#ardian bora
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~dyzzy.earth [ball in the rain]
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angelfoodcake222 · 7 months
Vampiric Dark Orchastral Trolls.
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Do I have your attention yet? Yes? Good.
~Think of the Classical/Orchestral trolls in Trolls: World Tour but darker, bat-like wings tipped with bony cloak clasps/appendages that clasp over their doubled/tripled-size bodys, & just as scary as you'd imagine them to be but with that vampiric/uncanny/otherworldly beauty about them.
~I'm thinking something like the Albanian variety of Trolls that bear strikingly Dhëmbpirë-like biology: pallid/pale skin, elongated/pointed/bat-like ears, discolored eyes, optionally present fangs, the whole kaboodle.
~Maybe their/her/his hair isn't like the Trolls we've come to love or hate throughout the three movies (as of writing this): where the usuals have an upright, bouncy, lively quality to them, theirs/hers/his has a flat,  traditionally "human" aesthetic that looks to be weighed down from length or as a side effect of living in the cold rocky peaks deemed home via evolutionary survival needs.
~Cold af environments = narrowed (possibly bloodshot, dilated) eyes, bright eyes [Think of Riddic] straight, extra fur/hair for heat containment, comparably sizable claws, fangs/teeth & muscles (Upper body, legs???) for swift, even uncanny climbing speeds, heightened hunting skills for their predominantly carnivorous diet, all the predatory traits of a born, bred hunter.
~I have a lot of names to pick from, though they are mostly corny &/or basic. If you have any suggestions, reblog &/or comment them, please & thank you.
Afrim - Albanian. "Sincere & honest". 
Alban - Albanian. "white".
Altin - Turkish. "Gold". Popular among Albanian boy names.
Bujar - Albanian. "Generous/generosity". 
Burim - Albanian. "Riverhead" or "fountain". 
Dardan - Albania. "Pear".
Dren - Albanian. "Deer". Unisex.
Driton - Albanian. "Light". It is also spelled Dritan. 
Erjon - Albanian. "Our wind". Used as a given name & a surname.
Esad - Arabic. It is the Albanian form of the Arabic name Asad. "Lion".
Fatmir - Albanian. "Lucky/good fortune".
Fisnik - Albanian. "Noble/gallant". 
Gjon - English. The Albanian form of John.
Flamur - Albanian. "Flag/flag bearer".
Gezim - Albanian. "Happiness".
Kreshnik - Albanian. Comes from the Albanian word for "a knight".
Luan - Albanian. "Lion".
Roel - Germanic/Dutch. "Famous land".
Skender - Greek. Skender is an Albanian version of Alexander which means "defender of man".
Agron - The name of an Illyrian king. "so-called he who was born in the countryside" or "by the dry ground". More research is needed...
Arben - A name for citizens of Illyria. It means "brave" & is an alternative version of the name Arber. 
Ardian - From the Aridaei Illyrian tribe.
Bardhyll - "White star". The name of an Illyrian king.
Barteo - "Hill" or "furrow". Son of the farmer (???).
Cestislav - "Honor/glory".
Gaso - "Guardian of the treasure". A derivative of Casper.
Ilir - "Freedom/free". A character from Albanian mythology.
Sersah - "Worthy of reverence".
Zaco - "God remembers".
Afordita - Greek. Albanian version of Aphrodite. It is also used in Slavic languages, Spanish, and Portuguese.
Agnesa - Greek. It is the Albanian form of the Greek name Agnes which means "pure/chaste".
Albana - A name inspired by Albania. It means "white/fair".
Amaris - Hebrew. "child of the moon".
Aria - Italian. "Solo melody".
Bora - Turkish. "Snow".
Diellza - Albanian. "Sun".
Drita - Albanian. "Light". From the Albanian word 'drite'.
Emina - Latin. "Eminent; Trustworthy". A much-beloved name, it is popular in many Slavic countries.
Flutura - Albanian. "Butterfly".
Klea - Greek. "Glory". A version of Cleopatra.
Lindita - Albanian. "The day is born".
Lule - Albanian. "Bloom".
Manjola - Latin/Old French. "Magnolia". The name comes from French botanist Pierre Magnol.
Reina - Spanish. "Queen".
Shpresa - Albanian. "Hope".
Sumejja - Arabic/Turkish. Sumejja is the
Albanian form of Sumeyya or Sumaiya, who was the first Islamic martyr. It means "high above" or "exalted".
Tirana - Greek/Latin. "Song/Anthem" or "A city formed of solid materials, a fortress". It is also the name of the largest city & capital of Albania.
Valbona - Albanian. "the Good-valley" The name of a river in Albania.
Vetone - Albanian. "Strong warrior".
Ajola - "Genius, Good, Good Judger". A version of the Illyrian name Aiola ("Loyal, Strength/strong, Beautiful").
Ardita - "Golden" day. The feminine form of the boy name Ardit.
Cecilya - "Blind, unseeing".
Elira - "Freedom loving and compassionate". A name derived from the Illyrian tribe.
Enkeleida - "Eel People" (Much more research needed) One from the Illyrian tribe of the same name. 
Genofwica - "Fair one" or "white wave".
Gentiana - Latin. "Gentle soul", "Delicate spirit". A flower named after the last Illyrian king Gentius who discovered the plant’s healing properties. 
Tadia - "Praising God, courageous". 
Teuta - Greek. "Mistress of the people", "Queen". She was the Queen Regent of the Illyrian tribe from approximately 232- 227 BCE.
~I could think of a few more but my brain is fried on names for now.
~They/she/he probably has domestic hobbies like knitting, crochetting, doll making/repair, cobbling, singing (probably mainly vocalazations, clicks whistles, folk lullabys), dancing (be it on land or in the air), textile weaving, & cooking.
~Obviously, they/she/he plays classical instraments like the ever-popular & famous violin, piano & cello though there are other options such as the harp, viola & double bass.
~Probably proficiant at the organ, too.
That's all for now, dearies! Have a lovely day!
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hellgirl4206 · 6 years
Ich lass' mich nicht kleinmachen
Damit ich reinpass' in euer scheiß Puzzle
Bei dem jede Seite jedes Teils gleich lang ist,
Fuck that
WACH - Dat Adam
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iknewyousowell · 7 years
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dear satan
i miss u.
come back
): god
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guccigothlea · 7 years
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was ist Realität? woher weiß ich, dass ich bin, woher weiß ich dass all das, was ich fühle und sehe, auch andere so wahrnehmen wie ich? Ist dein Blau auch mein Blau? [vergessene kinder] @kittheykitthey ♡
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itshydraclique · 7 years
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city/forest ♡ luna/ardy ~
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d3mon-insid3-of-meee · 10 months
Der eine sucht die Freiheit im Rausch
Der andere sucht die Freiheit in der Scheiße, die er kauft
Beide wissen sie machen sich eigenhändig taub
Aber Hauptsache, es reißt einen raus
~dat Adam (wach (ost) )
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albanian-studies · 7 years
Albanian names and their meanings (Cultural) (Part 1)
Most of the names in this list aren't used as much these recent years, since foreign names are getting more and more popular. These names were commonly used in the past generations, especially during communism.
• Afërdita (f.) - meaning “near-day”, is also the name of the planet “Venus” and the name of the Greek goddess Aphrodite, goddess of love, beauty and pleasure.
• Afrim (m.) - comes from the noun “afrim” which means to be close or get close to someone/something.
• Agim/Agon (m.) - dawn
• Ajkuna (f.) - meaning “great mother”, comes from a character from “Eposi i Kreshnikëve” (Translated as: Albanian songs of the Frontier Warriors). Read more about it here.
• Alban (m.) - Comes from the word “Albanian”
• Arbër (m.) / Arbëria (f.) - Comes from “Arbëria” referring to the Principality of Arbanon.
• Ardian (m.)/ Ardiana (f.) - Comes from the name of the Illyrian tribe Ardiaei, which were settled in th Adriatic coast of the Balkan Peninsula near 300 - 200 B.C.
• Ardit (m.) - meaning “Golden Day” (Ar - Gold; Dit(ë) - Day)
• Arsim (m.) - Education
• Arta (f.) - comes from the word "ar" which means gold.
• Bardha (f.) - comes from the word "bardhë" which means "white". This color symbolizes pureness and innocence.
• Bardhyl - formed by uniting "bardhë" = white and "yll" = star.
• Bashkim (m.) - union
• Behar (m.) - summer (behar another way of saying "summer" just like "verë)
• Bekim(m.)/Bekime (f.) - Blessing
• Besa (f.) - means "trust". It's mostly based on traditional Albanian literature where most of the characters were considered "njerëz të besës" equivalent to the English phrase "a man of his word".
• Besart (m.) - meaning Golden Trust (besë=trust, artë=golden)
• Besim (m.) - faith
• Besmir (m.) - Good trust (besë - trust; mir(ë) - good)
• Besnik (m.) - loyal
• Betim (m.) - vow
• Blerim (m.) - bloom (noun)
• Bora (f.) - Snow
• Bujar (m.) - generous
• Dashamir (m.)/ Dashamire (f.) - comes from the noun "dashamir" a noun that refers to someone who wants the best for everyone.
• Dashuri (both masculine and feminine) - love
• Dëfrim (m.) - similar meaning to fun and entertainment.
• Diellza (f.) - comes from the noun "diell" = sun; this name is mostly used in Kosovo.
• Drita (f.) - Light
• Durim (m.) - Patience
Part 1/?
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guccigothlea · 7 years
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itshydraclique · 7 years
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d3mon-insid3-of-meee · 10 months
Tried to find some realness in a world full of masks
~dyzzy (slimmery)
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okeyzitate · 8 years
Und jeder versuch mit mir Kontakt aufzunehmen geht ab jetzt leider schief.
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natiiyle · 9 years
Brudis können auch Fische sein. Brudis sind alles. Brudis sind das was die Galaxie braucht
Taddl 2014
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itshydraclique · 7 years
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city ~
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