelets but she told me to go outside. when i told her the situation, she then said i could stay inside. thirty minutes later, more people came in and started complaining so she told us all to.. go back outside lmfao... when i headed back outside the guard said the waiting area was full, so i’d just have to sit around until they started letting people line up again... i did meet a few more carats in line tho so i guess? it’s fine.. i also got a mingyu fan from one of his fansites, like u! it was super hectic inside bc a lot of people were crowding me and i was getting anxious, but the carats i met in line were nice enough to check up on me every few minutes to make sure i was okay... and seeing seventeen..... made my heart stop.... i couldn’t get a good view bc 1) im short and 2) people brought posters and constantly held them up whenever their biases talked.. it was a good experience but the only thing that bothered me was people screaming whenever a member tried to talk... i’d hate to be biased but seeing dino in the same room as me was the most memorable.. like he actually glows irl and he’s so handsome and pictures don’t do him justice!!!!!!! also junhui? ethereal. he can’t exist like.. he’s too handsome. they then played a dice game where each number means they have to do a certain thing.. dino got freestyle dance (how fitting...), seungkwan and wonwoo got fav pop song (when we were young + see you again, respectively), jeonghan and joshua both got aegyo, dk got random dance (and he threw the dice inflatable into the crowd and.. mightve hit someone ? idk i only heard him apologizing!!), and mingyu got sexy dance (hgfjdkl it was funny bc he started off fine but got rlly awkward n shy). everyone and their mothers are hip hop team stans btw... after that i left to go find my friends at the mwave stage, where they were doing signed album giveaways. oh my girl was having a fansign at star square in thirty minutes and i happened to be near the barrier where they walked by... in the midst of waiting for oh my girl to come out, my friend’s number was called for an album and he got the night version of astro’s dream pt 01 signed by all members!! literally 3 minutes later oh my girl came out and??????? they’re so pretty i was FLOORED.. i could only get a good look at jiho’s face before a guard stepped in front of me tho.. but i did see all the other member’s side profiles and? i love girls. wow. once that was over, we went to go get food and line up for the concert when the friend who won the album said he didn’t listen to astro.. and he gave it to me....... i started crying
saturday concert: HJFKDSLHJFK IT WAS WILD TBH!! the pre show was really good w/ juncurryahn playing crush’s beautiful on the violin and dancing to not today.. then it was krnfx and he beatboxed a few songs.. also lydia paek joined him for bs&t which was cool!! the first mc’s for the night were scoups, joshua, and vernon and i kind of.. lost my shit HJKDSLHJFK.... i don’t rmr the exact order but i do know that sf9 was the first act and they performed fanfare, jungle game, and easy love. also when they did the whole robot acrobatics thing in jungle game? my face was like :O the whole time!!!! chani looked like a cute lil pumpkin and zuho... is spicy... after that was cosmic girls and I LOVE!!!! THOSE SPACE ANGELS!!!! SOO MUCH!!!!! they performed happy, i wish, and secret (though i really wanted them to perform miracle...) i’m not a big fan of girl’s day but they’re sooo beautiful and they performed i’ll be yours, something. and ring my bell.. i knew nothing about suju d&e but they did 3 songs! the only song i can recall the name of is oppa oppa, which is really catchy... vixx’s act was really good!! they performed shangri-la, black out, and fantasy, but i was thinking about haknyeon and ravi’s lil head twirl part the whole time ghjdfkl.... vixx had a thing called ‘pinata time’ and got photo session, and they made cute poses around the stage so fans could take pictures of them. seventeen was the last act and ................ it was life changing, truly... they performed don’t wanna cry and I STARTED CRYING BC I LOVE THOSE BOYS SO MUCH AND WORDS CAN’T DESCRIBE HOW MUCH THEY MEAN TO ME AND HOW MUCH THEY’VE DONE FOR ME.... they had a pinata time and got everyone in the venue to dance to mansae which made me tear up again... they shot signed tshirts into the crowd in reserved seating!! mingyu + jun + woozi had to share a gun and after they shot one shirt, mingyu was trying to put the other shirt in and almost broke the gun HJFKLHJSDK... jun was interacting w/ the crowd all while woozi n mingyu were trying to figure it out.. like he was just shrugging and being his cute bubbly self.. eventually a staffer had to come up and help them lmao.. they also performed boom boom and aju nice which put me in the happiest mood!! i wanted them to perform pretty u which is like.. my fav song.. but i would have started UGLY CRYING so i’m glad they didn’t... somewhere in between cosmic girls invented the song i need u and sf9 covered sorry sorry... both groups danced together for the last chorus or so for sorry sorry..... also all of svt’s units performed a song! performance team did swimming fool, vocal did habit, and hip hop did check in. but saturday’s concert was amazing and seventeen.. really did change my life..... i also hope hoshi is feeling better !!!
sunday convention: got lost on the freeway and we all started freaking out bc we thought we’d miss wanna one at the innisfree booth. fortunately we made it in time, but the booth was already packed and there were people pushing and shoving. the security was really rude and told people near the back “if you cant see anything you’re wasting your time, what are you doing with your lives??” though i get he was doing his jobs.. there’s better ways to just tell us to back up lmao... i also i stood next to a baejin fansite (cheese bae) and they gave me a banner! my friend and i got claustrophobic and left, but i’m glad i did bc the people in front of me were a good 7 inches taller than me and when wanna one showed, the pushing got so bad that kcon threatened to end the session. the rest of the party stayed and said that they were only there for 5 minutes and that they looked visibly upset (understandable bc of the whole airport incident. i don’t blame them if they hate la lmao). they did get a blurry video of baejin and daniel tho so.. they airdropped that to me. we did pretty much everything the convention hall had to offer and no workshops/panels really interested us so we just hung around the toyota booth for astro... there i got a sanha fan from a fansite, but their name isn’t on the fan so i can’t find them :(... kard was said to make an appearance at the state farm booth right next to the toyota one, so it got crowded and my friend and i left. we just sat in the entrance hall near an outlet until astro came out, and we stood near the elevator so we could see them walk out... sanha is unbelievably tall. like.... what’s he so tall for. why. also while waiting i got a taeyong banner from leetaeyongbar! we then decided to go back inside to hopefully see wanna one at star square, so we went to the area where we stood for oh my girl. luckily not a lot of people cared to stand in the back so we got right up by the barrier. i also talked to a wannable and she was rlly sweet!! i mentioned getting anxious abt crowds of people against me and she also made sure i was okay, which is nice.. also a fansite stood behind me and i told her that if i was in the way, she could just let me know.. i dont know which fansite she is but she was nice n was thankful!!! wanna one came out and i only got a good look at guanlin (who is tall, but not sanha tall) before staff stood in front of me.. after they walked by a bunch of people left so i got closer and waited for them to come out... i’m glad i stayed bc i actually saw them walk out... and jisung!!!!!!!! waved!!!!!! in our direction!!!!!!!!!!!! my heart almost burst out of my chest bc he’s so handsome irl and he’s so cute and he looked really happy... after that we left to line up for the concert
sunday concert: sunday’s crowd was a lot bigger than saturday’s, and i’m pretty sure everyone there was a got7 stan... while in line i saw papa tuan (mainly bc he was dressed as their lightstick, which was cute)!!! inside the venue, the girl sitting next to me as also an aroha so we talked abt astro while we waited for the concert to start!! the preshow was a band called iamnot (correct me if i’m wrong, i couldn’t read their logo ghjfdk) and they were really good.. i liked their act a lot!!! the night’s hosts were mark and jackson, and they did a good job hyping up the crowd (tho everyone in there was a got7 stan so.. who wouldn’t be hyped lol). when they were calling up all the artists, heize brought the olaf backpack on with her and my heart!!!!! exploded w love for my mother!!!!!! once again i don’t remember the exact order, but i do know that the first act was kard, who performed don’t recall, hola hola, and oh nana. we also sang happy birthday to somin who teared up :’)). also j.seph is super cute n shy........ heize performed don’t know you. after a small ment, a sign asked us to turn on our phone flashlights... the music for star started and heize started to cry bc of all of the lights hjgfdklhg :( she only performed two songs... oh my girl performed coloring book and closer, and yooa is sosososo pretty!!! arin is super cute too!!! also binnie doesn’t have bangs anymore and my heart almost stopped!!! my robong DIED during coloring book bc me, being the fool i am, reused batteries from my carat bong... the aroha next to me gave me her spare batteries which was so nice of her... but then her robong died during closer so i gave back the batteries bc i knew astro as her ult, n she needed those batteries more than me LOL.. when wanna one performed, the girl saw me with my banner and she asked to record for me and i’m so grateful!!! they performed energetic and burn it up, and i think me and my friend got on the screen for like 2 seconds HJKDLSHJGKL... astro did a collab with kim taewoo and they did so well!! the dance was super energetic but their voices still sounded so good!!! kim taewoo then performed and his voice was really nice.. i can’t recall the song names but i believe his last song was love rain? astro performed should’ve held on, breathless (with a transition into polaris), and baby!! sanha was soo cute during the ment :(( they also had a pinata time and made tshirts to throw to those in the pit. they also had tshirt guns and shot those to the reserved seats... also i recorded the performance for the aroha next to me in exchange for the w1 videos... nct’s stage was.. so hype.... they performed firetruck, limitless, and cherry bomb!! some of the mics weren’t working during the ment so mark leaned over to let taeil use his in-ear mic and everyone in the venue went wild... also sicheng’s self intro was “my name is winwin!!! today.. we winwin!!!!!!!!” HJFKSLHJSF HE’S SO CUTE I LOVE HIM SO MUCH I’LL FOREVER BE SICHENGSGIRL NO MATTER HOW MANY TIMES I CHANGE MY URL.... once again, the aroha next to me recorded nct for me and i later recorded got7 for her.. jj project performed, and they did never ever, hard carry, and?? correct me if i’m wrong but confession song?? idk.. they had a pinata time as well and a lucky fan got proposed to by three members, who i think were bambam, jaebum, and jackson. somewhere in between, wanna one came out again in navy colored school uniforms and perfomed never and nayana.. and i teared up during the latter... after the concert was over, me n the aroha airdropped each other the videos... i never got her name but she was super sweet and im glad i got to sit next to someone who didn’t consider my screaming obnoxious (she apologized for screaming during astro and got7 but.. we get each other LOL)
overall i’m so happy that i saw 6/6 of the groups i stan at my very first kcon!!! it’s rlly a memory i want to keep forever.. but i probably won’t go again in a long time (unless ofc.... wanna one or seventeen decide to come again :’))) )
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