#art lesson plan
xieliancore · 8 months
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some vampire skk for halloween!
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wyrmwright · 1 month
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the duo, wip
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art-tnt · 3 months
Color Plan and Theory with Tim Mcburnie
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faust-lane · 3 months
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see-arcane · 6 months
Just tripped and fell into a what-if scenario:
"What if Jonathan really had caught up to Dracula in Piccadilly and killed him in the street?"
Head lopped off. Kukri through the chest. The 'murder victim' turns to dust in full view of the gawking crowd. Then what? Then what??
Piccadilly Police: "So this man beheaded and impaled an aristocrat in the middle of the street."
Witnesses: "He did."
Piccadilly Police: "And the body..?"
Witnesses: "Crumbled into that pile of dust."
Piccadilly Police: "..."
Witnesses: "..."
Piccadilly Police: "...So has he named which magician he's working for or--?"
Witnesses: "No, he's just been busy kicking the dust into the horse dung piles in the gutter."
Of course, this is the best case scenario sillytimes version. Serious version? Jonathan only manages half of the process before some Good Samaritans tackle him; and likely get cut in the process. I bet he could chop Dracula's head off, but not manage the heart-piercing in time. He gets dragged off to jail. The Count's two pieces get taken to the morgue. And now Van Helsing, the Suitors, and Mina are all on a ticking deadline to stake Dracula's heart before sundown with Important Witnesses present to prove Jonathan's innocence and sanity in the slaying...
And if and when that happens?
That means the Drac Attack Pack are responsible for bringing the reality of vampires into the public awareness.
Surprise, everyone!
Imagine the can of worms that would open around them, around the whole concept. Their original plan to head to Castle Dracula to end the Brides gets a LOT of extra tagalong company. Photographers are there. Ditto shady government sorts who, of course, are eager to investigate a way to turn vampirism into a benefit to the Crown. The Drac Attack Pack would be swamped with sensationalism. It'd be a circus.
Which all adds up to a belated understanding for me about just why Dracula had to get away from them in Piccadilly. If he had been caught and killed? God. What a mess it'd be.
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annasellheim · 7 months
Books I use when teaching art
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south-sea · 1 year
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Three weeks, four days, and six hours
a mission shadow takes on is only supposed to last for two weeks. it goes horribly wrong and leads to a lot of new/reopened injuries. he spends four days in a haze recovering, and then finally returns home to find a worried housemate waiting.
could not figure out the style i wanted for this even after spending so much time on the lines, so it really stopped being fun. figured something was better than nothing so i cut my losses and wrapped it up however i could manage
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otrtbs · 1 year
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that's right,, THE goldfinch painting
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THE ONE. THe OnE. from my favorite book of all time everrrr!!!!!
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rarilee33 · 1 year
In your swap au, have you got any ideas for miss sculpthams character?
Yes! Also I should credit @kanrix for that initial drawing he did of swap Bloberta that inspired me to keep going off it and flesh out the au lol
Ms Sculptham is the principal at Diorama Elementary (which I guess includes middle school/junior high levels lol). Also Ms Secondopinionson is Orel's teacher, and Fakey is filling the void in the track coach category (but I didn't want to draw him lol) One big change besides the profession for Agnes is that Mary (I think that's her name) Plotwist from the scrapped s3 episode is her secretary and girlfriend (I think she had long brown hair in the script? So I improvised)!
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omaano · 2 years
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"He dreamt of his kerchief, long and winding into yard after yard of fabric. It became a billowing dress in the desert made from the interminable drape of it, a volume of hoops and skirts and ruffles that could swallow the world." 
 Lessons in Idle Ecstasies ch 4 - Scrophulariaceae by @brightmouth
I cannot believe that the first half of this project is done! Now onto the second part with a little more characters and quite a bit less landscapes (and a bit of unfinished extra that didn't mean the cut in the end under the read more). It is such a beautiful scene that takes my breath away every time in a few sentences, so I really cannot help showing my love somehow!
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I really loved the colour palette and perspective on this one, but I ultimately decided that it wouldn't serve much of an actual storytelling (depicting) purpose as the 3rd panel, and the new 6th panel would tie in much better with how the scene/dream sequence goes on. I still wanted to show off that blue shadow tho. I have very strong feelings about that one.
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anomalouscorvid · 5 months
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mr cards? mr cairn. something along those lines. goodnight
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baylardian-1 · 1 year
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Was listening to Open Up Your Eyes and getting Endgame Admiral Janeway inspies hehe. :3
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sucrate · 3 months
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Have been a time since we talked! I hope you're doing alright and having a good night/day!!
Just came to say 'hi' because you're a very special person to me! you were one of the first person I talked here on tumblr and I will never forget the funny little thing we would send each other. I wish we could go back to talking with one another someday, I really miss you!!
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HI OMG HI OMG !!!! FOXY:-) TYSMM RAA ? ? ? I MISS U 2 WTF !!! tysm 4 this omggg im doing sooo well <- KILLED IN THE ACADEMICS . i hope ur doing well too >_< !!!!!
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prankprincess123 · 7 months
Do you ever just notice things that you incorporated into your lifestyle or tastes from a fandom you're no longer in, and just smile in nostalgia? Like you left this fandom a decade ago, but every time you smell a certain character's favorite food, you can't help but think about them as you eat it. Or you bought this specifically colored leather jacket forever ago because that's what this hero wears, and you haven't thought about that show in years, but wearing that jacket still makes you feel stronger. And you fidget with your ring or prepare your hot chocolate a certain way because you picked those habits up from another character. Hearing certain words or phrases always makes you think of that story, and you almost wonder why on earth you left that fandom, but know exactly why at the same time.
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corvid-feathers · 5 months
I've written the continuation of the story, a picture to accompany it will be at the bottom of the post. Also I don't have a reference for Cowbird yet, i'll post it later
It’s been two days since Leopard found the body, he’s unable to fathom the information he’d seen right in front of him. Queen Treefrog was dead, that was confirmed…but who in the three moons was the rainwing in charge?!? She clearly was similar enough to mimic the Queen in bodyshape, that’s for certain. Yet Leopard had no clue who she was, any rainwing can change their colors. He’s seen them use the ability for theatre productions a million times.
The worst part of nobody else knew, Leopard had seen the body. He’d recognized his Queens face lying in that clearing. None of the other dragons had found it and he had a sinking feeling that something had somehow gotten worse. Nothing seemed to change, the Queen hadn’t made any major changes since before he had investigated.
The rainwings were still their same old pacifist selves, the nightwings were hunting food for both villages as normal. Yet Leopard couldn’t shake the feeling of eyes on him. The impersonator surely couldn’t have seen him, He was in the bushes up until she was out of earshot.
Leopard was so lost in thought he didn’t notice someone had approached until an older rainwing gently tapped his shoulder, startling him so much he made a little squeak as he turned. “Sorry! Didn’t mean to startle!” The rainwing stated, she had a warm smile on her face. “I’m just here to say the Queen wanted to see you, Isn’t that exciting!”
No, oh no. no no no! She must know, why else would she want to see him…wait he needed to calm down. There a hundreds of different reasons to be called upon by the Queen, Leopard’s still in school she might just be changing up his classes. Wouldn’t hurt to ask, he assumed. “Do you know what the meeting’s gonna be about?” He tried his best to fake a smile, it didn’t appear to be working.
“There’s no need to panic, I know meeting a Queen for the first time can be scary.” Good at least she didn’t know why he was nervous. “Anyway Queen Treefrog said she wanted it to be a surprise, but I promise you it's a good thing!” The rainwing seemed excited, whatever this meeting would be about must be innocent enough. Leopard knew typical rainwing citizens to prefer good news anyway.
“Alright, I guess I’ll head to the throne room…” He said, forcing a more convincing smile this time.
“See ya! Oh! Almost forgot my name’s Cowbird!” The cheerful rainwing waved before flying off in the other direction, Leopard kinda admired the carefree nature of her life. He’d seen Cowbird occasionally, always dressed up in fancy cloaks and bathing in the sun. He wished life was that easy for him. 
Once Leopard reached the entrance to the throne room he took a deep breath…he was safe, everything was fine. He was just waltzing right into the sight of a murderer, what could go wrong? He quickly shut down that train of thought, she may have killed the Queen. Nobody would dare harm a dragonet, Leopard was only 6 years old. He entered the room, immediately bowing down like he’d seen others do before.
“Hello Leopard, take a seat. There’s much to discuss!” She says with an aura of excitement. She was a lot taller compared to him, he felt like an ant in comparison. Leopard stopped bowing and sat up, avoiding eye contact as if his life depended on it.
“Hello, your majesty” He struggled to come up with something to say, so simple formalities might lessen the eerie silence.
“I’ve heard your feeling rather paranoid lately, my guards say you’ve been significantly less social” She begins, her smile creeped him out a bit. It was warm and welcoming, but her eyes showed an entirely different mood. They were halfway to a glare for a moment, or perhaps Leopard had imagined it in his panic. “It’s not good for a dragonet’s development to stray from their peers, I worry for your health”
“I’m sorry, I just get startled easily and-” The Queen cut him off surprisingly fast, going onto her next point it seemed.
“I understand, it’s hard to talk to others. Especially since I’ve heard the medics discuss your paranoia.” Oh, Leopard had been telling everyone about his suspicions before he found the body. The medics obviously would’ve told their Queen about it! “I know a new Queen is a big change in your life, before I was crowned my mother was Queen your whole life”
“Yeah, it’s a big change” Play dumb, just keep pretending. There was an awkward silence, Queen Treefrog staring at him for a good few moments.
“Leopard?” She asked, a hint of hostility mixed into her voice.
“....yes?” Leopard replied, failing to hide the nervousness in his voice.
“I’ve arranged for you to take extra battle lessons, I want you to know there’s nothing to be afraid of” She smiled, this time more genuine.
“Ok, that’s-” He was cut off again, the Queen's voice radiating malice.
“Meet me at the river at sunset, we’ll begin our first lesson. You are dismissed” As Leopard left the throne room, something in the back of his mind told him that shouldn't attend that lesson.
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nickbutnodick · 5 days
i have just determined my entire future based off of the vague idea that i like animated movies
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