panicatthefandomboy · 9 months
No one:
Dutch people in line at the petting zoo:
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actuma · 2 years
Festival Appelpop in Tiel mag doorgaan
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De voorzieningenrechter oordeelt dat de belangen om festival Appelpop in Tiel door te laten gaan zwaarder wegen dan de belangen van de buurtbewoner die daartegen opkomt.  De burgemeester van Tiel verleende een evenementenvergunning voor het festival Appelpop dat op 9 en 10 september 2022 plaatsvindt. Een buurtbewoner is het met deze vergunning niet eens en vroeg de voorzieningenrechter de vergunning te schorsen. Geluidsoverlast De buurtbewoner is het vooral niet eens met het evenement omdat hij stelt onduldbare geluidsoverlast te ondervinden van het evenement. Op 20 meter van zijn woning staat een podium waar tot middernacht muziek mag worden gemaakt. In de vergunning zijn hierover geen geluidsnormen opgenomen, omdat de gemeente Tiel werkt met een systeem van hinderscores. In de nacht mag het evenement worden afgebroken maar gelden er wel geluidsnormen waar de organisator zich aan moet houden. De omwonende heeft niet tegen het hele evenement bezwaren, maar met name tegen het podium dat vlak bij zijn woning staat en de op- en afbouw werkzaamheden 's nachts die geluidsoverlast veroorzaken. Maatregelen De organisator heeft toegezegd een geluidswand te plaatsen bij de woning van verzoeker. Verder zullen er zowel door de gemeente als door de organisator meerdere geluidsmetingen worden verricht. Daarbij zal tijdens het afbreken van het evenement in de nacht niet worden gestart bij de woning van verzoeker. Belangenafweging De voorzieningenrechter oordeelt dat in het besluit niet goed naar voren komt hoe de belangen van de buurtbewoners zijn afgewogen. Ook zijn de voorschriften niet concreet genoeg. Het besluit bevat dus gebreken. Toch mag Appelpop doorgaan. De voorzieningenrechter weegt mee dat  de organisator maatregelen heeft getroffen om de geluidsoverlast te beperken. De voorzieningenrechter komt tot het oordeel dat de (financiële) belangen van de organisator en de naar verwachting 100.000 bezoekers van het evenement zwaarder wegen dan het belang van de buurtbewoner. Read the full article
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thomaspeterodell · 7 years
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All i need. 
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handsofdarkness · 5 years
Within Temptation - Vlog 30: Appelpop (I slipped and fell in front of 20.000 people)
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samosaurusss · 6 years
@yungblud 🖤 Couldn't have wished for a better friend to enjoy this awesome moment with🖤 @xr.ositax #yungblud #appelpop #appelpop2018 #medication #blackheartsclub #🖤 (at Appelpop) https://www.instagram.com/p/Bngj0vBiLAQ/?utm_source=ig_tumblr_share&igshid=9arih7a1npsb
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capturban-blog · 7 years
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Had an amazing Appelpop-experience last saturday! #appelpop #lastsaturday #sunset #tiel #pondje #instamood (bij Appelpop)
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not-sebastian-stan · 6 years
Sebastian Stan Imagine- The daisies behind the gate
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A/N: OoooohooOoOoooOohhhhhHhhhHhHhHHHh my GoD I went to appelpop ( a Dutch music festival ) and I saw Yungblud there and my life is now complete. I can die in peace now. This is also written out of Sebastian pov kinda, you’ll understand why at the end. 
warnings: kinda fluff, kinda angst for like one sentence
wordcount: 1,5 K
Summary: Sebastian steals daisies out of a strangers garden almost every day. One day, they catch them doing it and think that he is going on the date and that’s why he needs the flowers. 
He couldn’t walk past them. He couldn’t walk past those daisies right when he was going to visit you. Yes, he knows that it is, in fact, illegal to pick flowers out of someone’s garden but he also knows that it is physically impossible to walk past daisies without grabbing one for you. 
He, of course, looks around him first to see if there was someone that could catch him. He sighs in relief as he sees that he is alone. Dropping to he knees, he starts to pluck the daisies out of the ground, placing them carefully in his left palm. He makes sure that the daisies don’t crush each other as they lay on top of each other. 
“ You know that that is illegal, right? “ a woman asks from behind him. He curses under his breath as he turns around to see her. The morning sun shins lazily behind her, creating a golden halo around her. He hands are planted on her hips, making her appear bigger than the actually is. 
He sighs and stands up from his crouching position. “ I know, I’m sorry I just-”. The woman cuts him off. “ You got a date and you wanted flowers. I know, I know, “ she says leaving him shocked. “ You pick them every week. I don’t complain, I don’t really like daisies so I don’t miss them. “. 
He just nods softly, trying to go with her story. “ Y-yeah, a date. “ he stutters out. She closes her front door behind her as she walks towards him. “ Well, I do want to see her, or him, I don’t care. “.
She looks at Sebastian, waiting for him to show her what way to walk in. He points to the left side of the road and they start walking. “ I’m Anona. And you are? “. She holds her hand out for him to shake. “ Sebastian, “ he says as he grabs her hand. 
They soonly pick up a conversation, about how people are able to jog at this hour. Bit of them noticed there are way too many joggers out on the starts for the time, which is 6:37, he wanted to get to you early. 
Even though he is enjoying the conversation and the company one thing is still bugging him, Anona is still thinking he is going on a date. But who would go on a date at seven in the morning? Maybe that’s a thing that people do, could be quiet romantic, watching the sun come up and all. But still, who would do that?
Definitely not Sebastian. He is a man that values his sleep. Especially when you are curled in him, soft hairs tickling his chest as he breathes in your scent. But that’s not what he needs to think about right now.
Twenty minutes. For twenty minutes Anona is walking with him. She is rattling his head off but he would rather have that than be alone with his thoughts. The subject changes with the second. One moment she is walking about her niece and the other she is talking about a documentary about the life of a duck. 
Sebastian actually finds some comfort in her spontaneousness. Sometimes he drops a sentence like “ I saw that too “ or just a hum to let her now that he is still listening. 
They flow through the streets like they walk this route every day. Well, he does. She probably doesn’t. Or maybe she does because whenever he turns she is right on his side.
“ How long have you two been dating? “ Alona asks. Sebastian shrugs. “ We dated for eight months. “. Alona drops her happy tone as she lays a hand on his shoulder.
“ Dated? Did you broke up? “. Sebastian lets out a sad chuckle as he looks down at the daisies in his hand. “ Something like that. “. She drops her hand from his shoulder, now walking backwards in front of him so she can look at his face. “ I take it that you are still friends? “. 
Sebastian doesn’t say anything. He just looks up at her, curls bouncing around her face and hazel eyes burning holes into his. He just sighs and looks back down at the daisies. 
A faint smell of mint and lavender in the air tells him he is near where you are staying. Most people planted lavender and mint plants there to cover up the bad stench that would otherwise hang in the air like a cloud of death.
Sebastian abruptly stops walking, causing Alona to almost fall over, but the grabs onto the gate door at the last minute. “ We’re here, “ he says. Alona looks at the garden that stretches out behind the gates. Willow trees weep over the grounds, leaves rustling in the morning wind. 
Dew drops still cover the grass, the scent of fresh rain coming of it. Sebastian pushes the gates open, he was the first to enter most of the days. Jeffrey, the garden keeper waves at him, Sebastian gives him a nod. 
Alona follows Sebastian through the garden, letting her hand run over the high flowers that are neatly placed next to the path to give it some colour. After some time she lifts her hand from the flowers, it’s starting to get sticky due to the pollen. 
The once heavily blue sky is now changing into a more pinky one with orange streaks peeking through the grey clouds. Golden rays of sunshine start to stretch over the garden, giving the bright flowers golden shadows. 
Alona follows Sebastian around the garden, flowing behind him like she is a fish in his river. “ Does she live here? “ she asks, softer than normal, afraid to break the peace that lingers around them. Sebastian doesn’t say anything. He never says anything when he visits you. Not until he can talk to you.
They near a second gate, one that looks less like it’s there for decoration, but more for a purpose. There aren’t vines wrapped around every bar like there were at the entrance. There are only some spiderwebs with a lost leave in them. 
Alona quickly notices what’s behind the gate. A cemetery. Suddenly it all makes sense. Why Sebastian never said that he was going on a date or why he never talked about you. Even though it brought a lot of clarity, it also brought a question. Who was he going to visit? A friend? A lover? a family member?
Sebastian holds the gate open for Alona, hands wrapped so tightly around the bars that his knuckles turn white. He is always more stressed here, but at the same time, more relaxed. “ Thanks, “ she whispers. She doesn’t know why she is whispering, but something in her told her to whisper, so she did. 
Sebastian shoots her a smile as he leaves the gate open. The cemetery is free for everyone to enter so no need to close it. “ It’s over there, “ he says as he points at one of the graves near the middle, one with a big apple tree behind it. 
Soft, round, white pebbles cover the path, rubbing against each other as Sebastian and Alona walk over them. She doesn’t know when to stop walking. What grave would it be? Sebastian stops walking and turns towards one of the graves.
Letters are cut out of the pinkish marble and replaced with a blue glass, causing bright blue letters to shine on the ground behind the grave. “Y/n Y/l/n. Y/b/d 1982 - 18-6-1998. Forever our little bug. “. 
Alone knows that name. And that date makes bells ring in her head. She remembers reading an article about you in the newspapers. A school bus flipped, injuring eleven students and killing one, you apparently. 
“ I read about her, “ she says. Sebastian looks up at her, tears edging his eyes. “  Were you on the bus too? “. He nods. He lays the daisies down on your grave. Stroking the cold stone before he gets up from his crouching position.
“ I was next to her. Got a broken arm and a light concussion out of it. Y/n broke- They broke- “ his sentence is cut off by his own sob. Alone pulls him towards her in a hug. He pulls her tightly against him. Her warmth gives him some comfort. 
“ It’s okay, “ she says as she starts to stroke his hair. He shakes his head softly against her shoulder, but he is too weak right now to say anything. “ It’s okay to cry. “. 
He pulls away to look in her eyes. “ I could have saved Y/n. Normally I sat by with them but now I wanted to sit alone. S-So I made Y/N sit somewhere else. If I didn’t then they would be alive. “. Another sob rips through his body, letting his shoulders shake uncontrollably. 
“ It’s not your fault. It’s no one's fault. The newspapers said-”. Sebastian cuts her off, not angry, not sad, emotionless. “ The the breaks failed and that it was no one's fault. I know, I read theatrical more times than I can count. “. 
He turns around to see your grave again. He slowly sinks down until he is sitting on his knees. The tips of his fingers brush over the photo the stands next to the stone. “ I’m sorry, bug. “.
Permanent taglist (open):
@rangotangomango @thecrazyoneshavetakenover @a-kiddo-with-a-doggo @dewy-biitch @baibs @frayedichor @storiesfrommirkwood @poppyseedfrosting @thorins-queen-of-erebor
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faberyayo · 7 years
Was gisteravond tijdens jullie uurtje op Appelpop echt een blij meisje x
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toshihito-endo · 5 years
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【Greenpeace chocolate project】 May 17
Chocolate models (foam, 3cm x 3cm x 2cm)
Models are so small, tiny -> think about enjoyment of eating
Bottles are chubby, smaller than cups -> take care of proportion, size
Bottles can be longer??
Don’t make unrecognizable shapes (iconic ones are recommended)
Simple shape, but with typical details (keep identity)
Many lines are not welcome
Bottles -> flattened shape & twisted shape
Material for mould -> plaster (for making, red foam “chivato”?)
<Towards next class>
We are on the right track, so we should take care of shapes, proportion more. Try to find “essence” of plastic cups and bottles which are consumed in Appelpop festival, and make shapes simple and strong enough to deliver our message.
It’s nice that all of us could enjoy making models with foam. Enjoyment is a key for good team and design, I think.
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fleurhout-blog · 5 years
Week 2
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Nieuw plan
Een zelfbedacht festival: MusicLight Festival
Ik heb mijn plan gewijzigd, omdat ik meer origineel wil zijn en het beter is om iets zelf te maken. Eerst had ik het muziekfestoval Appelpop gekozen om mee te werken.
De scenario’s uitgewerkt in verschillende snelle schetsen. 
Dit heb ik gedaan om een beeld te krijgen wat de volgorde wordt van mijn animatie en wat ik dus wil laten zien.
Storyboards - scenario op het festival - scenario op de parkeerplaats - scenario bij de wc hokjes  
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blurryface-brendon · 7 years
2, 22, and 62 for the concert asks!
2. Have you been to any festivals? Yes, but only the free ones since I'm always broke. I've seen appelpop, a free dutch festival with quite a few cute bands, and some freedomfestivals. 22. Have you ever caught a guitar pick, drumstick, got a setlist etc.? No, but I wish. My brother caught a guitarpick once but he was a big fan too so sadly for me he kept it. 62. Have you ever seen a security guard dance to a song at a concert?I wish, but sadly, no. I have seen a security guy smile at me when I was at my first TØP concert and car radio started and I totally lost it and started crying and laughing at the same time, and the guy just stood there the entire time, smiling and watching me loose my shit. Thank you so much for the ask!💕💕 I love these
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blauwemuren · 4 years
Heb je al plannen voor de zomervakantie?
wat ik op de planning had staan: rome, down the rabbit hole, appelpop, musea, concerten, afspreken met vrienden van ver
wat ik nu op de planning heb staan: series kijken ofzo
dus ja niet echt plannen :( helaas
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yummyummy-404 · 6 years
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Join the Cavalry by awarnach Singer Astrid Kunst of Join the Cavalry at Appelpop, Tiel, the Neteherlands (14-09-2013) April 28, 2018 at 09:28AM
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samuel4va-blog · 7 years
Praktische opdracht 1
Mijn eerste herinnering op het gebied van kunst:
Mijn eerste herinnering van kunst was een film in de bioscoop, dus het scherm was best groot. Ik weet niet meer welke film het was. Het valt in de kunstdiscipline “film”.
Mijn culturele activiteiten:
Ik ben naar heel veel culturere activiteiten geweest. Een paar voorbeelden zijn: de bioscoop, een popconcert, cabaret, museum. De laatste keer dat ik in de bioscoop was ging ik naar IT, twee weken geleden. Een tijdje geleden ging ik naar Appelpop, een popfestival in Tiel. Ik ging een paar jaar geleden naar Najib Amhali, het was heel grappig. Verder ben ik vorige week tijdens Kunstshot naar museum Volkenkunde gegaan, wat best saai was. De leukste activiteit vond ik de bioscoop, omdat ik met een vriend ging en de film was leuk.
Top 10:
Beeldende kunst
Klassieke muziek
Ik heb muziek op 1 staan omdat ik elke dag wel muziek luister. Klassieke muziek op 10 omdat ik het geen goede genre vind.
De kunstdisciplines die ik zou willen onderzoeken zijn: muziek, film en fotografie. Ik heb voor deze onderwerpen gekozen omdat het mijn favoriete dingen zijn. Daarom zou ik er meer over willen weten.  Ik zou graag willen leren hoe muziek door de jaren heen is veranderd. De geschiedenis van film en hoe dat zich heeft ontwikkeld naar HD zou ik ook willen onderzoeken.
De kunstdisciplines waar ik niets van wil weten zijn literatuur, toneel en beeldende kunst. Ik vind deze onderwerpen heel saai omdat er geen echt doel achter zit. Ik vind zelf dat literatuur een heel vaag ding is, vandaar dat ik er niks mee heb. Toneel vind ik geen leuke vorm van amusement omdat het er heel nep uit ziet.
Ik heb nog nooit een muziekinstrument bespeeld, omdat ik niks met muziek maken heb. Ik heb wel in een musical gespeeld in groep 8. Dat was als afsluiting van het schooljaar. Ik vond het niet leuk want ik hou niet van acteren.
Social Media:
Ik heb Instagram, Snapchat en Facebook. Facebook gebruik ik niet en Instagram een beetje. Ik gebruik Snapchat wel veel. Ik zou geen foto’s maken van mijn grootouders. 
Definities van kunst en cultuur:
Kunst is iets wat een persoon wil laten zien aan de rest.
Cultuur is de samenleving van mensen.
Ik verwacht dat we dit jaar met het vak CKV veel gaan onderzoeken over kunst & cultuur. Ik hoop dat we niet teveel verslagen moeten schrijven.
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happilygoldgoat · 7 years
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Tom odell @appelpop
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not-sebastian-stan · 6 years
lol i might be going to Appelpop ( a music festival ) with a friend and Yungblud is going to be there and i’m QuAcKiNg
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