#artist: ふーにょん
animepopheart · 2 months
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★ 【ふーにょん】 「 桔梗 」 ☆ ✔ republished w/permission ⊳ ⊳ follow me! insta • x • bsky
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curetsun · 6 months
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611日目。いっしょに遊ぼ、わんだふるー by Itaoka ※If you like this artwork please support the artist by visiting the source!
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ttt-ral-info · 4 months
抵抗と灯火 - Resistance And Lamplight - vol.3 "Dear Palestine... Vibrations of Solidarity"
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抵抗と灯火 - Resistance And Lamplight - vol.3 "Dear Palestine... Vibrations of Solidarity"
2024.6.9 SUN at 高田馬場JETROBOT
📍Address📍 東京都新宿区西早稲田3-28-1 RICOSビルB1F
Open 13:00 / Start 13:30
ADV ¥2,000- DOOR ¥2,400- + 1drink ¥600-
Artists : MKRDTSB / Peace ∈ CaF2 / hirano taichi / ネコダ珈琲 + おしゃべりタイム(適宜)
MKRDTSB(み から でた さび / Bedroom-music) 音楽家・写真家・文筆家。抵抗と灯火主催。この星に生まれて以来、深い枯れた井戸の底に踞っている。2023年12月、井戸からパレスチナがつながる。この星のさまざまな問題が可視化される。希死念慮を抱える傍ら、死ぬまで生きると決めた。自らの存在があらゆる権力・理不尽・腐敗に抵抗を示す。
Peace ∈ CaF2(ぴーす かふつ / ラッパー) 昼は底辺の財政学徒、夜は曲作るマイメン達と。 自分の人生とこの社会にようやく向き合う気になった、 元マセガキの、今はイキった若者。 「俺が社会を変えられなくても、俺に刺激を受けた奴が社会を変える。」 (2Pac, 1994)
hirano taichi(ひらの たいち / シンガーソングライター) 大阪府出身。2010年に上京し、翌2011年に東京で東日本大震災に遭う。反原発のデモなどを行う。2018年、自ら監督、制作し、3.11以降の路上の行動をまとめたドキュメンタリー「TwitNoNukes Presents STANDARD」を発表。その際に音楽制作を行ったことをきっかけに、2019年6月より音楽活動を開始。自身で作詞・作曲・編曲・歌唱を行うシンガーソングライターとして活動する。ライブ活動を続ける傍ら、2020年1月、楽曲「お金で寝る身体」を発表。以降音源を散発的に発表。2023年1stアルバム「via」を発表。
ネコダ珈琲(ねこだこーひー / coffee color eyed soul) 2014年からピアノ弾き語りをしている。主にLaura Nyro Todd Rundgren XTC を愛す。NoHate NoFake。だれもころすな。
おしゃべりタイム イベントの合間、終演後は随時お客さん同士でおしゃべりをしたいひとはしてください。わたしたちはあいするパレスチナへ連帯するバイブスを持ち寄る者たちです。出演者もスタッフもおしゃべりしたいです。わたしたち、あなたとおしゃべりしたいです(もちろん強制ではありません)。インターネットとハッシュタグが得意なひとは「#FreePalestine」、「#アパルトヘイトに抗する文化」、「#artforpalestinechallenge」、「#抵抗と灯火」などをつけて、シェアをしてください。「わたしたちはここにいる」ということを、パレスチナに届くまでいっしょに伝えてください。
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全出演者が写真・動画撮影OKです!随時SNSなどへぶち上げてシェアしてください。ハッシュタグ【#抵抗と灯火】や【@TTT_ral_info】のメンションをつけていただくと、こちら側で見つけやすいため、ご協力いただけるとうれしいですが必須ではありません。 →写真や画像を投稿していただくときには、ALT(代替テキスト)をつけて投稿を!
出演者はみんなプロパレスタイン(親パレスチナ)のひとびとです。来てくださる方もプロパレスタインのひとびとです。 6/9はパレスチナへ連帯するバイブスを持つ、四者四様の抵抗する音楽のイベントを予定しています。前回まで行っていたオープンマイクは今回はないですが、そのぶんおしゃべりしていただける時間を多く設けました。おしゃべりしたいひとは安心しておしゃべりしてください。わたしたち、あなたと話したいです。 ご来場と拡散をお待ちしています。
〈更新履歴〉 ・2024/05/21:各種SNSにアナウンスしていた内容を取りまとめてアップしました(チラシ入稿後のピースさんのプロフィールに誤植があります…(謝罪しましたが謝っても謝り切れねえ…)、本記事から最新のプロフィール文に更新しています)。 ・2024/06/02:タイムテーブルを更新しました。
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darkscorpiox · 1 year
Here's an extra chapter from the artist.
(The translation is a rough one (along with a few personal touches), so please tell me if I’ve made mistakes)
(Using English dub names to make things easier; also, this takes place in the anime where Kaiba had met Kisara)
@kaibanerdgang @kisara-kaiba @sapphira-mydnyte @kisaraslover @jmaxsword @emdrawsmanga @laurenelaine88 @maylikesstuff
Part 1
Part 2
Page 2 Priest Seto: At first, I was attracted to the power within her body, but before I realized it, I was taken more with the person herself than with said power. Yet…I couldn’t protect her. (最初は その身に秘めた力に 強く惹かれた けれど気がつけば 宿した力以上に その存在そのものに 強く惹かれていた なのに護れなかった)
Page 3 Kaiba: ……What is this……? (⸻…… 何だ これは……)
Page 4 Kaiba: Such dream is ridiculous. But… (ばかばかしい あのような夢 だが……)
Page 5 Kaiba: Kisara. (キサラ)
Boy 1: You’re the student that recently transferred here, right? (君 最近転校してきた子だよね)
Boy 2: What’s your name? (名前何て言うの?)
Kaiba: It’s an eyesore…to have vulgar people swarming in the morning. (低俗な輩が朝から群がっては… 目障だな)
Kisara: Seto…! (瀬人さま…!)
Boy 1: Ugh, Kaiba. (げっ 海馬)
Boy 2: Hey, let’s go. (おい行こうぜ)
Page 6 Kaiba: Hmph. (ふん)
Kisara: Um… Seto… Thank you…very much. (あ、あの…瀬人さま…ありがとう…ございました)
Kaiba: That resurging (video-like) vision…doesn’t belong to me. I just thought, why…couldn’t I protect her? Do I…want to protect her? Something that hadn’t been accomplished… (⸻蘇る映像(ビジョン)は オレのものではない ただ 思う 何故 守れなかった オレは 守ってやりたいのか? 三千年前(むかし))
Page 7 Kaiba: …back then, 3000 years ago. (果たせなかったこと)
Kisara: Good morning. (おはようございます)
Background noise: Hello. (おはようー)
Yuugi and Joey: ……!!!
Téa: Hello, Kisara, Kaiba. (おはよう キサラ 海馬くん)
Kaiba: Yeah. (あぁ)
Kisara: Good morning. (おはようございます)
Yuugi: Woah… (わ)
Joey: What…What is this? What is the meaning of this? They came to school together!!? (あれなにあれどういうこと 一緒に登校!!?)
Yuugi: I don’t know… (知らないよ…)
Page 8 Kisara: Seto. (瀬人さま)
Kaiba: Hmm? (ん?)
Kisara: Thank you very much for these. (こちら、ありがとうございました)
Kaiba: …Ah. (…あぁ) For the textbooks… (教科書か…)
Kisara: What…are they doing over there? (あれは…何をされているのでしょう?)
Kaiba: That? Ah, that’s Duel Monsters, a card game. (あれ? あぁ、デュエルモンスターズ…カードゲームだ)
Kisara: That is…! (あれが…!)
Kaiba: ……………Are you interested? (……… ……興味があるのか)
Kisara: Ah. No, uh……it must be difficult… (あ、いえその… …難しいのでしょうか…)
Kaiba: That’s not true. Even children can do it. (そんなことはない あれは子供でも出来るぞ)
Page 9 Kisara: ………
Kaiba: What’s wrong? (どうした)
Kisara: …Nothing! ...I was wondering if I can play the game too. (…いえ! …私にも出来るでしょうか)
Kaiba: ……If you’re interested… …between Yuugi and Wheeler, the victor is obvious, but…… (……興味があるなら… …遊戯と城之内相手では勝敗は明らかだがな……) …What is this? There’s a buzzing feeling in my head. (…何だ? 頭が ざわつく)
Joey: Hey, Kaiba! I can hear you!! (おい海馬! 聞こえてんぞ!!)
Téa: Kisara! And Kaiba too… How about coming closer to watch the match together? (キサラ!海馬くんも… こっちで一緒に見ない?)
Page 10 Kisara: ……!
Kaiba: As if I would get along with you guys! Don’t lump me in with you g– (誰が貴様らと馴れ合いなどするか! オレを貴様らと一緒に…)
Kisara: …… …S-Since such an opportunity is presented to me…I will go…look for a little bit… (…… …せ、折角なので…私は少し…覗かせて頂いてきますね…)
Kaiba: …………… (⸻…… ………)
Bakura: You could have just showed her a duel. (決闘(デュエル) 見せてあげれば良いのに)
Page 11 Kaiba: ……
Bakura: Though I’m glad you didn’t. You brought your deck, right? (喜ぶと思うんだけどなぁ デッキ、持ってるんでしょ?)
Kaiba: What is your purpose? (何のつもりだ貴様)
Bakura: I brought mine too. So how about it? (僕も 持ってるんだ どうかな?)
Kaiba: …… I’m asking just to make sure, but are you challenging me to a duel? (…… 一応聞くが 貴様、もしやこのオレに決闘を申し込んでいるのか?)
Bakura: So it’s no good? (ダメかな?)
Kaiba: Wasn’t your deck occult-themed? (貴様のデッキ オカルトデッキだったか)
Bakura: Oh, yeah. At that time (Battle City Tournament), you must have seen his……the Millenium Ring’s spirit’s duel, but this will be the first one you’ll have with me, right? (そっか 海馬くんはアイツの… …リングの人格の時の決闘を見てるんだよね でも 僕の決闘は初めてだよね!)
Page 12 Bakura: Come to think of it, I wonder if my favorite card had been in his deck as well… …Maybe he liked that card as well… He may had been Bakura too, but now, I’m the one who chooses and draws my cards, who decides what to do beyond this point. My way of doing things differs from his. *school bell* Woah. The first bell has rung. *to Kaiba* Please let us have another opportunity to duel in the future! (そういえば 僕の好きなカードがアイツのデッキに入ってたりもしたっけ… …同じカードが好きだったり… アイツも バクラだったけど いま カードを選んで 引いて この先を決めるのは 僕だ 技とは違う わ 予鈴 鳴っちゃったね! 決闘はまた今度お願いするね!)
Page 13 Kaiba: … (⸻…)
Kisara: … Duels are amazing. Just looking at one makes your heart race. (… 決闘ってすごいですね 見てるだけでドキドキしまして)
Kaiba: …… ……A duel with the use of a Duel Disk is not the same. (⸻…… ……デュエルディスクを使った決闘は そんなものではないぞ)
Page 14 Kisara: You’re the one who made it, right…!? Amazing…! (瀬人さまがお作りになられたのですよね…!? すごいです…!)
Kaiba: That resurging vision (of past memories)…doesn’t belong to me. What happened 3000 years ago has nothing to do with me… It’s just… (蘇る記憶(ビジョン)は オレのものではない 三千年前のことなど オレには何の関係もない ⸻ただ、) …Next time… (⸻…今度)
Page 15 Kaiba: …I’ll show it to you: my company’s finest technology and my best Monster, both of which I am most proud of. (⸻… 見せてやろう 我が社の誇る最高の技術と オレの誇る最高のモンスターをな) It’s just… (ただ、)
Kisara: Yes…! (はいっ…!)
Page 16 Kaiba: …seeing this (smiling) face isn’t so bad. That’s all. (この笑顔(かお)を見るのは悪くない それだけだ。)
Page 17 *in the Underworld (in 冥界)* Priest Seto: You’re saying that arrogant and domineering fellow looks like me!!? Where (are the similarities)!? (あの様な傲慢で高飛車な男が私に似ているだと!!? どこが!!)
Atem: I too want to reincarnate so that I can meet Yuugi again… (オレも転生して相棒に逢いたいぜー…)
Mahad: I’m with the Pharaoh. (私はファラオと共に)
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ichinichi-okure · 1 year
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今日はこんなことがあった。 〈歩いていたら「かべ」が突然現れて、それがどんどん迫ってきて閉じ込められちゃった〉というパントマイムをやっていた。僕は「誰か助けてー!?」とジェスチャーで周りに呼びかける。観ていたお客さんがどうしたもんかと困っていると、ベビーカーに乗っていた1人の男の子が小さく手を挙げた。周りのお客さんは男の子の小さな勇気に歓声をあげる。そして男の子はベビーカーから降りて、ゆっくり僕の方へ近づいてきた。大抵の場合「ドアを開けてくれる」や「かべを壊してくれる」が通例で、僕もそれを男の子に期待していた。周りのお客さんも固唾を飲んで見守っている。すると男の子は僕の横でピタッと止まったかと思うと、クルッとお客さんの方へ向きを変え、ニコ〜っと笑ってみせた。それだけだった。
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-プロフィール- 金子しんぺい 34歳 神奈川 パントマイミスト 【公式HP】http://ask7.jp/artist/kaneko/ 【Twitter】https://twitter.com/PEIYO0121 【Instagram】https://instagram.com/shimpeiyo?igshid=gvzvyqqv3r9a
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atlionbottom · 2 years
現状有効であるルールの下で有効なふるまいをすることの有効性を捨ててでも、正しくないルールから降りることでルール自体を否定することを選びたいと思っている けど、社会のスパイとしての良心を飼っているなとも思う
I take it that conscience is the guardian in the individual of the rules which the community has evolved for its own preservation. It is the policeman in all our hearts, set there to watch that we do not break its laws. It is the spy seated in the central stronghold of the ego. Man's desire for the approval of his fellows is so strong, his dread of their censure so violent, that he himself has brought his enemy within his gates; and it keeps watch over him, vigilant always in the interests of its master to crush any half-formed desire to break away from the herd. It will force him to place the good of society before his own. It is the very strong link that attaches the individual to the whole. And man, subservient to interests he has persuaded himself are greater than his own, makes himself a slave to his taskmaster. He sits him in a seat of honour. At last, like a courtier fawning on the royal stick that is laid about his shoulders, he prides himself on the sensitiveness of his conscience.  (W. S. Maugham. (1919). The Moon and Sixpence. )
良心とは個人の内部に置かれた法の番人だ。法の発達によって社会はうまく回ってきた。良心とは心の警察で、人が法を破らないよう目を光らせている。つまり、自我という要塞に送りこんだスパイなのだ。世間に受け入れられたいという欲望と、世間の批判に対する恐怖は非常に強い。だから人間は、みずからスパイの侵入を許してきた。スパイは人々を見張り続ける。主��ある社会のために、ともすれば群れから離れたがる人間の願望を目ざとくみつけて打ち砕く。社会の利益を第一に考えるよう、人間を矯正するのだ。良心とは、個を全体に結びつける太い鎖だ。そして人間は、社会の利益を生み出す道具だ。個人は全体に仕えるのだと、自分で自分にいいきかせ、主人である社会の奴隷となる。人間は、社会を王座に座らせる。あたかも自分の肩を打つ王笏にこびへつらう廷臣のように、人は自分に良心があることを誇る。 (金原瑞人訳、新潮文庫(2014)、89頁)
"(……) Beauty is something wonderful and strange that the artist fashions out of the chaos of the world in the torment of his soul. And when he has made it, it is not given to all to know it. To recognize it you must repeat the adventure of the artist. It is a melody that he sings to you, and to hear it again in your own heart you want knowledge and sensitiveness and imagination." "Why did I always think your pictures beautiful, Dirk? I admired them the very first time I saw them."
「(……)美とは、芸術家が世界の混沌から魂を傷だらけにして作り出す素晴らしいなにか、常人がみたこともないなにかなんだ。それもそうして生み出された美は万人にわかるものじゃない。美を理解するには、芸術家と同じように魂を傷つけ、世界の混沌をみつめなくてはならない。たとえるなら、美とは芸術家が鑑賞者たちに聴かせる歌のようなものだ。その歌を心で聴くには、知識と感受性と想像力がなくてはならない」 「それなら、なぜわたしはあなたの絵をいつも美しいと思うの? はじめてみたときから、ずっとそうよ」(新潮120頁)
ベートーヴェンの四重奏曲それ自体が、五十年の歳月をかけてベートーヴェンの四重奏曲の聴衆を生み出し、増やしてきたのであり、あらゆる傑作と同様、そのようにして芸術家たちの価値を進歩させたとはいわないまでも少なくともそれを受容する聴衆を進歩させたのである。〔中略〕かりに作品が長らく秘蔵され後世になってはじめて知られるとしたら、その後世とはその作品にとっては後世ではなく、ただ五十年後に生きた同時代人の集まりにすぎない。 (岩波文庫3巻、 pp. 229-230)
自分の妄想で自分で勝手に苦しんでいるの、本当に世話ない……(わたし自身のことです) えーん不毛すぎる なにもかんがえたくない というわけで何も考えずにぽけもんをしていますが……本当に良くないな
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a-titty-ninja · 3 years
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「あたしガチでごじょー君の事好きになってるんだけど~~~!!!」 by ぶしのふじ | Twitter
๑ Permission to reprint was given by the artist ✔.
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mayonoenoe · 2 years
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最近はもにょもにょばかりですがいつものやつもどうぞ 。 るったん夏は白ワンピかな 涼しげでいいよね。 冬描くとすごい寒く感じるのねこれ。 やっぱ夏に描くからいいよね。 。 いつでも心の基準値はまどろみの庭のこの心地よい風のふく、 ここちよーいきもち でありたいね。 いつでもここに戻ってこよう! 。 #art #artist #artwork #tayasuisketches #fingerdrowing #doodle #illustration #kawaii #cute #originalcharacter #luce #girl #女の子 #アート #アーティスト #イラスト #イラストレーション #るったん #ルシェ #オリジナルキャラクター #オリジナル #かわいい #指お絵描き #アプリ #まどろみの庭の仲間たち https://www.instagram.com/p/Cf4EeAurfKd/?igshid=NGJjMDIxMWI=
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animepopheart · 4 months
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★ 【ふーにょん】 「 アスカ 」 ☆ ✔ republished w/permission ⊳ ⊳ follow me! insta • x • bsky
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leristaccia · 3 years
The Epic of Zektbach Website - Nyoah Notes - Note 97
冒険者諸君、ごきげんよう。私の名前はニョアである。 実に久しぶりとなってしまったが、私は元気である!
Greetings, adventurers. My name is Nyoah.
It's been a long time since I've been here, but I'm fine!
ニッポンも色々な大変な事に見舞われて、冒険者諸君の中にも元気を失っている人も多いと思う。 しかし、最も大事なのは今。今現在の瞬間を自分に悔いなく生きる事である。 それは人間をはじめ生物の個体の未来は常に不確定であるからである。 不確定な要素に巻き込まれた後、後悔しない為には常に現在を自分なりに大切に生きるという意識が大切である。 過去や未来で無く、今にゃ。今現在を大事にして欲しいにゃ!
I know that many of you adventurers have lost your energy due to the many difficulties in Japan.
However, the most important thing is now. The most important thing is to live in the present moment without regret.
This is because the future of each individual creature, including human beings, is always uncertain.
In order not to have regrets after being caught up in uncertain factors, it is important to always be aware of living in the present in your own way.
Not in the past or the future, but in the present. I want you to cherish the present moment!
さて、『The Epic of Zektbach -Masinowa-』が君達の手に届いてから月日が経ったが 沢山の感想を頂いて、私は大満足だにゃ! 繰り返しになるが、マシノワの話はゼクトバッハ叙事詩でも重要な部分であるので 諸君も考察を巡らし、アリア・テ・ラリアの謎を解き明かして欲しい。 マシノワには非常に重要な鍵が2つ存在しているが まだまだアリア・テ・ラリアには驚くべき謎がある。今後に注目にゃ。
Well, it's been a while since "The Epic of Zektbach -Masinowa-" reached your hands.
I've gotten a lot of feedback, and I'm very happy with it!
Again, the story of Masinowa is an important part of the Epic of Zektbach.
I hope you will consider it and solve the mystery of Aria Te'Laria.
There are two very important keys in Masinowé.
There are still more mysteries to be discovered in Aria Te'Laria. Stay tuned.
By the way, I received this letter from an adventurer the other day.
こんにちわ インターネットという不思議な世界で「ツイッター」なる ものがはやっているそうですが、zektbach殿はやっていらっしゃるのでしょうか? 公開しているのならばぜひ教えていただきたいです。 (冒険者kirikoより)
Hello there.
In the mysterious world of the Internet
I've heard that "Twitter" is becoming popular in the mysterious world of the Internet, and I'd like to know if you are using it, Zektbach.
If you do, I'd love to know about it.
(From Kiriko, an adventurer)
私もその不思議な世界を知っている。 実は私もこの場所が不安定で非常に更新するのが難しいので ついったーにアリア・テ・ラリアから扉を開こうかと考えた事もあったが、 冒険者諸君はどう思うかにゃ? その不思議な世界であれば、私はアリア・テ・ラリアの情報を君達にどんどん伝える事ができるかもしれない。 諸君の意見を聞いて決めようと思っているにゃ!
I know that strange world too.
As a matter of fact, I find this place unstable and very difficult to update.
I've been thinking about opening the door from Aria Te'Laria on Twitter.
What do you think, adventurers? In this mysterious world, I might be able to share more information about Aria Te'Laria with you.
I'm going to listen to your opinions and decide!
Well, today is the first time in a long time that I'm answering your letters!
我輩は猫なのにゃ! ニョアとやら、我輩はいつも不思議に思っているのにゃ。 地図にはガルキア大陸とエジ―ク大陸があるにゃが、ガルキア大陸の南は何なのにゃ? ファラリエンより南のあの、島というにはやや大きい島のことにゃ! ニョア殿の手記には他の大陸や島のことは書かれているにゃがあの島の事はまだ何も書かれていないのにゃ……! 我輩が考えたところによると、あそこにはきっと素晴らしいカルカンがあるのもへ!!  たとえば……我輩の大好きな、ハトの丸焼き味とかにゃ……(ごくり というのは可愛いおふざけにゃ。 あの島にはきっと我輩どころか世界中の学者も知らぬようなヒミツがあるに違いないのにゃ。 知っているなら教えてほしいにゃ、お礼に我輩秘蔵のカルカンを幾つか進呈しようにゃ!  味はそちらのご自由に、にゃ! 教えてくれなかったら最高級カルカンをニョア殿の前で食い散らしてやるにゃ。 (猫の吾輩より)
I am a cat!
Nyoa, I've always wondered about you.
The map shows the continents of Galukia and Eijeek, but what is south of Galukia?
I'm talking about that rather large island south of Fallarian!
Lord Nyoah's journal mentions other continents and islands, but nothing about that island yet. ......!
I'm sure there are some great whiskas there, too! 
For example, ...... my favorite, roasted pigeon flavor. ...... (gulp)
This is just a cute joke.
I'm sure there are secrets on that island that I, as well as other scholars around the world, don't know about.
If you know of any, please let me know, and I'll give you some of my treasured whiskas in return! 
You can taste them all you want.
If you don't tell me, I'll eat up your finest whiskas in front of Nyoah.
(From me, the cat)
まず第一に、アリア・テ・ラリアの中でハトの丸焼き味などと軽率に発���するのは控えた方が良いにゃ。 アリア・テ・ラリアにはおそろしい地獄耳を持つおそろしい鳩が存在する事を忘れずに…。 と、時すでに遅く君はもうアリア・テ・ラリアに存在しないかもしれないが…。 質問の島の事だが、それはル・アビデの事かにゃ? ル・アビデにはこういう古の神話がある。 種族を越えて仲むつまじかった2人の男女にある時妖精がささやき、 2人は今までの仲の良さが嘘であったかのように豹変し、険悪な間柄になり それによって多くの悲劇が生まれた、と。 神話であるので、どこかのロマンチストが謎多きこの島に想いを馳せて創作した可能性が強いが 確かに以前私がこの島をベルナデットと訪れた時、争いに使われたと思わせる謎めいた建造物が数多くあった。 この神話の作者は恐らく、かつてこの島で2つの集団の対立があったことは確信していたのだろう。 その争いを叙情的に神話として表現したのではないだろうか。 しかし、残念ながらその争いが具体的にどういうものであったかは 今や誰も知らないし、私も本格的にル・アビデを調査してみないと分からないにゃ。
First of all, it's best to refrain from making rash comments about the taste of roasted pigeons in Aria Te'Laria.
Remember that there are horrible pigeons with horrible hell ears in Aria Te'Laria....
And it may be too late for you to exist in Aria Te'Laria...
As for the island in question, is it L''Avide?
There is an ancient myth about L'Avide.
A fairy whispered to two men and two women who were on good terms with each other.
But one day, a fairy whispered to them, and they turned into bitter enemies, as if their friendship had never existed.
This led to a lot of tragedies.
Since it is a myth, there is a strong possibility that some romantics have created this story with their thoughts on this mysterious island.
It is true that when I visited this island with Bernadette, there were many mysterious structures that seemed to have been used for fighting.
The author of this myth was probably convinced that there had once been a conflict between two groups on the island, and expressed that conflict lyrically in his myth.
But unfortunately, no one knows what exactly the conflict was, and I won't know until I do some serious research on L'Avide.
こんにちは、ニョアさん。 わたし、新たな世界を開拓したくて詩人になりましたの!ニョアさんにわたしの詩をきいてほしいの! あなたの瞳は~ らら~ まるで石のように~ かったいわ~ それはとってもね~ らら~ かったいの~ あなたの唇は~ らら~ まるでヘドグロピンのように~ あっかいわ~ それはとってもね~ らら~ あっかいわ~ あなたの肌は~ らら~ まるで白樺の木の~ 皮膚みたいね~ それはとってもね~ らら~ 皮膚みたいね~ ……ふふ、どう? 婚約者には『鳥が空からぼろぼろと気絶して落ちてくるような歌だね』って誉めてくれたの。 もう、とっても優しい人なのよ。 鳥も私の歌に聴き惚れ て空から落ちてくるようだなんて……嬉しいわ。 さ、本題なのよ。 婚約者はそれと同時に『もっと勉強したら良くなるよ』って言ってくれたの。 熱を出しながら言ってたのよ……心配だからたくさん歌ってきたわ!  今度ニョアさんにも聞かせてあげるわね、遠慮しなくていいのよ。  たっぷり歌ってあげるから。 それでね、私、たくさん歌の勉強がしたいから、まずこの国で流行りの歌劇や音楽を教えてほしいの。 (詩人リーゼロッテより)
Hello, Nyoah.
I became a poet to explore a new world! I want you to listen to my poems!
I want you to listen to my poems!
Your eyes are as tough as stone!
They're very, very tough.
Your lips are like...
They're as warm as hedgropin
It's very, very warm.
Your skin~ la la
It's like the skin of a birch tree
Your skin is like the skin of a birch tree.
...... What do you think?
My fiancé complimented me on the song, saying, "It's like a bird falling from the sky in a faint.
He's such a sweet guy. He is a very kind man.
I'm so happy to hear that the birds are listening to my song and falling from the sky.
Now let's get down to business.
At the same time, my fiancé said to me, "You'll get better if you study harder.
He said it while running a fever. ...... I've been singing a lot because I'm worried about you! 
I'll play it for you next time, Nyoah, don't be shy. 
Don't be shy, I'll sing a lot.
And I want to learn a lot of singing, so I want you to teach me about the popular operas and music in this country.
(From the poet Lieselotte)
君からは個性的なオーラというかなかなか独特の感性を感じるにゃ。 もしかしたら将来アリア・テ・ラリアいちの詩人リーゼロッテと言われる日が来るかもしれない。 さて、歌はアリア・テ・ラリアでも人々の生活と密接である。 ノイグラード王国の多くの聖歌や労働から生まれる炭鉱歌や農業歌、酪農歌、町の人の生活の上で生まれた町人歌など 地域と密接な歌が多い。多くの流行り歌は生活を楽しくしたり物事を効率よりおぼえる為に生まれた事が多い。 それとは別に芸術都市のローゼンハイムでは若い音楽家が神話や伝説を題材とした叙情的な歌を数多く生み出している。 有能な若い音楽家は王宮で演奏を披露したり、国から多くの援助を受けたりもしている。 しかし、歌を人の心を扇動するという理由から国を乱すような曲を作る芸術家は厳しい処罰を受けているという暗部もある。 流行り歌というのと意味が違うが、誰もが知っている歌といえばやはり『浄化の祈り』だにゃ。
You have a unique aura, or rather a unique sensibility.
Perhaps one day in the future you will be called the best poet of Aria Te'Laria, Lieselotte.
Now, songs are closely related to people's lives in Aria Te'Laria as well.
There are many songs that are close to the local community, such as the chants of the Kingdom of Noigllado, mining songs, agricultural songs, dairy songs, and the songs of the townspeople, which are born from their labor.
There are many songs that are close to the local community. Many of the popular songs were created to make life more enjoyable and to learn things more efficiently.
On the other hand, in Rosenheim, the city of art, young musicians have created many lyrical songs based on myths and legends.
The most talented young musicians perform at the royal court and receive a lot of support from the government.
However, there is a dark side to this, as artists who compose songs that disturb the country are severely punished for using them to incite people's hearts.
Although the meaning of a popular song is different from that of a popular song, the song that everyone knows is "Purification Prayer".
俺はス……デイビット。 普通の人間だ。 猫にしては博識と名高いニョアに聞きたい事がある。 どうやらそちらには、俺と同じく「蛇」を彷彿させる人物および組織があるようだな。 俺の居た場所にも同じ「蛇」を名乗る者が俺を含め複数人居た。  俺達の関係は……語ると長いが、要約して簡単に言ってしまえば親戚関係にある。 そちらの「蛇」達は関係性があるのだろうか? ついでにこれは未確認だが俺とよく似た声の者が居るという話を聞いたが……これは事実なのか。 ……ところで、そちらに段ボールはあるのだろうか? (忍者デイビットより)
I'm Su ...... David. I'm a normal human being.
I have a question for Nyoah, who is famously knowledgeable for a cat.
It seems that there is a person or organization out there who, like me, is reminiscent of the Snake.
There were several people who called themselves "snakes" where I was, including myself. 
Our relationship is a long story ......, but in a nutshell, we are related.
I wonder if the "snakes" over there are related?
In addition, I have heard that there is a person with a voice similar to mine, although this is unconfirmed. ...... Is this true?
...... By the way, do you have any cardboard over there?
(From Ninja David)
蛇は一匹でいい、ビックボスは一人で十分だ! …とは言っても、蛇を彷彿させる者が多くいるのも事実にゃ。 蛇神人のギジリ、サザラギ団、アギオナ機関もそうだ。 空舟の遺跡にも蛇を彷彿させる紋章が存在するといわれる。 話が少しそれるが、人は何故昔から蛇を崇拝もしくは、邪悪の象徴とするのか。 蛇は西洋では主に諸悪の根源とされ、ニホンでは古代の女性蛇巫の存在が示すようにあらゆる祭事の根源となっている。 他の動物と明らかに違う形状を持つという事もあるが、面白い解釈を1つ紹介する。
One snake is enough, one big boss is enough!
...However, it is true that many people are reminiscent of snakes.
...But it is true that there are many people who remind me of snakes, such as the snake goddesses Gijiri, Sazaragi, and the Agiona Agency.
It is said that there are also emblems reminiscent of snakes in the ruins of the sky ship.
This is a bit of a digression, but why do people worship snakes or consider them to be a symbol of evil?
In the West, snakes are mainly regarded as the root of all evil, while in Japan, they are the source of all rituals, as shown by the existence of ancient female snake handlers.
The snake's shape is clearly different from that of other animals, but here is one interesting interpretation.
カール・セーガンという人物が著書の中で 『人類は生物進化の最終段階にいるが、そうした人間の脳の中には当然その進化途上の各段階の生物であった時の部分もくみ込まれている。 つまりR複合体とよばれる脳の一番奥の部分は恐竜の脳の働きをしている。 つまりそれは人間の脳の中には明らかに恐竜という古代生物が生きているという事である。』 と言っている。 もしかすると蛇その他の爬虫類に対して人類が懐き続けていた崇拝と嫌悪、あるいは畏怖は、 我々の脳の最奥部に潜む恐竜に由来するのだろうか。 それは人類の遠祖であると同時にもっとも恐ろしい敵でもあった。 蛇に対する感情は、一種の先天的反応とも考えられるかもしれない。
In his book, Carl Sagan writes, "Humans are in the final stage of biological evolution, but our brains naturally contain parts of the organisms that were present at each stage of evolution.
In other words, the deepest part of the brain, called the R-complex, functions like the brain of a dinosaur, which means that an ancient creature called a dinosaur is clearly alive in the human brain."
Perhaps the adoration, disgust, or awe that we have always felt for snakes and other reptiles may have been born in the deepest part of our brains.
They were not only our distant ancestors, but also our most fearsome enemies.
Our feelings toward snakes could be considered a kind of inborn reaction.
君がよく好んで使う段ボールは、アリア・テ・ラリアには存在しないが 何故かZektbachが数多く所有していたと思うにゃ。 以前、何に使うか問うたところ、一言 『ん、これか?見ての通り寝床じゃよ。』 と言っていたにゃ。
The cardboard you are so fond of using does not exist in Aria Te'Laria, though.
For some reason, I think Zektbach had a lot of it.
When I asked him once what he used it for, he said
"Hmm, this? As you can see, it's a bed.
As you can see, it's a bed.
ヨア・・・最近見かけませんね・・・。 この人は重要人物ですか? 資料集にも載ってないものでよくわかりません・・・。 (詩人ぽっぽちゃんより)
Joah... I haven't seen him lately...
Is he an important person?
I don't know... I can't find him in any reference books.
(From Poet Poppo-chan)
重要人物であるがゆえ、なかなか姿を出さないのだ。 姿をあらわさないから、色々臆測によりいじられるのだ。 君達が思っているヨア像、きっとそれは間違っている。
Because he is an important person, he does not show himself easily.
Because he doesn't show himself, he is tormented by many speculations.
The image of Joah that you have in your mind is probably wrong.
ニョア殿! 「オリエンタル樽味噌ロジー」とは一体何なのでしょう。 トンカツにかけると美味しいアレのことですか?気になって昼しか眠れません。 (猫のみっきぃより)
Mister Nyoah!
What exactly is "Oriental Barrel Miso Logistics"?
Is it the stuff that tastes good on pork cutlets? I'm so curious, I can only sleep in the afternoon.
(From Mikki the cat)
そんな味噌知らないし、いらないにゃ。 昼寝してないでちゃんと勉強するにゃ。
I don't know anything about miso, and I don't need it.
Don't take a nap, study properly.
自分は様々な世界を旅している者である。 アポカリプスと蛇神について質問したい。 上記の2つを直訳するとアポカリプスは「黙示録」蛇神は「ゾンビ」 ・・・・となるのだが Zektbach殿、このまま理解して良いのか? (魔道士ゆさより)
I am a traveler of many worlds.
I have a question about Apocalypse and Snake God.
Apocalypse is "apocalypse" and snake god is "zombie".
It would be ・・・・.
Lord Zektbach, am I understanding you correctly?
(From Yusa the Mage)
No, no, no.
ニョアさんの尻尾を上、上、下、下、左、右、左、右の順で引っ張ったあと、 耳、ヒゲの順に引っ張ると、何か起きますか? (元老院ゴランノス・ポンサーより)
If I pull Nyoa's tail in the following order: up, up, down, down, left, right, left, right, then ears, then whiskers, will anything happen? (From Senate Goranos Ponsor)
ああ、起きるとも!! 私の華麗なる剣舞により、君に身に大いなる危険がにゃッ!!!
Yes, you will!
You are in grave danger from my magnificent sword dance!
こんにちはゼクトバッハさんニョアさん。 ゼクトバッハさんの作り上げるこの幻想的で魅力的な世界にどっぷり嵌まり結構経ちました。 当初数学が大嫌いだった私ですが、2章の影響で数学を頑張って理解してみようと思い、 とりあえず数に心を開いてみたらとてつもなく面白い事に気づき、今では数学がすっかり大好きになりました。 他にも哲学や語学に歴史、神話などを勉強する度アリア・テ・ラリアとの共通点などを見出し、よりその世界に興味 がわき、考察に使うためにも知識が深まっていきました。 支離滅裂でまどろっこしい文になってしまいましたが、簡潔に言えば「知識を広めるきっかけを下さってありがとう ございました」です。これからも自由にちまちま勉強しながらも考察を続けていきたいと思います。 (冒険者いかより)
Hello Mr. Zektbach, Mr. Nyoah.
It's been quite a while since I was immersed in this fantastic and fascinating world that Mr. Zektbach has created.
At first, I hated mathematics, but under the influence of chapter 2, I decided to try my best to understand mathematics.
When I opened my mind to numbers, I realized that it was incredibly interesting, and now I love mathematics.
The more I studied philosophy, languages, history, mythology, etc., the more I found similarities with Aria Te Raria, and the more interested I became in the world.
This is an incoherent and muddled sentence, but to put it simply,
Thank you for the opportunity to expand my knowledge. I'd like to continue studying and thinking freely.
(From Ika the Adventurer)
非常に嬉しい言葉である。ありがたいにゃ。 Zektbachが何故吟遊しているか、それは君のように様々な物事に興味を持つきっかけでありたいと考えている事が大きいのである。 一見とっつきにくい難しい学問であっても、幻想的で魅力的に表現すれば興味を持てると私とZektbachは確信している。 だから、君が書いてくれたような書簡が届く事はとても嬉しい事にゃ!
I'm very happy to hear that. Thank you very much.
The reason why Zektbach is a bard is that he wants to be a catalyst for people like you to become interested in various things.
Zektbach and I are convinced that even seemingly difficult disciplines can be interesting if they are presented in a fantastic and appealing way.
So it is a great pleasure to receive a letter like the one you wrote!
はじめまして。踊り子のたけのです。以後、お見お知り を。単刀直入に聞きます。星の民は男ですか?女ですか? それとも、男をも女をも超えた存在ですか? (踊り子たけのより)
Nice to meet you. I'm Takeno, a dancer.
I'm going to ask you a straightforward question. Are the Star People male or female?
Or are they more than just men and women?
(From the dancer, Takeno)
The meaning is different, but this is what is written in Chikyu's book on genetic biology.
ニゴロブナという魚はメスの個体しかおらず、オスの精子無しに卵がかえる。 生まれた幼魚はすべてメスとなり、世代が未来へ引き継がれてゆく事が確認されている。 哺乳類でさえ本当は性がなくても子孫が残せる。
The fish called Nigorobuna is only female, and its eggs are born without male sperm.
It has been confirmed that all larvae born are female, and the generation is passed on to the future.
Even mammals don't really need to have sex to have offspring.
さて、これは研究者つまり人類からの視点の文章である。 これは外側からの視点、メタ視点なわけである。 メスの個体しかいないニゴロブナの立場で考えると、 ニゴロブナは『我々に性別があるブナ!』と言うだろうか? つまりそういうことにゃ。
Now, this is a text from the point of view of a researcher, or a human being.
This is a meta-perspective, a perspective from the outside.
If you think about it from the point of view of a nigorobuna, which only has female individuals.
Would they say, "We have sex, beech! Would they say, "We are genderless beech!"
That's what I'm talking about.
Well, that's it for this time, goodbye!
ニョアの手記 97 - Nyoah's Notes 97
15 notes · View notes
kaialone · 4 years
Official Kirby Personality Quiz - Results
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The official Kirby website just added a special personality quiz one can take to figure out which of Kirby’s Copy Abilities they match!
Since it’s only available in Japanese, I’ve previously translated all 12 questions into English, for anyone who wishes to take this quiz.
You can find the questions here.
In addition, this post contains English translations for all 32 quiz results.
Head under the cut if you’re interested!
1. Meta Knight
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Your type is...
Meta Knight
かれいな剣さばきで戦い、 ときには敵となり、 ときには味方になることも。
Showing a brilliant mastery of the sword during battle, sometimes appearing as an enemy, sometimes appearing as an ally.
A Compassionate and Charming Loner
As a "Meta Knight" type, you make for a good leader, with great determination. You hold strong beliefs about pushing for higher ideals. You are quick to figure out the nature or relevance of things, approaching them from multiple angles, but since you rarely let your emotions show, people tend to think of you as aloof. On the other hand, you also have a side to you that cares very deeply for those who are in trouble, as well as your friends. Whatever you might dare to try, you can safely rely on your own beliefs and intuition.
あなたと相性のよいタイプは… ビーム ライト Types you would get along with are... Beam & Light
2. Mike
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Your type is...
ワオワオおえー アイヤイヤ! ひびけ3曲 大ねっしょう!
Yeah! Yeah! Whooooa-oh-oh-oh! There are three songs to sing with resounding enthusiasm!
An Expressive Artist full of Sensibility
As a "Mike" type, you have a very optimistic personality, blowing away anything you might dislike with positive thoughts. You are also quite sensitive, cherishing the good qualities and characters of everyone around you, which allows you to foster good relationships with them. On the other hand, you also have a side to you that tends to not show your own feelings all that often. If you express your hidden feelings through art, like music or painting, you can demonstrate more of your power.
あなたと相性のよいタイプは… ライト ビーム
Types you would get along with are... Light & Beam
3. Mirror
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Your type is...
ふしぎなのうりょく そのなもミラー うつせばぶんしん まもればはんしゃ!
This mirror has odd powers! Deflect projectiles or project doubles of yourself!
A Mysterious Idealist
As a "Mirror" type, you have a very mysterious side, with the ability to understand things on a deep level. Because of this, you reflect the emotions of those around you within yourself, not unlike a mirror, allowing you to be considerate of other people's feelings. Although you can also be modest at times, you have confidence in your own values and beliefs, and your ingenuity can bring about outstanding ideas. In addition to using your empathy to support others, you should actively communicate your own thoughts as well.
あなたと相性のよいタイプは… ノーマル バブル
Types you would get along with are... Normal & Bubble
4. ESP
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Your type is...
ねんりき ほうしゃで 電ゲキダメージ! いくぜOK、エスパー少年!
Release psychokinetic power for shocking electric damage! OK, let's go, psychic boy!
Hiding a Special Kind of Potential
As an "ESP" type, you have a special hidden potential, the power to accomplish amazing feats when you get serious. You usually end up being the listener, rather than talking about things yourself, so you can easily come across as aloof. But since you also have a strong desire to help those around you, you tend to put in more effort than people might expect of you. However, since you likely tend to force yourself beyond your own limits without even realizing it, you should always remember to take some time for yourself and relax every now and then.
あなたと相性のよいタイプは… バブル ノーマル
Types you would get along with are... Bubble & Normal
5. Doctor
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Your type is...
ほうふなちしきで 科学をあやつる いろんなクスリを発明する エリート!
An elite knowledgeable in science, inventing a variety of concoctions!
A Genius Inventor
As a "Doctor" type, you are quite a bit of creativity, always coming up with many new ideas. Having a great thirst for knowledge, you want to figure out the principles and structures of things. On top of that, you are good at logical thinking, allowing you to solve any problem by thinking about it thoroughly. Although you always keep your composure, the more complex the task before you is, the greater your motivation and focus will be. You should tackle a variety of challenges while increasing your knowledge bit by bit.
あなたと相性のよいタイプは… フェスティバル サーカス
Types you would get along with are... Festival & Circus
6. Artist
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Your type is...
カラフル 絵ふでを ひっさげて アートで せかいを すくうぞピース!
With a colorful paintbrush on your side, art has the power to save the world!
An Ingenious Creator
As an "Artist" type, you are a creative and artistic kind of person. A power that you have is that when you're making something, you keep getting new ideas and end up producing more than you thought you would. Also, you tend to take a while when it comes to getting to know a person better after you meet them, but you are also quite trusting and friendly with people once you've gotten close. Remember to express your gratitude to the people around you, even when it comes to smaller things.
あなたと相性のよいタイプは… サーカス フェスティバル
Types you would get along with are... Circus & Festival
7. Ninja
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Your type is...
カゲにしのび ヤミにきえる ニンジュツあやつり にんむをすいこう!
Hide in shadows and fade into the darkness. Use ninja skills on your mission!
One with Unwavering Endurance
As a "Ninja" type, you always focus on efficiency, being good at proceeding strategically, thanks to your sharp observation skills. You have great intellect and energy, allowing you to make long-term plans to reach your goals, taking on challenges while believing in your potential. Adding to that, you have the strength to keep going until the end, no matter how difficult the situation may be. You often try to solve any problems all by yourself, but maybe it'd be nice to let yourself rely on other people from time to time, too.
あなたと相性のよいタイプは… コック クリーン
Types you would get along with are... Cook & Cleaning
8. Cutter
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Your type is...
とおくへブンブン ブーメラン! なんでもきりさく カッターこうげき!
Throw a boomerang all over! This Cutter can cut anything in its path!
A Flexible Go-Getter
As a "Cutter" type, you are very plant-oriented, looking at the bigger picture with your natural insight, always trying to find the best way to proceed. You have the ability to analyze things from multiple angles, allowing you to properly respond to any changes to your peers or the situation. Because of that, you excel at spotting opportunities for improvements, changing things for the better. Adding to that, since you can do most things on your own, you have a highly independent, ambitious side to you. You could probably make use of your sharp senses to bravely tackle higher goals.
あなたと相性のよいタイプは… クリーン コック
Types you would get along with are... Cleaning & Cook
9. Sleep
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Your type is...
あと…5ふん…… おねがいだから…ねむらせて…ZZZ… Just...five more...minutes... Please...just let me sleep...  Zzz...
平和な明日の夢をみて Dreaming of a Peaceful Tomorrow
As a "Sleep" type, you are a pacifist who doesn't do well when it comes to fighting. You always hold compassion for the people around you, having the power to help them heal, without even noticing it. You have plenty of sensitivity, your own values mean a lot for you, and there is strong passion hidden within yourself, but you have a hard time showing your feelings. When your passion does awaken, you tend to go too far with it, so it's important for you to also take the time to calm down and think it through.
あなたと相性のよいタイプは… ファイター ウィップ
Types you would get along with are... Fighter & Whip
10. Waddle Dee
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Your type is...
Waddle Dee
プププランドのいろんなところでくらす ふしぎな生きもの、ワドルディ。 最近はなかまとして活躍中。
Waddle Dees, mysterious beings that live all around Dream Land. Recently, they've been showing up as allies more.
自由気ままな みんなのアイドル(?)
Free and Unrestrained, Everyone's Idol (?)
As a "Waddle Dee" type, you are a laid-back person who likes to take it easy, wanting nothing more than peace and quiet, avoiding conflicts whenever you can. Adding to that, while you are laid-back, you also have a variety of skills, keep a close eye on your surroundings, and will go out of your way to help people in need if you see them. Since you're there for them when things get tough, you're well-liked by many. You have the patience to see anything through to the end, and thus are able to adapt to any situation you might find yourself in.
あなたと相性のよいタイプは… ウィップ ファイター
Types you would get along with are... Whip & Fighter
11. Parasol
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Your type is...
上からふるもの ガードする ときにはフンワリ 空中さんぽ!
Guard against falling objects, or take a floaty stroll through the air!
An Unsung Hero
As a "Parasol" type, you have a caring personality, and love to make people happy. Adding to that, you always protect those precious to you, and offer to help if those around you are in trouble. Because you are the quiet and modest sort, you give off a floaty and gentle vibe. But you're also someone who works hard to meet the expectations of others, with the tenacity to keep going until the end. There is a charm to that diversity, but you might want to make sure that gap doesn't grow too wide.
あなたと相性のよいタイプは… ホイール ウィング
Types you would get along with are... Wheel & Wing
12. Cupid
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Your type is...
テンシのすがたで アクマのように 空からてきを ねらいうち!
With the face of an angel, shoot from the sky like a demon!
The Kindness of an Angel
As a "Cupid" type, you have a big and generous heart, almost like an angel. You treat everyone with kindness, and when anyone comes to you with their worries or asks for advice, they have your undivided attention. Always putting others before yourself, nothing makes you happier than seeing everyone work together and succeed. Since you have a strong sense of responsibility and want to help people where you can, you never refuse a request from anyone, but it's also important to keep a balance and not overwhelm yourself.
あなたと相性のよいタイプは… ウィング ホイール
Types you would get along with are... Wing & Wheel
13. Bomb
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Your type is...
角どをキメて ポイっとなげろ ゴロリころがし ストライク!
Prep a huge bomb, aim it, and bowl a perfect BOOM!
A Thrill-seeking Challenger
As a "Bomb" type, you are both friendly and shy. But, there's also a part of you that enjoys a certain degree of dangers. You don't like being held back by rules, but you also enjoy the thrill of just barely playing by the rules as you toe the line. Adding to that, your strengths shine the most when it comes to things you're interested in, but you're quick to both get fired up and cool down, so who knows how you might feel tomorrow...? You're good and deciding and acting quickly, but it's also important to be aware when you should give something more thought.
あなたと相性のよいタイプは… ファイア ハイジャンプ
Types you would get along with are... Fire & Hi-Jump
14. Archer
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Your type is...
しゅんかん ねらって ヒット アンド アウェイ! カゲからてきを ねらいうち。
Wait for the right moment, and open fire! Hide in the shadows, and become a Sharpshooter.
A Precise and Accurate Professional, Who always Hits the Mark
As an "Archer" type, you are curious and like to observe your surroundings. You have skilled hands, and you're good at toiling away with tools. Adding to that, at times you are so quiet, it's like you're trying to hide, but you can also act bold if you need to. Seeing visible results makes you happy, so don't be afraid to try out different kinds of challenges for yourself.
あなたと相性のよいタイプは… ハイジャンプ ファイア
Types you would get along with are... Hi-Jump & Fire
15. Stone
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Your type is...
ステキにムテキ 重いワザ らっかで ドッスン おしつぶせ!
Look cool, be invincible, you rock! Slide down slopes and squash your enemies in seconds flat!
A Firm and Flexile Will
As a "Stone" type, you're good at working hard towards your goals. Once you set your mind to something, you'll try to accomplish it on your own, even if it takes time. You have great mental strength and firm willpower, and while you value rules and order, you also have a thoughtful and delicate side, paying close attention to even the finest of details. As such, others put great trust in you, too. You tend to get too focused once your proverbial switch has been flipped, so keep in mind that letting loose and relaxing is also important.
あなたと相性のよいタイプは… ビートル ソード
Types you would get along with are... Beetle & Sword
16. King Dedede
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Your type is...
King Dedede
ワガママなところもあるけれど、 ときにはやさしく、 ときには頼りにもなる、 プププランドの大王さま(自称)
The (self-proclaimed) King of Dream Land may occasionally be selfish, but he can also be kind, and even quite dependable at times.
根はやさしい 頼れるリーダー
A Dependable Leader with a Heart of Gold
As a "King Dedede" type, your sense of responsibility is stronger than that of most people, and you firmly believe you can do anything as long as you try hard enough. Adding to that, being trusted by others often brings you great joy and gets you motivated. Since you also have determination, you're good at putting together a team and acting as its leader. While you are thoughtful and considerate, you're also the type to not directly show your emotions and affection to others. You might want to try expressing your honest feelings to another person some time.
あなたと相性のよいタイプは… ソード ビートル
Types you would get along with are... Sword & Beetle
17. Fire
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Your type is...
メラメラもえる 火炎のちから! 炎をはきだし やきつくせ!
Burn bright with fire power! Spit out fire and ignite yourself!
Lighten the Mood with Passion
As a "Fire" type, you are passionate and motivated, with the kind of charisma that draws other people to you. Adding to that, you have a great sense of humor, always being at the center of the conversation and lightening the mood. Since you're quite flexible and also generous to others, you never end up boring them. You can always get fired up over trying new things, so you should try putting that trait of yours to good work.
あなたと相性のよいタイプは… ボム スナイパー
Types you would get along with are... Bomb & Archer
18. Hi-Jump
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Your type is...
ピュッと空とびハイ!ジャンプ あらたなヒーロー ここにさんじょう!
WHOOSH! Leap into the air with a Hi-Jump! A new hero has made his debut!
高みを目指す 社交的なヒーロー
A Neighbourly Hero Aiming for New Heights
As a "Hi-Jump" type, you are curious about everything, and rather than seeking stability in your life, you yearn to fly away in search of freedom. Adding to that, you often listen to other people's worries or give them advice because of your social nature. You're good at figuring out the circumstances and feelings of those around you. On the other hand, you tend to keep your own troubles to yourself, so be careful not to shoulder too many things.
あなたと相性のよいタイプは… スナイパー ボム
Types you would get along with are... Archer & Bomb
19. Beetle
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Your type is...
エッジなヘッドが キラリと光る ツノで つきあげ たたきつけ!
A flash of light reflects off its horn as it grabs foes, and then tosses them around!
A Brave Spearhead
As a "Beetle" type, you are always in a positive mood, lifting that of those around you as well. In a group situation, you understand your position well, and get along with the others easily. Adding to that, you have the courage and power to stand up for what you believe in, allowing you to face anything head-on. You should try to make use of your strong leadership, and get more help from your friends with the challenges you tackle.
あなたと相性のよいタイプは… ストーン デデデ大王
Types you would get along with are... Stone & King Dedede
20. Sword
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Your type is...
きって きって きりまくる! 剣をつかって なぎたおせ!
Cut, cut, and cut them up! Use the sword to defeat enemies!
切れ味バツグンな カリスマ的先導者
A Vanguard with Sharp Charisma
As a "Sword" type, you are a leader who guides other people. You're great when it comes to communication, and can get along with just about anyone. Adding to that, while you can read the room well, and feel compassionate towards others, you're also strict with yourself. You possess a strong sense of justice, and value the rules and order of society. Since you're pretty sharp, you can make quick decisions, but every now and then you'll set your expectations too high, so remember to be cautious and stop yourself occasionally.
あなたと相性のよいタイプは… デデデ大王 ストーン
Types you would get along with are... King Dedede & Stone
21. Fighter
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Your type is...
オッス オイラは かくとうコピーっす! ワザも めちゃんこ あるっす!
Oh boy! It's the Fighting Copy Ability, complete with tons of techniques!
型にはまらない 挑戦的な格闘家
A Martial Artist Who Defies Convention
As a "Fighter" type, you're a quick thinker, excelling at communication. You enjoy having fun debates, exchanging your opinions with others. Since you can see things from different perspectives than other people, you're good at coming up with original ideas, not bound by pre-established systems or rules. Adding to that, you're passionate and even take on difficult problems to challenge yourself, but try not to overdo it.
あなたと相性のよいタイプは… スリープ ワドルディ
Types you would get along with are... Sleep & Waddle Dee
22. Whip
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Your type is...
長いリーチで ムチをうつ! アイテムつかんで てきなげつけろ!
With such a long reach, whipping is a snap! Grab and throw items and enemies!
An Innovative Treasure Hunter
As a "Whip" type, you're an adventurer who presses onward with your unique perspective and zest. Being quite curious, and living your life unconventionally, you're always looking to try new things. You usually go about things on your own, and you're especially happy when you get to indulge in something you like. On the other hand, since you're able to quickly grasp the essence of things or your standing with other people, you have the qualities of a leader. You should try looking for yet unknown possibilities by treasuring cooperation, and pulling in others to do so.
あなたと相性のよいタイプは… ワドルディ スリープ
Types you would get along with are... Waddle Dee & Sleep
23. Wheel
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Your type is...
タイヤになって モーレツダッシュ! トゲと穴には ようちゅうい……
Turn into a wheel and put pedal to the metal! Beware thorns and holes...
走り出したら止まらない パワフルな指導家
A Powerful Guide Who Cannot be Stopped
As a "Wheel" type, you have a powerful personality that allows you to keep pushing onwards to reach your goals. While you have the willpower to not stop in your tracks, even if it seems impossible to keep moving, you're also cool-headed and can look at things objectively, planning your moves in advance. Adding to that, since you can work well with opinions of others, you make for a good leader that keeps the team together. Your strong point is the fact that your momentum often allows you to make bold decisions, but be careful not to fall down any dangerous holes.
あなたと相性のよいタイプは… パラソル エンジェル
Types you would get along with are... Parasol & Cupid
24. Wing
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Your type is...
空中回てん シャトルループ はばたき たたかえ 空のおうじゃ!
Do a Shuttle Loop! Flap, fight, and rule the skies!
空をはばたく 自由な挑戦者
A Free-spirited Daredevil Flying through the Sky
As a "Wing" type, you have the makings of a leader, who guides people with bold actions. You're great at bringing humor into conversations, and since you take good care of others, the people around you find you reliable. Adding to that, you're very curious and like to challenge yourself, so you're the sort who likes to work on new things. Whatever difficulties you might face, you can overcome them with your unconventional thinking that's not bound by common sense.
あなたと相性のよいタイプは… エンジェル パラソル
Types you would get along with are... Cupid & Parasol
25. Festival
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Your type is...
ドンドンパフパフ おまつり のうりょく おまつりダンスで はじけちゃえ!
Honk, toot, and bammity-bam! Bust out a festival and break into a wild dance!
刺激を求める エンターテイナー
A Sensation Seeking Entertainer
As a "Festival" type, you are a passionate entertainer who delights both yourself and others. Your greatest joy is pursuing fun and excitement, especially when you can get others involved and share the experience. Adding to that, since you're perceptive when it comes to other people's feelings, you're quick to reach out and give advice. The way you keep your positive attitude in any given situation can even let you turn a sudden pickle into an opportunity.
あなたと相性のよいタイプは… ドクター アーティスト
Types you would get along with are... Doctor & Artist
26. Circus
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Your type is...
火のわくぐって トランポリン アクロバットに ワザをきめろ!
Jump through a flaming hoop, and show off your finest Acrobatics!
A Fearless Performer
As a "Circus" type, you're a comedian who can cheer up and encourage others with your natural sense of humor and intuition. You're a social butterfly and sincerely enjoy spending time with your friends. Adding to that, while you're great at understanding situations you find yourself in at the present, you also have a strong interest in the unknown. Your fast and daring judgement lets you put your thoughts into action quite quickly. You might want to take a step back and keep your cool in cases where you have to make an important decision.
あなたと相性のよいタイプは… アーティスト ドクター
Types you would get along with are... Artist & Doctor
27. Cook
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Your type is...
きょうのこんだて なにかしら? グツグツにこんで ハイできあがり!
What's on today's menu? Let it simmer, serve, and voilà!
おもてなし上手な マジメな料理人
A Serious Chef with Great Hospitality
As a "Cook" type, you are caring and sympathetic, full of hospitality. You want to help people on a daily basis, and you never fail to make people smile with your consideration. Adding to that, you're great at keeping everyone's opinions in mind when proceeding to avoid conflicts, so you often end up being the unseen glue that holds everyone together. On the other hand, you tend to push yourself too hard while trying to put everyone else first, so it's important to let yourself take a break from time to time, too.
あなたと相性のよいタイプは… ニンジャ カッター
Types you would get along with are... Ninja & Cutter
28. Cleaning
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Your type is...
はいて とっ風 まきおこし ホウキで ハキハキ せいそうかつどう!
Sweep up a breeze, and scrub around good with your broom!
A Dedicated Cleaning Wiz
As a "Cleaning" type, you dedicate your life to helping people. You're outgoing and enjoy nothing more than interacting with others. Since you're good at reading the room and understanding other people's feelings, you're kind-hearted and easily get close with people. Adding to that, you can be meticulous and delicate, great for cleaning and rearranging your room. Because of that, you also tend to be very particular about details, but it might be important to handle a more vague situation from time to time.
あなたと相性のよいタイプは… カッター ニンジャ
Types you would get along with are... Cutter & Ninja
29. Beam
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Your type is...
ムチのように しなるビーム! ビリビリはなつ 電ゲキこうげき!
This beam's like a whip! This crackling attack unleashes a ton of energy!
エネルギッシュな いまを楽しむ冒険者
An Energetic Adventurer Living in the Now
As a "Beam" type, you're the adventurous sort who doesn't do well with the ordinary, seeking a life of thrills. It's very important to you to experience things with your own eyes and ears first, rather than just hearing about them. You also have a great deal of flexibility, perceiving small changes that others don't even notice. This allows you to respond quickly and accurately depending on the situation. Because of your lively and active nature, try to make good use of that, so that you don't build up too much excess energy.
あなたと相性のよいタイプは… メタナイト マイク
Types you would get along with are... Meta Knight & Mike
30. Light
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Your type is...
くらいところを パッとあかるく 1回かぎりの はなびをあげよう!
Brighten those dark corners, by setting off fire-works, but only once!
A Light that Brightens All around It
As a "Light" type, you enjoy attention and have a great sense of humor. With your positive attitude towards enjoying the here and now, you brighten the mood and make people smile. Adding to that, while you have the composure to judge situations from a logical standpoint, you can also take bold actions to stick up for your own beliefs. You have the flexibility to adjust to any changes in your environment and enjoy yourself, so maybe try using that to actively challenge yourself with new things.
あなたと相性のよいタイプは… マイク メタナイト
Types you would get along with are... Mike & Meta Knight
31. Normal
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Your type is...
すって はきだし 星がた弾 てきをのみこみ のうりょくゲット ひめたパワーは むげんだい!
Inhale and spit out stars, swallow enemies to copy their abilities, your power is infinite!
なんでもこなせる オールラウンダー
An All-Rounder Who Can Do Anything
As a "Normal" type, you are the versatile sort who can handle just about anything well. You have the receptivity to absorb anything and add it to your own power, and when you find yourself in a pinch, you can easily make swift decisions. Adding to that, since you're responsible and quite methodical, those around you trust you greatly, and you often end up being a role model. Because you tend to tense up when things are serious, know that you can allow yourself to relax, too.
あなたと相性のよいタイプは… ミラー エスパー
Types you would get along with are... Mirror & ESP
32. Bubble
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Your type is...
あわわ アワワワ ふしぎなシャボン てきをアワに 閉じこめちゃえ!
Bubbly, foamy, mysterious bubbles trap enemies in soap bubbles!
A Well-Prepared Hard Worker
As a "Bubble" type, you're a jack of all trades who understands your surroundings well and can respond appropriately. Even when something seems complicated at first glance, you're able to calmly analyze it, breaking it down in an easy-to-understand manner. Adding to that, you're a very steadfast person, responsible and plan-oriented, preferring to tackle things step by step. It would be good to stock up on things you're missing, in order to prepare for potential unexpected events in the future.
あなたと相性のよいタイプは… エスパー ミラー
Types you would get along with are... ESP & Mirror
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momuse · 4 years
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『What is LOVE?』はちょっとわがままなんですけど。 ――曲によって性格が違うんですね。 全然違います。『What is LOVE?』は「みんな楽しもうぜ~!」っていう感じ。けど、けど、けど! セットリストで嫌な位置だと「私、この場所イヤ!」「ふん!」ってなる。 ――自分の見せ場を大事にしているんですね。 結構大事にしているかもしれない(笑)。 ――『What is LOVE?』は、本編の終盤に歌うことが多いですよね。 最初にされたら、『What is LOVE?』がすごく嫌がると思います。コンサートの1発目になったときあるんですけど……(中略)「私、ここ嫌だ」って曲が言っている気がしていました。 ――わがままさはどこで感じるんですか? もう、出だしからです。イントロのダダッタダダッタダダッタの時点で聴こえ方が違うと感じました。私が曲の気持ちに沿わずに日本武道館であおったとき、マイクが勝手にオフになっちゃったことがあるんです。曲に受け入れられていないと、音楽に逆らうと、本当にそういう事故があるんですよ。私はそう思っています。 それこそ、プラチナ期やOGさんの曲を私たちが歌うと、音楽がちょっと拒否るときもあります。「歌わないでくれない? あなたたちのために作られた曲じゃないの」っていう感じの子(曲)がいるんです。だから私たちが歌って近寄っても離れていく。 ――あまり受け入れてくれない曲というのは? 『ザ☆ピ~ス!』はあんまり受け入れてくれないです(笑)。
Masaki: What is LOVE? is kinda moody and selfish one.
— You think each piece of music has its own character?
Masaki: They are completely different in character from each other. What is LOVE? is like “Hey everybody, let’s have fun!” But it can be moody when it gets wrong place in the set list for a concert like “I don’t like this place! Hum!”
— Sounds like the music itself cares much about how it's gonna be presented.
Masaki: It might concern about it very much. (laughs)
— I suppose What is LOVE? has usually been placed in the ending of a concert.
Masaki: It will be displeased if it gets placed in the opening of a concert. There was a case that we performed it as the very opening number, and I felt like the music was saying “I feel uncomfortable here.”
— What about What is LOVE?  makes you think it’s selfish?
Masaki: Its selfishness starts from the very beginning of performance. It can sound quite differently in its introduction part. There was a concert at Budokan where I tried to cheer up the audience, and it was totally inappropriate to the  song’s nature. Then my microphone willfully switched off all of sudden. Those accidents can happen when music doesn’t accept our performance which is against character of the music. I really think so. Furthermore, the numbers from the Platinum Era and the numbers originally written for our seniors would kinda reject us sometimes. Like “Hey, would you please refrain from singing me? Coz I’m not the one written for you guys.” Some tunes are just like this.  Even if we sing them trying to get intimate with, they would just draw apart from us.
— Which one are you talking about?
Masaki: The Peace! doesn’t welcome us. (laughs)
(via 佐藤優樹の「モー娘。楽曲・深読み講座」 心酔するつんく♂曲を“まーちゃん節”全開で解説 - ARTIST×FANのWEBマガジン Fanthology!)
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Mountain/Full Edition QandA
Q Alasdair & Fielding 
A Kentarou Imai
time 2020 04
Q. How did Mountain/Full Edition come together?
A. About 8 years ago there was an event where Misako Yabuuchi, one of the band’s members, did a performance for a bed-bound child with a severe physical impairment at the child’s private home. I composed a waltz for this occasion, and this was a start. Then BuBu de la Madeleine joined us and we started our activity like a band. After that, friends started to join. People come and go. The group sometimes gets as big as 12 or 13 people.
Q. Mountain / Full Editionというバンドはどのようにして結成されたのですか?
A. 8年くらい前にメンバーの薮内美佐子さんが障害の重い寝たきりの子供の家(個人宅)にパフォーマンスを見せに行く企画があって、そのために今井がワルツを作曲したのがはじまりで、そのあとキーボードとしてブブ・ド・ラ・マドレーヌが加わってバンドみたいなことを始めた。 そのあとは適当に友達や知り合いが入ったり出たりしてる。多い時は12.3人くらいでやる時もある。
Q. What's the origin of the name?
A. When three of the original members stood in a line, it looked like a Chinese character yama (mountain). At the time we also found a flyer with a text describing a screening of a “full edition” film, then we decided to call ourselves Mountain/Full Edition.
Q. 名前の由来は何ですか?
A. 上記の三人並んだ時に山の形みたいだったから名前が山になって、そのときなんかの映画の完全版が上映って書いてあるチラシをみつけて山/完全版になった。
Q. You have occasional members from outside of Japan join the group. What do you feel binds the collective together? Any specific musical ideas, aesthetics, politics?
A.  Friends come from places like the U.S., France or Sweden, and if the timing is good, we do a session or sometimes even a live performance. We exchange ideas online and sometimes do long-distance collaboration where they send material like videos and sounds.
A.There are musical, artistic and political approaches in the group, but the dynamic changes depending on the band members who are in the band at any given time. With more liberal members in the group, what we would do will be more liberal. If I have left-wing members, we would be oriented towards the left. If we have many artists, the approach towards the work becomes more artistic. Our musical direction reflects our members at any given time.
When we have more parts where performers take part, then the focus of the work will be on the performance rather than how well the music is played. In these instances, I look back and think whether the unbalance reflected well in the work or not, but this also had a tendency to cause arguments.
Mixing various elements however allows me to reflect what is going on in society and the world. Working collectively brings out something that I cannot do on my own. These different factors influence the shape of the band, so it is also a way for me to make adjustments.
We think of the politics, visual arts and music with one brain, so it is all connected.
It is difficult, but I don’t want to fall into a trap of intellectual relativism. And I want to overcome the fear that we would be labeled as political people.
Q.日本国外からのメンバーがグループに参加することがあります。コレクティブを束縛していると思いますか? 特定の音楽的なアイデア、美学、政治などはありますか?
A. タイミングが合ってアメリカとかパリやスウェーデンなどから友達が来てなんかできるときに一緒にやるよ。
で難しいといと言えば難しいんだけど、そこで知的相対主義に引っかかったりせず。また政治的な人達というレッテルをはられることを怖れず乗り越えていきたいと思っています。 もし拘束というよりルールがあるとするなら差別主義者やファシストはお断りということかな。
Q. Activism is a large part of your collective. We were wondering if you would like to talk about this for a bit?
A. Some of us  are actively engaged in activities against issues, such as politics, gender, racism, immigration, nuclear industry, while other members engage in other kinds of social activities. I try to incorporate these and express them through our music. But this is not all.  
Perhaps it is important to mention that there are not many artists in Japan who are outspoken about politics. Hardly any. And if someone talks about politics, the person would often get fierce criticism from all sorts of people for various reasons. Supporters of the far-right ruling party just want to attack whatever is against their ideology.  People generally just want to consume music as fans.
This leads to a soft and fluffy Fascism, a very unique phenomenon to Japan.  
Many artists probably think that political issues are troublesome to deal with. We feel so too. But I think linking social activities to artistic expressions can get us out of the soft and fluffy Fascism.
Q. 活動主義はあなたの集団の大部分です。 これについて少しお話ししたいと思いませんか?
Q. There are a lot of masks in the group and a babble of different languages. How do you feel identity plays a part in Mountain/Full Edition?
A. I see what you mean. For a while I used to think that there were as many identities as there were band members, creating multiple forms of expressions.  But if everyone does what they wish, it becomes chaotic, a nightmare of a drunken karaoke session. This can create an amazing masterpiece, but I feel it relied too much on the chance. 
I don’t think having many identities is simply good, and I am trying to make adjustments. That is why I used the animal masks - to make us look unified. I am always thinking about the balance between keeping the group’s diversity and the strength of the work.
Q. グループにはたくさんの仮面があり、さまざまな言語のせせらぎがあります。IdentityはMountain / Full Editionでどのように役立っていると思いますか?
そうですね。ある時までは参加するメンバーの数だけIdentityがあるから、それだけいろんな表現ができると思ってたんだけど、みんなが好き放題やるとカオスで、たんにドランケンカラオケセッションのような悪夢だったんだ、またそのなかで時々見たことないような名作も生まれたりもしたんだけどね。でたとこ勝負な要素が強かった。 いまはそんなにIdentityがたくさんあることがいいともおもってなくて修正してる段階かな。だから動物の仮面で逆に統一感を出してる。グループの多様な在り方と作品としての強度や個性を殺さずに見せれるものを生成するバランスには常に悩まされている。
Q. When we first heard the group in a way it first reminded us of another Japanese underground music collective, Maher Shalal Hash Baz. Do you see yourself as part of a lineage of collective-based music? And do you see yourself as part of a community or lineage of experimental activity in and around the western Kansai region?
A. You are right. There was an interesting music scene in Kansai region in the 90’s, and I was influenced by Japanese hardcore, Scum and Japanoize. I was in a Grindcore band as a teenager, and was aware of the BOREDOMS and the noise scene. I also was inspired by sound artists like Takehisa Kosugi. And off course, Maher. But I started listening to a mix of music: Aphex Twin, Fatboy Slim, Free Jazz such as Albert Ayler, and other kinds of Jazz as well. I think I am influenced by all sorts of sounds including contemporary music starting from Arnold Schönberg, sound art, soundscapes, and pop, world folk music, music that comes into my ear even if I don’t like it. 70’s American experimental music, sounds I hear randomly, music I have forgotten. I cannot control what will come to being.
Ah, but I don’t listen so much to Vaporwave!
I am influenced not only by music, but by contemporary art, contemporary dance, left-wing culture, literature, old ladies’ knittings.
In this sense, half of what you said is true and half is not. There are many experimental music communities in the Kansai region, but I don’t actively follow them. Perhaps there are differences among them, but from afar, they appear similar. What I would like to see and experience is not in the places I expect but in other unexpected places. It is like a Buddhist riddle.
Q. このグループを初めて聞いたとき、すぐに別の日本のアンダーグラウンドミュージックの集まり、Maher Shalal Hash Bazを思い出させてくれました。 自分を集団ベースの音楽の血統の一部だと思いますか? そして、あなたは自分自身を関西西部地域とその周辺の実験活動のコミュニティまたは血統の一部と見なしていますか? 
A.確かに80/90年代の関西シーンに面白い音楽はあってJapanese hardcoreやScum・Japanoizeのようなものに影響は受けた。ティーンエイジの時Grindcoreのバンドをやっていたし、BOREDOMS や Noise scene にも触れてきた。Takehisa Kosugi の様な Sound Artにも影響を受けた。もちろんMaherも。 けれどもそのあと同じくらいAphex Twin・Fatboy Slim・Albert Aylerの様なfree jazz、またそれだけじゃなくてあらゆるJazzやArnold Schönbergに始まる様な現代音楽・サウンドアート・サウンドスケープ・電子音楽、聴いてきたあらゆるPOPS・世界中の民族音楽・好きでもないけど耳に入ってきた音楽・アメリカの70年代の実験音楽・たまたま聞こえてきた音、忘れてしまったような音楽、あるいは聴いたことある音すべてに影響を受けてると思うんだ。それがどのタイミングで出てくるかはコントロールできないな。
そういう意味で、半分は正解、半分は間違い。関西西部地域とその周辺の実験活動のコミュニティが今どうなってるのかほとんど知らないし、熱を上げて観ることもあまりない。よくよく見ると違うのかもしれないけど、ちょっと距離でて眺めると似たようなものが多い気もする。 見たり体験したいことが 在るところに無くて、無いところに在る、なんだろ禅問答みたいだね(笑)
Q. What other things in the Western Kansai region (music, art etc) is exciting you right now?
A. There are many artists, musicians and dancers in the Kansai region, and whether Japanese or international, interesting things are happening in all sorts of places. But I don’t feel that there is a place where we could belong.
I don’t get excited so often, but I do enjoy the works of friends (people who join Mountain/Full Edition). And although it is not possible now due to Covid-19, if there is a protest demonstration I would like to join. It is exciting to face democracy head-on in Japan today.
Credit list
Kentarouh Imai/Guitar Monkey Concept, Music Composition, Lyrics, Video Direction
Misako Yabuuchi/Song Monkey,Twin Snake Performance, Lyrics, Costume (Twin Snake, Props), Watercolor Painting
Kohei Matsumura/Corn Saxman Camera, Video Composition
Ufo/Citizen Rap, Lyrics, Magic
Kiuchi Hitomi/Trumpet Monkey Lighting, Laser Illumination
Miho Shimizu/Pig A Costume (Mountain Jacket, Animal Masks), Translation #2
Moire/Drum Monkey Store Owner, moirestore.jimdo.com, Some luxurious effector
ChibiGuts/Dancing Monkey and Pig B
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dacherrra · 4 years
笑ってよベイビー ~ミスiDについて~
 #ミスiD2021 セミファイナルもいよいよ終盤だ!#ミスiD2021 関連の発信はCHREEZってアプリでしてきたのでそっちも見てくれたらちゅき~ってなります(https://cheerz.cz/artist/23914)そんでもう一つ、ここでも私の女の子に届いて欲しい発信をするね、最後の悪あがき。
 私がここに応募したのは”ヘイトや欠陥が個性として見られる時代は終わりよ”と告げる為。私が来たわよ‼︎ Hey girl, happy?
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urbanowa · 5 years
November 5...💕✨💐🎂
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Happy Birthday Chi-Chi  【 チチ誕生祭 】💕✨💐🎂
A great mother, wife, friend...but above all a great powerful woman, today she is celebrating one more anniversary and we hope she continues to fulfill more for her.
Happy birthday Chi-Chi!
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[ セパ@dorodoromiso]
[ porotto.@xaaxdb]
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[ ふぇにょん@fenyo_n]
(Reblog, do not remove the source. Please! follow and retweet the artist’s works)
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animepopheart · 3 months
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★ 【ふーにょん】 「 時計塔のマリア 」 ☆ ✔ republished w/permission ⊳ ⊳ follow me! insta • x • bsky
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