#as far as he's concerned yea it was him who made the first move no biggie
alrightberries · 11 months
you meet bakugou at a dim bar one night and he's being extremely bold, you notice, and you kinda like it. he's leaning in close and glancing at your lips whenever you talk, and you never really took him for the straight forward type but hey, you're not complaining, cute guy's flirting, and you have no qualms about reciprocating it with bats of your eyes and sly little smiles.
except he's not flirting— he's just not wearing his hearing aids. he's trying to sight read your lips.
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drghostwrite · 1 month
Under fire
Pairing: Criminal minds x reader
Summary: During a case a pregnant victim escapes during the search you find the young girl but not before one of the unsubs finds you first.
TW: mentions of murder, childbirth, blood, gunshots, getting shot, blood
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******************************************************** “James we are placing you under arrest for 10 accounts of murder and kidnapping, anything you say…” you heard as Rossi read your newest unsub his rights. You stood next to Derek watching as the rest of the team talked to the sheriffs department, or helped with the killer.
“Hey you okay?” Derek asked wrapping you in a strong arm.
“I’ll be fine, it’s just cases like this…”
“I know baby.” You wrapped your arms around him in a sideways hug, being together was one of the best decisions you two had ever made, between work and just life you were a pretty good team, you made a great couple, but in cases like this it was being each other protector and safe place that made it that much more worth it.
“I just wish we knew what happened to the girl friend, she was young and beautiful.”
“well now that we know who did it maybe we can get some answers, give everyone some closure.” He reassured you.
“Hey you two, ready to go?” JJ asked walking over to you.
“ready as I’ll ever be.” You said with a sigh.
“Rossi and Emily are going to ride with the unsub, Luke, Reid, and Tara will meet us at the station.” She said as you all climbed into the black suv.
as you made your way down the road you watched as trees flew past your window, Derek was driving and JJ navigating in the passenger seat, you were propped up in the back letting your mind wander about this case. Out of no where you saw a young woman stumble into the road, Derek quickly slamming the vehicle to a halt. You sat up in the middle the three of you watching the young woman, she was sporting a baby bump at least 7 months along, dressed in tore up jeans boots and a t-shirts, a tattered flannel pulled over her arms the clothing worn and dirty as if she had been running through the woods.
You were concerned and having a nursing background, jumped out of the car, “Hey Y/N wait, no…” you heard Derek call after you and you held out a hand telling him to wait.
“Hey, what’re you doing out here?”
“I-I escaped fr-from the house and started running… please help me.” she spoke shakily, one hand clutching under her large bump.
“Okay, let’s start with names… I’m Agent Y/N Morgan, I’m with the FBI, what’s your name?”
“FBI…” she whispered, “m-my name’s Cassandra, my friends used to call me Cassie.”
“Cassie, pretty name… can you tell me how far along you are?” You motioned to her large abdomen.
“I’m not sure… he took me and I didn’t know, I just, oh ughhh…” she bent over in pain, and you turned seeing Derek and JJ both standing next to the suv.
“Woah, hey, can you tell me what you’re feeling?” You asked inching towards her as she grimaced bent over her bump in pain.
“It’s- it’s like some cramping pain, like my muscles are tearing, they started happening earlier but I kept running cause I had to get away.”
“Okay, okay, have they been getting closer?”
“ye-yea and more painful, I think something is wrong with my baby.” She started to cry, still bent over.
“Cassie, can you look at me?” she glanced up at you, “can I help you, I think you might be going into labor.”
she hesitantly looked at you before nodding, you slowly walked towards her, until you heard shots ring out, you felt one hit you tearing through your side just above your right hip, you stumbled shielding Cassie with your body, you started moving her as another bullet grazed your leg. You rushed her to the car as Derek and JJ returned fire to give you cover.
Opening the back seat and helping her in, Derek looked at you questioning, “here’s my closure.” You said and immediately he knew, this was the supposed girlfriend, the young woman the killer kidnapped and held captive and she was about to have her baby in your backseat.
You helped her as Derek started down the road hustling to get you to the closest hospital, both the other agents scanning to see where the fire was coming from, JJ called Emily and Tara to alert them of what was happening.
“nahhh…” she groaned out, you could see the tears rolling down her cheeks at the pain.
“okay sweetheart, I wanna help you but you have to let me… Cassie, I need to get you out of these pants, I need to see how dilated you are.” She looked at you hesitantly, not ready to fully expose herself to a stranger, which after her expierence you didn’t blame her.
“do you know anything about delivering babies?” She asked.
“I do, I worked as a nurse before I signed on with the bureau, you’re in good hands, I promise… okay?”
She looked at you hesitantly, “okay… okay.” She nodded and turned towards you putting her back on the door, you helped her out of her pants and put your jacket over her legs, hissing as you peeled it off your shoulders.
“JJ can I have some gloves out of that compartment?” she handed you a pair of exam gloves.
“okay sweetheart, I’m going to just take a look?” She nodded as you lifted the blanket.”
“okay I can see your baby’s head…looks like this baby doesn’t want to wait.”
“I feel… I feel like I need to push.” Cassie whined out, gritting her teeth, her hair was caked to her face with sweat, chest heaving.
“That’s okay, do what your body tells you… give me a big push.” She gritted her teeth and bared down, reaching out she found your hand on her knee and squeezed it.
“Okay, good girl, now one more time for me…” she screamed and with one last push you held a screaming newborn in your arms, the moment was short lived as you placed the baby on her chest.
she was too focused on her baby to notice your hands covered in blood, “Y/N?” JJ trailed you with her eyes as you turned to look at her.
“That’s a lot of blood…” her eyes drifted to the seat and your clothes, your jeans and shirt now stained red the gloves you wore and you arms had crimson streaks.
“I feel fine though.” Cassie answered.
“because it’s not yours…” you said sinking back in the seat with a hiss, skilled fingers finally tracing the bullet hole. Your eyes fluttered as the adrenaline started to wear off.
“Y/N, are you okay?” You heard the young girl ask trying to calm her baby.
“Uhm, I’ll be okay, just a couple scratches.” You lied, you knew you were bleeding and every second you sat here was one second closer to death.
“Y/N?” Derek asked concerned for you.
“Oh my God, Y/N!” JJ turned to face you, she climbed over the seat grabbing a cloth or towel, you weren’t sure, and pressed it your abdomen, trying her best to stop or slow the bleeding, she supported you as you started to sway feeling intense exhaustion come over you.
“Talk to me baby.” Derek demanded, watching you from the review mirror as your eyes fluttered closed, color draining from your features.
“the bullet, it uh… I took it, I got hit.” You winced as JJ pressed a little harder, your blood slowly seeping through the cloth onto her hands. You saw a frantic Derek in the mirror and felt the car lurch forward.
“Okay um, okay…” he said starting to panic.
“Derek breathe, it’s okay.” You said, head falling back against the seat.
“no, God dammit Y/N it’s not okay, you got shot.” He sped and finally came into the city seeing the lights of the hospital, weaving through traffic until the car halted to a stop in a nearby ambulance bay.
“I’m coming love, I’m coming.” Derek said jumping out of the car and coming around to you.
“no, no, Y/N, stay awake with me.” He flung the door open and pulled his shirt over his head and used it to apply pressure, taking over where JJ was you heard as he panicked and JJ checked on the new mom.
“I’m right here…” you whispered.
“stay with me just a little bit longer, come on baby.” He said tears burning in his eyes, medical staff rushed out to the car, a large male nurse pulling your husband away as they loaded you onto a stretcher, another team taking care of Cassie and her new baby. You reached for them but felt weak as you hand fell limp, eyes fluttering closed, covered in blood as they rushed you in hearing the frantic yelling of Derek as he called your name telling you to stay awake.
Memories flashed quickly through your mind as you came in and out of consciousness, the classic line of hospital lights and medical staff leaning in and out of view. Memories of first meeting Derek, Penelope being protective of the both of you telling you that if one hurt the other she would kill you because she loved you both. Being there with him when Prentiss “died”, building a family with the team, seeing JJ become a mom and being the boys “favorite aunt”, watching Derek propose and marrying the man of your dreams. Times out to dinner with the team, picking on Reid, nights out with the girls. Everything good in your life quickly became your worst fear as you were terrified of leaving it all behind, every fiber of your being fighting to stay alive, fighting so that some nurse wouldn’t have to tell your family they need to plan a funeral.
A few hours later the team was all seated in a waiting room, Derek sat there staring into space stone-faced, unmoving as his brain was both blank and going a million miles a second his shirt and pants still stained in your blood. JJ was now wearing one of your hoodies that she found stashed in the car, her bloody shirt long since disposed of as spoke with some staff about Cassandra and what took place as the rest of the team sat waiting, Garcia drove in and was seated next to Derek quietly fidgeting.
“Ehem,” a nurse entered the room clearing her throat, “Derek Morgan?”
He shot up out of his seat too quickly and almost startled everyone. “How is she… is she?”
“She’s okay, still recovering from the surgery and blood loss but she’s awake and asking for you.”
“Oh thank God, thank God.” He said as she gave him your room number and he took off down the hall as she stayed to update everyone else.
You heard the glass door slide open and then closed turning to see the chiseled silhouette of your husband. “Baby girl I thought I lost you.” He said as he sat next to you and picked up your hand, tears flowing down his cheeks as he flashed you a signature smile.
“can’t get rid of me that easy, we’re in this for life Mr. Morgan.” You joked and he kissed you.
“you know what would be cute?… our babies, we should make some babies.”
“is that you or the drugs talking?” He chuckled.
“both.” You said flashing him a cheeky grin.
“well then as soon as you’re ready we can make some cute babies.”
“gorgeous, smart babies.” You said sleepily as the drowsiness was overtaking you.
“if they look anything like their momma then they’ll be beautiful.” He said over you as you slept, he knew that even though you were drowsy and drugged up, you meant every word you said, you wanted nothing more than to expand your little family and there’s no better time to do it than now.
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takes1 · 8 months
p.3 himbo!kirishima x petite!reader (gymbros series: rest day)
featuring aged up!kiri with growth spurt and long hair. i've actually had this in the drafts for a couple years, it's just that i didn't write an exposition and got straight to the point lmao. next part is on the way
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warnings. nsfw, nearly f! oral, grinding, biting, mentions of mathematics
details. nsfw / gymbros with benefits/ aged up!kiri / fem!reader / mentions of f! masturbation / almost facesitting / mutual size kink / shy reader / support course student!reader / scars thirst / sharp teeth thirst / bakugou doesn't knock / 4.5k words
🤍 scenario series. part one / part two / kiri headcanons
more links. my ao3
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The next few workouts grew increasingly more distracting and less efficient. Kirishima made it a point to talk more, get closer to you when not always necessary, and encourage you in ways he wouldn't use with other people who came to join.
You had moved to working out with varying amounts of Hero Course students that he introduced as his friends, too, all eager to meet you, in the Hero-specific gym.
This night wasn't the first time you visited his dorm room. The first was about five days prior when he invited you up to take a shower in his room.
Nothing 'happened,' but the whole experience was enough to fuel your fantasies for a few nights and make it evident that he wanted you, very badly and under any tangible excuse, in his bedroom.
It was Thursday night, and you had next to nothing else to do, so when he called, you picked up after a few rings and a deep breath.
He sounded so happy to say your name.
"Eijiro!" You smiled, not quite as excitable, but you did your best.
You busy tonight?
He laughed just off of the microphone, and you heard some other voices. He told one of them to shush, and another to go away. Your brow furrowed. It was one thing if he wanted you to come over, but another if you were hanging out with his friends.
"Depends," You trailed, fingers fidgeting with your pajamas.
Iiiii was just wonderin' if you'd come hang for a while. No workout or anything.
His voice was a little sing-songy. It was extremely cute. While you were trying to rub the smile off of your face, he continued.
Just us.
"Yea-h," You answered, breathless.
It took a while to get ready to your liking after he let you off the phone. Thankfully, you showered earlier, so in the time it took to get dressed and out the door, he called again to ask if he needed to come get you.
You told him that wouldn't be necessary, as flattering as it was, and it took another minute to get him to hang up.
The Support Course housing wasn't too far away from his, you knew the way, and it was certainly not a dangerous walk, but when you turned the only corner of the walk, a familiar heavy-footed redhead was there to take you the remainder of the way.
"I should've walked with you the whole way!" He insisted when you told him his chivalry was appreciated, but not needed.
Surely he had safety as a primary concern. His Hero-centered brain was certain something might happen on the ten-minute walk over.
It was an animated walk to the dorms with this chatterbox next to you, but nothing compared to the chaos inside. Most students were gathered in the common area, loud and boisterous, all confirming your anxieties.
Kirishima picked up on this and kept a hand on your shoulder as you both passed, mostly unnoticed, through the busiest area near the entryway.
When the door closed, and the moment of relief was gone, you were a bit unsure of yourself. His company in public, or the gym, was one thing, but completely alone, behind a door?
You texted a friend where you were just in case.
But upon further inspection, he had prepared a silly movie and some snacks for you. His beanbag was what you were most excited about, but you kept it cool and only sat down at the soonest opportunity it could look natural. He took a seat on a small mat next to it and leaned on the bag. He was too big to share it with you but still wanted to be close.
The movie was menial compared to how much you both talked through it.
You got on the topic of perception and types, attractiveness, and the like. He had a difficult time understanding how you found him pretty and manly.
"What?" He laughed; he'd never been called that before. He liked it, but prompted you to explain.
He twisted his body to meet yours, already close on the floor right next to you.
"Well, you know-- you know," You tried to express, hand darting back to your side after leaving its resting place on his massive shoulder.
It was so much harder to compliment him when he wouldn't just take it. You sunk lower into the beanbag.
Part of him knew, you could hear it in the clip at the end of his sentences, a subtle request for you to keep making a fool of yourself.
"I don't think I do," He nabbed one of your wrists, his smile spreading when he found a similar one on your face and placed it back on his shoulder.
His eyes were eating you up, the inside of his own cheek offered as tribute in order to satiate his nerves.
"Well," You pushed a curious thumb into his ample flesh and tried to control a quick sigh, "You're... attractive."
"Attractive?" Kirishima repeated, amused and intrigued by your slow admission.
Quicker, a little panicked, you tried to rationalize it out loud, "Yeah, my friends think you are-- you're conventionally attractive, like it's not a secret or anything, everyone thinks you're hot."
An unsure hand slid, pressing here and there, over his squishy, thick bicep. You could barely fit your fingers all the way around it. There were an array of stretch marks, dark to light, all over his arms, chest, and on his tummy.
Maybe mentioning your friends was a wrong move, because now it sounded like you had gushed about him and showed pictures of him-- something you totally did do, but he didn't need to know that.
In your quick explanation, you couldn't keep quiet because you didn't want to hear his reply yet, so you just kept going, "A tall guy with huge muscles, and-- a big smile, with good hugs, who's really sweet, and considerate, and is open-minded and asks questions. I mean, who wouldn't like you?"
You had to suck in a breath, and in doing so, realized everything you said just as he did.
"Well, you make a pretty solid case," He laughed. He was blushing-- blushing, and had to look away from you.
This wasn't your first rodeo with a big guy, but it was certainly the most exciting. There was something about his soft, silly demeanor that held a chokehold on your heart.
He stood up and offered a hand to take you with him. But he pulled a tad too hard and you stumbled against him. He smiled, bashful still.
"What-uh, what else do you like?"
Your head was spinning. Maybe he wasn't so confident? Was that it? You were usually the one to break eye contact, but your clumsy, stupid words seemed to unlock the key to a shy side.
"U-hm," Eyes and fingers flitted up to his chest, then his broad shoulders, "I like... how strong you are."
Big hands squeezed around your waist, setting off a flurry of butterflies, and kept you plastered across his front, instead of your attempted distance.
"'Shouldn't tell me that," He muttered, fingers locked around each other on the curve of your spine.
You wanted to feel everything while you could-- you directed your touch to the back of his neck, and reached up as far as you could go with a face of focused concentration. Your voice was quiet, far away.
"Why not? It's true."
The grip pulling on you shifted and in seconds, he muscled you up by the ass to sit on his hips-- your thighs squeezed him but didn't need to when his grip was forcing you so hard against his cock.
He made a toothy grin at your shifting around, frantic grabbing, and looking down at the distant floor, "Gotta stay humble, man."
"Shut up," You couldn't look at his blacked-out pupils, so you opted for his mouth instead.
There were little scars all over his bottom lip, and when you started to glance around his handsome face, you realized there were many more.
You adjusted your hands around the back of his neck and, in the process of studying him, found a bigger one.
"Your eye," You took a thumb to his brow, concerned despite his small chuckle.
He closed his eyes to let you check out the shape, and you noticed he had a crooked nose. It looked like he'd broken it a few times, actually.
"That's from forever ago-- just my own shitty Quirk--,"
"Your Quirk isn't shitty." You stated, surprised a Hero Course student would bash on their own Quirk so casually.
His Quirk was, honestly, pretty cool. You wished you could do half of the things he could, and you were sure countless other students in his class felt the same way.
You rolled your hips up to lock your legs, "I like your Quirk."
He was so hot and firm, it was distracting-- you immediately needed to know if it would fit. A breathy laugh pushed past his lips and he looked down, away from you, with an identical thought.
Your lips were barely an inch apart when he looked back up, conflicted and bothered in many ways.
"I really like when you do that," He muttered, focused entirely on your glossy bottom lip.
You did a lot of things but boiled it down to either the grinding or the compliment.
"I...really like you, too--"
For some reason, his trailing off sounded like he was about to say 'but,' which didn't make any sense. You started to frown. You thought all the feelings were pretty uncomplicated, here.
"--But I wanted to take you to dinner, first."
A smile that was so big it hurt stretched across your face. That was the cutest, hottest thing you ever heard.
Your palm flattened against the side of his head and he followed your gentle lead, like a puppy on a leash, just happy to be there. Happy to please.
You considered it, only because he looked genuinely apologetic.
But he adjusted you a little on his hips, and his fingers were edging onto your bare skin, and you lost your train of thought.
"We can worry about dinner tomorrow,"  A mumbled solution was quickly swallowed by his hungry mouth-- you quickly learned that he was a messy kisser, but didn't have the energy to care.
Strawberry lipgloss smeared to oblivion, he left you breathless and pained when he pulled away to sit down and enjoy your flawless neck.
His lengthy time there, hands clawing the plush of your ass, forced you to sit still and pretty on top of his confined cock.
You pushed your forehead onto his oversized shoulder, panting already at the restraint and realization that you'd have to go out in public with huge splotches of purple and green all over your neck.
He sunk his teeth into you and closed his jaw, leaving deep, puffy lines in your skin-- you squirmed away with a shaky sound, but were only met with a forearm barring you in by the lower back.
"If you don't like it rough, you can always tell me to stop," He reminded you, playful and a little condescending.
If he was going to be filthy, you wanted to return the energy.
"Mm-mm," While he was more maneuverable, you took the opportunity to press another deep, needy kiss on his big, scarred lips, "Put those teeth to good use."
Kirishima almost shied away from your sugar-sweet tone, your sudden confidence in the face of words that he had to craft very carefully. His saving grace was your subtle confirmation.
"I knew you had a thing for my teeth," He stole a few more giggly kisses and was sure to carefully take your bottom lip.
It was technically a lie-- he didn't come up with that theory on his own. Sero had to bring it up with him after he noticed your fixation.
"I've got a thing for you," You admitted.
Your hands explored his broad back, trying to fight your squirming as he switched sides and started high on the other side of your neck. His excited chuckles buzzing against your heated skin were not making it easy.
His long hair kept getting in your face. Instead of blowing the locks away, you tracked your fingers up through the back and tugged it away, but it elicited an almost automatic motion in his hips, up into you.
You laughed at his failed grab up at your fist and, with the same mocking tone he used with you, chirped, "If you don't like it rough..."
"God, you're funny too--," Kirishima sighed and pulled your shirt over your head before you could object.
He must not have realized your common choice to go braless beforehand, because your blank torso left a funny, flushed look on his face.
It was hard to tell, though, and your immediate understanding of his surprise demanded an apology and crossed arms with an uncomfortable chuckle, "Sorry-- I think you've got me beat in cup size."
"No-nono, they're great, fantastic, amazing," He pulled on your arms and explained so quick you had to read his lips to understand him, "I didn't mean to- I'm just-- happy I don't have to struggle with a clip."
You had to wonder how many girls he'd been with, what his expectations were, because he clearly had some experience.
As he hoisted you up, light as a feather to him, to put you on your back, you wondered if he was good. If he'd be patient with the best and worst parts.
The mattress groaned beneath his weight as he wasted no time to shift over your pretty, raised chest. When he put a fraction of his body on you, you almost gave the same reaction.
His lips and tongue on your sensitive bud almost convinced you to not ask, but your body was screaming for him to get off.
"How much do you weigh?"
You raked your fingernails through his scalp with a labored inhale and felt him smile.
"290[131 kg], around there." He kissed the bitemark he left on your breastbone and switched sides.
Half of the time, you couldn't fathom how massive he was in comparison to you, so you didn't try. But now, with practically nothing else to do than compare, it was mindblowing.
If he wasn't careful, he might risk seriously injuring you. Rough, for his size and strength, might actually be dangerous. You cringed at how unsexy it sounded to suffer a torn muscle or a broken bone because you didn't know each other's limits.
"Still not where I want to be," His canine almost clipped you as he spoke, forcing you to flinch, "Trying to get to 300."
Your thighs squeezed around his torso, shamefully turned on by the risk. He made a grumbly, understanding groan on your breast with a dose of intense eye contact.
"You like big guys, huh?"
You huffed and pushed on his enormous shoulders, "Obviously."
Another kiss to the center of your chest gave way to lower and lower toothy, ruttish kisses. He loved the way you fueled his ego by acknowledging his size.
"Can I--," You sighed, not wanting to be picky, but concerned for your pussy with his combined leverage and clumsy habits in this position, "Can I sit on your face--?"
That was a lot easier than you anticipated. He quickly wrapped his arms around you, determined to not let you move without his manual aid, and fell onto his back.
He was very pretty under you.
Hair splayed out, at least before he started to tie it up, his impressive body all exposed for you to admire and touch, his eyes glued to only you.
You didn't want to part from the print in his sweatpants, perfectly content grinding on it instead, but he hooked his hands beneath your thighs and pulled you up.
As disappointed as you were to part, you knew you needed this so it'd fit easier.
It took a moment to find the tiny zipper of your skirt, but when you did, Kirishima moved your hands away and did it himself, grinning at your cute frown.
"You gotta get used to me doing things for you, baby," He dropped them off of the side of the bed.
"Baby?"  You repeated to yourself, more focused on the name and insinuation that he wanted to do this regularly than his head between your thighs.
He brought you out of your spinning head with a long, slow kiss to your thigh, longer and slower than he originally intended, because now he wanted to mark all of you up.
Another bite reminded you--
"Be careful with your teeth- please."
The chewing on your other leg paused, and he chuckled against it, "Of course."
A slow, gentle kiss through your thin, soaked undies, "I'm real careful when I wanna be."
Your posture struggled to stay up already. You took a fistful of his hair and screwed up his ponytail as his arms held you down, fingers hooked into the fabric.
The sharp, invasive noise of a door opening and a familiar, scratchy voice shot your body with a stiffness you had never felt before.
"Hey Dumbass, let's get this over with already, I wanna--,"
Two pairs of red eyes widened at the same exact time as you caught your breath to scream bloody murder.
Kirishima pushed you into the mattress with a Hero-like quickness, shushing your shrill curses and smothering your body with his comforter and own body.
It was far too late. Bakugou was standing stock-still at the open door, hand struggling to find it again in order to close it, while he stared open-mouthed and beet red at his buddy.
Despite you yelling at him to get out, fuck off, get lost, and the like, he only listened to Kirishima when he was told to, 'Wait outside the door for a sec, man.'
"It's okay, it's okay, it's okay," He leaned over you, breathing hard and on the verge of tears, "It's okay, you're okay--,"
"It's not!! It's not! You didn't lock the door?!"
"The dorms here don't have locks," He explained, way too calm for your liking.
You repeated, 'Don't have locks,' until you could find another thing to focus on.
"He saw me," You got worked up again, sniffling, "He--,"
"Awww, nonono," Kirishima lifted you up into a strong hug and kissed the side of your head, "I promise he doesn't care, baby. He's not that kinda guy."
It was too much, you were just with him in the gym and now he saw you, completely nude, sitting on his best friend's face. You wanted to leave immediately.
"I'm gonna talk to him, okay?"
He tried to let you go, but you stayed latched on, making him laugh. He grabbed a stray shirt from his bedframe and smelled it, then offered it as a replacement.
You first wiped the tears off of your face with it, hasty and angry, then mumbled as he stood back up, "Beat him up or something."
"I'll try," He joked and gave your leg a little rub before leaving to meet Bakugou in the hall.
His absence was sobering.
The very first thing you did was shimmy yourself into his gigantic t-shirt, with an obnoxiously long inhale through the dark grey cotton. His scent was like a shot of morphine.
Then, you sat very still, his collar over your nose, comforter still confining you like a caterpillar, to listen to the sounds of hushed voices right outside the door.
Why the hell didn't you knock--?
Don't get pissy at me! You're not supposed to have chicks in your room!
Bro, you KNEW how I felt and you KNEW she was over.
And YOU knew that Stats assignment was due at six. YOU asked ME to come over at 5.
It wasn't quite Kirishima throwing punches, but he did sound upset for you. You linked your fingers together and stared at the door.
I thought I made it pretty clear what I'd be doing for the next few hours, man.
No, No, No, and you still haven't. Looks like you beat the shit out of her! What the hell is on her neck?!
Dude, come on, you've never seen a hickey? Oh, waaait--
There was a moment of tense quiet, and you were still holding out hope for Kirishima to kick his loud friend's ass, but it never came.
Let's just hurry this up.
The doorknob twisted then returned without opening. You pulled the shirt back down where it was supposed to go. More heated words, then Kirishima reappeared with an initial look that could kill. It was replaced with a polite, mom-pleasing smile at you.
"Hi," He waved, then glanced behind the door, "I hate to ask, but--"
"Move." Bakugou reappeared and didn't even spare a glance in your direction.
Despite Kirishima's warnings, went straight to the desk and sat a bag down, his permanent grumpy face no indicator of what he was thinking or what he felt.
Instead of joining him, Kirishima sat on the mattress next to you, found your skirt in the process, and pressed a gentle kiss to your forehead.
"Like I said, he doesn't care," He rolled his eyes back to Bakugou, then sighed at how adorable you looked in his bed and the blunt pain in his pants.
His hand rested on the side of your face, the pad of his thumb dusting over your puffy bottom lip. He leaned in to kiss you.
"Oh my god, let's go," Bakugou clicked on the online assignment.
"Would you chill the fuck out?" Kirishima spat, his face dropped to one of bitter annoyance.
Red flag or not, you couldn't tell through your rose-colored glasses. You liked how upset he got over not spending alone time with you right now.
Even Bakugou, who knew him a lot better, a lot longer, than you, looked surprised to hear that tone leave his mouth.
Ever trifling, he shook it off and reminded him as he walked over, "Coulda done this shit two weeks ago."
As they shared more passive-aggressive words, you realized all you could do was sit there and stare at a wall. Your phone was on the desk next to Bakugou's hip, so there was no quality distraction for you.
You started counting the stripes on your skirt, then pleats, then stitches.
That got boring, so you started trying to look at what was on the shirt he gave you. Some old red guy.
He had the same old Hero on a few posters in his room. Crimson Riot-- you realized he must've modeled his whole Hero theme from him. The name and vibe were pretty similar.
He had a lot of pillows. Your understanding was that guys usually had two, or just one. But he had seven on his bed. Maybe he had sleeping problems? Or maybe he just liked pillows. Hopefully not like that.
You wondered why he kept someone like Bakugou around as a best friend. You were still pissed off at him, so it was hard not to stare, but you could get away with steeping in your frustration a while longer.
Not only was their Class better-known throughout the school for being really stupid and really great, but Bakugou was the acme of stupid and great, so every rumor and preconception you had was confirmed, so far, with his behavior. Just as much of an asshole as everyone says.
But it must've meant something that Kirishima liked him. Either Kirishima was meaner than he was letting on, or Bakugou was nicer. You hoped it was the latter.
They were stuck on a problem, and while Kirishima didn't seem to care so much, Bakugou was losing it over his own answer being wrong.
Apparently, their assignments had slightly different questions. Modeled the same, but with different values. And Bakugou couldn't figure this one out.
You got tired of hearing him repeat himself, how he had to be right, how the person who made this version of the assignment put something in wrong.
Although you had different teachers for Statistics, the material couldn't have been entirely dissimilar. You stood and realized you didn't even need the skirt-- his shirt was like a sundress.
"I didn't think Hero Course students took normal subjects," You tiptoed over to the desk, on the opposite side as Bakugou, and kept your eyes fixated on the problem on the screen.
Maybe if Kirishima wasn't distracting you, you weren't distracting him.
You mumbled under your breath, "Events which occur randomly... rate r counted over... period of length s so... event count X is Poisson...Find P of X is 2, X is... okay, ummmm," You tucked your lip between your teeth and stole the paper from Bakugou's side to record all of the given elements of the question.
He rolled his eyes and crossed his arms as you started explaining in much clearer detail what they all stood for, why it seemed like a bunch of mumbo-jumbo, and answered his sometimes mind-bogglingly stupid questions with enviable patience.
It was starting to become obvious that Kirishima was not perfect. He even struggled with basic math.
One could argue that based on the number of times you caught him looking at the hem of his shirt on your thigh, it was safe to assume that maybe he had something else on his mind, too.
"Sooo, that would mean...?"
Kirishima leaned forward, two strong forearms on either side of you, to type his answer into the box.
Your tummy was doing flips as he rolled his chair closer, face pressed into your waist.
A little green checkmark appeared. He pulled you in by the opposite hip and kissed your side while Bakugou snatched up the work you helped Kirishima do.
"You're such a good teacher," Was mumbled low and smiley into the softness of your waist-- you cringed away, but once again, he held you still.
Bakugou didn't acknowledge it. But he didn't shoo you away or make any comments when Kirishima tugged you into his lap.
First, you shoved his shirt down so there wasn't a repeat of last time, and then, you tried to keep your pitiful protests to yourself once he started bouncing his leg up and down.
He pressed you to the edge of the desk so he could still write and type while Bakugou basically just told him what to do.
After that question, there weren't any more mistakes that needed fixing.
Which was fortunate considering that you would be incapable of forming a cohesive sentence. The constant force of his thigh was absolute heaven against your neglected pussy.
You kept face until Bakugou began to gather his things to leave. When he turned to place a textbook in his bag, Kirishima snaked an arm around your waist and started to add to the marks he left on your neck earlier.
Your thighs squeezed and you clawed at his knee and his wrist. He bit your ear in return and shoved his face into your hair.
The blond slung his bag over his shoulder.
Kirishima briefly came back to the real world with a quick dap-up and, "Take care, dude. See ya tomorrow."
"Yeah," Bakugou glanced at you, then back at his buddy, "Be safe."
@dough-yo-bu @yellowflowerbub @fairywriter-oracle @kirismoon
@kwiwin @cringingmemeries @leo6472 @nijha2tact
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bluegalaxygirl · 1 year
It's not just a dream (Zosan X reader)
Plot: Nightmares plague the readers head and when confiding in Robin is told that the things they see are real creatures who feed off your dreams.
The creature is based off Lovecraft stories and thank you to @being-worthy for the suggestion <3. Zoro X Sanji X Reader, poly relationship, established relationship, Reader is GN.
Warning: Nightmares, Making out, Violence and Dreamcore.
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Stone stairs spiralled around buildings either leading to a deadly drop or to a new street with starched out buildings and floating street signs. This place made no sense but you kept running trying to find a way out. Panting, sweaty and scared you have no idea why your running in the first place, there was no one around but you felt like something was hunting you. The hairs on the back of your neck stood up and anxiety welled up inside as you made it to the end of a very long stair case stopping just before falling off the edge. Way down bellow, to far for you to survive a jump was train tracks and buildings in odd shapes and sizes, nothing was in a straight line and the windows of the buildings were out of place along with doors that were either too small or sideways. Your breath hitched in your throat feeling like something was behind you, there was no sound to indicate it but your body was telling you something was there. Slowly turning around a humanoid creature stood on the stairs behind you, You could tell it was looking at you even though it had no face, just wrinkled flash covering its head and two long winding horns pointing inwards. Its arms were like bat wings with long claws, it had no hair or fur just rubbery skin pulled over an unbelievably skinny body. Its long skinny barbed tail swished back and forth somehow not making any sound. As you stepped back it stepped closer, your feet almost over the edge but every part of you said to keep going, just get away form it. Your body moved on its own stepping back once more falling over the edge, as you fell its head peeked over the edge tilting it before you hit the ground.
Gasping awake you sit up Zoro's arms already around you as he whispered soothing words to you "Its ok baby, it's just a dream" he sighs pushing your hair out of your sticky face as you try and catch your breath and take in your surrounding's. Your in the large bed the three of you share, Sanji's gone probably making breakfast while Zoro holds you close. "S-sorry" you sigh starting to calm down "There's nothing to be sorry for" the swords man pulls away lifting your chin up so your looking at him "You ok?" his voice smooth and calm as his thumb rubs your jawline "Yea.. i'm ok". Helping you up and out of bed Zoro gives you a sad smile. You've been having nightmares for a few weeks now, leaving you tired and heart pounding, every dream takes place in the same place with that same creature. Sometimes it attacks you and other times it just watches you. Sanji and Zoro have been very worried about you, the dark circles under your eyes getting worse and falling asleep at random times of the day only to wake up in a sweat or even screaming like something attacked you.
You had a routine by now, Wake up, calm down, take a shower, pick at your food, try not to fall asleep, fall asleep, rinse and repeat. The vicious cycle seeming to never end, you didn't even know what day it was and things like reading became something you couldn't do, it either made you too tired or the words on the page started moving making your head hurt. Chopper tried to help, he superscribed teas, yoga, meditation and more but none of it seemed to work. The rest of the crew was concerned to the point where no one was comfortable letting you go out alone or fight, you didn't mind though, too tired to argue let alone think. After your shower Zoro helps you dry your hair, insisting you don't lift anything heavy even though its just a hair dryer but again your too tired to argue just letting it happen as you sit there trying not to fall asleep again. On your way to the kitchen your swords man keeps an arm around your waist, you think he's just being clingy but unbeknownst to you he was stopping you from swaying side to side as you walked.
"Morning my loves" Sanji's cheery voice makes you smile as you both enter the kitchen and take a seat "Morning Hun" you greet letting Zoro help you sit down before he heads off over to the cook "Morning" the swords man greets running a hand around Sanji's waist as the man cooks before pressing a kiss on his temple. Not everyone was up yet, It was early only Brook, Chopper, Robin, Sanji, Zoro and you were in the kitchen. With your head laying in your hand you look up at the two with a smile, a hand lightly pressed against your arm gaining your attention. Robin sat next to you with a concerned face, Chopper next to her looking at you "You ok? Iv been calling you" The reindeer asks making you sit up straight "Sorry, what do you need?" you ask as Robin's hand moves to yours holding it "You still having nightmares?" She asks watching you nod "Can you tell us about them?" The doctor asks, this question always seems to come up, What do you dream about? What scars you? Why does it scar you? The questions annoy you and over the past week your answers have gotten a lot shorter and more snappy. "Same as the others" you snap Robins hand squeezing yours as Chopper looks down.
A cup of tea and a plate of food was placed in front of you Sanji leaning down with a smile taking the cigarette out of his mouth before placing a kiss on your head. Zoro joins sitting next to you digging into his own food "Are you going to eat today love?" Sanji's voice full of worry about your health only for you to shrug "It looks good but i'm not that hungry" You can't face him when you talk about food, you love his cooking and his face is so sad when you don't eat it, makes you feel worse. The cook puts his cigarette out and rubs your shoulders leaning down and kissing your cheek "Just eat what you can, please" his begging hurt your heart and makes you want to cry, all you want is to sleep, one good night sleep where you don't wake up after dying in your dream. "I'll try. Thank you" you sigh reaching your hand up you place it on one of his. Robin squeezes your other hand to get your attention "I know your not in the mood to talk but... we really want to help" her voice is soft almost like a mother talking to her scared child but you feel comfort in it. Chopper nods standing up in his chair "Could you please describe your dreams in detail? Robin and I have been reading up on dream theory and meanings so maybe we can help" The doctors pleas makes you tear up a little, you know they all care so much for you but your so tired. Sanji's hands squeeze your shoulders trying to give you encouragement to go on while Zoro's hand moves to your thigh as he leans over to you "Please" he whispers getting you to sigh and with a tired mind you start talking.
You tried your best to describe everything, what the world looked like, how things felt so real, the ways you died until you finally got to the creature. Deciding it with tears in your eyes, you talked about how it was always silent, even when it flew over you, its wings never made a sound. How its claws digged into your flash as you try to grab onto its smooth rubbery skin. They looked at you in shock not realizing the extent of your nightmares before now but what caught your attention was Robin's and Brook's face. The musician had stopped drinking his tea almost dropping the cup as you described the creature, Robins eyes widen and her grip tightens on your hand making it tingle from the lack of blood flow "What?" Sanji's voice brakes the long silence that filled the room once you were done talking, seeing the expressions of his crew mates faces made him worry. "Y/N, your not having dreams" Brooks voice catches your attention but his words make no sense, you put it down to being tired and mishearing him only for Zoro's abrasive voice to confirm what you had heard him right "What the hell is that supposed to mean? Their alive and their here." His anger boiled over Sanji having to place a hand on the sword mans shoulder to stop him from getting up. "He's right" Robin sighs releasing your hand a little letting the blood flow through again. "I read about these creatures. Night-gaunt's. They feed off dreams in a way. Its hard to explain, but they keep their victim in a constant state of fear and exhaustion until that person dies, then they move on to the next. they feed of your energy making you tired, what's happening is real, it's in a dream world but... its real"
You didn't know whether to believe her or not but as Brook stood and walked over leaning across the table to look at you it hit you that this was real. "One of my old crew was a target." The sadness on the skeletons face tolled you all the outcome, it made you scared "But, there is a way we can break it. In the dream you have to die one way or another, if you live then there's not enough fear for the Night-gaunt to keep a hold of you" hope filled you at his words knowing there was a way out. Sanji's arms moved form your shoulder to around you placing his head on your shoulder still trying to take everything in, he couldn't bare losing you. Zoro tried his best to keep his mouth shut, he was too angry about the situation and he wanted nothing more than to kill the creature doing this to you. "How though?" your voice finally rang out managing to collect yourself enough to deal with the situation. "Well one of the dream books we read talked about a ritual that can make people enter each others dreams. If we do it right, some of us can go in with you and help" Robin's smile made you feel warm and you nodded happily agreeing with her "Im gonna kick that thing's ass" Zoro growled one hand taking yours while the other landed on his swords "Im going too" Sanji kisses your cheek, you turn to face them both their eyes filled with a burning desire to protect and fight for you.
As night approached everything was finally ready, set up in the work shop the only light were candles dotted around the room. A large circle on the floor made of salt and lavender and inside laid you, Sanji and Zoro, your heads touching as you laid on your backs making a Y shape. Chopper had you drink some strange tasting tea before you all laid down while Robin read from the book explaining everything to you. "Once its starts we can't stop, the ritual lasts about an hour but to you three it'll feel like ten or twenty minutes since time moves faster in dreams. Remember to stay calm and don't do anything dangerous" you nod at her as you all hold hands feeling slightly dizzy from the tea. Brook starts to play a very light song with his violin while Robin starts to read the ritual form the book. Things start to go fuzzy and her words drift from being loud to being dulled, the violin soothing making your eyes close.
Opening your eyes and sitting up you notice your surroundings, long winding street with odd shaped buildings that dont line up with the street and staircases winding around from the floor into the air. This time the dreamland felt different, you weren't scared and instead of no small at all there was a faint smell of lavender. "Y/N?" Zoro's and Sanji's voices sounded behind you, for a minute you forgot that they came with you, turning your two boys walk over to you and you can't help but run up to hug them both. "Hay baby" Zoro laughs holding you close as Sanji runs a hand through your hair "You feeling ok?" the swords man pulls away to ask. in the dream world you look less tired, no bags under your eyes and you seem to have your energy back "Yea i'm good. We should get going though?" Sanji looks down at you not convinced by your words "My love, your safe with us" his soothing touch on your cheek makes you feel calmer but you can feel the anxiety inside starting to rise "I know but its best to keep moving. Staying in one place for too long is dangerous" Not wanting to scare you more than you already are the two agree to start walking. Taking the boys hands they keep you in the middle as you walk around aimlessly.
The strange word makes no sense to any of you and nothing looks the same making it hard to figure out where to go but you keep walking. A spark of fear and anxiety flares in your chest making you stop in your tracks, Zoro and Sanji doing the same looking around and pulling you close between the two "You can sense it?" The cook asks his arm around your waist as he holds you close to his back, his leg slightly raised ready to kick anything that comes near. "Yea. I-i don't know where it is though" you whisper back afraid the creature will hear you as you cling to Sanji's back. "Stay close, we've got you" Zoro whispers back holding two of his swords out his back pressed up against yours. The world is quiet as the three of you look around, your goal is to survive, easier said than done even with the two strongest men around. Tears well up in your eyes at the sickness growing inside you, you hate that feeling, it means the creature is very close. You try to breath slowly taking in deep breaths as Sanji's hand rubs your hip but your breath catches in your throat. Turning your head slowly to look the other side of you as you tug of Sanji's arm. The silent flesh faced creature stands beside you making you scream out and back away as its clawed wing swings down to hurt you, two swords block it and push the wings back up as Sanji kicks the creature in the chest sending it falling away form the three of you.
It makes no sound, no grunt or growl as it stands up tilting its head at the three of you "Its even creepier than you described" Sanji glares at the thing, disgust welling up inside. Catching your breath you manage to steady yourself as it just stood there "Get inside" Zoro nudges you but you don't move "Can't, none of the doors or windows open" you reply the creature starting to flap its wing but like always its silent. Lifting its self off the ground it fly's at the three of you, it's long legs turning to kick at Zoro who blocks it only for one of its wings to come down and slash at the swords man. Sanji jumps in using his leg to block the clawed wing form hitting the man but as the creature pushes off using its other wing to stay in the air it used its tail to whip the cook in the face sending him falling over form the force. Running over to Sanji the creature try's clawing at Zoro again but is pushed away and sliced across the wing. Checking Sanji's face you notice a small cut on his cheek but other than that he seemed fine, helping him up you notice the sword slash actually did some damage. The creatures wing was split open but there was no blood just flash hanging as it backed up, Its head turned to you and Sanji leaping at the two of you. Sanji easily kicked it way, you could tell it was getting angry, its movements becoming more animalistic than calculated.
It kept trying to lunge at you but your boys managed to stop it or at least pull you away telling you not to get involved and just say behind them. The more they hurt it the less scared you became, you could have hurt this thing if you wanted too but it kept you so scared it made you think you couldn't. As time went on it got more and more desperate trying to get to you before the time ran out. Sanji's leg kicked its feet out from under it as Zoro sliced through its wing taking it clean off. The creature ignored it though, going between the two and pushing off the ground to lunge at you. Quick thinking saved you, grabbing a floating road sigh you swung hitting it in the face sending it to the ground as it skidded passed you. Sanji ran past you as it got up kicking its head into the wall and holding it there as Zoro stabbed its swords into the creature's chest. It tried to wiggle out, its tail coming up to whip at Zoro only for you to kick it into the wall, the barbed end getting stuck in the bricks. Relief washed over you as you looked at the creature you once feared, your eyes felt heavy again and the smell of lavender got stronger making you feel woozy.
Opening your eyes Chopper smiles down at you "Your awake" The reindeer cheers wrapping his arms around your neck hugging you as you sit up holding him in your arm. You giggle and run your hand through his fur hearing groans behind you as Zoro and Sanji wake up. "You did it" The doctor cry's into your shoulder as you turn to look at Zoro and Sanji. Robin helped the cook up who thanked her with a big smile, the cut on his cheek no where to be found. Zoro stood up stretching as Brook offered to help but got pushed away. "Thank you" you smile at them all, feeling tired but safe. Chopper lifts his head up form your neck, his eyes streaming with tears and blue nose running "Y/N... i'm so glad your alive" he cried making you giggle and pat his head. "We'll see if its successful after tonight." Robin nods as Zoro walks over and picks you up form the ground holding you in his arms "You look like hell" he laughs a little, the bags under your eyes dark and puffy while your hair messy, but he still loves you. "Well i think you look amazing my love" Sanji walks over placing a kiss on your cheek. "Get some sleep. I'll see you in the morning" Robin smiles patting your leg before leaving Brook following after her. "You going too?" you ask down at Chopper who's still in your arms, you feel him shake his head clinging onto you for dear life. "Come on Chopper I'll take you to bed" Sanji laughs trying to grab the reindeer who squirms in your arm trying to hold on. "Oh it's ok Hun, he can stay" you can't resist the fluffy doctor, he's too cute to say no too.
Zoro carries you and Chopper to bed Sanji holding the door open for him. The two boys didn't mind Chopper spending the night, he's done it before and it makes you happy. The poor reindeer feel asleep in your arms on the way to the room, not wanting to disturb him the three of you stayed quiet, the swords man putting you in bed and laying next to you while Sanji got in the other side pulling the blankets over you. The cook leans in and places his lips on yours caressing your face with his hand as he moved closer but still trying not to disturb Chopper. Zoro places his head on your shoulder and kisses your neck leading kisses up to your ear. The past few weeks you've been too tired to show affection the way you used too, so they hoped now things will go back to normal, you hoped so too not wanting to neglect them. Pulling away from Sanji with a smile Zoro's fingers pull your chin to look behind you at him. Leaning over you slightly he kisses your lips keeping a firm grip of your chin as he moves his lips with yours. The swords man lets you go letting you lay your head on the pillow and get comfy while Sanji leans over and pulls Zoro in for a kiss. The kiss turns into a make out, their tongues fighting for control a little, but they both enjoy it pulling away to lay down with you and hold you close. That nights was the best sleep you have ever had, no creatures, no death and no fear.
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madebyrolo · 8 months
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Chapter 8
ᨒ↟ ⋆。° ᨒ↟ ⋆。° ᨒ↟ ⋆。°
They boys head to their makeshift field and decided on the teams while the girls sit in their little area they made.
“Alright Me and Sam are captains. I get first pick” Embry said. He played on his schools team so he takes these games seriously. The teams are Emry, Jake, Quill ,Tyler and Sam, Paul, Seth,Jared
“Doesn’t it seem unfair. I mean Paul and Sam they are obviously bigger than the rest of them” y/n said concerned
“Yea but Embry knows the game well and him and Quil are an unbeatable duo.” Emily said
“Wait who’s gonna be the ref?” Seth asked
“Oo my sister can do it, She used to play when she was younger she knows the game right y/n!” Tyler said with pleading eyes. This is the only time she’s seen him this sweet.
“Fine I guess.” She gets up and heads to the boys.
“Y/n no cheating family doesn’t mean anything on the field.” Paul said looking at her with a smirk
“Yea but I don’t know i heard some things about Embry and Quil, I don’t think Tyler would be a problem.” Y/n snarked backed
The game starts and so far they’re playing fair. Couple minutes past and Emily was right about Embry and Quil they are kicking their asses. It’s 2-1 right now and they haven’t even hit halftime yet.
“Guys I’m not gonna lie, as grown men this is pretty embarrassing.” Emily commented
“I second that” Bella agreed
“They’re younger they have more energy and better stamina” Jared said
“No you guys suck.” said y/n
Finally after what felt like forever it’s halftime.
“That was literally the most sad first half I’ve seen.” Y/n said.
“Come on we didn’t know Seth would’ve been a terrible goalie.” Jared said
“He looked at y/n once and caused us a point.” Sam said
“He was practically gawking at you” Paul said with disgust
“I can’t help it look at her skin it’s sun kissed!”
“Stop looking at her toes!”
“But they’re pink and glittery….” Seth wined
“Alright guys it’s 3-1 let’s just call it quits” Jared said
“Yea I don’t wanna cry for Paul when you guys lose” y/n said
“Aww you’ll cry for me. That’s so sweet I’m touched!” Paul replied with a sarcastic smile
“Alright so you guys forfeit ?” Jacob asked mischievous smile
“Never” Paul replied with a smirk
“Come on Paul I wanna swim before the sun goes down!” Y/n said falling into him. Paul looked at her in her pleading soft eyes and before he could think he said
“We forfeit.”
“NOO PAUL WHY” Jared yelled at him falling on the sand. Paul instantly remembered why they didn’t forfeit.
“Cant blame him” Sam said going up to Emily with a kiss
“Oh my god why so dramatic about it, it’s just a game!” Bella commented
“We a team forfeits they have to take out shifts for the rest of the week.” Jacob said proudly
“What do mean shifts?” Bella asked. They all looked at Sam trying to figure out what they could telll the 2 girls who couldn’t know about the shifting.
“Um well you know It’s who has to clean up after every feast Emily cooks for us!” Sam said trying to convince them
“It’s literally just cleaning up how lazy can you guys be” y/n said
“Yea but they aren’t crazy like animals they eat like them too.” Emily complained
“Well I’m off to swim!” Y/n said throwing off her shirt at Seth and running to the shore. Seth stared at her in awe this just made his crush on her worse.
“Woah baby she’s hot.”
“Watch it.” Paul growled
“Easy Paul.” Sam whispered to him
“Do you have a crush on her seth?” Jacob ask him laughing
“What !? no….”
“She’s 17, your 14 it ain’t gonna happen” Jared said
“I can wait.”
“Guys come on there’a other girls” Sam said trying to keep the peace
“They’re not y/n tho” Paul said
“Oh what now you’re interested in her too? Now I don’t definitely don’t have a chance!” Seth threw his head back in defeat
“What? No im just saying there other girls for you, that are your age.” Paul told him
“Yea but remember you’re basically 19 so you can’t make a move.”
“Sure Seth just for you.”
“You guys stop fighting over her, Embry basically beat you too it anyways.” Quill said looking at Embry and y/n playing fighting in the ocean..
“Guys come on stop fighting let’s go in!” Emily said trying to keep Paul from wolfing out infront of Bella and Y/n.
They all are in the water, Bella soon left to meet up with her boyfriend.
Sam and Emily are together swimming and talking . The younger boys are ended up cliff diving with Jared.
Paul is just roaming around y/n not leaving her side. They some what were acting like children, y/n showing him how she doggy paddle, them having contests to see who can hold their breath the longest and just swimming around talking getting to know each other after a month of waiting.
“what’s your name” y/n asked
“Paul Lahote”
“Now tell me your story Mr.Lahote”
“Well, I’m 18 years old, people say I have a short temper but they’re just sensitive. My birthday is January 10th, greens my favorite color and I want to be a mechanic” he told her “now what’s yours.”
“Y/n Lara. originally city girl, I’m 17. My birthday is April 29th and my favorite color is purple. I don’t really know want I wanna do but a dentist sounds nice, oh maybe a vet.” she told him excitingly
“You know forks isn’t that bad” y/n says “it’s so peaceful, no crazy traffic, no loud noises coming from literally everywhere. Just trees, animals and rain. I feel so at peace.” she said floating soaking up the sun, waiting to see the sunset
“Do you miss Chicago ?” Paul asks her
“I miss the memories, my friends you know? I wouldn’t trade riding the transit for this. I officially love the west coast” she said swimming backwards
“Here come float with me” Paul pulled her. They both lay on their backs just staring at the sky, the sun is slowly starting to fall.
“I could totally take a nap here” y/n commenting “if I wouldn’t like float away becoming lost at sea”
“That would be a funny story to tell ” Paul chuckled before linking their hands “ I got you. don’t know what I would if I lost you.” The imprint on Sam started talking, this taken back y/n a bit.
“What do you mean?” She asked
“Oh um” Paul struggled to cover up what he said but quickly recovered “ you know before I could sweep you off your feet”
“Smooth” y/n said “you got competition tho”
“How will I ever compete with Seth!! A 14 year old who’s a mamas boy.” they laugh
“Come on let’s go with the others” y/n said grabbing his hand and swimming towards the shore.
Every was helping pack up, putting the food in the coolers, packing up the chairs and putting everything in the cars.
“Here let me help you” Paul said as he dusted off the sand of y/n blankets and folded them.
“Thanks Paul” she said
“Anytime” they head to her car to put them away. Once done they stood there.
“it was very nice to see you again. You’re pretty cool” y/n said
“Thanks you too. Didn’t know the girl who blasts oasis knew how to doggy paddle.” He said with a laugh
“Oof yea” she said closing her eyes due to embarrassment To be honest I blasted it because I was embarrassed that I called you sir. I thought I embarrassed myself I didn’t know you were 18 you look 20 with your build” She responded
“I’ll guess I’ll see you around the rez ? I gotta a get going tell Jacob and the rest I said bye and thanks for the invite !” Y/n said getting into her car
“Well bye I hope you too see you around soon. Drive safe” Paul hit the roof of her car and walked away.
Y/n waited for Tyler to get in the car and let him pick a cd. She began driving home thinking about how she finally met the boy from her dreams.
𝘗𝘢𝘶𝘭 𝘭𝘢𝘩𝘰𝘵𝘦
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jeanniebug623 · 9 months
🕸️🕷️ Weaving the Web 🕷️🕸️
Chapter 1: The First Crack
Spider couldn’t be happier to be away from the sky people’s monstrosity of Bridgehead City.  He was stretched out on a soft, mossy branch.  The wind was cooling the sweat sticking to his skin and small patches of sun moved across his freshly painted stripes as the leaves shifted above him.  He didn’t do as good a job as he normally would.  The reincarnated goon squad he was leading through the forest never gave him enough time to properly repaint them, but they weren’t the issue this time. 
He had a pounding headache.  It started as just a tiny prickling sensation on the right side, more towards the forehead above the eye, but now it was pulsing through his entire skull.  The pressure from his mask was making it worse but it’s not like he could take it off.  He was taking slow breaths to combat the growing pain in his head to the sound of Kiri’s voice counting.  He was close to smiling at the thought of his best friend when he was harshly brought back to reality… 
“Kid!” Quaritch barked from the ground down below.  The reincarnated father figure looked pissed.  Hands on his hips and glaring up at Spider with his ears back and tail whipping back and forth.  “I distinctly remember telling you to stay in eyesight.” 
Spider let out an exaggerated sigh and rolled his eyes.  He kind of regretted it because even the eye roll made his headache worse.  He closed his eyes and stayed sprawled out on the branch, “What’s your problem, old man?  I didn’t run off.  Not my fault you’re all slow as fuck…” 
Quaritch growled low in his throat.  So, it was going to be one of those days?  The moody, obnoxious version of his genetic predecessor’s teenage son was who they had to deal with. Just that morning, the kid had been light-hearted and joking around.  Fantastic… 
“Watch your mouth, kid.” Quaritch scolded, “You may think you’re grown but cursing doesn’t make you sound older.  Just makes you sound like a punk.  And it’s either ‘sir’ or ‘colonel’, you read me?” 
Spider didn’t say anything.  He just laid on the branch, his feet hanging off and swinging as he ignored Quaritch. 
“You read me, boy?” Quaritch repeated, louder and angrier. 
This made the teen say something in Na’vi, probably another curse word, as he sat up and glared down at Quaritch.  He held up his hands in mock surrender and spoke with a fake exaggerated submissive tone, “I read you loud and clear, sir, wouldn’t want that old school ass whippin’ you keep pretending is a threat.” 
“You willing to take that chance?” Quaritch snarled.  Spider went quiet at this but still had that antagonizing look on his face.  “Get down here.  Now.” 
Reluctantly, the boy listened.  He was grumbling in Na’vi the whole way down and dropped down the last few feet.  But something threw him off and he wobbled, putting a hand on the tree trunk before he fell.  The impact of landing made his head flash with pain and his free hand clutched the side of his head.  He felt a large hand catch his elbow as he did this. 
“Don’t fucking touch me!” Spider snapped, smacking Quaritch’s hand away.  But the motion caused him to spin too far and land his back against the tree. He was glaring at the recom with complete malice. 
Despite the lecture about cursing he just gave and obvious hostility, Quaritch couldn’t care less as an instinctual fear rushed him when he saw the human boy almost collapse.  He held out his hands placatingly and spoke softly, “Easy, kid, easy…you good?” 
Spider looked up at the recom as the extra head pains subsided.  Quaritch did look genuinely concerned.  He exhaled slowly and answered quietly as he looked away, feeling a bit bad for the way he snapped at him but too proud to apologize.  “Yea…I’m good.  Sir.” 
Quaritch nodded, not completely convinced the boy was as good as he claimed but didn’t push it when the rest of the team started to arrive at the location. 
“Great, the rest of the skxwang squad survived…” Spider said, crossing his arms in a huff as he leaned against the tree. 
“You can’t get rid of us that easily, kiddo.” Wainfleet said with a chuckle when the teen rolled his eyes and shook his head.  Spider had said that Na’vi word enough times for them to know it was an insult. But he was still just a kid, so the squad took his teenage angst with a grain of salt. 
Quaritch checked his watch then looked to the group, “Less than an hour until eclipse.  We’ll call it a day and set up camp.” 
The colonel received dutiful responses from his team while Spider just plopped himself off to the side and watched.  His argument from day one had been that he didn’t bring in any of the gear so why should he have to help them set up?  But on more than one occasion, he did assist unprompted by telling them to set up shelter in a place with more coverage when he knew a flash storm was coming.  Or which trees were better to anchor the tarp to since they almost tied it down to one that secretes a defensive paralytic sap shortly after contact. 
But he wasn’t helping this time.  Or speaking, for that matter.  Spider just sat on the ground against a root, his knees up and leaning his head in his right hand. It felt like he had insects crawling around in his skull.  He massaged his temple when really he wanted to claw it open to alleviate the itch at the source. 
“Spider, are you alright?” a voice interrupted his daze.  It was the medic.  Ja, if Spider remembered correctly?  He knew all their names but didn’t bother to remember which face they went with.  Why bother?  Spider wasn’t planning to stay with these people all that long…if only he could figure out how to ditch the damn tracker in his mask. 
“Yea…” Spider grumbled.  He didn’t like any of the recoms, for obvious reasons, but he only had major issues with Miles Quaritch.  The colonel took him on as his responsibility, so the others didn’t engage with or scold him much. 
“You have a headache?” Ja prodded.  The medic paused gathering kindling for a fire, despite how many times Spider told them they didn’t need them at night. All sky people, even the recoms, were all the same. 
“Wow, good diagnosis…is that all it takes to be a healer on Earth?” Spider said back in a heavily sarcastic tone. 
“Hey!” Quaritch snapped, pointing at him from where he was helping anchor the tarp, “Show some respect or I’ll teach it to you.” 
Spider wrapped his arms around his knees and glared at the ground, going quiet. 
“Just tell me if you do, alright?” Ja said softer.  Good thing he was the medic for the squad because Quaritch had terrible bedside manners.  “I have medication that can help.” 
“Human meds?” Spider asked curiously, looking at Ja with just his eyes. 
“Yes.” Ja said with a nod, “You’re human.  Needed to be prepared for anything.” 
Spider grumbled a ‘thanks’ and Ja nodded again before going back to collecting firewood.  It was such a boy scout thing to say.  Jake and Norm had told the kids stories about when they were young and both had been in troops.  Which Spider and the Sully boys compared to their normal upbringing.  The thought that humans didn’t learn to make fires, track, archery, and anything that was part of Na’vi life was just strange.  Lo’ak really got himself in trouble that day when he called the humans ‘pussies’ for not knowing that stuff…which led to a long investigation to where the boys learned that word. 
He didn’t think he would fall asleep, but Spider definitely lost time.  He opened his eyes with a jolt to see it was already dark, the fire was lit, and the recoms were sitting around eating their poor excuse for Na’vi diet rations.  Glancing down, he saw his own sad excuse for dinner in front of him with a canteen of water. 
“Did our little baby boy enjoy his nap before dinner?” Zdinarsk joked when she saw him wake up from across the clearing.  Everyone except Quaritch shared a laugh.  The colonel was too busy looking at Spider with concern deep in his eyes. 
“I wasn’t sleeping…” Spider growled quietly as he tore open the powdered meal and added water.  These meal packs were disgusting but he was also starving.  When he came to a little more, he’d go see if he could find some safe fruit or greens to eat. 
“You sure as hell weren’t awake either.” Quaritch said as he got up from his place with the squad and moved to sit next to the boy.  “Had to check for a pulse.” 
Spider looked up at Quaritch.  Confused as all hell.  Was he joking or did someone actually touch him and he didn’t wake up?  He’d always been a heavy sleeper; it was hard not to become one given all the sounds of Hell’s Gate and then High Camp at night.  But surely he would have woken up if someone touched him to check his pulse. 
“I know it’s not your favorite but eat up, kid.” Quaritch said, laying his arm across the glowing moss-covered root behind Spider’s head. 
“Yea…sure…” Spider agreed, massaging the bag of powdered rations and water until it turned into an unappetizing sludge.  He let out a breath, took in a big one, then slid his mask up to tip a mouthful of the passable sustenance straight from the metallic pouch.  He grimaced at the taste as he replaced his mask.  “...gross…” 
Quaritch chuckled and nodded in agreement, “Can’t argue with that.  But it’ll keep you going.” 
Spider sighed and slumped back against the root, holding the pouch in his lap.  He scratched at his right temple again.  By Eywa, this headache would not go away!  A few minutes went by as he and the colonel sat in silence, watching the rest of the recoms talk and laugh amongst themselves before it was time to sleep and start patrols. 
“Hey.” Quaritch said gently, tapping Spider’s shoulder, “Finish that.  And then I think you should hit the hay.” 
Spider stared at him with a blank stare. Quaritch used a lot of metaphors and Earth references he’d never heard before... 
“It means go to sleep…” Quaritch said, explaining the expression.  He got a normal Spider eye roll and the boy didn’t comply. He sighed and his ears went back as he continued, “Don’t give me that shit, you need to eat and sleep.” 
“Why do you care?” Spider asked, sounding annoyed and turning halfway to stare up at the colonel with narrow eyes. 
“Ya know, if you have to ask then you clearly didn’t have anyone lookin’ out for you in your younger years.” Quaritch deduced.  What little they knew about the son of Miles Quaritch and Paz Socorro was that he was orphaned after the assault on the Tree of Souls, too young for cryosleep so he stayed on Pandora, and raised by traitorous humans and savage Na’vi. 
“I had plenty of people looking out for me, thanks.” Spider growled and glared back at the fire. 
“Oh yea, I can see it now…” Quaritch said, holding out the arm that wasn’t behind Spider’s head and waving his hand, “Human boy raised by traitors to humanity because he was the stray that got left behind.” 
“I’m a stray because of you.” Spider snapped, not looking up. 
“You’re a stray because of your FATHER.  Not me, remember?” Quaritch said coolly, looking at the boy’s angry profile.  “Don’t worry, kid, I’ll make sure you get sorted out properly once we find Sully.” 
Spider scoffed with a laugh, “You’re not going to find Jake.” 
“He might be runnin’ but we’ll find him, kid.  Maybe you’ll get one last reunion since he clearly didn’t care to come get you himself.” Quaritch said. 
The teen’s hands tightened on the ration bag, crinkling and causing it to almost spill out the top.  Quaritch stared down at him for a second then cleared his throat. 
“Just focus on eating and being a good guide.  Leave Jake Sully to me…” Quaritch said, his patience trying to get the kid to eat his damn meal wearing thin. 
“You’re nothing like Jake.” Spider started.  Clearly the kid wasn’t ready to give it up yet.  “Jake is a leader, a REAL leader.  He’s Olo’eyktan and Toruk Makto.  He has the respect of the Na’vi.  A loyalty you would never understand.” 
“Loyalty, my ass…he took advantage of some native folktale.  If they knew how he got to where he is now, he wouldn’t have any loyalties.  ESPECIALLY yours.” Quaritch said as he educated the boy.  Spider probably only knew the false narrative of the big bad RDA and the poor Na’vi.  “He betrayed the human race, kid, no way around it.” 
“Bullshit!”, Spider spat back. 
“Language, boy.” Quaritch warned quickly before moving on, “You’ll see soon enough that Sully is no hero and he ain’t ever looked out for you the way I am now.” 
“Looked out for me………?” Spider asked quietly.  Quaritch thought that was the end of it until the boy threw the rations to the ground and rounded completely on him as he jumped up to his feet.  “LOOKED OUT FOR ME?!  ARE YOU FUCKING KIDDING ME?!” 
It was like a switch went off in Spider and none of the recoms were ready for it.  Quaritch stared at the boy wide-eyed from shock while the rest of the squad turned in his direction.  But the colonel’s shock turned to the defense quickly as Quaritch held up a solid hand to catch any fists thrown his way while getting to his feet, “Spider. You need to calm down.” 
“Starting to think you did, kid, chill out!” Wainfleet said as he approached to support the colonel if the teen started lashing out physically.   
“Spider, calm down before I make you.” Quaritch warned one last time.  He was holding his resolve firm but in truth, he was terrified by this outburst.  He and Spider had talked about Sully a few times and the boy had never responded so violently. 
“Don’t…fucking…CALL ME THAT!!!” Spider said, his head ticking again and pain washing over his face. 
“What the fuck am I supposed to call you then?!” the colonel shouted back.  If there was any wildlife watching them from the shadows, they sure as hell weren’t now. 
Spider went quiet.  His throat was sore from screaming and warm blood started trickling down from his nose.  He tasted the salt on his lips but didn’t even seem to notice by the way he continued to glare at Quaritch. 
“…Miles.” Spider said.  Everyone was confused, exchanging looks and shrugs. 
“You said no one calls you that.” Quaritch reminded him, another take away from their first meeting.  He’d been hurt deep down that the boy didn’t want the moniker given to him by his parents, but a nickname was the least of his concerns after learning about his upbringing. 
“Yea?  Well, SOMEONE with that name has to protect him…” Spider said cryptically.  Blood was now streaming from both nostrils and he winced as he closed his eyes, clutching his dreadlocks now from the pain ringing in his head. 
“Say that again…?” Quaritch asked quietly, “Protect who…?” 
The boy before him stood tall and proud but it made him sway too.  His body was giving out.  The stress this fracturing persona was causing was too much.  He started to collapse, caught by Quaritch’s strong blue arms, and whispering one more word before his world went dark. 
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idkhoworwhytell · 5 months
A case of the flops
860 words
First fanfiction of this fandom, idk how to feel about this but here we go. 
So  I have recently learned that bunnies flop on their sides when they are utterly blissed out/ content.  And i wanted to base some fluff for legend off of this. Because it's not leaving my brain.  (rereading this , would it be considered angst or fluff or a mix of both idk)
Little side note: i found an article that said that legends world, specifically a link to the past, would smell like mushrooms. And it seems reasonable to me so im gonna roll with it  
Gn Neutral!reader 
The chain was setting up camp, the nearest inn being a couple days away unfortunately.  Its wild’s  hyrule, being near mount satori, smelled of mushrooms and apples , due to the number of them around. 
The smell brought some comfort to legend. 
The chain finished setting up camp, now currently waiting on wild to finish dinner. 
There were small and comfortable conversations all around the camp, bringing everyone to a sort of temporary peace. 
Legend eventually made his eyes over to reader, noticing how they were making small talk with wind and wild. He feels the need to go over to reader for some reason. 
Slowly he had made his way to their side, standing next to them.   Suddenly wind, noticing something cool that was in the tree next to his bed roll, runs off trying to see what it was, wild went back to making dinner, leaving reader and legend to themselves.  Reader looking up to legend motions him over to stand next to them.  legend , moving closer to them is now just at an arm's length away.  Suddenly , the conversations around the camp start to zone out of legends ears. Feeling safe and content with the person he's next to, the people around him. He just flops onto readers lap. Instantly falling asleep, scaring the chain. 
Time , being the first of the 9 to notice, comes over to reader and asks “What happened?” his arm moving to legends neck to check for fever, breath, and pulse. Seeing that legend still had all the above, starts to chill out but still is expressing concern.
The other 8 finally  notice. 
Reader is starting to freak out, they have an unconscious teenager on their lap, with no signs of sickness, why wouldn't they ?
slowly , twilight and sky , move to the sides of time who is standing in front of the panicking reader.
Next, and behind them, the rest if the chain huddles around. Saying a mix of “what happened?” “ why is he not waking up”?  That was mainly heard from wind  and just panicking words in general. 
Twilight, remembering that legend had used the dark crystal a little more than usual; puts together the pieces. Remembering that this is just normal bunny behavior, nudges sky over to chat a little behind the commotion. 
“He's fine,  remember he's been a rabbit for a little bit.. Longer than normal.”
“ oh.. Yea,” sky, not having  rabbits in his time, inquired, “is he really ok? Hes not waking up, not moving, responding to sound or touch? really ?” 
“ yes, unbelievable as it is, it's just a side effect , it's normal really. He might have a few behavior changes for sometime, but he will be fine.”
Sky finally having some understanding of what's happening, slowly moves back to the small huddle of panicking heroes. Twilight not too far behind. 
Sky finally moving towards reader , their legs have been well past asleep at this point.   Gettings inside the little huddle was a challenge having to push his way through. Finally getting in the group he , announces  to the chain that was past the point of going borderline insane, “he is fine he's just needed a little extra rest for a couple days,  and a little more attention, we don't know yet.” he states while grabbing legends limp body out of readers lap (which turned out to be  less of a challenge than he thought it would be.) carrying legend to his bedroll, while the good majority of the chain following (the younger members) twilight who was just behind sky takes reader by their shoulders and lifts them up of the ground. Dinner was well forgotten by now. Starting to burn slowly. The well being of the unconscious member being more of  a priority now.
After legend was laid down in his bedroll, it was suggested by twilight that maybe reader move theirs closer to his. That way when he wakes up he won't think they disappeared.   Doing as suggested , to prevent any further problems, reader moves their bed roll next to his.
As the night goes on , dinner has been served, commotion has died down , everyone seems fine , taking shifts for the night, people sleep.  everythings fine, until the morning comes. When legend wakes up he feels something missing , more like someone ( *cough* marin * cough*)  looking over to his side he finds the person who survived his little miss-hap of flopping. Noticing that they are still asleep he slowly shifts himself, just a bit. Closer to their bedroll, and passes out once again 
The cycle starts again.
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ladysqueakinpip · 1 year
oc ask meme! hirmi: 3 7 9 12 bodrum: 1 12 13 19
For Hirmi :3c
3. What is your OC’s fatal flaw? Are they aware of this flaw?
he's a people-pleaser through and through. a real peacekeeper. which can be a strength but! he tends to be submissive and frequently takes the backseat of his own life to prioritize the needs of others (usually his family). it's very unfortunate for him bc he has desires and goals that vastly oppose what his culture tells him he should want out of life. he's always torn between making the people around him happy at the expense of his own happiness vs pursuing his own goals and creating a lot of family tension.
he is absolutely not aware of this flaw lol. he's not self-reflective enough to realize he's doing this.
7. What’s one way your OC has changed since you first came up with them?
originally he was going to be tall. he lives FAR north tho and i found out a lot of animals in the north tend to be compact to preserve body heat. so i made him a little dude instead.
9. Do you have a specific lyric or quote which you associate with your OC?
MANY. i answered a question similar to this a while ago for him but i didn't get to use ALL the songs on my hirmi playlist so i still have more.
"I was walking through icy streams / That took my breath away / Moving slowly through westward water / Over glacial plains / And I walked off you / And I walked off an old me" - Alaska, Maggie Rogers
12. Is your OC self-destructive? In what ways?
yea i think so. in some ways. definitely not as bad as other ocs of mine. i've hinted at some family tension above. his mom has a history of making some pretty not great comments about him to his face! especially about his appearance! which he has unfortunately internalized. he's especially concerned about overeating/bulking up/putting on weight and budgets his daily calories with goodberry (dnd spell)
For Bo :3c
1. What memory would your OC rather just forget?
every time alekah makes a joke in front of the group at his expense. this happens frequently!
12. Is your OC self-destructive? In what ways?
thankfully, i don't think so! bo has a LOT of issues from his past but his story is about confronting those issues in as healthy a way as alternian culture would allow. which means getting a moirail! he relies on his moirail amytis to keep himself in line. maybe he should invest in a real therapist instead of putting all the responsibility onto her, but hey at least it's a start.
13. If you met your OC, would the two of you get along?
i think so. we could chill and read. go on a quiet nature walk. go to a bakery and satisfy our sweet tooth. fill up on more sugar than either of our little bodies can handle. it'd be a good day.
19. How does your OC behave when enraged?
not great, lol! violently! i am realizing now the reason why bo gets a pass on the self-destructive label is because he takes all his destructive tendencies out on others! subjugation is his coping mechanism <3 thankfully for the safety of everyone around him he has amytis who tirelessly stops him from going on an insane purpleblood murder rampage when provoked. which again, with alekah around, happens frequently!
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ambroziadelphine · 3 months
Hurricane Maria(Chapter 7)
The next morning I was quiet with Jiraiya.. I guess I was more embarrassed about last night then anything but I tried to not show it. I was high, I didn't know what I was thinking. Plain and simple. I had the boys playing in the back yard today since it was nice and sunny out, I hung out there with them to hang the laundry as they flung water balloons at each other, soaking their clothes as they giggled and laughed at each other. Jiraiya was on the deck just watching everything and reading; I caved after he had asked this morning and gave him one of my book copies to read. I gave him my first book, which was basically a disguised story of my life and how I wished it ended, with someone who was good to me and my boys. I had dreamed of being a detective someday, but with how my life turned out, a quiet life as an author might have just been a better fit.
"Hey, Mr. Jiraiya!" Birdy called, the man looking up just in time to dodge a water balloon aimed at his head. Birdy whined as Jiraiya got up with a chuckle, setting the book down as he walked to the boys. "I almost had you!" The little boy cried with a pout, I looked over at him and chuckled, shaking my head at his sore loser pout, though it didn't last long as the white haired man picked up his own water balloon.
"So, you think you can beat me that easily, huh?" He asked, looking at the little boy who grinned up at him now.
"Yea! Believe it!" He said, I chuckled and rolled my eyes, missing the surprised look on Jiraiya's face, though Andy didn't.
"We'll see about that." Jiraiya said, getting over his surprise quickly before he grabbed a bunch of water balloons and the three boys started an all out war between them. I shook my head and turned my back with another chuckle, going back to peacefully hanging the laundry. I was almost done hanging up a sheet when suddenly I felt cold explode and dripping down my whole back, arms and even down my legs in the pair of flared pants I was wearing as I gasped in shock; the yard went quiet as I took a breath and turned around.
"Ooo, we're in trouble now." Devon whispered to the others who sweatdropped.
"Who?" I asked, all three were frozen in place before Andy pointed to Jiraiya.
"He did it." He said, Jiraiya looking at him in betrayal and mock hurt.
"And here I thought we were bonding." He said, a hand over his heart making me sigh, walking up to them and grabbing one of the balloons and walking up behind Jiraiya as he tried to turn to look at me in confusion. "What are you doing?" He asked, but I just reached up and quickly moved his hair, breaking the water balloon right down the back of his shirt making him let out a loud gasp, jumping away from me as I stared at him with a devilish smirk.
"Just getting a little payback." I said with a chuckle, my two boys looked at each other then me, before suddenly I was being rained with water balloons too now, screeching slightly as I ran to use Jiraiya as a shield. "Hide me!" I exclaimed as he smirked.
"And what do I get if I do?" He asked jokingly making me smirk.
"Depends what you're looking for." I said, his face turning slightly pink at that before we were both suddenly hit with water making me gasp, Jiraiya instinctively covering me from the assault as the boys laughed.
"Down with the red queen!" Andy exclaimed, raising his imaginary sword into the air to point at me, Devon giving a small cheer beside him as they began to ready more water balloons.
"Guess I'm the one protecting you, my Queen." He joked making me laugh, even as Jiraiya covered me from the water being thrown at us, it was still incredibly cute and funny. Eventually with Andy and Devon closing in on us with their attacks, Jiraiya made a split second decision, suddenly picking me up and jumping away far back from the boys as he held me in his arms as if I was his newly wed bride. I gasped at his speed and agility, normal humans couldn't jump like that so easily, but that wasn't my main concern. I suddenly felt suffocated with his hands on me, the feel of his hand on my legs making flashes from years ago coming to my mind as I tore myself from his grip, falling to the ground with a slight thud as tears threatened to blur my vision.
"Mom!" Andy shouted, both boys running to me as my eldest checked me over, Devon hugging me tight at my labored breathing. I held him to me tightly, like a child holding its teddy bear for protection against the dark, closing my eyes as he squeezed me tight, his small hands reminding me I was safe and not around that awful man anymore.
"Maria.. I am so sorry." Jiraiya said, taking a step forward but Andy stopped him, a hand on the mans pant leg as he shook his head.
"It's not your fault."
--------Jiraiya's POV---------
"It's not your fault." Andy said quietly, but as I looked at the shaking woman I held just a moment ago, I couldn't help but feel it was my fault. I was the one who picked her up, I held her, I must have done something without realizing it. Was I touching her in a spot that triggered her? Did I accidentally hurt her? No, because if I did hurt her, that snake thing would've crushed my arm, so what happened?
"What's happening?" I whispered, kneeling down to obverse the women as she tried to calm down; I almost felt bad for Devon at how hard it looked like she gripped him, but he wasn't complaining. Andy sighed and sat on the grass, looking at his mother who was sniffling, running her still shaky hands through his brothers hair.
"Devon and I have driven any guy away from her since Devon's dad for this reason. She's more vulnerable then you think, which is why we've tried to protect her so much." He said, looking up at me with a serious expression. "She gets flashbacks of Devon's dad.. Sometime she gets them from outside triggers, nightmares too. There was a time she actually had forced herself to sleep in the basement cellar because she didn't want to scare us when she woke up crying and panicking.. I'd sometimes spy on her then lay with her after she fell asleep. She always thought I was the one with nightmares because of that." He explained, keeping his voice low as Devon kept Hannah calm, now talking to her a little to try and cheer her up. I looked at the two and could feel the sadness coating me to know my soulmate really was going through hell with her life.
"How am I supposed to help her?" I asked him, my voice barely audible as I didn't want to say it for worry Maria may take it in the wrong way. "How, when I don't even know how to get close to her without causing her more pain or issues? I want to make her happy, but I don't want to lose the one chance I may have with her." I said, sighing as I looked down. Andy sighed and looked at his family.
"You can't." He said, turning to me. "You can't make her happy without some kind of pain being caused to someone. My mother is trying to heal, let her. Even if it means you, me and Devon need to put her broken pieces back together if she breaks." He sighed, looking back at his mom before giving a small snicker.
"But, that doesn't mean we're going to be able to help every step of the way. Devon and I are supposed to just minorly help from what I've figured out, which means this is supposed to mainly be something you need to do." He told me, I was honestly surprised with how mature this kid was. It was like talking to a full adult sometimes, it was almost freaky.
"And if I don't know what to do?" I asked him, he smiled and chuckled.
"My mother is a lot of things, but if there's one thing I know about her, its that she falls in love hard, and you've got a great shot with her." He said, scoffing in amusement a little. "I think she might like you already, if I'm honest." He mused making me look at her curiously. She looked over at us and sighed, Devon letting her go as she got up and walked over to me.
"Don't do anything stupid." Andy whispered to me before slipping off with his brother, leaving a flustered and embarrassed Maria with me alone outside. She was quiet for a moment making me sigh, slowly moving towards her to not startle her, wrapping my arms around her gently as I gave her plenty of time to reject me, but she never did. She let me hold her as she buried her face in my chest.
"I'm sorry.." She muttered and I swore I felt my heart breaking for her. I shook my head and carefully rubbed her back; I never wanted her to think something like this was her fault, because it really wasn't. She reacted the only way she knew how.
"Never apologize for this. You were just reacting the best you could and you panicked. I should be the one apologizing for upsetting you." I said, but she shook her head and pulled back, looking up at me.
"It's not your fault. This wasn't something about you." She said, sighing before she pulled her pant leg up slowly, reviling a large jagged scar from the side of her knee down to the middle of her calf; my eyes widened as I saw it, it looked like someone had stabbed her then dragged the knife down to inflict as much damage as they could. "He did it after I had come home from dropping Andy off at Mei Mei's house for the weekend.. I took too long getting back to the house and he lashed out at me when I got home. I was lucky he hadn't caused much serious damage to my leg, though now this knee is a little weaker." She said softly, lowering her pant leg as she stared at her hands. I could feel my blood boiling the more I heard about this man. What gave him the right to treat her like this? The mother of his own child? It made me sick to think someone like that was even alive, though at least he was in prison away from Maria and her children now.
"Any man who lays a had on a woman like this isn't worth being called a man." I said, anger slipping into my tone unintentionally making her look up at me curiously.
"Why are you angry?" She asked making me pause, thinking to myself. Why was I angry?
"Because even in the few short days I've been here, I have seen nothing but a woman who loves her sons and works hard to keep them happy and safe." I said, my words sincere as I thought back to all the small things I've seen her do for them; reading them to bed whenever they asked, letting them coax her into just 10 more minutes on their games before school work or bed when she knows it'll be more like an hour. She kept them on a set schedule with their sleep and tried to keep a stable and consistent routine for them, even after I came and disturbed them from what they've said; her resilience was admirable, but also slightly worrying if stubbornness also came in hand with that.
"You are a wonderful mother with how much those boys rave about you, and you are a beautiful woman who I can tell cares deeply about the people she loves. No one like you deserves that kind of despicable treatment." I told her, her voice falling silent as my words sunk in before a cold breeze blow past us and she shivered. I instinctively got closer to her, faltering as I realized my error and cautiously proceeding as she made no move or noise to stop me from wrapping an arm around her as I sat on her side that was facing the blowing wind.
"Thank you." She muttered, leaning into me slightly making me smile a slight bit, my heart fluttering in a strange way.
"It's getting colder out, we should get back inside before you get sick or the boys start worrying." I told her, she nodded and I helped her stand up, her arms wrapping around herself for warmth making me sigh, putting my arm around her waist.
"J-Jiraiya?" She stuttered, looking at me with a light blush on her face, the full sunlight making her look like she was surrounded by a golden halo. She looked just ethereal.
"You were cold, weren't you?" I asked her, a small playful smirk on my face as she looked down in embarrassment.
"O-oh, yea, thank you." She said, it was silent for a moment before she pulled me into the house to the boys, the two were sitting on the couch, Andy had a book in his hand as he leaned back on the couch as Devon was watching SpongeBob. I will never understand what he finds so funny about that show. Andy looked up when we entered, Devon running over to his mom to give her a hug making her chuckle, ruffling his hair. "I'm okay, don't worry." She told them, going to start dinner as if nothing had happened, though her hand lingered on me a few moments longer then I expected, her hand grazing mine as I felt sparks shoot between us. Andy was watching me as Devon grinned, leaning closer.
"You're doing great!" He whispered, giving me a thumbs up as Andy and I chuckled.
"I told you I had this." I said, seeing Andy roll his eyes slightly.
"Don't get cocky, she hates that." He said making me chuckle, nodding.
0 notes
dalchiid · 1 year
Chapter 39!! My thoughts are all over the place with this one so I apologize in advance.
“You're welcome to join us, Y/N. You've already gotten in the way of my time with my brothers. You're free to do so again tonight." First of all, this made me laugh. Biting as always. Jungkook is so sassy when he wants to be. He’s so respectfully rude, but I can’t help but love his honesty.
To truly start off, it’s been a while since we’ve had dialogue from Seokjin that didn’t involve him breaking up fights. Ironic enough, as much as he loves gossip he sure knows how to simmer people down. Speaking of simmer, I love the advice Hoseok gave to Taehyung about not allowing things to boil over. The idea of thinking before we act can and should be applied to all areas of life. I also love that Taehyung and y/n and growing closer. Him opening up about his feelings? Going as far as to defend her from Jimin? He’s clearly taken a liking to her and hopefully y/n doesn’t do anything to mess up whatever bond they’re building. Well, technically she already has, but let’s hope Taehyung doesn’t find that out. I can already imagine just how betrayed he’ll feel and I’d hate for y/n to be on the receiving end of all that aggression.
Also, here I was thinking it would be Jimin’s vindictiveness that would eventually creep up on y/n. But I should’ve known better. Back at the Baek’s it was only Seokjin who seemed to know that y/n and Hoseok had been “sneaking” around. So of course him of all people would know the very in-and-outs of everything that’s going on under his own roof. In hindsight y/n should’ve listened to her guts. Just as I suspected, it’s not just the other brothers she should be worried about, but also the servants on their payroll. On her way to Namjoon’s room she saw the servants and the servants saw her. It’s natural that they’d gossip and for said gossip to reach the ears of the one who loves it most. Additional ears and eyes aside, Seokjin’s ability to prod others is spot on: stick with leading questions and if you press hard enough they’ll eventually tell on themselves.
“Spying on me” yea that was surely a can of worms that should’ve stayed shut. If anything Y/n should’ve worded her concerns better. As the saying goes <you wouldn’t be so defensive if you had nothing to hide> right? That little confrontation with Hoseok (had it taken place) probably would’ve made Seokjin even more curious. Not that he isn’t already curious since y/n’s answers to his questions did nothing but provide him with more questions. But perhaps like Jimin, y/n would’ve found herself on Seokjin’s dislike list had Hoseok told him to back off. So, sure she’s managed to keep him at bay for now, but her next moves (specifically whatever she decides to do with Namjoon) will decide whether this whole thing blows up in her face.
I wonder if Hoseok will connect y/n being in Namjoon’s room with the same day she lied about spending time outside. Regardless, at this point she’s really playing him like a fool. Although I’m equally upset at Namjoon as I am at y/n. It takes two to tango so they’re both on the hook. I can understand y/n being vulnerable in such a new enviornment, but Namjoon is smart and has lived with Hoseok for eons, so he truly knows his brother best. The fact that Namjoon is willing to take risk after risk by putting y/n in the crossfires is what makes think he doesn’t care about her as much as he leads on. She feels more like a necessary casualty, yet another piece in the grand scheme of his plans. I’m just curious as to what exactly those plans are and exactly how far he’s willing to go to achieve them.
Finally, the sex scenes between y/n and Hoseok sure have a way of being deeply intimate (and steamy but that’s all thanks to your writing). From the very beginning it’s felt that way and I think it’s because of how intense Hoseok always is. To put it simply he fucks like he’s trying to merge their souls together. Considering y/n only reciprocates when she’s high it’s yet another symbolism of the huge power imbalance in their relationship. The fact that Hoseok is always willing to give so much of himself while expecting the same from y/n in return. With that said let’s hope movie night goes smoothly. It’s been a while since we’ve had everyone in one scene, so I’m looking forward to it, unless there’s a time skip. Hopefully y/n’s cold resolves quickly. The logical part of me is like well of course she got sick she was out in the rain all day, but I’m also getting a sense of foreshadowing so who knows. Perhaps it’s more than a cold…. Thank you for another great chapter!
— cloudy anon ☁️
Jungkook is fun to write. He has no filter and has 0 clue as to why he gets reprimanded for it.
I don't know if anyone had Taehyung and Y/N bonding on their bingo card but it's happening. We get to see that Taehyung is actually a caring person. He just has issues with his anger as most people do and he really wants to change. A lot of people could use Hoseok's advice too.
Taehyung defending Y/N from Jimin is something that surprised the reader but not so much his brother. Jimin knows Taehyung can be loving and so it's why he walked away without any issue. Despite being mad. The way he gently closed Taehyung's door goes to show he doesn't want to anger his brother because he does care for him.
If the day comes where everyone finds out what Namjoon and Y/N are up to or if she successfully runs away Taehyung will never be able to forgive her. He'll show a side of himself she will never miss.
Seokjin will always find things out and if he doesn't know he'll make sure of it that he does. He'll even go as far as paying someone extra if the nut is too hard to crack. Or even sleep with the maids with empty promises of being theirs forever if they can tell him what they saw. But most of the time he can figure it out himself. Like you said, if he presses hard enough they'll tell on themselves.
If Y/N would have let Hoseok confront Seokjin things would have been way worse for her. Seokjin would seemingly brush off the situation but he'll make sure Y/N would be under his watchful eye. More so than she already is. It's now more than ever though that she keeps an eye out whenever she's with Namjoon. She just might tell Namjoon something about it in hopes that he'll keep watch over who sees them and who doesn't. Otherwise the situation won't be bad for just her but for him too.
Namjoon either really likes Y/N or he's up to something and if he's up to something then what is it? He's said and done a lot of things that makes him appear questionable. Is Y/N just a pawn in a grand plan or does he actually care for her? Maybe he just has a weird way of showing his affection towards her. Maybe he doesn't think things through for her sake. A lot of maybes.
Hoseok gives his all in everything. Even when it comes to sex. He just wants to drown Y/N in his love. He believes she'll fall for him eventually and when she does he'll forever give all of himself because he loves that hard - that much. To the point that it might be overwhelming for some.
Thank you for reading! Can't wait for everyone to read the next chapter 💜
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le-ded · 2 years
They Both Die At The End
Omg this was just the first book from all these and i know you won't trust but it is still my favorite though i am not sure if it was better than the prequel ..... the last book i read on this series :) " The First To Die At The End"
Ya so lets talk about thisss bookkkk and the death casttt world
Lets begin
The story happens in a world where there is company called Death Cast which calls you at mid night or after mid night at night only though and they say
"“Hello, I’m calling from Death-Cast"
This line is enough to tell someone that this is the end.
this is the place they will get to know how they end.
this is the place they will get to know why they end.
The beautiful Gay Romantic is just so amazing
The first guy Mateo who is a little shy little less street friendly and not at all an optimist he fears death
the other one is Rufus who is street friendly amazing and of course FUNNY
don't ask me who is bettter they both are fcking crazy and i love both of themmm
*Non Spoiler*
Yea so both of the guys are going to get a call from death cast informing them that they both are going to die
there is a app called the last friend where you can meet people who can give comfort to you on your end day
also i will tell more about this app in the last blog of this series that is THE FIRST TO DIE AT THE END the prequel of this book yea
so these two people are going to live there end day together and there are some more people in this fcking story who makes everything more exciting and fcking emotional
ok you can read the now and then read the SPOILER PART pls read it though you will get amazing blogging experience
And i swear you are not going to waste your time by reading it is fcking amazing i hope it is your next favorite book
signing of for now for you guyss byee......
Whoa Hello the readers and lovers of THEY BOTH DIE AT THE END
OMG If you are here and you have read this book and also if you like and i m sure you do cause you have read this far, if yes we are in a very fcking similar state
I am big fan of end day fictions one of them is the count down fiction on which i m surely going to write so now worries
ok lets move on to the fcking storyyyyyyy
my favorite partssss
"I sit on the curb outside the gas station. It smells like piss and cheap
beer. There’s graffiti of two silhouettes on the wall with the air pumps for
bike tires. The silhouettes are both shaped like the dude on the men’s
bathroom sign. In orange spray paint it says: The Last Friend App."
How can i say i don't like this part like man this is the part where the two fckign people meet and i love thisss partttttt
"I am a little concerned about spending my End Day with someone
who’s accepted dying, someone who’s made mistakes. I don’t know him,
obviously, and he might turn out to be insanely destructive—he is outside in
the middle of the night on a day he’s slated for death, after all. But no
matter what choices we make—solo or together—our finish line remains
the same. It doesn’t matter how many times we look both ways. It doesn’t
matter if we don’t go skydiving to play it safe, even though it means we’ll
never get to fly like my favorite superheroes do. It doesn’t matter if we keep
our heads low when passing a gang in a bad neighborhood.
No matter how we choose to live, we both die at the end."
This one is of Mateo the cute guy ok this is my favorite and also can be counted as my emotional favorites as everything is like duh here and like i love this part
especially how he describes how he wants to do the things about what he dreamt as a kid or with a kid's mind and how by trusting person won't affect his fate no matter what he will die at the end.
"I get up and turn to my open grave, which is maybe only three feet deep
and uneven. I step in, sit down, and rest my back against the side the
gravedigger hasn’t finished with yet. I keep my toy sanctuary on my lap,
and I must look like a kid playing with blocks in a park.
“Can I join you?” Rufus asks.
“There’s only really room for one. Get your own grave.”
Rufus steps inside anyway, kicks my feet, and squeezes in, resting one
leg on one of mine so he’ll fit. “No grave for me. I’m gonna be cremated
like my family.”
Not only this part but the whole chapter was so amazing Mateo who lost his mother when he was born due to his birth talks to her mother's grave and asks her to take care of him on last day cause he knows he is not like rufus who has accepted death but just after that moment they both sit together inside Mateo's grave.
"I snatch the body bag from his hand and throw it into the bushes
because body bags are for corpses and Mateo isn’t dead. I return to Mateo’s
side, choking and crying and dying. “Come on, Mateo, it’s me, Roof. You
hear me, right? It’s Roof. Wake up now. Please wake up.”
I guess this was the best part of this whole journey of death cast world and beautiful pair of mateo and rufus the most emotional the part we knew would come yea the end where they both die.
“...stories can make someone immortal as long as someone else is willing to listen.”
“I've spent years living safely to secure a longer life, and look where that's gotten me. I'm at the finish line but I never ran the race.”
“But no matter what choices we make - solo or together - our finish line remains the same … No matter how we choose to live, we both die at the end.”
“I wasted all those yesterdays and am completely out of tomorrows.”
“Two dudes met. They fell in love. They lived. That's our story.”
“It's mad twisted, but surviving showed me it's better to be alive wishing I was dead than dying wishing I could live forever.”
“I may not be able to cure cancer or end world hunger, but small kindnesses go a long way.”
“anyone can have pretty eyes, but only the right kind of person can hum the alphabet and make it your new favorite beat.”
“Some risks are worth it.”
“you definitely don’t need the same blood to lose a part of yourself when someone dies.”
With this I am signing off :) have a good day :)
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iveil · 2 years
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{ EP 3: Your Little Marionette }
"There's always consequences to your actions. Before you act, make sure you're prepared for them."
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Behind the closed doors, Heeseung were on his phone texting with none other than you. It has been nearly 2 weeks now since you've known each other, well atleast through the fake profile which consists of your older sister's picture. You were now laying on your bed, giggling at the boy's cute texts towards you which was a complete change of demeanor from the day you start texting with him.
[ .. flashback .. ]
> Congrats, Hee_01 has matched with you <3!!<
The moment you saw that notification, your heart jump in excitement mixed with a bit of fear since you were just trying to mess around with random people from the app. But it's too late now isn't? As you opened the chat, you expected for the boy to give you a text but there was none. Well it was expected, since you were the one who made the first move. Scoffing, you typed on your phone's screen, starting your little game with..
sweetpurpledarling077: Heyy, have I seen you before?
10 minutes passed, it felt like the guy wasn't interested at all or was it just you who were just too excited to play your little games of fooling around? Then a notification pops up.
Hee_01 typing. . .
Hee_01: As far as I'm concerned, nope.
What a dry ass text, you chuckled. This would be fun, this was just a mouse-cat game for you as you so just wanna break that cold demeanor of this guy behind the screen.
sweetpurpledarling077: But well I'm concerned cuz a hot angel like you might be a little wounded after felling from the sky lol.
Hee_01: woah, me angel? Not so close.
sweetpurpledarling077: why not? you look like it thooo~
Hee_01: tone it down a bit, I might not be so angel as you thought 🤷‍♂️
sweetpurpledarling077: Oh well, then maybe we can test it :))
Hee_01: How tho if I may ask? 🤔
sweetpurpledarling077: take a pic of your eye
Hee_01: that's sus.
sweetpurpledarling077: bruh how's that sus-
Hee_01: how can I be sure that you're not some serial killer trying to hunt me down with my eye pic-
sweetpurpledarling077: who the hell can hunt someone with an eye pic bruh 😂
Hee_01: hmm
sweetpurpledarling077: hurry up bruh.
Hee_01: fine
Hee_01 sent a pic...
sweetpurpledarling077: your eye is so pretty :)) it's Bambi doe eyes haha, that's enough to call you an angelll
Heeseung chuckling at the text, it was quite cute, he thought. This girl seems funny, but he had another plan he wanted to try when another text message pops up.
sakuraaa_: see u at party tomorrow 😘
Seeing his crush's text, he smiled. Then your text pops along with Sakura's message getting his attention back again.
sweetpurpledarling077: Bambi doe eyes ignoring me I see :((
The nickname made him chuckle again, it was just so silly. It caught the attention of the Aussie boy behind him, grinning as he take a closer look at the older boy's phone. Sensing it, Heeseung immediately hid the phone.
"Hehe, who was that~"
"None of your business, go away." Frowning, he shooed the boy away but not before teasing him. "Introduce her to us later~" turning on his phone again, he saw your last text. That nickname is cute, he thought. Opening the chat, he types..
Hee_01: it hasn't been an hour yet but ur already giving me a pet names lol.
sweetpurpledarling077: I love giving pet names :3 don't mind it~
Hee_01: what if I say I don't like it?
sweetpurpledarling077: what if I say I don't care? Hehe :>
Hee_01: bruh.
sweetpurpledarling077: bruhhh :)
Hee_01: gosh, just call me Heeseung
sweetpurpledarling077: ooo so ur name is Heeseung, the name is so hott.. like u
Hee_01: stop messing around bro
sweetpurpledarling077: i'm infamousss for messing around so yea
Hee_01: lemme guess, so u r Miss. Messing around? 😂
sweetpurpledarling077: bingo, call me that then >:)
Hee_01: okay then Miss. Messing Around, do you have atleast any proper name?
sweetpurpledarling077: yessir
Hee_01: and it's?
sweetpurpledarling077: your sweet darling :)
Hee_01: OMG STOP.
Laughing so hard on your bed, your stomach ache so bad. This was fun than expected, messing with this guy make your cheeks ache from laughing too much. That night, Heeseung completely forgot about his original plan of trying to invite you, a complete stranger, for the party, to annoy the hell out of his crush, Sakura. Your humor and silly acts were just too much for his no-emotion face to last, so he had to went to the guest bedroom just so the boys who were playing under the couch won't notice it, not want to take the risk of being tease by them all day. The night was unexpectedly spent of you two texting and getting to know each other.
[ .. Flashback ends .. ]
Two weeks. Starting from that day, a part of your life was spent with this guy, Heeseung. It was quite fun getting to know him, even though he was quite cold for a few days, you eventually manage to break that by using your little tactics. Playing your little games on the boy with your sweet compliments, a bit of flirting, and the rest just by being you. Some days, you kind of wanted to meet Heeseung, and be good friends with him. But then reality dawned on you, that for him, you weren't you. Your fake picture, was the very reason he matched with you in the first place which he mentioned the other day. He find you attractive, ah yes, your older sister. Well, who doesn't? Taking a sip from your hot chocolate drink, you glance at your older sister taking her online class diligently in the living room. She's so pretty, you thought.
Shaking your head, it's just a petty little game, you thought. That guy Heeseung was just your another little game. You just wanted to have fun and fool the guy behind your phone's screen around a bit, and then mercilessly crush his heart by dumping him just like that. You felt you were being a bit too cruel, but oh well, you were really infamous for messing around since you were a kid. Playing with people's hearts as if they were little marionettes inside your little playhouse.
A ting from your phone caught your attention, smirking as you knew who it was. Taking your phone, and turning it on.
Hee_01: hey silly :) wyd?
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What you didn't know was with every innocent, flirty and silly texts exchanged, you didn't realize that your little marionette will eventually snap and paint your pretty little playhouse red with insanity.
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angstysebfan · 3 years
The Past Can Break You - 4
Pairing: Bucky x Reader
AU: Avengers
Summary: You and Bucky have been dating for aa few years. As far as you’re concerned he is the one. But what happens when a blast from the actual past shows up?
A/N: Ive seen a lot stories of Bucky getting his first love from the 40′s back. And I’ve always wondered... what would happen if he was dating someone already? Reader is from this time. Not proofread.
Warning: honestly probably not the best ive written... sorry
It’s been almost a week since you told Bucky you needed space. You have barely come out of your room, because you didn’t want to see him, and especially her. You wonder if this is really the end of your relationship. You are grateful that he has given you space, and according to Nat, he hasn’t gone near Dot. Dot has been spending a lot of time down in the lab with Tony. Wanting to learn about technology. Good luck to her.
Over the last few days you have been waking up to soft knocking on your door. You go to open the door and find a single red rose with no note. You figure it is Bucky, and while it makes your heart flutter, you force yourself to leave in on your dresser. As you walk down to the kitchen to eat breakfast you see Nat sitting at the counter.
“Morning, Nat,” you say quietly.
She smiles softly at you, “Morning. How are you feeling?” she asks.
You shrug as you continue making your coffee and grab your fixings for cereal. When you turn around you see Bucky sleepily walk into the kitchen. You look at the bags under his eyes and he stops short and stares at you. You feel your heart break when you know that he doesn’t sleep well without you. 
“Morning, Doll,” he says, completely ignoring Nat’s existence.
“Good morning Bucky,” you say. You decide to take your breakfast to go and shuffle around him as he walks further into the room. You stop and turn to look at him again, “Thank you for the roses. They are beautiful, “ you say before leaving.
Bucky sighs heavily when you leave and looks at Nat. “God I hope this works. I can’t live like this much longer, Nat. I miss her so goddamn much,” he says as he puts his face in his hands. 
“Barnes man up. This will work. She commented on the roses. She is hurt and doesn’t trust you, which you can’t blame her for. But the fact that she thanked you, tells me that she appreciates you putting in the effort. It’s time to do this. Let her know that you are serious about making her a priority. Now I bought everything. You go get ready and I will get her there, okay?” She says.
Bucky nods and heads out of the kitchen to get ready. He hopes that this will work. He is hoping that if anything it will show you how much he loves you and how much he wants to be with you. But he would be lying if he said he wasn’t nervous that you will reject him also. But Nat seems to think this will work, so we will see.
You are sitting on your bed, watching Netflix when there is a knock on your door. You call for them to enter and see Nat walk through the door. She walks over and sits on your bed.
“Hey honey, how are you holding up?” she asks as she sits.
You shrug, hugging yourself. “I-I miss him. But I’m still mad at him. But I want to talk to him. But I’m scared that it will end,” you say.
Nat pulls you into a hug, “Honey, I promise he has been moping in his room all week. I don’t think he has gone near her once. Steve has been watching over her, and she has been spending a lot of time in the lab, which is weird, but whatever. He told her he was done and he meant it. Talk to him,” she says.
You can’t help the tears, “Has be been... okay?” you ask.
“He misses you. He wants to make it up to you. Are you ready to hear him out, and have a conversation with him?” Nat asked.
You sigh and think about whether or not you are ready. You look at her and node slowly, causing her to smile. “Good. I was hoping that would be your answer. Now get up and put...” she ran to the bedroom door and grabs a box from the hallway she left there, bringing it back to the bed. “This on. I’ll meet you in the garage in 1 hour,” she says before leaving. You open the box and gasp.
When Nat pulls up to the edge of Central Park, you look at her in question. She nods telling you to go ahead. You get out of the car and start walking down the path. As you get closer to the clearing, you hear light music. You continue walking and finally enter the clearing where you recognize you had your first date with Bucky. You look around and see roses everywhere and candles, along with music.
Finally your eyes meet Bucky, who is standing in the middle of open space. He is wearing a navy blue suit, that matches your navy blue dress that Nat gave you. He has shaved his beard to some light scruff, that makes you swoon. His hair is cut short, and looks so soft. You see he is nervous as he waits for you to make a move.
“Hi Bucky,” you say. 
He sighs and gives you a small smile, “Hi baby. I’m glad you came,” he says as he steps up to you with another rose in his hand.
He hands it to you, which causes you to smile, “Well Nat didn’t exactly give me much of a choice,” you say.
He laughs, “Yea, she has been helping me set up all of this. I’m so glad you are here. I-I wanted to... I... Baby, I can’t even find the words to apologize for being such an ass. But I’m done. I told Dot she had to deal with things herself. I told her that you were the one I want. And, I haven’t seen her since. I know that it will take a lot more than a date and begging to get you to forgive me, but I hope that we can recreate our first date because I fell in love with you that night. Not that I am expecting anything, but I owed you, and--”
You cut Bucky off with you lips slotting on his. He wrapped his arms around your waist and pulled you impossibly close. “Bucky, I’m ready to talk. I’m ready to fix this. I’ve missed you. I love you so much, and the fact that you are doing all of this, means so much to me. This isn’t going to fix everything, but I’m ready to talk,” you say.
Bucky leads you to the table and you both sit and talk about the situation. You talk about your fears and how you felt when Dot arrived. You expressed how his actions affected you, and Bucky took everything in stride. When you finally finished going through everything, Bucky then told you how the last thing he wanted was to hurt you. He felt that he owed it Dot, because he knows how scary it is to wake up in a different time. And while he used to have love for Dot, the moment he met you and started to date you, Dot no longer held his heart. Only you. 
He told you that he will never put anything ahead of you or your relationship again. After you both agreed you will move back into your room, but Bucky still has a lot of things to make up for. You then danced the night away under the stars. You both eventually make your way back to your shared apartment. Bucky surprised you with new lingerie, the same pair he ruined that night. You got a redo of that date night, and this time, Bucky made sure you had several more orgasms, before finishing himself. No interruptions, no ex’s, just the two of you reclaiming your love on each other.
Dot had been trying to figure out what she could do to split you and Bucky up for good. She knew you would be pathetic and fall for his charms again, just like all the girls from back in the day. She had to step up her game in this century though, and who better to learn from then one of the smartest men who happen to live in the compound also.
She started to spend time with Tony to learn the ins and outs of technology in the 21st century. He also taught Dot how utilize FRIDAY. showed her all the fun and cool thing that no one cared to know. Dot made sure she seemed completely excited and interested, which helped Tony’s ego and gave her more information. Eventually Dot figured out something that she could use. 
She smiled when she saw both you and Bucky going into shared apartment after your date. While she hated the idea of you and Bucky together, she knew that she could use her new knowledge against you. And now was the perfect time to put that in motion.
Chapter 3 / Chapter 5
Not 100% how I feel about this chapter. I felt like it was getting too long so I cut it, but maybe I shouldn’t have. So I’m sorry if it’s not as good. But DRAMA ALERT!! What is Dot going to do? Feedback is appreciated!
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emmyhem · 4 years
stormy fears & feelings (l.r.h)
a/n: hey everyone! here’s “stormy fears & feelings”, this is a nonfamous au with roommate!luke. (unedited as usual) this was really fun to write, i intended for it to be short and sweet but i ended up writing for longer than i had originally planned. anyway, i hope you enjoy and are having a great day/night/whatever. i appreciate any and all feedback, and as always my messages are always if you want to chat or anything :) thank youuuu - emmy <33
pairing: roommate!luke hemmings x fem!reader 
summary: a thunderstorm leaves you awake and scared, and going to your standoffish roommate, who you happen to have an extremely inconvenient crush on for comfort may be your only option to get a good night of sleep. 
warning(s): cursing, extremely minor injury, minor angst if you squint
word count: 5k
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It really was an awful idea. In any other case it wouldn’t have even crossed your mind, but you had been on edge all week for no specific reason and thunderstorms had always spooked you. 
The storm had started unexpectedly. If you had known earlier you would have ran to the store to buy Nyquil before going to bed, but with it sneaking up on you, you were huddled under your blankets, eyes squeezed impossibly tight in hopes to drown out the loud crashes and blinding flares of light flooding your bedroom window. 
When the thought originally passed through your head it was more of an internal sarcastic remark than a possible solution. 
 I mean, you had been living with your roommate, Luke for over 4 months now, but you weren’t really friends. You would occasionally chat with him if you were both up and about around the apartment, which was pretty rare seeing as Luke seemed to avoid you for the most part. Hurrying out of a room when you entered, ending conversations quickly, and always being conveniently busy when you had attempted to make plans to get to know each other better. Your living arrangement had only come to be because you had heard through a friend he was looking for a roommate at the same time that you had happened to be on the lookout for a new place. Your relationship consisted mainly of half-hearted greetings and subtle avoidances of each other. So, going to him for comfort wasn’t a viable option to soothe your nerves. 
Even if you did, what would you expect him to do? 
Sit up with you? No, not when you knew he had to wake up early for work. 
Talk you down? He wouldn’t even know what to say in the first place, your typical conversations were made up of checking if there was still coffee, or deciding whose turn it was to do the dishes. 
Offer up a space in his bed? Absolutely not. That was the most unthinkable of them all. If it wasn’t for the fact that Luke had always seemed pretty adamant with his personal space, sometimes tensing up if you even sat too close to him on the couch. Your annoying and inconvenient crush that had started the day you moved in, just wouldn’t allow the two of you to be in such close quarters without your heart racing and your head dizzying.  
It was out of the question, end of discussion. 
With that being said it only took one more boom of thunder to have you shoot up from your bed and pad quietly into the hallway, with fuzzy sock clad feet and a large quilt wrapped tightly around your shoulders. 
You stared at his bedroom door hesitantly until the next strike, during which you knocked ever so lightly and muttered a soft,
After a minute and no reply you resorted to giving up on your plan and heading to the kitchen to drink a cup of tea, in hopes it may help. The idea was good enough, but you had failed to consider the noise that comes along with it. And as if the whistling of the kettle and clattering of the mugs wasn’t enough, the next roar of thunder sent you into a shock causing you to stub your toe on the corner of the cabinet and let out a pained yelp. You quickly slapped a hand over your mouth and sunk to the floor to assess the damage as you heard rustling and a door opening from the hall. 
Luke was in the kitchen in a matter of seconds, his long legs carrying him there within just a few steps. He hit a light switch, causing the kitchen to glow a dim yellow. 
“Y/n, you alright?” he grumbled, rubbing sleep from his eyes as he approached your crouched position on the floor. 
“Yea, yea I’m okay. Sorry, I woke you up.” you responded, mentally kicking yourself for causing such a disruption. 
“S’alright. What’s goin’ on? Why are you up?” he spoke, offering you a hand to pull yourself up. 
You accepted it, trying your hardest to ignore how warm it felt, and how easily it enveloped your own as you returned to your feet. 
“Uh, I just had a hankering for chamomile.” you lied. You really should’ve thought this through. Now that he was standing in front of you, admitting your fear of thunderstorms seemed daunting. You were an adult for chrissakes, an adult that was left shaking at the mere thought of a considerably common weather phenomenon.  
His eyebrows tugged in confusion as he glanced between you and the kettle. 
“Did you knock at my door a couple minutes ago?” he questioned as you watched the window over the sink nervously. 
Your eyebrows raised a bit at the inquiry.
“Thought I heard something, but then I figured I must’ve just imagined it. Y’know, woken myself up.” he continued. 
“Um, yep that was me.” you admitted, turning your back to him in hopes to hide your embarrassment. 
“So, was there a reason, or?” 
“Right, yea a reason.” you paused, searching for an excuse in your drowsy and distracted brain. “I wondered if you wanted a cup.” 
“In the middle of the night?” your subconscious deadpanned as your face scrunched in displeasure. 
You turned back around to face him, holding a mug out for him. 
Confusion and a glint of amusement was painted across his features as he spoke, 
“You wanted to know if I wanted a cup of tea,” he peeked at the clock behind you. “at 2:30 in the morning?” 
As you opened your mouth to defend your admittedly bad excuse another crash of thunder rumbled from the sky, causing your body to jump in fear and your hand to release its grip on the ceramic mug. Luke took a step back just in time as it shattered to pieces on the floor. 
You brought two shaky hands to your face and pressed yourself against the cabinet, cowering as far back as possible. 
“Hey, s’okay. It’s just thunder.” Luke said, placing a hand on your shoulder. 
You peeked out through your hands before dropping them from your face all together. 
Realization sparked on his face as your eyes met his. 
“Are you afraid of thunderstorms?” Despite his tone being soft, sweet even, you were sure he was making fun of you. 
“I-uh, no. No I’m not.” you rushed out, attempting to push past him and scurry into your bedroom. 
“Y/n, the glass.” he warned, his grip on your shoulder tightened, not allowing you to move. 
“Was that why you knocked earlier?” 
You nodded, hesitantly your eyes dropping to the floor. 
“I don’t know why, I just- thunderstorms have freaked me out since I was little and I normally would take something to help me fall asleep, but I didn’t have anything and...I shouldn’t even have tried to wake you up in the first place, there’s nothing you could do and we aren’t even friends or anything. Probably don’t even like me, I mean you can hardly even stand to be in the same room as me. Anyways I’ll be fine, lemme clean this up and then i’ll just head to my ro-” you rambled, not even pausing to take a breath. 
“You think I don’t like you?” he interrupted. 
Fuck. Was the scare so intense oxygen had been cut off from your brain? Why would you say all that? He didn’t need to know that you took notice of the fact that he avoided your company like the plague. 
Instead of responding you opted for grabbing the dustpan, the sooner the floor was clean the sooner you could get back to your room. Where you would sit awake in fear, by yourself for the rest of the night, no doubt replaying this embarrassing interaction over and over again. 
Luke stood seemingly frozen as you kneeled down beside him attempting to gather the broken shards, which was proving to be difficult with such shaky hands. 
With another bolt of lightening your hand shuddered and slipped from the brush, hitting a shard and slicing a thin cut on the pad of your pointer finger. 
“Shit” you hissed, dropping the dustpan to examine the tiny gash. 
Luke’s head snapped in your direction, eyes immediately filling with concern. 
“Ow” you whined quietly. 
He dropped down next to you and took the finger into his hands. 
“You should clean this out, I’ll finish this up.” he nodded to the remaining glass. 
“I can get it.” you protested. “You should get to bed, you have to work tomorrow.” you continued, making your way to the sink. 
“So do you.” he responded flatly, already finishing up cleaning as you looked around for a band aid. When you finally located the box of bandages Luke was behind you. 
“Lemme see.” he said, taking one from the box while he examined your finger. 
You watched his face intently as he carefully wrapped your cut with squinted eyes and a small pout. 
You had never seen Luke during the night. There was a certain softness to him that was completely foreign to you, one that made the thought of cuddling into him seem far too appealing for your liking. 
“I do like you, y/n.” he broke you out of your thoughts, uttering it so quietly you thought you may have imagined it. 
You nodded in acknowledgement, not knowing how to respond without further embarrassing yourself. 
“I’m sorry I made you think I didn’t” 
At this point he had finished bandaging you up which made the fact that he was still standing a mere inches apart from you with his hand wrapped around yours, all the more affecting. 
“M’sorry I even brought it up, I’m just tired cause of the storm, and apparently I lose a filter with no sleep.”
His hand lightly squeezed yours as you spoke, and the butterflies that erupted in your stomach as he did so told you it was time to go back to your room. You gingerly tugged your hand away, ignoring the way Luke’s expression faltered when you did. 
“I’m sorry again, about all of this. You should get some sleep.” 
“Will you be able to?”
“I’ll be fine, one night of lost sleep is hardly the end of the world.” you responded, taking a step towards the hallway. Luke caught your arm before you got far. 
“Yea, but you lose your filter when you're tired, you said it yourself.” A small grin grew on his face as he continued. “Can’t have you spilling all your secrets tomorrow.” 
Was he joking around with you? 
Before you could stop it, a pleased smile appeared on your face. This was new. You didn’t even know he had a sense of humor, he had never attempted to share it with you before. 
“I’m sure I can control myself.” you returned, attempting to go once more. Of course, his voice stopped your movements within a second. 
“Y/n, let me help. How can I help?” 
The plausible reasoning for his sudden generosity was that he was feeling guilty or maybe even embarrassed that you were under the impression he didn’t like you. But that didn’t stop your entire body to warm at the offer. 
“There’s really not much to do.” you started. “I think the only reason I knocked in the first place is because I’m used to having some company when I get scared. Big family, y’know there was never a shortage of beds I could crawl into.” 
“Company!” he repeated, eyes lit up. “I can do that. I have it on very good authority that I’m an excellent cuddler.” 
Your body froze at his words. He couldn’t be serious, right? There’s no way he had any interest in that, even if it was just for your sake. 
He must’ve noticed your tenseness at the proposition because before you got a chance to respond, a bright red blush overtook his cheeks and he squeaked out, 
“Or the floor, I could always take the floor. I mean company can be just my presence in the room, I guess. If you want.” 
“No. I mean-um, I could go for a cuddle.” you heart answered before your brain got the chance to interfere. 
He smiled at you warmly. 
“Alright then.” 
You had never been into Luke’s room before, I mean not really. Sometimes you would sit his laptop in there if he had left it out or lay a sweatshirt of his on the foot of the bed but you had never actually been inside. It was slightly messy, there was a pile of clean, unfolded laundry on a desk chair, and a few empty water bottles scattered around but for the most part it was clean. On his bed the blankets were strewn about from where he must’ve been sleeping earlier, a pile of pillows stacked high on the right side, and it could’ve just been how tired you were but you had never wanted to crawl into a bed more. 
“I like your room.” you whispered, as he spread the pillows out more evenly across the top of the mattress. 
“Why’re we whispering?” 
“It’s nighttime.” 
“Y/n, we’re the only people who live here and we’re both awake.” he teased, laughing while shaking his head. 
“Oh, right.”
He gestured a hand to the bed, “Ladies first.” 
Hesitantly you sat, your back pressed against the mound of pillows Luke had compiled for you, shortly after he took a seat next to you, leaving a few inches of space between your legs. You looked down to your lap, aware of how awkward of a position the two of you were in, neither knowing how to go about this. Luke spoke first, 
“Are you warm enough?” 
“Yea, thanks.” 
“Mhm,” he hummed in response. “Do you wanna watch something?” 
“M’pretty tired.” you replied. “We should probably just go to sleep.” 
“Yeah, right.” he nodded, watching you. 
It seemed he was waiting for you to get comfortable, like he didn’t want to push any boundaries that you weren’t ready to cross. 
Unsurely you scooted your body down in the bed till you were fully horizontal, took one more glance at Luke and then turned your back to him, pulling the duvet up over your shoulders. With his blanket pulled up just under your nose you subtly breathed in the pine and vanilla aroma that you recognized as his body wash. You’d never admit to it but occasionally you’d spend a little extra time in the shower inhaling the fresh scent. 
A dip in the mattress told you that Luke had laid down and within a few minutes you were sure he was sleeping again. You were feeling a bit more calm, trying your hardest to ignore every loud crash of thunder and instead focus on counting the seconds between each soft breath Luke exhaled. 
Just as a drowsy haze began to come over you, straining your eyelids and fogging up your brain a particularly alarming rumble broke the silence causing your body to jerk and your breath to catch. Luke grumbled quietly beside you and you could feel him rolling around. As you opened your mouth to apologize for waking him a warm hand slipped just under the hem of your shirt, rubbing soothing circles onto the bare skin of your hip. Your body tightened at the unexpected contact and you strained your neck to look at him over your shoulder. 
“Go to sleep, m’right here.” he mumbled without even opening his eyes. 
You faced back around but placed a hand over his and removed it from your body. This must’ve worried Luke because he pushed himself up on his elbow, eyes blinking open as you turned to face him. 
“Was that not good? I’m sorry, I’ll keep my hands to myself.” he rambled through a defense. 
“No,” you shushed, pressing a hand to his chest to lightly push him back down. “s’good.” you assured while pulling his arm over your body as you tucked yourself into his chest. Your bodies were completely flush in this new position. “This is better.” you murmured, your nose bumping his chest as you made yourself comfortable. 
He hummed softly in agreement, his hand finding its way to your hair, cupping the back of your head. 
Sleep was sweeping over you fast like this, the sound of Luke’s heartbeat drowning out any daunting noise coming from outside. Not to mention that anytime your body so much as twitched Luke’s arms would tighten around you ever so slightly as if to assure he was still there with you. 
When the sun had risen you woke up to the sound of soft snores, and the feeling of tiny puffs of air on your forehead. As you tried to roll over and stretch your limbs you found your legs were tangled with someone else’s and your cheek was practically glued to the faded grey cotton that adorned your roommate’s chest. 
“Luke.” you called, using your hand to shake him awake.
“Shh” he whined, repositioning you both so your back was snug against his chest. 
“We have work.” you mumbled, trying to squirm out of his hold. It proved ineffective as he just tightened his arms around your stomach. 
He grumbled something incoherently that sounded an awful lot like “No, stay with me please. So warm.” but that couldn’t have been it. Right? 
Afraid he would dig himself further into this hole of sleepy deliriousness, you began to rouse him, prying yourself out of his arms and promising him a hot cup of coffee if he met you in the kitchen within ten minutes. 
You quickly washed your face, brushed your hair and teeth and made your way to the kitchen to fix two cups of coffee. Luke stumbled out of his bedroom just a few minutes later, his eyes squinted under the natural light flooding the windows and he seemed to almost glide across the tile until you and his coffee were in arm’s reach. 
“Good morning, sleeping beauty.” you greeted in a teasing tone, pushing the mug across the counter to him. 
He hummed and took two large sips before turning his attention fully to you. 
“G’morning, did you sleep okay?” 
“Yeah, I actually did.” you affirmed. “Thank you for everything last night, Luke.” you rested your hand over his on the countertop, squeezing it once lightly to express your gratitude. 
When you pulled it away Luke’s eyes lingered over where your hand had previously been before he dragged his gaze up to meet your eyes. 
He released a deep sigh before speaking, “Happy to help, I’m honestly glad the storm happened.” 
“Happy to see me scared shitless, are we Hemmings?” 
He laughed through a denial, leaning forward to press his forehead on your shoulder where your loose fitting shirt had slipped. 
Your posture straightened as your stomach tied itself in knots, each one tightening with every exhale that brushed your bare skin. 
“No, I’m just glad that we can finally y’know, be-” 
“Friends.” you cut off. Because that’s what you would be, you had to remind yourself. You wouldn’t have Luke’s bed to crawl into every night. You wouldn’t have his firm chest under your palms each morning, or his hands tangled in your hair. Especially not in the way you really wanted them. 
Luke pulled off of you like he had been electrically shocked. 
“Friends” he repeated, and if you weren’t so busy pitying yourself you may have heard the subtle lilt in his voice that caused the word to come out as more of a question than a statement. 
An uncomfortable silence hung in the air, and as the minutes passed this interaction was starting to feel more like the ones you typically had with Luke. 
“We should get ready for work, you have to go soon.” he spoke up, already walking away. 
“We should do something tonight.” you suggested. This is what you were afraid of, you had grown attached already. “Maybe watch something or, I don’t know.” Anything to be near you again. 
“I won’t be home.” he clipped, closing his bedroom door behind him. 
It really was an awful idea.
You hurried through your morning routine, carefully selecting any time you had to leave your bedroom to avoid bumping into Luke. What had gone wrong? Had the word friends spooked him? If that was the case, what would he have done if he found out what you really wanted to say? 
Either way you left feeling confused and rejected, so quickly you didn’t even realise you had forgotten your car keys until you were on the sidewalk outside your complex. 
“Shit.” you cursed, turning on your heel and storming back in the building. 
Once you had expertly made your way back inside the apartment and retrieved your keys, being as quiet as humanly possible to not alert Luke to the fact that you had re-entered, you were halfway out the door when the utterance of your name froze your movements. 
“She just left for work.” 
Luke must’ve been on the phone, but why was he talking about you? Curiosity got the best of you and you quietly shut the door with you on the inside, work could wait. 
“Because, Cal that’s not what she wants.” he sighed.
He was talking to Calum? The only friend you shared, and the connection through which you got a room here in the first place. 
“She wants to be my friend and I can’t do that. Not with her.” 
“Why not?” you whispered to yourself, taking a step further inside to hear him better. 
“No, it’s not better than nothing at all. I can’t be her friend ‘cause anytime she’s near me all I can think about is kissing her.” 
Your stomach dropped at his words and a small gasp escaped your mouth. All the dots began adding up in your head. The avoiding? Well he had just explained that, and honestly it was the best excuse you’d ever heard. His behavior last night? You had caught him with his guard down, he was forced to let you in. His sudden annoyance at the word friends this morning? You had shot him down and you hadn’t even realized it. You liked Luke, and he actually liked you back.
“Actually, avoiding does work.” he continued, breaking you from your thoughts. 
You could hear the mumble of Calum’s response but unfortunately couldn’t make out any of the words. 
“Last night was an exception, she was all cute and scared. There’s no way I could’ve turned her away. I’ll go right back to avoiding, and things’ll go back to normal. Suffer in silence, I’m telling you it works.” 
That’s not what you wanted, not at all. The creak of floorboards alerted you to Luke’s approaching and you hastily snuck out the front door, your mind running through possible solutions the whole way to your car. 
Luke hadn’t lied when he said he wouldn’t be home, which meant he was taking this whole avoiding thing seriously. It was 1:30 am and you were still up waiting for him, your seat at the dining room table was losing its appeal as your back cramped in pain. The original plan you had concocted in the hours you spent daydreaming about him at work was to wait up for him, lure him into a movie night and make a move while the two of you were cuddled up on the couch. You hadn’t planned for him to be out this late though, and in all honesty you were starting to worry. You hoped he was just crashing at a friend’s, you hoped he wasn’t alone, you really hoped he wasn’t with another girl. 
Discouraged, you moved your pity party into your bedroom, flopping onto your bed and groaning loudly into a pillow. You rolled onto your back, wasting time by counting the blades of the ceiling fan in each slow rotation. 
You were at 231 in your counting when you heard the front door open followed by the clambering of footsteps. You perked up and angled your ear towards the hall. 
“Please be alone. Please be alone. Please be alone.” you repeated quietly to yourself as the steps got closer. From the light protruding the crack under your bedroom door, you saw the shadow of a figure approach. You held your breath in anticipation of the knock you figured was coming. A few minutes passed, nothing came, and soon enough the shadow disappeared and Luke retreated to his bedroom. 
You stared out your window and for the first time in your life found yourself hoping for a storm. The sky was clear, hardly a cloud in sight, and the moonlight was warm and prominent. It would look so pretty on Luke’s face right now, all soft eyes and drowsy expressions. 
It seemed a shame to sleep by yourself, he was just across the hall, the promise of his warm embrace taunting you. 
You huffed in exasperation and jumped to your feet, “Here goes nothing.” 
You didn’t bother being quiet as you advanced to his door, leaving three heavy knocks on the worn oak. 
You could hear him shuffling inside and then the intimidating creak of the hinges, revealing him to you. 
“Are you okay?” he questioned sluggishly, his body slumping against the door frame.
“Can I sleep in here?” you asked instead of answering. No time to waste here. 
“Um, it’s not storming?” 
“I know. Can I?”
“Is there a reason?” he breathed, his heavy eyes drifting down your face to land unabashedly on your lips, which you were chewing in anxiousness.
“I have a crush on you.” you blurted, causing him to shoot up from his languid lean. 
“I have this big stupid crush on you. I have ever since I moved in but I thought you hated me because you always avoided me, but now I know that you like me too and I don’t see the point in us sleeping in separate beds anymore.” you continued, your eyes glued to a dip in the hardwood floor. 
“How did you ev-” 
“I heard you on the phone with Calum earlier.” you interrupted to explain, still refusing to meet his eyes. “I swear I wasn’t spying or anything, I forgot my keys.” 
Without saying a word Luke stepped to the side allowing you entrance. You shuffled past him but didn’t make it far before his hand caught your forearm and smoothly tugged you a mere inches from him. 
He spoke through heavy breaths, eyes flitting to your own as you faced him for the first time since your declaration. 
“You like me?” 
You could only nod, your brain completely fogged by the close proximity. 
His eyes fell from your eyes to your now bitten lips, “Can I?” he sighed as his hand found your chin, thumb brushing the skin timidly. 
“Y-yea” you agreed, leaning into his touch. 
He closed the gap between you with a gentle press of his lips, his hand slowly dragging up your arm leaving goosebumps in its wake until it was tangled in your hair. As you relaxed into his hold his movements became more fervent, his tongue begging for entrance which you allowed when your mouth fell open with a flustered sigh. 
Luke stumbled backward dragging you along with him until the back of his calves met the foot of the bed and he dropped to sit on the edge, you standing between his legs. You pulled apart to breath and he spoke raggedly, 
“My heart…” he trailed off catching his breath. 
“What?” you muttered. 
“Feel it.” he continued, taking your hand and pressing it to his heart which you could feel thumping rapidly through the warmth of his skin. 
You laid your forehead against the top of his head, moving both of your hands to your own chest. 
“Me too.”
He tugged on your sweatshirt until you were seated securely on his knee, his hands grasping at your waist. 
“You have no idea how long I’ve been wanting to do that.” he drawled before he began alternating pecks, and light nibbles down your neck until he reached the spot he could feel your pulse thrumming from. He lets his lips rest there for a while and reveled in the fact that you were just as affected as him. He pulled away when you spoke up.
“Where were you tonight?”
“Moped around Calum’s place until he kicked me out, told me I needed to deal with my shit.” he answered, the hand he was resting on your upper thigh caressing the skin through your pajama pants.
“I heard you outside my door earlier.” you admitted leaning into his side. 
“I came home with every intention of telling you but I chickened out.”
“What would you have told me?” you wondered aloud. 
“That I like you, and that last night was amazing. That I don’t want to sleep without you again if I don’t have to.” 
Luke took notice of the fact that your eyelids were drooping as he talked and began to scoot you both back in the bed as he continued.
He watched in awe as you curled into his side. 
“Up for a breakfast date tomorrow, love?” he asked, pulling the blanket over you both. 
“Yes, please.” you agreed, laying your palm flat against the warmth radiating from his stomach. 
“So what should we do with your room?” Luke said drowsily, sleep beginning to creep up on him as well.
“What do you mean?” 
“Well, you won’t be needing it anymore since you’re moving in here.” he comments casually, pushing your hair out of your face with soft movements.
You laugh lightly but it’s drowned by the yawn that slips out when you respond. 
“In your dreams, Hemmings.” 
“If I’m lucky.” he replied, allowing his eyes to flutter shut. “Goodnight y/n.” 
“Night, Lu.” 
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dangercocktail · 3 years
Ranger Danger
The vibrational dance of Noah’s cell phone dragged him away from the horror movie splaying blood across his television. As a young starlet screamed and ran with poor coordination through the woods, Noah scanned the stream of incoming texts. 
“Damn,” he muttered, running a hand over his dark hair. The incoming texts were from work. As his supervisor implored Noah’s help, he discerned they needed him to come in even though he was off duty. Some sort of mild emergency that he couldn’t quite put together. Glancing at his phone’s clock, he read that it was a little after midnight. He quickly replied ‘be there soon’, flipped off the movie, and headed into his bedroom.
Noah slipped off his gym shorts and quickly dressed in the forest ranger uniform all his coworkers wore. He gave himself a routine glance in the mirror to finish buttoning his shirt. Noah filled out his uniform with a lean beefiness acquired from miles of hiking and lifting fallen trees, his sizable biceps straining the short sleeve cuffs of his shirt. With his striking brown complexion, easy smile, and muscles, Noah was a handsome representation of the Forestry Department, frequently called in to give tours to visiting government officials or bored tour groups of sexually frustrated housewives. He always maintained a calm demeanor in the most straining of circumstances, deftly handling questions with charm. He assumed the ‘emergency’ he was needed for now was something that required his level headed thinking. Weaving his belt into the buckle of his trim waist and grabbing his hat, he headed out to his Jeep.
As Noah drove into the darker recesses of the woods where his ranger station was located, he lowered the windows on his Jeep to take in the bracing smell of pine trees and cool night air. He inhaled deeply. He loved these woods. Having worked as a ranger now for almost five years, he felt at home in this forest, having hiked its expansive trails many times over.
Pulling up to Ranger Station #04, Noah saw his District Ranger standing in the soft yellow light of the station doorway waiting for him. Taking the only remaining parking spot next to the station, Noah observed that Ben and Daniel were on duty tonight, their cars parked next to the DR’s own Ranger Jeep. 
“Hey Jim,” Noah said, lifting a hand in acknowledgment as he approached the station. “How’s it going? You were slightly ambiguous in your texts...what’s going on?”
“Hey Noah, thanks for coming on such short notice,” Jim said, his smile tired but friendly. Jim was middle aged and handsome, having served in the military for several years before leaving service for a position in the Forestry Department. His body was slightly thicker than Noah’s in the middle due to Jim’s fondness for doughnuts but the small rounded softness there was offset by thick arms that easily heaved many forest obstacles.
“Ben and Daniel missed their last two audio checks so I drove over to check the station,” Jim explained, walking with Noah into the small station. He gestured to the radio log. “Last I heard from them was at nine thirty, then radio silence.”
Noah raised an eyebrow but only slightly. This wasn’t a big emergency, the guys were probably taking their time on their latest rounds. Ben and Daniel were known for getting high on these late night shifts, then strolling deep into the woods observing the enhanced beauty of the stars.
“Where’s their observation log?” Noah said, shuffling a few of the scattered papers on the desk to the side.
“Here,” Jim said, handing a clipboard to Noah. Noah flipped through a few of the sheets before reading the top page. Ben and Daniel had logged every hourly observation walk up until 10 pm. The last two spots for the day, the eleven and midnight observation, were conspicuously blank. Still, Noah wasn’t alarmed.
“They’re probably sitting under a tree marveling at the Big Dipper,” Noah said with a smile at Jim, looking up from the clipboard. He handed it back to Jim who set it on the desk.
“You’re not wrong but let’s follow protocol and run our own observation. Shouldn’t be too hard to find these two” Jim said, adding a new sheet to the clipboard. “I apologize for making you come out here but safety first right? Two man teams always”.
Jim scribbled the time, his rank, and initials in the one o’clock slot then handed it over to Noah for his own initials. Both of them grabbed a flashlight and radio, locked the station door, and headed out into the woods, following the well worn starter path every ranger had trod day in and out.
The night air settled around the two rangers in a cool mist as fallen pine needles crunched underneath their boots. They made small chatter occasionally but mostly remained quiet, something Noah appreciated about Jim. They both enjoyed the quiet of the forest, preferring the majesty of their surroundings to the noise most humans make to fill the air.
Nearly halfway through their observational walk with no sign of other rangers, Noah stopped and looked closely at a break in the trail. The trampled and well worn path of the trail continued on but to the right, the undergrowth was disturbed. Pointing it out to Jim, the two concurred that this was a recent disturbance of the forest and most likely Ben and Daniel had veered off trail, high and looking for a place to watch stars. Picking their way through the flora, the two rangers followed the new trail.
Despite the circumstances, Noah was enjoying the walk into this new part of the forest. It was rare for the rangers to disturb parts of the forest beyond the trail without good cause. Finding Ben and Daniel was sufficient cause enough to walk in these uncharted paths and Noah took in his surroundings with a slight feeling of contentment and awe. The forest really was beautiful.
The upended pine needle path continued for some time, Noah estimating nearly fifteen minutes since they had veered from the main trail. He was starting to feel slightly concerned and opened his mouth to say something to Jim when he heard a sharp slapping sound. Glancing over, he saw Jim removing his left hand from his right arm.
“God damn mosquito,” Jim uttered, wiping the remains of the crumpled creature onto his pants. 
“Yea, consistently the worst thing out he-...” Noah started saying then cocked his ear as his sentence dropped off.
“Do you hear that?” he asked Jim, tilting his head further. Jim froze in place and listened as well. Somewhere in front of them, not too far, there was a low rumbling noise. It sounded almost guttural to Noah, like water pouring from a giant jug.
Putting a finger to his lips to keep silent, Noah began carefully walking forward with Jim right behind him. The noise grew slightly louder with each step they took until suddenly, it stopped. They stopped in their tracks. Noah cocked an eyebrow at Jim and motioned with a questioning gesture of his hand, “keep going?”
Jim nodded and the two men pressed forward through the darkness of the forest and bush. Noah noted in a corner of his mind that he had never been to this part of the forest on any of his inquiries or observations; the wood seemed completely untouched by humans save for the newly beaten down path they were following. Jim stopped for a moment and appeared to be fidgeting with his belt but at Noah’s curious look, he waved them forward and they continued. Eventually they reached a small clearing by a pond that immediately struck Noah with its serene natural splendor. However as they stepped out into the clearing, they both heard and saw them at the same time. It took Noah a beat to fully comprehend what he was looking at. 
Near the edge of the pond lay a blanket and small radio, still playing the local college station. On either side of the blanket were two enormous spheres of flesh, completely naked and wobbling slightly as Jim and Noah approached. 
“What the fuck…” Noah said as he approached the shapes slowly, observing them not moving from their spot but jiggling and shaking in place.
“Oh shit, it’s fucking Ben and Daniel,” Jim uttered as he drew closest to the quivering shape on the right. Noah’s face took on incredulity as he drew close to the left. The flesh colored ball was indeed a man but blown up to enormous proportions. His legs and feet hovered almost a foot off the ground from the immensity of his ass, Noah judging it to be almost eight feet wide. The legs themselves were encased in roll after roll of fat to the point that Noah couldn’t discern where the knees might have been, the feet themselves swollen almost unrecognizable and sinking into the fat above them. Moving his eyes up, Noah took in a belly that covered half of the fattened legs and spread out in all directions, matching the width of that enormous ass, with a belly button itself six inches wide and receding darkly into the piles of belly fat. 
Two enormous breasts sat atop the behemoth of a belly, swollen and perky like two plastic grocery bags filled with pudding. They shook slightly in the night air as Noah observed the entire body jiggle, then suddenly swell out a little more. The feet at the bottom of this mass had almost disappeared. Two arms lay to the side of the massive torso, seemingly stuck and disappearing into the expanding rolls of fat as well. As his eyes traveled finally up to the face, Noah saw the faint hint of the face that used to be Ben. His neck had ceased to exist as roll after roll of fat took up the space above his breasts and connected with his cheeks. Ben’s cheeks had become intensely rosy, swollen to a state that it looked like he had a baseball in each.
Noah saw Ben glance down at him and begin to grunt, uttering something that Noah couldn’t make out. 
“Ben, what the fuck happened…” Noah said in shock, recalling the two fit men who he had joked with a week ago in passing shifts. This quivering mass of fat was at least eight times fatter than Ben had been.
“Moosh..” Ben uttered, slurping and trying to enunciate with his fat forced pouty lips. 
“Moosh!” he forcefully said, his eyes darting wildly as that rumbling Noah had heard before in the woods sounded. It was coming from Ben’s belly. Glancing over quickly at Jim and Daniel, he saw Daniel’s belly start jiggling then begin swelling in all directions. The man was expanding massively. His arms and legs disappeared into the expansive fat of his belly, leaving him almost completely ball-shaped. He was nearly nine feet around, with only hands and feet still visible on his appendages. His breasts, the same size as Ben’s, inflated as they jiggled, nearing the size of basketballs.
Noah looked back to Ben, absentmindedly slapping the back of his neck as an insect bit him. The now almost unrecognizable ball of fat that was Ben was going wild eyed, trying in vain to shout something, his lips forced even more open from the recent gains to his cheeks.
“Msssh!” he sputtered, his whole body quivering. 
“I can’t understand you..what the hell happened here Ben?” Noah asked in horror, then turned sharply when he heard Jim cry out.
Jim stood next to the enormous ball that was Daniel, holding his stomach and looking down in shock.
“Jim, what’s wrong?” Noah yelled, beginning to walk over. 
“I..don’t...know…” Jim uttered, right before the first button on his ranger uniform popped off. It was quickly followed in succession by a second and third button as Jim’s dough middle rapidly swole into a beach ball shape. His love handles quickly expanded to the sides as his chest developed two breast shaped mounds. His cheeks fattened and a double chin wobbled into place as Noah heard Jim’s pants rip as his ass followed suit. In the matter of thirty seconds, Jim suddenly looked to be over three hundred pounds.
“Oh fuck, Noah, it’s happening to me!”  Jim yelled, waddling slightly over to where Noah stood. 
“The hell is happening here?” Noah exclaimed, his eyes shooting from the fat man in front of him to the unrecognizable blobs of men to his side. The rumbling noise came back then, but this time, it started with Jim. Jim’s eyes went wide as he clutched with chubby fingers at the fattened sphere now occupying his front. The noise rose exponentially as it began coming from Ben and Daniel as well. Noah watched as Jim’s belly began growing again, pounds and pounds of fat piling on in waves. Jim began waving his arms in shock as his entire body inflated and began to take on a generally round shape, his feet slowly slipping on the wet grass of the clearing until he fell with a thud onto his immensely fattened ass. Noah observed him begin rising in the air as the fat continued to grow and Jim began to become another ball.
Ben and Daniel themselves had also grown more, their faces beginning to sink into the sheer mass of their rolls of fat. Ben was still trying to tell Noah something but it was just sputtering noises at this point. Noah backed away from the insane scene like he had observed something otherworldly, his eyes wide and his feet stumbling occasionally. A pit in his stomach had developed which he attributed to terror but as he turned to begin running, something brought him up short. A small popping sound rang through the air as he tried to run and he felt something heavy bounce on the front of his body. Looking down, he cried as watched his own midsection, now the size of a fleshy basketball, wobble and grow double in size. 
“No…” Noah uttered, stumbled a bit as his chest began to swell. He looked back to Jim who now was completely naked and becoming fully ball shaped.
“No!” Noah yelled, as he heard the rumbling begin again in Ben, Daniel, and Jim’s bellies. He grasped at his shirt as it fully ripped open, then felt his fingers clutch his doughy middle when he heard the rumbling start in his own belly. Turning to face the other fattened spheres that were once rangers, Noah felt his entire body begin jiggling then quickly begin to grow…
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bokunosoul · 3 years
Class 1 - a reacting to reader that is like Violet evergarden
TW : Killing
When they first met you.They were shocked to see an foreigner from a country in America.Oh god how can i explain, your beauty is out of the world even though you have an stoic expression plastered on your face.
Mineta be like : oh fucc an angel 🤩😇✨.You are'nt.
One time deku accidentally bumps into you and he suddenly felt a metalic thing from your hands.He just assumed that it is related from you quirk and he apologizes to you said that it was fine.
That when you changed into your UA P.E uniform.
You indeed have robotic arms attatched from your shoulders.
Everyone was like is'nt that cheating?
Bakugou was even confused on how tf did you even passed the test and got a high score and also got into class 1 - a even though you are a person with disability.
Aizawa said that your disablity does'nt matter and it is also an exception and you passed with your skills even though you dont have arms and mostly relied on your prostetic ones.Honestly he's impressed on you
The other students are impressed on how meanwhile you kept an stoic face. Your quirk is also cool and you can keep up with the harsh standards of UA.
Iida likes how responsible and always in the state of mind even when you are criticised or made fun of.
The girls asked about your backstory and everyone is all ears one hearing it e̶v̶e̶n̶m̶r̶.l̶o̶r̶d̶m̶u̶r̶d̶e̶r̶e̶x̶p̶l̶o̶s̶i̶o̶n̶
You said that you lost it while saving your commander who raised you in an battle a couple of years ago.
You admitted on killing a bunch of your enemies and helping out the military in a battle field you said that you train everyday to get better and to be a and deliver a bunch of weapons on the battlefield.
The government lets you off the hook because it's considered an self defense and you are also young.
You were basically an emotionally detached soldier that settles into postwar life.
Everyone has mixed emotions like sad, scared, fazed.Iida asks if you need a psychiatrist you said you already have one (lmao man is reliefed and so is the others and t̸h̸e̸f̸a̸c̸t̸t̸h̸a̸t̸y̸o̸u̸k̸i̸l̸l̸e̸d̸s̸o̸m̸e̸o̸n̸e̸ haunts them) .
They are also ready to throw hands when someone makes fun of you.
Mineta is 😃scared😃of😃you😃.Kirishima thinks your manly and gets tearful in your backstory💪.
You also said that you were highly experienced on using military weapons like bombs, guns, hand in hand combat and teamwork.
You also complimented Bakugo on how his quirk reminded you of the explosions in the battlefield (man is shookt and he is like : is that an insult? ) he ended up blasting a loud ass explosion you just standed there not scared and seemed to bd used to it.
you be like : 👁️👄👁️ yea im used to it.
Deku inspires a whole ASS 3 page in his notebook about you and questions your experiences in the battlefield while fighting if you want to
You agreed and he just started interviewing you while scribbling on his notebook.You were also interested on how he documents every students or heroes analysis.You also help him on how to write more specific details to add to his hero journal.
Present mic is also ✨amazed✨ on how you can speak english fluently. Everyone in the class is kinda having a bit trouble in that subject so during break time you ended up teaching them on how to improve on that subject.
You also rivals iida's intelligence and basically beside him on the rank 2 h̶e̶f̶e̶e̶l̶s̶t̶h̶r̶e̶a̶t̶e̶n̶d̶.Nonetheless you two get along since you two are the most responsible students in the class.
One time you ended up getting paired with shoji and hagakure to apprehend Mr.snipe and to be able to pass to go through training camp.
DAMNNN girl your basically the only one who can be able to dodge Mr.snipes quirk.SHEESH he's having an hard time targeting you since your fast.You ended up knocking him out from behind and the team wins because of you.
He complimented you and you replied in the most calm voice "I like how your bullets tried to target me too bad i ended up dodging it." he be like : 😃🤠🗿🔫 what? (overall he's so impressed on how you had no problem dodging his bullets)
KSKSKKSJA one time monoma tried copying you quirk on the sports festival he ended up touching your robot arms not your actual skin 😂 lmao he ended up loosing to you.
The whole class 1 - a : 👁️👄👁️,😃,😂🤭,😶 tf did i just witnessed.
Bakugo said that it is the most hilariously stupidest thing that he's ever seen.
Mei hatsume from the support course department adores you.One time your arms got deattatched she ended up reparing it and upgrading it to be more easy for you to use for your everyday life.
You also like her active energy and most of all you like the way she never gives up even tho her inventions failed and she tried again and again until she improves.
The fun started when you move into the dorms.Mineta almost passes out when he sees you armless.You were like : eh whatever you will get used to it 🗿.And everyone was like that how you clean or adjust your arms 👁️👄👁️.
They asked if you needed help.You said no thank you💀 (that's a bit harsh lmao).
They were like watching you clean in and attatch it they were like : 😬,🧐,🤔😮 , they also asked if it its painful and heavy attatching it (you said no thanks to mei she ended up making you easier to move everyday)
You thanked them for being concerned and explains that it does not hurt and you just fell basically numb.
When they also got to know you better you were such an calm nice person and you only kept to yourself.One time they tried making you laugh you just kept an face like this : 🗿 s t o i c.
They also noticed that you love writing waxed letters in your typewritter. A
Everyone in the class be like why dont you just use a phone.You said you did'nt have one they were like : 👁️👄👁️ uhm.They respected your opinion tho.
You also said that you also prefer writing your letters like this because most of your comrades back when you were working in the battlefield they use it as a way communicate to their family living far away from them.
They were so touched 🥰🥺💞.
BONUS : It was valetines day and UA is throwing kinda like an Valetines festival.Aizawa said that we can do anything like throw a party, create love booth anything valentines related.
So basically iida is at the front and everyone was making suggestions on what to do while you help him write your classmates suggestions on the board.
You suddenly said that why dont we do something diffirent and not that much common.Iida allowed you to speak so you did
" I was thinking on opening an confession booth where you can express your feelings to the one you love it can be basically to anyone for example a student,your friend, a teacher or your either your parents and we will write a love letter to them and help them declare your love to each other.Probably we will need a bunch of papers, envelopes, a typewriter and a bunch of people who is skilled in writing also we need someone that is skilled in baking to make heart shaped cookies like sato ."
Everyone was : 👁️👄👁️
"I think that is too much i humbly apologi-----." before you can continue iida interrupts you and said that it is the most amazing yet unique plan to capture someones heart in valentines day.
Everone likes your idea and Momo ended up volunteering buying the items and ingredients that you mentioned and Sato volunteers to bake the cookies and Deku volunteers on making the letters with you.
Meanwhile the others helped on decorating the so called "Love Confession Booth" that is located in your classroom.
The day comes and the whole upperclassmens are stoked to see what their underclassmens valetines booth are like.
An certain student from the general studies requested an love letter to give to the one she likes . You interview her whilst typing on your typewriter and she just spatted on how she really likes him and adored him.You ended up finishing the letter she requested a few minutes ago and putted it into an pink envelope and a heart shaped red cookie that sato maked.
She thanks you and a few moments a later she broughts in a boy and said that the love letter that you made worked and they ended up together.
Now the booth was empty bakugou was like : "NOW WHAT YOUR IDEA IS SO STUPID AND CHEE------."
The ground started rambling and a crowd appears mostly a bunch of upperclasmens and underclassmens mostly of them are begging you to make them a letter and even paid you.You said it is free and there is no need to pay.
Requests started pouring in and many of your upperclassmens praised the class on making good bussiness even the upperclassmens in the bussiness course loves your strategy in thinking of such an amazing idea that is eye capturing yet diffirent.
The class is overwhelmed but all of them and you managed to survive after a long day.
Thanks to you there are many upperclassmens dating now (lmao the teachers are like : is that even possible HSHHSHSHS) the seniors also gave you the nickname :cupid💘 (JSHS lmao)
Meanwhile the whole day your face is just like this : 🗿🗿🗿ok while writing cheesy love letters.
After a long day you opened your shoe locker and ended up getting a bunch of thank you letters, flowers, stuffed toys and a ton of chocolates.
You don't like sweets that much so you ended up giving some of them to your classmates as your valentines gif
Everyone was like blushing (●’◡’●)ノ when you handed them a thank you letter with a bunch of heart shaped chocolates.You even gave Mineta one.Lmao he ended up crying due to joy(e̶v̶e̶n̶t̶h̶o̶u̶g̶h̶y̶o̶u̶r̶s̶h̶i̶t̶t̶y̶y̶o̶u̶a̶d̶d̶s̶p̶i̶c̶e̶t̶o̶t̶h̶e̶a̶n̶i̶m̶e̶a̶s̶w̶e̶l̶l̶a̶s̶t̶h̶e̶m̶a̶n̶g̶a̶
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Note : the gif not mine a̸n̸d̸s̸o̸a̸r̸e̸y̸o̸u̸
ORIGINALLY by : bokunosoul
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