#are blissfuly unaware
skinzchoerim · 1 year
someone should really examine the relationship between evil and homoeroticism in k-pop
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Everyone loooves lovecraftian horror until you're twelve, don't know you're trans and realize your body is turning against you, don't understand why it fills you with such dread while everyone is telling you you're "becoming a man"
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seleneprince · 11 months
Queen Alicent had no qualms in voicing out her disgust for Rhaenyra’s family, specially her children, whom she called openly bastards and declared them unworthy of the throne, for their mere existence was sinful in her eyes. The Green children grew up hearing these words, with their mother and everyone around them ingraining in their heads that the Blacks were enemies, that they shouldn’t get close to those bastards. But in truth, Prince Aemond was the only one who took Queen Alicent’s words to heart and complied.  
Alicent’s attempts at separating her children from Rhaenyra were futile, since the King himself arranged for his children and grandchildren to train, study and spend time together to strenghten their bonds as family. Aegon loved to disobey his mother and grandfather, which was the main reason he aproached his nieces at first. Eventually, he developed genuine affection for them, specially Princess Alysanne Velaryon, the oldest, whom Aegon lovingly called Lysa and proclaimed as his favourite. Aegon was kinder to them that he was to his own siblings. He and Lysa quickly became inseparable and it was rare seeing one without the other. From her part, young Alysanne adored her uncle and followed him happily to every adventure he proposed. 
Princess Helaena was a special lady and no one could reach her, not even her mother. She lived in her own world, only showing interest in bugs and embroidery. Helaena never bothered to fit in the labels society tried to put on her. However, she showed some affection for her nieces. Just like Aegon, Alysanne proved to be her favourite and she soon took in to call her Lysa too, but she also payed attention to little Lucerya, who was usually seen listening to her aunt’s tellings about the different bugs she studied or making flower crowns for each other. It was among the rare moments Princess Helaena could be seen openly smiling, relaxed, like a normal lady. Her nieces seemed to bring out a certain light from her. 
Prince Daeron was a carefree, mischevious boy who only pretended to listen his mother’s words to stay on her good side, but once she turned around, he did anything he wanted. He wasn’t as chaotic as Aegon, as quiet as Helaena or as dutiful as Aemond, but he was charming and loved the music, and so he quickly became the court’s beloved along with Lucerya. Daeron was born merely two days apart from Princess Alysanne, and King Viserys had them share the same wet nurse in hopes this would push them to share some kind of fraternity and avoid the bitterness between their mothers. Although Daeron and Alysanne got along well, Aegon took the majority of her time and Daeron seemed to have preference for Lucerya, whom he seemed to enjoy entertaining with his knowledge in arts and even dedicated poems too. They were both the court’s favourites and so they were often together in the center of parties. 
Prince Aemond, his mother’s copy and favourite, never bothered to interact with his half-sister’s daughters. He believed everything his mother said and so if she claimed they were dangerous and unworthy, it had to be true. He looked at the girls and spoke about them the same way his mother did. Prince Aemond talked, but it was Queen Alicent’s words he spelled. He chastised Aegon for being so cozy with Alysanne, warned Helaena about her sympathy towards the girls and frowned at Daeron’s playful banters with Lucerya. This one seemed to annoy him particularly for some reason, often mocking his younger brother for being so pathetically enamoured with Lucerya and trying so hard to get a bastard girl's attention. Everytime he caught one of his brothers entertaining Lucerya or playing with her, his mood instantly turned sour. It didn’t help the little girl seemed blissfuly unaware to his hatred and acted all so sweetly towards him like she did with everyone, calling him uncle and sometimes following around, much to his annoyance. Surprisingly enough, he didn’t push her away most of the times and seemed at least tolerant of her presence, something he didn’t have for Princess Alysanne. 
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scaryorganmusic · 1 year
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thxrnking · 6 months
Now a thought you've given me while reading the jack/wander dynamic is that not only would they lose each other, but they'd also put the other in harms way by giving nightswan acsses to one without the other being there to protect them or stop her from possibly hurting them (the way you write them, jack leaving wander and putting directly into the hands of nightswan)
So i guess the question is, is wanderlust aware of the fact that he's just there as leverage for jack, or is he blissfuly unaware? Im sure jacks fully aware that if he left nightswan would hurt wander (very possibly because she keeps him reminded of that fact) but does wander know? and would he care? is he happy to be of service, no matter what the price is, or is there a certain fear that keeps him in line, knowing his place is to keep jack in his and if he fails to do so its his head? and would that be something he'd use if jack seriously considered rebelling, reminding him that hes actively in danger if he does so??
Sorry if this was complicated or something you were already alluding to my adhd go brrrrrrrr
I've spent all day on this answer and I just hope I can make it make sense.
Night Swan would only hurt her Children if they displeased her directly, she would never punish them for the stupidity/disobedience of the others. Instead she prefers to motivate them with the promise of reward: personal praise for Sara, recognition for Brezziana, and Jack and Wanderlust for each other. As long as they stay loyal they get their 'prize' and fear of losing it pushes them to do as their told.
Wanderlust is vaguely aware that Night Swan is using him against Jack, but he honestly doesn't care. His own motivation is Jack's safety, and he will do anything to make that happen, even if it means going along with Night Swan for now to keep her from hurting him.
Post-corruption Wanderlust has much fewer moral issues over what he's willing to do, including but not limited to, lying, manipulation, threat of physical force, actual physical force, scheming etc.
Initially he encourages Jack to give in to her corruption of him as a direct way of ending Jack's torture at her hands. If he's corrupted then she won't harm him any more. Over time though, he actively maintains the corruption (reminding Jack what he has because of it i.e. him) because he believes Jack is and will be happier as the Swan Prince. Confident, no insecurities, almost always smiling.
He trusts no one else to be able to keep Jack happy.
Wanderlust is a man of few words post-corruption, but he is always three moves ahead of everyone else. And the second going along with Night Swan doesn't serve his purpose, he doesn't plan to stick around.
Jack wouldn't really think of rebelling, perfectly happy with the life he has as Jack Swan, however the fact he chose his corruption does make him more susceptible to changing back. He may question but without someone to keep poking a hole in his doubts, it won't just happen.
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breadsquishbhm · 1 year
obvs i am very focused on gaining being completely consensual but atm all my fantasies have been abt telling somebody i wanna start gaining muscle and them using that as an excuse to put me on a bulking “diet” that’s like 10k calories per day and the whole time I’m blissfuly unaware that I’m being fattened like a prize hog, with like every single cliche-bulking-gone-wrong trope at once… blaming the wash for outgrown clothes… calling my swollen gut “bloat” as I shove more food into my mouth… all the while being fed food packed with butter and drinks mixed with gainer shakes… that’s the good shit right there mmmhmm
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ouroborosreilig · 1 year
(imagine all the winners of the life game having some sorta group chat together and gossiping about it like “yeah well martyn is 3d life u were actually more gay than Scott if I’m completely honest” “oh yeah? In limited life u slept in the same bed with Joel & Jimmy. u had a bakery with them” “I think we need to talk about pearl saying she was Repunzel in double life?” “Look guys it was a hard time for me”)
but yeah, god... the angst........ grian getting all messed up over the falling sand and scar being blissfuly unaware is truly something to me
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flicker-confessions · 5 months
Submitted by @cringelordofchaos (me):
imagine mason and aadiv.. liek imagine aadiv gets transported into a flicker game .... and liek. its said that aadiv is missing. and we all know mason wont give up on finding aadiv and everything. he takes every chance he gets to find him or to find out more abt him. he even talks to ppl whocan see literal ghosts and can sense the future if aadiv is ok. mason himself actually has some dreams where he sees aadiv in some weird place but he doesnt know what it means. anyway imagine he at one point he starts losing hope, optimism. he just thinks hes never going to see aadiv again. but someone helps him regain hope. and he gets hopeful again. and he gets so sure that hes going to find aadiv. but then like if its a fanfic imagine the scene immediately turns to aadiv in the middle of a flicker game getting murdered that night. or getting voted out idk. and like you see mason. hes absolutely sure and hiopeful that hes going to find aadv now. but the readers, the audience knows that aint possible anymore. that aadiv is dead. and we just have to see mason spiral into insanity and toxic positivity. for now hes blissfuly unawar e but as more time passess he will NEVER. find. out what actually happened to aadiv. the horrors. hell just die not knowing anything and wishing he couldve saved him or helped himor feeling like he wasted his life or that it was incomplete or unfulfilled or that he failed and hell just feel so guilty ahahha anyway separate confession but flicker would totally work as a really interesting novel. fight me on this idc
Blog runners' note: "woah a confession post !? are you immediately returning to confession posts now!?'" you might ask. unfortunately no (or at least not for now). this was just iin my drrafts and i forgot abt it so im posting it now. also i am so insane abt maadiv (not as much anymore but thye r literally the reason i almost failedhistory class. couldnt focus on studying bc i was thinking of them )
confession type / blog - fandom - general
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lullaebies · 9 months
Hi Do you have any genderbend helaegon hc
Oh anon - the answer will always, always be yes for this. 💗 for clarity purposes, my m!Helaena is named Rhaegal and my F!Aegon II is named Aerea.
Genderswapped!Helaegon Headcanons
⁕ Rhaegal's fascination with insects slowly developed into a more broad interest in nature over time as he delved into studying the insects environment and ecosystem. He spends much time in the gardens and he has more say in it - he planted trees in the name of his children when he was born, a fact that stands out, but the garden has an abundance of daffodils (narcissus types) planted in it. It's because it's one of Aerea's flowers, and she often uses it to make her favors for tourneys and such. ⁕ In continuetion to the first hc, Aerea does not notice that or the meaning until she is explicitly told. She has much struggle in believing that she deserves being a part of their family (she's very self-aware of the fact she's not a great person or a fantastic mother by any means), and tends to believe that Rhaegal is just kind of dealing with the hand he was dealt in life, so that means quite a bit to her. (she'll never say it but you'll see it in her softer attitude after she does know!) ⁕ Aerea finds a lot of validation and comfort in physical touch rather than words so she'll often ask Rhaegal to help her with the lacing of her clothes or put on jewelry or anything else; she never asks for comfort directly because of her pride but she is very much looking for where she could find it. Rhaegal is blissfuly unaware she's very much leaning on him on purpose. ⁕ They both have much trouble with approaching the progression in their relationship. They started from the baseline of them being forced to marry because of rumors around Aerea being promiscuous, and then they were just more like 'fine ok we can stay the same while being married' like it was more of marriage in name, but then they started to get closer over the years and especially after the birth of their kids. Aerea feels very much like she is a burden on him he didn't ask for and Rhaegal doesn't know how to broach the topic of 'can i be yours and you be mine' fr because like how do you address it? they could fuck every night and those morons would be like 'yes... for duty' [narration voice: it was not for duty they want companionship they are just scared to admit it to each other] ⁕ Aerea is stronger in her fortitude and is the type of person that is like only I can bully my family so be assured that if someone talks shit about her brother-husband she'll take it as a personal offense and will go offensive. She's catty and snarky about it and will return any comment she hears said about him in equal mean remark. Rhaegal on the other hand, is very defensive over his family as time progresses - he will be very nice when you talk shit about him for the most part, but if you speak about Aerea you really might catch hands. He's a very 0 to 100 about the topic he's tired of everyone talking shit about his sisters and especially his wife. ⁕ Rhaegal is a snorer and Aerea is a light sleeper. Perhaps she wishes to choke him sometimes in his sleep. She definitely kicked off of the bed once... but he's a heavy sleeper, so he didn't even notice, lol (@johannawesterling thank you for the inspo my love) ⁕ They both inspire each other to be stronger in different ways - For Aerea she tries to find her confidence in herself as a person that can be good and try her best for the family, for Rhaegal it's being more assertive and protective in his place so she won't have to do that for him. They grow through each other, my babies.
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threeninetwentyseven · 10 months
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i, i'm sorry
quietly waking,
the thoughts in your mind,
repeatedly chirping,
the birds of agony.
of agony
with every passing,
reference and touch,
a sharp stab burns,
your chest overflowing,
your heart
and sometimes you wonder,
sometimes it comes,
oh lord, oh lord, oh lord,
oh help me im drowning.
oh lord
it’s a type of pain
so mysteriously numb,
it’s the voice in your mind
drowning out the other thoughts,
and your torso swells up with water,
and the hatred grows and blows up,
oh lord, how i am sorry.
i am sorry.
oh darling, why arent you
just like them?
why does it hurt you
but not them?
why, oh why,
you yearn
yeilding no reply.
lucifer, lucifer,
what have i done,
blissfuly unaware
till i was not,
oh well.
it’s a type of pain
so mysteriously numb,
it’s the voice in your mind
drowning out the other thoughts,
and your torso
swells up with water,
oh lord, how i am sorry.
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images from pinterest
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where were you when club penguin is dead?
blissfuly unaware of club penguin unfortunately 😔 i was one of those habbo hotel to imvu kids
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greywalkercrow · 2 years
Feverdream, for @cultmenephila Consensual hurt/comfort, sweet sadism, possessive Hannibal knows best, established relationship, smutfic
It felt like waves. Sometimes he was over the tide that threatened, and sometimes he was down in the warm dark too tired and heavy to crawl towards the surface. If this was drowning, it was far less painful than he'd been led to believe it would be. "Will…? Will!" The sound of his name pulled him from the distant lights and dark depths towards… something familiar. Someone? Oh. There were arms around him, holding him down- no. Holding him UP. "Hannibal?" "It's alright, Will. You are safe. You are-" Will shook his head, petulant and whiny.
"I…don't REQUIRE your anchor, Dr Lecter," he slurred, leaning heavily against the chair that Hannibal gently tipped him into. "Don't you?" Hannibal said evenly, pressing the back of his hand to Will's forehead, and then his lips "You have a fever, Will." Another wave consumed him, and it felt like floating. The darkness rushed in, and he was drifting on endless tides until the feel of soft cold sheets met the bare skin of his back and he felt the bed dip as Hannibal slid in next to him. "-kissed me," Will muttered, unconscious of how his body immediately curled into the strong broad male beside him. "The lips are the most moderate part of the body, how else to get an accurate reading of your temperature?" He murmured back, drawing Will deeper into his arms. "Hush~ I told you, you are always welcome here, Will. Have been for such a long time-" Will nodded, nose buried against the hollow of Hannibal's throat. Inhaling his scent and reveling in the feel of heavy arms wrapped around him, grounding him and keeping him safe. "Do you remember what you told me the last time we spoke?" Hannibal asks softly, hands slowly roaming down Will's back, fingertips dragging lightly down his spine. Will shakes his head, tired and blissfuly unaware. "You told me you were mine," The words ghost across the shell of his ear, and his flesh breaks out in goosebumps. "Mmn…doesn' sound like me," He teases weakly, nudging Hannibal's shoulder.
"Tch, ridiculous boy~" Hannibal's teeth close gently on the lobe of his ear and tug lightly, before his cool lips brush Will's stubbled jaw, then lower- Will tosses his head on the snowy white pillow as Hannibal works magic with his hands, and tongue, and teeth until there are slow-blooming bruises marked across his skin. "Love notes, for you to read later," Hannibal whispers, smug, before lowering his head to the music of Will's soft cries for more.
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“A penny for your thoughts?”
A ghost wondered near.
- Have you thought about the day? The sunshine spreading like cracks through your skin? Laying on your throat, burrying deep? The nerves and their chores? The fumes bleeding in your mind, consuming the sky and burning high high high?
Have you thought about their dreams and the pain that they bring? The hope and the screams and the hot and cold and high and down dancing in harmony?
To feel it soaking your bones. To hear the clock ticking, unmercifully unaware about surviving and our politics and how its very existence pry you open and devours your life bite by bite. It clicks and works and your body fights, wanting to live, but condemned to die.
The ghosts complains.
“How could you care about that?”
(Have it ever done anything else?)
“You have your flesh and the starry night, a sun bathing you every morning and folks who are alive. You are complete, your existence is finite. How could you care?”
It’s dry, it’s angry and it’s lively the answer that is pried from the whole human empire.
- I still care.
When the clock stops. When the dance ends. Or if the song will continue for another month and all of our weekends.
- I still care.
And turtles swim. Angels and demons walk holding hands underneath the sky. Happily aware of the moon, blissfuly unaware of the time.
- I still care. Repeats the human. Their voices are quiet. It shakes the entire universe.
But the world still walks by.
(There are feelings that are impossible to describe.)
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immortalconclusions · 2 years
I was so blissfuly unaware of the fact that there already are LestatxReader fics and your post shattered that. Hope you're happy.
I am so sorry to have been the one to deliver the news 😞 I guess it's a fandom rite of passage......got me wondering what the LestatxReader fics were like in the 1980s and 1990s.
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scpwiki-official · 3 months
oh mutual you are blissfuly unaware of the sins of man
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i don't hug mitch
and it's not bc i don't want to
it just doesn't feel necessary i know she's gonna be in my life and i don't feel the need to do the formality
but for some reason i love jackie's hugs she's so good at physical touch
i miss the feeling of laying around with someone and being blissfuly unaware of all the ways in which you intertwined
but i realized jasmine is not a big hugger and i can't tell if it's a formality i do with certain girls like mel and maddy or if it's just chill with some but not as fun with others
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