#aos 1x11
avengerdaisy · 9 months
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Daisy Johnson in Agents Of Shield 1x11 The Magical Place
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encontreiaqui · 16 days
Vegetti: O Incansável Guerreiro do Clássico
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No turbilhão emocional que é um clássico de futebol, há sempre um jogador que se destaca não apenas pelos dribles ou gols, mas pela intensidade e paixão que traz para o campo. No recente embate entre equipes rivais, esse papel coube a um argentino incansável: Vegetti.
Com uma atuação que beirou o heroísmo, Vegetti emergiu como a centelha de esperança em meio a uma equipe que, por vezes, pareceu desorientada e desconectada. Sua postura no campo foi um testemunho do que significa verdadeiramente lutar pela vitória, mesmo quando as probabilidades estão contra você.
Desde o apito inicial, Vegetti era um furacão em campo. Seu comprometimento com cada lance, cada corrida, e cada disputa de bola era palpável. Ele não só demonstrava habilidade técnica, mas também um desejo ardente de ver sua equipe triunfar. Enquanto outros pareciam se esconder sob a pressão do momento, Vegetti abraçou-a de frente.
No entanto, mesmo com toda sua dedicação e esforço, o futebol é um jogo coletivo. E, infelizmente para Vegetti, ele estava cercado por companheiros que não estavam à altura de seu fervor. Apesar de suas incessantes tentativas de inspirar e motivar, o jogo parecia estar sempre um passo à frente de seus esforços solitários.
A frase "1x11 não dá" nunca foi tão evidente como neste confronto. Por mais brilhante que Vegetti fosse, ele precisava de apoio, de camaradas dispostos a igualar sua intensidade e compromisso. Infelizmente, isso não foi o caso, e o resultado final refletiu essa falta de coesão e colaboração.
No entanto, mesmo na derrota, Vegetti merece o mais alto respeito. Sua performance foi um lembrete vívido do que significa verdadeiramente jogar com paixão e determinação. Sua batalha solitária no campo ecoará na memória dos torcedores por muito tempo depois que o apito final soar.
Em um esporte onde os resultados muitas vezes eclipsam as performances individuais, Vegetti permanecerá como um exemplo de coragem e devoção ao jogo. Enquanto o mundo do futebol continua girando, é jogadores como ele que nos lembram da beleza e da intensidade deste esporte que tanto amamos.
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sunnydaleherald · 1 year
The Sunnydale Herald Newsletter, Sunday, May 14
Spike: Well, isn't this usually the part where you ... kick me in the head and run out, virtue fluttering? Buffy: That's the plan... soon as my legs start working.
~~Dead Things~~
The Sunnydale Herald is looking for at least one new editor. Contributing to the Herald is a great way to get your Buffy on! Find out more here.
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I’d like to formally apologize to Victoria Hand for calling her a bitch the first time I watched “The Magical Place”.
We are technically being told the story from an unreliable narrator; one that wants us to dislike Hand so that later on we believe that she is The Clairvoyant and Hydra. And of course it’s so easy to dislike a woman in charge, especially one who doesn’t take shit from Grant Ward (or anyone else really).
This rewatch made me appreciate her so much more. I also enjoyed the Hand-May dynamic. Seeing them in charge of the Bus, having Hand ask May’s opinion over Ward’s. What can I say? I’m a sucker for women in charge.
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ryder616 · 5 years
Rewatching The Magical Place
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If Jemma Simmons excells at preparation, Daisy Johnson is the queen of improvisation.
Completely on her own, still several months away from being able to call herself a field agent, her original superpower neutered, and working within a very tight time frame - Coulson’s been gone for 36 hours already and she has a tracking bracelet, at some point S.H.I.E.L.D. would have sent agents to retrieve her - she manages what a small battalion of agents can’t (and, partly, won’t, as Hand’s priority is taking down Centipede), planning and executing the crucial step to enable Coulson’s rescue in a matter of hours.
And in true Daisy’s fashion, she does it with complete disregard for her own well-being and, oh, legality😁 
Let’s review:
She ditches S.H.I.E.L.D.’s debriefing (which sounded a lot like low-key arrest), steals and crashes a car, trespasses on private property, impersonates a federal agent (or whatever kind S.H.I.E.L.D agents are), assaults two security guards, takes three people hostages and hacks a financial institution (via human proxy😎), stealing sensitive data.
Then she snatches another car, drives to Bad Guys Central where superpowered soldiers might be keeping watch (and they are) and starts snooping around without even waiting for the others to show up.
This glorious escapade, besides demonstrating her fierce attachment to Coulson and how insanely good she is at making it up as she goes, suggests that Skye may still be a ill fit for the current protocols-obsessed S.H.I.E.L.D., especially if Hand’s attitude is prevalent among the higher-up agents (I can’t imagine Fury not loving her, tbh).
But, as it happens, S.H.I.E.L.D. is about to go up in flames and its next iteration will be completely illegal and run by her adoring surrogate dad. So...thanks Hydra?
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Appropriately, considering Coulson has been going against S.H.I.E.L.D.’s grain for most of the season, while Skye is busy with her bad girl shenanigans the rest of the team displays similar roguish tendencies.
May plays Hand into unleashing Skye in the wild, clearly confident the hacker can replicate - and then some - the exploit of The Hub (and isn’t this just the greatest compliment, Melinda May trusting her, with Coulson’s life on the line?).
Ward eggs Skye on and employs very questionable and unauthorized interrogation tactics. Sure, it’s Ward, but he’s still pretending to be the good S.H.I.E.L.D. agent here, so that’s still significant (However since he actually works for Garrett, can his dedication to find Coulson really be as genuine as it seems? Did he actually believe in Skye or did he send her out thinking there was no chance she’d succeed?🤔).
And FitzSimmons have no qualms with any of it, to the point they cheerfully paper-scissor-rock for the privilege of opening the cage’s airlock to scare Vanchat into talking. However, while Jemma doesn’t want to risk killing the enslaved Centipede soldiers, Fitz is in a more “by all means necessary” frame of mind. Jemma’s outlook prevails - the dendrotoxin is refined to incapacitate the soldiers - but we should file their argument for future reference.
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No single agent is that important. -- Coulson is.
I think “Project” Coulson was a failsafe. Someone Fury trusted completely, placed in a position that is not directly involved with the agency’s politics and inner workings as Hill’s is, for instance. So he gave him his dream job, quite the substantial latitude to operate as he sees fit, and a team that can - and does - function as an independent unit. Just in case.
He is also a delicate, and potentially revolutionary, experiment and no one can learn the truth behind it, not just Coulson himself.
Stuff that crossed my mind:
Vanchat was namedropped in the Pilot and Eye Spy:  he was the owner of the Chitauri neural link Ward retrieved in Paris and Amadour had been captured during a raid against one of his gulags.
Speaking of raids, the elaborate setup of Vanchat’s capture seems...unneccessary? They have a full tac team on the roof, wouldn’t it have been easier to just storm the meeting room with them in tow?
Oh Joy. Agent Hand is giving another briefing. And thus it begins. Nobody ever likes the substitute teacher. Hand here, then it’ll be Gonzalez and his “Real” S.H.I.E.L.D. pals, Jeffrey Mace and, yup, even Daisy.
You’re the consultant, the one that shot Agent Sitwell. I’ve always wondered how May got them off the hook for the Sitwell Incident. Did they blame it all on Skye, who, as a non-agent, couldn’t be court-marshalled, and then people were too busy laughing at Sitwell to care about the already electronically-tagged consultant?
I know I’m not some badass field agent. Give it time, sweetie. For now, the right choice of wardrobe can do wonders!
All this protocol crap doesn’t matter to me. All it matters to me is Coulson. Diplomacy, thy name is not Skye.
Needless to say, if they had let Skye do her thing or if she hadn’t been wearing the damn bracelet, this episode would have ended in 10 minutes. Even back then Daisy was like the ultimate OP class: nerf her or she breaks the gameplay balance narrative. Here is well done.
I would never use force to bend a man to my will. Raina simultaneously shading Po’s crude methods and the gullibility of men everywhere.
You don’t have to assume the worst of me. Putting aside the irony of Ward assuming the worst of other people, he is not alone. Skye was assuming the worst of May for most of 1x09 and does so again here (though it’s hard to blame her this time. But I bet someone tried😁). And of course Coulson himself will assume the worst in the near future.
Kids need someone they can look up to. In the middle of everything, Skye gives parenting advice to Lloyd Doucheman. In season 5, she will tell Talbot: if I would've known that my dad cared growing up, it would've made a big difference😢
You Shield guys don’t mess around. That satisfied smirk and the raised eyebrow of boosted ego...somebody clearly enjoys this badass secret agent business.
The people you work for are just as capable of using cruel means to reach a justified end. She’s not wrong but there’s also some false equivalence BS here, because while S.H.I.E.L.D. is hardly a shining example of spotless morality, they don’t enslave people and  Centipede’s end is anything but justified. However, given that a good portion of S.H.I.E.L.D. is currently Hydra...yeah, she totally called it.
Go to your account history [...] Lloyd? What is happening here? -- Account history, where is that? Skye's frustration with Lloyd Rathman’s computer illiteracy should feel familiar to every computer nerd ever. One of the few times I completely identified with Daisy😁
Raina pushes all the right buttons with Coulson. We know she had access to his psych eval file thanks to Garrett but her manipulative brilliance is undeniable.
Manscaping? Oh, I shouldn’t have said that. Now, why would you two have a safeword, mhm? And more importantly, why has the show never called back to it? Imagine them in a middle of a super serious situation, some bad guy rambling, and Simmons signaling to Daisy “Manscaping” to everyone’s dumbfounded looks. And then asskicking ensues.
I’m taking my team. Uh? Your team? What? Ward is second in command? How? What? How?😲 
Did they learn anything -- No -- Did you? [...] It wasn’t real. They were just messing with my head. Skye obviously doesn’t believe him and to be honest Coulson isn’t very convincing. But she doesn’t press. S2 and onward Daisy probably would have.
Nice jacket. *heroically refrains from making mother/daughter jokes*
Evening doctor. I swear for half a second I thought he was going to kill him. The scene is so spy movie, waiting in the back of the car, eye-contact through the rear view mirror, and there’s a quiet fury radiating from Coulson that feels very menacing.
Good news! Mike is alive. Bad news! He’s been enslaved by an evil tech corporation affiliated to a neonazi organization. Hey, it’s Agents of S.H.I.E.L.D. There’s no happy outcome that won’t be successfully tainted by a bad one.
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agentofship · 5 years
My rewatch AoS 1x11 to 1X15
I am very late for the rewatch so I thought I’d keep doing my rewatch review in blocks of five episodes (or whatever seems relevant). So here we go. With TAHITI, we're starting to get a glimpse of what the rest show is going to be since from that moment on. Except for Yes Men (who still gives an important moment information about May at the end) who really should have been in the first part of the season, every episode will be connected in a more or less big way to the main plot of the season. Like Yes Men who's completely independent or Seeds whose main plot doesn't seem linked until the end when we learn that Iain Quinn was linked to it, this first part of 1B makes the transition between the happy Bus days and the darker tone of the last seven episodes that will continue on in season two. So here's a few thoughts about separate episode: The Magical Place I absolutely love that first scene with the team working together perfectly, each using their own talent, it was perfect. Still love it when people call Fitz "sir" in season one, it's just so funny since he's so tiny 😄 May is really smart in that episode. Everyone did exactly as she had planned without even having to tell them (because she knew FitzSimmons and Ward would help Skye escape) and thus also remaining in Hand's good graces. Agent Skye mini May is adorable! But she really is as smart and ressourceful as May, she just needs to be trained in combat and badassness now! I know it's a very unpopular opinion but Raina annoys the crap out of me with her too sweet smiles and exaggeratedly sexy voice. I mean she's obviously really at getting in men's heads, including Coulson but I just find her… annoying. She gets more interesting after she turns, too bad she didn't last longer after that. Love the Coulson rescue mission, again that was some very good team work. And love the reunion scene, although I know at least Skye wanted a group hug. Love May's side smile and "Nice Jacket". "Bet there's no flower dresses where she's going!" "Amen to that, sister." Love that :D "Disengage bracelet" Coulson's dorkiness really is one of his most endearing traits. Seeds First of all, a big thank you for giving us enough FitzSimmons content for hundreds of FitzSimmons Academy Era fics. Love that FitzSimmons scene where they present each other's work mirroring the scene in the Pilot when they introduce each other, it's adorable. Also love the way their speech is so well rehearsed, it's perfectly flawing between them and I bet even that joke Fitz does was written on paper. "Potential can sometimes be dangerous…" Oh Fitz, you're going to remember that one quite bitterly in a few years. FitzSimmons are so proud of their Academy and being such stars there. I love their competition with Ward and Simmons' "Did you have one of these in ops? Did not think so." Yep, cannot imagine Ops having something so fun! SciTech would have definitely been more my kind of place (except for the fact that I didn't study science at all :p) "My room was just like that." We know it's a lie but it's cute, it's Fitz's slightly awkward way of trying to connect. We know he has trouble making first contact and it looks like he's also kind of thrilled of being someone's hero or even a father figure of sorts. Coulson saying "You're talking, it's weird" is the best. That's some pretty dangerous info we're getting on Skye. They really took their time giving us bits of information all through the first season to focus on it in season two. Love the little robot on the bar at the boiler room, never noticed that before, need to include it in a future fic, it's adorable! Too bad Donnie ended up as he did, he really wasn't a bad person and deserved a redemption arc. Again, May is such a freaking badass. And all this without a single superpower! T.R.A.C.K.S Although there will be some criticizing, keep in mind that this episode still remains one of my favorite episodes of the season and the show as a whole. Love the plot, the humor, the action, the different POVs and that's also some top notch drama at the end. So, first of all, the accents. Even I, a person who only some distant italian relatives, can tell that Ward's one is awful. But at least, he's not supposed to be Italian so that's understandable. But that conductor sounds like a mix between Mario and Jen speaking pretend Italian in IT Crowd (hilarious episode by the way, you should look it up if you haven't :D) Then, that train. You should read @valentinaonthemoon‘s post here about it if you haven't because she points out all that is wrong with the train and its route. But seriously, it's so weird. It's all too big and pretty. I have never seen a restaurant carriage with actual cute little wooden tables and chairs and actual room to walk between the table. And what the hell about the actual bed? I've taken a night train to Venice once, even first class wasn't close to looking like that! Anyway, now moving on to all the good parts. May is the definition of badass in this episode. First casually walking on a moving train and then taking of all the bad guys with the knife they stabbed her in the shoulder with. And I also love the little Philinda moment where she lets him help her but didn't let Ward. Love Fitz summing up every cliche Europeans have about Americans "They have some good shows. Lots of nice teeth." and "Someplace affordable with big portions." His pretend relationship and real friendship with Skye is very very sweet in this. I love all the teasing but also the way he insists she takes the gun and tells her to be careful. Jemma is, once again, very heroic in this. Once more, she takes the conscious decision to sacrifice herself for his friends and Fitz in particular. Of course, that grenade wouldn't have killed them but she didn't know that. So really, during the pod scene, when Fitz is faced with the reality that only one can hope to make it to the surface, his decision is easy. And I think it's not only because he loves her and couldn't bear to live without her anyway, but also because she did twice already and he thinks that's it's his turn now. He's just less lucky about the consequences it has on him. (And ironically, Ward provoked it instead of being here to save the day… but I digress). I love Fitz's reaction after Jemma falls. He doesn't run to her because he's stunned and frozen at the idea that she might be dead. His sigh of relief when Skye tells him she's alive is everything. And also the line about her little face is adorable, especially since I only learned recently that it was ad libed by Iain! I didn't remember how heartbreaking Skye was when she tries to call for help and has no voice left at all. For a moment, she must have thought she was going to die all alone in that scary dark room. I mean, I never was really worried because they weren't going to kill her off but still, that's gut wrenching :s But Jemma for the win though! She's not even a medical doctor and so many people are alive thanks to her! And well, of course, THAT HUG! I mean all of FitzSimmons hugs are wonderful but this one is just… I love how it parallels the one from 4x21 where they don't talk and he just has to reach for her shoulder for her to finally let go and cry in his arms. At first, she doesn't fully hug him because she's afraid of putting blood on him (which is very Jemma-like of her) but then she lets go and he doesn't need to say a thing because it's his presence that comforts her the most. Also, FZZT was the moment he realized his feelings had changed for the first time but this feels important too. This is the first of many hugs and the moment their relationship becomes more physical (not in the sexual sense of the word, just physical). As much as I like to imagine they spent their Academy days falling asleep in the same bed every week, I feel like until now, their friendship was very intellectual with only quick very tame physical displays of affection like the touch of a hand or shoulder. Even that kiss on the cheek seemed something wild in the way he reacted and she hesitated before doing it. After that, we'll see more hugs and more daring touches, culminating into the pod scene. (and then regressing and slowly progressing again in season two B and and three) Because being on the field had taught them how hard things could be and they're like each other comfort blanket for a time, thus the need to be physically closer. T.A.H.I.T.I I love how FitzSimmons are sitting so close together on that couch. I think they both need the comfort of each other's presence because they are the only constant in their ever changing world. They really should have let Ward blame himself here. The way May beat the crap out of Iain Quinn was very satisfying. Love Coulson's progression about Tahiti. "Turned out not so magical" and in the next episode it'll be "It sucked". Well, at least he got to see the real, beautiful Tahiti 😞 Awww Trip. I didn't like him all that much the first time. I mean I found him okay and all but only on the second rewatch that I grew to like him. Other than the fact that he could actually get "Witches weekly's most charming award", he really is just a genuine nice, easy going, good guy. Too bad it made him the perfect candidate for shock value death 😞 Love, love, love that scene with FitzSimmons looking through the files. It's stunning and blue light definitely suits Fitz. I also love him during the mission. We know he's kind of scared and he still doesn't like being on the field but he's brave and funny and adorable. "Not afraid, not yet…" "To certain horrible death? Absolutely" Classical sassy Fitz! One thing that had always bothered me during this mission: Couldn't they use non lethal weaponry to "attack" the base. I mean they're protecting a shady secret but they're still (mostly) agents of SHIELD. And they'd been left to die and be buried under all that rock. I get that Coulson wanted the truth and to save Skye but still … I absolutely love the way they decided to handle the Kree reveal. Make Coulson look terrified and let us imagine all the most horrible things and then only in the end the horrible mutilated corpse. Feels a lot like what Hydra did to Skye's mother by the way and very, very evil :s Yes Men I enjoyed this one more than I thought I would despite it not being the strongest episode and it has a lot to do with Sif being a badass. So, first of all, with all the super advanced technology they have, would an Asgardian really be impressed by a bike?!! Skye saying: "I must look awful". Honestly, makeup department guys? They did a really good job when she was close to death but now she doesn't even look a little pale. She doesn't a little circle under eyes and doesn't even look tired at all. And look at her hair! That's not the hair of someone who had been forbidden to leave her bed for days! Fury is already missing, it's getting serious! Sif is so freaking badass and really aces the super hero landing! Also, she's so extra, like she casually throws a car to provide cover. I love her connection with May and I would totally watch a spin off of them kicking ass together. I like the phrase about people being dangerous when they are controlled and how it's another hint at May's backstory. Okay, so I love Sif throwing a car during the fight scene and I love Coulson calling Sif "your ladyship" but seriously, didn't SHIELD have enough women fighters? Honestly! Jemma is totally right about being mad at Coulson about wanting to know more about GH325. Coulson has a good reason for keeping it in house but he should just tell them for god's sake! At this point, we can see that he's still struggling between the whole following the rules and doing things his way because he no longer trusts SHIELD completely. "Ward is not the man you knew. He will not hesitate to kill you." "He might try but he wont." Yep, yep, yep, you don't know how right you were, May! "Because yes, I am that good!" Fitz was cocky and cute there but really not that wasn't a smart move telling Coulson about Lorelei without knowing if he'd been swayed as well. Libido does take a bit of his genius away :p "He's always getting knocked out, isn't he?" Mmmhhh … okay but how freakishly strong is Coulson if he can knock him out with only one punch? "You were saying?" Honestly, they should have copied that collar to use for all the villains and their long boring speeches. And finally dun, dun, dun! They really did a good job making us paranoid and making us think May could be the villain.
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aclashofcaps · 5 years
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anthonybrxdgerton · 6 years
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Phil Coulson in every episode: 1x11 “The Magical Place”
What did I become, Doctor? Tell me.
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marvelsaos · 3 years
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Philinda X Folklore Hoax
Stood on the cliffside Screaming "Give me a reason" Your faithless love's the only hoax I believe in Don't want no other shade of blue But you No other sadness in the world would do
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giorgiaink · 4 years
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Math queens being self confident. 🖤
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moonlayl · 4 years
Day 2: Top 3 Favorite Season 1 Episodes
1. Episode 17 “Turn Turn Turn”
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2. Episode 11 “A Magical Place”
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3. Episode 8 “The Well”
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avengerdaisy · 5 years
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sunnydaleherald · 1 year
The Sunnydale Herald Newsletter, Sunday, April 2
The Sunnydale Herald is looking for at least one new editor. Contributing to the Herald is a great way to get your Buffy on! Find out more here.
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“What had I become?”
We see two extremes of Coulson in this episode: the cut throat agent and the broken man. So far in the show we have seen a tame version of Coulson on the Bus. He is the leader, but he is also the father figure, guiding his Bus kids through their trial and errors.
For the first time we see Coulson take out an enemy with the intention to kill so that he can escape, he looks scary doing it. A few scenes later we see a weak man, one who is screaming to make it stop. But in the in-between we see the Agent who still wants to believe in his mission. Coulson is still holding on to the belief that Shield will save him and that all his sacrifices were not in vain.
It’s interesting to see the juxtaposition of Coulson having complete faith in his organization versus Hand’s confusion as to why everyone cares so much about Coulson. Apparently being Level 8 doesn’t make you any more important. Hand is depicted as the part of the organization which sees agents as expandable. And technically, it’s not big Shield that saves Coulson, it’s just his team.
I like the parallel between Skye’s scream in 1x10 and Coulson’s scream. I also find it meaningful that it’s Skye and May who are in that room with him. His family. We saw Coulson mourn the loss of his love as Raina manipulated him into going back in the machine but Coulson really didn’t lose everything. There stand two strong women who broke all the rules just to find him.
But by the end of the episode it looks like that doesn’t matter. Coulson looks broken, beaten not only physically but also mentally. He barely holds it together when he is talking to his team.
But worse is a Coulson sitting in the back seat of the doctor’s car, as both he and us listen to how he was actually saved. This is why I love Coulson as a character so much. He is openly freaked out by what he’s hearing and he shows it. He is on the verge of crying and he lets that show too. He doesn’t “man up”, doesn’t hide it. Coulson is terrorized because he is starting to realize he might not be the man he actually was before New York. And because his characterization in the movies is so sparse, we don’t know either.
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mspirations · 6 years
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Jemma Simmons  "The Magical Place" - 1x11
Marc Jacobs Contrasting Neck Sweater 
Marc Jacobs Loretta Jacquard Blazer 
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Worn On Tv
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ohh-bloodyhell · 7 years
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