andagii-writes · 6 years
Orchard Party
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For @aperturegaming011, mega request indeed!
You’ve been waiting for so long, and the number of characters made the entire project a lot more involved than its initial conception. I really hope you enjoy it, and that I captured your characters! It had to be its own short story so I’m slapping it under a... 
"Good grief, Rhei. You didn't say I'd be having a festival in my front yard."
With a scratch at the light stubble along his chin, Rhei grinned, and neatly skipped up the steps of the Breezy Banks veranda. He threw his arm around Kutone's shoulders. "You specified no guidelines for this event." Nodding to the sprawl of tables and vineyard decorations, as well as the townspeople marveling the spread of autumn fare, Rhei gave his friend a fond squeeze. "A bit more gratitude would be nice."
Shaking Rhei off, Kutone squared her shoulders, letting her suit jacket settle back into a comfortable position. Despite Rhei's amused snort, she tugged next on the collar of her blouse. Routine, for old business. She crossed her arms. "You told me you had some guests for me to talk to?"
"Sure do." Rhei offered his hand. Rejected, of course, as Kutone slapped away the offer, and descended the veranda steps. Still, he chuckled. "Otherwise, you wouldn't give a shit about the other farmers around the valley--ah, no, sorry--was that too much?"
She glared as Rhei matched her pace. "Oh, do carry on. Business as usual."
"So I'm not getting an earful from your fiance?"
"Business. As usual."
"Come on, Kutone. He's become something of a little brother to me. I like pissing him off."
Golden rays spilled over the visible fields of autumn fare, and glinted through amber glassware offering candied yams, cranberry sauce, homemade stuffing, plum pudding--and even more than Kutone knew she'd requested for the event. Instead of reflecting her confusion, however, Rhei maintained a proud smirk. "It's amazing stuff," he said, "when a local farmer is also a top-tier chef."
A sweet laugh answered. "Mr. Young, you realize I'm not sitting on a cake, right?"
"That's not..." He masked his exasperation well, with an amused chuckle, as he waved someone over. "I'm not talking about cake tiers, Catherine."
"I guess that one was a little obscure of me." Catherine, bright green eyes sparkling, stepped away from the table and accepted Rhei's firm handshake. Then offering her hand next to Kutone, she laughed again. "Kind of a sour face, aren't you? Life's thrown you too many lemons?"
Kutone tried a light smile, as she shook Catherine's hand. "The day's making my face pucker, maybe," she said. "Having Rhei as an associate does that sometimes."
"Quite the opposite, actually!" The strands of Catherine's blonde hair bounced as she nodded toward Rhei. "The man sponsored and got me out of the sour patch known as Joja. You don't need me to say more, do you?"
"I'm not here to dredge up awful memories," replied Kutone, "for my sake or yours." She gestured to the orchard party. "Rhei tells me he invited you on business? You must have prepared the spread here."
Catherine gasped, and cast an impressed expression in Rhei's direction. "She's a sharp knife, that's for sure! Tell me that you're enjoying it so far!"
"I unfortunately haven't had a chance to try it yet, but," Kutone paused and turned in her spot, nodding to the Pelican Town residents gaily tucking in, as well as the amber ambiance. "This is beautiful, top-floor restaurant fare here. Do you have your own location?"
"Maybe I should sit on top of a cake at this point!" Catherine laughed. She clasped her hands together, as though in prayer. "Though, it is my dream to open up a restaurant. So when Young told me an old friend of his had a fantastic vineyard in the works, I had to come check it out. I understand, you'll be unveiling an original blend soon?"
At this, Kutone shot a glare toward Rhei, who uneasily averted his eyes and pulled at his collar.
Catherine pressed a hand over her mouth. "Oops, I guess I spilled some milk here? Please don't mind me!"
"I don't, and I won't," Kutone replied, digging a sharp knuckle into Rhei's side. "I'm surprised no one else has asked me, really, with this great flapping mouth of his."
"I was talking business!" Rhei whimpered, cringing and curling away from Kutone's jab. "Catherine wanted to pair some of her signature autumn dishes with your drinks, so I told her about testing your new blend!"
"He told me nothing more than that, I promise," Catherine added. "Since I had no idea if it was even a red or white wine, I prepared a variety here to take the guessing out of the picture!" She offered her hand again. "Kutone, when I make my dream come true, I'm hoping you'll let me carry your wines on the menu?"
If not her puns, her enthusiasm was infectious. Kutone accepted a second, eager handshake, as she chuckled. "So long as you're okay with Rhei being our go-between."
"I wouldn't have it any other way!"
They exchanged business cards, Rhei adding he'd send a mock-up of a wine menu for Catherine's consideration, before Catherine turned next to Gus and Elliot. Both in awe of the artistry and taste of the dishes, they already had wine pairings to discuss with the up-and-coming restauranteur.
Meanwhile, Rhei guided Kutone past the banquet tables, toward the vined arches leading to the farm's main orchards. They weren't permanent, Rhei assured, unless Kutone wanted to keep them. "Don't get me wrong," she responded. "They're a nice touch, but once this event's over, they're gone."
"Sometimes I forget you're a minimalist."
"You forget a lot of things in your age, Mr. Young, sir."
At this, Rhei crossed his arms, and turned up his lip, mocking an offended pout. "Stand yourself corrected, miss! I remember that cruel tone of voice very well!"
Cackles answered in Kutone's stead. "Big, bad businessman just got one-upped by the wino!"
Hardly the description Kutone would have used for Rhei, but it was comical enough to grab their attentions, and a legitimate frown from Rhei. Following the voice, he turned to one of the benches nestled between the arches, where two girls sat giggling.
One of them, at least, was familiar to Kutone. "Lay off, old friend,” she said, laying a hand on Rhei’s arm. “I told you about Jane, didn't I?"
"I'm assuming she's the one currently not laughing at your supposed one-up?"
"Still giggling, but yes." Kutone lifted a hand in greeting, as she approached Jane and her friend.
"You've some explaining to do," said Kutone, mocking a patronizing tone. "I don't take kindly to people other than me giving my old friend a hard time."
Rhei ground his knuckles into Kutone's shoulder. "I'm hearing the word 'old' too many times, Kutone."
While Jane, face hidden behind her curtain of black hair, giggled helplessly at the banter, her friend shrugged. Her fair features held a perpetual smugness that, when she spoke, added to her playful tone. "Well at least it's obvious who's wearing the pants in this partnership."
"It's why I don't wear skirts," said Kutone, smiling. "But giving Rhei a break for just one second here..."
Jane pressed her hands together, nodded, and pulled her phone from her pocket. After a bit of typing, she flashed the message to Kutone and Rhei.
My friend, Glaser, began the message. weve been enjoying the party and talking video games this entire time!
"Just sucks that I don't know the language to talk to you so you don't have to keep typing and playing charades, y'know?" Glaser huffed and crossed her legs, directing her attention to Kutone. "What a sharp-lookin' bitch though--you're sure you're a farmer?"
"And businesswoman," Kutone added. "Rhei here is basically my mentor."
Jane gasped, and quickly tapped out another message. It's very nice to meet you, sir!
"Good grief, finally some shred of good vibes in my direction," Rhei replied. Accepting Jane's amiable handshake, he flashed a handsome smile. "You're also a valley local?"
With a deep nod, Jane threw an arm around Glaser's shoulders.
"Both of you, eh? How do you like the Banks, then?"
"Makes me feel good to know a chica's running the place," said Glaser. "Or maybe I should be more respectful, senorita?"
Kutone shook her head. "Say whatever you want about me. I don't particularly care."
Jane landed a light but purposeful slap on Glaser's shoulder. Cheeks puffed and brow furrowed, she leveled a meaningful glare.
Glaser rolled her eyes and shrugged. "Fine, I'll be nice, just because she's your friend. And because she runs a fuckin' winery from her backyard." She shot a calculating glance toward Rhei. "And also 'cause the old man's not nearly as annoying as I thought he'd be."
Rhei threw his hands up. "Kutone, if you need me, I'll be on the other side of the estate arranging your other meetings, okay? Okay."
"Hey now, no rage quitting!" Glaser jeered, "You can't go AFK and ghost us like this! Hey!"
Kutone snickered at Rhei's retreating back, meandering back through the banquet tables on his way to the farm's entrance. Noticing Jane's concerned frown, she gestured toward him. "No need to worry about him--he's used to far more cruelty than that."
"Bet you really jerked him around, huh?" Glaser leaned back against the bench, and sagely shook her head. "You can't get to be a powerful girl without stomping over some stupid chicos, y'know? Is he your bitch?"
Jane pressed both hands to her face and deeply sighed.
But Kutone snorted. "Far from it. I'm his producer, he's my distributor. We've known each other in too many ways for too many years for us to have some better-than-thou relationship here."
"That's almost boring."
After a contemplative silence, Jane's fingers tapped out another message on her phone. She considered the words with a cock of her head, but with a nod, showed it first to Kutone, then to Glaser to fill her in on the conversation.
i think its amazing how u get along with ppl, kutone. esp when youre as close to a business partner as you are. like... it feels like u and rei are so much more than what youre saying.
As Glaser pulled a grim, suspicious expression, Kutone simpered. "We were. Once. Before we stabbed each other in our backs and realized we just weren’t meant to be.”
"So how do you get to be buddy-buddy-business-partners without killing him or being friends with benefits, huh?"
Kutone winked. "I have a fiance who's a far better match than Rhei could ever be. Rhei's already come to terms with that."
rei's kind of amazing in his own right?
"Now, why would I ever be so kind as to admit that?"
"Tell it like it is, senorita!" Glaser laughed. "You and me could have drinks sometime and talk more about this type of shit!"
She could appreciate that refreshing sort of rudeness, especially over drinks at the Stardrop Saloon. Definitely in moderation though--Glaser seemed like the type to easily rub off on people. Heaven forbid Kutone started talking to Rhei, or even her lovely boy like that; they'd surely crack and break down.
Leaving Glaser and Jane with a wave, Kutone followed Rhei's path: back across the banqueting area, along the stepping stones to the farm's entrance. Seeing Rhei in conversation--heated conversation--with other suits, she squared her shoulders stepped into the ring. "Problem, gentlemen?"
It was a rhetorical question, but an effective one to get the suits off of Rhei and on to her. Not that Morris, bespectacled pudgy face creased into an ever-worsening scowl, needed the distraction. Neither did the other two suits with him, but Morris stood to his fully unimpressive height, and adjusted the bright red, oversized bowtie at his neck. "A pleasure to see you, Kutone," he sniffed. "It's been some time since I last saw you and this community--I found myself wistful, you know."
The lie through his teeth couldn't have hissed harder, but Kutone shrugged and gestured to the party behind her. "Pardon my bluntness here, but I remember my colleague saying participants needed invitations to attend this event. Did he extend you one?"
Rhei, keeping an easy expression over his restrained irritation, crossed his arms. "Well, no," he started. "Morris here never saw your products as worthy of his attention so, I saw no point to inviting him."
"Yet I am a member of this community," said Morris, face already turning pink. "Certainly, I've been away awhile, but once a soul of Pelican Town, there's no leaving it, yes? I believe I deserve a spot in this party!"
Kutone gave a low, sage nod. "Duly noted, so, I'm keeping this short, Morris. Get out."
"I've even forgiven the assault Pierre made on me--you notice I never charged him!"
"Yes, and I'm not interested in making any deals with Joja either."
"Mighty words from someone using a Joja turncoat as her distributor! I'm saying lose the middleman--you'll find we can offer more benefits, a greater network, than whatever Young can muster!"
"An accomplishment and a half," said Kutone, Rhei snickering next to her. "Do come back some time to prove it though; I'd love to see how you can do Rhei's work better than he can."
"Brat. You think you're untouchable, don't you? You just happen to be on these people's good sides--which isn't that hard to do, might I add; country bumpkins and their magnanimous stupidity were always the easiest to manipulate--but wait until I tell them everything you kept in the dark!" With an evil snigger, Morris pushed his glasses up the bridge of his nose. "After all, Miss Kutone, you know a thing or two about a tarnished reputation?"
"I do, but you wouldn't dare--"
"Wouldn't I now?"
Rhei stepped forward, shoving hard against the suits protecting Morris. "Can the threats. You can't do anything until she signs your agreement, anyway."
"Which she'll end up having to do when her rotten name brings down revenue!" Morris reached into an inner pocket and pulled out his phone. "Just one call, Young my friend."
"All's fair in the war of business!"
At the moment Morris looked down at his phone, however, a tall silhouette behind him grabbed the collar of his dress shirt and lifted his entire body from the ground. Feet dangling, Morris flailed like a swinging sack of flour. "Who--?! Put me down! Put me down, or I'll press charges!"
Unfazed, the man lifted Morris higher, reducing the Joja Sneer into a babbling squeal. Morris flailed harder, pointing at his bodyguards. "Do something! Get this man off of me!"
Morris's men weren't moving anytime soon. That much was a certainty to Kutone, mouth agape at the metallic sheen of the mystery man's hand holding Morris aloft. Not just his hand, either--both of his legs looked like they came out of a sci-fi superhero movie. Even his eye, for crying out loud, flickered a dangerous red.
Rhei whistled. "Now I've really seen it all."
But there was, Kutone thought, a certain softness to the man's dark hair and fair features, even as he whispered, "She said leave. So leave," and dropped Morris with a dull whump.
Morris couldn't have scrabbled away any faster, bodyguards in tow and cursing something about coming back to make the deal again.
While Kutone stared, Rhei gave her a nudge and turned to their benefactor. "Appreciate it, sir. Sure felt good to see him squealing like that."
Sir? Kutone tried, but failed, to figure out how this man could be Rhei's superior.
Luckily, Rhei filled in the gap, as the man averted his eyes from Kutone's baffled expression. "If you want to know how the Empire's tearing up the Republic, you're staring at that answer. Defectors like him are the only reason why Ferngill's hanging on to what little edge it's got."
"A soldier," murmured Kutone. She pressed a hand to her chest, and smiled. "Then I have to thank you even more."
The red light in his eye faded to a curious green, as he glanced up momentarily to meet Kutone's gaze. "It's nothing."
Another man, summer-sun-caramelized features practically glowing with his amicable smile, jogged through the party area as he waved for attention. "James!" Finally catching up, he let out an exasperated gasp, and laid a hand on James's shoulder. "Good grief, James, that jump over the whole venue nearly gave Harvey a heart attack, you know! And--and now you're making friends with the hosts?"
James turned away, apparently refusing to regale his companion with a response. Rhei offered his hand to bridge the awkward silence. "Rhei Young," he said. "And the vintner herself, Kutone."
"Pleasure." The young man accepted handshakes from both Kutone and Rhei. "I'm Jake--Harvey let me in on his invitation; James through Abigail."
How all these people knew each other despite the valley's isolation was beyond Kutone. Her attention, however, fell on the metal bits poking through the skin of Jake's left arm. If James was anything to go by... "You're a soldier too?"
"Was," Jake corrected. "Can't do much jet piloting with a busted arm and cruddy grip."
"At least it's an honorable discharge," Rhei replied. "Thanks for your service."
"Flying across Hell and back was well worth it, I'd say," said Jake, "since it meant we protected the lives and magic Stardew Valley has to offer. I mean, all this good food, and good wine? You're an inspiration, Miss Kutone."
"Nothing compared to two men who've been to Hell and back," said Kutone, simpering. "I'm guessing you're local to the area as well?"
"Along with James here. We'll be sure to stop by and offer some of our goods too. Right James?"
James had finally settled on watching Kutone with a placid expression. At Jake's question, he nodded, the flicker of a smile barely ghosting his features. He needed some work, thought Kutone, but she found him likable enough. Somewhat and adorably reminiscent of her fiance.
Rhei, checking his watch, pressed a hand into the small of Kutone's back. "We've got an unveiling, Kutone," he said, gesturing back to the orchards. "Time to bring up the barrel and tap, don't you think?"
A spirited glint sparked in Jake's eyes. "Maybe I can help in some way?"
As Rhei and Jake marched off, Kutone laid a light touch on James's arm, and offered him space to walk with her. "I could use your help again as well," she gently murmured. "If you'd be so willing?"
Another small smile. He wordlessly matched her pace, slow as she was in her pumps, down the stone path leading to her veranda. Rhei and Jake were already inside heading into the cellars, as Kutone and James ventured after them.
It was then he spoke again. "What did you call it? Your wine?"
She stopped at the threshold, turning to face James, as well as the orchard party before them. Sunset skies burgeoning into the deep indigo of twilight, the scenery, she admitted, matched the mood of the wine she'd created. Behind her, inside the house, Rhei's and Jake's voices echoed up from the cellar, as well as her fiance's voice irritably bantering with Rhei.
"Rosé Memoria," she replied, pressing a hushing finger against her lips. "Like the semi-sweet recollections of a bygone summer. Or of meeting new people. Catching, isn't it?”
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Penny with the Female Farmer (married with Sebastian) who was a former master chef teaching her how to cook
“Oh, hello! Come in!” Penny greeted you with a wide smile as you entered the trailer. Closing the door behind you, you noticed Penny was doing something on the stove. You walked to the cinnamon bun to find her working with a pot. There was something red and gooey inside. Beside the pot was a cutting board with chopped carrots and potatoes on it. You concluded that she was in the middle of cooking something. “What’cha got cookin’?” You asked. “Oh, it’s something I’ve been experimenting. Can you please wait?” Penny asked. “Don’t mind if I stand next to you?” “Sure.” With that, the local teacher grabbed the knife and started cutting the vegetables. As she cut, it reminded you of your previous life. Considered as the youngest person to be accepted as a master chef, you were praised by the media and food critics of how delicious your meals were. People swarmed your restaurant just to have a taste of your food, which you happily cooked. Everything went well for three years until Jona Corporation bought the restaurant and treated you like an asset. If it weren’t for grandpa, you would have been stuck in the corporate prison. You snapped back to reality only to find Penny still cutting vegetables. By Yoba, she was slow. Her hand continued to shift from the pot to the cutting every two seconds, thus progress was sluggish, which ticked your patience. “Penny? May I help you?” You finally asked, hiding your impatience. “Huh? Oh, thank you. I was worried about the sauce.” Penny said, scooting over near the pot. You took the knife and started chopping the vegetables. You sliced through the carrots with absolutely no rest. Ever you couldn’t see your hand by your swift cutting. With the last carrot chopped, you faced Penny to find her looking at your hands with awe mixed with her expression. “Wow. You were fast.” She complimented. “It’s normal.” You replied, handing the carrots to Penny. “Did you… work somewhere before you came here?” “Well, yeah.” You saw Penny eager for your answer. “A chef. You know that chef that was praised two years ago?” “What do you…” Penny paused with a gasp. “You were her?!” You nodded. “Wow, I can’t believe it! You gave all your fame and skills up for farming?” “Joja took over my restaurant and treated the employees like tools, so I had to escape.” You explained, chopping the potatoes. “I must admit, I’m really honored to be cooking with you!” The cinnamon bun said, stirring the pot. When you were done with the potatoes, you handed it to Penny and she added them in another pot of boiling water. You couldn’t help but to be curious of what the sauce tasted like. “Hey, may I have a taste of that sauce?” You asked. “Of course! It’s sweet chili sauce!” Penny replied. Taking her wooden spoon, you took a sip of the gooey sauce. At first, it was sweet! You were about to nod… but Oh god, the sauce started to slowly burned your insides with bombs of capsaicin. You silently coughed with your mouth shut tightly as your face burned hot red. “…so, how is it?” “It… it’s sweet…” Penny smiled at your partial complement. “…it’s too spicy!” Her smile disappeared. “It’s okay, Penny. We can add cheese.” “Yeah, that’s a good idea.” Penny said, grinning once again. You two were sitting on the table, eating the finished product: mashed potatoes and steamed carrots with sweet chili sauce topped with ground Parmesan cheese. It wasn’t bad, but the spiciness was still there. “So, being the master chef, is it easy to cook?” Penny asked. “Well, no. It’s pretty difficult getting the right amount of ingredient. One single mistake and you might make a completely different meal.” You replied. “Say, do. you have a name for this fish?” “Well… I just thought of it. I’ll call it Chili de Stardew!” You smirked at the name. “That’s a good name.” “Hey, may I ask you something?” “Hmm?” “Since you’re really good at cooking… is it okay if I take lessons from you? I really want to be good at cooking like you.” An interesting question. You hummed in thought. After a pause, you nodded. “Really! That’s great!” Penny beamed. “When are you free?” “I’m free everyday, Penny. Why don’t we start tomorrow at one?” You suggested. Penny definitely nodded. It was almost one o’clock when you were playing games with your husband Sebastian. He was definitely on the winning side. He was the best gamer in Pelican Town after all. His victory parade seemed to end when the house door knocked. Knowing who it is, you dashed towards the door and opening it, revealing Penny. You told her to come in. “Sorry, I was playing games with my husband.” You apologized. “So, um…” Penny hesitated. You knew that she was awkward and it was the first time she came into your house. “Ready to start?” You asked. When the cinnamon bun nodded, you lead her to the kitchen. The meal of today was bruschetta. You and Penny were busy in the kitchen while Sebastian was working in his computer. Penny wrote down every step of your cooking while doing it herself. You cut some baguette bread and cooked it in garlic butter until it was nice and golden. You also instructed Penny to do the following. Despite her making mistakes, just the thought of teaching someone what you love made you benevolent and teach her again. The air around the two of you smelled of tomatoes and basil as you mixed ingredients together into a bowl. Penny was mixing with her own bowl, too. With two plates of bruschetta ready, you called your husband to the table. As usual, the meal was delicious. Penny wasn’t the girl to eat a lot, but she seemed to glomp down bruschetta after bruschetta like Garfield the Cat. “It’s so delicious!” Penny said, her voice muffled by the food in her mouth. “The best part was that you made it, Penny.” You replied. “It’s rare for my wife to make these kind of foods, you know.” Sebastian added. “What? No! I make you tomato basil squares every Thursday!” You giggled. Penny laughed along, covering her mouth. “Not to mention sashimi with caviar spaghetti every Sunday!” “Caviar?” Penny asked. “Yeah! I get it from the sturgeon I catch by the Carpenter’s Shop.” “Wow, now I want to learn everything from you!” Penny beamed, eating her lass bruschetta. “Vincent and Jas are going to love this.”
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Teams (SebastianXFEM!farmer)
This was requested by @aperturegaming011 so enjoy!
“so where is the best place?” I asked, looking around at everyone. I looked at Sam first, he laughed and said “My mum will complain if we’re too loud plus Vincent goes to bed at like 7″ we all turned to Sebastian, he explained “I don’t really want to be around family right now...” is he ok? what’s happened with him? I opened my mouth to ask him what was wrong but everyone turned to me, hoping to probably do it at my house, I scoffed “are you kidding me? my entire cabin is literally one room. plus I still need to get Wi-Fi sorted out there”
This left us with Abigail’s house, she rolled her eyes and said “fine, my parents are going out anyway” everyone wooed and celebrated, relieved we found a place. I asked “so, everyone got their laptops?” Sam and Sebastian nodded, Abigail probably predicted it would be at her house so she might of left it there. Sam asked me “You have yours (Y/N)?” I nodded and lifted my backpack which contained my laptop and charger. Sebastian laughed and said “I swear you carry everything in that backpack of yours” I laughed and said “well, its spacious and convenient”  Abigail downed the rest of her drink and said “let’s go?” we nodded in sync and made way for the exit of the saloon, I said out loud “Abigail, your house is literally middle of all our houses” as we got outside Sam and Abigail went ahead, probably eager to start, while me and Sebastian lingered back
In awe Sam replied “Oh yeah” Sebastian elbowed me, smiling. Me and Sebastian started dating 3 days ago but we decided to keep it secret from the gang. I silently laughed at him as he leaned on my arm, Abigail mumbled “it’s quite cool, how did you even notice that?” Sebastian got off my arm and said “well, (Y/N) is pretty smart” I smiled at Sebastian and thanked him. We arrived at Pierre’s general store and Abigail got her key out of her pocket, unlocking the door for us. We walked through the store towards the back and into her bedroom, I flicked the light switch on, illuminating her room. 
We all sat on the floor and started to set up everything, I placed my laptop on the floor and attempted to turn it on, but it wouldn’t. I tried again and again, but to no avail, it stayed off, I mumbled “oh it won’t turn on” Abigail turned to me and asked “do you need to charge it?” I shook my head and informed her “I charged it last night” Sam rubbed his chin and asked “is it old?” I thought for a few seconds “I've had it for..5 years?” Sebastian suggested “that’s probably why then. want to share with me?” I nodded and said “sure, better than nothing” I scooted over to Sebastian and sat down next to him, he was already typing name of the game into the search bar.
Seconds later we were on the loading page, I asked Abigail and Sam “you on yet?” Abigail nodded, gazing into the screen “I’ll create the party” Sam also nodded and said “ok cool”
An invitation popped up on the screen from Abigail, Sebastian hastily accepted which loaded a new screen, which revealed their usernames “Slime-slayer? Guitard00d?....MCR101?” Funnily, all in unison they replied “don’t judge” I laughed at their response and I looked back at the screen to see the game begun, Sebastian turned to me, pausing the game and asked “want to play a little?” Sam said “yeah it’s good to get practice for when you play with us“ Abigail added “yeah, when you get your laptop fixed” I said “ok, sure” I tried to reach the keyboard from where I was, but it felt uncomfortable and awkward, Sebastian clearly saw my struggle and suggested “want to sit on my lap?” I nodded, he moved his arms, allowing me to sit. I looked up at Abigail and Sam who were to focused on the game.
I resumed the game and started to walk around, looking for Sam and Abigail's characters to kill. Then me, Abigail and Sebastian started to laugh as Sam’s character levitated above a table. Sam exclaimed “how?! I got stuck!” Abigail teased “well this just makes this a whole lot easier” I shot at Sam's character, he frowned at me “(Y/N) I th-” he paused then resumed “why are you sitting on Sebastian’s lap?” Abigail looked up from her screen to also look, she asked “yeah, why?” Sebastian explained “she couldn’t reach the keyboard sitting next to me“ Abigail said “ohhh makes sense” she then turned her gaze to her screen, Sam ranted “(Y/N), I thought you were nice and pretty and-” I felt Sebastian’s hands go past my waist as he reached for the keyboard, shooting at Sam’s character till he was dead” he gasped and said “Sebastian!”
“That’s what you get for calling my girlfriend pretty”
I turned to him wide eyed, he just told them, I thought he wanted to hide it? he covered his face, probably realising his mistake. In unison, nearly shouting, said
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stardew-valley-asks · 7 years
@aperturegaming011, you who was here before there even was an ask box.
"Um, Farmer?" Abigail asked, stepping onto the farm with her phone in her hand. Her eyebrows were furrowed as she skimmrd over the article that had come up when she searched her boyfriend's name out of bored curiosity. The farmer straightened up from where he had stood bent at the waist, planting the seeds for today. He looked confused for a moment before heading over to the purple-haired girl, eyes on the phone she held as if aiming to read what was on the screen. Abigail pressed the screen to her chest, shaking her head. "You were into esports and you didn't tell me?" she said loudly, louder than she spoke around anyone else. She was comfortable enough with her farmer by now to do so, and she really would have been interested in this little tidbit of information. The farmer had to know by now how much she loved video games, especially retro ones. Abigail already wanted to make up for lost time that could have been spent discussing games "That's so cool," she continued. "But seriously, why didn't you tell me?" The farmer took a deep breath and asked quietly, "Have you read the whole article?" Abigail stared at him for a moment before shaking her head and scrolling farther down. "Oh my god..." She looked back up at him with shock and horror evident on her face. "You 'exclusively' played Call of Duty?!"
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imaginestardew · 7 years
So let's say that the male farmer gave Krobus cybernetic arms. He trains the Shadow brute how to fight. How would it be like? (Bonus- farmer's dating Abby. She's with him right now)
Well friends, this is it. This is the question that broke me. I have no idea how to even start this. I have no idea how to create this scenario. I like to think I’m a fairly creative person, but this is beyond my capability. Aperturegaming011, you have bested me. You will live in infamy.
I also demand every picture of Krobus looking like the Terminator because HOLY SHIT THIS MENTAL IMAGE.
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sleeplessscripts · 8 years
i just wanna say, whoever wrote the esports player thing inspired me to make one of my stardew valley ocs into a hardcore esports player nerd and i honestly love him
That would be http://aperturegaming011.tumblr.com/ !I didn't write it, it was a submission, but it was great!
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magicallyclueless · 7 years
Hi! I just want to ask you something: Are you good at drawing machines like robots, vehicles and other mechanical stuff? Other than that, your art is amazing! Keep up the goods!
i am absolutely not good at drawing machines or anything like that
i used to draw 80s transformers back in the day but that’s about all my robot experience.
thanks tho!
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planetstory · 5 years
Writing Prompt
[WP] You, a person from our world transported into a fantasy world, have received an invitation letter from a secret guild of adventurers. Turns out, this guild is made up of people that ended up with the same fate as you: Transported to this world from other worlds. | | Want to submit a writing or a prompt? Read the rules here
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Leah headcanons! (According to my fanfics)
-her Father is Swedish while her mother is Spanish (referenced in my fanfics) -her mother’s family are brewmasters and own a vast vineyard, thus Leah loving wine very much. -her father owns a arts museum, thus explaining Leah’s artistic side. -she refused her father’s money to start her own life. She moves to Zuzu and dates Kel until she breaks up, then moves to Stardew Valley. -for some reason, Leah’s really into Indian food. (The spices, I guess) -she can speak three languages (English, Swedish, Italian) -she hates pizza because of how hard it is to make and how long it takes. -(if she likes the player like having a crush) she sneaks into the farm, trying to get some scattered wood to make sculptures for the farmer. She always gets caught, but the farmer cuts a tree down for her anyway. -(of she’s dating the farmer) the farmer would take Leah to the secret forest for a date. She definitely loves it. She draws the background or cuts down hardwood while her love interest is busy getting bested up by slimes.
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The reactions of the 12-bachelor/ettes when they find out that the farmer used to be a really popular Esports player (part 2: bachelorettes)
Abigail: “Hey, farmer!” Abigail chirped as she walked into your farmland. You were in the middle of watering your crops when she came. “Hi, Abby.” You reply, giving her a friendly hug. “Still working?” “Mhm.” You hum your answer. “Woke up late today.” You added. “Let me help you! I wanna play with you.” Abigail pleaded. Sighing of how tenacious she was, you nod. “Alright. Do me a favor and water the crops for me.” You said, handing the purple-haired girl your watering can. “Yay!” She cheered as she did was you told. Meanwhile, you handled what you’ve harvested by putting some in kegs and selling some through the bin. With the day’s work done thanks to Abigail, you two enter your house and watch some TV shows that you like. Surprisingly, she likes them too. An hour passed when abigail scooted close to you. “Yes?” You asked. “We should play some games together. I heard from Seb that you play StarCraft.” Abigail suggested. “Hm? But you don’t have your laptop right now.” “I can just watch you play, or you know… Take turns.” “Sounds good. Follow me. Computer’s in my room.” You said as Abigail followed you into your bedroom. She sat on your bed as you powered your computer on and turned on the strategy game. “So, who first?” You asked. Abigail smiled at you, signaling that you play first. Nodding, you chose your race and played a random match with a anonymous player. Abigail watched in marvel as you skillfully won the round. “Wow, you’re really good at this game!” Abigail complimented. “Thanks. I really like StarCraft.” You replied. “You should try playing in E-Sports matches!” “Well, to be honest, I have.” With your words, Abigail’s jaw dropped. “You’re lying.” “No, I’m not. I won the national league five times. Still can’t beat the Koreans, though.” You admitted. “Wow. Just wow. You’re awesome!” Abigail squealed as she threw herself to you, making you blush. “Okay, but real talk. Zerg, Protoss or Terran?” She asked once releasing you. “Protoss. My life for Aiur.” You replied.
Emily: “So, how was it?” Emily asked you, panting. She had invited you into her room to show you dance. Honestly, it was amazing. You jokingly grabbed her shoulder. “You have to teach me those moves!” You said. “Why, thank you!” Emily giggled by your reaction. “Whew! I haven’t sweated this much since Abigail’s graduation party!” You nodded. “Well, sit down! I’ll fix us some coffee!” Soon enough, the blue-haired woman came back with a tray full of cookies and coffee. “Well, thanks Emily.” You said as you took a bite out of a cookie. The showcase of exotic fabric and clothes seemed to get your attention. “So, you’re really interested in garments design, huh?” You asked. “Yeah! It’s my dream to set up a shop here!” Emily beamed. You simply nodded. “How’s your farm?” “Farm? It’s going fine. It’s comparable to what I used to work before.” “What was your job?” “I played games.” “Videogames? That’s a strange way of earning money.” Emily skeptically said. “Not just that, I was in the gaming industry. Man, I remember how competitive it was. Fighting digitally over who claims the top… Well, I was at the top, to be honest. In other words, I was a E-Sports player.” You explained, sipping your coffee. “Competitive games? Well, I’ve seen a few articles online about using games for art… We’re your games like that?” Emily asked. “You will be disappointed.” You replied, shaking your head. “Dota isn’t like those games. But if you want to try an artistic game… I think Minecraft would be a good choice. Watch a few videos and you’ll see.” Emily smiled at your suggestion.
Haley: You walk into Haley, who was trying to open a jar of pickled olives but with futility. “Hnnngg! Can’t. Get. This. OPEN!” Haley grunted under the resistance of the jar. You decided to walk to her to help. “Need any help?” You asked. “Farmer? You’re strong, right?” Haley asked upon hearing you. “Hmm… You can, technically. I work in the farm, after all.” “Well, can you open this for me?” Haley requested, holding the sealed jar to you. Before taking it, you wiped any source of moisture from your hands and took the jar from her hands. It took some effort, but you managed to open it with a pop. “There!” You beamed, handing the now opened jar to Haley. “Wow, you really are strong! Thank you!” Haley chirped, taking an olive into her mouth. “All in a day’s work.” You replied. “You did work in a hard job, didn’t you?” “No. Worked as a…” “Gym teacher?” “No. I was a E-Sports player.” You replied. “Ooooohh-Kay?” Haley asked, her smile now gone and replaced with a strange look. She was definitely not interested. “It’s basically Major Baseball League but with videogames…” “I don’t care! Nerd.” Haley interrupted you. Sighing, you bid her goodbye while walking out of her house.
Leah: “What do you think? I’m revealing the essence of the wood.” Leah said as she carved the wooden sculpture. “When we start tending something, we reveal what’s inside.” “…the same as us humans.” You replied, making Leah think, but smile when she realized what you were trying to say. “Yeah, you’re absolutely correct!” Leah replied. “I first came to the valley as a child. This place has true art potential!” “Really? I didn’t think about that because of… You know, farming.” You said. “Of course, just art isn’t helping me in paying the bills and laying food on the table…” You nodded at Leah’s words. Your friends faced these problems and you did consult them before. “Have you felt that thing before? Chasing something that you like but can’t earn enough?” She asked you. “Well, I did before I came here. I did become really famous, but with the cost of health.” “Ooh, really? What were you before a farmer?” “An E-Sports player.” “That’s amazing!” Leah remarked. You could only blush and scratch the back of your head. “…but I do see why you left that life behind. It must’ve been hard to connect with the natural world when you were so absorbed by the digital world, right?” “Yeah, you’re right.” You replied. “To be honest, I really miss my fans and the competition. Don’t get me wrong, I love farming. But I needed to stay healthy. I nearly died of Vitamin D deficiency.” “I understand.” Leah nodded. “Too bad I don’t have a computer to see what you play.”
Maru: You were helping Maru on one of her engineering projects after you hanged out with Sebastian, your best friend. You had a USB pen drive on hand so that you could help draw her blueprints in 3D back at your farm. “Thanks for stepping by to help.” Maru said. “No problem.” You assured. “Seb never helps, even when I tell him that I’ll pay.” “He’s just busy with his own work, Maru. You should understand.” You replied.“Anyway, I’m here. What blueprint did you want me to make?” “Hold on…” Maru started to shuffle around with a pile of graphing paper. “…here.” She said, holding a paper with a detailed schematic of a tool drawn on it. “Do you mind if you scan it?” You asked. Maru nodded as she did as you requested. The scanner turned the document into an image file. “Okay, I’ll put it into my USB.” You said as you plugged your pen drive into her computer. As Maru dragged the file into the USB, she accidentally clicked another image file in your pen drive, revealing a photo of your past self with five of your friends in your Overwatch team. You were pictured as thrown in the air by your friends as you held a trophy with confetti falling around you all. “Um… Wow. You were a E-Sports player?” Maru asked. Blushing, you sheepishly nodded. “I do watch some gaming videos. I remember this team. They were the best.” “Do you play Overwatch yourself?” You asked. “A little bit. Haven’t played too much modern games. Too much FPS nowadays.” Maru replied. “It’s okay. Everybody has their preferences.” “No wonder why Seb and Sam were so excited when you were here last week.” Maru said, smiling. “Still, you’re a good player.”
Penny: You picked your favorite novel and sat beside Penny in the library. Today was a good harvest day and you have decided to to treat yourself with a good book instead of gaming. “Hello.” Penny quietly greeted you with small smile. You smiled back as you opened your book. “You like those series, too?” She asked after taking a glance of your book cover. “Well, yeah. This is my favorite of the series. I just want to keep reading it. It makes me want to be part of the story, you know?” You replied. Penny smiled and gave you a positive hum. “Say, why do you think we read? For me, I read to fuel my imagination.” You asked, looking at the ceiling. “For me, I read because I want to get out of reality.” Penny sighed, closing her book but marking her page with her finger. “It’s hard for me to live a happy life, so reading helps me not think about it. What about you? What do you do in the same situation?” “Me? Well, I play games. Whenever I feel stressed, I play a few rounds with my team. Yoba, I miss them.” You replied. “…team?” Penny asked. “Yeah. I had a few family problems, so my E-Sports team cheered me up with gaming together. We were unbreakable.” “Wow, you must have been famous.” “We won so many tournaments together. I had to give up my dream after grandfather’s death.” You sighed. “…and you gave all that up for farming? I must admit, I’m glad that you did. The town’s brighter with you around.” Penny said, patting your shoulder. “Thanks, Penny. I still contact them, though. Say, do you play League?” “I did a few times with Sam, but it became harder.” Penny replied. You thought for a while. “If you’re interested, I can help you guys play better.” You suggested, focusing back on your book.
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The reactions of the 12-bachelor/ettes when they find out that the farmer used to be a really popular Esports player (Part-1: bachelors)
Alex: “Hey, farmer.” Alex called you with his rugby ball on hand. You simply smiled at him as a greeting as you walked towards him. “What’s up, Alex?” You asked. “Not much. Wanna play catch?” Alex asked with you sheepishly shrugging. He threw the ball at your direction with relatively weak force, but you barely caught it while falling to the ground. “Come on, that’s basic sports.” The athlete said. “Sport?” You repeated and Alex nodded. “Well, I’m technically good at only one.” You added. “Really?! What is it?” You could only chuckle at Alex’s genuine interest. “Um… It’s E-Sports.” You admitted. As soon as you finished, you saw some disappointment mixed with confusion in Alex’s face. “What the hell is that? Is it like… Pixel football?” He asked. Seeing that he had no idea and interest, you decide to cast the conversation away.
Elliott: When you found Elliott in the corner of the library, you decided to walk to him. He greeted you with with a formal greeting like a gentleman he was. “What'cha reading?” You asked. Sitting down beside him. “Oh, I was looking through some newspapers that I’ve found in the library archives.” Elliott replied. “I thought you come here to get inspiration?” “Well, that is correct. But I believe that it is necessary for me to treat myself with some history.” “Never thought last year’s newspapers would help in history class.” You chuckled, and Elliott chuckled too. When the writer turned to the last page, he stared at a particular article and back to you. He repeated until you asked what was wrong. “Is this you?” Elliott asked, pointed at the article. You took a look at it, realizing that it indeed was you holding a trophy of the last year’s Dota 2 world tournament along with your team. “Well, yeah.” You replied. “Interested in E-Sports?” “Hmmm…” Elliott grunted, rubbing his chin. “So ‘E’ stands for Electronic, correct?” He asked and you nodded. “How impersonal.” He said as he folded the newspaper and picked up another.
Harvey: “…as I was saying, working in a farm means that you could be vulnerable to certain infections!” Harvey explained to you as you sat on the patient’s bed. Today was your vaccination day and you would have forgotten if it weren’t for his phone call. You were too busy on either working on the farm or playing videogames. “I get it, doc. I still need my vaccines, you know.” You replied. Soon enough, Harvey had already prepared the syringe. He rubbed a spot of your arm with an alcohol pad and pushed the needle through. You frowned by the pain, but it ended quickly as the doctor pulled the empty syringe out from your body. “Wow, that hurt pretty bad.” You whined. “Really? People normally just laugh it off.” Harvey said. “Well, if you used to work inside for almost 17 hours a day, maybe I would have.” “What did you work as before you came here?” Harvey asked worriedly. “A pro gamer.” You replied. “A pro gamer?” Harvey repeated with interest. “Well, yeah. I don’t like boasting, but I was considered as the best League of Legends player of our country. Won three world tournaments, too.” “You records are very impressive.” Harvey replied. “But I bet I could’ve out ganked you if I were in my college days.” “I’m glad that somebody appreciates my previous job.” You said. “I still play competitive at night after work.” “Well, don’t push yourself too hard, okay? I don’t want to hear news about you passing out in front of your computer.” Harvey reminded.
Sam: It was when Sebastian and Abigail left after their usual band practice. You were part of them as the bassist, but you decided to stay with Sam for a bit longer because you saw him turn on Overwatch. “What hero do you usually play with?” You asked. “Huh? Oh, it’s either Soldier 76 or Bastion.” Sam replied as he was taken into a quick match. You couldn’t wait how he played as those two heroes. If he only played with those two, he would be pretty good at it. However, as the match started, the opposite of what you thought was true as Sam barely got any kills and continuously died to the point where his team scolded him in the chat. “Damnit! I can’t impress anyone!” The blonde boy yelled, slamming the desk with his fists when the match ended in defeat. You were glad that it was over. You would have grown cancer if you watched more of his horrible gaming. “May I try?” You asked. “Go ahead. Do you have an account?” He stood from his chair and let you sit. You immediately logged off from his account and logged onto yours. Once the Overwatch main Manu popped up with your ID showing on the top right, Sam stopped you from the game. “Your account is familiar.” He said. “Really? How so?” You lied. Could he know your E-Sports account? “FlyToTheSky… I heard of this before… In youtube… No way.” Sam said behind his breath. “Now you know? The last year’s MVP of Overwatch world tournament held in France?” “Wait… Wait, that was YOU?!” You nodded. “No way! No freakin’ way! You’ve gotta be kidding!” Sam exclaimed, obviously excited. “I’m not.” You said. “…and you gave that up to be a farmer, what?!” Sam continued, looking like he was about to explode. “Whoa, Sam! SAM!!” You shouted and the blonde boy stopped. “Take a chill pill! I still livestream on Twitch every Friday at night, okay?” “Whew I thought you completely gave up gaming!” Sam replied. “I’m going to tell Seb and Abby about this!” That very night, you received a notification that three new people have subscribed to your channel.
Sebastian: “'Sup, Seb?” You said as you entered the raven-haired boy’s room. “Oh hey, farmer.” Sebastian greeted you while still staring at his computer screen. He gave you a high five at least. “What brought you here?” “I just wanted a happy-go-lucky hang out. Any problems?” “Well, I’m working.” Sebastian replied. Nodding, you decide that you should come back later and head for the room door. “Wait! Farmer! I just reached the last line of coding! I’m basically done for the day!” He shouted, making your turn back. “Now we’re talking.” You chuckled as you sat beside Sebastian. “So, how are you going to treat me?” You asked. “Uh… Do you mind if we watch some YouTube videos of StarCraft?” “Mind? StarCraft II is my favorite game!” You chirped! “Oh thank Yoba! I thought I was the only person to play that game here.” “I like it.” Sebastian replied with a smile. The two of you were watching a YouTube video of a pro gamer playing the said strategy game through Sebastian’s computer. The player was indeed good. It reminded you of the good memories back when you were like that player. The fans, the sponsors, the competition, the rapid mouse clicking, the cheering… you started to miss them. You snapped back to reality when the youtuber mentioned a E-Sports player that was familiar to both of you about how the mentioned player retired from the gaming industry. Worst of all, the player mentioned your name. “Farmer?” Sebastian asked. You sheepishly turned to him. “You’re Morten98?” “Well, yeah…” You admitted. “Wow… That… That’s really awesome.” Sebastian complimented. “You got your training from Korea, right?” You nodded. “You must know a lot of people from the industry then.” He added. “Well, yeah. I guess that adds to the Korean stereotype, huh?” You asked. Sebastian nodded a she laughed at the remark. “We should play together some day. I’m getting my house upgraded today and I need to sleep here. Wanna play a few matches tonight? I’m a Zerg player, by the way.” “Sure, sounds good. Terran player here.” Sebastian happily replied. You knew that he couldn’t wait to see how good you were.
Shane: “Ugh, life…” Shane grunted as he downed his beer mug in one shot. “You shouldn’t be drinking that heavily.” You said worriedly. This was his second mug and even Gus, who was watching you two behind the counter looked at him with worry. “I don’t care, farmer.” Shane murmured behind the empty mug. “I’m just a loser who works, drinks, sleeps, repeats… Hey, farmer?” “I’m here.” You replied, slowly sipping on your own drink. “Have you felt that before? Like, you’re stuck in an abyss where you’ll never get out? Like, when you’re stuck with a job that you hate?” A question worth thinking about. You think. Nodding, you opened your mouth. “Shane, nobody told you that Jojamart is the only choice.” You said. “But I dropped off from college.” “There are a plethora of jobs that don’t need a college degree, Shane. Should I be honest?” “Hmm?” “I dropped from high school for a job I wanted to chase.” You admitted. “High school, huh? Wow, you must be really stupid.” Shane joked. “What was it? The farm?” “Shane, I’m serious. I was a E-Sports player before coming here. Worked as such for about four years.” “E-Sports, huh? What game?” “Counter Strike.” You replied. “Wha…? What are your records?” Shane asked, still tormented by the effects of alcohol. “Well, won a few world tournaments and national leagues.” You said, blushing. “Watch me snipe your head off into next week.” Shane boasted. “Really? Wanna play competitive tomorrow?” You asked. You liked a challenge. “Bring it on.” Shane beamed. The next day, you annihilated Shane to the point where he didn’t receive any kills from you while Sam, Sebastian and Abigail observed.
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The reactions of the 12 bachelor/ettes when a spaceport is built in Stardew Valley
Alex: Personally, he doesn’t care if the spaceport is there in The Valley or not. As long he’s having his time playing with the farmer or alone with his grid ball, he’s A-OK. However, he would get startled whenever launches initiate as he ignores the countdowns.
Elliott: His mind is split into two due to the spaceport. One half makes him hate the existence of the spaceport due to the countdowns and launches disturb him from his writing. The other half likes it as it gives him inspiration for his books.
Harvey: As an aircraft enthusiast, if the spaceport is launching shuttles or landing them, he would DEFINITELY run outside and take pictures of them. He would die to just shake the hands of one of the astronauts. He indeed is a doctor, as he is concerned about the townspeople’s ear health due to the deafening blasts of the rocket launches.
Sam: He would have to take his brother to the farm because Vincent would beg him to see the rocket launches. Sam doesn’t have much interest in things of space, but he considers rocket launches cool and sometimes even dares Sebastian to stand close to the smoke caused by launches, only to be scolded by his mother.
Sebastian: Is this even a question? HE LOVES THE SPACEPORT!! Whenever he goes outside to smoke, he would always stare at the spaceport as workers clean the launchpad or prepare a rocket for launch. When he would date the farmer, he would sit beside her and never let the rocket get out of his sight during launches while asking the farmer if sci-fi space warships will be launched one day.
Shane: He doesn’t mind the spaceport, just like Alex. However, he hates the fact that he has to take even more responsibility to his chickens whenever the launch countdown initiates to prevent them from being scared to bits. When his quota is fulfilled, he would take Jas out to the farm to see the launch while his goddaughter watches the view with Vincent.
Abigail: She’s into new adventure! She would sneak into the spaceport to see what’s going on inside and even enter restricted areas, only to be caught all the time, causing the security to rise. The rocket launches are Abigail’s fuel for inspiration to be an astronaut. She knows that going to space would be a hell of an adventure!
Emily: She has some complaints of the spaceport being in The Valley. First is that the deafening launches interrupt her meditating sessions and the second is that she believes that the rocket emissions disturb the spirits near her. She doesn’t completely hate the facility, however, as she does pray for the astronauts in the rockets during countdowns.
Haley: Basically, she’s in the same tracks as Emily: she has a few complaints. Just like Alex, she doesn’t bother listening to the launch countdowns and get startled whenever she was standing idle in Pelican Town. However, as every cloud has a silver lining, she loves taking pictures of the rocket and shuttle launches during sunsets because they look so perfect.
Leah: Oh boy, she HATES the spaceport. Most her complaints are focused in nature. First off, she hated the concrete and gray environment of the space port. Secondly, the deafening launches mostly ruin her artwork and lastly, she claims that the rocket emissions pollute the environment. She does secretly admit that the launches are beautiful, however.
Maru: Just like her half-brother, she ADORES the spaceport. It is the main reason of why she’s diverted from her gadgets. She would watch the busied platforms from afar and admire the rocket launches with her family as if it’s her daily routine. Occasionally, she would beg Demetrius to go to the spaceport’ mission control for a tour and ask questions to the staff.
Penny: She likes the spaceport, but not without one complaint: its launches always startle her from her reading sessions as she is too deeply into her books to the point where she can’t hear the countdown. Other than that, she sometimes takes Vincent and Jas to the spaceport for field trips with the permission of the staff. She is obviously happy that Vincent finally get determination to learn.
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I just discovered your blog and I love it!
tysm!!!! and you’ll have to thank @aperturegaming011 for that one!!!!
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This is the extension of the Abigail head canon that I wrote a while ago.
“Heyyy!!!” Abigail chirped as you entered her room. She was in the middle of watching something in her TV. “Hi!” You replied as you approached the TV. As you came closer, you realized that she was watching… Goblin?! You turned to the purple-haired girl. “Y-you watch this K-Drama, too?” “Y-yeah.” Abigail sheepishly replied, face burning into a tomato. Meanwhile, happiness surged in your body. “Wow, as the only Korean in The Valley, I thought I was the only person who liked Korean stuff in Pelican Town!” You beamed. “You do, too?!” Abigail’s face brightened up. You nod, and she replied with a loud squeal. “AND YOU’RE KOREAN?! OH MY YOBA THIS IS THE BEST DAY OF MY LIFE!! I LOVE EVERYTHING ABOUT YOUR COUNTRY!!” “Whoa, settle down, Abby!” You said, holding your palms out to calm her down. Out of your life, you’ve never saw someone so happy about your nationality. You wondered how much she likes Korean stuff. “Okay, let’s start with the basics: what is your favorite band?” “EXO!!” Abigail exclaimed. “I have posters of them in my closet!” She added as she opened her clothes drawer and pulled out five scrolls. She unscrolled one of them to reveal a poster of EXO. You laughed in disbelief. She was more devoted than most of the girls in Korea. “I have the biggest one here!” She said, pointing at the wall next to the bed. “Wow, Abby. You’re really into those. Guys in my country are into bands like TWICE.” You said, approaching her bed. “I love them too! I’m like TT!” Abigail chirped as she imitated the Dance. You playfully covered your eyes. To be honest, she looked cute when she did that. As you were right next to her bed, you noticed that there was something between the bed and the wall. Curious, you decided to lean forward and see what it was, but Abigail leapt in front of you. “It-it’s nothing! Turn around!” Abigail lied. You knew that she was hiding something, however. Despite her tenacious resistance, your strength that you’ve gathered from your farm outmatched Abigail, letting you push Abigail aside to the soft bed. Before she could stop you again, you quickly pulled the object out to reveal… …a hug pillow? It was definitely bigger than the purple-haired girl. On the front, there was a picture of Chanyeol, one of EXO’s members. With a confused face, you turned to Abigail to find her burying her face on her bedsheets. You could see her face furiously blushing under the bedsheets. “Abby?” You asked, tapping her shoulder. She just shook her head. You couldn’t help but to burst into laughter. “It’s not funny!” Abigail wailed, but you could get a hint that she was giggling. “I can just tell this to Seb and Sam!” You jokingly threatened. “Nooooooooooo!!!” Abigail playfully yelled. “Just kidding! I’ll keep this between us to, okay?” You asked, holding out your pinkie. “Okay!” Abigail brightened as she locked her pinkie with yours.
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Abigail headcanons:-Heavy Kpop fan -has a large EXO poster in her room -Secretly hides a EXO Chanyeol husbando hug pillow somewhere -Secretly a Adventurer's Guild member-Uses the spirit board when she has a crush -Is the best Overwatch player among her friends -(if she likes the farmer) Sneaks into the underdeveloped part of the farm to practice her swordsmanship and stalk the farmer to fantasize the romance scenes from her favorite Korean dramas
oh dang she totally WOULD be a kpop fan, how cuteeeeee!! would not say stalk, however, more like daydream from afar, which is far healthier IMO. she prob still sneaks onto the farm tho, but is always caught (is not bashful about being caught, however–this just prompts a lil training session between abigail and her farmer love interest!!!! ooooo STEAMY!!!). 
i also 100% agree on her being an adventurer’s guild member, it’s always been a lil headcanon of mine also heheh. and i dont play overwatch but!!!! i know a lil and i say she would probably main sombra? or tracer or lúcio. 
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What happened? Why is the ask box closed?
nono, askbox and submissions are still open, but requests/matchups/etc. are closed!!! everything is left open jic!! 
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