#apartments for rent near wake forest university
thehavenwake · 1 year
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Benefits Of Luxury Living
Explore the numerous advantages of luxury living in Winston-Salem NC apartments near Wake Forest University, where comfort and convenience seamlessly intertwine!
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sadaboutniall · 4 years
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Twenty Eight. January, 2018.
The second time Niall gets to stare at Isla from the altar at a wedding, it’s because their best friends are getting married. This time, they’re both up there—Niall’s the best man and Isla’s the maid of honor and this feels so right compared to last time, so much more complete. Just like last time, Niall knows he should be looking at the bride but it feels impossible to keep his eyes away from Isla for more than a few seconds at most, to do anything other than think about what it might feel like, one day, to watch her walk up the aisle toward him. 
They get to walk down it together, at least, arm in arm behind Mully and Emilia once they say their vows. Niall’s a little surprised to notice that he can hardly see through his tears, that every time he blinks the sight in front of him gets blurrier and blurrier, enough that he’s actively thankful to have Isla guiding him along. Over the music and the roar of Mully and Emilia’s guests in the pews, Niall can hear Isla sniffling too, and when he clears his vision enough to look at her she’s watery-eyed and emotional, clutching her bouquet to her chest desperately. 
Niall knows this moment isn’t about them, but he can’t help himself. They exit out onto the stone steps of the church, flower petals fluttering through the air, and this feels real, just for a second. Isla, her hair blown back with the Irish wind, tears in her eyes, a boundless smile on her face. If he squints just right, this moment could be theirs. 
He wants it to be. 
‘Finally, if there’s one thing Sean and Emilia taught me,’ says Isla, holding her champagne glass in the air. Every eye in the room is on her, and Niall feels like he’s bursting with it, a combination of pride and protectiveness. ‘It’s that love will always find you. I’ve had a complicated, twisted love story of my own, and all along the way I’ve looked up to Sean and Mia. There’ve been moments where I was jealous that things worked out so perfectly for them, and moments where I looked at them and felt an acute sadness, a longing, a twinge of third wheel.’
Laughter, from Isla, and the crowd. Emilia blushes scarlet, and Mully looks smug. ‘But, above all,’ Isla continues, ‘watching Sean and Mia’s love story has shown me over and over again that love has its own way. I’m a pretty logical person, most of the time. I’m a lawyer, I like facts, and I like reason—but I also like to believe that the Universe has a plan for us all. I think Sean and Mia are living proof of that. When two people are meant to love each other, to be together, the Universe will conspire to make it happen. Maybe the Universe will make one teenager move halfway across the world, to a whole new country, to meet the person they’re meant to be with. Or, maybe, the Universe will bring two people back together after half a decade apart, because they’re meant to be together. The Universe has a plan, Love has a plan, and I think Sean and Emilia are a perfect, beautiful, flawless result of that plan in action.’
‘Mia, Sean, my two best friends in the entire world: I love you. Thank you for showing me what love is, what love can do, what kind of love everyone on Earth deserves. I think I speak for everyone here when I say I’m absolutely, unbelievably delighted for you. Congratulations, and I’m so, so excited for whatever comes next.’ 
Smiling, Isla wipes at her eyes with her palm, champagne glass still raised. ‘To the Mulhollands,’ she says, holding the glass higher, tipping it back for a drink as the rest of the wedding repeats after her. Around them, the hall bursts into cheers, and Niall wills himself to stop crying. 
The night speeds by them, a blur of sweaty bodies on the dance floor, of roaring laughter and raised pints. Mostly, Niall remembers Isla: her cheeks flushed with alcohol, her hand brushing against his as she passed him her shoes to hold while Emilia pulled her away to dance, the wet brush of her lips against his cheek, the tendrils of brown hair curling around her ears. He remembers her delighted gasp when they cut the cake, her muffled sniffles during the first dance, her head resting on Niall’s shoulder as Emilia’s dad gave his speech. 
He remembers being surprised at how happy Isla’s parents are to see him: at how his dad shakes his hand, how her mom kisses him on the cheek. He watches them, seated at a table with his own parents, and imagines them as grandparents someday, a mini him, a mini Isla, seated on their laps. 
And he remembers this, too: slow dancing with Isla near the end of the night, guests slowly saying their goodbyes, the DJ gently bringing the party back down to Earth. They’re swaying in the middle of the room, Isla’s head on his chest, his arms around her waist, and it’s so peaceful, so right, that Niall doesn’t even want to go to bed, despite the late hour. He wants this, he’s sure. He wants it forever. 
‘Isla,’ he says, smoothing one of his hands down her back. ‘Can I ask you a question?’
She glances up at him, eyes soft, head tilted. He can tell she’s tired so he pulls her closer to him, lets her support even more of her weight against his body. ‘Everything okay?’ she asks, furrowing her brow.
‘Jesus, yeah,’ he brings his hand up, cups her cheek. ‘Everything’s amazing. I love you so much.’
‘I love you too,’ she smiles, pressing a soft kiss to the corner of Niall’s thumb. ‘You look so handsome in your tux.’
‘Yeah?’ He can’t help it, the heat rising in his belly. ‘You think so?’
‘I do,’ Isla fingers one of the undone buttons on his shirt, skin brushing his chest hair. ‘Glad Mully decided to go with the forest green. It’s good with your skintone.’
‘You’re sweet,’ Niall brushes his lips against Isla’s gently. ‘So I’ve been thinking?’
‘I know. But this is a good idea, I reckon.’
‘I’ll be the judge of that.’
‘Actually, you’ll be the barrister—’
Isla laughs, shaking her head gently. ‘What’s up, Niall?’
‘Well,’ Niall hadn’t expected to feel so nervous asking this. He swallows thick, ignores the hammer of his heart against his ribcage. ‘You know that talk we had the other night?’
Isla knows what he’s talking about right away, he can tell from the sad look that works its way across her face. It breaks his heart now the same way it broke his heart then, holding Isla in his arms as she cried at the news that Mully and Emilia will be moving to LA after their honeymoon, trying to comfort her when she said, over and over, that London would never be the same without them. 
‘It just… got me thinking,’ Niall smooths a hand over her hair, a little frizzy with sweat. ‘I know you’re really sad about them moving, and so am I but, like, maybe it’s time for you to move too?’
‘Huh? I can’t move to LA, Niall, I’d need to re-do law school and—’
‘No, no, petal,’ Niall laughs a little, biting back tears that are already working their way forward. ‘Move in with me?’
Isla exhales, mouth falling open gently. ‘Oh,’ she whispers. ‘Oh my God.’
‘If you don’t feel ready that’s okay,’ Niall rushes. ‘But, I mean, it’s way closer to your work and I already brought it up to Willie and he’d be only delighted to have you and I fucking love having you around all the time. And I thought maybe it would make you feel a little less lonely, too, on top of all that.’
‘Niall, I can’t afford—’
‘Honestly, petal, I don’t give a shit if you pay rent or not. I’m already paying for the place.’
‘But I want to contribute. I’m not just going to live off you for nothing, Niall.’
‘Yeah, I figured you’d say that,’ he laughs, heart fluttering as Isla blushes. ‘You can keep paying the rent you pay for your place right now, and I’ll use that money as part of the rent every month. Or you can pay for WiFi and electricity yourself, or pay for the groceries, or the heat and hot water. There are a million ways we can make it work, Isla. If you want to draw up one of your fancy contracts—’
‘I do,’ she says, softly. ‘It would make me feel a lot better.’
‘That’s okay with me,’ he brushes his thumb along Isla’s cheekbone. ‘I just want to wake up with you every morning. It’s bullshit, living across the river from each other. There’s no point.’
‘Yeah,’ Isla nods gently. ‘I want that, too. I love waking up with you.’
‘S’my favorite thing in the world,’ he tells her honestly. ‘I’d be the happiest guy in all of London.’
Isla laughs, eyes glinting with the golden fairy lights in the hall, with fresh tears. ‘Monday morning,’ she tells him. ‘I’ll take a stab at that contract.’
In his chest, Niall’s heart does a somersault. He feels a warm tear make its way down his cheek, his stomach turning to mush. ‘I’ll tell my lawyer to expect it,’ he laughs, leaning in for a long, gentle kiss. 
taglist: @stylishmuser @thicksniall @stayclose-holdsteady @niallhoranruinsme @ajayque @flickerswinehouse @1dfangirls35 @crocodileniall @halfpinthoran @awomanindeniall @booksncoffee @edgeofmyniall @kare38 @emmathefantomes @coconutdawn @irish-nlessing @niallspeachybum @perksmikey 
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thanidiel · 5 years
Prompt Thirty: “Darkness”
CW: Themes of prostitution, nightmares, post-trauma, blood/gore, minor sexual content
Ichiro broke apart some sort of dam.
She didn’t– she did know of its presence.
She just ignored it like the way one is implicitly aware of the sun and its radiating effects, but feels no need to look up into the sky or deliberately note of the source of things. So what if the day waxes on and off? It did no harm, it was routine, there was no change that disturbed the seemingly unending, what was that stupid Ishgardian term she saw in Prisa’s papers sometimes? status quo, of the universe.
And then that fucking blood-embroidered eclipse engulfed the light.
She doesn’t remember when she and Oosra left the lounge.
She doesn’t remember walking through the hallways of the Runner.
She doesn’t remember pushing aside the curtains to her ‘room.’
She doesn’t remember the, almost calming, noise of Shale’to clinking around his bottles.
She doesn’t remember falling asleep.
What she remembers is a chaos, the flashing dichotomy of the bright-darkness. To push on as normal was impossible as the shadows ate the land. To look up was to sear away her vision. Her mind pulsed, swung wildly, frantic, unsure of where to go in the aftermath of a threat annihilating in its weight.
If the forest is on fucking fire, what can the tiger do than dash about to every dead-end? Wait for the smoke and the flaming branches crashing unto its back to take it down into the next life?
Waking, and sleeping, and night terror, all melded into an incomprehensible anachronology; in which there was no order nor orientation, just a cloud of events that both simultaneously filled every confused moment yet could not possibly be. 
She remembers her eyes flashing awake, taking in the sprawling clutter of her room in the cold darkness. The orange warmth of the lights outside didn’t reach. How long did she manage to be awake? Seconds? Minutes? It all disappeared and she didn’t know where it did.
She remembers the blinding white-and-black of that room. Her blood was so overwhelmingly delineated onto everything. It ate the white. It crawled through the black. It smeared all over her skin; sticky like how everything of her being felt in this disreality.
She remembers the vague, dark, shape of her picked-apart makeup kit on the rug, the incomprehensible sound of voices outside her room, down the hall - fuzzy, distant, like after multiple gunshots have gone off.
She remembers straddling a leaning-back Okimoto. Waves pulsing underneath her apex; water rising; the choke of wet drowning still sitting, rotting, in her lungs. The mineral-solution seeped of her burned her blurring eyes.
She remembers the heavy, rust-red, curtains of the doorway. The way the bare, dead, light remaining in the closed ‘room’ just managed to highlight the wide weave of the material and flowed in a confused snapshot.
She remembers the squirming body impaled on that stubby table-leg; the drunken, erratic, way he moved like a creature too primordial to understand its dying. The way he peeled off of the impalement like lamb on a skewer. The way all details fled her but that wet rip-away.
She remembers the swaying nausea rolling through her neck and skull, sinking into her belly. Alcohol catching up to her heels. The act of breathing was enough to course waves of it through her. The space around her narrowed into an irrelevant keyhole. 
She remembers being so small at the feet of Chinatsu, then later Tsukumogami; a cub lost in the wolves’ Gods’ den. The way nails scored through her hair and down her cheek felt like putting her head between rows of hungry, Celestial, teeth. The world-beyond-this-world echoed so far away within that cave.
She remembers the pulsation of fear going through her blood even as the rest of her lay deadened and near-paralysed. A flush of nervous, wrong, vitality, on and off, on and off, in the center of her chest. The primitive response of the body to draw back everything into its essential core for survival; a beacon of its last resort as everything unnecessary goes black.
She remembers Ichiro’s curling horns at that bar, the way they twisted through his white hair like a great, billowing, smoke; so tall to her it looked like it would scrape the Kingdom above. She thought of the way she’s seen both in the same surreal presentation as that room. Sweeping her gaze down the whole of him earlier that night screened out everything that wasn’t a young girl in a wrong place in her mindvision.
She remembers Ichiro in his prime, and thinking, never forgetting, that he encompassed everything of the Kuroiri-Kai. The arrogance, the cruelty, the doggedness, that searing coldness, hatred, that permeated everything. The smugness in glistening fangs and lashing tongue before and after a kill. He encompassed everything; and the Kuroiri encompassed her like the shared, swirling, ink rent into their bodies.
In the late morning, the day etches through more insistently, more furiously, through the curtains; bracketing where the material does not consume those rays. Squeezing futilely through the bottom gaps to try to reach her - still trying to rescue her from the muddled blackness.
She does not rise, not for some time, and, instead, fixes fully onto that barrier. Attempts to put together a puzzleboard in which every piece is wrong, alien, and asynchronous with one another, but, yet, defying the fabrical laws of the universe, they assemble into a message of “GET OUT.” 
The eclipse is here.
The world is no longer at its usual assumed homeostasis. The eternal chase of the Moon and the Sun has carried to a climactic rise as the hunter has surged from the darkness to eat the light, his weight smothering and the confused fray obscuring whether the tiger will leap away or die.
Xiaohu forgot what was waiting for her; tracking her where she tread in the world-beyond-that-world. Cracking through the damwork minute ilm by ilm.
Its shadow lurches like the sky.
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kristallioness · 7 years
A few days late, but as promised, I'm finally answering this. Thanks goes to @hailkuvira and @mindatworkk for tagging me! ^_^
Rules: Answer these 92 statements and tag 20 people
THE LAST: 1. Drink: Forest berry (including strawberry, raspberry and blueberry) flavoured Nestea, yum! A new brand of Nestea that I bought for the first time this weekend. Reminds me of regular berry juice. 2. Phone call: My mother. 3. Text message: Does the messenger on Facebook count? Cause then it'd be a chat about how we're doing with my former classmate, K.H. 4. Song you listened to: "Stay" by Hurts, their last song during the concert at Õllesummer. 5. Time you cried: Last week during a senseless row, after which everybody made up.
HAVE YOU: 6. Dated someone twice: Not yet. 7. Kissed someone and regretted it: No. 8. Been cheated on: No. 9. Lost someone special: Yes, of course - a close family member, a schoolmate from our parallel class, famous Estonians who were and continue to be close to our hearts. 10. Been depressed: I haven't had depression (as in the mental illness that needs medical attention), but I've been through some hard times, sure. 11. Gotten drunk and thrown up: No, and this is something I'm proud of. I've never been drunk and intend to keep it that way because I simply don't like alcohol.
LIST 3 FAVORITE COLORS: 12-14: Red, blue, black (black especially when it concerns clothing because it makes me look thinner).
IN THE LAST YEAR HAVE YOU: 15. Made new friends: Yes. 16. Fallen out of love: No. 17. Laughed until you cried: Definitely, many times! Most likely while watching/reading something funny. 18. Found out someone was talking about you: I don't think so. 19. Met someone who changed you: Again, I don't think I've changed. 20. Found out who your friends are: I've always known who they are. 21. Kissed someone on your Facebook list: No.
GENERAL: 22. How many of your Facebook friends do you know in real life: All of them I believe, since I don't have many friends and I don't add random strangers who I know nothing about. 23. Do you have any pets: No. I wanted to get a dog or a parrot when I was a little girl though, so whenever we passed our local pet store, my mom and I would go inside to look at those pretty colourful birds in the cages on sale.
24. Do you want to change your name: Definitely not, because it's really beautiful (for a reason)! I'm worried that my future husband and I would have a serious talk about which surname would stay, ha-ha! (Nah, I'm always ready to discuss our options.) 25. What did you do for your last birthday: Just stayed home with my parents, ate some special cake and enjoyed my day.. Wait, WHAT AM I EVEN SAYING!? It was another Kataang Week, for goodness' sake! I was busy participating and browsing through the quality content! 26. What time did you wake up: Today, around 2:45 pm. Just in time to see the start of the Formula 1 Austrian GP. 27. What were you doing at midnight last night: Putting away most of the stuff I brought home from my rented apartment/bought yesterday. 28. Name something you can't wait for: Umm.. Kataang Week (+ my birthday) in two weeks? Also, the first part of "Turf Wars" coming out soon. 29. When was the last time you saw your mom: She's sleeping in the bedroom, so an hour ago. 30. What is one thing you wish you could change in your life: If I were younger, I would've answered by listing a dozen things. But honestly, nothing, because then it wouldn't be my life. I've learned to accept things as they are and that I can only change them when I do something about it. 31. What are you listening right now: Nothing. 32. Have you ever talked to a person named Tom: I.. think.. not. 33. Something that is getting on your nerves: The state of the world, the current American President, minorities not being taken seriously (such as the LGBTQ+ community and their human rights; smaller countries and their people not being respected like the bigger ones - what Jean-Claude Juncker said when Malta was handing over the presidency to Estonia in the European Union last week), politicians provoking unnecessary xenophobia or hate towards refugees (the EKRE party in Estonia - gosh, I HATE THESE MORONS!), the political situations in many countries, how our certain neighbour is trying to restore its former glory by occupying small parts of its neighbouring countries (one by one) and we're all LETTING IT HAPPEN IN THE FRICKING 21ST CENTURY!.. Politics in general. 34. Most visited website: Ooh! I have so many: Gmail, Facebook, Neopets, YouTube, Tumblr...
LOST QUESTIONS. I JUST PUT IN RANDOM INFO ABOUT ME 35. Mole/s: I have quite many all over my skin. 36. Mark/s: I have my dad's birthmark on the inside of my right thigh. 37. Childhood dream: To become a doctor. 38. Haircolor: Blonde. 39. Long or short hair: Long, very long. 40. Do you have a crush on someone: No. 41. What do you like about yourself: That I'm well-educated and intelligent, I worked really hard to get a gold medal and graduate with straight A's during secondary school. 42. Piercings: None, and I have no intention of letting any be done. 43. Bloodtype: A+, I think? Definitely A. 44. Nickname: Don't have any. 45. Relationship status: Single. 46. Zodiac: Leo. 47. Pronouns: She/her. 48. Favorite TV show: "Avatar: The Last Airbender". 49. Tattoos: None (yet). 50. Right or left hand: Right. 51. Surgery: Twice - to have my adenoids and tonsils removed. 52. Hair dyed in different color: No. 53. Sport: Chess (I've won a trophy, 5 gold, 3 silver and 1 bronze medal from tournaments). 54. (question wasn't here) 55. Vacation: I always looked forward to my summer vacations during school/university. 56. Pair of trainers: Black and white Nike ones, though I have a few more in the cupboards.
MORE GENERAL: 57. Eating: I try to vary my menu, but recently it goes like: main dish, fruit and dessert along with milk, juice and tea. 58. Drinking: Anything non-alcoholic. 59. I'm about to: Finish answering these questions. 62. Want: To find a job, finish my WIPs. 63. Get married: I hope I will in the future. 64. Career: An IT-specialist, my second choice will always be a doctor.
WHICH IS BETTER 65. Hugs or kisses: Hugs. 66. Lips or eyes: Eyes. 67. Shorter or taller: Any height is okay. Though when it concerns me, then I've always liked that I'm much taller than most of my friends. Also, it gives me the advantage to seem more threatening. 68. Older or younger: Umm, both are okay? 70. Nice arms or nice stomach: Probably arms. 71. Sensitive or loud: Sensitive. 72. Hook up or relationship: Relationship. 73. Troublemaker or hesitant: Hesitant.
HAVE YOU EVER: 74. Kissed a stranger: No. 75. Drank hard liquor: Nope, already covered that earlier.. 76. Lost glasses/contact lenses: It's not even possible because I don't wear any. 77. Turned someone down: Yes. 78. Sex on the first date: No. 79. Broken someone's heart: I'm not sure.. Maybe unintentionally? 80. Had your heart broken: Yes. 81. Been arrested: No. 82. Cried when someone died: Yes. 83. Fallen for a friend: Without him knowing and me getting over those mixed feelings - once.
DO YOU BELIEVE IN: 84. Yourself: Yes. 85. Miracles: I suppose in a way, yes. 86. Love at first sight: Yes. 87. Santa Claus: Yes, because I know there is a person like that who lives very near - in Lapland, Finland! 88. Kiss on the first date: Is this really something to believe in? If two people really match so well or have known each other for a long time before even going out on a date, then yes, it could happen.
OTHER: 90. Current best friend name: I don't think I have a best friend (just a lot of close friends), but the girl I met during 1st grade and who was my main deskmate during school throughout the years - J.K. 91. Eyecolor: Light greyish blue. 92. Favorite movie: There are so many! Mostly I like cheesy romantic comedies, plain comedies, good dramas or cartoons. How about "Cars" since its 3rd part is coming out in Estonian movie theatres on my birthday this July? (And yes, I'm thinking of going to see it as a birthday present.)
Tagging: @aconfusionoffandoms @cassidy-alice @chel-burr @cutiecount3 @erinchaaaa @eskalations @feelz-this-moment @interessantisanders @iroh-is-god @jinoras-light @jooliescorner @kataracy @kyeshirosaki @letthepickaxedothetalking @nautiscarader @obbsessedturtle @reducetoabsurdness @satanonatoilet @snotpup @teammeganftw
(Btw, questions 54, 60, 61, 69 and 89 are missing!)
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thehavenwake · 1 year
Apartments In Winston-Salem NC
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Benefits Of Luxurious Comfort: Discover Upscale Winston-Salem, NC Townhomes At The Haven Wake
Nestled in the heart of Winston-Salem, North Carolina, The Haven Wake presents a collection of upscale townhomes that redefine the essence of luxurious living. Offering a seamless blend of opulence and comfort, these townhomes present a haven that elevates the standard of living to new heights. Experience the charm of living in Apartments In Winston-Salem NC, situated near Wake Forest University for easy access to education and amenities.
Aesthetic Elegance and Architectural Excellence:
The townhomes epitomize architectural finesse, showcasing modern designs and upscale aesthetics.
Premium finishes, attention to detail, and stylish elements contribute to an ambiance of refined elegance.
Spacious Sanctuaries for Modern Living:
Experience a world of spaciousness within the townhomes' interiors, offering ample room for your lifestyle needs.
The layout and design prioritize comfort, ensuring that each room is optimized for functionality and beauty.
High-End Features and Finishes:
Revel in the luxury of high-end features, from top-of-the-line appliances to elegant fixtures.
Immerse yourself in a world of sophistication, where even the smallest details reflect the pursuit of excellence.
Well-Appointed Amenities for Elevated Living:
The upscale townhomes offer a spectrum of amenities that cater to your well-being, from fitness centers to communal lounges.
Indulge in luxurious amenities that transform your daily routine into a remarkable experience.
Prime Location, Unmatched Convenience:
The townhomes are strategically situated in Winston-Salem, providing convenient access to urban conveniences and cultural attractions.
Enjoy the best of both worlds: the tranquility of a sophisticated enclave and the vibrancy of a thriving city.
Connected Community and Sense of Belonging:
Foster a sense of community through shared spaces and planned events.
Experience the joy of building connections with like-minded neighbors, creating lasting memories.
Smart Home Innovations:
Experience the future of living with smart home innovations that offer convenience and efficiency.
From smart thermostats to integrated security systems, modern technology enhances your lifestyle.
Proximity to Winston-Salem's Charm:
Revel in the cultural richness and artistic heritage of Winston-Salem, with theaters, museums, and galleries just moments away.
Embrace the city's culinary scene, shopping destinations, and outdoor activities at your doorstep.
Professional Management and Peace of Mind:
The professional management team ensures that your living experience is seamless and stress-free.
Enjoy the peace of mind that comes with responsive service and a commitment to resident satisfaction.
Your Invitation to Upscale Living:
The townhomes present an invitation to indulge in upscale living, where comfort, sophistication, and convenience intertwine. Explore the floor plans to delve deeper into the exquisite offerings that await you.
Conclusion: Elevate Your Lifestyle:
In conclusion, upscale townhomes at The Haven Wake redefine luxurious living in Winston-Salem, NC. With a combination of elegant design, upscale amenities, and a prime location, these townhomes offer an unparalleled living experience. Visit the floor plans page to embark on a journey of discovering the benefits of luxurious comfort in the heart of Winston-Salem. Elevate your lifestyle with the epitome of upscale living. Your haven of comfort and luxury awaits!
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thehavenwake · 1 year
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Luxury Living Near Wake Forest
Indulge in luxury living near Wake Forest University at The Haven. With upscale amenities, stylish interiors, and a prime location, our apartments redefine the concept of comfortable and luxurious living!
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thehavenwake · 1 year
Wake Forest University Housing
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How To Secure Your Ideal Home: Leasing Strategies For Townhomes Near Wake Forest University
When it comes to finding the perfect home near Wake Forest University, achieving a luxurious and convenient living experience is paramount. Whether you're a student or a professional, these leasing strategies will help you secure your ideal townhome. Find your ideal home away from home with Wake Forest University housing options at The Haven. Our apartments offer a harmonious blend of academic focus and comfortable living for students seeking a supportive environment.
Visualize Your Dream Home:
Determine the number of bedrooms and layout that suits your lifestyle.
Visualize the amenities you desire, from fitness centers to communal spaces.
Define your ideal living space to narrow down your search.
Explore Layout Diversity:
Explore a range of apartment layouts, from cozy 2-bedroom to expansive 4-bedroom options.
Consider your living needs and preferences when selecting a layout.
Choose a layout that aligns with your style and complements your daily routine.
Craft a Comprehensive Budget:
Factor in rent, utilities, and potential additional expenses.
Establish a budget that ensures comfortable living without financial strain.
Set a realistic budget to guide your search and decision-making process.
Take Virtual Tours:
Utilize virtual tours offered to explore apartments remotely.
Immerse yourself in the visual experience to better understand each space.
Narrow down your options based on virtual tours before visiting in person.
Experience the Atmosphere:
Schedule a physical visit to experience the community firsthand.
Immerse yourself in the ambiance of the surroundings.
Envision your daily life within the community and its proximity to Wake Forest University.
Embrace Amenities:
Explore the wide range of amenities offered, such as fitness centers and shared spaces.
Consider amenities that align with your lifestyle and preferences.
Evaluate how amenities enhance your living experience and contribute to your well-being.
Understand Lease Terms:
Thoroughly review lease terms, including duration, renewal options, and policies.
Seek clarification on any terms or conditions you're uncertain about.
Ensure a clear understanding of the lease agreement before making a commitment.
Seek Resident Insights:
Connect with current residents to gain valuable insights.
Ask about their experiences, impressions of the community, and daily life.
Incorporate their perspectives into your decision-making process.
Consider Proximity to Wake Forest University:
Factor in the convenience of living near the university.
Evaluate how proximity simplifies your daily routine and access to campus resources.
Consider the benefits of being part of a vibrant university community.
Leverage Leasing Team Expertise:
Reach out to the leasing team for guidance and assistance.
Ask questions, clarify doubts, and seek personalized advice.
Tap into the expertise of professionals who can help you make an informed decision.
In Conclusion: Your Ideal Home Awaits:
In conclusion, securing your ideal home involves a blend of strategic planning, exploration, and expert guidance. With diverse apartment options, convenient amenities, and proximity to Wake Forest University, you'll discover a distinctive living experience tailored to your needs. For a deeper look into the offerings, visit the official website. Begin your leasing journey and unlock the doors to elegant living and convenience. Discover your personal haven near Wake Forest University at The Haven at Wake!
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thehavenwake · 1 year
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University Housing Amenities In Winston-Salem, NC
Enhance your university experience with University Housing Amenities In Winston-Salem, NC that create a supportive and dynamic environment, fostering growth and learning at The Haven!
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thehavenwake · 1 year
Best Amenities For Renters
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Elevate Your College Journey: The Unrivaled Experience Of Living At The Haven Near Wake Forest University
Imagine a student living experience that combines the convenience of a location near campus, the comfort of modern amenities, the focus on wellness, the vibrant social connections, and an environment designed for learning and growth. Welcome to The Haven, a student housing community near Wake Forest University that goes beyond the basics to provide a truly exceptional living experience. Experience the best amenities for renters tailored to your needs and preferences, making your stay at The Haven enjoyable and fulfilling.
1. Convenience Beyond Compare:
Your Commute, Simplified: With a prime location near Wake Forest University, The Haven reduces the hassle of commuting, giving you more time to focus on what matters most – your education.
Shuttle Service: The complimentary shuttle service to and from campus ensures you're always well-connected, allowing you to seamlessly navigate your daily schedule.
Expert Management: A professional on-site management team takes care of your needs, providing peace of mind and making your living experience as smooth as possible.
2. Comfortable Living Spaces:
Tailored for You: The Haven offers a range of floor plans, each thoughtfully designed to provide a cozy and stylish space where you can thrive.
Modern Features: From contemporary furnishings to essential appliances, everything is in place for your comfort and convenience.
Home Sweet Haven: Your apartment at The Haven is more than just a place to stay; it's your sanctuary, where you can recharge and prepare for each new day.
3. Wellness as a Priority:
Healthy Living: The resort-style pool, the 24-hour fitness center, and the pet-friendly environment all contribute to your well-being, allowing you to stay active and enjoy a balanced lifestyle.
A Place for Pets: The dog park and pet spa ensure that even your furry friends can live the good life at The Haven.
4. Unleashing Fun and Social Connections:
Community Hub: The Haven's clubhouse is more than just a building; it's a social center where you can bond with fellow residents, whether it's through games, a shared cup of coffee, or collaborative study sessions.
Events and Memories: From themed parties to group study sessions, The Haven offers a wealth of opportunities to connect with a diverse community of students, creating friendships that will last well beyond your college years.
5. An Environment for Learning and Growth:
Quiet Spaces: The study lounge, complete with Wi-Fi, provides a focused environment for your academic endeavors, ensuring you have the resources you need to excel in your studies.
A Community of Learners: Living at The Haven means being part of a community where learning and growth are celebrated, and support is readily available.
Living at The Haven near Wake Forest University isn't just about finding a place to stay; it's about discovering a holistic student experience that enhances your academic journey while fostering lifelong connections. As you embark on this exciting chapter of your life, consider the unparalleled advantages that await you at The Haven. Visit The Haven Perks to explore the full range of benefits and take the first step toward a college experience that truly stands out. Elevate your academic and social life by becoming a part of The Haven community!
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thehavenwake · 1 year
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Wake Forest NC New Construction
Immerse yourself in the charm of Wake Forest NC through the remarkable new construction homes at The Haven Wake, redefining modern living!
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thehavenwake · 1 year
Custom Home Floor Plans
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How To Choose The Best Floor Plan For Your Lifestyle And Budget At The Haven
Selecting the right floor plan is a pivotal decision when considering student housing near Wake Forest University. At The Haven, we understand that each student's lifestyle and budget are unique, which is why we offer a variety of floor plans to suit your needs. In this guide, we'll walk you through the essential factors to consider while choosing the perfect floor plan that aligns with your lifestyle and budget requirements. Craft your ideal living space with the flexibility of custom home floor plans.
1. Assess Your Space Needs:
Discuss the importance of evaluating your space requirements.
Describe the different types of floor plans available at The Haven, from cozy studios to spacious multi-bedroom apartments.
Offer suggestions for students who prefer privacy or roommates seeking shared living spaces.
2. Budget Wisely:
Explain the importance of setting a budget for housing expenses.
Compare the pricing of various floor plans at The Haven, highlighting the cost-effective options without compromising on quality.
Mention any special leasing offers or incentives that can help students save money.
3. Consider Amenities and Features:
Emphasize the amenities and features unique to each floor plan.
Highlight the convenience of included utilities, internet, and cable TV.
Discuss the significance of well-designed common areas and study spaces.
4. Lifestyle Preferences:
Address different student lifestyles, such as those who prioritize tranquility, those who enjoy socializing, or those with specific needs.
Explore how each floor plan at The Haven caters to various preferences.
Share testimonials from residents who have found their ideal floor plan.
5. Plan for the Future:
Suggest thinking ahead about the duration of your stay at The Haven.
Discuss the flexibility of floor plans in accommodating changing needs.
Offer guidance for students planning to move from one-floor plan to another as their academic journey progresses.
Choosing the right floor plan is a crucial step in creating a comfortable and enjoyable living experience during your time at Wake Forest University. We encourage you to explore the floor plans available at The Haven, taking into consideration your space requirements, budget, and lifestyle preferences. Contact our team to learn more, schedule a tour, and secure your spot at The Haven, where you'll find the perfect floor plan tailored just for you!
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thehavenwake · 1 year
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Townhome Rental
Experience the convenience and comfort of Townhome Rental at The Haven Wake, where our spacious and modern townhomes are ready to welcome you!
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thehavenwake · 1 year
Luxury Townhouse
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Discover Your Dream Home: The Haven At Wake's Exquisite Floor Plans
Nestled near Wake Forest University, The Haven at Wake redefines modern living through its exceptional offerings. From captivating floor plans to unparalleled amenities, this haven promises a lifestyle of comfort, luxury, and refined living. Experience the epitome of elegance and comfort with our luxurious rental townhouses in Winston-Salem, NC.
Meticulously Crafted Floor Plans
Choose from a wide variety of floor plans, including 2, 3, and 4-bedroom options.
Each layout is meticulously designed to cater to individual preferences and needs.
Experience a perfect blend of sophistication, practicality, and elegance in every detail.
Vibrant Amenities for Every Lifestyle
Embrace ample greenspace, offering serene environments for relaxation, picnics, and leisurely strolls.
Bask in the sun-soaked open sun deck, ideal for sunbathing, reading, or tranquil moments outdoors.
Enhance your academic journey at the quiet study lounge, where focus and intellectual conversations thrive.
Dive into the refreshing allure of the sparkling pool, inviting you for a dip or poolside relaxation.
Pamper your furry friends at the secure dog park, fostering an inclusive and pet-friendly community.
Explore the convenience of ample parking facilities, ensuring easy vehicle accommodation for all residents.
Enjoy the presence of an on-site management team, dedicated to ensuring a smooth and convenient living experience.
Elegance and Functionality Redefined
Elevate your culinary experience with stainless steel appliances that offer modern functionality and aesthetic appeal.
Walk on durable hardwood plank flooring that adds warmth and charm while ensuring easy maintenance.
Experience the elegance of sleek granite countertops, bringing longevity and sophistication to your kitchen.
As you explore The Haven at Wake's floor plans and amenities, it's clear that every aspect is meticulously designed to create a haven of comfort, luxury, and functionality. The thoughtful balance between aesthetics and practicality ensures an exceptional living experience that caters to various lifestyles.
In every corner of The Haven at Wake, luxury intertwines with convenience, and sophistication meets functionality. Whether you're seeking a cozy retreat, a spacious abode, or a vibrant community, this haven offers a diverse range of floor plans and amenities that cater to your unique needs. The Haven at Wake invites you to embrace refined living, setting the stage for a lifestyle that seamlessly combines comfort, style, and convenience. Ready to embark on this journey? Discover your dream home at The Haven at Wake today. Explore The Haven at Wake's floor plans and amenities today. Contact us to schedule a tour and take the first step toward your exquisite living experience. Your dream home awaits!
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thehavenwake · 1 year
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Student Housing For Rent In Winston-Salem NC
Find student housing for rent in Winston-Salem, NC, offering a supportive and comfortable environment for your academic journey!
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thehavenwake · 1 year
Apartments For Rent In Wake Forest NC
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Elevate Your Lifestyle: Unveiling The Haven's Exceptional Perks
At The Haven, we've curated a collection of exceptional amenities to elevate your everyday experience, seamlessly blending comfort, style, and convenience. Nestled near Wake Forest University, our residents enjoy an extraordinary lifestyle enriched by unique features that set us apart. Find your ideal apartments for rent in Wake Forest, NC, featuring a range of floor plans to suit your lifestyle.
Walkable & Bikeable to Wake Forest
Enjoy the convenience of being within a walkable or bikeable distance from Wake Forest, granting easy access to both education and recreation.
Ample Greenspace
Discover expansive outdoor areas adorned with lush landscaping, creating a serene environment perfect for leisurely walks, picnics, and moments of relaxation.
Open Sun Deck
Bask in the spacious, sun-soaked area tailor-made for sunbathing, reading, or simply soaking in the outdoor tranquility.
Study Lounge
Find solace in a quiet, well-equipped area, perfect for focused studying, reading, or engaging in thoughtful intellectual conversations.
Sparkling Pool
Dive into our immaculate, crystal-clear swimming area, offering a refreshing escape or leisurely poolside moments.
Dog Park
Give your furry friends the freedom to play and interact in a secure, pet-friendly space designed with their joy in mind.
Wide Variety of Floor Plans to Choose From
Explore an array of diverse floor plans meticulously designed to cater to individual preferences, ensuring each resident finds their perfect home layout.
Plenty of Parking
Enjoy the convenience of spacious parking facilities tailored to all residents, ensuring hassle-free vehicle accommodation.
On-Site Management
Experience the ease of a dedicated, professional team available on-site to ensure a seamless and convenient living experience.
Stainless Steel Appliances
Indulge in high-quality, durable appliances that offer modern functionality while enhancing the aesthetic of your living space.
Hardwood Plank Flooring
Feel the warmth and charm of durable, stylish hardwood plank flooring that adds character to your home and ensures easy maintenance.
Granite Countertops
Experience the touch of elegance and longevity with sleek, durable granite countertops that elevate the aesthetics of your kitchen.
Incorporating these outstanding perks, The Haven creates a truly exceptional living environment, enhancing your everyday moments with a touch of luxury and convenience. Elevate your lifestyle and explore the unique features that make The Haven a remarkable place to call home. Embrace a lifestyle of elevated comfort, style, and convenience. With an array of meticulously designed amenities, The Haven at Wake transforms daily living into extraordinary experiences. From the lush green spaces and sun-soaked decks to the serene study lounges and sparkling pool, every detail has been thoughtfully crafted to enhance your well-being. Choose The Haven, and embark on a journey of refined living near Wake Forest University!
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thehavenwake · 1 year
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Dog Park Near Me
Discover the convenience of having a dog park near you at The Haven Wake. Our community boasts a dedicated space where your furry friends can play, socialize, and have a great time outdoors. Enjoy the ease of providing your pets with a joyful environment right within your living community!
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