#aph romano cat
renonv · 8 months
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Ivan is gonna crush Lovino like a little grape 🍇 💜 out of love and adoration ofc
A littol close up 🩷
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tejennnn · 11 months
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Couldn't stop thinking about Nekotalias every time I see silly kitty memes ;;;
Originals under cut!
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((Casually drawing more Nekotalia redraws so I don't look really ded :')))
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hetagrammy · 5 months
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Here's my round of six fanarts, since I decided to take a crack at it again! Thanks to everyone who dropped suggestions into my inbox! I'm putting the full images under the cut.
Also, a bonus Seychelles as requested:
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sehetaliaa · 9 months
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todaysromano · 1 month
Today, Romano saw a cat in his walk, but the cat didn't want pets.
Arab.com link
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ask-thicc-russia · 10 months
whats your current relationship with south italy like?
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rice-ballin · 2 months
prumano sketch i cooked up
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i’ll probably color it tmrw since that’s when i get access to my markers lol
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breitzbachbea · 1 year
Which characters description do you keep faithful to canon and which ones don't in your fics?
Huh, interesting question.
I do try to keep everyone as faithful as possible while also adjusting for the circumstances of the AU. I would say most of the characters are close to canon, so I'll list the exceptions instead.
England does my damn head in, because Arthur contains such multitudes in canon. He's insecure, whiny, self-depreciating, pretty pathetic, easy to anger. He's also snarky, confident in his power, reasonable, crafty, and enduring. I feel with him you have to pick the aspects that suit whatever enviroment you pluck him into. I am always drawn to the more imperial sides of aph characters that indeed used to be empires, the power and all the downsides that come with achieving it. Plus, in LFLS, he's an antagonist to my Irish kids, so a focus on ambition and endurance, plus a sense of entitlement ("I worked this hard and committed so many horrendous things, I deserve it at least paying off!") suits him well. He's still stuffy and a bit of an eccentric weirdo, but I do focus more on the ruthless and stiff gentlemanly side of his personality.
For the same focus on Imperialism, my Gilbert is not as much of a cloud-cuckoo-lander. Mind you, he is still daring and likes the sound of his own voice too much and is much less concerned about safety and carefulness than Ludwig, but modelling him on the Militarism that I always knew Prussia the state to be most famous for and him being the main reason that German qualities are 'punctuality' and 'neatness' ... yeah, that will produce a little bit of a more rules-stickler Gilbert.
Romano. Oh baby. I shamelessly admit that I am trying to give this man his dignity back. Plus, in LFLS, he's the head of the family crime business, not Feliciano, so he doesn't necessarily have the some complexes about his brother always doing better and everyone liking his brother better. Don't worry though, he still envies Feliciano for being everyone's angel and the usual older brother complex of you having to hold back bc you are 'older' and 'more mature'. He's still somewhat of a fraidycat and still likes to lean back more than working, but he fills his role as a boss well and knows the value of hard work. So yeah, he's more like the South Italians I met along the years while still retaining core characteristics like his temper.
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fireandspiceland · 1 year
hetalia has a death grip on me. i thought i beat that shit back with a stick when i was 13; i turned 21 last week. a few days ago i saw some real fucking sexy art of fucking ROMANO and ITALY, and i just haven’t been able to give it up. i saved them to my phone just to look at, cuz the anatomy is just so nice, and it’s like i’m 11 again... now i’m about the same age as Romano and i’m thinking just how adorable and bratty his subby ass would be. he’d make the cutest kitten, all embarrassed about being pet but so adorable in his collar.
I guess that’s just how this fandom is huh? I haven’t been through my own circle of hell yet where I leave the fandom and come crawling back some weeks/months/years later but it feels like so many people have been here and then gone and now returned.. it’s part of the experience :D
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prussiapog · 2 years
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yeah idk how to make comics
sketch under cut 👍
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kathylikesapples · 2 years
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Now tell me, what's the difference?
(That is my cat Lucy, who might be the moddiest thing you'll ever meet)
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pom0dorini · 2 years
romano is a catboy, but what about spain
catboy spain or dogboy spain? i need to know.
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pchuaymee · 2 years
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This is the first my drawing of this year!
Since I found Phanaeng Curry from TasteAtlas on Twitter:
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Thus, I knew. How did Italians feel when pineapple on their pizza 😂😂😭😭😭
Now, they edited it correctly now.
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aphicelend · 7 days
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Misaki Shirayama
26 y.o | 1.52 cm | Japanese | April 4th | Aries
(APH) Human | City Ver. | Colorful AU | BOX AU
Tags: #Art/HC tag | #Posts related to her
Wanted to do a profile for her here 💦 Misaki has been one of my fave oc's since 2012 and i'm having fun drawing her a lot again, and I love to put her in my other oc's stories 💃 so here's info of her hetalia AU(?
i wrote everything in spanish and im lazy to translate it properly so, google translator yay
| Personality
Introverted | Temperamental | Stubborn | Agressive | Kind | Caring
Misaki is a young woman with a fiery personality, she has little patience for stupidity. She is a hard worker, and likes to put effort into what she likes. She is also stubborn when it comes to opinions if it is not her way she will not do it, she tends to violence when someone bothers her. Her pride is something precious to her.
Despite this, when she gets upset she needs her time to calm down and then apologize. Even so, Misaki is a girl who cares about others, her way of showing her appreciation is through actions, especially cooking.
Socially inept, having lived surrounded by “nations” Misaki behaves awkwardly with other humans, for some reason she always feels distant and finds it difficult to understand them.
Having grown up with nations, Misaki did not develop “parental affection” or someone to consult her problems with, because she considered that Japan would not fully understand her.
He usually feels a constant feeling of loneliness, his heart is a hard shell that makes it difficult for him to let in emotions like love.
Strip about her background
In this AU, Misaki was raised by Japan who took care over her as she was abandonated. Her childhood was kinda chaotic, surrounded by nations of course she didn't grow like other kids, she felt distanced.
Japan tried his best to give her a normal life, of course he wasn't used to raise a kid. Misaki always wondered why did he took her? He felt lonely? She would never know.
She always had a sense of loneliness, a feeling of she doesn't belong where she is. Mother? Father? What's that, she only had "weird uncles"
Misaki was very problematic at school, her classmates teased her a lot and she answered back with violence.
Through her adolescence, she kinda developed a crush on Yao, and she was rejected, of course, the man only saw her as a little sister.
More about it here.
Time heals, she tried to moved on. On Uni, she meet a guy named Kazuo, they clicked and became a couple, Misaki thought that finally had someone who cared for her deeply, but no. The guy cheated on her. That was the point that made her close herself.
-> She lives alone in an old traditional house that Japan left for her, she works as botanic in a national park in Kyoto.
| Interests and facts
She LOVES gardering and plants. She has a traditional garden on her house and it's her first priority.
She's very good at cooking, Japan and China taught her very well.
Also Romano as shared with her some italian recipes so she could "learn something good"
Her way to show love is giving you food.
Her dream is to open her own restaurant.
One of her interests are kimonos, she likes to make her own
Favorite station is autumn, she loves when trees go orange.
Loves cats, and bunnies, loves cute things.
She likes minimalist clothing, plain clothes or stripped patterns
Her face may look annoyed but she's kind, and gets along better with girls.
She has been mistaken for a minor
Does she feel something for Alfred?? who knows.
She's just afraid to someone break into her heart and get too attatched.
I made this chart
| Music
Mostly vocaloid because i'm a weeb
Balsam / Misaki - About her loneliness
The Beast / Misaki - Her fear to open her heart
I'm glad you're evil too / Misaki - Her wish to find someone
Girl Pilot / MisAme - Their dynamic, Alfred trying to reach her but he can't
I can't stop the loneliness / Misaki - the song says it all lol, maybe her fear that its too late?
Hammer Song And The Tower Of Pain / Misaki - Pushing everyone away it's the best
MAD HEAD LOVE / MisAme - Their dynamic, they're idiots.
If you got this far here's some old misaki drawings, old hetalia? ocs? she used to have friends and now she's DEPRESSED.
2012 | 2014
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todaysromano · 2 months
Today, Romano saw a cat wearing a hat.
Arab.com link
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icebear4president · 1 year
Hi! My name is Sunny and I’m a 21 year old college student. I go by she/her pronouns, and identify as pansexual and asexual. I’ve been in the Hetalia fandom since the dawn of the fandom, and am still going strong. I hope you enjoy your stay here! <3
A few things:
-My favorite characters are APH America, Romano, Prussia, and Hungary, and my favorite ships are RusAme, PruHun, and UkUs, but I really don’t mind any ship or character.
-I mostly reblog, but I do post memes,headcanons, and fics on occasion!
-Other things I like besides Hetalia are geology, astronomy, cats(!), music, and mystery/horror. Fandom-wise, I do occasionally post Warrior Cat, Bnha, Inuyasha, DP, and DC content.
-I don’t really post suggestive content, but just to be safe, please be 16+ to follow.
-And last, but not least, this is a safe and respectful place!
- Life Lessons with Uramichi Oniisan blog @uramichioniisanincorrectquotes
Ao3 account: IceBear4President
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