#aoex brainrot
simonsezsewart · 5 months
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Haha I’m probably never gonna finish this so here 🙃 more Rin because aoex brainrot
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silvermahogany · 9 months
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trans-mephisto · 1 year
I've gotten my boyfriend into Blue Exorcist and he really likes that it flips a lot of common shounen troupes around and loves the world building and lore. He also says his favorite character is Shura but Rin and Lightning are also characters he enjoys :]
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rohan-kishibaby · 8 months
Finished my big AoEx reread and MAN i'm realizing how severe the ADHD is CAUSE I MISSED SO MUCH????
BUT IT WAS SO GOOD I'm probably gonna just end up rereading it again soon cause i had such a good time with it. I love AoEx so much chat it is my favourite manga of all time frfr
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trancylovecraft · 8 months
Listen ik I'm pretty one sided in these requests, but you are of one of the FEW ppl writting for Arthur and honestly ? You are the best out of them imo.
So might I request headcanons for a platonic yandere Illuminati!Arthur who remembers Section 13 and thus joined Lucifer to take his revenge with a darling from True Cross ?
(If you really, really want : Maybe HCs for that brainrot scenario we had a while back on ao3 comments where Illuminati!Arthur goes up against the exwires + reader when they rescue Izumo and decides to keep them 🥺���👈)
RECEIPT ✂- - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -
BARISTA'S NOTE:dawwww :D Im genuinely SO happy that you requested this like OMGGEDGJD the ideas from that thread are so so good and im excited i finally get to put them on paper.(dw about requesting him, i love him too) i hope you dont mind but the concept matched up EXTREMELY WELL with the yanplatonic shiro concept and i kind of mixed it in here, THANK U!!! FANDOM: Blue Exorcist PREQUEL (Yanplatonic Shiro x Reader + Rin, Yukio)
Thank you for ordering!
Come again soon!
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Arthur in canon is a very loyal man. He despises demons from the very bottom of his heart so it would take a lot for him to defect to the other side.
Following on from the Yanplatonic Shiro Concept, This takes place before Satan possessed and eventually killed him. Shiro is still overly protective of you, Rin and Yukio. He's still the paladin and he keeps a very close eye on all of you.
You, Still being the little princess of the family, The youngest with your demonic heart still sealed within the hilt of two twin daggers. Shiro babies and protects you the most which is why this is a difficult conversation..
You found out about demons on accident, When one of Shiro's familiars (That were killed straight afterwards) accidentally bit you, Giving you a temptaint.
Shiro doesn't know what to do as you confront him about the existence of these creatures. He tries to tell you that this is apart of your illness, That you're hallucinating these creatures but you don't buy it any longer.
You're this close to finding out about his manipulation towards you and your siblings, So Shiro has to act fast and give it up. He tells you that demons do exist and that your illness must've been caused by one of them.
You, Being the young impressionable child that you are, Buy it immediately. Instantly you get excited about it, Asking so many questions. Where do they come from? Does he fight them? Can I fight them?!
Shiro doesn't tell you who your real father is, He doesn't want to go there yet.
Now that you know, That makes you and Yukio the two that know, Excluding Rin. You're excited since you have something new to talk about with your older brother. While Yukio is a little shocked that you've found out, He is happy that he can talk to someone else about it
Though your last question is not one that you let go of quickly. Shiro is displeased day and night after you keep coming to him, Begging him to fight demons.
Shiro keeps denying but he knows he cannot keep it up for long, Him spoiling you has gave you a bit of a demanding streak. You won't give up, And as much as Shiro hates it, He knows that you won't either. If he keeps denying, He knows you'll find a much more dangerous way to fight demons.. Without him.
So he has to give in.
But with him as the paladin and already training Yukio, It gives him very little time to train you. While Shiro is content with this, You certainly are not and ask for more time to train. And hey! Shiro just can't resist when you smile like that, Like Yuri did.
So Shiro needs to find someone that can and it's not an easy job. He has to find someone that can protect you, Can cater to your needs and most important of all: Keep him informed of your whereabouts.
Which is where Arthur comes in.
Arthur, He is proper. Arthur can kill demons effectively. Arthur is a good protector. Arthur is loyal, Like a dog. Arthur obeys the paladin, Aka Shiro. Which in other words, Makes him a perfect fit for the job.
Arthur, When approached with the job, Is hesitant at first. Him at the time being an Arc Knight being approached by the paladin, Requesting Arthur to take his daughter under his wing.
Did Shiro even have a daughter? Arthur isn't sure but he won't question it, If it's an order from The Paladin (Who can do no wrong in his eyes) then Arthur will take it with pride!
And now he has an apprentice, Namely you.
Arthur at first would definetly be a little bit cold to you. Though I suppose the right word would be awkward, Mostly due to the fact that your hyperactive and naïve personality would be rather hard to get use to with Arthur's knight complex.
Though, After a few missions, Your relationship does start to change.
You really want to become an exorcist, Just like Yukio and your dad! So you make sure to put in as much effort as possible when doing your tasks, Always listening with your full attention when Arthur teaches you something.
Arthur appreciates it greatly, It's good to know that you have some discipline in you. So much so that he starts warming up to you, Even trying to make a few jokes here and there.
It sucks that you're just as oblivious as he is when it comes to humour. At least that's something you have in common.
As his apprentice your job mostly consists of following him around to take notes, If it's a lower ranked demon then maybe you'll be able to exorcise it! Arthur thinks your too young to take on middle-class or especially high-class demons. But a small Greenman or two should be fine.
Arthur reports to Shiro every hour on the hour, Always detailing what you're doing and where you are. Arthur is a little suspicious as to why Shiro is so worried but he chalks it up to just a worried parent.
Arthur grows to like you a lot. Despite your few flaws (eg. Your slightly spoiled personality), Arthur goes blind to it and believes that you are just the sweetest thing, Taking pride that it is you who is his apprentice.
Especially when you gush about him to your brother, Yukio. Arthur may or may not have overheard you telling him about his skill and how happy you are to have him as your master.
It makes him feel an insane amount of pride, Always returning the favour when introducing you to other exorcists as his "Talented Apprentice."
Yukio is happy for you, While he doesn't particularly click with Arthur, He's happy your happy while Rin still has absolutely no clue about where you have been running off to you.
So far, Everything is normal, Great even. Your master is one of the most powerful people in the order, Your father though controlling still cares and loves you.
But, That all changes the day that Satan possesses Shiro. The day that you find out exactly who you are and where you come from. You feel helpless as you scream, Being dragged into the Gehenna gate while the demon possessing Shiro cackles the entire time.
You feel helpless even after it's all over, After Rin unsheathes Kurikara and you have no choice but to pick up The Twin Daggers, Destroying the Gehenna Gate at the cost of your humanity.
You sob, Falling to the ground over Shiro's charred corpse and crying with Rin by your side. You hug each other tight, Rin terrified and you too.
Rin is horrified when he finds out that Satan is his father, The only thing he can do is hug you, Hoping to both comfort and find solace in you.
Yukio comes back home to find his father dead and his two siblings weeping, Huddled together and terrified. Yukio can't do anything but join you, Crying for the loss of your father as the sun finally rises upon all of you.
Its only you three now, Only you three against the world.
Arthur comes upon the scene only a bit later after Yukio does, Wanting to check in since you hadn't text him a "Good morning" like you usually do. The start of his tendencies marking here.
But when he finds what happened, Sees you, Rin and Yukio crying next to the corpse of the Paladin, He instantly switches into overprotective mode. Not just for you, But for your brothers too.
He rushes over, Instantly coddling the three of you and demanding to know what happened. Rin explains what happened through his tears, Explaining what happened and that they're the spawn of Satan.
Arthur is shocked, Horrified as he realises that his apprentice was the child of the demon that killed his parents all those years ago. Fifteen to be exact.
Fifteen, The exact same age that you three were. Arthur feels disgusted, You were conceived on the blue night, Most likely in the bowels of Section Thirteen.
Section Thirteen.
Wait, What was Section Thirteen again?
Arthur doesn't know what it was or why it came to his mind, What was it? For some reason something inside him started to resonate, Like it was something more than they were letting on.
But he had no time to fret over it. It doesn't matter if you were the children of Satan, You were sweet, You were enough to prove that you weren't your father, The one who killed his parents.
He would take care of you three, He'd make sure nothing would get to you.
But that night after contacting the Vatican of what happened (Excluding your heritage), After Rin contacted Mephisto and set the main story into motion is when it happens.
A nightmare, A horrid nightmare. Flashes of things he doesn't remember. Clinical white walls. Flames the colour of sapphires, Flames, They were everywhere. A blinding light, One he almost walked into.
Arthur woke up in a cold sweat that night, Heart thundering in his chest as he tried to register what that bizzare dream could possibly mean. He wasn't able to get to sleep that night, Nor was he able to let it go so easily.. It felt so real, Almost as if he was there.
These nightmares continue each night, Over and over again showing flashes of new places and people that he doesn't recognise. It tortures him, Makes him go near insane.
The next morning after checking on you and your brothers well-being, Arthur heads off to find out what that dream could've meant. But he doesn't go to the Uzai's or even the library under the academy.
No, Arthur heads to the deep keep.
Arthur has gained access due to his status as an Arc Knight, Though that access must be curated with piles of paperwork and permission from the Grigori.
But Arthur doesn't care, Not like his usual righteous self. These nightmares are more than they appear, They nag him.
And what he finds in there is horrifying.
Experiments, Horrible inhumane experiments. Children used in the name of furthering Demon Kings, All killed and tortured. People cloned and killed.
And it was all done by the organisation he was set to lead.
Arthur throws up at the pictures, Gags at the descriptions of what happened. And worst of it all, The worst thing that he had found was that his parents, The reason why he had become an exorcist didn't even exist in the first place.
No. Arthur was a clone, A clone of none other than The King of Light, Lucifer himself.
Arthur breaks down, Not able to handle it.
He's a demon, He's what he had swore to eradicate. Arthur feels so much in a single moment. Disgust, At himself at the vatican at everyone who had kept this from him.
The Uzai's especially, The one's who were the famed family of the order and the ones who had taken him in. They had lied to him, They had used him. They were monsters.
Demons. How could someone so righteous like him come from them? This is where his delusions start to kick in. If he, So righteous and good came from the demons then..
Maybe he had been looking at this wrong way the entire time.
You stay up late one night, Resting in the old boys dorm that you had moved into with your brothers. Rin is asleep while Yukio is up late doing exorcist reports and studying for the coming school year.
You're wandering through the dormitory, Heading towards the kitchen for a late-night snack when you first hear the banging on the door.
Who could be up at this hour? Banging at an old dormitory's doors? Despite the odd feeling in your stomach, You make your way over and open it up.
You're surprised to find Arthur there, Supporting himself against the doorframe once you open it. You should be excited to see him, But you're really concerned to see the state of him.
He's dishevelled, His hair is a mess and his skin is damp with sweat. His pristine white uniform was barely done up, A stark contrast to his usual self as he use to pride himself on his appearance.
You're worried for him, But have no time to ask if he's okay as he instantly starts to ramble. It's almost obsessive, The way his expression looks paranoid and neurotic.
But his words concern you more. Arthur demands that you get your brothers, Get your stuff and get out of this place. It's not safe for any of you! Not with what the order did to those other kids, All those clones. He needs to get you all out of here, All for your safety.
You're terrified as he grabs onto your wrist, Pulling you forward towards him. You scream for Yukio, Who instantly rushes down the stairs at your call with Rin following afterwards, Woken up by the noise.
Rin instantly rushes to help you, Yelling at Yukio to call someone from the Vatican. Arthur, Being the Arc Knight that he is, Makes it very difficult to fight him. Rin instantly being disarmed from Kurikara.
Yukio is horrified as he pulls out his gun in one hand, Phone in the other as he desperately explains to Shura what is happening. Arthur wasn't in his right mind, Yukio telling Shura to bring backup. Arthur needed to be restrained, Obviously going through something.
Arthur is inconsolable as he tries to tell you all what happened, But it only comes out as undecipherable ramblings. Why aren't you all listening to him?! This place is evil! You need to come with him right away, It's not safe for any of you! He'll protect you!
But once he hears the conversation between Yukio and Shura, Arthur instantly starts to panic. The order cannot come here! They can't know about him being aware of Section Thirteen! Who knows what they'll do to him, What they'll do to you?!
Once Rin goes in to try attack Arthur, To try and save you from his grip is when suddenly all the lights turn on in the dorm. They're blinding, Most certainly going over their limits.
They explode, Glass shattering and falling down to the floor. You all cover your heads, A blinding flash in the room.
Once it fades, You find that Arthur has vanished. Gone into thin air.
Now before we can make headcannons of what happens with Demon! Arthur. I find it suiting that we establish him first.
Arthur would've awakened some hidden power that night, Gaining some passed on power from Lucifer and the stress from finding out about Section Thirteen most likely activating it as a defence mechanism.
Also along with his demonic side..
I imagine Demon! Arthur to be draconic in appearance. Mostly due to the original tale of King Arthur. Uther Pendragon was King Arthur's father, Dragon literally being in the name with it meaning "highest commander; head leader; top of the command chain" which will mean something later.
Plus I like the symbolism of a knight becoming a dragon, Sue me.
I like to think that Arthur would start to change overtime. He'd grow greyish-yellow scales in certain places (eg. Around his eyes, Shoulders, Knees and Hands) and if we're feeling risky, Some horns to match.
I'd also assume that Arthur would gain pointy ears, Claws and maybe even a tail like a normal demon would, Something perhaps similar to Amaimon's reptilian tail.
Personality-wise? Yeah, He'd change too.
Demon! Arthur would definetly gain a sadistic streak, Not as if it wasn't there when he was fighting demons, But I'd say it would definetly become more prominent and focused towards Humanity.
He'd definetly become more strict and serious too, Demonic instincts kicking in and becoming much less tolerant of disrespect. I'd even consider that he'd gain a temper, A sort of disciplinary one.
His saint complex has definetly become much more egotistical, Taking much more pride in the fact that he's a demon now and a powerful one at that.
He'd become the highest ranking demon of light, Just below Lucifer, Of course. Gaining the abilities such as Light Manipulation, Creating illusions with the light and other stuff like that.
And we're not gonna forget about Caliburn here, His precious sword would definetly be much more powerful now. I'd even suspect that the hair he'd need to exchange with Caliburn would no longer become usual since Arthur is higher in rank, Caliburn needing to obey Arthur.
So yeah.
Months later, After the festival fiasco and the declaration of war made on the True cross. You're now on a mission to get your friend, Your classmate Izumo back. Who had been kidnapped by the Illuminati.
Not to mention Shima, Who had been revealed to be a spy for the Illuminati the entire time. You feel betrayed, Confused and horrified as to why he would do this.
Before then, You've made a good life for yourself. You've made friends.
Bon, Shima and Konekomaru basically became your brothers outside of your actual brothers. They were your best friends and despite the rivalry Bon had with Rin at the start, You had befriended them quick and your relationship with them developed even quicker.
Shiemi was the person you spent the most time around, Often joining her and Yukio for Tea. You also do your homework together, Always learning something new from her everyday!
Izumo and Paku are the girls you sit with everyday at lunch. Even though Izumo often shoves you off, You know that you've grown on her, If only a little bit.
You love your friends, All of them, Which is why when Izumo got kidnapped you and the rest of the Exwires went off to get them back. Both Izumo and Shima, You'll bring them back whether they like it or not.
So you and the rest of the Exwires head off to the Illuminati base. You break in, Get separated and fight your way out of the rooms and do the entire charade of fighting for Izumo.
The doctor, Gedōin. He does his whole charade as well. After loosing Izumo's mother and Izumo as a whole, He puts on the mask and becomes the squid demon that possesses him.
You all defeat him, It's a massive fight. The only difference between here and the manga is the Kyoto Squad not showing up, Leaving the rest of you to fight
It's an exhausting fight, But you all finally manage to get him down. Once you do you're all tired and numb, Out of ammo and done-for Ability-wise. You're glad it's over.
But then, Through the rubble and the dust, Is when you hear footsteps.
They're loud as thunder, Making everyone jerk up towards where they're coming from. Despite they're aching muscles, Everyone dusts themselves off and ready themselves for another fight, You included.
Bon aims his rocket launcher at the destroyed opening where the footsteps were coming from. Konekomaru readies a sutra, Izumo readies Uke and Mike, Shiemi prepares Nee while You, Yukio and Rin begin to bare your weapons.
A voice calls out, One that's familiar and makes you freeze up at the recognition. Your brothers recognise too. The grip Rin has on Kurikara starts to shake while Yukio's eyes go wide, Aiming his gun higher.
Arthur still hasn't revealed himself, But the footsteps grow closer as he starts to degrade the people who dared to step foot in this place. Sadistic as he vows to destroy whatever threat may be opposing him, You can already hear Caliburn being unsheathed.
Arthur steps out from the dust in all of his glory. Standing tall and demonic in all his glory. Caliburn stands tall by his side as he marches out, Ready to strike down the intruders with a single slash of his sword.
You're horrified. You had known of your master's disappearance but you had never expected this! You can barely hold up your daggers to him anymore, Staring at him with a mixture of disgust and betrayal.
Rin is disgusted too. He's exhausted but he holds his sword up to Arthur anyways. This was the man who had taken care of them for a while after Shiro had died, Now betraying them in favour of the Illuminati.. Rin can't believe it.
Yukio too, He's debating whether he should pull the trigger right here right now. How could Arthur do this? Why would he do this?! This may also stem from the conversation he had with Lucifer earlier.. The one where he was invited to join him.
The rest of the Exwires were aware of the Arc Knight's disappearance. Bon and Konekomaru angry that such a righteous man would go over to the otherside, Shiemi terrified and exhausted, Izumo angry while Shima watches from the side-lines.
Arthur, In the time that he had disappeared, Had been taken in and cared for by the Illuminati. With his powers awakened, Arthur had rose in the ranks to the title of "General" within the Illuminati's arsenal.
He's become much more powerful, So much more than all of you combined. And every single one of you can feel it, His power rolling off of him. You're all terrified, But you raise your weapons anyways.
But it's when Arthur finally marches out and stands atop the pile of rubble does he stop his speech, Stare down at the group ready to fight in front of him and stop.
These are kids.
These are kids and the Order had sent them out here, Out here into a dangerous facility to fight alone.
And worst of all? You are there, Standing in the middle of them.
Arthur is horrified, He can only just stand there staring for a straight minute while he processes what was happening. The order had sent kids here, Used child soldiers.
They were using kids, Just like they did in Section Thirteen.
Instantly his demeanour switches up. The sadistic, Serious monster that was going to kill them instantly mellows down. His expression softening almost with pity as he looks at you all, Concerned even.
You might of forgotten him, If only for a little while. But Arthur certainly remembers you.
He's missed you this entire time, His apprentice, The one who couldn't do no wrong and the one that didn't deserve what The Order would do to you. Arthur regrets not being able to take you and your brothers with him that night.
But now he has a chance to change that. Arthur instantly gawks at the sight of all the Exwires below him. Getting angry as to why they were sent out here alone, Who authorised it and why there were no adults around.
You get angry at him, Demanding to know why Arthur defected and Arthur just responds with saying how The Order is corrupt and evil.
The rest of the Exwires hold no time back as they start to fight him. Bon and Yukio starting to fire their weapons while Izumo and Shiemi send out their familiars. You and Rin rush into the frontlines, Baring your weapons as you begin to attack.
Despite his transformation, Arthur is still Arthur at his core and retains most of his personality. Most importantly his delusional yandere traits.
As soon as you all attack him it just makes it worse. These kids have been traumatised! They've been used by the order as weapons and are acting out of fear! How horrible this is, Arthur needs to save them.
Arthur believes you and the Exwires just need to be shown some love, His tendencies spreading to not just you but to the rest of your friends as well. Arthur won't take any other explanation. You're all so scared, He needs to save you all.
I'd also headcannon his traits also mixing in with his demonic instincts too. He's grown lonely, And him being a clone of a demon king has subconsciously made him search for kin of his own to rule and protect.
And Arthur wants to protect you all, He wants to keep you safe. So you and the rest of the Exwires are a perfect fit.
So when Arthur manages to lock Rin in a chokehold, Sheathe Kurikara and hold him hostage. You all back away, Terrified of what Arthur might do to him.
Arthur doesn't say a word as his hands move to specific pressure points on his body. Behind the ears, Atop his head. Mostly giving affection in the form scratches and pets.
Though Rin struggles, He starts to feel himself melt. Arthur's learned in his time as a demon that other demon's have certain weak points, Places where they could lower their defences. It didn't help that Rin was exhausted from the fight before, Giving in to the affection.
You all watch horrified as Rin starts to melt in Arthurs hold. Arthur takes no time in telling you all that'd you'd be much safer/protected with him, That he only wants to help and you shouldn't be afraid of him.
Rin, Mumbles in agreement. Rin is tired, He's been through a lot both with the previous arcs and the death of Shiro. It's been tough, And for some reason this feels nice, Feels like he's being loved. Maybe this isn't so bad, I mean he use to be our friend! He can't be that bad..
You and the rest of the Exwires are horrified as Rin falls for Arthur's words. But you can't do anything as if they attack Arthur then they have a chance of hurting Rin.
Arthur has gained the yandere trait of manipulative once he becomes a demon. Easily playing to Rin's demonic instincts as he taunts the rest of the Exwires with how good of a guardian he could be! He knows what he's doing as Rin finally passes out, Still held tight within Arthurs arms.
He'd target you specifically, Asking if you still care for him as your master. If you still look up to him and trust him with your life. You can't answer him, Conflicted as he's still the man you admire, The man who taught you everything you knew.
He asks Yukio if he still trusts the order, If he still listens to his superiors without question. Yukio who is still conflicted from earlier events cannot answer.
The rest of the Exwires are faced with questions of their own. If Izumo still has anyone to go back to, If Bon and Konekomaru still have good home lives, If Shiemi is so willing to be taken advantage of by the order.
Arthur finally gives you all an ultimatum. You and the other Exwires come with him and Rin doesn't get harmed. If you don't, Rin will be taken away alone, At the mercy of whatever demon might get to him.
You and the others have no choice, Rin would have an easier time escaping if all of you were there and not just him. You're all exhausted, Unable to fight and for some reason you feel like Arthur wouldn't take a no even if that was your final answer.
So you go with him, Arthur activating some knock-out gas in the laboratory systems. You all fall unconscious and Arthur takes no time in collecting your bodies, Dragging you all off somewhere else.
Somewhere you all won't be escaping for a long time now.
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flower-of-assiah · 1 year
if I seem quiet just know it's not for lack of aoex brainrot, in fact it's because it's SO STRONG I couldn't sleep for almost 24 hours after we got the season 3 PVs lol also aoex ch144 had/still has me in a chokehold because like if you know me (and those that follow me should be aware) the Rin/Shiemi content has me so happy and emotional haha I'll get back to making edits soon and trying to be better about posting updates on news about aoex! my love for this series grows stronger every day and that's saying something as I've been a fan for like 10 years haha
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aoflameandco · 8 months
Excited about Blue Exorcist coming back? it looks like a really interesting show
Ah, yes, yes! Actually this blog was originally dedicated to Blue Exorcist heck, the blog's name and as you see - as soon as it returned my brainrot became unstoppable 🤣
I really recommend it, especially the manga. It's a rare case for shounen when you have more than two plot relevant characters, when the female charas are independent and represent different types of strength, when the team's chemistry feels realistic and entertaining to watch. Also the romance is really nice and well written! Bless Katou-sensei! Started reading her work when I was like- 14 yo and she never disappointed my expectations.
As you see, so far I really enjoy the anime adaptation by Studio Voln. They're doing great!
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Also I'm so sorry for my followers, but it feels like I gonna spam you with AoEx/Bonizumo content for a while. Please bear with me 😖💗
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basrice · 3 years
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pov the year is 2013 and there are 7 mangapanda tabs open on ur phone. ur most prized possession is an anime lanyard u got from hot topic. u
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spibder · 2 years
hello everyone i apologize for my sudden ‘no posts’ moment i am just kind of experiencing an art block/burn out so im gonna take a break for a bit. i will try my best to return next month when new AOEX chapters drop tho bc uhh brainrot still
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basrice · 3 years
recently reread and caught up with aoex and idk how but this is like the first time i actually truly appreciated the writing... my younger self was a fool
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