#are we surprised ? nope
thecedarchronicle · 2 months
#VENT#VENT TAGS AHEAD !!#so the job is...awful.#i applied for 20-25 hours#they asked if i could do 30#and now theyre pushing me into 40.#i didn't realize that when i agreed to 30 that was NOT binding (i should have known because it wasn't in my job offer. but i am 19 and--#ive never had a job offer letter before. even tho this is just retail)#and i can't adjust my availability for 90 days.#and since i put full availability expecting 25 hours max#now i have FULL 24/7 AVAILABILITY ON FILE for three months at least#and i have no idea what to do because this means i cant commit to any classes coming up for college#but ive been job hubting for months and barely got anything#and if i lose the job i have to move back in with my dad which is almost worse#whats wirse is my leader/boss is so mean. im not saying this lightly#i dont want to get into it but im barely a week in and he's made disrespectful and pushy comments towards me#has basically told me to stay late (which theoretically i cluld say no; but im still on my three months of 'we will fire you if we want to'#and like i said. need the job.#so he told me to stay late knowing i cant really say no#he's given me a frankly absurd amount of work (instock and i get carts filled woth 2-3x their max capacity unorganized and dangerously--#overloaded) and then he pushes me and snaps at me to get it done in an absurdly short timeframe while im still in TRAINING#im afab and present femme as i haven't transitioned irl and he is so ragingly sexist#he often just refers to me and the other girl being trained as 'girl' or 'that girl#and to top it all off#i took this job over a second interview at a place i really liked#because i thought the hours at this olace would be more consistent#nope! full time! surprise!!#and now im kicking myself so fucking hard over it. i feel like i fucked up so hard#and my friend i moved here with has been home for two months and will be this month so im just. alone. and i don't really have anyone to#turn to. im just so very stressed and tired and lonely
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randomnameless · 1 year
Hilda to Cyril :
You're always so focused on the task at hand. Sometimes, I almost forget you're Almyran. I always thought they were a…rough and unreliable sort of people. Though you're not really like the rest of them. You seem normal for the most part. But I do know that armies from Almyra will attack without reason, and break treaties, and tell lies… Everyone says they're a bunch of brutes. Am I boring you? I'm talking about your people.
Claude in Nopes :
Break treaties : plans on breaking his treaty with Supreme Leader if Billy joins him in Supreme Bullshit, or doesn't offer assistance to the Imperial Forces in Golden Shower
Attack without reason : borrows Daddy's naval forces to attack Sreng, not because he has something against Sreng, but to create chaoes in the Kingdom
Tell lies : all the schitck about Claude being the embodiement of distrust - or how he backstabs Supreme Leader, if Billy joins in, in Supreme Bullshit.
It's incredible, Claude became Hilda's racist Almyran caricature!
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dearweirdme · 3 months
tteokbokki by jk? seriously? their marketing team could not get any more cringe
Hi anon!
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dont-offend-the-bees · 7 months
Fucks sake.
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helluva-hazbins · 5 months
Pick a Card, Any Card
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The Star
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There is something wonderful stirring in the depths of your being. something within you– something latent– is sleeping there, in the cradle of your mind. creativity comes naturally to you, just as breathing or blinking. you have the capability to extend yourself through art. but are you afraid of it? creating something– terribly afraid that it will never be as good as you hope? it will never be made unless you use your own hands.
UPRIGHT: hope, faith, purpose, renewal, spirituality
REVERSED: lack of faith, despair, self-trust, disconnection
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herspawn · 1 year
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✧ a bag of holding amount of photos // ∞ ✧
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night-heron-writes · 1 year
5+1 Things except its the 5 times Kazuki and Rei adopt kids and the one time they adopt a cat
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Hey :)
If ur still accepting requests, could you something where Thena is on her period and is in a lot of pain (Cramps suck Fr) and Gil comforts her??? You can choose the AU <3
Btw ur entire account literally gives me life lmao 🫶🏼
Thena woke slowly, having drifted off on the couch after using the last of her pain meds. She had sent a message to Kingo to bring her more, though.
There were sounds coming from the kitchen. Panic flooded through her as she looked up and over the back of the couch.
"It's okay," he smiled at her, having sensed her alarm, "it's just me."
Thena relaxed her knee-jerk reaction to reach for a knife. Although she was on high alert in other ways, seeing him at her stove. "What are you doing here?"
Gil turned down the burner on whatever he was cooking and came over to the couch, leaning on the back of it. "How're you feeling?"
"Answer me," she grumbled at him, curling around herself and drawing up the blanket she had thrown over her legs.
"I ran into Kingo while he was out getting some things," Gil answered gently, brushing some hair away from her cheek for her (why she let him was beyond her). "I offered to come and check on you."
Thena made a mental note to fire Kingo before she killed him.
"I've got some cheesy tteokbokki on for you," he smiled at her, leaving the back of the couch only to retrieve a tray from the kitchen and bring it over for her. "Start with this."
Thena frowned as he set the tray on her coffee table, on top of the laptop she had abandoned since cramps had robbed her of the ability to work from home.
He had arranged a glass of gingerale, a fresh dose of midol, a few crackers and cheese and even a few pieces of white chocolate (her favourite). There was even a tiny little vase with a budding lily in it.
Thena looked from the tray to the eager and hopeful face of the Tyrant King. She was still curled up around herself, and not just because of the cramps in her abdomen. "Why?"
His smile fell, and she hated to admit that it made her feel so bad she was willing to do anything to undo it. He corrected his expression, though, letting his smile become smaller but softer. "I'm your boyfriend, Ice. So I'm here to do boyfriend things, like comfort you when you're having a rough period."
She was a grown woman. She had no reason to be embarrassed about a perfectly natural function of her body. But she had never intended on letting him witness it firsthand.
She hadn't showered yet, she was sure she was pale as a ghost with messy hair and cold sweat on her skin. And that was to say nothing of the fact that instead of her usual silk nightdress she was in fuzzy sweatpants and an old hoodie.
Thena picked her head up off the throw pillow and gave him a withering glare, "my boyfriend, are you?"
"Well, let's go with that for now," he chuckled, putting his hand on her shoulder to steady him as he leaned over to kiss her cheek before returning to the kitchen.
She eyed the fresh ink of his ring tattoo as he moved.
"Your cup is still in its pot here, too--I just moved it."
Right, she had been boiling her menstrual cup while she had texted Kingo for supplies. This was exactly what she meant about Gil not having to be here doing all this for her. They were...something--she had thought to maybe call them an ongoing affair. But apparently he was her boyfriend.
That didn't mean she wanted him handling the pot that had a silicone cup she put in her-
Thena groaned, leaning her head back against her throw pillow again.
"Take your drugs, Princess. I'll bring lunch over in a sec."
She pursed her lips as she eyed the lovingly arranged platter he had brought her. She could hear him humming to himself in the kitchen behind her. It was so...domestic. She turned herself as best she could, keeping her blanket over her lap as she leaned just enough to reach the midol and the gingerale (and a piece of chocolate).
"Here we go," Gil narrated as he came over with a sizzling claypot in its holder. He walked over briskly with it, setting it down next to the other platter and sitting beside her. He turned to her with a grin, "want me to feed it to you?"
"Absolutely not."
"Aw, come on, Sweetness," he laughed as he stirred around the steaming hot rice cakes in their red sauce. "It'll be like the old days in the poison ward."
Was that what constituted 'the good old days' for them?
"I can feed myself," she huffed, although when he leaned out of her way, she realised just how far away the nice hot bowl really was.
"Here," he smiled, picking up the utensils and using the chopsticks to pile a few into a larger spoon as kind of an in-between serving vessel. He handed both over to her, "take your time."
Thena sighed, taking a few and blowing on them before eating them. She knew very well he made the best tteokbokki. He was quite a sufficient home cook, but something about how he made the sauce for the rice cakes--how he got them to the absolute perfect consistency for her every time. It never failed.
Gil rubbed her back as she slurped back a few more. "You could have told me, y'know."
Thena sighed between bites. She didn't have to answer him. If she didn't, he probably wouldn't pester her with it, given her current mood. She handed the spoon back so he could pick up a few more for her. "It's...personal."
He gave her a look. "Baby, I gave you a sponge bath while you were in the hospital. You think I can't handle your period?"
She glared at him; he didn't have to bring that up. "Not the point."
He let it go, handing back another few tteokbokki with stretchy, oozy cheese on them.
"Just," she said just before taking a bite, using the time chewing to collect her thoughts. She sighed through her nose, her shoulders sinking. She gulped. "Just...let me be a mess on my own."
"A mess?" he asked in a tone that was so disbelieving it was a little snarky. But surely he knew better than to be snarky with her when she was in a foul mood; she glared at him again. But he laughed, "you think you can hide how beautiful you are?"
Thena stared down at the tteokbokki she was holding. She was piled under comfy clothes and blankets and a fuzzy warmer stuffed inside the pocket of her hoodie. Her back hurt, she hadn't even washed her face that morning, let alone brushed her hair or checked what she smelled like.
Gil blinked as she handed back the utensils without having finished her last bite. "Sweetness?"
"Stop it," she grumbled, pressing her face into her hands, including the tears that were threatening more and more seriously to spill over. "Stop...being sweet."
Gil smiled as the problem was stated. He set the food aside, moving closer so he could pulled her into his lap. She growled at him a little but he nestled her head under his chin, "I don't think that's something a good boyfriend does."
Thena pressed her face into his shirt. He smelled like his office, even in his casual clothes. He smelled like gojuchang and gojugaru and aromatics.
Gil let her bury her face in his chest, her hand sliding up to join it, sitting over his heart, like it always did. "I'm right here, Thena. I'm not going anywhere."
She inhaled the mix of scents on him, letting it relax her like lavender in a bath. "Lunch."
"I'll save it for you, heat it up later," he promised, whispering as he ran his fingers through her hair. "I'll run you a hot bath, we can have a nice relaxing dinner. What do you think, Ice?"
"Hm," she mumbled, already on the verge of falling asleep again. The night had been fitful at best, and something about how warm he was always made her want to nod off. "Tell Kingo he's fired."
Gil laughed, although it wasn't the belly deep laugh he sometimes had. He was careful not to jostle her in his arms. "I think you should tell him that yourself."
She whined faintly, burying her face in his chest completely again, "later."
"Later," Gil agreed, kissing the top of her head as he supported her back with his arm and rubbed her shoulder. "Take your time."
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waxwing-cedrorum · 6 months
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Did I get to see the eclipse at totality? Nope it was super cloudy unfortunately
Did I get to have fun messing around with eclipse glasses and hiking in the woods? Yes absolutely
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gottagobackintime · 10 months
Me at work: *Talks on the phone constantly, every day, Monday to Friday, no problem*
Me at home: *Makes a phone call and end up sweating profusely*
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13eyond13 · 1 year
#one of the most surprising things I've found about actually checking out famous classic novels and movies and whatnot for myself#instead of just believing what I hear#is how often they actually are not what I expected at all#I just read Fahrenheit 451 for example and all I knew was it is one of those books that people always mention#as like a good one to assign in school and that it includes book burning#so naturally I assumed it was some serious book about the dangers of rampant censorship of art and literature#nope instead I got some very weird little book where Ray Bradbury is essentially bemoaning television as being a horrible evil#brain-rotting device and people are just burning books because they don't want to read or think about things anymore#and of course it's mostly idiotic housewives who love the TVs and don't understand the superior stuff like poems and the Bible anymore#And then randomly there's this robot dog with 8 legs that runs around euthanizing anybody who it's programmed to smell?#Anyways I just read the whole nonsense with eyebrows raised like wtf this is so dumb hahaha#Also it had some afterword from Ray Bradbury where he's blaming women and racial minorities and queer people for being the enemies of art#And good aesthetics for daring to mention that perhaps they might want to also be represented in stories a tad more too#ANYWAYS all this to say it seems to me that a lot of the stuff that gets held up as important#Is dumb as hell whenever I actually check it out#And same with movies too but we won't get into all that#p
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randomnameless · 1 year
Nothing makes me roll my eyes harder than fans who try to "both sides" the Fodlan/Almyra conflict. One is straight up killing people for fun, the other is trying to defend themselves from getting killed for fun. Not really the same.
tbh it's kind of a shame that IS fell back in old Verdane prejudices and returned to "those exotic people are savages who want to pillage for fun", especially when Nopes fleshed out the Sreng conflict to be something else than "invading for fun!!".
(is it a time to rant about Hyzante from TS too?)
And I totally get how some people hc Almyra to be something that isn't what the canon version gave us, because those prejudices really stink and Fodlan is a giant sandbox with a myriad of possibilities, too bad IS KT always pick the worst one (remember honeypotting?).
Now, the "both sides" argument with the canon material has much to do with disappointment that KT wrote Almyra to be, well, what it is, and the same kind of salt edelstans thrive on - my fave can't be BaD, and even if they are (but slightly!!!) it's the other side's fault, so uwu "both sides" and tons of "morally earl grey" pop up, and, of course, another argument to make for "Rhea BaD" because even things outside her scope has to be her fault, somehow.
For what it's worth, we have the Goneril's treatment of Cyril to get the "both sides uwu" argument going on, but let's be real, from what the kid said and Claude's... non involvment with the "forgot to eat!" servants, Almyra doesn't seem to give a flying fuck about whoever is caught in Fodlan, and the raids are sure as hell not planned to free them.
And again, it's not to diss on headcanons, headcanon the fuck of what you want, but when canon discussions suggest "both sides uwu" it's time to, imo, leave, because there's no discussion to have with someone who, as you pointed out, thinks killing people for fun and glory is the same as randoms who kill people to defend their homes.
No matter what Nopes says lol
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ssreeder · 1 year
I just read the new chapter and sksjskssjsjs I have so many thoughts
First of all, how dare u not give us the zukka reunion. You’re dangling it in front of us like a hanging carrot and it’s working. Do u enjoy my suffering, is that it? 😭😭🥺🥺
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Jk, love you
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Second, Katara baby what are you doing? Ik u wanna help your brother but the boy was kidnapped during a war, he’s clearly gone through hell. Sokka needs to open up about what happened in order to start the journey towards recorvery but at least give a boy a few weeks to mope and process everything. And then she went and lied to Zuko and accused Sokka of lying (he did, but he has the right to right now) and it’s all a big mess.
Although, she IS also a child who’s struggling to keep two boys alive so maybe I’m being harsh on her. I JUST WANT SOKKA TO BE HAPPY OKAY?!! MY BABY IS SO SAD I CANT 😭😭😭😭😭
Anyways, great chapter! Rasu’s stories about him and tiny zuko were delightful and I’m looking forward to what will happen next!
Hahaha hiii!!
Don’t worry you get a bite of the carrot next chapter. :)
There will be some zukka!! & yeah they are all children doing their best to cope with the pressure of war & its impossible for them to each handle it perfectly.
Angry traumatized Sokka + exhausted emotions katara = not good.
I’m excited to give you the next chapter wohooo!!! Thanks for the wonderful ask!!
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patchesjam · 1 year
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inaflashimagine · 11 months
ok but what are ur thoughts on shishiba
tldr: yes
my word vomit answer?: he's my favorite order character, that man just oozes coolness. some of his quotes are so iconic ('i don't wanna have to think too much?' mood. 'the idea that we should give maniacs guns is old-fashioned.' okay pop off our hammer-wielding king. and him comparing assassin work to housework sent me. a true professional) and his latest design change also makes him look more cool. and i absolutely live for his dynamic w osaragi and nagumo. dying to see him and osaragi be more badass together
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yo9urt · 9 months
separate post because i forgot to mention it in the first one. the difficulty spikes/unspikes in act 3 of the 2023 game of the year were very interesting to me
#mine#and by interesting i mean interesting and slightly annoying#for reference this run was on easy mode (most of them probably will be or at least a solid chunk)#and i went in knowing the bare bones basics of the combat system and figured out a lot of things as i went#(still don't know why everyone's so obsessed with barrels though?)#and i've always been kind of stupid so this style of combat had a very big learning curve lol there's so much to do#i enjoyed the challenge though :) anyway back on topic it was really surprising to me because the endgame stuff#was so easy? i was worried about the courtyard fight because the wiki described it as an all out attack but i cleaned house#ast4ri0n took out two enemies on his own just in the first team and orpheus killed like half of them with his cool powers#and the rest of the party cleaned up the rest and we barely broke a sweat#THEN i was worried about getting up the tower and reaching the stem but that was also easy? we took like next to no damage and got there#super fast (again shoutout to ast4ri0n for having insane movement speed and zooming up to the top like that)#and then when i was on top of the brain i was like omg this dragon is going to fucking eat me alive#nope! we scurried along the left side and killed a few enemies but many of them lived#and we got in with barely any injuries#then in the final brain platform area i was like OH SHIT!!!! WHAT IF I DIE#but that was easy too like we literally killed it in one turn#it used the negation orb but nothing actually blew up or died cause then we all had our turns#and just wailed on it until it was dead#meanwhile i had to try about 4 times to get the house of hope fight right#i tried cazador and the foundry steel watchers fight once each before cheesing them#had to try about 4 times for the iron throne? give or take? and then had to try i think 3 times for gort's fight#it was very surprising to not only beat all the post-pool fights in one go but also so easily#maybe i'll try higher difficulty modes in the future...i do feel emboldened...but for now i'll stay on easy
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