#wake forest university apartments
thehavenwake · 1 year
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Benefits Of Luxury Living
Explore the numerous advantages of luxury living in Winston-Salem NC apartments near Wake Forest University, where comfort and convenience seamlessly intertwine!
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synopsis// both of you stuck in a time loop until you can accept each other. you can not make it out alone no matter how hard you try.
pairing// katsuki bakugo x gn!reader
word count// 9.6k
contents// no quirks, angst, fluff ?, they r idiots, slow burn-ish? at least at first, profanity. like a lot. i stg they cuss every other sentence, it’s like i was a middle school boy who just discovered cuss words writing this, ooc bakugo probably, ages aren’t specified but they r adults, pure cringe but its mha and coming from me so did u expect anything different..?
notes// my last mha draft... im finally free.... anyway i wrote this ages ago but i rlly love this and it may or may not have been inspired by a fnaf song..... (it totally was)
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You wake up with a gasp, sitting up quickly to find everything in the room in the same place it was the last hundred times you woke up.
You throw your legs over the side of your bed and reach for your phone, hoping for something different but getting nothing. There are no notifications, no services, and no matter how long you stare at the time, it never changes. You would know considering you’ve done this routine a hundred times. You throw your phone back onto the nightstand and slip your shoes on, the repetitiveness of it all making your head spin. You’ve got to be going insane; what other logical explanation could there be for reliving the same day over and over again?
"I don't know what I did to piss the universe off, but now it's pissing me off," you mumble as you walk out of your empty house—you'd know because you've checked every nook and cranny for the past hundred times. The minute you step outside, you shout at the air, the sky, the universe, the gods, whatever put you here, “Is this what you wanted? pay back? You fucking got it!” 
You stand there half hoping that something would happen, whether someone appeared or a voice would say something to you, but nothing; it’s just complete silence apart from the wind whooshing by. though that’s not to say people weren’t here. If you went far enough into the city, there were crowds of people walking around with no destinations; they seemed like NPCs. The only difference is that you can interact with NPCs, whereas the shells of humans you see in town don't talk, at least not to you. They don't even acknowledge you. It’s almost as if you’re a ghost, which is ironic considering how, when you were alive—no, that's not the right word, sentient maybe? Whatever the point is, when you were a productive member of society, you longed for something exactly like this. To slip by people like the wind, like a ghost, yet now that you have it, you wish for anything but this.
"God, if this is what the afterlife is like, I don't plan on dying anytime soon,” you mutter to yourself as you walk deeper into the city. “Maybe this is the afterlife? or maybe this is hell.”
You stare at your feet as you walk until you hit the point where there are empty husks of humans walking past, and at this point you lift your head, starting to wave at them and standing directly in front of them in a futile attempt to get their attention. Of course it serves to be useless when they walk right past you... just like they have the last hundred times you’ve tried. After a few more futile attempts, you begin walking past them toward a forest. This has been your routine for the entire time you've been trapped here, wherever here may be.
You check your home, walk outside, curse a higher being and ask what you've done to deserve this, contemplate life—or lack thereof?, walk into the city, try to catch someone's attention, and when that doesn't work, you walk off into the forest, spending the whole day there— or you would if time worked properly here—and eventually finding yourself at some random, poorly placed door deep into the forest. You stand right in front of the door; it mocks you, and you imagine yourself tearing it to shreds if it weren't for the fact that the minute you touch it, you're back at square one. You opt to sit in front of the door, just merely studying it; it’s not like there's really much else for you to do.
You don’t know how long you just sit there going back and forth between staring at the door and tearing out the grass from under your hands; had time worked properly here, you’re sure that the moon would have been out by now. You finally admit defeat—for the hundredth time. You stand up and wipe your hands clean of the dirt now laid upon them before you look around the door once more, hoping for something new to appear behind it or beside it, but nothing—the only thing behind the door is more empty forest. So with a sigh, you begrudgingly touch the door handle, and you immediately find yourself waking up with a gasp, sitting up quickly, with everything in the room in the same place it was the last hundred times you woke up again.
This time, though, you don't get up immediately; you lay back down in your bed with a sigh, pulling your blanket up to your chin. You’ve always been alone. This wasn't new to you, but at least before it was your choice. It wasn’t like people didn’t want to be your friend; you just didn’t want to be theirs. In some fucked-up way, you saw your hyper-independence as superior to how other people seemed to need and want friends. but now? Now you want nothing more than to be annoyed by your coworker; you want nothing more than to walk outside and run into someone who will acknowledge you; even if it isn't a positive interaction, it's still an interaction. and after being stuck here for ages, you would kill for an interaction. You throw your blanket off of you as you begin your routine, finally having enough of your pity party.
Check phone? Check.
Put your shoes on? Check.
Search every inch of your house? Check. 
Step outside and curse the universe? Check. 
Find yourself surronded by people where you cant tell if you’re the ghost here or if they are? Check! Wait—Is that a new person?
You've been here long enough to have memorized or at least vaguely remembered every single person in the crowd, but this new face in the distance isn't one you've seen before; it's unique, you'd remember it, so who is this? Is this a sign your time here is coming to an end? In a frenzy, you push your way through the crowd, ignoring all your thoughts. You stop a few feet in front of him; he’s still a bit away as you study him. His brow furrowed in a scowl, and he's muttering something under his breath that you can't quite make out, but you can tell he's frustrated by his facial expression and the way his hands are curled into tight fists at his side, knuckles paper white at this point.
He finally reaches you but ignores you as he walks past you, and you sigh, wondering why you thought he'd be the one to acknowledge you.
you frown, mumbling aloud to yourself in disappointment, “Do I really need any more NPCs here?”
suddenly though, he stops dead in his tracks like he heard you and he turns around to face you. Holy shit, he heard you?
“What the fuck did you say to me?”
You stare at him blankly before looking to the sides of you and even behind you. “Uh, are you talking to me?”
He looks at you like you’re stupid as he takes a few steps toward you, and subconsciously, you take a few back. “Of course I'm talking to you; who the fuck else would I be talking to?”
You put your hands out in front of you in a stop motion briefly, your face scrunching up in disdain. "Chill the fuck out, asshole, it was just a question."
“Chill the fuck out?” He repeats in disbelief and takes another step forward, while you stand still, tensing up to appear tougher. “I'm stuck in some weird ass place where, up to this point, no one except for your dumbass has even acknowledged me and you’re telling me to chill the fuck out?”
You roll your eyes at his outburst and ask curiously, “You just got here, didn’t you?”
“What the hell do you think? Where even are we?”
"A time loop of some sort,” you say nonchalantly as you shrug, though everything you’re feeling right now is anything but nonchalance.
He scoffs. “Time loop? You expect me to believe that stupid shit?”
You narrow your eyes at him. “Believe what you want, either way, you’re still stuck here, idiot.”
“Oh, Im the idiot for getting stuck here? What about you?”
“Me?” you scoff.
“You seem like you’ve been here longer than I have, and you’re still not out. So who’s the real idiot?”
You cross your arms and look away, grumbling, “Maybe I like it here.”
He looks you up and down before rolling his eyes and shoving his hands in his pockets. “Yeah, I doubt that.”
Your gaze returns to him with a glare. “Fuck you, I was going to help you.”
“I don't need your fucking help,” he sneers. "You obviously have no idea what the fuck you're doing in the first place."
You walk away, flipping him off, and he does the same, both of you going your separate ways. Though once you hit the edge of the forest, you turn to look back and see if he’s anywhere near, but it’s like he never existed at all. back to the routine.
Enter the forest and walk for an unreasonable amount of time? Check. 
Reach the out of place, uncanny door deep in the forest? Check. 
Stare at it and imagine ripping it to shreds until it's nothing but dust? Check.
Finally sit down and accept your fate for a bit? Check. 
You sigh as you poke at the dirt, the patches of grass you pulled out last time returning to normal as if you had never ripped them out in the first place. Remember what you said earlier about wishing for human interaction? You changed your mind after meeting that random guy, who quickly reminded you why you disliked it in the first place. Although you’ve made up your mind about hating him, you can't help but wonder what he’s doing here in the first place. Obviously, you have no idea why you’re here either, but why did he just pop up after doing this a hundred times or more already? Why is he the only one who can suddenly acknowledge your existence? Maybe there was a glitch in your eternal hell; maybe this was an accident, and he’d be gone by the time you did this all over again. Back to the routine.
Stand up and clean your hands of dirt? Check. 
Touch the door handle and wake back up in your bed with a gasp? Check!
You groan and grip your head slightly; the action of being in one place only to suddenly be in another never fails to give you a slight headache. Today, you go through your routine quickly in order to get into the city faster. You want to know if he's still here so badly that you almost seem desperate. much to your dismay, and his—he’s still here and groans at the sight of you.
"What the fuck did you do?" he demands angrily.
You narrow your eyes at him. You regret coming here. “excuse me?”
“One minute I'm walking, and the next I'm back here."
“It’s called a time loop for a reason, idiot.”
“I don't fucking care what it’s called, just stop doing it," he snaps.
“Oh yeah, like I fucking control that! Let me just stop this whole time loop while we’re at it, huh?”
He says nothing; he merely flips you off and walks away, and you do the same.
Just like every other time you find yourself back at the door in the forest, this time you don’t wait to touch it; you immediately go for the handle and restart the time loop in spite of him snapping at you. He comes into your time loop and has the audacity to complain? No one told him to invade your eternal hell. The first handful of days (if you could even call them that) go the exact same way. Wake up, check phone, slip on shoes, check house, curse the universe some more, go into the crowd, argue with the blond-haired boy who seemed to piss you off beyond words, go your separate ways, go into the forest, find the door, think about tearing down said door, sit on the floor for a bit, and then finally go to touch the door only to do it all over again.
The next handful of days were similar, except you and the invader of your eternal hell eventually stopped arguing; you two still acknowledged each other, but only with a scowl and a flip of your middle fingers, walking straight past each other to do your own thing. You can't say you were upset with the arrangement because at least you didn't have to listen to his whining any longer. You just hated how something was added to the time loop yet it seems like nothing has changed at all. you're still stuck, and the door still won't budge. What exactly are you even supposed to be doing? How do you escape? Can you even escape?
You wake up with a gasp for what now seems like the thousandth time, and you're starting to feel the effects of being here for so damn long. You’re exhausted, your bones ache, and you feel like you could drop dead at any moment. Then again, who’s to say you aren’t already dead? You lazily go through your routine; everything is as it should be until you get into the city. The crowds are still there, but someone is missing. The only person who has acknowledged you is missing. Part of you is happy that he’s gone; it’s not like you two have had a productive conversation in the time he's been there; if anything, he was hindering your escape. but the other part?
The other part is a tad bit disappointed, for two reasons. that one, he managed to get out before you, and two, you’re all alone again. As you begin walking toward the forest, you groan. Who cares? It’s not like you needed him or wanted him here anyway; you could get out on your own. Sometime lost in thought, you finally made it to the entrance of the forest, stopping and resting against a tree. You wonder if the longer you stay, the worse you start to deteriorate, like whatever this place is doesn’t want you here in the first place. You frown, it’s not like you want to be here anymore than this place wants you here; you didn’t ask to get stuck in some stupid ass time loop.
“I’ve had enough of your games! let me out!” You scream into the woods, half expecting someone to respond, and someone does.
“Do you have to be so loud?” A deep voice comes from beside you, tone full of annoyance.
You jump slightly as you turn your head to the side to see the owner of the voice, and you’re almost disappointed to see it’s the blond boy with a permanent scowl and jaw clenched tight.
“What the fuck, you’re still here?” You ask breathlessly, still trying to calm your racing heart from his slight jumpscare.
He rolls his eyes and leans against a nearby tree to mimic you. “Where the fuck else would I have gone?”
"I thought you got out or something..."
"Clearly not," he says, tsking. “What is this?”
“A forest. What does it look like, idiot?”
“No shit, I mean, why are we here?”
You stare at him as blankly as your voice comes out, "We? How the hell did you even get here?”
“Followed you,” he says as he crosses his arms. 
“You... followed me?” you repeat curiously.
“That’s what I said, isn’t it?”
"Why?" you ask softly, catching him off guard. You almost miss how his eyes widen at the sudden shift toward him.
He sighs and looks away, preferring to take in his surroundings, which mainly consist of the seemingly endless forest. "I've looked everywhere else and there's nothing, so I'm assuming you've found something if you keep coming here."
You hum, so he’s not just an angry idiot after all; he’s an observant idiot too.
“So?” he asks with a small bob of his head. 
"So what?"
He scowls, which takes you by surprise because you thought he was already scowling... must just be his face then. “So, did you find something?”
“Oh,” you say. "Yeah, I did, kinda.”
He seems to perk up, impatiently asking, “What is it?”
You go silent briefly, unsure of how to explain a random, uncanny door deep into the forest. "uh- it's difficult to explain," you admit sheepishly.
“Just spit it out already, idiot.”
“No, because you probably won’t even believe me!” you snap in frustration.
He rolls his eyes and pushes himself off the tree. “Then show me.”
You stare at him with wide eyes as he walks into the forest. “What?” 
“Show me dumbass!” He barks back at you, not pausing to slow down.
You push yourself off the tree in a hurry, yelling as you run after him, “Can you fucking wait! You don’t even know where you’re going!”
He stops, but not without groaning dramatically, which makes you roll your eyes. You caught up to him quickly because he wasn't far away, but that didn't stop you from bending over and placing your hands on your knees as you breathed heavily in and out.
He looks down at you in slight disgust. “You didn’t even run that far, why are you acting like you're dying?”
“Because,” you breathe out heavily. "It takes a toll on you when you've been stuck here as long as I have!"
“Whatever, just hurry up.”
After a moment, you stand back up fully and jerk your head toward the forest, silently telling the boy, “Let's go.”
The walk is quiet; awkwardness hangs heavy in the air as you sluggishly lead the way. It makes you wish he had escaped, because then you wouldn’t have to be dealing with this.
“How long have you been here?” He asks, breaking the silence, which takes you by surprise, but you’re sure anything he does that isn’t just him scowling or yelling could take you by surprise at this point.
You clear your throat. “I dunno…. long.” 
“You don’t know?”
"I stopped counting after the hundredth time the loop reset," you shrug.
“Jesus christ, you’ve been here that long?”
“Unfortunately,” you sigh. 
Another moment of silence lingers between the two of you as you walk through the forest, but at least the awkwardness has subsided. Though how slowly you're walking is starting to irritate him. 
“Can you walk any faster?” he asks harshly. 
“I’m tired.” 
“Not my problem.”
“You know what?” you say, stopping dead in your tracks. “I think I’m actually gonna take a break.”
“What?” he asks as he watches you sit down on the floor, leaning back against a tree.
you smile up at him mockingly. “Yep! I’m super tired; I need a break.”
He scoffs. “Fuck you, get up.”
You shake your head. “Nah, I don’t think I will. If you wanna get there so bad, find it yourself.”
He glares at you, his lip twitching with the threat of turning into a sneer. “Fine, I will,” he says through clenched teeth.
You’re still smiling at him as you wave goodbye and watch him walk deeper into the forest. He won’t find it. You know that because the door is still a ways away—you've done this walk over a hundred times—he has no chance of finding it without you, so you'll just sit here and relax until he comes running back to you. Lord knows you need it.
Sometime during your relaxing, you ended up falling asleep. Which you didn’t even know was possible here, but nonetheless, it was well appreciated. You would have continued sleeping if it hadn't been for something softly kicking your legs. You frown and try to swat whatever is kicking you away without opening your eyes, wanting to sleep more, but the kicking doesn't stop. You finally, and begrudgingly, open your eyes to find the boy (who you knew would come back) is the one kicking you.
"Oh, you're back already," you yawn, rubbing your eyes.
He stared at you curiously. “Already?” 
You nod as you stand up. “I knew you’d come back.”
“Fuck you, you don’t know shit.” 
"Then why are you back?"
He tsks and looks away. “Whatever.” 
“That’s what I thought,” you say triumphantly. 
He says nothing; instead, he waits for you to start walking ahead so he can follow you. Your walking is much faster now, and although you're still exhausted, it’s much more tolerable now. It's as if the fog around your head has lifted, and you can function normally now. If time worked properly here, it would have been about an hour or two after you guys resumed walking when he finally decided to break the long silence.
“Jesus christ, do you even know where you’re going?” he asks in frustration.
You roll your eyes. “Of course I do. I'm not an idiot.”
“Debatable,” he mumbles under his breath.
You decide to ignore that and sigh. “We’re almost there chill out.” There's another lull of silence before you ask, "What's your name?"
He turns to look at you briefly with narrowed eyes before settling his gaze back in front of him. “What? Why the fuck would I tell you that?"
"We're stuck in a time loop together, so I thought it would be nice to know your name, but if you just want me to keep referring to you as an idiot, I'd be more than happy-"
"It's Bakugo," he cuts you off, clearly annoyed.
“I'm y/n,” you say with a grin—wait, you’re actually smiling at getting to know someone? That's odd; you would never... But you guess you could allow it just this once, considering the circumstances.
“Didn’t ask.”
You ignore him. “We’re almost there, by the way.”
“Fucking finally, what even is it?”
You’re close enough that you can see it in the distance. you point at it as you speak, “a-“
“A door?” he erupts, cutting you off and beginning to run off toward it.
You quickly run after him. “Bakugo wait, don't t-“
You suddenly awake with a gasp.
“Don't touch it,” you say to yourself with a groan. "Fucking idiot," you mutter as you roll out of bed, ignoring your routine and simply slipping on your shoes and running off into the city to find him again.
Once you arrive, like yesterday, you can’t find him, and you frown as you start walking toward the forest, because if it’s anything like yesterday, he’d end up there. At least you're hoping he’s there, because if he actually managed to get out before you by doing the same thing you’ve done for a hundred plus times, you would be furious. You arrive at the forest to find him already there, leaning against a tree, and you sigh out in relief as he stands up straight once he sees you.
"What the fuck happened?" he asks when you reach him.
You exhale heavily, slightly frustrated, a dull pain in your head adding to your frustration. "Well, if you had let me explain, I would have told you that touching the door resets the time loop."
"Oh,” he says blankly. “Sorry.” 
“You’re apologizing?..” You ask in slight disbelief, he doesn’t seem like the kind of person who would, but then again, you don’t even know him. Who are you to judge him? Wow, you’ve been here so long that you’ve actually gotten to the point of not judging people; maybe you are going insane.
“You don’t seem like someone who would.” 
He shrugs. “I wasn't, but, uh, I’ve been trying to work on it or something.”
“I’m not either,” you confess. “But, uh, for the record, I guess i’m sorry too… for you know, yelling at you?” 
A range of emotions seem to slather themselves onto Bakugo’s face. first anger, then confusion, and then disgust before his usual scowl returns. “Whatever. What now?” 
“Now we go back to the door.”
“And do what?”
“Stare at it? I don't know,” you sigh. 
“I’m sorry?” he says in confusion as his eyes immediately narrow in on you. “Is that all you’ve been doing? Staring at the fucking door?”
You throw your arms up in the air dramatically as you defend yourself, asking, “What the fuck else am I supposed to do? If I touch it, the time loop restarts!”
His eye twitches. “So we’re just gonna stare at it. Until what? We fucking die here?”
“Who’s to say we aren’t even already dead?” you mumble under your breath in annoyance. “Besides, do you have any better ideas?”
Bakugo stays silent. 
“Right, that’s what I thought.”
He tsks and starts walking into the forest. “Whatever, let's just go.”
You find yourself biting back a smile at what you consider a win, even if this wasn’t a challenge; you just have a terrible habit of seeing everything as a challenge... but nonetheless you find yourself walking with him side by side quietly. The walk was, of course, long, but not as long as last time considering you didn’t stop to sleep this time, so the two of you quickly found yourselves at the door. Both of you just stand there staring at it.
“Maybe it’ll actually do something this time,” Bakugo says, tilting his head at the door as if trying to look at it from a different angle.
You drop yourself to the ground, sitting down with a soft groan. “Try whatever you want in a little bit; doesn’t the time loop being reset hurt your head?”
Bakugo looks down at you and shrugs. “Haven’t noticed.” 
You laugh, though it comes out more like a huff of air. “You will eventually.”
Bakugo stares at you curiously, what you said having piqued his interest, as he plops himself down on the ground next to you. “How long have you been here?” 
You raise an eyebrow at him. “You’ve already asked me that.”
He rolls his eyes. “I’m asking again.” 
“I don’t know. My answer's still the same.” 
He nods slowly. “What was it like?” he asks. "You know, in the beginning, all alone?"
“You actually care?” you ask, wide-eyed and in slight disbelief.
He tsks and returns his attention to the door in front of him. “I don't,” he says harshly. “I’m just trying to make conversation; what the fuck else are we supposed to do?”
"Fair enough," you say, nodding slightly. "At first, I kinda liked it here."
“I liked being alone.”
“That’s fucking stupid,” he spits out. 
You frown. “You don’t look like the type to enjoy other people’s company either.”
“I don’t.” 
“Then what the fuck?”
"I don't like people, but I also don't like being alone," he says softly.
“You’re an idiot.” 
“Whatever,” he says. “So what? Do you not like being alone anymore?”
you shrug. “If being alone meant I didn’t have to deal with your dumbass anymore, then yes, I still like being alone.”
“Fuck you; you just complained about being alone,” he grumbled.
“I did not complain,” you explain. “I’m just saying I like being alone when it’s on my own terms.”
He hums. 
“And you?” you ask. 
"And me what?" he asks, his eyes narrowing at the door.
"What was it like when you first got here?"
“Oh,” he says before he thinks for a moment. “I don’t know; annoying more than anything. I have shit to do in the real world; this doesn’t help.”
You pull your knees in toward your chest. “Where do you even think we are?”
"Fuck if I know," he says, shrugging. "I just want to get the fuck out; if I was stuck here as long as you, I'd probably go insane."
You stare at him blankly. “You’re already insane, and I'm already insane.”
Bakugo side eyes you. 
“What other logical explanation is there for us being here? We’re obviously crazy.”
He huffs and you almost find yourself mistaking it for a laugh. "Yeah, I guess so.”
You feel your heart race a little, and although you two still bicker a bit, you can’t deny how much you're starting to appreciate his company. It's an odd feeling, really, appreciating company for a change instead of immediately trying to get rid of it. As you push yourself up onto your feet, you sigh. “Round two?” 
He nods as he copies your actions by standing up. “Guess so.” 
You take a deep breath before touching the door, only to gasp as you awaken, but this time there's another gasp. You look beside you and discover Bakugo in your bed, which causes you to fall out of it from shock.
"Jesus, why are you in my bed?!"
“Why are you asking like I fucking know?!”
You immediately rose to your feet, rubbing your head because, if the headache from the reset wasn’t enough, you also hit it when you fell out of bed. “What the fuck is going on…”
Bakugo quickly gets out of your bed and tsks. “Why’d it change?”
“Maybe the time loop likes us working together?” You ask rhetorically because it's not like Bakugo has an answer either.
“Yeah, or it hates us working together.”
“Whatever it is, at least something changed finally. Maybe other things changed too?” you wonder as you go to slip on your shoes.
“Do we plan on just going back to the stupid ass door every time?”
"It's not like we have any other options, Bakugo. Are you ready?”
“I fucking guess.”
The two of you venture off into the city, with nothing seeming out of place or changed, and it becomes obvious that the only thing that changed was Bakugo being in your bed when you end up reaching the door.
"So much for something changing," mutters Bakugo, frustrated.
You drop yourself to the ground again. “This is annoying.”
He mimics your actions. “No shit.”
A moment of silence falls between you two before you speak up. “Are you even real?”
Bakugo’s face scrunches up in annoyance and confusion. “What the fuck do you mean am i real?”
“I don't know! Maybe I have gone insane and just made you up!”
He rolls his eyes. “Yes, I'm real. I have a whole fucking life outside of this place,” he turns his attention to you, “Are you real?”
“Yes, I also have a whole fucking life outside of this place,” you snap back.
He hums, almost like he doesn't believe you, but he doesn't outright say it, and you quickly respond with a hum of your own before laying yourself down on the grass, looking up toward the never-changing sky. It's so blue and there are so many clouds that it almost looks fake, which makes sense given that this entire place appears to be fake, an empty husk of the real place that exists somewhere else outside of here.
"How was your life?" you inquire, seemingly out of nowhere.
Bakugo looks down at you. “Boring,” he says with a sigh. "It wasn't as boring as this place, but it was still fucking boring; at least I had friends and could do shit there."
You can't help but giggle. “You had friends?”
He scowls at you and flips you off before turning away and nodding. “Unlike you, I'm sure.”
You shrug, though it looks more like a jolt. “I prefer being alone.”
“You say that, but you’re not all that convincing.”
“Oh, fuck off and tell me about your imaginary friends,” you snicker and ignore his very wrong—very right— comment.
He bit back a smirk in response to your jab at him. Normally, Bakugo would despise anyone who dared to fight back, but right now? It was actually nice? which, the feeling within itself, made Bakugo want to hate you even more.
“Bakugo?” you ask after a few moments of silence. 
“Shut up, I'm thinking,” he snaps. "There are only three people I consider to be my friends."
You laugh. “What?”
“The rest are just.. acquaintances.”
You hum in content, your hands behind your head. “Tell me bout em.”
“There's this nerd; I've known him since we were kids,” he begins to explain. “I was a douche to him.”
"I can believe that."
Bakugo gives you a look that either says he wants to murder you or for you to shut up, and you merely grin up at him.
"He somehow forgave me, and yeah, we've been friends since."
“And the other two?”
“Some dumbass with shitty hair and another dumbass with pink cheeks,” he explains vaguely.
"Wow, I'm sure they really enjoy being called a dumbass," you state flatly.
He shrugs. "They should if they want to be my friend."
“Those are your only requirements? Tolerate being called a dumbass and anyone can be your friend?” you tease. 
“Shut up, at least I have friends.”
“I already told you, I like being alone!” you defend with a pout.
He hums as he lays himself down. “And I already told you I don't believe you.”
"Believe what you want," you say as you turn to face him, only to find him already looking at you. “Besides, what do you care?”
He shifts his gaze to the sky. “I don’t.”
You follow along with him, looking back up at the sky, mumbling, "Sure you don't."
Bakugo doesn't bother replying, and you don't bother trying to keep the conversation going. The two of you just lay there, staring up at the sky and listening to the trees sway in the wind.
You suddenly find yourself being woken up with small kicks to your legs, and you groan. You try to open your eyes only to be blinded by the sun.
“Jesus Christ!” you wince.
Bakugo groans as he places his hand over your face to shield your eyes from the sun. You finally get them to open, and you mutter a small thanks to him.
“Did I fall asleep?” you ask as you stand up. 
Bakugo shoves his hands into his pockets with a nod. “Yeah.”
"It's fine," he says, shrugging. “Round three?”
You nod as you stretch, which is a pointless action when you're about to be thrown into your bed, but you do it anyway. Bakugo touches the door, and you find yourselves immediately waking up with a gasp in your bed.
You jump straight up and rub your temples. “God, I will never get used to that.”
"Yeah, because the day you get used to that is the day you lose your mind."
You slip your shoes on and roll your eyes. “Ready?”
He stares at you blankly.
"Stupid question, my bad, damn," you quickly add, realizing he's not going to say anything.
When the two of you walk out of your house, Bakugo's steps are loud, and you can tell he's annoyed just by them. Bakugo tries to walk into the city only to be stopped by something.
"What are you doing?" you ask, watching him stagger backwards.
"It's not me," he snaps as he extends his hand in front of him, only to be stopped by something that isn't there, he kind of looks like a mime.
You hold back a laugh as you join him by his side, reaching out only to be stopped by an invisible wall of some sort; this makes your face drop. “What the fuck?”
“So what? We aren't allowed in the city anymore?”
"I guess not." Bakugo groans, annoyed. “Is there another way to the forest?”
You don't even get the chance to reply when the two of you hear rumbling. Both your heads snapping toward the noise only to see a newly carved out path to the forest in the distance.
You swallow hard, blinking at the scene in front of you. “You, uh, you saw that right?”
Bakugo nods slowly. “I did.”
You laugh nervously and extend your hands as if to show off the new path. “After you.”
“Fuck no, after you.”
“What are you scared? Coward.”
Bakugo glares at you. “Fuck you,” he says before starting to walk toward the path, and you smile in triumph.
The two of you are silent the whole walk, taking in your new surroundings for anything suspicious. This walk seems longer than the one from the city, but it's not like you expected anything different, and it doesn't matter when you finally get to the door.
"Why are things changing so suddenly?" you wonder as you stare at the door.
"Hell if I know," mumbles Bakugo, joining you in staring at the door.
“Do you think we’re doing something right?” you ask as you turn your head to look at him.
“Or something wrong.”
“God, this is so weird,” you sigh in frustration as you take a few steps back and sit down. 
He turns to look down at you, perplexed. “Oh, now it's weird? It wasn't weird the first hundred fucking times we stared at this door?”
"You know what I mean."
He rolls his eyes as he sits down a few feet in front of you. “Whatever.”
You both sit there in silence, your minds racing with confusion. Why are things changing now, and are they changing for the better or for the worse? You sit there picking at your nails while he sits there staring at the door like he’s trying to make it explode with his mind. After a while, Bakugo sighs, and this catching of your attention makes you look up at him. When he speaks up, you're about to ask if he's okay.
“What was your life like?” He asks out of nowhere, and you certainly were not expecting that to come out of his mouth.
“Oh,” you say in slight confusion. “Um, fine? I don't know; I mean, I didn't have friends-“
“Knew it,” he chimes in with a smirk. 
“Fuck off.”
"So, what did you have if you didn't have friends?" He asks flatly, not as if he really cares but as if he's just trying to avoid silence, which could be him caring in some ways.
“I had a job at a little coffee shop,” you recall with a small smile.
“I thought you would've worked from home or something.”
“Because you hate people and like being alone?” He says it almost condescendingly, like you should have already known the reason why.
“Huh,” you say flatly. “Yeah, I guess you’re right.” Maybe you were subconsciously yearning for social interaction?
“I'm always right.”
You hum and lay yourself down. “What’s your full name?”
He lays down with you. “Why the fuck do you wanna know? You gonna stalk me?”
“You wish.”
“Katsuki Bakugo.”
“That’s a nice name.”
He closes his eyes. “I know dumbass.”
“You could’ve just said thank you.”
“Thank you,” he says harshly, like he's mocking you, but you ignore it and smile. “What’s yours?” he asks quietly.
“Y/n L/n.”
“My name is better, but yours is alright, I guess,” he says under his breath, like this is his best attempt at a compliment.
You laugh softly, and the noise causes Bakugo's cheeks to warm, which he tries to ignore and blames on the sun. You don't bother responding and close your eyes. Both of you are just laying there with your eyes closed, enjoying each other's company, or at least you're enjoying his. Which is odd; it makes you slightly nauseous to think that for once, you’re actually enjoying someone's company.
Had someone told real life you that you'd be enjoying someone's company, you would have laughed in their face and probably insulted them for not being as “independent” as you are. But despite all of that, you can't actually say you hate it—not at all, actually. but for the time being, you're blaming that on the circumstances. After a while, you find yourself opening your eyes, slightly wincing at the bright sun, but turning your head to look at Bakugo, who is staring up at the sky without a scowl on his face. Huh. You thought that scowl was permanent, though he actually looks surprisingly nice without one?
“Are you dead?” you ask out of nowhere.
Bakugo flinches slightly, taken aback by your voice. “Being dead would probably be better than this.”
“Rude,” you huff.
“I mean the situation, not you.”
“Yeah, yeah, whatever,” you tease. “Round four?”
He sighs defeatedly. “Yeah, I guess.”
You nod as the two of you stand up and quickly dust yourselves off. You step toward the door and find yourself hesitating.
“What are you waiting for?” Bakugo asks impatiently.
You shake your head and touch the door. You both wake up with a gasp, but you're not in your room; instead, you're back on the forest floor where you were just moments ago.
“What the fuck?” you exclaim aloud.
"Did you touch it?" asks Bakugo, looking down at the ground beneath him.
“Of course I did!” you explain. “I don't understand?”
Bakugo quickly stands up and offers a hand out to help you out. You hesitate to take his hand, making him shake his head as if to silently ask, “What's the problem?” You sigh as you accept his help.
Once your up, Bakugo pulls his hand away and asks, “Should we try to go back to your house?”
“Uh, yeah, sure, that's a good idea.”
Bakugo nods back, and you find yourself walking out of the forest, a strange feeling given that you're always walking in, never out; it's eerie in a way. You’ve only been walking for, what you assume, a few minutes when he speaks up.
"Is that actually your house?" he wonders. "Like in the real world, I guess."
You shake your head. “Nah, I just call it that considering how long I've been here, you know? I actually live in an apartment.”
He hums. “Me too.”
"You too?"
“Yes? Why the fuck do you sound so shocked?” he asks with a confused shake of his head.
"I don't know... I guess you seem like the type of person who would say they're too good for an apartment," you explain with a shrug.
“It’s cheaper, and because I have a roommate that makes it even more cheap.”
“Oh!! Let me guess!” you speak up excitedly. “Is it the nerd? Or the shitty hair? Oh or the pink cheeks?”
He finds himself chuckling at your use of his nicknames for them, and the sound goes straight to your stomach. Butterflies immediately begin to grow there. “It's the nerd,” he says once he’s finally composed himself.
You nod with a smile. “My roommate is a cat.”
He hums, and before he can respond, he walks straight into something, just like the last time, except this time it's not the invisible city wall he walked into but the middle of the forest. You immediately find yourself frantically grabbing at the invisible force.
“Are you serious?” you fume. “Now we’re trapped in the fucking forest?”
Bakugo finds himself walking toward the sides, only to find that those are blocked off by nothing as well. “So what? we can’t leave?”
“It doesn’t want us to leave,” you correct him. 
“Who the fuck is it?” Bakugo asked with a confused glare.
“Whatever the fuck is doing this.”
Bakugo sighs out in defeat as he places his hands on his hips, letting his head drop as he just stares at the floor. “Now what?” he mumbles.
You rub your face in frustration. “We go back to the door, I guess.”
He lifts his head and tsks. “Great.”
The walk back into the forest is tense, but since you two had only made it halfway before being stopped, it wasn't that long. Still, the air between you two had become suffocating from your respective frustrations with being trapped here, his more so than yours. Finally, you two arrive at the door, and Bakugo collapses to the ground with a loud groan.
“This sucks,” he seethes.
You shrug as you take a seat in front of him. “It could be worse.”
“What?” he asks harshly. “Please, please, please enlighten me on how this could be any worse.”
You keep your gaze on the ground, nervously pulling out the grass as you speak. “Well, I mean, yeah, of course it sucks! like, really bad! and like, yeah, sure, the universe seems very against me right now, but at least I have you?”
"Huh," he says blankly before remaining silent for a moment, and you grimace; you should not have said that. Why the fuck would you say that? “Yeah.”
Your head shoots up to see him already staring at you softly. “Yeah?” you repeat. 
"Yeah, you're right," he says slowly, almost painfully so.
You can't help but break out into a wide grin. “Bakugo? Are you actually starting to care about me?”
He bites back a smile as he rolls his eyes. “Oh fuck off.”
You laugh and lay yourself on the grass. “Lay with me.”
He hums curiously at you yet listens, laying himself right next to you, leaving only a small space between you two. You ignore the strange urge to take his hand in yours.
“Do you think we would’ve been friends in, like, real life, I guess?”
“I never agreed to being your friend,” he points out flatly, ignoring your question. 
“Shut up, Bakugo.”
He snickers. “Probably not though.”
You feign offense, or you feign feigning offense, because that does actually hurt your feelings slightly. “Rude…”
“Shut up. I don't mean it like that,” he reassures. “I mean, you even said it yourself—you don't like people, and I only consider like three people my friends.”
You frown. “I guess you’re right.”
"It's futile to think about that shit now; I doubt we'll ever go back," he mumbles, disappointed.
You ignore how much you’re not disappointed that you might not ever go back anytime soon. “Round five?”
Bakugo nods as he stands up. “Yeah.”
You try to get up, but he stops you. You stare at him curiously.
“If we’re just going to end up lying back down when it restarts, maybe if you’re already lying down, your head won't hurt as much?” he questions thoughtfully. 
You ignore how warm your cheeks feel at his concern and lay back down. “Yeah, maybe.”
Bakugo nods at you before touching the door, and still, both of you end up waking up with a gasp in your positions from a moment ago, but your head doesn't hurt this time.
Bakugo ignores the disappointment swimming in his stomach and turns his gaze to you, who appears shocked. “Did it work?”
You nod slowly before looking at him with a smile. “Yeah, it did! Thanks Bakugo..”
He presses his lips into a tight line as if to stop a smile or ignore how hot his face feels. “Yeah, whatever. Uh, should we go see how far we can make it out?”
You stand up and extend your hand to him, and he quickly accepts it. “Yep!”
The two of you don't even make it ten feet away before being blocked by an invisible wall. The two of you stumble back and stare at each other wide-eyed before both of you immediately start walking out toward the sides, only to be stopped again.
"Oh my fucking god, it boxed us in," Bakugo barks. 
You laugh out nervously. “Um, so, like, is it just gonna keep getting smaller?”
Bakugo's head snaps toward you in concern as your voice shakes, and he notices you beginning to tremble.
"N-not that it's a big deal; I'm not claustrophobic or anything, I'm just curious." You panic, your chest heaving up and down.
Bakugo immediately runs up to you (not that he has to run far) and places his hands on your shoulders, roughly gripping them in some poor attempt to ground you, which works slightly because now you're staring at just him, getting lost in his eyes.
“It’s fine, It's gonna be fucking fine,” he says harshly. “I’ll get us out of here, okay?”
You just stare at him, blinking at him blankly.
He shakes you gently. “Y/n?”
you swallow harshly. 
You flinch. “Y-yes?”
"You're going to be fine," he assures, softly smiling at you.
And although you know he can't guarantee that, he can't guarantee that you'll be okay or that he’ll get you guys out of here, you still believe him.
you nod. “Okay. I trust you.”
He nods and returns his hands to his sides before walking back to the door (not that he has to walk far) and sitting down, patting the ground in front of him to invite you to join him. You two sit in comfortable silence, but you can't stand it; you need to talk about something or you'll start spiraling at the thought of the invisible walls closing in on you.
“Do you think we’re supposed to be learning something?” you inquire, pulling your knees into your chest.
He leans back on his palms as he stares at you through furrowed eyebrows. “What?”
“Like a lesson?” you elaborate. "Isn't that why most people get trapped in time loops?"
He gives a half-shrug and thinks for a moment. “I guess? Do you think you’re learning a ‘lesson’?” 
“Maybe?” you say as you place your head on your knees.
Bakugo stares at you, and when you don't say anything, he bobs his head as if to tell you to go on.
“I don't think I like being alone as much as I say I do.”
"Oh?" he says, tilting his head at you with a cocky grin.
You roll your eyes at him through a smile. “Shut up… I'm just saying you’re not so bad; your company is actually enjoyable?”
“Of course it is; It’s me,” he boasts. 
“I regret saying anything.”
“I get it, though.”
“You do?”
He nods. “I mean, I get it through my lesson?”
You bobbed your head at him in the same way he did at you.
"Maybe I don't hate having or making new friends as much as I say I do," he admits quietly.
“Of course you don't; it’s me,” you mock with a shit-eating grin.
He stares at you just smiling fondly, not even a laugh, or a fuck off. No, he's just staring at you as if you're the best thing that's ever happened to him, as if you created the universe—no, scratch that, as if you are the universe. But before you or he can say anything, you hear something rattling, specifically the door handle rattling.
Both of your heads turn toward the door, watching it rattle before looking back at each other and slowly rising in unison.
“Get behind me,” he whispers harshly. 
“I can take care of—“
“Y/n,” he snaps through clenched teeth in an attempt to hush his voice.
You sigh and begrudgingly agree, placing yourself behind him as you two walk toward the door.
He takes a deep breath before whispering, "Round six?"
You nod slowly. “Round six.”
You gasp and sit up quickly, instinctively looking to your side for Bakugo, but you're met by your cat.
He paws at you, and you just stare blankly at him, your chest heaving up and down rapidly. Your cat climbs onto your lap, and you begin to pet him as tears sting your eyes and you take in your surroundings. Though your moment of realizing you're back home is ruined by a phone call. You immediately pick up.
“Bakugo?” you say breathlessly. 
Your coworker clears her throat awkwardly. “uh what? It’s mina, y/n. Where are you? I mean, I know you don't like me, but at least come to work!"
You exhale heavily and rub the tears from your eyes harshly. "I'm so sorry, Mina- I'll be there as soon as I can."
“Oh, uh, it’s fine. Take your time. See you soon!” She says it softly, obviously taken off guard by your apology and lack of hostility.
You hang up quickly and sniffle. “Shit,” you mutter under your breath. How long has it even been? Has any time even passed here? When you look at the date, it is the same as it was before you were thrown into the time loop. It could have been months there, but here? It had been merely seconds, if that. You feel your heart break at the lack of Bakugo here; you had been stuck with him for probably weeks, and now you’re... not. And you’re supposed to just go back to being a productive member of society like nothing happened? Like he didn't just single-handedly change your view on being alone? You sigh and shake your head as you pick your cat off of you, now is not the time to have an existential crisis, you have a job to get to. You set your cat down and practically dash to get dressed, not caring enough about even looking presentable as you grab your things and run out the door, getting to your job in record time.
Mina is surprised to see you almost break through the door. “I told you to take your time,” she says with a frown.
You shake your head and bend over as you catch your breath. “No, it's okay,” you say through ragged breaths.
She just stares at you silently until you calm down and approach her behind the counter. “I'm sorry,” you say once you've reached her.
She laughs. "It's fine; being late isn't such a big deal."
You frown; god, she's really gonna make you say it, isn’t she? “No, I mean, I'm sorry about, uh, always being an asshole towards you and stuff,” you start mumbling toward the end, of course you mean it but you still find it quite embarrasing. 
“Oh! Thank you? Um… Did something happen?”
You let out a breathy laugh that almost sounds sad, if that's even possible, and if it isn't, you're making it so. “Uh, yeah, you could say that.”
Mina notices how your demeanor has wilted and places a comforting hand on your shoulder while giving you a small smile.
You return her smile before sighing. "I'm gonna go put my things in the back."
While in the back, you hear the shop bell ring, indicating that a customer is approaching, so you hurry and put your belongings away to assist Mina. Once you're back out there, you don't notice how the customer is waiting by the counter, where you would hand them their coffee. Your main focus is just on making the drink as Mina hands you the cup with what they want written on it. You make quick work of it as Mina starts taking other orders from people beginning to walk in, and in record time you finish the drink, walking to the side of the counter where people pick up coffees. You turn the cup around to look for a name and feel your heart drop when you see it.
Your brow furrows as you mumble, "Bakugo?"
When he hears your voice, Bakugo's head snaps up from his phone, and he doesn't even try to hide the smile that has now appeared on his face. “Y/n?”
"Holy shit!" you exclaim excitedly as you lose your grip on his drink and it splatters everywhere, Bakugo laughing at how half of it is now on your clothes and you can't help but laugh along with him.
“You plan on remaking my drink?”
You nod quickly and hurriedly speak, “Yes! but, um, can you stay after?”
He smirks. “What, was our time together not enough for you?”
You roll your eyes playfully at him. “If I agree, will you stay?”
You sigh. "Yes Bakugo, our time together wasn't enough for me."
Bakugo chuckles softly. 
“Yeah Y/n, I’ll stay.”
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quackquackcey · 4 months
"You're my god" | Rated E, 24k
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I'm super excited to post my Gods!Sterek fic for @syr-monthly’s may mythos event, illustrated by the amazing @jojorice 🥰🥺🙏
Feat. Derek relaxing to sound of Stiles' chatter, all-around badassery, & sterek so in love they go against the gods for each other~ 🤍💫
Alternate Universe - Gods & Goddesses | Alternate Universe - Modern Setting | Alternate Universe - Mythology | God Stiles Stilinski | God Derek Hale | True Alpha Derek Hale | BAMF Stiles Stilinski | BAMF Derek Hale | Present-Day Mythology | Derek Hale Nearly Dies | Derek Hale is a Softie | Derek Hale Deserves Nice Things | Stiles Stilinski Deserves Nice Things | Action & Romance | Magic | Canon-Typical Violence | Hurt/Comfort | Domestic Fluff | Shameless Smut | Top Derek Hale/Bottom Stiles Stilinski | First Meetings | Getting Together | Mutual Pining | Stiles Stilinski Talks A Lot | Derek Hale Loves It ™
After Stiles dies and wakes up as a god, he travels around causing mayhem and ends up crash-landing into a remote forest amidst a storm, only to realize that he's in fact slammed into another god's yard. As the two of them get closer, troubles from their past threaten to tear them apart and destroy them—will they be able to fight against the gods and cut down the obstacles in their way? The tale of two gods, seemingly opposites, who split the heavens and rended the earth to save each other.🌪️💫
Read on AO3 here!
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politemenacephd · 3 months
Arachnophilia: (Part Thirty)
Drider!Miguel O'Hara x Reader (+18)
Chapter Masterlist 🕷️
Content/CW: Mig is rutting, workplace sex, fear kink, breeding kink, intercrural sex, copious sexual fluids, oral sex, tongue play, hormone scenting, unresolved sexual tension.
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Mig stuck to his word as Autumn continued to roll in.
You would be his, no matter what.
The days passed and soon Nueva York was a beautiful patchwork of dull oranges and reds, with the upper city parks creating a gorgeous spread of burnt amber grass beneath the cold sun. Mig’s own universe went much the same way, with his forest home going from a bright evergreen to a spread of dark greens and slowly melting auburn shades as the trees lost their hue. You woke every day in his nest to a new blanket of leaves coating your front door, each load bigger than the last, and soon it was clear that winter was approaching.
You were getting chillier in the mornings, even with Mig’s huge, fluffy body at your side. More and more you were relegated to sleeping beneath his folded form like a baby bird beneath its watchful parent, and at a certain point the bed was so covered in silk blankets it looked almost like a mountain.
More of your stuff from your apartment made its way in too. Your clothes, your toothbrush, your kitchen utensils, your bathroom supplies.
It was a strange mismatch. The nest was rustic, with Mig’s makeshift tools and handspun tapestries, which made all of your modern appliances look out of place. There was nothing more jarring than a portable electric toothbrush sitting next to a hand-carved wooden basin over a bamboo drip, which was your version of a sink, or your phone sitting next to the firepit he used to boil water.
It was strange, yes, but welcome. It really was beginning to feel like home.
It was just that, with home, came pressure.
Time was passing, and it was passing fast. In those sweet early months with Mig it’d felt like you had all the time in the world, but the world was proving that wrong.
You had to find a solution to your universal separation, a way to prove that you and Mig could safely cohabitate forever, and potentially have a family if you desired that in the future. If you couldn’t prove it was safe, the society couldn’t sanction it any further. They couldn’t risk anything that might cause multiverse instability.
That left only two outcomes to this relationship, but in Mig’s mind, there was only one outcome he was willing to accept, and that was success. He was beyond the curious, testing phase of the relationship, the tepid exploration of lust and companionship.
He was in love. He was madly, inescapably in love with you, and he would not let you go.
This left him in a state of feverish devotion to his work, and he spent almost all his free time in Miguel’s labs working out the calculations to a cross-universe serum. At first, he tried to bring you with him, since he missed you far too much, but that ended poorly. He felt too bad making you stay up in Miguel’s office, where you’d inevitably fall asleep from exhaustion and Miguel would have to cover you in a blanket.
So instead he started doing calculations late into the night in the nest while you slept beside him. He even started doing calculations in his sleep. You’d wake to find wall after wall covered in markings you couldn’t comprehend.
The only other hiccup in his way was that he was also totally devoted to helping Micaela and Gabriel. Much of his and Miguel’s previous work had been put to the side to focus on her, using their joint background in genetics to find a cure for her ailment.
Miguel was obviously far more concerned with protecting the existing Micaela than with securing Mig’s future, and while it frustrated you both you couldn’t exactly blame him. Micaela did come first, and he was right to prioritize her, but the uncertainty in your future was becoming a strain.
Mig wanted to start living again, to hope again. He wanted to sleep beside you knowing that you were his, forever and always, and that he wasn’t a doomed abomination. He wanted to know you’d be with him until the end.
No more lonely wailing in the woods. No more singing for a person who would never come.
He wanted to live. He wanted you. He wanted his family.
But the longer their work took, the less certain it felt. Every little re-calculation felt like a punch to the gut, and every mission or postponement felt like a weight on his back.
But you can’t stay in limbo forever.
Closure had to come eventually, one way or another.
‘Come on, come on…’
You struggled not to impatiently tap your foot as you peered around the line ahead. You had to crane your neck to see over the 10 or so other spiders all idly waiting for their turn at the counter.
You were waiting in line at the HQ cafeteria to get lunch for you, Miguel and Mig, something you did almost every day now as an unusual little trio. The boys, as you called them, were utterly fixated on their dual projects, and while you weren’t much use scientifically you were the one little lifeline they had left to sanity and stability.
If left to their own devices they’d science themselves into husks. This left you the task of keeping them grounded, keeping them fed, and slapping them back into reality when need be.
It was slightly grating to be around two supergeniuses all the time. Mig was a sweetheart as always, and while he could be a little annoying when he talked to you like a child, he was never condescending or mean. Miguel, on the other hand, was very condescending. He had a need to explain, a need to teach, but he had the patience of a mouse and a tendency to get sassy if you ever got anything wrong.
However, you couldn’t pretend you didn’t enjoy your time with the two. Now Miguel had cooled down he really did seem to be making a difference in his attitude, especially after meeting Gabriel and Micaela. He was short-tempered and stressed, and that would probably never change, but there was an unspoken gentleness to his attitude now. It was almost, protective.
And Mig…
Your face grew warm at the thought of him. His smile. His soft-spoken compliments. His little abdomen wriggles. His big, open, honest eyes, peering down at you as they practically dripped with affection.
Your mind wandered to his breath on your neck in the morning, when he’d blow your hair aside to kiss your forehead. That warmth grew exponentially.
Mig was always perfect. Not literally, but to you… Yes. He was perfect.
You jumped in place as someone tapped your shoulder. You spun back and forth only to realize that the line had moved three spaces ahead, and you’d been too lost in your little daydream to notice. The spiders behind you did not look impressed.
‘Sorry! Shit—just a second.’
You stammered an apology and hurried forward, trying to ignore the curious stares you get. The morbid interest in Mig’s lover never seemed to go away.
You stayed hyper-vigilant as you waited to finally reach the front of the cafeteria. You’d replayed asking for your order so many times that it practically tumbled from your lips when you reached the server, making you appear like some kind of empanada-loving robot.
As you made your way back to the office you couldn’t help but pause to admire the new décor.
The whole building was covered in dainty, slightly tacky Halloween objects, coating the walls from top to bottom. It was all in place for the Halloween party tomorrow. There were skrunkly little paper spiders hanging from the high beams, orange cut-outs of cats and pumpkins plastered to the wall.
It was almost painfully twee, but you kind of loved it. It felt authentically true to form for this place. You also knew Miguel had refused to spend any more than the absolute bare minimum on decorations out of spite, since he hated the idea of doing this in the first place. Hosting events and being considerate of members' well-being was one thing, but being drawn out of work to wear costumes was, ironically, not his forte.
Unfortunately, despite being the de-facto leader, he’d been outvoted by the other elites, along with every other Spider in the society. You’d been subjected to his rambling about this for almost a week. Luckily, he didn’t know you’d also voted to have the party.
You prodded a little cheap plastic bat that was hanging from the ceiling as you hopped from the beams into the main corridor before Miguel’s office.
You were quick as you hurried down the same familiar route; passed the Spiders crowding the hall, passed the rudimentary go-home machine, and down the darkened empty corridor filled with Miguel’s old suits and gadgets.
As you approached the door you were hit by the smell of metal and the low hum of a machine. It vibrated through your bones in the most eerie way, causing the walls around you to jitter as if moving.
You instinctively slowed down.
Shit, they were in the middle of running their experiments again.
You crept up to the entrance to Miguel’s office and carefully nudged the door aside, being careful not to dip in any further. You didn’t want to startle them.
‘Pressure at 53%’
Lyla’s voice floated out from beneath the eerie hum as you peeked around the doorway. The office was usually dark, awash with cold navy light and the dull orange glow of Miguel’s monitors, but right now it was alight with an almost supernatural glow emanating from its center. It cast odd shadows across the walls and floors, like hands sneaking up to grasp you.
‘Lyla! Speed it up.’
‘Pressure at 73%. I’m going as fast as I can!’
That was Miguel’s voice, you thought. It was nearly identical to Mig’s but you knew them both well enough now to pick them apart. You peered a little further into the room.
‘Qué chingada… Come on.’
Mig hissed a few more curses under his breath as his abdomen rustled.  
He’d bent his front legs like a horse so he could grasp the computer with both hands, and he was right on the verge of physically shaking it. Every
He was so close, so damn close. He’d gotten the formula down to a predicted 3% success rate, and if he could just get a few more test runs in, he’d have it. He’d have you.
‘Alright! Are you ready?’
Miguel called down to Mig from his floating office. He had to about halfway in the air, allowing him to look down on Mig as he ran some sort of experiment.
You could see the enormous table they were always huddled around, covered in glass jars and holographic screens all flashing with a million numbers at once. As you sank against the door frame, you noticed that the crackling was getting louder.
‘Pressure at 89%. Almost there.’
You could see something starting to spin on the table, creating a whirring noise akin to a helicopter’s blades. The sound was triggering every instinct in your body to run, to hide, and you had to fight yourself just to continue watching.
‘Hold it steady!’
‘I’m holding steady.’
The light expanded until you were forced to squint and pull away, hiding yourself behind the door. The sound was unbearably loud, the whirring grating on your ears as the light grew brighter and brighter.
‘Pressure at 98%...’
And then—
A crackle filled the room and the light dimmed in a single split second, leaving the room in darkness. You had to wipe your eyes to adjust to the dimness. Everything smelled like hot metal, and you could see smoke drifting up into the rafters of the office.
‘Serum stability at 99%’ Lyla’s voice called out, followed by a sharp bark of a growl.
Mig pulled back and kicked one of the loose chairs right into the wall, almost totally obliterating it with the faintest display of aggression. ‘¡Jueputa! Chingada Madre!’
As the low whirring of the machine dulled, he began to pace, his spider legs scuttling back and forth. His abdomen was shaking dangerously, that much you could see. He had his head in his hands and seemed to be trying his hardest to not lose his temper any further.
You felt your heart sink a little in your chest at the sight.
Miguel was cursing beneath his breath as he put out the fire. ‘God damn it… Lyla, what keeps going wrong?!’
‘It’s just routine checks, Miguel. It’s totally normal.’ 
‘We’ve been stuck at 99% for a week!’ Miguel barked back, ignoring Lyla’s slightly snarky tone.
‘99% is good! That’s better odds than your watch had when you tried it out’ she argued back. You could faintly see her hologram floating in the air beside them, pacing back and forth across the open air. Miguel bitterly waved his hand through her digital form.
‘Yeah, and I was stupid to do so. I can’t approve it until it's 100%.’
‘Maybe the calculations are off’ Mig murmured to himself. You saw him drop back down to the computer again, grasping at its mass like it was a person who he could shake sense into.
‘My calculations aren’t off!’ Miguel snapped back in a slightly harsher tone. ‘I know what I’m doing!’
You could see the tension rising. They’d just keep getting more and more irritable if they remained fixated on their work. You decided now was the time to step in.
With a huff you pushed the office door aside and bellowed towards them. ‘Hey! Come on guys, break time!’
The sound of you voice drew Mig to snap and turn, a motion so inhumanly fast he nearly wrenched the entire computer apart from with his hands. Miguel had to step in and shove him off just to salvage it.
‘¡Tonto! Ah, ten cuidado’ Miguel snapped under his breath, though Mig heard none of it. He didn’t even respond when Miguel elbowed him away.
He was fixed on you, watching you run down the corridor towards him. The way you smiled, the way you bounced as you sped up. He couldn’t stop his abdomen rustling and vibrating with a deep, profound sense of joy. Miguel noticed that too and promptly rolled his eyes.
You squeaked and jumped up into his arms, with the enormous spider catching you with instinctive prowess. He drew you up to his chest and held you like a large cat.
‘Mi tesoro’ he purred. ‘I missed you.’
‘They were gone for 15 minutes’ Miguel sarcastically replied.
‘I know’ Mig replied, his big crimson eyes still fixed on you. He kept tilting his head to get a better angle of your face, deliberately staring until you got flustered and tried to look away. You could feel him nosing at your hands as you covered yourself. Your quiet giggling was almost addictive to him.
‘It was still too long…’ Mig whispered against your fingers. ‘Too long…’
‘Still too long— Alright! Come on, computers finished that round. We can break.’ Miguel grunted and pushed the computer aside as he stood, his hands outstretched. ‘Can I eat, then? Or did you forget about me?’
You pulled back your hands and peered down at Miguel. ‘Forget? What? I wouldn’t forget about you.’
‘Ahuh. What about—’
‘Oh my god—I forgot your lunch order ONE time!’ you cried, cutting him off before he could bring up the same story he always brought up. Despite himself, Miguel’s lips did tilt into a slight smile.
‘Exactly. Once. And you could do it again’ he replied in a slightly snarkier tone. You huffed and threw his box of empanadas at his chest, which he caught mid-air with his webs.
‘You went—you were on a mission twice—’
‘Ahuh, ahuh—’
‘So, I had to remember to NOT get your order—’
‘Yep, keep digging that grave—’
‘I had to remember to NOT get your order the second time, because you sent that memo saying it was wasteful to leave your food, and then the third time you didn’t DIRECTLY tell me you wouldn’t be on a mission, so I didn’t have it there! I am not in the wrong!’
You burnt your throat out while rambling off your excuse. Miguel just kept trying to hide his growing smile of endearment as he webbed his way up to his floating desk, leaving you and Mig to sit beneath him.
‘It’s not my job to babysit you. If you can’t check the schedule that’s something for you to fix, not me. Consider it… character building’ Miguel replied smoothly.
‘Next time I won’t get it deliberately’ you huffed, before reaching into the bag and giving Mig his order. He purred as he took it. ‘At least you’re grateful, Miggy’ you mumbled, which caused him to purr even louder.
‘Always, arañita.’
As Mig folded his legs and settled down on the floor you sat at the front of his abdomen, snuggling into his fur with your meal resting on your folded legs. You could hear Miguel grunting with barely suppressed pleasure as he started eating above you.
Mig paused then as his watch buzzed. He glanced down and awkwardly tapped it at with his huge claws until he finally got it to recognize his touch.
‘Mm? It is—Oh!’
Mig’s face lit up into a smile as a hologram flashed up from his watch, revealing a line of text and a blurry picture. You tilted your head out of curiosity.
‘Hm? What's up?’
‘It’s ah- Gabriel. I’ve been re-learning how to text so that we may, converse, more easily, and he has sent me a picture of Micaela.’ Mig sounded so proud as he spoke, and his eyes as they flitted over the picture were deeply endeared. It filled you with joy to see him looking so comfortable.
‘Oh! That’s nice, that’s good. I’m glad you’re properly keeping in touch now. What’d he say?’
‘Mm! Well, last night he was telling me about how bad the hospital food is. I offered to send him some of my deer meat, which he seemed to find humorous, and today he has sent me a picture of his mates cooking and—’
‘They don’t use mate, Mig, that’s his wife’ Miguel added.
‘Wife. Yes. I forget… Ah, his mate- wife¸ gave him food to sneak into the hospital, and he has sent me a picture of him eating it with Micaelita.’
He glanced at the photo for the second time as he spoke, and the sight caused him to purr all over again. He’d only known his baby niece for a few months now, but he truly loved that little girl. He had an outlet at last for all his pent-up paternal instinct, and seeing her happy brought him so much joy.
‘How is the um- I mean I guess, sensitive subject to bring up, but… How is the serum going?’ you asked.
‘Well, Micaela’s stuff is almost fully done’ Miguel replied. Mig was too busy trying to catch an unseemly long bit of cheese now dangling between his mouth and his empanada to speak, so his variant took over with a slightly exasperated sigh.
‘Luckily, we buckled down and, Lyla did a lot of the work. Scanning the multiverse for somewhere with more advanced medicine was pretty easy, unfortunately the place we found with the right equipment does not have a Spider-man in it for easy contact.’
‘Did you need to go there to get it, though?’ you asked. You were trying to listen while also teasingly nipping in to steal from Mig’s string of cheese, something he found both adorable and aggravating.
‘Luckily again for us, uh—no. Not really. We scanned a few computers and managed to replicate it here’ Miguel explained. ‘Micaela should be just fine.’
‘Yes! But, it means we’re behind on the solution for us’ Mig said as he finally swallowed his food. ‘Which, we are trying to resolve, right?’
‘Jess is getting antsy’ Miguel remarked, more to himself than to you or Mig. He was picking at his own empanada bit by bit, taking off little chunks which he then threw into his mouth and slowly chewed between his fangs. He chewed his food like nicotine gum, as if he was in constant deep thought. ‘Everyone is. Especially with the anomalies getting worse.’
‘I mean… that’s not, our fault, right?’ you said.
Miguel didn’t reply for a moment. He stared into the distance before double-taking at you, almost as if taken by surprise. ‘What? No. No, it’s your fault. It’s… we’re not sure. Maybe it’s a coincidence. But, it’s not you.’
‘Oh… Good.’ You weren’t sure you believed him, but you also weren’t willing to press the issue. ‘But, um—I mean regardless it’ll be okay, right? We’re, getting close?’
To your relief, Miguel did nod as he swallowed his last bite of empanada. ‘Mhm. Mm… Yeah. I think it should be finished soon, if we can just complete the last checks.’
‘The stabilization test-runs’ Mig said. He’d finally finished his meal as was now paying very close attention to you, ensuring you continued to eat in between asking questions. He’d grab or gently nudge your hand up to your face to ensure you took bites. He was fussy, yes, but very sweet.
‘De-stabilization, huh? Sounds scary’ you added between quick bites of your sandwich.
‘Catastrophic’ Miguel corrected.
‘Not—necessarily’ Mig said as he wiped crumbs from your face. ‘All it means, is that we need to ensure the serum won’t de-stabilize and cause any anomalous activities or holes when used. We’re delicately re-organizing multiverse DNA, but, we are handling it with utmost care.’
‘You don’t need to convince me, Miggy, I believe you’ you snorted back.
Mig opened his mouth to speak again when a low beep drew his attention away. It was Miguel’s watch, most likely a message, and whatever it was had turned his contented expression into a deeply sour one.
‘Ah… Mierda. So stupid.’
He cursed beneath his breath as he dropped from his office back down to the floor, landing with a dull thud.
‘What’s up?’ you called over.
‘It’s Jess. It’s this Halloween party, ah—I didn’t even vote for it! But I’m the leader, apparently, of course I only become leader when it suits them—’
You paused Miguel mid-rant by snapping your fingers. ‘Miguel! Come on, to the point. You’re rambling.’
‘Ay, don’t be rude. What I meant to say, then, is apparently I have to go approve these new decorations. I’ll be back soon, we’ll finish the second test run when I’m done.’
Miguel had begun walking before you could even think to say anything else, so you and Mig just resorted to waving him off with a soft ‘bye!’. He shot you a deflated thumbs up over his shoulder before vanishing out the door.
Silence fell in the wake of his departure, and for the first time you were alone with Miguel. All you could hear in the office was Mig’s thudding heart and his slow, rhythmic breathing against your scalp.
You blinked and leaned back against his abdomen until his face came into view. His eyes were wide, and as they watched you awkwardly blowing his fluff out of your eyes, they dilated. ‘I didn’t get to mention, this morning…’ He paused and swallowed. ‘You look, radiant today, mi amor. You look very, pretty.’
The second those words left his mouth you broke out into a dumb little smile. You tried to look away, but Mig was quick to catch your chin with his claw, forcing you to hold his gaze. His eyes softened.
‘No, no. Don’t deny it. I know you want to.’
‘That is not to say that you don’t always look pleasing. You do. But I wanted to tell you today. I feel I don’t tell you enough.’
‘You make it more than clear how you feel about me, Mig’ you whispered back. His fur was warm and sweet on your cheek, and you couldn’t help but nuzzle deeper into it. ‘You don’t have to say it.’
‘Mm… But I will, mi amor’ he whispered back. God, he loved saying that. He’d say it all day every day if given half the chance. ‘Mi amor, you are such a beautiful creature. I am grateful every second of every day that I have you as my mate.’
You felt the heat in your cheeks growing in tandem with the lightness in your chest. You squealed internally as he smiled down at you, his face filled with open, honest sincerity. ‘Yeah, well… I could say the same about you too, so… you know’ you murmured. His eyes narrowed with barely suppressed joy.
‘Do I know?’
‘You… Yes, but—Okay. You are also, a beautiful creature, and I am extremely grateful every millisecond of every day that I met you’ you replied with a teasing jab. He chuckled, and when you chuckled back, he bent his torso down to meet your own.
‘I missed you’ Mig whispered. You could feel him nosing at your hair as he spoke, taking deep and lingering breaths around the crown of your head.
‘I missed you too, Mig’ you whispered back. The warmth of his fur was nice on your back as you leaned into him, relishing the small moment of peace and quiet. You could hear nothing but a distant beep of some nebulous electronics and the soft, deep breaths Mig was savoring above you. You could tell he was huffing your scent.
‘You, uh… you sure are smelling me a lot, lately’ you said. The break in silence and the bluntness of the question caused Mig’s eyes to shoot open.
‘… I am?’
‘As in, more than usual?’
‘Oh, I—I’m sorry, arañita—’
‘No! No, don’t apologize. I didn’t mean it was an issue. I just…’
You slowly rolled your head back to catch his gaze, only to wind up nose to nose with him. You felt his breath on your lips as you both locked eyes. The warmth, the proximity, it made something familiar in your gut tighten and twist.
Mig purred. ‘Then, how did you mean it, arañita?’ he whispered.
You felt that sweet tightness in your gut twisting tighter, and without even thinking your thighs squished together. Mig’s eyes darted down, catching that tiny act, before sliding back up and narrowing ever so slightly. He let you catch his tongue slipping out to slide along his lower lip.
‘I meant, ah… I meant, I just, noticed it. It—it’s usually a sign that, something else is going on, you know?’ you stammered back.
‘I know what you’re referring to, mi arañita’ he murmured back. ‘Are you implying I might be heading into a rut?’
‘Well… I wouldn’t, dare, assume, but…’
You felt your breath starting to catch as your heart rate sped up, matching the steady rhythm of his own thundering beat. You could see his eyelids drooping, his abdomen gently jerking back and forth like a dog wagging its tail.
The growing heat was physically palpable. It was like the sun on your skin, itchy and hot. ‘We’re in the office’ you whispered softly. You’d both drifted so close now that you could feel his lips on your own. Mig was panting, breathing in you, verging right on the edge of snapping you up and eating you whole.
‘Mig… W-We’re in the HQ, we—’
‘We’re in the office…’
Mig pressed one sweet, tender kiss against your lower lip, but he lingered just long enough to let you know that, if he could, he’d have bitten down on that lip in a second. You stammered out a shaky whine in response.
‘Mig, we can’t.’
‘Do you want to go back to the nest?’
‘What if Miguel comes back? We need to—finish the, stupid work—’
‘Then here.’
You paused your soft whispering to kiss for the second time. It was almost reflexive, with your lips losing focus and going against your better judgement to press up against his. You’d kiss once and then pause, as you both brushed against the realm of better judgement for a fleeting second, only to kiss each other once more.
Soft then hard, lingering and passionate, tasting him for just a second until it got too painful to not kiss him again.
‘Mm—Mig, mm—’
You felt his tongue slip out and obediently parted your lips, letting your tongues wind between your barely open mouths. You could taste his breath, you could feel the heat brewing in him as he tried to slip into your open maw. At this point your skin was burning, and worst of all, you could feel your clit throbbing like a second heartbeat.
You were a shivering, burning mess. You’d gone too far.
‘Miggy— Mm… Miggy, come on—’
‘If, Miguel comes back—’
As you withdrew from the kiss Mig moved closer, gripping your waist with his thick, heavy claws so you couldn’t pull away. He didn’t kiss you, but he did press his lips to your nose, and there he spoke again.
‘Don’t make me chase you, arañita.’
Those sweet, husky words whispering against your skin made you shudder. It was enough to make your insides clench and quiver, and Mig knew it.
‘F-Fuck, god damn it… hah… mm. Okay. You wanna play like that?’
You stealthily shifted your suit down by just the pants, taking your underwear with it. Not enough to be naked, but enough to get Mig hooked in the sweet scent you knew would drive him crazy. Just as planned, the moment your underwear went past that navel line, his pupils dilated.
‘Mm… arañita… You smell, delicious…’
He lowered his head with a speed and strength you knew you couldn’t match, but he did relinquish his grip on your waist to do so. You let him bury his nose between your thighs, slipping right into the little defined curve where your suit met your pussy lips, and he huffed like a madman.
‘Mmm… qué rico, mi arañita hermoso/a…’
He whined the words directly against your clothed cunt, letting you feel his lips and tongue moving against every ridge and inch he could get. You were sure that if you let him linger any longer he’d rip the fabric with his fangs and have himself a little dessert, and while part of you desperately wanted to let him, that wasn’t the plan.
You grabbed his hair and pulled, letting him get as pussy drunk as you could allow without fully tipping him over the edge.
‘Good boy, good, good boy…’
You held him there just long enough, until his spider legs were tapping that familiar mating rhythm and his abdomen was shaking with feverish intent, and then—
‘Catch me, big boy.’
You whispered those words before webbing yourself out of his grip, flying over his abdomen and landing squarely on the office floor behind him. You saw his claws grasping to try and catch you, but he was too late. You’d escaped.
He spun around just in time to see you hurrying into the dark corners of Miguel’s office. He hungrily growled. ‘Oh, arañita… Okay. We’ll play that game then.’ He licked the little traces of your scent from his upper lip, and he gave chase.
You webbed your way into the darkness and crouched down behind a pile of forgotten electronics, moving stealthily on four legs to avoid being seen. You could faintly see Miguel’s shadow as he moved through the office and toward your location. As he abandoned the light his eyes began to glow, illuminating the shape of his spindly legs with an eerie red outline.
‘Mi tesoro?’
The adrenaline was thick. You knew that it was just your sweet, gentle Mig roaming after you, but that didn’t stop the sweet, controlled dose of fear that you got whenever you played hide and seek with that enormous, skulking spider.
‘Naughty arañita… You like playing at this, don’t you?’
Mig purred softly as he crept around the edge of the lab. His paws were quiet underfoot, carefully padded to keep even his enormous body nearly entirely silent.
‘You like playing at being prey… So cute. You know what’ll happen when I catch you… Does that excite you, arañita? That I will rip those pretty clothes off and mate with you the moment you’re in my paws? Are you thinking about it right now?���
The echo of his voice drove you lower to the floor. You could hear him getting closer, but your cover was running out, and if you raised your head he’d surely see you and pounce. You didn’t want the fun to be over that quickly.
You began to back up instead, shifting along the wall until you found an opening. It felt like a door of some kind, and as you carefully, carefully creaked it open, you realized that you’d found an old, unused closet in the back of Miguel’s space.
Miguel’s hungry, husky groan filled the air, alongside an animalistic rustling. It sounded like a rug being shaken out, or a rattlesnake, but you knew better. That was his abdomen prepping for his mating ritual.
You subdued your own shiver of excitement and slipped into the closet.
In here it was pitch black. You could feel the dust on the floor, betraying just how old this space was, and the trickle of light peaking in through the door wasn’t enough to go more than an inch into the closet’s depths.
You were forced to blindly shuffle until your hands hit a wall, forcing you to turn and shuffle backward until you met the same fate. Eventually, you stopped moving altogether, realizing that it was pointless, and resigned yourself to cowering in the dark like a rabbit.
You couldn’t hear Mig in here. Either that, or he’d stopped taunting completely.
It was terrifying how quiet he was. For something so big his soft paws muffled any sound he might have made, allowing him to move with little to no noise. He was a real predator, a creature at the top of his theoretical food chain, and you often forgot that yourself.
In the dark you waited, listening to your own heart hammering in your chest. You could feel the cold creeping up on you in here, giving you goosebumps on your arms. You felt the strain of the concrete floor on your knees.
But that wasn’t all you felt.
A heavy, overwhelming presence had abruptly settled against your back, and now something hot, warm and wet was sliding up your nape to the base of your skull. Instinctively your body tensed, but then you felt it again, and in a second that primal fear disappeared.
It was Mig’s tongue. He was licking your nape, tasting your scent with your highly adapted senses. He’d move in shyly, lapping once or twice, before nuzzling his nose into the thick of your hair and starting the cycle all over again.
‘I caught you, arañita.’
Your body began to relax. You felt his claws fondling your chest and rear in the darkness, squeezing your ass until his claws left a little imprint. His lips, too continued to grope at your nape, licking and nipping the skin until it bruised.
‘You know what that means.’
You let out a low groan. Between the fear, the heat, and now the dark, cramped space you’d been trapped in, there was no turning back now.
‘Mm… O-Okay, you win. Just… just a little…’
It took very little convincing for you to turn around and smash your lip into his. This time you didn’t hesitate before opening your mouth for him to explore, letting his huge, warm tongue slide into your mouth. He wound his tongue around your own, tasting your scent, your moans, everything he could get.
‘Mm… arañita…’
His hands began creeping up and down your body, squishing lightly at your belly and waist. He loved feeling the way your flesh moved beneath his fingers, how frail your ribs felt under his claws. He deepened the kiss.
You could feel that Mig was already getting erect. In the pitch black you could only rely on touch to sense any changes, and you could feel his soft phallus slowly beginning to peek out from the slit in his abdomen. It was twitching against your belly.
The kissing just barely muffled your sounds as you tried to speak. ‘Mm… Mm.. I-I can’t, get fully naked, but—’
‘Why not?’
With a soft moan you broke the kiss, leaving the two of you panting into each other’s mouths. ‘I need to- be able to re-suit quickly if anyone comes in, you beautiful idiot.’
Without another word you shifted your suit pants down to the middle of your thighs, leaving just enough bare room for Miguel to slip himself between your legs. His eyes dilated at the sight.
‘Oh… r-right. Hah. Right…’ Mig purred as he grabbed your body and spun it around, bracing you in a slightly tilted position. He braced himself with his hands on either side of the closet walls, and with the bare minimum delicacy he could muster, he began to buck himself in.
‘C-Careful… just, s-stay still. I’ll be quick.’
He started thrusting, shifting his cock in the darkness as he searched for his prize. You felt that bulbous tip nudged at your back, then your ass, before slowly making its way down to the warm, sweet space beneath.
You bit your lip and braced yourself, internally prepping for the pressure. He paused, angled, and thrust.
However, he missed.
‘Ah! F-Fuck—’
In his haste, he slid right past your cunt. His cock was so big that it slid right between your thighs, settling between your pussy lips with a full handful of member poking out the other side. It almost made you dizzy, remembering that you so frequently let such a beast of a shaft inside you.
Mig groaned at your back and began slowly humping at your clenched thighs, shifting his plush phallus back and forth.
‘Mm… S-So, warm…’
You were quickly coated in thick, sticky pre-cum and your own slick as he began to thrust faster and faster, riding out his frustration. He was too eager to even stop and try to enter you properly. This would have to do.
With one hand over your mouth and the other bracing your body to the wall, you let Miguel rut his cock between your thighs, eagerly fucking them and your clit raw.
There was only one thought in your heads:
More. More…
You coyly grabbed the little bit of shaft slipping out the other side of your thighs and began to manually pump it with your fist, relishing in the warmth and the slipperiness against your palm.
‘A-Ah, arañita…’
Mig moaned your nickname into your hair as he continued rutting against your back, the double stimulation driving him absolutely mad. You were beside yourself as he continued grinding that soft, plush, velvety shaft up against your clit, using your slick as lubricant to slide a little easier.
You bent forward and down, contorting yourself so that you could hungrily lap at your member. Mig barely stifled his predatory groans.
‘A-Arañita, ah—c-careful—!’
You slurped at his member until you could just about get a little of it between your lips, and while he continued furiously pumping between your thighs you began sucking on the tip. It was weirdly sweet, as always, though not in a sickly way. It was thick and slightly earthy, like raw, natural honey, and it soon coated your tongue in that sticky white fluid.
Mig, at this point, was losing his mind. He dug his claws into your hips to hold you steady as he began bucking without rhythm, driving himself into every crevice of your body he could.
‘Hah- o-okay, good arañita. G-Good. That’s it, lick it up.’
You allowed him to thrust between your parted lips and groaned. Mig was left breathlessly humping, with one hand still dug into your side and the other tenderly petting your hip as he rode out his frustrations into your mouth and between your legs.
‘Good, there you go. There you go. Mm… Así así, arañita, estás haciendo un buen trabajo.’
His sweet praise helped to ease the pain in your jaw as you took more of him in. The plush, squishiness of his cock made it easier to mouth and suck, but there was just so much of it. You were choking on the tip.
Luckily, Mig could only handle so much. He was utterly overstimulated, between the beautiful sensation of your lips and tongue on his member and the warmth and wetness of your thighs, topped off with the sight of you bent over and taking him from all angles—
‘Ah! Bájale, bájale, arañita.’
He pulled back and began patting your hip for clemency as your lips nearly drew him to a violent impromptu orgasm. You gasped as he withdrew. You were panting hard, slightly dazed from the pleasure and the blood rush to the head, your lips now a mess of saliva and pre-cum. You couldn’t see it, but you could feel the little trail of fluid hanging between your lips and Miguel’s twitching member.
‘Ah… h-huh?’ you mumbled. ‘W-What?’
Mig had to tilt you back to an upright position himself, and there he hugged you close while still slowly pumping between your thighs.
‘Shh, that’s it arañita. You did so good. Just rest now, treasure, let me do the work.’
‘Mm… But—’
‘Let me do the work.’
He repeated those words in a sweet, cooing manner, drawing you to relax in his grip. It was easy to give in, especially with his shaft still gently massaging your swollen clit.
He wanted to focus on you now.
He drew back and began carefully thrusting at just the right angle, probing his hot and now very wet member was pressed right up to your clit. The sensation was hard to describe. All you knew is that you weren’t going to last long like this.
‘Ah… M-Mig, fuck…’
He kept you stabilized with his arms, allowing you to focus on just the pleasure of his movement.
‘You smell so good’ he moaned directly into your ear. ‘So good, arañita. I’d eat you up if I could. My beautiful, beautiful little spider. So—f-fucking, soft—’
He groaned out loud as he started to speed up, frantically squishing and grinding every inch of his cock between your lips. You could hear the manic, wet squelching of your own slick being papped back and forth by his movements, a soft ‘thwap’ that was getting louder and louder.
‘Mm, so soft, want you—covered in seed—’
‘Stuffed, s-stuffed with it. Stuff with my cum. Pretty little spider, full of my babies, full of my e-eggs—’
You tried to warn him, but Mig was too wrapped up in his own manic, heat-induced fantasy to notice. He was dizzy with the thought of web-knotting you, imagining his cock sliding right up to your cervix and then being webbed into place so none of his seed would spill. He was imagining you swollen with his offspring and resting in his silk den, his perfect little mate for life, fulfilling all of his desires.
You had no chance of stopping him, so you did the only thing you could do: you shuddered and orgasmed all over his shaft.
It was your barely muffled scream of pleasure that finally jolted him back to reality, and back to the gorgeous sight of your body trembling and spasming as it throbbed all over his member. He audibly gasped and twitched, letting his cock throb right back as he milked you for all the slick you would offer.
When your knees began to shake, he held you in place. Your weight was nothing to him. No matter what you weighed, with his size, he could have carried you like a kitten.
‘Mi amor’ he cooed into your hair. ‘Mi amor, mi amor… So beautiful. What a beautiful sight.’
‘Hah… f-fuck, uh… I-I can, barely feel my legs’ you panted back.
‘Shh. I’m here. You did so good, arañita.’
‘I-I didn’t, do anything, mi amor, I just… came’ you said, letting out a breathy laugh.
‘You did more than enough’ Mig purred sweetly. He took the chance to slide two fingers down between your lips and around your clit, letting your slick accumulate on his claws. Your body jerked at the sudden rush of stimulation.
‘More than enough. I’d pay to watch you do that again.’ Mig kissed your forehead as he slid his fingers back up and pressed them to his lips. You heard him licking them clean.
‘But I’ll take my payment another way, I think.’
You let out a shaky groan as he moved your body back into position. He was lining himself up again, and this time, he wasn’t going to miss.
You could feel his thick member pulsing at your entrance, teasing the sensitive skin before its final penetration. He’d rock himself a few times, shifting just an inch in before pulling back out, just enough to make that sweet squelching pop ring out. He could picture it now: the sweet feeling of your cunt enveloping every inch of him, welcoming him in, squeezing the life out of him as you moaned his name.
His name. His mate. His.
‘That’s it, arañita, are you ready for me?’
‘Y-Yes, yes—fuck, please Mig—’
‘You want it?’
He bucked closer, preparing to push in. You cried out.
‘Yes, fuck, please!’
‘You want it?’
‘You want—’
‘Hey! Mig?’
Miguel’s voice echoing through the halls drew you both to an abrupt and awkward halt. God damn it.
Mig tried to force himself to push through it, with the animal half of his brain wanting to just ignore the call of his variant, but he couldn’t bring himself to it. He slowly rocked to a stop and, with great reluctance, yanked his cock out from between your thighs.
‘Ah, my mistake… We got carried away again, didn’t we? Come here, mi amor. Let’s calm you down.’
He whispered those soft words into your hair as he yanked your body up and into his arms. He began applying as much desperate aftercare as he could; stroking your hair, kissing your neck and cheeks, stroking over and gently rubbing your muscles until the weakness in them subsided.
He held you with the utmost care while you struggled to recover from your orgasm. It was a big ask to compartmentalize all of the sweet arousal you’d just barely tasted.
‘Mig, you… b-but you didn’t fini—’
‘I’ll be fine, arañita’ Mig whispered. He was already carefully concealing his erection, letting it subside back into the little slot in which it was usually hidden. He was sweating from the strain, yes, but he had some control.
‘Mig, the rut—’
‘I have your slick covering my phallus with your scent’ he very bluntly murmured into the curve of your ear, causing you to shiver. ‘I wreak of you, arañita. That is enough for me right now. At least… It will tide me over, until I can get you home properly.’
You managed a small, slightly breathy giggle. ‘And then I’ll be your little cum dumpster, huh?’ you teased back. Mig purred.
‘You will be a good mate’ he whispered, ‘and you will do your duty by me, I’m sure.’
‘And that duty is?’
He leaned closer, gently nipping your earlobe. ‘Being, as you so brazenly put it, my little cum dumpster.’
You may have given in and fucked him right there in the closet space if Miguel hadn’t called out once more, drawing you back to the present.
‘Hey! Mig?’
You both gave a slightly similar sigh. You knew this was your own doing, and you couldn’t exactly be mad at Miguel. You just couldn’t wait for this stupid serum to be done.
‘Alright, come on. Let’s go get back to work’ you whispered. Without another word you began frantically pulling your suit back into place, and once you were both relatively dressed and presentable you silently crept back out into the main officer together.
‘Mig?! Ay! Are you—Oh. Oh… ¡Ey, que la chingada!’
Miguel raised both hands to his face as you both sheepishly appeared from behind the loose paneling. He didn’t need to ask what you were doing.
‘In my office!’ he snapped. ‘My office— Dios Mio… It’s going to smell, in here, for- hours, if not days!’
‘No, it’s not’ you called back as you hurried over. ‘Calm down.’
‘DON’T—Don’t, tell me to calm down, YOU did this!’ he seethed.
‘We’re—it’s, stressful, with the heat, and- we are very sorry, I swear’ you hissed as you finally caught up to him. Mig remained sheepishly stone-faced at your back.
‘I’m stressed too!’ Miguel replied just as sharply. ‘¿Y que hay de mi? Eh? Nobodies around to relieve my stress, but you don’t see me complaining!’
You and Mig both blinked and glanced at each other before turning back to Miguel in near unison, all while he continued to heave his chest in righteous indignation. You allowed the silence to continue just long enough to make his eyes dart a little.
‘… What? Why are you staring at me like that?’ he hissed.
‘… I mean, are you asking to be involved?’ you replied bluntly. You just barely managed to suppress the urge to giggle as he blanked. The way his eyes widened, the way his lips drew back to flash his fangs in a mixture of intrigue, disgust and confusion. You knew your response would create that exact reaction, but it was funnier to fix him with a neutral expression as he scoffed.
‘You- no!’ he snapped back. ‘No, I wasn’t- no! No!’
‘Are you sure?’ you asked. As you spoke you coyly leaned forward, noting the way his eyes darted over your body. He was forced to physically turn his back on you to avoid being accused of anything unseemly.
‘Tienes una mente bien cochambrosa’ he grumbled under his breath. ‘Look, whatever traits me and him might share, there is one big goddamn difference, and that’s that I’m not a massive pervert.’
‘Aw, but you’re stressed, like you said! Come on, lemme help.’ You continued your teasing as you took a few steps closer. He glanced over his shoulder, catching your little tiptoe motion, and like a frightened deer he stumbled away.
‘What- no!’
‘Yeah, come on! I’ll help you out’ you cooed, your hands stretching out to grab him. He took another step back.
‘What are you- has the heat melted your brain or something?’
Miguel was getting more and more heated as you crept towards him, his irritation betraying the little auburn glow in his eyes and cheeks. Your eyes crinkled with joy; you could practically smell his inner thoughts, and he could definitely smell you.
‘Come ‘ere, Miggy’ you cooed again. 
‘No! I will- I will subdue you! I’m warning you!’ he hissed, which only made you giggle more. You continued forward, and with each step you took Miguel scurried in the opposite direction. It was almost absurd to see that enormous, terrifying hybrid of a man fleeing from you in circles around his office, like a kitten chasing a guard dog.
‘I’m serious! If you don’t stop—’
‘Come on, come here!’
‘YOU- Hey, pendejo! Control your- mate!’
Miguel made a desperate plea to Mig as you both sped around his body, but Mig was enjoying himself at this point. ‘They are correct. You did say you were stressed’ he purred back, which caused Miguel to sneer at him.
With a grunt of exasperation Miguel sank his claws into the wall and began frantically climbing, forgetting that you could use your webs to follow. You pursued him up into the rafters and back down again, all while Mig watched with a smile on his face and his hands clasped in his lap.
You knew Miguel could have genuinely ended the chase immediately. He could have used a light cage, a web, anything really, but he didn’t. He let you chase him until you were exhausted, too tired to even finish swinging from the web you’d slung, and only then did he grab you by the nape and carry you back down himself.
He handed you over to Miguel like a stray cat, unceremoniously dumping you into his lap.
‘You are both a strain on my existence, and if I could I would have you both exiled to a barren universe where nobody would ever hear from you again’ he said in a totally deadpan voice, which only drove you into another fit of breathless giggling. Mig, too, chuckled a little in response.
‘No, come on. You love us’ you cooed back.
‘I hate you both. Sincerely. With absolute determination, in every universe.’
‘No, don’t lie! You love us!’
‘Dios mio— Alright. You, you—’ Miguel said, pausing just to point his claw in your face. ‘Yes, you, go help Jess with the Halloween party.’
‘What?! But—’
‘You are distracting my co-worker’ Miguel slowly repeated, cutting off any excuse you might have made. ‘You can mess around after our work is done. So, you know what? You’re taking over my Halloween duties. Got that?’
You instinctively shot Mig a look, expecting him to argue on your behalf, but the moment you locked eyes you realized he was technically right. Mig wanted you, badly, but he wanted to finish his work too. After a moment of silent conversation, you relented.
‘Alright’ you sighed, ‘alright, fine. I’ll go do the stupid party work.’
‘Good. Thank you’ Miguel said, though he clearly tacked the apology onto the end at the last minute. You took it regardless.
‘Actually, that means I can go get my costume’ you mused as you grabbed up your bags. ‘I’ll come show it to you later, you’re gonna LOVE it!’
‘I’m sure I will, arañita. Be careful’ Mig hummed back.
You reluctantly bumped foreheads with him, giving each other a very quick kiss to avoid starting up any more unwanted urges, and with that you hurried out of the room to go find Jess.
Mig watched you go with a slightly melancholic expression. He was doing a good job of hiding how badly he wanted you, how painful the rut was as it went unfulfilled, but he was less adept at hiding how much he missed you in general. He pined openly as he stared at the empty space where you’d been.
‘Come on, back to work’ Miguel snapped over his shoulder. He tossed him a pair of safety glasses to snap him back to reality, and after watching the enormous spider struggle to catch them he slipped on his own.
Mig paused and glanced between the glasses and the empty doorway, but he only allowed himself a moment to disassociate. After a few seconds of thought he obediently slipped the glasses on and got back into position at the desk.
‘Yes, sir.’
The two managed to work in silence for about a half hour, but there was a strange tension in the air that was hard to place. They were struggling to focus on their calculations or on the prep required to run the next test. Despite their attempts to hunker down and focus, it seemed inevitable that one of them would break the silence.
‘… You okay?’
It was Miguel who spoke first. Mig paused on his calculations and turned to glance at his counterpart, carefully shifting his glasses down so he could see him better.
‘Yep. You’re the only one here, bud.’
‘… Yes. I am, fine’ Mig replied cautiously. ‘Are you, okay?’
‘… Why do you ask?’
Miguel grunted and withdrew after soldering a single piece of metal together. He, too, raised his glasses, and fixed Mig with a veiled glare. ‘… I mean you were, copulating in my office’ he said bluntly.
‘… Ah. Right. Yes. I—Should apologize for that, I suppose’ Mig mumbled. He didn’t drop his eyes the same way you did, but he looked bashful enough to seem sincere. ‘I swear it was not personal, this time, I wasn’t trying to—’
‘Yeah, I know’ Miguel sighed. ‘You’re just two stupid rabbits. I got it.’
Mig didn’t reply. He held onto that silence for a minute or so more before Miguel spoke again.
‘… Three, stupid rabbits. I know I can’t keep discounting myself.’
‘Mm. I do not, blame you for discounting yourself. I know our nature is frowned upon’ Mig replied in a kinder tone, one that irritated Miguel. He couldn’t stand Mig’s gentle nature. He knew, deep down, he didn’t deserve it.
‘Let’s just… focus on the experiment’ he grunted. Mig gave a curt nod, and he turned back to the table.
But they both knew that they couldn’t actually stay silent.
‘I think… if we try it this way, we might be able to get over that final 1% hurdle’ Miguel said after a minute's silence.
‘Mm. I hope so. I have high hopes for these next few trials’ Mig purred, giving his abdomen a happy little wiggle. ‘It has been a hard wait, but, I will be grateful to have it finished. I will be grateful for the help you offered. To finally be with mi arañita…’
‘Yep. You’ll get everything’ Miguel murmured. ‘If this works… You’ll get everything we both wanted.’
Mig’s purring dulled as he gazed over at his counterpart. ‘… You, make it sounds as if you are jealous of that fact.’
‘Do I? I hadn’t noticed.’
Miguel’s sudden, sarcastic tone caught Mig off guard. Miguel’s face hardened as he tried to maintain that cold façade, but even that quickly fell apart. He couldn’t stay mad at his big, stupid variant anymore, not now.
‘… Yeah, I’m jealous’ he murmured.
‘But, why?’
‘You know why.’
‘I’m aware we had our troubles, yes. But I don’t understand why you would still be envious of me now.’
Miguel scoffed a little, which only urged Mig to get closer. He bent his front legs to peer at Miguel with earnest eyes.
‘Is it still mi arañita? Do you—’
‘No! Not—’ Miguel paused and instinctively raised his hand. ‘Sorry, that sounds defensive. Ah.’
He ran that same hand down his face with a sigh. ‘It’s not. At least not… I mean I’m not, envious of your relationship to them, but… Perhaps, maybe I am envious that you have someone.’
‘Right. I see.’
‘It all, just… works for you. It works out for you’ Miguel grumbled, his hand slowly sliding back down to his side. ‘And I don’t know why.’
‘That seems an unfair assessment’ Mig replied quietly. ‘You are, implying that my life has somehow been notably easier than yours.’
Miguel opened his mouth to speak but quickly shut it.
‘I used to think you were the better of us all’ Mig said when Miguel failed to speak for himself. ‘You were the most human. The most adjusted. You had friends, co-workers, your… your, Dana was still alive, even if now gone.’
‘I’m sorry’ Miguel grumbled reluctantly. He couldn’t look Mig in the eye as he said it, but he managed to force it out. ‘I am. I didn’t—mean to imply that.’
‘It’s okay’ Mig purred. ‘In that mandatory therapy you made us go to, I… Came to understand a lot about my perception of you. You were everything that I wasn’t. A hybrid who passed for human, surrounded by people. And I hated you for it, but, I didn’t hate you—’
‘Well, you did. You hated me. For, justified reasons, I will add.’
Mig purred a mild chuckle in response. ‘Yes, I hated you after you tried to interfere. But I know why you did, perhaps better than anybody else. I liked rubbing it in your face, that I had achieved something unique and beautiful, because I put all of my misgivings onto you.’
In almost near synchronicity their smiles faded.
‘… Yeah’ Miguel murmured back. ‘Yeah. I see what you’re getting at.’
For a few minutes the two were silent. Miguel continued running logistics while Mig watched the screen, keeping track of the numbers as they flew past. For a while Miguel wanted desperately to pretend that he could leave the conversation there, but, that was a fools hope.
After testing a few logistics he paused the screen and gripped his desk for stability. Mig watched him with unblinking focus.
‘I tried to have a family. Even a, tiny little piece of a family, for myself… and I failed’ Miguel murmured. The cold blue light of the screen danced across his expression, filling in the hardened trauma lines in his face. The shadows in his brow and nose were sharpened under that dead light.
‘I failed. There was only one universe where I was happy, and I lost it, because—’
Miguel paused, unable to continue with that line of thought. Mig just purred.
‘Did you never wonder why?’ Miguel said, his voice barely a whisper. He sounded like a child re-calling their nightmare to their parent.
‘Why we suffer?’ Miguel hissed. ‘Did you never wonder why? Why every O’Hara has to suffer, alone? Why there was only one universe where one of us was happy, and even there he… even he… and I…’
Miguel bit his tongue and went totally still, his eyes wild. Mig allowed him a few more moments of silence before speaking again.
‘… I pondered that thought all the time’ Mig murmured back. He turned to gaze at the screen, seeing the little snippets of video flashing in the corner. He could see you, making your way down the beams, and it made his heart ache.
‘I pondered it before I came here. Why did I have to turn, why did my loved ones have to go, why did I have to be left alone? I’d ponder it every night as I looked at the stars, playing my silk strings, wondering why I didn’t deserve better.’
‘I always said, I created interdimensional travel to try and keep things on the straight and narrow. To, fix everyone’s stupid little mistakes’ Miguel said, more to himself than to Mig. ‘But I don’t think that was true. I don’t think that’s very honest.’
He caught a glimpse of the same video Mig was watching then, and he froze up. He saw that little girl tossing the football around, beaming and smiling at the camera with mud on her face. His little girl.
His expression darkened, and he swiped the video away.
‘I did it to fix my existence. To find somewhere better.’
‘And you did, did you not?’ Mig replied.
Miguel scowled until the red light of his eyes was reflected onto his cheeks like tear stains. ‘… I did something, that’s for sure’ he replied. He ran another hand down his face as he mulled over the choices he’d made, and the choices he was about to make.
‘If this serum works…. We are going against fate by doing this’ Miguel said slowly. ‘We are, testing the very limits of what fate allows.’
‘You talk of fate as if it’s a real thing’ Mig replied. Miguel’s scowl deepened.
‘… What if it is?’
The two men glanced at each other in unison. The two were now barely a few inches apart, with the monitor light perfectly highlighting their differences. Mig’s soft, hopeful eyes against Miguel’s dark, narrowed hopelessness. Red like blood, and red like the sunset, fixed on each other in the silence.
‘There is no such thing as fate’ Mig said directly to Miguel’s face. ‘There is no fate. There is a universal series of likelihoods, that are numerically inescapable. They must exist, in a world with infinite possibilities. In every universe, for us to exist as we are, as hybrids, as monsters, there must be suffering. It’s not fate. It’s just the same, sad event, playing over and over again. But after that event… There are a million choices to make.’
Miguel narrowed his eyes further as Mig spoke. He clenched his fists and let the squeak of leather stretching fill the silence.
‘Then why does it still all go wrong?’ Miguel hissed.
‘Because bad things happen’ Mig replied matter-of-factly.
‘Bullshit. This is more than just- regular bad things. You can tell me what happened to us is just, regular bad!’
‘No. Some people, have it worse, I admit—’
‘Much, worse. Much worse!’
‘Okay. Much worse. Yes. I concede that.’
The two fell into a slightly awkward silence as Miguel tried to soothe his temper. It was his only coping mechanism
‘All I meant, is… Bad things will always happen. But the good still happened too. No matter what happens from here… I will be grateful for the time I had’ Mig said softly.
‘Do you really think, you could lose this, and still be happy?’ Miguel argued back, though his tone had also softened. ‘Really?’
That thought drew Mig to pause. He tapped his little fluffy paws on the floor of the office, as he tried to decide how to respond. In the end, he did what he always did: he spoke the painful truth.
‘No’ he whispered. ‘No. I could never be happy again if I lost them.’
Miguel didn’t reply with words. He just gave his own somber nod of agreement. Despite the nice platitudes, despite wanting to altruistically believe they could be calm and composed enough to accept their fates with grace, both of them knew what loss could do.
In the end, there was only one thing Miguel could think to offer.
‘Okay. Come on, I’ll handle the last of this. I can run the last few tests by myself with Lyla. The Halloween party should be starting in a few hours, just um- just, you go and help them out. They probably got themselves lost. Tonto.’
‘But, Miguel, I want to help—’
‘That’s an order’ Miguel said, sharply cutting off Mig’s retort.
The two stared at each other for a moment longer, almost as if they could speak without saying a word. Their eyes were locked.
Part of Mig wanted to say no. He didn’t want to leave his work, he didn’t want to wait. He also, deep, deep down, didn’t necessarily trust Miguel fully yet. What if it was a trick? What if Miguel used this as leverage to sabotage the test? After all, it’s what he’d have done in the past.
But the more he looked at Miguel, the more he doubted those fears. He looked so irritated, the stubborn fool, but he looked so open too. So genuine in his annoyance that he was allowing himself to do this kindness. There was no quiet pride, or any façade of politeness to hide his intentions. He really wanted to do something nice, and he hated himself for it.
Eventually, just as you’d done, Mig relented. He bowed his head and agreed to go, but not before giving Miguel an awkward clap on the shoulder.
‘Thank you, amigo.’
Miguel flinched at the new nickname. It caught him so off guard he nearly snorted out loud.
‘You, wh… Shut up! Jesus, you tried to fuck in my office behind my back, don’t start with that. Get out. Go on.’
To save face Miguel quickly snapped and pushed Mig’s hand aside, though there was no genuine fire in his words. Even Mig could pick that up. ‘Very well. I shall see you later, then. Take care’ Mig added, before turning and padding his way out of the office in hot pursuit of wherever you’d gotten off to.
Miguel was left alone, hands clasped to his desk, trying to hide the bemused and confused expression on his face. He hadn’t even noticed his claws had sunk into the desk.
‘Tonto’ he hissed beneath his breath, and with cheeks now burnt a soft shade of auburn red he returned to his work.
Link to next part!
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kodared · 10 days
✰ Stanford & Borrower/Anomaly Reader ✰
fears not enough they have to tear him apart.
Chapter 1/?
Wordcount: 2,057
➤ Summary Based on the borrowers of many universes! I hope you enjoy it, and if you don't know about borrowers, let me be your guide into a world I've loved since I was young. ✰Written because I saw the severe lack of borrower content in Gravity Falls fanfic, i hope you enjoy <3 ✰ - ★Updates irregularly! I write when I want ★
★ - Also on AO3! - ★
The cottage you moved into was poorly constructed and had many openings to various rooms because of the peeling wallpaper. It was partially why you chose to reside there after many weeks of venturing the forest once your parents kicked you out. 
You lived with your parents in a tree until they decided it was time for you to make your way in this world. Oh, how you could imagine the looks on their faces if you told them the mess you got yourself into this time. 
Your family chose the safety of trees and burrows rather than living in the walls of creatures that could kill you without so much as a flick of a wrist. 
You wouldn't call yourself one for adventure, quite the opposite. Humans terrified you to your very core. You’ve been a first-hand witness to what they are capable of. When the cottage was in the process of being built you watched many trees torn and splintered by their impossibly large machines. 
You rather despised humans. What you didn't despise however was routine and having access to food much easier than foraging. 
Life in the cottage was relatively peaceful, it was about as peaceful as you could get for being only a few inches tall. You swore your species was doomed to fail if it wasnt for humans influence. 
The scientist who lived in the cottage was paranoid, that much was obvious. Even when you first moved in after being kicked out he stayed up much too late and consumed too much coffee to be considered sane. You brushed it off because, after a few days of scoping out the walls of the cottage, you realized he had a very precise schedule that made borrowing easy. 
He would wake up early, and go to bed late. Usually uttering to himself before going down into his basement to do who knew what. It gave you a lot of time to yourself, and a human with a predictable schedule was hard to come by. Most had kids or animals, both very dangerous to someone like yourself. Fortunately, this human only seemed to have one friend who came around periodically, but they stayed downstairs. 
You had noticed that night you were running low on thread and crackers, and the human was in his basement. Of course, night turned into day much quicker than you predicted. 
The shock and horror of hearing the vending machine door open while you were in the middle of climbing up into his shelf literally by a thread still shuddered through your body even now. 
…So what if you screamed and ran off despite him shouting for you? So what if you have to move homes? It didn't even matter much to you that when you let go of the thread you landed on your foot and wrist wrong. 
The faint memory of his hand reaching for you did rattle you to your core, despite how much you insisted you could escape him even if he did grab you. 
The way his eyes bared into your very soul, the way even his shadow in the early dawn lighting engulfed your entire body. Your shaking hands as you pried the loose wood plank off the wall just as you could feel his body heat emitting from his hand radiating on your back. 
 …You push the memories away lest you give yourself another panic attack. You tried to not let it bother you much, though you would miss the plentiful amounts of jellybeans and other snacks he kept on the shelves. 
No. What bothered you the MOST was the fact every little detail, every little move you made before you ran off into the wall, was now being documented. 
You looked down from the crack in the wall with a grimace. There was a foul taste in your mouth as you saw the human below taking vivid and rigorous notes while sitting at the kitchen table. His pen scratched the page so hard you believed it would rip. 
The red journal he carried with him was the bane of your existence. If any information about you or your species was going to become mainstream, it would doom your life as you knew it. Not to mention shatter any dreams you had of a normal life. 
You weren't in any position to do anything about it yet. The effects of the adrenaline pumping through your veins were slowly ebbing away. Leaving a dull ache in your head and a nasty sprain on your wrist and ankle. 
With a sigh, you pushed off the wall and made the long trek back to your room. Deciding that before leaving, you had to get rid of the page in his journal. He had to leave it unguarded at some point. 
Your room in the walls wasnt much, but you spent a lot of time working on it. You hollowed out a space inbetween a few support beams and insulation and put a few pieces of cloth on the walls. 
The pin cushion you called a bed practically screamed your name as you pushed your makeshift cloth ‘door’ open. You broke off a piece of a cracker you swiped a few days prior and shoveled it into your mouth before collapsing on the bed. 
Getting that journal was your only hope. Ignoring the chalky residue left in your mouth by the dry cracker sleep soon found you. 
That man did not leave his journal for one moment. 
It's been two days since your last encounter with the human. You tried so hard to stay patient in the walls and bide your time until you could get ahold of the cursed page, but your rations were running short. 
So you threw on your satchel and stabbed a needle in your pants just in case he was out. You used to not carry it, but you weren't taking any chances. 
Pressing your hands to your eyes you tried to gather courage as you walked in the dark pathways of the walls. You tried not to think about what would happen if you were caught by the scientist. 
You’ve seen him take creatures like yourself down in his basement, and they never come back up. 
Despite this, you still for whatever reason chose to stay. You wished you never stayed. More than anything you wished you had just found a nice, abandoned burrow like your cousin had, and stayed in the woods. 
In your frustration you kicked a piece of rock, it hit a nearby pipe with a satisfying twang. 
There were more predators in the woods but atleast they would just kill you. There was no telling what the human would do if he caught you. 
Taking a deep breath you consoled yourself, if you played your cards right and stayed out of sight this would turn out like it usually did. 
You would take a few crackers and leave, that's all you had to do. 
As you pressed your hands against the wall and shakily pushed, you felt the loose wood disconnect with a satisfying crack while you poked your head out.
You squinted as the bright light from the kitchen flooded into the wall and onto your face.  
Everything seemed completely normal, which should have relaxed you, but it merely put you more on edge. 
This human wasnt normal. There was no reason everything on the countertop was tidied away. He usually left dishes in the sink, and from where you stood you saw none. 
You where about to slink back into the wall and go out a different time before you heard his voice. 
“...It was bipedal!- have you ever-” 
You were quick to pull yourself back into the wall, your hand slipping on the wood and giving yourself a splinter. You sucked in a breath and held your yelp as you heard footsteps coming closer. 
“I know, you haven't stopped talking about it for three hours..” 
The other human's voice sounded southern, you recognized it as the main resident's friend, or ‘associate’ he sometimes said. 
You could hear them picking up various glasses and cups, if you had to guess the humans were probably making more coffee. Your hypothesis was only confirmed as you heard the cursed machine whirr to a start. 
You finally let out the breath you were holding as you felt the splinter that now lodged itself in your palm. Wincing as you continued to listen. 
“I know, I just wish I was able to capture it! I could put a more accurate sketch, what if its the only one of its kind?” 
Predictable as always. 
“Ford, I'm sure you already went scarin’ the thing half to death. I wouldn't be shocked if it left,” 
Ford. The scientist was named Ford. As you picked at the splinter you internally berated the name, yours wasnt much better but atleast your parents loved you enough to not name you Ford. 
…Maybe you where being a bit mean. 
“I doubt it, more than likely I can catch it again early morning. It seemed shocked I was there, it more than likely has a schedule it keeps to.” 
Or maybe you weren't mean enough. Seriously who did this guy think he was? You had half a mind to march out of the wall and stab his stupid hand.
You didn't bother listening to the rest of their conversation, too preoccupied with picking at the splinter. Trying to pull it out with little to no light proved itself to be difficult. 
You could head back to your room, but the string lights in there had limited battery, and you tried to save it for only special occasions. 
To your relief, the pair left a few minutes later. Only when you heard the vending machine door clunk shut did you press against the wood plank. 
Using the small sliver of light provided you pulled the splinter out with your nails, flicking it away before turning and looking at the counter. 
…He left a dish. 
A dish in front of where he last saw you. A dish full of various snacks, ranging from two jellybeans to crackers and cheese. 
You weren't some domesticated house pet. You scowled at the dish as if it had personally scalded you before walking past it. 
You walked quietly despite there being no reason to. Wishing you had your fish hook and thread to get up on the higher shelf. 
You could manage without it though. You only made it a few months prior so you were skilled enough to find some scraps on the counter usually. 
To your dismay, though he seemed to have done a thorough cleaning, and without your hook you had no way to reach the shelves above to gather your food. 
You pressed on and walked over to the sink, careful to balance on the edge. You looked at the faucet and walked over to the handle. Gently and carefully push it just a smidge before taking out a small thimble you used for water. 
After drinking your fill and putting the thimble away, you turned the water off. 
…Not fully though, he could deal with a leaky faucet for a few hours. 
You where going to go back empty-handed until your stomach growled looking at the crackers he left out. 
Surely taking one wouldn't hurt, if you left a message. 
You picked up one and stuffed it into your bag, contemplating taking a jellybean but deciding against it. Right before you went into the wall you kicked the dish off of the counter. Shattering on the floor with a satisfying clatter. 
Snickering to yourself you slinked off into the walls. You’d check back on the human that night to see if he left his journal on his desk this time. 
A few hours later Ford had finally gotten to a stopping point with his research. Thoughts of the little creature in his walls beckoned at his mind as he rode the elevator up. 
He sent Fiddleford home with a goodnight before practically sprinting into the kitchen, seeing the mess left by the mischievous thing. 
One thing on the counter caught his eye in particular. 
As he picked it up he examined it thoroughly. 
A small splinter of wood, ever so slightly tinged at the edge with red. 
Thank you for reading!! Ill more than likely be updating this when i can, but be assured Chapter 2 is already being written with plans for three others!
Hope you Enjoyed!! My Askbox is always open if you want to hear me ramble more about borrowers! V●ᴥ●V
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redbleedingrose · 4 months
Heavens Above ~ Rhysand x Reader
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A/N: a mini fic if you will. ig could be a drabble, but it felt like longer than a drabble. love yall sm and I hope you enjoy!
Imagine FWB!Rhys who is secretly madly in love with you who whisks you away to the cabin after the ginormous party he insisted on throwing for your birthday.
And basically, he makes you some hot tea and stokes a fire in the living room bc its freezing, regardless of the time of year, the Illyrian territory is half tundra. The snow is falling heavily enough that the ground is completely coated in sparkling white fluff.
And Rhysie whips out a slice of cake from thin air, your favorite kind mind you, and insists on feeding you and him from the same fork while you snuggle under a warm blanket.
Once you're done with your cake and tea, he thumbs away some stray frosting off the side of your lip, poor male can never keep his hands to himself. His eyes of amethyst sparkling with something you cant place flickering back and forth between your own before leaning in and pressing soft kisses to your lips that quickly become more and more heated.
Soon enough, he is plucking you off the couch, not even having to stop from sucking marks into your neck while you bury your face into his shoulder, shuddering at his strokes to your thighs as he carries you to the bedroom.
He tosses you onto the bed, exposing his wings to you, a rare but welcome sight, they flare against the cold, the delicate membrane quivering as the dark of night rolls off his broad tattooed shoulders. You eye the way his hands ease their way up your legs, his veins bulging as he grips your thighs apart.
And usually, your nights together are spent with rough, hot intimacy. But tonight? Tonight, he takes his sweet time with you. Peppering soft kisses over every exposed inch to your skin, gripping every soft curve of yours like he can't get enough of you, his hips rocking against yours in a slow symphony that only you two can hear. The way he takes you over and over, he takes you apart in every way and puts you back together. He watches the way you quake against him, your legs around his waist pulling him closer while your arms cling to his shoulder and he can't remember seeing anything so beautiful. He finds the entire universe in you and lets himself fall apart so you can piece him back together.
And well...
When he wakes you at 3am with his arm rubbing at your bare shoulder and face nuzzling into your hair as you cling to his bare chest, you're quite grumpy to say the least.
Nonetheless you pout as he insists you wake and get dressed, even helps you put on your gigantic coat and tucking the scarf his mother knitted for him once around your hickey littered neck before pulling your fists away from the rubbing at your eye to kiss them. He turns around and kneels down, chuckling at your quiet grumbles and mumbles, tugging you onto his back so he can carry you outside. His heart warms as you hush up to stuff your face into his back and stroke your warm mittens against his chest.
After a couple minutes of him trekking you both through the snowy forest, the moon and stars illuminating your path, he stops at the mountain edge. You're nearly passed out once he comes to a stop, his furnace of a body, the beat of his heart against your palms and the soft crunching of the snow under his feet lulling you into a quiet slumber. You only rouse when he whispers your name into the night, "Look up darling," settling you down before tucking your back into his chest.
And there you see it.
The Auroras of Illyria.
A rare phenomena. One witnessed only every couple of centuries.
The first time he was able to catch a glimpse of them, he witnessed it alongside his sister and mum.
And now, he witnesses it with the you. He smiles to himself as you gape up at the sky and lays kisses to the top of your hair, the purple and green solar rays a sight shared with the only most important and beloved females in his life. Once, his sister and mother. And now you.
And its that same night where he tugs off your left mitten while you focus on the heavens above you, and slides his mothers ring onto your fourth finger, the souls twirling through the aurora a witness to the promise of his love and devotion for you.
Anyway, heheheh. This was in honor of the auroras. I wasn't able to see them with my own eyes, but I was able to capture some pictures of them. It was beautiful.
Check out more of my stuff: Rhysand Masterlist, Main Masterlist
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minimerrymarvelous · 3 months
Too Old for This S-...
What about a reverse-transmigration AU where Shen Qingqiu and Shang Qinghua are old as dirt so when they wake up back in their old apartments, they can't be bothered to care about whatever event the System is on about now. 
A quick reacquaintance with modern technology and a few DM's later, the duo are together again and ready to embark on the journey to get back home, whatever that journey may be.
It takes them some time—breaking the many laws of nature, the universe, and the time space continuum tend to do that—but the fabric of the universe can't handle going up against the whims of an incensed protagonist and a tired god of creation both single mindedly determined on going back to their respective cushy demon lord husbands.
Go figure, apparently the space between universes is a lot like outer space because neither man could hear the others' scream as they fall through the fabric of the universe after taking a metaphorical axe to the boundary between dimensions. From there, they aren't clear on the exact process of trans-dimensional travel but after being suspended in the Void for a period of time they ended up tumbling into what appeared to be their proper universe, so they figured it worked. They were in the middle of nowhere, sure, but they could tell they were home.
If home was a random overgrown forest with a weed problem.
Shut up, Airplane!
Before the transmigrator's returned to their husbands, they had one final order of business to take care of before the day was out: The System.
They had long since made a pact that if the System ever showed its ugly emoticon-filled mug to them again, they would find a way to Kill It. They only stayed their hands this long to ensure they could get home. Now it was the time to put their various System-killing plans into action.
But first, they needed some tea, trans-dimensional screaming was harsh on the throat.
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sorceresssundries · 5 months
A Scandal In Sorcery
Chapter 1
Pairing: Gale x Fem Tav
Summary: A Regency era/Baldur’s Gate crossover. Set in an Alternate Universe, containing familiar faces and key events in new light.
It is, predominantly, a love-story which will contain explicit content as the slow-burning bond between Gale and Tav deepens.
(This is also published on AO3)
Word Count: 3.2k
A/N: This story is set in an Alternate Universe. Though there may be echoes of sound and flickers of light from a well-loved place, please bear in mind this is a new path in a familiar forest.  Take comfort in the familiarity and care into the unknown.  Some things are destined to come together in every universe, just as others are doomed to fall apart.
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It is a truth universally acknowledged, that a single suitor in possession of high standing and good fortune, must be in want of marriage.
It was the peak of summer, and Tav found herself yet again stifled by the dull formalities and repetitive dances of a ball in the Upper City. How she hated being dragged along to these pointless parades, where she always ended up feeling more like a peacock than a wizard. She had been corseted and primped to within an inch of her life; all to be displayed at an event which to her was a total circus. She longed to escape to the sanctuary of her study, where parchment and quill awaited, and where her fingers could be adorned not with jewels, but with the comforting stains of ink.
By the number of couplings announced in the weeks following these illustrious events, one could argue that the whole affair was more of an auction than a party. Despite the early hour, the incessant chatter was already filled with discussions of betrothals and alliances. Frantic parents and guardians would inevitably spend their entire time flitting from suitor to suitor, engaging in pointless small talk in an attempt to veil their matrimonial intentions—although most of the time, their efforts were in vain. Her father, unfortunately, was one of those frantic parents. She could see him now, talking to one of the many Lord and Ladies. No, not talking, conspiring . She understood his frustration, since her mother’s passing their place amongst the elite had been teetering on a cliff edge - and one delicate misstep could send them spiralling downwards and lost to the pull of untiring and pitiless tides. It was exhausting.
Tav’s mother, Estrea Olyn, had been a wonder of a woman. A gifted sorcerer, Slayer of Bhaalspawn, and hero of the gate. She had risked the shunning of the society she occupied when she eventually settled and married a humble merchant. Luckily, her charm, beauty, and famous heroics meant she was destined to be the pearl in the oyster of every social event the Upper-City could shuck. But the privileges welcome to Estrea did not pass over to her grieving family in the wake of her death.
So here Tav was, years later, at another ball, in another set of restrictive robes, being paraded around another room full of suitors in an attempt to reclaim some of the prominence which had been stripped from her family. It was pointless, really. She had made it perfectly clear to her father she had no intention of marrying. She was set on furthering her studies at The Blackstaff Academy and reigniting their good name by becoming a wizard of unparalleled renown. She knew she had it in her, she just needed the chance to prove herself. But, until her position there was accepted, and her future secured - she was destined to go along with the charade. It kept her poor father’s mind occupied and saved him from being swallowed up by the grief which chewed at him from morning to each sleepless, heart-wrecked evening. It had been many years since the death of her mother, yet grief’s grip suffocated just as relentlessly as the day she had left him. 
The magnificent room was scattered with groups of people arranged in predictable constellations. And she, as always, was a lone star. She sighed and adjusted the dark tendrils of hair which kept slipping from the crown of curls fixed atop her head, and settled into the dimmed corner she had found to mentally prepare for more inane chatter from disinterested suitors.
Relief eventually found her in the form of Wyll Ravenguard. Her friend and fellow auction item who had been catalogued and tagged alongside her for the season, although she was well aware the value attributed to him was far higher than her own. He was devilishly handsome, perfectly mannered and most importantly, the son of the Grand Duke. There wasn’t a man or woman in the Upper-City who wasn’t completely enraptured in his presence. 
“You know, no-one will ever ask you to dance if you skulk away in dark corners.” He said as he approached her hideaway. He looked beautiful as ever, in robes of emerald which complimented the richness of his dark skin. His hair was freshly braided, and he smelled comfortingly of cedar and cinnamon. As always, his eyes sparkled when he spoke. 
“What?!” She replied clutching at her necklace “I thought I was presenting myself as the enigmatic and elusive damsel in desperate need of a marriage proposal? I must try harder, Saer, but I am eternally grateful for your ongoing education.” She bowed low, and he gestured to her secretly in a most ungentlemanlike way.
“You are a nightmare in a too-tight corset” His voice was a low chuckle.
“And you are a delight who will never see it undone.” She teased.
Wyll had been her friend since childhood. He had been kind to her when others had not, a generous skill he had only refined as they grew older. Despite their closeness, and many a rumour, Tav and Wyll had never entertained the notion of matrimony. Her father's clumsy attempts to suggest them as a suitable match to Wyll's father were met with resolute indifference from Ulder Ravenguard. His aspirations for his son transcended that of a marriage to the wild, ostracised girl of a lowly merchant. This came as a grateful relief to both Tav and Wyll. 
There had been confusing, romantic feelings at one time - but only during the blur of adolescence, where love could spark, flourish, and burn out within the space of a few heady weeks. Some people would call it a crush, but to Tav her feelings for Wyll had been the first bud of spring; hesitant, and ultimately too immature to flourish into a full-summer bloom. 
Still, inevitably, there had been awkward, hormone-driven exploration between the two of them. The unavoidable result of two teenagers spending too much time together, sunbathing half-naked on secret rooftops and stealing away dusty bottles of Arabellan Dry to be passed between wine-stained lips in intimate hideaways. He had been her first kiss. Her first fumble. The first person she had dared open that little, forbidden box of sexual discovery to, and he had always treasured it fiercely. He was her friend, and she loved him dearly.
“I’ve heard Jacques Huntington is itching for a dance with the young Lord Ravenguard.” She nudged his shoulder with hers and nodded her head towards a tall, thin, blonde gentleman who kept throwing nervous looks in their direction.
“How have you heard that? You’ve barely spoken to anyone.” Wyll scoffs. 
She shrugged nonchalantly, “It’s easy to eavesdrop on conversation when people pay no attention to you. I may as well be sipping on a potion of invisibility, it is a most enviable position to be in. I highly recommend it”
“Well, I'm not dancing with him again after last time. His breath was foul. I’ve had to bat away a house-call from him three times already this season.” 
Tav’s eyes scanned the room once more, and settled on a young woman whose empire-waisted dress could barely contain her breasts. “Marianna, then. I swear she must bathe for hours in that fragrance she wears, the scent of her could rouse a bugbear from its slumber. You would have no fear of smelling her breath over it.” 
“Absolutely not. She presses herself far too close, I feel as though she’s trying to mount me each time we dance.” Tav laughed loudly, earning herself a glare from a group of grim-faced guests not too far away. Gods, everyone was so stiff. 
“Well, your pickiness will have to end eventually. The two of us are becoming the withered grapes on an otherwise flourishing vine. Soon no-one will want a taste.” She was secretly glad of this bleak reminder her father would often throw at her, maybe soon she would be left alone entirely. 
It was then that the entire ballroom seemed to switch from incessant chattering to a soft hum. For a brief second, Tav thought someone must have cast ‘Silence’ over a large part of the congregation, before her eyes caught up with the focus of their attention. 
Two men had just entered the room. One was probably the palest man she had ever seen. Undeniably a high-elf, with perfectly coiffed and curled white hair. He moved with such delicate grace that it would have been no surprise to learn he was spun from silk itself. His clothing was the most eminent of everyone there, deep red with gold threading so intricate he practically shimmered as he moved through the crowd of people. His mouth was carved into an unwavering smile, which alone would be pleasant, but combined with the glint in his piercing blue eyes, gave him an unsettling, roguish quality which set Tav’s hairs on end. 
The man who followed behind him was an entirely different story. Clad in robes of silver and amethyst purple, he exuded the quiet confidence of someone settled in their own skin. He was that infuriating, effortless kind of beautiful that made heads turn and hearts flutter with no struggle at all. Where the pale elf looked as though he had spent hours preening himself in front of a mirror, this man looked as though he had thrown his hair into a half-bun, placed upon himself the first set of robes he could find, and still turned up looking tempting as sin itself. His skin was bronzed, eyes dark, hair dappled brown and silver, and the expression on his face said he wanted to be here almost as little as she did. He was a bright tonic amongst the evening’s bitter artifice.
“A handsome couple” Her eyes followed them as they made their introductions. Well, as the pale elf made their introductions. The man in purple seemed to hang back during each interaction, letting his companion do the talking - and the flirting - by the way he would sway as he spoke, leaning towards each target in an overfamiliar fashion. 
Wyll snorted at her observation. “They are no couple, dear Tav.” He took a sip of his wine as he appraised them himself. “You’ve heard of one of them, surely?” Her eyes flicked between the two men, trying to discern if she recognised them from one of the many, many books cluttering her study. “That, my magical friend, is the illustrious Gale of Waterdeep. The Chosen of Mystra herself.” 
Of course. As he said it, the twinkle of the silver eight-pointed star earring nestled in the darker man’s hair caught her eye. Mystra’s symbol. She had heard of him. He was a  Waterdhavian child prodigy, and stories of his prowess had featured occasionally in her studies. 
Tav herself was no stranger to the whispers of prodigy. From a tender age, she had possessed the rare gift of being able to channel the Weave at her whim. As a child, the fabric of magic had been her playground, her evenings spent in solitary exploration as she wove illusions and breathed enchantments into the toys that nestled under her bed. Magic fizzled in her blood. She was born with the same sorcerous gift as her mother, and she had buried herself in painstaking study to ensure its total understanding and control. She would be its master, and would not die to it the same way her mother had.
Tav had no love for Mystra. The death of her mother had led to the shunning of the Goddess completely. She placed blame upon the Mother of Magic for not protecting Estrea from her own divine gift. It had seemed desperately unfair, cruel, and most of all confusing. The combination of Tav’s anger and studious intent had left her ostracised by most of her peers, and so she had spent her time alone with her spellbooks in the lonely shadow of her dead, heroic mother. Still, Tav refused to be defined by the whims of fate. Magic would be her legacy, earned through sweat and toil rather than inherited by birthright alone. She would carve her name into the annals of history, and she would do it without the pomp and privilege of being some arrogant, naive chosen. She may have the spirit of a sorcerer, but she was determined to be the greatest wizard of the age.
She regarded Gale of Waterdeep intensely, and for a split second he straightened as though a cold wind had slipped across his skin. He turned, and held her heated gaze across the room. His eyes were a soft, comforting brown, but they were not enough to melt her from the icy pillar she had become. He was Mystra’s mouthpiece, and she would not hear any of him. 
She snapped her eyes away from him and turned back to Wyll, who was appraising her with soft amusement. 
“Now, now. As much as a fight would liven the party up a bit. Let’s keep your magic  contained, shall we?” He gave her hand a comforting squeeze and felt her skin jolt as her power tried to escape. With practiced focus, she contained herself. A burst of emotional magic, although entertaining, would probably cause her poor father a heart-attack.
“What is Mysta’s chosen doing among this tedium?” She enquired of Wyll, whom she knew was always privy to the best gossip the city had to offer. One of the benefits of being likeable, she supposed. 
“Apparently she has granted him temporary leave to return to the material plane.” Tav rolled her eyes. It sounded as though he was some pet she had released into the garden to relieve itself. Wyll leaned in a little closer  “I hear, he is also her lover.”
This was not a total surprise to Tav, it seemed to be a habit of Mystra’s. And, she thought to herself and she risked another glance at the handsome Wizard, she supposed the Goddess had good taste. 
The music in the room suddenly lulled into silence. “Oh, here we go. Time for the speech from our illustrious and enigmatic host himself.” Wyll’s tone was laced with disdain. As much as he flourished at these parties, it was no secret that he held no respect for the man who tended to host the majority of them. 
Enver Gortash ascended the grand staircase and settled himself at the balcony overlooking the festivities below. His gaze swept over the assembled crowd, a subtle smirk playing at the corners of his lips as he prepared to address them.
Standing just behind him was his ever-present bodyguard, a flame-red Tiefling woman whose imposing stature and muscular frame were poorly hidden behind her tailored suit. Her golden eyes were sharp and watchful. She was his sentinel, and Tav noticed Wyll couldn’t seem to keep his eyes off her. 
Lord Gortash was a figure of both respect and trepidation, his influence extending far beyond the confines of his sprawling estate in the Upper-City. His reputation preceded him, a shadowy figure who was powerful and mysterious in equal measure. He was respected by many, and unnerved by most. No one who received an invitation to one of his glittering events ever dared to turn it down. 
“Welcome! Dear friends, noble patriots of Baldur’s Gate.” His voice was low and almost hypnotic. “What a delight it is for you to once again grace the home of a humble, and grateful, servant of this city.” Tav noted how his smile didn’t quite reach his eyes. “I am entranced by your company as always, and I am looking forward to spending this evening… In fruitful conversation.” At this, he flashed his eyes directly at Tav and her whole world stopped. His eyes were so dark they were almost black, and she wasn’t sure why but her blood suddenly turned icy. It only lasted one, practically imperceptible moment and then he dragged his gaze away from her to continue his speech on the importance of camaraderie and the ongoing development of their great city. 
He finished to a round of applause, and Tav had decided she had had enough of all of them. She wanted to go home. 
“I’m going to find my father, Wyll.” She looked round the room to see which unlucky person her father had trapped in conversation now, but she couldn’t see him anywhere. Wyll remained silent next to her.
“Hmm?” His focus returned, and Tav had a fair idea of where it had floated off to.
“I’m going to retire for the evening” She gave his hand another squeeze “I apologise deeply for leaving you alone, but perhaps there is other company you could find sanctuary in?” Her eyes flashed with mischief. “I hear Lord Gortash’s bodyguard is quite entertaining.” 
Before he could retort, she turned and left, her eyes once again frantically searching for her father. This led her to bump directly into Gale of Waterdeep, who had been attempting to gravitate towards her for quite some time.
“Ah, my apologies my lady.” He bowed his head as he took a step back from her. “I’m usually better at this.” 
“At displaying manners?” She remarked. 
“At introductions.” He tried not to smirk to himself at her annoyance. The potent aura of weave he had sensed around her from all the way over the room, seemed to intensify at her irritation. Fascinating, he thought. “I am Gale of Waterdeep… and you are Ostavia Olyn.” He said with infuriating confidence. 
She did not fall for the flattery of him obviously having asked about her. “Usually one is granted the privilege of being able to offer their own introduction” She said. “Has your time away from mortal company caused you to abandon all decorum?” He did not answer her question as he sensed, quite correctly, that she was not done.
“I’ve never met a Chosen before. Should I refer to you as Saer?” Her tone was now slightly mocking. He was enjoying her immensely. “What title would Mystra prefer?” 
 “Mr.Dekarios will do just fine.” He took in the flame of her eyes, and the dark hair which had started to spiral loose down her neck, and suddenly he found the evening much more enjoyable. “Please would you do me the honour of partnering me for a dance?”. He offered an elegant hand to her. 
And for some reason she couldn’t quite understand, she took it. 
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amuyyi · 4 months
Summer Rain .
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synopsis: you head home to jeju island for summer vacation and reunite with your best friend and k-pop idol, jiwon after a year apart. you soon realize your feelings for "liz" go beyond platonic, theyre unexpected yet beautiful-- just like the summer rain.
trope: liz x f!reader, best friends to lovers, summer vacation, fluff
wc: 3.9k
cw: none
a/n: idk if u guys can tell but i love summer love and i love the environment... plants and outdoors are my calling.
A soft hum leaves your lips as you close your eyes, the cool summer breeze gently brushing your face as you smile. You always loved spending your summers in Korea, it felt great to get away from the chaos of the states—  all of that university, homework, internships, and endless responsibilities gave you practically no time to simply just be. The city of Seogwipo was covered in all kinds of nature for one to relax in, but as the summer months roll in, Jeju island always gets flooded with even more tourists than usual. People of all ages come to see the waterfalls or greenery or even come for the nightlife, and it becomes nearly impossible to exist within your own home.
Not here though. The leaves above rustle and the birds chirp, finding solace within your presence. This part of Seogwipo was a bit away from the heart of the city, and usually held less human traffic all year round. You sat comfortably at the edge of a picnic table, placed charmingly in front of a small convenience store as the girl sat across from you lay her head alongside the table, using her arms as a cushion. Jiwon hummed in response to your own as her eyes remained peacefully shut, taking in the environment through her other senses alone. You could tell that she was still paying attention despite dozing off, being able to smell the presence of the triangle kimbap you guys had bought from the store, to hear your calm breathing, to feel your guys’s shoes touching under the table– becoming an idol made her even more acutely aware of the world around her than ever before. You’re not all too sure if thats a good or bad thing.
The sight of your friend relaxing after working so hard still made you smile, though. You worry for a bit, concerned that her dark hair would get into your shared food, but decide not to wake her from her rest. After spending so much time promoting IVE’s newest comeback with endless photoshoots and performances, Jiwon and the other girls were rewarded with some free time to spend back at home with their families for the summer, and this was probably one of the few times you could finally see the ravenette in her “natural habitat.” She deserved this.
Taking in another breath of fresh Jeju Island air, you lean over the table and grab the last kimbap, unwrapping it and taking a bite. You savor the flavor with a pleased squeal as you enjoy the mix of spam and kimchi paired with the rice and nori. You missed this— and it was so much cheaper here than back at school overseas… 
“Mmm, let's go to the Falls today…” you hear Jiwon mumble from across the table, breaking the silence. You watch as she adjusts her position, snuggling deeper into her makeshift pillow-arms. “The Falls” was the name you gave a lake you and Jiwon had stumbled across while exploring the forests as kids. Since then, the falls has been your guys’ “spot” so to speak. You would go there every time you wanted to hang out as kids, needed a place to cry, or simply wanted to be away from the rest of the world. You nodded as you finished your snack, leaning over and tossing the rest of the trash away before placing a hand on the other girl's head, giving it a little shake. “C’mon then. We can't get there if you sleep in all day.” 
Groaning, Jiwon turns her head away from your touch, swatting your hand with an uncalled for attitude. This causes you to dramatically gasp and whip your hand away, kicking the girl from underneath the table. “Hey! Ow-WUH” Jiwon’s head snaps up as she hisses, glaring daggers at you as you feign innocence, whistling comically as you look around, scratching the back of your neck aimlessly. “I don’t even know what you’re talking about. Why are you looking at me?”
Jiwon lets out a playful scoff as she gets up, “uh huh… Right. Whatever you say,” she smirks, offering her hand to you as you gladly take it. The taller girl guides you out of your seat before linking her arm with your own, “so… How's school been?” Jiwon leads the way, following an all too familiar path to you two that was off the main road. The concrete beneath your feet gets replaced with overgrown wildgrasses, and the song of cicadas begin to emerge from overhead. Various bugs and flies lazily flew past the both of you as you walked, and you silently kept an eye out for a specific species as you pondered.
“So. Tiring.” You emphasized the breaks between the two words as Jiwon rolls her eyes, giggling a little, “and…?” 
You click your tongue as you begin to think of a proper response this time, eyes wandering towards the sky, the blue canvas and the incoming light partially masked by the overhead growth as you trudge deeper within the forest. “University is a different experience, I’ve never felt more grown yet so small at the same time y’know? It's like, you're a student, but you're expected to take on stuff like an adult, and you're in the same boat as literally thousands of other students but you’re still alone?” You begin to ramble, unknowingly unlinking your arm from Jiwon’s to dramatically act out your words as she nods. “And everyones expecting you to jump onto internships right away or to join a million clubs to put on a resume– I don’t know how to create a proper resume by the way, and talk to all of these professors and network, but also still maintain a social life, but freshman friendships fall off so easily and everyone just wants to go to bars or frats all the time and I get tired after one outing and it’s just so much!” You exclaim, throwing your arms into the air as the words spill uncontrollably out of your mouth. 
Jiwon chuckles, shaking her head. You had always been easily stressed, but the transition into university seemed to have taken an additional toll on you. “But you made it through your first year of university in the U.S, that's enough to celebrate!” She stops walking for a moment, bending over to pick up a broken branch hidden within the brush. Analyzing it for a bit, she nods to herself before returning to your side, using it as a walking stick as she continues, “besides, freshman year is meant to be your trial year anyways. You experience stuff and fail sometimes, but at least you know what to do next year. There's no need to grow up so fast,” the other girl's voice is reassuring and genuine, and you feel your gaze softening as you watch her speak. Still, she was one of your childhood friends. 
“Says you, you never even graduated.”
The jab was unexpected but playful, causing Jiwon to scoff and laugh as she flipped her long black hair with her free hand, “and where has that gotten me? I’m now your new favorite idol in the best Korean pop group of this generation!” 
You can't help but snicker at her response, not denying her statement at all as you ask, “How's that going by the way? I listened to your new song, you looked gorgeous in the music video.”
You swear you could see Jiwon’s cheeks grow pink from your comment, but disregard it quickly as your attention is brought towards small specks of white within the grass nearby. You begin to wander off, but Jiwon knows you’re still listening as she speaks. 
“It's going really well, actually. I mean yeah, we work crazy hard and I rarely sleep sometimes, but it's all worth it. I really like what I’m doing, and I think the fans are really starting to like me!” You watch as your friend’s eyes start to light up as she speaks, and you find yourself smiling at the sight. You loved when Liz was happy. Through various late night text messages, you had learned that your friend struggled a lot with self esteem and body image throughout her debut. There was not much you could do to comfort her, being over 6,000 miles away meant all you could really do was send her uber eats meals and call whenever you guys weren't busy. But it was nice seeing her confident again, you'd do anything to keep her like this.
You bent down within the grass as she continued on, eyes locking onto little white flowers you soon recognized to be a Japanese rose. The way that multiple white petals with yellow anthers would cluster amongst one another on a singular plant was always a wonderful sight to behold back at home. Your eyes scan for the prettiest bundle, carefully using your nail to cut and pick the flower with innate precision. Smiling to yourself, you twirl the small plant between your thumb and index, taking in its beauty as you return back to your friend. 
“You have to meet the girls one day y/n, they’d love you! Wonyoung is always so sweet, and Rei would be more than willing to talk your ear off…” Jiwon’s excitement and adoration for her girls was honestly contagious. She was normally so quiet and introverted until she was with you. Soon enough, she would go from a listener to a rambler, and you would gladly be her ears from then on.
Her voice trails off as you take a moment to tuck Jiwon’s hair behind her ear, delicately placing the bundle of flora in its place as you grin. This time, you could definitely see the pink blush that formed on her cheeks, and you smirk teasingly, twirling around and returning on your way down to the falls. The mention of meeting her group members though did make your heart race a little. “I’d love to meet them!” You chirp out, running your hand through the grass you pass by as she once again links your other arm with hers, “They seem so cool.. And obviously any friend of yours is automatically a friend of mine, so now I have…” You count on your fingers, “six famous kpop idol friends!” 
Jiwon’s grip tightens a bit on your arm as you laugh, her face absentmindedly turning into a pout as she speaks, “Okay well they're not THAT cool..” Her attempt to downplay how much she truly admired her group members was frugal, but she pressed on, “I don't need you liking them more than me, who's obviously your bias…Right…?” She teases, looking up at you with an expectant grin before something catches your eye.
Blue. A thin flash of blue followed by a light buzz caused you to pause in your tracks. Your eyes frantically scan the environment as Jiwon follows as well, her eyes lighting up as she spots the hidden creature. “Dragonfly!” You both exclaim in unison, grinning childishly as Liz intertwines her fingers with yours, excitedly leading you down the path the insect flew. Where there were dragonflies, there was water, and where there was water, there was your spot.
“Come on, come on!! We’re getting closer!” Jiwon laughs out as the pair of you jump over various rocks, ditches, and branches, almost as if you two knew this forest like the back of your hand— and you did. Every little den and tree branch has been dug through, explored, and climbed throughout the years you've spent here with the other girl. You also couldn't help but laugh as the wind rushes past your face as you guys maneuver through the brush. She really was the same Jiwon you knew and loved through all of these years. And as the sound of falling water grows louder, Jiwon grabs hold of a leafy branch and moves it off to the side, revealing the familiar bright blue lake enclosed within mountainous walls, a waterfall placed at its peak as it welcomes you two back home. 
“Waaahhh!!! It's just as beautiful as I remembered!” Jiwon cries out a bit too loudly, most likely scaring off any native fauna that was nearby. You chuckle at this, knowing that it truly didn't matter. This was your guy’s space. Nobody else mattered but you two. You follow the taller girl’s lead as she makes her 
“I bet you can still find some salamanders under the stones,” you comment, resulting in Jiwon’s eyes sparkling at the thought of finding a new friend before she sprints off, expertly hopping between the stones with ease. Chuckling at the sight, you shake your head, following behind as you take in the sights all around you. It’s barely changed since you last visited. It definitely got greener though, a good sign of little human interference. You take note of new growth alongside the mountain walls and some nearby birds nests and flower bushes that weren't there before. 
You sat on the rocks, listening to the water rush next to you. Your eyes land on the energetic Jiwon who was squatting down, flipping over various rocks to check for salamanders or other critters below. You smile, but you couldn't help but recall the last time you were here— the last time you were here with her.
You were out buying some snacks when you suddenly got a call from Jiwon. “Meet me at our spot in 10, okay?” Her voice rings out. You were honestly caught off guard, she rarely ever called for something as brief as this. 
“Okay… Why didn't you just text me that? Are you okay?” There was a brief silence on the other end followed by a, “yeah! …. Yeah. Just need to get out.” 
The call ends and you’re left confused and alone in the aisles of a convenience store.
Still, you swiftly make your purchases and bring the bags of various goodies with you as you delve deep within the forest, the sun slowly beginning to make its descent, progressively turning the once blue sky yellow. By the time you arrive, you see that Jiwon was already there, her figure sat close by the raging waterfall with her knees hugged close to her chest. The air feels heavy, and you slowly join her side, placing the bag down next to you as you tilt your head to the side.
“What's going on?” It was a simple question, really. Yet somehow those words make the taller girl’s body tense up as she hugs her knees even closer to her chest, her fingers digging into her calves as she struggles to find her words.
“I’m going to debut.”
Your eyes widen as you perk up, shocked yet overjoyed by the news. “What?! Seriously? Are you being for real right now Jiwon?” She merely nods in silence as you place a hand to your head, processing the information. “That's.. Amazing! When are you going to start your training? Next week? Next month? I don’t really know how this idol stuff works, to be honest…”
“… Tomorrow.”
Taken aback, your smile falters ever so slightly, but remains on your face as you nod, “That's so cool…” your voice trails off as you also hug your knees to your chest, your chin resting on the top of them as you continue, “so I guess we won't be seeing each other for a while then, huh?” The sentence comes out dry, but not menacing. It was laced with hesitance and defeat that you fail to hide behind a laugh.
Your attempt at being lighthearted towards the situation makes the dark haired girl move her head away from yours, unable to look at you. You can feel the walls Jiwon begins to build up. “Or ever….” She mumbles under her breath as she fights back tears. 
Jiwon knew she sounded like a child with her words, she wasn't stupid— but she was a child. Being freshly 18 didn’t automatically make you an adult, that much was true. She was still so young and yes, she did want this more than ever, that's why she became a trainee in the first place, but to be away from you? To work with complete strangers and to have you so far away in a whole other country for university? 
“Hey, we’ll still find time for each other! We’ll call every day, and if we can't call, then I'll text you whenever I can. It’ll be like nothings changed,” you reassure her, but it sounded like you were trying to reassure yourself as well. It was a big change for the both of you, after all.
A tense silence passes between the two of you, the only sound being the crashing waves from the waterfall nearby and the soon quieting chirping of birds above. The sky began to darken, shifting from yellow to orange, fading into a dark blue before Jiwon speaks up, “…Really?”
Her voice was soft and uncertain, but you look over as she shifts her gaze back to you, locking eyes as you watch silent tears stream down her face. Your heart aches at the sight, but you shift closer to her and then stick your hand out, raising your pinkie finger as you smile softly, “I promise.”
She hesitates at first, unsure of whether or not to trust you. But you’re her best friend, you haven't broken her trust before. She uses her sleeve to wipe her tears before reaching over, linking her pinkie finger with yours as you gave it a firm shake, a confirmation of that promise you made last year. She laughs, and it's a prettier song than all of the birds here combined.
Your cheeks warm before you pull her forward, wrapping your arms around her neck as she lets out a surprised squeal as her body collapses into your own. “I love you lots, Jiwon.” The words come from the bottom of your heart, they're light and shy, and you feel Jiwon lean into your touch, her head comfortably leaning against yours as her arms around your waist pull you in even closer.
“I found one!!”
The sound of Jiwon’s discovery brings you back down to reality, shaking you from your nostalgia. “Can you come grab it?? It's slimy…” the comment makes you laugh as you shake your head, watching as she struggles to keep a boulder of a rock upturned. She was strong, but it seemed as if the rock was even stronger. It was a wonderful sight, seeing your friend simply be a kid again after being forced to grow up all too fast, and you wonder how long you can stay like this, how long you can keep her here in this exact time and place before she begins to drift away again.
You get up from your seat as you make your way over to the girl. She was always tasked with just finding animals here, always being too scared to actually wrangle them herself for some reason. Squatting down, you meet the gaze of a small salamander beneath the rock your friend had lifted up, bright red in color and honestly a little fat as you scoop it up in your hands, holding it up as Jiwon cooes over it, “it’s so cute!!” It doesn't make any rapid attempts to leave your grasp as you lift it up, allowing it a view it may never see without human help.
Just above, dark clouds began to roll in as you crane your neck upward, furrowing your brows as you frown, “it looks like it's going to rain soon, we should head back.” You slowly return the salamander to the soil between the stones below as Jiwon looks up as well, crinkling her nose as she shakes her head, “it's just a little rain, it's not a big deal.”
And almost as if on cue, her nonchalant comment seemed to have angered the storm gods above, causing rain to almost instantaneously start falling from the sky, battering down at a rapid speed. As the rain above began to pour down on you and Jiwon, the both of you couldn't help but let out carefree squeals as you both began to sprint out of your spot, hoping to at least make it onto the main road before the dirt beneath your feet begins to give in.
Your hand was intertwined with hers as your grip tightened, not wanting to lose her in this moment. The branches whip past your arms and legs as you feel your shirt and skirt get progressively more soaked the longer you ran. Liz’s long hair becomes stringy and drips as you dramatically pop out of the brush onto the main road you had originally come from, and you were certain that your shoes were completely mud-ridden by now. There were various bits of twigs, leaves, and other miscellaneous parts of wildlife stuck to her hair, and you were sure there were plenty on you as well. 
The both of you couldn't help but laugh even harder at the sight of one another, Liz grabbing you by your waist and twirling you around as the rain almost cinematically surrounds you two. You squeeze her tight as she places you back down on your feet, her hands still comfortably placed on your hips, and you notice the rose within her hair still managed to stay on even throughout all of the chaos. The rumbling of the storm above roars, but you barely notice as you place your hand on the side of her face, your thumb grazing over her cheek as you soon realize these feelings you've felt all day today went beyond platonic friendship. It only took you years to realize, but that realization was unexpected and spontaneous, yet beautiful, just like the summer rain. 
“I… I love you, Jiwon.”  The words come from the bottom of your heart, having been said countless times before— but they hold a different meaning this time around. Her eyes widen, heat rushing to her face immediately before her gaze softens, she leans into the touch of your hand as she giggles, “what are you talking about?” The question was soft, not at all questioning her own feelings towards you, but your own to hers. 
“I love you,” you repeat, with more confidence this time, “I think I always have.” The smile on the taller girl's face grows even more as she pulls you even closer, grabbing your hand with her own as she gives it a soft kiss. The action makes your face flush, and you open your mouth to say something, but are cut short when your lips suddenly meet Jiwon’s. The world around you seemingly began to disappear, and suddenly it was just you, Jiwon, and the rain. Your eyes flutter shut as you practically turn into putty in her arms. The way she held you was so loving, and her lips were incredibly soft, tasting like a light layer of sugar as you can feel her smile against your own, causing you to pull back and giggle. 
“I love you too, y/n,” she breathes out, her eyes never leaving yours for even a moment, like she was afraid if she were to move, she’d have to go back to Seoul and your head back to the states, separating you two once again.
“We’re getting soaked, Jiwon… we should head back…” you comment between giggles as she presses her forehead against yours, eyes closed as she simply enjoys the feeling of your warm body in her arms amongst the cold raindrops from above.
“Mmm, can we just stay like this for a little longer?”
You let out a sigh, placing your lips softly on her forehead as she smiles. “Alright.. anything for you.” 
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mothiir · 3 months
little rabbit, the bad ending
Inspired by reading about the big e’s mind control powers on @moodymisty’s asks and yeah this happened. It’s pretty bleak and answers the question- what happens when the emperor keeps hold of what he wants?
It is by no means the first time she has dreamed of the Emperor; he invades her dreams as he invades her body, appearing sometimes as a towering pillar of golden flame, sometimes as a slavering wolf with blood on its breath, sometimes as a a conquering barbarian, standing taller than any man she has ever known, hewn from copper and red stone, with eyes of fire. This time, he relaxes on a golden throne, his toga clean white linen, draped loosely over his muscular shoulders. She knows she is dreaming, because she can look at him without the well-accustomed headache — and because she can see out of both eyes, rather than having her right eye covered in a milky red film. 
“How dare you?” she says, giving voice to the words she swallows down during the day — oh how she hates how he forces her to choke down so much; her emotions, her thoughts, his damn cock. “How dare you sit there, and pretend to be humanity’s saviour? You’re not a damn saviour. You’re a tyrant.”
He watches her impassively, and says nothing. Emboldened, she draws closer. In the manner of dreams, their surroundings are hazy and undefined; it is like she walks through early morning fog. 
“You say you will save us all, but what from? You won’t say. You won’t tell anyone anything. You destroy what does not bend. You treat your sons as tools. They are human! We are all human! And you tell them that they have to purge what makes them human, all the love and the joy and —“
Her voice catches. 
“Roboute loves me! And I him! And you took me! You took me, and you won’t give me back, and you — you r-r-rape me, and you toy with me, and if I am truly nothing to you, as you claim — I hear you claim! — then why don’t you just let me go?”
She dashes tears from her eyes. It’s a dream. She can cry from both eyes, here. 
“What happens if you get your way? If humanity becomes like you? Cold and cruel and uncaring? If we lose our ability to love? To care? To sing and dance and — and create? If every civilisation we meet is destroyed? If everything is made in Your image? Then what? We’d be a shell! Humanity would not be human anymore! We would be a shadow. You’d sit there and rule over a universe of grey automatons, manifestations of Your will. Is that what You want?”
She stops before the throne. He’s not towering over here, here, when her mind can reduce him to the proportions of a man, not a divine being that denies its divinity. He is a tall man, but still a man. She can look him in the face.
”You claim not to be a god, but you act like one. You want to be a god but answer no prayers. You want to be obeyed as a father but not love like one. You’re a hypocrite. A coward. Dodging responsibility. Dodging everything.”
Breathless with rage, she stops, waiting for the dream-Emperor to respond. When he does, a thrill of fear races down her spine. 
“How interesting.“
Her mind can replicate much, but not that — not the reverberating echo of the Emperor’s true voice. This is not a dream. Against all probability, this is him. 
(Of course it is.  He’s a psyker, the strongest psyker that ever lived, and to him the minds of humans are just another plane to wander.)
”I have seen the future. I have seen the horrors that await our kind. I have torn myself apart and built myself anew to avoid them. And yet…maybe. Maybe some amendments are required.”
”I don’t understand — “
He catches her by the waist, and pulls her into his lap, smiling down at her. His eyes are the heart of a sun. His mouth is the throat of a forest fire. Be thou afraid —
“You do not have to. But you are correct — Roboute does love you, and it pains him to see you so. I will fix this. I will fix everything.”
The light blinds her. And she wakes. And she doesn’t. 
Roboute Gulliman, Primarch of the Thirteenth, walks beside his Lord Father, discussing their latest campaign against a nasty strain of orks in the distant reaches of the eastern Imperium, and how best to deal with them. It is an honour to be so close to the Emperor, and he feels his approval like a golden balm as he presents strategies, and the Emperor congratulates him on having such a sharp mind. It would be so easy for one so powerful to be a distant, unreachable god-like figure, but the Emperor is not — he may not have raised Roboute, but he is wholly his father. Roboute barely recalls his foster-father’s name these days. 
A slight disturbance draws his attention; a human woman, clad in an ornate gold gown, ducks out of one of the side rooms. The Emperor beams at her. 
“Excuse me, Roboute. I think my consort needs my attention. She is a needy little thing — and quite insatiable.”
Roboute’s cheeks colour a little — he’s no Leman or Horus, happy to trade bawdy jokes with the Emperor — and he politely averts his eyes as the Emperor scoops the woman up and plants a kiss on her, his tongue sliding between her parted lips. 
“How’s my girl? Restless? Be at ease; I’m almost done here, and Roboute will be on his way — and you’ll have me all to yourself.”
He settles her on one of his hips, and nips at her throat. She’s looking directly at Roboute, her expression quite unreadable. Roboute realises he’s being unfanthomly rude, and offers a little courtly bow. 
“My lady. It is a delight to make your acquaintance. I have heard tales of your beauty, and I can see that they were all correct.”
”Thank you, my Lord Primarch,” she says, her voice tiny. 
“She’s more than a beauty,” says the Emperor, fondly. “She keeps me human, don’t you my love? She shows me how to not lose sight of the small things, when the grand design occupies so much of my attention. Without her, I fear I’d forgot how to relate to humans at all!”
Roboute chuckles politely, but there’s something about the woman’s gaze — something so sad. Maybe —
A flash of gold out of the corner of his eye — probably the sun reflecting on the walls. The thought vanishes. He will head out soon, out to war for the sake of his father, and for humanity. His great purpose. His birthright. 
And all he ever wants, and all he ever wanted.
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siriusleee · 7 months
vi. klaxon
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Zombie Apocalypse AU | SIMON RILEY x f!READER
↳SUMMARY: The world is trying to knit itself back together after fracturing apart. You're trying to put yourself back together with it; Simon Riley is just trying to stay alive. ↳WORD COUNT: 1.6K ↳TAGS: mentions of cannibalism, mentions of shooting things, mentions of dying. smut to come. canon typical violence to come. additional tags to come as the story progresses. female reader. no mentions of "your name". reader is given a nickname later on.nc-17. ↳AUTHOR'S NOTE: Much shorter than usual, but hey, we can only do what we can do. ↳TAG LIST: There will not be a tag list for this story, as Tumblr has issues with letting me tag people. To get notifications of updates, please subscribe on AO3 or turn on notifications for my blog.
additional chapters | ao3
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It’s like waking up in an alternative universe; it takes your eyes and brain a solid minute to remember that you shouldn’t be waking up to the sight of trees and clapboard buildings. Somewhere between awake and sleep, you’d started dreaming about your winter camp and everyone who used to travel with you. 
Darren. Alyssa. Trevor. Caleb. James. 
The memories of them push you out of bed. The concrete floor is freezing beneath your feet. The clothes you were given the day before are still folded neatly on the floor beside your pack; you were clean for the first time in years and you didn’t want to sweat in your sleep. 
You try to finger comb your hair, but it snags on the tangles; you give up halfway through and throw it up with a piece of elastic you ripped from a pair of old underwear you found in a pharmacy a few months ago. Someone around here must have a pair of scissors sharp enough to give you a decent enough haircut. 
Through the little window, you can see the sun is watery - you have to find your jacket despite how ratty it is. Winter is rolling in way too fast for you to be without one. The last time you’d seen it, it was at the end of the bed in the med bay - you’d left it behind in the sudden surprise at waking up in an unfamiliar location. 
The hallway is already empty; the sound of your boots reverberates off of the empty walls. It’s like walking through a crypt; you can almost imagine eyes peering down at you from the dusty corners of the place. 
Frost covers the grass and it crunches beneath your feet. Your stomach rumbles and you wonder if there’s anything for breakfast to eat in the mess hall. Just crossing the little courtyard turns the tip of your nose frozen, and your fingers stiff. The med bay is unlocked, and inside it's as freezing as it is outside. There are no lights on - no doubt that even though they still have electricity, it must not be able to run all the time. 
You prop the door open with a rock so that just a little bit of light filters into the room. Your breath fogs up around your face, and you do your best not to trip and fall. The medical equipment glows in the weak sunlight pouring in from the doorway. You retrace your steps from the day before. There, at the end of the bed you had been placed on, is your jacket. It’s still coated in dirt and mud, but it’ll keep you warm for the time being. You wrap it around your shoulders, the smell of the forest surrounding you. 
A choking shout cuts through the med bay, broken off after half a second. A sliver of ice slides through your veins - it came from behind the med bay, through the thick concrete wall. It can’t be the mess hall directly on that side - Ghost had taken you around the entire building to get there yesterday. There’s a set of double doors, thick, durable metal that leads into an unknown part of the building. In the past, it would have been something that would overtake you with curiosity, and you’d be compelled to open the doors, but now they give you the creeps.
There’s a crash against the wall, and it makes you jump. The doors at the end of the med bay open, and you scramble backward, dropping down to your knees. Heavy footfalls cross the concrete floor as you skitter beneath the medical beds, squeezing between the thick shadows between the two of them. You press yourself onto the floor, trying to blend in with the shadows. You press your mouth into your forearm to muffle your breath. You have no idea if it’s alright for you to be here, and you don’t want to find out. 
The person’s face is shadowed, but from the lilt of their body, you think it might be Doc. You watch them walk towards the front door; the sound of the rock you used to prop the door open being kicked out of the way fills the room and the heavy door slams shut.
The only sound in the room is your breathing as you wait to see if the door will open again, and if anyone will strut back through; the seconds into minutes and no one interrupts the silence. Scrambling to your feet, you jerk your jacket up and exit without a sideways glance to see if anyone's noticed you sneaking out of the Med Bay. You're alone in the little courtyard.
The Dining Hall is almost empty - the food is nearly gone as you grab a mismatched plate and try to even your breathing. Two women crowed in the corner together point at you without abashment, and you ignore them as you peer at the little breakfast: potatoes cubed and boiled, steamed cabbage, and some kind of white bean. Your stomach grumbles; it's no Belgian waffle with syrup, but you put just enough on your plate to carry you over and find a spot to sit out of the line of sight of the women who are still staring at you. 
You're spearing the beans one by one, trying to make their earthy flavor last on your tongue when the shape of Ghost fills the Dining Hall door. You do your best to ignore him as you move on to the potatoes, cutting the cubes into smaller pieces and thinking about how they'd taste drowned in butter. 
"You should have woken up earlier," he says, standing on the opposite side of the table as you. 
"I'll remember to tell the valet to wake me up earlier tomorrow."
The sarcasm feels good on your tongue - a weight you didn't realize you missed carrying. Ghost settles onto his heels; above the dirty white of the skeleton, his eyebrows crinkle. The wrinkle they form is natural like he was born with it. You can imagine him as a baby, soft and sweet with that little wrinkle between his eyes.
The silence is unnerving; you scrape your fork against the plastic plate just for a sound. The two women in the corner stare at the two of you, and you realize they're waiting for you to finish eating so that they can clean up. You scarf the last few bites down and resist the urge to lick the plate clean. You hardly have the last bite in your mouth before Ghost snatches the plate from the table.
He doesn't have to tell you to follow him, you just do. He hands the plates to one of the women: a pretty blonde who looks at him with barely contained awe. The look on her face irritates you, and you resist the urge to say something to her.
"I'm going to show you around," Ghost says, pulling you back outside. The mud on your jacket cracks and falls off in clumps as you slide it on to avoid the chill.
"How many people live here?"
It's a struggle to keep up with Ghost's stride; it takes two steps for you to keep up with his one. The soreness in your legs is still there, but the feeling of warm food and a safe night's sleep fills you enough to ignore it.
He doesn't finish his sentence, but his steps slow enough that you can fall into line with him. You follow him around the edge of the building to the part of the base you haven't been able to explore. To your left the gate the two of you arrived in yawns above the two of you; the fence disappears into the distance, behind more brick buildings. 
"The garden is over here,” he says, gesturing to a chain link fence in the middle of a grouping of squat buildings. Inside the fence, women kneel in the dirt. Burlap sacks cover some plants, and others are being pruned by a few men. 
“That’s the storage locker,” Ghost points at a building just on the other side of the garden. A pair in ratty black fatigues sit outside, guns slung across their shoulders. 
“It’s guarded at all times?”
Ghost nods, lifting one hand to wave in response to one of the guards who waves at him.
The rest of the tour is quick: a second set of unused bunks, a building full of cars and trucks that look mostly unused, and the generators (also behind two guards who look like they haven’t slept in years). The last place he takes you is the armory; you spot your bow locked up behind the iron bars, the few arrows you had left leaning against the wall.
“Can I get that back?” You ask, fingers lingering on the cold metal of the lock. Ghost shakes his head; you don’t miss the way his fingers roll together, and you wonder if he’s wishing for a cigarette. 
“When you need it.”
His replies are infuriating you; you envision yourself kicking him in the back of the knee as you follow him out of the doorway. The sun is directly overhead by the time the two of you make it back outside. You flex your fingers in the rays, drinking in the little warmth that it brings in. 
You’re going to ask Ghost what next - a question that you’re not sure borders on the philosophical or the practical - when there’s a sound like a klaxon that comes through the entire compound. Ghost’s shoulders stiffen, head tilted just so. A second alarm repeats through the compound, and he walks away from you without a word.
“What is that?” You ask, jogging to catch up to him. His steps are quick, and it takes the breath away from you to keep up with him.
“They’re back.”
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thehavenwake · 1 year
Apartments In Winston-Salem NC
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Benefits Of Luxurious Comfort: Discover Upscale Winston-Salem, NC Townhomes At The Haven Wake
Nestled in the heart of Winston-Salem, North Carolina, The Haven Wake presents a collection of upscale townhomes that redefine the essence of luxurious living. Offering a seamless blend of opulence and comfort, these townhomes present a haven that elevates the standard of living to new heights. Experience the charm of living in Apartments In Winston-Salem NC, situated near Wake Forest University for easy access to education and amenities.
Aesthetic Elegance and Architectural Excellence:
The townhomes epitomize architectural finesse, showcasing modern designs and upscale aesthetics.
Premium finishes, attention to detail, and stylish elements contribute to an ambiance of refined elegance.
Spacious Sanctuaries for Modern Living:
Experience a world of spaciousness within the townhomes' interiors, offering ample room for your lifestyle needs.
The layout and design prioritize comfort, ensuring that each room is optimized for functionality and beauty.
High-End Features and Finishes:
Revel in the luxury of high-end features, from top-of-the-line appliances to elegant fixtures.
Immerse yourself in a world of sophistication, where even the smallest details reflect the pursuit of excellence.
Well-Appointed Amenities for Elevated Living:
The upscale townhomes offer a spectrum of amenities that cater to your well-being, from fitness centers to communal lounges.
Indulge in luxurious amenities that transform your daily routine into a remarkable experience.
Prime Location, Unmatched Convenience:
The townhomes are strategically situated in Winston-Salem, providing convenient access to urban conveniences and cultural attractions.
Enjoy the best of both worlds: the tranquility of a sophisticated enclave and the vibrancy of a thriving city.
Connected Community and Sense of Belonging:
Foster a sense of community through shared spaces and planned events.
Experience the joy of building connections with like-minded neighbors, creating lasting memories.
Smart Home Innovations:
Experience the future of living with smart home innovations that offer convenience and efficiency.
From smart thermostats to integrated security systems, modern technology enhances your lifestyle.
Proximity to Winston-Salem's Charm:
Revel in the cultural richness and artistic heritage of Winston-Salem, with theaters, museums, and galleries just moments away.
Embrace the city's culinary scene, shopping destinations, and outdoor activities at your doorstep.
Professional Management and Peace of Mind:
The professional management team ensures that your living experience is seamless and stress-free.
Enjoy the peace of mind that comes with responsive service and a commitment to resident satisfaction.
Your Invitation to Upscale Living:
The townhomes present an invitation to indulge in upscale living, where comfort, sophistication, and convenience intertwine. Explore the floor plans to delve deeper into the exquisite offerings that await you.
Conclusion: Elevate Your Lifestyle:
In conclusion, upscale townhomes at The Haven Wake redefine luxurious living in Winston-Salem, NC. With a combination of elegant design, upscale amenities, and a prime location, these townhomes offer an unparalleled living experience. Visit the floor plans page to embark on a journey of discovering the benefits of luxurious comfort in the heart of Winston-Salem. Elevate your lifestyle with the epitome of upscale living. Your haven of comfort and luxury awaits!
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mrsshabana · 2 years
Anonymous asked:
"Okay okay I had this thought while driving home from visiting family for the holidays but I feel like it's a neat little concept-
I re-read the incubus Gyutaro one-shot you made a while back a few days ago and had a thought occur to me, what if the roles where reversed? Like a Succubus/Incubus reader paired with a human Gyutaro.
Just felt like sharing this little concept sense I've been having BAD gyutaro brain rot recently. (/=w=")/ <3"
Gyutaro x Succubus!Reader
♥CW: 18+ MDNI, dubcon, somnophilia, smut, creampie, vaginal sex, dark content
♥AN: First I wanna say, I am so sorry this took me so long! But I hope that the result is satisfactory. You had such a good idea, I wanted to make sure it was perfect (✿◡‿◡)
♥WC: 2,220
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This kind of weather is usually Gyutaro's favorite, but it’s not ideal when he’s moving into his new place. It’s raining and a thick layer of fog covers the forest surrounding his new home. It’s a small place, but very beautiful and secluded. He’s shocked that he was able to find a place like this for such a cheap price.
Maybe moving somewhere new will help him clear his mind of all the woes that have been plaguing him recently. To his dismay, Gyutaro will be living alone in this new home. His sister is a full time student at the neighboring university. He couldn’t afford for himself to go, so he’s paying for her tuition while he lives alone in a small house in the woods. 
It could be worse though. He could have been living in a shitty apartment in the city that costs three times the rent of his new place. So not everything in his life is terrible. But he does miss his sister. It’ll be hard to adjust to a life where he doesn’t see her everyday, but this was a necessary sacrifice. Gyutaro will be lonely but he doesn’t mind. Maybe now that Ume is gone, he can focus on making a life for himself.
The first week in his new home goes pretty well. He didn’t find dead bodies in the basement like he was expecting, so that's a plus. But he does hear noises coming from the basement at night, subtle sounds that he plays off as being due to the home being old. But that’s not the only thing. Gyutaro always feels like he’s being watched. It gets so bad that he’ll wake up in the middle of the night, panting and out of breath. He can feel someone watching but when he looks around, there’s no one to be seen. The faint smell of perfume wafts around his bedroom at these times. It’s strange how the scent always manages to lull him back to sleep.
These occurrences aren’t enough to make him want to move out, but it is enough to make him feel anxious every time he’s in the house at night.
Gyutaro’s mental health starts to decline as Valentine's day approaches. Not because of his strange living situation, but because of the loneliness that consumes him. When he’s at work he always sees happy couples together. He can’t help but scratch at his skin until it bleeds under his uniform. Nothing pisses him off more than having the thing that he wants the most being waved in front of his face. Gyutaro knows that he’s not very attractive, but he still wants love just as much as the next guy. It’s tortuous for him to have to go through this holiday alone. He just wishes that he had someone who would keep him company sometimes. Someone who he could hold late at night… someone who would be willing to accept all of the love that he has to offer… But he knows that he will never get that luxury.
Gyutaro lays in bed, holding a pillow tightly against his chest. Tears rolling down his cheeks, wetting the pillow case. Around this time of year, it’s not uncommon for Gyutaro to fall asleep crying.
But this is the first time that you’ve seen him like this. It breaks your heart to see such a sweet human being in so much pain. It pushes you to finally introduce yourself. 
Gyutaro wakes up to an unfamiliar heat accompanied by a comforting softness. One that is quite foreign to him. He can’t move his body, and it takes all of his willpower to open his eyes.
He sees… skin? A soft lump of flesh pressed against his cheek. He can’t fully see what’s going on, but eventually he makes out what it is. A pair of breasts.
If he was able to speak he’d be gasping from a mixture of excitement and nervousness. He’s never been this close to a woman before… let alone this part of a woman. 
Gyutaro tries his best to figure out who this mystery woman is, but the majority of his vision is blocked by your warm chest. All he is able to do is look down, barely able to see a thin, pointed tail swinging behind you.
“Shhh it’s ok sweetheart,” you coo, gently rolling your fingers through his hair. “It’s ok, I’m just here to comfort you…”
His body is limp, completely at your will. You gently move his face to look up at you. Intoxicating glowing eyes stare back at him. He’s fixated on your perfect skin and the two small horns poking out from beneath your hair.
The familiar perfume scent fills his nostrils as he gazes upon your beauty. Sending a rush of emotions through him. A single tear rolls down his cheek as his dick begins to harden.
With a smirk, you trail your long tongue down his cheek, gathering his tears. “Mmm, you even taste good. Though I knew you would…” you smile sweetly at him, showing off your fangs.
This whole situation is freaking Gyutaro out. But he also can’t help but be horny… You are the first woman to show him affection in this way. Not to mention that you are the sexiest woman he’s ever seen, and you don’t seem disgusted by him. This makes him think that this must be a dream… But would he be able to smell such a sweet, intoxicating scent if it were a dream? He isn’t sure, but all he knows is that he doesn’t want this moment to end. He doesn’t want you to leave him like everyone inevitably does. The thought makes his tears flow heavier.
Your sweet little human’s distressed state tugs at your heart strings, “Oh honey don’t cry! I’m here for you,” you hold his face close to your chest, peppering his head with kisses, “It’s ok, I know how to cheer you up…”
With a tender touch, you guide Gyutaro into a loving kiss. He’s not able to reciprocate, but the both of you are enjoying it nonetheless. Your long tongue explores every inch of his mouth, swiping over his crooked teeth, showing love to every imperfection of his.
The only sound that he’s able to make is a soft whimper. It’s a pathetic sound, but it tells you everything that you need to know. Your new human toy wants you just as badly as you want him.
Pulling away from the kiss, you maneuver Gyutaro’s body beneath you so you can straddle him. Your lace panties pressed up against the erection that is held inside his sweatpants.
The sight of him beneath you causes a devious smirk to form across your saliva covered lips. Pushing yourself further against his crotch and leaning forward, you whisper to him, “I’m going to take care of you, Gyutaro.”
His eyes go wide from your statement, and you can feel his cock twitch beneath you. 
You start at his face and go down, kissing all of his birthmarks until you reach the one on his hip. Taking your time there, you kiss and gently nibble at the mark that adorns him where his bones jut out in an unnatural way. You’ve had encounters with humans for hundreds of years, but you’ve never seen one quite like him. No one else has a body so unique. This single fact is what has made him so lonely his whole life, but it is also what attracted you to him. The entire time you’ve been watching him in this house, you’ve felt an undeniable attraction towards him. 
And now you will finally get to do something about it.
Gyutaro’s breath hitches when you pull down his sweatpants to reveal his cock. Even though you’ve seen it plenty of times before, having watched him masturbate to his eroge games, it still surprises you. Seeing it so up close is completely different. Up close you can see all of the veins that decorate his member, as well as the beautiful assortment of birthmarks that travel from his balls, up to his swollen shaft.
There are so many things that you want to do with him, but they will have to wait. You know more than anyone that virgin men can’t handle too much. So a hand and blow job will have to happen later. You want to make sure that you save all of his seed for your cunt.
You take your time removing your bra and panties. Watching as with each passing moment his dick leaks more pre-cum. Whines escape his lips as more tears flood his eyes. Poor thing, he looks so pathetic and needy. It’s adorable, all you want to do is care for him.
“Don’t worry,” you whisper seductively, moving to position his tip at your entrance. “I’m going to make you feel good.”
A tidal wave of pleasure floods Gyutaro’s body as you slowly lower yourself on his cock. Your pussy holding him in a vice grip, your velvety walls massage him as you hesitantly ride him. Making sure to take it slow, keeping in mind that he has never done this before. 
You’re so tight that Gyutaro feels like you are quite literally sucking the soul from his body, through his dick. The sensations of love and pleasure are so overwhelming to him that he feels like he might die. After being refused romantic affection for his entire life, Gyutaro’s body can’t handle this. It’s all too much for him. He isn’t accustomed to being loved… to being taken care of.
The urge to touch you is tortuous for Gyutaro, he wants more than anything to run his calloused fingers over your soft skin. To reach up and palm your breasts, or to even hold your hips and thrust up into you.
Starting slow, you gradually build up speed. Dragging his length out of you, just to push him back in again. The soft sound of skin slapping, and the squelching of your slick coating his dick fills the room.
“Ah… Gyu-Gyutaro,” you moan. Never have you coupled with a human that felt so good. The way his cock fills you to the brim is like your pussy was made just to fit around him.
Hearing you moan his name causes a tingling sensation to form in the pit of his stomach, his balls tighten and he knows he’s about to fill you with his cum. He tries to hold it in, he really doesn’t want this to end. But the sight of your gorgeous body on top of his, your sopping cunt greedily pulling him into you with each bounce of your hips, he can’t take it anymore.
His orgasm is so strong that he is able to break from your spell. Hands going straight to your hips to hold you down, making sure he gets as deep within you as possible. The tip of his cock forcefully pressed against your cervix. It hurts, but it feels so good at the same time. 
Gyutaro leans forward, resting his forehead on your chest as he moans embarrassingly loud, “F-fuck- ah-ah-ah sh-shit!” His orgasm is strong, and he empties more cum into you than he felt was even possible to produce. Cock twitching, muscles spasming, as he shoots thick ropes into you.
You can feel every spurt forcefully splashing against your cervix. God it feels so fucking good. Never in your entire existence have you felt such euphoria from someone else’s orgasm. It’s enough to send you over the edge with him.
“Gyutaro f-fuck… ah baby. P-please, give all of yourself to me,” you moan loudly as you have the most satisfying release of your life. Feeling as though you were struck by lightning.
Arching your back, you grip his hair, keeping him held close to you. Your walls tighten, and Gyutaro whimpers beneath you as your orgasm forces more of his seed to spill out of him. Overfilling you until it has no room but to trickle down his trembling thighs, staining his bedsheets.
Coming down from your high, you feel a rush of satisfaction course through your veins. Never have you been so satisfied by a mere human before, let alone a virgin. There’s something special about him… something that latches onto your cold heart, making it feel warmth for this man.
He desperately clings onto you, holding you as close as possible to make sure you don’t leave him. You can’t leave him. You’re the first woman to ever love him, he doesn’t know what he would do if you were to leave. 
With him still seated deep inside of you, you wrap your arms around him and return his affection. Taking a moment to catch your breath before you realize that he’s crying. 
His tears roll onto the soft flesh of your breasts, as Gyutaro tries to hide from your gaze. You must think he’s so pathetic…
“Sweetheart,” heartbreak clearly heard in your tone, “What’s the matter?” You gently stroke his hair, comforting him until he calms down enough to speak.
“P-please don’t leave…” he says through hiccups and sobs. Looking up at you with puffy eyes.
“I’m not going anywhere,” you smile, wiping his tears away with your thumb, “I promise.”
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whereserpentswalk · 11 months
Imagine you had to send yourself to another dimension. You can't stay on your own anymore, and you know you're probably never going back.
You wake up in a giant forest, with trees the size of mountains or skyscrapers. Dragonflies the size of falcons fly overhead. And you can see grasshopper like beasts the size of deer running through the woods, pursued by wolf sized arachnids. Cenepeds slithering across you like snakes.
Eventually the sentient population finds you. They're human shaped, very skinny for the most part, and covered in glistening white exoskeletons instead of skin. They're faces lack any Immediately visible features other then two giant orange eyes, though their mouths become visible when they open them. They have hair on their heads in human like patterns, but it's silky like that of a moth. They seem to have two sets of arms, though only the upper set is able to be fully utilized for tasks.
They're confused at you at first. The only vertebrates they've ever seen resemble tiny lizards or rats. But when you try to communicate they take you to their largest city, or at least the largest in the area.
You're taken to a large stone sitadel, and begin doing tests on you, though they take care not to hurt you. After a few days you're set free in the city. You know enough of their language to get by. And one of their universities will give you a small apartment and some money every month in exchange for regular samples of blood and urine.
Their society seems mostly humane. Democratic, with a late 20th century level of technology. But for awhile it just seems to alien to you to assimilate at all. You can't make freinds at first, you can't pick up on their body language due to how diffrent they are.
Eventually you start socializing more. The idea that you'll ever see a human again seems more and more a fantasy. So you do what you have to. First with people from the university, then with just people in the community. Should you even call them people? It's like everything, hard at first, then it seems normal.
You get used to their food in time. Eating meat and drinking bodily fluids from giant insects. It's the thing you have to get used to the fastest, as you'll starve without giving up your discomfort.
The creatures here don't really wear clothing. Sometimes jewelry or capes but nothing that covers their bodies like human clothing does. You try to wear the clothes you came in, but those were out. And when they're gone there's nowhere to find replacements in this world. You don't know how you feel about being naked, but since it doesn't bother anyone else it eventually seems normal.
You live a good life for a time. You have freinds. A respectable job as a dimensional researcher. You marry someone from this realm, though it took awhile for your mind to rewire itself to be attracted to these creatures. Eventually you forget what it even felt like to be on earth, to see another human.
One day, when it's been over a decade since you left, a rescue crew from your home dimension comes, saying the danger is gone, that you can come home. But this is your home now. And other humans just look like animals now, like lizards or rats that might scurry around your home.
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uwmspeccoll · 1 year
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Remembering Ana Mendieta
The noted Cuban American artist Ana Mendieta (1948-1985) died on this day, September 8, under still unresolved circumstances. Mendieta, considered one of the most influential Cuban American artists of the post-World War II era, was a sculptor, painter, and video and performance artist best remembered for her "earth-body" works. Her parents sent her and her older sister to the United States after the Cuban Revolution when she was 12. She later earned her BA, MA, and MFA from the University of Iowa, after which she moved to New York City and established an international career.
On September 8, 1985, Mendieta fell to her death from her 34th-floor apartment in Greenwich Village, and to this day it has not been determined whether her death was accidental, a suicide, or murder. In the early 21st century, the Cuban artists collective Ediciones Vigía in Mantanzas created this memorial artists book for Mendieta, with a poem by Cuban poet Nancy Morejón and an English translation by Wake Forest University Spanish professor Linda Howe, in an edition of 200 copies. Since the collective rarely has access to fine materials, their exquisite artists books are made from whatever materials are at hand. In this case, they used recycled industrial papers, photocopy, eggshells, string, and hand and finger prints. Morejón's poem makes explicit and poignant references to her death and her earth-body artwork:
Ana, fragile as lightening on the skies, the most fragile girl in Manhattan, lit up evermore by autumn rains, her story engraved on the moist poignant blinds. From her balcony Ana opened her window to lean out and watch the multitudes pass by. Silhouettes like sand and mud Walking on feet. . . . Ana, hurled into emptiness. Our Ana, Ana of despair, Carved into the hostile cement of Broadway.
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bi-widower-dads · 7 months
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bi-widower-dads' February Fic Rec: AUs
Thank you to everyone who submitted recs for us! We've done some sorting and collating, and we've got two posts for you: AUs and Canon-'verse - and a whole load of excellent fic for you to get stuck into while we wait for Barduil Month in April! So without further ado, here are the AUs for you, with a little bit about why our recommenders love them...
Header image by mod @piyo-13!
(a note about tags and trigger warnings: tags are selected from those on AO3 as being those that best describe the story for the purposes of this event; trigger warnings are supplied by the recommenders and may not be comprehensive - your mileage may vary. We've tried our best to include Tumblr handles wherever we can, but if we've missed yours out and you want it included, just let us know!)
In the Wake of the Second Horseman by EldritchMage / @eldritchmage | M | 2272 words | tags: angst with a happy ending, implied/referenced drug use, post-traumatic stress disorder - PTSD, implied warfare/violence | trigger warnings: mention of drug use, mention of violence in a war zone, PTSD, nightmares
Summary: When addiction threatens to consume Thran, his lover Bard is desperate to help - but Thran isn't. Yet in ending his relationship with Bard, Thran savages both of them, not just himself. Four years later, Thran's about to discover what remains from his cruelty. What he finds is a surprise - and humbling. What do you love about this fic? Even when things fall apart, redemption is possible if you give it half a chance. Out of tragedy comes hope and a chance for a better life.
love remains by likethenight / @nocompromise-noregrets | G | 11,093 words | tags: alternate universe - modern setting, grief/mourning, Thranduil never sailed west, mythical beings & creatures, folklore, alternate universe - reincarnation | trigger warnings: none
Summary: There is a legend in Dale, that somewhere deep in the forest that borders the city lives the forest king, an ancient being with a special care for archers, and for all things that grow. Bard, camping in the woods after his finals, finds a place that isn't on any maps and begins to dream of something - someone - familiar; and years later, after the heaviest loss he has ever had to bear, he goes back out there again, hoping to find something that might help him recover. What do you love about this fic? Absolutely beautiful fic, such a touching story and excellent writing!
Petrichor by b_ofdale_archive / @beesinspades | G | 14,598 words | tags: alternate universe - reincarnation, alternate universe - modern setting, alternate universe - bookstore, books and cats | trigger warnings: slight mention of past life character death
Summary: It's been six thousand years since Thranduil last laid eyes on his husband - Bard. The world has changed and the great Elvenking with it, lingering in the shadows of Men; as hope for a miracle festers within his heart that grows weaker with every passing day, the only thing keeping him going is a promise he made, many moons ago. What do you love about this fic? I love its overall theme, and the thought that Thranduil will meet Bard again. A lovely and poetically written reincarnation AU, well worth the read!
Multi-chapters: in progress
Love in a time of change by myeaglesong / @myeaglesong | M | 22,840 words | tags: eventual relationships, eventual romance, elf/human relationships, fluff, romance, slow burn, alternate universe - regency, oblivious Bard | trigger warnings: none
Summary: For the longest time, Thranduil has wanted to find a good match for his son, Legolas, to marry. His search leads him to consider Arwen for Legolas to marry, but what if Legolas has already got his eye set on another match that Thranduil may not approve of? What will will happen when Legolas finds out about his father's intentions to marry him off? What would happen when the question of if Thranduil were to marry again was to come up, who could he marry? What do you love about this fic? I am not usually one for Regency AUs but this one is so adorable, and between the kids and the dads there is plenty of potential for shenanigans and some tentative romance! I'm really looking forward to seeing how events unfold…
The Moth Effect by BiSquared / @scary-grace and Dogblessya / @dogblessyoutascha | M | 35,658 words | tags: mothman is real, mothman Thranduil, mothbaby Legolas, park ranger Bard, non-graphic violence, but there is still gore so you've been warned, twilight references | trigger warnings: mothman lore, gore
Summary: (in chaos theory) the phenomenon whereby a mothman moving into your place of employment can have a large effect on the rest of your life. What do you love about this fic? I love the Supernatural/Horror element to it and Park Ranger Bard trying to make sense of all the really weird s**t that's happening around him. Lovely bits have to be the introduction of Mothman Thranduil and adorable Mothbaby Legolas. But best of all is that Mothman Thranduil isn't the weirdest thing happening in Olympic National Park 👀….
Vena Amoris by Patch / @patchoffeathers and Piyo13 / @piyo-13 | M | 72,843 words | tags: crossover with Dracula Untold, alternate universe - vampires, Bard is Dracula, canon-typical violence, slow build, alternate universe - some people live/not everybody dies | trigger warnings: none
Summary: Bard has a secret, one that stems from far to the east, in lands far forgotten and times long past. It's one that no one must know—but times are changing for the people living on the lake. Even for those who, technically, aren't alive. What do you love about this fic? The author does such a great job at merging Luke Evans' two characters here (Bard and Dracula) while still keeping Bard distinctly canon-shaped. Because Dracula!Bard is an immortal, there's a unique comparison of mythological immortalities and the relative costs of them that reflects back onto the plot.
show a little faith, there's magic in the night by BiSquared / @scary-grace | M | 342,922 words | tags: alternate universe - modern setting, slow burn, music industry AU, indie musician Bard, opera singer turned pop star Thranduil | trigger warnings: none
Summary: Bard Bowman's not the type to give up on his dreams easily, but when DJ Smaug's dirty tricks leave his family band stranded in Denver with a forfeit fee the size of Mt. Everest crashing down on their heads, there's really nothing to do but drink about it. The last thing Bard expects is to meet a beautiful stranger in a similar predicament -- and the last thing either of them expects is a rescue. Luckily for them, Thorin Oakenshield's feeling heroic this evening. What do you love about this fic? I am such a sucker for the rock scene (I've spent my entire adult life kicking about there) and it's not often I see it portrayed so realistically in fic (or indeed in original fiction). The characters are all beautifully drawn, the humour frequently makes me chuckle, and Bard going head over heels while trying to tell himself he isn't, it's not happening, not really, because he can't believe his luck, makes my heart go all funny.
Multi-chapters: complete
Followthrough by ofplanet_earth / @ofplanet-earth | M | 26,737 words | tags: alternate universe - modern setting, alternate universe - military, alternate universe - spies & secret agents, snipers, sniper Bard, military captain Thorin, mob boss Smaug, revenge, character death | trigger warnings: violence
Summary: Bard and his children have been living in a little cabin on the edge of Laketown for five years, hiding from Bard's dangerous past. But when that past comes back to haunt them, Bard will have to team up with Thorin and his company to face down his demons, confront the man who killed his wife, and fight to save the people he loves. What do you love about this fic? Great spies/military AU with Bard and the gang!
The grey sea and the long black land by Black_knight100 and Blueberryrock / @blueberryrock | T | 29,702 words | tags: alternate universe - modern setting, alternate universe - cruise ship, first kiss, angst, fluff, angst with a happy ending, eventual romance | trigger warnings: quite angst filled but has an eventual happy ending
Summary: Bard Bowman is thirty-seven years old, widowed and heckled, and he's had enough. If his children want a cruise trip with their lottery money, then so they will have. Bard will only have to work twice as hard to take them out of their little corner of the world. It has been three years. Three years of him raging, and sobbing, and grieving. Three years in which he has turned away from his children. Three years to reach this ship, to put together whatever snapped that day. And the first morning, Thranduil wakes up late. It is going fabulously. Or, in which the two meet on a ship, and there are ups and downs. What do you love about this fic? Thranduil and Bard getting together in the end
Modern Love by Shampain / @abner-krill | M | 65,267 words | tags: alternate universe - modern setting, alternate universe - coffee shops and cafés, alternate universe - human | trigger warnings: none
Summary: Bard is a down on his luck single father working a thankless job as a courier, eternally worrying over when his daughter is going to start sneaking out of the house with boys. As if that wasn't bad enough, his assignments delivering files to Greenleaf Acquisitions puts him in contact with Thranduil, a stern businessman whose only champion is his assistant, Tauriel. And finally, to make matters worse, his friendship with Bilbo Baggins sends everything else into a tailspin. The summer is just beginning, and it's going to be a weird one. What do you love about this fic? Lovely, lighthearted modern AU that is a delight to read!
hands; eyes; voice by bishkebab / @bishkebab | T | 70,163 words | tags: slow burn, alternate universe, accidental cottagecore, governess/single dad romance but make it gay, autistic Thranduil, Thranduil and Bard both have physical disabilities | trigger warnings: mention of autism, fire accident, PTSD
Summary: An isolated life in a too-small cottage was never what Bard dreamed of for his children – especially sharp, scholarly Tauriel and sensitive, insightful Tilda. But school is a distant dream for a large family living off the land – at least until a storm and the subsequent house fire bring a former scholar to their doorstep. Wealthy recluse Thranduil could never have anticipated leaving his family's manor for a shack in the woods and a single father with five – FIVE – children who can barely write ten words between them. But when disaster strikes, he is left with little choice – and maybe close quarters with a handsome widower won't be so bad after all... What do you love about this fic? This is a rare work of art in which Bard is the loveliest dad ever, stubborn, strong and gentle and Thranduil is an introverted autistic lonely lad. The author writes their story in a very poetical way and family is the main protagonist of the story, as is their small cosy cottage. I do love the gentle feeling this story conveys from the start. It feels like a warm cup of tea after a very rainy day and each word is carefully written. This story deserves to be read and reread and rereread. Slowly. (With a nice cup of tea. &lt;;3)
Those Colours We Share by b_ofdale / @beesinspades | M | 84,709 words | tags: alternate universe - soulmates, alternate universe - post-war, set in 1956, Bard owns an animal shelter, slow burn, fluff and angst, disabled character, asexual characters, period-typical homophobia | trigger warnings: none
Summary: Had anyone told them, Thranduil Oropherion and Bard Bowman would never have believed they would see the world painted in colours again. Until that fateful day of December 1956, when one little boy entered a former soldier's animal shelter. What do you love about this fic? I'm a sucker for two lonely people who find each other and forge a new life together.
Beast by Nuredhel / @nuredhel | M | 132,354 words | tags: alternate universe - modern setting, all humans, Bard is a cop, Thranduil is a profiler, mentions of suicide, slow burn, crime and investigation, bonding while working, romance, past problems | trigger warnings: gore, violence, abuse, human trafficing, child abuse, murder, suicide
Summary: Bard Bowman is the leader of a team of investigators trying to solve a very complicated case, when the serial killer they are chasing proves to have a far longer history than they expected the feds call in a profiler. Bard has never believed he could feel attraction again but now he does, how can he express what he feels when they are chasing a beast which seems to defy the very laws of nature? Can Thran feel the same way? The road to love can be bumpy, in special when it is surrounded by murders. What do you love about this fic? It is very exciting, very romantic and intense.
seeking a friend for the end of the world by BiSquared / @scary-grace | M | 238,799 words | tags: alternate universe - modern setting, apocalypse, road trips, family issues and family bonding, opera singer Thranduil, Bard and Thranduil are good parents who are having a bad year, or years | trigger warnings: disease-apocalyptic setting, zombies, major character death, medical injections
Summary: Between dealing with his boss, getting over his ex-wife, and keeping his kids fed and clothed, Bard has more than enough on his plate. He doesn't have time to worry about the frightening rumors coming out of New York City or the lunatic in his service bay who tells him to take his kids and run. But when he stops to help a mysterious stranger on the side of the road, he gets a lot more than he bargained for -- a sexuality crisis, a partner in crime, and maybe, just maybe, a chance for all of them to make it out of this mess alive. What do you love about this fic? Incredible worldbuilding and an edge-of-your-seat plotline! The bonds between all the characters are just beautiful, and it has great worldbuilding. The action is also really well written, and it does tension/dramatics right.
In The Woods Somewhere by Ias / @hubristicfool | M | 249,074 words | tags: alternate universe - modern setting, vampires, vampire Thranduil, mechanic Bard, blood drinking, slow burn, dark, angst, violence, horror, psychological horror, unhealthy relationships | trigger warnings: vampires, blood, angst, sexual content, violence
Summary: These country roads were rarely traveled by any that didn't need to. When Thranduil pulled up beside the man's stopped vehicle and offered him a smile and a ride, there was no one to see the man's grateful expression as he slipped into Thranduil's car. No one to stand by and call out a warning as the taillights were swallowed by the dark branches of the trees. What do you love about this fic? The writing is excellent
Angels and crooks by Nuredhel / @nuredhel | M | 259,072 words | tags: sequel to Beast, alternate universe - modern setting, all humans, Bard is a cop, Thranduil is a profiler, solving crime, family, violence, drug abuse, everyday life at a police station | trigger warnings: violence, abuse, dark stuff, murder, blood, evil, deviousness
Summary: Bard and Thran are getting used to their new life as a married couple, and their new responsibilities as a family. But they still have their jobs and my oh my does that bring some interesting situations and challenges into their existence. Having both experience and special gifts does help, but at times reality can be more bizarre than anyone can expect. What do you love about this fic? It is a good story with very interesting twists and many great characters
When The Pale Swan Flies by EldritchMage / @eldritchmage | E | 290,646 words | tags: alternate universe - modern setting, circus performer Thranduil, cabinet maker Bard, Thranduil's name is Luka, Bard's name is Taliesin (which is Welsh for Bard), slow burn, Thranduil needs rescuing and Bard is happy to do it | trigger warnings: sexual abuse mentioned, underage sex mentioned, prostitution/pimping mentioned
Summary: A year ago, when a carpenter met a caged bird, his good intentions left despair in their wake. Is he a fool to hope he can atone for his missteps? What do you love about this fic? It's got circus acts! It's got two sad men learning to trust and love again! It's got an epic visit to a grocery store! It's got bad guys getting their just desserts, and everyone else getting delicious Spanish teacake! It's got a cute little boy who finds his voice while making puppets! There's a sad short-story prequel to set the stage, as well! And who doesn't like a parade?
Season of Light and Shadow by EldritchMage / @eldritchmage | E | 914,703 words | tags: alternate universe - modern setting, Thranduil is a ballet dancer, Bard is a building super and welder (and artist), slow burn, NSFW, blended family | trigger warnings: momentary violence, momentary mention of drug use, adult bedroom games
Summary: It's the week before Thanksgiving. In an apartment building somewhere in the middle of New York City, the mood is far from festive. Upstairs in Apartment 5B, an injured ballet dancer is having a rotten day. He's lost his job, he's had to walk home in the snow and rain, getting thoroughly soaked and frozen in the process, and the radiators in his rooms are as cold as the New York City streets. He limps downstairs to vent his fury on the night super who didn't fix the heat. Downstairs in Apartment 2A, the night super is also having a rotten day. No money, three overtired and cranky children, a slapdash boss, and not nearly enough sleep. And now someone is pounding on the door like a SWAT team. When an angel knocks on the door of a saint, neither finds what he expects. But with a little luck, the upcoming holiday season might give them both something to treasure. What do you love about this fic? It's two lonely men forging a blended family! It's got ballet! It's got home renovation! It's got four cutie children! It's got cooking! It's got an artist regaining the wherewithal to make his art! It's got lots of cool side characters (ten points to everyone who spots all the Dwarves :-). It's got lots of steamy love! It's even got 3 short follow-up stories! What's not to like?????? This was my introduction to the world of modern AUs with these two, and oh, it's SO GOOD. The kids are brilliant and so realistically drawn, and the dads are - well, they're incredibly hot. XD And the development of the relationship between them is beautifully done, as they go head-over-heels for each other while trying to take things slowly for the sake of the kids…oh, it's great. :D
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