fxoye · 1 day
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spirk tender moments
or jim insists on spock sitting on his lap and spock sometimes indulges him
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blanc-ci · 16 hours
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I watched the 2009 movie fight scene again and.. good heavens
Some screenshots I took of the scene- purely for reference you understand, yep, nothing else
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daisjohnsons · 3 days
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Her whole life, she thought she wasn't wanted, that she didn't belong. That every family that took her in didn't want her to stay. Didn't care. But all the time, it was S.H.I.E.L.D protecting her, looking after her. That's what she took away from the story. Not the family she'll never have, but the one she's always had.
@pscentral event 31: faceless @lgbtqcreators creator bingo: beginnings & endings
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the-coffee-fandom · 3 days
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Collage by me, all pictures from Pinterest
Pretty Boy
Fandom: Agents of SHIELD
Pairing: Daisy Johnson / Daniel Sousa
Rating: General
Gifted to: @reviiely
5 + 1 Where Daniel waits for Daisy and one time she waits for him
After all, Daniel’s sole purpose in life is to look pretty for Daisy
Daisy’s threats to sue Mack went completely ignored, much to her annoyance.
The claims that she couldn’t sue him for “cockblocking her” she was convinced to be utterly rubbish. She’d sue him for wherever she wanted until she was able to get back to her boyfriend.
She was exceedingly pleased to finally be back in her car driving to the apartment she shared with Daniel. The mission was far too long and she was thoroughly Daniel deficient; needing to fix that immediately. So she quickly opened the door, threw her keys down, and called out for her boyfriend.
“Daniel! I’m back!”
“In here!” She heard him return.
She trotted past the kitchen to the room they had turned into an office, sure his voice came from there, and was proven correct when she came to see him lounging on the sofa within the room, not donning his prosthetic leg, a book in hand, and a cute pair of reading glasses he peered through to see her. A wide smile broke out on his face that Daisy was sure reflected her own as she excitedly joined him in the dimly lit room (Daniel didn’t like using the overhead lights much, opting to use small lamps and lights around the room that suited their needs instead), coming to stand before him. He took her wrist and pulled her into his lap which she offered no complaints to, snuggling into his chest as she laid atop him, arms wrapped around his waist so she could hold to him tightly. He eagerly returned the hug, his nose nuzzled in her hair as he closed his eyes to enjoy her warmth finally returned to him.
“How’d the mission go,” Daniel asked softly after a while of just enjoying one another's presence.
“Too long,” Daisy mumbled bitterly as she snuggled into his shoulder.
Daniel chuckled, making Daisy’s grin grow as his chest vibrated against her, “I’m sorry about that, Sweetheart.”
Daisy sighed as she looked up at him through her lashes, the smile still tugging at her lips, “At least I have you to come back to.”
Daniel beamed at that and she could practically see his self confidence blooming like a rose. She brought her hand up and traced the stubble on his jaw; he must not have shaved since she’s been gone. She let her hand run up his cheek to his glasses which she plucked off his face before placing her lips on his. He hummed and deepened the kiss.
When they pulled away, Daisy put on his glasses, twisting in his lap so her back was pressed to his chest and Daniel easily brought his hands around her so the book was held for them both to see.
“Are you reading this time?” Daniel asked softly into her hair.
Daisy hummed in thought before she shook her head, removing the glasses and holding them out for him to take, “Nah, now that I’m here, I’ve just realized how tired I actually am.”
Daniel chuckled and took the glasses back, slipping them on and adjusting them both so Daisy could snuggle up half on top of him and half on the side of the couch, snug between the back of it and entwined with him. Once she was comfortable, she looked up at him with her big doe eyes that always made his heart melt and remind him how lucky he was that this woman had landed in his life miraculously. Someone he was never meant to meet in his time. And yet, here they were. Defying time and space.
He pressed a kiss to her forehead, the superhero’s eyes fluttering shut as she enjoyed his lingering warmth.
“You gonna read to me now, Pretty Boy? You do have on the sexy reading glasses,” Daisy smirked.
He rolled his eyes good naturedly and focused back on the book. He was ahead of Daisy but she usually slept through it anyhow, more focused on the vibrations that emanated in his chest and spread through her being than the words themselves. On top of the fact that it wasn’t a book she was particularly interested in. He was happy to provide that comfort for her if it meant she got to sleep. He knew she had trouble sleeping in the past and was so proud that she was doing so much better.
“Axions are also exciting because they behave differently from how we might intuitively expect the missing matter to behave and can display some interesting quantum properties. This is because axions are scalar bosons like the Higgs that I discussed in Chapter 1. Because bosons are willing to hang out together, they can display fantastical behaviors.” Daniel read as he felt the regular low buzz of his girlfriend diminish in a way it only does when she's asleep.
He continued reading, gently rubbing her back until his eyes began growing tired themselves. He yawned, removing the glasses and placing them and the book on the side table. He wiggled himself down on the couch and once he stilled his moving, Daisy moved, mumbling as she moved her head right over his heart with her hand clutching his shirt. Daniel smiled adoringly, running his hand through her hair. After a minute or two, he was very pleased when his girlfriend started vibrating, a noise rising in volume in the otherwise silent room.
One of his favorite things in this world was his girlfriend's purring.
It was endearing and it showed how relaxed and safe she felt with him and that meant more than any words could confess. Daisy struggled with words, so he learnt to read her actions and never asked for more than that.
He was in deep for this woman.
With that thought, the man out of time himself drifted off to sleep with a warm in his arms and the calming purring in the air.
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thali-lemmonpie · 7 months
"There is a whole galaxy out there. Full of people who will reach for you. You have to let them. Find that person who seems farthest from you, and reach for them. Reach for them. Let them guide you."
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daggerofthemind · 10 months
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what if i yaoified la belle dame sans merci. what then .
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strawberryreddy · 7 months
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Just a doodle of a peaceful time(have read many fics described spock and jim slept together and they found their legs crossed after woke up, and I was like, thats so sweet....😭)
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andromedaexile · 1 year
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fancysmudges · 8 months
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felt like drawing these idiots
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Overheard at the academy: “What was his name again? Zeffy Cockring?”
This cadet-hopeful is not passing his entrants exam.
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AOS Kirk, drunk: Hey Uhura... Spock takes good care of you, yeah? He treats you right?
Uhura, who isn't dating Spock anymore but does Not want to flirt with Jim Kirk: Yes. He does.
Kirk, wistfully: I'll bet he does. He seems like the type to really know how to treat a person. He's caring, y'know? You're lucky. Lucky. *he trails off into drunken mumbling*
Uhura, who is rapidly coming to a realization: ???
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okay, this is as plain and simple as I can make it for a wider view of which way tumblr sways. going off ANY criteria:
TOS = The Original Series
AOS = Alternate Original Series or The Kelvin Timeline
please reblog for a bigger audience :)
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uss-spirk · 2 months
I’m still freaking out about Spock Prime’s TOS crew photo from Beyond
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Yes, I know this is 8 years old at this point but my Autistic Brain decided to freak out about this again today for no reason at all so hear me out bc it drives me absolutely NUTS every time I think about it.
So basically, the circumstances required for Reboot Spock to find this photo in Spock Prime’s possessions after he died are absolutely wild. Let’s walk through it shall we:
First thing to remember is that this photo does not exist in the Kelvin timeline. At all. The characters all look different and even if they’re supposed to canonically grow up to look exactly the same as the TOS characters, Spock Prime went back in time from his own universe so the photo cannot exist in the Kelvin timeline, at least yet.
Second thing is that Spock Prime must have carried this photo on his person when he went back in time in the jellyfish ship.
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This is because Nero captured Spock (and his ship) and stranded him on Delta Vega, presumably with nothing but the clothes on his back and whatever else he might happen to have been carrying in his pockets.
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Also, he couldn’t have stored the photo on his ship to retrieve later because Reboot Spock blew it up to ignite the red matter and destroy Nero’s ship. So whatever Spock Prime brought with him from the Prime Universe must have been on his person when he was stranded on Delta Vega.
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Now, when Spock first sees Reboot Kirk in the cave, he says the classic “I have been and always shall be your friend” along with “It is remarkably pleasing to see you again, old friend.”
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If we take a peek at the timeline for a sec, Kirk Prime disappeared into the Nexus in Star Trek: Generations in the year 2293, when everyone presumably thought he died. Now, Kirk did reappear into ‘normal space/time’ in the year 2371 when the rest of Generations takes place, but only Picard really saw Kirk before he died for real—so basically, the last time Spock could have seen Kirk Prime was in 2293. In the Prime Universe, the Romulan star went supernova in 2387, which is when Spock Prime goes back and creates the Kelvin Timeline.
SO: all this means that it has been at least 94 years (2293-2387) since Spock Prime has seen a Kirk in any universe. THEREFORE: this means that Spock Prime was carrying THAT TOS CREW PHOTO on his person 94 years after the last time he had seen Kirk. Whether he had been carrying it on his person for the entirety of those 94 years, or just during his mission to try and save Romulus, or something in between is anyone’s guess. But basically, even almost a century later, Spock thought those people and that photo were important enough to take with him on his body when he was sent to save Romulus. (A mission that required extreme speed and efficiency, if I might add).
ANYWAY: the photo in Beyond is shown as a rather small, yet touching, moment of nostalgia for fans of the original Star Trek show, but when you really start to think about what was required for that photo to exist in Reboot Spock’s possession at that moment, it just starts to drive me a little bit absolutely bonkers.
Thank you for coming to my Ted Talk. Have a nice day.
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wwillywonka · 2 months
song: francesca - hozier
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ech-e-sketch · 3 months
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Chaos trio, they’re so ridiculous
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televisionenjoyer · 2 months
K/S × triple dog dare - lucy dacus
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