#apple products are ashamed to be computers
stxalq · 1 year
the five seconds OSX waits to actually save a screenshot is the most infuriating five seconds of my day
just let me fill out this bug report without your BS apple
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jericho-adroa · 1 year
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Name: Jericho ‘Jeri’ ‘Jer’ Adroa Age: 29 years old Birthdate: Jul. 12th, 1993.                                       ☼ Cancer                                       ☾  Taurus                                       ↗ Sagittarius Born: Lockwood Springs, CO Occupation: Security Officer at City Hall. Soldier. Aesthetics: PINTEREST Likes: Southside friends, his family, his apartment, gadgets, touch typing, seamless codes, wearing a suit, pancakes and bacon, matoke. Dislikes: Apple products, being asked to help his parents set up eletronics, cops, being underestimated Good Qualities: Humble, Generous, Mature Bad Qualities: Corruptible, Impatient, Obvious Orientation: Straight
Jericho was born and raised Southside in Lockwood Springs. He was the type of kid that kept his head down and focused on his grades but floated between cliques. Not drawing enough attention to his good grades or behavior but also not being troublesome.
Jer had a natural flare with computers and he got into coding as a hobby at first. see: myspace profile and html. Eventually this turned into a full on passion and he knew he wanted to do computer science in some capacity. 
He’s never been ashamed of his Southside roots but knew he wanted to be able to live comfortably. He earned a scholarship and went to Denver University but unfortunately, not many jobs suited his skills of computer science. He eventually began working at the city hall as a security officer.
It’s only been during the previous two years that Jericho fell into working for the Kelly’s, it pays well and he’s not extremely proud of it. He now lives Downtown and visits Southside often to see his parents and any old friends willing to catch up.
Jericho is humble and hard working and likes to share the wealth. He’s calm and collected and level-headed, but he is easily led. 
Loves cooking, music and his apartment being full of good vibes. He’s thinking about getting a cat, or something low maintenance that can make him feel a little less lonely.
0 notes
hazeljack · 1 year
Easy Present Some ideas You Won't Be Ashamed to Give
Creating your lifetime easier while traveling is crucial in today's on-the-go world. Every journey I created in 2010, the products were by my side. They're certainly champions in my book. If you are however searching for some ideas for those "difficult to purchase for" buddies and family unit members, the products will truly bring talk reviews. This holiday present manual includes a shop, essential and a beach bum essential.
My top vacation solution picks for 2013 aren't only lightweight but fashionable and sturdy, 3 essential aspects for anybody who travels. Check them out.Whether you are a business visitor who must be in-the-know or a first time visitor who wants to stay in feel, that one is just a must. I can not stay without it and neither should you. It is the perfect supplement for those long layovers and essential for anybody who loves to package mild (I am talking overnight visits, backpackers, week-end getaway's, etc). Best gifts for the outdoorsman
I transformed from the PC to a Macintosh midway through the season and have not appeared back. It is so thin I question how it really has the manpower to complete every thing it does. It is lightning quickly and has so additional features when compared to a PC. I dropped in deep love with iPhoto and quickly adapted to applying Chrome as opposed to Web Explorer. I invest 6-8 hours a day using the pc therefore it is very important that I use a solution that's efficient. I am also happy to report, I have not had any issues. My PC was constantly cold up and very gradual, which needless to say is quite irritating and precisely why I created the change (and needless to say there clearly was only a little persuasion from my sister and brother-in-law that are Macintosh freaks). My only hope: I often find it too difficult to call home minus the cd/dvd drive. I guess Apple's forward considering is telling people something. Splurge only a little; it's absolutely worth every penny.
When I came across this device I was traveling in Spain. I had never seen such a thing like it. It is not only a towel with an imaginative flair, the substance it's crafted from allows it to absorb a lot more water than your common cotton towels. I've missing monitoring of the amount of occasions I attended in from the water, while experiencing a trip to the beach, only to get my towel however wet from the last time I cooled down (very annoying). The product not merely handles that issue but is also a good pick for backpackers who hop from town to town and hostel to hostel. I could assurance you nobody will have one like it;pick the style that suits your favorite town and your vacation character will surely shine. Surprise your beach bum, art lover, and backpacker buddies that holiday season.
This one is not surprising, in fact, you are probably thinking why I've the iPhone on my record; it's been out for many years and there are many new designs and colors. However, it's that requisite you merely can't stay without. Apple scores large in 2010; you certainly can't fail with any Apple product. Whether you tray up the regular flier miles or just need anything to entertain yourself or the youngsters, the iPhone generally save the day. It is obviously easier than booting up your personal computer and one can move the full time by listening to podcasts, winning contests or hearing to their favorite playlist while awaiting their next connection.
0 notes
chubbology · 3 years
The Munchies
prompt: a stoner feedee's girlfriend uses him to test out new edibles and deals with his munchies
Remmy returned home from visiting relatives on the last day of December, and he was very glad to be back. They’d fed him well and his pants were tight, but all the small talk and bad vibes had been as much of a drag as usual.
He opened the door to his apartment and breathed in a familiar, potent scent.
“Baby!” Brianna ran from the kitchen and tackled him.
“Happy almost New Year! Wanna hear my resolution? Baking and getting baked. Check it out.”
She brought him over to the counter, where she was almost done filling up three containers of what Remmy had no doubt were various edibles. He ignored the kitchen mess.
“I’m liking what I see,” Remmy laughed.
She preened and then pinched his love handle. “I bet you do."
"These aren’t your typical brownies, though," she said. "This is gourmet.” She kissed her fingertips in a muah.
The first container was full of moist shortbread, the second with a kind of apple crumble dish that looked divine. Last but not least, the third had a jumble of what like peanut butter cups.
“Try something!” Brianna gushed. She seemed to be a little floaty already. “You’re gonna be my new taste tester. I think I could really be good at this. Make some cash, too.”
So Remmy tried one of the peanut butter cups. His eyes widened, and he smiled. “Bri, these are incredible.” He ate another.
“Take it easy. Two should get you stoned. So says the recipe anyway.” Brianna rubbed his pudgy forearm as he eyed the rest in the container, biting the inside of his lip. “Hey. If you’re just hungry, I can fix that. You wanna eat?”
“I’m starving,” Remmy said. A lie, since he’d had a big lunch before driving back. But he could eat.
“Okay, I’ll get you something! Pay day was Monday. Let’s splurge. What do you want?”
McDonalds, Remmy’s mind supplied easily, in an almost salacious tone. His relatives thought they were too good for McDonalds, and now his body thrummed with the desire to just get a truckload of those greasy combos and revel in the guilt and satisfaction of eating every last unhealthy bite.
Then again. Brianna probably wasn’t okay to drive right now, he didn’t feel like getting back in the car, and the scale told him he’d hit 240 recently, “Let’s just order in.”
“Sounds good to me.”
That night, as they ignored the idiots on television bringing in the New Year, the two of them picked at the apple crumble - which tasted as brilliant as Remmy had suspected - and lounged around, enjoying their high. Brianna barely touched her Chinese takeout, and Remmy ate all of his. Then hers. Then he started grazing the kitchen for more food.
Over the course of the next week, the two of them finished off the rest of what she made, plus some more recipes that turned out delicious. Brianna got a pleasant high every time, and Remmy enjoyed the edibles, too, although his experience was slightly different. It was just—
He just—
He got hungry. Munchies but on unholy overdrive. Cranked to eleven and a half. With every high, Remmy became a little more overwhelmed by the sheer amount of food he felt compelled to pack away, savory and sweet. Takeout and fast food and quarts of ice cream. Nuts and fruits, too. Jar of peanut butter here. Tub of icing there. He’d never been very active, so it came as no surprise when his clothes began stretching over his chest and belly and thighs and ass. He popped a button getting dressed one morning and couldn’t stop thinking about it the rest of the day. He hadn’t realized it would happen so quickly, his body converting all the calories into flab. Flab that padded him out chubbier than he already was, and then more on top of that. In the mirror, he started to look big.
Brianna seemed unfazed by her boyfriend’s growing girth. She took to her baking resolution with as much gusto as she did anything that interested her, and even into March, April, and May, she was selling the edibles well and raked in money that almost made her day job obsolete. Remmy was constantly praised for being “the bestest taste tester ever” and enjoyed a steady stream of free highs to balance out the lows of spending most of his time working his IT job from home.
Working, gaming, watching old movies. Remmy already stayed sitting most of the day, but as he gained weight, gained a lot, filling out his desk chair to its limits, crumbs becoming his constant companion, he felt even less like standing up. His weight climbed to 280, 290, 300.
June, July, and August passed uneventfully, and pretty happily, too. Brianna stopped asking him what food he wanted from the grocery store and just bought him things. Bought him things she knew he’d eat when he got high, things that made his ass spread wider on the couch, his arms round out like sausages, his pudgy chest start to really droop. The scale said 320, 330, 340.
Remmy gave up trying to gain control of the new appetite Brianna’s heavenly edibles seemed to install in him irrevocably. When he craved, he ate, and he ate. And like a dam breaking, his body surged with so much excess fat he began spilling out of even his newest clothes.
He was a little ashamed, sure. But quite a few of his relatives were fat, so they couldn't talk, and it felt like sweet revenge to embarrass his irritating parents by becoming so overweight. As for everyday life, well, he just moved around from room to room slower, wore the same stretchy clothes a lot, and that was it. Remmy did mention his weight in passing sometimes to gauge Brianna’s feelings about it, but Brianna only ever giggled, called him cute, and passed him her venti sugary monstrosity of a coffee concoction, which he thoughtlessly sucked down to the dregs, ingesting a thousand-plus calories just like that. This made her eyes sparkle, huge and utterly endeared.
“Like a piggy,” she said, thumbing his fat cheek. “Always willing to eat.”
In bed, she made it clear she liked him the way he was, and was becoming. And it wasn’t long before Remmy realized he was into how big he was becoming, too.
They continued like this. Getting high together and watching movies and making out and snacking. Well, Brianna snacked. Remmy feasted. Gorged himself, to put it precisely, with Brianna’s enthusiastic help. “You look good soft,” she’d tell him, playing with belly fat that his stretchiest t-shirts couldn’t cover anymore.
Remmy would swallow another bite of a snickers and spread his huge thighs a little, with effort. “You call it soft, but I’m the one who gets tired moving from the office to the kitchen.” I’m so heavy, he wanted to say. God, I’m so heavy.
“Just move your computer to the kitchen then,” she said. “Duh.”
It was a seed planted that came to fruition a month later - when Remmy’s food cravings became unmanageable and his weight climbed past 360 - that he felt he would simply be more productive during his day job if his breaks to get food from the kitchen were shorter.
By November, whether he was high or not, Remmy was grazing all day, everyday. What Brianna got from the store became insufficient, and he started a habit of ordering take out most days. In big portions. His scale creaked at 375. When Brianna wasn’t home, he sometimes ate takeout on the scale to see if the number would rise.
On Remmy’s birthday in early December, Brianna made a fresh batch of his favorites again: the peanut butter cup edibles. After ordering pizza for delivery, she got in the shower, and Remmy scarfed down three of the big cups as soon as they cooled. Then he waited, leaning against the counter, scrolling on his phone, belly hanging, feet hurting. He didn’t want to go to the effort of sitting on the couch and getting back up again when he could just stay in the kitchen, where he knew he’d end up anyway.
He scratched his supple underbelly. Found a pack of Twizzlers and started eating those.
Soon enough, his breathing slowed as he felt the high slowly come over him. And, as expected, his whole body immediately began to tingle for satiation. Fattening food sung to him from the pantry and fridge and freezer all at once, and it was all going to make him so huge and heavy he wouldn’t be able to stand on his own wide feet, but he wanted it anyway.
He didn’t care if he was pushing 390 now. He’d blown up, yeah. Inflated from a thick guy to obese and waddling. At this point, he was so pumped so big with blubber that he couldn’t twitch without jiggling, but so what? He was hungry. Being high made him want to consume, and so he did. He couldn’t stop. Didn’t want to.
Remmy opened the fridge and took out his birthday cake, which Brianna must have stuck in there after getting home from work. He couldn’t wait to eat it properly. There was no way he could wait until after the pizza came. Besides, it was his birthday. Remmy took off the plastic lid of the round, triple chocolate cake and felt his nerves light up with anticipation. He was going to eat it all, and there was no stopping him.
He found a knife and cut himself a slice three times the size any reasonable person would take. Desperate to get the goodness into his mouth without delay, he skipped a fork and bit right into the gooey, dense cake and mouse and fudge. God, Brianna was so perfect for getting him the unhealthiest cake imaginable. She knew he didn’t care if he was ten pounds heavier tomorrow, if his fat ass ripped his sweatpants open, if he ate so much he couldn’t haul himself to bed—she knew he needed this.
He ate slice after slice, and it was mostly gone when Brianna got out of the shower, looking sexier than usual in her matching purple lingerie. She’d gotten chubbier with so much junk food in the apartment, and fat clung to her in all the right places. But her pudge was a far cry from his angry-red stretch marks and neck rolls. Hell, his moobs had grown bigger than her tits.
She found him in the kitchen, eating and holding his drooping belly, and she rubbed his back, cooing at him when he apologized.
“It’s okay. I figured you wouldn’t be able to wait all night. How are you feeling?”
“Good,” Remmy said, but all he could think about was getting his next bite. As she watched him, he tried to hold out. Tried to prove he could stop eating for two seconds. Three seconds, four - his resolve broke and he crammed the rest of a slice into his mouth and chewed, choking back a moan.
“You get the munchies so bad, don’t you?” Brianna grinned and leaned against his belly, patting and cupping his weighty breasts in the way she knew pleased him. “Let’s get you sat down. I’ll bring you what you need. Just sit and relax and watch whatever you want.” They moved to the couch and Remmy sat, the cushions wheezing, his thighs and belly quivering. Brianna tucked the remainder of the cake into his pudgy hands. “Don’t worry about a mess. It’s your birthday. And there’s more where that came from.” She winked. “I just needed to keep this cake refrigerated because it’s fancy. There’s a whole sheet cake on top of the fridge that’s cheap and huge. Covered in icing. Perfect for munchies.”
Remmy could only feel a wave of relief at this news. There would be more cake. And after that, there’d still be more junk in the cabinets. There was pizza coming. His high was just right. Brianna turned on the television to his favorite show and he settled further back into the cushions, feeling his second chin swell out and engulf his first. Everything was just right. He was lucky to have Brianna and food. So much food.
A year later, around the same time, Remmy skipped his usual trip to see his relatives for the holidays. At 520 pounds, it was simply too much effort to move.
Thank you to the reader who commissioned this work!
I'd love to write more. Check me out <3 etsy.com/shop/Chubbology
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muzzleroars · 4 years
An Explanation of Yaldabaoth
So with Christmas Eve coming up, let’s finally talk about Yaldabaoth – who he is, his motivations and goals, and why he suits P5’s story. Basically, I see a lot of confusion (as well as frustration) surrounding his character and his status as the final antagonist, but I totally get that. His writing is messy and his execution left a lot to be desired, despite the idea of him being sound, so I understand why so many players felt he came out of nowhere and screws up the story’s themes. As I am (unfortunately) a big fan of his character, I wanted to put together a post that might help people confused by him see how he fits in, why he was included in the story, and why he makes a satisfying final boss for the plot of P5. And even if you still hate him (totally fair! Everyone’s got different taste and no matter what, his handling is god awful), I just hope I can sort of explain him so he at least makes more sense. This is going to be long, so let’s get started!
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First, Yaldabaoth (also known as the Demiurge) is a figure from Gnostic lore, the false god of the material world. He came to be when Sophia, a part of the unknowable, Supreme God, decided to create something separate from the Pleroma (the divine totality) all on her own, without divine permission. So she gave birth to Yaldabaoth; however, he was so monstrous she grew immediately ashamed of her creation, and so provided him with a throne which she then wrapped in a cloud to hide him and make him ignorant in turn. Unable to behold his mother or the divine, he then believed himself to be god. Because of this, Yaldabaoth set about creating the material world, a place he unwittingly based upon the true world of divinity. His creations are animal, like him, but with Sophia’s divine spark as she provides him the power to create. This world is poorly made due to Yaldabaoth’s own incompetence and so that divine spark is trapped in the material, making it something like a spiritual prison. Because of this, however, humanity can ascend while Yaldabaoth cannot, making him envious of human beings. He grows to hate humanity, angered by their imperfection (as he bungles their creation) and the fact that they can ascend while he’s forever trapped in the depths – he turns spiteful, and he is sometimes thought of as the God of the Old Testament as an explanation for his cruelty. Obviously this is incredibly simplified (as I am by no means an expert on Gnosticism), but this is the basis of his character, and I think it really is something the writers played with (including that Satanael, his son, is the one to rebel against him and his ignorance, which is why he is cast from heaven).
A false, artificial god who believes himself to be the Supreme Being, resents humankind, and traps them in a prison...sounds pretty familiar. So what’s different about his character in P5? This Yaldabaoth is the creator of the Metaverse, and he is born from the will of the public – people wished for ease and comfort over free will, the luxury to be free of making decisions and taking responsibility for themselves, which the Holy Grail explains to the PTs as its origin.
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However, Yaldabaoth is also just a manifestation of that need - one that gained sentience through the power it was fed, but he is still simply the unconscious desire of the public made material as pointed out by Lavenza (but this explanation scene is where things get rushed, confusing, and glossed over to a frustrating extent)
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Yaldabaoth IS society, a tangible stand-in for the true villain of P5 – The people of the public that allow, condone, and even encourage those the PTs have fought. They can defeat criminals, but as long as society remains intact, another will immediately spring up to take their place. Makoto actually states as much when Joker comes to retrieve her from her cell:
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Yaldabaoth, therefor, is not just a god thrown into the plot randomly for the biggest bad possible – he is the evils of society incarnate, the people who allow the heinous crimes the PTs had been fighting against, the people that consumed these devastating crimes as entertainment or turned a blind eye to people in need, the people that threw the PTs out the minute any doubt was cast on them. The apathetic, uncaring, callous public as a whole, the ones who constantly ignore or support these criminals until it is no longer convenient (more on that in a minute) – The palace rulers are absolute monsters and yet...we see them all over society because they are a product of that society. And then there’s Futaba, an orphan and mentally ill girl left to rot by society; Sae, a woman trying so hard to achieve her justice and support her sister, constantly stamped down in a society that says a woman can’t, a woman shouldn’t. Society is the true villain and Yaldabaoth is their collective will, manifested so that the final boss battle of the game can just be the PTs taking down the whole of a corrupt society. It’s really the ultimate culmination of their efforts and what they’ve fought against. Because as awful as they all are, the palace rulers are products of a screwed up society (one that reflects our own) – Totally and 100% responsible for their acts, but they were allowed to exist due to this society.
SO if they’re made by society, why are they “escaped convicts” from the Prison of Regression? This is a representation of how society is broken – it creates these criminals, it condones their actions, but once they become too “disruptive”, THEN and ONLY then do they become an issue. Yaldabaoth, to me, is similar to a supercomputer type villain (think AM, a very similar character imo) – the palace rulers are errant, erratic variables that upset the status quo and so must be culled. His dialogue reads very much like a sterile computer program and I think rather than completely outright malicious in his intent, he is performing what he believes to be a necessary function:
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Society creates them, encourages them, and then becomes upset when their actions are brought to light and so punishes them (or in Shido’s case at first and so often irl, are let off) so as to quickly restore equilibrium where they can once again ignore all of their ills. Essentially, the palace rulers exhibit that the whole system is sick and doesn’t work, yet people by and large pretend it does because it’s so much easier to say it was one “bad apple” or blame the victims rather than admitting the entire framework of society is completely rotten from the inside out.
What is Yaldabaoth’s goal then? He sets up a game to see if society can be shaken from this apathy or if they no longer wish to lead their own lives. Joker plays the trickster, an antihero the public can root for, the rebellious and glamorous rogue that punishes criminals without help of the establishment. If he wins, this would indicate the public no longer wishes for the status quo, but for a new society that wants to reinvent itself, which is generally well explained...
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Goro Akechi is his opposite – He creates chaos and fear in the public to push them back into their comfortable boxes, make them wish for the status quo represented by Shido so they can stop living in fear and return to their lives where they can ignore everything around them. If he wins, this would signal that the public don’t want to fight but instead only want security and familiarity, choosing to turn a blind eye to everything the trickster had accomplished in order to remain safe. (This is made much less clear in the dialogue, because they don’t go over Goro’s role much at all.)
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He sets up the entire game on this premise, and the experiment runs...however, it ends unexpectedly. Joker succeeds in taking down Akechi and the PTs expose Shido’s crimes as well as the conspiracy itself, but the public still does not support the Phantom Thieves. They clamor for a disgraced Shido and THIS is why Joker still loses – remember, Yaldabaoth is only a representation of society itself, and society no longer believes in the Phantom Thieves. Yaldabaoth did expect the loss, he knew how far gone humanity was, he just didn’t expect this exact scenario. Of course, the game was rigged – as Lavenza says, Yaldabaoth expects Joker to fulfill the role of the Trickster and so he keeps him close, watching over him in an attempt to stall him out as Lavenza explains. 
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However, due to the set up of the game, the only win condition is public support. Joker doesn’t earn it and therefor he loses, a decision that is not arbitrary despite possibly appearing so (although it is certainly unfair, pointed out by Morgana).
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After offering Joker his deal (that’s a whole OTHER post I could write, y’all know I’m a clown), Yaldabaoth then moves to merge reality with Mementos in order to exert his will over the whole of the public. He wishes to rid them of their free will because, as Yaldabaoth sees it, it seems a vast majority of the public wish to no longer have it anyway and the ones that do merely become anomalies that must be purged from his system before they become too disruptive. Of course, this is an oversimplified way of viewing the issue, but again, he’s sort of like a computer – he will take care of the issue in the most efficient way possible, and that is to rule over society himself. (Again, using the word “administrator” invokes computer terminology and likens him to a mechanical program):
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Interestingly, his defeat is brought about by the public backing the Phantom Thieves 100% - an action that triggers Arsene’s evolution into Satanael, Yaldabaoth’s rebellious son. Satanael is of the Fool Arcana, the confidant that represents Joker’s bond to Yaldabaoth himself...to the public, in a sense, and so it’s fitting that this persona is the one to destroy him as he is no longer needed.
So Yaldabaoth is both a character in his own right and representative of the will of the public as well. His writing is confusing, lacking in explanation, and relies heavily on obscure references to his Gnostic roots along with religious symbolism (eg., the floors of Mementos taking their names from the Qliphoth and the palace rulers being representative of the seven deadly sins), and I think that’s why he feels so out of place to so many players. However, the best possible final antagonist for P5’s themes and plot is society itself – the society that shunned them, the society that created the palace rulers, the society that desperately needs to be done away with if we wish for these travesties to come to an end. Because P5 isn’t about individual evil, it’s about institutional evils that create and perpetuate so much individual pain that goes unnoticed and uncared for. Yaldabaoth is the amalgamation and manifestation of that broken system, he gives it a presence and a voice so that the PTs can fight back against it physically. So even though his writing is handled poorly and his execution is lacking, I find him to be a perfect fit and a satisfying conclusion to P5’s themes as an unfair, cruel society turned into a dogmatic god. 
This meta really just gives an overview of everything he represents, so I can always go into more detail about any of the points but I hope this explanation helps those that were confused by his inclusion in P5! I’m perfectly happy to elaborate on anything I talked about and clear up any confusion (I didn’t want this post to go on literally FOREVER, so I know some things might require more info), so feel free to ask questions! Other than that have a happy Day of Reckoning and remember to celebrate Bad End Akira’s birthday 🥳🎉
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razberryyum · 5 years
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The Untamed/陈情令 Rewatch, Episode 1 (spoilers)
(covers MDZS chaps Prologue - 5)
WangXian meter: 🐰🐰🐰🐰🐰🐰
(a 🐰 is earned every time there is a WangXian scene or even when they’re just thinking of each other)
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To think, I almost stopped watching The Untamed altogether because the first scene was such a CGI disaster.  The pretty horrendous CGI reminded me a lot of my experience with watching Nirvana in Fire and Guardian, both of which I actually turned off a few minutes in the first time I tried watching them, and it was only after a lot more convincing from others that I eventually decided to give them a second chance. With CQL, luckily, I didn’t turn it off right away, mainly because my interest was almost immediately captured by Xiao Zhan. I admit it: I decided to stick with The Untamed for at least an episode or two more initially for entirely superficial reasons. I would be more embarrassed by that fact if I didn’t believe that was probably one of the BEST decisions I’ve EVER made in my life. 
This is probably the third time I’ve watched the first episode all the way through. The CGI still makes me wince a little; can’t help it, it reminds me too much of really bad B-movie stuff. Whenever I try to convince people to watch the show, I always have to warn them that the first two episodes are probably the hardest to sit through (well, until that moment near the end of the second episode which is a game-changer as far as I’m concerned…more on that when I get to the next ep) because of the horrible special and practical effects (those veiny mittens the Mo family had to wear were just as bad as the computer-generated crap at the beginning), and I still stand by that. What was happening on screen was kind of confusing unless you read the novel (and I didn’t do so until like a dozen episodes in) and there were a number of distracting technical issues (like the uneven sound mixing). 
I am ashamed to admit that I was also not sold on Wang Yibo’s Lan Zhan when I first started the show. Not because I had any preconceived notions about his character, because I couldn’t have since I was generally ignorant about MDZS, but rather I just wasn’t sure of his performance and I thought his hairstyle made his face look odd. I did think he was attractive, he just didn’t appeal to me directly. Of course now I think he’s utterly beautiful and perfect as Lan Wangji; I don’t know what the hell was wrong with me back then. I’m like completely mesmerized by him now. Obviously I must have been stupid blind at the time; I’m so glad I have since learned to see.  
Although, I must say I did love his graceful entrance at the Mos’ residence even though I’ve seen people poke fun at it. I think it was meant as an homage to how The Little Dragon Girl (小龍女) made her first public in Return of the Condor Heroes (神鵰俠侶), and as I mentioned in another post, I’m convinced the production team drew inspiration from that series when they were making the Untamed.
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From Return of the Condor Heroes 1995 (the one with Carman Lee, aka Lan Yi)
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Random bits of randomness:
The opening credits, which I think are beautiful and I love the theme so much I rarely skip them (and I never skip the ending credits), remind me a lot of the opening creds for Nirvana in Fire. I wonder if that was a purposeful homage since both stories do share some similarities (main protagonist returns from the dead under a secret identity finds out the truth behind his demise).
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From Nirvana in Fire OP Creds:
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Since I didn’t really know anything about MDZS when I first started watching The Untamed, I seriously thought Sizhui was crushing on Wei Wuxian because maybe he met Mo Xuanyu before or had some history with him that no one knew about.
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It took a second viewing for me to even pay attention to the dialogue between WWX and A-Tong because when I first watched this scene, I was too busy thinking about how pretty Xiao Zhan is to even focus on what was being said. Although, at the time, I probably didn’t even know his name yet since I’m not familiar with X-Nine; I was just thinking, “omg who is this guy he is beautiful wth”. And then Lu Zhixing-laozi’s voice performance was so good, making WWX even more adorable, that I was pretty much in love with Wei Ying from the start. 
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I hadn’t gotten a handle on all the birth names and courtesy names yet, so when Lan Zhan mentioned “Wei Ying” here, I remember thinking, who the hell is that? XD
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Questions I still have (please feel free to answer them):
- Why did that storyteller look all spooked when he turned to look at Nie Huaisang behind the curtains?
- Why did the storyteller’s building suddenly become all dark? Was that WWX’s soul passing through causing that?
- Why DID NHS pay the storyteller to tell the tale of Yiling Patriarch? Was it just for the juniors’ sake? Why?
- What kind of magic is this?
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- How would Wei Ying know what hand the Mos beat him with since he didn’t actually retain Mo Xuanyu’s memories?
- Where DID Sizhui hear Wuji from? Lan Zhan mentions later that he never played it in front of anyone…did Sizhui just happen to overhear him? Or better yet, instead of him actually hearing it at Gusu, did he actually remember the melody from hearing WWX play it at Burial Mounds when he was young? 
Overall Episode Rating: 5 Lil Apples out of 10 
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littlexredxwolf · 5 years
Beauty and the beast
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Fandom: Marvel/Disney Prompt: It’s beauty and the beast, with a twist. Word Count: 5,067 Character: Bucky and Reader. Warnings: None Author note: originally posted on impala-imagines, awfully written but amusing. Credits: I do not own marvel, i do not own this story and I do not own Disney.
Once upon a time, in a faraway land, a young Sergeant lived in a war filled world although he didn’t have much, the Sergeant was sweet, kind, caring. But then, winters night, a mission came to his team and caused him to go against those who would turn the world to hell. The Sergeant fell from the train that night and was found by a hideous scientist, who offered him a single rose as an agreement to work for Hydra. Repulsed by their haggard appearance, he sneered at the gift and turned them away. But they warned him not to be deceived by appearances for beauty comes from within, when he dismissed them again they stepped away to let him die. The Sergeant tried to apologize, but it was too late for they had seen there was no desire to live in his heart, and as punishment they turned him into a hideous beast and placed a powerful memory wipe on him. Ashamed of his monstrous form, the Beast concealed himself inside his home with a computer as his only window to the outside world. The rose the scientist had offered him, was truly an enchanted rose, and would bloom until his twenty first year. If he could to love another and earn that person’s love in return, by the time the last petal fell then the spell would be broken, if not he would be doomed to remain a beast, for all time. As the years past, he fell into despair and lost all hope. For who could ever learn to love a Beast?
Leaving your home early that morning, you carried your bag and made your way toward the apple store. As you reached the edge of the town center, you saw the baker and gave him a smile. “Good morning Y/N, where you off to?” The baker questioned looking at you with a curious smile. “To get the new Ipad, it’s out today and it has better battery and, and-.” But the baker wasn’t interested, he was just making idol chitchat. “That’s nice. Marie, the baguettes, hurry up!” Excited, you shrugged it off and carried on walking passed the hair dressers, where old ladies were already having their hair done. You knew they would probably be gossiping about you always, calling you funny, strange, and that you were dazed and distracted. You noticed someone else commenting say you were never part of the crowd and another saying about how your head was in the clouds. But that didn’t matter, you were on a mission and you didn’t care.
“There must be more than this Proventil life.” You uttered to yourself shaking your head softly. Pushing the door open to the apple shop open, you walked inside and gave a giant smile to the owner. “Ah Y/N.” The store owner said looking at you with fond eyes as he always did whenever you came in. “Good morning, I’ve come to get the new IPad.” You were practically bouncing as you looked around the shop. “Already? Well you’re early.” He pointed out glancing at his watch. “Oh I couldn’t sleep last night, is it here?” He nodded before going out the back to get you the iPad you’d ordered weeks ago. “I’ll pay on this one.” Biting your lip, you knew you might be maxed out, but you had to hope as you handed over your card. “That one, but you’ve maxed it out twice.” Your shoulders slumped at the thought of not getting the IPad. “I know, but it’s the one with the best limit on it.” The man thought for a moment, looking at you, before he smiled. “Well if you want it this much, it’s yours.” A look of complete shock appeared on your face as he spoke, you couldn’t believe it. “But sir?” You tried to hand it back, but he pushed it toward you. “I insist.” Jumping the counter, you hugged him tightly and smiled. “Why thank you, thank you so much.”
Leaving the bookshop, you took your iPad out of its box and turned it on as you started to walk, getting the settings how you wanted them, you had a dreamy look on your face as you looked deeply at the iPad. You knew no one else understood you, but that didn’t matter at all. “Oh isn’t this amazing! It’s my favorite one so far, because it has better graphics, a quicker speed and connects to wifi so easy. But I won’t discover all the secrets with this low battery.” You carried on walking, not paying attention to anyone, or anything. You didn’t care what people said to you as you walked. Not even noticing Tony Stark and Bruce Banner talking, Tony turned to Bruce with a wide grin on his face.
The pair of men stood together, discussing a mission they’d had the night before. “Wow, you didn’t miss a bad guy Tony, you’re the greatest Avenger in the whole world! No bad guy stands a chance against you, and no girl for that matter.” Bruce said grinning at Tony. “It’s true Bruce, and I got my sights set on that one!” He pointed at you as you walked past, pushing buttons on your tablet. “That one, you mean the scientists daughter?” Bruce looked shocked, surprised that he’d even go for recluse like you. “She’s the one, the lucky girl I’m going to marry!” “But she’s-” “The most beautiful girl in town!” “I know but-“ “That makes her the best, and don’t I deserve the best?” Tony made his way through the crowds as you carried on looking at your IPad, making your way back home. Not noticing a single thing. No one really understood you at all, or how you operated. Computers made you safe, they always had, you were able to hide behind them and not have to face the world out there.
“Good morning Y/N.” Looking up from your Ipad you smiled softly. “Good morning Tony.” Reaching over, he took the Ipad from you. “How can you like this, it’s apple.” Taking it back, you glared. “Well, some people enjoy good quality.” You replied. He rolled his eyes as he watched you, suddenly Bruce was beside Tony too. “What do you say, you come and take a look at Stark tower and see some of my computers.” Moving away from him you shook your head. “Maybe later, I have to get home and help my father.” You said quickly, turning on your heel, you rushed off back home, not daring to look back.
Opening the front door, you rushed inside and looked for your father, finding him in his lab you smiled gently. “Hello Papa.” You exclaimed rushing down. “Hello sweetheart, did you have a good time in town today?” He asked causing you to show him your Ipad. “I got the new Ipad… Papa, do you think I’m odd?” You asked tilting your head. “My daughter odd, no… why do you say that?” You shrugged a little bit and watched him adding chemicals. “It’s just that I don’t really fit in here, everyone else likes none apple products.” Walking around, he placed his hand on your shoulder and smiled. “This invention will be the start of something new, just you wait and see.” Glancing at the time, your father rushed off to get changed and get ready to leave.
“Goodbye Papa, good luck!” You waved him off as he headed off in a cab. “Goodbye Y/N, take care while I’m gone.” Once your father was gone, you were upstairs on the internet enjoying the things you spent most days doing, you lost track of day and night until finally you heard a knock at the door. Getting up, you walked downstairs and opened the door to find Tony stood there. “Tony, what are you doing here?” He forced his way inside and smiled. “Just picture it Y/N, my penthouse, my latest news reports on the tv, while the little ones play with the dogs. We’ll have six or seven.” Looking at him confused, you raised an eyebrow. “Dogs?” Laughing softly, he shook his head. “No y/n, strapping boys like me. So what do you say?” Stepping back slowly, you took hold of the door handle and took a deep breath. “I’m sorry Tony, I just… I don’t deserve you!” Swinging the door open, you watched him fall flat on the ground as you moved to slam the door shut.
Storming back upstairs, you sat down at your computer and carried on skyping with a friend from across the sea. “He asked me to marry him, can you believe it? Me the wife of that boorish, brainless!” You started to imagine how awful it would be and cringed, even the thought of it made your stomach twist and turn, a sick feeling inside your stomach. “I just want someone to understand me, is that too much to ask?” It was then that your laptop started beeping. Getting up, you rushed over to it and opened it, your father’s GPS. “Oh no, Papa.” Writing down the location, you grabbed your things and headed out to try and find him. Your heart racing as you got into a cab and told him the location. “Hang in there Papa, I’m coming!”
The cab refused to go any further, leaving you at the end of a long winding path and screeching off before you could even think about changing your mind. Taking a deep breath, you walked slowly through the gates and noticed your father’s name badge. “Papa?” You rushed over and picked it up, looking at it and then looking around. Standing up, you looked up at the towering castle in front of you, it looked pitch black, uninhabited, looked as if nothing or no one had been in there for years and years. Taking a very deep breath, you touched the door and slowly opened it. It was even creepier from there. You took your time, gently edging in through the door, closing it behind you, you began to search. “Hello? Is anyone here? Papa?” You noticed a light on the steps and rushed after it, running up to find who or what it was? It led you to a room on the first floor.
“Hello?” You called out softly, until you heard the voice that you needed to hear. “Y/N?” Rushing across the room, you ran to him and hugged him through the bars. “Papa, oh your hands are like ice.” You said cupping them trying to warm them up. “How did you find me?” You shook your head. “It doesn’t matter.” Your father seemed to straighten up and look at you seriously. “You need to leave, go no. Not a minute to loose!” You found yourself snapping at him with anger. “No, I’m not leaving. Who done this to you!” Suddenly, you felt yourself flying across the room and landing on the ground, slowly looking up, looked around the darkness. “Who is there? Who are you?” A guff sandpaper like voice replied to you, causing you to swallow hard. “The master of this castle.” You slowly stood up, your eyes fixed on the location. “Please let my father go, can’t you see he’s sick.” The man yelled back at you. “Well he shouldn’t have trespassed here!” You paused for a moment, looking between your father and the figure.
“Take me instead.” There was a sound of a snigger coming from the man. “You?” He paused for only a minute. “You would take his?” You nodded gently. “Come into the light.” Slowly, the man walked into the light, you too in the tall figure with long hair and a metal arm and gasped. “You have my word.” You whispered, he moved to open the door for your father and he rushed to you instantly. “No, Y/N. I’m old I’ve lived my life.” You went to hug your father but he was dragged away instantly. “No, wait!” You screamed, watching your father leave with the monster. You crumpled on the floor and sobbed softly, the thought of never seeing your father again, never getting to be with him again and never even getting to say goodbye.
“Come, I’ll show you to your room.” Your head shot up at the voice in the doorway. “My room, but I thought…” “Do you want to stay in the tower.” You slowly shook your head, then got up and began to follow him. “This place is your home now, you can go anywhere you want, except the attic.” Looking at him curiously, you tilted your head ever so lightly. “What’s in the attic?” “It’s forbidden!” He snapped back at you causing you to nod slowly. You followed him to a room, where he opened the door and you slowly walked inside. “You will join me for dinner, that’s not a request!” The door slammed behind you, causing tears to prick your eyes. Rushing across to the bed, you threw yourself down and began to cry, just wanting everything to go back to the way it was before.
Meanwhile back at Stark Tower, Tony was licking his wounds, feeling awful about the fact that he’d been rejected, he couldn’t believe it. He was furious that you could say no to him. The avengers were busy throwing a party to celebrate their latest mission success, when suddenly Your father ran inside. “Someone, someone help me. He’s got her, he’s got her locked in the dungeon.” “Who?” “Y/N!” Tony stood up and adjusted is blazer. “Woah, slowdown, who has Y/N locked in a dungeon?” Taking a deep breath, your father looked at everyone. “A beast, a horrible monstrous beast!” Everyone stopped and looked at each other, before starting to chuckle. “Was it a big beast?”
“With sharp cruel fangs?”
“No, a metal arm! Will you help me?” Tony quieted everyone down and smirked. “We’ll help you out.” Security escorted him out, as Tony looked at Bruce. “Bruce, I’ve been thinking. That wacky old coot is Y/N’s father and his sanity is only so/so. Now the wheels in my head have been turning, since I looked at that loony old man, I promised myself I’d be married to Y/N and right now I’m creating a plan!” With his spark back in his eye, the party carried on into the night, everyone, especially Tony celebrating.
You refused to go to dinner with the man who had you, you refused to even speak to him when he came to see you. The servants were kind to you however and when you finally snuck out, they fed you and entertained you for a little while. “Would you show me around?” You asked, they nodded and started to lead you around the massive house, as you passed a flight of stairs, you glanced up. “What’s up there?” A servant grabbed your hand and made you start to walk. “Nothing, nothing of interest in the attic.” You couldn’t help but glance back, curious as to what was up there. “Come, let us show you the computer room.” That perked you up, turning to look at them with a grin and an excited bounce in your step. “You have a computer room?” They started to lead you away, but you couldn’t help but glance back, after a moment you managed to turn around and rush off up the stairs leaving the servants to talk.
Slowly you made your way up the steps to the attic. A gentle cough came from your lips as you looked around, the dust was thick and it looked as if the place had barely been used for years. You edging into the room, you noticed a picture slashed and walked over, lifting it up to look at the handsome man in the picture. Looking away, you noticed an old army uniform, the only thing that hadn’t got a single piece of dust on it. Reaching over, you touched it gently, before you noticed the only form of light in the room. Slowly, you turned around and looked at the rose. Walking slowly over, you lifted the glass off and reached out to touch it.
A growl caused you to turn around, the beast placing the glass back over the rose and glaring at you. “I told you never to come here!” He snapped, looking at you as your heart started to pound heavily in your chest. “I’m sorry.” Lifting up something, he threw it across the room, smashing behind you. “Do you realize what you could’ve done. Get out!” Fear filled your eyes as you turned and ran, going as fast as your feet would carry you, you ran down past the servants. “Y/N?” Looking back at them, you shook your head. “Promise or no promise, I can’t stay here another minute.” Flying out of the door, you rushed off into the wilderness outside the gates and began to run, not caring that it was pitch black, you’d find your way, you had to find your way.
You ran through the wilderness, panting hard as you raced down a hillside, trying to find A road to follow back to civilization. As you ran down the hill, your foot caught on a branch and you tumbled down and started to roll, catching speed, unable to slow down until finally you reached the bottom of the hill. Laying down on the ground, you let out a soft groan. Laying there in the dark, looking through the canopy of trees toward the moon, you let out a gentle gasp as you regained your breath. As you lay there, you listened to the silence, until the sound of a howl caught your ears. Pulling yourself up, you began to run, not sure where to go, but trying hard to escape the wolves that had picked up your scent and were chasing after you.
Rushing through a ticket, you found yourself being caught on branches, some trying to take your legs out from under you, others ripping at your clothes trying to keep you from running away from what hunted you. Managing to get through with an almighty heave, you toppled to the ground once again, just in time to see glowing eyes coming toward you. You swallowed hard, trying to find the will to push yourself back up, but you were tired and in pain. Just as the first wolf lunged at you, it was scooped up and thrown, followed by another one, and another until they ran off in pain. Looking up, you stared shocked at the man in front of you, he didn’t speak, just stood there for a moment, before falling down. Rushing over, you helped him up and the pair of you slowly made your way back to the house.
Once you were inside, you ordered the staff to get you some hot water and a cloth as you helped him take a seat beside the fire. “Thank you.” You commented taking the warm bowl. “Stay still, this might hurt a little.” You explained as you began to clean his wounds. A growl left is lips, causing you to shy away from him. “That hurts!” He yelled loudly at her. “Well if you hold still it wouldn’t hurt as much!” You snapped back at him. “Well if you hadn’t run away, this wouldn’t have happened!” He quickly retorted. “Well if you hadn’t frightened me, I wouldn’t have run away!” He slowly opened his mouth, is eyes looking at you trying to find something to say. “Well you shouldn’t have been in the West Wing!” Looking up at him, you glared slightly. “Well you should learn to control your temper!” He stared at you, not a single world leaving his mouth as he looked shocked. “Now hold still, this might sting a little.” Your words came out tenderly, causing him to grit his teeth and bare the pain as you cleaned him. “By the way, thank you for saving my life.” There was a moment of silence, he stared down at you, surprise on his face. “You’re welcome.”
“I don’t usually leave the S.H.I.E.L.D at this time of night, this better be good boys.” Bruce and Tony looked between each other and nodded. “Yes, we do.” Pulling out a small file, they slid it across the desk. “I believe he’d working for Hydra; I’d like to get him investigated. Then what?” Nick asked looking between the two men. “Then, I would like to bring him in for questioning…” Tony explained looking at the man with the eyepatch in front of him. “Then what if he’s not?” Tony shrugged his shoulders a little. “Y/N will do anything to try and protect her father “So you’re doing this to get a girl.” There was a glint in Tony’s eye as Nick caught on. “Alright, I’ll play along.” Nick agreed with a smirk. The men left and made their way to Your house and banged on the door, ready to arrest your father, however, there wasn’t anyone there. “Bruce, you stay here, and wait till they return. Don’t move from this spot!”
Time rolled on and you and the beast began to bond, you found yourself finding a sweet side to him, you’d play outside in the garden together, and before you knew it, you were falling in love with him. Your eyes glanced at him for a moment, before hiding yourself. You felt conflicted, panicked, worried about what this would mean for the two of you. “Y/N, come on, I have something I want to show you.” Poking your head out, you got hit in the face with a snowball, chuckling softly, you threw one back and then dodged and hid, and gathered more snow, throwing it and hitting him before he was even able to gather the snow to throw again. “Come on, it’s time for a surprise.” Taking hold of your hand, he led you inside and glanced at you with a small smirk. Leading you through the castle to a room. “Close your eyes.” You looked at him a little skeptically, but then closed your eyes, slowly he led you inside and pulled the curtains back. “Can I open them?” He laughed softly and nodded. “Yes, open them.” You let out a gentle gasp as you moved your hands away from your eyes and began to look around shocked. “I’ve never seen so many books in all my life.” His hand moved to touch your cheek and he smiled. “I know it’s not a computer, but I thought you might like these.” You flung your arms around him and hugged him tightly. “It’s wonderful! Thank you so much Bucky.”
That night, both you and Bucky dressed in beautiful, clothes sort of like a first date. You had the most beautiful elegant 1940s dress and Bucky had a suit on, he didn’t know why but it was always what he’d been into. The pair of you met at the top of the stairs and you smiled at each other, you curtsied and he bowed, before escorting you downstairs to the ballroom. After dining on all of your favorite foods, you stood up and rushed over to him and held out your hand. “Dance with me?” Looking nervous, he slowly stood up and took your hand. “I don’t know how.” Ignoring him telling you this, you guided him to the floor and placed his hands in the right places and took hold of his hands and began to lead, showing him how to dance. You moved to the beat, all the way till he figured out what he was doing and took control, leaving you able to rest your head on his shoulder, it didn’t bother you that you could feel is metal arm through his jacket, his metal arm didn’t bother you at all.
The pair of you retired outside to spend some time getting fresh air, Bucky slowly turned to look at you. “Y/N, are you happy?” You nodded softly, looking up at him with fond eyes. “Yes, I… I just wish I could see my father one last time.” Bucky thought for a moment, and took your hand and rushed upstairs with you to the attic. Picking up a small tablet, he opened something and handed it to you. “This will show you whatever you want, just type in the words.” Nodding softly, you typed in the words and watched as a satellite zoomed in on an area not far away. “My father, he may be dying and he’s all alone!” You jumped up fear in your eyes. “Then you should go.” Turning around, you looked at Bucky. “What?” You spoke in a half whisper. “You’re free.” Hugging him tightly, you let out a soft sigh. “Thank you for understanding.” You went to hand back the tablet, but he shook his head. “Take it, so you always have a way to look back and remember.” Looking at him once again, you then turned and ran off.
You found your father and got a cab home. “Don’t worry Papa, I’ll look after you.” You said as you helped him inside and got him into bed. “How did you escape?” He asked, looking down at him you smiled softly. “I didn’t, he let me go. He’s different now Papa, he’s changed somehow.” You explained as you made him some tea. The sound of someone knocking on the door caused you to look around. “I’ll get it.” Slowly opening the door, you looked up to see Nick Fury and several different agents. “Yes?” He smirked softly. “I’m here to pick up your father, he’s suspected to be working for Hydra.” You shook your head. “No, my father would never!” You yelled. “He was raving about some sort of creature; he must be working for them and created it!” Tony shouted from the street, a mob was starting to form around. “I can clear up this little misunderstanding… if.” You looked at Tony curiously. “If?” He smirked and leaned closer. “If you marry me.”
“Never!” Men forced themselves past you and went inside to get your father, running inside after them you grabbed the tablet. “My father doesn’t work for Hydra; I can prove it!” Grabbing the tablet, you rushed outside and turned it around to show everyone. “He’s a human, my father doesn’t work with humans!” You shouted, showing everyone. But there were gasps as they saw the dark look in his eyes, the metal on his arm. “Is he dangerous?” You shook your head. “No, he’s kind and gentle, he’s my friend.” A glare appeared on Tony’s face as he moved over and snatched the tablet away. “If I didn’t know better, I’d say you have feelings for this monster.” You pulled away from him. “He’s no monster Tony, you are!” A sneer appeared on his face. “She’s as evil as her old man!” He snapped. “The beast will make off with your children, he’ll come after them in the night!” Gasps spread through everyone as they looked around and Tony started to rile them up. “Lock them in!” He ordered, you were dragged and thrown inside your house with your father, guards stood on the door and refused to let you out.
The mob started to make their way toward Bucky’s house, anger on their faces as they went together. “We won’t rest until he’s dead!” They announced as they made their way off. Unaware that your father was sneaking you through the cellar and out of a small window so you could make off after the mob and try and rescue the beast. The mob drew close to Bucky’s house, Tony leading them in his super suit. “Take whatever you can find, but remember the beast is mine!” He announced as they moved and blew the doors open. Everyone stopped as they found a silent entrance. Suddenly the servants burst out and began to fight with everyone. They were all clearly going to protect their leader for as long as they could.
Tony slipped through and made his way up the stairs, searching for Bucky bursting into the attic, he found him and hit him out of the window. “Get up, you worthless piece of shit, get up.” He snarled at him. “Were you in love with her you beast? Did you honestly think she’d want you, when she had someone like me?” He moved and smashed into him once again, an angry glare on his face, causing him to end up close to the edge of the roof. “No! Tony, please, no!” You screamed as you arrived, it was then Bucky moved and pushed himself up and began to fight against Tony, they collided hard as Tony flew into him and Bucky stopped him with his suit. Running through the house, you made your way up to the attic and out onto the roof. “Stop it, please.” You arrived just to see Bucky holding Tony over the long drop, he suddenly changed and dropped him down onto the pavement. “Get out!”
Bucky turned around and started to make his way up toward you, but then suddenly Tony hit him. Bucky fell backward, you caught him and held onto him, trying to pull him up. Tony slipped and plummeted toward the earth, his suite failing as he did. You pulled Bucky up onto the ledge and lay him down. “No, please don’t leave me.” You uttered, your fingers touching his cheek. “At least I got to see you one last time.” He whispered as he gasped for breath. The petal fell from the rose as tears trickled down your cheeks. “Please, don’t leave me. I love you.” Suddenly everything started to change, you stepped back as light flooded around Bucky, his body moved into the air and something happened to him, before gently lying him back down.
You watched, mouth open as he pushed himself up and turned to look at you. “I remember.” He whispered. “I remember everything.” He moved over to you and scooped you up in his arms and kissed you deeply, spinning you around as he did. “I love you Y/N, you broke the spell.” He said holding you in his arms. “I love you too Bucky.” You stood looking up at each other, smiles on your faces as you knew this was the start of a beautiful new adventure.
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robinjohnmorgan · 6 years
When did we stop being adults?
Why is it that in this modern world we are no longer allowed to be the grown ups we were born to be? Can someone tell me just exactly who has given the likes of Facebook, Apple, Instagram, and now Tunblr the right to dictate what we can or cannot view on our own private computers? I would not mind but Tumblr actually has an adult lock to prevent minors from seeing adult content, so why have they not made that stronger, or even requested proof of age? Good people on Tumblr have objected to Child images and the like being on here, and Tumblr ignored them, and their response now is to blanket all adult content from view and even expel people such as artists and naturists from the site, just how and why is that right or fair? In a world riddled with negative body images and messages in the media that use sex and nudity to sell products by pushing insecurities on people, Tumblr had always been a safe haven for body positivity, and soon that will end. Tell me Tumblr, will you be banning the advertisers that play on peoples insecurities and project body negativity for sales from your site? I think not, how hypocritical of you and the like. Censorship is never a good thing especially when it is only placed on those users who made this platform what it is to begin with, but hey you are quite at ease knowing advertisers will project negative views on everyone here for profit, what does it matter if you tell women they are not good enough, or too ugly or young men they are not masculine enough, you will not have to answer for their depression and low self esteem will you? But hey doesn't their money feel good in your pockets? You have betrayed everyone here with your double standards, and should be ashamed of yourselves.
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odindiana35-blog · 5 years
The Hidden Treasure of Love of Rashad
If you own a minute, have a look at these fights, they are outstanding. I know a great deal of you're rooting for Rutgers' Tim Brown to produce the team. My department truly altered the game of doing outreach rather than recruitment, states Norris. These shirts appear to be the brand preferred by several of the top MMA fighters! This is supposed to be an enjoyable fight, and an opportunity to see one of the few truly legitimate prospects beyond the UFC continue to develop. Stop acting as if you're stupid,'' Evans explained. If you would like to say, I'd like to move in the division and I'd love to face Anthony Smith', fine. Evans on the opposite hand will attempt to stand up at first with Rampage, but it is going to only be a bluff to set up for a takedown or clinch in the fence. College basketball is a good place to come up with the skills necessary to be effective in the NBA. Love of Rashad - Dead or Alive? If you previously keep fit that's great but should you not and your serious about decreasing your sweat problem then you have to begin doing this the moment you can and make sure that you stick with it. So come to MeI will provide you rest. Or maybe something was done to you which you truly feel ashamed of. In place of talk to anybody, she found an empty room and simply started to dance. We're all extensions of distinct pieces of her. You're here and you may fix things between the both of you. It's been a very long time since we have observed anything resembling this. Warrior fight shorts have an extremely subtle design and truly feel great on they're very popular and can be observed parading the streets along with the cage. I would like to teach them with the best thing about fighting. Most women in this situation fret about saying the incorrect thing. They simply understand the brutality of it. The play is all about a girl who's going up against all the men in the church that are in power. Love of Rashad Secrets That No One Else Knows About And that though you're the parent and that which you say goes, you might not always be right. When it's intended to have a positive effect on the community, she promotes it. With mediation, a lot of the unnecessary drama of obtaining a divorce can be lowered if not completely avoided. Crisis theory therefore looks at divorces in regard to how individuals can deal with the resultant consequences. However, we've got to be in a position to concentrate on the problems that will ultimately affect us the most. Who Else Wants to Learn About Love of Rashad? Some people don't enjoy one another and need to fight real bad. This set is a good value for the purchase price! You might be the leader of a nation or a business or a city or maybe only the leader of your family members. The normal black family net worth is only $6,166 and the vast majority of that amount resulted from owning a home. I wish to be in a position to help out a few of these kids in the inner city like Chicago where they're joining gangs. This list is in no specific order given the simple fact it spans across genres that are really hard to compare with one another. On the flip side, crisis theory looks at marriage in conditions of resultant results. Locate a product you are conversant with because it's going to be simpler that you sell and most significantly, you will know its market value. Also, the merchandise can make money faster than the service, which is important to accumulating new capital or extra money to expand your company. Yet the end result is a book that's well worth the effort. The Lost Secret of Love of Rashad The routine was not scored. When it doesn't work on your computer, or you are unable to install, comment here and we'll help you! It's also utilized as a nifty hack to escape trouble. In its rebuttal, Microsoft has made a decision to concentrate on the smugness, refusing to inject any trendy-ness in their image. The Appeal of Love of Rashad From time to time, it will help to speak about doing it. This is just about the biggest no-brainer. We should give ourselves what we want to cope and recover. We must do what it requires to support them. You need to do it yourself. And I think that it's orchestrated. However, I think that it can responsibly be called both. What You Should Do About Love of Rashad Beginning in the Next Eight Minutes Do not forget these women and don't forget that it's Cosby who stands accused. I am hoping at the conclusion of the day that someone will appear at this and find courage, will discover some comfort in them coming out to their family members and friends. I don't understand when our loved ones will have the ability to come out of this grief,'' he explained. We'll see Allah just as we see the complete moon. It becomes quite easy to start questioning Allah. Evans has an extensive road back to the peak of the mountain once he is officially back. This new Olivia isn't the old Olivia. If You Read Nothing Else Today, Read This Report on Love of Rashad Lee and Matthews could wind up being the primary receiving options on their various teams. Exiting the Y within this state of being, I began walking the very long block on East Hanover toward my previous vehicle. The File Manager will appear. You will get a permanent area of the tour too in case you keep talking. They killed him two years back! And it's time to repair that. Just a couple quick notes. For the previous eight decades. Want to Know More About Love of Rashad? Instead, a number of the top AAF stars just might be playing their way to a huge opportunity at the following level. She admitted that their split was a tough time for her. She tilted her head to a side. Following that, it's a bit sketchy as there is excellent depth at tight end and quarterback this year. Obviously, that's if my math is proper. It really doesn't matter what you do it could be jogging a few times weekly, yoga, weight training, hill walking or it may be things as easy as playing a round of golf many times weekly. The Love of Rashad Stories And that though you're the parent and that which you say goes, you might not always be right. Financial planning tools like budgeting could be employed to help understand the way the divorce will affect finances. A divorce mediator is a person who has received specific training in order to address the issues of those facing divorce. Crisis theory therefore looks at divorces in regard to how individuals can deal with the resultant consequences. Issues like homosexuality and abortion started to be discussed. Want to Know More About Love of Rashad? The routine was not scored. When it doesn't work on your computer, or you are unable to install, comment here and we'll help you! Apple has the trailer, and we're going to secure a better HD embed in place when possible. We need more platforms such as this. Love of Rashad Explained The prince pretends to be his valet so he can observe the way the ladies really act when they believe the prince isn't around. I get a good deal of correspondence from wives that are asking me for the proper words to say to inform their husbands they don't need a divorce. Since this is a sign of faith in Allah. Allah isn't going to love you simply dependent on the simple fact that you call yourself Muslim. Fearing Allah, and being God-conscious should force you to need to keep away from sins completely. Yes, but within this story, the maid isn't the only one in disguise. I hear it as well, Olivia whispered. Love of Rashad - Dead or Alive? We take on the weight of everybody's world! That realization is something which each of us, if you get to a point, you're likely to want to find it. She is a rather accomplished human being. That appears to be the essence of the creative world. If it comes to me, you don't need to talk trash. Warrior fight shorts have an extremely subtle design and truly feel great on they're very popular and can be observed parading the streets along with the cage. His music was so beautiful it has touched people around the world. Most women in this situation fret about saying the incorrect thing. The man sighed as though it were a wonderful imposition. Think about your everyday life. The Argument About Love of Rashad She's also famous for playing the part of Munchkin in The Wiz. He has a fairly good shooting stroke, and has the capability to develop into a really superior defender in the NBA. In fact, this one goes out to all the soccer players. I can't wait to reassess the film for a lot of new Chiefs. I'm pretty happy,'' McCants explained. When Jones identifies the suitable opportunity, he'll seize this, and the fight will probably end in a knockout or stoppage for the champion. When you think about the caliber of his opposition, it appears even more unlikely that Smith is going to have a reply to his abilities. College basketball is a good place to come up with the skills necessary to be effective in the NBA. Love of Rashad - Dead or Alive? Now I did a great deal of research and read lots of reviews on the sort of Rashad Leather Loveseat By Corrigan Studio. And there have been a number of times that I've given in once the father arrives to live with them, the moment the brother arrives to live with them, when he would like to quit his job. They've been together since August. Kids today just aren't playing anymore. Without warning, Ethan storms from the room. What You Don't Know About Love of Rashad Then it is a return to Baltimore for his political consulting and continuing to look for the counsel of individuals who've been through this before me. The sorts of programming had changed through the years too. 1 thing you can do if you're in one or more of these situations and there's no way back for the both of you is talk to a family solicitor or divorce solicitor about what your alternatives are. The people who stick with me. Their encouraging words, together with my loved ones and friends were all the motivation I needed to think of a program. This list is in no specific order given the simple fact it spans across genres that are really hard to compare with one another. On the flip side, crisis theory looks at marriage in conditions of resultant results. Locate a product you are conversant with because it's going to be simpler that you sell and most significantly, you will know its market value. Please get in touch with us if you experience any issues or issues with your purchase. Yet the end result is a book that's well worth the effort. Want to Know More About Love of Rashad? It's almost always a fantastic idea to back up your studs RBs should they have talented backups. She brings a feeling of what Mariah brings to the audio market. See the complete tracklisting below. Both provide excellent dimensions, athleticism, versatility, and capacity to stretch the ground. He's an unbelievably talented player with elite dimensions and athleticism. It really doesn't matter what you do it could be jogging a few times weekly, yoga, weight training, hill walking or it may be things as easy as playing a round of golf many times weekly. Ok, I Think I Understand Love of Rashad, Now Tell Me About Love of Rashad! One-and-done's have come to be a lot more common. What You Don't Know About Love of Rashad Then it is a return to Baltimore for his political consulting and continuing to look for the counsel of individuals who've been through this before me. It is a process which individuals should adapt to, and individual resources determine the duration of time one takes to adjust. I feel very lucky to talk about my work with a wide variety of individuals. The normal black family net worth is only $6,166 and the vast majority of that amount resulted from owning a home. However, this doesn't turn into the case due to the simple fact which their families were sworn enemies. So many others appear to be leaving. Mellie's willing to do anything to find the task done and will even utilize B613. I am able to observe some adjustments in a few of places here because I do have a lot of spots being taken by linemen on either side. You are able to become a millionaire if it is possible to locate a means to save $2,000 a month for forty decades, but most likely you're going to be too old to enjoy everything. I used to win a great deal of money that manner. What he is attempting to do is he is hoping to help a number of the younger players out there. What You Should Do About Love of Rashad Beginning in the Next Eight Minutes The prince pretends to be his valet so he can observe the way the ladies really act when they believe the prince isn't around. Yasmeen then agreed to return to Bashran with her uncle. I don't understand when our loved ones will have the ability to come out of this grief,'' he explained. Therefore, if you're attempting to ensure that Allah loves you, you're likely to be sure you follow His commandments. For the time being, let's look at a number of the things you are able to do to help ensure that Allah does love you. Yes, but within this story, the maid isn't the only one in disguise. I hear it as well, Olivia whispered. All About Love of Rashad My writing is centered on how we can create improved habits, make superior decisions, and live much better lives. Below you'll find a detailed step-by-step guide, but I'd like to provide you with a quick overview how it works. If we do good, though it could be against our normal inclination, that's evidence of our faith. When Allah provides you this authority, it's your duty to utilize it in a just and reasonable matter. And it's all an issue of perspective. And it is a legacy that's so important to the culture. Come to MeI will provide you with peace. Ok, I Think I Understand Love of Rashad, Now Tell Me About Love of Rashad! From time to time, it will help to speak about doing it. That's the reason why I began to wrestle. He wishes to demonstrate he belongs. We must do what it requires to support them. However, they weren't shot or tortured. And I think that it's orchestrated. However, I think that it can responsibly be called both. The Lost Secret of Love of Rashad For fans of the NBA, this is an issue that should be fixed. He has a fairly good shooting stroke, and has the capability to develop into a really superior defender in the NBA. In fact, this one goes out to all the soccer players. And this attractive violence that's a mental chess game. It appears highly unlikely that Smith is going to be the guy to hand Jones his very first defeat. When Jones identifies the suitable opportunity, he'll seize this, and the fight will probably end in a knockout or stoppage for the champion. This is a fight, and Smith is going to be pumped up and prepared to go. Oh basketball is similar to jazz. The Truth About Love of Rashad Lee and Matthews could wind up being the primary receiving options on their various teams. Additional casting and extra creative team members will be announced at a subsequent date. The File Manager will appear. I'm not seeking to receive a call now. He explained that years back and he was very perfect. This is only one of those times. But I decided it was not the proper time for it. I've been here a few times. Love of Rashad for Dummies It's not surprising that we'd grow up and do everything that we've done. So come to MeI will provide you rest. That's not something which I would like to really speak about, honestly,'' he explained. While which may be difficult at the beginning of tragedy, it becomes easier as time continues. Perhaps you have completed some things in your past you're ashamed of. You're here and you may fix things between the both of you. Sit down and sleep in the incorrect way. I joined a gang at age 13. They cannot afford to think what's best down the street. But fighting to me is an extremely spiritual and mental thing. The man sighed as though it were a wonderful imposition. The play is all about a girl who's going up against all the men in the church that are in power. The Fundamentals of Love of Rashad Revealed Your entire body process is all inter-connected so what is excellent for a single thing will be helpful for others. It would be too simple for things to become out of control. Well the fantastic news is there are lots of treatments available some which work and some which aren't as effective. Then you have to locate a product to flip. Contains calcium and therefore promotes bone health. Let's look at every one of these players in detail. Hana, you will know in your heart as soon as the timing is appropriate for each of those. Don't trust somebody's advice if they won't also provide a bit of their own story. The Lost Secret of Love of Rashad Please add the things you want to purchase to your shopping cart to meet the requirements for one of our promotions and receive a combined invoice. When it doesn't work on your computer, or you are unable to install, comment here and we'll help you! It's also utilized as a nifty hack to escape trouble. In its rebuttal, Microsoft has made a decision to concentrate on the smugness, refusing to inject any trendy-ness in their image.
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redheadwriter86 · 5 years
New Tech, New Things Coming.
That’s right!! I got a new laptop/tablet. It is a HP Pavilion x360 with the Bamboo Ink Stylus, and I am absolutely loving it!! No wonder Best Buy had to ship it in to my house. Apparently they are so hot on the market, they are just flying off the shelves. The ability to flip seamlessly from tablet to laptop is so useful and with the Bamboo Ink Stylus, I am so eager to write and sketch from anywhere. My biggest issue lately is having enough carrying capacity in my Kanken for my writing and my art supplies to be with me at all times whenever inspiration strikes. One additional accessories set I purchased for the tablet feature and Bamboo is a hard carrying case for the stylus and interchangeable tips, as well as a stylus glove. I had never heard of the glove before but I am glad I searched about the struggle with resting my hand on the screen, which then interrupts the computers ability to differentiate between the stylus and touch use. Obviously hovering my hand awkwardly over the screen whilst trying to work was going to be a major issue for me. Now I just need to get my new Samsung Galaxy S10+ whenever it releases.
A lot of my friends have asked why I haven’t converted to an Apple seeing as they are notorious for artistic types utilizing their technology, but the truth is I am really not much of an Apple product user, nor do I have the desire to be. It probably seems the most hipster to be an artist/writer and yet be uninterested in Apple products. Generally speaking, I feel like they are great computers etc, but kind of overrated. I can accomplish so much more on Windows/Samsung products as far as customization and user friendliness. The only downside to Windows/Samsung products that Apple does have locked down are the super cool trendy cases and accessories. I swear, I just want tech cases that have black and silver sparkles floating, or marble design. Something cooler than just an Otterbox (not that Otterbox is a bad product; they just lack the “cool” factor). 
Another piece of tech I also am interested in is getting the Polaroid Zip Mobile Printer. I have my Polaroid Instax, but I would love to have some of the photos from my phone printed on Polaroid film. There is just something about the Polaroid aesthetic that many people, myself included, are just drawn to. It is simple and yet has stood the test of time. Even though the Cloud is an absolute requirement for saving everything, there is just something so nostalgic and sentimental about having that little pocket sized photo in hand.
And finally... Wattpad! I can’t believe I didn’t know how absolutely life altering this app would be! I am now addicted and hope that if/when I write something worth sharing, others may read and be interested in what goes on in my head. As would make sense, I am still RedheadWriter86 on there as well. It’s mind-blowing to me how many physical copies of novels, collected poems, etc that I have picked up in physical form at Barnes & Noble that originated as a Wattpad upload. It seems like a great way to get found as an author and then have the chance to really be a name in the writing world. I guess I am not ashamed to admit, I am terrified of uploading literally anything I write for the fear of no one being interested. I suppose, though, that it isn’t about anyone being interested; it’s the courage to put oneself out in the world for all to see, and that is damn inspiring. No great author ever became one had they not thrust themselves into the world ready to either be renowned or eaten alive by critics. I guess the first step would be to get something out of the mind and on paper (whether physical or electronic). That’s where I need to spend most of my time.
So, I leave this post and tune into the right brain to attempt to get one step closer to what I have always wanted to be using the tools I have acquired. Ciao!
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badnovels · 6 years
Did I miss the porn!Peeta fic posting? Because there are few things that would upset me more than if I missed one of your fics about a porn!Peeta. Just that phrase makes me tingly. #everlark #it'sbeensolong #butnorush #lyingtho
No, you haven’t missed anything! It’s below the cut. 
“He’s being a real bitch today,” Glimmer complained. She left a trail of her namesake across the floor as she stalked down the hallway. Her beautiful face, heavily made-up to appear flawless on screen, was mutinous. Her body was covered in a sheer peignoir that was dripping glitter as she walked, and her surgically enhanced breasts pointed rosy-tipped nipples at Katniss, which she studiously tried to ignore as she replied to an email on her phone.
“Sorry.” Katniss shrugged and finally met the other girl’s eyes. She slipped her phone in her back pocket and sighed. “You know I don’t control him. No one can.” 
To say that Peeta Mellark was an unstoppable force was an understatement. That anyone believed she had any real sway over him was laughable on a good day, but today wasn’t going to be a good day, because yesterday? Peeta caught her doing something she’d sworn never to do.
He hadn’t spoken to her since. 
And considering he didn’t go one hour without texting or calling or giving her some sort of order…well. Katniss wasn’t about to start making any demands on his schedule. He’d sent her one line this morning: studio @ nine. When she’d arrived, he was sequestered in a room that was already shooting a scene, and she’d been loitering in the hallway like a troll ever since. 
“Oh, whatever,” Glimmer said with a derisive frown. “You’re his precious…” Katniss stared at her. “…personal assistant,” she finished with a little more respect. “You could at least give us a heads up. I hate when he crashes in like this.”
“Look. He owns the production company,” Katniss said. She drank deeply from the tepid cup of coffee in her hand and grimaced. Peeta liked it sugar-sweet and full of cream, the opposite of her preference, but she needed fortification this morning if she were going to deal with a confrontation with temperamental talent. “He can show up whenever he wants.”
“Yeah, but I thought he was above all…this…now.” Glimmer gestured vaguely with her hands. “He can just sit back and relax while we make money for him on our backs.”
She choked during her next long sip. “You make him sound like a pimp.”
“If the shoe fits! It’s ridiculous how he storms in here-” The words cut off like a scratched record, and Katniss didn’t have to turn to know why.
“For your information,” Peeta said, taking the coffee cup from Katniss’ hand without acknowledging her. “A pimp wouldn’t pay you nearly as well as I do.”
“I didn’t mean…I just meant…” Glimmer stammered, backing away.
“Maybe if you put as much passion into your scenes as you do talking shit about me, we wouldn’t have to do so many reshoots,” he said. His trademark blue eyes were cold.
“I’m sorry, sir.”
“Go cry it out in the dressing room,” he said. “When you come back, I expect you to be professional and ready to nail your scenes. Literally.”
Glimmer fled. Katniss cleared her throat.
“That was unnecessary, don’t you think?” She tried as hard as she could to sound normal.
“Don’t even start,” Peeta warned, his voice low. He lifted the cup and glared at the lip gloss-stained rim. “You had to drink my fucking coffee?”
“I drink it every morning. Out of spite.”
“Why’d you do it?” he asked suddenly, throwing the half-full cup into the trash.
“Well.” She chewed on her lip and looked at the wall behind him. “I really didn’t know you were that serious about your coffee.”
Katniss exhaled and closed her eyes. She couldn’t believe he was actually going to bring it up. Why couldn’t they just quietly go about ignoring unsaid things? It worked for them. 
“Do you really have to do this right now?” she mumbled, turning away. She had a hard time meeting his eyes. “Let it go.”
“I had one request. One rule,” Peeta said, grasping her arm and pulling her back toward him. “Look at me.”
She reluctantly did as he asked, her face burning.
“I asked you not to watch my films,” he said slowly, “because of this. Right here.”
“This, what?”
He gave her a resentful look, his handsome face showing the true depth of his anger. He didn’t look like a polished, successful entrepreneur at that moment. He didn’t look like the funny, humble man that he was sometimes with her in private, a hard-won intimacy and friendship she’d developed as the person who looked after his every need for the past three years. Peeta now looked like the raw, brutish person who fought his way up from a dodgy, orphaned childhood, where he transitioned from a homeless teen to an edgy adult film star who specialized in controversial, rough kink.
“This. Where you can barely talk to me. Where you treat me like I’m something to be ashamed of,” he said, voice hard.
“Jesus!” she exclaimed. “Do you really think I’m that much of a prude? I work for the owner of a porn company.”
“You’re my assistant because you had no choice,” Peeta reminded her with a curl of his upper lip. “You’d be on the first flight outta LA if you’d had any other options. You took this job because you were broke and desperate, and Prim begged me for the favor.”
“That’s really low.” Disbelief flared, taking the place of embarassment. “Don’t bring my sister into this.”
“Why not?” he taunted her, his beautiful smile unkind and cruel.
“Because…” She was speechless with anger and confusion and hurt. This was all spiraling so out of control. They were breaking every one of their rules, even the unspoken ones.
“Just say it.” He stepped into her space, crowding her against the wall. “It’s because I fucked her? Years ago? Aw.” He was all faux-solicitousness. “It was just for the movies, sweetheart.”
Katniss’ vision blurred. “No.” The sudden outrage made her shake, and another emotion, something sharper and brighter and painful, made her eyes burn. “Because you dragged her into this shit.”
His laugh was a bitter, brittle thing. “Now we get to the truth. The shit.” He was so close now that their foreheads were practically touching. “The disgusting porn industry that Katniss Everdeen is so far above. Who cares that it pays your bills every month.”
She pushed him, but he didn’t move. Peeta was big, and hard, and though he didn’t have a reason to keep his body in the same peak physical condition he needed back when he starred in the movies that he now produced, he was just as buff as he’d ever been.
“You’re putting words into my mouth. She’s my baby sister. I wanted…I wanted something else. I wanted her to go to school. To be a doctor. And then she met you, and the next thing I know, she’s banging people on screen and changing her name to Rose Deen.”
“I didn’t make her do anything. She asked me for a foot in the door. And she’s successful. She’s happy,” Peeta gritted out. “Prim’s my friend. I’d never hurt her, not then. Not now.”
“It doesn’t hurt that you’re making a heavy profit off of her now, either,” she said meanly, regretting it instantly when a flash of hurt that swiftly turned to anger crossed his face. God, envy made her a bitch. “Wait-”
“It’s fine.” He gave her a blank look, the kind he sent to people who didn’t matter. “It’s time to watch the dailies. You’re coming with me.”
“But I don’t do that,” she protested feebly, flustered from both the request and what she had just said to him. “Finnick usually does that with you.”
“Okay. You can do it. Or you can quit. It’s up to you,” he said, staring at her. He wasn’t throwing a tantrum. He wasn’t being a dick. He was matter-of-fact, like he didn’t care whether she walked out of the studio doors or not.
“All right,” Katniss muttered, shoving her hands in her pockets. “Look. I’m sorry. I know you’ve been good to Prim. And that it was just business.”
“Don’t be sorry. Do your job.”
Peeta turned on his heel and stalked down the hall. She struggled to keep up with him, ignoring the sympathetic grimaces that actors and crew members gave her as she hustled past. Normally she was on the other end of this particularly unpleasant stick, the one to give reassuring looks to the people that Peeta blistered on a daily basis.
Finnick turned and stared at them when Katniss trailed behind Peeta into the editing room.
“Boy. You two look like you’ve been through some things,” he observed. His copper hair gleamed to perfection, and his skin shone with good health under the same lights that made Katniss look like a hag. She hated him, and not just because of his beauty. It was for the same reason she harbored a secret, horrifying little anger at her own sister: Finnick had once gotten to touch Peeta Mellark, even if it was on film.
Katniss glared at him while Peeta examined something on one of the screens. 
“Hmm.” Her nemesis took a bite from an apple and leaned back in his computer chair, addressing Katniss. “Exactly why am I being blessed with your presence, tiny?”
“Ask my demon overlord.” She plopped down on the couch that was against the wall and then frowned. “I’m not sitting on any DNA right now, am I?”
“Casting couches are in the room next door,” Finn said with a leer. “It’s where you did your interview, actually.”
“Ugh! Shut up.” For a moment she forgot she was in a fight with her boss. “Peeta! Tell him to stop lying.”
“Don’t torment my assistant,” he said curtly. Then he sat down next to her on the couch, his thigh touching hers. “That’s my personal privilege. Now roll on the footage from this morning.”
Finn cast a doubtful look her way that was mixed with disdain. She knew he mostly considered her an annoying little prude who got in the way of his friendship and personal time with Peeta, but to hell with him. She was here because she was asked and she wasn’t going to be intimidated by the likes of a former porn star named King Badcock.
“Yeah…um.” Katniss gestured at the bank of screens, refusing to be cowed by Finn. “Play it.”
And then something happened.
What ensued was the most uneasy two hours of her life. She’d seen her fair share of cock and vagina before, especially as Peeta’s employee, but this was raw and up-close and technical. And it was discussed in great detail, paused and analyzed, all while the heat from Peeta’s body was touching hers. She couldn’t explain it, couldn’t even put it into words, but hearing words like ‘cum shot’ and ‘squirting’ dropped from such a beautiful mouth in such a dry, deadpan voice was doing something to her that no amount of actual porn had ever done. So she sat there in quiet, squirming agony while Peeta and Finn talked around her.
Her leg was jiggling with nervous energy when Peeta landed a heavy hand on her knee.
“Like I was saying,” he said as if nothing had changed. “Zoom in right there, Finn. Yeah.”
Katniss stiffened and looked at his profile, but he just continued to speak to his partner. His fingers were there, splayed on her skin, and it was somehow the most vulgar sight she’d ever seen. He might as well have been nine inches deep in her pussy, she was so turned on– turned on and furious at herself for her reaction.
He and Finn both turned to look at her, their expressions odd. She could only imagine what they saw. She was hot, and if she wasn’t sweating she soon would be. Any second she was going to come right out of her skin. 
“Yes?” he asked.
“I need.” She stopped and started and rubbed her face, stuttering. “I need…I need to talk to you.”
He stared at her. Saw something in her countenance. Then he looked at Finn. “Get out.”
“You serious?” Finnick said, visibly annoyed. “You called me into the studio early, talking shit about being on a time constraint. And now-’
“Get. Out.”
He got out.
“Well?” Peeta finally asked in the long moment that followed Finnick’s departure.
“I…” She tripped over her tongue.
Silence. Then, “You look like you want be fucked.” This was delivered coolly, deadpan, but he couldn’t quite hide the undercurrent of something like astonishment.
“You’re so arrogant,” she said, her hand shaking. Katniss stood, but his strong hands found her hips, and he pulled her down to sit on his lap. She wasn’t even surprised. It was a Wednesday afternoon and she was sitting on Peeta Mellark’s denim-covered erection, and it felt as natural as breathing.
“Do you?” he asked into her ear. “Just say the word. Say anything, Kat.” She held back a moan. “I’ll be your dirty little secret. Your nasty, trashy porn star.” He bit the shell of her ear and Katniss squeaked. Squeaked. “I’ll be whatever you want, just tell me what you want.”
“I want you,” she whispered. And she really did. Despite the history with her sister, the fact that she worked for him, that they could barely go a day without bickering…she wanted Peeta Mellark with an intensity that scared her. 
She thought he’d explode into action at her words. If it had been one his movies, he’d have torn her dress straight down the back. He’d rip her underwear with his bare hands and pound into her, then and there.
Instead, it was a painfully slow seduction that followed. He lifted her up, turned her to face him, and looked at her.
“You’re so damn pretty,” he said almost angrily. He fingers were at contrast to his voice, gentling gliding over the rise of her cheekbones. “I don’t understand…I don’t know why it feels like this. I’ve seen so many beautiful women. Nicer women.”
“I don’t want beautiful. Or nice, I guess,” he said. “I want you. With your sour patch tongue and mean eyes and sweet lips…god, your fucking lips.”
Peeta kissed her. His tongue swept her mouth, and she allowed it, giving back the energy he was infusing into her. His hands ran down her arms as if to give her warmth, but then they were working on the buttons of her shirt-dress, both nimble and leisurely at the same time. Her bra came off and then his clever mouth was pressing kissing down her jaw, nipping the sensitive space between neck and shoulder, and then pulling gently at her sensitive nipple, worrying it with his straight white teeth.
When he pulled his head away she almost cried.
“Come back,” she said, and he laughed in disbelief before scrubbing at his face.
“Can’t believe I’m saying this. But. I don’t wanna do you here,” he said. With his blond waves and flushed face, he suddenly looked more like a fallen angel rather a hardened businessman.“That seems…I don’t want to.”
“Where, then?” Katniss panted, staring up at him with frustration and bewilderment.
Peeta didn’t speak for a long moment. Instead, he helped her back into her bra, kissing her every time she started to protest.
“Let me take you on a date.” His expression was a mix of grumpy, horny defiance and a dash of what she’d swear was vulnerability. “A good one. We can fuck all night long after that.”
He closed his eyes as if praying for inner peace. “Because I like you. I like you and I want to do it right. For once. Prove to you I’m not the man you think I am. That I can be a better man.”
“I don’t think you’re a bad man, Peeta.” She touched his cheek. “I thought…I don’t know. I’m not anything like what someone like you’d be interested in.”
“You kidding?” He gestured toward his still-raging erection. Then he stopped and shook his head. “Let me show you…just…” He held up his finger and pulled out his phone, the one she spent an hour setting up before painstakingly explaining to him how to use it for two more. He tapped on it for a moment and then thrust it at her. The background photo was a picture of Katniss, tipsy and beaming a rare smile after drinking too many margaritas at a wrap party a few months back.
Katniss blinked in pure surprise, completely at a loss. “But you’re my boss” was all she could think to say.
He gave her the squint-eyed stare she had grown to know so well. “You’re worrying about that now? You were dry humping me not ten minutes ago.”
She huffed, purely for show. “Do you wanna date me or not, asshole?”
Peeta laughed. “There’s my girl.”
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jennycalendar · 5 years
imperfections (64/?)
��read it on ao3!
buffy’s birthday! wesley shows up! someone else makes another appearance, and will be playing a bigger, brand new role in this storyline because I Love Her To Death!
For the sake of her own peace of mind, Jenny had begun casting basic protective wards around the new house. Vampires couldn’t get in, she knew, but the incident with Rupert had proven that vampires might not be the only thing they had to worry about. As such, when she and Willow were out buying groceries (usually Rupert’s job, but he was resting at home), she made sure to grab a few containers of ground-up herbs and spices.
Noticing Jenny stocking up on rosemary, Willow gave her a skeptical look. “Isn’t there that thing about herbs losing their magical potency if they’re intended as food products?” she asked doubtfully, picking up one of the glass jars and squinting at it. “If you’re going for a more heavy-duty magic spell, I’d say you might want to just swing by the magic shop.”
“Wow, look at you!” Jenny knocked Willow’s shoulder, grinning proudly. “You’re picking up on this stuff scary fast. Might outpace me soon.”
“Never,” said Willow loyally, leaning into Jenny as they continued to push the cart.
“Your point is a very valid one,” Jenny agreed. “But in this case, I actually want a weaker ritual, because I’m trying to make sure it’ll entwine nicely with the stronger ones I’ve been casting. If you cast two different protective wards, they start trying to protect themselves from each other, and it becomes a whole thing.”
“Magic is weird,” said Willow.
“Magic is weird,” Jenny agreed, taking the jar from Willow and setting it back down into the shopping cart.
By the produce section, a young woman had stilled, hand frozen midway to grabbing an apple. As they passed her, she turned, looking slowly at them as though searching for something. Jenny recognized her, very vaguely—Anya Jenkins, she thought, that lady who’s teaching substitute history—and Anya’s interest in their conversation struck her as a little unusual. “Hey,” she said, giving Anya her best attempt at an easy smile. She didn’t feel like having her family fucked with so soon after the mess that had been the Council. “Just out shopping with my kid.”
Willow beamed. “That’s me!” she chirped.
“Pardon my eavesdropping,” said Anya, giving them both an almost-too-sweet smile in return, “but were you two talking about the casting of magical rituals?”
Willow’s smile faded and she winced. “Was I too loud?” she whispered to Jenny. “I can be less loud!”
“It’s okay, Will,” said Jenny carefully. “What do you want to know, Anya?”
In answer, Anya let out a playful, half-ashamed laugh. “God, I’m such a ditz,” she said, grinning ruefully and stepping forward to lean against their shopping cart. “I misplaced a family heirloom of mine—this beautifully shiny necklace—and I could really use some help finding it. A locator spell would definitely do the trick, but that requires at least one other witch, and I don’t have a lot of friends in Sunnydale—”
“We can help!” said Willow immediately, then blushed, looking askance at Jenny. “Um, I mean—can we help?”
Jenny wavered. On the one hand, she knew she was more on her guard than usual, and that could be coloring the very strange vibes she was getting from Anya. On the other hand, her instincts hadn’t led her astray thus far, and she felt like trusting them might be a good call in this instance. “We’ll get back to you, Anya, okay?” she said. “Right now, we have to concentrate on our own magic.”
“Oh, of course!” sang out Anya, but her smile seemed just a touch more plastic. “No hurry, obviously!”
As Jenny steered the shopping cart away, Willow hurried after her. “I’m sorry,” she began, “I, I didn’t mean to speak for the both of us, or for any of us, ‘cause I know what you said about doing magic with strangers and I—”
“It’s okay,” said Jenny, giving her a small, reassuring smile. “You wanted to help. That’s admirable. Right now, though, I think we both need to exercise some caution, okay? There are a lot of weird people showing up in Sunnydale as of late.”
Wesley Wyndam-Pryce arrived in Sunnydale on January the 19th, the day that his new Vampire Slayer’s Cruciamentum would have taken place, if not for the inefficient bungling of an inexperienced, foolhardy Watcher. Age did not necessarily equal wisdom, Wesley thought smugly, particularly in the case of one Rupert Giles, whose file Wesley had read extensively before arriving in Sunnydale. The Council had also mentioned a Jenny Calendar, Rupert Giles’s significant other, who was apparently both deluded enough to believe herself qualified to care for his other Vampire Slayer and unstable enough to assault poor Travers. The fellow was, thankfully, making a speedy recovery, but he had emphasized to Wesley that Calendar was not to be trifled with.
Wesley had absolutely no interest in trifling with Calendar. In fact, Wesley had absolutely no interest in Calendar at all. Mr. Giles, though he had been unceremoniously fired (or had he resigned? No one in the Council seemed to know), was bound to at least understand that Wesley was the Watcher these girls needed, and he would do a sufficient job in reining Calendar in. Even if this was not the case, Wesley was confident that his expertise would win the Slayers over; he had, after all, faced two vampires. Under controlled circumstances, of course.
“Sunnydale High, good man, and make it speedy,” he informed the taxi driver, already looking forward to the look on Mr. Giles’s face when he entered the high school library. He was looking forward to a lot of things about this job. He was one of the youngest Watchers in Council history, one of the most studious, most dedicated they had ever seen—this was sure to make his father proud. He just knew it.
The taxi took a surprisingly short amount of time to get from the airport to the high school; really, this town was ridiculously small. Getting out of the car, Wesley blinked in the annoyingly bright California sunlight, weaved through the clusters of chattering American teenagers, and entered the high school that, according to Travers, housed a Hellmouth, two Vampire Slayers, and an extremely volatile computer science teacher.
As he rounded the corner to the library, he noticed something of a commotion: a short, bald, red-faced man was all but shouting at a sign. “I hope he knows,” he blustered, “that I won’t be paying him, this many sick days in a row—”
“I’m sorry,” said Wesley, finally registering the firmly closed library doors, “but is Mr. Giles not in today?”
“No, he is not,” said the man, turning his ire in Wesley’s direction. “And neither is that floozy of a computer science teacher. The levels of unprofessionalism, of indecency—”
Deciding that further conversation with this man would get him nowhere, Wesley stepped up to the sign placed in front of the library, frowning at the neatly placed letters. Librarian Out For Health Reasons, it stated. Library Closed Until Further Notice.
“I’m his substitute,” said Wesley helpfully. This might be rather advantageous. The Slayers would undoubtedly show up in search of their old Watcher, and when they entered the library, there Wesley would be, easing the transition from old to new. A clean break, in every sense of the word.
“You are the best Watcher in the history of Watchers, ever!” Buffy shrieked, throwing herself across the sofa and into Rupert’s arms. Rupert made a startled little oof sound, but hugged Buffy back, grinning fiercely. “Thank you so so much, Giles, I love them so much—”
“Seems a pretty big fuss over a pair of skates,” Faith commented, frowning at the patent leather ice skates as though trying to figure out what made them so incredible.
“Buffy always wanted to be a figure skater,” Joyce explained fondly. She looked extremely pleased. “It’s very nice of Rupert to remind her that she can be anything she wants to be.”
Faith frowned some more, then grinned, getting it. “Like, not just a Vampire Slayer?”
“Exactly,” said Jenny, smiling. “Buffy, be gentle with my honey, okay? He’s still getting over that whole almost-got-murdered thing.”
Buffy let go of Giles, dusting him off and straightening his glasses the same way one would a much-loved teddy bear. “Thanks, Giles,” she said, still beaming. “I really love them. And you, obviously.”
Giles beamed, blushing, and made a few vague, British gestures that very clearly conveyed I love you too.
“Open mine open mine open mine!” chanted Willow, bouncing impatiently on the sofa. Jenny placed a steadying hand on her shoulder. “Sorry,” said Willow unrepentantly. “But open mine, Buffy!”
Running a hand over the skates one last time, Buffy smiled, then turned to fish Willow’s present out of the sizable pile. Pulling it out of its bag, she gasped, delighted. “Oh, Willow!” she said, holding up the shimmery purple jacket.
“So I’m gonna be flirting with a disco ball,” said Faith. “Guess I can live with that.”
“No one likes a critic,” said Buffy, still grinning as she tried on the jacket. Standing up, she twirled, modeling it for the group. “How do I look?”
“Am I allowed to answer that with your girlfriend here?” Xander asked. “And my girlfriend here?”
“No,” said Cordelia, and kissed him. To Buffy, she added, “That is definitely your color.”
“Are you lying to me because it’s my birthday?” said Buffy.
“Pretty much,” said Cordelia, shrugging.
“Sounds about right,” said Buffy, and turned to Jenny. “Ms. Calendar?”
“I like it,” said Jenny. “I think it’d go great with that—what was that skirt you wore last week on patrol?”
“Oh, it would,” said Buffy with delight, preening. “I can wear it to the ice show!” Glancing shyly over at Giles, she added, “Um, if you’re still—I mean, if you still want—you could always still come with me?”
Giles responded by scooping Buffy up into a big bear hug, one that made Jenny make an involuntarily anxious noise. Joyce gave her a reassuring pat on the shoulder and said, “Hugging won’t hurt him, Jenny,” which, while true, didn’t stop Jenny from worrying. Everything felt different, now, knowing how much they honestly meant to each other.
“Quit freaking,” said Faith, resting her head on Jenny’s shoulder. “We all turned out okay.”
That made Jenny smile. “Debatable,” she said. Faith made a face at her.
“Ooh, hey, cake!” said Buffy, pulling away from Giles to give her mom a hopeful smile. “Mom made this whole ice cream cake thing, y’know, ‘cause ice skates and ice shows and, um, I don’t know, my birthday’s in winter?”
“That doesn’t mean all that much in California, though, does it?” Cordelia pointed out.
“Whatever,” said Buffy.
“I’ll get that cake,” Joyce agreed, squeezing Jenny’s shoulder as she got up.
So then they all had cake, which was amazing, and Buffy got to talk everyone’s ear off about how awesome the ice show was going to be. And she meant it, this time, because last year she’d gone with her dad and it just hadn’t felt the same. She couldn’t talk to her dad about how cool it had been when Willow had tripped up a vampire on patrol, or how funny Xander’s impression of Spike was, or how hard it sometimes felt to have big, scary feelings for Angel. She could talk to Giles about all that stuff, though, which felt kinda important. It made her feel so, so glad that he was okay.
The party ended late, which meant that Ms. Calendar and Giles had to make sure everyone was wearing a cross before they all walked the short distance to their parked car. While everyone was making sure that everyone else was ready to go, Buffy snuck out onto the porch; she’d noticed the one person who had already headed out.
“Hey,” said Faith, looking up at her with a small, crooked smile. “Birthday girl. So I’m, like, totally jailbait now, huh?”
Buffy blushed, smiling back. “I really don’t know how to answer that,” she admitted, stepping up to stand next to Faith.
It was different, her and Faith. Being with Angel had felt magnetic, and almost scary in its intensity. Being with Faith had felt a lot like that too, at first, but something had changed when Faith had said you said you weren’t ready, right? and looked at her with a gentle expression that Buffy hadn’t seen on her face before. Faith was up-front about how she felt—no long, charged silences, no subterfuge—and she was willing to wait until Buffy was really ready.
“Did I ever wish you happy birthday?” Faith asked softly.
“Does it mean you’re gonna kiss me again?” said Buffy, too daring for her own good.
Faith tilted her head, smile widening. “Just to be clear,” she said. “You’re gonna tell me when you’re ready for a real thing.”
“I am,” Buffy agreed.
“But you’re the birthday girl,” said Faith, taking a step closer, “and birthday girls get strings-free kisses. If they want ‘em.”
“This is a total step up from last year,” Buffy breathed, and somewhere between one second and the next, she and Faith were kissing, all soft and sweet in the moonlight, and it wasn’t scary, wasn’t powerful, wasn’t anything but soft and happy and warm, Faith’s lipstick smudging her mouth, Faith’s nose bumping against hers—
“Um, Buffy?” called Xander from inside the house. “You, uh, know we can all see you from the living room, right?”
In answer, Buffy pulled away, tugged Faith back into her arms, and gave Faith a smacking kiss on the cheek, in full view of her entire family. Which felt totally nice.
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prorevenge · 7 years
'Apple Support' calls to try to lock my computer...
Story time: This happened last month.
I've gotten six phone calls in the last 24 hours from a number listed to an Apple store in CA. I pick up and get a prerecorded message stating my 'icloud account' is being hacked, and I should press 1 for tech support.
I'm skeptical, especially as I don't own any Apple products, and I don't have any icloud, itunes or ianything accounts.
Obviously a scam. The first time I hung up.
The second time I asked the 'tech' what they needed, and played a little dumb as they tired to direct me to a tech site that would let them take control of my computer. They hung up on me.
The third time they called I was at work, and went to the website they directed me to and kept repeating the website code incorrectly to them, repeating directions wrong, and just generally being confused. They dude is screaming at me to repeat exactly what he says, and finally tells me I'm not allowed to ask questions even when I try to clarify which account is hacked or what is going on. He tells me I'm too retarded to do this, and hangs up on me.
The fourth time I get a call from them I tell the guy its the fourth time he's called, and ask if he'd proud of what he's doing. I asked if his mother was ashamed of him stealing from people. He hung up.
The fifth time I go ahead and let him log into a computer system...I've set up a spare laptop with a virtual machine that I've loaded with every virus, toolbar, pop up ad, and other crap I can find. If it was a horse we would shoot it. It wasn't logged into an admin account, so he trashed a few files and rage quit on me.
Sixth time: I let the 'tech' (a different guy each time, I can hear others in the background) log into my virtual machine and encrypt some crap. He demands $200.00 to unlock it. I cry, sob, beg, and finally open up my wallet and get my credit card. I misspeak and mix up my numbers enough that he gets pissed and taunts me. I finally suggest I take a picture and email the pic to him so he can read it.
I get an email he types on the screen, and I send from a throwaway account the file 'credit.card.jpg.zip'
Apparently when he clicked on the file he got infected with some cryptovirus. The buddy who gave me the file told me it was a form of 'Petya', but I've never actually opened it to find out. Apparently he encrypted and locked his computer system. How did that happen?
My personal wondering is if his computer was on a networked environment or if they were isolated from each other. All I know is I didn't get any more phone calls after that.
(source) (story by Vincavec)
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almostnoisydonut · 3 years
𝓣𝓸𝓹 𝓠𝓾𝓪𝓵𝓲𝓽𝓲𝓮𝓼 𝓸𝓯 𝓗𝓲𝓰𝓱𝓵𝔂 𝓢𝓾𝓬𝓬𝓮𝓼𝓼𝓯𝓾𝓵 𝓟𝓮𝓸𝓹𝓵𝓮
If you really want to bring success into your life, you should cultivate yourself just as you'd cultivate a garden for the best yield.
The attributes here are shared by successful people everywhere, but they don't happen by accident or luck. They originate in habits, built a day at a time.
Remember: If you live your life as most people do, you will get what most people get. If you settle, you will get a settled life. If you give yourself your best, every day, your best will give back to you.
Here are the traits that the highly successful cultivate. How many do you have?
First and foremost, a successful person must be empathetic. As a worker, the primary focus of your work is on the wants and needs of the people who use the products that you create. Empathy enables you to understand other people’s motivations, needs, and emotions more deeply, and you can use that understanding to create better products for them. Having empathy lets you accurately perceive people’s needs—without your own lens introducing any distortions or occlusions. Whether you’re a researcher, strategist, or designer, empathy is an essential quality for you to develop. Being empathetic lets you look at things from different people’s perspectives and internalize what you see.
Having empathy—whether for colleagues, family, or friends—comes from focusing on someone else’s needs, struggles, and feelings. It requires that you open your heart to them and put their needs before your own. That you be fully with them in the moment. That you look deeply into their eyes and really see them for who they are. You need to be open to many different types of people from many different cultures. But you can’t connect with people when you’re feeling worried, defensive, angry, frightened, or ashamed.
You can depend on yourself. How many times have you told yourself that you’re going to get something done on a particular day, or in a week, or in a month, only to either forget about it or push it off until a later date. Have the strength to shoulder these responsibilities and then hold yourself accountable.
You need to be able to remain accountable when it comes to your goals and values. Understanding where your strengths and weaknesses are and acting accordingly is a great way to start living a successful life.
This is probably one of the most difficult of the personal qualities on this list to develop. Very little in life happens overnight.
We use the term “overnight success” to describe the people who become successful almost instantaneously. However, we often don’t see that what looks like an overnight success to us was likely years or even decades in the making for the individual.
To achieve true success and happiness in your life, you need to cultivate patience. Only through patience will you gain the clarity required to overcome the problems that you face in life.
Without patience, you’ll likely succumb to the shiny-object syndrome, where you chase around the next big thing continuously but never stick with anything long enough to reach your goals.
“Commitment is key.”
If you’ve never heard this phrase, commit it to memory.
When you commit to your goals, there is another level of determination that your mind develops, and reaching goals becomes that much easier.
If you aren’t committed, chances are you’ll lose focus. Be realistic, but find that balance so that you can commit to the goals you feel you can attain over time through true dedication and commitment.
You need that fire burning inside of you that continually pushes you toward your goals. This is one of the most important personal qualities.
Passion motivates you to take on that next challenge because you know what’s on the other side. Success so often follows passion that it is almost an essential part of the equation.
Sometimes, passion isn’t always easy to come by. You have to try a few different things before you find something that really gets you going.
However, when you’ve found it, you’ll know. You’ll know because you’ll be excited each and every day to deal with the problems and challenges that face you as a result of that passion. When you feel passion for something, it will make you want to improve and become a better person each and every day.
Optimism, the “glass half full” mentality, is incredibly important. If you are optimistic about your ability to take on challenges and achieve success, you’ll be more likely to positively approach difficult situations. This will help you keep an open mind and find effective solutions.
If you approach a problem with a closed mind, finding solutions will likely take longer and involve less creativity. If you’ve got a problem and try to force a solution onto that situation rigidly, you will likely struggle. Remain open and optimistic.
Be careful, though, because optimism can be taken too far. If you have blind faith in your abilities or someone else’s, you may end up putting yourself in a difficult situation. Be optimistic, but sprinkle in a little bit of realism as well.
An intelligent person can never be forgotten by people. Brilliant people always spend their time discovering new things, creating new equipment and solving the mysteries. For example, Steve Jobs, the co-founder of Apple company, was known as leading figure of computers and entertainment because of his great work and an innovation of computers.
He was the millionaire at the age of thirty. It is his intelligence that makes him a legendary figure, and no one will forget him for ages. Thus, intelligence is key to success.
In addition, an intelligent person knows how to balance his personal, professional and social life. Sometimes, people get involve with their office work so intensely that they cannot get time for their family. They forget the importance of having family. This is the most common reason behind the divorce. However, intelligence helps people to keep peace in their relationship. It teaches person how to work effectively in the office and spare time for family. For example, my father is a successful business man and has happy family. Even though his busy work schedule, he manages his time for his wife, and his children. Thus, an intelligent person knows how to make people around him happy.
Skills are important for success in life. Nevertheless, the personality traits I have detailed in this article are often even more important for success. Why? Quite simply because these personality traits will allow you to adapt to all situations and know how to work effectively with others.
However, to succeed in great things, you will necessarily have to collaborate with other people but also put yourself in the shoes of others to capture the needs of your future customers, for example.
In the future, I think that these personality traits will even be put even more prominently in resumes to be placed before skills or even diplomas. The hardest thing left to do is to detect these personality traits as early as possible in the people with whom you could potentially work.
0 notes
gduncan969 · 3 years
Rebuilding the Tower
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Genesis 11: 5 - 9
5 But the Lord came down to see the city and the tower which the sons of men had built. 6 And the Lord said, “Indeed the people are one and they all have one language, and this is what they begin to do; now nothing that they propose to do will be withheld from them. 7 Come, let Us go down and there confuse their language, that they may not understand one another’s speech.” 8 So the Lord scattered them abroad from there over the face of all the earth, and they ceased building the city. 9 Therefore its name is called Babel, because there the Lord confused the language of all the earth; and from there the Lord scattered them abroad over the face of all the earth.
I’ve often wondered what it was about having everyone on earth speaking the same language that God didn’t like.  Surely, it is a good thing that people can communicate directly with each other without the need of a translator.  What possible harm could come from that?  Obviously, something was not right, so why did God say “let Us go down and there confuse their language, that they may not understand one another’s speech”?  Apparently, God doesn’t want us all speaking the same language because when we do, nothing can apparently stop us collectively doing anything we set our minds to and looking at the world we now live in, I’m beginning to understand the wisdom in God’s pronouncement.  We may not all speak the same language today but we are close to getting there with our ability to instantly translate from one language to another using modern technology.  Every mega-project in the world now involves experts from multiple countries working together and being able to communicate instantly with each other.  Communications across the world have taken a quantum leap in the last two decades and we are now able to chat on-line virtually anywhere, with anyone, at any time and not only chat with them but smile at them, wave at them and “zoom” in on them and with as many others as our screen can hold.  The distance separating us is no longer a problem, all we need is a laptop and an internet connection.  Technology has done marvelous things to bring us together and make life easier for all of us but it has come at a tremendous cost that has been largely hidden from us and that cost has not been financial but social.  Loneliness among us, especially in the young, is now pandemic and suicide is now the major cause of death in teenagers.  We can have five hundred friends on Facebook but still have no friends. Our technology has enabled us to build towers that pierce the clouds, bridges that span the seas and tunnels that go under them but it has failed miserably to make us happier and its daily demands on us is crushing us.  Have you noticed that every labor-saving device you use simply frees up time to do all those other things that you wouldn’t otherwise be doing because you didn’t have the time?  Years ago one wise African said, “You westerners all have watches but no time while we Africans have no watches but all the time in the world”.  I believe most Africans are still a happier bunch than most westerners.
What God foresaw in our rush to conquer the world around us through our technology is that if we conquered the world without Him, both we and the world would end up in disaster and you only have to look at what technology is now being used for to see disaster is where we are headed.  All those interactions we have on the world wide web are being watched and scrutinized by others who sell our likes and dislikes, our political views and our religious views to others who wish to market their products to us.  Mankind has done great things with all this modern technology but the same technology is been used for purposes that are destroying us and if you are wondering what I mean by this, just look at the power the media moguls now have to track our every move, to control what we see and what we buy, what we communicate to each other while watching us as we do it.  According to Bill Gates, artificial intelligence (AI) is in the process of taking over our lives because computers can think faster and better than we can. It is certainly now driving our automobiles, flying our airplanes and increasingly replacing us for a multitude of complex tasks.  Look at how proficient we have now become in murdering the unborn up to the moment of birth, “changing” a person’s gender and even manufacturing a highly contagious virus in a high-tech laboratory in China.  What has been the result of all this technology?  Surely we must be getting along better with each other and are much happier and wealthier than ever before.  If that is true then why do most marriages end in divorce and why is marriage itself is being abandoned in favour of living together.  Why is it that young people cannot find a soul-mate to spend the rest of their lives with and why is drug abuse killing hundreds of thousands around the world?  Why is suicide the biggest killer of young people and why are we seeing violent protests nightly on our TV screens?  
For the last year the churches have been restricted in their ability to meet together and great swaths of members have quit attending altogether either in person or on line.  The world has been deluged with confusing and contradictory information about the pandemic creating an even greater pandemic of fear that is destroying relationships between the closest of friends.  This week, a dear friend of 51 years died in hospital while his wife, in a care home, could not be with him due to the COVID-19 restrictions.  Sadly, there will be no funeral. Governments have used this pandemic as an opportunity to take control of their populations and for the first time in human history have locked up millions of healthy people in their homes in order to protect them from getting sick despite the fact that the virus is lethal to less than 0.1% of the population and even those sad cases are over 80% in the immuno-compromised seniors population living in care homes. Topping this off is a host of other troubling issues including the great global reset which is threatening to squeeze us further into the world’s godless mold (Romans 12:2).  How do we escape all of this? How do we function in a world gone crazy? First of all, God is not against all this technology but He warns us in the second chapter of the bible that the moment unregenerate man discovered what is good and what is evil, he inevitably chose self-satisfying evil and began destroying himself and the planet he lives in. Eating the apple has given all of us the knowledge to build all kinds of marvelous things through our advanced technologies but Psalm 127:1 explains who we must have leading us before we do so: “Unless the Lord builds the house, They labor in vain who build it; Unless the Lord guards the city, The watchman stays awake in vain”.  That’s the key.  It’s not the technology to build a tower that can pierce the clouds or a tunnel under the sea that’s the problem, it’s how the builder uses the technology that’s at issue.  God confused the languages right after the flood to stop man from destroying himself by his own  knowledge but man is now using that knowledge to bring us back to one language through technology and side-step God’s warning.  The great global reset’s purpose is to bring in a new social order that does not include God as the builder of the new society and so we are headed for disaster unless the Lord intervenes. God indeed wants us all speaking the same language but it’s the language of His Spirit, the language of Heaven that we must use in our dealings with each other not English or Chinese or any other earthly language. He gave our forefather, Adam, knowledge from “the tree of the knowledge of good and evil” which we have all inherited but we have not been given the wisdom to direct that knowledge to do good and we have been blissfully unaware that we humans are merely containers of a spirit—either the Holy Spirit who leads us into all truth or the evil spirit who is the father of lies! In our ignorance we have assumed we have a third choice, namely, to reject both spirits and run our own lives but the bible tells us we were born in sin and that our only choice is to change fathers. Jesus told the pharisees (John 8:44) “You are of your father the devil, and the desires of your father you want to do. He was a murderer from the beginning, and does not stand in the truth, because there is no truth in him. When he speaks a lie, he speaks from his own resources, for he is a liar and the father of it.”  All who refuse to change fathers are cuttings from the same cloth. Isaiah 29:14 says: “Therefore, behold, I will again do a marvelous work among this people, A marvelous work and a wonder; For the wisdom of their wise men shall perish, And the understanding of their prudent men shall be hidden.” Jeremiah 8:9 adds: “The wise men are ashamed, They are dismayed and taken. Behold, they have rejected the word of the Lord; So what wisdom do they have?”  That says it all.  If the world, with all its dazzling technology, rejects God, it will end in cataclysmic disaster which, of course, the bible already describes as the end of the age (see Isaiah 65:17 and 66:22; 2 Peter 3:13; Revelation 21:1).  For those of us who have already changed fathers by accepting God’s Son, Jesus Christ as our Lord and Saviour, we have already been transformed from darkness to light and escaped the final outcome of our godless technologies but we have not escaped our responsibility to share the good news with our neighbors who are slowly realizing we are going in the wrong direction and are increasingly fearful of the outcome.  This presents a great opportunity for the Church of Jesus Christ to get busy in the greatest harvest of souls the world has ever seen, one that God has promised would be reaped before his coming again.  Let’s get busy!
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savetopnow · 6 years
2018-03-22 03 APPLE now
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