#aph iran fic
lovers’ dreams
Summary: “A day fit for a spring dream.” And then he kisses Roshan, and they become lost in each other.
Characters: India (Aditya), China, Iran/Persia (Roshan, genderfluid). Human names used. Indran, Churan, and Indchu for ships!
Notes: 100% distilled surrealism! This was supposed to be a writing exercise that ran away from me rip. There are many footnotes that explain Many things. Enjoy!
also on AO3! (there are bonus thoughts and explanations there for anyone who’s interested or slightly confused 😅. everything necessary for you to understand the story is here too but I ramble about my thoughts going into the piece on AO3 lol)
The willow’s drooping branches hide Yao’s face like a beaded curtain, a bride’s sheer red veil. The spring breeze snakes through the tree, and the sound of wedding suona—sorna rings through the silence. A flutter of phoenix wings brushes past their ear, a whisper on the wind. Roshan walks languidly until they are in front of Yao; it takes a minute—it takes a month. Yao’s face is sharp and his eyes glint, like the jade in his belt. But the kiss is soft when they take his lips in theirs, and it tastes of the rose’s tender petals. The clean sweetness of flowers is warm against Roshan’s face and the fragrance of tea drifts into their nostrils. 
Yao pulls away, and Roshan opens their eyes to polished jade thorns sprouting up from the earth around them—crisp green, sharp-tipped; elegant, dangerous. So these are the fruits of our love. It is fitting. They lean to kiss Yao again, and this time, a laugh peals through the air when they part. It is not Roshan’s, and it isn’t Yao’s. But it is clear as spring water and tinkles like a bell, a joyous sound, and it makes Yao smile—a smile that is gentle, calculating; sweet, dangerous. A copper coin hides in the corner of his lips. “A day fit for a spring dream.” And then he kisses Roshan, and they become lost in each other.
When Roshan opens their eyes again, Yao is gone. They are standing in nothingness, a shell of a dream. A liminal plane. A wedding song echoes in the empty space, loud and cheerful, although there are no musicians to be seen playing the dohol, the sorna. Then sprung from the air, a mirror of fate, Aayeneh-ye Bakh, with its customary candelabras flanking it, and with their dots of golden light—miniature suns, sparkling stars. Its face shimmers, clear and gleaming: a pond on a full moon night—and in it, Yao stands, his reflection bright, splendid robes shimmering like gold scales and fine silk. Roshan reaches out a hand, and pulls him into a kiss.
“Welcome back, my dear.”
It is sunset, and a chill brushes past Yao’s shoulders and winds through his hair. The sky burns red, and fork tongued flames lick at the sun. A world bathed in fire, on the cusp of night. A lotus pond sits before him, and a figure is at its edge—Aditya, adorned in gold, the perfect figure of a prince. He, a dream of glittering palaces and beady emeralds, bright against the glow of the setting sun, sharp against the bloody sky. He holds a lotus blossom out, and Yao takes it. It is pure, tender in his calloused hands. A drop of blood drips from a petal. He lets it float into the water, and Aditya watches with him as the peach pink petals drop before their eyes—the lotus head balloons, then falls with the weight of seeds; it withers, a shell of its fruit. Divine beauty is short lived—seasons turn with the winds of change.  
Aditya loops an arm around him, bare skin on bare skin, the warmth of the sun hanging around them like a curtain. Their lips meet. The kiss is long, and lingers even after Yao pulls away; it is slightly bitter, but how could it not be? Aditya’s eyes are like black tea, and Yao tastes acrid lily bulbs. The sky has faded into burnt orange, the aftermath of a blaze. Autumn leaves fall from ginkgo trees, golden yellow, bright with memories of the past. Aditya closes his eyes, and Yao watches him sink into a dream.
The scene shifts before his eyes. The lotus pond morphs into a giant chessboard, and they are on opposite sides. Aditya plays white. Cream colored pawns meet chocolate brown knights, and they watch as kings rise and fall, as steady as the spinning of the world. Chariots race and elephants trumpet; the cavalry fight with long swords and bows, and the peasants use polearms, raised fists. Yao meets Aditya’s eyes, warm but gleaming with an ambition that has never gone away. He nods to his neighbor to the west, to his rival, lover, partner, equal. Aditya smiles.
“So we meet again.”
It is afternoon, and the sun is warm on his face. Roshan sits on a bench in the courtyard, holding a cup of coffee in one hand, a pomegranate in the other. Aditya nestles into their side, and they give him a feather light cheek kiss, gift him a wisp of air. They hold out the pomegranate, offers it, and Aditya takes a bite. Roshan takes the other half. They watch as the fruit regrows, seeds become jewels, glittering rubies in folds of red fabric. Roshan holds one up to the light with a critical eye. They spread tawny wings, amber eagle eyes alight with the pride of the past present future. A lion and the sun. The wings disappear—a trick of the light, reality fallen away. Then they hold up the cup of coffee.
“For you.” Aditya smiles, and offers a cup of black tea in return.
We have shared many things, and fought over equally many. How will it be in the future? He takes a sip, and falls through the cup.
A cemetery of swords surrounds them, a memory of things gone by. Afternoon sunlight filters through the trees, winds into Roshan’s hair. Idly peaceful. Flowers sprout through the earth; wither; climb up the rusted metal once again. A vine of roses twists around the hilt of a ceremonial spear, supple and full against cool, glinting steel. The leaves flicker, green yellow dead green again. Its blossom is still fresh red, like passion, like their love, pooling around them like a million memories, a still night in the river of time. Aditya looks at Roshan, different yet the same, a reflection of what they once were. Familiar, always, despite the changing tides and shifting dreams.
this part might actually be longer than the fic itself rip 😔 reminder that there’s extra rambling on ao3 lol
Suona/sorna: suona (唢呐) is a traditional wind instrument often played at wedding and funeral processions in northern China! (also used in Southeast China + Taiwan) It’s very loud and has a super brassy sound, but personally I think it sounds alright! The instrument came from Central Asia and is also used at weddings in Iran (where it’s spelled sorna/sarna), where it’s played with a dohol, a large cylindrical drum.
Phoenixes: wedding imagery in China, where a dragon symbolizes the groom and the phoenix the bride. There’s also an analogue to the phoenix in Persian mythology, a simurgh, which is a benevolent creature that is said to purify the land, roosts in the Tree of Knowledge, and apparently has seen the world be destroyed 3 times. Can symbolize healing, divinity, wisdom, and life. (the simurgh symbolism doesn't have much relevance to the fic but I thought it was incredibly interesting to read about lol)
Spring dream: very loosely referencing the Chinese phrase 一场春梦 (yi chang chun meng), which literally translates to an episode of a spring dream. It means the feeling that past predictions or events were actually totally wrong and fruitless, like you expected something (probably really good), but then woke up to reality not being up to your expectations? I can’t translate 😔
Mirror of Fate: In traditional Iranian weddings, a large, elaborate table with flowers and food and different spices is set up (sofreh aghd). A mirror of fate and 2 candelabras are also placed in the center of the table. The mirror represents how fate brought the bride and groom together, and the candelabras represent light and fire. The mirror is there so that when the groom looks into it, the first thing he should see is his betrothed's reflection.
Lotus blossoms: in China and India and many other parts of Asia, lotuses represent purity (they grow from dark mud but the flowers are pure white/pink), the divine, elegance, spiritual promise, the good part of humanity. so, a lotus with a drop of blood in Yao’s hands would be interesting.
Lily bulbs: this is purely self projection but lily bulbs (baihe) are used in Chinese medicine and I despise them. They're not super bitter but they taste starchy, bland, and off. Also lilies and lotuses are pretty similar and I thought that would be interesting :>
Chess: idk if I need a note for this but chess originated as an Indian game called Chaturanga and spread over to China and Iran, among many other places in Asia.
Tea and Coffee: nothing really special about this besides that Iranians Really Like tea. Decided to make India drink coffee instead for contrast; realistically he’d also be drinking tea lol
Eagle eyes: the Iranian/Persian symbol of the Faravahar, from Zoroastrianism has wings that are supposed to be eagle wings (I think? correct me if it’s just unspecified). You’ve probably seen it; it depicts a man with spread wings, half kneeling in a side view. Nowadays it’s also a symbol of Iranian culture, history, and national pride, besides being representative of Zoroastrianism.
Rose: national flower of Iran, and obv I don’t need to explain the other rose connotations. Also I’ve fully adopted the hc that Roshan and all their stuff smells like roses so that’s there too.
Lion and the sun: getting lazy with the explanations, but the short version is that it was a very important Iranian national symbol for many reasons, moreso tied to the state than culture (imo); it was also on the national flag up till the 1979 Islamic Revolution. Although I’m still debating how much Roshan is associated with the state, I also think sun and lion imagery fits them (glory, golden days, pride and courage). It’s super interesting, go search it up if you wanna read more!
This whole fic was somewhat inspired by this one, and the indchu bit was also somewhat inspired by this fanart.
If you made it down here, you have all my gratitude. Feedback is welcome and appreciated! Thanks for reading <3
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breitzbachbea · 3 years
👨‍👧‍👧 Do you tell people in real life that you write fic?
🌝 Who is one character you haven’t yet written for that you would like to?
/ @fireandiceland (there were so many others I also wanted to send but I settle for these two for now ^^)
Oh Riva, feel free to send more for me to answer tomorrow!
Fanfic Ask Game
👨‍👧‍👧 Do you tell people in real life that you write fic?
Oh yeah! Like, I wouldn't send my grandma my ao3 account, but I talk rather freely about writing as a hobby and say where one can find me if they want to read my stuff. I usually don't talk about what I write more specifically, because talking about fanfic with someone outside a fandom just isn't very interesting to me.
🌝 Who is one character you haven’t yet written for that you would like to?
Let's get one non-Hetalia related thing out, because my entire ao3 profile is either Hetalia, my original characters from my Hetalia AU "Like Father Like Son" (LFLS) or the OCs of my beloved friend Jonah.
I reread Soul Eater last year and read some excellent GiriJasu Fanfics to the point I had an idea for one myself. I even have some dialogue snippets still in my notes app, but sadly, I don't think I'll ever write it :') WIP list for LFLS too long and hyperfixation on Hetalia/my OCs burning too bright.
So back to my regular scheduled bullshit - Hetalia/LFLS
There are a lot of characters I'd like to write. The problem with LFLS is that the worldbuilding always requires every nation to have two right hands for me to consider international relations properly. Means I can't just have a character without their two closest allies, besties, worsties, their dreamteam. I however also keep telling myself NO new OCs, because I already have too many and this AU is wildly out of control already.
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But I have been reading way too much fanfiction that features aph Egypt & been thinking too much about how much more I could do with Turkey's neighbours & old acquaintances, so have my ramblings under the cut anyways:
- I was thinking of a followup for The Amulet of both of them running to other people - Michele in Herakles' case and Mohamed (Egypt) in Sadık's. This was also inspired... well, the root of all of this is honestly me reading too many TurGre fanfics with the Egyptian in it, even some TurGregypt stuff. (Which also means that if I ever write this, I have to fold and make Egyptians. SIIIIIIGH.) ALSO, sidenote about that - Love the idea of Turgypt or Turgregypt in this. I'm so sorry though, because the other thing I fucking loved in the fanfics was Mohamed always being the second fiddle, the only one next to Herakles, but still not there. And he knew it. So I also do wish him that he actually found a more stable, nice partner in here. Presents us with 3/4 possibilities though: 1. His partner is not down to clown whatsoever. Mohamed is off-limits. 2. His partner IS down to clown and foursome shenanigans continue to ensue. (If it worked with SicIre, why stop there.) 3. His partner would be down to clown with ONE of them, but not both. Now, I'm sure Sadık has made enemies enough that it'd be easy to find someone who's give Herakles a thumbs up, but not the Turk. However, it would be so infinitely funnier therefore to find someone who says yes to Sadık but isn't here for Herakles. "Oh yeah, I could go for a hatefuck with Sadık, but I don't know about the Greek."
- Here are some more ideas about potential right hands for both Egypt and Iran/Persia:
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- Recently sent Jani a voice note about how funny it would be if the OLD right hand of Mohamed (who must have already worked for his parents, at least) brought the other, younger one into business ... and they had this dynamic: "I should have left you on that street corner where you were standing." "But you didn't!" (If you don't know this video, do yourself the favour and watch it.)
- Also this post about a potential right hand for aph Iraq. I know nothing about Iraq and would super love to have a good reason to learn more; I would need someone else's aph Iraq OC though, because I'm not making any new aph OCs these days.
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glimpses into a calmer universe
a gift for @luyous, because you once made some posts asking for indchu fics, and I started writing indchuran for the hell of it, but never finished until now. I think this could fit in the indchuran: bros for life AU but only after they get together, since there’s less pining than usual. Anyways, this is very overdue, but I hope you enjoy!
A little bit of domestic fluff. 3 glimpses into the indchuran universe through three different perspectives. Iran/Persia is Roshan, and they’re genderfluid.
Also on AO3!
The smell of food is wafting upstairs from the kitchen. It tempts Aditya sorely, and he tries to resist—he has a rather crushing workload to get through today—but five minutes later his feet are padding softly on the first floor landing, the tiles cool under his bare soles. He stops in the doorway, idly tracing the spots of afternoon sunshine dancing on the walls, and watches the figures of his two loves, side by side in the kitchen. Yao is standing in front of the stove, spatula in hand, and Roshan is at his side in front of the sink, busy washing something Aditya cannot see. They are talking quietly above the sizzle of the wok and the sound of water gushing out of the faucet, a perfect picture of domesticity, all easy smiles, gentle touches, quiet jokes and careless laughter. An intimate synchronization of movement, like their hearts are beating in time. It strikes Aditya that his heart suddenly feels like it is overflowing, and he supposes he’s done enough watching from afar—for today, at least. 
Yao hears him coming first, and turns around as he enters the kitchen, but doesn’t say anything, just acknowledges him with a smile and a softening of the eyes, and begins to heap the stir-fried ants-on-a-branch—the vegetarian variation, with diced shiitake mushrooms instead of minced meat—onto a plate. When Roshan sees him, Aditya is treated to a warm smile and a kiss on the cheek that smells like roses before they turn back to washing the spinach, cilantro, and parsley—Aditya thinks they’re for the reshteh that recently appeared in the kitchen cupboard—in the sink. 
He offers to help with the washing, or the onions (even though they make him cry, which always makes Roshan and Yao laugh), but Roshan pushes him lightly out of the kitchen and Yao makes sure he doesn’t go back in. So Aditya is forced to sit at their small dining table, debating whether to finish his work or enjoy the afternoon sunshine streaming in from the glass back door. The work, he decides, isn’t worth it, and instead he goes back to watching Roshan and Yao work. He refuses to think he is admiring them. 
Nevertheless, it isn’t long before he’s too caught up in staring that he doesn’t notice Yao nudging Roshan and whispering “Aditya’s pining again”. But when Roshan catches him staring, they just smile cheekily, wink, and blow him a theatrical kiss that still makes Aditya’s throat catch and his heart stutter, even after a year of dating them. When they turn back to chopping herbs, the sunlight catches on their hair, coating it gold. Aditya is reminded of Roshan’s name, and Yao’s—and their meanings: light, shining. 
He does not think himself sentimental, but sometimes—many times—he wonders if they were fated to be. And he supposes it is not too cliche to admit to himself, privately, that his partners are the lights of his life.
Yao pauses at the entrance of the Ferry Building Farmer’s Market, still wondering whether it was wise to bring Aditya and Roshan along, and whether they will drag him to every place that sells anything vaguely shiny before leaving. But just as he thinks this, he makes the mistake—and it is definitely a mistake—of turning, and catches Aditya grinning at him, flashing an easygoing smile—a smile he’d do anything to keep, and he relents. But his regrets, or doubts, or whatever the vaguely self-preserving feeling in his chest is, must have shown on a slight frown or in an imperceptible sigh, because Roshan kisses his cheek and says,
“Come on Yao, we’ll handle ourselves. We won’t get distracted and we’ll be back at home in no time, exactly as you planned.” They wink at Aditya, which is never a good sign, but it’s still enough to wheedle him into agreeing, however fondly exasperated he is, and however certain he is that they will waste half the day away, as usual. He sighs again—the old man sigh, according to Roshan—but grumbles a “fine, but you need to pay me back in white rabbit”, and watches them veer off towards the artisan stalls, holding hands. Aditya’s hair glints brightly in the sun, and Roshan’s is dyed a rich, dark brown. Like two suns, hand in hand; one bright, the other warm.
Someone bumps into him, and Yao shakes himself out of his reverie. The grocery list is a mile long, and he doesn’t need to waste more time than is absolutely necessary, after all.
But finding all the things he needs to buy takes more time than he likes, and the walk to the Chinatown butcher’s to see whether they have halal live chicken— they don’t—takes even longer, so that it is almost noon (two whole hours, which he realizes with a pang) when he wanders back to the Ferry Building to find Aditya and Roshan in a small jewelry shop, excitedly inspecting a stand of earrings. He watches them for a second through the windows as Aditya holds a pair of dangling yellow lotus blossoms up to his ears and Roshan looks on admiringly. Yao is pretty sure he too is admiring Aditya—he looks truly beautiful, with the earrings and a modest smile and a bright twinkle in his polished obsidian eyes—but some part of him pulls him back into real time and reminds him that although it is a Saturday, he has no time to waste (stupid law firm), and he regretfully walks into the store to retrieve his partners. He thinks—no, he knows—it will be half an hour before he can pull them away from the (admittedly alluring) jewelry displays, but he supposes Aditya’s cheek kiss and Roshan’s cheerful gratitude will be worth it. Anyways, he can always bullshit case briefings and squeeze out extra time somewhere. He’d rather not rush this moment.
When Roshan finally trudges home after getting the week’s groceries, neither Yao nor Aditya are there to hold the door open for them, and there is no response when they call out an “I’m back” from the kitchen. They know Yao and Aditya are in the house—Yao’s Hello Kitty slippers are missing from the shoemat—so the only possibility is that they are ignoring Roshan. Sad. They sigh—rather theatrically—but heave everything into the refrigerator without calling a second time, and hope this will be a fair trade for them failing to find white rabbit in Chinatown for the third time in a row. 
Yao and Aditya, they find, are in the living room couch, engaged in another petty struggle over the remote. The newest Game of Thrones episode is playing on the TV Yao shipped from China, and Aditya is furiously muttering about “what a trashy white-produced rapefest show it is” and trying to swipe at the remote Yao grips with white-knuckled hands. Yao, for his part, has not retaliated much at all, besides scooting over to the other side of the couch and obstinately holding onto the precious remote. Roshan looks on for a time, amused, and watches Tywin Lannister’s face loom nastily over them all, until Aditya turns around and catches sight of them in the doorway. 
“Roshan, help me! You can’t possibly agree with Yao’s taste, can you?” Aditya looks thoroughly exasperated, and Roshan almost can’t believe how much his voice begs them to take a side. 
“No thanks. Aditya, you’ll have to fight the good fight by yourself; I’ll be in the kitchen making dinner.” They smirk, and decide that the way Aditya swells up with absolute fury is definitely worth whatever payback is coming. And as they walk back to the kitchen to start washing vegetables for dinner, there is a brief moment of silence as the TV switches off before everything descends into chaos. Yao's yelling now, and, by the sound of it, has started a pillow fight that Aditya joins in with enthusiasm. Roshan glances back, just in time to watch Yao whack Aditya with a flower patterned pillow and scream, 
They are idiots, Roshan thinks with a smile, but they are their idiots.
Feedback is welcome and appreciated! thank you for reading :)
In the second scene, I just chose a notable farmer’s market in San Francisco at random hhhhh (apologies for any inaccuracies if anyone from CA is reading lol) the Ferry Building Farmers Market is pretty close to Chinatown, and although idk where they live in San Fran, Yao’s gotta get his white rabbit from somewhere right (the live chicken would be for chicken soup, but not the American kind)
Last scene inspired/taken from this ask! thank you bones, this was the fic I was talking about lol
the title was made up on the spot but I was thinking along the lines of “well this is a universe where the three of them are less of a group of bastards and also don’t have to contend as much with complex relations and just be lovers together”
In the first scene, there are two dishes I was referencing:
Ants-on-a-branch: 蚂蚁上树, whose proper name is ants climbing a tree, but I tweaked the translation a little. It’s a Sichuan dish that usually consists of vermicelli noodles cooked with minced meat (pork I believe) and a bunch of green onions and chopped peppers for spice (my parents also add stuff like wood ear, a fungus, and carrots and don’t add pepper but idk how “authentic” that is because we ain’t from Sichuan lol). For a lot of Chinese dishes you can usually substitute meat with shiitake mushrooms to make it vegetarian/vegan.
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I tried to imply that the dish Roshan was planning to make is ash reshteh, a Persian dish of thick noodle soup with various herbs, onions, and peas. Kashk or yogurt whey is also a component of the soup and gives it its signature rich sour flavor. Because reshteh noodles are believed to bring good luck, ash reshteh is typically served around the Persian New Year, Nowruz, and at important events, but it can be theoretically be eaten at any time.
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Good human name for Iran/Persia? I’m taking the first suggestion I get
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APH College AU Intro/Background
The most important info is at the bottom of this long post. Don’t want to read the whole thing? Scroll all the way down and it’s bolded and in all caps.
Another thing: the AU tag is #college au musings on my blog. As of 5/27/20, there are 4 character headcanon posts in the tag.
Ok so, the reason this exists: I made this whole thing in my head last year as background for a Hetalia x Reader College AU that I’m probably discontinuing, but I put too much effort into the background characters and stuff so it turned into its own thing.
What it is: my interpretation of the nations in a college together and what they’d study and how they’d act. I imagine they go to a smaller college that doesn’t have a lot of prestige (definitely not a Harvard or Yale type) but it’s okay, and it does a good job of teaching and preparing students for life outside. I don’t have a name for it yet though, so suggestions are open! (I had it named Brandt University before but I’m changing it). It’s in a small-ish city, so it’s in a populated area, but the campus has its fair share of green space and tree shaded paths to keep the students comfortable and less distracted by truck noises and the highway and things, but it’s definitely more urban than some places and you don’t necessarily need a car to live there (aka has sidewalks everywhere and shops are conveniently close together and streetlights at night and all that).
The AU is bit of an age-squash I guess; I’m not sure how much of an age difference there is in canon anyway because it’s nations who might not have a specific pinned down age, but: I tried to fit as many people in the college as possible at the same time, so the age differences are probably smaller than usual. Obviously, some relative ages are still a little messed up, but I tried to make most of them work logically. Originally I had Iceland set as a freshman, and worked out ages from there, and I think I’m sticking with those for now. Obviously they move through the grades and get older, but that was my starting point so I could get down the age differences.
Ancients: as of today, May 26, I haven’t decided what most of the ancients are doing, but I don’t think I’ll be putting them as teachers, just as normal post grads who have full time jobs and people to manage and work to do. Probably one of them will be working towards a doctorate (maybe). I’ve worked out China and India’s roles for now, but suggestions are open for Rome, Germania, Scandinavia (who’s going to be a woman here), Ancient Greece and Egypt, and Persia (I have some ideas for him already but am definitely open to others).
Micronations: All in high school, because I’m ignoring them. (I seriously don’t like them that much with the exception of Seborga and Kugelmugel so yeah, no content, sorry.)
Family ties: canon brothers and sisters are still going to be there (ex North and South Italy, Germany and Prussia), but I’m making the ancients older siblings to the countries that took their place* (ex Greece and Ancient Greece would be brother and sister). But they’re still going to be significantly older and feel like they’ve got a parental duty. *I’m not making Iran a character because I don’t know much about the country besides the somewhat biased news from the US, so I’m not too sure what’s going to happen to Persia for now.
Content???: Right now I’m posting headcanons, but I’m hoping to write some short oneshots about some of them and their shenanigans in the future, set in the AU. They’ll be mostly platonic, although some relationships could probably be read as ships; when I planned this, I was intending Fruk and Spamano to be “canon” but as of now there aren’t any plans for confirmed relationships
What I mean is: THERE IS NO DIRECTION, NO PLOT, NO FOCUS ON ANY SHIPS OR ANY ONE CHARACTER OR GROUP OF CHARACTERS!!! This is just me, placing them into a college setting and imagining their lives, and therefore I’m trying to look at their relationships with each other, but I’m not trying to focus on one group only.
So that’s it. Once there’s enough information about this up, feel free to add your own stuff into this or write fics or something about it. I doubt that’ll happen, but the door is wide open if you want to do it. Thanks for reading, and if y’all need clarification qs please ask!
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