theazizali · 3 years
Aziz: Damn!
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kalasinambrosius · 3 years
text 💬 kaliana
Kally: Yeah I think we tried to use the shower curtain as a parachute because its tied to my backpack with some string. Dont know if anyone actually attempted it though.
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leilaniwaialiki · 3 years
text 💬 waialiki twins
Leilani: We fired a shoe out of a medieval cannon. I know not where we got either one
Leilani: This is why you can't let me hang out with mom ALONE! The whole thing was WEIRD!
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lishangjr · 3 years
I didn’t read…any of that but good to know or sorry to hear? I don’t care but next time you come to me sideways saying anything. Me going after Li will be the least of your worries because I will swing on you.
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Ariana, that’s enough! I don’t know how you could possible think threatening violence against my girlfriend could help your case at all but it doesn’t. You’re never laying a hand on her and... and maybe you and I should stop talking. For a while, anyway, until you can stop doing whatever this is.
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cassieadale · 3 years
Cassie: Hi, hello, sorry! I really need some advice from someone who's a lot smarter than me so you've been chosen because you're kind of a genius and also because you're usually nice to me so your advice probably won't make me cry! If this message is annoying or unwelcome though, feel free to just ignore it! Or send me back a "NO". Whatever works for you works for me! 👍
Cassie: But um okay so if the boy you like gets you a gift for Christmas but otherwise basically only talks to you about his dog, does that mean he likes you back?
Cassie: Oh my gosh sending that was so embarrassing, I just read it back and I sound like a moron.
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hemimanawa · 3 years
text 💬 hemiana
Hemi: One of us needs to be functional tomorrow and it won’t be me. I’m drinking liquor out of a fishbowl.
Hemi: (Don't worry, fish not included this time!)
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bobotomago · 3 years
text 💬 bowiana
Bowie: why did I wake up with ketchup packets in my bed and the stove in my room??
Bowie: WAIT! DID YOU ROLL A STOVE INTO MY ROOM? That wasn't there when I went to sleep?
Bowie: OR IS MY BED IN A KITCHEN NOW? I'm so confused.
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chastityfrollo · 4 years
Chastity: Inquiring minds want to know, are you a vegetarian because you think being a carnivore counts as murder and could damn somebody's soul? Or for other reasons?
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tripbell · 4 years
Trip: You know what should actually be a crime? Pants that don't have big pockets. WHAT'S THE POINT OF WEARING SOMETHING ON MY BODY IF IT CAN'T HOLD MY GRANOLA BARS, WALLET, AND PHONE?!
Trip: On that note, guess who's phone is now snap, CRACKED, and popped?
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dijonnoginger · 4 years
Dijon: Is your middle name Arson?
Dijon: Because you're officially too hot 🔥
Dijon: That's all!
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franciscodecoronado · 4 years
Francisco: The next time I wake up in the middle of the night with an epiphany that can save the world, I'm texting it to you. Its happened twice this week and both times I've fallen back asleep immediately and it's highly disappointing. So, if you get nonsense at like 3 AM, just now it's for a noble cause. And also have your phone on silent because I'd hate to wake you up.
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theazizali · 3 years
Aziz: This is probably TMI but I swear I'm THIS close 👌 to just straight-up asking my mom to relent on her values and pick a damn wife for me already.
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kalasinambrosius · 4 years
text 💬 kaliana
Kalasin: I feel like I talk about fictional characters that would be great throuples all the time, so how have we never discussed who in Auradon would make a good throuple??? THOUGHTS???
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leilaniwaialiki · 4 years
text 💬 waialiki twins
Leilani: I wish they would make pig and chicken emojis with heart-eyes on them! Or the full range of emotions, really; wouldn't they be so cute?
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lishangjr · 4 years
Li: If someone who saw me swimming called me a 'natural platypus in the water', is that a compliment? Or not?
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marykatehood · 4 years
text 💬 mariana
Mary Kate: Which of your pets is better on road trips, the chicken or the pig?
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