#artist: 么赖赖
animepopheart · 1 year
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★ 【么赖赖】 「 申    鹤 」 ☆ ✔ republished w/permission ⊳ ⊳ follow me on twitter
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fangjuexias · 2 years
Lovely Allergen Audio Drama || Theme Song, "Warm-water Port"
演唱Artist:大C@大C爱唱歌 作词Lyricist:山鬼 作曲Composer:柏鹿 编曲Arrangement:洪施锐-Xu1 Studio 和声:大C/洪施锐-Xu1 Studio 制作人Producer:@徐一_ -Xu1 Studio 混音/母带Mixing/Mastering:HJLL-Xu1 Studio 音乐统筹监制Promotion:@贰哲 -Xu1 Studio 音乐制作Production Company:杭州乐馨文化艺术有限公司 海报设计:长夜蓝@长夜蓝_cyl 题字:@梅梢月- 原著:稚楚@稚楚zc 监制:等待苍老@粉红胡子Vincent 红线@Chris线 浅栗@小西木_lue 项目统筹:豆子@豆子非常豆 协助:伞伞 三七@三七等于二十一丶
风起时云开 迷雾中醒来 心跳乱节拍 爱爱爱 懵懂的小孩 突然间明白
风奔向大海 浪汹涌澎湃 蓄谋场意外 爱爱爱 等暖流到来 停靠入你怀 给你独一无二的存在
是两小无猜是不可替代 没有什么该不该 世界多吝啬你就多慷慨 给我 温柔依赖 光和色彩
纵春去冬来 我不曾更改 要为你 冲破阻碍 移山填海 是命运安排 是例外偏爱 听风入港来 深情告白
you my love you my soul you my life you are my youth
you my love you my soul you my life you are my youth
风停在窗台 梦抖落尘埃 心不再徘徊 爱爱爱 是幸运到来 温暖入你怀 给我独一无二的存在
这茫茫人海你不可替代 没有什么该不该 世界多吝啬你就多慷慨 给我 温柔依赖 光和色彩
光穿过阴霾 照亮了心海 原来我 期待未来 与你同在 是命运安排 心跳到难捱 我迫不及待 对你表白
you my love you my soul you my life you are my youth
you my love you my soul you my life you are my youth
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linghxr · 3 years
Playlist Spotlight - My Rock-ish Mandopop Playlist
Not long ago I shared that you can follow me on Spotify! Thanks to everyone who has followed me/one of my playlists. Anyway, I wanted to make a post dedicated to my Rock Out playlist (yes I know the name is lame—I couldn’t think of anything good). This playlist is also my most followed!
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Before I got into Mandopop, I mostly listened to indie rock, alt rock, pop rock, etc. I used to listen to heavier music, but my tastes slowly shifted. As a result, I don't really listen to straight-up Chinese rock, but I do love rock-ish music.
Today I’ll be highlighting some songs/artists from Rock Out. I hope you enjoy them. I went through to try and make sure none of these songs have been featured on my blog before (but I may have missed one or two).
周笔畅 / Bibi Zhou Bibi doesn’t have a lot of rock songs, but the few she has are soooo good. And the clips I’ve seen of her performing them live are great as well.
《别装了》 has a slightly-dated sound, but I mean this in a good way. Everyone needs a go-to 2010 pop-rock song.
《沉默的真相》 is from a soundtrack, and it’s so good that I’m planning to watch the show. It starts out more dark and lowkey but really takes off.
《荷米斯》 is one of those songs that makes me feel effortlessly cool (which I am not).
孟慧圆 / Meng Huiyuan 《背比》 is a very bouncy song. It’s also short and snappy—just a lot of fun to listen to all around.
张惠妹 / A-Mei I mean, you already know the legendary A-Mei. I don’t even have to say anything. A-Mei has two great rock albums (AMIT and AMIT2) plus some other rock-leaning songs here and there. But I wanted to feature some of her songs from other albums.
《发生什么事》 is loud and powerful. You can just let go and jam out to this song.
《不要乱说》 gives off strong don’t mess with me vibes. I feel empowered yet intimidated at the same time.
《不顾一切》 would make the most perfect spy or action movie theme song! And I would definitely watch the movie.
徐佳莹 / LaLa Hsu 《拉拉队》 puts me in a instant good mood. It’s very peppy, which is perfect because 拉拉队 means cheerleading squad.
林宥嘉 / Yoga Lin 《热血无赖》 is fast-paced and upbeat. It will definitely jolt you awake if you’re drowsy. I hope that 林宥嘉 makes more rock-infused songs in the future!
林忆莲 / Sandy Lam 《盖亚》 is arguably one of the least rock songs here, but it’s a true masterpiece, so you should listen to it anyway. It will 打动你 for sure. It’s very grand and powerful with a strong message too.
莫文蔚 / Karen Mok About a year ago I was listening to Karen Mok 24/7. And I still listen to her all the time today. She has some great rock songs from throughout her career.
《I Will Be Fine》 would be the perfect song to play while racing through the city at night with the windows down. Yes, that is very specific. But that’s how it makes me feel, and I think the lyrics fit.
《因为所以》 is mellow in a sad, wallowing way. The lyrics are quiet tragic, but they are a good opportunity to practice 因为……所以.
《野》 gets the blood pumping! It makes you want to get moving or maybe even headbang a little.
萧敬腾 / Jam Hsiao I’ve been meaning to explore 萧敬腾’s discography ever since I heard 《皮囊》 on 乘风破浪的姐姐. I think the best way to describe this song is wild and in-your-face. The delivery comes across as the perfect amount of unhinged.
蔡健雅 / Tanya Chua 《多米诺》 is not a style of song Tanya has explored a lot, which is a shame because she’s good at it! It’s not anything groundbreaking, but it’s a solid and catchy pop-rock song.
薛之谦 / Joker Xue 薛之谦 is my latest Mandopop obsession. I’ve been listening to his music nonstop lately. He has quite a few rock-ish songs, but he can truly pull off all styles.
《慢半拍》 has an addictive little bounce to it, but it also has a rather sinister feel. And it’s infectious from the first listen.
《野心》 to me sounds epic in a dark way? It’s hard to describe. It feels like there is a story with many twists and turns behind the lyrics.
《凤毛麟角》 was described as causing goosebumps in the YouTube comments. I find that very fitting. It’s kind of haunting, at least the quieter sections are.
许含光 / Lumi Hsu 《安森girl》 gives me the feeling of cutting loose. It sounds like youth and making mistakes.
路嘉欣 / Jozie Lu 《你不懂》 is a perfect teen angst song. It makes me feel oddly nostalgic. I think I would have liked this song a lot back in high school too.
邓紫棋 / GEM 《不存在的存在》 is the closest to rock I’ve heard from GEM. This song slowly and steadily builds to a crescendo, and then calms down again. It’s very dark and sorrowful.
郭顶 / Guo Ding 《落地之前》 is so smooth and atmospheric. There’s really nothing to dislike. And of course I just had to include a 郭顶 song. The whole album this song is from is perfection.
韦礼安 / WeiBird 《狼》 astonished me upon first listen because I had no idea 韦礼安 had this in him! And wow, he really pulled it off. This song is bombastic!
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杨澜签约美国知名经纪公司CAA 工作重心在中国
  近日,CAA对外宣布媒体人杨澜已经与该公司签约。路透社报道称,被誉为“中国的奥普拉”的媒体人杨澜极具人气和进取精神,创办的“阳光媒体投资控股有限公司”是中国第二大的私人媒体公司,跨足电视、出版等。CAA全名为创新艺人经纪公司(Creative Artists Agency),1975年成立于洛杉矶,是好莱坞三大经纪公司之一,汤姆·克鲁斯、乔治·克鲁尼、尼古拉斯·凯奇、妮可·基德曼、布拉德·皮特、朱丽亚·罗伯茨、威尔·史密斯等知名好莱坞影星都是CAA的签约艺人。此外,球星贝克汉姆也是该公司的客户。
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joannazackdiary · 5 years
Danielle说: “I can’t believe that he just left everything behind. Doesn’t he have a life?” 
我帮你解释了一波之后心里想想,不对啊,这有什么问题吗?这难道不是爱情最高的境界吗?像我们看的Black Mirror一样。
职业上,我现在确认了我要做个成功的“公众人物”,但是到底是Business Side还是Artistic Side呢?不清楚。再细分下来呢?不清楚。不过,不管哪个大方向,我这个学期已经有了progress了,Business上通过CMI崭露头角,主持节目,在大学招新;Artistic Side参加了很多audition,ensemble的表演还有刚刚搞起来的band。虽说我值得称赞,有一个大方向,但我还是不如有些厉害的人,比如高力有这么清晰的认知和惊人成长的速度。
生活上,我知道我想要幸福。但是什么才能给我带来幸福呢?爱情?社会地位?金钱?买买买?真实的情感?被当成小公主对待?Be loved widely or deeply? 我不知道啊!(哎,那本关于happiness的书还是要好好看啊。)
但我知道和你在一起我很开心啊,但你也知道,我还是有不开心的地方。我很在意社会地位,Social上面被widely loved,但是和你黏在一起后我完全抛之不顾了;我也很在意我的career,当我发现我在学业进度上差了这么多上,我真的很慌;我也很在意我的健康,但是每天三四点睡觉和乱吃也让我有点担心自己的身体;还有就是我觉得我太依赖你了,当所有的决定都要两个人同意时,我就感觉还不如放弃动手动脑,全部丢给你做,导致了你承担了很多不必要承担的东西,而我越来越懒。
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animepopheart · 3 years
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★ 【么赖赖】 「 刻晴 霓裾翩跹 」 ☆ ⊳ keqing // genshin impact ✔ republished w/permission ⊳ ⊳ follow me on twitter
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