bumblebee-cottage · 11 months
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drsibia · 1 year
अगर आपके साथ भी ऐसा होता है ? यह Sleep Apnea के लक्षण है | Sleep Test At...
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airyairyaucontraire · 2 months
well, through a combination of terrible sleep last night (kept beginning to doze then waking up with a jolt, feeling that I couldn't breathe), PMS mood bullshit, Tumblr Premium, being unable to figure out a simplified character sheet for an extra kid who may be joining the D&D game I'm trying to get started, and helping my family move so much furniture, I have been in a sad and irritable state all day
this day has been bullcrap except for the part where I got a chai latte and a cheese scone (and greenie did her level best to help me with the character sheet, I just can't make something consistent with the pregen ones because I'm inexperienced)
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if you are 25 or older and have been on HRT for a while and you've noticed that (AFTER STARTING HRT) you've started feeling extremely exhausted at all times to the point where doing basic chores around the house is a herculean effort, you can barely go out let alone hold down a job, etc PLEASE CONSIDER GETTING TESTED FOR SLEEP APNOEA This is a sleep disorder that essentially means you stop breathing every now and again while you sleep, which causes you to wake up every time it happens! However it may happen often enough that you may not realize you're waking up so frequently- to you, it might just be really hard to get a good sleep, no matter how many hours a night you sleep for.
Poor quality sleep is its main calling card. If you live with someone or sleep with a partner, they might complain that you snore really, really loudly, but this might still not tip you off that anything's wrong (plenty of people snore. plenty of people snore really loud, even). You can be 'functional' for a long time with even severe sleep apnoea, and you may not realize anything is wrong. But it is- aside from constant exhaustion, you'll get high blood pressure, and be at much higher risk of stroke and sleep-deprivation-related accidents. Please please ask your GP about it because it can be caused by age and changing hormones (obviously cis people get it too, but with trans people its kind of a double whammy). Especially if your HRT has caused ANY form of weight gain, even a tiny bit. You deserve good sleep ❤️
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garaktime · 16 days
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Putting my chubby little cat on a diet. Was snoozing next to him and he was snoring so loud he woke me up
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beeslippers · 1 month
Medical cannabis doctor has done more investigating and was more concerned for my health than any doctor I’ve had before. And in just one appointment!
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hero-is-back · 3 months
40 for unusual asks?
40. How many times have you been to the hospital?
Twice if you count being born, but I had a tonsillectomy when I was a kid. Tonsils ectomied and then a few days of eating bland hospital food.
I mean I technically went into a hospital recently but I just walked someone in to talk to reception so I won't count it.
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fruityfinch · 2 years
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Somnologist taking a medical history: “…and is there any history of being pwned in your family?”
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owlrageousjones · 1 year
man using a cpap machine has been legitimately life changing for me
like aside from the fact that i apparently no longer snore like a chainsaw, but like
i wake up at 6am? without an alarm? but also i do not feel the compulsion to hit snooze twenty times until i literally have to get up or be late?
I woke up this morning and went 'I'm not tired enough to sleep in' which is a thought I have never had in my life before.
I used to think I wasn't a morning person because I would naturally wake up at 11am but no, it turns out I was just bad at sleeping.
(you would think, upon meeting me, that I would be pretty good at sleeping. And I am pretty good at falling asleep. But that might also be the fact that I have apparently, not been getting actual good sleep for... well, a while.)
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sunmontuewrites · 10 months
Not sure if it's a sign of better mental health or simply easing into proper adulthood, but I'm waking up at 6am on the dot with no need for an alarm...
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sockerart · 24 days
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My friend @somnus-apnoea commissioned a piece for Fat Liberation Month. I've wanted to contribute to FL month but haven't had any ideas, so this was great fun!
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indiares · 2 years
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neurology18 · 2 years
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uncharismatic-fauna · 4 months
Uncharismatic Fact of the Day
Marine mammals have to hold their breath underwater, but some species like the northern elephant seal have to hold it on land too! To conserve heat and energy while they bask, molt, and nurse pups while, northern elephant seals will go through phases of 'apnoea', wherein they cease breathing for 8-10 minutes, followed by periods of breathing for about 5 minutes. On average, they only breathe about 9-10 times per minute while hauled out on the beach.
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(Image: A male northern elephant seal (Mirounga angustirostris) by NOAA Fisheries)
If you like what I do, consider buying me a ko-fi!
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raz-writes-the-thing · 11 months
Cocktails and Confessions (Doctor Who)
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Tenth Doctor x GN!Reader / requests are open and encouraged
Summary: You don't mean to confess your love, but in your defence, you are about three and a half whiskies deep.
CW: fluff, cuteness, the Doctor is a little shit, consumption of alcohol
Doctor Who Tag List: @nyxiethesimp @quickslvxrr @midnight--raine (send an ask to be added to a tag list!)
___ ___ ___ ___ ___
“I just- fucking- love you, Doctor,” you slur, swallowing thickly between the words. “Fuckinnn’ love you… Doctor.” 
The drink in your hand sloshes as you stumble in place. The Doctor rushes forward to steady you, pulling the drink out of your hand and depositing it onto the windowsill. 
“Doctor,” you say thoughtfully. “Dok-tor. Dok-tah. Hickory dickery Doctor Doo Little,” you break off into giggles as the Doctor pulls you towards the TARDIS doors. All he needs is to get you inside and into bed. Seriously, he left you alone for two hours and came back to find you completely off your face. Oh well, as long as you were having fun. That was the main thing. 
“There, there,” the Doctor cooed, displaying a surprising amount of strength to stop you from toppling into a topiary. You laughed, wrapping an arm around his back to steady yourself. 
Once you were inside, the Doctor let you tumble into your bed and helped you roll onto your back. He tutted and went about untying your shoelaces before yanking your shoes off with enough force to pull you halfway down the bed. This, of course, sent you into another fit of laughter and the Doctor bit down on his lip to stop himself from laughing along with you. 
It was barely another ten minutes before you’d passed out completely, snoring in such a way that the Doctor was almost certain that you probably had sleep apnoea. 
It wasn’t until the morning, however, that you realised how badly you’d fucked up. Your head pounded, and your mouth felt like it had sawdust pieces stuck in it. You groaned loudly, throwing an arm over your eyes to shield yourself. Your room in the TARDIS did have a window, but the current source of irritating light was coming from the light fixture. 
“TARDIS, please,” you groaned out, rolling over and becoming very startled when your forehead whacked right into something warm and hard. You cracked an eye open, not sure you wanted to know what that was. 
“Good morning, love,” the Doctor said loudly. Far, far too loudly. The warm hard thing you’d given yourself a mild concussion over was, in fact, the Doctor’s shoulder. 
“Why are you in my bed,” you replied, deadpan. Your eye was struggling to keep itself open and so you buried your face in the squishy bit of his arm to hide yourself from the light beating down on you from above. God, even his arm was bony. “Did you stay here all night?” 
He was still dressed in his tux, though he’d kicked his shoes off at some point, leaving him in his socks. One of which had a hole right over the big toe. 
“Oh, you know,” the Doctor replies as though those three words would answer any and all questions. “Popped out once or twice, but for the most part, yes.” 
You grumble, pressing your face a little harder into his arm. The Doctor tuts and encourages you to sit up. You do as requested, though the entire process has you lamenting your warm blankets and squishy arm pillow. 
Once you’re upright and situated, the Doctor hands you a glass of water, a couple of panadol and a little white button that happens to be the same colour as the panadol tablets. 
“Oh, sorry ‘bout that,” the Doctor laughs, grabbing the button and twisting it in his fingers. “Probably don’t take that. Thought it was another aspirin, but maybe not.” 
You crack into a smile, downing the actual tablets and the glass of water in one go. The water eases your dry throat. 
“You were off it last night, eh,” the Doctor grinned, knocking his shoulder into yours. “Said some things.” 
You turn your head to look at him front on. You only have flashes of last night. Some dancing here, a few drinks there. You’re sure you chatted up a storm, but the look on the Doctor’s face tells you that you might have said some things you weren’t necessarily meaning too. 
“Oh?” You reply, temples throbbing with your hangover. 
“Oh,” the Doctor echoes teasingly. “Oh indeed. You said some things I really rather think you wished you didn’t- because now, I get to hold it over you as long as I like. You can’t remember, can you?”
He was right, as usual. 
“Oh God,” you mutter under your breath. “What did I say?” 
Try as you might, you’re finding it difficult to remember much other than a windowsill and a pretty bush. Damnit, that does not help you.
“You,” the Doctor all but giggles, “my very hungover, very brilliant friend- told me you loved me.” 
You fucking what? Oh, dear God. This was… decidedly not good. The Doctor did not seem to agree with you on that, however, if the look of sheer unadulterated joy made you think maybe you didn’t need to be too stressed about it all. 
“Did I just?” You asked, dropping your head onto him softly. You sigh with relief as the pounding in your head starts to dissipate. Not by much, mind you, but just by a little. 
“You did.”
You chew on your bottom lip thoughtfully, wondering just what’s going on in that very vast, very full brain of his. 
“And… you?” You trail off quietly, fidgeting with the glass.
“Oh, feel the same, of course. I love you. I’ve always loved you, I think. Not really something I had to question, was it?” The Doctor takes the glass and puts it on the side table. He reaches back over to grasp your hand in his. “Why else do you think I’ve kept you around all this time?” 
You arch a brow, responding with a statement about how you can handle yourself. Of course, the Doctor grins and agrees that yes, that too is one of the reasons why he’s kept you along all this time.
“If my head didn’t feel like it was about to explode with the force of a thousand suns, I would be shouting and screeching with joy right now,” you say with a vague whimper, cradling your head in your hands. The Doctor tuts comfortingly, manoeuvring to press a kiss to your forehead. 
“Oh, I know. Come now,” he says softly, helping you back to lie down again. “Get some rest. When you wake up there’s something I want you to see.” 
You’re not entirely sure what that means, but you don’t complain when your head hits the pillows. You have years and years to explore this new revelation, and you can’t wait for those years and years to start. 
But for now? 
Right now it was time for a nap.
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horusmenhosetix · 1 year
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This is a very matte and smooth skinblend, the face is a very subtle blend of nilou's Bubblegum face and Noodlesims Apnoea skinblend. It had default and non-default versions
DOWNLOAD <- Simfileshare link. Compressorized. Toddler to Elder. Has the three default tones and the light rainbow for non-default.
Credits: Tamosim, Niloublue/Nnnilou, Noodlesims, Ephemera, S3PE.
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