#anyways. time to go stare at a wall for five hours
snailsnfriends · 2 years
C!Tommy and Love, Despite, Despite, Despite: An Essay
Tommy’s entire life story on the SMP can be characterized by a lot of different things. You could see it as a coming of age story, where we watch as Tommy works his way through his teens in strenuous circumstances. You could see it as a story of abuse and the effects of it, the before and after of what Tommy undergoes during Exile. You could see it as a story of strength, of disappointment, of deterioration. You could see it as all of these. None of them are wrong. However, there is one key part of Tommy’s story that remains strong, from beginning to end. Love is what best characterizes Tommy’s story on the Dream SMP. Almost every arc has love at its core, and it is the biggest thing that shapes Tommy and his decisions. 
This essay was written under the assumption that Boundless Sands was Tommy’s finale. I know that it isn’t, but for the sake of this essay, that’s what it is. To maintain my sanity, I started with the Disc War. I am sorry early SMP fans. So with that out of the way, let’s begin. 
Word count: 3.2k
Tommy’s attachment to the discs is one of his first displays of extreme love toward something. He cares very deeply for the discs and finds that they bring him comfort. As time goes on, these discs become more and more important to him, which is why Dream going after them is such an issue. It really is the introduction of love as a larger theme for Tommy and Dream, and it sets the tone for the rest of their stories. Tommy fights tooth and nail to keep the discs in his possession, no matter how much the war presents issues in his day-to-day life. It would be easy to let go of the discs, to give them up and to live peacefully on his own. However, Tommy refuses to do this, not only because of his stubborn nature, but because of how much he loves the discs. As previously stated, they bring him comfort and they remind him of Tubbo, his best friend. Love is what drives Tommy to fight for his discs.
Love is also what drives Tommy to give away his discs later for L’Manberg’s independence. Despite how much the discs mean to him, Tommy is willing to part with them if it means that he and his loved ones can be free of Dream’s terror. No one asks him to do this. No one expects him to do this. Yet still, he gives away something he loves, he gives away what has essentially become a part of himself, in order to better the lives of his family. L’Manberg and the home it created is a big part of Tommy’s life, and the love he has for it is clear throughout his entire story. He grows to see it as a family, and he grows very close to Wilbur at this time, even seeing him as a brother. Tommy idolizes Wilbur a lot in this arc and really looks up to him as a leader. This is, once again, an act of love. L’Manberg provides a safe place for Tommy and Tubbo to fuck around, and the nurturing envoirment only feeds into Tommy’s love for it. Tommy dedicates himself to L’Manberg and even dies for it, not because he is asked to, not because he is pressured to, but because he genuinely loves L’Manberg and the people within it. 
When Tommy and Wilbur lose L’Manberg after the elections, it is love that spares Tommy from having a complete breakdown. His love for the country and for Wilbur is what fuels him to have a positive outlook in a time of despair. He knows that if he fights hard enough, if he loves hard enough, he will be able to return to the home that he helped create and he will be able to help Wilbur get out of the state that he’s in. Tommy’s time in Pogtopia is a very big test for him because he lost the two biggest beacons of stability he had: L’Manberg and Wilbur. There are many instances of Wilbur scaring Tommy, or acting “unkind” (in Tommy’s words). Moments like, “let’s be the bad guys,” “you’re never gonna be president,” “Tubbo? He’s lying to you man!” and the pit scene are moments of extreme stress for Tommy. He understands that something is wrong with Wilbur, but he doesn’t know how to articulate that or how to help. Despite seeing his brother in this state and facing the brunt of his spiral (because Tommy is the person most available), Tommy never gives up on Wilbur. Yes, he is upset with Wilbur, is scared of Wilbur, and is, in many instances, angry with Wilbur. But this does not stop Tommy from believing that Wilbur is beyond help or saving. He sticks with Wilbur because he loves Wilbur. He believes that by saving L’Manberg, he can save Wilbur. When it is revealed that a traitor is part of Pogtopia, he refuses to believe that Wilbur is a suspect, despite seeing the button room with his own eyes and restraining Wilbur after seeing him in a suicidal state. It does not matter that all the signs pointed to Wilbur. Tommy loved Wilbur, and knew that there was goodness in him, so he absolutely refused to let Wilbur go until he was no longer given a choice in the matter (he was never given a choice, but you get what I mean). There were many points in Pogtopia where Tommy had every reason to leave, especially after the Green Festival and Wilbur’s behavior in the aftermath. He was free to go at any time. But it was his love for Wilbur and for L’Manberg that prevented Tommy from giving up. 
Wilbur committing suicide on the 16th, though not a suprise for the audience, was a surprise for Tommy. As previously stated, he truly believed that if they got L’Manberg back, which they did, Wilbur would get better. Obviously, this wasn’t correct, and Tommy feels very mixed when it comes to Wilbur from now on. He feels betrayed and is suddenly isolated. He no longer knows how to view Wilbur. Idolization was easy for Tommy, but grieving was not. He understood that Wilbur was not behaving correctly, but he couldn’t bring himself to be angry with Wilbur for long periods of time, because he still loved Wilbur. It’s something that he really struggles to grapple with, how he can love someone despite being hurt by them. Tommy at this time was accustomed to black-and-white thinking, so this sudden shift was overwhelming. Despite his feelings toward Wilbur, he loves Ghostbur, who we’ll come back to during the Exile arc. Before that though, he burns down George’s house with Ranboo, and the Exile confrontation begins. Tommy believes that his friendship, or, his love for Tubbo will save him from Exile. Tommy being proven wrong on this front is something that changes his and Tubbo’s friendship forever. Even though it was proven to him before that love couldn’t save everyone, he still put his faith in it. This line of thinking is questioned even further during Exile.
Love being at the center of Tommy’s story is part of what makes Exile so horrifying. During Exile, Tommy is deprived of love and connection to other people, and this isolation is part of the reason why he attempts suicide later on. Dream has taken notice of Tommy’s love for others and for objects and uses this knowledge to abuse Tommy. He takes away Tommy’s items and blows them up in front of him because he wants Tommy to feel as if he has nothing to love. He is not allowed an outlet to feel any positive emotion. This also ensured that any item Dream gave to Tommy, like the trident, would make him have a highly emotional response, and then taking that away would create an even bigger upset. The compass Ghostbur gives to Tommy elicits this highly emotional response. Tommy considers throwing it away, but doesn’t, because he loves Tubbo, despite being Exiled by him. The beach party only further cements this feeling. Tommy is made to feel as if no one loves him. When love is a large part of what drives Tommy, this can only be a problem. On the final day of Exile, when Dream calls Tommy a bug, making him feel insignificant and like a burden, he feels most unloved. Dream had tried, and succeeded, in making Tommy believe that he was Tommy’s only friend. But by saying this, he has made it clear that he does not love, let alone care for Tommy, the way a friend should. This, along with the other instances of abuse during Exile, is what drives Tommy to attempt suicide. While on the verge of attempting, Tommy realizes that Dream is not his friend, that love is not present, that he has been starved of it for an extended period of time. But because he knows that it does not have to be this way, he wills himself to leave his Exile and to seek refuge in a place that will not only provide safety, but also love: Technoblade’s house. 
Tommy’s relationship with Technoblade, though complicated near the end, was one of love in care, even if that wasn’t explicitly shown all the time. Techno made an effort to include Tommy in his plans, even if he was more of a liability than a helping hand. He let Tommy live in his house and build on his land, even if these builds were an eyesore or a clear indication that Tommy was hiding in his house. He lied right to Dream’s face to save Tommy. These are all, at their core, acts of love, and ones that Tommy responds to positively. Throughout the arc, Tommy is in a delicate state; he is in the process of learning how to live without the threat of abuse looming over his head. It is this love that aids Tommy in his journey. Ghostbur is present for both this arc and Exile, and his friendship is just as important to Tommy. Ghostbur does stir up some bouts of sadness in Tommy just because he’s also Wilbur in a way, but simply being Tommy’s friend and showing him compassion helps Tommy feel better, even in darker moments. He helps Tommy’s grieving process, in a way, by being an outlet for Tommy’s emotions. Tommy doesn’t necessarily get the answers he wants, but he gets something, and that something is taken to heart. Later on in the arc, in the Community House conflict, Tommy says that the discs were worth more than Tubbo. This, obviously, is not true, and Tommy immediately regrets it. He realizes that he does not like the person he is becoming. He does not want to be violent or defensive. He realizes that love was missing in his actions and motivations, which was part of why he was acting in such a hostile way. Tubbo and Tommy go on to apologize for what they’ve done quickly before beginning preparations for Doomsday.
Tommy does not want New L’Manberg to be blown up because it was, at one point, his home, and he knows that people will be put in danger if it’s blown up. However, the even bigger part of this is that Tommy saw Wilbur and L’Manberg as the same thing, so if L’Manberg was destroyed, Wilbur would be destroyed as well. L’Manberg was one of the last “good things” Tommy had of Wilbur, so he didn’t want to see it be ripped apart. This, again, is an example of love as one of Tommy’s motivations; he does not want to see something and someone he loves get blown up for the second time. When the event actually occurs, he argues with Techno so much not just because he disagrees with what’s going on, but because he sees Techno as his friend. He wants to reach some kind of middle ground. Him fighting to make Techno, Dream and Phil stop is an act of love toward L’Manberg and Wilbur. 
The Disc War Finale, as a whole, can be characterized by love. For Tommy specifically though, this takes many forms. While fighting with Dream, Tubbo is compromised and Tommy is forced to choose between the discs (which he thought were real), and Tubbo. It is true that Tommy hesitated, and it’s definitely not one of his greatest moments. But this hesitation takes place because of the amount of stress he is under. If he gives up his discs, he’ll have Tubbo, but he will not be free from Dream’s harassment. If he lets Tubbo die, which is what Tubbo is insisting on because he knows what the stakes are, then he will be free to live in peace. Despite the offering of freedom, Tommy rejects it in favor of saving Tubbo, his best friend. Tommy gave up what he thought was the only way to be relieved from Dream’s abuse in favor of protecting his best friend. This is an act of love. Later on in the stream, when Tommy was told of Dream’s plan to kill Tubbo, he pleaded for a different option, for any other resolution, if it meant that Tubbo could live. Tommy was willing to place himself in danger, in the hands of his abuser, if it meant that Tubbo could live. I sound like a broken record at this point, but this is an act of love. After everyone on the server piles in and Tommy kicks Dream’s ass, (“Dream, put your armor in the hole” will always be iconic) Dream reveals that he has the power to revive people, and would be willing to revive Wilbur. Here, Tommy is presented with yet another deal that involves his freedom. He can either kill Dream and never have to worry about being targeted by him again, or he could keep Dream around and run that risk for even the possibility that Dream would revive Wilbur. Tommy chooses Wilbur. Time and time again, Tommy chooses Wilbur, because he loves Wilbur. They lock Dream up in prison, Tommy takes his discs, and listens to them with Tubbo while Wilbur speaks to Tommy through the mortal plain. In this moment, Tommy acts with love, and receives it as well. 
The Hotel Arc is Tommy’s healing arc, and it is here where he learns how to direct the love he gives to others to himself. With Dream locked away, he has the opportunity to process his traumas and his actions, which he hadn’t been able to really do since Wilbur’s death. This process helps him reconnect with others and with himself. He gains a better understanding of how he reacts in high pressure situations, and he learns how to really live again, not just survive, without someone else watching over him. He builds the Big Innit Hotel and invites most of the server, including Techno, because he wants his hotel to be a place of refuge if things go to shit. He wanted to be there for others, even for those he wasn’t on good terms with. Obviously, this is an act of love. Tommy does a lot of introspective work at this time, and grants himself the patience to work through his issues. He allows himself to be optimistic, and he works very hard to get better. All of these are acts of love, just directed inward. 
Tommy’s acts of love do not make another appearance until Wilbur’s revival because, unsurprisingly, being killed and then brought back by your abuser does not leave a lot of room for love (though this can be its own essay). Tommy is very callous toward Wilbur when he is first revived, and even says that Wilbur should be dead. Not a great start. But it doesn’t take long for Tommy to begin giving Wilbur a tour of the server. Even when Wilbur says that he never cared for L’Manberg, even when he tries to physically fight Tommy, Tommy never stops giving Wilbur the tour. This is an act of love, because Wilbur is clearly antagonizing Tommy, yet Tommy does not leave when he has every chance to do so. This, however, is unhealthy, and really marks the start of their complicated relationship post revival. This behavior only continues when Wilbur and Tommy create Paradise next to Las Nevadas. Wilbur hurts Tommy here as well by fighting with Quackity over who was the “better choice” and by practically begging Tommy to stay with him. Right before he leaves, Wilbur says, “what could go wrong in a prison?” after Tommy repeatedly stated that Dream was dangerous, and that he died in the prison because of Dream. Clearly, Tommy isn’t being treated well, and he’s aware of that fact. Yet he still decides to stick with Wilbur, even if it’s against his better judgment. He loves Wilbur and now struggles to see himself without him. Tommy staying with Wilbur is an act of love, but like last time, is an unhealthy one. This unhealthy behavior doesn’t really stop at all, and frankly, it just gets worse. 
Tommy really trusts Wilbur, despite having no real reason to. This is an act of love. In the Inconsolable Differences stream, Tommy reveals that he was driven to suicide due to the abuse he endured from Dream. This in and of itself is an act of extreme love and trust. He has not told anyone about what happened to him in Exile, let alone the end result of it. The fact that he told Wilbur is an extreme display of trust. Wilbur then creates a plan to get back at Dream without telling Tommy any of the details. Wilbur just asks Tommy for the discs and to trust him. This is a huge ask. The discs are not only an attachment, but a representation of Tommy’s freedom. And Dream is a touchy, dangerous subject for Tommy. Yet still, he agrees to the plan blindly. This is another act of love. He trusts Wilbur enough to just say yes with little to no questions. Obviously, after the plan is enacted, Tommy is rightfully upset and pissed. Wilbur not only threatened to kill himself again, but he also got rid of Tommy’s discs. This is an extreme breach of trust, and Tommy digs into him. When Wilbur reveals that he didn’t get rid of the real discs, Tommy is stunned into silence. Wilbur explains that Tommy is now free, and Tommy thanks him. None of this stops Tommy from hanging out with Wilbur even more, which is a display of love, but again, it’s unhealthy. Wilbur is aware that he and Tommy are not good for one another at the moment. He knows that they are too reliant on one another, and that reliance hurts them both. He acknowledges that there is love there, but the hurt does not outweigh it. This comes to a head in their last stream together, Boundless Sands. Wilbur, purposefully vaguely, tells Tommy that he is leaving. Tommy notices that Wilbur is speaking the way that Tommy himself used to speak during Exile: vaguely, sadly, with the clear intention of death at the end of it without saying “death” specifically. This, understandably, freaks Tommy out, and when Wilbur does not let up on the vagueness, Tommy hits him with his sword. He immediately regrets this and says, “I never used to be this angry.” This is pretty much the biggest example of why they should be apart. One causes the other too much stress, and it ends with both of them getting hurt. Wilbur then drops the act and explains that he’s going to Utah. Wilbur tells him that he was L’Manberg, and that it was made to protect him. They exchange words and a book, and then Wilbur leaves. Tommy is really upset by this, but he doesn’t try to stop Wilbur from leaving. He doesn’t threaten him with violence, he doesn’t beg. He stands on the shore and watches as Wilbur rows out into the sea. Instead of fighting, he lets Wilbur go in the hope that he’ll be happier. This is the final act of love that Tommy gives to Wilbur, and it is the final act of love that is reciprocated.  Tommy is a story of hope, of friendship, of attachment, of triumph, of primes. Tommy is a story of grief, of brothers, of homes, of healing, of failed pranks. But at the heart of all of it, Tommy is a story of love. It is present in almost every part of his life. By loving others and himself, Tommy learns how to live, despite, despite, despite.
243 notes · View notes
ceilidho · 7 months
‘John price with a single mother this’ ‘Simon Riley with a single mother that’
Yeah yeah keep yapping. Now ME? I think we’re seriously undervaluing the sheer perfection that is Johnny fucking MacTavish with a single mother. He’s insufferable. If there’s an opportunity to worm his way into your life permanently, he’s taking it. My brains fixated on newly moved in neighbour reader and Johnny just comes back from being deployed and there’s this pretty woman next door and woah! bonus points! She has a baby!
He’s bouncing off the walls. He’s sick. Almost first thing he does after seeing you come in and out the flats alone a few times is ask if your lad is around. Has to try so hard to pretend to be sympathetic when you say he did a runner when he found you you were pregnant.
He’s actually spectacular with babies. Makes a point of it whenever he sees you with the kid too; always makes her chuckle, goes out of his way to prove that he’s great with kids. Works his way into it, builds a rapport so when you’re called into work for an emergency you just can’t miss the first person you go to for babysitting is Johnny. When you get back, he’s ‘asleep’ on the couch with the baby on his chest and you just don’t have it in you to wake him so you just sit on the other end of the couch and wait. When he does ‘wake up’ it’s a bit late to be kicking him out so you just offer to let him stay night (this becomes a reoccurring theme).
Starts referring to the you and baby as ‘the bairn’ and ‘his lass’ long before he even asks you out. Asked out for drinks? No, sorry. He’s got to go home to his lass and the bairn. Is he busy this weekend? Yeah he’s taking his lass and the bairn to the amusements. Frequently confuses work colleagues and friends alike because when did Johnny have time to A. Get a girl and B. Shag her enough to knock her up???? Will NOT correct anyone who calls him your husband or the baby’s dad, and will actually get upset if you do.
The moment you agree to go out with him he’s micromoving you into his flat (he’s already looking for houses). Has pictures of you and the baby up on his wall in less than an hour of you being his girlfriend. The ‘spare’ crib is already assembled. He’s already picked a ring. He’s insane. He’s in love. He’s known you for like three months. He’s already got the next like two pregnancies planned out (he wants a big family. No he hasn’t asked you yet). Actually kind of deludes himself into forgetting the baby isn’t his biological child. Wdym it’s not his kid it looks exactly like him??? I think he would actually get a little violent if the baby’s father randomly popped up demanding visitation out of the blue. Said baby’s father is not heard from again.
Anyways I’m insane and in love with Johnny MacTavish and his silly deranged ways send tweet
i want you to know that i woke up to get some water in the middle of the night and happened to check my phone and see this and i had to physically hold myself back from answering it at like. 3am.
first of all, i love you. second of all? i love this. i have been repeating "his lass and the bairn" in my head for like five hours now. johnny deluding himself into thinking the baby is actually his? that little gasp you heard was the last little bit of air in my lungs escaping before i expired and died.
there's no way he wouldn't end up saying something batshit crazy like "look at his wee little nose - just like his daddy's huh?" and you'd just be frozen staring at the two of them. maybe your baby's nose does look a little like johnny's but - that doesn't mean - is he just joking or -?
1K notes · View notes
dreaming-medium · 6 months
Stray Kids Kinktober Day 10
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Stray Kids Kinktober Masterlist
Praise Kink - Hyunjin
Word Count: 11.7K
Summary: As a lead detective in the police department, you've been assigned to solve a serial killer case, but you've hit a point where you can no longer work on the case by yourself. Hwang Hyunjin, the golden child of the police department and your sworn rival, is assigned as your partner.
You have officially run out of red string. 
The cork board in the conference room doesn’t have any more open spaces for new leads or clues. You can’t even see the brown of the board anymore. 
Instead of whittling information down, you’ve only come up with more suspects for the case. 
It’s better than the case going cold, sure, but it feels like you’re getting further and further from actually solving the damn thing. 
It also doesn’t help that you not only have Chief Bang breathing down your neck, but the entire city as well. You understand, really, everyone wants a killer to be caught. 
But these sort of things take time. 
And they usually don’t have a million and thirty leads. Typically, you were lucky to have one. 
Everyone in the city has a tip. And you have to check each and every single one. 
Three sharp knocks draw your exhausted attention away from the board. 
“Come in!” You call out. 
The door clicks open and dress shoes click on the floor. 
“I think you’re going to need another cork board soon, Detective.”
Your mood curdles like milk. 
“What do you want, Hwang?”
Hwang Hyunjin, the department’s top detective and your least favorite person in the world.  
Every case he touches is solved. Every last one of them. But maybe— just maybe— it’s because he gets to pick and choose which ones he’s assigned to. 
The golden child of the police department. The biggest, cockiest pain in the ass you’ve ever met. 
He clicks his tongue and walks up to the conference table you’re leaning against. 
“I have a whole new stack of tips for you.” 
The sound of a thick stack of papers hits the table, you cringe. 
You haven’t even finished going through the last stack. 
“And I am once again humbly offering my assistance on this case.”
You look over at him for the first time tonight. His long black hair is pulled back with a few strands dangling in front of his face. 
He wears a pressed dress shirt, black tie, black vest, and slacks. 
Truly, it looks like he popped off a magazine cover and you hate it. 
“And I am humbly declining. I can handle this on my own, thank you.” 
Your own heels click along the floor as you come around the conference table to sit down in front of the first stack of papers. 
Hyunjin shoves his hands in his pockets and meanders closer to the cork board. 
He looks up and down all the different leads, the ever expanding list of suspects, murder weapons, locations. He’s silent for a long moment. 
The only sound in the room is the clock ticking on the wall. 
What time is it anyway? You’ve been here since 4 AM when a call came in about another victim. The bags under your eyes surely look like bruises at this point. 
Since you started on this case two months ago there hasn’t been a single night where you’ve gotten more than five hours of sleep. 
Words are blending together on the paper. Is the sun up?
Warily, you turn and eye Hyunjin, who’s still staring at the cork board. His head cocks to the side as he studies all the different clues littering the surface. 
He takes a deep breath and turns to look at you. You point an accusatory finger at him. 
“No! No, no. You’re not coming in here and solving my case that I’ve been working on for months!”
His mouth shuts, a smirk appears. 
Oh, you want to smack it off his face. 
“I was only going to say—“
“No! Nothing! I do not need your help! Get out of here!” You shoo him away. 
“L/N—“ he tries again. 
“Shut it!”
Hyunjin rolls his eyes and sucks his teeth while making his way to the door. 
You glare daggers into the back of his head, praying that a ceiling tile will miraculously fall and crush him. 
He grabs the door handle and walks into the hallway. Right before the door closes, he peeks his head in through the crack. 
“The killer is ambidextrous,” he says in a sing-songy voice. 
A frustrated, muted scream tears from your throat and you hurl the nearest object— which happens to be a metal cup full of pens and pencils— at the door. 
It shuts before the cup makes contact. 
Hyunjin’s laugh comes through the closed door and it only makes your blood boil more. 
You slam your head down onto the wood desk. 
“Of course he’s ambidextrous.”
“Detective L/N,” Chief Bang’s head pokes into the conference room. “Can I see you in my office please?”
You haven’t gone home yet. You’re in the same clothes as yesterday except now they’re more wrinkled. 
Nodding, you put down your pen and tell your chief you’ll be there in a minute. 
He hums and leaves the room. 
You rub the heels of your palms into your eyes to try and get the exhaustion out of them. 
About 100 ounces of coffee is flowing through your body but it’s doing nothing to wake you up, all it’s doing is increasing your heart rate. 
To anyone else who wanders through your police department, they might think you’ve escaped the morgue.
The walk to Chief Bang’s office was short. 
As soon as you step inside, your heart sinks. 
The chief sits behind his desk, but that’s not why your stomach turns. 
Hyunjin takes up one of the chairs, another freshly pressed suit on his body. 
The man is flawless and it makes you want to become a suspect for one of your cases. 
“Take a seat, detective.” Chief Bang motions to the other empty chair. 
Hyunjin looks up at you, arms crossed over his chest. A smug smirk pulls on his lips as he takes in your disheveled appearance. 
You tongue your cheek for a moment and flip your hair over your shoulder before sitting down. Your fingers iron out deep wrinkles in your pencil skirt. 
You try to maintain some level of pride. It’s comical, really.
“Now, I’ll cut right to the chase here, Y/N, it’s not that I don’t trust your abilities as a detective, I do.”
You deflate. 
“But this case is becoming too much for one person.”
Your jaw clenches. 
So badly you want to refute that claim, to tell Chief Bang that you have it handled, it’s no big deal. But that’s a lie and you both know it. 
And the smug asshole next to you definitely knows it. 
“Detective Hwang has kindly offered his assistance on the case, so I’m assigning him as your partner on this.”
You think for a moment. “Can I get a different partner? I think Detective Kim just closed his last case, meaning he’s available to help.” 
“Detective Kim started a new case this morning.”
“Detective Lee?”
“Officer Yang?”
“He’s not even a detective.”
“What about Detective Seo?”
Chief Bang stays silent, deadpan eyes watch you. He cocks his head to the side. 
You sink back in the chair. 
“I specialize in homicide cases, L/N.” Hyunjin pipes up from next to you. “I’m the best one for the case and you know it.”
“Zip it, Hwang.”
Hyunjin scoffs. 
Chief Bang rolls his eyes, his patience obviously wearing thin. “Y/N, I’m going to need you to swallow your pride for the sake of the city. There’s a murderer on the loose, remember? You’re my top detectives, it would be stupid not to partner you together.”
You can’t meet his eyes, you look off to the side, crossing your arms over your chest. Anxiously, your leg begins to bounce.
“Put your personal feelings aside, Y/N.”
Silence falls over the room. Both of the men wait for you. 
It really doesn’t feel like you have a choice, here. Obviously, you don’t. 
“Great!” Hyunjin taps his hands on the arms of the chair and then pops up. “I’m going to need access to all the files you’ve been looking at these past two months as well as the extra key to the conference room.”
He grabs his trench coat off the back of the chair. 
“I’ll also need you to catch me up to speed on the latest tips from civilians; you did have time to read those last night, right? Additionally, I think we should rearrange our hours so that we’re on duty together until this is solved.”
He makes his way towards the door. 
“Come on, L/N! We’ll discuss over coffee.”
You stare at Chief Bang. He offers you a slightly amused, slightly sympathetic smile. 
“Best of luck, detectives.”
The hot mug rests between both of your shaky hands. Hyunjin sat across from you in a large diner booth. 
Files littered the entirety of the top of the table. It’s all things you’ve seen before and practically have memorized by now. 
You explained everything you knew to him from the beginning, sparing no detail. 
College girls were all found murdered in their dorms. No security footage of anyone going in or out of the building that doesn’t belong there. 
Each victim is about two weeks apart. 
A half eaten fruit cup sits next to your coffee. ‘Fruit cup’ is a loose term since more than half of it was honeydew melon. 
Why can’t they just throw a few strawberries in there? Slice up a banana or toss a few blueberries in? They already have the fruit in the back for the pancakes, it would be so easy to—
“I don’t think this victim is from the same killer.”
Your head snaps up and you glare at Hyunjin. “Who?”
He slides the file across the table to you. “Andrea Bowman. She doesn’t fit the same profile as the other victims. All the others were blonde, Andrea has brown hair.”
You sip at your coffee, glazed eyes scanning the file. You’re simply too tired to keep up the anger.  
“I had thought the same thing at first. But according to the coroner, her time of death would put her as the first victim of the killer, first victims of serial killers tend to not fit the profile of the rest since it’s the first taste.”
Her autopsy stares up at you. 
“Plus, everything else is consistent with the rest, bruised wrists and ankles and a slit throat. They’re all college aged girls who went to the local community college.”
You slide the crime scene photos around, taking in all the details. 
“Maybe she wasn’t his victim.” One of her school photos peeks out from the bottom of the stack, you pick it up and look at it solemnly. “But something tells me she was his first.”
Hyunjin watches you closely, any rebuttal he had died on the tip of his tongue. 
Plates clatter in the kitchen.  
Your nose scrunches and you pack away Andrea’s file. 
“You said they all go to the same school?”
“Yeah, the community college.”
“Did they all study the same thing?”
You shake your head, taking another sip of coffee. “Nope, all different fields of study, all different extracurriculars. They didn’t even live in the same dorm building.”
Hyunjin leans back against the booth and picks up his iced coffee, taking a long sip while staring out the window. 
Your fingers run through your hair. “I requested their transcripts and class schedules from every year but I’m waiting on all those requests to process. With how slow the registrar’s office is taking you would swear they didn’t want this case solved.”
“Red tape always gets in the way.” Hyunjin reaches down in his pocket and takes his phone out, tapping a few buttons and then holding it up to his ear. 
You cock an eyebrow at him, he only holds up a finger at you. You scoff. 
“Dianne? Hi, it’s Hyunjin!… I’m doing so well, and you? … That’s great to hear! … Yes, yes those homemade cookies were to die for.”
Your mouth falls open a bit. Who in the hell was he talking to? Homemade cookies?
Throwing your hands up in front of your face, you give him a flabbergasted look. 
He narrows his eyes at you and gives you a look that says ‘be quiet’.
“Listen, I was actually calling to cash in a favor, I have a list of students I need transcripts and schedules of for a case. … I can email it over to you, it’s for the— … yes, yes that one.”
You slow blink at him. Does he have a contact at the registrar’s office? Of course he does, why wouldn’t he have one?
The golden child strikes again. 
“You’re a darling, Dianne, thank you. I’ll send it to you asap. … of course, say hello to Rob for me. Bye!”
He hangs up and puts his phone back on the table. 
Hyunjin takes one look at your face and shrugs. “What? I helped her with a personal matter when I was a P.I.”
If you roll your eyes anymore, they’ll go into the back of your head. 
“So do you have a list—“
You interrupt him. “Yeah.”
“Can you—“
You finish your coffee and reach into your purse, digging out a ten dollar bill and tossing it onto the table. 
“Where are you going?” He asks you. 
“Home,” you respond simply while shuffling out of the booth. “I haven’t slept since Monday.”
Hyunjin looks down at the various files on the table. “What about the list?”
You move the files around and pull out one of the papers and place it in front of him. 
“It’s right here. I’ll see you tomorrow, Hwang.”
“Tomorrow? But what about—“
“If Dianne gets the list back to you, just forward it to me. I’ll look at it when I wake up.” Your voice is full of venom. 
“I really think we should look at it together.” His eyes narrow. “We’re partners on this, remember?”
“As if you would even need my help,” you spit out. “By the time I come in tomorrow, you’ll probably have the entire case solved, the perp arrested, and all the paperwork done before I even pour my coffee.”
The more you talk, the more your anger levels rise. You lean over him in the booth, one of your hands on the back of the seat to keep you balanced. 
Hyunjin’s eyes widen and he leans back as you go forward. 
“The golden boy will strike again, solving a case that I’ve been working on for months and getting all the credit. Because that’s just how good you are. Mr. Perfect. Everything about you is just amazing.”
He gulps and shifts around. A red tint creeps up on his face. 
And for the first time since you met him, Hwang Hyunjin is speechless. His mouth opens to say something several times but no sound comes out. 
“Now. If you’ll excuse me.” You stand back up and turn on a heel, leaving the diner and a very flustered detective behind. 
Knock after knock after knock after knock bangs on your apartment door. 
You’re not sure of how long whoever’s been knocking has been at it, but it takes you a solid thirty seconds to wake up fully. You had peacefully drifted into a very deep sleep the moment your head hit the pillow. 
The entire bedroom is pitch black, the sun no longer in the sky. The clock on your nightstand displays that it’s around 1 AM. 
“What the fuck?” You slur out. It’s so hard to open your eyes right now. 
The knocking persists.
With all the grace of a drunken newborn deer, you slither out of bed and make your way to your front door. 
You flip on a light on your way there. 
Staring through the peephole, a frown pulls at your face as soon as you see who’s banging on your door at this ungodly hour. 
You rip the door open, startling Hyunjin. His hand still hangs in the air when you open it. 
“Finally!” He shoves past you and into your apartment. 
“No, please, come on in.” You growl and shut the door, securing all the locks in place again. 
Behind you, you hear him slam a stack of papers onto your kitchen island. 
“I forwarded you the transcripts hours ago but you didn’t answer.”
“I told you I would look at them when I woke up.”
He takes in your disheveled appearance with judging eyes. Your hair was all frizzy and out of place, a loose t-shirt hung off one shoulder and was so big you couldn’t see the shorts underneath. 
His Adam’s Apple bobs with a swallow. 
It was obvious he wasn’t used to seeing you in such a relaxed state. He was still wearing his dress pants from earlier, but he only had a dress shirt on with his trench coat over the top. 
“You’re awake now, aren’t you?” He looks back down at the stack of files and opens them up, spreading papers everywhere. 
You come up to the table and look down at everything. 
Semesters of different class schedules stare back at you. Some have highlighted portions, others are still blank. He seems to have given up in the middle of doing it himself, opting to bring it here. 
You tongue your cheek, looking over what you can see so far.
It’s going to be a long night.
“I’ll make coffee.”
Hours have passed, the sleepiness and weariness of being woken up has been replaced by the delightful thrum of caffeine in your veins.
After about a half an hour of going through the transcripts, you quietly asked Hyunjin if he was alright with you playing music softly. 
He stared at you with wide eyes, “Ah, yeah, of course, that’s fine.”
You cocked an eyebrow. “Are you sure?”
“Yeah, I’m just… not used to you asking for permission before doing something.”
Grumbling, you rolled your eyes and picked your phone up to scroll through playlists. You settled on a calmer one full of music from artists like Lord Huron and Tom Rosenthal. 
Since then the two of you have been silently going through each schedule. 
Biting the end of the highlighter absentmindedly, you study the class schedule. 
“I’m only seeing one similarity.” You say out loud. Hyunjin looks up. “This one class, it’s a gen ed Physics class. But each of these girls took it, all at different times though.”
“Which class?”
“PHYS 100. Same Professor– Dr. Furon.”
“Do you think we should bring the professor in for questioning?” he asks.
“Couldn’t hurt. Right now he’s the only common denominator. Is it anywhere on your transcript?”
Hyunjin flips through the pages. “Yep, right here, her freshman spring semester back in 2020.”
You pull out a sticky note and write down that info. 
“Can you go through each one and tell me when they took the course?”
Hyunjin gathers all the stapled packets of papers up. “Yeah.”
You and Hyunjin stood shoulder to shoulder looking through the one way glass. 
A near ninety year old man sat on the other side. 
“So,” Hyunjin says to break the silence. 
“It can’t be him.”
Another long moment of silence. 
He shoves his hands in his pockets. “Do you want to question him or should I?”
You sigh, watching as the professor fidgets with a loose string on his sweater sleeve. The officers had completely forgone the handcuffs, allowing him to sit at the table freely. 
They also rolled in a comfier chair and gave him a cup of coffee. 
“My case. I’ll do it.”
“ Our case.”
“Shut it, Hwang.”
You make your way into the interrogation room with a notepad tucked under your arm. 
The professor looks up as soon as you open the door. He shakily stands up from his seat with proper manners. 
You smile gently. “Dr. Furon, thank you so much for taking the time to come down.”
Both of you shake hands before sitting down. His grip is not firm whatsoever. 
“Oh, it’s no matter. Happy to be of help.”
You place the notepad down and scoot your chair in. “I’ll get right to it since I can see you’ll be our best help here. When analyzing the list of victims, we saw that each of them had taken your class before. It’s a small lead, I know, but it’s too much to sweep under the rug.”
He nods, listening carefully. He blanches and leans back. “I didn’t realize I had each of them. There are so many students in each section, there’s not enough time to learn names.”
He shakes his head. 
“I had recognized a few in the paper, but I try not to do too much digging, it hurts too much to look into. I don’t know how you detectives do it.”
You reach across the table and grab his hands warmly. “I feel the same way about physics, I don’t know how you do it. All those equations.”
Dr. Furon cracks a smile. “Someone has to. But I do have help with all my courses. Each student has a specific discussion section once a week with a smaller class size, but they’re all taught by graduate students.”
You jot that down on your notebook and lean your chair back. You knock once on the window.
“On it.” Hyunjin’s muffled voice comes through the glass. 
“Just one more question, Dr. Furon, I won’t take up any more of your time, this has been very valuable. Are there any students or people that you come in contact with that maybe trigger some alarm bells or a gut instinct?”
He shifts around, he really thinks about it. 
“I really can’t think of anything, detective, I’m sorry. The girls’ names that I recognize were normal students too, granted they weren’t the best, but I do know they were doing their very best. Breaks my heart.”
You scribble that down and stand up. 
“Thank you very much for your time, Dr. Furon. We greatly appreciate your help.”
He nods and stands up as well. “Of course, if I can do anything else, please give me a call.”
“If you think of anything else, here’s my card.” You reach across the table and hand him a small business card. 
You showed the professor out of the room, asking if he needed anything. He patted your arm sweetly before leaving. 
When you turn around, Hyunjin is standing there, waving a file around. 
You roll your eyes. “I’m coming, I’m coming.”
Your apartment has become the unofficial meeting place for both you and Hyunjin once your shifts are over. The department wasn’t great for concentration. 
They say not to take work home with you, but your home is so much cozier. 
It’s only about 8 PM. Takeout containers take up a small portion of the kitchen island. 
Another pot of coffee is brewing. 
“So, between the victims, there are five different graduate students that taught their discussion sections. And one of them graduated last year.” Hyunjin flips through his notes. 
You run your hands through your hair. 
“So, four graduate students.”
“Yep.” He pops the ‘p’. 
“Do we have any information on the four students?”
“No, but we have enough cause to bring them down to the station for questioning.”
You sigh and pick up your phone. “Let’s do that, then.”
A message is sent off to Chief Bang, he replies immediately saying he’ll contact them immediately and have them brought in and that he’ll call you when you can come in. 
“I just don’t think it was any of the graduate students.” Hyunjin adds, sliding papers around to grab a victim’s file. 
“I agree.”
He doesn’t seem to hear you. “Two of the graduate students are women— women don’t commit murders like this, the other two are masters in their field with promising careers.”
“I know, I agree with you, Hwang.”
“And I just don’t think that— wait, you agree?”
You stare at him with a blank expression. “Yes, I agree with you.”
He shifts around on the seat. His mouth opens and closes a few times before actually speaking. “You agree?”
Rolling your eyes, you place the papers down on the table. “Hwang, you know I would rather die than agree with you, but in this case, yes, I agree, I think you’re right.”
Looking back down at the papers, you absentmindedly read a sentence in one of the witness statements. “I know you get the job done, I’m not going to put personal feelings before a case.”
Hyunjin fidgets more. “So, you think I’m a good detective?”
Is he serious?
You roll your eyes, still not looking up. “Yes, Hwang. Chief Bang has proclaimed you as one of the greatest detectives— everyone at the station knows that.”
“I just didn’t think you thought that way.”
“I’m not here to stroke your ego, Hwang.”
He clears his throat and shifts forward on his chair. “But do you , Y/L L/N, think I’m a good detective?”
Putting the paper down on the counter, you look up at him with a cocked eyebrow and a frown. “Really? Do your work.”
“Not until you say it.” He smirks and crosses his arms over his chest. 
Rolling your eyes, you look down once more. What was on this page again?
Hyunjin takes a breath to say something, but your phone lights up with a call at the same time. Expecting it to be Chief Bang, you answer quickly. 
“Detective L/N.” 
“Detective!” An old voice comes from the other line. You pull your phone back to look at the unknown number and then bring it back to your ear. 
Hyunjin’s attention peaks at your confusion.
“It’s Dr. Furon, I apologize for calling so suddenly.”
“Oh, hi Doctor, it’s no trouble at all.” You look around for your notepad. 
“Put it on speaker,” Hyunjin hisses while leaning forward. You shoo him off. He reaches forward to grab the phone from you, you smack his hand. 
“I remembered something I didn’t get a chance to say earlier, I’m so sorry I didn’t think of it,” Dr. Furon continues. 
“That’s quite alright, it’s the reason I gave you my number. Now, what is it?” You grab a pen and a random piece of paper. 
Hyunjin reaches again, you smack his hand once more. “Speaker!” He grumbles again. 
Dr. Furon talks, unaware of the petty brawl happening on the other line. “All of the students that are struggling in my class, I point them to the tutoring center in the library. As far as I remember, the names that were in the paper, the ones I recognize at least, they were going to the tutoring center.”
Your eyes widen and you write it down quickly. 
Hyunjin’s patience wears out, he stands up from the counter and comes around to your side, his face dipping down to press his ear to the other side of the phone. 
“Is there only one tutor available for your class?” you ask, jotting down notes. 
“I’m not sure, I’m sorry. You know, now that I think of it, on their final exams, I give extra credit if they write down that they went to tutoring and name their tutor.”
“Do you have those exams?” Hyunjin asks into the phone. You reach over and flick his forehead. He swats your hand away. 
“Oh, Detective Hwang, how are you?” Dr. Furon says politely. 
“I’m doing very well, thank you.”
You go to smack him again, he once more swats your hand away.
The professor comes back to the conversation. “I have them but they’re in my office. Would you two mind coming to campus to get them tomorrow?”
“Of course,” both you and Hyunjin say at the same time. 
You sneer and push his face away. 
“Great!” Dr. Furon gives you all the details for tomorrow and the two of you hang up. 
Placing your phone on the counter, you stand up to get away from Hyunjin. 
“You could've put it on speaker.” 
“You could’ve been patient!” Grabbing the nearest object— a tissue box— you hurl it at him. 
Hyunjin only laughs and catches it. 
“Putting more coffee on?”
“It’s the same one,” you say incredulously, flipping through the exams that Dr. Furon had given the two of you. 
While you got the papers from the professor’s office, Hyunjin had gone to the tutoring center for a list of tutors. Apparently he had a connection there as well. 
The two of you now sat in the conference room with your original cork board to the side. New leads and pictures right smack in the middle. 
You had spent the day questioning the graduate students, but as you suspected, it was a dead end. No one knew anything. 
The exams spread over the table were the best lead. 
“It is,” he mutters in agreement and disbelief. 
“Eric Rowan.” 
“Do you think…?” Hyunjin trails off. 
“I do,” you state clearly. “I really do.”
Shaking your head, you flip through the exams over and over to make sure you’re right, to make sure you’re not looking past something. 
You’re not jumping to conclusions, are you?
Hyunjin suddenly stands up from the table and makes his way to the door. “I’ll have the chief get someone to bring him down to the station.”
He didn’t even give a second thought to your decision. 
The door clicks after him. The silence inside the room is deafening. 
It would be perfect if you could play music like you do at home. 
“Eric Rowan,” you whisper solemnly. 
One tutor from the library at the university. 
It would make sense. 
Hyunjin had managed to get Eric’s entire tutoring log, every student he’s ever tutored had been included. 
You were able to highlight each and every one of the girls’ names that were victims of these heinous crimes. There were about two weeks of time between their last tutoring session and when they were found dead. 
One name stuck out, one name brought you an endless sigh of relief: Andrea Bowman.  
It made your skin crawl, but you instantly noticed she was the first female he tutored during his time. 
Slowly, the pieces started clicking. Your throat got a bit tight, it was difficult to swallow the emotions. 
You look around and grab her file underneath a huge stack. Her school picture is the top photo paper clipped on the inside. 
Andrea’s smiling face will haunt you for a long time. 
Hyunjin came back into the room, you didn’t look up. 
“Chief just sent someone out to get him, we’re getting interrogation room two ready for him, I think that— L/N?”
Your head snaps up and you sniffle. 
“Sorry,” your voice is hoarse. 
He shifts his weight in the doorway. “Everything finally hitting?”
You bite your lip and look back at Andrea’s picture. “Yeah.” 
Standing up from the table, you close the file and tuck it underneath a few more. 
“The guy hasn’t even confessed yet, I’m getting ahead of myself here. It just makes too much sense. These girls stopped going to see him two weeks before he killed— supposedly killed them.
“It just reads so clearly. He probably made a move, they felt uncomfortable so they stopped seeing him for tutoring, he couldn’t face rejection, so he killed them. It’s fucking sick.”
You roll your shoulders and look up at the ceiling. “Am I being too hasty? It just feels right, like … like these girls are cheering for me and telling me I’m right.”
The door shuts behind Hyunjin. He weighs his words carefully and walks up to his jacket, grabbing it off the back of the chair he sat in before. 
Those perfectly polished dress shoes click on the floor. It echoes off of each wall. 
“There’s one thing I’ve always lacked as a detective.” He folds the trench coat over his arm and walks up to you. “It makes me so mad that I don’t have this, it would help with so many of my cases.”
You watch him warily. There’s a sad smile on his face as he takes in your frazzled mood. 
You’ve never worn your heart this freely on your sleeve before. 
With a sigh, he reaches up and taps on your forehead. “Women’s intuition.”
For the first time, you have no response for him. 
As far as Hwang Hyunjin goes, this is the closest you’ve ever gotten to a compliment from him, or even an acknowledgment of your skill. 
Your lips stay sealed. 
“I’ve never not trusted your judgment. Ever. If your gut is saying this is the guy, then this is him. When have you ever been wrong?”
Your mind is reeling. 
Did he just compliment you again?
Heat rises to your cheeks. Your stomach flips. 
“I’ve always been so jealous of that. You just… know.” He shrugs and looks around, a small tinge of pink on his cheeks. “When the pieces finally fit into place you’re fucking brilliant at solving everything so fast. What’s that about?”
A sad laugh tumbles from his lips.
“This case would’ve taken any other team months to solve, but you and I did it in two weeks. Maybe we should work together more often, Y/N.”
There’s no way he said that. 
He’s jealous of you?
And did he just call you by your first name?
He stares down at you for a couple of seconds. Maybe you were imagining it, but you could swear that his eyes flickered to your lips more than once. 
“Come on then, we have an interrogation to do.”
Hyunjin turns on a heel and makes his way to the door. 
“Thank you,” you call after him. Hyunjin’s hand pauses on the door handle. “Thank you, Hyunjin.”
He doesn’t turn around. He doesn’t acknowledge what you did— the favor you just returned. 
He doesn’t speak on the new level that your relationship just crossed nor the mutual respect that you two just shared. 
You don’t even get to see his face when you call him by his name for the first time. 
But, by the way his shoulders square and his head twitches, you know it affected him. 
Wordlessly, he nods and opens the door, leaving it open for you as he walks into the hallway and towards the interrogation rooms. 
Hwang Hyunjin, the golden child of the police department, considers you to be on the same level as him. Who would’ve thought? 
Maybe he’s right, maybe you should work together more often. 
Hours and hours and hours have gone by. 
Hyunjin as well as other officers have been grilling Eric for what seems like days. But it’s only been about 18 hours. 
The bags under your eyes feel like bruises. 
Three empty coffee cups and one full one sit next to you as you stare through the one way glass. 
Hyunjin’s pacing around the room with his hands in his pockets. 
His tie is loose around his neck, the sleeves of his button up are rolled up, his hair is tied up out of his eyes. 
He’s been trying to go the good cop route for the last 3 hours. Slowly, that act has been dropping; Eric is getting on his last nerve. 
You both let Eric sit in the interrogation room by himself for 4 hours leading up to this to get to his head. It didn’t seem to work. You can only legally keep him here for forty-eight hours.
If anything, he’s only gotten more agitated. 
Hyunjin walks up behind Eric, he reaches one arm down to the table. 
“You’ve never seen any of these girls before?” Hyunjin slides a few photos towards them on the table. 
“No.” Eric answers quickly. “I’ve already told you that.”
“I just think it’s interesting you’ve never seen any of them, Mr. Rowan. You tutored them. All of them.”
“Do you realize how many students I tutor on a daily basis?”
Hyunjin barks a laugh. “Oh, I’m sorry, I didn't realize you were that popular.” He comes around the table and opens a file. 
Hyunjin pulls out one specific page, and reads off the top. “Actually, here we go, I know exactly how many students you tutor. Let’s see here: ‘Eric Rowan works two days a week in the tutoring center, Tuesdays and Thursdays.’ Last week you tutored 3 students total, and they were all returning students— how interesting!”
He slams the paper down onto the metal table. Eric jumps. 
“Only three returning faces to your tutoring session, Mr. Popular. And here’s the funniest thing;  I’ve noticed that there’s no women on this list. Weird.”
Eric’s eye twitches. 
Hyunjin takes a seat across the table, folding his hands on top of a notebook. 
“Have you ever had a girlfriend before, Mr. Rowan?”
Eric scoffs and shifts around in his seat. 
Your interest is piqued, you sit up straight in your chair and lean forward. 
Why did he get so nervous all of a sudden? 
Eric picks up the cup of water that he requested and takes a long sip from it. Hyunjin waits patiently. 
“I don’t see how that’s relevant to anything, Detective.”
Hyunjin laughs and opens the file. “See, I thought you would say that. My chief also asked the same question.”
Said Chief, who has been standing behind you for the better part of 5 hours, most certainly did not ask that. Chief Bang snorts quietly at the lie. 
“But you know what, we detectives have to do our due diligence.” Hyunjin opens a file and slides a large printed photo out across the table. “Recognize her?”
So many different emotions fly across Eric’s face: anger, loss, betrayal, depression, rage, hurt. The muscles in his face dance as they try to settle on an expression. 
“No,” he grits out. 
An obvious lie.
“Interesting.” Hyunjin pulls out another photo and slides it across. “Because just by taking a quick look at your social media profile, I can see how this girl was your girlfriend . Look, here you are together! Leah Miller. Pretty girl.”
Eric says nothing. He can’t look away from the picture. 
“Most interesting part I noticed was that you haven’t posted anything with her in about a year. What happened? Breakup? They suck, hm? Sorry, should I have said ‘ex-girlfriend’ before? My bad.”
You can’t help but smile. Hyunjin’s always been brilliant in interrogations, you can’t deny that. You’ve only ever heard rumors about how he is on the other side of the one-way mirror. 
Sneaking a peek at the picture of Leah Miller, your eyes widen. She fit the profile: long, blonde hair and sweet, light eyes.
More pieces fall into place. 
“It’s none of your business,” Eric grits out between clenched teeth. 
Chief Bang shifts behind you and grabs the back of your chair. Obviously he senses it too, a confession, a slip up, anything. It’s showing its head. 
“What? What are you saying?” Hyunjin laughs. “It’s exactly my business. That’s quite literally what my job is, you know, to know your business. It’s the same reason I know that you asked out Andrea Bowman during one of your tutoring sessions and she rejected you.”
“That’s not—“
“Oh, sorry, is that not how it happened? Did you maybe try and make a move on her and she rejected you that way? Maybe you put an arm around the back of her chair? Classic.”
“I-I didn’t—“
“Not that one? Understood.” Hyunjin nods and flips through the pictures on the table. “Oh, did you use the old ‘give me your number just in case you need more help’ trick? Used that on a girl in college, myself. Of course, it worked for me.” He winks at Eric.
Eric is fuming, his face is turning redder and redder, the vein in his forehead is popping. 
“Here we go,” Chief Bang whispers under his breath. 
Your mouth is agape, you’ve heard about Hyunjin in interrogation rooms before but you’ve never actually seen it. 
It’s like he’s dancing with fire so beautifully. He’s twirling a flaming sword with a silver tongue. 
“I think Andrea rejected you and then when she never came back for more tutoring, you lost it. You looked up her campus address in the internal systems, because guess what, you have access to that as a tutor, and you went to her dorm room, and you killed her.”
“Wh-What? You’re way off base here, Detective.” Eric stutters, his eye twitches again, his leg starts bouncing under the table. 
He pulls on the cuffs keeping him to the table. 
Hyunjin you’re so close, come on, come on. 
“Funny!” Hyunjin exclaims and slides another piece of paper across the table. “Here’s the search history in the library computer with your login credentials!”
Eric gapes, his mouth opens and closes several times.
“You know what, maybe you didn’t go to Andrea’s dorm with the idea of killing her. Maybe it was a grand romantic gesture, yeah, that seems more like it— flowers and everything.” He slams another picture on the table. 
A bouquet of flowers was found at Andrea’s crime scene. 
“You presented her with the flowers. And she rejected you. Again. ” Hyunjin’s voice is getting louder and louder, crescendoing with Eric’s anger and heart rate. 
Your breathing picks up. Both you and Chief Bang stop moving. 
“Stop,” Eric suddenly pleads. His hands shoot up to cover his ears but they’re stopped by the cuffs. 
The metal clinks and pulls, they dig into his wrists. 
“She rejected you twice! To your face! But you couldn’t take that for an answer. God, why did she do that? Why did she turn you down when you were just trying to be nice? ”
Hyunjin stands up slowly from the table, towering over Eric. 
“She was just like her, she was just like that bitch that broke up with you? She tore your heart out and spit on it! She was no better than Leah! So, you knocked her out and you tied her down to her own fucking bed in hopes that she would just hear you out!”
“Stop, stop!”
“Because maybe if she just listened she would understand that you’re just a genuine guy trying to be a good boyfriend to someone! You’re so nice, you’re such a good guy, no one likes good guys anymore, huh? And, of course Leah didn’t see that either!”
“ Stop! ”
“She tried to scream for help, so you killed her. You slit her throat without a second fucking thought for anything! And it felt so fucking good, didnt it? It felt so good to finally take power back from her? So, you didn’t stop.”
Tears spring from Eric’s eyes as he squints them shut, his body physically curling in on itself. He writhes around, unable to get far because of the handcuffs. 
“So you kept going, and you went after women who looked just like Leah. And it felt amazing because every single time you could picture her face as you slit their throats. Each and every one of them babbling for mercy, crying out for their mothers, to only choke on their own blood—“
“ FINE! ” Eric screams, slamming his fists on the table. “I killed them. I killed each and every one of the fucking bitches. And I fucking wish I could have killed her too!”
The sudden seemingly endless torrent of sentences comes to a screaming halt. 
Hyunjin sits down on his chair once more with a huff. 
And just like you did yesterday, he leans back on his chair and knocks once on the window. 
It takes you a second to find your voice after witnessing the most amazing, jaw dropping interrogation you’ve ever seen. 
“G-Got it!” You say loudly through the glass. “We got it. Oh my god!” You stand up quickly from the chair and turn around to Chief Bang, who has an equally surprised expression. “We got it! ”
He stutters for a moment and shakes his head to clear his mind before speed walking out of the side room to get officers to arrest Eric. 
Eric Rowan, who is now pathetically sobbing in his chair. 
Eric Rowan who signed his confession with the opposite hand that he’d been using to drink his water. 
Eric Rowan who is ambidextrous.
It’s so weird to see your kitchen island devoid of files and endless stacks of papers after the last few weeks. 
Eric was taken in for booking. Your job was over. 
Well, it was over for now. Chief Bang gave you and Hyunjin a week off and then you’re due back in the office for the next case. 
Plus, you’ll have to be at Eric Rowan’s trial since you were the lead detective on the case. 
So maybe ‘over’ isn’t the best way to describe it. 
More soft music plays from your speaker as you clean up the rest of the files. A large t-shirt draped over your body, it practically covers the shorts you have underneath. 
There’s a couple knocks on your door. His knocks are so distinct. You’ve gotten so used to them over the past two weeks. 
“Come in, Hwang!” you call out. 
The door opens and shuts. 
“I think I left a few things here,” he says kicking his shoes off in your entryway.
You hum in response, gathering up files to stack them neatly. 
His soft footsteps pad up behind you. 
“I don’t think I ever saw your countertop, is this granite?” he teases over your shoulder. 
You snort a laugh. “Yeah, it is. Came with the place, so don’t ask any more questions.”
Putting the stack down, you turn around and come nose to nose with Hyunjin. He is so much closer than you thought he was. 
You jump slightly and back up a bit, your hips hitting the countertop. 
Hyunjin doesn’t move. 
“I didn’t get to see you after the interrogation,” he says with a quieter voice. 
Not able to hold his searing gaze, you look off to the side and cross your arms over your chest. 
“Yeah, well, you know how the hustle and bustle can wrap someone up after a case closes. Next thing I knew, Bang was sending me home.”
Hyunjin takes a half step closer to you. “What did you think?”
“What did you think of the interrogation?”
So many sarcastic, sharp retorts die on your tongue when you remember the conversation that the two of you had earlier. 
But still, complimenting him was about as easy as petting a cactus. 
“I told you I’m not going to stroke your ego, Hwang.”
He takes another step towards you, both of his arms come up to cage you to the counter. 
Heat rises on your cheeks more and more with each passing second. You refuse to meet his eyeline. 
“Humor me, L/N. How was my performance today?”
Tonguing your cheek, you roll your eyes. Your heart rate picks up at his proximity. Why does he smell so good?
The last time the both of you had an opportunity to shower was two days ago. 
He still smells like aftershave and expensive cologne. 
“It was good, okay? You got the guy.”
“ We got the guy, L/N.”
“Yeah, yeah, golden boy, we got him.”
He knows your sarcasm is empty. Just by looking at your flushed face he can tell you don’t mean it. 
“Come on now, L/N.” Long, lithe fingers grip your chin and turn your head towards him. “You can do better than that.”
Your jaw clenches. Arousal shoots down your spine like an electric shock. 
Closer and closer his alarmingly handsome face inches closer to yours. The beauty mark under his eye seems more prominent than ever. 
His mind is one of a brilliant detective, but god, that face. He should’ve been a model. 
You bite the inside of your cheek and when you try to look away from his deep eyes, the grin on your jaw tightens. 
“Come on, L/N.” He smirks. “Tell me how good I did today. Say it.”
The brat inside you decides to surface. So, he wants to go this route, hm? “Why do you need me to say it so badly, Hwang? Everyone else in the department is so far up your ass, they can wear you like a hat.”
He rolls his eyes, his body pressing against you entirely. Your arms uncross and you reach back to grip the countertop next to his hands. 
It shouldn’t feel as good as it does. You should be shoving him away, slapping him across the face, spitting on his shoes. But instead you relish in the feeling. 
“Yes. But they’re not you. ”
Your eyes widen and the corner of his mouth twitches. He knows he has you in the palm of his hand. He just needs to break you more. 
But does he really?
Finally, he brings his lips closer and closer to yours. He pauses right before he makes contact, giving you a chance to say no. 
Nothing of the sort tumbles out. 
The first kiss he presses to your lips is nothing short of devouring. 
His soft, plush lips consume yours like he’s a starving man at a feast. You meet his enthusiasm with fervor.
Hyunjin’s head tilts to get better access to your mouth. His eyebrows pull together in concentration, he almost looks like he’s in pain. 
The fingers on your chin move down to your neck, he wraps his hand around it, thumbs on top of your pulse point, but he doesn’t squeeze. 
Your hands tentatively reach for him, grabbing at his dress shirt and tie, pulling him even closer to you. 
A small moan comes from the base of his throat and through his nose. Hyunjin’s other hand grabs your hip possessively. 
“Say it, L/N,” he hushes between kisses, completely out of breath. “Tell me how good I am.”
How is it that he has this sort of possessive grip on you and yet he’s putting the ball in your court?
A small boost of confidence courses through your veins. 
“Can’t you just admit it already?” he adds.
Smirking, you say nothing. One of your hands threads into his long hair and yanks his face back to yours for another bruising kiss. 
He huffs through his nose once more, but kisses you nonetheless. 
Twirl after twirl of his tie around your hand tightens your grip. With the last tug, Hyunjin moans once more into your mouth. The hand on your throat squeezes a bit.
“L/N,” he pleads again against your lips. 
You tug hard on his tie. Hyunjin loses his balance slightly, his knuckles turning white from grabbing your countertop so tight. 
Bringing your lips to his ear, you blow hot air on the sensitive skin first. He shivers against your hot body. 
At the same time, your bare foot travels up the back of his clothed calf, your thigh brushing against his hip.
“If you want my approval that badly, you’re going to have to earn it.”
Hyunjin makes a choked moan, “Fuck,” he whispers under his breath. The hand on your hip tightens. The fingers wrapped around your throat twitch. 
“How does that sound, Hwang? You be good to me and I’ll let you know how well you’re doing.” You roll your hips against his.
Your words have an obvious effect on him, the hardness that presses to your leg says it all. 
Hyunjins lips drop down to your neck, he bites the soft skin where it meets your shoulder. “Fucking hell, L/N, don’t play hard to get.” 
Humming, you roll your head back, enjoying the sensation of his mouth on your skin. “I’m not playing anything, I already told you how to get what you want.”
Licking and sucking his way down your neck, his teeth nip at your exposed collarbone. The hand on your throat slides backwards and into the hair on the back of your head. 
Your bottom lip pulls between your teeth to stop a moan from leaking out. You pull Hyunjin’s tie to keep his face there.
“Just like that, golden boy, your mouth feels so good.”
His hips involuntarily buck into yours at the praise, he whimpers against your skin. “ Shit, ” he curses into your neck with a hot exhale. 
You wrap your entire leg around his waist and roll against him more. His mouth stutters, but afterwards he sucks hard . A bright purple hickey already surfaces when he detaches. 
“L/N,” he murmurs into your neck. You hum in response. “Can I take this off?” He tugs at your shirt.
You smirk. “You can.”
When your hand unwinds from his tie, Hyunjin backs off of you. His face is already so fucked out; eyes are half-lidded and hazy, his lips are so puffy and swollen, spit glistening off them in the soft kitchen light. 
From all your pulling, Hyunjin’s hair is all askew and coming out of its usual ponytail.
He wastes no time, grabbing the hem of your t-shirt and yanking it over your head, he throws it behind him carelessly. His eyes light up at the sight of your bare chest, tongue poking out to lick his already slick lips.
You chuckle.
“You gunna touch me or what?” you tease. “Or maybe you don’t want it that badly.”
Hyunjin’s jaw clenches and he meets your eyes. The look he’s giving you is dangerous.
He huffs once and grabs your waist tightly, lifting you up off the ground and sitting you on the cold granite. The sharp temperature change against your flushed skin makes you shiver. 
Hyunjin parts your legs and stands between your thighs, his head dips down and envelopes one nipple in his mouth.
“Fuck!” you cry out, grabbing a fist full of his hair.
One of Hyunjin’s hands trails up your leg to grab at your exposed thigh while the other comes up to play with your other perky bud.
His eyes shut in his own pleasure. That tongue is absolutely relentless, licking circles around your nipple to flick over it a few times and then sucking.
Your toes are already curling, legs wrapping around his waist to get him closer to you.
“How about now, L/N?” his hoarse voice whines against your spit covered chest. “Is this good for you? Does it feel good?”
The more he talks, the more you can’t tell if he’s teasing you or genuinely asking for his own sanity. 
“It feels fucking amazing, Hwang, keep– shit – keep going.”
Hyunjin takes in a shaky breath and switches sides, your fingers yank on his hair and he whines again around your nipple. 
You let him continue for a while, relishing in the feeling of his spit dripping down your chest and onto your navel. The wet licks and sucks bouncing off the walls combined with his own small whines and your loud moans. 
Roll after roll of your hips grinds against his hard tent in his dress pants. After a few minutes, your hips seem to have a mind of their own, your soaking wet cunt seeking friction against anything to satiate the need for contact. 
The more he licks at your chest, the more Hwang Hyunjin continues to drive you insane. 
“H-Hwang,” you pull his attention. His eyebrows furrow as you yank him away from your purple marked chest. 
When he finally detaches, he looks up at you, panting. 
“Touch me, touch me, please . I can’t fucking take it.”
His shoulders curl forward like you knocked the air out of him. 
With more strength than you thought he had, he scoops you up and wraps your legs around his waist while smashing your lips together again. 
You cling onto him for dear life while letting your tongues slide over one another. 
“Hah,” you pant out in between kisses. “You’re doing so fucking well.”
He whines.
“Could’ve made me cum with just that tongue on my tits. Such a shame.”
Hyunjin drops your body onto the couch without a warning. You squeal and bounce on the soft cushions. 
“Hwang–” your voice dies in your throat when you catch the sight of him standing on the other side of the sofa arm. 
The change in his demeanor gives you whiplash. 
His eyes are dark, almost black. His chest is heaving with heavy pants. Those long fingers are tugging at his tie, until it's loose enough for him to rip off his neck. 
Your knees tuck up a bit towards your chest as you watch him with wide eyes like prey. 
Hyunjin reaches down and snatches your ankle, he tugs on it harshly. You yelp as you’re dragged forward into a lying position.
Coming around the sofa, he swings one knee over you to straddle your hips. One by one he begins to unbutton his dress shirt, never once breaking eye contact.
Each sliver of skin that is revealed is devoured by your eyes greedily. Never once has he so much as undone the top button on his collar at work.
Shamelessly, you rake in his athletic build. 
“You want to cum with just my tongue? Okay, L/N, I can do that.”
Your heart thuds in your chest. 
He shrugs his shirt off and drops it to the floor. Hands grab at the waistband of your shorts and yank them off with your panties in one swoop. Another article of clothing to hit the floor.
The cold air against your soaking wet folds makes you hiss slightly. 
Hyunjin stares down at your arousal, biting his bottom lip. Lower and lower he descends until you can feel his heavy exhales against your cunt.
He pushes your thighs apart, putting one over his shoulder, your heel settles into the dip of his spine. He’s smirking the entire time.
Finally, he tears his eyes away from your folds to look you right in the eye.
Your jaw clenches and you watch as he licks all the way from your entrance, up to your clit, circles around it to go back down to your entrance again.
An immediate shockwave of pleasure shoots through your body down to your toes. You toss your head back with your mouth agape, a silent scream stretching your lips.
Hyunjin keens at your reaction, doing the same maneuver again before focusing his attention on creating the most sinful figure eights with his tongue.
Your hand flies down to grab at his hair, shoulders arching off the couch. “Shit, shit, H-Hwang, feels so– hah – s-so good.”
He moans into you, the vibrations go right through you. 
With your heel on his back, you can feel how his back curves as his hips rut into the couch underneath him to relieve some pressure off his aching cock. 
Praises fall from your lips like water falling over rock. Each one makes Hyunjin whine and kick it up a notch. 
“That fu- uh -cking silver tongue, holy shit .”
Hyunjin moans loudly, he grabs both of your hips, nails digging into your skin with deep scratches. It only makes you cry out louder, pulling on his hair even harder. 
The tie in his hair comes out completely. You toss it away from you and gather up his hair in between your fingers to keep it out of his eyes. It feels like silk.
A coil within you begins winding tighter and tighter. The more he licks and sucks, the higher your cries get and the tighter your abdomen feels.
“Feels so good, it feels fucking amazing ! S-So close! Shit, please make me cum, please, shit!”
Each word makes Hyunjin sutter and moan into your folds, his eyebrows pulled like he’s in pain. Harder and harder he ruts into your sofa, his nails digging into you so much you think he might draw blood.
It’s taking every ounce of his will not to spill out in his pants at your praise. At your begging .
One of his hands comes up and kneads at your chest. His thumb rubs over your nipple a few times and that’s all it takes for the band within you to finally snap.
Your orgasm washes over you so hard it’s like being hit by a bus. 
With a silent cry, your entire body tenses up. Hyunjin’s movements slow down, but he still coaxes you through your climax with that skilled tongue of his. 
He hums into your folds, licking up every last drop of your juices.
You come down from your high slowly, chest heaving up and down, every exhale is paired with a moan. Shockwaves still ripple through your thighs.
Hyunjin’s eyes open and he stares at you, his mouth going over to bite your inner thigh. You squeal and squirm.
Slowly, like a lion, he gets up and crawls over your form, keeping eye contact. Once he’s close enough, he captures your lips greedily. Your arousal is still all over his tongue. It’s swapped between the two of you with your spit. 
Your hands reach down and fumble with his belt buckle. Hyunjin makes no move to stop you, instead, he pushes you further.
“Look at that,” he pants, looking down at your fumbling hands. “So desperate for my cock, huh, L/N?”
Your eyebrow twitches. You undo the buckle and reach down to grab his rock hard erection through his pants.
Hyunjin’s elbows buckle at your touch and he grunts, squinting his eyes shut.
“All talk, aren’t you? Once I touch you, you crumble .”
“Shit!” His eyes snap open and he bucks into your hand. “Because– ugh –, like I said, it’s you . Fuck ,” he moans when you squeeze him again over his pants.
“Keep going,” you tease. “Keep going and I’ll keep stroking this fucking monster cock you keep tucked in these pressed dress pants of yours.”
He exhales shakily while you unbutton his trousers. 
“When were you ever going to fucking– agh – realize that you drive me fucking insane, L/N?” His eyes start to unfocus when you push down the waistband of his pants and boxers down his thighs.
Fucking hell . Has he always been packing this?
“God damn, Hwang.” Your hand runs up his length. Hyunjin shudders and closes his eyes. Your touch is so featherlight he thinks he’s going insane. 
His eyebrows twitch and hips buck forward to try and reach your touch. 
“I’m not hearing a lot of talking.” You lean up and attach your lips to his neck, continuing to only trail the gentlest of touches up and down his throbbing cock. 
The head is red and angry and weeping precum.
His body trembles. “ Shit – I wanted you for so long, L/N. You drive me– fuck – insane. Every single fucking day I did whatever it fucking took to get your attention.”
Finally, your hand wraps around his length tightly and you start pumping very slowly. The long, pathetic moan that tumbles from Hyunjin’s lips is something of sin.
He sounds so relieved yet even more aroused at the same time. 
You continue to suck your own marks onto his perfect skin. Sweat drips down the side of his face and down his now slick back. 
“ Ughhh – L-L/N…” He buries his face in the crook of your neck. 
Your hand stops moving when he stops talking.
He cries out into your neck, hips frantically bucking into your touch to chase it. You only chuckle in response. 
“ Please! ” He whimpers. 
“Keep going then, golden boy.” You suck a sensitive spot underneath his ear. 
Another stutter of his hips.
“I begged the chief to put me on your case!”
Your pumping picks up speed again, his entire body rolls into yours. You grip him tighter and jerk him faster.
“I said– ah – I would do whatever case he wanted next if he– ffuuck – let me work with you on this one– oh my god! And I still would, I would do whatever– mmmph – case I need to to fucking work with you every day. Agh! ”
Despite your outwards nonchalant expression, on the inside, his words are fucking killing you. The throb in your cunt that was satiated moments ago comes back with a vengeance. 
To hear Hwang Hyunjin at your mercy is going straight to your core. Each noise he makes goes straight to your pussy.
“God, fuck , L/N, I-I’m close. Please, god , shit.”
After a few more pumps, you stop, taking your hand away completely. Hyunjin cries into the crook of your neck again, his body rolling and rutting the air at the loss of contact. 
“Please, why, fucking hell , I was so close!”
You grab the hair on the back of his head and yank his head up to look down at you. His eyes are cloudy, ears and cheeks bright red. Sweat drips down the side of his face and over his sharp cheekbones and jawline.
“Wouldn’t you rather fuck me?”
His face twists up with another moan. 
Hyunjin dives down and captures your lips in the sloppiest kiss of the night. He’s messy and desperate the longer he kisses you. 
While trying to stay attached to your lips, Hyunjin fumbles around to kick off his pants and boxers.
Both of you finally naked together, he grabs his cock in his fist.
“I-I’m not going to last–”
You cut him off with a sharp tug to his hair. “Fuck me, golden boy, don’t you think you deserve it after today?”
His eyes practically roll back in his head.
As soon as he’s lined up with your entrance, Hyunjin slides into you slowly. Inch by inch you’re stretched open,
He might not be thick but god, he is long .
With his mouth on yours, he swallows each moan and cry of pleasure. Without wasting any amount of time, he pulls out to slam back into you.
Both of you moan out together.
Your arm wraps around his neck. He rests his weight on one elbow and the other wraps around your shoulders to hug you close to him. His hand splays out between your shoulder blades to keep you anchored against his sweat slicked chest.
The skin to skin contact sends both of you wild.
Over and over again his hips undulate to thrust into you in the most delicious way. The angle of his hips brushes his pelvic bone against your clit with each slam against you. 
“You feel so fucking good,” you whine into his ear.
Hyunjin’s next thrust hits a bit harder. If praise makes him fuck you harder, then so be it.
“God, your cock is amazing.” Harder. “Hitting me just right.” Harder. “Never knew you would feel this fucking good.”
With his mouth on your neck, he leaves sloppy hickeys wherever he can reach. His pants fill the room and mix with your whines.
His head suddenly dips down to take your nipple into his mouth once more. You keen and toss your head back, hips canting up. The new angle has his cock slam right into your g-spot.
A loud scream tears from your lips. Hyunjin immediately picks up on this and picks up the pace, making sure he hits that spot every time.
If you thought your first orgasm had a sudden build up, it’s nothing compared to this one. There’s a sudden pressure increasing in your lower stomach.
“Fuck!” Thrust . “So good!” Thrust. “Oh my god!” 
Praises and noises fall from you, you don’t even realize what you’re saying anymore. The pleasure has your mind in the clouds.
“Y/N,” the sudden use of your name grabs your attention. Hyunjin comes up over your face with a pleasure twisted face. 
“Say it, please, please , I’m fucking begging you , please, say it.” 
Your eyebrows pull together, mouth still hanging open. What does he want you to say that you haven’t said already?
“ My name. Say it, please, please, please, please–”
Oh, fuck.
You smirk and watch as the desperation drives him wild. Even in the deepest throes of pleasure, you string him along for a few more seconds as you approach the edge.
Closer and closer you come to the edge.
He whines, begging louder and louder as his own climax creeps up on him, the muscles in his body tightening more and more. 
He needs it so bad. 
“Y/N! Please! ”
Just as you’re about to tumble over, your mouth stretches open.
“Fuck, Hyunjin! ”
The loudest moan you’ve ever heard from a man comes falling out of his mouth as he buries his face into your neck. Hot, sticky warmth shoots within you in long, drawn out spurts that match with Hyunjin’s whines and groans. 
His hips stutter for another twenty seconds before his moans finally calm down. 
Both of you hold onto each other tightly, heaving heavy inhales and exhales to catch your breath.
Absent-mindedly, your hand begins to rub up and down Hyunjin’s clammy back, drawing small circles and lines onto his skin.
He hums into your neck and holds you closer for a moment before collapsing onto the couch on top of you.
Surprisingly, his weight on top of you doesn’t seem to phase you; instead it brings the same comfort as a weighted blanket.
After a few more minutes of you silently rubbing his back, Hyunjin begins to lazily press kisses onto your bruise covered chest, paying extra attention to your collarbones. 
The kisses are soft and sweet, nothing like the lust coated ones from before. 
“Did you mean it?” you ask him quietly.
He pauses his kisses only to answer you. “Mean what?” He starts kissing you more.
“That you asked Bang to work on the case.”
He chuckles against your neck, his hair tickling your skin. “Oh, yeah. It took entirely too much convincing.”
You laugh with him and keep him close to your body.
In the back of your mind, you know you should get up, that he should pull out and the two of you should shower and drink water, but you can’t seem to distance yourself from him.
There’s no harm in sitting there for a while anyway.
Hyunjin hums into your neck again, “Thank god we have the week off.”
You couldn’t agree more.
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luvhughes43 · 7 months
is it over now? | jack hughes
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part two of the beginning
au masterlist⭐️
note: i switched to first person pov for this story just to test it out. Inbox me if you’d want to go back to 3rd person.
warnings: pregnancy, birth
word count: 4.7k
the doctors waiting room is cold and uninviting. i stare up at all the pregnancy posters that litter the walls, and soon my gaze falls to all the mothers and all the fathers. they all sit, talking quietly amongst themselves. the women are gorgeously radiant, and if this were any other time i’d compare their beauty to mine. 
instead, i linger on the way they interact with their husbands, boyfriends, whatever. small touches, whispers, and smiles all burn into my mind like a useless cd. 
“y/n l/n?” a nurse in all blue interrupts my thoughts, she gestures for me to follow her and i do. 
like the waiting room, the small room i’m brought into is cold. i wonder briefly what jacks doing right now. if he had gotten my message or if he’s still asleep. i try to imagine his reaction but i can’t bring myself to conjure up an accurate depiction of him. everything is off - and i fear if i keep trying to imagine this man who’s not my jack, that i’ll somehow forget the real one. 
“we’re just going to do some tests, all very basic things. i need to know your medical history, and i’ll have to do a complete physical assessment,” a doctor walks into the room, clipboard in hand. she doesn’t look at me as she speaks, but I absentmindedly nod to her words anyway. 
“Okay so, is this your first pregnancy?” the doctor asks. 
“Yes” i nod.
“And, do you have any medical history I should be aware of? Past procedures, family history, etc” the doctor looks up from their notes and i pause. 
“Uh, i -” my cell phone buzzes in my purse and i quickly reach for it. Its a notification from sephora, something about how there’s a last minute sale and that i should buy some overpriced body spray. 
“I had my tonsils taken out when I was five, but other than that i’ve had no other procedures” my words come out shaky, as if i’m confused. i turn my phone over again, willing for another notification to pop up. It’s 11:40am, and jack is definitely awake by now. 
the doctor calls a nurse in to prep for the examination. everythings a blur as i lean back. the nurse, short with reddish-blonde hair, has to ask me to lift up the bottom of my shirt twice. 
“And if you look over here, this is where your baby is,” the doctor is confident in her speech as she shifts the little wand around my stomach. 
the appointment was nightmarish. 
the nurse sent me home with a little packet of information sheets, all different colours and all about different things. i don’t want to look at them, so i shove them into the bottom of my purse when i get out of the office. 
⋆ ★
vivienne always made sure to wake up an hour before jack. she liked to make herself a fancy coffee with her espresso machine, and she liked to plan out her events for the day. she had decided that they’d go to the grocery store sometime before noon, hit the mall for an outfit to wear to dinner, and then of course dinner with viviennes friends at 7. 
after her coffee, Vivienne tiptoed her way back into her bedroom. she was proud of the fact that Jack liked to stay here. she made sure her bedding was always fresh and clean when he was over, and she made sure to spray a little bit of her perfume on his pillows so he’d get used to falling asleep to the scent of her. 
Vivienne grabbed a hold of Jack's phone on his nightstand, and slowly slid it off the side of the table and into the palm of her hand. she turned it over, bombarded with the amount of notifications that littered his phone screen. she slid up, quickly typing his passcode. she had to be mindful of her next moves. she didn’t have long to do her routine digging. 
“It’s not really fair for you to be with vivienne if you still have feelings for y/n”
“will you drop it? you were the one who told me to go for viv”
“No! Dawson, you were the one who begged me to move on. I am. What happened with me and y/n-"Jack cuts himself off. “what happened.. It’s done now. leave me alone” 
Vivienne recalled the conversation she overheard a few weeks ago and she couldn’t shake it from her mind. So, she did what any girlfriend would do and searched the girls username on instagram. 
She hadn’t thought y/n would be any type of problem in hers and Jack's relationship. That was until Jack and Vivienne were laying in bed, with Jack wanting to show Vivienne a picture he had taken a while ago on a roadie. He was scrolling past his photo albums when she saw it. The “it” being a photo album titled “❤️” filled with pictures of jack and y/n at art galleries and whatnot. 
Ynuser: 1 dm request
Accept | Delete
Vivienne clicked onto the dm, and when she saw the words pregnant and yours her blood ran cold. She angled her body away from Jack, and with his reassuring snores clouding her mind, she reread the dm again. 
Jack, I don't even know how to tell you this. It doesn’t feel right. But, I took a pregnancy test and it came back positive. I’ve booked an appointment with my obgyn for tomorrow and they’re going to confirm the test for me. You're the only person that I've been with since we’ve gotten together so it’s for sure yours. If you need a paternity test or anything at all just let me know and we can sort it out. Please reach out and we can talk about this in person. I’m sorry.
“Fuck” Vivienne cursed as she clicked Jacks phone off. She turned around and stared at the man in question while debating her options. 
Letting Jack find the message on his own was the most obvious answer but… would he still want to be with her when he found out about the baby? If it even is his, Vivienne rolled her eyes at the thought. 
The next logical option was to delete the message and block the girl. Jack would never have to know, and Vivienne would just have to be the perfect girlfriend for the next little while. She’d make him his favourite foods, dress extra hot, and do everything in her power to make sure he forgot about his ex. 
Vivienne turned Jack's phone on again, and without a second thought, swiftly declined the message request before blocking the girl. 
To make sure her tracks were completely cleared, she searched the girls name up in his contact list and blocked her there as well. 
And, just as quickly as Vivienne had picked up her boyfriends phone, she had set it back down. 
⋆ ★
After the appointment, I was stuck in meetings for the rest of the day with no opportunities to check my phone. During my appointed bathroom breaks, I was too anxious to check. My hands trembled as I hovered over the instagram app, too nervous to see if he had read the message. 
I thought about the next message that I would send all day. Would I send the doctors confirmation? My next appointment date? The reason why I found out about the pregnancy so late? 
When I got out from work, I decided to walk the 45 minutes home instead of taking the Subway. I hoped that the semi-fresh air would clear my mind. 
By the time I unlocked the front door of my apartment, it was 6:45pm. Jack would have gotten out of practice, and he would probably be at home grilling himself a piece of chicken while his rice cooked. 
I pull my boots off and wander into my bathroom. i shut the door behind me, giving myself some privacy from my own space. When I close my eyes, all the memories of Jack and I flicker through my mind like one of those plastic children's cameras.
I take a deep breath, before finally pulling my phone out of my pocket and turning it on. I click into instagram and my stomach drops. 
No posts yet
User not found
what the fuck was i going to do.
⋆ ★
“Claudia!” my voice was hoarse from crying as I pounded on my best friend's door with my fists. I had run all the way to Claudia's apartment, and luckily someone was walking into her apartment complex so I didn't have to buzz in. 
Claudia's door swung open, and she immediately pulled me inside and into her arms. “What's wrong?” she practically cooed, not a stranger to my breakdowns. 
“J-jack he-” I couldn't stomach the rest.
“Babe, slow down… breathe..” Claudia stressed as she started doing breathing exercises for me to copy. I followed her movements, and when I was deemed calm enough she moved me over to sit on her couch. 
I take a few minutes to recover before explaining what happened. 
“I’m going to kill him” Claudia sneered after I had explained the pregnancy, the message, and how my ex boyfriend-turned-baby daddy had blocked me. 
“What am I going to do?” I was crying again. I was bordering on exhaustion as I leaned my head against the back of Claudia's couch and wailed.  
My hand found its place at the top of my stomach, where the faintest baby bump had begun to form. 
⋆ ★
vivienne just added to their story!
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liked by jackhughes, trevorzegras, alixearle, and others
vivienne mr nhl man
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user02 viv baby who is it
user04 vivnation lost
user05 jack and trevor liking ohhh wow…
user06 is it jack?
user07 i thought jack has a gf?
user06 he was seen out with a girl a few times months ago but that was it lol
user08 the nhl girlies lost
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⋆ ★
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liked by claudia, and others
ynuser my baby🤍
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claudia im a proud honorary aunt❤️
user00 congrats!! 
user01 Congratulations on your pregnancy sweetie! We have to get together sometime soon😘❤️
⋆ ★
the pregnancy was lonely. It was all long hours at work, quiet doctor appointments, and late nights binge sessions watching gossip girl with whatever craving plagued my mind. 
I tried my hardest to stay away from social media, my heart cracking a little more every time jack came across my feed with his rumoured new girlfriend. of course, i knew it wasn’t a rumour, which just made everything more miserable. 
“Do you want to know the gender?” the ultrasound tech asked as she shielded the sonogram screen away from my view. 
I nod, “yes, please”
Claudia squeezes my hand. “Are you sure? I can throw you a gender reveal party if you want? Or we can do something with just the two of us?” 
I didn’t want to hurt Claudias feelings, but it wouldn’t be the same without jack. 
I must have took too long to answer though, because the ultrasound tech looked at me with pity filled eyes as she said, “i’ll put the gender info in an envelope for you to take home”
All i could do was nod. 
⋆ ★
“Im sorry, blair.. But you lost the baby”
“where’s chuck?”
“B, he lost a lot of blood, and he never woke up” 
Gossip girl season 5 played in the background as I picked at my newest pregnancy craving, strawberry cupcakes from a bakery off seventh ave. 
i sighed heavily as i continued watching the show. this has got to be the saddest episode… i thought as blair started praying for chucks survival. As the scene went on, tears pricked my own eyes as i thought about the past five months. 
i was almost done with my 2nd trimester, and i was still refusing to acknowledge my pregnancy. I felt as if i were walking through water, i was restricted in all of my movements and my mind was cloudy like i had just spent all day in the michigan summer sun. 
The episode finished, with blair telling chuck that she loved him but that she couldn’t be with him and that she couldnt tell him why. 
When the screen turned black and i was faced with my reflection, i started sobbing. 
Heavy tears rolled down my cheeks and fell onto my duvet, which turned the cream coloured blanket into spots of grey. 
Without thinking, I rolled out of bed and threw on a thick sweater that I found strewn against a chair backing. I wandered out into my entryway, shoving on a pair of my mini uggs as I searched high and low for that stupid little envelope that my tech gave me. 
It was in my purse, hidden behind a hundred other little things. Once the envelope was grasped firmly in my hands, i ripped open my door and rushed down onto the street. 
I didn’t have a lot of time to think this through. If i placed the order now, everything would be okay and fine...
Truth be told, i was afraid that if i didn’t order a gender reveal cupcake that i would be doing my baby a disservice. I promised to myself that i would be able to do this without jacks support, and yet here i was crumbling under the pressure of motherhood. 
The bakery shop chimed with my arrival, and then i was in the small line up to make an order. 
“Hey, what can i get for you tod-”
“Can i get a gender reveal cupcake? Or one of those little cakes?” i ask, thrusting my envelope into the guy at the registers hands. 
He looked taken aback before responding very politely, “i’m sorry, you’re going to have to make an order online” 
“Oh,” my shoulders sag in disappointment. I hadn't thought far enough ahead. 
the guy stared at the crumpled up envelope in his hand, and then back at me. “Why don’t you go sit down and i’ll figure something out for you,” his voice was kind as he noticed my dishevelled state. 
I nod, and then move to an empty seat in the corner of the bakery. Another employee was sweeping the floors, and i realize that the store must be due to close soon. I need to pull myself together… 
About ten minutes later, the guy from before walked over with a little white box in his hand. On top of the box sat my envelope which was now cleanly cut into. 
“It’s not the prettiest thing in the world,” the guy chuckled as he placed the small box in front of me, “but it should work” 
“Thank you,” i stutter, pulling a crisp $10 bill out of my pocket and handing it over to the guy. 
At first he shakes his head in an attempt to decline the money, but I insist he takes it anyway. 
back at home, i get comfy at my kitchen table where i finally open up my box. It was a vanilla cupcake with white vanilla frosting. 
I take a deep breath before taking a small bite, and when i swallow, i see the remaining pink icing that filled the inside of the cupcake. 
“we’re having a little girl,” i whispered, tears sliding down my cheeks as i rub my bump soothingly. 
⋆ ★
Jack Hughes was stuck. He felt bad for Vivienne and he felt bad for himself. It wasn’t Viviennes fault that his attention was elsewhere because on paper, Vivienne Aiden was probably who most would consider his perfect match. 
Vivienne was gorgeous, she had an online career going for her, and her apartment did smell amazing… but something just wasn’t right. 
When she fell asleep beside him, Jack would pull out his phone and scroll through his photo album full of pictures of his ex-girlfriend. He would wonder what she was doing, what new journalist piece she was working on, and most importantly, if she was happy. He couldn’t bear searching her up online, for fear of seeing she had moved on (which, let's be honest, is very hypocritical of him), so Jack settled with his photo album. 
When Jack finally closed his eyes for the night, he imagined the sleeping figure next to him was his y/n. Vanilla scent was swapped with coconut, a windy spring turned into an endless summer, and the lingering emptiness felt like coming home after a long roadie. 
And in the morning, when y/ns lovely green eyes woke him up, he would blink to find Vivienne staring back at him, and whatever relief he had accustomed himself with in sleep came crashing down again. 
⋆ ★
ynuser posted on their story! 
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jackhughes posted on their story!
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Vivienne posted on their story!
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⋆ ★
Vivienne wasn’t an idiot. she could feel the small shifts in Jack's behaviour. He was slowly distancing himself from her and she wouldn't allow that to happen. 
Therefore, she sent him a teasing photo, planned a romantic dinner at her apartment, and took care of business. 
Create an Account
User: user257483475
Dm Request
User257483475: how does it feel knowing that you’re going to be a single mom?
User257483475: must be tough knowing that the daddy doesn’t want it
User257483475: if i were you i wouldn’t even try
⋆ ★
“I can’t believe you're having a little girl!” Claudia squealed as she met me at the front of a baby store. I was now 6 months along, and I hadn’t done any of the necessary baby shopping yet. 
We walked into the store, light pinks and blues and purples clouding my vision. “I can't believe it either! A little girl…” I smile, picking up a little onesie. 
Claudia gets a basket, and we start to make our way through the store. “Have you thought of any names yet?” she asks as she holds up what might've been the cutest baby dress i’ve ever seen. 
I placed the dress in the basket. “I’ve been toying with a few names but it just feels strange” I pick up another little dress and put it in the basket as well. “I’m sure once I see the nursery all together it’ll feel a little more real and i’ll be able to pick something out” 
Claudia smiles at me sympathetically before taking the shopping basket out of my hand and guiding me towards the furniture section.
“I was thinking-” my phone buzzes causing me to pause. I pull out my phone, only to see a few instagram notifications. 
User257483475: viviennes so pretty, i bet you're real jealous huh?
User257483475: jack didn't even want to post you publicly and now he wont even acknowledge his baby… he never loved you.
User257483475: i wish you the worst xx
“y/n? What were you thinking?” Claudia asks, immediately noticing my pause. She walks over to me, one hand on my shoulder as she tries to gauge my facial expressions. “Are you okay?”
I don't want to speak, and so I thrust my phone into Claudia's hands. 
She gasps when she reads the first message from a few weeks ago, and I can feel her tense beside me as she lets her hand drop from my shoulder.
“What the fuck!” she seethes as she stares at all the messages littering my phone.
“How do they know the baby’s Jacks? How do they even know I'm pregnant? My account’s private!” I utter as I close my eyes. 
“Who’s Vivienne?” Claudia asks as she switches out of my dms and onto the search page. I watch her type in Vivienne's name.
“She’s Jack’s girlfriend,” I reply just as Claudia presses on her instagram account. The newest picture on her feed was of her and Jack at some cafe… I felt nauseous. 
“Well, she’s obviously the one sending the messages” my best friend states firmly. Great I thought. Could my life get any more fucked up? 
That night at home, I easily verifiy that it was Vivienne behind the account. For all the scheming she liked to do, she wasn’t very good at covering her tracks. 
First, I used my laptop to try and log into her main instagram account. When I got the password wrong, I clicked the option for instagram to send a code for password resetting via email. The email, half unblurred, showed up on screen. Then, i moved onto the account who’s been sending me nasty messages. Repeated the process, and wouldn’t you know! Vivienne Aiden didn’t doesn’t know how to make a fake email for her fake account, that she uses to harass her boyfriend's ex! Nice. 
With that little confirmation, I blocked both her and the account she’s using to send me messages. 
⋆ ★
My baby’s nursery is painted a soft pink. Her crib is a beige wood, and there’s white flowy curtains with a blackout curtain set underneath. flower prints decorate the walls, and my baby’s name is highlighted on a beautiful homemade blanket which was gifted to me by one of my coworkers. 
“Are you ready, baby?” my mom asks to which I nod. I watch her silently as her hands weave between different sets of baby clothes.
She’s helping me get the nursery finished for babygirls birth next month. 
“I’m nervous, but i’m ready,” I smile, waddling over to the blush pink rocking chair that sits in the corner of the room. 
⋆ ★
“i’m not ready! i need jack!” i cry, squeezing my eyes shut tight as pain overtook my body. i could hear the nurses faintly in the background of my own thoughts, shouting something about an excess of blood. 
a group of nurses stand around me, all shouting different orders to one another. “ma’am you’re bleeding-“ 
“i need, i just need-“ 
a sweet looking nurse cut me off. “sweetie, you’re going to be alright. just breathe, i’ll be right here with you this whole time!” she grabs ahold of my hand to which i squeeze tightly. 
the room spins and my whole body feels cold. I could tell that the nurses started going about their business from all the pinching and poking that was going on, but i couldn’t figure out where all the pain was coming from.
⋆ ★
“Mommy?” I whispered. My mom whipped her head in my direction upon my words. 
“Oh sweetie,” she coos, tears lingering in her eyes as she sits on the edge of my hospital bed. she grabs ahold of my hand. 
“Is…” I start to ask about my daughter but a cry falls from my lips. 
My mom grabs my hand tighter and brushes my hair out of my face. “She’s in the NICU, but the nurses say she’s doing well” 
“Can I see her?” my voice is hoarse. My mom jumps up from the bed and fills an empty paper cup with water. She passes the cup to me, and I gratefully drink its contents. 
“I’ll go get a nurse, okay? She’ll tell you everything you need to know”
I had been asleep for roughly ten hours after my daughters birth. The doctor told me that the pain I woke up to last night was from blood clots, which is the reason behind all the blood and the premature birth. Luckily though, I was pretty close to full term, and I got to the hospital at the perfect time therefore babygirl would only have to stay at the NICU for a few short weeks to monitor her development. 
“what’s her name, sweetheart?” my mom whispered softly to me while her hand ghosted across hairline.
“Leighton Rowe LN,” I replied sleepily as I stared at my baby in my arms. Leightons sweet face suddenly made all the pain worth it.
my mom brushed my damp hair out of my face. “that’s beautiful,” she cooed, and when she gestured towards the baby I tiredly nodded.
as my mom took my baby out of my arms to coddle, i let my eyes close and then i softly drifted off to sleep.
⋆ ★
It was a few months later when it happened. claudia was at my apartment, watching leighton while i ran around the city to get some much needed errands done. i stop at my favourite coffee shop, a place that i hadn’t been to since jack and i broke up. 
i order my usual, a mocha to go, and when i turn to leave jack had just opened the door. I stumble back, not prepared to see jack in the flesh. He looks familiar and yet completely different. 
“y/n,” he greets me, his tone uncertain as he takes a step towards me. How dare he.
“If your girlfriend sends me one more fucking text i swear i’ll ruin her life” i start, my words threatening as i let the weight of viviennes words fall onto my shoulders. for months shes been creating new accounts and messaging me, and despite hitting the "block all and future accounts" feature she still managed to harass me.
“I get that you don’t want to have a baby, but she’s here, and I'm capable of doing it without you. I have been doing it without you. So get your girlfriend to stop harassing me or i’ll press charges,” i spit out, pushing past a shell-shocked jack and storming out onto the street. 
⋆ ★
“I have a baby!” jack shouts angrily, kicking one of vivienne's wooden dinning room chairs. “You hid my baby from me!” 
Vivienne stares, glassy eyed as she watches her boyfriend stomp around her apartment. “Jack, i didn’t mean for it to go this far i-”
“You what? What was the plan here?” he shouts again, running a hand frustratingly through his hair. Jack stops, whipping around to face vivienne again. “Show me the messages.”
“What?” she cries. 
“y/n said you were sending her messages. Show me them” jack repeats, causing vivienne to jump up in alarm. If he saw even half of the things she sent…
Jack storms up to vivienne who immediately pulls her phone out of her pocket. She switches onto one of her many burner accounts used to send y/n messages. 
Jack sat on the couch, hunched over while he read through every single message. He felt sick. 
he hates you
It must suck knowing that your child's dad doesn't want her
Jacks going to be the best daddy to our future baby… its too bad he didn’t want that for you. 
“Jack we can fix this, i swear i’ll do better and-”
Jack stood up abruptly, letting viviennes phone tumble to the ground with a loud thud. “We’re- we’re past done. I don't even know what to say to you,” jack stutters, tears falling steadily down his cheeks. 
“Baby, i’m so sorry” vivienne cries. she tries to reach out to jack, be he swats her hands away. 
Jack backs away, and without another word he leaves viviennes apartment with the slam of a door.  he had to make this right to y/n and his... baby.
part three
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woso-dreamzzz · 26 days
Hardersson x Child!Reader
Part of The Big Adventures Universe
Summary: You lose
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You wanted to crawl into a hole and die.
You wanted to take all your gloves and throw them into the fire and just watch them burn.
What use is a keeper that can't stop goals anyway?
Three goals went passed you today. Four if you count the one that was ruled offside.
Three balls shot passed you in the semifinal of the FA Cup. Arsenal would not be going to the final.
Faith had been put on you to carry the team through but you had fallen at the first hurdle.
A shot fired at you from point blank range in the first five minutes.
It skimmed your gloves and buried itself into your net.
The second came from a corner. A header that went just past your outstretched fingertips.
The third was during the second half. A cross into your box and a shot that zoomed past your body.
The fourth goal, the one called offside, had been whipped in just in front of you after you came out of your goal to collect.
It was a shocking performance from you and you fell face forward onto your bed to scream into your pillow.
Your phone keeps ringing and you know who it is.
You ignore it, turning your head so you can stare at your bedside table.
You watch your phone ring over and over again. The screen lights up and then goes dark again. It repeats again and again but all you can do is stare.
You don't want to think about the match. You want to crawl under your sheets and just die.
You've got to go out to get groceries tomorrow. You don't know how you're going to show your face in public.
Your performance was so embarrassing.
Your coach shouldn't have thought that putting an eighteen year old as keeper was a good idea. His faith in your ability was unfounded and you wonder briefly if it's too late to go back to school for something other than football.
You didn't think you needed a backup option. Football was everything to you. Football was your whole life.
You don't know what you're going to do without football.
Your phone rings again and you flip it over so you can't see the screen anymore.
Rocky looks back at you from his spot on your bedside table.
"Don't," You say to him," Don't look at me like that."
His blank googly eyes stare back at you.
"Stop it."
He keeps staring.
Your hand closes around him and your arm rears back in anger.
Rocky collides with your bedroom wall, clattering to the floor.
You scream into your pillow, forcing yourself not to cry.
You know everyone is going to be talking about your bad performance today. You knew you single-handedly sunk Arsenal's dream of the FA Cup this year.
Your phone rings again and again and you wish you had turned off your sound.
You never realised how annoying your ringtone was. If you remember when you wake up tomorrow, you'll have to change it.
The stupid jingle runs through your ears like how those goals run through your mind.
"I don't want to talk," You say when you finally gain the courage to answer your phone after watching it ring for at least an hour.
"No," You cut her off firmly," I don't want to talk. Stop calling me."
"No," Momma says," I watched the match-"
"I don't want to talk!" You insist," Why can't you leave me alone?!"
"Stop it!" You say, tears running down your cheeks," Just stop!"
"It's not the end of the world." That's Morsa now.
"You weren't there! You don't know!"
"You think I haven't lost matches?" Comes Morsa's dry voice," I know all about losing, princesse. It's one match out of countless others. You'll get them next year."
"I don't want to get them next year!" You spit back," I wanted to get them this year!
"And that didn't work out," Momma says to you gently," And that's okay."
A sob rips through your throat. "Momma, I played so badly."
"You're still young," Momma says," You're never going to have a perfect game all season. It was unfortunate that it was today but it is what it is. You'll spend the weekend sulking about it but you'll improve yourself. You'll get better next time."
You crouch on your bedroom floor, picking up Rocky and wiping off the dirt from him.
One of his googly eyes has fallen off so you stick it back on.
"It's not just your fault," Morsa says," You're in a team sport, princesse. The blame never falls on one person's shoulders. You're still young. You've proven yourself to your team. One bad match doesn't ruin everything. You'll improve."
You wipe away your tears, clenching your fist around Rocky. "Really?"
"Of course. You're going to be great one day but you need to stumble a bit first. Learn from your mistakes and you'll get them next time."
You sniffle. "Thanks."
"Good girl," Momma says," Now, I want you to order food tonight, alright? You had a hard day. Treat yourself."
"I will."
"We love you."
"Love you too."
You look down at the rock in your hand and wince. "Sorry I threw you, Rocky. It won't happen again."
485 notes · View notes
tremendum · 8 days
Mr. Miller's Injury ; Mr. Miller viii
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[not my gif] pairing: joel miller x fem!reader (afab, some use of she/her, use of the words girl/woman) rating: explicit. [18+. mdni] word count: 7.8k summary:  ❝"you aren't doing anything, Mr. Miller," you tilt your head, bending to fit level with his face. "if you recall, you're too injured to even leave the bed."❞ warnings: storm vibes, fairly tame compared to other parts, being stood up, dom!reader, sub!joel (FINALLYYYY), brief slapping, injured!Joel, anger, spitting, brief edging, choking, PiV unprotected, this is porn with no plot, masturbation, slight voyeurism, begging, degradation, age gap kink if you squint, calling joel 'old man', v brief praise kink, lots of pet names SORRY notes: thank u all for ur patience, it's been SO LONG. I am sorry this isn't the longest update but i hope you still enjoy! switching things up a bit bc they're learning to Talk about their Feelings <3 finally <3 there will be another update v v soon as well!!! hope you all enjoy. [previous. this is part eight of the Mr. Miller series.] [masterlist]
[important - i no longer use a taglist. I've made a notifs blog - @tremendumnotifs - for ppl to follow for notifications. tysm!!] ★  
to say you're pissed is an understatement. 
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forty-five minutes, you huff as you stare at the ground, forty-five minutes standing alone, looking like a fool in this fucking dress. 
the rain sloshes down on you, sending muddy streams down the sidewalk and under your boots to kiss the streetwater. it's been raining for days - ever since that black out the other night, it's barely let up; you're getting permanently used to your hair heavy from the drops. you glare sharply down at yourself, watching as sheets of water slap against your soaked corduroy jacket - the vibrant thread that sewed it together again all those weeks ago wilted by the water. you pull your jacket tighter over yourself, as if that could help at all. 
you shouldn't fucking be out here right now, getting soaked to the bone. 
sighing harshly, you squint up the street to your own house, lights off and waiting sadly; when you'd left, you'd expected not to return until the morning, anyways. 
but here you are, an hour later, dateless and more furious than you've been in ages.
you feel like a fucking idiot.  
serves you right for trusting that Joel would bother to put on a nice button-up and walk down to the bar to see you. 
you try not to glare against the rain when you pass his house; the lights are glowing from the upstairs window, and your blood boils - he's probably in there sitting around doing nothing because he's too terrified to be a man and face you in person. the bitter taste in your mouth only grows at your brief concern - you didn't see him yesterday at all, but you'd just assumed he was on patrol. 
you're about fifteen steps away from your your front door, already planning on downing a whole bottle of liquor in your bathtub by the time you hear it. 
someone shouting your name. 
turning your neck, you spot Ellie, waving her arm from only twenty feet away; the onslaught of drops has quickened, and you can't hear what she's saying. gritting your teeth, you trudge over to her, trying to hide your exasperation, "what's going on?" 
"been looking for you!" is what she shouts as you walk towards her, shouting through the rain. "-just asking where you've been lookin' like that." she gestures to your dress, one definitely meant to wear at backyard barbecues and not in the middle of torrential downpours. she pulls you by the wrist onto their porch; the lights flicker slightly and it's just barely less dry - you ignore the wall behind you, thinking back to all those months ago when Joel'd had his cock shoved down your throat with your head pressed up against it. 
you blink away the memory, anger simmering in your stomach; you ignore the heat in your abdomen. 
"I had plans." you grunt, crossing your arms. her brows raise doubtfully; so full of sass for a teen. "you seen Joel lately?" you ask, hoping to sound nonchalant; she must pick up on the anger that flows from you; frowning, she jerks her head, "seen him? that's why I was lookin' for you. I've been babying him all day." 
you stare at her, lifting a brow. "babying?" you parrot. 
she frowns, tilting her head; the water sprays in a mist onto you, out of the direct exposure but still splattering fat sheets of rain onto your ankles. "didn't Tommy tell you?" she asks, but you're nearly out of patience. 
you sigh sharply, "no, I haven't seen Tommy. been busy all day at the gardens dealin' with this shit."
this shit has been stressing you out beyond belief - a near monsoon in fucking Wyoming, drowning the crops you very desperately need for the commune. root rot is one thing, but losing all the food you'll need for months is something else. 
"well, neither have I, but if you see him, tell him I could use a hand with his brother." Ellie sasses, arms crossing. for a moment, you nearly laugh - she's standing like Joel, a look of defiance in her eyes. she huffs, "I've been trying to keep Joel in bed, but you know how stubborn he can be. he got injured on patrol yesterday."
a flicker of concern betrays the anger in your heart. you blink at Ellie. "injured? he's injured?"
she glances towards the door then back at you, her own shirt pelted with rainwater. "he dislocated his shoulder. it's pretty bad."
you let out an exasperated sigh; that's where he's been? fucking injured and didn't bother to tell you? you purse your lips, feigning calm as you actively fight off the sense of embarrassment at your own irritation. "I can help you, don't worry." you promise, wishing you'd had a chance to change out of the dress. "if you want a break, I'll make sure he doesn't kill himself for a while." even if you wish he would. 
she smiles, nodding as she turns on her heels, "thank you - you know how he is. didn't even mention he was hurt 'til I found him trying to hide it. been trying to tough it out, I guess."
you follow her into the house, gritting your teeth as you wring water out of your hair. "unbelievable," you mutter under your breath. 
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Joel is lying in his bed. 
You resist the arousal that climbs at the vision of him outstretched in bed, propped perfectly on a pillow, hair grown out and curling; instead seething with irritation at him. 
"what the hell is this, Miller?" you say in lieu of a greeting, crossing your arms the second he makes eye contact with you. he's surprised to see you, but not as surprised as you'd hoped.
he looks as terse as ever, eyes darting from you to Ellie, who lingers in the doorway. he grunts, shifting slightly and wincing. "hurt m'self." 
you resist a laugh of disbelief, smiling sarcastically, "I can see that." 
he is too fucking stubborn - you're too fucking stubborn, too; there's a beat, then you give in, "you couldn't have sent someone to tell me not to show up? I looked like a complete dick down there by myself." you snap, wounded. he rolls his eyes, "well I sent her to ya, didn't I?" he snaps, gesturing to Ellie with his good hand. she shakes her head, throwing her hands up, "I don't want any part in...whatever this is." 
she disappears after muttering something about finally getting some peace and quiet - it's silent until you hear her bedroom door slam, the rain pelting down against the windowpanes. 
unable to hide any longer in the quiet, you cross your arms. he sighs. "look..." he mutters, wincing as he sits up slightly. "I'm sorry I couldn't find ya. y'don't deserve t'be sittin' alone by yourself like that." 
you clench your jaw, nodding, "you're right, Joel. I'm sorry you're hurt, I understand, it's just-" your doubts creep back in and you shake your head. "I don't know what I thought." you chicken out, looking away. 
you hear his breathing; it seems to move with your chest - a patient, quiet breath that waits for your anger to subside. 
"this ain't 2003, sweetheart," he finally says, but there's a warmness in his voice; it is wholly familiar and foreign at the same time. "can't jus' text you to let y'know I fell and dislocated my shoulder." he sighs gruffy; you huff, walking closer to the bed. "yeah, that and if it was 2003, I'd still be learning to ride a bike." 
his eyes are sharp on you - a reminder of that unspoken thing, that tension that lives between you and him, pushes you further "don't." he says lowly, eyeing you stormily as the rain forges on outside. "don't remind me of why I shouldn't be doin' this." 
the hesitation that always lingers between you sneaks up like mist through a forest; you push at it, wading through until you're next to where he reposes in bed. you can't resist the smirk that plays at your lips. "you aren't doing anything, Mr. Miller," you tilt your head, bending to fit level with his face. "if you recall, you're too injured to even leave the bed." 
he hums, eyes stirring with that playfulness that you never quite expect; he tilts his chin up and it's all you can do to not kiss the lips that part beneath you. "c'mere an' make me feel better then, would'ya?" 
you lift a brow, letting your lips brush just over his cupid's bow, imbued with the thick hairs of his mustache. you shake your head gently; he thinks everything's fine after a measly sorry? 
"really?" you whisper against his lips, "you expect me to come play nurse and give myself to you just like that?" you tut. a swirl of desire in your gut when his good hand slides up the back of your thigh, squeezing the round of your ass. 
you hope he cannot see the goosebumps up your thighs at his touch. 
"y'didn't even play nurse." he argues, tilting his head up at you. you cross your arms, unimpressed; he sighs sharply. "sweetheart, 'm sorry." he offers again. you roll your eyes, "whatever, Joel." you whisper, leaning close to him; the way he looks up at you is saccharine; revenge must be the only thing sweeter. an idea creeps into your mind; a taste of his own medicine.
you let your lips brush his, but then pull back slightly. "if I can wait for you, you can wait for me." you say, pressing a chaste kiss to Joel's lips. his eyes are no longer clouded in that warm brightness; no, he is cloudy with irritation. you bite back a grin as you pull away from him, eyeing the chair next to the bed. "the fuck's that mean?" he grunts, eyes hawkish as they travel with you, lowering until you're comfortable in the chair. you let his gaze travel the expanse of your legs; the dress you chose to wear to your date is soaked - it sticks to your thighs and reveals more than you'd expect - you don't shy away, though. when it's Joel, you can never shy away.
"what are you doin'?" he questions again, voice deep with growing interest. 
you smirk sultrily, tilting your head as you hum, propping your foot just next to his leg, on display for his gaze. 
you spread your legs gently, letting your hands explore the planes of the body you know so well; over your chest, you flick wet strands of hair away from your slick skin before skimming over your curves. a flicker of lightning in the window and Joel's eyes are darker than before; you hum, "I'm keeping you company, Joel." you simper, letting the strap of the dress slip slowly off your shoulder on one side, your hand traveling down your chest and imagining his own rough, calloused ones. "unless you'd prefer I leave?" you ask with a small pout. 
"I'd prefer if you stop bein' a brat and get the fuck over here." he snaps; patience worn thin, you just smirk, knowing he's enjoying the display of your body for him in the dark room. 
you slowly lift the hem of your skirt up, over your hips; his eyes hungrily devour the lace you wore - a treat for him at the end of your date, you'd thought - now teasing.
you make a show of slipping a hand into your underwear, gasping gently as your fingers slide through your folds. you flush at the arousal that has gathered there - there might be something to say about how turned on you get when you're pissed at Joel - yet you let yourself relax, gently moaning as you rub your sensitive clit with one finger. 
Joel sits up, his eyes dark and lip caught between his teeth as he watches you; he winces slightly, but ignores the pain, “let me.” he says, trying to sound authoritative. you just smirk, shaking your head. “no.”
Joel ought to learn to be patient.
so you resume, your finger gently sliding inside you;  it’s nowhere near how it feels when Joel touches you, but you'd never dare admit such secrets out loud. instead, you add another finger; curling them, you let out a moan, biting your lip only when you remember there is another person in the house. thankfully, the rain slams on the windows hard enough to mask what noise you've let escape your lips. 
Joel stares at you as if it's torture; you can see his own arousal growing in his pants; even as he adjusts, his brows drawn and breathing sharp. sliding the other strap off your shoulder, you let the top of your dress fall; your breasts on full display, nipples perking at the cold nip of the air. 
"god damn it," he hisses, "quit your fuckin' teasing." 
you don't, though: and he cannot conceal the groan he lets out as you push your chest out, arching your back as you start to thumb your clit. pleasure courses through you, soaking your panties as you watch Joel watch you. 
his hand barely twitches before you shake your head, "don't touch yourself." you snap, eyes sharp as you watch his palm press over his obvious hard-on. 
he glares at you. 
"y'think you can tell me what to do?" he snaps, eyes sharp though you can see the flush on his cheeks at your words. this makes you stop; instantly you're pulling your fingers out of yourself, sitting forward - his eyes widen only slightly when you stand, suddenly standing over him again. 
he is a dream - laid back, cheeks red and eyes sharp from the tease, straining nearly out of his pants in his desire. he pants, swallowing as you trail your fingernails over his chest slowly; up, higher... 
your hand wraps around his throat - it looks small, next to his tanned skin, but the way he swallows, the way his cock twitches - he loves it. you do, too. you lift a brow. "don't think I won't fucking leave you here like you left me alone at the Bison." tilting your head, you smirk. "someone has to put you in your place, right?" 
his jaw is taut as he blinks at you, not daring to argue. you tilt your head, staring at him until he rolls his eyes, shaking his head. "fine, darlin'." he grunts, "have it your way." 
his hand slides away from his crotch and with a satisfied smirk, you let go of his throat. "don't move your hand from the mattress unless you want me to leave." you snap, sending him a look, "okay?" 
his jaw ticks, as if deciding how much power to give up. he sighs sharply, "fine."
satisfied at his answer, you slide your underwear off your legs, leaving the dress on your torso.
Joel swallows hard, cheeks pink with desire as you climb up onto his lap; his eyes watch you warily, knowing you well enough to know you wouldn't give in this easily. 
and you haven't. 
instead you slide back slightly onto his thighs, relieving the brief pressure of your heat over his clothed cock; you snake your hand down, returning your fingers to your heat to find the velvety arousal waiting for you. he watches with lidded eyes and a slacked jaw. sighing, you wiggle your hips, gasping as the tips of your fingers brush your sensitive clit. your other hand rises to pinch a nipple gently, eyes locked on Joel's. he's halfway delirious - exasperated, irritated, melting with desire. 
"is this better, Joel?" your voice drips with antagonism as you slowly slip two fingers into your dripping cunt, "you wanted me close, didn't you?" 
he says nothing; watching you, his hips move with yours, providing you with friction as you touch yourself on his lap. a muttered curse under his breath until you whine gently, fingers stretching yourself as you wish it was him. 
"god damn it." he mutters, head falling against the pillow, staring up at the ceiling as if in silent prayer. you can see him searching for some god, high up there, who will take him out of this torturous pleasure. there is a burning desire, a sweet pride, knowing that you are the only one who can. "-gonna be the death of me, darlin'." 
it is not the first time he's said this. in fact, the night you first fucked around with Joel he said something very similar as you walked the patrol logs to Maria and Tommy's; the memory makes you flush, the anticipation, the butterflies, the shock. 
the first time Joel put his hands on your skin, caressed you, fucked you. 
"y'gonna let me fuck you, sweetheart?" his voice always slips into that Texan accent more when he is aroused; the heat spreads over your body and goosebumps crawl over your legs as you let your head fall back - moaning his name, you thumb your clit gently. it never feels good enough when you do it yourself; hiding this truth, you hum, sending Joel a salacious smirk. "if you want me, you're going to have to beg for it." 
this seems to have brought him back to Earth, back to this bed, to remember who it is that straddles him, who it is he desires most in this town. he bristles at your play for dominance. "-oughta fuck you 'til you remember who you're talkin' to. remember your manners." he snaps - his desperation is leaking through; you can only smile knowingly as you buck your hips on his thick thighs. pleasure starts to pool in your stomach as you tilt your head back, your thumb flicking over your sensitive nipples. he watches the movement like a hawk; angry, straining with pleasure but unable to do anything against your ministrations.
you lean yourself, not daring to stop your movements - instead, your hand slips from your breast to return itself to Joel's throat; squeezing as you feel yourself tremor with ecstasy. the want in his eyes drives you forward. 
"where are your manners, old man?" you whisper, breath hot as it fans across his lips. "standing up a pretty girl like me?" you tut, shaking your head. "such a mean man. you know, I could have my pick here in Jackson-" you sigh, feeling yourself pulse with your imminent high, your fingers pumping into yourself and pleasure coursing through you. 
he lets out a sigh, a whisper upon your own lips, "-I know, baby." he grunts, hips bucking against yours, seeking any kind of friction for himself. something about his desire, how you've rendered Joel Miller completely desperate and breathless for you, nearly pushes you to the edge. 
"-fuck, 'm sorry, darlin'," he grunts; his hand grips the sheet below him, his voice quieted with the knowledge that Ellie remains somewhere in the house. You swirl your hips, nearing your high as your head tilts back; you move, your tits bouncing as you do, gasping gently. a part of you wishes to see how far you could push it - could he cum in his pants like this, barely touched? 
but a yearning desire to be filled by him overtakes that thought. 
"see-" you cut yourself off with a quiet, sweet moan, pulsing around yourself, "see how wet I am?" you spread your thighs open further, leaning back; his eyes, hungry and unrelenting, stare down at the apex of your thighs, where you've made a wet patch upon his pants, where you fuck yourself on your fingers. "yeah, baby. let me feel that pretty pussy, then." he grunts.
you lift a brow. Joel lets out a desperate moan, eyes rolling gently as you pitch your hips forward, grazing his straining cock. You eye him coyly. "where's that please you love to hear so much, Joel?" you hum, your thighs trembling as you stave off your orgasm. "or have you already forgotten how to speak?" 
his eyes strain as he resists the urge to put his palm over you - your tits, your face, your cunt - you grin in satisfaction. good. "jesus," he grunts, "lord- just-" he clenches his jaw, hips bucking up against you; you gasp at the friction it causes, pushing your palm into your clit hard. "-let me fuck you." he tries to order.
you shake your head, "beg for it." you says, breathless as you scrunch your eyes shut, nearing your orgasm. "beg for me, Joel." you say again, clenching- so close- 
his grip finds your hand, tugging you away from your seeping cunt so quick you barely know what's happening. you gasp, eyes flying open; his eyes are not nearly as sharp as they were- no, they're begging, pleading: wide, staring up at you like you floated down from Heaven above. 
"-don't cum yet, please." he says, voice breathless, "wanna feel you 'round me. promise, I'll do anything you want, anything - please." 
you could cum untouched at just the words, the arousal dripping from his lips, the way his eyes drink you in like he never wants to see anything else. 
the breath tumbles out of your lips, staring at him with satisfaction, your own cheeks flushed. "was that so hard?" you pull him in for a kiss that has him keening, tongue struggling to fight for the dominance you refuse to give up. even if it took Joel dislocating his shoulder, you will not let him take away your first real breath of control over him. you lean in to his ear, biting his lobe softly as his breath hitches, "now let go of my fucking hand." you whisper coldly. 
he drops it like dead weight. 
smirking, you lean back, lifting your fingers between you and him; your slick coats them, shining with your evident arousal and desire. you don't have to ask; he's taking your wrist gently and pushing your fingers to his lips in a second. 
you watch in awe, desire simmering deep within you as his tongue laps every drop of your arousal from your fingers, his eyes rolling back in his head, groaning gently at the taste of you. "fuck, sweetheart-" he moans and you're unsure if you've ever heard something so delicious. "please, let me feel you." 
you hum, roving your hips over his, sliding until you straddle him properly; his fist, squeezed and wanting, clenches against the sheets below him. a part of you flourishes within your chest as you watch him - so clearly aroused, yet letting you take the reins for once and doing what you say. 
experimentally, you drag a hand down his chest. careful to avoid his left shoulder, which is propped up and slung with a makeshift sling from an old t-shirt, you explore him. 
Joel has never really let you look at him very much before; you smile, eyes trailing over his puffing chest, his stomach, down to where you roll your wet cunt over the fabric of his jeans. the texture is rough - you nearly yelp as your clit catches on the cold metal button; Joel's lips quirk up in a small smirk at the noise you let out. 
you ignore his stare, not letting yourself think about how full of admiration it is at the moment; no, you let yourself bathe in the arousal, in the waiting that Joel has patiently gone through for you. your eyes find his face - that rugged, guarded expression: you see the flicker of vulnerability within them that you're slowly getting used to, that warmth that always catches on your heartbeats and makes them skip or pound just that much quicker. 
so patient now, but where was he hours ago, when he could have come told you in person he couldn't make your date, or hell even just sent Ellie? 
"somethin' wrong, baby?" he asks, voice low - his brow is similarly so, drawn over his eyes and you nearly lean to kiss the concern away; you remember the stares you'd gotten at the Tipsy Bison just an hour ago, sitting alone - another bout of irritation washes over you. "y'tired of tryin' to tell me what to do?" 
you let out a small huff, "thinkin' about what I was gonna let you do to me in the bathroom at the Bison tonight." 
it's barely a hint at anything, but his eyes shut at the image. "I'm s-" 
you really don't want to hear it - he's already apologized several times, and you forgive him. now, you're much more focused on giving what you get. "-shut up, Joel." you snap - and he does. 
jaw snapping shut, he watches you as you move on him, eyes desperate, hungry. 
you let your hand slide over the wet patch you've made to palm him, squeezing his cock experimentally. it throbs, twitches; the breath catches in his throat at your palm and you hum. he lets out a low moan when you unclasp his jeans, tugging then down enough to let his cock spring free. 
he's impossibly hard; leaking precum and throbbing, Joel stares up at you as you dance your fingertips around the course hair at the base, watching him move under you. his lips are parted, but nothing more than grunts and breaths leave them; you grin. "what's wrong, Mr. Miller?" you tilt your head, "scared you'll cum too quick?" 
his eyes roll at your sass, but whatever lip he was about to deliver is cut off when you move your hips upward; grazing over his aching cock is your wet arousal, your cunt enveloping him in your heat. it's as much a tease to him as it is to you - you're aching with need, cunt swallowing around nothing each time you slide your hips against his cock and feel it slide through your slick.
"please." it is like a breath in the wind, but it makes you smirk. your hand slides to hold his jaw, tilting his head until he looks at you straight-on - his eyes are wide and pleading, begging. it coils something very deep within you. 
"you're real handsome like this, Joel." you say, just to watch the blush over his cheeks. his brows furrow, nostrils flaring; irritated, bashful, embarrassed. "I love it when you're so desperate you can't think straight." 
he lifts a brow, not daring to say anything - you see the knowing look in his eyes, though; he loves it just as much as you do. you wonder, briefly, if he's ever really let go like this before, let someone else take control. it makes you throb to think you might be the first one. your clit brushes to head of his dick and you both gasp; your hand slides until your thumb pulls on his bottom lip. parting his mouth, he watches you expectantly - a tingle within you as you realize what he expects without having to tell you, and so you do it. spitting, you watch as your saliva mixes with his on his tongue and he groans, swallowing it quickly. 
fuck, it feels good; your slick has ruined his jeans and you've run out of patience. 
slowly, you rise to your knees and grasp his cock, giving two pumps that have his eyes shutting and swears tumbling from his bitten lips. but then, you notch him at your entrance, swallowing thickly at his size - no matter how many times you take Joel, it's always a stretch.
he feels it too, his eyes widening in bliss. "c'mon, now-" he becomes impatient; you serve him a warning look, lifting a brow. his expression is one of pure resentment and arousal - you're relieved for a moment that he truly is injured, otherwise you know your ass would be spanked completely raw and you'd probably be fucked out on the floor having alerted the whole neighborhood. 
"quit actin' like you've never done this before," he snaps, clearly fed up with playing around, "like you weren't made to slut yourself out on my cock. let me feel you." but his eyes meet yours, and he tilts his head, adding a small, sarcastic, "please."  
a shiver of desire cascades over you; irritation at him standing you up, at getting injured and not telling you, at the storm for ruining your crops - all the frustration dissipates when you sink yourself slowly onto Joel, feeling him split you open. 
you moan in tandem with him, taking him as low as you can go until you let out a short whine, feeling his cock punch your cervix. deep- he always gets so fucking deep. 
you remain slow because you know he wants it fast. a rise and fall of your hips, teasing, as he drags alongside your channels, your cunt squeezing him deliciously. you're already nearing bliss once again, eyes fluttering at the feeling; using him, taking what you need. 
his own eyes are screwed shut, jaw more tense than you've seen before; breathing heavily, it's as if he's trying to fight an orgasm already. you smirk, shaking your head, "already so close, old man?" you tut, leaning back to balance one hand on his lower thigh, the other hiking up your dress so that he can see your slick, where his cock is swallowed by your greedy pussy. 
you sigh, the feeling euphoric as his hips slowly buck to meet yours, fucking into you as you bounce on him. you try not to let your eyes roll back, taking in the slow sweetness of him filling you to the brim. "you're so fucking lucky, you know that?" you hiss, eyes knitting together. "such a fuckin' asshole, yet here I am letting you fuck me." 
he groans, head falling backwards and his free fist not wrapped in the sling fisting the sheets with a death grip. you slow your hips slightly when he doesn't respond, watching him with arousal swirling across your vision. a low fire burns bright within your core, your orgasm building up again. 
“fuck," he nearly moans it, "I know. I know. just- don’t fuckin' stop, baby.”
you've never heard him this desperate; it shoots ecstasy through your very veins, curling your toes and making you clench around him, throbbing in pleasure. "pussy's fuckin' heaven." he mutters to himself. you flutter, shivering down your spine.
"dirty man," you whimper, starting to fuck yourself onto him harder; you bite back a moan as you hear your wet cunt against him, legs beginning to shake. "how long did you know me before you decided you wanted me, hm?"
he lets out a low groan, hand flying to rake through his curls as he bucks his hips with yours. your hand flies to his cheek, landing a smack upon the apple of it. a light slap, one to make sure he's paying attention; the doe-look in his eyes makes your arousal coil, that spring getting tighter and tighter.
is this how he feels when you're underneath him, looking up at him like that? "I asked you a question." you whisper.
"m-moment I saw you," he says, "y'know that, baby." he affirms, barely able to string his words together. warmth courses through you at the admission, so free, so honest. 
"fantasized about me for months, didn't you? and now you have me, and you're leaving me all alone on our first date?" you shake your head, pushing your hair away from your face before toying with your tits once again, sighing as you shiver. you're chasing your high already, spurred on by his flustered state, by the power you've found within it. 
the rain slams on the windows outside, but you couldn't care less. 
you know he's injured; you know Joel, he wouldn't intentionally hurt you - but standing you up on your first date still stings, and you're not afraid to let him know. 
you're close to your orgasm, and Joel can tell - his thighs are thick cords of muscle beneath you as he begins to fuck up into you, tip of his cock pushing against your cervix and making you bite back a scream of pleasure. 
you cast yourself forward, avoiding his injured shoulder as you nip along his neck, tongue sliding against the damp, hot skin. "we can play games all we want, Mr. Miller," you whisper against his ear, relishing in the deep spot he hits within you, "but we both know. I own you." 
he lets out a groan at this, his hips bucking up into you; you gasp as his cock punches your cunt, hitting so deep you keen upwards, toes curling. fuck. "yeah baby, I'm yours-" his voice nearly breaks as he says it, looking as if fighting an internal war over risking further injury to his shoulder if it means pulling you down harder against him. "fuck, so fuckin' pretty like this, all mine." 
his chattermouth seems to have returned; in great time, too, as you grip the hand he's cemented to the sheets and shove it between you two, gasping as you near your high. 
"make me cum," you instruct, "make me cum, then maybe I'll let you cum. can you do that?" 
it is an echo of what he'd asked you just days ago in your own bed; with the rain pouring down, flickering in candlelight. 
"fuck," he mutters, "yes." he affirms; you nod, too blissed out to respond more. his fingers spring to life desperately, his own thrusts sloppy as he seemingly tries to stave off his own orgasm. your body is on an electric wire; every muscle clenches when his rough fingers find your clit, toying and rubbing furiously to bring you to that brink. "g-good, that's so good-" you moan, trying desperately to control the volume of your voice as you shake with pleasure. "don't fucking cum, Miller." you order, hand falling to his throat. he moans, nodding. 
"please," he says it quietly; you see the hunger, that darkness in his eyes as he strains. you gasp, a wave hitting you as he begs, "please, cum for me, pretty girl." he groans, "wanna feel it. c'mon-" 
you hit your orgasm with a gasp and a low, drawn out moan. it rolls over you in waves, pulsing, dragging you into the current and spitting you, heaving, back into the universe. he's pressed his hand over your mouth; a desperate plea to remain undiscovered, as your hand falls similarly to his mouth from his throat.
you feel his lips form your name under your fingers; it feels like home. 
his eyes fall shut in pleasure and his head tilts back, exposing the entire expanse of his throat for you to claim; he looks like fucking heaven.
you kiss Joel's neck lightly as you pick up the pace, bouncing on him steadily as his fingers fly up; too weak of desire, you let him grip the side of your thigh. "shit," he mutters, "darlin', I'm close-" 
shaking your head, you stare at him, "didn't tell you you could cum yet, did I?" 
the taste of his own medicine looks divine upon his face; the graying facial hair glinting in the rainy light outside, his thick neck on display again. he growls and it stirs something delicious within you. 
you feel your grip on reality - on your control, on him - start to loosen as your thrusts become sloppy. "Joel," you whine looking into his eyes. it's as if he snaps. 
he’s surging up, kissing you deeply as groans fall from his lips, his arm rising to your waist to hold you as you move. this position hits the perfect spot inside you that you have to bite hard on his good shoulder to avoid screaming in ecstasy. 
the rain washes away the sound of skin against skin but you feel it, you feel him everywhere. 
"I'm close," he mutters. your eyes are screwed shut; you jolt when you feel the pad of his thumb rubbing figure-eights on your clit and you nearly writhe in his hold, whispering, "don't- you'll hurt yourself."
"don't fuckin' care." he almost growls, beginning to drive up into you, tilting until your toes curl and your whole body shakes. "jus' wanna cum with you. can I cum with you, baby?" 
his voice is so desperate your eyes nearly roll back. you move your hips, chasing the high that you can feel coming. you clench, feeling the familiar feeling creeping on you, your cunt puffy and spent; hungry. his hand grips tight on the junction of your leg and hip, fingers squeezing the sides of your ass as he pulls you down onto him, grunting with his eyes closed. 
he looks angelic like this, flushed and wide-eyes as he bites his lip. your eyes meet his and you nod, "cum with me, Joel, yes-" 
you shake as you hit your high, legs giving out a bit as you pulse and clench around his cock. it immediately makes him cum, thrusting into you and shooting hot spurts deep inside you, his moan desperate and full of pleasure. "could stay with you forever," he says, voice hollow and spent, warm and tired as he pushes his length impossibly deeper into you, sending you keening. your thighs quiver, feeling the cum that leaks from you drip onto his jeans; your heart stops, a wash of flattery over you suddenly as you register his words. "keep you with me forever." 
your heart is suddenly pounding, chest heaving, eyes blissful. you stay, arms on him as his good arm stays around you, pulling your weight on top of him. his cock still throbs gently inside you as you press your cheek against his chest. 
keep you with me forever. you sigh at the thought, blinking syrupy, pressing a kiss over his chest.  
you open your mouth; in fact, the sentiment is there, unspoken and unadmitted but still lingering like clouds and sunsets and uncertainty and fear in your mind. something like love. 
but he cuts you off before you can even speak, "I'm sorry," he mumbles, lips brushing against your hairline, "I wanted tonight to be perfect. I'm sorry I got hurt, 'n I'm sorry I didn't tell ya." 
you swallow back your words, nodding, "Joel, I understand. tell me next time." 
he nods, "jus' gotta stop fucking this up." he says, voice slightly anxious. furrowing your brows, you sit up slightly; you both wince at your sore bodies, but you don't mind. frowning, you take in the melancholy that's settled now that the haze of lust as subsided. this isn't normal; trying to navigate any kind of relationship itself is difficult, let alone your rocky start with each other - god forbid you have rough patches, misunderstandings.
Joel has shown his capacity to mature, to work on himself, and you wouldn't dare write that off as nothing. you know it isn't - you know just a few of the many things Joel has seen in his time. you will learn when he is ready, but for now you wait, patient. 
"hey," you say softly, guiding his cheek in your palm. he looks at you with large eyes as you shake your head, "you care about me" you affirm. 
he nods with no hesitation, "yes, I do. I-" he cuts himself off, looking away before taking a breath, "jus' don't deserve you, s'all." 
you shrug, "well, I care about you too. that's what matters. everything else, we're just..." you purse your lips with a small smile, giddy at the thought of his words earlier; in this life, finding any kind of happiness is wholly unrealistic and more than a privilege. and yet, you have this man in front of you; a protector, a friend, a lover - things are fucked up, yes, but there isn't anything in this world that isn't. 
perhaps it's time to start maturing; perhaps it's time to start seeing things for what they are. 
"figuring it out?" he offers, looking almost hopeful. you nod; he kisses you fully, lips tasting a faint hint of your arousal from earlier. 
he hums as his hand trails over your back, up your neck. "your hair's still wet." he observes against your lips, hand carding through the strands. you nod bashfully, "was pouring out earlier." you remind him. 
he hums, "still is." he observes, chin jutting to the window. you look on, taking in the tears that slide down the panes violently; a cry from the world, though your heart is filled with something much more joyous. "s'ppose it's too late to take you to get drinks, then?" he suggests, giving you a look. you look at him wildly, "you're injured, Joel." 
he sighs, "don't matter, like I said." he argues. you huff, shaking your head, "I heard you were being babied all day, and now you want to walk down into town in the torrential downpour?" 
he stiffens, lifting a brow; you flush when you feel his semi-hard cock warm inside you. "who the hell said I was bein' a baby?" he says; you laugh. he laughs, too. it's nice. 
shaking your head, you sigh. "we'll wait until you feel better, Joel. then you can take me for as many drinks as you'd like." 
he sighs, "get'ya all the liquor left in this place if I can help it." he mutters, kissing your hairline again, "I'm sorry, again." 
you kiss his lips, knowing he means it. "I know you are." you whisper back, a hand soothing over him. his eyes are a deep honey, searching yours with vulnerability; you're reminded of his words from just moments ago and flush. 
Joel speaks up again first. "would you-" he swallows thickly, and you turn to watch him, still bathing in the afterglow of two orgasms, his cock still snug within you. his good hand slides over your spine, "would you stay the night?" he asks, eyes vulnerable, "y'can borrow some clothes." he offers, looking over your soaked dress hopefully. 
something flutters in your stomach and you nod, "sure, I'd like that." 
he's never invited you explicitly like this; you smile gently, deciding not to tease him for the blush upon your cheeks. you watch the curve of his nose, the curve of his jawline as he suppresses a bashful grin - you flicker with a stir of arousal. "can I use your shower?" you ask, eyes flickering to the bathroom that connects to his room. clearing his throat, he nods. "'course." 
you purse your lips, "can you get in the shower with your shoulder like that?" you ask; his brow lifts in interest, some kind of arousal swirling in the depths of his eyes. "for a piece of this ass?" he mutters, hand groping your left cheek hungrily, "I can at least try." 
you roll your eyes, ignoring the newly restored desire that grows between your thighs, smirking. "I should say you should take me to dinner first." 
he chuckles, "ship's sailed on that, I think." he slaps your ass, watching with sharp eyes as the flesh bounces with the impact. "I'll make y'dinner when I'm healed, though." 
you hum against his lips, sliding off of him and gasping at the feeling of his cum slipping between your thighs. you yelp lightly, grinning as you rise up and he slaps your ass again. "help clean me up first," you whisper, pressing a kiss to his nose, "then I'll consider it." 
follow @tremendumnotifs for updates.
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icarryitin · 1 month
Workplace Hot
spencer reid/gn!reader
look i don’t know what this is or where it came from, all i know is one day i woke up normal and then by the end of it i had started CM from the beginning and fallen in love w this man
word count: 1.2k//warnings: literally zero, just vibes
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Things never go smoothly, do they?
Never quite to plan, there’s always something missing from the final draft, or something unexpected lurking in the background of the big picture.
This surprise comes gift wrapped just for you, in stupidly attractive, nerdy, beanpole patterned paper.
The first time you lamented about your unfortunate crush on Dr Spencer Reid had been over mojitos at your favourite little hole-in-the-wall bar. Sitting at the raised table with the remainder of your girl group from college, staring dismally at the bottom of your glass, they’d tried to convince you he was just Workplace Hot. Proximity Hot. Work crushes are commonplace as anything, they come just as quickly as they go. God, you wish they’d been right.
You’d tried to convince yourself of it, anyway, and that worked for a little while. You were happy enough to sit at your desk, the man in question mirroring your position somewhere on your right, five days a week. You could do your paperwork in his general vicinity and not feel like you were about to catch fire every time he leaned over the aisle to pinch a file from your stack. And then, there was The Incident.
The Incident - named for the absolute havoc wrought on your nerves until the early hours of a Sunday morning in May. Uncoordinated nights out though they had been, with your own friends out celebrating a birthday and his little group with their own agenda for the evening, it would have been rude not to wave across the bar at him. The rest of them had been too far gone already but one of your friends noticed your shy grin, arguably your best - friendship forged in the fire of back to back forensic psychology classes would be hard pressed to die. She noticed, because of course she did. So you’d told her, because of course she’d have worked it out. And then, to your horror, she’d walked right over to him. Because of course she would. She’d wandered back over to your group only a few minutes later, a solemn look on her face under the dulled bar lights.
“Do you get what I mean?”
“Oh, I get it, my condolences.”
You had been doomed from the start - cursed, bewitched. Lulled into a false sense of security via cardigans and wide eyes and odd socks until you find yourself here. Six months into your new job, and six months into an embarrassingly cumbersome crush on the good doctor.
Which probably would have been fine if either one of you stayed behind at Quantico regularly, but you don’t. Instead, you’re burdened by six months worth of knowledge of all his little quirks thanks to case after case after case.
You know he’ll commandeer the couch on the jet when he can, because he likes to stretch out when he naps. You know exactly how much sugar he takes in his coffee, too much - you feel mildly nauseous every time you make him a cup, but you still make it. You know that he chews on the inside of his lip when he’s thinking particularly hard about something, just as well as you know he doesn’t even realise he’s doing it. And sure, it’s not just him, you’ve learned these silly little things about every member of the BAU team. But Reid’s just seem clearer to you. More significant. You’re a little more self conscious when you find yourself looking at him. Even in conversation, even if he’s looking to you for an observation about the Unsub. You can’t hold his eye for very long.
He knows, you’re sure of it.
There’s a rule - don’t profile the team. The golden rule. The golden rule that gets broken about fifty times a day.
Spencer likes the rule, even if he doesn’t always respect it. Sometimes it needs a little disrespecting, he thinks so anyway. Sometimes his colleagues, his teammates, his friends - they need somebody to prod them a little, letting people in goes against every fibre of a behavioural analyst’s being. But trust has to be built somehow.
He’s about this close to cracking you.
Which hasn’t been easy by any stretch of the word. You’d held him at arm’s length for much longer than the others, and at first he’d thought he annoyed you. It made sense enough, he’s been called annoying enough times in his life to know he definitely can be, and the way you’ve never really been able to look him in the eye would suggest you don’t want to get into the situation where he could be. He tries his best not to ramble at you, even now, just in case. Though that initial ice has long since melted.
You’re a lot more open with him now, even if there’s still parts he has to chip away at thick stone walls to get to. Silly things, that not everyone would care to know about their co-workers, but Spencer absolutely needs to know about you.
Which is where the stakeout game comes in.
It’s silly, really. Twenty questions - who plays twenty questions as a grown adult? FBI agents who desperately want to get to know other FBI agents whilst they’re stuck in the confines of an SUV’s backseat for hours on end. That’s who.
Derek and Emily sit up front, watching the quiet street, the way they’re supposed to be - as Spencer desperately tries to guess your favourite movie. He’s narrowed it down to two in his mind, in only three questions. The traditional rules of the game had gotten boring after the first few cases, you’d laughed and told him that he’s too good at guessing. He’d told you that you’re just not asking the right questions on your turns. You’re watching him carefully in the dark now, the way you’re meant to be watching the Unsub’s house. You don’t make eye contact but you’re studying his face all the same, he wishes you would. He’s become a little too dependent on the way his heart seizes when you allow him that kind of vulnerability.
He doesn’t have time to pick a film or ask another question anyway, because the Unsub is flying out the back door of the house, he’s jumping out of the SUV with everybody else, and the Unsub is surrounded. Thanks to your work, your observation being the final piece of the puzzle that had clicked everything else into place.
You’re chatting to a local officer when Spencer calls out the title of your favourite movie across the street. His guess, twenty questions completed in just three. How very Spencer Reid of him.
He’s right - obviously. He doesn’t need to watch the way your head drops and your shoulders shake with a giggle, interrupting your conversation to turn to him. But he watches all the same, he always does.
Your eyes sparkle in the dark when you look back over your shoulder, finally catching his under the orange haze of the streetlights, and sending a kaleidoscope of butterflies surging in the pit of his stomach. Paper thin wings clog up his throat, spindly legs tickle his lungs.
Work crushes are commonplace - but this one might just be the death of him.
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dilfartist · 1 year
Missed - short (pt.2)
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Pairing; Yandere Las Plagas Leon Kennedy x reader
Synopsis; it’s the week after Leon’s attack and the scientists examining and aiding Leon, need your assistance.
Reader description; Female/GN
Word count; 1k
TW; Dead dove do not eat, non-con, there isn’t really a smut scene, depends on how you interpret it, nonconsensual touching, messed up shit, ooc Leon. NSFW. Also tagged everyone who wanted to be tagged but its acting weird so few may not be notified.
!Reblogs and Comments are greatly appreciated!
Nothing seems real to you anymore.
Your boyfriend working for the government was more than enough news to handle, but Leon obtaining some parasite, becoming one himself understandably tended to hurt your head.
After last week's events, you come by daily. While they did request this of you, you would have done it anyways.
Every day you wake then drive straight to the facility holding him; never missing a day. And with each passing day, he grows worse. His body changed, sprouting more veins than the last time you saw him. He looks lifeless. His baby blue eyes are now a piercing ruby color, that stare into your soul.
Leon as a person has altered. He’s more touchy, touching you anytime he can. Leon doesn’t care for your opinion, or consent on the matter. Not anymore. Aggression is a main part of his personality now. While Leon was rarely aggressive with you, it still terrified you to see him throw a tantrum and nearly rip out a security guard’s throat because you wanted to leave early.
His presence alone has grown suffocating. And You’re starting to get uncomfortable just being around him.
And the experimenters monitoring Leon aren't helping. They only ever approve of you around to gather intel. Sometimes they’ll guilt you into staying in his enclosure, observing his actions on the other side of a double mirror. Other times they’d full-on pay you to spend five or more hours with Leon. Of course, you’d have no issues if Leon acted like his old self. But that was the issue. He wasn't himself anymore.
It’s currently two o’clock and you’re attending Leon’s daily visits.
“We have one more experiment we’d like to run on Leon, but we need your help to explore what we’d like to explore.”
You nod, observing Leon from the other side of the double mirror. Leon sits crisscrossed next to a large television watching MTV mindlessly, gnawing on a slice of pizza. Leon sports grey sweatpants and a slight sauce messy white tee.
You turn your head finally providing your attention to the scientist beside you, “What is it?” you questioned.
She fixed her glasses to look down at her clipboard, “Well, Leon has been very emotional lately. We’d appreciate it if you’d go inside and just talk with him.”
You lift an eyebrow looking at her septically, “Is that all?”
She nods. “Yes, that is all. You know he only communicates with you.”
“Alright then.”
You enter Leon’s isolation when the door slides open. Leon’s room contained paper-white walls, an extensive mirror, both a couch and bed on opposite sides of each other, a television, and a bathroom area. It felt like a zoo enclosure.
Leon took a minute to glance your way. He was too captivated by the flashing images on the television. Wanting to get the interaction over with, you called out for him. “Leon.”
Leon’s eyes darted in your direction. “(Name)!” he jumped up, jogging over to you. He hugged you tightly, running kisses up and down your neck. You're frozen in an awkward position, “Hey, missed you too, Lee.”
Leon ceases his kissing, pulling away from your neck to look you in the eyes. “Been wondering when’s the next time you’d visit.”
You chuckle, “I visit every day, Leon.”
“It feels like an eternity when you're not around.”
Leon and you lay on the couch, Leon resting his head on top of your chest. You held him close, staring at the ceiling. For abeat there was a pregnant silence, the both of you focusing on each other’s company. Then Leon spoke. Leon asked about your life: how was work? Was anything new happing? Any recent drama. He yearned for a bit of normalcy. Wanted to forget about Spain. Just wanted his main reflections on you.
Since Leon’s trip nothing was the same, not for him. Not for you. While, yes, his normal life ended after the raccoon city incident, he managed to somehow have a- what would you call it? Semi-normal life. Living with you at least.
But now it was gone. The las plazas had terminated any chance of normality for Leon. And if by chance the government’s scientists somehow cured Leon of his parasite, he’d still be left with the side effects of retaining the Las plagas for as long as he did.
Leon’s body had changed in such drastic ways. And his main concern was the upsurge in his libido.
Hours and hours he’d fist his cock, mulling on the times you’ve sucked his cock. No matter how hard, how fast, or even the time spent he couldn't stop. It hurt too much if he did. The other day the pain didn't go away until he fainted from exhaustion. He needed you. He needed to stuff you so bad it physically pained him.
His mind was barraged with thoughts of breeding your sweet pussy. Leon wasn’t the idea of having kids with you, honestly, it thought about a lot. However, this was different. It was an obsession now. Thoughts on breeding you made him cum so quickly, it became his number one fantasy.
Laying here listening to your rambling on the next-door neighbor's fight last night, his nose picks up an ambrosial smell originating from you. You smell sweet. Oh so, so, so sweet.
Leon’s ears ring, deafening him. His eyes focus on your clothed thighs. How he missed the plush skin he used to lay on after a hard week of work. More than that, he missed planting kisses on them; earing drawled out moans of his name.
Almost like an instinct, Leon’s rough, calloused, hands griped your hips. You halt and looked down at him with curiousness. Uncertain of his next actions, you press your hands against him. Worriedly you utter his name, “Leon?”
Leon refuses to acknowledge the call of his name. His main priority being his cock beginning to stiffen in his sweats.
You swallow nervously, endeavoring to pry his hands off. “Leon, please take your hands off me.” you plead in a stern manner, to come off more as a command.
Leon shakes his head. “No,” he responded, voice trembling. “You have no idea how much I need you, (Name). It's torture not having you stroke me.” he nearly moans at the last part. He climbs up the couch to be face to face.
Leon’s eyes held an immense dose of desire as he looks at you through his eyelashes. “Please touch me, baby,” he whines. “Want ‘ya so bad!” he grips your hand, placing it near your mouth to plant a kiss.
You glance at the mirror, silently pleading for assistance. Comprehending Leon’s increase in strength, kicking him off wouldn't be an option since his grip on you tautened. “Leon, stop!”
Quickly you thought of a method of escape. You acted, moving to the side for your body to decline to the ground. Both you and Leon fell to the ground, dragging cushions with you. Immediately you are on your feet, dashing to the door. You slam your fist against the metal, bruising them in the process. You could care less. Your shouting so loud your throat starts to sting. Yet there’s no reply.
You know there are people out there! You saw at least five before entering.
Then a thought comes to mind. Did they plan this?
Leon yanks you out of your shock, slamming his body against yours. Your nose whacks against the metal, prompting a whine of pain. Akin to a vampire, Leon laches on your neck, trailing kisses up and down. He sucks, bites, and drags his tongue over the marks as his hand travels down the slit in your pants.
“Sorry, baby, can’t deny myself any longer!” he apologizes, surprisingly genuinely. You accept your fate, sobbing silently to yourself.
On the opposite side of the mirror, a group of scientists observe the interaction. They all have their clipboards out, noting down every action, movent, and emotion. A Handful of them watches in revulsion while the scene unfolds in front of them. Others treat it as any other experiment, having no sympathy for you. After all, they have no idea if you’re the worst person in existence or not.
There's one thing for certain. They’d be investigating the pregnancy of a human mother and a parasite having father.
@fbiopenups , @athanasia-day , @leonskndy , @ineedrealfriends , @destinys-dreamer, @carlosluv3r, @connorsoddsock, @sl33paholics , @explosiongamora , @idiotuvu-blog , @tarcroach, @mikeywaysghost, @jinna-aka-ninja , @lovelysserafim, @jujupia , @lomaeuwu, @briefwinnerpersonaturtle , @sammy213ui , @stella-fleurets, @elliellielliesgirl
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futfemfantasies · 7 months
One Less Lonely Girl \\ lucy bronze x williamson!reader
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Prompt: 21. Reader singing One Less Lonely Girl to _________ on the bus on a long trip from a game to announce their relationship.
Short but sweet one :)
"You ready mi amor?"
Turning your head, Lucy leans against the doorframe, muscles on full display in the sleeveless England training top.
"Just finished, let's go before we're late"
Zipping up your England suitcase, Lucy offers to take it to the care while you get your backpack. A kiss on the cheek as a thank you and you quickly get your bag. Lucy jogs inside as you settle in your seat for the nearly 2 hour journey to St Georges Park. Jumping out ouf your thoughts, Lucy opens her door and waves around your white and green predators.
"You're a lifesaver, thanks baby"
This time, a peck on Lucy's lips as a thank you before she starts the car. Lucy's left hand never leaving your thigh tells you something's wrong. You look over at your girlfriend of just over a year until she realises you're staring.
"Something's going on in that gorgeous head of yours baby. What's going on?"
Now it was your turn to put a hand on her thigh. The car slows down to stop at the red light and Lucy looks at you with a hint of worry in her eyes.
"I think we should tell the girls. They're starting to catch on"
Lucy looks back to the road and you stay quiet. Lucy keeps looking over at you every few seconds, worried she said something that upset you. You reassure Lucy that it would be good as you wouldn't have to sneak around at camps anymore and your younger sister Leah is going to burst at any second with the year long secret. As you and Lucy talk about both of your upcoming move to Barcelona, you plan a way to tell the girls and fans.
Lucy pulls up to the familiar training centre and there's a few girls waiting out the front, including your sister. Without saying a word, Leah runs over to you and nearly knocks you over with her power. Not seeing each other for a while makes you miss your best friend, even if you are 7 years older.
After reuniting with your sister, you and Lucy greet your close friends as more start to arrive. When everyone arrives, Sarina calls everyone over to the bus and you get in first securing the table at the back. With Lucy behind you, she slips in next to you, holding your hand under the table. You both are joined by Keira, Leah, Millie, Ella, Alessia and Rachel. After many rounds of cards against humanity and Monopoly deal, you all decide to watch a movie. Ella turns on the tv and it was set to a karaoke mode.
"Karaoke anyone?"
Millie questions and the group quickly agree.
You find the mic so ultimately, you go first. You whisper to Millie the song choice and everyone groans at the familiar 2009 hit.
"...if you let me inside your world, there's gonna be one less lonely girl!"
You look at Lucy like she's the love of your life and no one missed it.
Keira looked at Leah. Millie at Rachel. Ella at Alessia.
No one could believe it. The two most private people on the team are dating.
"Well that's one way to announce it"
Rachel comments as she turns the next song off. The mic goes back to it's original position and you cuddle up to Lucy as the questions stand rolling in.
The bus pulls up to the hotel and Sarina tells everyone their roommates and thankfully, you and Lucy get paired together. You and Lucy high five while your wall neighbours, Ella and Alessia groan.
"We're all happy for you two but no funny business, I mean it"
Sarina warns you two and you both are confused on how she knows but agree anyway. Lucy gets the keys and you both make your way to the room. You flop on the bed and groan about how comfy it is. You feel Lucy fall next to you and you immediately cuddle up to her.
"How about we break the internet and hard launch?"
Lucy suggests, making you sit up quickly.
"Let's do it"
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liked by leahwilliamson, alexscott, lucybronze, milliebright and 27,841 others
y/n_williamson: my yellow person 💛
view all 9,475 comments...
lucybronze: 🥺😘💛
y/n_williamson: mine 💘
leahwilliamson: i love seeing you happy 😊❤️
y/n_williamson: love you lil sis 🥰
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liked by y/n_williamson, jorgebronze, leahwilliamson, keirawalsh and 38,487 others
lucybronze: soft launch who?
view all 10,645 comments…
y/n_williamson: i love you so much angel 💛
lucybronze: my best girl 💛
keirawalsh: you two make me sick, but I’m glad you’re both happy 🫶
lucybronze: was gonna say…
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buckysbabygorl · 1 year
Punching Bag (Bucky Angst)
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Summary: As much as Bucky can't stand Y/N, he's tired of her taking all the blows on the field. They have to come up with a plan.
Word Count: N/A
“Get your hands off me.”
She shoved him away, as best she could given her state.
“I can do it myself.”
She took the med kit from his hands, in her drunken stupor she stumbled to the dining table, fumbling with the latches on the case.
Bucky was tired. All he wanted to do was sleep after a long—god awful---day and put the mission behind him.
He dropped his mission bag at the doorway.
“All you’re going to do is make it worse. I don’t need you waking up tomorrow complaining about your drunken hack job.”
She glared at him, pulling out supplies.
“Sober or not, I can stitch myself up fine. Just because I’m not an army vet doesn’t mean I don’t know basic field medics.”
She mumbled something more under her breath; probably dick or asshole, some of her common artillery when insulting him.
He didn’t need this. He really didn’t need this right now. Today had been hard, and for Bucky that was saying something. Whether it was being back in Russia, during its coldest and iciest period of the season; or being stuck with the person he loathed the most, he wasn’t sure what had triggered him.
But he was on edge and exhausted, and he wanted this night to end.
Then she had to go and get stabbed of all things, and now this dark hour was dragging on and on and on...
It was then Bucky realized that this sad excuse of a safe house would not give him enough space from her. It was a bachelor style apartment, something small enough that would never catch the eye of enemies, tucked away in an complex that was filled with much more shady individuals that them. There was a kitchenette, a dining table with two chairs, and a couch that pulled out. There was also a rickety old rocking chair, which looked far from comfortable.
This night wouldn't get any shorter.
She stabbed her self softly with the needle, swaying slightly as she tried to stablize herself.
“Jesus Christ," Bucky said, "did you even wash your hands?”
“Fuck you.” She retorted.
His jaw tensed as he stopped himself from raising his hands, he wanted to tear his hair out strand by strand.
Why was she always so fucking argumentative?
“Would you stop saying that?”
He strode across the room, kneeling in front of her chair and grabbed her arm.
She attempted to pull away from him, which was stupid to do with a needle in hand.
“Let go.” She demanded.
She pulled back, hard, and Bucky gripped her forearm.
“Will you just—enough.” His voice stern and commanding.
She halted, slightly hazey and swaying. But she stopped.
Bucky let out a frustrated sigh.
“For once, can you just shut up and listen? For five seconds, can you do that?”
She blinked slowly at him, pursing her lips.
He recognized that look in her eye; it was always followed by a sly grin, a tilt of her head that said “what are you gonna do about it, Sergeant?”
This time, she slumped back into her chair. She relaxed her arm and used the other to shove the kit towards him.
“Fine. Do your worst. I don’t give a shit if you leave a scar.”
He waited a moment, to see if she’d say something more or change her mind, maybe smack his hand away one more time.
But she didn’t.
So Bucky picked up the needle and went to work.
She didn’t look at him while he stitched her up, remaining in her dead stare as she looked straight at the wall.
She winced a few times but said nothing.
After a few minutes, the quiet made Bucky’s skin itch.
“Why did you jump at her, anyways? I had it covered.”
Y/N closed her eyes, inhaling through gritted teeth.
Responding wasn’t worth the effort, so she shrugged.
“Really? You’re not going to say anything?” He asked.
She groaned. “Does it matter? Not like I can do anything about it now.”
He shook his head, continuing as if he hadn’t heard her. “--And downing a bottle of tequila won’t make you feel better.”
She bit the palm of her hand as he worked his way along her side.
Her breaths stuttered as she inhaled.
“Hurts less.” She mumbled.
He paused a moment.
He remembered what that felt like. How much these kind of things could hurt you. He could imagine the pain she was going through, he could see it in her face. But he tried to ignore it. He was still mad at her.
“I don’t get you. You do this every time, you’re not invincible you know—”
She slammed her hand on the table.
“I know that! Jesus, you tell me every time—AH!”
She pulled away from him, hurting herself as he had tightened a stitch.
He looked up as his hands steadied her, and his voice softened.
“Y/N, sit still...”
Her head was turned away from him, but he could still see the corner of her eye and the downturn of her lip.
He hadn’t realized she’d been crying.
He tilted his head down, biting on the inside of his cheek. Best to just get this over with.
“Just… sit still. I’m almost done.”
They fell into silence again. The winter snow was building up on the safe house windows, the wind pounding against the panes.
He tried to shut it out. But it was either listen to the howling storm or rehash the scenario in his brain.
Her voice came over his ear piece, she told him to watch his six; that agents were entering through the south wing of the building. He ignored her, he had it covered.
She must’ve taken his silence the wrong way; she figured he was in danger. She was like that, she’d assume the worst and abandon her post to cover. Fuck, why did she have to do that…
“Did you get a hold of Sam?”
Surprised by her question, Bucky looked up from his hands. She still wouldn’t turn to face him.
“Called him while I was walking back. Said he can get a jet in a 4 am. With the storm it’s hard to get here—”
She winced again. He groaned.
“Stop moving.”
She awed at the ceiling and clenched her hand into a fist.
“My god, would it kill you to have some sympathy?”
He tied off the suture and snipped the thread.
“I don’t have sympathy for idiocy.”
She scoffed, “Fuck you.”
Which she had said for the umpteenth time today.
He decided to ignore it. But he was still fuming, still angry at her… why, why would she do that?
He should’ve watched his six, he knew he should’ve.
They came up behind him, 4 out of the 6 agents had decided to cover his wing.
He was holding his own, but the one was smart. Patient. Waiting while the others hammered Bucky with brute force to deliver a fatal blow. She had been aiming for his right side, probably trying to stab between his right ribs or his into his spine…
“You know, normal people say thank you.” He nodded to her left side, where 10 stitches sat neatly in line.
“I could say the same thing to you.” Her words were icy, she nearly spat them at him.
Bucky scoffed. “Why should I thank you? I had it covered, you jumped in and now I have to patch your drunk-ass up—”
“I did it because it’s instinct. I saw my partner outnumbered and I saved your ass. Sorry it’s an inconvenience to you because I’m not a goddamn super soldier.”
The slam of his hand on the table made her jump, and her eyes went wide at the thought that he might actually make her shut up for once.
"You can't throw yourself in a fight where you'll get more hurt than I will."
His eyes faltered when he looked at her, "We... we talked about this Y/N--"
Silence fell between them again.
She fumbled with the bottle cap on the table, and Bucky stood still at her side.
He didn't know what more to say, and she didn't know how to respond.
Because he was right, they had talked about this before many times.
There were never tender moments between the two, but the closest they'd ever gotten to something like that was usually Y/N's recovery. They were paired together more often than not; aside from them loathing one another, they were extremely compatible.
But each time they teamed up, something like this happened.
Y/N would get stabbed, she'd get shot, she'd break a bone or two, she'd pick a fight that was out of her depths.
He'd get mad and so would she, then a day or two would pass and he'd watch her struggle with something. Whether it was taking the stairs, or doing her physio, or getting back into training...
Somehow they'd end up alone and they fell back into this same conversation.
You can't always put yourself at risk for me, I know you're skilled but there's situations where you need to be more careful.
She'd sit with it, and usually come back with the same response.
I know you're capable of taking more than most people, but it doesn't mean you get to be a punching bag. If my partner is in trouble, I'm going to step in.
There was never a solution made, because he was the immovable object and she was the unstoppable force.
In short, they were both too stubborn and too proud.
Normally, she wouldn't bring it up. But feeling brave, or drunk enough to be brave, she did.
"We're going around in circles, Barnes."
She didn't look up from the table, but he continued to stare.
"We can't fight about this every single time we go on a mission. We've requested to be separated, and that's not happening. So tell me what the fuck you want me to do, because I'm not just gonna take a seat every time it gets ugly."
He sighed, "What I'd like you to do is not be an idiot out there--"
"Hm," She took another drink, "And I'd like you to stop being an asshole."
His jaw clenched again. Every time with this girl...
"Do you not see where I'm coming from?" He gestured to her ribs, "Look at you, Y/N. How many scars is that now? From our missions alone?"
She shook her head, fiddling with the cap.
"I don't know Barnes, that's not the point."
She did know, it was nine now.
"The point is I'm not going to change my mind and neither are you. So figure it out with me instead of fighting me every chance you get. Pick a different fucking solution."
It seemed Bucky couldn't stop sighing, he wanted to walk away from this night and be done with it. But he knew they'd be back in this position a month from now, and a month after that, and so on.
So, begrudgingly, Bucky sat down at the table.
"Fine. If you won't stop being reckless--"
"--And you won't stop being a dick--"
He pointed at her, "Okay first. Stop doing that. I get you're frustrated but you swear at me a lot. I hate it. It feels like you try to pick a fight."
She went to speak, but all she could think of were insults involving curse words. He'd proven his point.
Her lip curled in a scowl, "Fine."
He nodded. "Okay."
She shifted to sit with her arms crossed on the table, eyes flicking up to him.
"Stop telling me I'm an idiot. And stop saying I'm reckless. You think it's reckless 'cause I'm not Steve or Thor, or whoever else was enhnaced on the team... just because I'm not like you guys doesn't mean I'm being stupid when I'm out there."
God, he wanted to fight her on that.
Different capabilities meant different actions in certain situations, at least in his eyes.
But he kept it to himself, at least they were starting to work on something.
"Okay..." He drew out the word, subtly saying he wasn't okay with it, but Y/N didn't care.
He could think what he wanted, but he didn't get to throw it in her face every time he wanted.
"I can't control what you do on the field." Bucky started, "You make your own calls and you... you know what you're doing out there."
Y/N smirked at the look of pain on Bucky's face, she know he hated to admit it. But she was damn good at her job.
"--but if there's a situation that I think you need to stay out of, respect me when I ask."
"What if I think I can handle it?" She questioned.
He lifted his hand off the table slightly, halting her to let him finish.
"If I need you, I'll tell you."
She rolled her eyes, "So I'm supposed to wait until my coach puts me in?"
His fists balled in frustration. "No, I'm saying be there but..."
He leaned back in his chair, looking up to the ceiling.
"I don't know, maybe we have a call sign when we both need each other."
He said that to appease her, he didn't think there would ever be a time he'd need her, but maybe she would need him. And at least it would keep her from jumping in and getting sliced to bits.
She snorted, "What, like a safe word?"
He huffed slightly, "I guess so, yeah."
That seemed to be enough conversation for her, as she stumbled out of her chair and clambered over to the musty pull out couch in the corner. She was still nursing that damn bottle in the crook of her arm.
Bucky sat, somewhat surprised that that was the end of it.
"I'm tired." She mumbled as she slipped onto the mattress, kicking her go-bag onto the ground.
I guess I'll take the floor, Bucky thought.
He raised his hands in an exaggerated shrug, his words laced with contempt. "Any thoughts on the safe word?"
Y/N pinched the bridge of her nose, already feeling the early effects of a hang over.
"Yeah," she muttered, "Punching bag."
Bucky waited for more from her, but after a few moments of silence, her snoring began and he accepted that as the end of their conversation.
It wasn't much, but it was a start.
He accepted his place in the awful rocking chair, but not before picking the bottle of tequila out from beneath her.
He took one final look at his patch up of her ribs, before settling into his seat, eagerly waiting for Sam's arrival.
They didn't speak more of their truce after that night, but there had been an unspoken agreement on both ends to keep their promise.
They'd be less hostile towards one another; and they'd work their roles independently during missions unless someone asked for help.
And, oddly enough, their "safe word" popped up more and more with each mission. It was easier than saying the words "I need your help", because both were so stuck in their pride to ever admit that. But "punching bag" worked just fine.
In fact, they had gotten so comfortable using it during their duo missions, that it became an oddity to the rest of the Avengers in team missions.
"Barnes, what's your location?"
"Intersection of Francis Street and Main."
"I'm west of Francis by one block. Alice Street. Punching bag."
Within less than a minute, he was there.
It was rare for Bucky to use it, but every so often he had.
One time, it had been used because Bucky's metal arm had adhered to the FOD magnetic sweepers of their combatant's tank.
Y/N had laughed when she arrived, but never brought it up afterwards.
That was another thing, an interesting development so to speak. In its month's of usage, "Punching bag" somehow became "come, no questions asked."
Sam, Joaquin and Sharon had all taken notice of this new addition to their lingo; but decided not to press it. Ever since it had been implemented, the two were actually getting along. Sam would argue they were somewhat friendly with one another.
It was a peaceful three months since their Russia mission, and the team was going to ride it out as long as they could.
Bucky felt numb. Which was bad, because usually that led to an anger spiral or a drawn out dissociation episode. Neither were good options for him.
It was a bad day. A really fucking bad day.
He had called his therapist, but at the fourth call with no answer, he had assumed she was asleep.
Of course she was, it was 2 in the morning.
Bucky tried to remember what she had taught him; their so-called "game plan" when things went south.
He didn't want to listen to music, he had tried going for a walk, he had tried using that dumb journal she recommened he'd buy but he couldn't write anything down.
Call someone, she had said, your line of work has a select few that understand what you're going through. And those select few happen to be your friends, you can lean on them . That's what they're there for.
He had hovered over Sam's contact for—about—15 minutes. But he didn't want to.
Some nagging feeling in the forefront of his mind pulled him back, to lean towards someone else.
He scrolled down, clicked the contact, and sent a quick message.
Punching bag.
And then he waited.
Bucky had left his location on in their group comms chat, and Y/N was surprised to see that he was in his own apartment.
Her mind jumped to an intruder holding Bucky hostage in his own home; or him being kidnapped, leaving his phone behind and it was the last message he had been able to send before being taken away.
She got paranoid like that. She was working it out in therapy, or whatever.
Bucky rarely used their safe word, which she resented him for, but when he did she knew it was serious.
She was there in 10 minutes.
Bucky heard shuffling outside his door; as stealthy as she was, he had the fortune of super-soldier hearing.
Then she gave their call sign, an additional one that was in early development. One knock, a pause, then four knocks.
You're, one syllable, an id-i-ot, four syllables
He'd respond back with two hard knocks to signal it was clear; two syllables for "fuck you".
Apparently their old habits died hard.
He had left the door unlocked, and she entered slowly.
With a quick scan of the room, she deemed the coast was clear. Even more surprising considering the text she had received less than 15 minutes ago.
She looked at him with question, "Our safe word is usually for emergencies, y'know."
He nodded, but said nothing.
She pursed her lips, more confused but coming in regardless.
She slipped off her coat and kicked off her boots. She found it odd to see him on the floor, then noticing the pillow and blankets laid out on the hardwood, she realized that's how Bucky slept.
Late at night, she put two and two together; he'd tried to sleep and couldn't.
She folded her coat and sat down across from him.
She stayed silent, patiently waiting for him.
He continued to say nothing.
She waited for a few minutes longer, prompting him to give some sort of explanation for his text.
But again, nothing.
She clapped her hands once on her knees, and stood up. Bucky panicked, fearing she would leave---
"You got back at 10, right?" She asked.
Bucky was taken aback by her knowledge of his returning home, but nodded after his pause.
She hummed, "Okay. Have you eaten?"
"Uh--" Bucky thought for a moment, realizing he hadn't. "--No."
She nodded. It was a start.
"Okay. Then uh---I'm gonna get you some food."
After digging through the cabinets whilst Bucky sat on the floor, she mustered her supplies; butter, cheese, and bread.
Grilled cheese wasn't the fanciest of meals but considering the situation, it would have to do. Besides, she didn't know how to cook anything else.
5 minutes later, a plate plopped down in front of him, and she sat cross-legged as she started on her sandwich.
He watched her for a moment, before she looked up at him with a mouthful.
"Don't let good eatings go to waste Barnes," she wiped crumbs from her lips, "I put my blood, sweat and tears into this meal."
Shockingly, even to himself, Bucky laughed. And then he ate.
"I would've added onion," She said, "But you don't seem to have... many ingredients in your fridge, Buck."
He was surprised at her wanting to use onion, and even more surprised at her usage of his first name. But he let the latter slide.
"Onion?" He questioned.
She sent an odd look back at him, "What? You've never had onion in your grilled cheese?"
When he shook his head no, she went into a ramble.
"My god, you're missing out. I'll tell you this; one time, my Pops went into this diner, you see--"
Bucky felt himself smile as she went on, telling a story of her grandpa recommending the restaurant make it a special of the day, "grilled cheese with onion", and how it had been such a hit with the locals, that they gave her grandpa a free grilled cheese every day from that day on. Which was how she knew how to make it.
She told more stories about her grandpa, then about her family, and Bucky realized he'd never heard more about her in one sitting. In fact, he realized he had known nothing about her personal life the entire time they had been working alongside eachother.
He sat happily listening, grilled cheese in hand, and even took her up on seconds as she continued to talk.
Y/N figured that, sometimes, that's what someone needs. To fill the silence, to feel the normal, especially on days that were less than good.
And eventually, the other person would start talking too.
People need distraction. Sometimes they need to talk, they need advice, or they need help and action. But when someone needs you, and they can't find the words, talking of nothingness can be the best thing.
Y/N could be good at that, something Bucky never knew about her. And, something Bucky never knew he liked.
A silence fell over them, but not like before. Not the tense words-unsaid sort. But comfortable. She washed dishes and he sat on the floor.
She flicked her hands at the sink before drying them, Bucky wondered if she did that all the time.
"So," She said, "do you want to talk about it?"
The question might have been jarring to others, but to him it wasn't. Bucky just shrugged.
"I don't think so."
He didn't need to, he thought. This was enough.
She nodded. "Okay. Do you want me to go?"
He was shaking his head before he knew it, and she smirked.
Not the spiteful one she used to adorn with him, but more of a cheeky one. One a friend might give to another.
"Alright. Do you want me to stay?"
He picked at his ratty blanket he had tucked beside him.
"Kinda." He thought before adding, "If you don't mind."
She checked her watch, "I've got nowhere to be."
She said something about a deck of cards, and went to search his house, which for some reason he didn't mind.
She found a deck, Bucky hadn't known he owned one.
"So, I'm gonna teach you how to play King's Corners, kick your ass at King's corners, and then we're gonna talk about this bed situation which is unacceptable..." she trailed off in her teasing, and Bucky found himself laughing more.
She did teach him how to play, and he ended up kicking her ass, which she claimed was beginner’s luck.
She stayed all night.
More nights like that began to happen, sometimes Bucky spoke and sometimes he didn't.
Sometimes they fought, most times they didn't.
The fights happened less and less. The all-nighters happened more and more.
And Bucky noticed more things he liked. More than her grilled cheese, more than her comfortable ramblings, and soon he found there were more things he liked than not.
She trusted Bucky to hold his own on the field, and he tried not to be as protective of her, letting her choose her own actions. They found out that was what he was afterall, and she realized she had been too.
She had been staying longer and longer. The next thing they knew, she wasn't leaving at all.
@cuddlycalcifer @babyblue-07 @babybluereads @lonewolf471 @agni-l @niiight-dreamerrrr @julipmoon @fandomsfallnomore @elliee1497 @godspeedlover @sexwithhiddlesbatch @annestine @shower-me-with-roses @yougottalovefandoms @rebekahdawkins @gentlybarnes @emmabarnes
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d4yl1ghts · 2 months
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mark sloan x shy, fem!reader
summary: you and mark get to know each other when you get stuck in an elevator
A/N- i feel like he would love star wars? but this gives me such katniss and peeta vibes
You read the files that Doctor Shepherd had given you to take a look through because he thought his new patient may have some sort of problem with their heart and cardiology was your specialty. You were currently in the elevator, heading up to find an empty room to study your new case when the elevator suddenly came to a halt. Confusedly you glanced around and noticed Mark Sloan, the world’s number one man-whore was the only other person there.
He glanced up from his papers and made eye contact with you. “What happened?”, he questioned with a hint of uncertainty in his voice. This was the first time you’d heard him so nervous. “I think the elevator just broke.”, you sighed as the realisation just set in once you said it out loud. He huffed to himself. “Hopefully they’ll be able to fix it soon, I have a surgery in an hour.”, he stated, checking the time on his watch.
“Might as well get comfortable.”, he added as he fixed himself on the floor and placed his files beside him. You copied his actions and sat opposite him. “So, what case have you got there?”, he asked you, striking conversation. “Oh, just a new case Derek wanted me to check up on. What about you?”, you awkwardly asked as your cheeks blazed. “Just some boring charts of burn victims, I have to reconstruct their faces, arms and legs.”, he said. “Oh, lovely.”, you replied sarcastically.
You stared at the wall of the lift and zoned out into your own thoughts. It must have been around five minutes of silence before Mark started speaking again: “If we’re gonna be here for a while then we may as well get to know each other.”, he said, looking into your eyes. It wasn’t a bad idea, there was nothing else you could really do.
“Tell me three random facts about yourself. I’ll go first: I used to live in New York (I’m sure you’ve heard about that), my middle name is Everett and I love the Star Wars movies.”
“Uhm… this is actually hard to think about, hold on.”, you said, embarrassed. He chuckled slightly. “Okay, I hate posh restaurants, I also love the Star Wars movies and I have a pet cat named Jack.”
“Cool, why do you hate posh restaurants though?”, he questioned as he turned to you with amusement in his eyes. “They’re just so intimidating and I just generally don’t like the vibe of the, do you know what I mean? Also, they’re so overpriced like you could find some cosy place that sells nicer food for way cheaper.”, you said passionately. You did not like posh restaurants at all. “I get what you’re coming from to be honest. I always preferred a cute and little cafe opposed to a fancy restaurant.”, he reasoned.
“If I ever ask you out on a date, I guess I’ll know where to take you.”, he flirted which left your cheeks on fire, well that’s what it felt like anyway. “I’m not surprised everyone calls you a man-whore.”, you said as you ignored what he previously said. “That’s not my proudest nickname.”, he responded. “I want to change my nickname, I don’t want to be known as that anymore. I don’t want loads of hook-ups and flings, I want a real relationship.”
He gazed at you. “I swear we’re having a whole confession session here. Oh my God, it rhymed.”, he laughed to himself. You laughed along with him, he was pretty funny and cute. If you looked past his reputation, he was a nice guy.
After another fifteen minutes of talking and joking, firefighters had arrived and gotten the two of you out of the elevator. “Hey, Y/N, do you wanna hang out one day? Not in an elevator, of course.”, he asked you, almost anxiously as he awaited a response. “Yeah, I’d love to.”
“I promise I won’t take you to a posh restaurant.”, he added as he walked away and charmingly smirked at you. You laughed to yourself and waved him off. “We can work out a date.”
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george-weasleys-girl · 5 months
I love your writing so much! Can you please write something with the enemies to lovers trope with George? Like, set in the Order Of The Phoenix where George gets detention with Umbridge and the reader comforts him?
Thanks :)
Thank you so much, lovely! I hope you like it!
From Thorns to Flowers
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George Weasley x fem!reader
Warnings: a couple of curse words, mention of injury/blood
George stomped out of Umbridge's office and rolled his eyes. Just as he closed the door behind him, Y/N turned the corner and was headed straight in his direction.
Well, this is just fucking great. Of course, it would be his luck that he'd run into her after spending two hours having "I must not be rude" carved into the back of his hand.
He weighed his options. He could high-tail it in the opposite direction, but that would add an extra fifteen minutes through the pouring rain to his walk. Or he could keep going and hope she ignored him. A highly unlikely prospect given that Y/N never gave up a chance to gloat at his misfortune.
After a moment, he sighed and continued on. Sometimes, the only choices you have are shitty ones, but you still have to choose. Picking up his pace, George huddled close to the wall, hoping to blend in with the scenery.
"Look, I don't have time to - " He began.
"You ok?" She interrupted, stepping closer.
George froze, staring first at her, then down at his wounded hand that still trickled blood.
Am I hallucinating from the pain?
"George? Are you ok?" She repeated.
"I - I, um, yeah," he sputtered and attempted to push past her.
"Can I see?" She asked, holding out her hand.
George whirled around. "No, you can't!" He snapped. "I'm not in the mood for your - "
"I just want to help!" she snapped back. "If I can..." Her voice grew soft, and she held up a jar of healing salve. "Julia told me what you did. Taking the fall for Thomas."
"Oh, um, that... yeah," George shuffled in place. "Yeah, I did that."
Thomas was a second year Hufflepuff who made the mistake of calling Umbridge a "stupid bitch" a little too loudly. So, rather than condemning poor kid to a torturous evening with the abominable pink toad, George took blame.
And now here he stood, in front of his arch enemy, as she held out her hand to him.
Y/N nodded. "That was really cool, you know."
The corner of George’s mouth quirked up briefly. "Uh, yeah, thanks." He placed his hand in Y/N's.
Her eyes went wide. "Oh geez, George, those cuts are really deep," she leaned forward to examine his wound closer. "Can I put some salve on it? It'll help with the pain."
"Yeah, ok," he nodded. "But can we do this somewhere else?" He inclined his head toward Umbridge's office.
"Oh, right! Of course. Silly me." George watched the rosy blush rise up in her cheeks and wondered how he never noticed how pretty she was before now.
You could've heard a pin drop the moment they walked into Gryffindor Tower together. George couldn't quite believe it himself. Not since the unfortunate pranking mishap five years ago had Y/N looked at George with anything less than pure loathing.
Not that he could blame her, really. The whole sordid incident set her cloak on fire, leaving her with several burns and a failing grade on an exam she would've otherwise aced.
George watched her carefully wrap the gauze around his hand. "You're the last person I would've expected to be bandaging up my hand."
Y/N shrugged. "Consider it a peace offering."
"Why?" She repeated, eyebrows creasing together. "What do you mean why?"
"I thought you hated me?"
"Hated you?" Y/N sat back. "No. I don't hate you. Not anymore anyway."
"Oh, ok. Well, um, not to sound like a three year old," George said. "But why not?"
"You were a stupid twelve year old when you blew up my cauldron. But you've grown up. You've changed. You actually think before you act... well, most of the time, anyway," Y/N paused and grinned. "And more importantly, you think about someone other than yourself and Fred."
"Like taking the blame for Thomas?"
"Yeah," she nodded. "Among other things."
"So, you've been watching me, huh?" George teased.
"Of course," she crossed her arms. "I had to keep a close eye on you. Make sure you didn't set me on fire again."
"Um..." George rubbed the back of his neck, and a nervous laugh escaped his lips. "Yeah, um, sorry about that."
Y/N shrugged again. "I was more scared than hurt. And pissed. Really, really pissed. I'd studied for that stupid exam for weeks."
"Snape should've never failed you," George said. "It wasn't your fault."
"True. But you and I both know he doesn't give a shit. Tormenting students is his favorite pastime."
George chuckled. "Probably keeps a list of all his favorite child torturing moments and goes back through them to cheer himself up when he's depressed."
Y/N giggled at the thought, "That's peak Snape. Probably gets together with Umbridge - " she began, but stopped when she noticed Fred and Lee sitting in the far corner of the room staring at them. "I - uh - I should probably go."
"What? Why?" George turned briefly to see what caught her attention. "Oh, them? Pay no attention to them."
"It's kinda hard not to when they're boring holes into my brain."
The younger twin turned back around and mouthed something to Fred, bringing a smirk to his brother's face. George rolled his eyes and shifted to look at Y/N again, who was already rising to go.
"It's getting late anyway, and I've got an early morning. Guess I'll see you arou - "
"Would you like to go with me to Hogsmede on Saturday?" The words tumbled out of George’s mouth, freezing in the air between them. "I mean, as, you know, friends. I think we're friends now - "
"Ok? Like ok we're friends or ok we're going to Hogsmede?"
"Yes? T - to both? Or - "
Y/N grinned. "Yes to both."
"Yes, to both! Great!" George returned her grin. "Hogsmede on Saturday it is, then."
Y/N had barely slept the past three nights. She wasn't lying when she said she'd kept a close eye on George. She certainly had. But as the years passed, it shifted from an act of self-preservation to one of fascination as he slowly matured from the impetuous class clown into the thoughtful, compassionate person he was today. And somewhere along the way, she developed feelings for the freckled red-head. She wouldn't call it love. Admiration, perhaps. Or a kindly affection.
Whatever it was, in recent months, she found herself thinking of him more often and in a more positive light. It was also the reason she decided to lay down her arms and extend the olive branch.
But now, as she tossed and turned for the third night in a row, she began to wonder if something more might've been growing in the hidden corners of her heart.
"Why am I so nervous?" George muttered to himself as he changed his shirt for the fourth time. Ever since that evening three nights ago, Y/N had been running circles in his mind. He was tempted to ask her if she'd been exhausted the last couple of days but decided that might come off as a little weird.
And weird was the last thing he wanted to be.
Because for some strange reason he couldn't possibly fathom, he wanted to give her the best of himself. In just a few short hours, something had changed between them. And in changing, it changed the way he saw her. Beautiful in a way that went beyond the mere physical. It was as if her very presence lit up like a beacon, calling him to her.
It both terrified and exhilarated him. And he knew he couldn't fuck this up.
"This is galium ordoratum or sweet woodruff. Made into a tea, it's good for insomina. And the same with this one. Valeriana officinalis," Y/N pointed out another flower.
After a day weaving their way through the overcrowded shops at Hogsmede, they'd decided to make their way back to the castle through the neighboring fields and forest. Along the way, she began pointing out herbs and plants and what they were used for in the muggle world.
"How do you know all this?" George asked. "These aren't usually the sorts of plants Professor Sprout teaches in Herbology."
"My mom's an herbalist. A muggle one."
"Really? That's so cool!" George smiled. "I didn't know muggles used herbs and flowers for healing, too.
"Yeah, she thinks I could blend magical and muggle herbal knowledge and come up with some really amazing stuff."
"I agree," he smiled. "So you're going to become a Herbologist?"
"That's the plan," she grinned.
George nodded and noticed a cluster of flowers in the bright sunlight. "What's that?"
"Oh, that's Achillea millefolium. It's really good to help stop bleeding."
"And those?" He pointed at a small grouping of purple flowers.
"Digitalis purpurea. Foxglove. It's highly toxic, but in the right doses, it can help with some heart conditions."
"Oh wow... What about that one?"
"Hypericum perforatum."
"Hypericum perforatum," he repeated.
Something in George’s voice had changed. It'd grown softer and a little breathless, causing her to stumble over her words. "A - and this one is.... is... feverfew. I can't remember the scientific name. It's... um... it's good for fevers."
"Feverfew," he whispered. "Good for fevers."
She moved her hand to touch another flower. "Dead nettle. Lamium purpureum. It's ok to touch it. It won't sting."
"Lamium purpureum," he repeated, his voice almost a caress now.
"This little one is ....." Y/N breathed, reaching for another flower. Her hand brushed against his, and she realized why she was so nervous.
George wasn't looking at any of the flowers she was naming. He was looking at her.
Their eyes met, and for a brief moment, the world stopped turning. Neither of them would remember the seconds before they kissed, but that first kiss would be burned into their memories forever. It was soft and sweet and a little hesitant at first, then, growing bolder and deeper until the only thing they knew was each other.
"Does this mean we're officially not enemies anymore?" George asked after a few minutes.
"I think it means so much more than just that," Y/N smiled, reaching out to caress his cheek.
George smiled from ear to ear. "So, um, does that mean I can kiss you again?"
"Anytime. Anyplace," she mummered, pulling him back to her.
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@drama-queen-fromthevault @smallsweetvanillabean @hanne-montana @greenapplegrass @el-de-phi @lizzytrees @scooby-doo1995 @spididerman @yoursarahg @marvelgirlstories @theimpossible-girl-whowaited @ceehance @Havenater1920 @jelloangela @charmedfandomgal @loca4moony @whotfskai @netflix-addict @lunacurlclaw @moonatician @sierraluvzz @min-aaa @now-that-we-dontalk @LilliSummers
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holdmytesseract · 2 months
Greetings Bestie, I am here with a Magnus blurb request
How about a piece where Magnus realizes he's in love with his partner, and it's at a funny & inappropriate time and place? Like they're in an interrogation or maybe undercover?
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Perfectly Bad Timing
Warnings: fluff, police things, more fluff
Word Count: blurb
a/n: Bestiiie, thank you so much for this! I really hope you're going to like this lil' story! 🥹💖
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Magnus's eyes were glued to you. Something you didn't seem to notice. If the young man across from you and him noticed? Perhaps. Perhaps not. Anyways, the policeman wouldn't care. He always had just eyes for the wonderful woman he gad the honour to call his girlfriend, but today... Today was one of these days on which he got reminded by himself how freaking much he actually loved you.
During an interrogation in the first case Kurt allowed you and Magnus to be leading inspectors was admittedly not exactly the right moment, but what was he supposed to do?
You two worked at the Ystad police station for almost five years together now and he had never... Never seen you interrogate a person. This time was a first - and to Magnus, it was stunning. You were stunning. The way you talked. How you always found the right words to say against the snappy, arrogant and pubescent teenager. Your smart and witty nature...
Magnus would even go as far and say it was dominant, and he couldn't deny that he found that to be pretty hot.
The palm of your hand slamming down on the wooden table everybody sat at, caused the young policeman to snap out of his daydream. At least a little.
"Stop lying to us, Nils. We knew you were at the boathouse. We found your goddamn fingerprints!" You accused the eighteen-year-old across from you. By now you were utterly frustrated and kind of angry. Not just because the disrespectful young man just wouldn't cooperate, no... You were also angry because you already sat inside this constricting, small room for almost an hour and your colleague/boyfriend hadn't said a single word!
You gritted your teeth and slowly turned to face the curly haired man. "Magnus?" He shortly blinked and looked up; oceanic blues meeting your Y/E/C ones. "Yes?" You nodded at the door. "For a word..."
Magnus nodded in agreement; noticed immediately that you weren’t in a good mood. His chair scratched over the polished floor as he stood up and followed you outside in the hallway wordlessly.
You had crossed your arms and waited for him to close the door shut. "Magnus..." You started and took a deep breath; trying not to snap at him right away. Perhaps he had a reason why he didn't say something yet. "We are in there for almost an hour and after five minutes you kind of zoned out completely. Baby, you are absolutely no help! That's shitty. If you're just sitting beside me and staring holes into the wall, I might as well do this alone."
Magnus swallowed hard. You could see his Adam's apple bobbing. And he was blushing. "I-I know, I-" "Then why are you doing it?" You interrupted him. "This isn't working without you! Nils might be the key to solve this case! We can't let this opportunity sl-"
The policeman had heard enough. He knew what this was about. His head told him that repeatedly. But his heart... His heart just wanted one thing... For his lips to kiss you. So, he did.
Magnus interrupted you with his mouth on yours; hands on your hips and pulling you against his body.
You were shocked at first - like frozen, but then you couldn't help but to melt against his touch. Against his sinful kiss.
"Mags..." You panted, once he broke the kiss to get some fresh air into his lungs. "W-What... What was that about?" A boyish smile grazed the curly haired man's face; cheeks reddening. "Me, realising how much I love you, min älskling. I'm sorry for not doing my job, but... All I could focus on, was you."
Your expression softened. He was so cute and kind. How could you possibly be mad at him?
"Aww..." You hugged your boyfriend tightly; burying your hands in his wild, blond curls. "I love you so so much as well." You kissed him again and again and again; the ongoing integration forgotten... At least for a few minutes.
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Tags: @muddyorbsblr @mochie85 @asgards-princess-of-mischief @multifandom-worlds @jennyggggrrr @huntedmusicgardenn @hisredheadedgoddess28 @stupidthoughtsinwriting @fictive-sl0th @loz-3 @javagirl328 @icytrickster17 @jaidenhawke @eleniblue @lou12346789 @lady-rose-moon @km-ffluv @herdetectivetheorist @lokiforever @crimson25 @simping-for-marvel @cakesandtom @vanilla-daydreaming @kimanne723 @glitchquake @lulubelle814 @ijuststareatstuffhereok89 @buttercupcookies-blog @november-rayne @mandywholock1980 @lokidbadguy @smolvenger
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superlarva · 9 months
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Modern AU kid Domino Squad! Cutup (back left), Hevy (back right), Fives (front left), Droidbait (front middle), Echo (front right). I felt the need to make them all look different since quintuplets would be a bit out of place in a modern AU, so Cutup, Hevy, and Droidbait are adopted.
Okay, I know it's been a few weeks, but I promise I'm still here and still working on Raising Dominoes. Life's just been super busy and I had to put in extra hours at the lab these past few weekends.
Anyways, here is Chapter 11 - Memories. And on a Saturday, not a Sunday! :)
Prologue: 00 Previous chapter: 10
Summary: Rex battles guilt and Echo recalls the events leading up to his hospitalization.
CW: Child abuse, death, death of children, guilt, missing limbs, hospitals, explosions. Heed the warnings on this one, friends. It's not a fun time for the boys.
Chapter 11 - Memories
Rex woke from an uncomfortable sleep as the first rays of sunlight began to illuminate the hospital room. He had not had the heart to separate the twins while they were sleeping, so he had hunkered down in the chair by the boy’s bedside for the night. Now his neck and back ached and he had pins and needles in his legs.
A quick look at the boys and he could see they were still sleeping. In the night they had drifted away from each other. Fives was now sprawled out on the bed, lying on his stomach like a starfish, leaving Echo a tiny sliver of space, and even that was invaded by Fives’s elbow.
Rex smiled to himself and gently moved Fives’s arm to his side so the boy would not accidentally take out one of his brother’s eyes. Luckily the kid was out cold and did not stir at his touch.
Now that he was up, Rex stretched and lazily strolled across the room to the window. Cody would have loved the view. The sun peaked between skyscrapers, casting the streets below in harsh shadows and warm light. From the way the whole city was bathed in orange it looked like a mild autumn morning despite the frigid temperatures Rex knew were on the other side of the glass.
He did not know how long he stood there, staring out the window and watching the cars march by in the lines of morning traffic like ants. He let his mind wander freely, enjoying the peaceful quiet of dawn. His brain had been working in overdrive constantly the past four days, always worried or planning. It felt nice to turn it off for a few seconds, doing a hard reboot and getting himself back on track.
Eventually the sound of the door opening caught Rex’s attention. Kix nodded to him from the doorway and strode over to the bed to change out Echo’s med bag.
“Hey,” Rex called softly, abandoning his post by the window and moving to stand beside the doctor. “Shouldn’t you be at home? It’s Saturday.”
Kix shrugged, focused on checking up on Echo, “I guess I picked up an extra shift.”
“What about Dogma and Tup?”
“Jesse’s got them,” Kix shrugged again, his tone nonchalant. He scrawled something quickly on his clipboard and then turned to Rex and nodded to the door, “Let’s talk outside.”
Rex followed Kix outside Echo’s room without complaint, and sat when Kix motioned to a bench in the hallway.
Kix sat next to him, sighing heavily, and running a hand through his intricate buzzcut, “Echo’s doing really well. Even better since you and Fives arrived.”
Rex nodded.
“If everything continues to go well, we should be able to discharge him this Wednesday. We have to ween him off the meds and make sure he won’t be in too much pain when you take him home. At this point, that’s really all he’s here for. The medication, sterile environment, and so that we can monitor the healing process.”
“So, he’s going to be okay?”
Kix smiled, leaning back, and resting his head against the wall, “That’s one resilient kid you got, Rex. It’ll take time, but he’ll be alright.”
“Good…” Rex trailed off his mind already whizzing over a million different questions. What if he was not? What if he healed physically, but could not mentally or emotionally? What if he hated him? What if he’d never be able to gain the kid’s trust? What if-
“Rex,” Kix laid a hand on Rex’s violently bouncing knee, and Rex instinctively jerked away from the touch. Kix frowned, retracting his arm, “More importantly, are you going to be alright?”
“‘More importantly?’” Rex scoffed. He turned his head away from Kix, choosing to focus on the checkered floor pattern instead. Echo was the one in the hospital, not him.
“Yeah, ‘more importantly,’” Kix hunched over, bracing his elbows on his knees before lowering his voice and continuing, “Listen to me, Rex. I don’t know a lot about what those boys have gone through, but if it’s anything half as bad as my boys—and I’m confident it’s worse—you’re going to need to be strong for them.”
Kix’s eyes flicked over to Rex to ensure his friend was still paying attention, “You’re going to have to show them they can trust you over and over and over again. And once you think they finally do, you’re going to do something that’s going to mess it all up. You’re going to have to start from square one.”
Rex was about to interject, but Kix held up a hand, “Listen, I’m telling you this because I want you to be prepared. I want this to end well. For that to happen, you need to show them how to be strong and learn to trust again. You won’t be able to do that if you let yourself get overwhelmed.”
“I-” Rex stuttered, voice caught in his throat, leg bouncing erratically again. He shook his head as if to shake unpleasant thoughts from his mind.
“Please don’t live in the past, Rex. Please. I don’t want that for you, and I don’t want that for your boys.”
Rex turned to Kix, eyes full of desperation, “How? How can I not live in the past? Look at what she did to them! Look at what I did to them! I should have been there. If I had been there-”
Rex broke off, hands trembling in his lap, a pained smile stretching across his face.
“You have to understand it’s not your fault. I know that’s hard, but what happened to them is not your fault. It’s not.”
Kix paused for a second, letting Rex meet his eyes before continuing, “What will happen to them will be. So, let’s make sure that it’s your fault that they smile. That they laugh and play and miss you when you’re gone. Make sure it’s your fault they’re happy.”
Rex shook his head, “And if I can’t?”
“You can. I know you can. And Cody and I will always be here to help, okay?”
Rex shrugged.
Kix nudged him in the arm, a slight smile spreading up the corners of his mouth, “Heck, even Jesse wants to help out. He’s been complaining that he’s the only one that hasn’t met them yet.”
Rex let out a clipped chuckle at the idea of his twins meeting Kix’s younger brother, “Yeah, okay.”
Echo woke to an aching pain coursing through his body and a familiar white light as he blinked himself awake. He must have overdone it during training yesterday. Must have hit his head too with the way it pounded.
He could feel the warmth of Fives’s body next to his left side just like every morning, but the space on the cot to his right was cold and empty. Where was Droidbait?
Echo reached out to feel for his younger brother but retracted his arm when all he found was a fistful of air.
The world pitched around Echo. He blinked trying to block out the blinding light and sinking feeling in his gut and focus. He felt sluggish and fuzzy like he had been sedated, but he could not remember doing anything wrong. No, if he had done something bad, he would be in isolation. It would be cold and dark, and Fives would not be beside him.
Then Droidbait must have been in isolation. What could his youngest brother have done? Why could he not remember?
His head, right. His head. He must have hit his head.
Echo reached over to Fives, about to shake his twin awake when he stopped, pulling back his arm as if it had been burned.
Something was not right.
The light was slowly turning from the intense white to a warm orange as his eyes adjusted. It looked like sunlight. But that could not be right. There were no windows in their room, just a single exposed bulb that’s harsh light reflected on the white floors and walls.
No. This was wrong.
Echo tried to sit up, tried to look for Droidbait, Hevy and Cutup as his eyes gradually focused on the room around him. Tried to make sense of the bed he was on and the machines surrounding him.
He could not. Could not sit up. Could not see his brothers.
Then he could not stop himself from remembering.
Remembering Hevy’s plan.
They were going to escape. Going to climb over the wall during their morning drills. He had thought it was a bad idea. Mom told them not to go near the citadel walls. She had warned them bad things would happen. Cutup said she was probably lying. He had said she would not be watching. Echo did not agree.
She was always watching.
Droidbait was scared. He had said over and over that he did not want to go. That he was afraid. That they would not make it over the wall. That she would find them even if they did.
As soon as the drill started Hevy had grabbed him. Dragged their youngest brother after him. Cutup had followed just behind, leaving Echo to wake up Fives.
Fives never woke to the alarm. Echo thought the flashing red lights and the incessant ringing would have been enough to wake a dead man, but Fives never so much as stirred. Echo had to shake him.
Fives had not been sure about Hevy’s plan either. He had said that even if they cleared the wall and made it down to the other side, what would they do next? Where would they go? But when the time came, he was on board. If Hevy and Cutup and Droidbait were doing it, so was he.
If Fives was doing it, so was Echo.
They had run down the hall and out through the normally bolted shut doors. The doors outside only opened during morning drill. Echo knew. This had not been the first time they had tried to escape.
By the time he and Fives had made it out into the yard, his adopted brothers were already scaling the wall. Cutup was nearly at the top and Hevy was helping Droidbait a few feet below.
No one had stopped them.
Fives ran to the wall. Echo followed.
They were doing this now.
No turning back.
About halfway up Echo heard the first explosion. He heard Droidbait screaming Cutup’s name. His voice had been laden with fear and grief. He heard Hevy yelling at Droidbait, begging him not to move. He heard Fives whimper quietly next to him.
When Echo pulled himself up onto the top of the wall he saw Hevy crouched next to Droidbait’s foot. He saw his youngest brother’s eyes wide with terror, staring at the place where the explosion had been. He saw the pile of rubble. He saw Cutup’s eyes staring blankly up at the sky from under the settling dust.
Hevy had turned to him and Fives and moved aside so they could see the dark olive cylinder resting under Droidbait’s foot. Droidbait stared at the rubble, repeating Cutup’s name over and over, his voice hollow and quiet.
Hevy had hesitated looking from their baby brother’s foot to his lost expression before turning back to the twins.
“You take him and you go,” Hevy had ordered.
Echo watched as he yanked the mine out from under Droidbait’s foot and curled his body over it in one fluid motion. He had been trying to stop the explosion from harming anyone but himself.
It had not worked.
Hevy was blown back towards the twins, a mess of blood and flesh. Droidbait was pushed backwards from the force and teetered on the edge of the wall.
Fives screamed and rushed forwards, reaching out a hand.
He had not been fast enough.
Droidbait fell.
Echo remembered the sound it made when his little brother hit the ground.
He doubted he would ever forget.
Echo did not remember much after that. He must have stepped on one of the mines as well, considering the state of his body. He looked over at his brother, making sure his brother really was as unharmed as he had seemed the day before.
Fives seemed fine, and Echo closed his eyes again to block out the too bright light before they flew open in surprise as the door to his room creaked open.
That man was standing there, the one who had brought Fives. The one named Rex. He looked like the other one—Cody—but with shorter blond hair instead of the longer dark curls that matched him and his brother.
Cody had come a lot to visit. Echo barely remembered much from the past few days, but it seemed every time he woke, he had been there, sitting at his bedside, quietly reading a book of some sort. He had thought Cody was his dad at first. It made sense, they looked just like each other, and why else would anyone take an interest in him.
When Echo had asked, Cody had smiled and said that his dad was taking care of Fives, that he was his uncle, that his dad’s name was Rex.
His dad.
The guy had seemed nice enough yesterday, but Echo knew better than to believe his charade. Besides, Echo did not want a dad. He wanted his brothers back.
Echo must have let his face show too much disgust when Rex came into his view, as the man quickly rushed to his side, “Are you okay?”
Echo narrowed his eyes. Rex sounded like Fives any time Echo or one of their other brothers got hurt during drills. His voice was soft and gentle, even caring, and Echo was taken aback. It sounded genuine.
“Fine,” Echo mumbled, voice scratchy.
The man hovered awkwardly by the side of the bed for another moment before nodding and sitting slowly in the chair, “Your brother’s still sleeping, huh?”
Echo nodded, waiting for the command to wake his twin and rob him of a few more precious minutes of sleep.
It did not come.
Instead, Rex passed a small book to Echo, and pressed a finger to his lips, “We’ll have to be quiet, then.”
Echo watched as Rex took out a book of his own and flipped to a page in the middle, his head bowed as he read silently. The boy looked down at the book clutched in his hand. It appeared to be some sort of fiction book based on the colorful cover.
Echo snuck a glance at the blond man. He was still engrossed in his novel. The boy cautiously opened to the first page, chancing another look at Rex. Just because he was handed the book did not mean he was allowed to read it. The blond man looked up at the sound of the page crinkling, met his gaze for half a second, flashed a quick smile, and then went back to reading.
Echo followed suit.
Maybe his dad was not so bad.
Just maybe.
@marierg @stressed-cherry @ffdemon @renton6echo @bambambunny @tearfulsolace @rndmpeep @brokenphoenix99 @nerdy-valkyrie @xylionet @tazmbc1 @eyayah123 @the-bad-batch-baroness @sarcastic-nebula @ihaventpickedausername @sexysmeagolshitposting @emma-1409 @marcadamia
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onceuponaoneshotfanfic · 10 months
Back to School Night
Roy Kent x Teacher!Reader
Warnings: Language, gross dads hitting on their kid's teacher
1.2k words
Teach Me Tonight Masterlist
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You survived two more weeks of corralling twenty-four eight-year-olds, standing outside for drop-off and pick-up duty, and accepting smiles from Roy Kent. It was a good first few weeks of school, full of getting to know a pretty great group of students and avoiding making a fool of yourself in front of the football coach who insisted on saying hello to you whenever your paths crossed.
Now you returned to your classroom at just after four, refreshed in a nicer dress than usual and a little pair of heels, makeup retouched and hair down. Back to school night- the most dreaded and exciting night of the year. In about an hour, parents would be wandering into your classroom, inspecting every inch of your classroom and asking questions that should really be addressed in a proper sit-down meeting. Some of the dads would give you the onceover, which would have some of the mums giving you icy stares. At the end of the night, you’d be desperate to take these shoes off and get a glass of wine in your hands.
At least this year you’d be seeing Roy Kent.
You flittered around the room, straightening things up and keeping an eye on that clock that was moving much faster than usual. As you pushed in the couple of chairs that the kids had forgotten to get, Leanne poked her head in.
“Ready?” Her voice had that teasing lilt she’d adopted ever since that first happy hour of the year, when she chuckled watching you sip the drink Roy Kent had sent over.
“Ready as I can be,” you huffed, blowing some hair out of your face. “You?”
She shrugged, stepping into your classroom. “Same.” Her eyes scanned the self-portraits you had hanging on one wall. “Those are great.” She pointed to one. “Nice to see Miss Phoebe’s moved on from drawing the female form.” She smirked. “Wait’ll her mum sees this.”
“God, I hope she comes.” You folded your arms across your chest. “Three weeks and I haven’t met her yet. She’s the only parent I haven’t seen.”
Leanne tilted her head at you. “What d’you mean? You haven’t seen her when she drops off Phoebe or picks her up?”
You shook your head. “It’s always Coach Kent, isn’t it? Dr. O’Sullivan must have shit hours, poor thing.”
“Interesting.” Leanne’s smile was mischievous. “I swore Phoebe’s mum dropped her off about half the time. What a coincidence that Uncle Roy has to handle things this year, when Phoebe’s got a very pretty teacher.”
“Oh stop,” you begged, rolling your eyes. “He’s probably just enjoying the way I get all flustered when he’s around. Little ego boost for him. Stupid Roy Kent and his stupid handsomeness.”
Leanne’s smile widened as she glanced at the clock, which showed almost five. “Well, better get ready to see that stupid man.”
“No, I am not married,” you repeated for the third time, your cheeks hurting from the fake smile you wore as another dad stood far too close. “Anyways, Lily sits right over there, feel free to take a look at the letter she wrote for you and her mum.”
Relieved to have distracted the dad whose wandering eyes made you feel like you needed a shower, you let out the quietest sigh you could manage. Other than a handful of forward fathers, the evening seemed to be going well. Most parents seemed pleased with the classroom and assured you that their children enjoyed having you as their teacher. You weren’t sure whether to be relieved or disappointed that you had yet to see-
That gruff voice had you actually gulping.
Fuck, fuck.
Plastering on that teacher smile for the millionth time in the last half hour, you turned around to find Roy, hands in the pockets of his leather jacket. Beside him was a woman in scrubs and a ponytail, eyeing you with curiosity and a coolly raised eyebrow.
“You must be Phoebe’s mum,” you gushed far too cheerfully, offering her your hand. “So nice to finally meet you.”
She smiled, her eyes shifting to Roy for a flash of a moment before shaking your hand. “Yes, sorry we haven’t met yet.”
You shook your head. “No, I understand. I’m glad you could make it tonight.” You nodded towards Phoebe’s table. “Pheebs’s desk is right over there. She wrote you a letter.” Knowing you were failing at suppressing a grin, you glanced at Roy. “She wrote one for you, too, Coach.”
His smile could probably bring about world peace, you thought. It was just that damn wonderful. “Little idiot really made more work for herself, writing two letters,” he hummed, earning a glare from his sister. He offered you that little salute, the one he gave you most mornings and afternoons, and turned to follow his sister to Phoebe’s desk.
Your entire body grew warm when you heard Dr. O’Sullivan playfully hiss, “So that’s why you insist on dropping my kid off every day.”
When Roy glanced over his shoulder to look at you, you pretended to be busy looking at a child’s work. “Shut up,” he mumbled, unable to hide the red tips of his ears and his embarrassed grin. “Maybe I just like my niece, ever think of that?”
Dr. O’Sullivan’s laugh rang in your ears. “Then why are you blushing so hard, Roy-o?”
You had to turn your entire body away before either of them noticed your own blush. With your back to them, you allowed yourself a smile, vibrating with giddiness at the idea that Roy Kent came to school to see you. That you made Roy Kent blush. Even with the way you tried to suppress your little crush, it was thrilling to think that he might genuinely have one too. After all, it was one thing for nosy coworkers to tease you; it was another for Roy Kent’s sister to tease him.
Remembering where you were, you busied yourself with other parents, chatting about what a pleasure it was to teach their children and how excited you were for the new year. After avoiding the touch of a particularly well-known father, you found yourself face-to-face with Roy. He quirked an eyebrow as he watched the man scamper away.
“They really have no shame, do they?” He wrinkled his nose. “You should keep a flask in your desk. Every time a dad hits on you, you take a swig.”
You rolled your eyes. “Poor kids wouldn’t learn a thing. Their teacher’d be sloshed all the time.”
His small laugh had you blushing. “Maybe not the best idea, then.” He gazed at you for a moment, as if he was thinking. You raised your eyebrows, waiting for him to say something, anything. He opened his mouth, then closed it again. Finally, he stuck his hand out. “Well, have a good night.”
Praying he didn’t feel you trembling, you shook his hand. His sister’s teasing had you feeling bold enough to give a small squeeze before letting go. “Good night, Coach.”
Roy paused again, still thoughtful. “I’ll see you tomorrow,” he finally murmured. “At drop-off.”
Absolutely failing to hide your silly grin, you nodded. “See you tomorrow.” You quickly said goodbye to Dr. O’Sullivan, who’d wandered over while you drooled over her famous brother. Her smile was far too amused and had you blushing even harder than you already were.
On their way out the door, Roy couldn’t help but look back and offer one last little wave, that stupidly perfect smile playing on his lips.
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Taglist: @infinetlyforgotten @gothicwidowsworld @taytaylala12 @amieinghigh @klaine-92 @misshall14 @rosesheerio @goose-101 @gee72sstuff @alainabooks143 @lwritesstuff @hayden-maximoff @optimisticsandwichgladiator @veryprairieberry @scott-mccall-could-lift-mjolnir
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duhnova · 1 year
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ride slow - lee seokmin, choi seungcheol
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happiest birthday ever to the loml, the most amazingest wife ever, and to my soulmate!! i hope today is as amazing and as wonderful as you are and I’m so very happy and thankful that you came into my life and i couldn’t ever imagine a world without you. i hope you enjoy one of many presents (as you deserve it) and I hope that today is everything you wished for and more - and if it isn’t I will make the world pay. anyways to keep this from being to long and sappy (don’t worry i’ve already said everything i wanted too in dm’s) happiest birthday ever my love (my dear, my bbygorl, my sunshine, my melody)!! MWAH!!! ( everyone go wish her a happy birthday rn >:( !!!!!! ) @onlyseokmins
warning(s): smut under the cut (mdni!!), reader and seokmin are tied up, dick riding, unprotected sex, creampie, reader is called baby and princess, let me know if i forgot anything! - don’t mind grammatical errors/typos (i tried)
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“cheollie.” you gasp quietly, your head leant back against his shoulder as his fingers dig into your hips. he’s moving them in slow circular motions, helping you ride seokmin who’s currently tied to the bed frame.
“what’s wrong baby?” he coos quietly, he pushes your hips down harder drawing a loud moan from the both of you.
“more.” you manage to breathe out, your fingers twitching from where they’re tied behind your back with a soft silk ribbon that seungcheol made into a bow so that you looked like a present.
“more? is this not enough for you?” he fake pouts as he moves your hips slower than before.
“cheol it’s her birthday.” seokmin sounded breathless, the pace was excruciatingly slow and he found himself on the brink of cumming so many times but you would beg for more and seungcheol would rip both of your releases away.
“oh is it now? last time i checked it’s still eleven forty-eight.” he looks at the clock in the bedside table.
“early birthday present?” seokmin whined a little, trying to fight for both of your releases.
“early birthday present?” cheol scoffs quietly as he looks at seokmin with raised eyebrows, a mischievous smirk on his face. “do you really think i’m that nice?” you whimper quietly when he noses against the side of your head to kiss gently at your ear before nipping it gently.
“cheol,” you whimper, wiggling your hips a little causing seokmin to arch his back and moan. “please.”
“please what?” he growls and pushes your hips down hard to keep you from moving.
“please let us cum, please.” you babble as you dig your knees deeper into the bed to try and move only for seungcheol to overpower you - his hands definitely leaving prints in your hips, especially after he lands two harsh smacks to both of them.
“you only get to cum on your birthday princess.” he starts to rock your hips while keeping you and seokmin pinned together so neither of you could move on your own.
“fuck,” seokmin hisses as he throws his head back, his long fingers wrapping around the silk rope that’s preventing him from touching you. “i’m gonna cum.”
“no the fuck you’re not.” seungcheol stops moving your hips again, the both of you gasping and whining at the loss of friction.
he waits a couple minutes, watching the clock until it strikes eleven fifty-five before he starts moving you again. both of your orgasms had died down enough for the build up to last a little longer as he stares intensely at the time, he moves you faster the closer it gets to midnight.
“you wanna cum baby?” he finally looks at you, your eyes closed and your mouth open as you babble out a quiet ‘yes’ between breathy moans. he looks back at the clock, his lips twitching up into a smile when it finally hits midnight. “you can cum.” he whispers before kissing your ear again. your loud moans overpower seokmins whines as you finally cum after hours of torturous edging.
the feeling of your plush walls squeezing seokmins cock cause him to go over the edge with you, filling you up with his cum. slowly seungcheol brings your hips to a stop, your body completely lax against his.
“happy birthday princess.” he smiles as he kisses your cheek before tilting your head to kiss your lips softly.
“happy birthday baby.” seokmin breathlessly echoes as he watches you two through hooded eyes.
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happy elv day!!
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