#anyways.. pokemans..
panicbones · 4 months
detective pikachu was admittedly an alright movie all things considered but it spoke to a very core child part of me that has always wished so desperately that pokemon were real and i could have one (for real)
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dooodle-bug · 1 year
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that thing where pet owners look like their pets
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tiredassmage · 1 year
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Yeah, but at least he was hot????? I’m sorry, Zenith, but also I... will absolutely do it again. >.>
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jennhoney · 2 years
Oh boy, I need to reset my brain.
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0boko · 2 years
ingo has more than once heard lady sneasler humming(?) in specific patterns, almost as if to songs. one day, he decided to follow lady sneasler when she was summoned to see who she was carrying around the land-- it was my autistic ass singing out loud splatoon songs (at least some english fan translations) at maximum volume with a lot of stimming while hanging out with sneasler. turns out sneasler needs some girl time and to chill with her new human bestie ✨
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espytalks · 7 months
worst case scenario, i have a bunch of mediocre garlic. best case scenario, i'll never have to buy garlic again. Either way, I planted garlic today, with my brother's help, and now i feel a lot less bad.
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bogleech · 7 months
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The first Dragon Quest Monsters game to be localized in sixteen years and first one I'll get to play is also the first one to ever leave out all three of my favorite monsters (pictured) cause they hate me I guess!! It still has my next three favorites and added one new one I like so I guess I'm downloading it anyway. You should too if you want a Pokeman alternative and maybe we can fight our teams on wifi one day. Which ones are my next three favorites and the new one I like?? It's a mystery! (I'm gonna update this when I find them) It's Dragon Quest Monsters: The Dark Prince now on the Switch eshop. It's getting almost no advertising.
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why do you think it's okay to run a blog posting screenshots from a site known for being full of nothing but misogyny, racism and pedophilia?? even you yourself admit you have trouble finding shit to post because all they say is slurs. promoting 4chan in any way shape or form isn't okay, they straight up share child porn
did you send this message to any of the other blogs that post 4chan screenshots (including random bloggers that have posted >greentext stories) or are you just sending this to me specifically despite me not posting since like. october?? i think??
idk i forget i have this blog til someone sends messages
anyway i hate to break it to you but every social platform has that problem. including tumblr, reddit, discord, facebook, youtube, twitter, deviantart, gaiaonline, neopets, any website that allows for user-posted content, whether it be text, video, or photo. just because you aren't seeing it doesn't mean it isn't happening, moderators are just actually doing their jobs.
4chan janitors delete that shit too, if they catch it, since 4chan is of course large and chaotic and you need a gut of steel to moderate shit that traumatic (there's some story somewhere abt the absolutely horrendous shit that facebook moderators have to file through for 6 hours a day) and forward IP and other tracking information to the FBI.
here's an ELI5 post about how they do that, after a brief google search:
(additionally, me not posting haha funnee pokemans screenshots does not erase 4chan from the public eye. it doesn't need to be "promoted", everyone's well aware of its existence. if anything else, you're contributing by sending me that ask and reviving this blog! hope that helps)
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boujeebunny8 · 1 month
Ok, I maybe the only who actually plays this but, do y’all remember this game?!?!?!😭😭
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And don’t forget that Xbox El Tigre game.
Now my question is: Are we ever gonna get a Matt game?!? I feel like It’d be ether be like super smash bros OR an RPG game.
I have no idea if I was dreaming or not BUT I remember seeing something on instagram about a virtual Matt “pokeman-go” like thing. (But it wasn’t actually pokeman go.) I didn’t see Zatz in there though :(.
Anyway I really needed to talk about this😭😭
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//Clawing dragging myself out of my month long art block so i can draw. The pokemans.
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//Anyway hey… haz (& team) art!
//+ a surprise tool thatll help us later /ref
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bluevelvet-room · 1 year
please talk to me about naokei :3 dont mess with the naokei fandom theres like 5 of us
ohoho anon. i promise you with my entire heart that i am one of those 5. not a day goes by that i'm not thinking about those boys. now, to preface any ramblings that may happen after this, i will say: a lot of how i view naoya's character has to do with the manga, but not All of it. i've never actually read the manga, just played the game (smt persona, not revelations). i basically treat the smt persona characters like they are my own personal blorbos in my head, and i am not responsible for anything that might not align with your own view of naokei (though all views of naokei are valid)
ANYWAYS. (under a readmore for the rambling, hope it works)
in my head, their relationship doesn't happen until post game. i mean, obviously i dont really think it should happen while they are going through the worst questionable amount of days of their life, but i also dont really want it to happen during their school years either. naoya has some healing to do and kei has some growing up to do. i do think at this point kei has a crush on naoya, but that it is not necessarily reciprocated.
BUT, being wayyyy more detailed about my own personal naokei (the naokei that lives in my brain and is therefore superior) i do have a version of this vague thought where they do like. kiss during the events of the game, similarly to naoya recieving a kiss from fake maki - kei initiates, naoya gently rejects. and then it is a game of sort of avoiding each other in a fun misunderstanding way and everyone else is like guys what tf happened??? you were fine and now we can't get you to be in the same room for longer than two seconds? annoying!!!! once they graduate, kei goes off as he canonically does to work in his own company to become Humbled, and naoya leaves for new york city with yuka and mark to study art (hehe. artist friends :3 yuka's studying for fashion design but she is also modeling. no we couldnt get thru anything related to smt persona without me bringing her up)
and then the events of persona 2 (and part 2 electric boogaloo) happen. no i havent played them we dont need to talk about it. what i DO know is that at the end of the second one the st hermelin bitches have a reunion and naoya appears there. convenient, yes? (i had to go look it up to make sure i had not made this up) naoya has had time to heal and trust close relationships, kei has matured. their friends wont shut up about the "fight" they had in high school, they wont stop insisting they never fought and they are Not avoiding each other. they are both tipsy to full on drunk. they leave the bar together. they either fuck or have a heartfelt conversation or both. either way they are dating by the next day. (and then a few years later in p1 parents au they adopt baby akira, bc this is fully canon to that au)
i really like their dynamic in the end bc it's like. you'd think theyre total opposites but they actually have a lot in common? and they love each other :3c
in conclusion.
naoya, was playing pokemon the entire time they were in a nightmare hellscape: in case you haven't noticed, i'm a gamer. i game. i don't stop gaming. and i dont want to stop gaming. you ever see me without this stupid gameboy in my hands? that's video games.
kei: what's a pokeman????????
(sorry if this is not what you wanted from me anon, and i'm sure i can pull more thoughts out of my ass if anyone ends up interested)
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chounaifu · 10 months
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❝ HOW ▊▒▐ ABOUTᵉᵉᵉ I SͤTͤAͤYͤ ANYWAY? ❞
Proton continues to prod at his phone to play with it. The glitching grows worse until the game's assets begin to clunk onto the ground. There's a poffin! And a great ball! And a lure module! And 200 Potions that you were going to throw away anyways, because the bag space in this game is abysmal.
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aetherarf · 1 year
Send an ask if youre curious about what I mean and if my little FAQ below doesn't help!
Q: What do you mean Pokemon in Teyvat? A: Just drop some pokemon in Teyvat! I don't want to massively change the lore or the plot or anything, just drop some pokemans in there.
Q: Why is it based about Kaveh? A: He's sad and wet and pathetic. he is babygirl.
Q: Are there going to be ships? A: At this time, no. I'm not massively interested in writing ships. Some things could be interpreted as ship-py. I don't know what ship I'd go with, anyway.
Q: What pokemon does Kaveh have? A: Technically... no :>
Q: why are you dead A: life, my friend, life.
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sunnixsunshine · 1 year
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My self insert for pokemans :] basically he spans from Sword, Legends, and Scarlet specifically. I didnt feel like opening my game to see what my character looked like in Sword so I just made up what he wears lmao all I remember was hes got Rose’s hairstyle and one of the jacket outfits. I did redesign to my Scarlet look, making him look like his hair has grown. Kinda tried to make it look like lost one of his earrings in the Hisuan wilds then later had to stop wearing earrings anyway upon enrolling in the academy.
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doctorguilty · 2 years
controversial opinion maybe but the biggest mistake nintendo fans made at large was just like accepting the switch as the next gen console alongside the xbox and playstation next gens at the time, when in reality the company just kind of duped you into subconsciously setting your expectations for like handheld tier games because that's physically what it is, a handheld you plug into your TV, nevermind the hardware it's irrelevant because they're not even utilizing the potential of the hardware. the switch pkmn games look Passable when you compare them to like 3DS that came before it but that's the problem, they like streamlined the console and handheld, like in theory a core pokemon game being console is great until it was just, never made with console quality? if that makes sense? like there's no reason it couldn't have had the quality of pokemon revolution and I've been saying this, and every time I do I'm told bwahhhh but there's so many pokemans now, like okay well they didn't even put them all in swsh so dshfsjkdgsdkh moot point no matter what, anyway I felt that way from the start just like, about the switch in general, which is why I was so late buying one like I bought one finally when acnh came out and then was disappointed anyway. society if nintendo kept the handhelds and consoles separate, pensive emoji
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emphasisonthehomo · 2 years
Anyways not to brag but I just hatched a shiny miltank in pokemans go.
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