#as far as ~vibes~ go I don't think mine are very trans man
lab-gr0wn-lambs · 8 months
The queer comunity these days is OBSESSED with stereotyping people like it's some cute quirky lil thing it's infuriating. Lesbians looove frogs and mushrooms lmao, nonbinary people are all littol wittol rat creatures, asexuals love nothing but cake and garlic bread, transmasc little boy ukulele music, transfem TRIPPY WEIRD MUSIC, what do you mEAN you've never seen shitass lesbian film shitass lesbian film and shitass lesbian tv show what's wrong with you are you even a real QUEER? You HAVE to have seen- Shut up!! We're not a hivemind!! I'm going to puke!!
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pennycutenice · 2 years
So gender is… complicated. I wish I had an answer for some of my gender questions but also know that I just cannot ever get them. I know I preferred some forms of femininity for a long time in my life, already at like six or so I liked stereotypical girl toys and games and didn't like the boy toys and games. Later on I realized how being perceived as male makes people see me as an aggressor, even sexual predator. I want to be seen as loving and caring and a good soul - maybe that is not who I am but it is what I strife to be.
So when I came out as trans I assumed my route would be a conceptually simple one. What my endocrinologist calls "male to female" in her documents. And yes, being perceived and treated as female makes me happier - as estrogen seems to do on a very biochemical level in my brain. But I do not dislike everything about the boy mode I'm wearing almost all day. I hate almost nothing about it actually. I even like my deep voice - I can shape it into something friendly but also crazy or fun or whatever. I like the physical strength remaining from my testosterone days! I can help my family and friends and can literally lift them up. I could go on but you get the point.
So I am at a point where I start questioning things once again. Should I define womanhood for myself? Be a woman with for example a deep voice, because women can have deep voices? Or should I not see these feelings as collections of gender expression that can be my gender if I want to, but as a sign I haven't found my actual gender yet? Do I make my own gender on the enby spectrum? Just say I'm fluid and choose male or female by the vibe my brain is giving me? Maybe bigender, be both woman and man?
I do actually not know. To me all these roads are equally valid for everyone, I just don't know mine yet. And I think that's okay. People sometimes don't need to find the answer right now, they should just remember to ask themselves the question now and then. Until then I am cute girl, because that's the best thing I've found so far. 😊
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aalghul · 2 years
I have no clue what you guys have for godly parents so far (something about Hades and Persephone as Talia's grandparents?) But this is an au that's near and dear to my heart and here are my headcanon's.
Jason- Nemesis (goddess of retribution), although him as a son of Mnemosyne (Titan goddess of remembrance and the inventor of human language) would also be cool
Steph- I hadn't considered her as a daughter of psyche before! I was always thinking of her as a daughter of Dionysus but I like your take too
Dick- it's between Zephyrus (god of the west wind) and again Dionysus
Babs- Athena
Cass- Nyx (goddess of the Night and a bunch of other stuff. I have very strong opinions about this)
Tim- I know everyone probably thinks he's an Athena kid but it never fit for me. I didn't think about deified mortals as godly parents though! I can see him as a son of Ariadne. Dionysus would despise his very soul lmao
Duke- Apollo, self explanatory
Bruce- I know the obvious choice is Hades but I simply can't get behind that for multiple reasons so my top choices are Erebus (god of darkness, kind of like Nyx but if she was lame), Themis (Titan goddess of Divine Law), and Dike/Dice (goddess of justice and morality, so Themis but even more obscure and specific)
Alfred- probably a god in disguise tbh, feels like a son of Hestia (technically she's a virgin goddess but she does have kids if you look at her pjo wiki. Their both girls because their basically clones but trans Alfred is top tier so I'd accept it) . He could honestly be the child of the fates themselves and I wouldn't question it.
Not batfam (technically):
Roy- Hephaestus, self explanatory
Kori- Aphrodite (I have very strong opinions about this, and also the Aphrodite cabin as a whole. Rick really did them dirty in the books)
Donna- same origin but listen
Diana- Selene (Greek goddess of the moon, yeah there's like four of them. I hate the origin where she's Zeus's daughter. The presence of a man is simply unneeded in Themyscira)
Zatanna- Hecate (goddess of magic and a ton of other stuff, self explanatory)
Clark- ok I'd believe he was a child of Zeus, Jon and Jon's stores would probably bee the same
Artemis- Belladonna, she feels Roman
Cassie- I'm willing to allow her to be the daughter of Jupiter, but don't ask me how that works plot wise
Selina- Hermes (self explanatory)
Ivy- Demeter, hunter of Artemis (self explanatory)
Harley- this one was complicated, she gives off Tyche vibes but arguments could be made for Athena, Psyche, Aphrodite, and possibly Persephone (I think the reason it was cool for demigods to date despite all technically being related was that gods don't really have DNA or something? But that doesn't make sense so I headcanon that every god has unique DNA that's unique to them and their children. God genetics or something idk)
Harvey- Janus (Roman god of doors, Gates, transition, and duality. Literally has two faces. Self explanatory)
The flashes- it's split between Hermes and Zeus
That's what I have off the top of my head, and this only includes the Greek and Roman pantheons because if I included the others we'd be here for a long time. Anyway sorry for the ramble but this is a long time special interest of mine and seeing other people talking about it made me so happy!
This is what I have for the kids + the changes to Damian according to the whole al Ghuls discussion from today.
Mnemosyne is an interesting choice! I see why you would think of Nemesis. I already have that to Bruce at some point though, so it’s not an option for me lol.
Dionysus is clearly a favourite here lmao.
I’m going to hush about Nyx and Cass because I think I have strong opinions in the opposite direction. I see it, but I also don’t ^^;
Ariadne has me thinking. I think I really like her as Tim’s mother.
Apollo seems self explanatory for Duke, but then you realize that Apollo’s kids get healing or musical ability, not light powers (and definitely not shadow manipulation). We just have to make his bio parents minor gods (or have Elaine be blessed), or make him the child of two gods (neither of whom could be Apollo since he doesn’t have the powers we need).
I don’t see because Hades, Erebus or Nyx for Bruce because they seem like some a surface level understanding of Batman. Themis isn’t quite right because she goes beyond Bruce and his justice. Dice seems like a great choice though. I might be swayed here.
I didn’t know that Hestia had clones? I should probably reread the series.
Cassie works because she doesn’t inherit any powers but shows up to demand he give her some anyways. We just switch Greek for Roman from the original origin, and say it’s Cassie demanding demigod genes.
Ivy being a Hunter of Artemis doesn’t quite make sense with the stuff she does, but I do agree on Demeter.
I can get behind the DNA HC.
It depends on the Flash, but I don’t know if any of them would be Zeus. Hermes is really fitting though.
Dw about the rant, I don’t mind :]
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omgkalyppso · 3 years
From the meme: Fae/Sylvain/Felix?
OH! I'm going to start by saying that I've had two friends of mine ask about the ot4 + Sylvain previously and the reason Why Not for them is going to go under a cut because sexy talk and then I'll talk about the ot3 you suggested.
I love Sylvain. I love Sylorenz. I love Sylveth, and though Fae isn't Byleth, I could see it. His B Support is unhinged, but his personal injuries cut so deep (even the literal ones!) that I think Fae's earnestness could interest him and that his depth would interest them. I think Hilda and Sylvain have vibes of exes (affectionate) but their B Support where she calls him shallow starts me on the path of Not Shipping Them. I think this has humorous potential, where he may not understand in some au why she'd have more interest in Lorenz than himself, but I also think it's so unfortunate, that she'd feel like Sylvain kisses like he's going through a checklist, putting on a performance, making sure everything's Just So, compared to what I interpret as Lorenz's passion. But they could be amicable about it. Develop attachment to one another in a reverse order than what they'd want out of a relationship, but suddenly find reliability and develop physical compatibility. Claudevain is a decent sized ship in my experience. I see art. I've seen at least one zine (but I think two?). But in terms of these five together, when I got to day dreaming about it, I imagined the ot4 together inviting Sylvain into their dynamic, and while Lorenz is charmed, the others being more wary of Sylvain's self-destruction, his competitive nature, his self-esteem issues.
I pictured him being invited to the bedroom and Sylvain fucking Claude and saying something along the lines of Claude being with a real man. Ignoring anything this implies about how Claude is or isn't intimate with Fae or Hilda, the intent would be to goad Lorenz and Claude would have to put a stop to everything and tell Sylvain that he can fuck him or he can insult his boyfriend but he can't do both. Perhaps Lorenz could reassure everyone that it was fine, and Claude could tell him that it can be fine with him and what he and Sylvain do together, but that it isn't find with himself -- and omg Sylvain would be so awkward -- could he ever articulate his apology in a way that satisfied himself?
Anyway. I've also told YOU specifically about a silly au group scene of sexytimes which includes every character I've mentioned so far and then some, but that's a far cry from a relationship. I think there are relationships Sylvain would work to build and maintain. I don't think I'll ever explore this ot5.
So back to your question. Without the others there, could Fae have ended up in a relationship with Sylvix? I think so. I think Felix's scoffed laughter would go a long way to reduce how Fae would be intimidated by Sylvain, and I think Sylvain has as much of a soft spot for Felix as Felix does for him. I think they could have a lot of fun together. My preferred headcanon is trans Felix, and I think romantic or otherwise that he and Fae would be able to enjoy that bond on occasion. Something would have to pull Fae towards the two men however, because as a couple I feel they seem very dramatic and insular, a lot of work to get romanced into.
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burningblake · 8 years
Snowbarry AU
A Ballad for Ms. Snow | Read on FF.net
Description:  Snowbarry Club AU. Caitlin is the sad DJ who's saving up money for her Master education. Barry is a fresh graduate who celebrates the night with his friends. What happens when he takes a bet to seduce her? Multi-chapter. Without superpowers.
Chapter 1 – Flirting with Music
In the end, the majority voted for a place called 'Starball', or so Barry thought the name was. Iris said she and Eddie had spent a great time once-the music was good.
Only Jesse Wells grimaced, but she was the exception. Julian, Wally and Patty all nodded in agreement. And as for Barry, he trusted Iris's taste. She'd host the best parties at their house.
He was determined to discard the graduation ceremony from his memory and focus on spending the evening with his friends. He wouldn't think about his dad or Iron Heights tonight, he promised to himself. Or the entire incident of that same afternoon when he visited him in jail to show him a tape of his graduation (because that was the only way his father would ever witness major events of his life).
He sighed, as they pushed the door inside. He would probably need a drink.
Plenty of drinks.
Inside the club, they met with a wall of dry-ice smoke, bodies sweating on the dance floor and colored lights following the rhythm. The speakers throbbed with Jennifer Lopez.
The air was intoxicating.
Iris pivoted, a broad smile conquering her face, her eyes beaming at Eddie. The latter sighed, tilting his head.
"Come on!" she prodded, grabbing his wrist in one swift movement and pulling him into the dancing mass.
"Yeah!" Patty pushed to the front, rolling her shoulders and hips. She turned to face them and waved with her hand for them to join. Barry laughed with her funny dancing and mimicked her movements for a while, then patted her on the back and followed Julian as he made his way through the crowd. His mood was already improving.
They settled around a stand at the back. Barry offered to go get drinks for them. Jesse scurried to join him in the last minute. She scoured the place with her eyes as they pushed toward the bar. Barry threw her a few curious glances.
"Everything alright, Jesse?" he asked her.
"Yeah," she answered, still looking around. "Just searching for my dad. He runs the place."
Barry cocked his head. "Really? That's cool," he commended.
Jesse twisted her upper lip. "Not if you have an overprotective father like mine."
"Oh." He didn't know what to say to that.
They reached the bar then. The barman, a Latino man with long brown hair, wearing an island flower-dotted shirt, nudged his chin at him.
"What can I get you?"
Barry opened his mouth to order, but the man raised a finger, interrupting him.
"Wait, let me guess," he said.
"Uhh…" Barry mumbled, squinting.
"Vodka?-No, no! Scotch!"
Barry narrowed his eyes. "How-?"
"Practice, mi amigo. Practice. And years of experience," he said as he grabbed a bottle and poured liquid in a short, wide-rimmed glass. He pushed the glass toward him.
"Some people could say I have 'a vibe'," he said spreading his hands out.
Barry squinted, then blinked as a tall man emerged from the shadows behind the barman.
"He's telling you about the vibe again, isn't he?" he muttered.
The barman whirled, but so did Jesse. She took in the newcomer and huffed.
"Hello, Jesse," he greeted her.
Jesse rolled her eyes.
The barman gasped, raising a finger to point at Jesse, his eyes flickering between the two.
"She's Jesse? The Jesse?"
The taller man closed his eyes, lines of regret popping on his forehead. Jesse cocked her head in disbelief.
"Thank you, Cisco," he muttered.
Cisco leaned over the counter. "My condolences, miss. I feel your pain," he said.
A hand landed on the back of his head, jolting him out of balance. His lips pressed into a thin exasperated line.
"What have we said about manners, Harry?" he said through gritted teeth.
"You… call your boss Harry?" Barry asked.
"Long story," Cisco said.
"Glad you chose this place to hang out, Jesse. I promise I won't get in your way," Harry said to his daughter.
"Yeah, you'll only observe my every movement from afar. And I didn't choose it, they did," Jesse spat.
Barry sensed the palpable tension rising between father and daughter, so he decided to speed up ordering the drinks for the rest of the gang.
As they waited, Calvin Harris took over the sound. Jesse bobbed her head and Barry realized he was tapping his fingers on the counter, while holding his breath. The beat had frozen on loop, the tempo ever increasing. When it dropped, the song changed at the same time. The corner of his lip twitched upwards in surprise. He would have never expected those two songs to complement each other so gracefully.
He turned around, his eyes searching for the DJ. He spotted her on a slightly protruded stage at the right of the dance floor. She wore a set of headphones on her ears and moved her hands subtly as she adjusted the music.
There was something off about her. After a moment, Barry realized what it was. She didn't bob her head to the music like Jesse and everyone else did, or close her eyes in ecstasy, as he saw most DJs do. Instead, she kept her eyes lowered, her mouth a thin line across her face, as if she was doing laundry and not actually the coolest job in the world.
Barry's breath caught. She was… beautiful. It was as if her sadness added a layer of charm to her overall appeal. Her blond, neat hair brushed off her blue leather jacket. Shadows appeared under her eyes, giving her face all sorts of interesting angles and nooks.
Cisco then called for his attention. Barry turned his head, but not his eyes.
"Nah uh," Cisco said. Barry looked at him, his hand freezing over the drinks.
"I see where you're looking, pal. Don't even think about it," he warned him.
Barry shook his head. "Think about what?" he asked, feigning ignorance.
"Let's say that Caitlin isn't in the right place to date right now."
Barry nodded and proceeded to lift the tray with the drinks.
So that was her name, he thought as he headed back to his friends.
As soon as he arrived and put down the drinks, he heard his name.
"Barry, I was telling Julian here what a big flirt you are," Eddie said.
Julian grimaced. "I can't imagine why anyone would want to date you, Allen, to be honest. You…" he raised his palm and started counting on his fingers, "always come late to class, provide lame excuses and skip responsibilities."
His heavy British accent and derisive tone irked Barry. He was about to answer, but Eddie intervened.
"You haven't seen Barry in his A game yet, otherwise you wouldn't be talking," he defended.
Julian narrowed his eyes, studying Barry. The latter grew wary under his gaze.
"Fine," he said. "Let's place a bet."
"Guys, I don't…"
"Come on, Barry, you're good at this, show him!" Eddie insisted.
"I'll point to a girl of my choosing and if she lets you buy her a drink, then you've won. Are you up to the challenge, Allen?"
Eddie nodded in encouragement.
Barry shook his head and sighed in surrender. "Fine. Which girl?"
Julian searched around for a bit, stroking his chin with his finger.
"Her," he pointed with his head.
Barry followed his gaze, until his eyes landed on the DJ. Again, he couldn't help stare a little bit longer.
He turned to face Julian. "Uhh, the barman just warned me she's not dating material," he explained to Julian with severity. He was surprised at himself. He actually felt the need to protect this girl. Although he hadn't even met her.
"Did that sound like an excuse to you, Thawne? I think it sounded like an excuse."
Barry rolled his eyes.
Iris, who stood beside him with her arms folded across her chest, reached for his ear. "Barry, don't be a jerk," she warned him. "You can do better than seducing a woman to win a bet. Don't bother her unless your intentions for her are genuine."
Barry nodded, then raised his drink and gulped it down in one shot. He then took Julian's drink and raised it in a toast, before starting to make his way through the crowd. He fixed his hair and the hem of his black shirt, then dusted off his blue jeans, before he reached her.
She didn't notice him at first. He stepped on the stage and leaned against the side of the booth, sipping his drink – Julian had ordered a Jack and Coke, which was not so far from Barry's taste.
She kept playing her music. The song had eased into a ballad from Ed Sheeran now. Romantic couples twirled on the dance floor, holding onto each other.
From this close, he could scan her in detail. Her long legs were clad in tight black leather and heels. Her eyes were red-rimmed and black spots etched the skin underneath.
Barry hesitated. Iris was right. He should leave this girl alone. She seemed to be suffering enough. But the longer he observed her, the more curious he became about her. It was actually more than that. Like a tug to his very soul. He felt oddly connected to her.
Then his eye caught a thick book near a pile of discarded discs. He struggled to read the title. Trans…mutant Diseases. He frowned, but didn't think much on the issue.
He took another sip of his drink and leaned close to her ear.
"Hi," he shouted, trying to sound above the volume of the music.
She shuddered and whirled, her eyes stretching out. She lowered her headphones. Her pupils moved sideways, until they focused on him.
"Can I help you?" she asked.
"For a DJ, you look quite unhappy," Barry commented.
She frowned. "Excuse me?"
"I'm sorry, I just noticed you don't smile too much."
She shrugged, drawing her lips downwards. "There's no reason for me to smile," she said casually and looked away.
The music turned devastatingly sweet and monotone, isolating them from the world.
She didn't look at him, so his gaze drifted from her eyes to her mouth. He felt lost in the planes of her face.
He knit his eyebrows. "Why is that?" His voice came soft and quiet.
She turned abruptly, making him pull his gaze in awkwardness.
"I'm sorry, but I don't see how that's any of your business," she said, her eyes sharp and slightly vexed. She drew her attention back on her task and pushed a button with her finger. Ed Sheeran's voice caught on a vowel. Then, gradually, a beat and a different sound smoothed in. It was amazing. The crowd cheered and scattered on the dance floor once again.
Barry decided that boldness was the way with her.
"I bet I can make you smile," he said.
She turned her head and frowned.
"And I bet I can mix the songs better than you," he stated, flicking his chin toward the player.
She cocked her head. "Is that so?"
He nodded and raised his glass to take a sip. He played it out as comfort, but in reality, he was stalling to think what he would say next. He didn't own the slightest clue as to how to play DJ.
Caitlin was staring at him in disbelief.
Then, he noticed her book again.
"See," he started, waving his hand as if he was giving a lecture, "music is a science of its own. You just need to mix in the right chemicals. Including fun." He said the last in a poignant tone.
It had the desired effect. Her features stretched out in exasperation. She opened her mouth, but then closed it, as if she decided he was not worth her caring. She stepped back from the booth and waved her hand. "Be my guest," she offered with a smile.
Crap, Barry thought.
Well, he'd started it. He might as well see it through.
He placed his drink on the surface and rounded the booth like a predator advancing on its prey.
"Watch and learn," he said to her. He took a disc and tossed it in the air with grace before placing it on the player.
A heavy metal sound jarred the club. Caitlin covered her ears, along with the rest of the people, and Barry wanted to as well, but he had to play it cool. He turned to her and wiggled his fingers as if he was playing electric guitar, screaming along with the singer.
Her frown smoothed out into a look of doubt.
Barry then took another disc and rolled it on his finger.
The heavy metal stopped suddenly and the speakers filled with-
I believe I can fly…
Barry twirled and closed his eyes with passion, lip-syncing along and throwing his arms open like wings. When he opened his eyes, Caitlin was pressing her lips, as if to suppress a laugh.
I believe I can touch the sky…
He extended an arm toward her, still singing.
Caitlin snorted and then she was breaking into laughter. She folded in half, tearing up, her cheeks reddening.
Barry struggled to keep on his play, but his gaze froze on her, his breath catching.
If her sadness was charming, her laugh was seductive. She had stolen the air right out of his lungs.
Wow, he was really the reason this girl had laughed.
She slowly rose to her height, her laugh waning out. Barry gave her an earnest look.
"Told you I could make you smile."
"Yes, by making a total ridicule out of yourself," Caitlin pointed out.
Barry shrugged. "Still counts."
Quiet spilled between them. People around the club slow-danced or serenaded to their partners. He'd made a good choice after all, he thought with satisfaction. He wrinkled his nose, closing one eye. "Can I buy you a drink?" he asked.
Caitlin stared at him, her gaze hesitant.
"I don't know-"
Barry raised his palm. "Hey, no ulterior motives here. I just saw you and thought you could use a friend"-he grimaced at his own choice of words-"oor a friendly stranger," he scurried to correct.
Caitlin smiled. Her eyes twinkled. "In that case, I wouldn't mind a drink," she said with endearment.
Barry beamed. "Great! My name is Barry Allen, by the way." He extended his hand to her.
She held it and shook it once. Her touch jazzed his heart a little.
"Caitlin Snow."
Barry smiled. "Nice to meet you, Caitlin."
It felt nice trying her name on his tongue.
Caitlin Snow… Cait.
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