#as a creator of this post staring at this still make me feel insane bc the implications. WHAT DOES IT MEAN????
yesloulou · 1 year
A side by side of Max and Daniel at every age 🌱 (2005/2013 -> 2014/2022, created w/ @officialmood)
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Or alternatively: what if Max and Daniel were born on the same year
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opaldraws · 3 years
✨💗 Harringrove Feedback Fest 💗✨
This fandom is so full of amazing creators and if you're seeing this post and you've ever created anything for this wonderful fandom, I APPRECIATE YOU!!
@awrble Awrble's art is the reason I discovered harringrove! One of their pieces popped up on my dashboard and I was like "Oh! I've never thought of Billy and Steve together!?" and then everything spiralled out of control. Their art is excellent and I go through their art tag frequently! This piece they did for the zine makes my heart so mushy and this piece is just so playful and cute!
@juu-riin Julie's art constantly makes my day better, whether it's a stream of doodles like these, a fluffy piece like this, or something SPICY like this !!
@lazybakerart Ever since I found their blog when I first joined this fandom, I thought their art was the most creative and visually compelling art I had ever seen! I frequently scroll through their art because I aspire to have the same grasp on color that they do! Like this piece is so perfect!! And I completely adore this one!!
@ihni Ihni's drawings always make me smile! I think that they are so creative and funny and it shows through their art! Like I laughed out loud at this one! And this piece is so perfect for Billy and Steve
@swimbirdyswim Their art is so dynamic and cool! I totally adore this piece and this one is AWESOME! And they have some really cute and soft drawings that just melt my heart!! Like this one!
@b-leach-ing Their art is so sweet! I especially really love this one!! And omg these holiday drawings are just too adorable!!
@dearvenison How could I ever get over this STUNNING piece?! This tender moment is captured so well and if this isn't canon in s4 I'm gonna riot!! Their art is just so amazing!
@ezisdrawing Ez's art is so full of life! I love how they draw Joe and their nb Steve pieces are my absolute favorite! Like these ones! They're just so cute! And this most recent drawing omg! It's so lovely!
@darkmystdrake Annie's art is so spicy and hot! Every time I see it, I notice how dynamic the poses are! And I always appreciate the piercings added onto the boys! This is one of my favs of Steve! And damn! THIS ONE IS AMAZING!
@avalonlights Their art is so so so wonderful! They set a scene beautifully and every piece of theirs just pulls me in! Like I still think about this one a year later! And this piece! Billy and Steve look so in love and the relationship is expressed perfectly! I just love love love their art so much!
@deardmvz Marilyn's art is so fun!! They have so many fresh and interesting ideas and I love seeing what they come up with! Like this vamp Billy is so cool! And this piece is so sweet and beautiful!
@kingsandsaints Their art is unbelievable! Every time I see their art I am in awe of it! Like this piece is insane?! I could stare at it forever!! And omg I love this punk Billy art!!
✨Editors/Gif Makers✨
@memes-saved-me Their photo edits are so distinct and identifiable! And their video edits are always so cool to watch!
@hoegrove I LOVE the gifsets that they make, they're so creative and fun!
✨Blogs I Could Scroll Through For Hours✨
@smashmouth-hargrove - idk how to explain it, but I have actually spent *hours* reading through their writing. You can just tell that they have fun with what they're writing and that makes it fun to read!
@rascheln/@steviespanties Rina's writing is so amazing! They have so many creative and dirty ideas and I can't get enough of them!
@draculcid Not only is their writing amazing, they make some really great edits! I really enjoy reading their responses to asks and they have so much creativity!
@yikesharringrove Yikes has written so many of my favorite fics and I love seeing how they expand on the prompts they receive! I remember the first time I found their blog and I spent like 2 weeks devouring all of their writing,, it was awesome
@ghostofjellyfishforgotten I have read so many ficlets from them and they are always so well written and interesting! And there are so many posts that have paragraphs of tags under them that are amazing! (And they wrote some jestor/king smut months ago that I can't find anymore AND IT'S LIKE ONE OF MY FAV FICS I'VE EVER READ AND I THINK ABOUT IT ALL THE TIME)
in the locust wind by @hectordelavega - pls understand that this fic completely ruined me. it's perfect. it's been like a month since i read this and i still think about it all the time.
Walking Home (v)., the Tourniquet by @passivenovember - Jaz's writing is so lovely, I have reread so many of their fics and they even wrote me one that is incredibly adorable T^T BUT back on topic, this fic is everything! Jaz has a way of writing Billy and Steve that is just so perfect, and I love their dynamic in this fic!
orange juice by @aspartaeme - this fic is so fun! I love how thirsty Steve and Billy are for each other and I really enjoyed the whole premise of this fic!
Took it all and took the dirt road home by @nagdabbit - this short lil fic is so soft and emotional,, it just feels so hopeful
with every several pleasure in the world by @rvspberryjvm - I completely adore this fic with my whole heart! Jones is a fantastic writer and their talent truly shines in this fic (and all of their fics)!
Billy Hargrove’s Exploration of Beauty (series) by @mourntheantagonist - this series is amazing! I love how Mandi has Billy and Steve address gender stereotypes and lets Billy explore his gender expression!
Sweet Wonderful You by @cherrydreamer - the way this fic stole my heart! it's just so soft and adorable and Steve and Billy are just the best bfs to each other :') Cherry's writing is so fantastic!
Lonely Hearts Club by @shewritesdirty - this fic (like all of Cait's fics) is so wonderfully written and once I started reading it, I just couldn't stop! It's got the perfect mix of humor, tenderness, and smut!
Plant Your Feet by PeckishDragon - this fic is so sweet,, I will always have a soft spot for dads!harringrove and Billy is just the best dad in this :')
you act so pure (i know you're laced) by @softjish - this fic. THIS FIC. IT IS SO TENDER AND IT BREAKS MY HEART AND PUTS IT BACK TOGETHER IN 5K WORDS.
seventh inning stretch by @holdenduckfield - Idk anything about baseball, but I *do* know that I adore Jill's writing! I love how competitive the boys are in this and how their rivalry evolves!
Bad dog, no biscuits by @catharrington - this is f i l t h y and perfect in every way! Steve is so dominant and he takes care of Billy so well! I am 100% convinced this is how Tina's Halloween party ended.
i'm falling now, but it's so wrong by @hartigays - Ouch this fic has a lovely balance of hurt comfort and it is a great read! I remember I read it all in one go because I just got so hooked!
I Ain’t Fraid Of No Ghosts by @heck-in-a-handbasket - this fic has a special place in my heart bc I love ghost Billy! Reading how Steve dealt with Billy's ghostly shenanigans was hilarious and when they finally become *acquainted*, they work so well together!
@gothyringwald thank you for putting this little love fest together!
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i-am-extremely-mad · 3 years
It shocks me over and over again when I come across blogs that extremely aggressively, absolutely HATE LOK, Korra, korrasami and practically every character and aspect of the show. I have to share this horror with others because these are just a small part of the awful views from that blog (supposedly feminist and lesbian), interestingly, attitudes about LOK and korrasami were mostly positive or at least neutral in 2014-2015, and then abruptly changed sometime in the middle of last year which coincides with LOK finally being on Netflix, I will probably respond to if I am in the mood for a toxic discussion...
Anonymous asked:
“I think it's a bit hypocritical that you hate Korra's personality and not Zuko's.Zuko is arrogant asshole bitch and you like him. I never see you criticizing him like you do with Korra”
“Zuko is an arrogant asshole bitch, but he’s not annoying. Korra is an arrogant asshole bitch and is very annoying. Hope this helps!”
#asks#anti lok#going to absolutely BLOW YOUR MIND to find out that the quality of the media itself determines how much I like a character#as well as the quality of the characters development#also this isn't math there is no transitive property for liking characters#some hit and some don't#get over it#Anonymous
Anonymous asked:
“As soon as I heard “I’m the Avatar; you’ve gotta deal with it!” I knew I would fucking hate that show. I naturally hate people who are like that. If Bryke was still smart they would have thought to make Korra’s personality more like water similar to Aang with air, not “haha fuck you, I’m avatar haha!”
“LOL YEP like 3 seconds into the show you hear that, and understand EXACTLY what the rest of LOK is going to be like. Not only is a jarring contrast to Aang and every other Avatar we’ve seen, it directly contradicts everything we know about the Avatar cycle from ATLA. All the other Avatars have to be TOLD that they are the Avatar, and have to work hard to master their non-native elements. Korra just naturally being able to bend 3 elements when she’s like 5 tells you everything you need to know about how the creators of LOK went about making their show: worldbuilding and logic don’t matter, it’s all about flashy visuals and one-time gags.”
#asks#anti lok#DISGOSTING#'meh meh if korra was a MAN you wouldn't call her arrogant' I absolutely would#korra being a dickhead is not okay just because she's a woman#Anonymous
Anonymous asked:
“Korrasami is shit,a joke, boring af, they don't have romantic chemistry, asami acts like a big sister towards korra. there I said it for you.”
“OOP! Well, I certainly didn’t say it!”
#asks#anti lok#but ur right#ACTUALLY I disagree on one point#asami doesn't act like a sister to korra#they act like work colleagues that only ever hang out during their lunch break#they act like very distant cousins that only talk on facebook#they act like people that share mutual friends but don't know each other that well#okay I'll stop#Anonymous
“Korra: 1/10, I will see myself out the door to be CANCELLED! Not only was her character very unlikeable, but the way fandom reared up to defend this (quite frankly) terrible character under the guise of “wokeness” when it is clear that the creators sprinkled in just enough ~representation~ to get brownie points without actually saying anything meaningful is just EMBARRASSING. Korra defenders are being manipulated by those cishet white men they hate so much, and they do it gladly. Anyway, I find Korra boring, disrespectful, and underdeveloped.”
#asks#ask game#character ask game#anti lok#SORRY YALL LOK'S CHARACTERS ARE BAD#also korra gives off 'mean feminine lesbian who calls gnc women slurs' vibes#korra and asami would bully me and then call me a homophobe#and kuvira gives off such heterosexuelle vibes I simply CANNOT with her#thetpot
“IT’S SO VILE! Korra is barely even an active character in her own show! She’s just a vessel that gets beaten and broken over and over again. She doesn’t actually get to LEARN from any mistakes that she makes, she’s just forced to recover from these external traumas that have literally nothing to do with her.
Ugh, tbh I feel NOTHING for korrasami. Korra and Asami don’t speak about anything except Mako for most of the show, and only really start actually TALKING to each other in the last half of season 4. None of Korra’s friends really spend that much time together throughout the runtime of the show tbh.
But yeah, it’s frustrating that people tout LOK as this amazing show staring a queer WOC, but the people making the show HATED Korra and HATED developing her in a meaningful way.”
Anonymous asked:    
“Korra was like Zuko at the beginning of the show, now she in season 4 is like Aang. Bryke gave kuvira a redemption bc team avatar was missing a Zuko. now she is the new zuko and not Korra.”
Sorry, my brain short circuited. You think Korra???? Is like Aang???? That might be the most offensive thing I have ever received in this askbox.
“also lock me in lesbian prison but korrasami is WEAK! they didn’t have a single conversation that wasn’t about mako for 3.5 seasons!!! they had zero moments together to indicate that asami would be the only person that korra would write to!!! yall tricked me, I thought I was getting some gay shit.
#anti lok#I SAID WHAT I SAID#korra had more chemistry in her one scene with opal than she ever did with asami”
Anonymous asked:
What do you think of korrasami?
no thank u, I don’t feel like being called a homophobe by a bunch of straight women today.
#asks#anti lok#a hornet's nest I will not be swinging at on this Monday lmao#I hate everything in lok you do the math#I'm sure I've talked about my issues with korrasami on my blog SOMEWHERE#have fun!#Anonymous
Not me seeing posts giving LOK and Korrasami credit for queerness in animation when Steven Universe, Adventure Time, and She-Ra were doing it unapologetically, openly, right from the very beginning....
#anti lok#TESTING MY GODDAMN PATIENCE#if korrasami was individually influential for you as a queer woman that's FINE#but do NOT give this insane credit to the cishet writing team of LOK!!!#not when these other shows were made by ACTUAL QUEER WOMEN#DISGOSTING
Anonymous asked:
if ur looking for an actual well-written canon wlw pairing in the atla verse, there’s rangshi. fc yee works so hard to fix all of bryke’s garbage, bless his soul. i have no hope for anything avatar studios related, but if fc yee is in the writer’s room, then there may be a very marginal chance that the stuff coming out is at least somewhat worthy of being associated with atla. the worldbuilding that he’s done in rise of kyoshi is insane.
I have heard good things about the Kyoshi novels! Unfortunately, LOK is the drop of shit that has poisoned the entire water supply. All ATLA-related works are going to have to be LOK compliant now, which is so deeply restrictive and contradictory to what I liked about ATLA in the first place. I feel like pre-canon stuff is safer (and again, heard AMAZING things about what FC Yee has done with a pre-ATLA world), but I guess I’m too cynical to get really invested in any more ATLA stuff anymore.
#asks#atla#anti lok#put Nat in charge of Avatar Studios and THEN we'll talk#finally get the thotty aang and amazing worldbuilding THAT WE DESERVE#Anonymous
I know, this was awful to see...
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clownistyping · 5 years
The Neverending Story, chapter 8
I wasn't gonna post today bc I'm in st Augustine but im free for now. But im posting anyways. Also reader meets a fuckin god
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Cover by @laneygthememequeen
"Goodnight, Beej." You yawned as you stood from the couch, Beetlejuice whined and latched to your waist.
"Oh come on we're just gettin to the good part!" He was forcing you to watch the human centipede, while you have a wide selection of movies the human centipede wasn't your favorite.. or even in your top 100. 
You walked, dragging him along with you. He whined as you walked upstairs, his whines started to vibrate and you laughed. 
Reaching your bedroom door you looked down at the plump demon who pouted and pulled puppy dog eyes on you. 
"Atweast wet me sweep with chu." You cringed and pushed his face away. 
"Let me sleep, Beej." You said as he slid off of you, whining in agony from the betrayal. 
Entering your room you stared at him through the door crack, he stared back with big eyes. 
"Goodnight." You said and shut the door. You heard him groan and slam himself against the door. 
Changing into your pajamas, you brushed your teeth. Looking at your wall you smiled when you saw the newly hung polaroids of you and the demon. 
The room was dark as you sat in the middle of your bed, it's quiet. Been a while since it's been this quiet, looking at your door you saw the light under it flash and you smiled knowing Beetlejuice is still awake and doing whatever the fuck he does when you're asleep. 
Laying down you slowly let the darkness and silence envelope you in sleep. 
"(Y/N)? Is that you, dear?" A feminine voice called out and you slowly opened your eyes only to be blinded by the brightest light you've ever seen. 
"Oh sorry, here." You felt a hand caress your eyes and you opened them, the light only a smidge dimmer but its bearable. Squinting up you looked at the blinding figure that spoke. 
"Been a while hasn't it?" Her voice echoed all around you as you studied her appearance. She was insanely tall, towering over you. You couldn't tell where her body ended seeing as her long sparkling hair floating down and around you, almost like a wall of light. 
Her face was unrecognizable, but one thing you did see was the void of light that was her slim eyes. 
But you've only seen a sliver of the void when she opened her eye for a second, she seems content with them closed. 
Stepping forward you asked. 
"Who are you?" 
"Me?" The woman's voice echoed with a laugh. 
"I am the light." She said and suddenly you were being lifted by her. Brought closer to her face you sat on your knees. 
"I am your creator." 
A rumble from behind her shook you and you almost fell from her palm. 
"Co-creator, darling." Your eyes were wide when you peeked behind the woman only to see a just as large armoured figure, walking towards the both of you. 
"Stay back!" You yelled, for some reason you felt the need to protect this woman. Its unnecessary because of her stature. The woman pulled her closer, you grabbed her hair. It was so soft and warm, like a blanket you would instantly fall asleep in. 
"They turned out to be quite the fighter." The armoured masculine figure chuckled as he sat next to the woman. She nodded, 
"That's why they're my favorite." She hummed and you blushed. 
"Picking favorites now aren't we?" The armored man leaned closer to inspect you and you hid deeper into the forest of hair. 
"Come on now, no need to fear me." 
"Dear (Y/N), this is the Dark." You saw the woman's soft hand hold the man's metal one. With his other hand, he lifted his helmet off to reveal his blackened face that was only light by his shining eyes. 
"Nice to meet you again, (Y/N)." He said and suddenly you felt like a shy toddler hiding behind their mother in fear of a stranger. Scrunching your brows you came out from the hair and started. 
"Who are you two? Why are you saying you're my creators?" Looking up at the two as they looked at each other. 
"We made you," The woman started. 
"And the others as well." The man finished. 
"Even the one that tried to kill me?" You asked and the man sighed. 
"Yes, even him." He let the woman's hand go and from out of her palm came a figure of black smoke. 
"I made the biological parts of the immortals." You quirked a brow in confusion. 
"The parts in you that keep you alive for so long." He poked your chest and you fell down on the woman's palm. 
"And I made your emotional traits. From your feelings to your needs and wants." 
You pursued your lips, you expected differently. 
"I..I expected there to be just good and evil." 
"Oh we don't control that." The woman said, 
"That's mankind's doing. We just make immortals, humans that outlive others to truly be examples of humans full evolution." 
"Then who made humans?" You asked, now standing with the woman's help. 
"We can't say.." she mumbled and the man held her face. 
"We're not so sure ourselves, since we don't really involve ourselves with humans the ones that make and kill them." He said and faced you. 
"Alright. We've said enough." 
"True. Haven't had an immortal in here for this long for centuries." The woman chuckled and you frowned. 
"Will I see either of you again?" 
"Possibly, but you came here on your on free will." 
You woke up. 
"Beetlejuice!" You called out and heard a snicker from behind the door, repeating his name twice he slammed the door open with a smile. 
"Can you sleep with me tonight?" 
@if-youd-be-my-soft-fuzzy-man @dunununun @theannonomusgamblerpt2 @laneygthememequeen @zelda2248 @anamoshigirl @obsessed-librarian @randomfanders-blog @holy-fucking-shit @juni-berries @rallsa @ladylensveracity @lokischesthair @vivienex13 @ah-callie @asilentcruellullaby @1-rosewiththorns @apocalypseillustrate @a-fan-fighting-for-equality @westiefromtheeast @buggbeverage @bumblebeests @renlup @yeemotrash214 @cryptidslasher
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