#arkady ivanovich svidrigailov
gegengestalt · 9 months
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The one time I make Crime and Punishment related fanart, and it's about that damn Svidrigailov...
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Happy holidays :)
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plutorine · 10 months
crime and punishment pt. 6 ch. 4 is basically just raskolnikov going "what the actual fuck man 🤢" at every single account of depravity svidrigailov narrates to him
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rknchan · 2 years
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coming up with designs for characters i had never drawn before and sonya <33 just sonya
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ghaarem · 4 months
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интересная деталь - у Свидригайлова не было куклы в постановке. его играл директор театра и тот факт что мы ни разу не увидели хоть намека на марионетку меня очень удивил. у меня есть несколько догадок по этому поводу. МОЖЕТ БЫТЬ они просто не сделали куклу, но это слишком просто, поэтому, учитывая мой анализ образов марионеток и самих актеров, есть возможность, что это какая-то своеобразная отсылка на личность Аркадия Ивановича. он человек пустой, развратный, все это знают. он, хоть и ведет себя достаточно прилично ввиду своего общественного положения, не пытается скрываться за маской. наверняка поэтому ему и не нужна субличность в лице куклы, которая будет прикрывать его внутренний мир, ведь совести в нем нет и это видно с самого первого знакомства с персонажем. п.с. спасибо за вопрос, мне оч нравится разбирать и показывать образы из этой постановки. глубокая хуйня ENG An interesting detail is that Svidrigailov did not have a puppet in the show. he was played by the director of the theater and the fact that we never saw even a hint of a puppet surprised me very much. I have a few guesses about this. MAYBE they just didn’t make it, but that’s too simple, so given my analysis of the personalities of the puppets and the actors' characters themselves, there is a possibility that this is some kind of peculiar reference to Arkady Ivanovich's personality. he is an empty, depraved man, everyone knows it. Although he behaves quite decently due to his social position, he does not try to hide behind a mask. This is probably why he doesn’t need a subpersonality in the face of a puppet that will cover his inner world, because he has no conscience and this can be seen from the very first acquaintance with the character.
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kaurwreck · 4 months
everyone else leave the room, I need to be alone with Arkady Ivanovich Svidrigailov.
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vintageshits · 1 year
The signs as Crime and Punishment characters
Aries: Arkady Ivanovich Svidrigailov
Taurus: Avdotya Romanovna Raskolnikova
Gemini: Porfiry Petrovich
Cancer: Pulcheria Aleksandrovna Raskolnikova
Leo: Katerina Ivanovna Marmeladova
Virgo: Pyotr Petrovich Luzhin
Libra: Lizaveta Ivanovna
Scorpio: Rodion Romanovich Raskolnikov
Sagittarius: Dmitry Prokofych Razumikhin
Capricorn: Alyona Ivanovna
Aquarius: Andrei Semyonovich Lebezyatnikov
Pisces: Sofia Semyonovna Marmeladova
I'll gladly explain this brainrot later, besties <3
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everything-on-red · 2 years
who is more despicable: arkady ivanovich svidrigailov of crime and punishment (a cheater, abuser, sexual predator, and implied murderer) or a goose? literally just any goose.
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mendedrum · 2 months
Arkady Ivanovich Svidrigailov why are you surrounded with death flags?
please dont die please dont die please dont die
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funny little murderer cartoon 
*spins color wheel* wheeee
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incorrectlit · 4 years
psst hey hey draw something c&p related!!!
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Here’s the ending!
Characters from left to right are: Porfiry, Raskolnikov, Luzhin, Svidrigailov, Dunya, Razumikhin, Sonya
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carcinogenical · 4 years
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i have been pondering some character designs of characters I don’t often draw recently ☺️ Guess i’ll share them even though they aren’t very polished, because otherwise i may never…. Sonya, Svidrigailov (and a Marfa) and Porfiry (and a Razumikhin) respectively
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pendragonquotes · 2 years
And if once a girl's heart is moved to pity, it's more dangerous than anything.
Arkady Ivanovich Svidrigailov, pt6 ch4, crime and punishment, fyodor dostoyevksy
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Hey remember when Marmeladov says, “I am not troubled by this wagging of heads, for everything is already known to everyone, and everything hidden will be made manifest.” And he’s invoking Matthew 10:26: “Fear them not therefore: for there is nothing covered, that shall not be revealed; and hid, that shall not be known.”
And then the next morning Raskolnikov gets a letter from his mother and the first thing she tells him about is the story of how his sister Dunya was disgraced in the Svridrigailov home, and Marfa Petrovna spread the false story to everybody that Dunya had been seducing her husband, BUT THEN it was all revealed in the most unlikely of ways by Svidrigailov himself showing Marfa Petrovna a letter which proved his advances on Dunya were unwelcome and unequivocally spurned, and Marfa Petrovna then taking it upon herself to go to every single house in the village and clear Dunya’s name. The perpetrator gave up the evidence of his guilt, and everything was made known, and everything hidden was made manifest.
Interesting. Raskolnikov could potentially see some foreshadowing here if he wanted to look for it.
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vintageshits · 8 months
Been having some thoughts lately…
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Saw an instagram astrology post and thought of some of my babies.
Friendly reminder that when this silly little account talks about the signs and C&P, we are referring to this list ☺️:
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incorrectlit · 4 years
Svidrigailov: I just slid in Avdotya Romanovna’s DMs and she deactivated her whole Instagram account.
Svidrigailov: Where do I go from here?
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incorrectlit · 5 years
Raskolnikov, to Svidrigailov: Not to be inhospitable, but why the hell are you here?
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