ninelanguages · 4 months
Kanji for "long", "chief", "head"
長 = chou / naga•i
長い - Nagai - long / lengthy / prolonged / protracted - ながい
長電話 - Nagadenwa - long telephone conversation - ながでんわ
社長 - Syachou - the company president - しゃこう
部長 - Buchou - the manager [head/director] of a department - ぶちょう
長所 - Chousho - a strong point / a good point / a merit - ちょうしょ
身長 - shinchou - height (of body) / stature - しんちょう
Kanji for "wind", "breeze", "manners", "customs"
風 = kaze / fuu / fu / kaza
和風 - Wafuu - Japanese style - わふう
風上 - Kazakami - (the) windward (side) - かざかみ
風 - Kaze - a wind / a current of air / a breeze / a draft - かぜ
風邪 - Kaze - (a) cold / the common cold - かぜ
風邪を引く - Kaze wo hiku - to catch (a) cold / to get a cold - かぜをひく
風呂 - Furo - a bath - ふろ
Kanji for "sky" "air", "heaven(s)", "celestial sphere"
天 = ten / ame / ama
天ぷら - Tenpura - deep-fried battered vegetables and seafood - てんぷら
天気 - Tenki - weather - てんき
天井 - Tenjou - the ceiling - てんじょう
天才 - Tensai - (a) genius (for) / a natural girft (for) - てんさい
いい天気 - Iitenki - good [nice, fine, pleasant] weather - いいてんき
天国 - Tenkoku - Heaven - てんこく
Kanji for "thick woods", "forest"
森 = shin / mori
青森県 - Aomoriken - Aomori prefecture (of the tohoku area) - あおもりけん
森林 - Shinrin - a forest / a wood / the woods - しんりん
森 - Mori - a wood / woods / a grove / a forest - もり
森林浴 - Shinrinyoku - walking in the woods [forest] (as therapy) - しんりんよく
森田さん- Moritasan - mr. [ms.] Morita - もりたさん
森林公園 - Shinrinkouen - a forest park - しんりんこうえん
Kanji for "forest", "woods", "grove"
林 - hayashi / rin
山林 - Sanrin - a forest (on a mountain) - さんりん
杉林 - Sugibayashi - a (Japanese) cedar forest - すぎばやし
林道 - Rindou - a path [trail] through the forest - りんどう
林業 - Ringyou - forestry - りんぎょう
雑木林 - Zoukibayashi - a grove of mixed trees - ぞうきばやし
林 - Hayashi - a grove / a small wood / a copse - はやし
Kanji for "believe", "trust", "have confidence in", "message", "signal"
信 = shin
信用 - Shinyou - trust/ credit/ confidence/ reliance - しんよう
信号 - Shingou - a signal/ a traffic light [signal]/ signaling - しんごう
信仰 - Shinkou - (religious) faith/ belief - しんこう
自信 - Jishin - (self-)confidence - じしん
通信 - Tsuushin - correspondence / communication / news - つうしん
信じる - Shinjiru - to believe/ to accept as true/ to be convinced - しんじる
Kanji for "oneself", "self", "by itself", "naturally"
自 = ji / shi / mizuka•ra
自分の - Jibunno - one's own/ personal/ private - じぶんの
自ら - Mizukara - oneself/ (for) oneself/ personally/ in person - みずから
自由 - Jiyuu - freedom / liberty - じゆう
不自由 - Fujiyuu - inconvenience/ poverty/ want/ disability - ふじゆう
自己紹介 - Jikosyoukai - self-introduction - じこしょうかい
Kanji for "divide", "minute", "part", "understand"
分 = bun / fun / bu / wa•keru / wa•kareru / wa•karu / wa•katsu
分かる - Wakaru - to understand/ to see / to know / to realize - わかる
分かれる - Wakareru - to be divided [split] (into) / to branch off (from) - わかれる
自分 - Jibun - oneself/ I - じぶん
十分な - Jyuubunna - plenty (of) / sufficient/ thorough / enough - 十分な
水分 - Suibun - moisture (content) / water / juice - すいぶん
分ける - Wakeru - to divide [split, part] / to distribute / to classify - わける
Kanji for "beautiful", "pretty", "lovely", "good", "superior"
美 = bi / utsuku•shii
美容 - Biyou - beauty / a good figure - びよう
美容院 - Biyouin - a beauty salon [shop, parlor] - びよういん
美人薄命 - Bijinhakumei - rare beauties die young - びじんはくめい
美人 - Bijin - a beautiful woman / a beauty / a pretty girl - びじん
美しい - Utsukushi - beautiful (woman)/ lovely / fine (voice) / noble - うつくし
美術 - Bijutsu - fine art / the fine arts/ art - びじゅつ
Kanji for "half", "semi-", "hemi-", "halfway"
半 = han / naka•ba
半額 - Hangaku - half the amount [sum, price, fare] - はんがく
半ば - Nakaba - middle / half / semi / halfway / partly - なかば
半年 - Hantoshi - half a year / a half year - はんとし
二時半 - Nijihan - two-thirty (o'clock)/ half past two (o'clock) - にじはん
半島 - Hantou - a peninsula - はんとう
半分 - Hanbun - (a) half - はんぶん
Kanji for "restful", "feel at ease", "cheap"
安 = an / yasu•i
安心 - Anshin - relief / peace of mind - あんしん
目安 - Meyasu - a standard - めやす
不安 - Fuan - uneasiness / anxiety / insecurity - ふあん
安全 - Anzen - safety / security - あんぜん
安らぐ - Yasuragu - to feel at ease - やすらぐ
安い - Yasui - cheap / inexpensive - やすい
Kanji for "older sister"
姉 = ane / shi
姉 - ane - one's older sister - あね
姉妹 - shimai - sisters - しまい
お姉さん - oneesan - a (one's) older sister - おねえさん
義理の姉 - giri no ane - one's older sister-in-law - ぎりのあね
姉妹校 - shimaikou - sister schools しまいこう
姉貴 - aneki - one's older sister - あねき
Kanji for "younger sister"
妹 = imouto / mai
姉妹都市 - shimaitoshi - sister cities - しまいとし
妹 - imouto - one's younger sister - いもうと
従姉妹 - itoko - a female cousin - いとこ
妹さん - imoutosan - (somebody else's) younger sister -いもうとさん
義理の妹 - giri no imouto - ぎりのいもうと
Kanji for "small", "minor", "little", "short"
小 = chii•sai / ko / o / shou
小銭 - kozeni - small change (as in money) - こぜに
小さな - chiisana - small (voice)/ minor (mistake)/ tiny (turtle) - ちいさな
小川 - ogawa - a stream / a brook/ a creek / a rivulet - おがわ
小さい - chiisai - small / little / tiny - ちいさい
小説 - syousetsu - a novel/ a story/ a work of fiction - しょうせつ
小指 - koyubi - the little finger / the pinkie - こゆび
Kanji for "few", "little", "small"
少 = suku•nai / suko•shi / syou
少女 - Syoujo - a young girl - しょうじょ
少々 - Syousyou - a little / a few / slightly / for a moment / briefly - しょうしょう
少ない - Sukunai - few / little / there are a few (...) / have a little (...) - すくない
少年 - Syounen - a young boy - しょうねん
少し - Sukoshi - a few / a small quantity (of)/ a little - すこし
少しも - Sukoshimo - (not) in the least/ (not) at all/ (not) a bit - すこしも
Kanji for "body", "object", "form"
体 = karada / tai / tei
具体的な - Gutaitekina - concrete / definite/ specific - ぐたいてきな
体重 - Taijuu - one's body weight - たいじゅう
体 - Karada - a [the] body / a physique/ awkward - からだ
体裁の悪い - Teisai no warui - unbecoming / awkward - ていさい の わるい
体調 - Taichou - one's physical condition - たいちょう
全体の - Zentai no - whole / entire/ general - ぜんたい の
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mrdrgr · 9 months
Abbiamo iniziato questa rubrica con il Giappone, poi visto come è diviso: 4 isole principali e 8 regioni. Oggi passiamo alla suddivisione in prefetture e iniziamo con Aomoriken (青森県). Letteralmente significa ao (青) blu, mori (森) foresta e ken (県) ovviamente prefettura. Si trova nella principale isola Honshuu (本州) e nella parte più a nord della regione Touhoku continua…
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davidcrunelle · 5 years
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'Look at this dumbass wearing a jeans jacket in the deadly snowing cold' seems to be le trending game here in Aomori. #huaweip30pro #japantravel #aomoriwats #aomoricoffeefestival #japan_of_insta #shinaomori #aomorinebuta #aomorijapan #nebuta #aomorimuseumofart #aomoritrip #amazingaomori #nebutaarts #nebutafestival #nebutawarasse #sunrisemarketaomori #aomorigram #aomoricity #aomorinebutafestival #nebutamuseum #visitaomori #nebutamatsuri #aomoriprefecture #aomoriya #aomoriken #japan_night_view #aomori (at 青森市文化観光交流施設) https://www.instagram.com/p/B5pDXcAHl6M/?igshid=1qcdqycqku7u2
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fongtai · 6 years
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🇯🇵 #japan_daytime_view #japan #青森 #AomoriKen #あおもりけん #睡魔祭 #青森ねぶた祭 #青森 #睡魔祭 #國指定重要無形民俗文化財 #手機拍攝 #華為 #HUAWEI_P20Pro (在 Aomori, Aomori)
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yousuke-o · 6 years
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青森県立美術館は大型のシャガールの絵画が展示されるアレコホールもいいんだけど、青森県出身のアーティスト #奈良美智 の「 #あおもり犬 」もグッド! #青森 #青森県立美術館 #美術館 #青木淳 #建築 #美術館 #シャガール #現代アート #行くぜ東北 #旅 #旅行 #japan #aomori #junaoki #museum #aomorimuseumofart #architecture #yoshitomonara #aomoriken #trip #travel (Aomori Museum of Art)
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Aomori Trip - Part 2
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chezkuo · 8 years
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Aomori Ken #aomori #奈良美智 #aomoriken #whitedog #あおもり犬 (在 Aomori Museum of Art)
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keencreatorkitten · 8 years
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#aomoriken (在 Tsim Sha Tsui (East))
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nihoncha-salon · 2 years
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ellezer12 · 7 years
| Yuki! 🌨❄ #snow #yuki #japanlife #japan2018 #weather #Shimonanga #aomoriken #hachinohecity #instasnow #instaweather (at Japan)
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chexawe · 7 years
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@Regranned from @subconsciouscelebrity - "Aomori (青森県, Aomori-ken) is the northernmost prefecture on Japan's main island Honshu. Prefectural capital is Aomori City. The former regional capital city, Hirosaki, offers a nice castle which becomes a major cherry blossom viewing spot each spring. ---🤔🤔👳🏾👳🏾‍♀️AoMORiken...sounds like what? Cherry blossom festivals??? The Cherry tree is a symbol for Moors too.... hmm Honshu sounds like Konshu 😏 #Knowthyself #KnowthyRoots #Muurs moors Mauri Maui Mo Maor Maur Amor Mer Mar etc etc #AglobalPeople When u see Hiro/Heru👀 Shima/Shiva👀 Nagas👀 Saki/Sati/Sita👀 ijs 🙊 SaMURai 👀 But you don't hear me doe 😴🤷🏾‍♂️🤷🏾‍♂️ Aboriginal indigenous to the land🇲🇦👳🏾🇲🇦 👌🏾💯👳🏾☕️ go to Www.Rvbeypublications.com 🔥 #autochthonsstandup™ 👳🏾☕️ I'm not an adjective 🎯 #WhatsYourNationality 2017 is gonna be a Muur Year 👳🏾☕️ #KnowThySelf #KnowledgOfSelf #MuurGods #MuurGoddess #Melanin #Melekinesis #KnowThypower #PinealPower #DarkMatterOnes #SiriusGenetics #blacks ❌ #blackmen 🚫 #blackwomen 🚫 #panafrikan 🚫#africanAmerican ❌ #Aboriginal ✅ #Muurs ✅ #Moors ✅ #Morena #KemeticAmericans #Kemet #ChahtaMuurs #subconsciouscelebrity5 #eyespymoors2
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fongtai · 6 years
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弘前城➡️星巴克 🇯🇵 #japan_daytime_view #japan #青森 #AomoriKen #あおもりけん #手機拍攝 #華為 #HUAWEI_P20Pro (在 弘前市立観光館)
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ileftmyheartintokyo · 8 years
Sakura Mountain 2. © Glenn E Waters. Japan 2016. by Glenn Waters Via Flickr: Ishikawa Aomori Japan
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fongtai · 6 years
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#青森縣立美術館 🇯🇵 #japan_daytime_view #japan #青森 #AomoriKen #あおもりけん #奈良美智 #手機拍攝 #華為 #HUAWEI_P20Pro (在 青森縣立美術館)
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