#arizona state employment laws
feminist-space · 6 months
Article by Fortesa Latifi:
"Being the child of an influencer, Vanessa tells me, was the equivalent of having a full-time job—and then some. She remembers late nights in which the family recorded and rerecorded videos until her mother considered them perfect and days when creating content for the blog stretched into her homeschooling time. If she expressed her unease, she was told the family needed her. “It was like after this next campaign, maybe we could have more time to relax. And then it would never happen,” she says. She was around 10 years old when she realized her life was different from that of other children. When she went to other kids’ houses, she was surprised by how they lived. “I felt strange that they didn’t have to work on social media or blog posts, or constantly pose for pictures or videos,” she says. “I realized they didn’t have to worry about their family's financial situation or contribute to it.”
Vanessa, who requested anonymity to speak freely about her family dynamics, says she helped create content for huge companies like Huggies and Hasbro when her mom landed endorsement deals. When she reached puberty and began menstruating, her mother had her do sponsored posts for sanitary pads. “It was so mortifying,” she says. “I just felt like I wanted to crawl into a hole and never come out.”
Being part of an influencer family changed everything about her life, Vanessa says. “Sometimes I didn’t know where the separation was between what was real and what was curated for social media.” And her mother’s online presence indelibly warped their relationship. “Being an influencer kid turned my relationship with my mom into more of an employer-employee relationship than a parent-child one,” she says. “Once you cross the line from being family to being coworkers, you can’t really go back.”
Khanbalinov has had zero new offers since he took his kids offline. “When we were showing our kids, brands were rolling in left and right—clothing companies, apps, paper towel companies, food brands. They all wanted us to work with them,” he says. “Once we stopped, we reached out to the brands we had lined up and 99 percent of them dropped out because they wanted kids to showcase their products. And I fought back, like, you guys are a paper towel company—why do you need a kid selling your stuff?”
The law has woefully lagged behind the culture here, but there’s signs that policymakers might finally be catching up. In 2023, in addition to Illinois, three other states—New York, Washington State, and New Jersey—proposed bills to protect influencer kids. Contrast that with the flurry of legislative activity in just the first two months of 2024. Seven more states—Maryland, Georgia, Ohio, Missouri, California, Arizona, Minnesota—have introduced similar legislation. Some of the bills are going one step further to protect the privacy of the kids featured in this content. In some states, proposed legislation would include a clause that borrows from a European legal doctrine known as the “right to be forgotten”—it would allow someone who was featured in content when they were a child to request that platforms permanently delete those posts. None of the current legislation introduced, however, would outright bar the practice of featuring minors in monetized content.
The movement on this issue was glacial for years, but it finally feels like the ice has thawed. Much of that progress is thanks to activists like Cam Barrett (she/they), a 25-year-old creator (@softscorpio) who uses TikTok to talk about her experience of being overshared in their childhood and adolescence. Barrett doesn’t go by her legal name anymore because of the online history it’s tied to. “I love my legal name,” Barrett tells me. “I just don’t love the digital footprint attached to it.” Last year, Barrett testified in front of the Washington State legislature as a proponent of a bill to protect influencer kids. This year, they testified again—this time, in front of the Maryland legislature.
“As a former content kid myself, I know what it’s like to grow up with a digital footprint I never asked for,” Barrett told the Maryland House of Delegates Economic Matters Committee in February. “As my mom posted to the world my first-ever menstrual cycle, as she posted to the world the intimate details about me being adopted, her platform grew and I had no say in what was posted.” And yet, Cam says her activism has been healing.
For Cam and other influencer children, getting a paycheck won’t give them back what they lost—a normal childhood unobstructed by the cameras pushed into their faces. But it could be the beginning of some version of restitution. “My friends say I’m fighting for little Cam,” she tells me. “It feels very healing because I didn’t have anyone to fight for me as a kid.”"
Read the full article here: https://www.cosmopolitan.com/lifestyle/a60125272/sharenting-parenting-influencer-cost-children/
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Igor Bobic and Dave Jamieson at HuffPost:
Sen. Mark Kelly (Ariz.), a contender to become Vice President Kamala Harris’ running mate on the Democratic presidential ticket, told HuffPost on Wednesday that he would vote in favor of the pro-union legislation known as the Protecting the Right to Organize Act. Kelly’s lack of full commitment to the PRO Act, as it’s known, has stood as a possible barrier to him becoming Democrats’ vice-presidential nominee, since labor unions are a crucial part of the Democratic coalition. Harris has become the presumptive nominee since President Joe Biden withdrew from the race on Sunday.
“Why would the Democrats even consider a senator for the vice presidency if the senator doesn’t support the PRO Act?” John Samuelsen, president of the Transport Workers Union, told ABC News. But Kelly on Wednesday made clear in an interview with HuffPost that he would support the bill if it came to the Senate floor, affirming enthusiastic support for labor unions. He is not listed as a co-sponsor on the Senate’s most recent version. “Unions loom large in our life, and I’m supportive of the PRO Act,” Kelly said, recounting how when his mother, a police officer, was injured, her union helped her recover. “I would have voted for it on Day 1,” he added of the bill. “I would vote for it today. I am, like a lot of legislation, working to make it better. But if it came to the floor today or any day going back to the day I was sworn in, I would vote for it.”
The PRO Act amounts to a sweeping overhaul of labor law that Democrats believe would make it easier for workers to form unions and bargain with their employers. Among other measures, the legislation would create stiff financial penalties for illegal union-busting; ban anti-union “captive audience” meetings at work; make it easier for newly unionized workers to secure their first contracts; nullify state right-to-work laws; and bar employers from permanently replacing strikers. But the bill has not drawn unanimous support within the Democratic caucus.
Arizona Senator and potential Harris VP pick Mark Kelly changed his position on the PRO Act, coming out in support of the PRO Act.
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macleod · 1 year
Governor Katie Hobbs issued the two executive orders on Tuesday (27 June), with one banning state agencies from promoting or funding conversion therapy, and the other allowing state employee health insurance plans to cover gender-affirming surgery, which was previously banned in a 2017 policy.
Governor Hobbs has previously been praised for her work protecting the LGBTQ+ community in Arizona, signing an executive order extending employment protections to LGBTQ+ state employees on her first day in office in January 2023. She has since vetoed a bill that would have banned trans students from using the bathrooms appropriate for their gender at school.
“SB 1040 is yet another discriminatory act against LGBTQ+ youth passed by the majority at the state legislature,” Hobbs said. “I will veto every bill that aims to attack and harm children.”
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offender42085 · 1 year
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Post 1030
Richard Sepolio, California inmate, born 1992, incarceration intake in May 2019 at age 26, released November 2020
DUI Manslaughter, DUI causing injury
In November 2020, a 28-year-old former inmate, who was released in early after serving less than three years (including jail and prison confinements) of a nearly 10-year sentence, partially because of the COVID pandemic. Sepolio also received a reduced sentence for good behavior and for working in a prison fire camp.
He was involved in a DUI crash on October 15, 2016, a crash that killed Annamarie Contreras, 50, and Cruz Contreras, 52, a married couple from Chandler, Arizona; and Hacienda Heights residents Andre Banks, 49, and Francine Jimenez, 46.
When it was announced Sepolio would be released, San Diego County District Attorney, Summer Stephan said, “This very early release is unconscionable''.
Stephan further stated, "Department of Corrections decision is re-victimizing the family and friends of the four people killed and seven injured who have been devastated by their loss and continue to deal with the financial, emotional, mental and physical trauma caused by the defendant. This inmate continues to deny and minimize the crime by refusing to admit he was speeding and denying being impaired while arguing with his girlfriend on the phone, which resulted in the devastating crash.''
In addition to having drinks prior to getting behind the wheel, Sepolio was arguing with his girlfriend on the phone just moments before losing control of his truck on the bridge, the prosecutor said.
Sepolio testified he was driving on the transition ramp -- a route back to Coronado that he had driven more than 90 times before -- when he sped up to merge in front of another car and lost control.
Prosecutors said he was driving between 81 and 87 mph when the crash occurred.  His truck plunged over the Coronado Bridge in October 2016. It dropped about 60 feet onto crowded Chicano Park. 
In May 2023, the inmate petitioned the court. He sought to have his parole terminated early and his convictions for vehicular manslaughter while intoxicated and DUI causing injury erased through a new law that allows inmate firefighters an expedited path to purging their criminal records.
The law, which went into effect in 2023, aims to provide a smoother path for formerly incarcerated volunteer firefighters to obtain employment. Inmates released from custody can now apply for such relief if they successfully complete fire camp and judges can grant those requests if the expungement is found to be “in the interest of justice.”
While now discharged from the Navy, he elected to wear his Navy Uniform in his court proceeding.
This was his second attempt after the first attempt was denied earlier by the court. The second petition was denied.
Last reviewed August 2024
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Arizona’s newly elected Gov. Katie Hobbs (D) signed an executive order extending employment protections to state employees and contractors who are LGBTQ+.
As the Human Rights Campaign reports, the executive order, signed on Hobbs’s first day in office Tuesday, directs the state’s Department of Administration to update hiring, promotion, and compensation policies for all state agencies to prohibit discrimination based on sexual orientation and gender identity and include provisions in all new state contracts to prohibit discrimination based on sexual orientation and gender identity.
The executive order goes beyond what is already required under state and federal laws banning employment discrimination on the basis of race, sex, religion, pregnancy, and veteran status, to include factors such as sexual orientation, gender identity, marital status, culture, creed, social origin, and political affiliation.
KAWC notes that sexual orientation is already covered under a 2003 executive order issued by former Arizona Gov. Janet Napolitano (D). But as press aide Murphy Herbert explained, “The order from 2003 arguably allowed the state to consider sexual orientation in hiring so long as it wasn’t the only reason for a hiring decision.”
Hobbs’s executive order, Herbert said, “clarifies that discrimination based on sexual orientation is prohibited in all state hiring decisions.”
“Gov. Hobbs has been all over the state and she’s been hearing from communities who say that they want a state that reflects the values and a state where they feel seen and safe,” Herbert told KAWC. “This executive order is one step she’s taking to ensure that everyone in Arizona knows that she is the Governor for everyone and that these communities can and will be safe.”
Human Rights Campaign Arizona State Director Bridget Sharpe said that the LGBTQ+ advocacy organization “was proud to work alongside countless other LGBTQ+ organizations and allies to help Katie Hobbs become Arizona’s Governor. She ran on the promise that she would immediately act to stop the attacks on Arizona’s LGBTQ+ individuals and families and use the full extent of her power to protect our community. On her first day in office, she took an important step towards fulfilling that commitment by signing an Executive Order providing non-discrimination for LGBTQ+ state employees and state contractors. This is what it looks like to have a champion for equality in office. We can’t wait to work with the Hobbs administration to move our state forward.”
But Cathi Herrod, president of the conservative lobbying group Center for Arizona Policy, claimed that Hobbs’s executive order may violate the constitutional rights of faith-based agencies.
Last year, former Arizona Gov. Doug Ducey (R) approved S.B. 1399, which created religious exemptions for faith-based adoption and foster care agencies. “That law should take precedence over any executive order,” said Herrod. “The question is, does the state want to continue to have faith-based agencies providing such critical foster care and adoption services? I think we do.”
Sarah Warbelow, legal counsel for the Human Rights Coalition, conceded that S.B. 1399 trumps the new executive order. However, she explained, Hobbs’s order covers other things that organizations and agencies that contract with the state’s government can and cannot do.
“For example, if the YMCA wanted to contract with the state to broaden summer camps, that new executive order doesn’t say anything about discriminating against the kids who go to those camps,” Warbelow explained. “It does say when you’re hiring those camp counselors, you can’t discriminate on the basis of race or sex, religion, sexual orientation, or gender identity.”
Herrod disagreed. “You can’t discriminate and not award those contracts on that basis,” she told KAWC. “Because if they didn’t award the contract because of the religious entity’s beliefs, then they’re violating their constitutional and statutory rights.”
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Trans rights are still under attack in the United States. Please visit our website linked below to learn about your state and contact your reps. Here's a thread of today's updates:
A bathroom bill denies access to public restrooms by gender or trans identity. They increase danger without making anyone any safer and have even prompted attacks on cis and trans people alike. Many national health and anti-sexual assault organizations oppose these bills.
Iowa SF335, a school-based bathroom bill, was introduced and referred to the Senate Education Committee.
Arizona SB1040, a school-based bathroom bill which passed in both of its Senate committees, was placed on the Senate floor calendar.
Healthcare bills go against professional and scientific consensus that gender affirming care saves lives. Denying access will cause harm. Providers are faced with criminal charges, parents are threatened with child abuse charges, and intersex children are typically exempted.
Florida S0952 was pre-filed. This bill, the so-called "Reverse Woke Act," would force employers who provide coverage for gender-affirming healthcare to also cover detransition care indefinitely, even when employees no longer work at the same company.
Arkansas SB199 passed committee and will now head to the Senate floor.
Oklahoma HB2177 passed committee and will now head to the House floor. It also had an emergency added.
Kansas SB233 passed in committee and will head to the Senate floor.
Missouri SB49 was combined with SB164 and SB236 and passed committee and will now head to the Senate floor.
Mississippi HB1125, which already passed in the House, passed in the Senate today. It will now head to the Governor for signature.
Schooling / Parental Rights bills force schools to misgender or deadname students, ban instruction on sexual orientation and gender identity, and make schools alert parents if they suspect a child is trans. They remove life-saving affirmation and support for trans youth.
Arkansas SB294 was introduced and referred to the Senate Education Committee yesterday and had a hearing this morning. This is a sweeping educational reform bill that includes an "indoctrination" section that would ban, among other things, classroom instruction on sexual orientation/gender identity for K-5 students.
Arkansas HB1468, a forced misgendering bill, was introduced and sent to the House Education Committee.
Montana SB413, a "Don't Say Gay" bill for K-6 students, was introduced and referred to the Senate Education and Cultural Resources Committee.
Indiana HB1608 passed in Committee and is now on the House floor.
Iowa HF8 passed committee and was renumbered to HF348.
Sex designation bills make it harder for trans folks to have IDs, such as birth certificates, that match their gender identity.
They can force a male or female designation based upon sex assigned at birth.
Some ban a non-binary “X” marker or require surgery to qualify for ID updates.
Kansas SB180 passed committee and will head to the Senate floor.
Missouri SB14 passed in committee and will head to the Senate floor.
These are other negative bills that attack trans rights outside of the bill types above.
Book ban North Dakota HB1205, which already passed in the House, was introduced in the Senate, had its first reading, and was referred to the Senate Judiciary Committee.
We also have good news to share! These are either updates on positive bills which protect and affirm trans individuals or updates on anti-trans bills that have failed.
Maryland HB359, a sports ban bill, failed in committee.
It's not too late to stop these and other hateful anti-trans bills from passing into law. You can go to http://transformationsproject.org/ to learn more and contact your representatives
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rockislandadultreads · 10 months
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In Memoriam: Sandra Day O'Connor | 1930-2023
Out of Order by Sandra Day O'Connor
From Justice Sandra Day O’Connor, the first woman to sit on the United States Supreme Court, comes this fascinating book about the history and evolution of the highest court in the land.
Out of Order sheds light on the centuries of change and upheaval that transformed the Supreme Court from its uncertain beginnings into the remarkable institution that thrives and endures today. From the early days of circuit-riding, when justices who also served as trial judges traveled thousands of miles per year on horseback to hear cases, to the changes in civil rights ushered in by Earl Warren and Thurgood Marshall; from foundational decisions such as Marbury v. Madison to modern-day cases such as Hamdi v. Rumsfeld, O’Connor weaves together stories and lessons from the history of the Court, charting turning points and pivotal moments that have helped define our nation’s progress.
First by Evan Thomas
She was born in 1930 in El Paso and grew up on a cattle ranch in Arizona. At a time when women were expected to be homemakers, she set her sights on Stanford University. When she graduated near the top of her class at law school in 1952, no firm would even interview her. But Sandra Day O'Connor's story is that of a woman who repeatedly shattered glass ceilings - doing so with a blend of grace, wisdom, humor, understatement, and cowgirl toughness.
She became the first-ever female majority leader of a state senate. As a judge on the Arizona State Court of Appeals, she stood up to corrupt lawyers and humanized the law. When she arrived at the Supreme Court, appointed by Reagan in 1981, she began a quarter-century tenure on the court, hearing cases that ultimately shaped American law. Diagnosed with cancer at fifty-eight, and caring for a husband with Alzheimer's, O'Connor endured every difficulty with grit and poise.
Women and men today will be inspired by how to be first in your own life, how to know when to fight and when to walk away, through O'Connor's example. This is a remarkably vivid and personal portrait of a woman who loved her family and believed in serving her country, who, when she became the most powerful woman in America, built a bridge forward for the women who followed her.
Sisters in Law by Linda Hirshman
The relationship between Sandra Day O’Connor and Ruth Bader Ginsburg—Republican and Democrat, Christian and Jew, western rancher’s daughter and Brooklyn girl—transcends party, religion, region, and culture. Strengthened by each other’s presence, these groundbreaking judges, the first and second to serve on the highest court in the land, have transformed the Constitution and America itself, making it a more equal place for all women.
Linda Hirshman’s dual biography includes revealing stories of how these trailblazers fought for their own recognition in a male-dominated profession—battles that would ultimately benefit every American woman. She also makes clear how these two justices have shaped the legal framework of modern feminism, including employment discrimination, abortion, affirmative action, sexual harassment, and many other issues crucial to women’s lives.
Sisters-in-Law combines legal detail with warm personal anecdotes that bring these very different women into focus as never before. Meticulously researched and compellingly told, it is an authoritative account of our changing law and culture, and a moving story of a remarkable friendship.
American Heroines by Kay Bailey Hutchison
In American Heroines, Kay Bailey Hutchison presents female pioneers in fields as varied as government, business, education and healthcare, who overcame the resistance and prejudice of their times and accomplished things that no woman - and sometimes no man - had done before. Hutchison, a pioneer in her own right, became the first woman elected to the United States Senate from the State of Texas. Interspersed with the stories of America's historic female leaders are stories of today’s women whose successes are clearly linked to those predecessors.
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collapsedsquid · 2 years
When Carolina left Guatemala, she had no real understanding of what she was heading toward, just a sense that she could not stay in her village any longer. There was not much electricity or water, and after the pandemic began, not much food.
The only people who seemed to be getting by were the families living off remittances from relatives in the United States. Carolina lived alone with her grandmother, whose health began failing. When neighbors started talking about heading north, she decided to join. She was 14.
“I just kept walking,” she said.
Carolina reached the U.S. border exhausted, weighing 84 pounds. Agents sent her to an H.H.S. shelter in Arizona, where a caseworker contacted her aunt, Marcelina Ramirez. Ms. Ramirez was at first reluctant: She had already sponsored two other relatives and had three children of her own. They were living on $600 a week, and she didn’t know Carolina.
When Carolina arrived in Grand Rapids last year, Ms. Ramirez told her she would go to school every morning and suggested that she pick up evening shifts at Hearthside. She knew Carolina needed to send money back to her grandmother. She also believed it was good for young people to work. Child labor is the norm in rural Guatemala, and she herself had started working around the second grade.
One of the nation’s largest contract manufacturers, Hearthside makes and packages food for companies like Frito-Lay, General Mills and Quaker Oats. “It would be hard to find a cookie or cracker aisle in any leading grocer that does not contain multiple products from Hearthside production facilities,” a Grand Rapids-area plant manager told a trade magazine in 2019.
General Mills, whose brands include Cheerios, Lucky Charms and Nature Valley, said it recognized “the seriousness of this situation” and was reviewing The Times’s findings. PepsiCo, which owns Frito-Lay and Quaker Oats, declined to comment.
Three people who until last year worked at one of the biggest employment agencies in Grand Rapids, Forge Industrial Staffing, said Hearthside supervisors were sometimes made aware that they were getting young-looking workers whose identities had been flagged as false.
“Hearthside didn’t care,” said Nubia Malacara, a former Forge employee who said she had also worked at Hearthside as a minor.
In a statement, Hearthside said, “We do care deeply about this issue and are concerned about the mischaracterization of Hearthside.” A spokesman for Forge said it complied with state and federal laws and “would never knowingly employ individuals under 18.”
Gotta unionize the children
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pashterlengkap · 1 year
At last night’s Republican presidential debate, former Vice President Mike Pence said, “We’re going to pass a federal ban on transgender chemical or surgical surgery anywhere in the country.” LGBTQ Nation contacted his campaign asking if he intended to outlaw gender-affirming care for all people, regardless of age. His campaign hadn’t responded by the time of publication. While Pence’s comment also mentioned “protecting” kids from “radical gender ideology,” his response caught the attention of Alejandra Caraballo, a civil rights attorney and clinical instructor at the Harvard Law School Cyberlaw Clinic. Caraballo posted a video of Pence’s comment on Wednesday night and wrote via Twitter, “They’re going to ban care for trans adults too. It was never about protecting kids.” Related: LGBTQ+ group reveals national effort to “eliminate” queer people from public life Bans on drag and gender-affirming care are just the start… “While most anti-transgender healthcare bills in recent years focus on minors, anti-LGBTQ forces ultimately seek to ban all forms of transition-related care, regardless of age,” a recently released report by the Movement Advancement Project (MAP), an organization that tracks policies on LGBTQ+ issues and voting, stated. Get the Daily Brief The news you care about, reported on by the people who care about you: Subscribe to our Newsletter “They are pursuing this goal in a variety of ways,” the report added, “including: defining ‘minor’ to include at least some adults; by banning state funds from covering this medical care (e.g., in Medicaid, state employee health plans, and for those in incarceration); explicitly allowing private insurers to refuse to cover this care; and more.” They're going to ban care for trans adults too. It was never about protecting kids. https://t.co/aqXjDEfhj4— Alejandra Caraballo (@Esqueer_) September 28, 2023 Three in 10 bills introduced in state legislatures during 2023 sought to ban or restrict medical care for both transgender children and at least some transgender adults, MAP noted. This included bills re-defining a “minor” as including adults up to ages 19, 21, or 26. One in seven bills included provisions that either banned private insurers from covering transition-related medical care, or explicitly allowed them to refuse coverage for such care, regardless of age. At least nine states explicitly ban Medicaid coverage of trans-related health care, regardless of age. Medicaid is a state health insurance program for low-income individuals. These states include Arizona, Florida, Kentucky, Missouri, Nebraska, Ohio, South Carolina, Tennessee, and Texas. “These provisions knowingly and intentionally seek to cut off access to this medically necessary care,” MAP wrote. “Without insurance coverage, most forms of health care, including transgender-related health care, are unaffordable to the average person. This is especially true for transgender people, who experience far higher rates of poverty and employment insecurity due to discrimination.” Movement Advancement Project A graph showing the increase in legislation targeting gender-affirming care for transgender adults Various right-wing politicians have described trans identity as a “delusion” and a “mental illness.” Far-right Daily Wire host Michael Knowles called for eradicating “transgenderism” during this year’s Conservative Political Action Conference. Republican presidential candidate Vivek Ramaswamy and House Republicans have expressed opposition to making bathrooms, workplaces, and the military more inclusive of trans adults. Other state legislation has also sought to erase trans adults from public life by increasing the difficulty of obtaining accurate identity documents that accurately reflect trans adults’ correct gender identity, banning trans people from using public bathrooms matching their gender identity, and rolling back other existing nondiscrimination protections for transgender people through new or expanded religious exemptions, MAP noted. http://dlvr.it/SwkjSb
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violetfaust · 2 years
I am so heartsick and terrified about this midterm election.
It's so bad I'm having ice cream for breakfast and writing this last desperate post.
The fate of American little-d democracy and our little-r republic are at stake. Up and down the ballot there are right-wing extremists who plan to take control of future elections.
And honestly the only hope is a huge turnout of younger voters. That is, you guys.
Including young people who are like "voting doesn't matter" and "Democrats and Republicans all the same." Just take the time, this once, on the off chance you can avoid real harm and death.
If your employer or school doesn't want to give you time to vote: Most states are legally required to give time off for voting if necessary. Some will make it harder than others. Here's what seems to be a comprehensive list of laws throughout the country: https://www.nolo.com/legal-encyclopedia/taking-time-off-voting-jury-29708.html. (Some states require proof you were actually voting [eyeroll] so be sure to get your sticker.) If you can't get the time, PLEASE put in the extra effort to vote before or after work. If you are in line when polls close, they MUST allow you to vote.
If you don't know your polling place: Google "Find my polling place" for what seems to be an accurate map (at least it was for me). Apple News also has a link. Please double-check before you go since they may not allow you to vote if you show up at the wrong precinct.
If you need a ride: Lyft is offering half off rides with the code VOTE22. There's a service providing free rides called Rideshare2Vote, available in Arizona, Colorado, Florida, Georgia, Nevada, North Carolina, Ohio, Texas and Virginia. There may be other options available to you locally.
If poll workers can't find your registration: They are required by law to allow you to fill out a provisional (or affadavit) ballot. Bring your photo ID. In Idaho, Minnesota and New Hampshire, you can register to vote on Election Day.
If you are intimidated at the polls: You can report intimidation to the poll workers and election officials where you're voting, and you can call the national election protection hotline at 866-OUR-VOTE or 866-687-8683. Call 911 if there are threats of violence.
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bisexualvalve · 2 years
North Dakota has been the site of many anti-trans bills in 2023. Already it has seen multiple bills proposed that would do things like ban transgender people from sports, ban transgender birth certificate updates, and medically detransition trans youth. One of these bills, the bill to ban trans birth certificate updates, even received a “do pass” from its committee hearing yesterday. It is clear that the state has set its sights on transgender people and may be the first state to pass anti-trans legislation in 2023, a year where many people are concerned that rights will be eroded in a historic fashion. It is in the states that are in a rush to pass anti-trans laws that we often find some of the worst proposals - often blatantly unconstitutional ones - and we are left to wonder if this is the direction that the far right wants to take the country in its treatment of transgender people. Now, a new bill has been proposed in North Dakota that would force any employer receiving state funding as well as all government employees to misgender transgender people based on “the individual’s deoxyribonucleic acid.”
Pronoun usage has come up in several bills this year and I anticipate that we will see bills around pronouns passed in at least one state. Most bills focus on the use of pronouns in schools and give teachers the right to misgender students. The Missouri “Teacher’s Bill Of Rights” bill, HB192, has a section that says teachers shall be free to use the legal name and pronoun of a student without fear of reprisal - a bill that would allow them to misgender trans students. Some states have ventured into compulsory pronouns, but only for students. An Arizona senator has proposed that teachers must use the pronouns that correspond to a student’s biological sex unless they get permission from a parent in writing. Oklahoma’s bill, SB30, would place similar restrictions on teachers. In Virginia, Glen Youngkin’s school board policy that he is attempting to force on all schools in the state require parental permission to gender a transgender student correctly, but have no such permission required to misgender a trans student. These double standards harm trans students as well as force teachers to participate in hurtful actions that may go against their own conscience.
Now, we have seen our first policy that targets employers and mandates that they partake in similar practices. North Dakota’s SB2199 would mandate that all employers in the state who receive state funding as well as all schools, institutions, state agencies, and offices misgender transgender people at large - not just students but all transgender people. The bill mandates that “words used to reference an individual’s sex, gender, gender identity, or gender expression mean the individual’s determined sex at birth, male or female.” It also mandates that this be determined through the individual’s deoxyribonucleic acid, their DNA. Those who violate will be charged by the state a fee of $1,500.
This bill is especially perverse. It would be compelled speech for many employers in the state of North Dakota. It would force people to act against their conscience and would be a blatant violation of rights. Many individuals and corporations receive state funding. It would institutionalize the mass discrimination of transgender people across the state by hijacking Title 34 of the North Dakota Century Code which pertains to regulations around labor and employment.
On top of that, it would make outlandish demands of how employers and government agents should determine the gender of the people they interact with. The fact that the drafters of this bill include “determination established by deoxyribonucleic acid” shows that they have a fundamental misunderstanding of both biological sex and pronouns. We do not have “he” and “she” encoded into our DNA, and human biological sex is not binary. One would wonder how a bill like this would treat intersex people with nonstandard DNA profiles. Would people be forced to submit to mandatory DNA tests in order to determine what pronouns we should use for them? The implications of this bill are absurd.
The idea of “biological pronouns” is something that comes up sometimes in anti-trans spaces, and every time it does, transgender people point out that there is no such thing as a “biological pronoun.” Pronouns are human inventions and cultures have a variety of pronouns that are not necessarily attached to gender. This does not stop many states from trying to establish that such a thing exists. A Utah rep this year sent a letter to all Utah schools saying they should follow a school resource guide from Transgender Trend that mandates the use of “biological pronouns.” A federal judge in a free speech case cited “biological pronouns” in their decision-making. A Fox News story recently reported on a Tennessee bill that they state would allow teachers to use “biological pronouns.”
Bills like this would write discrimination into the law of North Dakota and would compel North Dakotans to harm their trans peers or risk facing fines of $1,500. There is no compelling state interest to force employers and government agents to misgender trans people. It is clear that freedom of speech is not what the far right desires in its treatment of transgender people - elimination of all legal recognition is the end goal and they are willing to go as far as to force it on transgender allies. This bill must be stopped - despite its blatant unconstitionality, the damage it can do should it pass would severe. The bill has three sponsors in the senate and three in the house: Senators Clemens, Vedaa, and Weston and Representatives K. Anderson, Schauer, and Tveit.
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Daniel Villarreal at LGBTQ Nation:
The Log Cabin Republicans (LCR) has touted itself as the “nation’s largest Republican organization dedicated to representing LGBT conservatives and allies.” Despite this, LCR has increasingly endorsed anti-LGBTQ+ political candidates and policies that seek to ban LGBTQ+ content in schools and gender-affirming care for trans minors. This article provides an overview of the group’s history, its meager standing in the Republican party, its stated core principles, and a list of LCR’s recent actions that repeatedly contradict those principles.
History of the Log Cabin Republicans
The Log Cabin Republicans formed in California in 1977 in opposition to Proposition 6 (also known as the Briggs Initiative), an unsuccessful ballot measure that sought to ban gay people and their supporters from working in public schools. While the group wanted to be called the Lincoln Club, an Orange County conservative group was already using that name. Nonetheless, the group’s chosen name still references former President Abraham Lincoln, who “built the Republican Party on the principles of liberty and equality under the law” and was born in a log cabin, LCR’s website states. In the 1990s, LCR members and its allies tried to educate influential Republican politicians about issues affecting gay, lesbian, and bisexual people. But in 1996, then-presidential candidate Bob Dole rejected LCR’s $1,000 donation, though he later accepted the cash. In 2000, LCR endorsed then-presidential candidate George W. Bush, noting his promise to unite the country and his lack of anti-gay campaign rhetoric. But while Bush established PEPFAR, a largely successful African HIV-prevention program, in 2003, he endorsed the Federal Marriage Amendment (FMA) to ban same-sex marriage.
In response, LCR spent $1,000,000 to fight the FMA and aired its first TV ad campaign against it. In 2004, Congress rejected the measure. In 2008, LCR endorsed then-presidential candidate John McCain, citing his opposition to the FMA, even though he supported a same-sex marriage ban sought by legislators in his home state of Arizona and also opposed efforts to end the ban on gay and bisexual military members known as “Don’t Ask, Don’t Tell” (DADT). In 2010, LCR filed a successful federal court challenge to DADT. In 2012, LCR endorsed then-presidential candidate Mitt Romney even though he opposed same-sex marriage, the repeal of DADT, and the federal Employment Non-Discrimination Act. While the national board of LCR chose not to endorse then-candidate Donald Trump in 2016, numerous state chapters of LCR did. But the national LCR endorsed Trump in 2020, with board members writing an op-ed in The Washington Post proclaiming that “Trump met his commitments to LGBTQ Americans.”
In reality, the Republican Party platform — which has remained unchanged since 2016 — calls for a ban on same-sex marriage and transgender military members and supports both “ex-gay” conversion therapy and making it legal for businesses to discriminate against LGBTQ+ people. Trump’s numerous policies against the queer community have made him one of the most anti-LGBTQ+ presidents of all time.
Core principles and beliefs
According to its national website, LCR supports legislative protections against anti-LGBTQ+ discrimination in the workplace, housing, adoption, and other civil areas; a national ban on so-called conversion therapy for minors; continued policies to fight the HIV epidemic; the international decriminalization of LGBTQ+ identity; and also acceptance of LGBTQ+ refugees in the United States. The group also supports lower taxes and firearm ownership rights.
Recent developments
It has defended Florida’s “Don’t Say Gay” bill by comparing its opponents to pedophiles who have “wet dreams of gender fluid, indoctrinated, and groomed children.” The group’s president, Charles Moran, has written op-eds opposing transgender civil rights and also the Equality Act, legislation seeking LGBTQ+ nondiscrimination protections. Earlier this year, the group named a straight self-described homophobe as one of its ambassadors. The group’s executive director, Jerri Ann Henry, called President Donald Trump’s numerous anti-LGBTQ+ policies “hiccups.” The organization also endorsed 14 anti-LGBTQ+ Republicans during the 2018 midterm elections and 12 anti-LGBTQ+ extremists in 2020, including Trump, Mike Pence, and a woman who thinks pedophiles are part of the LGBTQ+ community.
Log Cabin Republicans have been a voice for LGBTQ+ conservativism.
The organization’s beginnings arose to opposition to the homophobic failed Briggs Initiative.
Until the Trump era, the LCR have at least pretended to care about LGB issues. Nowadays, despite purporting to champion LGBTQ+ conservativism, they support anti-trans and anti-LGBTQ policies and politicians.
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aquavida-pools · 4 days
Aquavida Pools
Staffing agencies have been around for a long time, so many Arizona businesses employ them for all of their pool restoration needs. 
Professionals seldom use the word "AQUAVIDA" when talking about recently constructed pools. Apart from building pools, AQUAVIDA does not do anything else Commercial Pool Repair Whether or not they are representing the company, they maintain their objectivity. 
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Repairing and resurfacing pools for businesses has been Aquavida Pools' specialty for 30 years. Despite facing challenges, they were able to attain the highest level of their profession. If you want others to take notice of and benefit from your work, you need aim high. Every single Arizona hotel, resort, motel, and HOA has nothing but praise for our maintenance services. It is totally dependent on luck what happens to our firm. Many positive outcomes followed the completion of these programs. We were able to get a lot done because of these errands. Thanks to these tasks, we were able to make great strides. Our final destination was the picturesque mountain hamlet of Pinetop, which is not far from Phoenix, as our tour came to an end. The vast city is known by many names among Phoenix residents, but "Greater Phoenix Area" is by far the most popular. These two locations are undeniably a part of the Phoenix metro region, as appears to be universally acknowledged. 
If you own a public or semi-public pool, our services can help you stay in compliance with all local, state, and federal laws. No municipal, state, or federal law applies to your pool. Rest assured, we have memorized all of your requests. Because we take every precaution, we guarantee that our pools and spas will never break any laws. Whatever importance you place on them, getting inspections and certificates before beginning for business is a must. It is imperative that we verify everyone's safety before moving forward Commercial Pool Contractor A separate county in Arizona might be in charge of this. This is where you can locate everything you need to finish the job. 
Finding a good location to stay shouldn't be that hard once you begin searching. 
We offer full-service pool repair and maintenance to Arizona hotel and motel owners. We hope that our research will help safeguard and enhance aquatic ecosystems in the long run. Our comprehensive support is aimed squarely at the hotel industry. 
In order to fulfill the needs of its customers, Aquavida offers a comprehensive selection of building services, which includes pool resurfacing and maintenance. People who can multitask well and think on their feet are highly sought after in today's fast-paced business world. There was no change to its performance or market domination. 
The warmth, variety of culture, and friendliness offered by these extraordinary locations make them cherished by people of all backgrounds. 
Aquavida is the go-to company for pool resurfacing and repairs due to their wealth of experience in the field. They should have no trouble completing the task at hand considering their experience and the resources at their disposal. Their background and expertise make them ideal candidates for managerial positions in the resort or waterpark sectors. They are an ideal fit for the role due to their outstanding performance across the board. 
Expert pool cleaners in Arizona may know about reliable vendors. Because of how expensive they are, many companies still can't afford these services. No matter how far we searched, we were unable to find another Arizona company that specializes in commercial pool restoration. Our organization has to make a strong statement now. The fact that no other company operates in this particular state just makes things worse. 
Regardless of the size of the task, Aquavida Pools is up to the challenge. We greatly value your involvement in this undertaking. In an instant, I shall disappear. At this time, it does not appear that anyone's employment is at risk. We are capable of handling any task, no matter how large or small. 
Using high-quality resources consistently is also crucial. 
Many businesses in Arizona choose us to renovate their pools because of our high standards. From the day we opened our doors, we have been devoted to this responsibility. 
Our thirty years of experience servicing hotels, resorts, and HOAs mean that you can trust us with the maintenance of your pool. We would want to invite you to a water event using the information you supplied, if that's okay with you. For three decades, we have provided pool maintenance services to business building owners and managers. If you want to win someone over, just be a good listener. Because of our extensive expertise, our coworkers hold us in high esteem and see us as pioneers in our field. 
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aquavidapoolsa · 7 days
Aquavida Pools
Because staffing companies have a lengthy experience in the field, many businesses in Arizona employ them for all of their pool restoration needs.
Swimming Pool Contractor
Professionals rarely use the word "AQUAVIDA" when referring to recently constructed pools. AQUAVIDA only builds pools; it does no other work. Whether they are representing the company or not, they maintain their objectivity.
Aquavida Pools has been maintaining and renovating business pools for thirty years. They conquered challenges to arrive at the top of their field. Set yourself some really high standards if you want to do anything. Plumbing for Commercial Pools Every hotel, resort, motel, and HOA in Arizona has had nothing but positive things to say about our maintenance services. For our organization, the future is totally up to fate. Many positive things transpired following the completion of these programs. We were able to accomplish a lot with these errands. These tasks allowed us to advance significantly. Our final destination on the journey was Pinetop, a quaint mountain hamlet near Phoenix. The vast city is referred to by many locals as the "Greater Phoenix Area" overall. Everyone appears to be in agreement that these two locations are unquestionably a part of the Phoenix metro region.
We can guarantee that pool owners, whether they are semi-public or public, follow all relevant federal, state, and municipal laws. There are no municipal, state, or federal rules pertaining to your pool. All of your requests have been stored in our memory. Maintaining the legality of your pool or spa requires that it abide by all laws and regulations. No matter how insignificant you consider them, getting the necessary inspections and approvals before launching the business is essential. We need to make sure that everyone is safe before moving further. There is a chance that another Arizona county would handle this. Everything you need to finish the work is right here.
Once you get looking, it shouldn't be too hard to find a respectable location to stay.
Arizonan hotel and motel owners can benefit from our all-inclusive pool maintenance and repair services. Our main goal in carrying out this research is to preserve and improve aquatic environments. Our comprehensive support is directly aimed at the hotel industry.
In response to customer demand, Aquavida now provides building services in addition to pool maintenance and resurfacing. Effective multitasking and adaptability are highly valued in today's fast-paced, competitive corporate environment. It continued to dominate the market and perform well.
People from all walks of life adore these amazing locations for their warmth, richness of culture, and hospitality.
For pool repairs and resurfacing, Aquavida is the go-to option due to their vast experience in the field. They should have no trouble completing the task given their experience and the resources at their disposal. Their abilities and experience would be ideal for managerial positions in the resort or waterpark industries as Commercial Pool Contractors. They are an ideal fit for the role due to their outstanding performance in every aspect.
Skilled Arizona pool cleaners could be able to suggest trustworthy vendors. Although the advantages are undeniable, many firms still find these services to be prohibitively pricey. Despite searching all around Arizona, we were unable to find another company that specializes in commercial pool restoration. Now is the time for our organization to make a strong announcement. The fact that no other corporation operates in this particular state exacerbates the situation.
Swimming Pool Repair
No matter the size of the task, Aquavida Pools is capable of handling it all. We much appreciate your participation in our initiative. I'm going to be leaving in an instant. Nobody's employment appears to be in danger at the moment. We are capable of doing any task, regardless of size.
Using high-quality resources consistently is equally crucial.
Many Arizonan businesses choose us as their go-to pool remodeling contractor because of our exceptional service. Since our founding, we have given this responsibility our whole attention.
We have been providing pool maintenance services to hotels, resorts, and HOAs for thirty years, so you can trust us with your pool. If it is okay with you, we would like to invite you to a water event using the information you gave. For thirty years, building owners and managers have depended on our pool maintenance services. All you need to do to win someone over is pay close attention to what they have to say. Because of our extensive experience, our colleagues look up to us and see us as trailblazers in our business.
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allmyblogs · 19 days
A Comprehensive Guide to Finding the Right Lawyer in Arizona
Arizona, a state known for its stunning landscapes and vibrant culture, also boasts a diverse and skilled legal community. Whether you're facing a personal legal issue, navigating a complex business dispute, or seeking guidance through a real estate transaction, finding the right lawyer in Arizona is crucial. This blog post will explore the various types of lawyers available in the state, highlight key considerations when selecting legal representation, and provide insights into how lawyers in Arizona system functions.
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Types of Lawyers in Arizona
Criminal Defense Lawyers: Criminal defense lawyers in Arizona defend individuals accused of criminal offenses. From misdemeanors to serious felonies, these attorneys work to protect their clients' rights and ensure a fair trial. They are skilled in negotiating plea deals, representing clients in court, and advocating for reduced sentences.
Family Law Attorneys: Family law attorneys handle cases related to divorce, child custody, spousal support, and other family-related issues. They provide essential support during emotionally charged situations, guiding clients through legal processes such as divorce settlements and child custody arrangements.
Personal Injury Lawyers: Personal injury lawyers represent clients who have been injured due to accidents or negligence. They help victims seek compensation for medical expenses, lost wages, and pain and suffering. Whether it's a car accident, a slip and fall, or a product liability case, personal injury lawyers are dedicated to achieving justice for their clients.
Real Estate Lawyers: Arizona real estate lawyers assist with transactions involving property purchases, sales, and disputes. They review contracts, handle title issues, and ensure that all legal aspects of a real estate transaction are properly managed. Their expertise is invaluable in preventing legal complications and ensuring smooth property transactions.
Business Lawyers: Business lawyers focus on legal issues affecting businesses, including contract disputes, mergers and acquisitions, and employment law. They provide legal guidance to help companies navigate regulatory requirements, draft contracts, and resolve commercial disputes.
Estate Planning Attorneys: Estate planning attorneys help individuals prepare for the distribution of their assets after death. They create wills, trusts, and other estate planning documents to ensure that a person's wishes are carried out and that their estate is managed according to their desires.
Key Considerations When Choosing a Lawyer in Arizona
Specialization: It's essential to choose a lawyer who specializes in law relevant to your case. Specialized attorneys have the expertise and experience to handle specific legal issues effectively.
Experience: Look for a lawyer with a proven track record in handling cases similar to yours. An experienced attorney will be familiar with the nuances of Arizona's legal system and can offer valuable insights into the likely outcomes of your case.
Reputation: Research the lawyer's reputation by reading client reviews, checking their professional standing, and seeking recommendations from trusted sources. A lawyer with a strong reputation will likely provide quality legal representation.
Communication: Effective communication is crucial in a legal relationship. Choose a responsive lawyer responsive lawyer who listens to your concerns and keeps you informed about the progress of your case.
Fees: Understand the lawyer's fee structure before engaging their services. Some lawyers work on a contingency fee basis, while others charge hourly or flat fees. Make sure you are clear about the costs involved and any additional expenses that may arise.
Navigating the Legal System in Arizona
Arizona's legal system is governed by state and federal laws, with the Arizona Supreme Court serving as the highest court in the state. Understanding the legal process and knowing what to expect can make navigating legal issues less daunting.
Filing a Lawsuit: If you need to file a lawsuit, your lawyer will guide you through the process, including drafting and filing the complaint, serving the defendant, and preparing for court proceedings.
Legal Representation: Having a skilled attorney by your side ensures that your rights are protected and you receive competent representation throughout the legal process.
Alternative Dispute Resolution: In some cases, alternative dispute resolution methods such as mediation or arbitration can effectively resolve legal disputes without going to court. Your lawyer can advise you on whether these options suit your case.
Finding the right lawyer in Arizona can significantly impact the outcome of your legal matter. By understanding the various types of lawyers available and considering key factors such as specialization, experience, and communication, you can make an informed decision when seeking legal representation. Arizona's legal professionals are dedicated to providing exceptional service and ensuring that your legal needs are met with the highest expertise and care.
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backupcse · 2 months
1 Reasons to Hire a DUI Lawyer if Charged in Tempe, Arizona
DUI laws are stringent, reflecting the state's commitment to road safety. The consequences of a DUI conviction can be severe, including hefty fines, license suspension, mandatory alcohol education programs, and even jail time.
Additionally, a DUI conviction can lead to long-term impacts such as increased insurance premiums, a permanent criminal record, and potential employment difficulties. Given these stakes, having a skilled DUI lawyer on your side is indispensable.
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