#archie hopper inspired
hannahhook7744 · 2 years
Dr Jiminy part 2;
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Summary; in which Jiminy Cricket has a show like Dr Phil that also does parentity testing. Trigger warning; child abuse, guns, and a broken marriage. Swearing. Part 1 can be found here.
Requested by @idontliketomatoesleavemealone . Hope you enjoy.
Dr Jiminy: Hannah, is it true that you threw a shoe at Parker (Percival McLeach's son) here's face?
Hannah, arms crossed with a scowl on her face: It is.
Crowd *gasps and boos*
Dr Jiminy *raises hand to silence the crowd* Now, why would you do a thing like that for?
Hannah: I warned him I'd throw a shoe at him if he didn't stop flirting with my sisters. And he didn't soooo--
Parker *jumps up from his seat, throwing his hand into the air* Objection! I call hearsay!
Hannah *snorts loudly, glaring at him* this isn't a courtroom, dumbass!
Parker: HEARSAY!
Hannah *jumps up and gets in his face* STAY THE FUCK AWAY FROM MY SISTERS!
Dr Jiminy: SECURITY!
Dr Jiminy: Luke, will you please sit down so we can discuss this like adults--
Luke, running around the set and dodging security: NOOOOO! I DIDN'T CONSENT TO THIS!
King Caleb Westergaard: Nephew, please---
Luke, jumping over a chair: NO! DON'T CALL ME THAT, YOU ASSHOLE-- I'M NOT YOUR NEPHEW!
Dr Jiminy, gesturing with his hands: Now, Bill. Would it really kill you to tell Isaac that you love him once and awhile?
Bill Cipher, laughing:It's funny how dumb you are!
Isaac, sliding down in his seat and pulling his beanie down over his face, muttering: I hate you, I hate you. I hate this. Why did I even agree to come here?
Dr Jiminy: Excuse me?
Bill Cipher: I said it's good to be back!
Dr Jiminy: I don't think--
Bill Cipher: You don't need to think! Your reality is an illusion!
Isaac, still muttering: Kill me now.
Bill Cipher: Now son, where would the fun be in that?
Dr Jiminy, under his breath and into his comm: Send in Ford...
Dr Jiminy, hiding under a table: Gentlemen, Gentlemen! Are the firearms really necessary?
Parker, pointing a gun at his dad-- Percival McLeach: Yes!
Percival McLeach, also aiming a gun but at his son: For once, I agree with the boy!
Dr Jiminy, muttering under his breath exasperated and still taking cover: Oh man, I do not get paid enough for this.
Dr Jiminy: Now Gaston, is it true that you refuse to claim little Gemma here as your own?
*a video of Gemma pops up on screen*
Gaston: Yes, because she's not mine!
Crowd *boos and starts throwing stuff*
Crowd member 1: YOU SUCK!
Crowd member 2: YOU STINK!
Dr Jiminy: Ma'am calm down. Now, Gaston, why do you think Gemma isn't yours?
Gaston: cause no girl could be a child of Gastons! It's impossible! My family can only create boys!
*booing gets louder, gagging can be heard. Steam is coming off of the Enchantress*
Dr Jiminy in disbelief, waves a paper in the air: Well, this DNA test will prove whether or not that's correct. Drum roll please!
*drum roll starts*
Dr Jiminy: Gaston..
*Gaston, arms crossed, looking smug*
Dr Jiminy: You ARE the father!
Crowd *starts screaming*
Gaston *jumps up* LIES! This is RIGGED!
Dr Jiminy: Now, Gaston, I understand that you're upset but--
Gaston *starts throwing chairs and destroying furniture *
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A Measure of Character - Gold the Tenrec, and Standing Tall as Reality Collapses, With a Dash of History to Taste
It is no exaggeration to say that dimensional shenanigans were an essential piece of Archie Sonic's identity, handily one of the it's longest standing tropes and probably the first thing to truly set it apart from the games and cartoon that inspired it. No joke; this is something the comic starting dabbling with no sooner than Issue 02, way the hell back in 1993, so we might even be looking at the point of origin of this trope for the franchise as a whole, really. If there ever comes a point where it strikes you that Sonic just can't seem to stay put in a single plane of reality, just know that it's all part of a long treasured legacy spanning decades.
Suffice to say there's a fair bit of history to be found here, and set to play front-runner for the re-boot's refurbished take on the concept as she was, I like to think that Gold the Tenrec had the opportunity to revitalize it for the new order of things in some interesting ways, with the introduction of a much more expansive element of character than the comic had ever previously enjoyed being chief among them.
That is a surprisingly loaded statement, and it's one that requires a bit of contextual finagling to fully back up. So let's kick this off by looking back on some recent, and some not so recent, history…
So before we can dig into what Gold might have contributed at the character level of things, we need to do a quick summation of how the comic played about with it's notion of alternate dimensions the first time around. Chiefly speaking, when circumstance brought the action out onto the dimensional stage, it was happening in one of two ways; either somebody was heading out to get something specific done before heading right back to Mobius, or our intrepid heroes were dealing with some trouble falling on their heads on the home front.
Nobody was really "traveling abroad" for it's own sake, is what I mean to say, and this is pretty handily epitomized by Gold's most direct predecessor as resident dimension hopper, none other than Sonic the Hedgehog himself.
Sonic's history of breaking dimensional boundaries is a fittingly storied one. Whether it's getting launched into a confab with a trio of demigods after collecting his billionth power ring, being led by an actual, literal suit to the Casablanca homage dimension wherein he fights the robots from MST3K, to getting hauled off to the lawyer dimension after getting framed by his evil mirror universe doppelganger, this was stuff that our favorite needle mouse just kind of kept having happen to him. And I mean that rather literally.
On most any occasion where Sonic found himself in another time and place, there was an actual guiding influence leading him there, putting him in position to help those worlds in times of dire need and with no speedy blue heroes of their own to handle things. This would've been on a fairly regular basis in-universe, too, and all with said guiding influence gleefully playing coy on just why they were sending the poor guy off on some odyssey or another on what at least had to have been every couple weeks. Which on it's own would still probably be all well and good were it not for the fact that Sonic just never really had very much to show for all the work he'd put in while traipsing across creation.
This is a pretty direct consequence of what went on at the production end of things. See, same as it is today over at IDW, Archie Sonic developed an extensive catalogue of specials and side series over the years, and often as not, it was one & done day trips out into the multiverse that you'd find filling the pages of those specials. As a result, almost none of the places Sonic had gone to and the people he'd met would ever come up again.
This would be the shape of things right up until Ian Flynn took up the writer's chair, but then all that really amounted to was things veering off totally in the opposite direction with alternate universes becoming the least prevalent they'd ever been in the comic's history. Which is hardly surprising, given all the other things Ian was taking a machete to back at the start of his tenure, but the fact that we never got to enjoy the majesty that was Sally McAcorn in an actually decent art style still stings the heart to this day.
Put all this together and you're left with a dimension hopper who never seemed all that impressed with all the hopping around he'd done, which in turn leaves the sheer scope of it all bereft of any particular sense of grandeur. And it's on that one simple point that Gold represents such a major sea change.
It's through Gold that we finally would've gotten someone who truly appreciated the scale they were operating at, akin as it might've been at first to the appreciation one gets for the ocean as they're drowning in it.
Getting jettisoned to parts unknown without warning and with no real home to turn back to regardless, all manner of monstrous nastiness lurking about in the aeither, and with only themselves to rely on to pull them through it as reality tears itself apart. There's really no overlooking this particular element of… sustained severity, let's call it, characterizing the situation Gold and company find themselves in that Sonic never had to deal with. Learning how to cope with that severity would've marked one of the most pivotal turning points of their journey, and while it's something I think Team Psych on the whole would've eventually achieved, Gold would've represented it at it's purest.
Remember, Gold entered this story having only ever known the situation with the Genesis Portals for what it could be at it's most cataclysmic, finding herself powerless to do much of anything about it time and again. From that initial incident that left her stranded in a foreign world and then having to stand by as the closest thing she had to family worked tirelessly to bring that same kind of armageddon to their door, she was about as close to rock bottom as one can be without full-on hitting the ground.
It's hardly any wonder that she took that desperate gamble to seize the opportunity Silver and Schlemmer presented her even when confined to The Council's seat of power. It was probably the closest thing to hope she'd felt for a good many years.
And that's all it really takes, isn't it? A single spark of hope to lift up the spirit and help it find strength in the darkest circumstances. We can definitely see it work out for Gold like this. When that climatic scuffle with the Second Devourer seemed to take a fatal turn and the doom she'd evaded for so long caught up with her, Gold was able to face it head on, standing tall and with a smile. Quite the drastic turn from the way she'd previously been left a panicked wreck in comparably less drastic situations.
And it's through that same newly forged confidence and optimism that Gold would be able to make a rather simple but direly important contribution to the team later down the line. When the moments inevitably come that the team find themselves lacking direction or at risk of getting crushed by the sheer enormity of the task before them, Gold would be the one best able to keep the spirit of their mission alive by reminding them that even as reality itself insists on collapsing around them, they've stayed standing. They're the ones who've proven that this is not, in fact, the end, and that they'll be able to push on through whatever grisly happenstance comes their way.
It's that all too critical element of perseverance that Team Psych would need to keep them heading forward, and it's only fitting that the one who'd most known that kind of hopelessness by heart would be the one to ensure they overcome it and see thing's through to the end.
But, of course, there's still the matter of how they'll actually go about doing that. Because all this heartfelt ishkabibble aside, reality collapsing in on itself is still very much a practical concern they'd need to get a handle on, and there's only so much headway the power of friendship can grant you on something like that when your name isn't Sonic! That's an effort that calls for more than just three sets of hands, and rounding up that extra support was always going to be the natural progression for Team Psych's story.
How those efforts were going to shape up, though, may well have resulted in something… peculiarly familiar, but we'll get into the implications of that another time. And hopefully it'll be before this time next year!
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mythiecal · 10 months
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#mythiecal , an independent and selective low-activity multi-muse featuring characters based in various media. primarily portrayed as original characters with inspiration from various lore, mythology, and fables. told by: vivian --- twenty3, she/they pronouns.
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⁽ ᵃᶠᶠⁱˡⁱᵃᵗᵉˢ ⁾ , url.
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doctrine. prompts. sideblog.
alice cullen, 19+ ( immortal ), she/her, bisexual. fc: taylor russel. twilight saga (anti-smeyers). canon divergent & headcanon based. secondary.
diana prince, 29+ ( immortal ), she/her, bisexual. fc: kate siegel. detective comics. canon divergent & headcanon based. secondary. * main relationship with @de2thletter's steve trevor.
gwendolyne stacy, 18 - 25, she/her, transfem, demiromantic pansexual. fc: hunter schafer. marvel comics. headcanon based. request.
isabella swan, 17 - 19, she/her, bisexual. fc: havana rose liu. twilight saga (anti-smeyers). canon divergent & headcanon based. secondary.
josephine mccoy, 19+ ( immortal ), she/her, pansexual. fc: savannah lee smith. archie horror. headcanon based. secondary.
ariel tritonsdatter, 20, she/her, straight. fc: halle bailey. the little mermaid. canon divergent & headcanon based. secondary.
bárbara roberto, 20, she/her, straight. fc: jenna ortego. barbie. headcanon based. * main relationship with @de2thletter's ken carson.
harvey kinkle, 18, he/him, bisexual. fc: gavin casalegno. archie horror. canon divergent & headcanon based. secondary.
miles morales, 13 - 15, he/him, bisexual. fc: tbd. spider-verse trilogy. canon compliant & headcanon based. secondary.
allison argent, 18 - 21, she/her, pansexual. fc: olivia rodrigo. teen wolf. canon divergent & headcanon based. secondary.
caroline perkins, 18 - 25, she/her, bisexual. fc: anya taylor-joy. stanger things. canon divergent & headcanon based. secondary. * written outside of st rpc.
jane hopper-byers, 11 - 14, she/they, bisexual. fc: millie bobbie brown. stanger things. something based. secondary. * written outside of st rpc.
rebecca harlowe, 17 - 23, she/they, biromantic demisexual. fc: whitney peak. teen wolf. headcanon based. secondary.
wally clark, 18, he/him, bisexual. fc: milo manheim. school spirits. headcanon based. secondary.
daphne blake, 18 - 23, she/her, bisexual. fc: julia lester. scooby-doo. headcanon based. secondary.
sasha mason, 18, she/her, pansexual. fc: halle bailey. bratz: rock angelz. headcanon based. secondary.
velma dinkley, 18 - 23, she/they, aromantic lesbian. fc: ariela barer. scooby-doo. headcanon based. secondary.
henrik novak / bobby zukowski, 18 - 21, he/they, bisexual. fc: milo manheim. archie horror. headcanon based. * main relationship with nora's tbd oc. :)
loreno rodrigo, 18, she/they, pansexual. fc: giovanna grigio. archie horror. headcanon based. secondary.
treasa ó cuilinn, 20, she/her, pansexual. fc: emily alyn lind. multi-fandom. headcanon based. secondary.
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woodsborotm · 4 days
mwm fcs? and are there any oc personality types youd like to see?
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𝗪𝗛𝗔𝗧 𝗔 𝗙𝗨𝗡 question! i'd be more than happy to shoot off some ideas! this is going to get pretty long, so i'll be dropping my answer under the cut so not to clog the tags.
𝗙𝗔𝗖𝗘𝖢𝖫𝖠𝖨𝖬𝖲. aldis hodge, alex fitzalan, alex landi, alexander skarsgard, alfonso herrera, algee smith, andrew koji, archie renaux, avan jogia, barry keoghan, berk cankat, berker guven, bill skarsgard, billy magnussen, brian michael smith, bright vachirawit chivaaree, casey deidrick, chace crawford, charles melton, charles michael davis, clayton cardenas, conan gray, dj cotrona, dan levy, dan stevens, daniel ezra, daniel sharman, danny devito, darren barnet, david castaneda, david harbour, deaken bluman, derek theler, dev patel, diego luna, diego tinoco, dylan mcdermott, eddie liu, eka darville, emilio sakraya, eric dane, evan mock, felix mallard, freddy carter, froy gutierrez, george mackay, giancarlo esposito, gil birmingham, gong yoo, harvey guillen, hayden christensen, idris elba, jacob anderson, jacob elordi, jake gyllenhaal, jd pardo, joe keery, john cho, jonathan daviss, josh hartnett, justice smith, justin hartley, ke huy quan, keanu reeves, keith powers, kiowa gordon, lee dong wook, lee pace, lewis tan, mads mikkelsen, manish dayal, manny jacinto, mark consuelos, martin sensmeier, mena massoud, michael b jordan, michael evans behling, michael trevino, nathan stewart jarrett, ncuti gatwa, nico hiraga, omar metwally, oscar isaac, pedro pascal, rahul kohli, rami malek, raymond ablack, rege jean page, richard harmon, rish shah, riz ahmed, robert pattinson, rudy pankow, ryan gosling, santiago cabrera, sean teale, sendhill ramanurthy, sinqua walls, sterling k brown, steven yeun, taylor zakhar perez, tenzing norgay trainor, thomas weatherall, tom hopper, trevante rhodes, winston duke, xolo mariduena, yahya abdul mateen ii, yusuf gatewood, zahn mcclarnon.
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𝗣𝗘𝗥𝗦𝗢𝗡𝖠𝖫𝖨𝖳𝖨𝖤𝖲. given the type of franchise scream is, i feel like this plot really lends itself well to characters who are at least loosely inspired by other franchises in some way, given that scream is a commentary on other horror films that have come out around the same time. that being said, here are some horror characters i'd love to see ocs inspired by: helen shivers, barry william cox, julie james, trish and darry jenner, anna from possession, patrick bateman, danny and wendy torrance, ash williams, kirsty cotton, brad majors and janet weiss, margot and tyler from the menu, dani ardor, bill, eddie, stan, and beverly from it, laurie strode, jennifer check, anita lesnicki, colin gray, nikolai wolf, and chip dove from jennifer's body, daniel and grace le domas, noa from fresh, carrie white, nancy thompson, amanda young and adam faulkner stanheight from saw, deena and sam from fear street, nancy, sarah, bonnie, and rochelle from the craft, sam and michael from the lost boys, jack goodman and david kessler, brigitte and ginger fitzgerald, stokely, marybeth, and zeke from the faculty, casey from we're all going to the world's fair, natalie, paul, and damon from urban legend, and sally and franklin hardesty from texas chainsaw massacre.
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vedaadesigns · 8 months
Specialist Practice VCO665
Unit Brief
Reference : VCO665
Credit Points : 40
Weighting : 2.0
Duration : 14 weeks
Study Time : 400 hours
Commences : Tuesday, 3rd October 2023
Deadline 1 : 6th December @ 10:30 am
Deadline 2 : 30th January @ 10:30 am
Evidence your level of critical judgement
Define an area of specialist study
Social and cultural considerations
Plan and manage a programme of work independently or collaboratively 
A1 : Acquisition of detailed knowledge informed by the forefront of developments within the subject.
A2 : To develop critical and analytical skills.
A3 : Autonomy of approach, develop critical awareness.
*A4 : Identify strengths and weaknesses within your design practice 
Learning Outcomes
LO1 : Demonstrate the acquisition of knowledge through research, inspired by histories, contexts, contemporary practice.
LO2 : Ability to use knowledge gained to generate original ideas, understanding audience behaviours. 
LO3 : Creation, realisation, presentation and communication of work.
*LO4 : Ability to engage in critical reflection. 
Select & undertake one of these competition briefs (can be found online) :
ISTD Briefs (1,2,3,4 & 5)
RSA Briefs (1,3 & 4)
Creative Conscience (bonus brief) 
Will it blend? (1 week)
Process Book
an edited overview 
evaluate and edit the work
make sure to stipulate on each page which of the learning outcomes you feel the content is evidencing (a design footnote) 
Group D&AD New Blood Brief (group of 3-4)
Presentation of D&AD Brief :
opportunity to be creative and present the narrative in a unique way
collectively illustrate the process work and final outcome
Specialist Practice Examples :
ISTD Brief
(editorial projects, typography, hierarchy is important) 
Yuan Xu (Remo) - Hutong
Dot Falla (I see both sides) (the impartial report)
Stewart Humphreys (Images of ideas)
Amber Hickey (Found)
Jess Powell (27 years)
Alyessia Schiavi (Molly Bloom) (Ulysses)
Archie Graves (Whatever May Remain)
Darcy Hall (Type Tree)
RSA Brief 
(more illustration, animation, UI/UX)
Filip Jankoski (Spark)
Sophie Pearson (The World Through Glass)
Martin Hicks (Circular Fashion)
Abbie Hopper (Bad Habits)
0 notes
lacebird · 4 years
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Appreciating Archie Hopper’s adorable sense of style:
S1E1 - Pilot
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heatherfield · 4 years
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“Your thoughts are too loud,” Ruby teased, working the empty cup out of his grasp and placing it on a server’s tray. She clasped his hands in hers and guided him towards the dancers. “Shut up and dance with me, Cricket.” Archie caught a glimmer in her eye. “And this time I can be the one to show you some moves.”
Red Cricket in “(Shut Up and) Dance with Me”
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andcontemplation · 5 years
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(っ◔◡◔)っ ♥ “Get ready Lovebirds, you’re almost up to bat!” ♥
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kmomof4 · 2 years
Love Between the Pages  Ch. 1 A Necessary Intrusion
And here is Ch. 1 of Love Between the Pages repost before the epilogue begins posting! If you’re reading for the first time or rereading to refresh your memory, I’d love to know what you think!
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Summary: Killian Jones is a best-selling author working on his latest book, a biography of Neal Cassidy, NASCAR darling who was killed five years ago on the track. He’d be staying in the home of Cassidy’s widow, Emma, out in the middle of nowhere for the next month interviewing her for the book and getting his first draft ready for his editor. Falling in love with her was not part of the plan.
Rating: M (smut and brief mentions of rape/non-con in ch3)
Words: 6,238 of almost 35K
Tags: Non-magical AU, Inspired by The O’Hurleys by Nora Roberts, Smut
From the beginning on ao3
Tagging the usuals. Please let me know if you’d like to be added or removed.
@hollyethecurious​ @winterbaby89​ @snowbellewells​ @stahlop​ @resident-of-storybrooke​ @jennjenn615​ @kingofmyheart14​ @profdanglaisstuff​ @branlovestowrite​ @thisonesatellite​ @ultraluckycatnd​ @flslp87​ @whimsicallyenchantedrose​ @let-it-raines​ @shireness-says​ @kymbersmith-90​ @darkcolinodonorgasm​ @bethacaciakay​ @searchingwardrobes​ @ilovemesomekillianjones​ @teamhook​ @aprilqueen84​ @qualitycoffeethings​ @superchocovian​ @artistic-writer​ @donteattheappleshook​ @doodlelolly0910​ @seriouslyhooked​ @tiganasummertree​ @lfh1226-linda​ @xsajx​ @klynn-stormz​ @jrob64​ @wefoundloveunderthelight​ @zaharadessert​ @elizabeethan​ @xhookswenchx​ @gingerpolyglot​ @allons-y-to-hogwarts-713​ @sailtoafarawayland​ @justanother-unluckysoul​ @veryverynotgoodwrites​ @jonesfandomfanatic​ @deckerstarblanche​ @the-darkdragonfly​ @batana54​ @purplehawkcaptain​ @k-leemac​ @motherkatereloyshipper​ @apiratewhopines​ @killiansqueenofthejollyroger​ @onceuponahookandswan​ @meat-pie-with-sauce​ @cosette141​ @pirateprincessofpizza​ @xarandomdreamx​ @fleurdepetite​ @hookmecaptain​
Under the cut, unless Tumblr ate it.
Ch. 1 A Necessary Intrusion
The sun was just rising over the trees as Killian Jones tore down the state highway in back roads Virginia keeping his eyes open for the turnoff to the horse farm where he would find the elusive Emma Cassidy, widow of Neal Cassidy, darling of the NASCAR circuit and the subject of his latest project.
Killian had been twelve years old when the man had suddenly appeared as the youngest racer ever on the circuit. Being only six years younger than Cassidy, Killian had idolized him. He had followed his career as a teenager and young man and had been devastated when Cassidy was killed in a fiery crash on the track five years ago. When he left his job as an investigative reporter at the Boston Globe to start writing official biographies about six months after Cassidy died, he immediately pursued the authorization for his idol’s biography. That authorization was finally granted early last fall by Mrs. Cassidy through her family spokesman and attorney, Archie Hopper. He had already completed his other interviews and all he had left was Cassidy’s widow, who had completely disappeared from the public eye about a year and a half before he was killed. Living out in the middle of nowhere, and given the amount of time it was going to take to get all the information he needed from her, it made sense for him to come to her and stay in her home for the duration. His first draft was due to his editor in a month and it was time for him to get writing.
He let out a string of curses that would make a pirate blush as he realized that he’d just missed his turnoff. He checked his mirrors and made a quick U-turn in the middle of the road. It was for just this reason that he loved his black ‘69 Chevelle so much.
He turned onto the dirt road and made his way carefully along the pothole-ridden path toward the dilapidated but huge farmhouse he could just see through the trees. It was a two-story, wooden clapboard facade that had definitely seen better days. The paint was faded and peeling in places and the porch that stretched along the front of the house sagged on one side. He hoped the stairs leading up to it were sturdy. He came to a stop in the middle of the front yard near an old pickup truck that was new probably about the time he was born.
She must have been waiting for him, because just as he turned the car off, she opened the screen door and stepped out of the house.
The woman before him was the last thing he expected. Thin, lithe, and utterly breathtaking, the resemblance she bore to a picture taken of her eight years ago- a picture he’d never been able to get out of his mind- ended there. In the picture, she was the epitome of high society and glamour- flawless makeup, diamonds dripping from her fingers and ears. She was wrapped in a full-length white mink and was about to roll the dice at a casino in Vegas, where Cassidy would go on to win the Pennzoil 400 the next day. He couldn’t imagine anything about a horse farm attracting that woman. Granted, the picture had been taken a long time ago, but he had a hard time reconciling the woman in the picture with the woman standing on the porch.
Everything about her exuded casual comfort. Her long blonde hair shone in the morning light and was pulled back into a high ponytail. She wore tight blue jeans, leaving little to the imagination, tucked into knee high boots, while a long sleeved green plaid flannel protected her from the chill of the mid-March morning. She appeared tense and uncertain, like a cornered small animal, her lips pressed into a thin line, arms crossing under her breasts and cupping her opposite elbows. Prone to taking in strays in his youth, he knew exactly how small animals could lash out when feeling threatened. If his initial assessment of her was correct, he would have to tread carefully.
He was staring at her. She could feel his gaze from where he was getting out of his car, about thirty feet away. She swallowed past the fear lodging in her throat and told herself again that she was doing the right thing. She was doing this for Henry. So that he could have at least something of his father.
He grabbed a large duffel out of the car and made his way toward her. His long stride brought him to the porch where she stood in mere moments. When he reached it, his eyes travelled from her face all the way down to her feet and back up again. She caught her breath at how handsome he was. His hair was nearly black in the early morning sunshine and artfully tousled as if, yep, as she watched, he ran his fingers through his hair until it settled back down on his forehead. His eyes were a clear blue and his sharp jawline was covered with dark scruff with hints of ginger. A shiver of attraction worked its way down her spine before their eyes met again. He was sizing her up and she couldn’t help but feel that he found her lacking. Her eyes skittered away from his and she rubbed her upper arms as the cold air seeped through the layers she wore.
“Mrs. Cassidy?” he asked.
She startled at his use of her married name. Although she didn’t know what else he would have called her.
“Oh, p-please call me Emma,” she stuttered, uneasily shaking her head. She turned away from him and entered the house. “Come on in, Mr. Jones.”
He climbed the steps and followed her in. “If I’m to call you Emma, then you should call me Killian,” he insisted as he passed her into the front hall. He looked around and found himself charmed by what he saw. It was warm, lived in, and comfortable. More in keeping with the woman before him than a rich widow hiding from the world. It reminded him of the farm he and his brother Liam were raised on after their mother died and their father abandoned them. His eyes met hers again. “Nice place.”
She looked around with a small smile on her face. “We like it. It’s home.” Her green eyes met his. “May I take your jacket?”
He dropped his bag and shrugged out of the wool peacoat he wore before handing it to her to hang in the closet. When she turned back to him, she leaned over and picked his bag up without so much as a flinch. She was obviously stronger than she looked. He couldn’t help but notice the way her jeans outlined the shape of her ass and his body responded automatically. He shook his head, banishing the inappropriate thoughts. She was a source, nothing more. Someone that he was going to be living with for the next month as he gathered information about her dead husband. It would be most unwise to let his attraction get in the way of his assignment. He shook himself out of his musings as he realized she was speaking to him.
“We run on a pretty tight schedule around here. Have to with a kindergartener running around,” she said. “We’re downstairs for breakfast around 7, the bus picks him up at 7:30.” He realized he must have just missed seeing the bus when he arrived. “I’ll be available to you about mid-morning, so you’ll have plenty of time for a shower, breakfast, whatever you like until then. Lunch is generally leftovers from dinner, or there’s also lunch meat and peanut butter and jelly. You’re welcome to whatever you can find in the pantry and fridge. After lunch, I’m usually working around the house or running any errands that need to be done until Henry gets home about 3:20. The afternoons and evenings are taken up with him. Dinner is at 6:30 and he goes to bed at 8. I’m usually occupied with expenses and stuff like that after he goes to bed, but I can probably spare some time for you then, if necessary.”
He stopped at the top of the stairs. “Probably not. I generally do my writing at night. I expect I’ll be working on the manuscript in the evenings. And I don’t expect you to feed me three meals a day, lass,” he assured her.
“Oh, it’s no problem. The check your agent sent is more than adequate for your expenses, so please don’t hesitate to let me know if there’s anything special you’d like me to get from the grocery store.” She turned and entered a bedroom before laying his bag on the large king size bed in the middle of the room. “The bathroom is down at the end of the hall.” She shrugged. “The hot water’s fairly reliable.”
“Yeah, a hot shower and a nap would be nice.”
“You’re here a lot earlier than I expected. Did you drive all night?”
“Yeah.” He didn’t mean to be short, but he was more interested in his surroundings at the moment than making small talk. The windows on the other side of the room were framed by white gauzy curtains and looked out onto the rolling hills of the Shenandoah Valley. The sun was high enough now that the remaining snow on the ground from the last snowfall would be gone in no time. He turned back to his hostess. “I got my second wind.”
He obviously had. He may have driven all night, but he looked completely alert as he surveyed his surroundings before meeting her own eyes again.
“Well, I’ll leave you to it.” She gestured vaguely around the room. “I’ll be in the barn for the next few hours if you need anything.”
His brow furrowed. “The barn?”
She had trouble holding in her chuckle. “Yes, the barn. This is a horse farm, you know.”
“Well, yes, I knew that. But, don’t you have…”
She raised an inquiring eyebrow at him. “Stable hands?” she laughed. “No. Leroy Henderson comes and helps three times a week, but he’s down with the flu like half the county.”
She turned away from him and walked toward the door. “Make yourself at home. I’ll see you later.” She could feel his eyes on her as she left the room and couldn’t deny that it sent a shiver of pleasure through her. She thought of the strong lines of his body. It had been so long. She didn’t even allow the thought to fully form before she put a firm stop to it. She couldn’t allow any form of attraction to sidetrack this project. He was only here for a month and then he’d be gone. Never to be heard from again. She had her own purposes in finally allowing this project to move forward- a son to raise, and a loan to repay. She would do well to remember that. And keep the wall around her heart fortified.
Killian watched out his door as she made her way down the stairs, then crossed to the windows to see her emerge from the back door and head toward the barn on the other side of the pasture. No stable hands? Did she honestly expect him to believe that she had no help running this entire farm? With the kind of money she had to have from Cassidy’s estate? He watched her enter the barn as fatigue crashed over him and his head started pounding from his lack of sleep. He was going to have to ponder those questions later. Right now his second wind was wearing off, and the bed was calling his name. He took his boots off and fell on the mattress. He was asleep within minutes.
Killian awoke thoroughly disoriented. He rolled over and sat up, looking around the unfamiliar room. He had slept so deeply and so long it took him a few moments to remember his overnight drive and arriving at Emma Cassidy’s farm early that morning. He pulled his phone out of his pocket and saw that he had slept over seven hours. It didn’t appear that he moved at all in that time. The white quilt on the bed looked undisturbed where he’d just been lying.
Scrubbing his hand down his face, he rose from the bed and made his way to the door intending to find the bathroom. He entered the hallway just as the door at the end opened revealing Emma fresh from a shower, wearing nothing but a fluffy yellow robe.
Killian’s mouth went dry as she spotted him and gasped, placing her hand above her heart.
“I, I’m so sorry,” he apologized, “I didn’t mean to startle you.”
“No,” she assured him, “it’s fine.” She took a deep breath before meeting his gaze again. “Did you sleep okay? I assume you slept,” she continued, shrugging her shoulders, “since I haven’t seen you at all since you got here.”
“Uh, yes,” he agreed. “Slept quite well. Thank you. May I use the bathroom?” he asked, gesturing to the room behind her.
She turned back toward the bathroom, appearing startled again, as if she’d forgotten where she was standing. “Uh, of course,” she stammered, “You don’t need to ask. Sorry, my shower needs a dose of Liquid Plumr, so I used this one instead,” she rambled, “Please, make yourself at home. I think I already said that.”
Her nervousness was endearing. He moved slowly toward her, but she seemed rooted to the spot, unwilling or unable to move away from the door. His heart raced and his traitorous body wasn’t obeying orders as he watched a drop of water trail down her neck and disappear into the softness of her robe. Licking his lips, he imagined himself tracing the same trail with his tongue.
Emma’s mouth hung open, her eyes wide and glazed. He smirked, realizing he was apparently not the only one affected by their proximity, and wondered if she might be amenable to his musings.
Suddenly, a sound like a thundering herd of elephants reached her ears, forcibly drawing her out of the haze of lust Killian’s sudden sleep-rumpled appearance had prompted in her. Hunger darkened his eyes before he shook his head and looked around. She couldn’t help the giggle that escaped her lips at his bewilderment.
“What the devil is that?” he asked. “It sounds like the army has landed.”
“An invasion,” she nodded, “is a pretty accurate description, actually.”
“Mom, I’m home,” Henry called at the top of his lungs accompanied by the furious and joyous barking of Shep, their Australian Shepherd.
“My son always feels as if he has to announce his arrival home.” She rolled her eyes affectionately. “I have no idea why. I’ve got to get dressed and get downstairs before they destroy the kitchen.”
He stood aside as she walked past him into her own room. He glanced down the hallway to the stairs before slipping into the bathroom. It was going to be an interesting afternoon.
Killian was pulling clothes from his duffel when the hairs on the back of his neck stood up. He had to remind himself that he was in a farmhouse in the middle of nowhere and the .38 he used to keep hidden in his waistband hadn’t been there in quite a few years. That didn’t make the awareness that he was no longer alone ease one bit, but he maintained his action, looking for all the world as if he was just hanging up his clothing.
He turned toward the closet and heard his door open that much more as the pint sized spy sought to keep him within sight. As he moved back toward the bed, he grabbed the doorknob and pulled the door open, causing the small boy and a dog that looked to be about as big as he was, to fall into the room. The lad looked up at him from his place on the floor. “You can’t have my trains!” he declared with a trembling chin.
Killian knelt next to him and placed his arm on his upraised knee. He couldn’t keep the amused smirk off his face if he tried.
“Ok,” he replied, “Maybe you can show them to me sometime.”
That was apparently all it took to assuage the boy’s fears. He clambered up from the floor and deposited himself on Killian’s bed.
“I’m Henry and this is Shep,” he said, holding his hand out for him to shake. “He’s an Australian Shepherd and my Aunt Ruby and Aunt Regina gave him to me for my first birthday. They said that any boy that lived on a farm should have a dog, and what kind of Aunts would they be if they allowed me to grow up without one.” His recitation had all the hallmarks of a frequently told story that he had memorized long ago.
Killian grasped Henry’s hand and introduced himself. “Killian Jones,” he said. “It’s very nice to meet you, Henry. Shep,” he acknowledged, nodding at the dog who had deposited himself at Henry’s feet on the floor.
“So you like trains, do you, Henry?” he asked as he continued to unpack. Killian chuckled as the boy launched into an impassioned monologue all about Thomas the Tank Engine.
When Henry finished telling him about the episode when Farmer McCole got angry at Thomas for not being careful as the train delivered his eggs to market, he abruptly changed the subject.
“I’m always very careful when I collect the eggs from the chickens,” he asserted proudly. “Mom says I’m a big help.”
Killian smiled. “I bet you are.”
“I help some with the horses, too,” he continued. “Mom won’t let me get near Maelstrom, though. Too dangerous, she says.”
“Maelstrom, huh?” he asked.
“Yeah,” Henry’s eyes lit up. “He’s the best. Black as midnight and so fast and strong. I’m gonna ride him someday.”
Killian raised his brows. “Well, you make sure and listen to your mom. She wants to make sure you’re safe.” Henry frowned, obviously not caring much for his admonishment. “I used to have a horse on the farm I grew up on,” he offered, trying to bring the boy’s smile back. “A Tennessee Walker, 16 hands. I named him after my favorite literary character, Captain Hook.”
“16 hands?” Henry’s eyes grew wide. “That’s so cool!”
A feminine clearing of the throat was heard and drew both their attentions to the door. Shep just looked up at Emma and wagged his tail.
“Don’t you have somewhere to be, young man?” Emma asked, pinning Henry with a stare and ignoring Killian completely. Killian had to bite back his smile. The look she was giving Henry was all too reminiscent of the look Nemo would give him when he forgot his own chores growing up.
Henry looked sheepish. “Yeah,” he drawled.
“You have animals that are depending on you for their supper. I suggest you get out there and leave Mr. Jones alone.”
“Oh, he wasn’t…” he began.
Her hard stare turned to him and he snapped his mouth closed. There was something undeniably sexy in the command she exercised over the both of them. Her gaze turned back to her son.
“Now, young man.”
Henry hopped off the bed and Shep jumped to his feet. “Yes, ma’am,” he pouted. He turned and waved to Killian. “Bye, Mr. Jones. I’ll see you later.”
Killian smiled. “See you later, Henry.”
Emma ruffled his hair as he walked past her and he could just see a soft smile form on her face as they watched Henry disappear down the stairs. Emma turned back to him, hard stare back in place.
“You have full access to me and any information I have about Neal, as well as my home as you work on this book. That access does not include my son. You are not to interview him in any way.”
Killian shrugged. “I wasn’t planning on it. I would think he’d have been too young to remember anything.”
“Yeah, Henry never really knew him.” The stoicism on her face was belied by the pain in her beautiful green eyes. “He died not long after he was born.”
He couldn’t imagine how hard it must have been to lose her husband and have an infant to care for and now raise on her own. At least she was financially comfortable, though he’d be damned if he could see where she spent the money.
“But I will tell you,” he began as she turned from him, “that I am here to do a job.” She turned back toward him and he leveled her a stare that had served him well in his early years as a reporter. “I will be asking a lot of questions. And there will be many that you won’t like.”
Her soft smile returned and lifted one corner of her lips. “It takes a lot to ruffle my feathers, Mr,” she shook her head in exasperation, “ah, Killian. I’m more of a peacemaker. With all my siblings, someone needed to be.” Her light laugh was slightly deprecating and he found himself utterly charmed by it despite the hard facade he currently had in place. He needed to make sure she understood exactly what to expect.
“You’ll be plenty ruffled by the time I’m done.” He raised his eyebrows at her. “That check sent to you by my publisher gives me the right to ask those questions. And requires you to answer them.”
“I’m fully aware of that. And I will. But you should know that I am coming at this project from the perspective of a mother who will do anything for her child.” He nodded his understanding. Her eyes lost a bit of the hard edge that was evident when she spoke of Henry. “We understand each other then.”
“Oh, I don’t know about that,” he mumbled under his breath, but not so low that it went unnoticed by his host.
She gave him a small smile but didn’t take the bait. With a sharp nod in his direction, she turned toward the stairs. “We’re having spaghetti for dinner tonight. I’ll see you later.”
Killian watched her until she disappeared from his sight.
He awoke the next morning when a low-pitched call came from the bottom of the stairs.
“Come on, Henry. The bus will be here in 25 minutes.”
Killian turned over with a groan and looked at his phone on the nightstand. 7:05. It seemed things ran on time around here. He turned over hoping to doze back off for at least another hour or two. He was a bit surprised that he was awakened so easily after staying up well past midnight working on the prologue of the manuscript. Apparently sleeping with one eye on the door and his hand on his gun for so many years was coming back to haunt him in his unfamiliar surroundings.
He thought back to the night before and the easy camaraderie he’d witnessed between his hostess and her son. A soft smile formed on his face as he remembered Emma’s stern look at Henry when he groused over eating the salad she’d put on his plate. It had only been a couple of forkfuls, if that, but you’d have thought his mother was forcing cough syrup down his throat.
Watching them, he’d never felt like more of an outsider in his entire life. Through no fault of Emma’s or Henry’s, he felt utterly isolated from the clear familial affinity between the two of them. An invader. He may have been writing biographies for years and had interviewed some of the most famous people in the world, but this was the first time he was ever a guest in the home of his interviewee; on their home turf. The banter back and forth between mother and son, the blow-by-blow account of Henry’s day at school, and the discussion of the imminent births of the two foals expected in the coming weeks made him feel like an interloper into the domestic bliss before him. The desire for which he had buried in his heart long ago. He’d left his position at the Globe because the kinds of risks he was taking to get the story were not conducive for one day having a family of his own. But he was 29 now, and that hope had long been in the rearview mirror.
Observing them last night had reawakened those dreams with a force and clarity that shook him. He never thought he’d find someone that he might like to take a chance with. A chance for a home. A chance for a family. But he couldn’t deny that Emma Cassidy, and her son as well, were already stirring those thoughts in his head. He could never act on those feelings, however. First, she was a source. A means to an end. The end being a bestselling biography. He could never risk compromising his credibility as an impartial biographer if he decided to pursue this woman. Second, so many years reporting on the dregs of humanity and then writing the true stories- not the white-washed ones- of six iconic individuals had hardened him and made him cynical enough that in the presence of such love, joy, and purity, he felt... less. Tarnished. Unworthy. Undeserving of such love and happiness. When dinner was finally over, he retreated to his room and spent the rest of the night collecting his thoughts and putting them in the computer.
This morning, as much as he would have liked it, he knew there’d be no more sleep for him. He rolled out of bed and stumbled to the shower.
Coming down the stairs about thirty minutes later, he couldn’t help but grin as he entered the kitchen. It was completely deserted and looked like a tornado had swept through. The bar chair where Henry had obviously sat to eat his breakfast was pulled out and crooked. The bowl on the bar was surrounded with spilled Cheerios and still filled with milk with a half drunk glass of orange juice to the side. There was a plop of jelly on the counter and bread crumbs where Emma must have made Henry’s lunch before he left. The sink had a few other breakfast dishes in it and it looked like the refrigerator door was slightly ajar. He moved over to it and pulled it open, grabbing the coffee creamer and cream cheese he spotted before closing it firmly. He had spied bagels on the counter and remembering Emma’s offer to help himself to whatever he found to eat, he realized he was eager for a breakfast consisting of more than just an overpriced cup of coffee.
After enjoying his breakfast, that included coffee far superior to anything he’d ever bought at Starbucks, he looked out the kitchen window to see six horses grazing out in the paddock. There was no sign of Emma, so he decided to go see if she was in the barn.
He entered the large structure that was in surprisingly good shape compared to the house, although it definitely needed a new paint job, to find Emma coming in from the back with a wheelbarrow full of hay, Shep at her heels. She added it to the large pile in the center of the barn before she noticed him.
“Good morning,” he greeted her.
She startled just as she had the day before when he caught her coming out of the shower. “Goooooood night!” she exclaimed, placing her hand on her heart. Again, exactly the way she had done the day before. The action brought to mind their interaction yesterday and Killian felt a stirring in his jeans.
He chuckled. “I’m sorry. I didn’t mean to startle you. Again,” he said.
“No, it’s fine,” she said, a bit breathily. “I just wasn’t expecting any company out here.”
He looked around at the empty stalls and the pile of hay before him. “You really don’t have anyone to help you?” he asked.
Her eyebrows lifted in surprise. “Did you think I was lying? No. Leroy lives a few minutes up the road, but like I said, he’s got the flu. He managed a horse farm for years until he retired a few years before we bought this place. He’s been an incredible help getting the farm up and running. He just can’t physically do as much as he used to so he only comes Monday, Wednesday, and Friday.” She walked to the wall and picked up a pitchfork before coming back toward him.
He looked and saw other tools hanging on the wall and went over himself and grabbed his own shovel and pitchfork. He hadn’t mucked out a stall since he was 18, but it wasn’t something you forgot how to do. He came back toward her where her face was slack and pale with stunned surprise.
“You want to help?”
He shrugged. “I figure the faster you get done here, the faster we can get to work. How about you take that side and I’ll take this side?”
“O-okay,” she stuttered, turning toward her first stall.
He moved to his, thinking that he’d probably be completely done with his stalls before she finished half of hers.
There was something to be said for the pure adrenaline and satisfaction he felt from engaging in physical labor as opposed to running on a treadmill. His thighs and biceps burned with the exertion and as he started on his third stall, he could feel the sweat start to trickle down his chest. He raised up, his shovel full of manure and was surprised to see Emma moving into the stall next to him. His eyes widened as he looked back along her side of the barn to see all four stalls mucked out and spread with fresh hay.
“What are you doing over here?” he demanded, probably a little too harshly.
She didn’t look up as she lifted her first shovel. “What does it look like? I’m cleaning out the stall,” she replied. She didn’t even sound out of breath. Killian’s male ego bristled.
“I told you I’d do this side,” he said brusquely.
“I know, and I appreciate your help, but I finished over there…”
Killian walked out of his stall and advanced on her. Her mouth dropped open and he saw awareness spark in her emerald eyes.
“I said, I’ll do this side,” he growled, grabbing the handle of her shovel.
Male anger. It had been such a long time since she’d seen it, she was surprised she still recognized it. She let the handle go and tried to still the butterflies his predatory stalk set loose in her stomach.
“I’m not letting you muck out stalls while I’m around.”
She raised an eyebrow at him. “You mean I can muck out as many stalls as I want if you’re not around? That’s dumb,” she replied, rolling her eyes.
He motioned toward the barn door with a flick of his wrist. “Go find something else to do and I’ll finish up in here.”
She rolled her eyes again. “Fine,” she said, heading for the door.
“Fine.” He watched her move away from him and couldn’t help but notice the effect her temper had on the sway of her ass. He smirked and turned back to his stall.
Don’t look back don’t look back don’t look back she kept repeating to herself as she stomped toward the house. She’d been told often enough that she wore her emotions on her sleeve and she knew there was no way he could have missed the way her eyes widened and her mouth dropped open with his display of raw male dominance. She saw the way his eyes darkened with more than just anger when she challenged him, and how they flitted down to her lips before meeting hers again. Her own breath stuttered as she climbed the steps to the back porch, remembering the blatant appreciation she’d seen in his eyes before she turned away from him.
She couldn’t resist slamming the door behind her when she entered the kitchen, even if there was no way he could possibly hear it from inside the barn. It made her feel better anyway. But the action was utterly ineffective in dousing the ardor sparking in her veins. She was gonna have to cool off in a shower if she wanted to be able to face him when he got in from the barn.
She turned on the spray in her bathroom and looked out the small window down to the barn below. Damn that man. How was she supposed to resist the attraction she felt when he walked around looking like that, being all masculine and... shit. She needed to get in the shower now or even the temperature of the water wasn’t gonna help her.
She climbed in and the cool water sluiced down her body but her mind was still conjuring images of Killian helping her in the barn. The way the muscles in his arms and legs bulged with exertion as he worked. True, she’d had her own stalls to attend to, but with every stall finished, she couldn’t resist watching him surreptitiously, hoping he wouldn’t catch her ogling him. She imagined those arms holding her close, the muscles in his legs flexing as he thrust into her, driving her higher and higher until she shattered around him. She hadn’t experienced sexual desire in a long time, much less sexual pleasure…
A gasp escaped her lips as her fingers brushed against her throbbing clit. She hadn’t even been aware of the movement of her hand, being so consumed with the memories of this fine specimen of a man working up a sweat. Her fingers brushed against the aching nub again, her breath stuttering as she drew wet circles around the pulsating flesh until her climax nearly drowned her in more pleasure than she’d ever known.
She placed her hands on the tile before her and leaned in, placing her forehead against the cool surface trying to catch her breath. Sure, she’d pleasured herself occasionally in the years since Neal died, but never had she experienced that level of bliss. Either before or after Neal’s death.
She took a deep breath, steeling herself to face him again. It was going to be a very long month if she couldn’t keep herself under control around him. She wasn’t blind to the interest she saw in his eyes the day before or the simmering heat from earlier, but she couldn’t get attached to someone who was only going to be here for a relatively short amount of time. She might consider inviting him into her bed, and even that concession to her physical needs terrified her, but she absolutely wouldn’t allow him into the ironclad fortress around her heart, the fortress her years with Neal necessitated. It was imperative that the wall remain intact. It could not fail her now.
She climbed out of the shower and dried off before entering her room to get dressed. As soon as she was, she heard a shout from the hallway. Leaving her bedroom, she saw that the bathroom door was open just a crack and Killian was hollering for her, a desperation in his voice that shot her pulse right back up where it had been when she was in the shower.
“Yes, Killian,” she called, coming to the door. “I’m here. Do you need something?”
“Aye, lass,” he replied, “There’s no towel for me to use.”
Emma gasped. She hadn’t replaced the towel she’d used after her shower the day before. Henry’s towels were stored in the bathroom, but they’d never be big enough for a grown man. She turned and ran to the linen closet, grabbing the first towel she could reach. It was more of a beach towel really, bright red with little blue anchors all over it. Henry had picked it out when they’d gone to visit Regina the previous summer. They hadn’t been able to find a towel with trains on it, but he wasn’t so far removed from his boat phase that he was displeased when they found this one. She returned to the bathroom and reached through the cracked door.
“I’m so sorry,” she said. “Here. I hope this will suffice. I’ll just…” she trailed away as she caught his eyes in the mirror. The room had cooled sufficiently that the steam from the shower was mostly gone. She stood transfixed and swallowed heavily as he took the proffered towel and held it in front of himself. Water droplets fell from his hair onto his chest covered with the same black hair that covered his head. Slack-jawed, she watched as the drop worked its way down his sculpted body until it was absorbed by the towel still held in front of himself like a screen that she’d love to get a peek behind.
A blush overtook her cheeks as she raised her eyes to his again. The smirk he sent her was downright sinful and arousal stirred in her blood again. She quickly turned from him and all but ran for her bedroom. She was gonna need another shower.
Thanks for reading and sharing! I’d love to know what you think! Ch. 2 Life Interrupted will be up tomorrow!
29 notes · View notes
swanimagines · 6 years
Bold means I’m working on that request.
Strikethrough means it’s done and in my queue/going to my queue asap!
💕 means I'm really looking forward to writing that one and most likely will finish it faster when I get around to it!
❗ means that the request is on hold and I'm keeping it at the side to wait for better time and/or motivation/inspiration (or whatever you want to call it) to write it.
❌ means that it looks like I won't have any motivation nor inspiration to do that request and might turn it down soon, but I'm still thinking about it. (mainly for oneshots)
I do my requests in order I'm inspired in, so your request might get written today or after several months.
Wrench x reader [Watch Dogs] @spectres-craft
Imagine being an ex-employee for Blume, working for DedSec and Wrench asks you out.
Legolas x reader [Lord of the Rings]
Imagine teaching your and Legolas' children how to use bows and arrows.
Matthias Helvar x fem!reader [Shadow and Bone] @dancingwith-sunflowers
Imagine your and Matthias' daughter turning out being a Grisha. (Healer, Heartrender or Tailor)
Jesper Fahey & reader [Shadow and Bone]
Imagine smuggling Milo back across the Fold for Jesper after you notice how attached he was.
The Crows and Malyen Oretsev & reader [Shadow and Bone]
Imagine helping Mal and the Crows free Alina from the Darkling.
Klaus Hargreeves x reader [The Umbrella Academy]
Imagine being part of Klaus’ cult and him falling in love with you.
Nancy Wheeler x reader [Stranger Things]
Imagine Nancy protecting you from the Mind Flayer.
Steve Harrington x reader [Stranger Things]
Imagine Steve constantly holding your hand when you’re in danger.
Jesper Fahey x reader [Shadow and Bone]
Imagine being a bartender at the Crow Club and always flirting with Jesper.
Ben and Klaus Hargreeves & reader [The Umbrella Academy]
Imagine being a ghost and being good friends with Ben and Klaus.
Steve Harrington x reader [Stranger Things]
Imagine Steve not wanting you to see him in his Scoops Ahoy uniform because it makes him insecure, but when you finally see him in it, you can’t help but tell him how good he looks in it.
Natasha Romanoff & reader [MCU]
Imagine spending your time on the run with Natasha after Civil War.
Peter Parker x reader [MCU]
Imagine Peter Parker helping you shave your head and loving your buzz cut.
Polly Gray & child!reader [Peaky Blinders]
Imagine being an orphan on the streets and Polly Gray taking you under her wing
Genya Safin x David Kostyk & reader [Shadow and Bone]
Imagine working at the Little Palace and hinting to Genya that David actually is in love with her by playfully teasing her.
Barley Lightfoot x reader [Onward]
Imagine playing Dungeons & Dragons with your boyfriend Barley Lightfoot, and getting competitive at it
Barley Lightfoot x reader [Onward]
Imagine being a fan of medieval history and fantasy like your boyfriend Barley, and attending a Viking festival/convention as your first date as a couple
Kurt Wagner x fem!Summers!reader [X-Men]
Imagine being Scott's sister and immediately hitting it off with Kurt when you visit the school.
Kurt Wagner x reader [X-Men]
Imagine being a student at Xavier’s school for gifted youngsters and Kurt falling in love with you
Kurt Wagner + Warren Worthington x reader [X-Men]
Imagine Warren and Kurt fighting over you, because they both have a crush on you
Hank McCoy x reader [X-Men]
Imagine Hank planning you a surprise candlelit dinner to cheer you up whilst you’re on your period, and walking in while he’s getting everything ready.
Hank McCoy x reader [X-Men]
Imagine being Hank’s assistant and the whole school shipping you together, because you two are always constantly flirting in the classroom
Regina Mills x fem!reader [Once Upon a Time]
Imagine working as a maid in the castle and having a crush on Queen Regina
Archie Hopper x reader [Once Upon a Time]
Imagine owning Perdy the Dalmatian and Henry doing all he can to get you and Archie together, like you were in the Enchanted forest
Jefferson x princess!reader [Once Upon a Time]
Imagine being a princess and running away with your true love Jefferson after your parents refuse to let you marry him because he is a commoner.
Aragorn x reader [Lord of the Rings]
Imagine meeting Aragorn in Rivendell and the moment he lays eyes on you, he falls helplessly in love
Stiles Stilinski x reader [Teen Wolf]
Imagine you and your boyfriend Stiles finally agreeing to get matching tattoos, despite your fear of needles.
Stiles Stilinski x Hale!fem!reader [Teen Wolf]
Imagine being Derek’s sister and him finding out that you’re secretly dating Stiles
Bard x fem!reader [The Hobbit]
Imagine suffering an injury during Smaug’s attack that leaves you blind. But to your surprise, Bard insists on making you his Queen anyways, because he loves you
Luke Patterson x reader [Julie and the Phantoms]
Imagine your boyfriend Luke discovering you have a talented singing voice that you never realised you had, because you are too shy to sing in front of anyone, so he encourages you to record an album in the recording studio
Jaskier x reader [The Witcher]
Imagine Jaskier looking at you with love while you are singing to your daughter
Jaskier x fem!reader [The Witcher]
Imagine being a princess who during daylight, is cursed to be a bear, after being cursed by evil sorcerer and Jaskier saving you with true loves kiss
Yennefer of Vengerberg x reader [The Witcher]
Imagine dancing with Yennefer at a ball
Geralt of Rivia & reader [The Witcher]
Imagine being making sure Geralt always feels welcome and safe in your village
Loki Laufeyson x reader [MCU]
Imagine Loki teasing you when he sees that you can’t take your eyes off him, whenever he is in a suit
Steve Rogers x fem!reader [MCU]
Imagine being Steve Roger’s girlfriend and him threatening a group of HYDRA agents who have taken you hostage
Bucky Barnes x reader [MCU]
Imagine Bucky always getting flashes of you when he escaped HYDRA and having no idea who you were to him, and later learning from T'Challa that you two had been dating during he was a Winter Soldier, and you had been killed by HYDRA.
Tauriel x fem!reader [The Hobbit]
Imagine being Legolas’ sister and falling in love/having a crush on Tauriel
Eomer x fem!reader [Lord of the Rings]
Imagine being Aragorn’s sister and getting married to Eomer
Frodo Baggins x reader [Lord of the Rings]
Imagine being Frodo’s childhood friend who he has a crush on and him getting irritated when Merry and Pippin flirt with you
Regina Mills & sister!reader [Once Upon a Time]
Imagine being Regina’s younger sister, and helping her escape her marriage to King Leopold
Gideon x reader [Once Upon a Time]
Imagine falling in love with Gideon and helping Belle and Rumpelstiltskin get his heart back
Lambert x fem!reader [The Witcher]
Imagine being a female warrior and catching Lambert’s eye after he sees you take down a man twice your size
Peter Maximoff & reader [X-Men]
Imagine being a new student at the Professor Xavier's School of Gifted Youngsters, and becoming friends with Quicksilver, but he keeps getting you into trouble with his pranks.
Young!Jean Grey & reader [X-Men]
Imagine being a "created" mutant and Jean Grey reassuring you it’s okay and that you were welcome at the school even though you weren’t technically born a mutant.
Rey Skywalker & reader [Star Wars]
Imagine Rey teaching you everything you need to know about being a scavenger after you are stranded on Jakku.
Rey Skywalker & reader [Star Wars]
Imagine Rey coming to save you after Kylo Ren kidnaps you.
Luke Skywalker x reader [Star Wars]
Imagine constantly trying to admit to Luke Skywalker you have a crush on him, but you get nervous whenever you try to tell him.
Poe Dameron x reader [Star Wars]
Imagine reuniting with your husband Poe, after you believed he died during a mission.
Poe Dameron x reader [Star Wars]
Imagine comforting Poe after he has nightmares about being captured by The First Order.
Nina Zenik x reader [Shadow and Bone]
Imagine sharing waffles and hot chocolate with your girlfriend Nina Zenik.
Nina Zenik x reader [Shadow and Bone]
Imagine having a mental breakdown and Nina helping you through it.
Jesper Fahey & reader [Shadow and Bone]
Imagine gambling against Jesper.
Kaz Brekker x reader [Shadow and Bone]
Imagine doing an unsuccessful heist and Kaz taking it out on you.
Matthias Helvar x reader [Shadow and Bone]
Imagine petting baby wolves with Matthias Helvar.
Matthias Helvar x reader [Shadow and Bone]
Imagine Matthias saving you from drowning.
Lydia Martin x reader [Teen Wolf]
Imagine leaving romantic poems in Lydia’s locker everyday.
Poe Dameron x reader [Star Wars]
Imagine Poe protecting you from danger.
Poe Dameron x reader [Star Wars]
Imagine being a friend of Poe Dameron and after you crash your X-Wing and wake up at the med bay, Poe is there and confesses his love to you.
Jefferson x fem!reader [Once Upon a Time]
Imagine being Jefferson's wife and working in a little tea shop in Storybrooke during the curse that Jefferson visits every day because he wants to see you.
Dick Grayson x reader + Jason Todd [Titans]
Imagine Jason buying you a playfully mocking t-shirt when you and Dick get engaged.
Bruce Wayne x reader [The Dark Knight]
Imagine your boyfriend Bruce Wayne patching up your wounds after he rescues you from the Joker.
Alfred Pennyworth + Bruce Wayne & reader [Gotham]
Imagine being Bruce Wayne’s older sister and Alfred teaching both you and Bruce how to fight.
Edward Nygma x reader [Gotham]
Imagine Edward Nygma giving you riddles to solve that hints he’s in love with you
Peter Parker x reader [Marvel's Spider-Man] 🌙 anon
Imagine having a crush on Spider-Man and being friends with Peter through college, and him confessing that he's the Spider-Man.
Stiles Stilinski & Martin!fem!reader [Teen Wolf]
Imagine being Lydia’s little sister and always solving cases with Stiles.
Selina Kyle & sister!reader [Gotham]
Imagine being Selina Kyle’s older sister and playfully teasing/hinting that Selina is in love with Bruce, as much to her stubborness.
Pietro Maximoff x reader [MCU]
Imagine Wanda knowing how Pietro feels about you so she tries to talk him into asking you out on a date, because she knows you like him too.
Jonathan Crane x fem!reader [The Dark Knight Trilogy]
Imagine being Jonathan Crane’s girlfriend and you being the more observant, quiet type and you like watching what he is doing with his experiments than participating in them.
Peter Parker x reader [MCU]
Imagine getting kidnapped by Thanos, and your boyfriend Peter Parker rescuing you.
The Joker x reader [The Dark Knight Trilogy]
Imagine the Joker taking an interest in you at one of Bruce Wayne’s parties.
Jaskier x reader [The Witcher]
Imagine being in love with Jaskier, but feeling hurt/heartbroken every time you see him and Yennefer together, because you think they’re together, unaware that Jaskier is in love with you too.
Thor Odinson + Loki Laufeyson x fem!reader [MCU]
Imagine Thor and Loki both falling in love with you, a stable girl on Asgard who looks after their horses.
Éomer x fem!reader [Lord of the Rings]
Imagine being Faramir’s twin sister and Éomer going to him to ask permission to court you.
Samwise Gamgee x reader [Lord of the Rings]
Imagine planting a tree with Sam on your wedding day, and watching it grow together over your long years of happy marriage.
Pin Hawthorne x reader [Free Rein]
Imagine falling off a horse while competing and hurting yourself, and Pin helping you.
Kurt Wagner x fem!reader [X-Men]
Imagine having a newborn child with Kurt, and your life as new parents.
Newt & reader [The Maze Runner]
Imagine Newt trying to help you feel comfortable as the new addition at the Glade when you come up in the Box.
Kurt Wagner x reader [X-Men]
Imagine being flexible and knowing gymnastics and showing off your skills to Kurt, who's amazed by them.
Sly Cooper & reader [Sly Cooper]
Imagine Sly cheering you up after you didn't do good on the field.
Eddie Munson x fem!reader [Stranger Things]
Imagine being a female punk who develops a crush on Eddie Munson after joining him on detention.
Kaz Brekker x reader [Shadow and Bone]
Imagine being seriously wounded and Kaz confessing his feelings for you by saying that you're not allowed to die.
Kaz Brekker x fem!reader [Shadow and Bone]
Imagine being a thief and losing friends when doing a job, and asking Kaz Brekker to help you revenge them.
Aunt Cass x fem!reader [Big Hero 6] @m4tski
Imagine going on a date with Aunt Cass.
Max Mayfield & reader [Stranger Things]
Imagine being Max’s older sister who’s dating Steve, and supporting Max get through her depression by reminding her that Lucas and the rest of her friends love and care about her.
S4 FINALE SPOILERS!!! Eddie Munson x fem!reader [Stranger Things] S4 FINALE SPOILERS!!!
S4 FINALE SPOILERS!!!! Imagine being best friends with Eddie and saving him from the bats.
Eddie Munson x reader [Stranger Things]
Imagine rolling over in bed with Eddie while kissing.
Archie Hopper x reader [Once Upon A Time] @funkysora
Imagine Archie finding you upset when he's on a walk with Pongo and reassuring you he's not pretending to care about you.
Kaz Brekker x fem!reader [Shadow and Bone]
Imagine Kaz recruiting you to the Crows, but you refuse because you have cats to take care of in your apartment. (Might extend this so Kaz could make a compromise)
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First Steps
Pairing: Archie Hopper x Nicole Hopper ft. Ichabod Hopper
Summary: Ichabod takes his first steps
A/N: I got inspiration for this from an imagine by @husband-of-lucoa
Tag List: @dancing-with-skeletons @astralshipper @heavenshipped @widogastsbf
The office was quiet as Archie worked. It was Saturday—normally the bakery would be open and buzzing with families coming in and out of the door, but that wasn’t the case today. Archie had some work to do for the few sessions he had (and the number continued to dwindle over the years), and Nic was resting at home, battling the horrible case of morning sickness that seemed to come with her pregnancy. Archie would’ve stayed home to take care of her, but she insisted that he do something productive for the day, even if it meant a little work in the office for a few hours. And Nic didn’t want Ichabod to witness his mother being sick, so she insisted Archie take their son with him to work. They already had a little corner for him in the office with his playpen and toys. Ichabod loved sitting in the office and playing with his toys.
The toddler sat by the couch in the office, giggling happily as he played with the toy in front of him. But he looked up at his father and let out a small whine.
Attention. He wanted attention.
“Papa!” Ichabod babbled, holding his hands out towards Archie. “Papa!”
Archie glanced over at his son. “Just a few more minutes, Pumpkin, then I can play with you, okay?” He said softly, going back to the work in front of him.
Ichabod let out a whine. “Papa!”
“Just a little longer,” Archie said. He took Ichabod’s sippy cup and got up from his desk, kneeling down to give it to Icha. Archie kissed his son’s head. “Drink some juice and I’ll be done in a minute.” He went back to his desk to continue working.
Unfortunately from even a young age Ichabod was showing signs of having his mother’s stubbornness. He wanted his father’s attention, and he wanted it now. Ichabod dropped the sippy cup, a pout on his lips. He pushed himself off the carpeted floor of the office, standing a little uneven on his feet. The toddler swayed a little before he took a step forward, then another step. Slowly, Ichabod started to walk towards his father.
“Papa!” He called again, holding his hands out.
“I’m almost done–” Archie did a double take when he looked over. Ichabod was walking. He and Nic had spent the last 2 months helping Ichabod learn to walk with support, but he’s doing it by himself. A grin broke out on Archie’s face as he immediately got to his feet and rushed over to pick up Ichabod. The 1 year old squealed happily as Archie pressed a kiss to his head. “You walked! Oh– you finally did it, pumpkin!”
Archie set Ichabod down by the coffee table then sat on the floor near his desk. He held his hands out. “Come on, Icha. Come to papa.”
Ichabod let out a giggle, slowly walking forward with wobbly legs. He was a few feet away from Archie when he started to fall, and Archie leaned forward to catch his son before he hit the floor.
“I’m so proud of you!” He exclaimed, pulling Ichabod close. “Wait until your mama sees! She’s going to be so proud of you.” He kissed Ichabod’s head before glancing back at his desk. “I can finish working when you’re taking a nap,” Archie said, more to himself than to Icha. He gave Ichabod another kiss on the head before going over to his play area, ready to spend the next hour or so with his son.
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this-seems-familiar · 4 years
now presenting...
various once upon a time characters and ship tags as songs i’ve heard on the lofi hip hop radio - beats to relax/study to station! :D guess who had a lot of free time during work today.
this is by no means a comprehensive list but did get v e r y long, so i’m going to stick it under the cut. chances are even if your fave is Obscure, there’s an 80% chance they’re on here. although i will admit to running out of steam when it came to the ships--if a character or ship you dig isn’t on here, you can request a song in my inbox if you’d like. <3 and let me know if the links don’t work!
the characters are in complete random order with no rhyme or reason, but the songs are purposeful; headphones are recommended but not required. i hope y’all find this inspiring at least a tiny bit! enjoy~
david nolan/prince charming - j’san x epektase, ‘ghost in my mind’
killian jones/captain hook - dryhope, ‘contrasts’
neal cassidy/baelfire - casiio, ‘back home’
zelena/the wicked witch - ajmw, ‘hometown’
mary margaret blanchard/snow white - no spirit x mell-o x sitting duck , ‘la rochelle’
emma swan - mila coolness, ‘ibis’
belle french - mell-o x ambulo, ‘solace’
henry mills - pandrezz, ‘crystal lake’ ft. epektase
regina mills/the evil queen - iamalex x dillon witherow, ‘lazy morning’
rumplestiltskin/mr. gold - chiccote’s beats, ‘away’
ingrid/the snow queen - g. mills - ‘icicles’ ft. chris mazuera & tender spring
ariel - iamalex x dillan witherow, ‘coral’
elsa - chris mazuera & tender spring, ‘winter’s kiss’
mulan - less people, ‘gyoza’
anna - eisu x softy, ‘snowflakes’
august booth/pinocchio - team astro, ‘helpless’
tinkerbell - dontcry & nokiaa, ‘since’
alice jones/tilly - mondo loops, ‘starside groove’
the blue fairy/mother superior - project aer x wys, ‘after sunset’
ursula - mila coolness, ‘surf’
archie hopper/jiminy cricket - amies x cxlt, ‘things will work out’
sidney glass/the magic mirror - enra, ‘consequences’
grumpy/leroy - tysu x spencer hunt, ‘letting go’
eric - dontcry & nokiaa, ‘tides’
cora mills/the queen of hearts - sitting duck x hoffy beats, ‘slow mornings’
ruby lucas/red riding hood - brillion x chief, ‘moon theme’
malcolm/peter pan - dlj, ‘the docks’
robin hood - brillion, ‘when the sun goes down’
merlin - jordy chandra, ‘late night call’
aladdin - softy, ‘before the rain comes’
jefferson/the mad hatter - xander, ‘missing you’
graham humbert/the huntsman - xander, ‘morning time’
philip - no one’s perfect x kanisan, ‘pendulum’
isaac heller - yasumu, ‘untold stories’
aurora/sleeping beauty - lilac, ‘hyacinth’
ashley boyd/cinderella - purrple cat, ‘caramellow’
granny lucas - oatmello, ‘essenced’
albert spencer/george - team astro, ‘love lockdown’
the dwarfs mining co. - chiccote’s beats, ‘before’
greg mendell/owen flynn - tabal, ‘no return’
cruella de vil - cabal x blumen, ‘crystal land’
dr. whale/victor frankenstein - casiio, ’wondering’
kristoff - monma, ‘winter days’
maleficent - ajmw, ‘way back when’
henry mills i - snug, ‘warm meadows’
marco/geppetto - hm surf, ‘single phial’
ruth - laffey, ‘umbrella’
lancelot - laffey, ‘campfire’
will scarlet - sebastian kamae x aylior, ‘dontyouknow’
anton the giant - g. mills, ‘sublimation’ ft. arbour
daniel - softy, ‘autumn morning’
the apprentice - mila coolness, ‘heron’
violet - oatmello, ‘good night’ with late era
lily - imagiro, ‘wool gloves’
morraine - eugenio izzi, ‘get lost in the mind’s ocean’
dorothy gale - kupla, ‘valentine’
the blind witch/miss ginger - chiccote’s beats, ‘finding’
paige/grace - mila coolness, ‘balance’
kathryn nolan/abigail - g. mills x hm surf, ‘mmmm’
william smee - no spirit x mondo loops, ‘washed ashore’
sister astrid/nova - yasumu, ‘midnight thoughts’
ava zimmer/gretel - laffey, ‘moonlight’
leopold - less people, ‘persist’
billy/gus - glimlip x yasper, ‘floating away’
milah - snug, ‘balcony nights’ ft. spencer hunt
midas - chiccote’s beats, ‘back’
michael tillman/the woodcutter - spencer hunt, ‘moonlight’
walsh/the wizard - mondo loops, ‘drive to midnight’
eloise gardener/mother gothel - towerz, ‘fateful slumber’
liam jones - dryhope, ‘quetzal’
rapunzel - chris mazreua x brillion, ‘juniper’
fiona/the black fairy - kupla, ‘twilight’
jafar - no spirit, ‘glowing lights’
the jabberwocky - mondo loops, ‘winter shells’ ft. kanisan
jacinda vidrio/ella mills - yasumu, ‘questions’
lucy mills - kupla, ‘sleepy little one’
margot west/robin mills - snug, ‘night coffee’ ft. mondo loops
king arthur - brillion, ‘crescent’
guinevere - mila coolness, ‘silent river’
merida - iamalex x dillan witherow, ‘nightwalk’ ft. azula
dr. jekyll/mr. hyde - g. mills, ‘rest your head’/fatb, ‘aurora boreale’ ft. mell-o
ivy belfry/drizella tremaine - chiccote’s beats, ‘illusion’
nicholas zimmer/hansel - chris mazuera, ‘obscurity’
hades - dryhope, ‘down river’
sabine/tiana - chris mazuera, ‘counting’ with g. mills
drew/naveen -hoogway, ‘skyline’ ft. dlj
felix - kupla, ‘roots’
walt d./the author - jhove, ‘if you only knew’
elliott mcgrath/jane hawkins - less people, ‘everything’s a symptom’ _____________
red whale (dr. whale x ruby lucas) - aso, ’espresso’
rumbelle (mr. gold x belle french) - yasumu, ‘waking up’
sleeping captain (aurora x killian jones) - monma x cocabona, ‘garnet’
snowcules (hercules x snow white) - dlj, ‘blackout’
beauty queen (regina mills x belle french) - tabal, ‘inside space’
captain charming (killian jones x david nolan) - pandrezz, ‘cuddlin’
aladasmine (aladdin x jasmine) - kupla, ‘soft to touch’
believe or leave (mr. gold x jefferson x dr. whale) - hoogway, ‘everything (you are)’
brave warrior (merida x mulan) - wys, ‘snowman’
charming whale (david nolan x dr. whale) - sebastian kamae x aylior, ‘outlet’
bellefire (belle french x neal cassidy) - eisu, ‘sheets’
captain charming hood (david nolan x killian jones x robin hood) - yasper x glimlip, ‘infused’
dragon queen (maleficent x regina mills) - tenno, ‘luna’
firewood (august booth x neal cassidy) - sebastian kamae x intoku, ‘lucid’
blue hook (the blue fairy x killian jones) - tysu x spencer hunt, ‘blue moon’
outlaw queen (regina mills x robin hood) - a[way], ‘warm nights’
captain swan (emma swan x killian jones) - hm surf, ‘mud master’
snowing (mary margaret blanchard x david nolan) - brillion, ‘kiptime’ with hm surf
golden queen (mr. gold x regina mills) - team astro, ‘empty shelves’
white whale (mary margaret blanchard x dr. whale) - laffey, ‘nighttime’
red cricket (archie hopper x ruby lucas) - dr. dundiff x allem iversom, ‘pale moon’
swan queen (emma swan x regina mills) - no spirit, ‘memories we made’
curious archer (alice jone x robin mills) - flovry x tender spring, ‘becoming’
swanfire (emma swan x neal cassidy) - pandrezz, ‘when she cries’
wicked hell (zelena x hades) - elior x eaup, ‘ships’
seeing stars (archie hopper x elliott mcgrath) - euginio izzi, ‘the fairie’s city’
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ao3feed-swanqueen · 4 years
read it on the AO3 at https://ift.tt/3jIU5wo
by BSwanqueen
Regina is attacked by a group of people from her past. She doesn't know what to do other than to turn to person who's always been there for her, Emma. - snow has cancer - flashbacks
Words: 998, Chapters: 1/?, Language: English
Fandoms: Once Upon a Time (TV)
Rating: Teen And Up Audiences
Warnings: Graphic Depictions Of Violence
Categories: F/F, Multi, Other
Characters: Evil Queen | Regina Mills, Emma Swan, Snow White | Mary Margaret Blanchard, Prince Charming | David Nolan, Henry Mills (Once Upon a Time), Red Riding Hood | Ruby, Widow Lucas | Granny, Rumplestiltskin | Mr. Gold, Belle (Once Upon a Time), Queen of Hearts | Cora, Captain Hook | Killian Jones, Wicked Witch of the West | Zelena, Jiminy Cricket | Archie Hopper, Grumpy | Leroy, Blue Fairy | Mother Superior, Mad Hatter | Jefferson, Pinocchio | August Booth
Relationships: Evil Queen | Regina Mills/Emma Swan, Prince Charming | David Nolan/Snow White | Mary Margaret Blanchard
Additional Tags: Established Evil Queen | Regina Mills/Emma Swan, Endgame Evil Queen | Regina Mills/Emma Swan, Fluff and Smut, Alternate Universe - Once Upon a Time Fusion, Inspired by Once Upon a Time (TV), Once Upon a Time (TV) References, Blood and Gore, Violence, Blood and Violence
read it on the AO3 at https://ift.tt/3jIU5wo
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meganlpie · 7 years
New Fics Coming(hopefully) Soon
Hey there, my lovelies!! Here’s the new list of fics that will be posted :) All fem!readers this time!
*A Disney inspired GoT fic titled “Girl Crow”: Jon Snow x fem!reader 
*An OUAT one-shot called “Festival of Hearts”: Archie Hopper/Jiminy Cricket x fem!reader
*A TMR fic called “Tattlers”: Gally x fem!reader
*A GoT one-shot titled “Disobeying Orders”: Sandor Clegane x fem!reader
*A SPN Soulmate AU titled “Protected by Death”: Death x fem!reader, Sam Winchester x fem!reader
*Another GoT fic called “Childhood Sweethearts”: Rickon Stark x fem!reader
*A OUAT one-shot called “Instincts”: Hyde x fem!reader
*A SPN fic titled “A Walk With Death”: Death x fem!reader
There you are, lovelies! Lots of variety with fandoms this time around :) Thank you all for your patience. Lots of love!
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IBOQ 2019 Day 1: “Finding Robin”
A/N: My first entry for Inspired By OQ Week. This one is inspired by Jen’s (starscythe) January manip for this year’s OQ calendar.
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  It was a freak accident.
That was what the investigators said. The plane had been serviced and passed an inspection before Robin had flown to South America for his latest relief mission--delivering much-needed medicines to remote villages--and the airport he took off from there certified that the plane was still in good condition. The investigation would take more time to determine why his engine had burst into flames once he got into American airspace but their best theory was that he had hit a flock of birds, probably geese.
They also told her that while there was no concrete evidence that Robin had died in the fiery crash, they were confident he did. They were confident all parachutes were accounted for and they doubted Robin would've jumped into the thick forest he was flying over. He no doubt would've tried to escape the plane before it exploded but they didn't think he made it out in time.
Regina Mills, though, couldn't accept that her partner--in relief work and in life--was gone. Friends of theirs gathered around her and tried to conduct a search and rescue but in the end, the forest proved far too dense. After several weeks of trying, they had to give up. She had to move on, to make sure the organization they worked so hard to build didn't collapse. It felt like she was giving up on Robin, like she was failing him somehow.
Dr. Hopper told her that was normal, that it was part of the grieving process. She tried to believe him but she couldn't shake the feeling that he was out there, somewhere. And she wasn't even trying to find him.
A dream of all things changed that.
She walked through the halls of a hospital, feeling like a ghost as no one seemed to acknowledge her or answer when she asked what was going on. Regina found herself drawn to one particular room--Room 23--and she entered, finding doctors standing around a bed. It sounded as if they were talking in a fishbowl, their voices muffled and hard to make out. She strained to do so, able to figure out that the patient was some sort of John Doe who was in a medical coma for one reason or another. If they couldn't figure out who he was or who his next of kin was, they were going to have to release him to a long-term care facility.
Regina tried to get closer to the bed, to see who the man was but it felt like the curtain around his bed was an iron wall. It kept her from going any farther, forcing her to jump back each and every time she tried. "Who is it?" she yelled, hoping someone would hear her.
Instead of an answer, she felt as if someone kicked her in the chest. She flew backwards, ending up in the hallway again. The doctors and nurses left the room, closing the door behind them. When she reached for the door handle, her hand went right through it. She tried to go through the door, but it was as sturdy as ever. Whatever was going on, she could not get back into the room again.
She just didn't know why.
"Who are you?" she asked, yelling at the door. "Why are you haunting my dreams?"
Her heart stopped as she heard the voice she had longed to hear the most the past few months. The low tenor with a slightly hoarse quality to it and a British accent she found irresistible. She missed the way her name sounded when spoken by that voice and it brought tears to her eyes. Regina knew it was her subconscious drawing it up from her memories and that the voice would only live on in her dreams.
"Regina, look at me," the voice repeated.
She slowly turned around, feeling like a vise gripped her heart as the voice's owner came into focus. He was taller than her and his blond hair had spattering of gray in it. She had often teased him about it but she loved the fact he was turning into a silver fox. The blond scruff on his cheeks and chin were still blond as ever and she reached out, wanting to feel the prickle of it against her palm again--even if it was just a memory playing out in her dream.
Her hand passed through him though and she frowned. "Robin?"
"Regina, you need to save me," he told her. "You don't have much time. Find me. Please."
"Where are you? Robin, tell me," she begged, growing desperate as he grew more and more transparent. How was she supposed to find him when he could be anywhere? "Robin!"
He faded away as a bright light assaulted her senses, forcing Regina back into consciousness.
She gasped as she sat up, her heart beating wildly. Beads of sweat rolled down her face and her pajamas were stuck to her skin. She pushed back the blankets as she reached over, turning on the lamp on her nightstand. It illuminated her room, revealing she was alone. There were no other sounds and for a moment, Regina wondered if she had gone deaf as she couldn't hear a thing. Everything felt weird, as if she were really dreaming now and what she had just experienced was real.
Regina jumped as she glanced out the window, her mind processing that it was just a car backfiring. Another car's alarm went off while several dogs started to bark, breaking the silence and proving that she was awake and what she had experienced had been a dream.
Yet it had felt so real.
She stood and walked over to the bathroom. Regina flipped on the light before running the water to splash it on her face, hoping to cool herself down. It dripped down her face as she leaned against the counter, trying to figure out what her dream meant. It had to be her subconscious wishing Robin were still alive. Maybe it had absorbed the plot of some movie or TV show, casting her and Robin into the leads instead. He was gone. She needed to accept that.
But what if he wasn't? What if he really was alive? What if he had reached out to her to find him?
Regina turned off the tap and dried her face, shaking her head. It was just a dream. She had tried to find him and failed. It wasn't healthy to keep hoping he was alive, not if she wanted to keep moving on with her life like he wanted. Robin was gone. She needed to accept that.
The car alarms had stopped and the dogs were soothed, so all was again silent as she climbed into bed. All but the noise in her head as she replayed the dream over and over. Especially the part where Robin pleaded with her to find him.
She pushed the covers back and picked up her phone, hitting one particular contact before she could reconsider. Biting her lip, she listened to it ring and started to compose the message she would leave on his voicemail in her head.
"Regina?" a sleepy voice asked. "What's wrong?"
Fuck. She didn't expect him to pick up. Part of her hoped that by the time he returned her call in the morning, she would've talked herself out of it but that plan went out the window.
"Regina? Are you there?" he asked, now even more concerned.
"Yes, sorry," she replied. "I didn't expect you to answer."
"Neal is teething and not really sleeping during the night. Tonight is my turn," he answered. "What has you up at this time of the night?"
She sighed, running her hand through her hair. "You're going to think I'm crazy, David."
"Nonsense, Regina. Clearly something has you spooked. What is it?"
"It was a dream. At least I think it was," she said, doubting herself now. "It felt so real. And Robin...he was there."
David was silent for a bit before saying: "Dreams can feel real, Regina. It makes sense you would dream about him."
She sighed, letting herself fall back onto her bed. "I know. But this was different. It was more like an out-of-body experience than a dream."
"You mean you saw Robin in the afterlife?" He sounded concerned and she wondered if he was already texting their friend Archie, who was a therapist.
"No," she replied. "I was taken to a hospital where there was a nameless man in a hospital bed. Robin then appeared behind me and begged me to find him before it was too late."
David was quiet and she wondered if the call had dropped when he said: "Robin is dead, Regina."
"But what if he isn't?" she asked. "What if he's some John Doe in a hospital and is waiting for me to find him?"
"Regina, we searched the hospitals..."
She knew that but she still couldn't shake the feeling that they were missing something. "Not all of them. Can't you look for hospitals with John Does?"
He was once again quiet before saying her name with every ounce of concern he was no doubt feeling for her. "Maybe you should talk to Archie about this. He can help you..."
"My gut is telling me that Robin is still out there, David. It hasn’t led me astray yet. I'm going to find him with or without your help." She ended the call and threw her phone onto the bed as she pushed herself into a standing position.
Regina paced her room. She knew David was concerned about her. He didn't want her to get hurt or suffer any setbacks in her grief. Yet she also trusted her gut and it was telling her that Robin wasn't dead. He was out there, waiting for her. She needed to find him.
She knew what she had to do--go find her husband on her own.
Too excited to sleep, she grabbed her laptop and powered it on. She then retrieved the file she had made on Robin's plane crash. Flipping through the pages, she followed his flight path and found a map of the area around where his plane had been found. She knew all the parachutes had been accounted for on the plane but she wondered if maybe he had been ejected from the plane upon impact, landing somewhere away from the wreckage. There were too many variables for her to figure out a specific location on her own. She was going to have to make do with a general area, noting all the towns he could've been taken to. From there, it was just a matter of compiling a list of hospitals in those towns and then calling around to see if they had any John Does fitting Robin's description. Giddiness filled her as did the one thing she thought she would never have again.
Continue reading FFN, AO3 and Wattpad
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heatherfield · 4 years
“No! No! No, because my last blind date was a disaster, all right! She threw her drink in my face 'cause she didn't know what masticate meant. ... It means ‘to chew.’”
OHMYGOSH I love Sweets. And also I can’t help but think this is something that would happen to Archie when he tries to date. XD
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