#aries libra leo cancer virgo taurus gemini pisces scorpio astrology capricorn aquarius sagittarius zodiac zodiacsigns horoscope sagitario ta
kleopatra45 · 2 days
Sun in the Signs
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Keywords: Active, Assertive, Energetic
Aries, the first sign of the zodiac, is symbolized by the Ram. Individuals born with the Sun in Aries are known for their bold and dynamic personality. They are natural leaders who thrive on action and enjoy taking initiative. Aries Suns are courageous and adventurous, always ready to tackle challenges head-on. They have a strong sense of self and are assertive in pursuing their goals. Impulsive at times, they prefer to live in the moment rather than dwell on the past. Aries Suns are enthusiastic and often inspire others with their infectious energy and optimism. They are direct in their communication and value honesty and authenticity in relationships.
Keywords: Stable, Sensual, Persistent
Taurus, symbolized by the Bull, is known for its grounded and steady nature. Those born with the Sun in Taurus are practical and reliable individuals who value stability and security. Taurus Suns have a strong connection to the material world and enjoy indulging in sensual pleasures. They are patient and persistent in pursuing their goals, often working diligently towards achieving long-term success. Taurus Suns are deeply rooted in their values and can be quite stubborn when it comes to their beliefs. They have a keen appreciation for beauty and comfort, seeking environments that offer both physical and emotional satisfaction.
Keywords: Curious, Communicative, Versatile
Gemini, symbolized by the Twins, is characterized by its dual nature and love for communication. Individuals with the Sun in Gemini are intellectually curious and adaptable. They have a natural gift for communication and enjoy engaging in lively conversations on a wide range of topics. Gemini Suns are quick-witted and versatile, always eager to learn and share new ideas. They have a youthful charm and a playful sense of humor that makes them enjoyable company. Gemini Suns are sociable and thrive in social settings where they can interact with a diverse range of people. They are constantly seeking mental stimulation and may have multiple interests and hobbies.
Keywords: Nurturing, Emotional, Intuitive
Cancer, symbolized by the Crab, is associated with emotions, intuition, and nurturing qualities. Those born with the Sun in Cancer are deeply sensitive and empathetic individuals. They have a strong attachment to their home and family, often prioritizing emotional security above all else. Cancer Suns are nurturing and protective, taking care of others with great tenderness and compassion. They have a keen intuition and can easily pick up on the emotions of those around them. Cancer Suns are imaginative and deeply connected to their past and roots. They value traditions and may have a strong sense of nostalgia. Despite their emotional depth, they can also be quite resilient and tenacious when faced with challenges.
Keywords: Creative, Proud, Generous
Leo, symbolized by the Lion, is known for its boldness, creativity, and regal nature. Individuals born with the Sun in Leo have a magnetic presence and natural charisma. They thrive in the spotlight and enjoy being the center of attention. Leo Suns are confident and proud, often displaying leadership qualities and a strong sense of self-expression. They have a generous spirit and enjoy showering their loved ones with affection and lavish gifts. Leo Suns are creative and theatrical, with a flair for drama and artistic pursuits. They have a strong sense of honor and loyalty, valuing integrity and respect. Despite their strong personality, Leo Suns are warm-hearted and genuinely care about the well-being of others.
Keywords: Practical, Analytical, Detail-oriented
Virgo, symbolized by the Virgin, is associated with practicality, intellect, and attention to detail. Those born with the Sun in Virgo are meticulous and methodical individuals who excel in organizing their lives and environments. Virgo Suns have a strong sense of duty and responsibility, often striving for perfection in everything they do. They are analytical and critical thinkers, with a keen eye for spotting errors and inefficiencies. Virgo Suns are reliable and dependable, often taking on roles that require precision and efficiency. They have a practical approach to life and prefer to focus on tangible results rather than abstract concepts. Virgo Suns are also compassionate and service-oriented, finding fulfillment in helping others and making a meaningful contribution.
Keywords: Diplomatic, Harmonious, Social
Libra, symbolized by the Scales, is known for its focus on balance, relationships, and aesthetic beauty. Individuals born with the Sun in Libra are diplomatic and fair-minded, always striving to create harmony in their surroundings. Libra Suns have a strong sense of justice and equality, often advocating for peace and cooperation. They have a natural charm and sociability, enjoying the company of others and forming meaningful connections. Libra Suns are romantic and idealistic, valuing partnerships and companionship. They have a refined taste and appreciate art, culture, and all forms of beauty. Libra Suns are skilled mediators and peacemakers, able to see different perspectives and find common ground in conflicts.
Keywords: Intense, Determined, Transformative
Scorpio, symbolized by the Scorpion, is associated with intensity, depth, and transformation. Those born with the Sun in Scorpio are passionate and fiercely determined individuals. Scorpio Suns have a magnetic presence and an air of mystery that draws others to them. They are resourceful and resilient, often thriving in situations that require inner strength and perseverance. Scorpio Suns are deeply emotional and intuitive, with a profound understanding of human nature. They are not afraid of exploring the darker aspects of life and may be drawn to the occult or psychological mysteries. Scorpio Suns are also highly loyal and protective of their loved ones, willing to go to great lengths to ensure their well-being. They have a powerful presence and can be transformative forces in the lives of those around them.
Keywords: Adventurous, Optimistic, Philosophical
Sagittarius, symbolized by the Archer, is known for its adventurous spirit, optimism, and love for philosophical exploration. Individuals born with the Sun in Sagittarius are free-spirited and enthusiastic about life's possibilities. Sagittarius Suns are natural explorers, always seeking new experiences and opportunities for growth. They have a broad-minded perspective and enjoy delving into different cultures, belief systems, and philosophies. Sagittarius Suns are optimistic and jovial, with a contagious sense of humor that brightens the mood wherever they go. They are independent and value their freedom, often resisting constraints or limitations. Sagittarius Suns are also generous and charitable, with a strong sense of justice and fairness. They are motivated by their ideals and principles, striving to make a positive impact on the world around them.
Keywords: Ambitious, Disciplined, Practical
Capricorn, symbolized by the Goat, is associated with ambition, discipline, and practicality. Those born with the Sun in Capricorn are hardworking and focused individuals who are committed to achieving their goals. Capricorn Suns have a strong sense of responsibility and take their commitments seriously. They are disciplined and organized, often taking on leadership roles or positions of authority. Capricorn Suns are practical and realistic, with a knack for long-term planning and strategic thinking. They value tradition and respect established norms and rules. Capricorn Suns are also resourceful and resilient, able to overcome obstacles through sheer determination and perseverance. They have a strong sense of integrity and reliability, earning the trust and respect of others through their actions.
Keywords: Innovative, Humanitarian, Unconventional
Aquarius, symbolized by the Water-Bearer, is known for its progressive ideals, innovation, and humanitarian spirit. Individuals born with the Sun in Aquarius are independent and unconventional thinkers who march to the beat of their own drum. Aquarius Suns are visionary and forward-thinking, always seeking new ways to improve the world around them. They are idealistic and egalitarian, advocating for social justice and equality. Aquarius Suns are intellectual and curious, with a deep interest in science, technology, and futuristic concepts. They value individuality and freedom of expression, often challenging societal norms and expectations. Aquarius Suns are also friendly and sociable, with a wide circle of friends who share their passion for change and innovation.
Keywords: Compassionate, Imaginative, Sensitive
Pisces, symbolized by the Fish, is associated with compassion, creativity, and spirituality. Those born with the Sun in Pisces are deeply empathetic and intuitive individuals. Pisces Suns are sensitive and receptive to the emotions of others, often acting as natural healers and caretakers. They have a vivid imagination and a rich inner world, drawn to artistic pursuits and creative expression. Pisces Suns are dreamers who often retreat into fantasy or daydreams to escape the harsh realities of life. They are compassionate and selfless, willing to sacrifice their own needs for the sake of others. Pisces Suns are also deeply spiritual and may have a strong connection to the mystical or metaphysical realms. They seek meaning and purpose in
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msmysticfail · 17 days
astrology notes
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Generational planets such as Pluto, Uranus and Neptune in the 1st house can indicate great fame, since these planets have to do with large crowds of people, causing the native to attract or exert great influence.
Mercury in Aquarius/11th house be careful not to become what you most fear becoming: dogmatic. No matter how formed your opinion is, don't let it become fixed to the point of being your greatest truth.
The 3rd house is very elastic, the one who will define its energy most precisely is the sign in it.
Moon/Venus/Mars in Scorpio/8th house, go practice the Law of Attraction, you have a very powerful aura, you are wasting time if you don't use all this magnitude to get what you want.
You know that Mercury in Scorpio/8th house person you teased? Good luck trying to hide anything from them, in love or hate they will discover your secrets and, if hurt, they will use it against you.
12th house placements, please stay more in touch with the people you love, they miss you. If the distance you maintain is self-imposed, don't forget that the people in your life love you, that they want to have a little more of your physical presence.
My dear Leo, be careful with who you spend your affection with, you give so generously, be careful not to give it to the wrong people, the ones who are secretly jealous of you, who talk about you behind your back. Your heart of gold can "rust" in the wrong hands.
Aquarius placements, get ready, because the definitive entry of Pluto in Aquarius on November 19th of this year until 2044 will be the craziest years of your life. Get ready, there are a lot of big profound changes coming.
Mars in Pisces would do very well if they worked with their mediumship, whether in tarot or astrology or in art.
10th house placements always attract 2nd house placements people, it's incredible. They generally get along very well, they understand each other, they can be very good friends. The 2nd house supports the ambition of the 10th house, the 10th house values ​​and pampers the 2nd house.
Taurus, stop crying for that man/woman, you are so beautiful, independent, attractive, don't let him have that power over your heart, woman. You deserve more. Let go, even if it hurts, something better won't take long to appear, don't lower your level, raise it.
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soular-sisters · 2 months
Your Rising Sign & Your Gift From The Universe 🤍
Through my studying of astrology, I have learned that with each individual’s rising sign comes a natural ability gifted by the universe that is second nature to that individual. Here is a little description of each rising sign’s gift that the universe has given you in this lifetime.
🤍 Aries Rising: Since aries is ruled by mars (the planet of masculine energy & drive), an aries rising is naturally goal-oriented. The universe has gifted aries rising with the ability to follow through with goals & continuous energy to reach their success.
**ways to best use their ability: leading a group to success, motivating a team, & helping push themselves and others through tough times.
🤍 Taurus Rising: Being a taurus rising, the venus sign that’s of earth element, means they are naturally grounded. The universe has gifted taurus rising with a natural sense of mindfulness & peace within their being.
**ways to best use their ability: meditating in nature, being a healthy mediator in situations of conflict, & creating peaceful practices for yourself and others to follow.
🤍 Gemini Rising: With gemini being one of the two signs ruled by mercury (the planet of thoughts & communication), a gemini rising has the gift of gab. The universe has gifted gemini rising with the ability to expand their mind & connect with others from all walks of life through communication.
**ways to best use their ability: forming friendships with diverse people, networking with others to develop their career, & creating social groups by interconnecting their various friendships.
🤍 Cancer Rising: As a cancer rising being ruled by the moon (the planet of the mother & feminine intuition), they are naturally caring and empathetic individuals. The universe has gifted cancer rising with a natural intuition into their own emotions as well as the emotions of others.
**ways to best use their ability: being the mom friend of a friend group, intuitively sensing how to help those in need, & caregiving for animals and people who need healing.
🤍 Leo Rising: The solar sign of leo being ruled by the sun (the planet of warmth & radiance) is a natural star. The universe has gifted leo rising with a natural stage presence & ability to perform on cue.
**ways to best use their ability: giving an unforgettable speech, performing a piece of art that they’re passionate about, & using their charm to present on a topic for positive change.
🤍 Virgo Rising: Virgo being the earthy sign ruled by mercury (the planet of our analytical mind & communication), they naturally sees the finer details the average person doesn’t. The universe has gifted virgo rising with natural observational skills to see situations from a clear & logical view.
**ways to best use their ability: giving solid objective advice to others, finding truth in complex situations, & standing up for what’s right even if others don’t initially see it.
🤍 Libra Rising: Libra being the second of the two venus signs carries an undeniable beauty that can be seen from anyone they meet. The universe has gifted libra rising with natural physical beauty & grace.
**ways to best use their ability: styling themselves and loved ones for an event, spotting the trends before they start, & finding the beauty in life where others don’t see it.
🤍 Scorpio Rising: Scorpio is a unique sign that is ruled by two planets (mars & pluto) giving them an energy to intuitively connect with the physical & the unseen. The universe has gifted scorpio rising with an ability to intuitively see through the vail of any facade & naturally see pure truth.
**ways to best use their ability: reading situations for what they are, being the one to say what’s being unsaid, & connecting the truth between the spiritual and the physical world.
🤍 Sagittarius Rising: The happy-go-lucky sign of sagittarius being ruled by jupiter (the planet of luck & adventure), is blessed with a natural sense of positivity. The universe has gifted sagittarius rising with a lucky streak, it seems as though the universe finds good luck for these natives through life’s sticky situations.
**ways to best use their ability: helping themselves and others find luck in a bad situation, using their good sense of humor to lighten the mood, & seeing the positive side of life.
🤍 Capricorn Rising: It is no wonder that the sign of capricorn being ruled by saturn (the planet of karma & knowledge), is known as the old soul of the zodiac. The universe has gifted capricorn rising with innate wisdom.
**ways to best use their ability: answering pop quiz questions that come to people’s minds, studying various topics to gain deep universe knowledge, & giving sound advice to others through higher wisdom.
🤍 Aquarius Rising: The unique & innovative sign of aquarius is another sign with dual rulership by both the planets of uranus & saturn. The universe has gifted aquarius rising with a natural connection to humanity.
**ways to best use their ability: making personal connections with various people they meet in life, understanding the depths of humanity, & using their humanitarianism to heal rifts in human connections.
🤍 Pisces Rising: The spiritual sign of pisces is our final sign of double rulership with two ruling planets of neptune & jupiter. The universe has gifted pisces rising with a strong intuition through their connection to the spiritual realms.
**ways to best use their ability: meditating to connect to their higher self, making spiritual connections to the people they meet in their life, & helping others to connect to the unseen spiritual realm.
🩶 instagram: @dredivinecreates 🩶
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zodiactalks · 3 months
The Zodiac Signs and Their EMPATHY Style
We all know what empathy means, but did you know there are various types of empathy?
In this article, you'll learn about other kinds of empathy, as well as what sign uses it more.
Fauna Empathy
This courageous and adventurous sign feels a special connection with animals and they find it very easy to understand their needs.
Even when Aries doesn't like a particular kind of animal, they're very in tune with what that animal wants and needs, and it's not uncommon to see Aries go out of their way to make it happen.
Physical Empathy.
Taurus is very empathetic towards people and their emotions, but what makes their specific kind of empathy so interesting is how it manifests.
Taurus's empathy manifests in physical ways, so if someone feels sick, Taurus feels sick, if someone feels hot, Taurus feels hot, etc.
This, of course, is a double-edged sword, as while it allows Taurus to understand what others are feeling, it can also make them feel ill or under the weather without any warning whatsoever.
Telepathic Empathy.
Geminis are extremely sensitive to other people's moods, which means they can easily identify people's emotions and emotional states just by being in their proximity.
More impressively, Geminis can even transmit their emotions to others, particularly if they're feeling something very strongly.
As you can imagine, this can be used for good or can be used for bad. It's all about what Gemini chooses.
Chameleonic Empathy.
Cancers are the purest kind of empath in the Zodiac, and they can sense and react to other's emotions without even thinking about it.
What's interesting about Cancer's specific type of empathy is that it tends to reflect itself in Cancer's body language.
If someone around Cancer is feeling insecure, Cancers will adopt a more closed-off body language. If someone is feeling confident, Cancer will reflect this, and so on.
Psychometric Empathy.
Leo's particular type of empathy is one of the coolest to see in action, as it almost seems like a super-power.
Leos are amazing at understanding others and their emotions when they touch something valuable to someone else.
If something holds a special kind of meaning for someone, there's a good chance Leo will figure out why that object is so important by just holding, and looking at it.
Flora Empathy.
Virgos have a natural green thumb and, more impressively, a very special connection to plants in general.
They tend to feel more energized when there are plants around them, and can easily tell what a plant needs to thrive.
Virgos make excellent florists, not only because they know what the plants want, but also because they understand what kind of plant is ideal for every type of person.
Receptive Empathy.
Libras can literally feel what others are feeling, which explains a lot about the sign's desire for stability and conflict avoidance.
When people around them are experiencing very strong emotions, there's a chance Libra will feel it as well, and while this isn't a problem when it comes to positive emotions, it can certainly be hard to deal with it when it comes to negative ones.
This is part of the reason why Libras often try their best to make sure everyone around them is in a good mood. They might not realize it, but the fact that they're so in-tune with other people's emotions certainly explains a lot about them!
Medium Empathy.
Scorpios are very good at feeling spirits and invisible entities, even when they don't actually believe in them.
They attract unexplained phenomena no matter where they go, and those who work hard to become even more sensitive to this particular kind of empathy can actually become conduits to the spirit world.
Enlightening Empathy.
Rather than feeling people's emotions, Sagittarius can feel what makes people tick, which makes them capable of sussing out lies even when they've just met a person.
Even more impressive is the fact that Sagittarians are great at matching people with goals and objectives. They're good at identifying exactly what people want from life and pushing them in that direction.
Geomantic Empathy.
Capricorn's have a very strong connection to places and are capable of identifying places that have some significance to others even if they've never been there before.
They're the kind of people who'll feel sad in a place where someone died, or happy in a place where someone received great news, and while they may not be able to explain why they feel like that, they're certainly able to identify what they're feeling.
Watching a Capricorn's empathy in action is truly something else.
Gaia Empathy.
Aquarians are born to connect with the very world they inhabit, which makes them one of the most powerful signs in the Zodiac.
They can feel when there's something wrong in a specific area, and though they don't have the same kind of connection Virgo has with plants, they're still able to pinpoint when something is unbalancing the ecosystem.
Astral Empathy.
Just like Scorpios can connect with spirits, Pisces can connect with other planes and those who exist there.
They're in tune with people's energies and emotions and can detect negative intentions and thoughts.
They might not be able to feel what others are feeling, but they're great at figuring out the intent behind people's words and actions.
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thefunkwitch · 2 months
The Pallas Asteroid Through The Signs 𓌜 🗡
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Overview: Pallas has interesting mythology because Pallas was supposedly two different people back then. Originally, Pallas was Athena’s “adopted” sister and she had an adoptive father after being born from Zeus’ skull and the sister that she gained from the adoptive family was Pallas. What Pallas and Athena had in common was that they were matched in wits and strength; so they would duel each other and even they would do one of those “arm wrestles” when two people are just kinda stuck at the same point and no one is beating the other because they were both so matched in that skill. Until, one day they were both fighting while (again) being matched in that skill, so someone distracted Pallas so that Athena would get a shot to make a strike on her. And because Athena thought that Pallas was going to dodge, she didn’t realize that Pallas was so distracted but it was too late because Athena landed her stab in Pallas so that she ended up killing her. She accidentally skewered her and with the remorse and devastation of losing her friend and sister, she eventually took Pallas’ name in honor of her memory. So, we truly use Athena and what she represents in mythology to understand what Pallas is in Astrology. In mythology Athena is the goddess of wisdom and warfare; When we think of warfare we usually think of Aries who not only is not only a zodiac sign that is ruled by Mars but in mythology was the God Of War. The way that it coincides with Pallas and Athena is matching Wisdom and Warfare, it’s just going out into battle with pure masculine Aries Energy. 
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This asteroid also represents the feminine side of Athena that is calculated and social; what you end up with when you mix them together is strategy. And there, my beautiful people is what Pallas represents; it means where you use your strategy in terms of what house it falls into and where you are the most strategic. It also can highlight what your “war” strategy looks like! 
Pallas in Aries: Your creative intelligence shows how quickly you can up with solutions to new issues. You are innovative, you’re a pioneer, you think on your feet, and you act as your own source of your inspiration. You guys are the type of people to fight for what you believe in and the things that you believe are right or true. You’re typically the first person to set things in motion as well and you would rather face justice head on. You might also possess strong political views and you won’t be easily persuaded and you will stand up for the “under dogs” or the weak. Perhaps, you choose to not seek any other type of healing from others because you want to deal with things on your own. Then again, perhaps sports, physical activity, or screaming can contribute to your healing. Or you may actively seek healing practices and you might also possess a love for high level but healthy competition. And you also don’t typically fear losing. 🏺
Pallas in Taurus: Your creative intelligence shows  how visual you can be and how artistic you can be. You’ll visualize how a new issue can be solved in fact you might use your physical senses to work your way through it. You guys are in tune with the natural world and you guys are also very artistic. You might turn to things like art, culture, food, music, and all things beautiful as a source of inspiration. And you guys will use your common sense when it comes to your political debates or political issues and you’ll try to remain calm in situations that are really chaotic and unjust. You guys will also possess fixed opinions and you guys will also take your time when deciding a healing method. You want to know if it’s gonna be truly valuable, so things like natural medicine, cooking, sewing, or gardening, can contribute to your healing. When you find something that works you stick to it and you might not be fond of competition but if you know that you might win, you’ll definitely compete. 🏺
Pallas in Gemini: Your creative intelligence shows how intellectual and communicative you can be. You’ll use your worlds to come up with new solutions to new issues and you’ll draw from the information you have gathered. You might know a thing or two about the issue due to you being about to pick up bite sized pieces of knowledge everywhere you go. You guys are basically a master with words! You guys might turn to writers, teachers, media, reading as sources of inspiration. You’ll use your sharp wit within the realm of politics and you’ll communicate when justice should be served. However, your views are subject to change and you’re curious about a variety of healing methods especially talking, poetry, or learning contributing to your healing. There can be times where you will gladly participate but also times when you would much rather leave it. 🏺
Pallas in Cancer: Your creative intelligence shows how intuitive and in tune you can be. You guys will feel through any issues that may arise and know how to comfort others in the process. Your hyper sensitivity and empathy is the way you figure things out and you guys assess the deeper layers and the things that can’t necessarily be seen. But, you guys can pick up on the things that can be felt because you guys are perceptive and you might even turn to care giving, art, food, family, music, and history as sources of inspiration. You guys will defend your loved ones with a tenacious stance and if others hurt your family for instance you will fight honorable so. You guys will also defend your heritage as well as children and the elderly and you are drawn towards healing practices that are revitalizing and calm. Perhaps things like bathing, cooking, and affection or family time may contribute to your healing you’ll support others through their own healing as well. You guys prefer to feel competitive environments out before deciding to participate. 🏺
Pallas In Leo: Your creative talent shows how animated and expressive you can be. You’ll use your gifted creativity and visions to come up with new solutions to issues. You typically won’t shy away from expressing how you see things and you’ll enjoy the attention and praise that you receive for being a star. You guys aim to impress and you might even turn to storytelling, performing, romance, and dating as sources of inspiration. You’ll use your leadership and charisma when it comes to politics and when you want to create justice you won’t be persuaded for a different opinion. You guys are interested in healing methods that involve play, pleasure, and liveliness. You guys may get into more art, therapy and comedy, dance, or even drama contribute to your healing and you guys will be proud of your progress. You aren’t likely to back down from competition and you’ll want to prove yourself and show the world what you’re made of. 🏺
Pallas in Virgo: Your creative intelligence shows how analytical and detailed you are. You’ll examine solutions to new issues up close and you’ll notice the tiny errors that many may overlook. And in this aspect, you’ll break things down and you’ll strip things back to their simplest form. There is something purifying. about this process and you don’t typically like to complicate things and if others need your help you’ll want to assist in any way you can. High quality and doing the job correctly are important and you might turn to medicine, sewing, pottery, or health as sources of inspiration. Politically speaking, you’ll be practical and hands on and you guys will have high expectations of yourself. You guys are the type of people to recognize any justice or legal changes that should be made and you’ll use discrimination when it comes to healing methods. Ya’ll may enjoy yoga, nutrition, exercise, or crafts can contribute to your healing. You can be humble when competition is concerned but also are willing to put your best foot forward. 🏺
Pallas In Libra: Your creative intelligence shows how diplomatic and fair minded you can be. You’ll consider all moving parts when it comes to coming up with solutions to new issues. You guys will assess how things relate to one another and perhaps there is never a simple black and white answer because you see the “grey” and also you’ll typically want to remain rational and firm. You possess a desire to bring balance. If there’s anything that is too far on one side can make you feel uneasy. You might turn to beauty, fashion, or design or even music as sources of inspiration. When it comes to politics and justice you can be a natural defender of justice. You’ll weigh out your options and consider other healing methods like tea, couples therapy, and counseling, even meditation can contribute to your healing. Perhaps, you have a “take it or leave it” attitude towards competition but there is apart of you that wants to win. 🏺
Pallas in Scorpio: Your creative intelligence shows how deep and perspective you can be. You want to get to the root of any new issues and the solutions you come up with will come from a piercing place and date. You see what’s going beneath the surface and you can bring whatever information that’s hidden to light. By making what is unconscious actually conscious you can do remarkable things. However, this is a strength that should not be taken lightly and you can use what you find for better or for worse. Still, you might turn to investigating, sex, mystery, and even other paranormal sources of inspiration and political speaking you might keep your opinions and beliefs close to your chest and you may not reveal your strategy especially to enemies and other foes. When you want justice you can be dominate, devoted, and intense and you can be very passionate and when it comes to any healing methods scream therapy, sex therapy, hypnosis, or even symbolic art can contribute to your healing. You may be determined when it comes to competitive matters and you’ll be controlled and strong. 🏺
Pallas in Sagittarius: Your creative intelligence shows how moral and conceptual you can be. When you encounter new issues you use your moral compass for guidance and your solutions are typically reflective of the bigger picture. You want to do the right thing and at the same time your imagination can lead the way. You also may consider universal principles and truths you might turn to travel, religion, philosophy, or spiritual knowledge for sources of inspiration. When it comes to politics you can be a defender of truth and you may be righteous when it comes to law and justice. You can be adventurous when considering healing methods, tarot, humanistic therapy, hiking, and lectures contribute to your healing. In terms of competition, you want to reach your best potential even when you lose something you may gain something else in the process and learn. 🏺
Pallas in Capricorn: Your creative intelligence shows how structured, orderly, and practical you can be. You assess the foundation of any new issue and your solution will be based on what has already been successfully tried and tested you’ll also what to be the authority of the plan and you’ll come up with the strategy that works. You prefer to gain recognition for your efforts and you might turn to business, drafting, building, and planning as sources of inspiration. When it comes to politics you aim to defend law and order; you guys will definitely make sure that justice is served. You guys like to be the person in control as well and it might take you time to see which healing methods work the best for you. You guys are the type of people that won’t settle for less either. Things like getting massages, laser therapy, and dental care can contribute to your healing and competitively speaking being seen as the big boss might matter to you greatly and you guys definitely want to be taken seriously. 🏺
Pallas in Aquarius: Your creative intelligence shows how futuristic and inventive you can be. When a new issue arises you might jump two steps ahead and you have to consider the future possibilities. So, the solutions you bring forward typically represent what is still to come. This can result in some confusion with others but still you’re ahead of your time and you like to try out new ways of tackling problems. You might turn to technology, progressive house music, graphics, design, or even space as sources of inspiration. Politically, you’ll typically defend humanitarian causes and you might be part of certain movements and protests. You’ll fight for freedom and equality and justice; you’ll experiment with healing methods as well. Things like group therapy, crystals, vibrations, and geometry can contribute to your healing. You might appear as if you don’t care for competition but the moment you get to share the unique. 🏺
Pallas In Pisces: Your creative intelligence shows how imaginative and spiritual you can be. When you come up against new issues, you see beyond what is being shown and you tend to have a sixth sense. Your solutions come an extremely insightful and intuitive place and you might not be aware of your psychic abilities while you guys are actually a natural born healer. You may turn to fantasy, film, photography, or to your dreams as sources of inspiration. When it comes to politics and justice you tend to choose the non violent root. You would prefer if humanity was compassionate and if fighting wasn’t an option. You might devote yourself to a cause or to a charity that moves you deeply. Perhaps, you consider many types of healing methods like poetry, art, meditation, or journaling can contribute to your healing. While you can take part in a competition you still wish the best for the other person or people involved. 🏺
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marfatimapr · 15 days
Hi Everyone,
I have been here for a little bit, now I want to share what I have learn about my natal chart from the TikTok, Tumblr, & X (Twitter) Astrology Community. If I don't tag you as the creator that talk about a specific topic let me know, I will do my best in tagging everyone...
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zodiacgroup18 · 7 months
What is your zodiac sign by birthdate?
To find your zodiac sign by birthdate, you need to know the date on which you were born. Each zodiac sign corresponds to specific date ranges. Here's a quick guide:
Aries: March 21 - April 19
Taurus: April 20 - May 20
Gemini: May 21 - June 20
Cancer: June 21 - July 22
Leo: July 23 - August 22
Virgo: August 23 - September 22
Libra: September 23 - October 22
Scorpio: October 23 - November 21
Sagittarius: November 22 - December 21
Capricorn: December 22 - January 19
Aquarius: January 20 - February 18
Pisces: February 19 - March 20 Follow this link to know more about you "Astrology Decoded: What Your Zodiac Sign Says About You! 🌌🔍"
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terrynazon · 2 years
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It's not funny but there's a little bit of the kleptomaniac in all Leo's and Leo Rising! Or they learned early on in life from a disciplinarian Capricorn mother not to steal or take things without asking, True or False? #Sexstrology #horoscope #astrology #zodiac #zodiacsigns #horoscopes #virgo #scorpio #love #leo #aries #taurus #libra #sagittarius #cancer #capricorn #pisces #gemini #tarot #aquarius #astrologer #astrologyposts #zodiacmemes #astrologymemes #astro #dailyhoroscope #numerology #zodiacsign #spirituality #trump https://www.instagram.com/p/ChNKJiQsZL-/?igshid=NGJjMDIxMWI=
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teluguflashnews · 1 month
Pisces horoscope 18 May 2024
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msmysticfail · 9 days
You put in your Astro observations post that Pluto in Aquarius is going to go crazy for Aquarius placements for the next 20 years. I have Aquarius Mars, Uranus, Jupiter, and MC. Am I doomed? 😭
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Gurrllll, look, as an astrologer my job is to be extremely cautious with the things I say, so I'm going to answer you the following: yes and no. When Pluto starts to move "freely" through Aquarius, it will activate your Mars, Uranus, Jupiter and Midheaven. I can already tell you that there are big changes coming to your life, if you already work then maybe you will reconsider your career somewhere in the future. Just as you can gain recognition through what you do (Midheaven, Mars). Pay attention to the degrees in which your planets are, depending on the degree you have, you may only feel these large and intense movements when Pluto is 5 degrees forward and backward from where the degrees of your planets are. 
Now I'll give you an example ( ͡° ͜ʖ ͡°):
Pluto in Capricorn affected a lot, a huge lot, people who have important placements in Capricorn, these people went through gigantic changes, gained power, lost power, got married, had children, lost things, gained a lot of money.
Greta Thunberg, for example, has her Sun in Capricorn (12 degrees), Pluto went there and passed right over her Sun, making her awaken to structural problems that society ignores. It was by seeing and understanding a series of drastic problems that she used her personal power to bring social awareness to a large number of people and Pluto gave this power to her, giving her strength to face what needs to be faced.
Kylie Jenner, ascendant in Capricorn, Neptune in Capricorn in the 1st house, Kylie underwent gigantic transformations in her 1st house, the ascendant, literally changing the shape of her body through surgeries and aesthetic procedures. Not only that, she needed to mature, go through transformations that required a lot of her, but that also gave her the power she has today. Pluto shone on Kylie Jenner and she, with 8th house energy, knew how to use it.
Pitbull, another Capricorn, he literally gained international fame, Pluto made him gain power over the masses, and elevated him to another world, gave him the chance to put his person and his music in the world in a huge way, his fame was gigantic, during 2008-2014 he was at his peak. Pluto gives power, he takes the person who is fighting to win something and he sees how the person wants something so much, so badly, that he gives the person the opportunity to win what they truly desire.
Timothée Chalamet, had Pluto transit over his 5th house, activating all his stellium in Capricorn, calling him to leave his mark on the world, to be someone of prominence, who stands out for being who he is, creating a renown, a legacy.
Zayn Malik, another example, the singer had his 11th house extremely activated, house of Aquarius, house of the great masses of people. Not only did he become extremely famous doing what he wanted, but he also drastically changed his life, opposite his 5th house, he started a family, had his first child, for example.
See how cool Pluto can be too? With the definitive entry of Pluto into Aquarius, Aquarius themes and people will gain much, much more relevance. There are dramatic things coming too, but that's a topic for another conversation. If you want to know more book a reading with me, I'll be happy to be of your assistance. ദ്ദി(˵ •̀ ᴗ - ˵ ) ✧ (´。• ◡ •。`) ♡
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soular-sisters · 2 months
the first house: your simple energetic aura ✨
✨ your first house is similar to your rising sign, it represents your self, physical appearance, & personality. as someone who has a 1st house stellium, i feel that every planet a person has in the 1st house feels like their soul embodies that cosmic energy. here is what each 1st house planet would energetically emanate out from a person’s soul. ✨
🪞Sun in the 1st House: your soul exudes warmth, confidence (maybe a bit of overconfidence), a childlike happiness, the king of the castle, & self-assured.
🪞Moon in the 1st House: your soul exudes empathy, vulnerability, a natural nurturer, moodiness, & feminine intuition.
🪞Mercury in the 1st House: your soul exudes intellect, anxiety, humor, overthinking, & a communicator of the cosmos.
🪞Venus in the 1st House: your soul exudes beauty, vanity, natural femininity, indulgence in pleasures, & a lover.
🪞Mars in the 1st House: your soul exudes a fighter, aggression, bravery, combativeness, & a natural sex appeal.
🪞Jupiter in the 1st House: your soul exudes luck, self-indulgence, likableness, expansiveness, & cheerfulness.
🪞Saturn in the 1st House: your soul exudes respect, seriousness, discipline, restriction, & a student of karma.
🪞Uranus in the 1st House: your soul exudes uniqueness, an outsider, a genius, an eccentric, & a scientist.
🪞Neptune in the 1st House: your soul exudes kindness, a naive being, spirituality, sensitivity, & cosmic beauty.
🪞Pluto in the 1st House: your soul exudes intensity, deepness, transformation, brooding, & mystery.
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zodiactalks · 3 months
5 Most DOWN-to-EARTH Zodiac Signs
Being a practical and realistic person may seem boring to some folks. Nothing like venturing out, dreaming big, and falling in love with life, right?
Well, being down to earth has its advantages. Among them are independence, stability, and a sense of commitment. Let's review which Zodiac Signs have these traits on their side:
#1. Capricorn
Capricorn is the backbone of the Zodiac. They can quickly grasp the reality that surrounds them, which allows a direct approach to the situation at hand.
They do not waste time on daydreams or shifting emotions. They are ready to compromise and work as much as it takes with the means available to them for the fulfillment of their function.
#2. Virgo
Virgo is wise and intelligent, even as a small child. They are keenly interested in mental challenges, logical reasoning, and possess faultless judgment.
Thus, others look to them when they are at a loss or must make important decisions. Their list of pros and cons trumps all whims interfering with common sense.
#3. Taurus
Taurus is firmly rooted in the here and now. Their movements are slow and steady, as they prefer to play it safe rather than getting ahead of themselves.
They are excellent savers, maintain long-term relationships, are reliable, and faithful. They do not get carried away by anxiety, and enjoy their circumstances.
#4. Libra
Libra has an objective, reasonable character and always looks for the middle ground. They do not take their opinions as absolute statements but are willing to consider other points of view.
This makes them much more realistic than those who do not dialogue enough with others and claim to hold the ultimate truth.
#5. Aries
Although it is true that Aries is often impulsive, they are always on top of what is happening at the moment. They never dwell on past decisions but are constantly ready for concrete action.
This makes them independent and hard-wired for their immediate circumstances. They don't waste time on "what ifs" and make the best of what they currently possess.
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vieneinpace · 3 months
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websitiasworld · 3 months
20% Discount on Our Premium WordPress Template!
Greetings from Websitia! We understand the unique journey that astrologers embark upon, and we're thrilled to offer you an exclusive opportunity to enhance your online presence. Elevate your Astro Counsel insights with our premium WordPress template tailored for astrological enthusiasts.
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zodiacgroup18 · 7 months
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dahlia-chronicles · 1 year
Pursuit of Azure
I met a fascinating man in Sydney, whose perception seemed to penetrate beyond the surface. As we engaged in conversation, he took a moment to observe me intently, his eyes scanning every contour of my being. And then, with a gentle smile, he said, "You, my friend, are the embodiment of azure."
His words echoed through my mind, carrying an air of mystery and intrigue. Azure, the color that represented me. I pondered upon its significance, wondering how a mere hue could encapsulate the essence of my being. Yet, there was a profound curiosity that filled my heart, urging me to unravel the meaning behind his choice.
Azure, the color of the vast expanse above, where the heavens meet the Earth in an ethereal embrace. It painted the canvas of my existence, bringing to life the depths of my emotions and aspirations. The hue spoke of serenity, a tranquil stillness that resided within me. Just like the serene waters of Sydney's harbor, reflecting the majestic skyline in shimmering ripples.
In azure, I found a reflection of my spirit, an invitation to explore the depths of my soul. It whispered of boundless possibilities, of dreams that soared beyond the limitations of reality. Like the sprawling coastline of Sydney, where the golden sands meet the vast ocean, I felt an unyielding yearning to venture into the unknown, to carve my own path amidst the waves of uncertainty.
Yet, azure wasn't a color devoid of strength. It possessed a quiet resilience, a steadfastness that reminded me of the Sydney Opera House, standing tall against the test of time. In its vibrant hue, I discovered a hidden fortitude, a determination to weather life's storms with grace and resilience.
As I walked the bustling streets of Sydney, azure became a beacon of hope, a reminder to stay true to myself amidst the cacophony of voices. It beckoned me to embrace my uniqueness, to let my spirit soar in its own iridescent shades, unrestrained by societal norms or expectations.
The man's words lingered in my mind long after our encounter, weaving themselves into the tapestry of my existence. Sydney became a vivid backdrop to my journey of self-discovery, a place where azure hues danced in harmony with the vibrant energy of the city.
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