#arnold lighting
rixareth · 7 months
As requested, I have examined my fondness for terrible characters, and I have concluded that I like them because they're terrible and I'm not sorry.
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happyheidi · 1 year
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Herbert Arnold Olivier “Sumer is icumen in” (Summer has come in) 1902
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murasaki-cha · 5 months
I've only read the 7th Time Loop manga so I'm currently reading the novel. I'm on volume 2 right now AND THIS PART!!!
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(Also look at the art it's so pretty)
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noodlesoup1819 · 5 months
i just finished volume 1 of the 7th Time Loop LN and
Oliver: Your wife, who constantly claims to want nothing more than to laze around in bed, has turned the villa into a school for new maids, effectively fixing our staffing problem, has made connections with a large up and coming merchant company by curing the owners little sisters illness, giving her connections to their connections all over the world, has concocted a scheme to give the poor people in the slums work, boosting our economy, and has now formed a friendship with your little brother, the person who tried to kidnap her, and has access to all of his connections...
Oliver: It seems as though your wife is building up her factions.
Arnold (not at all concerned, mostly amused): She's hilarious isn't she? I wonder what she'll do next...
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romancemedia · 5 months
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Rishe and Arnold's First Kiss
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itsfootballbih · 4 months
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His color palette🧸🤎
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lottiestudying · 9 months
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10.10.2023—settling back into life and having a productive week ✨🌸🌿🌈
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ningadudexx · 2 years
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guess who my least favorite cahracter is
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lily-drake · 4 months
Oh My Gosh!
This series is freaking WILD!!!! If you haven’t read the Light Novels of The 7th Timeloop (there are only 4 out currently) I BEG you, PLEASE DO (then DM me so we can rant about how insane this thing is together). Based on everything I’ve read so far, this is the summarized plot of the series so far, and it is one of the greatest things I’ve ever read.
Rishe and Arnold are both equally little sh*s in their own unique way.
Arnold is WHIPPED.
Chaos just for chaos sake.
Rishe is a saint as seen by nearly everyone she meets.
Rishe’s theme song is the acoustic version of: F* You I Won’t Do What You Tell Me.
Arnold should be concerned about the following his lover is amassing, but he just finds it funny.
Skepticism/“what are you plotting now?”.
They’re adorable and I’ll ship them till the day I die.
Arnold is in fact a flirt and knows EXACTLY what he’s doing.
Rishe collecting the people from her past life like she’s Ash Ketchum.
Oliver is the best wingman.
Chaos for Chaos sake.
And finally.
14. Arnold is WHIPPED and Rishe is flustered.
Thank you.
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George Eliot // Artwork by @sunsbleeding // Arnold Lobel // Lorde, Ribs // Edward Young // Taylor Swift, Seven // Art by Olga Baumert // Thomas Aquinas
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a-literal-toaster-wtf · 5 months
the line that lister says in out of time about rimmer wrenching an entire fridge off the wall (and trying to “insert it in him” but that’s a different topic completely) and also cat’s comment about rimmer scrunching up ENAMEL cups implies rimmer is freakishly strong and i kinda dig it
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snuize · 5 months
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Hope everyone knows that Scarface is a beast that can one hit Riddler
also Riddler is treated like a goddamn ragdoll in this comic
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murasaki-cha · 5 months
I gotta say, one iconic thing about Rishe (7th Time Loop) is that during the first meeting with Arnold, in this life, she went "Oh my god that's Arnold Hein, the ruthless emperor from my past lives that took over the continent and started war after war, the man who killed me in my last life by plunging a sword in my chest........ damn he's still hot"
Speak your truth sister!
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e-mptyflowerfields · 3 months
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Hoarder kitchen made in Autodesk Maya
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romancemedia · 3 months
It's sad to think 7th Time Loop is ending this week, but on the bright side, I'm looking forward to seeing a very special moment between Rishe and Arnold come to life when Rishe's engagement ring is ready and Arnold slips it onto her finger. It's so romantic!!!
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1-800anklebully · 1 year
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Mood - Trent Alexander Arnold x black female reader part 2
Summary: In which you and Trent were sneaky links at one point in life and he got sick of you. You’ve now returned back to Liverpool and old feelings resurface.
Warning: Angst, fluff, Asshole!Trent, swearing, smut if you squint a little,Toxic!Trent, and probably more that I can’t think off the top my head.
Excuse any errors
“Cmon Trent. Faster Arnold. Faster.” Coach Klein practically spat out. Blowing the players ear drums. It was way too early for them to be doing sprints and jogging around the pitch.
But that was Coach Klein for you. It was karma for the boys that decided to go late drinking last night. Some didn’t even show up but the others were suffering and throwing up on the grass due to their hangover.
Thankfully Trent wasn’t like those idiots and instead focused more on getting his extra gaming time. Which consisted of him gaming non stop from 6pm to 3am.
Pretty crazy right.
“How are you not dying.” One of the guys panted, adjusting his shirt as he had gotten tackled to the ground earlier.
“Because I was smart unlike you guys and didn’t go out binge drinking before a practice.” Trent scowled as he began doing high knee touches. He was fine.
“Oh shut up Arnold.”
The sound of loud music blasting through a speaker had made everyone glance up to see who it could be. Tyler the oldest Arnold had came running from the building.
“Trent!” He called out frantically once he finally got come on the pitch. Trent paused confused on why he was so static.
Tyler attempted to reveal what had him rushing over here but damn did he wish that he was athletic.
“Agnes is coming.” He rasped out hands on his knees and all. However Trent didn’t see anything odd about her appearance.
Because she was known to always randomly show up at his training sessions. Only because she wanted to see Ibrahima.
The two were in the talking stage and she had taken a huge liking in him. Of course Trent approved but threatened him with the typical.
If you break her heart I’ll break you. But he knew that he was harmless so he didn’t really mind.
“Okay and what? She always comes to the training session.” Trent still wasn’t seeing the messages and tried to push past Tyler to see why the whole team was crowded around the fence.
“Bro can you move…” Trent rolled his eyes but Tyler didn’t budge. He just looked down knowing mostly because he knew that Y/n and Agnes had arrived which of course was turning head.
All he wanted to do was protect his brother because lord only knows how he was gonna react. After a more seconds of arguing back and forth Tyler saw how Trent’s face dropped and it dawned on him.
Trent couldn’t think straight. Was that you? You had surely matured physically. You had golden locs that went down to your bottom. Your body was covered in a couple of tattoos. Nothing to extreme. He wasn’t exactly surprised as you had voiced wanting to get tattoos when you two were “together”.
But you never did it because he claimed that it wouldn’t suit you. What a cunt right. And as soon you had glanced up your face fell and your heart dropped to your ass. It was like you were in a trance that you couldn't seem to break out of. Especially since this supposed pick up that Agnes needed to get was from Trent?!
Which she failed to notify you the second she woke you up from your beauty sleep claiming she needed to get her charger and she didn't want to go alone. Now you felt dumb because clearly this was her plan.
To get you to rip the band-Aid off and get the unwieldy situation over and done with. Better to do it now then at the family get together. Suddenly you felt the urge to let everything out you had this morning. Dashing past Agnes, you sprinted past her in her directly into the ladies restroom.
Meanwhile Trent had turned to the nearest bin and released his stomach. Causing all of his teammates to grimace in disgust, and in sympathy as some knew the reason for his little episode.
''It's okay buddy, let it all out.'' Tyler patted his back with a uptight smile, not knowing his brother could get a weak stomach from just seeing his ex.
'' I can't believe you lied to me!'' You seethed at Agnes aggressively chucking water at her which she dodged trying to not laugh. You were currently hiding in the restroom not wanting to go out there as you expected Trent to still be present practicing.
Honestly you didn't think you would be able to take the stares after your little stunt plus him being there let alone was a whole dilemma.
''To be fair I never lied to you, I already told you I was getting something from a friend.'' She shrugged not seeing the problem at all.
''Yeah well Trent isn't your friend he's your brother and my ex sneaky link!'' You recalled acting as if she had amnesia. The two continued quarrel until finally y/n had gotten over mini mental break down and they went to the pitch where all the guys had continued their drills as if her presence was known existent. Good. It was what you had desired.
''Good to see you y/n. I'm sorry that my idiot of a sister didn't give you a heads up.'' Tyler side eyed Agnes, as he brought you into a hug which made you chuckle. Years later and they still bickered like little kids things never change.
''Oh piss off Ty!'' She rolled her eyes knowing that her intentions weren't pure and that the plan didn't go through. Trent and you still haven't spoken however you could feel his heated gaze on you which was quite annoying.
''No because you knew damn well what you were doing talking about damn charger my ass.'' You had zoned out from the conversation and let your eyes drift up to the dread-head who was already looking at you.
He rolled his eyes and went back to kicking the ball which made your heart clench a little. Why was he being so cold? Acting as if you were the one that left him all high and dry when in reality it was him that fucked up your situationship.
Now he just ruined your mood completely you're gonna a have a attitude the whole day because of him.
"Trent, bring your butt over here!" Agnes hollered loudly sounding like one of those hoodrats, which judging by the way Trent grimaced he was without a doubt embarrassed.
He quickly jogged over and you couldn't refrain from ogling how his thighs looked so scrumptious in those football shorts. As he jogged over the way they tensed, and how his build was so broad but the second he opened his mouth you wished he never opened it.
Or the way his locs bounced with every jog he truly was beautiful but he no longer belonged to you.
''Yes what do you want Agnes. im in the middle of a game.'' He scorned his tone dissmissive as he greeted her with a hug, and barely acknowledged which made you swallow the lump in your throat.
''First of all you better fix that tone and i dont care if you're in the middle of a game. I want my charger.'' She hisses,making him groan as his teammates chuckled in the back at how he was getting his ass given to him by his older sister.
'' fine fine its in my bag.'' He quickly retreived his bag and chucked her the charger going back to the field.
''Wait, are you even go greet Y/n!?' Trent simply ignored her comment jogging back on the field which made Agnes so furious, that she almost was about to beat his ass for his lack of manners but Tyler held her back.
''He's such a dickhead how is gonna greet me and not you.'' Agnes ranted as she drove back to her apartment. She couldn't wrap her head around why her brother was so rude and moody.
She spoke with him on the phone earlier and he seemed to be in good sprits, then now as soon You came into the picture he was suddenly a heartless prick.
''Seriously, Agnes it's fine you know him better than I do he'll come around eventually hes not a rude person, the walls will crumble eventually.''
Agnes sent you a odd look. This was not the y/n she knew she was more hot headed and probably would've have slapped Trent on that field after his nonsense.
''You seem less madder than me, what's up with that girl?''
You let out a chuckle leaning back in the passanger seat.'' Oh trust me, I am pissed. But I am not gonna let some dread-head ruin my mood. I came to Liverpool for you not his punk ass.''
On top of that you had been dedicating spending more time with god and this was a prime example of you changing for the better. Because like Agnes stated the old you would've killed Trent for his little stunt.
Yet you decided to be the bigger and better person. You don't need him in your life he was temporary. Maybe its good that he ignored you could be released from his shackles.
A few days later
Today was the day that you were meant to go to visit Dianna and Victor. Oh how you missed Dianne's cooking her scrumptious shepherds pie that she would make every holiday. Fortunately, it was Easter so this was the only thing you were quite exhilarated for besides seeing the rest of the Arnold family.
''Why are you in such good spirits.'' Agnes had came out of her bedroom to see you dancing and singing along to Megan thee Stallion. A broom in your right hand being used presumably as your microphone.
You glanced up not even bothered by her appearance instead turning down the music and observing how her beautiful curly hair was a birds nest.
A frown was displayed on her lips at the amount of ruckus going on.
''Because I am happy to see my husband."' You recited that one tik tok audio of Beyonce, that has been going viral. And she chuckles knowing damn well you were talking about the shepherd pie.
"Okay is that all? Because I have a really sexy looking man and his name is bed.'' She chortled with sarcasm.'' And I really really wanna see him so do you mind!'' Agnes was slowly starting to lose her mind and you've only been here for a week.
She just can stand how you randomly get burst of energy to do something.
Like one time she woke up at 4am to find you vaccuming the floor as you claimed the white noise soothed your mind. Or the time where her and her man were trying to get her freak on and you barged in asking about what pizza you wanted.
Lets just say, being your roommate was not the easiest. She loved you to death but honestly she gives Trent credit for keeping up with your shennigans.
Having a talk with you is definitely one of the things on her list after the dinner.
''Of course not, knock yourself out girl.''
Time skip to dinner
It was around 6:30 pm now and you and Agnes had arrived an hour early to keep her parents company. Fortunately for you, Trent and his brothers were sent out to get Nandos for the family so you just missed him. However that didn't mean that his name still wasn't being mentioned even though he was not present.
''So how are you and Trent.'' Diana smoothly brought her son up, as you helped her in the kitchen with the turkey that was due to be placed in the oven.
Peering up, you flashed her a fake smile not wanting to tell her how he practically gave you the cold shoulder the other day while at his practice. It was petty and childish.
He should have greeted you but you were with Trent long enough to know how petty he was. So you weren't entirely shook by his cold demeanour
'' Respectfully Dianne, there was never a Trent and I. We were just two kids mucking around.'' Dianne had straightened up her face was netural which scared you a bit. Because you never knew how could she be feeling.
''It was pointless and in the end he made up his mind to end it so that's it. So can we please focus on the more positive things.'' You exhaled, trying to not get yourself riled up over her son,
Dianne just pursed her lips with a soft smile , you had matured so much since the last time she had seen you. Because the old you, oh lord knows you would've made Trent's life hell.
'' Understood.''
As on cue, the boys came home their loud scouser accents filled the entire household along with Caleb's laughter. Once they boys had noticed you they wasted no time rushing over and hugging you.
Well Trent…. he just nodded.
Lord take the wheel was all you thought.
this was going to be an eventful night.
I’m so sorry for the long wait guys! I had major sitters block but this imagine is written and that’s all that matters!
And I also wanna thank you guys so much for all the love and support in both the Jude and Trent imagines. I honestly didn’t think it would blow up but thank youuuu.
I’ll see you in the next part.🤎🤎
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