carlocarrasco · 2 months
National Age Group Aquathlon 2024 set for September 29 at Ayala Vermosa Sports Hub, registration ongoing
Calling all the multisport enthusiasts, the triathletes, swimmers and other active lifestyle enthusiasts! The National Age Group Aquathlon 2024 event is all set to happen on September 29 at the Ayala Vermosa Sports Hub in Cavite. Registration for the event is ongoing and you can get yourself registered by clicking here (note: RaceYa account and log-in required). Race distances are as…
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willowandthyme · 2 months
The First Challenge: Beach Run Aquathlon
Challenge 1: Beach Run Aquathlon
Participants: All Sims
Goal: Run from the starting line. Swim across the bay to the next island, then run up the hill to the volcano! Once you reach the volcano, turn around, run down the hill, and swim back across the bay to the starting line!
First team to have all four tribe members cross the finish line wins team immunity in Tribal Council, meaning they cannot be eliminated.
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hashirun · 1 year
Okay so after postponing our aquathlon event I've been ignoring my event partner's messages since the middle of last week kasi busy ako and I need more time to think. That's why I wasn't surprised at all when he dropped by earlier to discuss a few things with me regarding the event.
He conceded that it's hard to market an aquathlon event so he proposed that we push back the date even further and instead hold a duathlon. I'm relieved he finally realized how challenging it is to market an aquathlon compared to events involving running, biking, or both; though I'm frustrated he was only convinced after talking to Sir Angel, a sports team manager and event organizer in Vermosa.
Also andami nyang kuda about our credibility taking a hit nung ako nagsuggest last time that we postpone the aquathlon only for him to decide later on that we push back the date even further and replace it with an easier to market and organize event.
Lastly I'm a bit pissed na ang hirap i-run through yung mga suggestions ko sa kanya pero once sya nakaisip yun na agad yung final decision.
Matagal ko nang na-realize that dealing with him is more trouble than it's worth, so I'm thinking that after one event I'm done. I'm out of here. We'll do the duathlon, then if he wishes to still proceed with the aquathlon then I can offer a venue partnership but I'll no longer take part in the organizing aspect.
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A Pralognan-la-Vanoise, le 27 juillet 2024
A la veille de la Granfondo du Col de la Loze, je participe de nouveau à cette grimpée organisée entre Brides-les-Bains et Pralognan pour une bonne mise en jambes et surtout profiter d’une belle météo et de la montagne !
Arrivée sur place assez tôt, j’ai le temps de me rendre à Pralognan en voiture et de prendre le vélo pour une quinzaine de km et environ 30’ d’échauffement pour redescendre à Bozel en passant par Champagny-en-Vanoise avec une petite montée à la clé. Les départs sont libres, et le chrono est lancé à la sortie de Bozel pour une montée de 18kms à 5% de moyenne jusqu’aux Prioux.
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Comme l’an dernier, je n’ambitionne pas la victoire et resterai dans ma zone de confort afin de profiter de cette montée sans trop puiser dans les réserves pour demain et la double ascension du monstrueux col de la Loze ! Les conditions sont bonnes cette année sans vent défavorable et il fait chaud mais sans excès (pour moi en tout cas). Calé aux watts je maintien un effort peu soutenu pour ce type d’effort sur les 2 premiers kms très roulants à tout juste 4,3 w/kg. Passé le Villard, je décide de faire la partie en lacets un peu plus fort, au seuil sur un gros 5w/kg. Ensuite on trouve plusieurs replats : j’alterne un peu plus fort dans les pourcentages et plus « tranquille » sur les replats. Les 6 derniers kms jusqu’aux Prioux sont eux aussi irréguliers et j’applique la même méthode pour finalement me trouver à 320W moyens sur les 45’ d’efforts de la grimpée ce qui est vraiment le max que je m’étais accordé aujourd’hui.
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Finalement de très bonnes sensations où j’étais vraiment à l’aise et je pense que j’aurai fais un excellent chrono en me donnant à fonds. C’est Louison Faure-Prost qui signe le meilleur temps en 43’29 devant Loick Dussol en 44’58 et je prends la 3eme marche du podium en 45’45 (accessoirement 1er de la catégorie peu commune des 36-45 ans !). Fin prêt pour demain où se sera une autre histoire sur le Granfondo et 4400m de D+ en seulement 117km !
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Sur le site Eventicom :
Ou directement sur ce lien (NB : le 1er et le 5eme dans ce classement sont en VAE...)
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schoje · 2 months
Yago Rodrigues Santos Alves e Mathues Ghiggi dos Santos, atletas de triathlon da Fundação Municipal de Esportes de Balneário Camboriú (FMEBC), são destaques em Santa Catarina e líderes do ranking da modalidade do ano de 2018, pela Federação de Triathlon de Santa Catarina (Fetrisc). Yago tem 20 anos e treina triathlon desde 2006. O triatleta, que integra o time da FMEBC há seis anos, foi líder do ranking da modalidade e ressalta que a conquista vem de treinos diários. "Treino das três modalidades (natação, corrida e ciclismo) todos os dias, em média de quatro horas", conta Yago, campeão catarinense de triathlon pela primeira em 2018. Por fim, ressalta a conquista do Estadual. "Foi minha primeira conquista aqui no Estado e agora vou tentar repetir o pódio nacionalmente", pontua. Yago ainda foi líder do ranking na modalidade de Aquathlon (Natação e corrida). Já Matheus, de 27 anos, foi líder no duathlon (corrida e ciclismo) e ficou atrás apenas de Yago, seu companheiro de equipe, na modalidade do triathlon. Sobre a conquista, o atleta de Balneário Camboriú ressalta a felicidade de ver seu nome entre os melhores do Estado. "É uma conquista bem bacana e gratificante. Agradeço a Fundação Municipal de Esportes de Balneário Camboriú por me incentivar todos esses anos e estar junto com os atletas na maior parte do tempo", finaliza.
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wavenyan · 3 months
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日本アクアスロン選手権にWAVE ONEがサポートするチームケンズが参戦!応援してネ♪ https://www.jtu.or.jp/national_championships/aquathlon/
●ニャンさんグッズ→https://wavenyan.com/goods ●ウエイブニャン公式サイト→http://wavenyan.com/ ●ウエイブニャンLINEスタンプ発売中!→http://urx.blue/NTgo ●ピクシブ→https://pixiv.me/user_mxcr8474 ●インスタグラム→https://www.instagram.com/wavenyan/
#日本アクアスロン選手権 #チームケンズ #ケンズ #アクアスロン #猫 #自転車 #カワイイ #イラスト #キャラクター #WAVEONE #ウエイブワン #ウエイブニャン #worldtriathloncup #cat #coolJapan #aquathlon
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tripeakathlete · 4 months
Weekly Update - June 10 - 16, 2024
Hello team, In this email you will find: CongratulationsJavier and Josh’s FarewellUpcoming RacesCoach’s Bucked Up Recommendations Athlete Highlight – Michael Clark ScheduleJoin the ClubQuestions Congratulations Congratulations to all of the athletes who raced this past weekend! Multisport National Championship – Omaha, Nebraska: Mariangel L 2nd Place – Aquathlon 2nd Place – Draft Legal…
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lafresnaya · 4 months
This is scheduled to post the day I've finished my exams!
Couldn't think of another fandom that I've been in since the start of 2024 but here's the number of pages to my ao3 history ;)
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Definitely much more of a prolific reader than writer
And then just to be contrary here are my fitness goals for the next three months;
planning on working towards a 10KM run + an aquathlon over summer, with hopes of transitioning towards a sprint triathlon by the end of the year :)
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bethestaryouareradio · 4 months
Healthy Eating
“Let thy food be thy medicine and thy medicine be thy food.” – Hippocrates
Host Julia is a fifteen-year-old female teen athlete, competing nationally in multisports including triathlon and aquathlon. She offers tips on personalizing one’s eating habits to stay healthy. There is no one-size-fits-all. Diet trends and fads don’t last, but our body is with us to the end. Julia interviews author, Sandy Robertson, with the 2nd edition of her book, Why Am I Eating This? Is This the Nourishment I Need? +*Sandy informs us that it takes 20 minutes for our brain to register that we have consumed enough. We need to slow down and pause. Gratitude and self-care are part of loving ourselves and nourishing ourselves. Stop rushing. Take the time to savor each bite. Emotions affect our eating habits. When we are stressed, we tend to try to self-soothe. Food is comfort. Pay attention to our patterns so that we don’t let our emotions govern what and how much we eat. Eating disorders of eating too much or too little are prevalent today. Talk to an expert and get support if your eating routines are out of whack. Keep a food or self-care journal. Ask yourself if you are physically hungry. Do you have fun in your life? Are you sleeping enough? Be mindful when eating. Pay attention to the colors, textures, and tastes. What makes us unique is that everybody is different. Perfection is not possible. It’s not the goal. Love yourself. Eat mindfully! Eat healthily. We only have one body. Be kind to it.
Follow us: https://www.starstyleradio.com/expressyourselfteenradio
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Bio: Sandy Robertson
For more than twenty-five years, Sandy Robertson, RN, MSN, PH-CNS, Board Certified Holistic Nurse (HN-BC), Certified Medical Intuitive (CMIP), and Certified Healing Touch Practitioner (CHTP), has deftly woven the traditional art and science of medicine with mind-body approaches to well-being. She is a highly sought healing guide in private practice and a notable corporate healthcare systems leader/educator in the forefront of integrative, complementary and holistic approaches to health and wellness.  Sandy Robertson, RN, MSN, PH-CNS, is an author, Board Certified Holistic Nurse (HN-BC). For the past 25 years she has been a notable corporate and healthcare systems manager/leader/educator of wellness and obesity programs and she has been in the forefront of integrative, complementary, and mind/body approaches to behavior change. She is also a Certified Medical Intuitive (CMIP), and Certified Healing Touch Practitioner (CHTP) who weaves the traditional art and science of medicine with mind-body approaches to well-being. More recently, seeking personal, deeper mind-body wisdom, Medical Intuition captured her attention as an insightful tool to better understand health issues and help focus healing approaches.
In her private practice, Sandy delights in providing guidance and healing support to her clients with intuitive energy assessments, energy balancing, and mind-body-spirit energy coaching services that are grounded in her extraordinary depth of training and experience.
To contact Sandy, visit www.energyworkswisdom.com
Listen at Voice America Network, Empowerment Channel: https://www.voiceamerica.com/episode/150174/healthy-eating
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goddessgardener · 4 months
Healthy Eating
“Let thy food be thy medicine and thy medicine be thy food.” – Hippocrates Host Julia is a fifteen-year-old female teen athlete, competing nationally in multisports including triathlon and aquathlon. She offers tips on personalizing one’s eating habits to stay healthy. There is no one-size-fits-all. Diet trends and fads don’t last, but our body is with us to the end. Julia interviews author,…
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Want to be healthy for the rest of your life? Tune in to Express Yourself! with host Julia and her guest author, Sandy Robertson, as they talk about nourishment.  https://www.voiceamerica.com/episode/150174/healthy-eating
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hashirun · 1 year
I resolved to talk with my event partner na i-move na namin yung date ng aquathlon event namin kasi anong petsa na and yet we still haven't met the minimum number of participants to push through.
Before talking to my partner I actually consulted first with the Head of Operations of RaceYa (our partner registration platform) as well as the Race Director of Wild Spaces (which organizes off-road races) to gain some insight on how I should handle our situation. The HOO of RaceYa advised me to move the date of the event since, being new to the race scene, we need more time to market the event across different platforms. Also he got feedback that for the price of our event, the swim leg is really short to make the entry fee worth it.
Meanwhile, the Race Director of Wild Spaces told me that we need at least 3 months to prepare for an event, and even before announcing the event we should already have the important details ironed out: venue, costing, suppliers, logistics. Two months to prepare for an event would be a gamble, and we'd be forced to market really hard.
So ayun na nga I approached my partner with my proposed changes sa date, sa entry fee, sa inclusions, sa categories, as well as marketing strategies.
I suggested we move the date to mid August or early September to give us more time to market the event, as well as more time to prepare for the race itself. I also suggested na wag na namin hintayin yung last day of registration bago i-announce na imu-move namin yung date, as early as now i-announce na namin. Kaso pumalag yung partner ko, okay lang daw i-move pero wag August or September kasi masyadong late yun, July na lang. Tapos maghintay muna daw kami after the last date of registration bago kami mag-announce. At ang gamitin daw naming reason for changing the date eh yung weather condition kasi we'll lose credibility daw if we postponed the event because we didn't meet the minimum number of participants. Then nag-suggest pa sya na pwede daw ituloy pa din namin kunwari yung event on June 18, pero mock race lang para lang may ma-post na tuloy yung event.
Kinginang yan umay. Muntik na ako pumitik kinalma ko lang sarili ko. Yung utak ko nagsusumigaw, tangina seryoso ka ba? Rinig ko yung nginig sa boses ko habang nangangatwiran. Buti na lang sa phone lang kami magkausap kasi ramdam ko yung expression ng mukha ko talagang lukot na.
Kaya nga imu-move yung date kasi gahol tayo sa oras. Bago ang ibibigay lang natin sa sarili natin 1 month? Doesn't that defeat the purpose of moving the date to gain more time to market and prepare?
Yung excuse na imu-move yung date dahil sa weather condition, unless sigurado kaming may paparating na bagyo on June 18, ang lame ng excuse na to since we're already in the middle of the rainy season. What makes us think that the weather will be any better sa kung ano mang date mamu-move yung event?
Yung magho-hold kami ng mock race for the sake na kunwari natuloy yung event, may ilang nagregister na din sa event eh so ano na lang sasabihin nila pag pumunta sila then ang aabutan nila eh mock race?
Pucha talaga ewan ko na. I'm thinking if I should just go against his wishes and push for an August date, or if I should just resign from my post as Race Director tutal di din naman kami magkasundo sa direksyon na gusto namin tahakin. Bahala na sya gawin kung anong gusto nya.
Tapos mag-hold na lang ako ng sariling event, so I can show him how it's done. Chz
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kikotapasando · 1 year
Deporte nobo i partisipante nobo na kompetensianan eskolar di Indebon
Deporte nobo i partisipante nobo na kompetensianan eskolar di Indebon 09/22/2023 E aña akí pa promé biaha alumnonan di enseñansa avansá tambe ta partisipá na e kompetensianan. E organisashon di deporte Indebon a amplia e deportenan ku ta forma parti di su kompetensianan eskolar ku aquathlon i basketbòl 3×3. E aña akí pa promé biaha alumnonan di enseñansa avansá tambe ta partisipá na e…
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nardonews24 · 1 year
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gazeta24br · 1 year
Atletas de Corrida e natação em mar aberto de todos os níveis poderão participar das disputas  No dia 17 de setembro, a Rio Triathlon – Federação de Triathlon do Estado do Rio de Janeiro promoverá o Campeonato Estadual de Aquathlon, em Búzios, na Praia da Ferradura. Podem participar atletas de alto rendimento, federados ou não, como esportistas que praticam corrida e nado, a partir dos 08 anos de idade. A proposta da federação é promover eventos esportivos para estimular a prática tanto corrida, já popular no estado do Rio, como o nado em mar aberto. O campeonato é uma ótima oportunidade para famílias de esportistas participarem juntos. Ao estilo corre, nada e corre novamente, na categoria infantil, serão 100 metros de natação e 500 de corrida. Infanto juvenil, são 200 metros de natação e 1 quilômetro de corrida. E para os adultos serão 3.5 quilômetros de corrida, com 1,5 de natação, mais 2,5 quilômetros de corrida.  Na premiação, receberão o troféu de pódio, os 5 primeiros a cruzar a linha de chegada, masculino e feminino; e medalhas de pódio, aos 5 primeiros de cada categoria, excetuando-se os 5 primeiros a cruzar a linha de chegada, masculino e feminino. Todos os demais que cruzarem a linha de chegada da prova, receberão medalha de participação. Os 10 primeiros atletas federados, e em dia com a Federação, masculino e feminino, receberão gratuitamente a inscrição da etapa seguinte, com data a definir. Para Júlio Alfaya, Presidente da Federação, as corridas já ganharam o coração dos brasileiros, que treinam tanto para alta performance, como para se exercitar. E, celebra o crescimento da prática de natação no mar, no estado do Rio de Janeiro, o que populariza a prática dos dois esportes em conjunto, fortalecendo o Aquathlon. "Uma das obrigações estatutárias da Federação é difundir o esporte por todo o Estado do Rio de Janeiro. Aliar esporte, lazer e família é uma das coisas mais solicitadas por nossos atletas. Em Búzios, teremos diversão para toda família, esporte para toda a família, sem falar naquele momento para espairecer e recarregar as baterias para a próxima semana. Atletas e famílias felizes = Federação feliz." Acompanhem o calendário pelo site: https://triathlon.org.br/competicoes/calendario/ Inscrições: https://www.ticketsports.com.br/e/AQUATHLON+BUZIOS-36847
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gomecpostasi · 1 year
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İlk ayağı Bigadiç’te Duatlon olarak, ikinci ayağı Erdek Ocaklar Aquathlon olarak gerçekleştirilen TRIATHL10 CUP’ın organizasyonunu finali Balıkesir’in Gömeç ilçesinde düzenlendi.  
  Farklı gruplar halinde yarışlarını tamamlayan yarışçılara dereceye girenlere ödülleri verildi.   Programa Belediye Başkanı Mehmet İrem Himam, Balıkesir Büyükşehir Belediyesi Genel Sekreter Yardımcısı Mehmet Akif Şencan, Balıkesir Büyükşehir Belediyesi Gençlik Ve Spor Daire Başkanı Yayha Akduman, Gençlik İl Spor Müdürlüğü Spor Hizmetleri Müdürü Bilal Gölen katıldılar.
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youblogzz · 1 year
SEA Games: PH claims seventh gold with aquathlon mixed relay victory
Matthew Hermosa, Kira Ellis, Erica Burgos and Inaki Lorbes win gold in aquathlon mixed team relay in the Southeast Asian Games in Cambodia. Photo from Triathlon Association of the Philippines MANILA, Philippines—The Philippines snagged another gold medal in the 32nd Southeast Asian Games on Saturday at Kep Town Beach in Cambodia. Matthew Hermosa, Kira Ellis, Erica Burgos and Inaki Lorbes ruled…
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