kidfoundonstreets · 10 months
im prolly gonna hit post limiy again goig through your account but it will all be worth it yaayy (youi are my favorite person of all time i love you you have best taste in everything :)))
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levbolton · 10 months
103 hits and 12 kudos? Ooooh you guys don’t deserve anything, i’m not offering you my effort anymore, i’m so done with this fandom
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stayconnecteed · 8 months
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🪐˓⠀˚⠀memories⠀@⠀hwang hyunjin.
synopsis: you were in love, until you weren't anymore. or maybe you still were, but chose to learn not to be just to heal from all that meant falling in love with him.
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⠀⠀⸺⠀⠀plot ★ the point of view of hyunjin after your break up. i would say angst but at the end it kind of good. reader and hyunjin don't end up together tho.
⠀⠀⸺⠀⠀warnings ★ think of this as a beautiful relationship that turned slightly toxic, hyunjin was very very whipped for reader, the format is like a letter to you he never sent.
⠀⠀⸺⠀⠀author's note ★ tbh idk what is this. i don't even know how to categorize it, i felt kinda sad and started writing, and i thought on sharing it here. i wrote this listening to hannah bahng's cover of memories by conan gray, one of my favourite audios in the world.
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excerpts from hwang hyunjin's diary over a year after the break up.
September 6th
Yesterday I walked by that coffee shop you liked to go to so much, at the end of the street where you used to work, the one with the navy couches and old photographs hanging on the wall. It's now closed. On the notice taped to the door it says that it is for sale, that they were very sorry but they decided to go out of business because they could no longer afford the expense, to call the phone number listed there if you were interested in buying it. And I did. Call, I mean. I had that urge to buy it, because it reminded me of you, because I knew you would like it. I listened for two rings and then hung up. The couches were purple. I saw it, even though the glass was full of dust, and I don't know anymore if they had been navy from the beginning or you had convinced me of it, but at that moment I saw them purple, and the magic was gone again. I guess it doesn't matter now. It had been a while since I had been here, maybe they had to change them. To see if they could attract more customers, as you always joked with the owner. That's why you liked the place, right? It was quiet. Peaceful. You could barely hear the music in the background or the murmur of the street, and as much as you adored their coffee, we both knew it was doomed to have an end. Like us, I suppose. You were always drawn to lost causes.
That's why I called you. I think you had blocked my contact, but it didn't hurt to try. I thought about everything we had shared. On my way to the apartment I live in now I bought those noodles you liked so much, and the ice cream we had every time there was something to celebrate. The TV was playing one of those movies from the 2000s that we watched over and over again on Friday nights, even though we had already seen them, just because I loved that look on your face you had when you did something you were apssionate about. It seemed like a hoax. For a moment it seemed as if I could touch you, as if by reaching across the fabric of the couch you were going to be there, on the other end, waiting for me to finish dinner so you could snuggle up next to me. I guess it was one of those days, wasn't it? Those when you stop pretending that everything is okay, even though nothing was wrong, and let sadness win you over.
I don't actually think I'm sad, though. Not really. Just… nostalgic. I miss what we had. I miss you. Not in the unhealthy way I did in the beginning, when we decided to split up and I instantly regretted it. It's more of a warm, bittersweet memory that creeps up on me from time to time. Your smile, so beautiful and bright, how soft your hair was when you rested your head on my lap and I couldn't stop caressing it, how your hand felt against mine as we entwined them, the hurried way your heart pounded under my lips as I kissed your skin, how I felt your chest vibrate as I fell asleep on top you in the middle of a conversation… Now that I think about it, I think I've forgotten your voice. The temptation to search for old audios is too strong, but I'm afraid to find out what I would really feel if I get to hear you.
I have seen pictures. I have too many, so looking for them was not a big problem. I keep them on that hard drive you gave me when you got tired of watching me stress out because I thought I had lost flash drives that had never left my desk. In it is my favorite folder, the one with all the captured moments that reflected that side of you that you didn't let anyone else see. The ones I took of you when you didn't realize it, with your hair disheveled on our bed, your bare back contrasting with the sheets, still asleep; or playing with Kkami in the park, running next to her, with your scarf tangling in the wind and your smile brighter than ever. Those for which you did pose, with amused expressions and seductive glances, with our friends and in the intimacy of our home, those you approved of after I showed them to you, acknowledging with an embarrassed blush that you did look pretty, and also those you couldn't even see, your mind betraying you by making you see so many flaws that you thought you were drowning in them, so many defects I was unable to see.
It's the first time that the sight of you didn't make my heart tear apart. Each new file I opened was a memory that I could bring back to life, at least for a few minutes, moments that I treasured fondly, and that finally made me smile. Can you believe it? Me, who so many times left voice messages begging you to come back, who had to stay at home for weeks after breaking up because visualizing a life without you by my side made me want to die, the person who every time they saw something that reminded them of you would burst into tears, feeling the loss of your presence like the shadow of death, was finally enjoying those memories that included you.
You'll be happy to know that I'm starting to draw again too. I had thrown away all my art supplies when I moved, and I have all my paintings locked away, but the other day I stopped by the store I used to go to and bought a sketchbook. I didn't intend to do anything with it, I just wanted to run my hand over the pages again, just like I used to do before starting a new project. As soon as Felix found out, he bought me new watercolors and pencils. You know how he is, the first to cheer every time something good happens to you. He celebrates your victories as if they were his own. I guess that's what this is, isn't it? A victory. I've managed to win against the ghost of our past, and my reward is a nice charcoal sketch of a tulip. It's not my best work, but for the moment it works for me. Little by little, with training wheels.
November 24th
I would like to know how you are doing. Changbin hyung told me that you finally moved in, just like me. I guess every little corner of the apartment reminded you of me. I wouldn't have lasted long there either. You hardly talk to the rest of the guys, and it makes me wonder if you were really happy with me. When I met you you had your own group of friends, but you stopped talking to them to the point that all we knew were my friends, and each other. That was probably one of the reasons you encouraged me to break up. It wasn't healthy, was it? I find it pathetic that I realize it now, so many months later, although it was pathetic even then, with how desperately in love I was with you. I tend to get so lost in my feelings that I forget everything else. Sometimes, "everything else" is often more important than what's going on in my head, and in my heart, because in the end, thoughts are just thoughts. I wonder if Changbin hyung would tell me if you were having a hard time. You know that after what we went through together, I would come in an instant if you called me. Some things don't change. You can separate us, but you can't ignore what once existed. And I like to think you feel the same way.
I know you have a boyfriend. I've seen you around town, walking hand in hand, just like we used to do. I thought about waving, approaching you and introducing myself to the lucky man who can call you his, but cowardice gets the better of me. I don't want to make a fool of myself. You've always been sharp with words, and the last time we met was humiliating enough. I'm not talking about the last time we spoke, but when we met. That afternoon when Chan accompanied me to collect the boxes that were left in what had been our home, my name written in that chaotic handwriting you have, set aside in the entryway. We looked at each other in silence when you opened the door, and I never knew how I had the strength not to burst into tears. What I wanted most of all was to take refuge in your arms and for you to tell me that everything was going to be all right. Did you feel it? That pain? You always noticed it at first, it was almost unnatural the way my chest began to open with grief, as if my own heart was crying tears of blood.
You felt it too, I'm sure. That's why you looked away. That's why you didn't open your mouth except to wish me well. I remember thinking that it wasn't fair that it was going to end like this, that I didn't understand why it had to end at all. We were doing great. True, we argued, as all couples do, and not even that often, or that we were somewhat possessive of each other. But it was okay, wasn't it? It meant that I cared about you. That you loved me. That we would rather be with each other than with anyone else. But you looked away, and I shut my mouth, and I didn't have time to memorize you before I left. Even after calling you for days, when you finally picked up the phone and begged me to stop, even then I couldn't catch the exact tone of the words you had used to keep them in my memory forever. And now you're gone, and I'd like to think I don't care as much as I used to, but sometimes a person's absence is more present than the people you have sitting next to you. And it hurts more than the worst wound, because you crave something you can't have.
I guess we were destined to end up together and end up apart. It was impossible for us not to have fallen in love when you approached me in that library, with the book I was looking for in your hand, just as we were bound to untangle ourselves after a while, having to suffer through the process of accepting that everything we had built was falling apart. We both knew it, and came to accept it in the haze of those who have just found their soulmate, but only you were smart enough to see it coming and protect yourself, leaving me as the only victim. And worst of all, I know that had never been your intention, that you would never have hurt me on purpose. But I was doing it to you, and you decided to be selfish, pushing me away so you could move on. And after all I can't hate you, I can't even stop loving you, because you became so blended with my soul that removing you would be like taking away an essential part of what makes me being me.
That's my problem, isn't it? I live it all so intensely… It's exhausting. When someone loses the person they thought was going to be the one, they usually console themselves with the thought that they weren't the one. But I can't indulge myself, I don't deserve that consolation, because we were meant to be. Maybe not to last a lifetime, but for the little bit we got to share. I have had to say goodbye to you, to see you become a stranger, but the people we were when we were together are still alive, in some space of our memory, like a story written by both of us, one in which we each have our favorite chapters, and to which we know we can come back whenever we want, to remember each other. I know that at some point in my future I will be able to open that book and read any page and it will no longer hurt, that I will savor every word with a smile on my lips, the smile of someone who knows that while it lasted, I made the most of every single second. And I know that future is closer than far away.
January 15st
I have stopped counting the days since we broke up. I feel like I'm getting better, I know I am. Yesterday I went out with Seungmin and Jeongin for a walk, and I took my old camera with me, after so long. My hands no longer shake when I hold it. They started goofing around, and playing among the trees in the park with Kkami, and it didn't hurt me to say that was something you used to do. I told it as an offhand comment, as if I were telling them about what I had eaten the day before. Now you are just another memory in my mind, floating among the gray matter of moments in my life. You no longer hurt, you no longer harm.
On the way to the dance studio last week, the driver drove past that coffee shop. I don't know if you'll have time to go now that you're so busy with your new life, and anyway I guess coffee doesn't suit you as well as it used to, but someone bought it. And it's still a coffee shop. I went today morning, and I felt better than I have in a long time. The new owners have done an awesome job, and business is running smoothly. In the hour and a half I sat at one of the tables in the back, more customers came in than I've seen in all the years we've been together. The iced americano is delicious, and the atmosphere relaxes me enough to doodle in the margins of my lyrics notebook.
I feel attached to this place, somehow. You found us, and made us feel special. During the time we enjoyed your company, and your trust and love, we were fully happy. When you left us, we had a terrible time, letting our inner selves shut down, refusing affection or help. But now we are doing well. We've gotten over that rough patch, we try to look out for ourselves, we smile at life. And the couches are maroon. I asked the barista, who is one of the people who came up with the new design. I didn't want to find out what the original color had been, that will be something I'll never get to know, I want to give you the benefit of the doubt. It was fun when we would go and spend minutes arguing about the exact shade. But now they're maroon. And I like that color.
I was in love with you. I know you heard me say it that night I came home drunk, when I chose to pretend you were asleep and told you how you truly made me feel. I didn't fall in love with you, I ran to you knowing full well that I was going to love you with all my being, full of devotion and ready to end up devastated by you, but I guess it wasn't enough. Now that I have slowly learned to forget you I know that in all possible scenarios we would have ended up the same way. We were so obsessed with each other that we didn't realize we were consuming each other, but that's okay. Not everything is timeless, nothing lasts forever. The important thing is not to regret your memories, and I don't regret a single moment by your side.
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© stayconnecteed 2024 ★ do not copy, translate, repost or share this work as yours on other platforms ! consider leaving a comment or reblogging.
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julianciniart · 4 years
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The 3D Effect using Markers
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charmedchaos12 · 6 years
Falling Into Love
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Moonlight sighs with rose lips please kiss me
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twinvictim · 3 years
it was not meant as a joke!! sorry if it seemed like it! but now I seriously need to read your fic
Oh no! I just though you mightve been one of my friends or something poking soem fun but fr I love them so much I love talking about them also! To be rude and plug my fic here u go ;)
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strawbebyjam · 4 years
why does everythignbad happen rightbefore my birthday
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duvetsandpillows · 4 years
Pierre Gasly Fluffy A-Z
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A = Attractive: what do they find attractive about the other?
Your hair. You always did the most intricate hairstyles and it always confused and amazed him.
B = Baby: do they want a family? why/why not?
About a year after you guys got together you were looking after your nephew and you were watching Pierre play with him and it began to make you broody. Once your nephew went home you couldn't help yourself but to start looking at baby clothes on your phone. Pierre peered over you shoulder and chuckled before pressing a kiss to the top of your head.
"Little one got you thinking?" he asked sitting down next to you, putting an arm around you.
"I like that one," he said pointing to a blue dinosaur onezie. "Oh and that one." He ended up taking the phone off of you and scrolled through all the clothes. You snuggled into his side, smiling as you watched him get lost in all the different tiny outfits, mumbling to himself about how adorable they are.
"Can we make one?" he asked looking at you. You chuckled and swung your leg over so you straddling his lap before giving him a kiss and nodding. He smiled and picked you up, walking towards the stairs.
"You meant right now?"
"It might take a while so we better start now."
C = Cuddle: how do they cuddle?
Pierre loves to snuggle. You two would alternate being big spoon and little spoon, both of you wanting to be little spoon and would have to compromise. In public he'll usually give you a side hug followed by a kiss to your head.
D = Dates: what are dates with them like?
Your dates were always very random. Pierre once surprised you by taking you skydiving. Each date tended to be doing something you've never done before. You loved being able to try out new things and create new memories together.
E = Everything: "you are my ____" (e.g my life, my world...)
You are my shining star.
F = Feelings: when did they know they were falling in love?
It took him a while to realise as you two had started out as friends with benefits. He slowly started to realising when he would go away for race weekends and all he could think about was you.
G = Gentle: are they gentle? If so, how?
He's a gentleman, so is of course very gentle with you but he knows you won't break. You two would muck around but he would never intentionally hurt you.
H = Hand/Hold: how do they like to hold? how do they like to hold hands?
Pierre wouldn't hold your hand often, he preferred to have an arm around you instead. If you were in a formal setting he will intertwine his fingers to yours.
I = Impression: first impression/s
You two knew each other from school. You used to share classes but you weren't the closest of friends. You two would hang out in large friend groups but never just the two of you. When he came back to visit during the summer break and bumped into you at the club. He thought you were still the most beautiful woman he'd ever seen.
J = Joker: are they into pulling pranks?
Pranks weren't really your thing but you had the same sense of humour and were always making each other laugh.
K = Kisses: how do they kiss?
Pierre would kiss you all day if he was given the chance. Whether it was kisses to your neck, cheek forehead or lips he loved giving you affection. His kisses would always vary from gentle to apssionate depending on his mood.
L = Love: who says I love you first?
He did. he'd just gotten back from a race and he couldn't stop thinking about you the whole time. He was stood outside your door going over in his head what he planned on saying, when the door swung open causing both of you to jump.
"Pierre" you squealed wrapping your arms around him. "I didn't know you got back! You drove incredibly!" You pulled away, face beaming and everything he planned to say immediately left his brain.
"Are you busy? Can we talk for a moment?"
"Is everything okay? You look like you've just seen a ghost or something." you asked as you brought him into your living room. He watched you sit down and suddenly started to regret coming over, worried that he was about to ruin what you two had.
"I-I... I'm completely in love with you and I understand if you don't feel the same way but I just had to tell you." His eyes kept flickering between you and the floor while picking away at some dead skin on his thumb.
"I love you too Pierre." His eyes darted to you, your cheeks turning a light shade of pink.
"Wait seriously?" You burst out laughing and wrapped your arms around his neck.
"Yes seriously," you said before pulling him down for a kiss.
M = Memory: their favourite moment together
Your first christmas together. You'd woken up to Pierre pressing kisses to your neck.
"Joyeux Noël ma mignonne," he muttered against your neck.
Your morning consisted of you two cooking breakfast together and opening your presents to each other before getting ready to go to his parents for christmas dinner.
You got back from his parents late in the evening, feeling a little tipsy and a bag full of presents from his family after the completely spoiled you. The two of you got changed into christmas pyjamas and snuggled up in bed with Elf playing on the TV. Pierre ran his fingers through your hair as he fell asleep, sighing contently at the prefect day the two of you had.
N = Nickel: do they spoil? do they buy the person they love everything?
Pierre didn't tend to spoil you but that was because you didn't like to be spoiled, you would much rather the two of you spent time together.
O = Orange: what colour reminds them of their other half?
Violet. When you were in school you had the same violet backpack. Even when it broke you always made sure to buy the exact same one. Even in the years between school when you two lost contact, everytime he saw violet his thoughts would always go back to you.
P = Pet names: what pet names do they use?
Bunny, ma mignonne, honey
Q = Quaint: what is their favourite non-modern thing?
You two likes to go hiking together. It was a good way to disconnect from everything and spend some quality time together.
R = Rainy Day: what do they like to do on a rainy day?
You would always get Singstar out and have a sing along together. You guys would get so into it you managed to get a few noise complaints.
S = Sad: how do they cheer themselves/each other up
Pierre likes to workout when he gets upset, he likes to clear his mind and calm down before coming to find you and either talking it out with you and asking for advice or just looking for cuddles and comfort.
T = Talking: what do they love to talk about?
He loved talking to you about skiing and snowboarding. You'd never been but you found it fascinating and loved when he would tell you stories about the trips he's gone on. He ended up taking you to the Swiss Alps so he could teach you himself.
U = Unencumbered: What helps them relax?
He likes to listen to music and dance around the living room with you. Ususally slow music so he could hold you close and dance around the living room as if you two were Cinderella and Prince Charming.
V = Vaunt: what do they like to show off? What are they proud of?
Pierre doesn't really show off. He likes to keep most of his life private, but would occasionally post a photo of you two but preferred to keep his social media work related.
W = Wedding: when, how, where do they propose?
Further down the line you knew you two would probably marry but it wasn't a topic on either of your minds right now.
X = Xylophone: What's their song?
Flightless Bird - Iron & Wine
Y = You're the ___ to my ___ (e.g the cookies to my milk, the macaroni to my cheese)
You're the sun to my sky.
Z = Zebra: if they wanted a pet, what pet would they get?
You two don't have the time for a pet at the moment but you two kept having discussions about having a dog.
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smittenwithsugden · 6 years
I'll I ask for is that while Robert should be allowed to be properly pissed off how Aaron handles this, the fans are not and should not hate on Aaron the way it already seems to go. As while Aaron was allowed to be pissed of at Robert going behind his back about Billy, the fans were not angry at Robert (nor should they have been), but instead were angry at Aaron being angry at Robert and that was not cool. This situation is no different.
Well, I can only speak for me, nonnie, and I am not mad at aaron. Well, yet, because I haven’t seen it. But I feel like I can still call him stupid for how he is going about this? Because I actually like characters who do stupid things out of impulse, but do it because they are so apssionate about something.
I just want it to be acknowledged on screen. Because leaving your partner out of decisions like this is not okay. So I think it’s a bit different than the Billy situation, because, well, it is not the Billy situation. And people WERE mad at Robert for not thinking about aaron’s agency when it came too Billy.
So, yeah, let’s just wait and see what happens on screen. And maybe let people be mad if they feel that way?
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ferie-anon · 4 years
possibly about degrees too. oh, i have an inquiry about my placements and connection with mbti. if i remember it right, you don't believe mbti that mich because there are times that you are an introvert or extrovert. my mbti is infp anf my enneagram is type 9, i want to know if they correlation to my placements?????? if it's not too much to ask 🥺
Well I didn’t say I don’t believe in mbti~ But mbti may not be as accurate sometimes becuz maybe you took the quiz when you felt super confident in yourself and it drastically changed your type, but that’s not always the case. I do think mbti is accurate as my mbti esfj and isfj traits I relate to both and they’re both the same except merely varying in the extrovert and introvert part, since I can feel introverted at times and extroverted when I want to, so for that it’s a fluctuation lol.
I do think you being an infp is accurate, and surprisingly a bigger part of my friend circle are infps (like 3-4 friends) and they are soft beings. Infps give me that warm and dreaming at home vibe at times but are capable and introspective and a little sensitive child at heart (in all good meaning). And since your sun sign is cancer, you definitely feel easier to relate emotionally and you are soft at heart. A random thing I noticed, cancers give a natural warm feeling, either appearance wise(maybe soft features or roundish face) or vibe wise (like a warm fluffy polar bear feeling idk lol) cuz I noticed most cancers just seem to have that feel along with them. And infps irl usually seem more on the mellow side when you first see them (like first glance), cuz one of my infp friend seems quiet and reserved till he talks (he’s a gemini sun with cancer mercury, the amount of crackhead energy is indescribable lol). I do notice cancers although shy at first depending on the chart, cancers are naturally crackhead like ya know. They get invested or apssionate about something ebcuz cancers give their full heart and all to anything that is important to them 🥺✨💛
Also type 9 is accurate, as your chart indicates you have quite the air energy and most air signs at times value peace and go with the flow to get along, and type 9 people are peaceful, patient, diplomatic, open minded as their traits. When I did the enneagram test I think type 9 and type 6 were the most prominent in my score. And type 6 is described as practical, trustworthy, and responsible, supportive. Type 6 radiates earth energy to me, which is accurate 🐥✨🌿💖
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heyhosam · 7 years
It's midnight here when I just end up cryin over an angst Jikook fic. I haven't shed so many tears like that in months and it feels so bad but also so good. You know like when you let all your emotions out through tears and you feel relieved afterwards. It helps me to release whatever weighs me down inside for a moment. However it sucks since I miss Jikook a little more and ponder about all the possibilities. I'm just a Jikook trash trying to ship for fun and stay realistic at the same time.
Damn, I feel u….. I’m not one to cry easily but the one time I did was because of a fic…i tried to hold it all in because I felt stupid for crying over that but then the first tear slipped and the doors were opened. I cried like a baby and felt really good afterwards. That sense of relief that u get right after feels good.It’s hard to not get invested, to not think they are real after reading such stories; stories that make you feel so much, too much sometimes that leaves u wishing jikook could experience for real some of them (tho they already experience that love so apssionate for each other)
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six-queen · 11 years
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