#anywayyyyy I know we are always joking about the feet thing
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“For a master of deception and subterfuge, You’ve made yourself quite the bed to lie in”
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plinkcat-gif · 2 years
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@wind-becomes-lightning TUMBLR ATE UR ASK SOMEWHERE BETWEEN INBOX AND DRAFT 😢😢😢😢 anywayyyyy here r the kids!!!!!!!! they are comparing parent histories via history books and shitty drawings AKSNJSJA i had so much fun drawing them!!!!!!!! genuinely. babies. so true <3
also i had a LOT of ideas and the only one i didn’t write was sayuri and obito meetup bc idk enough ab their relationship and that’s more your territory ajsjdbjshdjd <3333
this is just the most brain vomit thing ever, and it’s also from the pov of nsmap obkkrin :3 mostly lol
obito appears alone first, in the middle of kkyuri + kids Normal Family Walk Time. this immediately sends kks and sayuri freaking The Fuck out bc sayuri can’t see a genjutsu and kakashi doesn’t sense one, so what kind of sick joke is somebody playing on them?
obito, who’s just gotten back from saving his kids from their own dimensional fuckery w his partners, is also Freaking The Fuck Out because WHERE ARE THEY???? he sees kakashi, takes half a step towards him in relief before he pauses because hey, that’s not his kakashi, that’s not rin, and they definitely only have two kids and none of those are them.
few tense moments pass before kkrin+twins+minato blip into existence, minato’s seal flaming at their feet. “shit,” kakashi mutters, then is immediately tackled by obito who takes the whole family down with him. “holy shit i thought i lost you guys,” etc etc. they stand back up and. oh yeah. the other dimension kakashi who looks like he’s going to pass out, held up by who they can only assume is his wife who also looks like she’s going to die.
“uh. hi.” obito says, something something introductions, yes we’re real we’re from a different dimension and trying to get home. yeah but we need a new seal because some idiot burnt it up in transit (“i memorized it, dumbass,” kakashi says, tapping his head in clear irritation, like they’ve had this argument before). oh you have some on you? sweet!
nisi!kakashi and kakashi
kakashi takes the paper and ink from New Dimension kakashi, who now looks considerably calmer and now just.. confused. kakashi can help with that. “the kids got ahold of a scrapped seal of minato’s,” he explains, taking a few steps away to lead nisi!kakashi somewhere quieter. “sent them back in time, and we went to save them. but the seal was still faulty, it’s a miracle they made it in one piece. so we fixed it, but apparently accidentally figured out how to cross dimensions instead of travel. so, we landed here and now we just really want to get back home.”
nisi!kakashi and kakashi get to some talking, though neither are very talkative and prefer observing. but as they hear everyone else getting to talking, comparing dimensions, well.
kakashi: is dad alive here?
nisi!kakashi: …no. he died when i was six. [silence] but. i got to see him in the afterlife, get my closure and all that. (does this kakashi experience the same? have they had a war yet? looking at obito, alive and well, perhaps not. did he get that closure?)
kakashi, looking at nisi!kakashi with slight concern: ,.right. the afterlife. :/ uh well dad’s actually alive where i am. came back about a year ago from captivity. (so there’s no need to help a different kakashi search for his lost father here, then, if he really did die. that’s…something).
nisi kid ocs and the twins+minato
the kids are already comparing parents. in this universe, obito seems to have gone down a bad path and started a war. but he ended up good, tsuki and obito and miu say, because that’s what their dad always tells them. he was good in the end.
minato, keeping an eye on the kids and observing from behind, looks sick.
the twins think the drawn version of juubito looks cool as hell. they go and recreate their own iteration of their obito but with mokuton, because he doesn’t have a ten-tails. oh, but you know who has a three tails? mama! it’s name is isobu and he’s super cool. he makes swimming super/ fun.
obito’s next in line for the hat in the nsmap universe. but in this one, kakashi got to be hokage? that’s super cool! the twins get to see all the technological advances he brought to konoha, as well as how he settled treaties with other nations. he did a lot here! that’s what grandpa’s doing in our universe.
nisi!kakashi and rin
nisi!kakashi and rin visit for a bit. it’s not as awkward as kakashi expected it to be, but he supposes that’s because they’ve had time to. recover. he did still chidori rin in nsmap universe, rin still chose that path. but this time isobu saved her because there was no obito around to save their bodies from the kiri nin, because he was at home doing physical therapy.
rin and isobu have made peace with each other. she hopes that this universe’s kakashi’s made peace with his rin, even if she is dead.
nisi!kakashi and kakashi
kakashi: so, do you have. hound?
nisi!kakashi: the…anbu? i did anbu for a good portion of my life, and i was hound, yes.
kakashi, hurriedly: nvm. forget i said that love and light. <3
nisi!kakashi and obito
kakashi’s already made peace with obito. but he’s curious about what would’ve happened if things had gone differently.
kannabi still happened, but his struggle in nisi!kakashi’s universe is replaced by a mental, physical, and emotional struggle in the form of healing from kannabi. which sure, happened in this universe too, but he wasn’t around people to hurt. in nsmap universe, he hurt the people closest to him frequently in fits of anger. but he healed eventually, moved in with and got married to kkrin. they had momo and mosu (unplanned smh), and here they are now.
so there never was a war. at the very least, “did you ever meet zetsu?”
“plant guy made out of the same stuff as hashirama cells. orchestrated the whole war, manipulated. you.”
and obito looks pale, because yes. he does know zetsu. he just also wasn’t entirely aware zetsu wasn’t just a figment of his imagination.
this changes things.
so this is who obito is named after.
he seems nice, at least. he’s funny, and everyone else enjoys him. he’s grown flowers for everyone and is currently throwing a hollow wooden ball that he made himself for his own kids to run and catch.
mosu’s the one that’s proudly introducing everyone, and obito has to smile when obito’s introduced.
he looks timid. he’s wearing kakashi’s old clothes, or a copy of them. they’re far less bossy on obito’s wary look than kakashi’s demanding stance.
momo and mosu using anbu sign (learned from hound) to communicate with each other (planning on attacking minato in secret), tsuki trained to respond on instinct having the WORST and most confused time ever trying not to slap their hands out of the air to get them to stop.
nisi!kakashi a bit confused because hey. aren’t those supposed to be super-fucking-secret? he looks at kakashi like 🤨🤨 and kakashi just blinks and looks away (<- so not ready to talk ab hound with other people, even himself from another universe).
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fezrus · 7 years
A dog person - Young!Sirius x Reader
Warnings : nope, maybe the GIF that personally makes me weak
Words : 2.8k
Request : yes
Note : it's the imagine that I wrote a few days ago and that was deleted somehow, I'm sharing it again now. I know some people had the same request but anywayyyyy (thank you to the ppl who told me to post it again btw❣️). I just imagined a Patronus for Pettigrew, don't mind it if it bothers you. I loved this request and got a bit carried away, it was just so damn cute.
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Even at Hogwarts everybody hated monday mornings, as they symbolized the end of the weekend, the return in class and especially, implied a lot of exhaustion. In fact, everybody except the 6th years, because to them Monday morning meant Defense Against the Dark Arts. Here you were, at your usual seat next to the wall on the first row. The classroom 3C had probably the biggest windows out of all the Turris Magnus, unfortunately you were too short to observe the view -everybody was- but you still tried to take a look everytime. You were on tip-toes, taking advantage of the fact that your teacher had not yet arrived to make another attempt.
« You know Y/N, I really enjoy the view you're offering me when you stand up like this in front of me, but I think you should just sit down as our dear Professor is here. » whispered Sirius behind you. Your cheeks turner red as you did what he said, sighing in exasperation and trying to focus on the tall man standing in front of the class. Sirius knew his little seduction game made you feel a bit flustered and that was exactly why he liked doing it so much, he didn't want you to be uncomfortable, he was only joking and you knew it. Out of the four Marauders, you spent most of your time with him or Remus, who actually introduced you to the others after meeting you at the library.
« Today I will try, and please notice that I said try, to teach you something that I know most of you have been waiting for. » said your teacher solanemly, holding his hands together behind his back. « The majority of witches and wizards are not able to produce it for it requires patience, concentration and determination. You probably guessed it already, I am talking about the Patronus charm, one of the most powerful defensive charms that exist.»
Immediatly, everybody started to whisper enthousiasticly to their neighbors, and even Lily who usually was the definition of the model student seemed hysteric. You smiled when you saw her, her dazzling hair flying in the air while she turned around towards the boys, already beginning to discuss on the shape their patronus would take. James had already managed to produce one and it was a deer just like his animagus. He could be turbulent, sometimes even insolent, but nobody could deny that he was an incredibly talented wizard just like Remus who was sitting next to him. Strangely, he stayed away from the general euphoria which spread in the class, playing almost nervously with his hands. You frowned, ready to ask him what was going on when your teacher knocked two times on the desk with his fists. The noises stopped and everybody looked at him once again.
« To produce a Patronus, it is necessary to concentrate on your most beautiful memory, and only this one. Find the memory that warms your heart the most and say clearly, wand in hand : expecto patronum. » Suddenly, a silver eagle flew from his hand and in the classroom. It was both beautiful and captivating. « This requires training, today we shall satisfy us with approaching the theoretical side of it and in the next class, I hope that you will be ready. Just know that it is difficult to obtain a corporeal patronus, and that its purpose is not to be beautiful, but to protect you from Dementors. Whether it is a rat, cat or lion, its power will be the same : the partonus is a shield, a messenger and a protector. »
He kept speaking during the whole following hour, adding that even if the animal shape the Patronus took did not define its strenght, it could mean something important for the wizard. Leaving the class everybody had only an idea in head : discover what their patronus was. The four boys, Lily and you had mutually decided to train together by the lake this afternoon. But right now you were going to eat, Sirius and James led the group speaking loudly and walking way too fast. Behind and standing by your side, Lily seemed to explain to Peter the details he had not understood. You left them silently to join Remus who walked at the back, alone, head low and dragging his feet. He raised his head when he saw you were waiting for him and turned the gentle smile you were giving him back to you. Interlacing your arm in his, you jumped at the opportunity to be alone with him to ask him what was wrong. Remus sighed, he seemed embarrassed and you strated to worry. He looked around to be sure no one was listening and then he bent a little towards you.
« I'm afraid my corporeal Patronus gives too much away, if you know what I mean. I already tried with James and it almost worked, and I swear I saw a long hairy tail before the light went off. » He whispered, biting his lip « With you guys it doesn't matter, but if anyone else sees it... » He didn't finish his sentence but you knew what he meant. Remus had always suffered because of his lycantropia, his parents and him had a nomadic life before he came to Hogwarts thanks to Dumbledore. Everytime someone started to be suspicious, they left and the little Remus never got to make friends. Even now that he had friends, really good ones, he was still afraid someone would found out. Taking his hand in yours, you squeezed it gently so he knew he wasn't alone and you were here for him.
« We can practice alone another day if you want to be sure, you don't have to do it today if you don't want to. »
« I think that's a good idea, thank you Y/N. »
Around 4pm, you sat in the green grass which lined the lake, between Sirius and Peter who seemed strangely concentrated into tearing away the petals of a flower one by one. You turned around towards Sirius who was already looking at you. You felt your cheeks burn a little when he did not look away which made him laugh, revealing his white teeth and his dimples.  He was a handsome young man, really, and you never knew if you just found him attracive or if it was something more. Anyway, you came back to reality when James showed up, back from his Quidditch session. A proud smile could be seen on his face as per usual, and it grew even bigger when a bunch of Gryffindor girls passing by stared at him like he was a piece of art, or a piece of meat. It always made Sirius giggle but Lily just rolled her eyes every single time.
« Did you mess your hair up on purpose again just so you can look like some Quidditch rock star ? » suggested Remus, looking quite amused. 
« You'll be authorized to criticize my hair when your furry little problem will be solved, Moony chéri. » teased James, winking before he spoke again while turning around « Let's get started folks, why don't we let the Lilliputian try first. »
Eveybody laughed, James flirting with Lily was the funniest thing ever, especially when he came up with these strange nicknames but you had to admit that for once it wasn't so bad. She stood up, pointing her wand towards him which caused him to slightly move to the side.
« In fact I'm two months older than you Potter, show me some respect. » Remus, Peter and Sirius giggled while James seemed outraged, but before he could come back with anything Lily exclaimed, her wand pointing to the sky « Expecto patronum ! »
You held your breath just like the others while slowly but very clearly, from the tip of her wand, a bright silvery light started to burst before fading out. She tried again multiple times with James giving her advices and finally, a tall and gracious doe was running in the air, following the rythm of Lily's laugh. Her green eyes were wide opened, she seemed proud and happier than ever. You all applauded, Peter even took a bow.
« It's strange, isn't it ? Your patronus is a doe and Potter's one is a deer. If it isn't a sign, I don't know what it is. » teased Sirius, winking to Lily. Her cheeks turned bright red before she exlaimed « Simple coincidence, that won't make me go out with you any sooner Potter. »
Finally you formed little groups, James and Lily stayed together, Sirius was with Peter and Remus with you. This way, the others didn't pay attention to the fact that Moony wasn't really trying to practice and he was pleased about it. You tried to remember all the informations your teacher gave you this morning, and took a deep breath. You hoped it would work but as Lily said again and again, it was a difficult spell and it was normal if you didn't succeed on your first tries. For what felt like an hour you persisted, repeating the two little words again and again, sometimes managing to produce a little shiny light at the end of your wand. But no animal, nothing. Frustrated you sighed noisily, which caught the attention of Remus, Sirius and Peter. The two others seemed too busy arguing about who-knows-what, and anyway they did not really need to practice anymore. Seeing your disappointment, Sirius smiled softly before suggesting to the boys to train together and that he would help you. After all if that did not work so well that way, you could try.
« I can't do it either, you know. Maybe it's because you distract me. » he suggested, teasing you once more with a grin on his face.
« That's not funny Sirius. » you whined, a pout on your lips.
He looked at them for a bit too long before coming back at your eyes. Finally he stood behind you, his chest pressed against your back. You were thankful he was behind, at least he couldn't see your burning cheeks but it wasn't finished yet because you could now feel his strong hand taking yours, holding your wand with you while the other one was placed on your hip. Your heart was racing and you were probably shaking too because he laughed soflty, speaking soflty.
« Maybe you're not thinking about your happiest memory. Close you eyes, the first one to come to your mind is probably the good one, focus on it. »
Even if his body pressed against yours and his breath crashing on the thin skin of your neck did not help you at all, his soft and low voice was relaxing and you now thought of nothing else. You no longer heard the sound of the wind in the trees, nor the murmur of the water of the lake, you did not see your friends staring at you a little farther : it was his voice and his body near you that occupied all your mind. You closed your eyes as he had suggested, and with trembling lips you pronounced the two words « Expecto patronum. » You opened your eyes slowly, just in time to see a magnificent light spraying out, more powerful than what you had managed to do until then. It grew larger, Sirius's hand still held yours and guided the movements of your wand. After a few seconds, you saw it. In front of you stood a brilliant, tall and perfectly formed dog. But it was not a common dog, you had seen this one several times already and you recognized it immediately. You understood that Sirius did too when you felt his fingers release your hand smoothly and his body move back slowly. Your concentration broke and the big dog disappeared. You did not dare to turn around, both shocked and mute, because you finally knew what your patronus was. And it was him. It was Padfoot.
You stood there, sitting on your bed without knowing what to do or even what to think. After the events of the afternoon you quickly ran away, stammering that you did not feel well and that you were going to rest. But everyone had seen the same thing as you, and everyone knew that your patronus was none other than Sirius Black himself, or at least his animagus form. You tried to convince yourself that it was just a simple dog, but you knew what you saw. Maybe it didn't mean anything at all, maybe it did. It probably did. Sirius and you had been friends for years and even though he liked to tease you all day long, it had never been more than a platonic relationship. As you kept thinking about this, images started to come to your mind. The day you met, how funny you found him, yet annoying. The first time you sat together in class, and how you spent the hour drawing stupid things on each other's books. That time in 4th year when he punched a guy who insulted you, and definitely got a detention for it. When one of his pranks hurt you and he brought you chocolate and flowers to make it up. The time he hugged you so tight after Gryffindor won the house cup that you thought he was going to choke you. Maybe he wasn't just a friend after all, and it took you a couple of years and a patronus to realize it. A knock on your door made you lift your head up, the person did not let you any time to answer and entered the room.
« Can I come in ? » asked the black haired boy. « A bit too late to ask, isn't it ? »
Sirius did not answer, he just closed the door leaving you both alone in the dorm. He sat next to you, your knees barely touching, but not a word was said. You looked at the floor for a few seconds before you saw him turning his head to you from the corner of your eye. Slowly, you looked at him too, your heart skipping a beat when you met his dark grey eyes.
« Why did you leave earlier ? You missed something, we learnt that Peter's patronus is a mole. » « You know why I left. » you said, smiling slightly at the end. « You don't have to be embarassed about it. » he shrugged « But I have to admit that I thought it would be something else. » « Like what ? » « A penguin. »
You scoffed, clearly not especting that answer. Sirius looked at you curiously, he didn't seem to understand why you were chuckling but he still smiled when he heard your laugh.
« What ? They're cute and funny, everyone likes penguins. » he smirked. « Nope, you're probably the only person to fancy penguins that much. » « Well I don't try to hide it. You shouldn't either. »
His last words were whispered in your ear before he placed a soft kiss on your shoulder. You knew what he meant, and you couldn't act as if the butterflies flying in your stomach weren't here. He bent down to give you another kiss, on the cheek this time, but the weight of his body made you both fall back on the bed. You laughed as he found himself lying on top of you and for the first time since you met him, you saw a light shade of red on his cheeks. You stayed like this before he kissed your forehead, and then your nose. You smiled and he looked at your lips, and back at your eyes again. Your hands made their way to the back of his neck as he brushed your lips with his own, without ever pressing them together. Your heartbeating probably echoed throughout the entire room, or maybe it was his own. He smirked again when he saw the look full of frustration and desire you gave him, biting his lip and kissing the corner of your lips and then your cheek, before whispering in your ear again.
« I always knew you were a dog person. »
And after that he finally pressed his lips against yours, tenderly, as if you were the most precious thing in the world.
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